Fall Rummage Sale Ad
Fall Rummage Sale Ad
The City of Barnesville Welcomes You! Free Ma Pleas p take e one! 2013 Barnesville Area-Wide Rummage Sales Sale # Location Sat. Sept. 28 Time 1. 202 3rd Ave SE - Tons of new and used clothes all sizes. Holiday decorations, office chair, hose reels, misc. furniture & household goods. Working washing machine, full size pedestal bed with mirror dresser, sewing machine cabinet, exercise equipment, A.C. Tues&ThursNoon-6 pm Fri &Sat 9am-7pm 2 408 7th St NE - Kitchen table - 4 chairs, bedding, knick knacks, seasonal decorations, golf bag 8 am pull cart, women’s clothing 3. 317 5th St SE - Boy clothes sizes 0-12 months, baby furniture, household goods, lots of misc. Fri-8am-5pm Sat-9am-1pm 4. 905 7th Ave SE - Various kids clothes, kitchen supplies, microwave, household decorations, baby swing, exersaucers 8am - 2pm 5. 504 10th St SE - Penny & Ashlee Wolters - Décor, coffee table, bakers rack, 2 double strollers, Fri9am-6 pm baby saucer and other items, young women’s clothing size small, prom dresses size 2-9, purses & bags 6. 601 6th Ave SE - Furniture, freezer, mini fridge, pictures, glassware, holiday décor/houses, boys clothing size 4-16, books and misc. Fri- 9am-5 pm Sat- 9am-1pm 7. 401 11th St NE - 218-354-7004 - Boy’s clothing infant - 5T, Lane Bryant, women’s uniforms/ scrubs, Eagle Collection items, child’s bike, home office chair, crib mattress, dehumidifier, books, toys, Costco stroller 7:30 am 3 pm 8. 10065 210th St S - 1.5 miles East of Barnesville on Hwy. 34 - Huge Sale - Scrapbooking & Fri-8am-6pm craft supplies, maternity clothes, boys clothes sizes 0-6, wine fridge, toys, household items and Sat-8am-2pm much more 9. 22777 120Ave S - 4.5 miles East on Hwy 34, North on Hwy 31 to Gran Church, West 1/4 mile on 126th - Monarch electric range, dinette set, Red Wing crockery, dolls, pictures, 27” TV set, lots of misc. 10 am - 5 pm Barnesville C-Store All Hunting/Fishing Licenses ~ ATM Tackle & Live Bait ~ Candy & Chips Coffee, Rolls, Ice Cream Treats Hot & Cold Sandwiches ~ Pop and Juice 24-Hour “Pay at the Pump” Available with most credit cards 354-2378 END OF THE SEASON SALE! Perennials Buy 3, Get 3 FREE Trees & Bushes, Buy 3, Get 1 FREE Mix & Match !! Hwy. 34 Barnesville 493-4421 Open Mondays - Saturdays STOP IN & TAKE A LOOK 2013 Barnesville Area-Wide Rummage Sales Sat. Sept. 28 10. 550 10th St NE - John Deere lawn trailer, weed roller, shop dust collector, large wagon, concrete Fri & Sat 9am-5pm statues, large flower pot, deluxe Christmas decorations, 24 place setting Christmastime NIKKO dishes, ladies clothes 12-14, alot of misc. 11. 1006 3rd Ave NE - Dave & Anna Gross - Girls clothes size 0-5, kitchen, furniture, toys, breast pump, lamps, end tables, miscellaneous items 7 am 3 pm 12. 219 2nd Ave NE - TRINKETS TO TREASURES and everything in between. Bikes, entertainment center, space heaters, clothes: boy’s (12-14) teen girl’s (S-M), women’s (S-M) men’s (M-L), household, seasonal, fabric & crafts Fri- 5-7 pm Sat - 8am-12 Noon 13. 623 3rd St SE - Estate Sale - Kathy Mostue 218-329-7304 - Furniture, women’s clothes, craft supplies, weight bench, misc. 8:00 am 14. 