1995 Highlander Vol 78 No 9 November 1, 1995


1995 Highlander Vol 78 No 9 November 1, 1995
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An indt·11t·n1knt \\l't·l,1~ stutknt puhliration
Vol. 78 No. 9
Denver, Colorado
November I, 1995
Forensics Team Stifles the Opposition
By Nandini Stocker
f;,;l,'1,m WEEKEND OF 0croBER 26-29 Kr
I li:?S?m~::
Team. Coached by Bonnie Stapleton, the
team consists of eleven students: Anne
Jones, Marcus Paroske, Kandice Vclllejo,
Kelly Rahmig, Dan Nelson, Ed Horejs,
Tamara Stanton, Anthony Bonino, Shaun
Hennessey, Danica Favorite, and Jeff Kean.
The Regis Forensics and Debate Team is
nationally ranked and is the only competitive team or organiution in the College's
history to have won a national championship.
Coach Stapleton, who served as a voluntary assistant coach last year, is now Director of Forensics and Debate. She was
educated at Colorado State University with
a B.A. in History and an M.A. in Speech
Communications. She competed in forensics in high school and later in college, and
went on to coach the CSU team while she
pursued her graduate degree.
Stapleton confessed that competition
is what has kept her involved with forensics for so long, ''The first tournament I went
to, I had no clue about what we were doing-we were debating, and we ended up winning something. Once you win once, you
get motivated to keep going.. .I think that
competition is a motivator to learn things,
which is also what is cool about forensics."
Although competition is what
Stapleton likes most, she also believes there
are many skills one can acquire while in
competition. "One of the things students
learn is how to present themselves. It [also]
teaches you analytical skills so you can use
your brain in an analytical way, as well as
argumentative skills. You learn to best persuade people to do things-all while thinking on your feet."
The Regis team is most successful
with Parliamentary Debate (NPDA). Relatively new to the Midwest, parliamentary
debate is a formal contest of argumentation
and rhetorical skills, which takes place in a
siinulated house of parliament. 1\vo teams,
called the "Government" and the "Opposition," consisting of two members each, debate the resolution announced by the
Speaker of the House (judge). After the announcement of the resolution, the teams
have a total of 15 minutes to prepare their
arguments and a case in support or opposed
to the resolution.
One team, Anne Jones and Marcus
Paroske, has placed first in eigbt out of the
last IO tournaments. Stapleton refers to them
as "untouchable," and adds, "People are
scared when they go up against them... they
are the team that everyone wants to beat
because they are walking all over everybody.
It is really fun to watch."
"They are the team to be reckoned
with," she declared.
Stapleton emphasized that this holds
true for the other Regis teams as well. All
of the teams have consistently placed in the
final rounds of recent tournaments. At
Casper Community College two weeks ago,
three out of the four final teams were from
The Jones/Paroske team debated last
year and won the NPDA tournament at
Willamette University in Salem, OR They
have begun to win for their second time at
the same colleges, such as, the Air Force
Academy and Casper Community College
in Wyoming. Paroske is use to success, as
he and his former debate partner Tammy
Schultz, '95, won the National Parliamentary Debate Championship in 1994 at Colorado College.
Other teams, such as Ed Horejs/Dan
Nelson and Jeff Kean/Danica
Favorite, have also consistently placed highly at tournaments this year.
One needs only to walk
through Main Hall and see
the team's trophy display
cases to get an idea of their
success. The team has won 44
individual awards this year at
their three tournaments. They
are now preparing to go to the
University of Missouri in St.
Louis, on the weekend ofNovember 2-6. Coach Stapleton
expects this to be "excellent
out-of-district experience and
exposure for the team's individual events, which is necessary for a good showing at
Stapleton feels that because of Regis' past success, the Regis teams
will "show them how it's done." The members of the team that were chosen to attend
are Danica Favorite, Dan Nelson, Ed Horejs,
Jeff Kean, Marcus Paroske, and Anthony
Bonino in place of Anne Jones, Paroske's
The Regis Debate team is also expected to perform well at the NPDA national
tournament at Rice University in Houston,
In addition to parliamentary style debate, Anne Jones has competed in LincolnDouglas debate and other members of the
team have also been successful in eleven
individual events (IE's). Strict standards of
format are used to judge all forensics events,
including the !E's. The eleven individual
events vary in style and structure:
• PERsuASIVE SPEAKING - an original speech
by the student
designed to inspire, reinforce or change the beliefs, attitudes, values
or actions of the audience. 8 to 10 minutes.
• IMPROMPTU SPEAKING - serious in nature,
with topic selections varied by round and
by section. Topics are of proverb nature. 7
minutes for preparation and speaking.
are given three topics in the general area of
current events which can be either domestic or international. They must choose
ONE, and have 30 minutes to prepare a
speech that is the original work of the student. Maximum time is 7 minutes for the
actual speech.
• INroRMATIVE SPEAKING - original, factual
edge of both Coach Stapleton and the team.
speech by the student on a realistic subject They encourage students to attend their
to fulfill the general aim of informing the practices and come to them for advice and
audience. 10 minutes.
coaching on speeches and dramatic inter• AFTER-DINNER SPEAKING (ADS) - origi- pretation.
nal, humorous speech by the student, deRecently the team has restored the trasigned to exlubit sound speech composition, dition of hosting tournaments on the Regis
thematic coherence, direct communicative campus. They will host the first full-fledged
public speaking skills, and good taste. The tournament since the 1960s on February 23audience should laugh. IO minutes.
25. It will be conducted with the same stan• CoMMUNICATION ANALYSIS - original dards and grandeur as those hosted in earspeech by the student designed to offer an lier decades. This effort to bring back tourexplanation and/or evaluation of a commu- naments to the Regis campus is only one of
nication event such as a speech, speaker, Stapleton and the team's endeavors to honor
movement, poem, poster, film, campaign, the traditions ofthe forensics teams of Regis'
Forensics team
members Ed
Anthony "Acen
Bonino bring a
sense of patriotism
and pride to the
Regis powerhouse
forensics team.
Thus far in the
semester, the team
has won 44 awards
in only three
The Forensics
and Debate Team
is the only
organization in
Regis history to win
a national title.
etc. through the use of rhetorical principles.
10 minutes.
• PRosE INTERPRETATION - selection or selections of prose material of literary merit
which may be drawn from more than one
source. IO minutes including introduction.
• PoETRY INTERPRETATION - selection or selections ofpoetry ofliterary merit which may
be drawn from more than one source. 10
minutes including introduction.
• DRAMA INTERPRETATION - a cutting which
represents one or mvre characters from a
play or plays of literary merit. 10 minutes.
