SIM Integration Guide - Verifone Support Portal
SIM Integration Guide - Verifone Support Portal
PAYware SIM Secure Integration Method Device Control Version © Copyright 2009. VeriFone, Inc. All rights reserved. Notice VeriFone has attempted to ensure the accuracy of the contents of this Program Guide. However, this Program Guide may contain errors or omissions. This Program Guide is supplied ―as-is,‖ without any warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. VeriFone may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice. In no event shall VeriFone be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, including without limitation damages for loss of business, profits, or the like, even if VeriFone or its representatives have been advised of the possibility of such damages. Printed in the United States of America. Copyright 2010 VeriFone, Inc. All rights reserved. VeriFone, the VeriFone logo, PAYware, and PCCharge and are registered trademarks of VeriFone. Other brand names or trademarks associated with VeriFone products and services are trademarks of VeriFone, Inc. All other brand names and trademarks appearing in this manual are the property of their respective holders. No part of this publication may be copied, distributed, stored in a retrieval system, translated into any human or computer language, transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of VeriFone, Inc. VeriFone, Inc. 8001 Chatham Center Drive, Suite 500 Savannah, Georgia 31405 Development Support: (877) 659-8983 2 Table of Contents VeriFone PA-DSS Guide: PAYware PC, PAYware Transact, and PCCharge........................... 5 Introduction and Scope ............................................................................... 5 Applicability ............................................................................................ 5 Distribution and Updates ............................................................................. 5 What does PA-DSS mean to you? .................................................................... 6 Third Party Applications .............................................................................. 6 PA-DSS Guidelines ..................................................................................... 7 More Information .................................................................................... 13 PA-DSS Requirements Reference .................................................................. 13 Overview...................................................................................................... 15 PAYware Secure Integration Method (PAYware SIM) Control ........................................ 15 Supported Operating Systems ..................................................................... 15 Features ...................................................................................................... 16 Supported Hardware ........................................................................................ 17 PIN pads ............................................................................................... 17 MX Passthrough....................................................................................... 17 USB HID Format Card Readers ..................................................................... 19 VeriFone SIM.DLL ............................................................................................ 21 System Requirements ............................................................................... 21 Install / Uninstall Documentation ................................................................ 21 Referencing the Control ............................................................................ 21 Instantiating the Control ........................................................................... 22 PAYware SIM Dependencies ........................................................................ 23 PAYware SIM Namespace ........................................................................... 23 Pseudo-Code ................................................................................................. 24 Credit Card Sale/Pre-Auth/Debit Sale – Retail/Card Present................................ 25 ―Follow-On‖ Transactions .......................................................................... 27 SIM.DLL Integration Method ............................................................................... 29 Device Properties .................................................................................... 29 Device Methods ...................................................................................... 33 Communication Properties ......................................................................... 34 Communication Methods ........................................................................... 35 Merchant Configuration Properties ............................................................... 36 Logging Properties ................................................................................... 37 SIM.DLL General Methods .......................................................................... 38 SIM.DLL Events ....................................................................................... 40 SIM.DLL Error Properties ........................................................................... 40 Integrating to PCCharge ................................................................................... 41 PCCharge Properties ................................................................................ 41 PCCharge Methods ................................................................................... 49 PCCharge Gift Card Integration Properties ..................................................... 52 PCCharge Gift Card Integration Methods ........................................................ 54 Integrating to PAYware PC, PAYware Transact or PAYware Connect .............................. 58 PAYware PC, PAYware Transact/PAYware Connect Properties ............................. 58 PAYware PC, PAYware Transact/PAYware Connect Methods ................................ 69 Appendix A – SIM.DLL Constants .......................................................................... 74 3 Action Codes .......................................................................................... 74 Error Codes ........................................................................................... 78 Appendix B – PCCharge Constants ........................................................................ 79 Address Verification Response Codes ............................................................ 79 CVV2/CVC2/CID Response Codes ................................................................. 79 Processing Company Codes ........................................................................ 80 PCCharge Transaction Result Constants ......................................................... 81 Appendix C – PAYware PC, PAYware Transact and PAYware Connect Constants ................ 83 Address Verification Response Codes ............................................................ 83 CVV2/CVC2/CID Response Codes ................................................................. 83 Payment Media ....................................................................................... 84 PAYware Transact and PAYware Connect Transaction Result Constants .................. 85 Termination Status .................................................................................. 86 Appendix D - Unmanaged Code ........................................................................... 87 Appendix E – TIM: Store and Forward Module .......................................................... 88 Appendix F – VeriShield Protect© ......................................................................... 89 Appendix G - MX Passthrough FormAgent Commands ................................................ 90 Appendix H - Editing/Creating the SIM Form Deck ................................................... 113 4 VeriFone PA-DSS Guide: PAYware PC, PAYware Transact, and PCCharge Introduction and Scope The Payment Card Industry Payment Application Data Security Standard (PCI PA-DSS) is comprised of fourteen requirements that support the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). The PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC), which was founded by the major card brands in June 2005, set these requirements in order to protect cardholder payment information. The standards set by the council are enforced by the payment card companies who established the Council: American Express, Discover Financial Services, JCB International, MasterCard Worldwide, and Visa, Inc. PCI PA-DSS is an evolution of Visa‘s Payment Application Best Practices (PABP), which was based on the Visa Cardholder Information Security Program (CISP). In addition to Visa CISP, PCI DSS combines American Express‘ Data Security Operating Policy (DSOP), Discover Network‘s Information Security and Compliance (DISC), and MasterCard‘s Site Data Protection (SDP) into a single comprehensive set of security standards. The transition to PCI PA-DSS was announced in April 2008. In early October 2008, PCI PA-DSS Version 1.2 was released to align with the PCI DSS Version 1.2, which was released on October 1, 2008. Applicability The PCI PA-DSS applies to any payment application that stores, processes, or transmits cardholder data as part of authorization or settlement, unless the application would fall under the merchant‘s PCI DSS validation. If your application runs on Windows XP, you are required to turn off Windows XP System Restore Points. PAYware PC, PAYware Transact, PAYware SIM, and PCCharge (collectively the ―PAYware NA Payment Applications‖) were developed by VeriFone for use by third parties, and therefore are subject to PA-DSS validation. PAYware Connect (also included under ―PAYware NA Payment Applications‖) falls under PCI DSS. See the PCI PA-DSS Program Guide to determine if PCI PA-DSS validation is required for any other payment applications used at the merchant location. It is important to note that PA-DSS validated payment applications alone do not guarantee PCI DSS compliance. The validated payment application must be implemented in a PCI DSS compliant environment. Distribution and Updates This guide will be provided to VeriFone‘s customers including processors, resellers, ISOs, and integrators along with the PAYware NA payment applications. It is the responsibility of these parties to ensure the information contained in this guide is passed on to their customers (the merchant), in order to illustrate the requirements for complying with PCI DSS. Additional information about PA-DSS and VeriFone‘s PA-DSS Training can be found on our website at 5 What does PA-DSS mean to you? VeriFone submits its PAYware NA payment applications to an annual PA-DSS audit in order to maintain PA-DSS validation. In addition, if any major version change is made in any PAYware NA payment applications, VeriFone submits that application for a full PA-DSS audit again. An example of a major version change would be PCCharge 5.8 moving to PCCharge 5.9. For minor changes, such as PCCharge 5.8.1 to 5.8.2, an attestation form for minor change revisions is required. These minor change revisions are submitted to VeriFone‘s Qualified Security Assessor (QSA), which creates a report to submit to PCI SSC. All validated applications are listed on the PCI SSC web site at The following table provides opening points to cover in any discussion with merchants on data storage and why a merchant should use PAYware PC, PAYware Transact, PAYware SIM, PAYware Connect, or PCCharge to assist in maintaining PCI-DSS compliance. Cardholder Data Sensitive Authentication Data 2 Data Element Primary Account Number Cardholder Name 1 Service Code 1 Expiration Date 1 Full Magnetic Stripe Data3 CAV2/CID/CVC2/CVV2 PIN/PIN Block Storage Permitted Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Protection Required Yes Yes 1 Yes 1 Yes 1 N/A N/A N/A PCI DSS Req. 3, 4 Yes No No No N/A N/A N/A Third Party Applications A PAYware NA payment application validation does not extend to any external third party application that has integrated such PAYware NA payment application as the payment engine. The end-to-end transaction process, beginning with entry into the third party application until the response from the payment engine is returned, must meet the same level of compliance. In order to claim the third party application is end-to-end compliant, the application would need to be submitted to a QSA for a full PA-DSS audit. The use of a PAYware NA payment application also does not exempt a third party integrator‘s application from a PA-DSS audit. The end user and/or P.O.S. developer can integrate and be compliant in the processing portion of a payment transaction. A brief review (given below) of the PA-DSS environmental variables that impact the end user merchant can 1 2 3 These data elements must be protected if stored in conjunction with the PAN. This protection should be per PCI DSS requirements for general protection of the cardholder environment. Additionally, other legislation (for example, related to consumer personal data protection, privacy, identity theft, or data security) may require specific protection of this data, or proper disclosure of a company's practices if consumer-related personal data is being collected during the course of business. PCI DSS; however, does not apply if PANs are not stored, processed, or transmitted. Do not store sensitive authentication data after authorization (even if encrypted). Full track data from the magnetic stripe, magnetic-stripe image on the chip, or elsewhere. 6 help the end user merchant obtain and/or maintain PA-DSS compliance. Environmental variables that could prevent passing an audit include without limitation issues involving a secure network connection(s), end user setup location security, users, logging and assigned rights. PA-DSS Guidelines The following PA-DSS Guidelines are being provided by VeriFone as a convenience to its customers. These PA-DSS Guidelines were copied from PCI DSS Program Guide as of March 31, 2009. Customers should not rely on these PA-DSS Guidelines, but should instead always refer to the most recent PCI DSS Program Guide published by PCI SSC. 1. Sensitive Data Storage Guidelines 1.1 Do not store sensitive authentication data after authorization (even if encrypted): Sensitive authentication data includes the data as cited in the following Requirements 1.1.1 through 1.1.3. PCI Data Security Standard Requirement 3.2 Note: By prohibiting storage of sensitive authentication data after authorization, the assumption is that the transaction has completed the authorization process and the customer has received the final transaction approval. After authorization has completed, this sensitive authentication data cannot be stored. 1.1.1 After authorization, do not store the full contents of any track from the magnetic stripe (located on the back of a card, contained in a chip, or elsewhere). This data is alternatively called full track, track, track 1, track 2, and magnetic-stripe data. In the normal course of business, the following data elements from the magnetic stripe may need to be retained: The accountholder‘s name, Primary account number (PAN), Expiration date, and Service code To minimize risk, store only those data elements needed for business. Note: See PCI DSS and PA-DSS Glossary of Terms, Abbreviations, and Acronyms for additional information. PCI Data Security Standard Requirement 3.2.1 1.1.2 After authorization, do not store the card-validation value or code (three-digit or four-digit number printed on the front or back of a payment card) used to verify card-not-present transactions. Note: See PCI DSS and PA-DSS Glossary of Terms, Abbreviations, and Acronyms for additional information. PCI Data Security Standard Requirement 3.2.2 1.1.3 After authorization, do not store the personal identification number (PIN) or the encrypted PIN block. Note: See PCI DSS and PA-DSS Glossary of Terms, Abbreviations, and Acronyms for additional information. PCI Data Security Standard Requirement 3.2.3 1.1.4 Securely delete any magnetic stripe data, card validation values or codes, and PINs or PIN block data stored by previous versions of the payment application, in accordance with industry-accepted standards for secure deletion, as defined, for example by the list of approved products maintained by the National Security Agency, or by other State or National standards or regulations. 