Help Wanted - LeRoy Pennysaver
Help Wanted - LeRoy Pennysaver
LE ROY PENNY SAVER & NEW S - APR IL 28, 201 Friday3 , April Visit Phon us at: ww e 585-7 VOLU 68-22 w. le ro yn ME 79 01 • Fa y.c x 585-7 om 68-63 34 Plant Le Roy's 26th A Tree Best Ad vertising NO. 20 Medium FREE COMMU NITY PAPERS OF NEW APRIL www.ce darstre etonlin LE ROY 110 W. MA IN STREET PIZZA • SU Fri. & Sat. r Stree Fam ily De Noon -11 1 Shee Part y De al t Pizza , Chee Buck 64 Boneet of 50 Buff se & 1 Topp ing, less Wing alo Wing s OR s&2 Liter s of Pop m 0.99 Expire + s 5-19-1 tax Not 3 valid with other M ea offers l De al . 13" Med w/1 Topp ium Chee ing, se 12 16 NEW ORBuffaloPizza Wing Bone s &2 Literless Wing Pop s 2 7 99 Expire with + tax n when other s 5-19-1 Coupo order offers. 3 n good Please ing. Tax menti at LeRoy not includ on store only. ed. $ 19 99 Not valid Expire coupo with + tax n when other s 5-19-1 Coupo order offers. 3 n good Please ing. Tax menti at LeRoy not includ on store only. ed. $ Not valid coupo t • Bata via, NY Large nday Sp Cheese ecial Pizza + 1 Topp ing $1 p.m. al 16" Larg Topp e ing, Cheese 24 Pizza 32 NEW ORBuffalo Wing Bone s &2 Literless Wing Pop s w/1 $ Not valid coupo Mo IVER HOURS 11 a.m.-12 : Mon.-Thurs. 11 a.m.-11 Midnight p.m. - OPENIN G Sunday s, Owned 111 Ceda Hadd Fish ock Fry $ 9.25 •W 76 www.ficarBS ellasp INGS izzale • PAST WE 8-4500 A DEL 4 3 99 Expire with + tax n when other s 5-19-1 order offers. 3 Please ing. Tax menti not includ on ed. 3 & Oper ated By Y our Frien Winter Hours Mon.-FNow In Effect ri. 8-5:00 , Sat. 8-2 14020 YORK 28, 201 ds & Neigh bors Since • 585-3 43-4899 1993. • www .cedarstre etonline. com The helpfu l WE HA place. THE VE NE TABL W E FOR YO BACK UR YA PART RD Y! Gra AMISH FU At CROC RNITURE KER'S! Le Roy's Best Advertising Medium duation Parties Holida , Any Par y Parties (4th of ty. We Jul aweso me add have the tab y), Summe les r Parties ition to your dec & benches , for you k, patio , an or bac kyard! LeRoy Pennysaver & News • Phone 585-768-2201 • Fax 585-768-6334 VOLUME 80 FREE COMMUNITY PAPERS OF NEW YORK NO. 18 100 $ APRIL 13, 2014 200 $500 SMART FACTORY FINANCING AVAILABLE.3 $ TOWARD PURCHASE PRICE OF LTX KW LAWN TRACTORS1 AVAILABLE ON SELECT MODELS TO QUALIFIED CUSTOMERS. TOWARD PURCHASE PRICE OF TOWARD PURCHASE PRICE OF TANK™ L 54 KW2 TANK L 60 KW2 CEDAR STREET SALES & RENTAL MARCH 15 – JUNE 15 SERIES 1000 ONLY AT YOUR LTX KW LAWN TRACTORS CUB CADET DEALER • Premium features only available at your dealer including: 18 HP† – 23 HP† professional-grade Kawasaki® engines; durable front bumper; comfortable, high-back seat • Enjoy the beautiful Cub Cadet Signature Cut™ from 42" – 50" heavy duty mowing decks • Ultra-tight 12" turning radius for superior maneuverability around obstacles TANK L SERIES COMMERCIAL ZERO-TURN RIDERS • Kawasaki FX Series commercial-grade engine delivers higher horsepower and maximum torque for enhanced performance • Delivers the beautiful Cub Cadet Signature Cut on 54" or 60" heavy-duty, fabricated mowing decks • Industry-leading, heavy-duty commercial-grade steel frame absorbs the stress of hours of operation over rough terrain • Electronically applied dual-layer corrosion coating provides twice the protection against unforgiving environmental conditions STARTING AT: STARTING AT: $1,69999* $7,79999* *Price shown for LTX KW reflects $100 Offer. 111 Cedar Street Batavia, NY 14020 585-343-4899 *Price shown for TANK L reflects $200 Offer. LE ROY 110 W. MAIN STREET Haddock Fish Fry $ 9.89 PIZZA • SUBS • WINGS • PASTA 768-4500 WE DELIVER (1) Cub Cadet Days $100 Toward Purchase Price of LTX KW Lawn Tractors is $100 toward the regular purchase price of the LTX 1042 KW, LTX 1046 KW, and LTX 1050 KW Lawn Tractors. Offer valid between 3/15/2014 – 6/15/2014. (2) Cub Cadet Days $200 Toward Purchase Price of Tank L 54 KW Commercial Zero-Turn Rider is $200 toward the regular purchase price of the Tank L 54 KW Commercial Zero-Turn Rider. Offer valid between 2/15/2014 – 6/15/2014. Cub Cadet Days $500 Toward Purchase Price of Tank L 60 KW Commercial Zero-Turn Rider is $500 toward the regular purchase price of the Tank L 60 KW Commercial Zero-Turn Rider. Offer valid between 2/15/2014 – 6/15/2014. (3) Subject to credit approval on a Cub Cadet credit card account. Not all customers qualify. Additional terms may apply. Please see your local Cub Cadet dealer for details. * Product Price — Actual retail prices are set by dealer and may vary. Taxes, freight, setup and handling charges may be additional and may vary. Models subject to limited availability. Cub Cadet commercial products are intended for commercial use. † As rated by Kawasaki, horsepower tested in accordance with SAE J1995 and rated in accordance with SAE J2723 and certified by SAE International Specifications and programs are subject to change without notice. Images may not reflect dealer inventory and/or unit specifications. © 2014 Cub Cadet 2014_CCDays_$100_OFFER__3x8 HOURS: Mon.-Thurs. 11 a.m.-11 p.m. Fri. & Sat. 11 a.m.-12 Midnight OPEN Sundays, Noon -11 p.m. AcE REwARds mEmbERs gET InsTAnT sAvIngs RIghT In ThE sToRE! Sale $6.49 ‑$3 You Pay 3 Sale $17.99 red hot buy 49 Gal. Weed & Grass Killer Apply In Store On ly Top Pay For Experienced Individuals You Pay Sale $26.99 12 99 ‑$7 red hot buy You Pay Roundup® Pump ’N Go® Weed & Grass Killer Spray, 1.33 Gal. 7105141 Limit 2 at this price. 6999 1999 Ea. Scotts® Turf Builder® EZ Seed®, 10 Lb. 7206436, 7229404, 7246051 Limit 2 each at this price. Varieties vary by region. 