101 12th St NE - Cal & Millie Boen - 354-2422 - Craftsman 32” Spiker Spreader (hardly) used, much misc. 8:00 am 15. 407 11th St SE - Garvin GPS, 3 ft. black vase, papas an (dorm chair), patio furniture, 36” steel door, EZ3 quilting frame, Lazy Boy rocking chair, Sorel boots, mini blinds 69 X 50, 54 X 45, bi-fold closet door, misc. Fri-8am 7 pm Sat-8am12 Noon 16. 1005 3rd Ave NE - Small kitchen appliances, DVDs, gamilng consoles, misc. children’s toys & clothing, household goods 8am - 1 pm 17. 104 Front Street -Friends of the Library Used Book Sale -LARGE variety of books from a recent donation. Proceeds benefit local library Fri-10 am 4 pm Sat-10am 2 pm 18. 26631 Hwy 34 - Tons of clothes, some namebrands, women’s size M-XL, teen girl’s size 14 size 3, boy’s size 8-10, tons of toys, Bowflex, Fisher Price desk, books, household & misc. Fri-9am-5pm Sat -8am3pm Firehall Municipal Liquors 104 Main Ave West Monday-Saturday, 10 AM-10 PM Closed Sunday Stop in and check out our in-store specials! 2013 Barnesville Area-Wide Rummage Sales Sale # Sat. Sept 28 Location Time 19. 201 10th St SE - Multi-Family Sale - Furniture, toys, boy’s & girl’s clothes & lots of misc. 8am - 4pm 20. 202 4th St SE - Antiques, furniture, girls bikes, Barbie Power Wheel Jeep, girl’s clothes size 48, wood frame toddler bed & mattress, tin ceiling tiles, Craftsman yard sweeper, treadmill, cat tree, baked goods & canned goods 7am - 5pm 21. 16387 210th St S - East on Hwy. 34 near golf course - Duck decoys, microwave, household, misc. 7am - 4pm 22. 2852 110th St - 2 miles South on Hwy 52, East 1/2 mile on Hwy 32 - -One Farmstead ; Two Garages - Thousands of VHS & DVDs, hot tub, misc. household, clothes, craft items, books & more 9am - 5pm 23. 408 Front Street S. - Newborn, toddler, household misc., cribs, walkers, highchairs, strollers, pack & play, baby seats, bassinets, etc., riding toys and tons of other toys, many kids Halloween costumes, all sizes. masks, wigs, make-up & lots of other Halloween accessories, 2 love seats and more Fri & Sat8am 24. 1006 7th Ave SE - Men’s and women’s clothes, Jr. girl’s clothes, boy’s and girl’s clothes, comforter sets (King), books, games, Wii games, movies, toys, misc. 8am - 1pm 25. 101 6th Ave SE - Moving Sale—Furniture, water cooler, Barbie dolls. Girl’s dance clothes & costumes, boy’s clothes size infant to 4, dishes, silverware, chandelier, CDs, lots of miscellaneous Fri -1-6pm Sat - 9am6pm 26. 14074 Hwy 9 South - North of I94 on Hwy. 9 - Andrew & Jamie Chen - Just Moved to the Area - many items including treadmill, clothes, household, toys 7:30am 4:30pm 27. 202 2nd St NE - Moving Sale - Ikea bunk bed frame, Halloween décor, antiques, cross country skis, boy’s bike, musical instruments, yard windmill, quilt frame (old), misc. 9am - 3pm 28. 1207 11th Ave SE - Girl’s clothing size newborn to 4T, baby swing, bouncer, stroller, pack and play, other misc., baby items, decorative household things 9am - 4pm 29. 410 5th St NE - Sarah Santana - 218-354-6023 NEW CRAFTS: homemade wool mittens, aprons, chef hats, leather vases, w&m adult clothing, boy’s 0-3T, 2 swings, bassinet, toys, 2 infant car seats, rocking chair, Little Tikes toddler bed, Ab lounger, fall & winter coats, Halloween costumes & much more! Fri & Sat 8am - 8pm 30. 