• PROGRAM ORAL INTERPRETATION - a program of thematically-linked selections of
literary merit, chosen from two or three recognized genres of competitive inteipretation
(prose/poetry/drama). IO minutes.
• DRAMATIC Duo - a cutting from a play,
humorous or serious, involving the portrayal
of two or more characters presented by two
individuals. 10 minutes including introduction.
Stapleton is confident that the Regis
team will qualify for the National Individual
Events Tournament (NIET) this year, as they
have done for the last 15 years. The tournament will be held in April at the University
of Florida in Gainsville.
The forensics and debate team wish
to make themselves more visible and open
to the Regis community, allowing more students to utilize the experience and knowl-
The team also plans to start a speech
and debate series on campus for students to
enhance their public speaking skills.
The Regis University Forensics team
is open to all students who wish to join.
There are no restrictions to class or major,
but students must maintain a 3.0 GPA. Students who exhibit genuine interest to learn
and compete and demonstrate commitment
may be eligible for a half tuition scholarship. Students who are intere~ed should
contact Bonnie Stapleton in Loyola 11 or at
x4145.is open to all students who wish to
join. There are no restrictions to class or
major. Students who are interested should
contact Bonnie Stapleton in Loyola 11 or
Editor Rrsigns ... pg. 2
G ivr Blood ......... pg. 3
Drad Prrz' s ........ pg. -'
Paul & .\rt ......... pg. 5
A •• •••••••••••••••••• I)U
©/ \Cf
~· (j)
Focus Issur ......... pg. 7
• EDITOR • c/o HIGHL,NjDER • 3333 Reois
• DENVER, CO 80221-1099 •
November 1, 1995
The Highlander
Okay, so the semester is halfover. (WHEW!)
Midtenns are done with and/ have gained a second
wind. Hopefally it will last through Christmas (as
ij). J have made some major decisions during the
past week. Firs( ofall, I am resigning as Editor and
Dear Editor,
As a junior at Regis University, I have
always known exactly what the Executive
Cabinet is, but I have never understood what
they did or added to our community. This
year, and throughout this week, I developed
a better understanding about what the students leaders give to our campus. I attended
the pep rally Wednesday night and it seemed
to be a huge success. Getting the students
acquainted with the various teams will most
surely·increase audiences at the events. The
games and prizes got the students excited
about sports and Regis in general. As if
that were not enough, there was an exciting
giveaway Thursday in the snack bar. The
buzz around ~hool lately has been the new
"mystery flights" in Colorado Springs by
Western Pacific Airlines. The spontaneous
quality of this idea seems to be a hit on campus. Sensing this, the Executive Cabinet
had a surprise contest during lunch. They
gave away two mystery flight tickets to the
first person through the line with a Regis
shirt. I know that I will be wearing my Regis
shirt more often! The bottom line is that is
was a great idea and, for all those in attendance, it was an exciting contest! It seems
that we should all hang out at the Snack
Bar more often.
Meggi,, C Caylor
• Stlldent Center•
3333 Regis Blvd. • Denver. CO 80221
Main Office: (303) 961-5391
Business Office: (303) 961-5395
FAX: (303) 964-5530
.ll lllflllllJI ~~§§:2~~
The paper isfall ofwholesome, Regis community sap. I have not received a single letter to
the editor with scathing remarks about the injustices ofthis campus. When, oh when, is
the controversy going to start?I
On a serious note, I am not really quitting. It has been the experience ofa lifetime so
far; my editing this wonderful publication called the Regis University Highlander. I have
had the chance to genuinely serve the community by providing information about campus
events, sporting events, new professors, campus speakers, student issues, social issues and
ofcourse, the band-wagon tradition ofO.J. Simpson.
Additionally, I have learned a great deal about service in the two years that I have
been attending Regis. When I heard President Clinton speak on Martin Luther King Day
in February. he remarked that through service and helpinf.! your neighbor. we can ac_hiev_e
the "dream" that Dr. King advocated. Then, in June, when I attended a convention m
Washington, D.C., I had the honor of introducing CEO ofthe Corporation for National
Service, Eli Segal. In ,';is speech Segal stressed that ofall the things we could do in our
Jives, doing good for others is the only way to lead a fa/filling and inspiring life.
Unfortunately, as students, it is easy for four years to slip by without our learning
the value ofthe human spirit, ofkindness, an<J ofservice. My semester has been hectic, but
I have still made time to askyou whatyou thiiJk ofthe paper, and what you like about it this
fall. I have heard responses ranging from "it is boring-there is no controversy, " ''I like
the increase in ads, " "it is ofhigh quality and very informative, "to "it is a great improvement. " Your responses at least lead me to believe that we are doing a good job. We hope
only to improve.
The staffofeditors and writers have diligently worked to maintain the quality ofthe
content and to bring you a variety oftopics. We only ask one thing in return. Please give
us some feedback. What do you think of the Highlander, and how do you think we can
improve? Ifyou see one ofthe editors around campus, please take a moment to congratulate them on a job well done. Don tjust inform them ofthe mistakes that were made. Also,
please fill out the response form in this issue, cut it out and bring it to our office to Jet us
know what you think ofthe content ofthe Highlander.
We are in the business ofinformation. However, /feel that we are also in the enterprise ofservice. Ifyou have any questions or comments, please contact me at x539 l.
Marlo Eason
Assistant Editor
Angela O'Dorlslo JuHe Novotny
Sports Editor Asst. Sports Editor
Patty Smith
.Kandice Vallelo
Copy Editors
Rapt Kabadt
Venus Rlvu
Entertainment Asst. Entertainment
Konstantin Zecevk
Photography Editor
Jessica Bamnann
Duq Fl'Juin&er
Victoria Vllluenor
Layout Editors
Dglree Sanchez
Marisa Perez
Asst. Advertising
Melinda Padilla
B_usiness Manager
Office Assistants
By Eric Staton • Guest Writer
one of my favorite expressions re
garding service from Hideyuki Arai,
a fellow housemate. Hide (pronounced HeDay) shared with us a picture of a flower
being held by two hands, and he explained
that the flower was being given to one person by another. The picture was made at a
point within the exchange where it is impossible to discern which hand is giving the
flower and which is receiving it. Hide told
us that his idea of service relates to that picture, because at a given time in a service
setting, it can be difficult to determine who
is giving and who is receiving.
This past week I experienced what
Hide talked about on several different occasions. Before I begin, however, let me say
that up until this past week my service experiences were, at times, disappointing.