7196520 Limit 2 at this price. Help Wanted Experienced COOKS • PIZZA MAKERS DRIVERS • SUPERVISORS ‑$5 6 Cu. Ft. Steel Wheelbarrow 7331705 1199 32 Gal. Wheeled Trash Can 7208176 FLAT-FREE TIRE! *Instant Savings amount available as mail-in savings for non-Ace Rewards members. Where applicable by law, tax is charged on the sale price before application of Instant Savings. Instant Savings or mail-in savings available from 4/1/14 through 4/30/14. Must present Rewards card to receive Instant Savings. The best tools for saving money. Apply Today! Visit or see your local participating Ace Rewards retailer for more details. SM Find us on: The creditor and issuer of the Ace Rewards Visa Card is U.S. Bank National Association, pursuant to a license from Visa U.S.A. Inc. and the card is available to United States residents only. Visit for store services, hours, directions and more... Prices good April 1, 2014, through April 30, 2014. IMPRINT AREA Le Roy, NY 768-2360 • Hours: M-F 7:30-8:00, Sat., 8:30-6:00 Sun. 9:00-5:00 Ace stores are independently owned and operated; offers and/or Ace Rewards® benefits are available only at participating stores. The prices in this advertisement are suggested by Ace Hardware Corporation, Oak Brook, IL. Product selection/color, sale items, prices and quantities may vary by store. This advertisement may also contain clearance and closeout items and items at Ace everyday low prices. Red Hot Buys listed in the advertisement will extend through April 30, 2014. Instant Savings or mail-in savings listed in this advertisement are valid from April 1, 2014, through April 30, 2014. Cannot redeem Instant Savings and mail-in savings on same products. Some items may require assembly. Return and “rain check” policies vary by store; please see your Ace store for details. Product selection and prices at vary from those in this advertisement. Ace is not responsible for printing or typographical errors. Prices are valid through April 30, 2014, while supplies last. 122894_Ad_Slick.indd 1 April 2014 2/20/14 9:36 AM LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - APRIL 13, 2014 Hoppy Easter Sun., April 20th, 2014 Blooming Plants - Tulips, Hyacinths, Hydrangea, Azaleas, Calla Lilies Dish Gardens • Dutch Gardens Corsages & Bouts. Beautiful Centerpieces & Arrangements Cut Flowers • Gourmet Baskets Look at our WEBSITE for lots of ideas! Easter Lily Plant Gift Items • Balloons Look on our WEBSITE for lots of ideas! $17.95 • $29.95 • $39.95 Easter's on its way! Send telefllora's Funny Bunny Bouquet $37.95 $37.95 - $47.95 - $57.95 teleflora’s basket of beauty bouquet Lakestreet Florist & Gift Shoppe We Deliver To: LE ROY, Byron, Bergen, Caledonia, Mumford, Pavilion, Wyoming, Stafford & Batavia Teleflora Wire Service For Family & Friends Out of Town 768-7720 110 Lake St., Le Roy Le Roy's Best Advertising Medium EDITOR/PUBLISHER David J. Grayson CIRCULATION HOURS: M-T 9-5:30 F 9-6:00 Sat. 9-4:00 8352 T-SHIRTS SWEATSHIRTS SPORTSWEAR NANCY CROCKER CALL LP Graphics 768-2201 Licensed Real Estate Salesperson Multi-Million Dollar Producer 570 East Main Street • Batavia, New York 14020 Office: 585.409.2115 Cell: 585.314.7982 • Fax 585.343.8502 Email: Website: tfn HOW TO CONTACT US STREET ADDRESS 1 Church St. Le Roy, NY 14482 TELEPHONE (585) 768-2201 FAX (585) 768-6334 WEBSITE CLASSIFIEDS COMMUNITY CALENDAR SUBMISSIONS EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS DISPLAY AD SUBMISSIONS The Le Roy Pennysaver will not knowingly accept or publish advertising which is fraudulent or misleading in nature. The publisher reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertising. The Le Roy Pennysaver assumes no financial responsibility for typographical errors in advertisements, but if at fault, will reprint the portion of the ad in which the error appears. Style, size of type and location of advertisement are left to the discretion of the publisher. The opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. We cannot guarantee the return of photographs. © 2010 Le Roy Pennysaver 1 Church St., Le Roy, NY • Open M-F 8-5 585.768.2201 It’s all You about And we are proud to be a part of these important occasions and celebrations in your life. We have the most complete Wedding Invitations & Announcements plus Accessories suitable for all social occasions. • Fax 585.768.6334 LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - APRIL 13, 2014 Breakfast With The Easter Bunny Let's Meet At The ... D & R Depot 63 Lake St. (Rt. 19), LeRoy • 768-6270 Open For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner - 7 Days A Week 7 am-9 pm • Fax 768-2691 SUNDAY, APRIL 13th DINNER SPECIAL STUFFED GREEN PEPPER Dinner - $14.99 (includes soup or salad, rice, choice of beverage and dessert) EASTER SUNDAY APRIL 20 Serving dinner from 11 am – 7 pm Reservations are strongly suggested. Offering a slightly limited dinner menu – including: Roast Leg of Lamb, Chicken Pot Pie, Prime Ribs of Beef, Steaks, Veggie Lasagna, Broiled Scallops, Ham Steak, Poached Salmon and other entrees. Children’s menu and Senior portions available Remember – here at the Depot we do not raise our prices on holidays and we strive to seat reservations on time. LeRoy Nursery School had its annual Breakfast with the Easter Bunny. Families of the nursery school and community came and enjoyed breakfast and got pictures taken with the Easter Bunny. A fun community experience! APRIL IS GRILLED CHEESE SANDWICH MONTH at the Depot! Check our website – for the sandwich of the day. The Depot’s new sister company, Double L Rental offering tables, chairs, heaters, bars, linens, dishes & catering supplies for your special occasions! 10% DISCOUNT when you use both the D & R Catering Services and Double L Rental for your event. Visit, or call us at (585) 344-0023 New Homes • Additions • Garages • Pole Barns Todd's Decks • Windows • Doors Kitchens • Baths Ceramic Tile Basement Finishing Custom Shelves/Built-Ins Siding • Remodeling Roofing • Snow Plowing FULLY INSURED CUSTOM CARPENTRY LLC. Todd Carli • Phone 703-0964 tfn SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL ADVERTISERS! They help sponsor the local news section of the Le Roy Pennysaver. THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! FALCONE FAMILY Funeral & Cremation Service, Inc. Vern C. Falcone Director / Owner 8700 Lake Rd. LeRoy, NY 14482 PO Box 187 8700 Lake Road LeRoy, NY 14482 Jenna M. Falcone Vern C. Falcone Funeral Director Director/Owner (585) 768-2400 (585) 768-2400 WE HANDLE ALL ASPECTS OF PRINTING... 