7 PCI Data Security Standard Requirement 3.2 Note: This requirement only applies if previous versions of the payment application stored sensitive authentication data. 1.1.5 Securely delete any sensitive authentication data (pre-authorization data) used for debugging or troubleshooting purposes from log files, debugging files, and other data sources received from customers, to ensure that magnetic stripe data, card validation codes or values, and PINs or PIN block data are not stored on software vendor systems. These data sources must be collected in limited amounts and only when necessary to resolve a problem, encrypted while stored, and deleted immediately after use. PCI Data Security Standard Requirement 3.2 2. Protect stored cardholder data 2.1 Software vendor must provide guidance to customers regarding purging of cardholder data after expiration of customer-defined retention period. PCI Data Security Standard Requirement 3.1 2.2 Mask PAN when displayed (the first six and last four digits are the maximum number of digits to be displayed). Notes: This requirement does not apply to those employees and other parties with a legitimate business need to see full PAN; This requirement does not supersede stricter requirements in place for displays of cardholder data—for example, for point-of-sale (POS) receipts. PCI Data Security Standard Requirement 3.3 2.3 Render PAN, at a minimum, unreadable anywhere it is stored, (including data on portable digital media, backup media, and in logs) by using any of the following approaches: One-way hashes based on strong cryptography Truncation Index tokens and pads (pads must be securely stored) Strong cryptography with associated key management processes and procedures. The MINIMUM account information that must be rendered unreadable is the PAN. PCI Data Security Standard Requirement 3.4 The PAN must be rendered unreadable anywhere it is stored, even outside the payment application. Note: ―Strong cryptography‖ is defined in the PCI DSS and PA-DSS Glossary of Terms, Abbreviations, and Acronyms. 2.4 If disk encryption is used (rather than file- or column-level database encryption), logical access must be managed independently of native operating system access control mechanisms (for example, by not using local user account databases). Decryption keys must not be tied to user accounts. PCI Data Security Standard Requirement 3.4.1 2.5 Payment application must protect cryptographic keys used for encryption of cardholder data against disclosure and misuse. PCI Data Security Standard Requirement 3.5 2.6 Payment application must implement key management processes and procedures for cryptographic keys used for encryption of cardholder data. PCI Data Security Standard Requirement 3.6 8 2.7 Securely delete any cryptographic key material or cryptogram stored by previous versions of the payment application, in accordance with industry-accepted standards for secure deletion, as defined, for example the list of approved products maintained by the National Security Agency, or by other State or National standards or regulations. These are cryptographic keys used to encrypt or verify cardholder data. PCI Data Security Standard Requirement 3.6 Note: This requirement only applies if previous versions of the payment application used cryptographic key materials or cryptograms to encrypt cardholder data. 3. Provide secure authentication features 3.1 The ―out of the box‖ installation of the payment application in place at the completion of the installation process, must facilitate use of unique user IDs and secure authentication (defined at PCI DSS Requirements 8.1, 8.2, and 8.5.8–8.5.15) for all administrative access and for all access to cardholder data. PCI Data Security Standard Requirements 8.1, 8.2, and 8.5.8–8.5.15 Note: These password controls are not intended to apply to employees who only have access to one card number at a time to facilitate a single transaction. These controls are applicable for access by employees with administrative capabilities, for access to servers with cardholder data, and for access controlled by the payment application. This requirement applies to the payment application and all associated tools used to view or access cardholder data. 3.2 Access to PCs, servers, and databases with payment applications must require a unique user ID and secure authentication. PCI Data Security Standard Requirements 8.1 and 8.2 3.3 Render payment application passwords unreadable during transmission and storage, using strong cryptography based on approved standards Note: ―Strong cryptography‖ is defined in PCI DSS and PA-DSS Glossary of Terms, Abbreviations, and Acronyms. PCI Data Security Standard Requirement 8.4 4. Log payment application activity 4.1 At the completion of the installation process, the ―out of the box‖ default installation of the payment application must log all user access (especially users with administrative privileges), and be able to link all activities to individual users. PCI Data Security Standard Requirement 10.1 4.2 Payment application must implement an automated audit trail to track and monitor access. PCI Data Security Standard Requirements 10.2 and 10.3 5. Develop secure payment applications 5.1 Develop all payment applications in accordance with PCI DSS (for example, secure authentication and logging) and based on industry best practices and incorporate information security throughout the software development life cycle. These processes must include the following: PCI Data Security Standard Requirement 6.3 5.1.1 Testing of all security patches and system and software configuration changes before deployment, including but not limited to testing for the following. Validation of all input (to prevent cross-site scripting, injection flaws, malicious file execution, etc.) 9 Validation of Validation of Validation of Validation of proper error handling secure cryptographic storage secure communications proper role-based access control (RBAC) 5.1.2 Separate development/test, and production environments 5.1.3 Separation of duties between development/test, and production environments 5.1.4 Live PANs are not used for testing or development. 5.1.5 Removal of test data and accounts before production systems become active 5.1.6 Removal of custom payment application accounts, user IDs, and passwords before payment applications are released to customers 5.1.7 Review of payment application code prior to release to customers after any significant change, to identify any potential coding vulnerability. Note: This requirement for code reviews applies to all payment application components (both internal and publicfacing web applications), as part of the system development life cycle required by PA-DSS Requirement 5.1 and PCI DSS Requirement 6.3. Code reviews can be conducted by knowledgeable internal personnel or third parties. 5.2 Develop all web payment applications (internal and external, and including web administrative access to product) based on secure coding guidelines such as the Open Web Application Security Project Guide. Cover prevention of common coding vulnerabilities in software development processes, to include: 5.2.1 Cross-site scripting (XSS). 5.2.2 Injection flaws, particularly SQL injection. Also consider LDAP and Xpath injection flaws, as well as other injection flaws. 5.2.3 Malicious file execution 5.2.4 Insecure direct object references. 5.2.5 Cross-site request forgery (CSRF). 5.2.6 Information leakage and improper error handling 5.2.7 Broken authentication and session management 5.2.8 Insecure cryptographic storage 5.2.9 Insecure communications 5.2.10 Failure to restrict URL access. Note: The vulnerabilities listed in PA-DSS Requirements 5.2.1 through 5.2.10 and in PCI DSS at 6.5.1 through 6.5.10 were current in the OWASP guide when PCI DSS v1.2 was published. However, if and when the OWASP guide is updated, the current version must be used for these requirements. PCI Data Security Standard Requirement 6.5 5.3 Software vendor must follow change control procedures for all product software configuration changes. PCI Data Security Standard Requirement 6.4. The procedures must include the following: 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.3.4 Documentation of impact Management sign-off by appropriate parties Testing of operational functionality Back-out or product de-installation procedures 5.4 The payment application must not use or require use of unnecessary and insecure services and protocols (for example, NetBIOS, file-sharing, Telnet, unencrypted FTP, etc.). PCI Data Security Standard Requirement 2.2.2 10 6. Protect wireless transmissions 6.1 For payment applications using wireless technology, the wireless technology must be implemented securely. PCI Data Security Standard Requirements 1.2.3 & 2.1.1 6.2 For payment applications using wireless technology, payment application must facilitate use of industry best practices (for example, IEEE 802.11i) to implement strong encryption for authentication and transmission. Payment applications using wireless technology must facilitate the following regarding use of WEP: For new wireless implementations, it is prohibited to implement WEP after March 31, 2009. For current wireless implementations, it is prohibited to use WEP after June 30, 2010. PCI Data Security Standard Requirement 4.1.1 7. Test payment applications to address vulnerabilities 7.1 Software vendors must establish a process to identify newly discovered security vulnerabilities (for example, subscribe to alert services freely available on the Internet) and to test their payment applications for vulnerabilities. Any underlying software or systems that are provided with or required by the payment application (for example, web servers, 3rd-party libraries and programs) must be included in this process. PCI Data Security Standard Requirement 6.2 7.2 Software vendors must establish a process for timely development and deployment of security patches and upgrades, which includes delivery of updates and patches in a secure manner with a known chain-of-trust, and maintenance of the integrity of patch and update code during delivery and deployment. 8. Facilitate secure network implementation 8.1 The payment application must be able to be implemented into a secure network environment. Application must not interfere with use of devices, applications, or configurations required for PCI DSS compliance (for example, payment application cannot interfere with anti-virus protection, firewall configurations, or any other device, application, or configuration required for PCI DSS compliance). PCI Data Security Standard Requirements 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6.6 9. Cardholder data must never be stored on a server connected to the Internet 9.1 The payment application must be developed such that the database server and web server are not required to be on the same server, nor is the database server required to be in the DMZ with the web server. PCI Data Security Standard Requirement 1.3.2 10. Facilitate secure remote software updates 10.1 If payment application updates are delivered via remote access into customers‘ systems, software vendors must tell customers to turn on remote-access technologies only when needed for downloads from vendor, and to turn off immediately after download completes. Alternatively, if delivered via VPN or other high-speed connection, software vendors must advise customers to properly configure a firewall or a personal firewall product to secure ―always-on‖ connections. PCI Data Security Standard Requirements 1 and 12.3.9 11 11. Facilitate secure remote access to payment application 11.1 The payment application must not interfere with use of a two-factor authentication mechanism. The payment application must allow for technologies such as RADIUS or TACACS with tokens, or VPN with individual certificates. PCI Data Security Standard Requirement 8.3 11.2 If the payment application may be accessed remotely, remote access to the payment application must be authenticated using a two-factor authentication mechanism. PCI Data Security Standard Requirement 8.3 11.3 If vendors, resellers/integrators, or customers can access customers‘ payment applications remotely, the remote access must be implemented securely. PCI Data Security Standard Requirement 8.3 12. Encrypt sensitive traffic over public networks 12.1 If the payment application sends, or facilitates sending, cardholder data over public networks, the payment application must support use of strong cryptography and security protocols such as SSL/TLS and Internet protocol security (IPSEC) to safeguard sensitive cardholder data during transmission over open, public networks. Examples of open, public networks that are in scope of the PCI DSS are: The Internet Wireless technologies Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) PCI Data Security Standard Requirement 4.1 12.2 The payment application must never send unencrypted PANs by end-user messaging technologies (for example, e-mail, instant messaging, chat). PCI Data Security Standard Requirement 4.2 13. Encrypt all non-console administrative access 13.1 Instruct customers to encrypt all non-console administrative access using technologies such as SSH, VPN, or SSL/TLS for web-based management and other non-console administrative access. Telnet or rlogin must never be used for administrative access. PCI Data Security Standard Requirement 2.3 14. Maintain instructional documentation and training programs for customers, resellers, and integrators 14.1 Develop, maintain, and disseminate a PA-DSS Implementation Guide(s) for customers, resellers, and integrators that accomplishes the following: 14.1.1 Addresses all requirements in this document wherever the PA-DSS Implementation Guide is referenced. 14.1.2 Includes a review at least annually and updates to keep the documentation current with all major and minor software changes as well as with changes to the requirements in this document. 14.2 Develop and implement training and communication programs to ensure payment application resellers and integrators know how to implement the payment application and related systems and networks according to the PA-DSS Implementation Guide and in a PCI DSS-compliant manner. 14.2.1 Update the training materials on an annual basis and whenever new payment application versions are released. 12 More Information For more information related to security, visit: WARNING: Although VeriFone, Inc. has designed SIM.DLL to properly secure credit card cardholder information according to PCI guidelines, it is ultimately the merchant’s responsibility to secure the system on which SIM.DLL resides and the environment in which it is used. PA-DSS Requirements Reference The following DSS Requirements were referenced in this document: DSS Requirement 1 2 3 4 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 DSS Sub-requirement(s) 1.1.4, 1.1.5, 1.1.6 2.1 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 4.1 4.2 6.1 9.1 10.1 11.2, 11.3 12.1, 12.2 13.1 14.2 13 Document History: Revision Author Date Description CC. 04/20/2008 Consolidate documents. TH. 04/28/2008 Format revisions. AW. 05/20/2008 PABP Updates MN. 06/21/2008 Document Updates. PG. 07/12/2008 Document Updates. KM. 09/18/2008 Document Updates. TH. 01/08/2009 PA-DSS Update, Document Updates. MM. 02/10/2009 Document formatting updates. TH. 4/03/2009 SP. 10/22/2009 Document Updates. TH. 11/11/2009 Updated Action Codes in the Appendices. PA-DSS Update TH. 11/16/2009 Updated CommMethod, Added Note to Libusb-win32, added Vx810 Canadian to device lists. TH. 01/07/2010 03/01/2010 TH. Updated Amount, CashBack, and GratuityAmount properties to reflect correct totals for PCCharge vs. PAYware product lines. 14 Overview PAYware Secure Integration Method (PAYware SIM) Control PAYware SIM is a comprehensive ActiveX control that provides a single interface to simply and securely integrate Windowsbased POS systems with VeriFone‘s complete portfolio of payment engines and PIN pads. PAYware SIM is designed to allow developers to enable processing of Credit, Debit, EBT, Gift and Settlement transactions to VeriFone‘s four payment engine services: PAYware PC, PCCharge, PAYware Transact, and PAYware Connect. Signature capture is also available via VeriFone MX series terminals. PAYware SIM is similar to the Device.ocx and the PSCharge.dll included in the PCCharge DevKit. PAYware SIM combines the functionality of both controls, while also giving access to VeriFone‘s other payment engines: PAYware PC, PAYware Transact and PAYware Connect. Supported Operating Systems Vista Business Edition (32-bit) Vista Home Premium (32-bit) Vista Home Basic Edition (32-bit) Windows XP Professional Edition (32-bit) Windows 2003 Server Edition (32-bit) Note: Please contact Developer Support for information regarding 64-bit Operating Systems. 