Hunting In P agosa Countr y


Hunting In P agosa Countr y
Hunting In Pagosa Country
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Welcome hunters! Some of you will
come from the other side of the county,
some from nearby states and some
from within Colorado, but the common
bond that brings us all to Pagosa
country is the majesty of the
mountains, the beauty of the forest and
the challenge of the hunt for elusive elk
and deer. As one of my hunting buddies
said, “If it was easy, they'd call it
Whether you stay in one of our fine
lodges with hot running water, or sleep
in a tent and visit the hot springs only
on occasion, whether you ride a horse
or walk into the forest, the solitude and
grandeur of our Rockies will surely
keep bringing you back. But,
remember, many of us hunt as well, so if
we can help you or answer any
questions (short of revealing our honey
hole) please ask us.
So come and hunt in Pagosa country,
be safe, and we'll see you this coming
Larry Fisher
Town Tourism Committee
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Hunting In Pagosa Country
Archery deer licenses by draw only
Deer/Elk West of I-25 and Unit 140
Pronghorn (Bucks only)
Pronghorn (Either sex)
August 27-September 25, 2011
September 10-25, 2011
August 15-31, 2011
September 1-20, 2011
Muzzleloading Rifle (by draw only)
Deer/Elk/MooseSeptember 10-18, 2011
October 21-29, 2011
2011 Combined (deer/elk) (2nd season)
2011 Combined limited (deer/elk (4th season)
October 1-14
October 22-30
November 16-20
Separate limited elk (1st season) October 15-19
Combined (deer/elk) (3rd season) November 5-13
Rifle Pronghorn (by draw only)
October 1-7
Bull Elk over the counter licenses (2nd & 3rd rifle seasons) are available until midnight the day before the season starts - On sale JULY
12, 2011
Black Bear
Rifle limited (by draw only)
Archery (over the counter with caps)
Muzzleloading (over the counter w/caps))
September 2-30
September 2-25
September 10-18
Rifle (over the counter w/caps) concurrent with deer/elk rifle seasons
Turkey limited draw application deadlines
Spring - February 10, 2011
Fall- July 14, 2011
License (valid 4/1 - 3/31)
One day license
Resident $26.00
Resident $9.00
Non-Resident $56.00
Non-Resident $9.00
Hunting Season Weather Information
80º High
49º High
44º Low
15º Low
74º High
40º High
36º Low
5º Low
63º High
26º Low
For Additional Information
Colorado Division of Wildlife - 303-297-1192 and USFS Pagosa Springs District Office
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Why Hunt Pagosa CountryBy: Dick Ray
was born and raised (reared) in New Mexico, a grandson of
pioneers who came to the New Mexico territory in a covered
wagon. I grew up hunting in the dry, rocky, cactus-covered
mountains of southwest New Mexico where my grandparents had
tail deer in Canada. Traveling to Canada each fall took me through
Wyoming, Utah, Idaho and Montana, always on the lookout for
better hunting grounds. This went on until 1992 when we decided to
sell the Canadian venture and refocus on Colorado and northern
New Mexico. My son, Mike and I had been licensed to guide in
Utah, Arizona, and Wyoming and had decided, “Pagosa is better”.
Then, one day 44 years ago, my wife and I discovered Pagosa
Country. Of course we noticed the scenic grandeur of the San Juan
Range, but we also noted that we could ride our horses over most of
the terrain and the vegetation did not include cholla or prickly pear
cactus. Every major drainage had a creek, stream or river and most
had trout in them. There was a variety of game animals, and plenty
of them. We decided, this is better, and proceeded to move from
New Mexico to Pagosa Country. But, we weren't truly satisfied
with the game situation. The state allowed spike (yearling) bull elk
to be harvested and, consequently there were very few 5 x 5 bulls or
larger, taken each fall, All deer and elk licenses were unlimited, and
public land was crowded. It seemed that Pagosa Country had been
discovered. The standing joke around town was 'If the Mexican's
knew when Colorado elk season began, they could retake the
Alamo with no resistance,' as every able-bodied man in Texas was
in Colorado hunting.
Good judgment had prevailed in Colorado, for all through the
1980's, the state had made a
bull elk less than 4 points
illegal to take in most areas.
It took a while, but finally
there were some older age
class bulls to be found to
keep the spike from
breeding allowing the elk
herds to begin to regain
Photography on this page by Dick Ray
their sizes. (Without older
age bulls to drive the
yearling away, he will mate with his mother, sisters and aunt, thus
depriving the herd of the genetic diversity required.)
In 1999, encouraged by sportsmen, the Colorado Wildlife
Commission totally limited the numbers of deer licenses in the state.
Deer numbers have rebounded to some degree, bears are abundant,
foxes are common as are mountain lions and coyotes - all are the
result of good habitat.