768-2201 1 CHURCH ST, • LE ROY, NY • PROGRAMS LETTERHEADS BILL HEADS FLYERS BROCHURES POSTERS CARBONLESS FORMS ENVELOPES RAFFLE TICKETS NEWSLETTERS RESUMES TYPESETTING RUBBER STAMPS ENGRAVED SIGNS NAME TAGS COPIES LAMINATION COMMUNITY FAX NEWS AND PICTURES ADVERTISING BUSINESS CARDS RINTINGPR ING PRINT NTING PRI PRINTING HOURS: Monday thru Friday 8:00 to 5:00 LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - APRIL 13, 2014 Trophy Shoot Winners LE ROY COUNTRY CLUB 7759 East Main Road (Rt. 5) • Le Roy RESTAURANT 768-6000 • PRO SHOP 768-7330 Sunday, April 20th 9 am to 3 pm On April 5th the Northwoods Sportsmen’s Association, hosted the 31st, Annual Buddy Miller Trap League Trophy Shoot and Banquet. Trophies were awarded for the winners of the Buddy Miller Division and the Michael Fernaays Jr. Division. Pictured are the Buddy Miller Division winner with the Top Gun going to Co-Champs Nathan Fernaays and Charlie Miller. Make Your Reservations Now 768-6000 Adults $13.95 • Children 4-10 yrs. old $6.95 Under 3 Free Brunch Includes Sliced Roast Beef • Honey Glazed Ham Chicken & Biscuits • Penne Seafood Baked Ziti Marinara • Garlic Mashed Potatoes Bacon • Sausage • Waffles • French Toast O'Brien Potatoes • Scrambled Eggs Fresh Fruit & Jell-O • Tossed Garden Salad Homemade Muffins • Pastries • Cookies Coffee or Hot Tea 4/13 Dave Salway Plumbing LLC Also pictured are the Michael Fernaays Junior Division winners with the Top Gun going to Jesse Lytle. The league also gave a $250.00 donation to the United Way of Genesee County. Graduation YOU WANT ‘EM... INDOOROUTDOOR B A N N E R S ....WE MAKE ’EM one church st. le roy, ny 585-768-2201 M-F 8-5 YOU WANT ‘EM... Anniversary Birth Announcement School/Club Event Fundraiser ANY OCCASION! Graduation Welcome Home Retirement Anniversary Birth Announcement le roy, ny When you call Dave, you get Dave! etw Retirement Birthday one church st. Cell Phone: 585-721-8446 Home Phone: 585-768-8446 Birthday INDOOROUTDOOR Since 1907” B“Our A Family NTrusted N Serving E• Honest R Yours S• Proven Cameron, Brady &585-768-2201 SteuberM-F 8-5 Funeral Home Welcome Home Helping Families Celebrate a Life Lived ....WE MAKE ’EM 7100 Quinlan Road Le Roy, NY 14482 Seasonal Truck Driver •CDL Class A or B •Work Season May-November •Layoff Period December-April •Local Runs •$18.00/hour School/Club Event Fundraiser ANY OCCASION! 111 Wolcott Street LeRoy, NY 14482 (585) 768-6800 • Forward resume to: Seasonal Truck Driver PO Box 190 LeRoy, NY 14482 5/25 LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - APRIL 13, 2014 Love Bugs Easter Bunnies! Little Bugs Playgroup spent their last day of class before Spring Break getting ready for Easter! The children took turns throwing Easter eggs into a bunny’s mouth, shook the parachute as hard as they could to get the Easter eggs off and used glue sticks to make a bunny hat! They were so excited to hop like a bunny to celebrate Easter! LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - APRIL 13, 2014 Notes From The Mayor's Office by Greg “Porp” Rogers, Mayor In corporate America everyone has a Mission statement and a Vision statement; I believe it is important for the Village to have both of these as well. It is our mission to provide the community with the services that they have grown accustom to at a stable and fair tax rate. While positioning the Village to remain as a progressive rural community, keeping the charm of the past mixed with the vision for the future. In my next column the Board will give their Vision statement. At this week’s meeting we unveiled our projected Budget for the upcoming year. It looks like we will have to raise the rate 20 cents per thousand. The major contributors to this were: reduced revenue from the water deal of 10 years ago and some royalties for the cell towers. On the cost side is the raise in employee health care and retirement. Last year we lowered the rate 25 cents, it was our position, that if money is sitting around it will get spent, in the future we will look to keep the rate as flat as possible. As spring finally arrives we would like to remind people to keep the yard waste out of the street and up on the curb. Our code enforcement officer will be out and about, trying to make sure that all properties are up to code and well kept. One of the best parts of my job is again upon us. I will again buy any Little Leaguer who hits a home run on opening day a milk shake. Please make the effort to shop locally; it helps build the whole community. “There is only one way to succeed in anything, that’s to give it everything” Vince Lombardi FLOOR & HOME The ONE store for your perfect floor. Carpet Sale! Up To 50 % OFF Select Styles 18 Months Financing Available For Innovia Products Only •Free Estimates • Professional Installation Available Hurry! Limited Time Only! 4/13 Visit Our Showroom at 651 E. Main Or On The Web: "Complete Carpentry Service" MILLER BROTHERS BUILDERS Custom Homes • Remodeling • Additions Roofing • Siding DANIEL 1-585-409-3193 MICHAEL 1-716-474-0759 4/20 SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL ADVERTISERS! They help sponsor the local news section of the Le Roy Pennysaver. THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! LeRoy First Baptist Church 5 East Main Street Invites You To Their Holy Week Services PALM SUNDAY - Worship at 11 am at First Baptist MAUNDY THURSDAY ECUMENICAL SERVICE 7:30 pm at St. Mark’s Episcopal GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE - 7 pm at First Baptist SUNRISE SERVICE EASTER MORNING 7 am on the Oatka Creek Bank EASTER BREAKFAST at 8:30 am at First Presbyterian Church EASTER WORSHIP SERVICE 10 am at First Baptist Batavia 585-343-6750 NOW is the BEST time to BUY with the interest rates at their lowest! Don't wait to BUY call Linda Beaumont Linda Beaumont (585) 768-6315 for all your real Home Licensed Real Estate Salesperson estate needs. Multi-Million Dollar Producer eow LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - APRIL 13, 2014 Superintendent''s Column by Kim Cox Superintendent of Schools At the Regular Meeting on April 8th, the Le Roy Central School District Board of Education adopted the 2014-15 School Budget. The budget development has been a complex and carefully designed process. The board has worked hard to maintain and enhance educational programs while ensuring fiscal responsibility to the community. While we were fortunate to receive some additional funding from the State in the form of a reduction of the gap elimination adjustment, the District is still expecting over $1,000,000 less in State Aid than received in 2008. This reduction, known as the Gap Elimination Adjustment (GEA), was initially approved as a one-time adjustment to school aid intended to close the State Budget gap in 2008. This fiscal policy continues to WITHHOLD mandated state aid. In doing so the GEA cre- ates fiscal distress and increases pressures on the local tax base to compensate for the State’s shortcomings. As consumers, you are also aware that the cost of doing