15 Features PAYware SIM extends many of the features previously offered by the device.ocx and the PSCharge.dll. It also adds value through the following features: Simplified PAYware SIM is designed to take much of the integration to the devices and payment engines out of the developer‘s hands. PAYware SIM handles all PIN pad communication, payment engine message building, and socket or HTTP communications to the payment engine. The developer is only responsible for setting the transaction, merchant, device, and communication properties. An extensive sample is provided to aid integrators with coding their application. Flexible PAYware SIM supports the PAYware PC, PCCharge, PAYware Transact, and PAYware Connect APIs. It allows for simple transitioning to each payment engine. PAYware SIM supports several popular VeriFone PIN pads and allows for card swipe and PIN entry extraction for processing. Supports all processors that are supported by the four payment engines. Supports Retail, Mail Order, Restaurant, and Ecommerce business types. Supports Credit, Debit, Gift, EBT, and Settlement transaction types. Signature capture is available when using PAYware SIM with VeriFone MX series terminals. Other Features Utilizes the features of Microsoft‘s .NET 3.0 framework. This provides less dependency on third party controls. Supports SSL (Secure Socket Layer) connectivity to the payment engines for added security. Vast error handling. Contains optional, configurable logging as an additional troubleshooting tool. 16 Supported Hardware PIN pads PAYware SIM allows integration to PIN pads connected to the serial port. Currently, PAYware SIM supports the following devices: VeriFone 101/1000 (PIN entry only) VeriFone 2000 (Card Swipe and PIN entry only) VeriFone SC 5000 (Card Swipe and Pin Entry only, SC 5000 with VeriFone 2000 emulation only) VeriFone MX830* VeriFone MX850* VeriFone MX860* VeriFone MX870* VeriFone MX860 (MX Download 1.4 required) x VeriFone V 810 with Duet baset x VeriFone V 810 (XPI interface, US Debit only) t VeriFone SC 5000 (Interac Canadian Debit) x VeriFone V 810 with Duet base (Interac Canadian Debit)t x VeriFone V 810 (XPI interface, Interac Canadian Debit) t *MX Series terminals will need to be configured with the proper forms. To obtain forms and upload instructions, please contact Development Support at 1-877-659-8983. x t Minimum requirements for using a V 810 and/or Duet: OS: QG0011A0 App: XPI 3.10a MX Passthrough PAYware SIM provides an interface to send FormAgent/PAYware Vision commands to the MX devices. For a list of commands, please consult the FormAgent and PAYware Vision API documentation or see Appendix D on page 90. New Methods and Properties for MX Passthrough (See Device Properties and Methods beginning on page 32): Method SendMXCommand RetrieveMultiMXResponse Properties Command ResponseExpected WaitForFormEvent FormEventTimeout 17 Example scenario using detailing response handling: POS sends a command to show form with buttons on it and request PAYware SIM to wait for a response. SIM.SendMxCommand(<stx>XSFM RETR_YN<etx>, True, True, 60) One of three actions could occur: 1. The MX returns a response. PAYware SIM stores that response and the subsequent event occurs. Returned response to the method would be something like this: <stx>XSFM<fs>1<etx><gs><stx>XEVT<fs>2<fs>2<fs>0<fs>RETR_YN<etx> u 2. The MX returns a response. PAYware SIM stores that response but the MX fail to response on the subsequent form event. Returned response to the method would be something like this: <stx>XSFM<fs>1<etx><gs>-1 3. The MX fails to return a response to the initial command. Returned response to the method would be this: -1 ***<stx>,<etx>,<fs>, and <gs> are ASCII representations 18 USB HID Format Card Readers PAYware SIM now provides integration with independent card swipe devices. Integrators will be able to use USB HID format devices. The benefit to using an HID device is that it will send the encrypted card swipe data directly to PAYware SIM. This isolates the card data from the POS. This was previously only possible through a PIN pad with an integrated card swipe. This empowers integrators to develop their applications using a wider range of hardware integration. Prerequisites required in conjunction with SIM.DLL in order to use USB HID devices: Libusb-win32 driver from Note: Users with Windows XP and earlier should download Libusb-win32 driver version Users with Windows Vista or higher should download Libusb-win32 driver version Dependencies required in conjunction with SIM.DLL in order to use USB HID devices: nunit.framework.dll USB_LIB.dll USBHIDDRIVER.dll Steps to Integrate a USB HID device with PAYware SIM: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Set UseUSBCardReader = true Call GetUSBDeviceList, which will return a list of all USB/HID devices that are attached to the PC. Set the USBDeviceIndex to the index number of the desired device from the list returned in step two. Set all non-card related transaction properties in PAYware SIM then call the Process function. PAYware SIM will now wait for a card swipe from the configured USB/HID device for the allotted amount of time set in the SwipeTimeout property. 6. Swipe a card through the USB/HID device. The CardSwipe event will fire, at which time the integrated application is able to gather the masked card, expiration date, and cardholder name by calling the various ―Get‖ methods. 7. PAYware SIM will continue to process the transaction. The card information may be also gathered prior to calling the process routine by following steps 1-3 and then calling the RequestCardSwipe method of PAYware SIM. Then continue with step 4-7. Note PAYware SIM will only support USB HID format devices. It does not support USB HID Keyboard wedges. Some USB HID Keyboard wedges can be reconfigured to be true USB HID formatted devices. Please consult the USB HID manufacturer‘s documentation on instructions for doing this. PAYware SIM supports POS Keyboards with built-in card swipe devices; however, that card swipe device must also be reconfigured to USB HID format. 19 Code Example – Using a combo box to gather and set USB HID device: SIM.UseUSBCardReader = True Dim DeviceList As New Array() DeviceList = SIM.GetUSBDeviceList For i As Integer = 0 To DeviceList.Count - 1 cboUSBDevices.Items.Add(DeviceList(i)) Next .USBDeviceIndex = cboUSBDevices.SelectedIndex 20 VeriFone SIM.DLL SIM.DLL is provided with PAYware SIM. The control allows developers to access the various properties and methods necessary to integrate with the payment engines and the PIN pad devices. A comprehensive code sample and source code can be found in the SIM Sample Source Code folder. A sample executable can be found in the SIM Sample Application folder. The files that need to be deployed with SIM.DLL can be found in the SIM Deployment Modules folder. For any questions on the source code, sample executable, or deployment modules, please contact Development Support at 1-877-659-8983. System Requirements When integrating or deploying this control it is required that the machine has the following: .NET Framework 3.0 or higher installed on the machine Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.ConfigurationManagement.DLL Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.ConfigurationManagement.Interfaces.dll Install / Uninstall Documentation IMPORTANT: It is important to note SIM.DLL is deployed as part of an integrated solution. This solution is designed and created by a developer in order to integrate their product with PCCharge, PAYware PC, PAYware Connect, or PAYware Transact. As such, the SIM.DLL has no devoted installer. It is the sole discretion and responsibility of the integrator to meet necessary compliance to create and maintain proper install / uninstall documentation for the product that includes SIM.DLL. Referencing the Control Each development language has a different way of referencing ActiveX control. For example, In Microsoft‘s Visual Studio 2005, follow the procedure below: 1. Choose Project | My Project Properties from the menu bar, where My Project is the name of your project. 2. On the left side, click on the References tab. 3. Click on the Add button. This will display a dialog box that has several options for finding the SIM.DLL. Clicking on the Browse option is probably easiest. This will allow you to browse to the location of the SIM.DLL control. Once you add the reference, you will see ―VeriFone Secure Integration Method Device‖ in the References list. The control is now available for use. If Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 is not being used, please refer to the language documentation for referencing ActiveX controls or libraries. 21 Instantiating the Control SIM.DLL has two instantiation options from which to choose. If you would like to initialize the PIN pad, you may do so by instantiating the control as follows: For PINpad 1000, PINpad 2000, Omni 3730 or SC 5000: Private WithEvents Charge As New SIM.Charge(―Com Port‖, ―Baud‖, ―Parity‖, ―DataBits‖, ―Device Name‖, ―Logging Level‖) For MX Devices using IP: Private WithEvents Charge As New SIM.Charge(ByVal IPAddress As String, ByVal Port As String, ByVal SSL As Boolean, ByVal SSLCertificate As String, ByVal Timeout As String, ByVal Device As DeviceType, ByVal LoggingLevel As Integer) Initializing the PIN pad on instantiation allows the customer to swipe and initiate a transaction prior to the POS passing the transaction to the PIN pad. If you wish to not initialize the PIN pad on instantiation, use the following: Private WithEvents Charge As New SIM.Charge () The PIN pad will be initialized on the first transaction. 22 PAYware SIM Dependencies The following files must be registered and are required by PAYware SIM to perform various functions. Dependency Description SaxComm8.ocx Required for components that use the COM ports in Windows Interop.SaxComm8.dll Required for components that use the COM ports in Windows USB_LIB.dll Required for USB HID Devices USBHIDDRIVER.dll Required for USB HID Devices Nunit.framework.dll Required for USB HID Devices PAYware SIM Namespace A a new NameSpace and Class to centralize common Constants and Methods, and make them available to integrators. Namespace/Class Description SIM.VFI.Utils.StringUtils.CharConstants Constants for common control characters. SIM.VFI.Utils.StringUtils.AddLRC Calculates and appends the LRC value to a string. SIM.VFI.Utils.StringUtils.GetLRC Calculates the LRC value for a string. SIM.VFI.Utils.StringUtils.RegexConstants Constants doe commonly used regular expressions. 23 Pseudo-Code This section includes several programming algorithms that may be followed when using SIM.DLL. These examples are intended to be general pseudo-code type of examples and are not intended to reflect any one particular programming environment. The examples in this section represent the most common transactions that integrators may want to support when enabling payment processing in their application. Integrators can refer to the API, code samples, or contact Development support for questions about any of the transactions that are not covered in this section. 24 Credit Card Sale/Pre-Auth/Debit Sale – Retail/Card Present This algorithm demonstrates the coding required to perform a swiped credit card transaction in a retail environment. This example uses an SC 5000 device. See Instantiating the control for use with other devices. ‗Create the object Private WithEvents Charge As New SIM.Charge (―COM1‖, ―1200‖ , ―E‖, ―7‖, SIM.Charge.DeviceType.ppdSC5000, ―3‖) At this point, you want to gather card swipe information. When a customer swipes his or her card through the device, the ―CardSwipe‖ event is fired. Note The gather card swipe routine is completely optional. SIM.DLL will actually store that data through the duration of the transaction and send that data when Process is called. This step is only necessary for data gathering purposes. The card number will be returned in masked form, only displaying the first 6 and last 4 digits of the card number. ‘Gather Card Swipe Private Sub Charge_CardSwipe() Handles Charge.CardSwipe Card = Charge.GetCard ExpDate = Charge.GetExpDate Member = Charge.GetMember End Sub This data can be saved for when the ―Process‖ function is called. Private Sub Process() With Charge ‘Set the Payment Engine/Merchant Configuration properties ‗For PCCharge .PaymentEngine = SIM.Charge.PaymentSoftware.PCCharge .MerchantNumber = ―999999999911‖ .Processor = ―NPC‖ .UserID = ―User1‖ ‗For PAYware Transact/Payware PC .PaymentEngine = SIM.Charge.PaymentSoftware.RiTA_PAYware .ClientID = ―100040001‖ .UserID = ―MANAGER‖ .UserPW = ―Test123%‖ 25 ‗For PAYware Connect .PaymentEngine = SIM.Charge.PaymentSoftware.IPCharge .ClientID = ―100040001‖ .UserID = ―MANAGER‖ .UserPW = ―rita‖ .MerchantKey = ―123457890‖ ‘Set the required Communication Properties” ‗For PAYware Transact/PAYware PC/PCCharge .IPAddress = ―‖ .Port = ―31419‖ .CommMethod = SIM.Charge.CommMethod.IP ‘Set the required Device properties. Note: that if you already instantiated the device with the properties included as this example does above, then this portion of code is not necessary. .Baud = ―1200‖ .Parity = ―E‖ .Databits = ―7‖ .Device = SIM.Charge.DeviceType.ppdVerifone_SC5000 ‘Set the transaction properties. This is the basic, minimum data for a transaction. There are many other properties available. Please refer to the properties section for a list of those properties .Amount = ―25.00‖ .Cashback = ―10.00‖ ‗For Debit .Ticket = ―123456‖ .Action = SIM.Charge.Command.Credit_Sale ‗Miscellaneous properties .Timeout = ―60‖ .SwipeTimeout = ―120‖ .LoggingLevel = ―3‖ ‗ 3 = highest, 0 = Off .MaxLogsize = ―3‖ ‗in MB ‘Process the transaction If .Process Then Print .GetResult Print .GetAuthCode Print .GetReference Print .GetResultCode Print .GetTroutD Print .GetResponseText Else MsgBox("" & .ErrorCode & ": " & .ErrorDescription) End If ‘Clear the properties .ClearProps() 26 “Follow-On” Transactions This algorithm demonstrates how to perform ―follow-on‖ transactions. ―Follow-on‖ transactions are transactions that update, modify, or void a previous transaction. For instance, a post-auth is a ―follow-on‖ of a pre-auth. A void is a ―follow-on‖ of a sale or any other completed transaction. A gratuity is a ―follow-on‖ of a sale, etc. For ‖follow-on‖ transactions, all that is necessary for submission to the payment engine is the TroutD, which was returned on the original transaction, and the amount, if the amount needs to be updated. (Voids do not require an amount.) The TroutD is a unique identifier that allows the payment engine to reference the original transaction. The amount is only necessary on post-auths that are changing the original pre-auth amount, and gratuity transactions. ‗Create the object Private WithEvents Charge As New SIM.Charge () Private Sub Process() With Charge ‘Set the Payment Engine/Merchant Configuration properties ‗For PCCharge .PaymentEngine = SIM.Charge.Payment.PaymentSoftware.PCCharge .MerchantNumber = ―999999999911‖ .Processor = ―NPC‖ .UserID = ―User1‖ ‗For PAYware Transact/Payware PC .PaymentEngine = SIM.Charge.PaymentSoftware.RiTA_PAYware .ClientID = ―100040001‖ .UserID = ―MANAGER‖ .UserPW = ―Test123%‖ ‗For PAYware Connect .PaymentEngine = SIM.Charge.Payment.PaymentSoftware.IPCharge .ClientID = ―100040001‖ .UserID = ―MANAGER‖ .UserPW = ―Test123%‖ .MerchantKey = ―123457890‖ ‘Set the required Communication Properties” ‗For PAYware Transact/PAYware PC/PCCharge .IPAddress = ―‖ .Port = ―31419‖ .SSL = True .CommMethod = SIM.Charge.CommMethod.IP 27 ‘Set the transaction properties. .Amount = ―25.00‖ ‗For post-auths only .GratuityAmount = ―5.00‖ ‗For gratuity/add-tip trans .TroutD = ―1492‖ ‗for PCCharge follow-on trans .RefTroutD = ―35‖ ‗For PAYware Connect, PAYware Transact, and PAYware PC follow-on trans .Action = SIM.Charge.Command.Credit_Post_Auth ‗Miscelaneous properties .Timeout = ―60‖ .LoggingLevel = ―3‖ ‗ 3 = highest, 0 = Off .MaxLogsize = ―3‖ ‗in MB ‘Process the transaction If .Process Then Print .GetResult Print .GetAuthCode Print .GetReference Print .GetResultCode Print .GetTroutD Print .GetResponseText Else MsgBox("" & .ErrorCode & ": " & .ErrorDescription) End If ‘Clear the properties .ClearProps() 28 SIM.DLL Integration Method The previous section demonstrates how to code using the SIM.DLL. This section will explain in further detail the properties of PAYware SIM. Device Properties This portion describes the properties used in combination with the device. These properties are necessary only when the device has not been instantiated to initialize. Initializing the PIN pad on instantiation allows the customer to swipe the card at any time to initiate a transaction. Note: We have identified IP connectivity (MxCommSetting = 1) to be the optimal way of communicating with an Mx Device. If the integrator chooses to use Serial (MxCommSetting = 0) there are other settings that must be taken into consideration prior to initializing the Mx Device. Please see note and screenshot below the Device Properties table for more information. Property Name Data Type Description Baud String Baud rate (Example: ―1200‖) Databits String Databits (Example: ―7‖ or ―8‖) Device Enum The PIN pad that will be used. Specify this parameter by using a numerical value (or an enumerated value if the programming language being used supports enumerated values). Valid values: 0 (ppdVerifone_1000) – Verifone 101 or 1000 1 (ppdVerifone_2000) – Verifone 2000 2 (ppdVerifone_3730) – Verifone Omni 3730 3 (ppdVerifone_Mx830) –Verifone MX830 4 (ppdVerifone_Mx850) –Verifone MX850 5 (ppdVerifone_Mx860) –Verifone MX860 6 (ppdVerifone_Mx870) – Verifone MX870 7 (ppdVerifone_SC5000) – Verifone SC5000 (w/ 2000 emulation) 8 (ppdVerifone_SC5000_Interac) – VeriFone SC5000 Canadian Debit 9 (ppdVerifone_Vx810) – Verifone Vx810 10 (ppdVerifone_Vx810_Duet) – Verifone Vx810 Duet 11 (ppdVerifone_Vx810_Interac) – Verifone Vx810 Canadian Debit 12 (ppdVerifone_Vx810_Duet_Interac) – Verifone Vx810 Duet Canadian Debit. Example: Device = 0 DisplayString String For VeriFone MX Devices only. Sets message that will display on PIN pad. Parity String Parity (―E‖ for even, ―O‖ for odd, ―N‖ for none) ComPort String Number of the COM port to be used (Example: ―COM1‖) MxCommSetting Enum Sets the connection type of the MX Device (Defaults to Serial). Valid Values: 0 Serial 1 IP Example: MxCommSetting = 0 MxIPAddress String IP Address of the MX Device. 