Now that I look back, I realize that a lack of
feedback caused this feeling. The fact that
I did not know whether or not the students i
tutor were learning anything, or if they even
felt that our time together was worthwhile,
made me question the significance of my
work.· I understand now that a large part of
this was that my students were taking time
getting to know me, just as I was getting to
know them. From this experience I would
like to ask everyone involved in, or intending to get involved in community service to
keep ·from getting .discouraged, because,
whether we as community servants know it
or not, it's very likely that our work is helpful and appreciated.
The point at which we do realize that
our work is appreciated though, is that point
which Hide used the flower picture to help
explain. A week ago -this past Tuesday I
went to Westside Christian Fellowship
Church to tutor Mike, a fifth grade student
at Eagleton Elementary. As I mentioned
before, I doubted whether or not Mike be-
lieved our time studying together worthwhile, but during the kids' "Club" time, in
which they play games and hear stories, Ms.
Kraebel, Mike's teacher, took the time to
tell me that earlier at school that day Mike
continually talked about how he was looking forward to attending tutoring that
evening. Along with that, Mike's interest
in having me participate in the games the
students were playing made me realize that
he does value our time together.
Three days later at Skinner Middle
School, where I tutor eighth graders, I was
"... at a given time in
a service setting, it
can be difficult to
determine who is
gi.ving and who is
receiving. "
further encouraged. First came news about
three students who I help with language arts.
Two weeks ago when I met these three students I learned that, between two of them,
they averaged 19 absences each within the
first 30 days of classes, while the other one
could be found cutting classes at his convenience for the purpose of "rollin' and
smokin' a fat one." I found out last Friday
though that they all had attended every day
of school last week. I know that I am not
the sole reason behind their increased attendance in school, because for a couple of
them, one more absence means a trip to
Gilliam, the juvenile detention center. I do
find, however, that every ·Friday they look
forward to our tutoring session (and maybe
that is because they get to leave the classroom for it). Whatever the reason for their
improvement, it is encouraging to see students with a renewed interest in school, no
matter how minimal.
Of all my encouraging experiences
last week, the last one involved words coming directly from a student. Melissa was
having difficulty taking a science quiz, because she has trouble reading. She and I
spent about twenty minutes in the library
doing the quiz orally while the rest of the
class took it in the classroom. She knew
the material, but she was frustrated by the
difficulty taking the quiz presented. We finished the quiz, on which she did quite well,
and she returned to class. As I left Skinner
later that afternoon, Melissa, heading to
lunch, came down a flight of stairs near the
door I was exiting. We exchanged "Hi"s,
and as I approached the door I heard a quiet,
"Thank you." It took me by surprise, and
after I recovered, I looked back and told her
with a smile, "You're welcome."
At this point in my week the distinction between who benefitted the most from
my participating in community service began to blur. Like the hands on the flower it
became impossible for me to distinguish
who, the students or myself, was profiting
from our work together. Sure they learned
a thing or two about photosynthesis, or capitalization, or topic sentences, but the encouragement they provided their tutor, by looking forward to and valuing that time together, has yielded meaning to his work (and
for as much as our work is our life, his life
too) which is incomparable to any experience thus far. For everyone at Regis who
works in the service of others, I hope that
you have the opportunity to experience the
feeling which accompanies having both
hands on the flower in that moment of mutual gain.
Featured Writen & Reporten
F.rik Wunderlich • Beth Bonostettcr •
Michael Creaga- • Elizabeth Walsh
• Eric Staton • Jacob Starkovich
• Matt McDowell • Jim Nuium •
Sheny Perry • Cynthia Rabinowitz •
Amy Everitt• Sharon Sta1P"
Brian Andrewr Erica Sotelo•
Anthony Bonino • Ed Horejs •
Lucy Arritt • Jolm Heminger•
George Koumantakia • Kandy Vallejo •
Jessica Sell • Sean McNamara•
Megan Kelly• Ame Malvick •
Jaimie Birge • Derck Scarth •
Jon Adams • Debbie Cahill•
Tun Louie • F.mmett McCabe •
Tyra Bischoff• Bill Dupey •
About this publication:
The Regis University Highlander is
an independent student newspaper
published weekly for the Regis University
The Highlander serves to inform the
Regis oonununity ofevents and persoos relevant to life on the Regis campus. In addi·
tion, the Highlander serves u an open fo.
nun for anyone who wishes to express bis
or her mind. The opinions ofthe authors of
the letters or articles may or may not necessarily be the opinion of the Highlander
The Highlander will c:ontinuc to provide anyone, regardless ofrace, creed, gender, age, or status the opportunity to say
what he or she feels needs to be said
All articles that appear in the Commentary or Editorial sections ofthe Highlander are to be considered penona1 opinion ofthe author and do not necessarily~
fleet the opinion ofthe editors or sta1f.
Our purpose is strictly to save the
Regis Community. Anyone who has concerns should contact Nandini Stocker, Editor-in-<:hiet; at 964-5391 or in the office
located in the basement oftbe Studcd Cm-
November 1, 1995
The Highlander
Guest Commentary
Racial Entitlement Does Not Equal~~:;:~=
Often conservatives are accused of
being "racist," "sexist," or otherwise morally bankrupt by liberals when the subject
of affirmative action surfaces in conversation. Republicans, according to our liberal
friends, are the oppressors out to sweep any
and all advances made by blacks since the
Civil Rights era under the nearest
Newtonian rug. This is simply not the case.
A critical examination of affirmative action
reveals that, although the intention was for
an aggregate good, the net result of the.
implementation of this policy has been an
aggregate bad.
It is ironic that the same policy, intended to counter discrimination, actually
promotes it! The Young America's Founda-tion points out:
Affirmative Action meets the
Webster's dictionary definition of discrimination which reads: "treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor
of or against, a person or thing based on the
group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit." Discrimination runs directly
counter to the tenents upon which the United
States was founded. Justice Sandra Day
O'Connor cited this "basic principle" in [the]
recent Supreme Court majority decision
[Adarand v. Pena] that restricted the practice of affirmative action:
... the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution protect persons,
not groups. It follows from that principle
that all governmental action based on
rase... should be subjected to detailed judicial inquiry to ensure the personal right to
equal protection of the laws has not been
In a concurring opinion on the same
~ . Justice Antonin Scalia elaborated on
this concept of "group" versus "individual"
... To pursue the concept of racial entitlement-even for the most admirable and
benign of purposes-is to reinforce and preserve for future mischief the way of thinking that produced race slavery, race privilege and race hatred. In the eyes of government, we are just one race here. It is American.