business has not remained the same since 2008. Like everyone else, the School District is subject to operating increases that are beyond our control. We have had to work hard to close this gap between expenses and revenues, so that we can continue to provide the high quality program our students deserve. Next year our total budget will be $22,608,985 which is an increase of $667,148 or 3.04%. The bulk of this increase is due to operating and contractual costs. We expanded our athletic training services, increased a BOCES social work service from a .5 position to a .8 position and increased the assistant principal positions from 11 month to 12 month employees. To offset these McKenzie Landscaping Accepting New Lawn Mowing Contracts Taking calls now for pre-orders of Mulch! Residential/Commercial • Spring Cleanups BULK MULCH - Available In Variety Hardscapes On (Techo-Bloc) Hardscapes Sidewalks, Patios, Steps Free Quotes • Fully Insured Call Scott (585) 455-5275 4/20 My People found me in the Le Roy Penny Saver! 1 Church St., LeRoy, NY 14482 585.768.2201 w w w. l e r o y n y. c o m Advertise • Classifieds • News Help Wanted • Community Calendar increases we have one retirement that will be replaced, while realizing some cost savings. Due to enrollment shifts, we will reduce an art teacher position to half time. At minimal cost, we are able to add a total of 17 new courses, including 3 AP courses, 5 English electives and electives in both art and music! We will utilize over $600,000 from reserves and we will be applying the increased state aid that we did receive. While we will see a 2.6% levy increase, this is well below the tax levy limit that we are able to impose under the tax cap calculation formula of 4.1% for next year. Most importantly, we will strive to keep our tax rate, the most important number to you the taxpayer, to within .43 cents of the current year. I always like to remind people that this rate is not set until August. Our best estimate at this time is $24.25 for 2014-15. Last year we estimated $23.82 at this time. In making yearly decisions about the budget we consider many important perspectives including the input that we receive from the community, teachers and administrators, as well as the mission, vision and goals of the district for our students. Our main goal is to continue to do what is best for our students. While this can be a challenging balancing act, we feel confident that the 2014-15 Le Roy School Budget will meet these needs. More information about the Budget will be coming in the District Newsletter and will be available on the District website in late April. We will also be presenting the budget at the Budget Hearing on Tuesday, May 13th at 7:00 p.m. in Memorial Auditorium. Thank you for your continued support! Have a Wonderful Spring Break and Easter Holiday! The family of Oleta (Calnan) Feltes wishes to acknowledge the kind and caring staff members at the Genesee County Nursing Home Rehab Center in Batavia; the Village Green of Le Roy; and the ER, ICU, and Comfort Care units at UMMC in Batavia. We are deeply touched by the outpouring of love and support from the community, and appreciate all of the cards, calls, food, and kindness you’ve shown us. We appreciate the professional and attentive service provided by the Cameron, Brady & Steuber Funeral Home; Lake Street Florist; and the D&R Depot for catering the memorial luncheon, courtesy of John Cameron. We shall never forget the beautiful memorial service conducted by Rev. David Pepper and accompanied by Henry Emmans, and the luncheon service graciously provided by the ladies of the First Presbyterian Church of Le Roy. Oleta was the center of her family and she will be deeply missed and fondly remembered by both her family and her friends. We thank you for sharing her passing with us. LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - APRIL 13, 2014 Lemonade Anyone? Malovich Environmental Tree Service •Tree Trimming •Tree Removal •Stump Grinding Free Estimates • Fully Insured 24 Hour Service J.M. Heating and A/C •Residential •Mobile Homes •Service Repairs •New Installations •Chimney Cleaning/Repairs •Chimney Liners 585-409-6509 4/20 SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL ADVERTISERS! Sunshine Nursery School’s Pre-K and Nursery children joined together for some lemon filled fun! The Pre-K class set up a lemonade stand and the Nursery children excitedly lined up to make a refreshing purchase. The children also enjoyed painting yellow masterpieces, squeezing and tasting lemons and playing with lemonade Play-doh! They help sponsor the local news section of the Le Roy Pennysaver. THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Joe's Small Engine Repair •Service and Repairs •Engine and Transmission Rebuilds •Lawn and Garden Equipment •ATV’s, Dirt Bikes •Pick Up and Delivery Available Le Roy Hours: Tues., Wed. 6 pm to 8 pm Thurs., Fri., Sat. 9 am to 6 pm, Closed Sun., Mon. 8525 Rt. 237, Stafford, NY 14143 Call (585) 815-3959 19th Annual Sat., April 19th 1:00 p.m. Hartwood Park 12 and Under EGGS FOR ALL SPECIAL APPEARANCE FROM THE EASTER BUNNY! Free Coffee, Juice & Hot Dogs Sponsored by: The American Legion • Tom McGinnis • Le Roy Business Council Knights of Columbus • Le Roy Moose Family Center • Le Roy Federal Credit Union Oatka Fish and Game Management Society • McDonald's of LeRoy • Upstate Milk Rotary Club of LeRoy • Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 193 • Northwoods Sportsmen's Club Assoc. Orcon Industries • Kiwanis of Le Roy/Pavilion/Stafford • Tompkins Bank of Castile 4/20 LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - APRIL 13, 2014 % CASH & 10 OFF CARRY VALU HOME PLAZA • WEST MAIN • BATAVIA AFFORDABLE FLOORCOVERING AFFORDABLEFC.COM 585-345-1108 Tuesday-Friday 9-6 Saturday 9-2 LeRoy Moose Family Center 21 Bank Street Superior Flooring 30 North Main St. • Castile, NY Trish Kaczmarek 493-5760 Bryan Geedy 727-1297 Serving you the best Price • Quality & Flooring around! Open To Public FREE ESTIMATES 4:00 to 8:00 pm Also offering limited menu and specials! 