29 Property Name Data Type Description MxPort String Port of the MX Device The name of the SSL certificate used to authenticate with the MX Device. This value should be the ―Issued To‖ name in the MMC console. This value is optional. If no value is passed, the SIM will use the first certificate available in the Personal Certificate Store. MxSSLCertificate String MxSSL Boolean Set to TRUE to communicate with the MX Device via SSL (Defaults to False). The name of the SSL certificate used to authenticate with the BIN Manager. This value should be the ―Issued To‖ name in the MMC console. This value is optional. If no value is passed, the SIM will use the first certificate available in the Personal Certificate Store. BinManagerSSLCertificate String SwipeTimeOut String The amount of time, in seconds, to wait for a customer to swipe the card through the device. This timer starts when the Process method is called. PrintReceipts String The text to be printed on the receipt. This method is for the Omni 3730 only. Boolean Set to false by default. This will prompt the cardholder to enter a tip amount on the PIN pad for Sale transactions when set to true. Set to false if you wish to not have the cardholder be prompted. (Interac Only) Boolean Set to false by default. This will prompt the cardholder to confirm the surcharge amount, which is indicated by the Surcharge property of the SIM.DLL. Set to false if you wish to not have the cardholder be prompted. The ―Process‖ function will return false and the error code and error description will contain a message stating that the Surcharge amount was rejected by the cardholder. (Interac Only) Boolean Set to true by default. This will prompt the cardholder to enter a signature on the device if the transaction captured. The signature will be returned in the GetSignatureData property. Set to false if you wish to not have the cardholder be prompted. Note: SIM.DLL uses the SwipeTimeout setting as a value for the signature timeout. If the cardholder fails to enter their signature in that set amount of time, or they hit the cancel or clear button, SIM.DLL will issue a void for that transaction. The error code and error description will be shown and state whether the void was successful or not. (MX Devices only) Boolean Set to false by default. This will prompt the cardholder verify that the amount of the transaction is correct when set to true. Set to false if you wish to not have the cardholder be prompted. (MX Only) PromptForTip * PromptForSurcharge PromptForSigCap * * PromptForAmountConfimation * 30 Property Name PromptForCashback * Data Type Description Boolean Set to false by default. This will prompt the cardholder to enter a cashback amount on the PIN pad for Sale transactions when set to true. Set to false if you wish to not have the cardholder be prompted. (Interac & MX Only). NOTE: On the MX the cardholder will only be prompted on Debit and EBT transactions. Also, the CashBackLimit property should be set when using the property. Set to false by default. This will prompt the cardholder select a payment type when set to true. Set to false if you wish to not have the cardholder be prompted. (MX Only) NOTE: If only 1 or no payment types are selected, it will NOT prompt the customer for a payment type selection. PromptForPaymentType * Boolean NOTE: The selectable payment types will be determined by the ―Enable‖ properties of each payment type. The integrator should send a credit transaction as the initial payment type. For instance, if the transaction is a sale, send a credit sale. If the cardholder select debit, the transaction type will be changed. Payment type selection only refers to the following transactions: Debit_Sale, Debit_Return, EBT_Purchase, EBT_Food_Stamp_Purchase, EBT_Cash_Withdrawal, EBT_Food_Stamp_Return, EBT_Inquiry, Credit_Pre_Auth, Credit_Voice_Auth, Credit_Sale, Credit_Sale_with_Gratuity, Credit_Commercial_Card_Return, Credit_Return, Gift_PreAuth, Gift_Redemption, Gift_Refund Boolean Set to false by default. This will reverse (void) the transaction if the cardholder cancels the signature by hitting the ―clear‖ button on the screen or if the cardholder does not sign the device in the allotted timeout period, determined by the SwipeTimeout property. Set to true to reverse the transaction. (MX Devices only) Boolean Set to true by default. This will add credit card as a selectable type when prompting the cardholder for a payment type when PromptForPaymentType is set to true. Boolean Set to true by default. This will add debit card as a selectable type when prompting the cardholder for a payment type when PromptForPaymentType is set to true. Boolean Set to true by default. This will add EBT as a selectable type when prompting the cardholder for a payment type when PromptForPaymentType is set to true. Boolean Set to true by default. This will add gift card as a selectable type when prompting the cardholder for a payment type when PromptForPaymentType is set to true. String Sets the maximum cashback amount that cardholder can enter when PromptForCashback is set to true. DD.CC format. For example, 100.00. Boolean Set to true to enable the manual entry of card number and expiration date on the 3 unsuccessful swipe attempts. Note: For MX use only. UseUSBCardReader Boolean Set to True if the integrated application would prefer that SIM.DLL gather the card swipe data from the USB/HID device during processing of a transaction. Defaults to False. USBDeviceIndex Integer The index of the USB/HID device in the Device List, returned by calling GetUSBDeviceList, which the integrated application would prefer to use to gather card swipes. ReverseFailedSignatures EnableCredit EnableDebit EnableEBT EnableGift * * * * * CashBackLimit EnableManualCardEntry * 31 Property Name Data Type Description Command String This string will be passed to the MX. It should be in format that the MX application understands (e.g., Form Agent or PAYware Vision). Please consult the API documentation of the appropriate application for the commands available and formats. The command should be wrapped with an STX and ETX character. An LRC is not necessary as SIM.DLL will add that itself. ResponseExpected Boolean Set to true if the command being passed to the MX will have a response as not all commands have a response. This informs SIM.DLL whether or not to wait for a response. WaitForFormEvent Boolean Set to true if there is an expected form event. In this scenario, typically a form is displayed with some object that is capable of firing a form event, such as a button press. In this case, a command of ―Show Form x‖ would be sent to the MX device. The MX device would respond with the appropriate response. SIM.DLL will wait for the subsequent form event response. SIM.DLL will then return the first response, followed by a group separator (<GS>, Character 29), followed by the form event response. FormEventTimeout String The number of seconds SIM.DLL should wait for a response from the MX for form events. Note: Please adjust the following Windows Com properties prior to initializing an Mx Device using Serial as the MxCommSetting. 32 Device Methods Property Name Data Type ChangeForm(FormName as * String) String GetUSBDeviceList ArrayList SendMXCommand String RetrieveMultiMXResponse Byte Array Description Changes the form to display on the MX device. The FormName is the name of the form in the form deck loaded on the MX Device. Note: The value is case sensitive. This method should not be called while the customer is interacting with the device or a transaction is processing. This could interfere with the payment process. Example: Name of the form to be changed: Welcome Method called: ChangeForm(Welcome) Returns an indexed list of product names for all USB/HID devices attached to the PC. This method will pass the Command parameter to the MX Device that is configured in SIM.DLL. The return value is the response from the MX. Format: SendMXCommand(Command as string, ResponseExpected as Boolean, WaitForFormEvent as Boolean, FormEventTimeout as string) Some Form Agent Commands will have multiple responses. This function will return outstanding responses from the MX Device. This command should be called until the ―more indicator‖ in the MX response is a value of ―N‖. Example Form Agent commands where this is applicable are ―S00‖ and ―XPNG‖. Note: These properties need to be set BEFORE the Process method each time Process is called. InitializePinPad must return True prior to calling these properties and the Process method. 33 Communication Properties These communication properties must be set in order for SIM.DLL to know how and where to communicate the transaction data. Property Name CommMethod Data Type Description Enum The type of communication that will be used. Valid values: 0 – IP = SIM.Charge.CommType.IP 1 – URL = SIM.Charge.CommType.URL 2 – DIAL = SIM.Charge.CommType.DIAL Note: Only IP is supported for PCCharge and PAYware Transact. Only URL and DIAL is supported for PAYware Connect IPAddress String IP Address of the Payment Engine Port String Open port on the server that the payment engine is listening for transactions on. Refer to the payment engine documentation for instructions on opening the port. SSL Boolean For use with IP CommMethod only. Enables SSL communication with the server. SSL must be enabled on the server side as well. Currently supported by PAYware PC, PAYware Transact and PCCharge. The name of the SSL certificate used to authenticate with the MX Device. This value should be the ―Issued To‖ name in the MMC console. This value is optional. If no value is passed, the SIM will use the first certificate available in the Personal Certificate Store. SSLCertificate String TimeOut Long The number of seconds after which a timeout error will be returned from the control. The count will start when the Process method is called. It is highly recommended that integrators review the Payment Engine documentation about timeouts. Setting the TimeOut value improperly could cause reconciliation issues and problems such as double-charging a customer‘s account. TimeOutInt32 Integer Allows the integrator to set the transaction timeout in seconds. This is compatible with using Unmanaged code such as VB6, Delphi, etc. URL String For use with PAYware Connect only: The URL of the PAYware Connect gateway. This is used to set the UNC path to the PCCharge directory. Note: The IP Address and COM port communication settings must still be used to transmit transactions to PCCharge. Path String Note: This is only needed for PCCharge Integration with Paymentech Canadian Debit. Note: SIM.DLL needs to access file on the PCCharge directory during the processing of a Canadian debit transaction. Please make sure the PCCharge directory is accessible by the client with appropriate permissions set. 34 Property Name Data Type Description Modem String For use with PAYware Connect only: The TAPI name of the modem to be used for the transaction. Note: The URL property must be set for IPC dial transactions. It is used to build the message header. DialupPhoneNumber String For use with PAYware Connect only: The Number to dial for the transaction. Note: The URL property must be set for IPC dial transactions. It is used to build the message header. UseDialBackup Boolean For use with PAYware Connect only: Dial Backup Indicator. Note: The URL property must be set for IPC dial transactions. It is used to build the message header. Property Name Data Type Description GetTAPIDeviceList Array For use with PAYware Connect only: Returns an array of strings of TAPI devices found on the machine. GetTAPIDeviceListAsString String For use with PAYware Connect only: Returns a pipe separated string of TAPI devices found on the machine. Communication Methods 35 Merchant Configuration Properties The payment engine must be set in order to build the correct message from the correct API. These properties must be set in order to inform the payment engine of which merchant the transaction processed against. Property Name Data Type Description ClientID String Required for PAYware PC, PAYware Transact and PAYware Connect: The ClientID used by the integrator or merchant determines which merchant account / terminal will be used to process the transaction. This value is automatically assigned by PAYware Connect, PAYware PC, and PAYware Transact. The ClientID value is actually made up of three different pieces of information: An ACCOUNT number, a SITE number, and a TERMINAL number. Note: for PAYware PC users: This value corresponds to the account setup in the management client or the configuration wizard, the first account has a client ID of 100010001, if a second client is setup under that same account the client ID will be 100010002. Note: for PAYware Connect users: This value can be retrieved on the completion for the merchant setup by a reseller in the reseller console. MerchantKey String Required For PAYware Connect only: PAYware Connect uses this field to validate the merchant. The value is provided by VeriFone and must be submitted with each transaction request. String Required For PCCharge only: the Processor or the Merchant Services Provider issues this number to the merchant. The value set in this property must match what is set up in the Merchant Setup window of PCCharge. String Required For PCCharge only: The code for the processing company that will be used to process the transaction. This value can be no more than four characters and must be capitalized. The processor specified in this property must be set up with a valid merchant number in PCCharge. A list of valid processor codes are listed in Appendix A. Enum The payment engine that the transaction is to be submitted to. Valid Values: 0 – PCCharge 1 – RiTA_PAYware 2 – IPCharge (PAYware Connect) UserID String Required for all 4 Engines: For PCCharge: Sets the PCCharge user name associated with the transaction. The user name must be in DOS file format, no spaces. Max Length: 8 characters* For PAYware PC, PAYware Transact/PAYware Connect: The User‘s login as assigned by PAYware PC, PAYware Connect or PAYware Transact. The UserID must have proper permissions to perform the Command being requested. UserPW String For PAYware PC, PAYware Transact/PAYware Connect only: The password assigned to the UserID. EnableBinManager Boolean Set to TRUE to use the VeriFone BIN Manager to check the BIN range of the swiped card. When the card is swiped SIM.DLL will connect with the VeriFone BIN Manager to check the BIN Manager to determine the card type. Note: If this is not enabled SIM.DLL will continue with the transaction as usually. This is also the case if it is enabled, but unable to connect to the VeriFone BIN Manager. BinManagerIPAddress String IP Address of the machine where the VeriFone BIN Manager is located. BinManagerPort String Open the port to connect to the VeriFone BIN Manager. MerchantNumber** Processor** PaymentEngine 36 Property Name Data Type Description BinManagerSSL Boolean Set to TRUE to connect to the VeriFone BIN Manager via SSL. CheckCard Boolean Defaults to FALSE. Set to TRUE to have SIM.DLL check the validity of the card number that was either swiped or passed by the Point of Sale before submitting the card for authorization to the payment engine. ** The user name is used to keep the transaction associated with the correct terminal. It is highly recommended that integrators review the Multi-User Support section of the PCCharge manual. This section contains detailed information about user names and how they should be implemented. *** If the ―Use Default Processor‖ option is enabled in the PCCharge preferences, and the Processor and MerchantNumber properties are omitted from the transaction request, PCCharge will process all transactions using the ―Default Processor‖. The ―Default Processor‖ is defined as the first merchant number that is set up PCCharge. In addition, Processor and MerchantNumber should not be set when doing follow-on transactions. Refer to the section Follow On Transactions. Logging Properties SIM.DLL contains logging that can be used to help troubleshoot issues. The following properties are related to SIM.DLL logging. The SIMEvent.log is located in the same directory as the SIM.DLL and viewable through any text editor. Property Name LoggingLevel Data Type Description String This value determines the amount of logging desired. Valid Values: 0 – Off/No Logging 1 – Errors Only 2 – Information 3 – Detailed Debug Maximum size of the log. In MB. Example: 3 MaxLogSize String Note: Beginning with SIM version, once the MaxLogSize is set the log will not be purged, but backed up to a new file with the date/time attached to the name. Example: SIMEvent.log.20100217.114022 37 SIM.DLL General Methods Method Name Return Type Description CancelTransaction Boolean The CancelTransaction method attempts to cancel the transaction in progress. Calling the CancelTransaction method does not guarantee that the transaction will be canceled; it simply attempts to cancel the transaction. It will return false if the transaction has already been submitted to the server for authorization. ClearProps None Clears all of the transaction properties and resets them to an empty string. This should be called at the conclusion of each transaction. This method will also reset the PIN pad to an idle state. GetCard String This method returns the account number when the card is swiped through the device. This method should be called upon the firing of the CardSwipe