Justice Sandra Day O'Connor intimates the essence of affirmative action actually further represses the black race. Author Shelby Steele, professor of English at
1t1a11Regis Cares Committee
San Jose State University, takes this notion
one step further by suggesting "at its very Dear Studmtr:
roots, affirmative action assumes and perpetuates the 'myth of black inferiority'" in
On behalf of the Regis Cares Committee, I would like to thank everyone that ather book The Content of Our Character.
tended the "Dinner by Region" on Wednesday, October 18th. A special thanks to Marriott
The effect of preferential treatment- for all of their work in preparing the food and decorating the cafeteria. The event apthe lowering of nonnal standards to increase peared to be a great success with everyone enjoying the food and ambiance.
black representation-puts blacks at war with
I hope that you survived your midterms and enjoyed your well-deserved long weekan expanded realm of debilitating doubt, so end! Remember that I am still interested in hearing how things are going for you, all in
that the doubt itself becomes an unrecog- hopes of malcing Regis a place where you feel comfortable and successful! Before the
nized preoccupation that undermines their semester is over, give me a call at 458-4900, or stop by and see me in the Admissions
ability to perform, especially in integrated Office, Main Hall.
Don't forget to attend the Community Coffee on the Thursday mornings from 9:00
Hard evidence and common sense lead a.m. to 9:30 a.m. in the student center. This is a great opportunity for us to visit!
directly to the conclusion that it is preferUntil next time, take care and keep in touch.
ential admissions-not "black inferiority"that has caused such poor levels of reten- Warmly,
tion for black students at the college level.
Any student, black or white, will have a Jacqueline Kennedy Phillips
greater propensity to fail if he is placed in a Regis Cares CommiJtee Coordi.nator.
situation in which he is the least
qualified ... Rather than being allowed to
learn at a school that is appropriate for their
level of preparation, affirmative action
Democrats in the Colorado House of Representatives are recruiting vol"bumps" minority students up to a level for
to serve as committee staff assistants, legislative aides and journalism
which they are often not prepared, and thereinterns
the 1996 legislative session, January 1Othrough May 8.
fore cannot compete...By bumping students
staff assistants work with Democratic lawmakers serving on
who are qualified to attend a school like UCthe
of reference. Duties include researching bills, atIrvine (where the average SAT score is 1030)
and preparing committee reports. Volunteers should
up to a school like UC-Berkeley (where the
hours per week.
average SAT score is over 1200), affirmaLegislative
interns will work with the caucus and
tive action ensures that its recipients will
and duties for aides and interns
be at the bottom of the class when they envary depending upon the needs of legislators and the caucus.
ter. Since bumping occurs at nearly every
Political science majors and journalism students, or individuals with interlevel of higher education--from the Ivy
est or skills in these areas will find a stimulating environment and challenging
League to the community colleges-affirmaassignments. Interns will learn the legislative process while making a valuable
tive action recipients will find themselves
to state government.
at the bottom of every entering class.
persons are encouraged to call Kathy Holland at 866-3844 or
In effect, affirmative action denies the
minority a level playing field upon which
to compete. It promotes a perception of the - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - minority as intellectually inferior, a notion
their ancestors fought to dispel.
With the renunciation of affirmative
action, what can Americans do to help
underrepresented minorities? Any successful effort must focus on providing equality
of opportunity and helping people make
themselves equal in terms of merit and
qualifications, and must focus on helping
individuals-regardless oftheir race or color-not groups. In other words, by fostering the
entrepreneurial spirit and empowering fellow Americans, the aggregate benefits for
the individual will exceed the loss.
---- -
Do 1y.au Ii~ t- 0
slari e.2?
Save a Life... Give
By Denise Hosier
Director of Nursing 11n.d Health Care A/fain
The first blood drive of the year will
be held on Thursday November 9th from
I :30 to 5:00 in the Faculty Lounge, Student
Center. Sign up in Campus Life now for a
time slot.
It's very important that people donate
blood. It can't be manufactured. Millions of
patients who require immediate transfusions
arc saved every year. Each year more than
12 million units of blood are needed to help
accident victims, surgical patients and others. Blood is perishable and can be stored
for only a limited period, so donating blood
regularly guarantees that there will be
enough in supply for everyone when needed.
Does it hurt to give blood? \i:ry little
at all. With just a little discomfort you can
help someone who may be in a great deal of
Are there any side effects? Some
people feel a little dizzy, but there are trained
people who are there to help you-it's important to eat before giving blood.
Can I get AIDS from donating? No
WAY! Nee<!les and tubing are used only
once, so there is no chance of getting AIDS.
So GIVE BLOOD! I! It takes only a
few minutes to help others who really need
Submit your work to Dr. Gronning in L 14 for
submission in Reflections, a yearly publication of Regis
student, faculty, and staff work. OR submit a cover
design and win a $50 cash prize if yours is chosen!
baby. Give It to me on the air In 10:
10...9 ...8 ...7... 6...5... 1490 AM.
• Deadline is Thursday, November 30, 1995 •
This is not a FUGAZI article
By Rajit Kabadi
Highlander Entertainment Editor
~---__,,;. .,)~~-.e!!'!!!!!!~·-/
ead Presidents" is the new
Hughes Brothers movie
starring Larenz Tate, Keith
David, Chris Tucker, Freddy
Rodriguez, Rose Jackson, and
N'Bushe Wright. The movie is
about Anthony Curtis, who is trying to find his place in society during the late sixties and
seventies. After high
By school, instead of goJessica ing to college as his
Baumann parents had planned
for him, he joined the
Marine Corps, where
he was placed in a spe- - - - - - cial unit. He quickly·
learned that his life
depended on his ability to kill other
human beings and to trust his fellow unit members and protect them
when necessary. When Anthony
came home after the war, he was not
greeted as a hero. He discovered that
his girlfriend had not been faithful
to him and had let another man care
On Sunday, October 22, I set out on
the usual journey to a show. This show
promised to be an incredible event as Fugazi,
who convinced me that they are one of the
greatest bands of all-time, was slated to play
at the Mammoth Events Center.
Once I got there, I was surprised to
see the "dance hall" atmosphere of the Mammoth Events Center. I have never seen a
show there, and in all honesty, I really don't
think I want to ever again (unless Fugazi
came back, in whose case, I would go to the
world's most horrible venues to witness).
The opening bands of the night were
God Is My Co-Pilot and Air Miami. GodCo
proved to be an interesting group. The musicians seemed to play whatever they wanted
to on their instruments, which included two
drums sets and an air harmonium. Then, in
one sequence, the guitarist proceeded to hit
his guitar with a small metal stick, while
the lead singer/screecher proclaimed that
she would "steal your girlfriend" (only one
member of the audience seemed to like this,
an older looking gentleman who took pictures. My friends and I are convinced that
he was her father, there to support his daughter, who really didn't have much abilities as
a vocalist.) On another occasion, the lead
screecher yelled some indecipherable words
as the rhythm guitarist (well, actually she
kinda just held the guitar, as opposed to really playing it.) wailed like a banshee. This
act of deathly defiance marked the advent
of death for these noise-rock "artists".