4/20 We have it all! Fish Fry April 18th •Carpet •Laminate •Fiber Floor •VCT •Vinyl •Hardware•Ceramic •Outdoor WBE Certified GOOD FRIDAY LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - APRIL 13, 2014 Le Roy Pennysaver DEADLINE For DISPLAY ADS Is 12 Noon On Wednesdays LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - APRIL 13, 2014 Office With A Venerable Past by Lynne Belluscio Mary Hamilton, former mayor of Caledonia wrote me a letter the beginning of March. She wanted to know more about the stone building in Caledonia, which has been used by the Livingston County Sheriff’s Department. Lately it has come on hard times. The building was built by Ernest Woodward on his estate, Poplar Lane, on East Main Street in LeRoy in the 1920s. Ernest had torn down his father’s house, HillBar to build his new home. And he built this stone office behind his house. Ernest’s father was the man who had bought the rights to Jell-O in 1899 for $450 and the Woodward family had parlayed that investment into a million dollar business. The Woodward’s sold their investment by an exchange of stock to the Postum Company and in turn, Jell-O and Postum became the first two subsidiaries of General Foods. Ernest retired, but continued to go into the Jell-O office on North Street, almost every day. Ernest died in 1948 and his wife Eleanor died in 1955. Popular Lane was donated to the University of Rochester with the provision that it be demolished if the University did not want to maintain it. By 1961, Poplar Lane was scheduled for demolition. John Wiley Jones, a native of LeRoy, and owner of Jones Chemical Company, decided that he would have the building moved - - stone by stone - - to Caledonia, and he would use it for his office. Each stone was numbered and the building was dismantled. When the Woodward’s main house was torn down, Jones bought walnut paneling, hardwood flooring, fireplaces, chandeliers, bay windows and doors for his new office. The new building was not large enough for his liking, so he added a small wing off the back for a bathroom and small kitchen. John Wiley Jones was so proud of his project, that he had a booklet reprinted from an article that appeared in “PEOPLE,” a Pittsburgh Plate Glass publication. We have a copy in the collection. After Jones death, the family continued possession of the stone office, but then made arrangements for it to be used as a substation for the Livingston County Sheriffs Department. However, it has not been used in several years and is need of attention. The story that I know about, is that Ernest Woodward had the original sales contract between Pearle Bixby Wait and the Genesee Pure Food Company and it was framed and hung on the wall in his office. One day, John Skivington from Caledonia was visiting Woodward, and mentioned that there was history hanging on the wall. Woodward, gave the contract to Skivington. At some point, John Skivington loaned John Wiley Jones the contract, because Jones had moved the original office where the contract originally hung. The contract remained in the Jones family after John’s death and upon the death of his son Bob, Marge, Bob’s wife discovered the old contract in some papers. With it, was the letter with the loan agreement. The letter stated that upon Jones’ death the contract was to be returned to John Skivington. At this point, both men were dead, so Marge contacted John Skivington’s son, and entrusted the contract with him. Several years ago, John contacted me and said, “You know, this really ought to be at the Historical Society.” So, we have the original contract. It’s pretty illegible, because it hung on the wall of the office for so many years, but the signatures are still legible. Truly, the stone office of Ernest Woodward has a venerable past. LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - APRIL 13, 2014 1 Church St., LeRoy, NY 14482 585.768.2201 w w w. l p g r a p h i c s. n e t LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - APRIL 13, 2014 Used Book Sale! Woodward Memorial Library 768-8300 Saturday, April 12 through Saturday, April 19 at noon Hardcovers: $1.00 each Paperback & Children’s Books: 50 cents each Sale Hours: Saturday, April 12 from 10 am to 4 pm Monday - Thursday, April 14-17 - 4 from 9 am to 8:30 pm Friday, April 18 from 9 am to 5 pm Saturday, April 19 from 10am to Noon (Bag Sale - a bag of books for $1.00) Friends of the Woodward Memorial Library may purchase items early on Friday, April 11th from 3:00 to 4:30 pm. Friends memberships are available the day of the sale for only $5.00! The Clean Sweep Mike Darby's Patch & Paint Cleaning Service ALL WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED • INSURED •Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning •Spot Cleaning & Odor Removal •Tile & Wood Floor Cleaning & Waxing •Braided & Area Rug Cleaning •Complete Janitorial Services • Interior Painting • Floors Stripped • Plaster/Lath Restoration & Refinished • Drywall & Drywall Repair • Old Ceilings & Walls Made Like New! • Texture Removal 9300 Warsaw Road, Le Roy, NY John M. Joy • Call 768-8497 eow PETER PANEPENTO Plumbing • Heating Installation & Repair Service For All Residential & Commercial Work 768-8788 297-9097 • 768-7737 4/27 Child Care and Preschool Lovey’s eow 2 Tountas Ave., LeRoy, NY 585-768-8025 • Kindergarten Readiness Program • Certified Teachers • Music & Movement • Themed Curriculum Serving Children 6 weeks-12 years old LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - APRIL 13, 2014 Notes for April 2, 2014 Spring is in the air, really! Our meeting was jammed packed with lots of guests. Guests: Our high school seniors that attend our meetings each week, also, members of the Rotary InterAct Club from the high school. Honor Flight volunteers and from the Perry Club, Kim Webster, Donna Francis and Jane Monaghan. Assistant District Governor Marlee Diehl and Virginia Zocco, wife of Rotarian Steve Zocco. Announcements: Easter Egg Stuffing at the Moose, April 12th District Assembly, May 3rd, LCS Career Fair, May 9th, Rent A Rotarian, May 10th, Graze to Raise, May 16th, REAL, June 21st, YWCA $10,000 cash raffle, July 26th. The Charter Applications have been signed for the Rotary EarlyAct Clubs for LeRoy and St Josephs. Let’s welcome our young people to Rotary. Misses: The following Rotarians had misses and covered them with make-ups: Scott McCumiskey, Mary Margaret Ripley, Randy Vink (and one gift), Steve Zocco. Those that paid with LeRotar y Notes Green Cards $$$ ... Lynne Belluschio, Tracy Mortorana (make-ups too), Jerry McCollough (makeups too). 