1003 11th Ave SE - 3 Sisters Done Having Babies! Good condition, namebrand clothes, toys, misc. baby items, girl’s & boy’s premie-7/8, women’s clothing & misc. household Fri -8am5pm Sat -8am2pm Floral Designs by Becky Fall flowers, plants, pumpkins & gourds available for your fall decorating needs Stop by or give me a call!!! 218-354-7217 102 4th St SW Barnesville Cenex General Store Junction of Hwys 9 & 34 (218) 354-2139 FREE SMALL FOUNTAIN POP September 29, 2013 only Contact Christy VanWechel at www.christyv.scentsy.us for any of the Scentsy Family Products and also Uppercase Living at http://christy.uppercaseliving.net 701-866-7315 or 218-354-7328 2013 Barnesville Area-Wide Rummage Sales Sale # Location Sat. Sept 28 Time 31. 105 6th St SE - Girl’s clothes newborn to 5T, women’s clothing, shoes, dresser, bedding, toys , misc. Fri - 9am4pm Sat -7am3pm 32. 402 5th St NE - Moving Sale - Leslie (Bud) Hoppe - Hutch, couch, antiques, many household items 8am-3pm 33. 118 3rd St SE - In Alley - Glass top coffee table, Barbie & Ken dolls, Bratz dolls, doll clothes, Barbie doll bike & helmet, girl’s bike 20” , purses, shoes, jewelry, flower pots, plant stand & more 7am-4pm 34. 1102 9th Ave SE - Tupperware, kids Halloween costumes, misc. household treasures Fri - 6am9pm Sat - 8am1pm 35. 803 6th Ave SE - Julie, Maleah, Heidi, Marlene - Toys, books, videos, household misc., variety of girl’s clothes, boy’s clothes, games, ice skates, daybed 36. 604 4th Ave NE - Adult clothes, decorations, household items, misc. Fri - 8am8pm Sat - 8am Noon Fri - Noon7pm Sat - 7am Noon 37. 905 2nd Ave SE Lot 10 Davis Court - Yard Sale - Kay Lane - Avon, men’s size Large clothes, lots of misc. 9am - 2pm 38. 15730 285th St S. - East on Hwy 34, 1st left after 10 mile marker - Stephanie Anderson, Fran Beyer - 218-493-4454 - Misc. household, alot of brand NEW clothing, decorating items, baby items Fri-4-7pm Sat-6:30am7pm 2013 Barnesville Area-Wide Rummage Sales Sat. Sept 28 FARMERS MARKET LIBRARY PARKING LOT 104 FRONT ST. NORTH 8:00AM—1:00 PM ST. JAMES UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST Garden Produce & Baked Goods POTATO DAYS APPAREL DISCOUNTER PRICES 8 AM APLAND GARDENS Jams & Apple Butter PEPPEL’S PRODUCE Pumpkins, Squash, Watermelons, Peppers, Tomatoes Decorated Corn Stalks, Indian Decorative Corn MPJ CREATIONS Herbal Teas, Herb Blends, Pet Treats, Re-usable Shopping Bags, Baked Goods The Barnesville Area Wide Rummages Sales are supported by the Main Street businesses advertising in this brochure. Be sure to stop by and support them ! Watch for our 2014 Spring & Fall Rummage Sale dates 26 8,9,18, 21, 38 10 29 7 2 32 36 16 27 12 11 14 17 33 31 19 20 1 37 3 15 23 25 5 35 6 13 24 4 Rural Sales 8,9,18,21,22,26,38 34 NE Section 2,7,10,11,12,14,16,17,27,29, 32,36 30 28 SE Section 1,3,4,5,6,13,15,19,20,23,24, 25,28,30,31,33,34,35,37 NW Section 22 Public Restrooms located at Blue Eagle Park &McGrath Park
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