Event. The card number will be returned in masked form, only displaying the first 6 and last 4 digits of the card number. GetExpDate String This method returns the expiration date when the card is swiped through the device. This method should be called upon the firing of the CardSwipe Event. GetEnteredCashBack String Returns cashback entered by the cardholder if the PromptForCashback setting was set to true. This is returned at the end of the transaction. (Interac & MX only) GetEnteredTipAmount String Returns tip amount entered by the cardholder if the PromptForTip setting was set to true. This is returned at the end of the transaction. (Interac only) GetNewTotal String When cashback, tip, and/or surcharge amounts are confirmed by the cardholder, these amounts are totaled and then passed to the payment engine. This total amount will be returned in this method at the end of the transaction. (Interac & MX only) GetMember String This method returns the cardholder name when the card is swiped through the device. This method should be called upon the firing of the CardSwipe Event. IsInitialized Boolean This method can be called at anytime to determine if the PIN pad is initialized. Returns True if it is. InitializePinPad Boolean Initializes the PIN pad. Returns TRUE if the initialization was successful, FALSE if not. Initialize has an optional parameter than can be passed in that will allow checking of the com port. KeyLoadRequest Boolean This will perform a key synchronization with the host for the SC 5000 Interac PIN pad. This method should only be necessary when first setting up the PIN pad. (Interac only) Boolean This method initiates the transaction. All necessary transaction, merchant, communication, and device properties should be set prior to calling this method. This method will return true if the transaction was successfully submitted to the payment engine and received a response from the payment engine. Otherwise, it will return false, at which time the integrator should call .ErrorCode and .ErrorDesc to determine the reason for the failure. Process Returns true if the customer signature was successful. At that time GetSignatureData should be called to retrieve the signature data string. Returns false if the customer cancels or the call times-out. PromptForCustomerSignature Boolean Note: It is important that integrators only call this function if they need to gather signature data outside the transaction. For example this will allow the MX device to become a general signature device. A merchant can use this to capture signatures when a customer picks up an item but they are paying cash. Otherwise allow the SIM.DLL gather the signature by itself as a normal transaction process. 38 Method Name Return Type Description RequestCardSwipe None Prompts the customer to swipe their card. Only to be used with the MX830, MX850, MX860 and MX870 terminals. String This method creates an XML element to be added to the XML transaction request. This allows a missing Name Value Pair to be sent. Example: SetOtherNVP(XMLTAG as String, Value as String) <XMLTAG>Value</XMLTAG> None This method should be called when exiting the integrated application or prior to destroying SIM.DLL object. This method is responsible for cleaning up all ports and destroying all internal references of the SIM.DLL. SetOtherNVP Shutdown Returns signature data in Base64 format. The MX870, MX850 and the MX830 devices can also be used to capture Cardholder Signature in Base 64 encoded BMP format data. To enable this feature, the ―Allow Signature Capture‖ option for the MX8xx device must be set to true. To view the Signature captured, the Base64 encoded data has to be decoded using the Base64 decode algorithm. The decoded data can be saved to a BMP file and can be viewed using any image viewer that supports the BMP format, such as the Paint application of Windows. It is the responsibility of the merchant to save the signature image as desired. The signature is not stored within TIM. GetSignatureData String Note: The MX devices will prompt the customer for their signature upon a successful (APPROVED or CAPTURED) response for the following transactions: Credit_Commercial_Card_Sale, Credit_Pre_Auth, Credit_Voice_Auth, Credit_Sale, Credit_Sale_with_Gratuity, Credit_Commercial_Card_Return, Command.Credit_Return. After the customer has signed and presses the "OK" button on the device, the Process() function will return true with the normal response properties. At that time, the integrator can call this method to retrieve the swipe data. If the customer hits the "Clear" or "Cancel" button when prompted for the signature, or the signature is not entered in the allotted time (SIM.DLL uses the SwipeTimeout setting as the signature timeout) SIM.DLL will process a void for that transaction and return the void results along with an error code 34 and related error description and raises the error event. If the void was able to process, the error description will say as such. Prompts the customer to manually enter their card number and expiration date into the device. This should only be done in the event of a bad card read. This is only for use with the MX series and the SC 5000(US only). This method will return true if the manual entry was successful. RequestManualCardEntry Boolean GetCreditCardType String Returns Card Issuer. VerifyCreditCard String Returns TRUE if the card passes validity checks. GetReceipt String Note: This method is not required to be called with the MX series of devices, as those devices will automatically prompt the customer for manual entry upon 3 unsuccessful card swipes. However, the SC 5000 does not return a failed card swipe response to SIM.DLL. Therefore this method is required to be called when a manual card entry is desired for the SC 5000. Returns receipt data. Note: Only available for Paymentech Canadian Debit. 39 SIM.DLL Events Property Name Description CardSwipe This event is fired when a card is swiped through the PIN pad device. Cancel This event fires when the customer at the PIN pad device presses the ―Clear‖ or ―Cancel‖ button. This event internal halts the processing of the transaction. The integrator should restart the transaction if this event fires. Err This event is fired when an internal error occurs within SIM.DLL, primarily for PIN pad problems. When this event fires, the integrator to reset the transaction and call .ErrorCode and .ErrorDesc to determine the cause of the problem SIM.DLL Error Properties Property Name Return Type Description ErrorCode Integer This property returns an error code if an error was encountered during the processing, initialization, or use of the PIN pad. Consult Appendix A for a description of values that may be returned. ErrorDesc String This property returns a string representation of an error if an error was encountered during the processing, initialization, or use of the PIN pad. Consult Appendix A for a description of values that may be returned. 40 Integrating to PCCharge When integrating to the PCCharge Payment Engine, only these transaction properties should be used. PCCharge Properties Property Data Type Description Action Enum The action code that identifies what type of transaction will be performed. Consult the Appendix A for a list of valid values. Amount String The amount of the transaction. Format: DDDDDD.CC. Max Length: 9 characters, including the decimal. The value may not be negative. Do not use commas. Note: The amount MUST include the decimal point and the cents even if the amount is a whole dollar amount. Example: ―3.00‖, not ―3‖ or ―3.‖ If sending less than one dollar, the zero placeholder must be sent as well. Example: ―0.50‖. If the amount is set to an incorrect format, the Error event will fire after calling the Send method. AmxChargeDescription String The American Express Charge Description. This is a general description describing merchandise: the AMEX representative and the merchant will decide on an appropriate description. Note: Only Required for Retail, MOTO and Restaurant transactions when using AMEX direct settlement or TSYS. Max Length: 23 bytes AmxDescription_1 String American Express Description data. Additional description or information about merchandise—if populated, should be printed on the receipt. Note: Only used for Retail transactions when using AMEX direct settlement. Max Length: 40 bytes This field is optional and should only be provided if the transaction will be settled directly with Amex or TSYS. AmxDescription_2 String American Express Description data. Additional description or information about merchandise—if populated, should be printed on the receipt. Note: Only used for Retail transactions when using AMEX direct settlement. Max Length: 40 bytes This field is optional and should only be provided if the transaction will be settled directly with Amex or TSYS. AmxDescription_3 String American Express Description data. Additional description or information about merchandise—if populated, should be printed on the receipt. Note: Only used for Retail transactions when using AMEX direct settlement. Max Length: 40 bytes This field is optional and should only be provided if the transaction will be settled directly with Amex or TSYS. AmxDescription_4 String American Express Description data. Additional description or information about merchandise—if populated, should be printed on the receipt. Note: Only used for Retail transactions when using AMEX direct settlement. Max Length: 40 bytes This field is optional and should only be provided if the transaction will be settled directly with Amex or TSYS. AuthCode String The Authorization code. This value is returned by the issuing bank and should only be set in a transaction request when processing a PostAuthorization and if the Post-Authorization is being used to add a Voice-Authorization to the batch or to ―store‖ a Voice-Authorization. The AuthCode property does not need to be set if the PostAuthorization completes a standard Pre-Authorization using the TroutD value of the Pre-Authorization. 41 Property Data Type Description Billpay String Only valid for Visa debit and credit transactions. It is used to indicate the transaction is being processed for payment of a bill (utility, monthly gym dues, etc.) Valid values: 0 – Non-Bill payment transaction 1 – Bill payment transaction Card String The credit card number that will be used when processing the transaction. Card number must not contain spaces. Please trim field prior to calling Process. Max Length: 20 characters. Example: 5424180279791765 CashBack String The amount of cash back that the customer will receive. This amount is in addition to value entered in Amount property. For example, if the total amount of the sale is $10 and the customer has requested $5 cash back, Amount should be set to $10 and CashBack should be set to $5. The CashBack property should be formatted the same the Amount property. Max Length: 9 characters. Note: Some processors do not support the cash back feature. CardPresent String For Retail or Restaurant transactions: Flag that indicates whether the card was present. For eCommerce transactions: Flag that indicates what type of transaction occurred. Valid values: 0 = Card not present, 1 = Card present (for Retail, MOTO, or Restaurant); D = Digital goods, P = Physical goods (for eCommerce) CommercialCardFlag String The type of commercial card being submitted. The commercial card type can be retrieved from the Bin.mdb in the PCCharge directory. Valid values: B – Business P,L,G -- Purchase C – Corporate F – Fleet CustCode String Customer code for purchasing/commercial cards. This property must be set for commercial card transactions in order to get the best discount rate. Additionally, the transaction‘s action code must indicate that the transaction is a commercial card transaction. Note: Global East (NDC), terminal based, requires the customer code be all upper case. Max Length: 25 characters, alphanumeric only. CVV2 String The CVV2 value for the transaction. The card verification value (CVV2 for Visa, CVC2 for MasterCard, and CID for AMEX and Discover) is a 3 or 4 digit number that is embossed in the signature panel for Visa, MasterCard, and Discover and on the front of the card for AMEX. All AMEX cards utilize a 4 digit CID. Max Length: 4 characters. CVV2 should only be passed on non-swiped transactions. DestZipCode String Destination Zip Code for American Express purchasing/commercial cards. This property must be set for American Express commercial card transactions when using American Express as the processor (or via split dial) in order to get the best discount rate. Additionally, the transaction‘s action code must indicate that the transaction is a commercial card transaction. DriverID String Driver identification field. Only required for Wright Express, Voyager and Fleet One cards. DriverPIN String Driver personal identification number. cards. EBTVoucherNum String The EBT Voucher Number. Valid Values: 0 – Food Stamp, 1 – Cash Benefits 42 Only required for Fuelman Property Data Type Description EstGratuityAmount String For use with Restaurant transactions only. The estimated gratuity amount for a Sale (action code 1) or Pre-Authorization (action code 4) transaction. If the EstGratuityAmount is populated, PCCharge will submit the sum of the values in the Amount and EstGratuityAmount fields for authorization. If the transaction is authorized, only the value in the Amount field will be placed in the PCCharge settlement file (if running a Sale). By using the EstGratuityAmount, the merchant can help ensure that the customer has enough available credit on their card to leave a tip. Once the customer indicates the amount of the tip that will be left, a gratuity transaction (action code 13) must be performed on the sale prior to settlement in order to add the actual gratuity to the transaction. Format: DDDDDD.CC. Max Length: 9 characters, including the decimal. The value may not be negative. Note: The amount MUST include the decimal point and the cents even if the amount is a whole dollar amount. Example: ―3.00‖, not ―3‖ or ―3.‖ If sending less than one dollar, the zero placeholder must be sent as well. Note: It is recommended to check with the processor or merchant service provider for guidance on what amount to set this value to. Incorrectly setting this value can result in downgrades. ExpDate String The expiration date associated with the credit card number that will be processed. Must be exactly four characters long. Format: MMYY Example: 1209 GratuityAmount String For use with Restaurant transactions only. The actual gratuity amount for a Sale with Gratuity (action code 14), Gratuity (action code 13), or Post-Authorization (action code 5) transaction. IDNumber String Only required for Voyager cards, dependant on Restriction Code. Four to six digits. Note: Only used for Pre-Authorization transactions ItemID String The Item ID for the transaction. This field is only used for Chase Paymentech (GSAR) and can store five (5) four-digit codes that are defined by Chase Paymentech. Example: If the ItemID is set to 00010002000300040005, it stores 5 item IDs (0001, 0002, 0003, 0004, and 0005). These numbers must be obtained from Chase Paymentech. Language Enum Language setting for the prompts on the SC 5000 Interac PIN pad. Values: 0 – English, 1 – French. English is the default. MCSC String The Multiple Count Sequence Count. This is the total number of installments that will be charged in a non-restaurant recurring billing scenario. Max Length: 2 characters. Example: If there are 5 payments to be made, set this property to ―5‖. MCSN String In a restaurant environment: The server or cashier id. Max Length: 2. This field should be passed for reporting and reconciliation purposes. In a non-restaurant environment, this field is the Multiple Count Sequence Number. This is the transaction number within the total number of payment installments in a recurring billing scenario. Max Length: 2 characters. Example: If there are 5 payments to be made and this transaction is the first transaction, set this property to ―1‖. The first transaction should also include the CVV property, but this value should not be stored or sent for subsequent transactions. Member String The cardholder‘s name. Max Length: 20 characters. Multi String Flag that indicates whether PCCharge should leave the modem connection open in anticipation of other transactions that will follow shortly. If set, this value will override the corresponding value in the PCCharge GUI. Note that PCCharge can only keep the connection open as long as is allowed by the processing company. Valid values: 1 = TRUE, 0 = FALSE Default value: 0. This Flag has no effect if processing will occur over IP or leased line. 43 Property Data Type Description Odometer String The odometer reading. Only required for Fleet One (7 digits), Voyager (7 digits), and Fuelman (6 digits) cards. Offline String Flag that indicates whether PCCharge should process the transaction offline. If the offline flag is set, PCCharge will put the transaction into a .BCH file that resides in the PCCharge directory for importing at a later time. The file can only be imported from the PCCharge GUI. Valid values: 1 = TRUE, 0 = FALSE OrigPurchData String The Original Purchase Data. Used when performing a Debit Return with the processors TSYS, Heartland, RBS WorldPay, and NPC. This is the original transaction date. Format: DDMMhhmm PeriodicPayment String Flag that indicates whether the transaction is a recurring transaction. Valid values: 1 = TRUE, 0 = FALSE Note: If periodic payment is set to true, the recurring billing properties must also be set to achieve the best processing rates. PrintReceipts String The number of receipts that PCCharge should print for the transaction. This value will override the corresponding value in the PCCharge GUI. PCCharge will retain this value for subsequent transactions. Valid values: 0-9. Setting the property to 0 will disable receipt printing. ProductDetailAmount_X String Note: Only required for the processor NBS. This is the total dollar amount for PRODUCT_DETAIL_PRODUCT_CODE_X being authorized. For example, PRODUCT_DETAIL_PRODUCT_CODE_1 has a PRODUCT_DETAIL_QUANTITY_1 = 2 and a PRODUCT_DETAIL_UNIT_PRICE_1 = $2.00, therefore the PRODUCT_DETAIL_AMOUNT_1 = $4.00 ProductDetailCount String Note: Only required for the processor NBS. All card types are configurable except for Fleet One, which is limited to 7 records. Only 01 – 10 records are currently supported through PCCharge for all card types. ProductDetailCode String Note: Only required for the processor NBS. This is the number of items for PRODUCT_DETAIL_PRODUCT_CODE_X. Currently, PCCharge will support 1 – 10. ProductDetailQuantity_X String Note: Only used for the processor NBS. This is the unit price for PRODUCT_DETAIL_PRODUCT_CODE_X. This is only used for Fleet One and Fuelman. Currently, PCCharge will support 1 – 10. Reference String The reference number from the original transaction (returned by the processor). Set this property only if processing a Post-Authorization and the Post-Authorization is being used to add a Voice-Authorization to the batch or to ―store‖ a Voice-Authorization. (For information on stored Voice-Authorizations, The Reference property does not need to be set if the Post-Authorization completes a standard PreAuthorization using the TroutD value of the Pre-Authorization. Max Length: 8 characters. Note: NBS/ Fleet One cards require a Reference Number to be sent with each transaction. This is a minimum of 2 digits and a max of 15. This must be all numeric. 