All of this prompted some research on my part. This resulted in the
purchase of a Guide
/Outfitter territory in
British Columbia, Canada,
in 1977. We continued to
remain Colorado residents, With the largest Wilderness Area in Colorado, the Weminuche, to
but quit guiding elk hunters the north and the South San Juan Wilderness to the east, hunters and
in Colorado and focused on prey have the room to roam.
private land in New
Mexico and elk, moose,
Pagosa Country is good country.
bear, mule deer and white
Page 33
License #2540
Horse Rentals
Packstring Rentals
Explore Colorado back
country for
hunting, fishing, or
sightseeing. Great
day/week rentals.
License #2341
We are full-time Colorado
outfitters catering to a limited
number of clients per year.
We p r o v i d e a q u a l i t y
experience hunters deserve
and expect with a guide who
knows this area and the
animals who live
Game Packing
“On any given day you will
find us out guiding or packing
in one of our valued clients,
most of which have become
life long friends.”
970 • 264 • 9576
Ash & Trish Tully
Our client’s complete satisfaction has
kept our business
successful for over
ten years!
For the hunter or hunters
seeking to hunt on their own,
we offer a full pack in service
with a complete camp set up
for your hunting adventure.
Guided Hunts Public or Private Land
GMU’s 76, 77 & 78
Deer • Elk • Sheep •Turkey • Bear
Mountain Lion • Moose
(divide ranger district)
Silver Dollar, Sundown and Rio Grande Outfitters are equal opportunity service providers operating on a special use permit
in the San Juan National Forest and Rio Grande National forest. We are licensed, Bonded and Insured. License #s above.
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Pagosa’s Hunting
Fishing and Outdoor
The gear you need for your next adventure!
Goods Store
Simple Rules for
Hunting Safety
Hunting accidents have declined significantly since the
passage of two laws in 1970 that require hunter education
training for all hunters born on or after January 1, 1949.
Hunting and Fishing Licenses
Fishing Tackle and Bait
Hunting Supplies
Firearms Sales
Ammunition and Reloading Supplies
Camping and Outdoor Gear
Hiking and Hunting Boots
Great Selection of Area Maps
Winter Gloves and Hats
Snowshoes and Poles
Sleds and Tubes
Winter Boots
Ice Fishing Tackle, Bait and Supplies
Binoculars, Spotting Scopes and Optics
Traditional Archery Bows and Tackle
Pet Supplies
Premium Pet Foods and Supplies
Travel Kennels
Dog and Cat Treats
Pet Collars, Leashes and Tie-outs
Always review and remember the following safety rules –
one moment of carelessness can mean a lifetime of
• All hunters must wear at least 500-square inches of
fluorescent orange clothing above the waist including a
head covering visible from all directions.
• Before you head out to hunt, spend some time at a
shooting range and practice. You will re-acquaint
yourself with your gun (or guns) and likely improve your
chances of harvesting an animal.
• Most accidents occur near vehicles. Load and unload
your gun at least 100 yards from your vehicle.
• Treat every firearm as if it is loaded and keep the muzzle
pointed in a safe direction at all times.
• Be sure of your target – what is in front of it and what is
beyond it. Once you take the shot, you cannot take it
back. If you are in any doubt, do not take the shot.
• Keep the safety on and your finger off the trigger until
you are ready to shoot.
• Never place your hand over the muzzle of a gun.
• Do not hurry while loading or unloading your gun.
Stop b e us
and s
d us
Or fin ebook
on Fa
e and
-Mikra Haynes
56 Talisman, Suite 8C
Just North of McDonalds
Mon-Sat • 731-9900
•Talk about safety issues to young children and
inexperienced hunters.
• Stop and rest when you are out of breath; fatigue often
contributes to accidents.
Page 35
Lobo Outfitters
Saddle Up Outfitters
David N. Cordray
970•264•2869 or 970•731•4963
License #147
We have the experience, equipment,
expertise and desire to serve you.
Offering our services in
Colorado & New Mexico
Hunting Deer, Bear, Elk, Cougar,
Big Horn Sheep
We at Saddle-Up Outfitters take pride in the service we
provide. It is our goal for you to have a rewarding and
unforgettable experience. Our camps sit on the feathered
edge of the San Juan wilderness. Choose from a fully
guided hunt with experienced guides, great cooking, and
horse ride to camp or a drop camp to go it on your own.
Saddle Up Outfitters is an equal opportunity service provider operating on a
special use permit in the San Juan National Forest. Outfitter Number
721/Bonded and Insured.
Pack Trips & Trail Rides
Mike & Dick Ray•The area’s longest established,
most productive, most experienced outfitters
Private Land and Public Land
Lobo Outfitters • 5 miles south of Pagosa Springs on Highway 84 • 970-264-5546