1st Program: LCS Rotary InterAct Club presented a check to Honor Flight for $1,700. During the Pride meetings they heard stories from a WWII Veteran and raised money at basketball games. This money will send 4 Veterans from either Korea or WWII to Washington DC. What a great fund raiser! Throughout the year the InterAct Club has had a Fall Fest, Winter Roller Skating and continues to work on projects. Graduation YOU WANT ‘EM... INDOOROUTDOOR B A N N E R S ....WE MAKE ’EM one church st. le roy, ny 585-768-2201 M-F 8-5 Welcome Home Birthday Anniversary Birth Announcement School/Club Event Fundraiser ANY OCCASION! Graduation Welcome Home Birthday Center B A N Community N E R S 12 Bank Street Retirement Anniversary Birth Announcement ....WE MAKE ’EM one church st. School/Club Event FISH FRY le roy, ny 585-768-2201 M-F 8-5 Fundraiser ANY OCCASION! Fridays During Lent 4:30 pm til Sold Out intelligence. Remember to live the Four Way Test. Service Above Self. Like us on facebook. Contact us at Thank you for supporting Rotary. Spring Is Here! Be sure to give TOM MCGINNIS Excavating & Plumbing Starting our 48th year serving Le Roy and surrounding areas! Lawn Rolling • Garden Tilling • Lawn Restoration Hydro-Seeding • Landscape • Shrubs Cleanup • Restoration Replacement Septic Pumping, Installation Repairs, Port-A-Jon Rentals Excavating - Trac Excavator Backhoe & Bulldozer Service Driveway Restoration • BLACKTOP or Stone Topsoil • Gravel • Stone Products Hauling • Plumbing Needs No Job Too Small Or Large For Eat In Or Take Out (585-502-5155) Desserts Available by The Eastern Star 2nd Program: Presented by Rotarian Tracy Martorana. What is Meditation? What is Holostic Wellness? She spoke of living a balanced life with mind, heart, body and soul. She led Rotarians in a group meditation exercise… explaining how to breathe and relax the body and calm the mind. This is a tool for the re-discovery of the body’s own inner PLOT OWNERS Please remove winter decorations from Plots by April 21st, 2014 Unsightly decorations remaining after that date will be removed by groundskeepers. PLEASE REMEMBER ... Cemetery Rules prohibit planting flowers, bulbs, shrubs, etc. in the ground. Any such plantings will be removed. Thank You. 4/13 a call for any of your needs at 768-6769. Retirement MASONIC INDOOROUTDOOR YOU WANT ‘EM... Machpelah Cemetery McGinnis Excavating 4/13 4/27 LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - APRIL 13, 2014 REACH 5 MILLION HOMES IN NEW YORK FOR JUST $490* ONE Classified Ad. ONE Click. SUBMIT YOUR AD TODAY! .com SUBMIT YOUR AD HERE *$490 for 15 words. $15 for each additional word. A Great Deal to Reach the Whole State! We Do ONLINE, ONLINE ALL THE TIME PRINTING! 1 Church St., Le Roy, NY 14482 585-768-2201 FAX 585-768-6334 Police Report 04/10/2014 - The LeRoy Police Department is requesting the public’s assistance in determining who was involved in a suspicious condition during the early morning hours of 3/8/14 at the Mill Street Wines and Liquors store located on Mill Street in the Village. The person shown in the surveillance photo placed glue inside the locks of the store for an unknown reason, possibly to commit a further or future crime. The locks were damaged. Anyone having information pertaining to this incident is asked to call the LeRoy Police Dispatch at 345-6350. i We Go Wherever You Go Anywhere in the World On Air On-Line On Your iPhone WBTA Radio - 113 Main St., Batavia, NY - (585) 344-1490 LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - APRIL 13, 2014 1 Church St., LeRoy, NY 14482 585.768.2201 w w w. l p g r a p h i c s. n e t ... LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - APRIL 13, 2014 Advertising Templates WEEKLY EVENTS OBITUARIES Copyright 1948-2007 Entire contents copyrighted by Carlson Craft®. All rights reserved. 12-07 LE ROY — Anne A. Ingalls, 87, passed away Wednesday evening (April 2, 2014) in the loving presence of her family at Unity Hospital after a long battle with ovarian cancer. In lieu of flowers, the family would like memorials directed to Tell everyone Love... you’re in LE ROY — Barbara Jean (Shepard) Sowa passed away March 31, 2014. Arrangements made by Cameron Brady & Steuber Funeral Home, Le Roy. with wedding invitations and BERGEN — Robert A.accessories Letter, 63, passed away unexpectedly Tuesday by Carlson Craft®. (April 1, 2014) at his home in Bergen. Stop in our extensive collection Intoday lieu to of view flowers, memorials may be made to Genesee for every style andCancer budget! Assistance Inc., 16 Bank St., Batavia, NY 14020. LE ROY — Diane L. Barrows (Smith) died Friday (April 4, 2014) at age 71. Memorials may be made to a charity of your choice. Condolences may be made at SUNDAY, APRIL 13 AWANA Program at Penuel Christian Fellowship. 10 Main Street. Sundays 12:15 to 1:45 pm. Ages 5-17 broken into groups. Developing friendships. Having fun. Learning about God. Safe environment. FRIDAY, APRIL 18 Penuel Christian Fellowship, One Step to Freedom addictions ministry, a Christ Centered Addictions program, a weekly meeting every Friday at 7 pm. Call the Church for more information at 768-6901 or 406-3863. Konnect Youth Group at Living Waters Church, on Main St. LeRoy. Sundays from 6:30 to 8:30 pm for ages 12-18. “Bring Down all the Walls! Connect with God and Connect with others.” For more information, check us out online at: UPCOMING EVENTS LCCP’s Mommy & Me Playgroup: Every 2nd & 4th Friday, 12:00-1:30, Le Roy Physical Therapy (in the back gym). Any moms and their birth-kindergarten children are welcome to come enjoy socialization, lunch, coffee, structured games & free play. $5 per mom MONDAY, APRIL 14 TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) meets Monday evenings from 6:307:15 pm at the LeRoy Presbyterian Church, corner of Clay & Main Streets. Visitors always welcome. Call 768-2933 for more info. Make a spring wreath at the Woodward Memorial Library for children in kindergarten and 1st grade, from 3:15 – 4:15 p.m. Registration is required. Call 768-8300 or register online at TUESDAY, APRIL 15 LCCP’s GRACE’S KITCHEN: A FREE dinner every Tuesday evening, 5-7 pm at the LeRoy United Methodist Church, 10 Trigon Park. Parking available on Trigon Park & the lots to the left and back of the Church. Handicapped Entrance in the back of the Church. Takeout & delivery are available. For more info. contact Selby Davis at 585-738-8882 or Town of LeRoy Planning Board of Appeals Meeting (as necessary) 7:30 pm at the Town Hall, 48 Main St. For further info. call 768-6910, Ext. 223. Define your style with Carlson Craft® Wedding Invitations, Save the Date Cards, Wedding Accessories, Ceremony, Reception Essentials, Bridal Party Gifts, and so much more! Visit us today! 