44 Property Data Type Description RestrictionCode String Only required for Voyager cards. This is used to determine the level of identification and which fields are required. Two digits. Valid Values: 00 - No ID Number or Odometer required. Fuel and Other allowed. 01 - No ID Number or Odometer required. Fuel only allowed. 10 - ID Number only required. Fuel and Other allowed. 11 - ID Number only required. Fuel only allowed. 20 - Odometer only required. Fuel and Other allowed. 21 - Odometer only required. Fuel only allowed. 30 - ID Number and Odometer required. Fuel and Other allowed. 31 - ID Number and Odometer required. Fuel only allowed. Note: Required for both manual and swiped transactions. RFID String Set to 1 if card information was read from RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) device. Set to 0 otherwise. Store String Flag indicating whether a Voice Authorization transaction should be stored. This flag should only be submitted when performing a PostAuthorization transaction (action code 5) that includes an authorization code from the voice operator. Valid Value: 1 - Store the Voice Authorization transaction. Street String The cardholder's billing street address. The Street property is used for address verification. Address verification can only be performed on non-swiped transactions. For FDC: Use first 5 digits only. Note: For manually keyed transactions, Street is required to qualify for the lowest transaction rates. Max Length: 20 characters Surcharge String Optional surcharge amount for Canadian Debit transactions. TaxAmt String The tax amount. This is the portion of the amount that is tax. Providing the tax amount is required to obtain the best rate on commercial card transactions. Max Length: 9 characters (including the decimal). Format: DDDDDD.CC. The transaction's action code must indicate that it is a commercial transaction. Tax amount should be included in the amount field. TaxExempt String Tax Exempt Flag. This flag is used to indicate if the purchase is tax exempt. Used only for Commercial Card Transactions. Valid Values: 1 – Purchase is tax exempt; 0 – Purchase is not tax exempt. Ticket String The ticket or invoice number for internal referencing by merchant. This value is stored by PCCharge and passed to the processor for referencing purposes. Max Length: 9 characters. The value can be alphanumeric. Note: Not all processors support alphanumeric characters. Note: For manually keyed transactions, Ticket is required to qualify for the lowest transaction rates. Note: When using Elavon (NOVA), ticket numbers can only be alphanumeric, no hyphens. Track String Card swipe data. This is populated when card swipe is sent from a Keyboard Wedge swipe device. TroutD String The TroutD (Transaction Routing ID) is used when performing ―Follow On‖ transactions. The TroutD is a PCCharge-assigned unique identifier that will be associated with a transaction and any subsequent transactions related to it. This property must be set when performing Follow-on Transactions. VehicleID String Only required for Wright Express cards (5 digits) and Voyager cards (8 digits). Note: Required for both manual and swiped transactions. 45 Property Data Type Description Zip String The cardholder's zip code. The Zip property is used for address verification. Max Length: 9 digits. Address verification can only be performed on non-swiped transactions. Note: For manually keyed transactions, the Zip is required to qualify for the lowest transaction rates. Note: For manually keyed transactions, the Zip is required to qualify for the lowest transaction rates. Note: If submitting the 9digit zip, do not include the dash. FSA t String Indicates if the transaction qualifies to be authorized as a Flexible Spending Account (FSA). Values: 1 = True, 0 = False Note: If this value is not present it is defaulted to false. String Total amount of qualified healthcare products (includes prescription, vision, clinic, and dental). Format: (a whole number sent without the decimal will be assumed as such. Ex. 1095 will be interpreted as $1,095.00) Note: This value will not be added to the Amount (TRANS_AMOUNT) sent, but serves to note how much of the Amount (TRANS_AMOUNT) is qualified healthcare products. String Indicates how much of the HealthcareAmount is being authorized for prescription products. Format: String Indicates how much of the HealthcareAmount is being authorized for vision products. Format: String Indicates how much of the HealthcareAmount is being authorized for transit. Format: Note: This property is currently not supported by any processors. String Indicates how much of the HealthcareAmount is being authorized for the Co-pay. Format: Note: This property is currently not supported by any processors. HealthcareAmount t PrescriptionAmount VisionAmount t TransitAmount CoPayAmount t t t Check Properties CheckType Enum Valid Values: 0 = Personal, 1 = Business CustomerName String The name on the customer‘s ID. CustomerCity String The Customer‘s City CheckReaderCode String Passes the type of Check Reader that is being used. Valid Values: 001 - Magtek mini micr 002 - EnCheck 3000 003 - IVI 2500 004 - IVI 430 005 - IVI 431 006 - ICE 5700 007 - MagtekImager 008 - VeriFone CR1000i 009 - Epson - TMH6000 010 - Epson - TMH6000Imager 011 - WelchAllyn ScanTeam 8300 012 - VeriFone CR600 46 Property Data Type Description 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 - Magtek Imager with Modem - IBM 4610 reader/printer - Ingenico EC2600 - RDM EC5000 - RDM EC6000 - NCR 7158 and 7167 - LS 100 - MagTek Excella - MagTek Excella (DL Capture & F&B check images) - VeriFone Model Quartet MICR String The full swipe from Check Read Note: MICR is required if check is swiped. The MICR contains the 9digit ABA Number immediately followed by the checking account number (up to 14 digits) and then optional check number. Note: MICR stands for Magnetic Ink Character Recognition MICRReaderStatus String Valid Values: 15 = Valid read by MICR reader 15I = Valid read by MICR reader with imaging capability 9 = Manual only State String The Customer‘s State. CHECK: State from which the ID was issued Required when CUSTOMER_ID_TYPE used. License String Driver‘s License Number DLTrack2 String The parsed TrackII data from the driver‘s license. ABANumber String The Transit Routing number / Bank Number This value should not be passed if the MICR is sent. This value is required if check is manually keyed. Note: ABA stands for American Bankers Association Note: Must be exactly 9 characters when using Fifth-Third. PhoneNumber String Customer‘s Phone Number. Maximum Length: 10 characters Example: 9125551234 DOB String Customer Date of Birth. Format: MMDDYYYY Maximum Length: 8 characters Example: 01012001 for someone born January 1st, 2001. CheckNumber String The Check Number This value should be passed if MICR not sent. ManagerNumber String Optional Manager Number for manager override. CashierNumber String The Cashier Number FirstName String The Customer‘s First Name CHECK: Required by some networks Note: This value may contain the entire name - first and last LastName String The Customer‘s Last Name. CHECK: Required by some networks Note: This value may contain the entire name - first and last Payee String The Payee. The name of the check's recipient CustomerAddress String The cardholder‘s street address. CustomerAddress2 String Continuation of the street address. CustomerAcctType String The Customer Account Type Specifies whether transaction involves a business account check or a personal check. If the checking account is designated as a business, personal identification parameters are not applicable. Valid for Echo Valid Values: (Echo) 47 Property Data Type Description Personal Accounts: PC - Personal Checking PS - Personal Savings PL - Personal Loan Personal Accounts: BC - Business Checking BS - Business Savings BL - Business Loan ACHType String The ACH Payment Type as defined by the National Automated Clearing House Association Populate only if CUSTOMER_ACCT_TYPE=PC Note: Echo only Note: NACHA regulations require that either the session in which the order was taken be recorded, or the consumer be notified in writing prior to initiation of the transaction. Valid Values: PPD - (Prearranged Payment and Deposit Entry) Used to submit prearranged credit and debit transactions such as payroll deposits and periodic bill payments against a consumer's account. WEB - (Internet-Initiated Entry). Used to submit debit entries pursuant to an authorization that has been obtained from the consumer via the Internet. DEFAULT for personal checks TEL - (Telephone-Initiated Entry). Used to submit transactions pursuant to an oral authorization obtained from the consumer via the telephone. CCD = Cash Concentration or Disbursement (default for business checks) CTX = Corporate Trade Exchange (business checks) CustomerStreet String The cardholder‘s street address. Max Length: 50 characters Note: In some cases, this value may be truncated to meet the processor‘s field length specifications. CustomerStreet2 String Continuation of the street address. Suffix String The customer suffix (Ex: Jr, Sr) PhoneNumberType String Phone Number Type. Valid Values: H = Home W = Work D = Day N = Night CustomerIDType String The Customer‘s ID Type. The type of Identification being used to identify the owner of the checking account. Valid Values: DL - Drivers License MI - Military ID GN - Generic ID SS - Social Security or Government ID Note: Required if CustomerIDNum is used Note: Required for Echo unless this is a business check transaction. CustomerIDNum String The driver‘s license (ID) number of the individual writing the check. CustomerIDDay String Expiration Day – Format: DD CustomerIDMonth String Expiration Month – Format: MM CustomerIDYear String Expiration Year – Format: YY These properties are the minimum required to process a Sale or Pre-Authorization transaction. *Interac Canadian Debit available only for PAYware Connect and PAYware Transact t These properties are to be used to process transactions with Healthcare Flexible Spending Accounts. Please see the PCCharge Dev Kit Manual for further details. 48 PCCharge Methods Method Returned Value Description GetAcctDataSrc String Returns the entry method of the transaction. GetACI String Returns the VPS indicator to indicate wherever the card is a VISA, MC or AMEX card PS2000 data. This value is not returned by all processing companies. GetAddText1 String Only supported on Fleet One, this field contains miscellaneous additional text returned from host. Currently PCCharge will support GetAddText1- GetAddText4. GetAuthCode String For approved transactions, returns the authorization code from the issuing bank. For declined transactions, returns the reason why the transaction was declined (if the issuing bank provides one) or why the transaction was rejected. GetAuthDataSrc String Returns the Authorization Source Code. The authorization source code indicates to the processor who authorized the transaction. This value is not returned by all processing companies. GetAVS String Returns the AVS response code from the issuing bank. If performing Address Verification on card-not-present transactions, this code indicates how well the AVS information passed in matches what the issuing bank has on file for the cardholder. Consult Appendix B for a description of values that may be returned. GetBatchResult String Returns the result of a settlement attempt GetBatchBalance String Returns the total balance of the current batch file. GetBatchNumber String Returns the batch number for the current batch GetBatchCount String Returns the batch item count for the current batch. GetBatchError String Returns the error code from the processor if one is provided for a declined transaction. All processors do not support this field. GetBatchReference String The reference field returns the response from the processor if the response is a declined. This field is not returned for all processors. GetBatchStatus String Returns the status of the batch. If the batch was successfully closed this status will indicate that, if the batch was not closed and there was a problem, it will return the response from the processor. For example, if TSYS sends back a rejected batch response this method will return the RB# number that TSYS returns. GetBatchInternalSettlementNumber String Returns the Settlement number that is stored in association with the transaction in PCCharge‘s database. This number is not returned from the processor but is PCCharge‘s internal sequencing number scheme. GetCashBenefitsAvailBalance String Returns the available cash benefits balance. GetCCAvailBalance String Returns the Prepaid card balance. Only for prepaid credit cards with Elavon (NOVA). GetCardIDCode Boolean Returns a code that is used to verify the identity of the cardholder. 49 Method Returned Value Description GetCVV2 String Returns the CVV2/CVC2/CID response code from the issuing bank. If performing CVV2/CVC2/CID validation on card-notpresent transactions, this code indicates if the CVV2/CVC2/CID code passed in matches what the issuing bank has on file for the cardholder. Consult Appendix B for a description of values that may be returned. GetDCAvailBalance String Returns the available balance on prepaid debit cards. Only for prepaid debit cards with Elavon (NOVA). GetECommGoodsInd String Returns a value indicating whether the goods sold were digital or physical in an e-commerce environment. GetEstGratuityAmount String The GetEstGratuityAmount echoes the estimated gratuity from the original transaction. GetFoodStampAvailBalance String Returns the available food stamp balance GetGratuityAmount String The GetGratuityAmount echoes the gratuity amount from the original transaction. GetIND String Returns the IND code. The IND code is a transaction description code and an Interchange compliance field. This value is not returned by all processing companies. GetInternalSeqNum String Returns the Internal Sequence Number, which is a PCChargeassigned unique number for each transaction. This number is stored in the Number field in the PCCharge database (PCCW.MDB) for each transaction. GetMerchantNumber String Returns the merchant number that was specified in the MerchantNumber property. GetMSI String Returns the Market Specific Indicator. This value indicates the transaction‘s market segment. This value is assigned by the card associations and is not returned with all transactions. GetPCard String The GetPCard method returns the PurchaseCard field from the .oux file. Not all processing companies support this field. Valid values: 1 = Purchasing card, 0 = Otherwise GetPEM String Returns the Point of Entry Mode that is associated with the transaction. This value is not returned by all processing companies. GetReference String Returns the reference number associated with the transaction. The reference number is assigned by the card associations. The reference number is used to help identify the transaction and is useful for the cardholder and merchant when doing research. This value is not returned with all transactions. GetRespCode String Returns the response code that is provided by the processor. This value is not returned by all processing companies. GetResponseCommercialType String Returns the type of commercial card that was used for the transaction. This value is not returned by all processing companies. GetRestrictCode String Note: Only supported on Fleet One. The product restriction code. GetResult String Returns the result, which indicates the transaction‘s status upon completion. Consult Appendix B for a description of values that may be returned. GetResultCode String Returns the response code that is provided by the processor. This value is not returned by all processing companies. 