Air Miami played a pleasant brand of
rock n' roll that was reminiscent of the
Chapel Hill band, Superchunk. In true
Superchunk fashion, AM played a melodious set of songs with alternating male/female vocalists. This band played some good
music, and if you take away the guitarist/
singer's poor attempts at humoring the audience, they were worthy of some praise.
Now to an important matter that must
be read by all. Fugazi is a band that origi-
nates from the legendary D.C. punk band,
Minor Threat. Having influenced such "contemporary" acts as Pearl Jam, Pennywise
and The Offspring, Minor Threat, led ~
their inspirational leader Ian McKaye, have
never wavered in their battle against the
commercialist establishment. Since the very
roots of punk rock strive for free thought
and expression, Fugazi has held strong,
rather than capitalizing on the commercialization of the punk underground. Although
very well-respected by anyone who knows
anything about the punk "industry", Fugazi
refuses to succumb to the "industry" pressures by not selling their LP cassettes for
more than $7. They also have refused to create any T-Shirts to market their "art". The
only Fugazi T-shirts out there are those that
actually made them on their own money.
Fugazi receives none of those proceeds. Eat
your heart out Eddie Vedder!
Well, enough about the virtues of this
truly incredible live act. Fugazi opened with
the tune "Birthday Pony", and moved on to
"Sieve-Fisted Find", from their 1990 release
Repeater. They went on to play older tunes
like "Waiting Room" and the instrumental
"Sweet and Low". They also played "Do Ypu
Like Me" and "Fell, Destroyed", which is
from their newest album, Red Medicine.
This concert, despite the lackluster choice
of venue, proved to be possibly the best of
any shows I have ever been to (well over a
150!). After the show, I was simply speechless as Fugazi 's performance took every
ounce of feeling, both physical and emotional out of my body. To put this in perspective, I think that after the concert, my
mind rediscovered the power of music. It
isn't just something that you listen to, but it
is much more. The emotions that one senses
when the music is playing is the true measurement of this art, not the amount of
records sold. In this generation, where MfV
markets the best looking bands, the acts
bands which truly make a difference in
people's lives are sometimes forgotten.
for his daughter, who was born while
he was in Vietnam. He was unable to
find a good job and barely made ends
meet while working in a butcher shop.
Anthony and four of his old friends
came up with a plan to rob a truck carrying out-of-circulation currency to
Washington, where it would be burned.
"Dead Presidents" is a slang term for
currency which displays the face of previous U.S. Presidents. Needless to say,
the heist goes bad and even so, Anthony
believes he did nothing wrong because
of what he went through for America
during the war.
I was disturbed by this movie because of the content, as well as the im·
agery. The movie was inspired by actual events, which was a primary factor in why I was so affected by what I
saw. The Vietnam scenes were more
graphic than I have ever seen before;
many people in the theater had to look
away on more than one occasion. I do
not think that the Hughes Brothers, who
also did "Menace to Society", made an
extremely realistic and moving film
even with the extremity of the content
It is not the kind of movie one walks
out of feeling good about society, and
it's definitely not an easy movie to forget.
~ Chicano Novelist Hoses
Us Down With Holy Water
& • Art
paul •
By Kevin Maly
special to the Highlantkr
Diego, unbeknownst to his sister is
in El Paso, writing a novel-length suicide
ver been to one of those parish note. When not busy revising his check-out
churches in the southwest where ~istle, Diego dutifully fishes knifing victhere were more altars than tnns out of dumpsters and befriends the likes
benches? Where you couldn't budge with- of ~ary, a schizophrenic gringa, who is
out bumping into the statue of some saint? havmg little success convincing the deniWhere each santos threatened to outdo the zens ofEl Paso that she is indeed the Blessed
next in size or gaudiness? Where each of Virgin.
these scads of statues was fronted with such
Meanwhile, back in Palo Alto Eddie
a super-abundance of candles that the whole Maria Elena's husband, reveals tha~ he t~
place smelled sickly-warm and waxv? By has tried to escape his past, and a part of
all formal considerations these places should that past, wouldn't you just know, is a longbe declared aesthetic disaster areas, yet, lost brother he wants desperately to find.
somehow, they work. Somehow, they come
Lizzie is not idle while all these revoff as authentic expressions of the sacred.
elations occur. She flies in and out of her
This is the best
body while she tends to
analogy I can find for
Joaquin as he dies of
what author Benjamin
AIDS. And then we
Alire Saenz does in his
Joaquin's lover,
y tears weren't
novel "Carry Me Like
Jake, who rebuffs
all of sadness,
Water" (Hyperion,
Lizzie's proffered grief
however. Some were
$22.9.S). Saenz is a
therapy and instead
the tears of awe that
former priest who overseeks solace in hls jourflow when one
loads his narrative with
nal, a journal he adstands in the
theology, and who
dresses to his lost
presence of mystery,
threatens to drown the
brother, Jonathan.
reader with baptismal
in the presence of
Does this seem a
imagery. But too much
bit much? Yes, this is a
the holy, in the
of a sacrament is not
novel of incredible expresence of that
necessarily a bad thing
cess. But it is also an
small light that the
here, and this is one reaffecting novel, and I
darkness has never
demptive read.
found myself in love
yet comprehended."
"Cany Me Like
with its characters and
moved by the great
Water" is a narrative of
isolation and community, ofboundaries and griefs that human cruelty made them bear.
transcendence that flows (he's got me do- And that meant more water, salty water, that
ing the Hp thing no\;·) from San Francisco flowed down my cheeks to catch at the corto Palo Alto to El Paso and Juarez while ners of my mouth. My tears weren't all of
following the lives of an exquisitely loopy sadness, however. Some were the tears of
bunch of characters. Lizzie is telekinetic; awe that flow when one stands in the presthe ability to read minds and journey out- ence of mystery, in the presence of the holy,
of-body is given to her by her twin brother, in the presence of that small light that the
Salvador, as he dies of AIDS. Of course, darkness has never yet comprehended.
Yes, this novel, with its flaky characLizzie doesn't know that Salvador is her
long-lost, separated-at-birth sibling until ters, is messy and improbable. Its plot is difafter he is dead. Then there is Helen, nee ficult, gratuitous, and way over-done. But
Maria Elena Ramirez, whose attempts to it is precisely these thi!lgs that make this
forget her past fail her early on in the story. novel work. For when we.re the stories of
Helen, or whoever she is, once upon a time the redeemed ever about those whose lives
decided to abandon her Chicano name along were tidy and well-ordered? And when~
with her deaf-mute brother Juan Diego. redemption ever neat or easy? And then
When Helen finds the courage to take back there is grace - never probable, always exher given name, she begins her quest to find cessive.