1 Church St., Le Roy • 768-2201, Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8-5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16 The Genesee Valley Civil War Roundtable will be holding their monthly meeting at the LeRoy United Methodist Church on Trigon Park at 7:30PM. Please use right front door at end of long sidewalk. This month’s speaker will be Tom Taber and the topic is Orleans Battery 17 New York Light Artillery. He will have copies of his book available following his program and will be happy to sign them. New members welcome. The April Meeting of the Le Roy-Stafford Citizens will be held at 6:00 P.M. at the K of C Meeting Hall on West Main St. behind Save-a-Lot. This will be a pot luck supper and you should bring your own place setting and a generous dish to pass. Dessert will be provided. Program for this evening will be the Batavia Swing Band. THURSDAY, APRIL 17 Genesee Veterans Support Network (GVSN) supports the development of Veterans focused AA meetings every Thursday, 6-7 pm at the First Baptist Church, 306 E. Main St., Batavia. Meetings led by Mike W. & are open to non-veterans as well. Handicap accessible. For additional information call 585-302-0825. GRACE’S CLOSET: A Clothing Giveaway Program sponsored by Le Roy United Methodist Church, 10 Trigon Park, Le Roy. 9:30 am to 11:30 am every Thursday. We have warm clothing for all ages. Bedding, curtains, comforters, pajamas, shoes, boots. We are in need of winter coats for all ages. We accept donations to be dropped off at the house next to the church. Please put all bags INSIDE on the back porch. No electronics, TV’s, computers, dishes, etc. Any questions, call the office 768-8980. SENIOR CITIZENS ACTIVITIES Used Book Sale - Woodward Memorial Library during regular hours from Saturday, April 12 through Saturday noon, April 19. Hardcover books are $1.00 and paperbacks are 50 cents. A bag sale will be held on Saturday, April 19 from 10 to 12 noon – a bag of books for $1.00. Wednesday, April 23, Pavilion Public Library: Computer Class - Excel Basics. 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, April 30 - Open Access Session for questions, devices, etc. Registration necessary - (585) 584-8843. Call Library for info & questions. Woodrow Rd., Pavilion. Byron Fire Department Open House: Saturday, April 26 & Sunday, April 27 from 9am – 4pm. Take pictures of your kids in a fire truck, meet fire department personnel, and see the equipment up close. Equipment demonstrations & free blood pressure checks both days. On Sunday, see an extrication equipment demonstration & enjoy a FREE spaghetti lunch. Byron Fire Department is located on Rt. 262 east of Rt. 237. Currently accepting applications for active and social members. Sunday April 27, The WNY Draft Horse Club will be having it’s annual Old Fashioned Day at the Honey Locust Farm in Caledonia. There will no charge to get in or for parking, come spend the day with us. A chicken BBQ at noon, other food will be available too, crafts, demonstrations , plowing and fitting of the field with Draft horses, Ponies and Oxen. There will also be free wagon rides and a tent with crafts for the little kids. An auction of donated stuff will be at 1:00 PM . for info call Dean 585-889-4439 address: 4259 Maxwell Rd. ,Caledonia. Wyoming Hook & Ladder - Easter Bunny Pancake Breakfast, Saturday , April 19th, 2014, 9 am to 11 am, $4.00 per person. “First Baptist Church of Pavilion NY will be hosting a series of Revival Meetings beginning Easter Sunday Morning. Evangelist Norm Sharbaugh will be the guest speaker. Sunday’s meetings will commence with a Sunrise service at 7:30 am followed by services at 9:45 am, and 11:00 am. The public is welcome. Mr Sharbaugh will speak again Mon.-Wed. evenings at 6:30 pm. There is plenty of parking, we are handicapped accessible and there is a nursery. Call with any questions to 585-584-3179; ext #12, leave a message and the secretary will call you back.” On Wednesday, April 23rd, 2014, the Stafford Historical Society will be having its Annual Membership Meeting at the Town Hall located at 8903 Route 237. After the Society’s business meeting and the election of members to the Board of Trustees, the featured speaker will be Sue Conklin, Genesee County Historian. Her presentation will be on the “History of the County Home”. Community Calendar Submissions should be sent to: (April 14 - April 18) All Genesee County residents, 60 and older, can take part in this week’s activities at the Batavia Senior Center, 2 Bank St., Batavia. For more information, call 343-1611. Monday: Tax Preparation is available by appointment beginning at 9:00 a.m.; Arthritis Exercise is scheduled to begin at 9:30 a.m.; Bridge is scheduled to begin at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday: Newsletter Assembly takes place beginning at 8:45 a.m. A representative from Univera will be here between 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.; Cribbage is scheduled for 1:00 p.m. Wednesday: Quilters are scheduled to meet at 9:00 a.m.; Euchre is scheduled to begin at 1:00 p.m. Thursday: Lifespan is scheduled to meet at 1:00 p.m.; Cribbage and Bridge is scheduled for 1:00 p.m.; Musical Keyboard Lessons are scheduled to begin at 2:30 p.m. Friday: Art Class and Line Dancing meet at 10:00 a.m.; Tai Chi meets at 12:30 p.m. LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - APRIL 13, 2014 C L A S S I F I E D S Local SWEATSHIRTS, T-SHIRTS, JACKETS, HATS: We can customize with Screen Printing or Embroidery. Famous Brand Names only. Great fund raisers! Teams, Clubs, Groups. Call today. LP GRAPHICS, 585-768-2201 or Fax 585768-6334. Rent to Own - 4 Mobile Home Units Available at Oatka Creek MHP, 8131 E. Main Road. Call (585) 738-0953 for details. tfn Seeking Carpenter Help. Experience in residential carpentry a plus. Will train the right individual. To apply: e-mail w /5/4 Cat/Kittens Free - Litter trained. All colors. Please call Bonnie 768-7514. w4/13 RETIREMENT APARTMENTS, ALL INCLUSIVE. Meals, transportation, activities daily. Short Leases. Monthly specials! Call (877) 210-4130 VIAGRA 100mg or CIALIS 20mg 40 tabs + 10 FREE! All for $99 including Shipping! Discreet, Fast Shipping. 