50 Method Returned Value Description GetREC String Returns the record number of the transaction in the reversal file. Will return -1 if the processor doesn't support reversals. This value is not returned by all processing companies. GetRET String Returns the Retrieval reference number. This value is not returned by all processing companies GetTraceNumber String Returns the trace number from the processor. Only for prepaid credit cards with Elavon (NOVA). GetTBatch String Returns the active batch number for the transaction. This value is not returned by all processing companies. GetTDate String Returns the date that the transaction was processed. This value is not returned by all processing companies. GetTicket String Returns the ticket number or invoice of the transaction. This value is echoed back from the original transaction or is generated by PCCharge if one is required to complete the transaction. GetTICode String Returns the validation code for VISA or the Bank Net Date if the card is a MasterCard. This value is not returned by all processing companies. GetTIM String Returns the Time of the transaction. This value is not returned by all processing companies. GetTitem String Returns the Transaction Item number or the number that is associated with the transaction in the settlement file. This value is not returned by all processing companies. GetTransNum String Returns the Internal Sequence Number, which is a PCChargeassigned unique number for each transaction. This number is stored in the Number field in the PCCharge database (PCCW.MDB) for each transaction. GetTransactionReferenceNumber String Returns the transaction reference number from the processor. Only for prepaid credit cards with Elavon (NOVA). GetTroutD String Returns the TroutD (Transaction Routing ID) for the transaction. The TroutD is a PCCharge-assigned unique identifier that is associated with the transaction throughout its ―lifespan‖. This number is stored in the TroutD field in the PCCharge database (PCCW.MDB) for each transaction). GetUser String Returns the user name that was specified in the User property. GetXMLResponse String The GetXMLResponse method is used to echo the text that is returned in the response file associated with the transaction. GetXMLRequest String This method is used to echo the text that is sent in the request file associated with the transaction. GetReturnCheckFee String Returns the response from the processor, which indicates the fee for returned checks. GetReturnCheckNote String Returns the response from the processor, which displays a note for returned checks. Check Methods 51 PCCharge Gift Card Integration Properties Property Data Type Description Action Enum The action code that identifies what type of transaction will be performed. Consult the Appendix A for a list of valid values. Amount String The amount of the transaction. Format: DDDDDD.CC. Max Length: 9 characters, including the decimal. The value may not be negative. Do not use commas. Note: The amount MUST include the decimal point and the cents even if the amount is a whole dollar amount. Example: ―3.00‖, not ―3‖ or ―3.‖ If sending less than one dollar, the zero placeholder must be sent as well. Example: ―0.50‖. If the amount is set to an incorrect format, the Error event will fire after calling the Send method. Consult the section System Error Codes and Descriptions for a list of valid errors that will be returned. Card String The credit card number that will be used when processing the transaction. Max Length: 20 characters. Example: 5424180279791765 ExpDate String The expiration date associated with the credit card number that will be processed. Must be exactly four characters long. Format: MMYY Example: 1208 GiftPin String Only used for the processor SVS. To retrieve pin, call GetGfitPin upon activation. Used for only for virtual gift card transactions. GiftUnits String The Units for points transactions. Note: Only Givex supports Points transactions. GiftSeqNum String Stores the card sequence number for GSAR transactions. IndType String The industry type for the transaction. Valid Values: 1 = retail, 2 = restaurant. For VLNK: 0 = retail, 1 = restaurant, 2 = e-Commerce. LoyaltyFlag String The Loyalty flag indicates whether the transaction is a loyalty transaction. Currently, only VTEC supports the Loyalty flag. The default value of the Loyalty flag is false. Member String The cardholder‘s name. Max Length: 20 characters. Multi String Flag that indicates whether PCCharge should leave the modem connection open in anticipation of other transactions that will follow shortly. If set, this value will override the corresponding value in the PCCharge GUI. Note that PCCharge can only keep the connection open as long as is allowed by the processing company. Valid values: 1 = TRUE, 0 = FALSE Default value: 0. This Flag has no effect if processing will occur over IP or leased line. Offline String Flag that indicates whether PCCharge should process the transaction offline. If the offline flag is set, PCCharge will put the transaction into a .BCH file that resides in the PCCharge directory for importing at a later time. The file can only be imported from the PCCharge GUI. Valid values: 1 = TRUE, 0 = FALSE PartialRedemptionFlag String For GSAR: Flag indicating whether the transaction is a partial redemption transaction. PrintReceipts String The number of receipts that PCCharge should print for the transaction. This value will override the corresponding value in the PCCharge GUI. PCCharge will retain this value for subsequent transactions. Valid values: 0-9. Setting the property to 0 will disable receipt printing. PromoCode String Used for GVEX: A code defined by the merchant that affects the calculation from amount and units to points. RefundFlag String Flag that indicates whether to provide the customer a refund when performing a VTEC Deactivate transaction. Valid Values: 1 – Provide refund 0 – Do not provide refund 52 Property Data Type Description SourceAcctNum String For VTEC replace transaction, VLNK Balance Merge and Balance Transfer, the field should be set to the account number of the old card. Ticket String The ticket or invoice number for internal referencing by merchant. This value is stored by PCCharge and passed to the processor for referencing purposes. Max Length: 9 characters. The value can be alphanumeric. Note: Not all processors support alphanumeric characters. TotalNumCards String The total number of cards for multiple issuances for Chase Paymentech. The refund amount for VTEC‘s deactivate transaction. TroutD String The TroutD (Transaction Routing ID) is used when performing ―Follow On‖ transactions. The TroutD is a PCCharge-assigned unique identifier that will be associated with a transaction and any subsequent transactions related to it. This property must be set when performing Follow-on Transactions. VirtualGiftCardFlag String Only used for the processor SVS. 0 - False, 1 - True – Only sent on an activation to determine if a pin should be returned. 53 PCCharge Gift Card Integration Methods Method Name Returned Value Description – Gift Card Integration Methods GetActivationCount String Returns the number of activations in the current batch GetActivationTotalAmount String Returns the total dollar amount of activations in the current batch GetAddPointsCount String Returns the number of AddPoints Transactions in the current batch GetAddPointsTotalAmount String Returns the total dollar amount of AddPoints transactions in the current batch GetAddValueCount String Returns the number of AddValue transactions in the current batch GetAddValueTotalAmount String Returns the total dollar amount of AddValue transactions in the current batch GetAmountDue String Used in partial redemption transactions where only part of the amount was authorized. Returns the remainder amount that is owed to the merchant. GetAuth String The GetAuth method returns the authorization number for approved transactions or the reason the transaction was declined (if the processor provides one). For GVEX Balance transaction: GetAuth will return the balance remaining on an account. For all other GVEX transactions: GetAuth will return the transaction‘s reference/error message. For VTEC, returns the Auth Code. For a VTEC Batch function: use this method to retrieve the number of sales done that day and the total amounts of sales in the following format <# of transaction>, <amount>. GetAuthAmount String Used in partial redemption transactions where only part of the amount was authorized. Returns the actual authorized amount. GetBalanceTransferCount String Returns the number of Balance Transfers in the current batch GetBalanceTransferTotalAmount String Returns the total dollar amount of Balance Transfers in the current batch GetCaptured Boolean The GetCaptured method returns TRUE if PCCharge returns "CAPTURED" as the result of the transaction. Otherwise, FALSE will be returned. The GetCaptured method is used to determine if a transaction that will result in a monetary transfer (Sale, Credit, Post-Authorization, etc.) is approved or declined. A ―CAPTURED‖ response indicates that the transaction has been approved. GetCashBack String Used in redemption for remaining balance transactions where the transaction amount is so close to the balance of the card that the entire balance is authorized. Returns the remainder that is owed to the customer. GetCreditCount String Returns the number of credits in the current batch GetCreditTotalAmount String Returns the total dollar amount of credits in the current batch GetErrorCode Long The GetErrorCode method returns an error code if an error was encountered during the use of various methods such as the Send, Cancel, DeleteUserFiles, and PccSysExists. GetErrorDesc String The GetErrorDesc method returns a string representation of the error that was encountered during the use of the various methods. GetExp String Returns the expiration date for processors who issue expiration dates in the response. GetGiftCardBalance String Returns the gift card balance. GetGiftCardIssuer String The GetGiftCardIssuer method returns the gift card issuer of the card that is present in the Card property. Currently, there are no standards for indicating what type of gift card is present. Therefore, whatever value is in the Processor property is what will be returned. 54 Returned Value Description – Gift Card Integration Methods GetGiftCardType String The GetGiftCardType method returns the gift card issuer of the card that is present in the Card property or the optional card parameter that is passed to the GetGiftCardType method (the GetGiftCardType is the same as GetGiftCardIssuer). Currently, there are no standards for indicating what type of gift card is present. Therefore, whatever value is in the Processor property is what will be returned. GetGiftPin String Only used for the processor SVS. Returned on activation if the virtual gift card tag is set to ―1‖. GetMerchantNumber String Returns the merchant number that was specified in the MerchantNumber property. GetPointsCount String Returns the number of points transactions in the current batch GetPointsTotalAmount String Returns the total dollar amount of points transactions in the current batch GetProcRespCode String The processor response code. Only returned by the processor SVS. GetRefNumber String The GetRefNumber returns the Reference field from the .oux file. The Reference field is used for different purposes (depending on the gift card processor). For GVEX Register transaction: The first eleven digits of an account number will be returned. For all VTEC transactions: The account‘s remaining balance will be returned. For a VTEC batch function: use this method to retrieve the number of activations done that day and the total amounts of activations in the following format <# of transaction>, <amount>.>. For a BPS Redemption transaction, returns the retrieval reference number. GetRespCode String Returns the response code that is provided by the processor. This value is not returned by all processing companies. GetResult String Returns the result, which indicates the transaction‘s status upon completion. Refer to the Transaction Result Constants section (see page 81) for a list of valid values and descriptions. GetRet String For GVEX: Returns the loyalty balance. For VLNK: Returns the trace number. For a VTEC batch function: : use this method to retrieve the number of Gift Transactions Voids performed that day. You can call GetVoidBalance to determine the total amount of the voids. GetSaleCount String Returns the number of redemptions in the current batch GetSaleTotalAmount String Returns the total dollar amount of redemptions in the current batch String The GetTicket method returns the Ticket field from the .oux file. The Ticket field will return the ticket for all transactions except for a VTEC batch function. For a VTEC batch function: use this method to retrieve the number of gift card that has been de-activated that day and the total amounts of de-activations in the following format <# of transaction>, <amount>.>. GetTicket String The GetTicket method returns the Ticket field from the .oux file. The Ticket field will return the ticket for all transactions except for a VTEC batch function. For a VTEC batch function: use this method to retrieve the number of gift card that has been de-activated that day and the total amounts of de-activations in the following format <# of transaction>, <amount>.>. GetTIM String Returns the Time of the transaction. This value is not returned by all processing companies. For VTEC, returns the Amount Due. GetTipCount String Returns the number of Tip transactions in the current batch GetTipTotalAmount String Returns the total dollar amount of Tip transactions in the current batch GetTransDateTime String Returns the transaction date and time when passed back by a processor. Method Name GetTI 55 Method Name Returned Value Description – Gift Card Integration Methods GetTransNum String Returns the Internal Sequence Number, which is a PCCharge-assigned unique number for each transaction. This number is stored in the Number field in the PCCharge database (PCCW.MDB) for each transaction. GetTroutD String Returns the TroutD (Transaction Routing ID) for the transaction. The TroutD is a PCCharge-assigned unique identifier that is associated with the transaction throughout its ―lifespan‖. This number is stored in the TroutD field in the PCCharge database (PCCW.MDB) for each transaction. GetUpdateData String Used internally GetVoidBalance String Returns the Void Balance GetVoidCount String Returns the number of voids in the current batch GetVoidTotalAmount String Returns the total dollar amount of Voids in the current batch String The GetXMLResponse method is used to echo the text that is returned in the response file associated with the transaction. The response (.oux) file contains XML string data. The text that is retrieved can be used by integrators that wish to parse the results of the transaction themselves or for troubleshooting purposes. Note: This method must be called prior to calling the DeleteUserFiles method. GetXMLRequest String This method is used to echo the text that is sent in the request file associated with the transaction. The request (.inx) file contains XML string data. The text that is sent in the .inx file can be used to view the message of any transaction sent to the server. Note: This method must be called after the calling send and before DeleteUserFiles method. GetPreAuthCount String Only for GAPI, this returns the total number of gift card pre-auth transactions processed that day. GetPreAuthAmount String Only for GAPI , this returns the total amount of gift card pre-auth transaction processed that day. GetPostAuthCount String Only for GAPI, this returns the total number of the gift card post-auth transactions processed that day. GetPostAuthAmount String Only for GAPI, this returns the total amount of the post-auth transactions processed that day. GetIssuanceCount String Only for GAPI, this returns the total number of gift cards issued that day. GetIssuanceTotalAmount String Only for GAPI, returns the total amount of the gift cards issued that day. GetDeactivateCount String Only for GAPI, this returns how many gift cards where deactivated that day. GetDeactivateTotalAmount String Only for GAPI, this returns the total amount of gift card deactivations that day. GetBalanceAdjustCount String Only for GAPI, this returns the number of gift cards that were balance adjusted that day. GetBalanceAdjustTotalAmount String Only for GAPI, this returns the total amount of balance adjustment on gift cards that day. GetBalanceMergeCount String Only for GAPI, this returns the total number of the gift cards that were balance merged that day. GetBalanceMergeTotalAmount String Only for GAPI, this returns the total amount of gift card balance merges that day. GetReportLostStolenCount String Only for GAPI, returns the total reported stolen or lost gift cards that day. GetReportLostStolenTotalAmount String Only for GAPI, returns the total amount of all stolen or reported lost gift cards that day. GetCashoutTotalAmount String Only for GAPI, returns the total amount of all cashout transactions processed that day. GetCashoutCount String Only for GAPI, returns the total number of the cashout transactions processed that day. GetXMLResponse 56 Method Name Returned Value Description – Gift Card Integration Methods GetReactivateCount String Only for GAPI, returns the total number of gift cards that have been reactivated that day. GetReactivateTotalAmount String Only for GAPI, the total amount of all gift cards that have been reactivated that day. 57 Integrating to PAYware PC, PAYware Transact or PAYware Connect When integrating to the PAYware PC, PAYware Transact or PAYware Connect Payment Engines, only these transaction properties should be used. Note PAYware Transact is the recommended integration setting for PAYware PC. Consult the PAYware PC Server documentation for instruction on configuring PAYware Transact/PAYware PC integration. PAYware PC, PAYware Transact/PAYware Connect Properties Data Type Description Action Property Enum The action code that identifies what type of transaction will be performed. Consult Appendix A for a description of values that may be returned. Amount String The amount of the transaction. Format: DDDDDD.CC. Max Length: 9 characters, including the decimal. The value may not be negative. Do not use commas. Note: The amount MUST include the decimal point and the cents even if the amount is a whole dollar amount. Example: ―3.00‖, not ―3‖ or ―3.