Diego and to ask for his forgiveness.
Art and I were pretty stressed a few weeks ago, so we decided we'd take our homework and get off this campus! We puttered on down to Paris on the Platte in Art's awesome Ii ttle mobile, taking our handy-dandy Ii ttle coupon from this great newspaper called
the Highlander with us. At first our groovy waiter didn't think the coupon was real.
What, do you think-we made it up? Do you think we just went into PageMaker 5.0 and
invented it ourselves? We would have no idea how to do that. Like we would just CREATE this dorky little coupon and an imaginary newspaper. I mean, there would be so
much involved in that- we'd have to get money to support it and then we'd have to paste
it up and there'd be wax everywhere and we'd have to have reporters and photographers
and all the rest ofthat. It would probably take us until 4:30 in the morning to do all that!
And then we'd have to get UP at 7 a.m. (!II I I!) to drive the@#$% thing down to Englewood
to get it printed. Yeah, sure, Art, whatever. Just who did he think he was dealing with?!
But once we got the silly waiter to believe that there JS a Regis Highlander newspaper
and P on the P had actually PAID them to run this ad, he gave us the stupid cappucino
for a buck. We got supper, too-Art had been too busy to eat that day, so we thought I 0
p.m. made a good suppertime. Art said his veggie sandwich was a totally organic experiimce, and I spilled a huge carafe of hot spiced cider on my LAP. Yowsers! We ran into
some of our other buddies there- who were they again, Art? Mork & Mindy. Abbot &
Costello, Wayne & Garth, oh, and Princess Di & the dude with the big ears. Charles,
isn't it? Yeah, you yutz. Haven't you been keeping up on your royal family gossip?
Geesh, sorry. But anyway, we gave them some coupons too and went back to our homework. Back? We never started. And once we realized that, Art started bawling right
there in the middle of P on the P and we had to get him out of there before he started
So, we drove up to Lookout Mountain. Wasn't that romantic, Art? Wait a minute,
Paul, there weren't any women there! Oh, yeah, that's right. But I thought I was holding
on to something... ? That was the "Oh schitt" handle, you putz. You see, Paul was such a
wuss, he didn't trust my driving-even thought I was only going 3 MPH!! Lookout Mountain was way cool and we didn't get home till way past 3 a.m. We'd definitely recommend
going there ifyou are trying to escape from everything (yeah, but the roads are so zigzaggy
that you want to go with a GOOD driver).
The next week we were so fed up with the general flavor ofMa"iott that we went to
Heidi's on 32nd & Lowell. Again, Art had not eaten for over four days, so he ordered
seven items off the menu-including a fresh mozzarella sandwich, honey butter bagel,
apple pie, chips, ice cream, and iced tea. It was great except there was a hair in the
sandwich. When we told Heidi (we think it was her, although she didn't seem too happy-owning her own business and all) about the culinary addition to Art's meal, she asked if
we wanted our money back. We only wanted food, so she gave Art a new sandwich. Then
Art found a hair in his bagel. I guess it is an automatic condiment unless otherwise
specified. On the menu it should say: "Please indicate what color hair you prefer. We
specialize in curly red and brunette. "Art finally had his fill and we both decided the ice
cream is the highlight of their menu.
We plan to attend other places around the great city of Denver, and we welcome
suggestions. Please send all comments to the HIGHLANDF.R..
A Midsummers Night's
Dream Needs a Better Title
By Megan Kelly and Anne Malvick
Highlantkr Entertainment &porters
Saturday night, Anne and I travelled to Littleton to
VGS Not Your Ordinary STD
see A Midsummers Night's Dream at the Littleton Town
Hall Arts Center. Before the show, we ate at Jose's, a little
hole-in-the-wall Mexican restaurant. The food was decent,
By Brian Elms
All right, after only one opening act
and its location was ideal, right next to the Town Hall. We
Highlander Entmianment Reporter
then headed next door for the 8:00 performance of A Midcame the headliner, Voodoo Glow Skulls
summers Night's Dream.
-Well, this time it's Saturday when (VGS) They came out with all the horns and
The play is based on two pairs of lovers fighting for
Rajit calls and tells me I have two free tick- instruments you can imagine. They opened
each other. Hermia is the daughter of Egeus. Egeus has
ets to see the Voodoo Glow Skull. My first with Insubordination, the first song on the
picked the perfect husband for her, Demetrius, but Hermia
reaction, "actually, I'm already going, but if CD entitled "Who Is This Is?". VGS played
has her heart set on Lysander. Then, to make it even more
it's free, then I'm leaving now." Oh yeah, I with authority and power, and they kicked
confusing, Helena, Hermia's childhood friend, wants
forgot we get to go through the back door the boxers off a 12-year-old girl!!! VGS
who has no interest in Helena So, after Hermia
again, and we were on the list.
approached Egeus about their love for each
The concert started on time with this
Hermia the choice of marrying Demetrius
really amusing band named Schlong. Picor
be best to run away from Athens. They
rockture this: a drummer who looks like Screech
their plans, Helena decided to tell
metalfrom Saved By the Bell, center stage poundin
ing away surrounded by the other members
The fairy king, Oberon, and his sidekick Puck, who live in the forest, decided to help
who looked like extreme rock stars. Their thought they sold out ot stick it where the
bewitch Demetrius into loving her. All that came about was a big mess about who
minopening tribute to Sesame Street pretty acactually
loves who. In the end, everyone was lead to the forest by Puck in order to fix the
incurately set us up with the tone for the rest
result was Hermia and Lysander marrying and Helena and Demetrius marrying.
of the show. All their songs were mostly a
first Shakespearean play she really enjoyed it I on the other hand have
random mix of old covers of Ozzy and disco
that performance more than this one. I think the best. aspect of this
tunes, intensified by the punk rock style of
and its simplicity. Anne thought that the color scheme and the
fast and heavy drum beats. Like I said, they
were amusing and I liked them. although the VGS, including their performance and style of the costumes was unusual.
If you are interested, there are two more performances on November 3 and 4. For
the friend I was with found them a bit screwy. preaching.
tickets call 794-2787.
The Highlander
Proof That There
Is Spirit at Regis
By Danielle Ranwez
Special to the Highlander
he Spirit Team, an incredible
group of talented people, has ex
ploded with renewed energy.
This new team is both a cheer
and a dance team whose goal is to promote
school spirit at Regis. The captain, Sherri
Perry, has put much of her energy toward
bringing her team together, creating choreography, and connecting the team with athletics. With the help of their faculty advisor, Sharon Booton, the team expects to rise
above last year's accomplishments.