1-888-836-0780 or PremiumMeds.NET CARS/TRUCKS WANTED! Top $$$$$ PAID! Running or Not, All Years, Makes, Models. Free Towing! We’re Local! 7 Days/ Week. Call Toll Free: 1-888416-2330 $1000 WEEKLY PAID IN ADVANCE!!! MAILING BROCHURES or TYPING ADS for our company. FREE Supplies! PT/FT. No Experience Needed! HELP WANTED Earn Extra income Assembling CD cases From Home. Call our Live Operators Now! No experience Necessary 1-800-4057619 Ext 2605 MAKE $1,000 up to $9,000 Per Sale! Remotely Work From Home. Anyone Can Do This. Apply Now: 1-800-5770318 GET CASH TODAY for any car/truck. I will buy your car today. Any Condition. Call 1-800-864-5796 or $21 Car Insurance - Instant Quote - All Credit Types – Find Out If You Qualify - As Low As $21/Month. Call 1-888-250-5440 VIAGRA 100MG and CIALIS 20mg! 40 Pills + 10 FREE. SPECIAL $99.00 100% guaranteed. FREE Shipping! 24/7 CALL NOW! 1-888-223-8818 VIAGRA 100MG and CIALIS 20mg! 40 Pills + 4 FREE for only $99. #1 Male Enhancement, Discreet Shipping. Save $500! Buy The Blue Pill! Now 1-800-213-6202 Lawn Rolling and Garden Tilling. Call McGinnis Excavating 585-768-6769. w/5/4 FREE PILLS WITH EVERY ORDER! VIAGRA 100mg, CIALIS 20mg 40 Pills + FREE Pills. Only $99.00 #1 Male Enhancement Pill! Discreet Shipping. 1-888-797-9029 CASH FOR CARS: All Cars/ Trucks Wanted. Running or Not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come To You! Any Make/ Model. Call For Instant Offer: 1-800-864-5960 AIRLINES ARE HIRING – Train for hands on Aviation Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid for qualified students – Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 888-686-1704 ROTARY INTERNATIONAL – Rotary builds peace and international understanding through education. Find information or locate your local club at www.rotary. org. Brought to you by your free community paper and PaperChain. Meet singles now! No paid operators, just people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages, connect live. FREE trial. Call 1-877737-9447 For Rent - Formally the Short Stop, located at Rte. 19 and Mill St. Call 585-768-6769 for details. w/4/20 TOP CASH PAID FOR OLD GUITARS! 1920’s thru 1980’s. Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch, Epiphone, Guild, Mosrite, Rickenbacker, Prairie State, D’Angelico, Stromberg, and Gibson Mandolins/Banjos. 1-800-401-0440 KILL BED BUGS! Buy Harris Bed Bug Killer Complete Treatment Program or Kit. Available: Hardware Stores. Buy Online: POSTERS BANNERS PHOTO ENLARGEMENTS 1 Church Street Le Roy, NY 585.768.2201 GET CASH NOW for your Annuity or Structured Settlement. Top Dollars Paid. Fast, No Hassle Service! 1-855512-9227 WANTED JAPANESE MOTORCYCLES 1967-1982 ONLY KAWASAKI Z1-900, KZ900, KZ1000, Z1R, KZ1000MKII, W1-650, H1-500, H2-750, S1250, S2-350, S3-400 Suzuki, GS400, GT380, Honda CB750 (1969-1976) CASH. 1-800772-1142, 1-310-721-0726 Order Dish Network Satellite TV and Internet Starting at $19.99! Free Installation, Hopper DVR and 5 Free Premium Movie Channels! Call 800-597-2464 DIRECTV, Internet, & Phone From $69.99/mo + Free 3 Months: HBO® Starz® SHOWTIME® CINEMAX®+ FREE GENIE 4 Room Upgrade + NFL SUNDAY TICKET! Limited offer. Call Now 888-248-5961 Cash for unexpired DIABETIC TEST STRIPS! Free Shipping, Best Prices & 24 hr payment! Call 1-855-4404001 English & Spanish www. CASH FOR CARS and TRUCKS. Get A Top Dollar INSTANT Offer! Running or Not!1-888-416-2208 Reach as many as 5 MILLION POTENTIAL BUYERS in central and western New York with your classified ad for just $350 for a 15-word ad. Call 1-877-275-2726 for details or visit ARE YOU IN BIG TROUBLE WITH THE IRS? Stop wage & bank levies, liens & audits, unfiled tax returns, payroll issues, & resolve tax debt FAST. Seen on CNN. A BBB. Call 1-800-647-3031 CANADA DRUG CENTER is your choice for safe and affordable medications. Our licensed Canadian mail order pharmacy will provide you with savings of up to 75 percent on all your medication needs. Call today 1-800-4131940 for $10.00 off your first prescription and free shipping. DO YOU HAVE PRODUCTS OR SERVICES TO PROMOTE? Reach as many as 4.9 million households and 12 million potential buyers quickly and inexpensively! Only$490 for a 15-word ad. Place your ad on line at or call 1-877-275-2726 FREE PILLS NOW! Buy Viagra/Cialis 100mg/20mg 40 Pills + 4/free. $99.00! 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Bathroom falls can be fatal. Approved by Arthritis Foundation. Therapeutic Jets. Less Than 4 Inch Step-In. Wide Door. Anti-Slip Floors. American Made. Installation Included. Call 1-888720-2773 for $750 Off. LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - APRIL 13, 2014 C L A S S I F I E D S BUNDLE AND SAVE! DIRECTV, INTERNET & PHONE From $69.99/mo. Free 3 months of HBO, starz, SHOWTIME & CINEMAX. FREE GENIE 4-room Upgrade LOCK IN 2 YR Savings. Call 1-800-782-3956 JUST ONE CALL PUTS YOUR 25-WORD CLASSIFIED ad in 288 publications across New York State. Nearly 4.7-million readers are waiting to hear about your business! Call 1-877-275-2726 TODAY! WANTED: ALL MOTORCYCLES BEFORE 1980! Running or not. $$TopCash$ Paid!1315-569-8094. PAYNE LAKE - 6 NEW LAKE PROPERTIES. 2.5 acres, West Bass Pond Waterfront, $19,900. www.LandFirstNY. com 1-888-683-2626 DO YOU HAVE VACATION PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT? With promotion to nearly 5 million households and over 12 million potential buyers, a statewide classified ad can’t be beat! Promote your property for just $490 for a 15-word ad. Place your ad on line at or call 1-877-275-2726 Le Roy Pennysaver DEADLINE For W More Than Just Print Get up-to-date information on local events and find out what’s going on in your area. Visit our Web site. DISPLAY ADS Is 12 Noon On Wednesdays LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - APRIL 13, 2014 Put your Pens to Work! Customize promotional items for your business or organization! We do more than just pens! Mugs, Coffee Cups, Magnets, Bags, Water Bottles, Office Supplies, Etc. 1 Church St, LeRoy, NY 14482 585.768.2201 w w w. l p g r a p h i c s. n e t
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† As rated by Kohler, all power levels are rated at 3600 RPM per SAE J1940 gross.