The dance portion of the team consisti. of both returning and new members:
Sherri Perry, Regina Tirella (Dance CoCaptain), Kelly Williams, Cori Fey, Tiffany
Dial, Sam Bell, Michelle Malouf, Dani
Ranwez, Heather Potter, Rachel Horn,
MazyAnn Strook, Angie Tirella, and Angela Pontarelli. Ryan Wilson (Cheer CoCaptain), Fabio Sandolo, Don Kuka, and
Josh Wilson finish off the cheer team.
The dance team is preparing a routine to compete in the Universal Dance Association (UDA) Nationals Competition.
This competition will be held the first week
of January in Orlando, Florida at Disney
World and Universal Studios. The team
expects that they will be chosen to compete
and can't wait to meet Goofy, Mickey, and
their pals as well as being seen on ESPN.
The team has a promising chance, because
they were ranked in the Top 20 of Division
II schools in the 1994-95 season. This year,
if the team ranks in the top three, the
$13,000 expense will be paid for by the UDA
Nationals Committee.
Congratulations are in order for the
entire Spirit Team for all their accomplishments so far and good luck with the upcoming season.
Barb Schroeder, Doug
Montgomery, Sharon Booton,
Tom Reynolds, & Sherri Perry,
dedicadon and support/
-The Spirit Team
Trio Leads Team to 2-1
Record in Metro State Invite
By Angela O'Dorisio
Highlander Spo,u EdiJor
This past weekend was veiy busy for
the Women's Volleyball team. The Rangers competed in the Metro State Invitational. They played three matches and
ended with a 2-1 overall re::ord.
The first match was against Seattle
Pacific University. The teams played veiy
well against each other. However, the Rangers took the match in three straight games.
There were over 50 kills for the team.
The second match was against Mesa
State. This match was also successful for
the Rangers. The first game the Rangers
looked a little tired and the team was not
working as well together. However, Regis
turned around the momentum and won the
next three games.
Tie for
Rangers' Magic
Number Down to 1
By Julie Novotny
Assistant Sports Editor
The last match was against University of Nebraska-Kearney. This was the hardest match for the Rangers. It was a constant
battle. The team started over veiy strong
and won the first game. The next two games
were given up to UN. The Rangers pulled it
together and won the fourth game. Finally,
the last game was given up to UN. The final match score was 2-3.
Besides the overall team victoiy, there
three individual team members that also did
veiy well. Both Melinda Almazan and Amy
Hill were named to the Tournament Team.
Felicia Garcia was named MVP for the tournament. She had 53 kills for the weekend,
29 of them in the last match.
November 1, 1995
By Julie Novotny
Assistant Highlander Sports Editor
©WOO-HOO to Women's Volleyball players Felicia Garcia, Amy Hill, and Melinda
Almann. Garcia, a senior outside hitter, was named the Most \hluable Player at the
Metro State Invitational which took place November 20-21. Senior middle hitter Amy
Hill and freshman setter Melinda Almazan also made the All-Tournament Team.
©WOO-HOO to the Women's Soccer team for finishing second in the Colorado
Athletic Conference. I know, I know... sorne of you less appreciative fans are saying, "Big
deal. They won the title last year." But, hell, let's put it in perspective: second place out of
seven teams ain't bad. As a matter of fact it's darn good! Thanks to the team in general
and the seniors especially for an exciting season.
©WOO-HOO to the Spirit Team, Jake "The Snake" Starkovich, and anyone else
who was responsible for the Rally that took place Wednesday, October 25 at the beloved
Fieldhouse. This was a great opportunity to learn more about the Athletic Department as
a whole as well as to meet the coaches and many of the players. One can only hope it will
become an annual event!
®BOO to all of you "spiritually"-challenged (as Jake would say) students who did
not show up at the aforementioned Rally. One hour out of your day, is that too much to
ask? I think not! I hope to see all ofyou (at some time or another) at a Regis athletic event.
Women Trot Off Field With
2-0 Victory Over Ft. Lewis
By Jessica Sell
Highlznder Sports Reporter
Regis fans were entertained by the
women's soccer 2-0 victoiy over the Ft.
Lewis Skyhawks on Thursday, October 26.
Not only did the womens team win,
but a particular stands out among them all.
Her name is, the one, the only, you guessed
right, Amy Giltner. As she scored the second goal of the match, she knew that she
tied the record for most goals scored in one
season by a player. The obstacles she had
to overcome to score her goal were as followed: she received the ball, she dribbled
the ball, she dribbled some more, and eventually she dribbled over the keeper to put
the ball in the back of the net. Way to go
If you are wondering who scored the
first goal, well it came from junior, Lisa
Schneckloth. Teammate, Tonya Anderson,
kicked a comer from the right side and the
keeper tipped it off her hands. Lucky for
The Regis Women's Volleyball team
clinched at least a tie for the Colorado Athletic
Conference Championship by beating the
Metro State Roadrunners in yet another threega..'lle sweep (15-12, l~-4, 15-6) at the Regis
Fieldhouse Friday, October 27, 1995.
Senior outside hitter Felicia Garcia,
freshman setter Melinda Almazan, and senior
middle hitter Niki London led the Rangers offensively. Garcia recorded ten kills, Almann
tallied 32 assists, and London contributed four
service aces. Almazan also led Regis defensively with 11 digs while senior outside hitter
Steph Borgmann added 10. The Roadrunners'
.013 attack percentage pretty much sums up
their efforts. Obviously no one stood out offensively or defensively in their losing endeavor.
The win brings Regis' record to 15-5
overall and 9-0 in the CAC. The Rangers need
to win just one more match to clinch the championship outright, and continue on to NCAA
post-season play.
After a road trip to Hawaii (November
2-4) where Regis will play Hawaii-Hilo, Hawaii-Pacific, and BYU Hawaii, the team returns
to play at the Air Force Academy, November
the Rangers, but not so lucky for the
Skyhawks, that Lisa was not only in correct
position, but she was also in perfect position to score the goal. Congrats Lisa!! !
There were also those so. close why
didn't they score goals. We now will take a
look at some of those: the first one was by
Giltner, who was robbed by the keeper, but
eventually got her revenge, on a penalty
kick. The second almost goal was a shot
that looked like it was going to go in, but
hit the top crossbar instead. What a bummer.
Well the weather was a bit breezy and
kinda cool, but it was nice when the sun
came out to warm eveiyone up. The next
Lady Ranger home soccer match is TBA
because their regular season of play is over
and they are on their way to post-season play.
Good luck to eveiyone on the Lady Ranger's
soccer team!!!
7. The Rangers' next regular season home
match, November 9, will also be the season finale and the five seniors' last game at the beloved Fieldhouse. (Brings tears to your eyes,
doesn't it??)
Another great uve by the
Lady Rangtn led to
Friday's victory, which
bumped them Into the
Co-Championship apot In
the CAC Conference.
November 1, 1995
The Highlander
''Vampire in Brooklyn'' Takes Bluebird Crowd Goes Wild
Murphy Fans By Surprise
Over Mr. Bombastic
By I.Aley Arritt
Higl,lantler Entmainmmt Reporter
By Orlando Medina
A Vampire in Brooklyn caught most Eddie Murphy fans off guard. In Eddie's past
blockbuster hits, he played a witty, grinning, comic character that kept audiences roaring
with laughter. Although ~ere were
humorous scenes in this movie, the vampire
Maxmillion was more senous than Eddie s usual roles of the past. In this movie his wit
and ~n were frightening. From the beginning of the
movie, Maxmillion's shear savagery during his
"feedings" were astonishing, especially compared to the
antics of Axle in Beverly Hills Cop.
The plot of this movie is vampire Maxmillion is
the last living member of his race. He has fled from
country to country for centuries, avoiding the vampire
hunters that extinguished his entire race and culture.
With the knowledge he can not survive alone, he came
to Brooklyn to a significant other.
Unfortunately for Max the woman he has chosen,
Rita, turns out to be a police detective who has been
following his trail of dead bodies he left behind all over
Brooklyn since his arrival. To make matters worse, she's
a firm believer in the church and always wears a gold
cross around her neck. To save himself and his race
Max must fully convert Rita to vampirism.
The graphic use of all the supernatural powers of
the Hollywood vampire keeps the audience captivnted,
as Max cunningly pursues Rita through the streets of
Brooklyn. Eddie's portrayal of the bloodthirsty, yet elegant Maxmillion, is convincing as
the dark, filthy gutters of the Brooklyn setting.
For those looking for a good vampire movie, this is the one to see. However, if
you 're expecting the usual gun-slinging, joke-cracking Eddie, you 're in for a big surprise!
"Although there
were several
humorous scenes
in this movie, the
more serious
than Eddie~
usual roles of the
recognition by youths of the Caribbean and
America, who groove to the enticing lyrics
The Jamaican performer known as of performers from this branch of Reggae
"Mr. Lover, Lover" or "Mr. Bombastic," music.
The next act was two brothers hailing
Shaggy, on October 24th, performed at the
Bluebird theater on East Colfax, sponsored from Jamaica, who performed reggae renby the radio station KS 104 FM. At this out- ditions of American songs, for example,
standing appearance, he was promoting his "Water Runs Dry"(Boyz to Men).
When Shaggy appeared, the crowd
latest album entitled "Bombastic", which
The show was exciting and with
has lately been in the upper rankings on the
He did a few pieces from
pop music chart. As a great fan of Shaggy, I
like, "Oh Carolina,"
could not miss this event.
The small audience of approximately "Mampie" and "Big Up!" ,have a unique
150-200 waited anxiously for the star to ap- Belizean groove. In my country of Jamaica
pear around 8:30pm. The show was opened and other Caribbean nations, these songs
with Shaggy's very own band, who per- have been classics of Shaggy but have not
formed the song "King James \usion", a gained great public recognition in the United
rendition of the song by the Reggae band, States. He performed songs from his curSteel Pulse. They proceeded to play a few rent album, like "Summertime," "Gal Yu a
more of what is called "Roots Reggae." The Pepper," and "Bombastic," that stimulated
audience was already getting into the "irie the crowd.
The concert was non-stop fon and the
feeling" that reggae instills into it's listenBelizeans, who also attended, were quite
The next performer, Jamaican star pleased to groove to Shaggy "Live and diRayvon, who accompanied Shaggy in the rect." Hopefully Shaggy's album meets with
song "Summertime," made his appearance. great success here in the United States and
His mix of dance hall reggae surely got me he continues to provide fans, like myself,
to groove. Dance hall Reggae has had great with top hits and rhythms.
Students Form Backlash
Against Binge Drinking
A good hook, a cup of cappucino, beautiful
art, and great conversation. What more
could you needfor a study break. ••
11 :00 A.M. MQncuy • fri<My
I 2 :00 Noon S..turd.y
7 :00 PM. Su~y
1 :00 A.M. Su~y · Thund.iy
4 :00 A.M. Friday • S..tuflMY
lradical beverage?
:$1 00 Do~~~!t~~~;a~cino :
By Sally Spencer-Thomas, Psy.D.
Choices Program Coordinator
during a two-week period constituted
binge drinking. the highlights of the
study's results included the following
ALMoST HALI' (44%) of the ~ents
surveyed were binge drinkers, and of
these students almost 200/o were frequent
binge drinkers (binging more than three
The secondary effects of binge times during a two-week time span).
drinking are becoming a serious prob- +68o/o OF mJDENTS had experienced dislemon college campuses around the na- turbed study or sleep due to others' binge
tion, according to a recent Harvard study. drinking.
The notion that frequent binge drinkers +54 o/o HAD ro BABYsrr someone who was
create problems for themselves is not drunk.
news. Alcohol poisoning, unprotected +26% HAD ro FEND off the unwanted
sexual activity, academic problems, and sexual advances of a drunk student.
+t5o/o HAD 11ll!lR propself-injury are common
erty damaged by an inconsequences for the binge
toxicated person.
drinker. A trend that is bepoisoning,
coming increasingly rec• ALconoL PLAYED SOME
ognized, however, is the
role in 90% of violent
sexual activity,
gr.)Wfilg collective voice of
.;rimes on campus, inacademic
those who suffer from the
cluding rape.
"second-hand binge" efA growing group
problems, and
fects experienced by nonof
is protesting
self-injury are
binging students. These
the traditional rite of pascommon
students are becoming
sage of drinking to inconsequences for
frustrated with their heavy
toxication. These stuthe binge drinker.
drinking classmates, and
dents are not demanding
they are beginning to
campus-wide prohibispeak up. They are becoming tired of tion, but they are beginning to stand up
spending $20,000 a year to clean up for their rights. They are forming altersomeone else's vomit.
native social groups and living arrangeThe Harvard report studied a na- ments where binge drinking is not the
tional representative sample of colleges emphasis. They are confronting their
and examined the social and health prob- roommates and friends whose binge
lems related to drinking behavior in 140 drinking episodes have become unbearAmerican four-year colleges. These re- able. They are shifting their priorities to
searches defined binge drinking for men their friendships and their education.
as five or more drinks in a row or more Like the impact of the backlash against
times during a two-week period. For smokers, this is a trend that seems to
women, four or more drinks in a row catch on.
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