‖ If sending less than one dollar, the zero placeholder must be sent as well. Example: ―0.50‖. If the amount is set to an incorrect format, the Error event will fire after calling the Send method. Consult the section System Error Codes and Descriptions for a list of valid errors that will be returned. AmxChargeDescription String The American Express Charge Description. This is a general description describing merchandise: the AMEX representative and the merchant will decide on an appropriate description. Note: Only Required for Retail, MOTO and Restaurant transactions when using AMEX direct settlement or TSYS. Max Length: 23 bytes AmxDescription_1 String American Express Description data. Additional description or information about merchandise—if populated, should be printed on the receipt. Note: Only used for Retail transactions when using AMEX direct settlement. Max Length: 40 bytes This field is optional and should only be provided if the transaction will be settled directly with Amex or TSYS. AmxDescription_2 String American Express Description data. Additional description or information about merchandise—if populated, should be printed on the receipt. Note: Only used for Retail transactions when using AMEX direct settlement. Max Length: 40 bytes This field is optional and should only be provided if the transaction will be settled directly with Amex or TSYS. 58 Data Type Description AmxDescription_3 Property String American Express Description data. Additional description or information about merchandise—if populated, should be printed on the receipt. Note: Only used for Retail transactions when using AMEX direct settlement. Max Length: 40 bytes This field is optional and should only be provided if the transaction will be settled directly with Amex or TSYS. AmxDescription_4 String American Express Description data. Additional description or information about merchandise—if populated, should be printed on the receipt. Note: Only used for Retail transactions when using AMEX direct settlement. Max Length: 40 bytes This field is optional and should only be provided if the transaction will be settled directly with Amex or TSYS. AuthCode String The Authorization code. This value is returned by the issuing bank and should only be set in a transaction request when processing a PostAuthorization and if the Post-Authorization is being used to add a Voice-Authorization to the batch or to ―store‖ a Voice-Authorization. (For information on stored Voice-Authorizations. The AuthCode property does not need to be set if the Post-Authorization completes a standard Pre-Authorization using the TroutD value of the PreAuthorization. See the section Follow On Transactions for more information. BatchTraceID String Value used to trace a transaction response back to its original request. BankNetDate String The Banknet Date returned from the original auth Note: Paymentech Salem Only – Visa / MC Extension record Format: MMDD BeverageAmount String CREDIT: The Beverage Amount of transaction Similar to the TIP_AMOUNT Only applicable for Global. Format: DDDDDD.CC (This value must include dollar and cents separated by a decimal point (.)) BusinessDate String If this value is populated, PAYware Connect or PAYware Transact stores the business date for reporting purposes. For example, if a Merchant‘s business is open and processes a transaction after midnight and wishes for it to appear in the previous day‘s business, the merchant should pass the Business/Batch Date value of the previous day. Format: MMDDYY Card String The credit card number that will be used when processing the transaction. Max Length: 20 characters. Example: 5424180279791765 CardIDCode String Used in conjunction with CVV2. For keyed transactions. Valid Values: 0 – CVV2 value bypassed or not provided by merchant 1 – Value present (default) 2 – CVV2 value present on card but illegible 9 – Cardholder states the card does not contain a CVV2 CashBack String The amount of cash back that the customer will receive. This amount is included in the value entered in Amount property. For example, if the total amount of the sale is $10 and the customer has requested $5 cash back, Amount should be set to $15 and CashBack should be set to $5. The CashBack property should be formatted the same the Amount property. Max Length: 9 characters. Note: Some processors do not support the cash back feature. CashierNum String The Cashier number or Server ID CDD String GIFT: The customer-defined data. ClerkNum String GIFT: The clerk number. 59 Data Type Description COL1 Property String Allows the merchant to pass a value that will then be inserted into the PAYware Transact XREF table along with the INTRN_SEQ_NUM of the transaction being processed. This value is not passed to the processor. Max Length: 255 characters COL2 String Allows the merchant to pass a value that will then be inserted, into the PAYware Transact XREF table along with the INTRN_SEQ_NUM of the transaction being processed. This value is not passed to the processor. Max Length: 255 characters COL3 String Allows the merchant to pass a value that will then be inserted into the PAYware Transact XREF table along with the INTRN_SEQ_NUM of the transaction being processed. This value is not passed to the processor. Max Length: 255 characters CustCode String Customer code for purchasing/commercial cards. This property must be set for commercial card transactions in order to get the best discount rate. Additionally, the transaction‘s action code must indicate that the transaction is a commercial card transaction. Note: Global East (NDC), terminal based, requires the customer code be all upper case. Max Length: 25 characters, alphanumeric only. CustomerCity String Used for extended AVS. CustomerFirstName String Used for extended AVS. CustomerLastName String Used for extended AVS. CustomerState String Used for extended AVS. CustomerIPAddress String Required for all Echo Transactions. CustomerPhone String Required for all Echo Transactions CVRespType String CVV2 Response Type Valid Values: 0 – normal response code returned in response 1 – normal response code and CVV2 result returned in response CVV2 String The CVV2 value for the transaction. The card verification value (CVV2 for Visa, CVC2 for MasterCard, and CID for AMEX and Discover) is a 3 or 4 digit number that is embossed in the signature panel for Visa, MasterCard, and Discover and on the front of the card for AMEX. All AMEX cards utilize a 4 digit CID. Max Length: 4 characters. CVV2 should only be passed on non-swiped transactions. CVV2RespType String CREDI T: CVV2 Response Type Valid Values: 0 - normal response code returned in response 1 - normal response code and CVV2 result returned in responseSPACE holder can be sent. DestZipCode String Destination Zip Code for American Express purchasing/commercial cards. This property must be set for American Express commercial card transactions when using American Express as the processor (or via split dial) in order to get the best discount rate. Additionally, the transaction‘s action code must indicate that the transaction is a commercial card transaction. DevType String This is a string sent to identify the device being used in connection with PAYware Connect. This is directly connected to SERIAL_NUM. Examples: MX870, MX830, Vx670, etc. Max Length: 20 characters. DeviceKey String Only for PAYware Connect. Key used for Device Level Authentication. Please see Device Authentication in PAYware Connect Integration Guide. 60 Data Type Description EBTVoucherNum Property String The EBT Voucher Number. Valid Values: 0 – Food Stamp 1 – Cash Benefits EcommGoodsInd String Ecommerce Goods Indicator. For Ecommerce transactions only. Valid Values: P – Physical D – Digital EmpNum String GIFT: The employee number. EstGratuityAmount String For use with Restaurant transactions only. The estimated gratuity amount for a Sale (action code 1) or Pre-Authorization (action code 4) transaction. If the EstGratuityAmount is populated, PCCharge will submit the sum of the values in the Amount and EstGratuityAmount fields for authorization. If the transaction is authorized, only the value in the Amount field will be placed in the PCCharge settlement file (if running a Sale). By using the EstGratuityAmount, the merchant can help ensure that the customer has enough available credit on their card to leave a tip. Once the customer indicates the amount of the tip that will be left, a gratuity transaction (action code 13) must be performed on the sale prior to settlement in order to add the actual gratuity to the transaction. Format: DDDDDD.CC. Max Length: 9 characters, including the decimal. The value may not be negative. Note: The amount MUST include the decimal point and the cents even if the amount is a whole dollar amount. Example: ―3.00‖, not ―3‖ or ―3.‖ If sending less than one dollar, the zero placeholder must be sent as well. See the section Restaurant Transactions for more information. Note: It is recommended to check with the processor or merchant service provider for guidance on what amount to set this value to. Incorrectly setting this value can result in downgrades. ExpDate String The expiration date associated with the credit card number that will be processed. Must be exactly four characters long. Format: MMYY Example: 1208 ForceFlag String By passing the ForceFlag with the transactions, allows the merchant to enter a duplicate transaction having the same account number and amount of another transaction in the same batch or on the same day. Valid Values: TRUE or FALSE GiftSecurityCode String GIFT: The gift security code. GiftTranID String GIFT: The gift transaction ID. GratuityAmount String For use with Restaurant transactions only. The actual gratuity amount for a Sale with Gratuity (action code 14), Gratuity (action code 13), or Post-Authorization (action code 5) transaction. Note: The Amount property should include the GratuityAmount. Installment String Installment Billing Flag. Allows the ability to establish transactions to be processed on a repetitive schedule for a pre-determined number of times. This value requires that MULTI_CLR_SEQ_NUM (See page 157) and MULTI_CLR_SEQ_CNT (See page 157) be set. This value is applicable for Direct Marketing only. Valid Values: Y or N IssueNumber String Required for Switch/Solo users ItemID String The Item ID for the transaction. This field is only used for Chase Paymentech (GSAR) and can store five (5) four-digit codes that are defined by Chase Paymentech. Example: If the ItemID is set to 00010002000300040005, it stores 5 item IDs (0001, 0002, 0003, 0004, and 0005). These numbers must be obtained from Chase Paymentech. 61 Data Type Description LaneNum Property String GIFT: The lane number. Language Enum Language setting for the prompts on the SC 5000 Interac PIN pad. Values: 0 – English, 1 – French. English is the default. MCC String The Merchant Category Code. Code that corresponds to a description of the merchant‘s primary business. The MCC for authorization and deposit per transaction must match. Note: Paymentech Salem Only - Visa / MC Extension record PAYware Connect Integration Guide MCSC String The Multiple Count Sequence Count. This is the total number of installments that will be charged in a non-restaurant recurring billing scenario. Max Length: 2 characters. Example: If there are 5 payments to be made, set this property to ―5‖. MCSN String In a restaurant environment: The server or cashier id. Max Length: 2. This field should be passed for reporting and reconciliation purposes. See the section Restaurant Transactions for more information. In a non-restaurant environment, this field is the Multiple Count Sequence Number. This is the transaction number within the total number of payment installments in a recurring billing scenario. Max Length: 2 characters. Example: If there are 5 payments to be made and this transaction is the first transaction, set this property to ―1‖. The first transaction should also include the CVV property, but this value should not be stored or sent for subsequent transactions. Member String The cardholder‘s name. Max Length: 20 characters. MimeType Enum The desired file type for the storage of the signatures. Values: JPG = 0 (default) BMP = 1 PNG = 2 TIFF = 3 Multi String Flag that indicates whether PCCharge should leave the modem connection open in anticipation of other transactions that will follow shortly. If set, this value will override the corresponding value in the PCCharge GUI. Note that PCCharge can only keep the connection open as long as is allowed by the processing company. Valid values: 1 = TRUE, 0 = FALSE Default value: 0. This Flag has no effect if processing will occur over IP or leased line. OrigSeqNum String GIFT: The original sequence number. PhoneType String Used in conjunction with CustomerPhone for extended AVS. Valid Values: W – Work H – Home 62 Data Type Description POSAuthSrc Property String The source of the authorization. Most POS Source Code terminals and electronic cash registers (ECR) capture this information when it is returned from the authorizing Vendor. Note: If the value is unknown, the field may be left blank. Valid values: 0 - Source Code unavailable 1 - Stand-in processor (STIP), time out response 2 - LCS response (amount below floor limit) 3 - STIP (issuer in suppress inquiry mode) 4 - STIP (issuer unavailable) 5 – Issuer Provided 7 - Acquire approval (BASE I down) 8 - Acquired approval of a referral D - Referral (auth code manually keyed) E - Offline approval (auth code manually keyed) POSCapability String The ability of the POS terminal or cash register. Note: Paymentech Salem Only - Visa / MC Extension record Note: If this information is unavailable, this field must contain blanks Note: The value of ―9‖ will not qualify for the lowest interchange rate. Valid values: 2 - Magnetic strip reader. (Only valid for best retail interchange rate). 5 – Chip capable terminal 9 - Keyed entry only. POSCardID String The method utilized for identifying the cardholder at the point of sale. Note: Paymentech Salem Only - Visa / MC Extension record Valid values: 1 - Signature obtained (only valid value for best retail interchange rate). 2 - Personal Identification Number (PIN) utilized. 3 - Unattended terminal, no PIN pad. 4 - Mail order (not valid for retail interchange). POSEntryMode String How the transaction was entered. Note: Paymentech Salem Only - Visa / MC Extension record Note: If the value is unknown, the field may be left blank. The value ―90‖ is required to qualify for the lowest interchange rate. Valid values: 01 - Manually keyed. 02 - Magnetic stripe read. (General or Track 2) 05 - Initiated by a chip card; CVV data may be reliable 06 - Magnetic stripe read. (Track 1) 81 - Manually keyed E-Commerce (MasterCard Only) 90 - Entire magnetic stripe read and transmitted 95 - Initiated by a chip card; CVV data may be unreliable PostType String The Card Type of the POST operation Paymentech Salem Only - Visa / MC Extension record Valid Values: MC=MasterCard VI=VISA CardPresent String Mainly for manually entered transactions (if the card is swiped, then PAYware Connect and PAYware Transact knows it was present). Valid Values: 1 - card not present 2 - card present 3 - card swiped PurchaseID String Purchase order number. Assigned by the merchant for the purchasing card transaction. May be required for a Global completion. 63 Data Type Description Quasicash Property String Used for purchase of semi-cash items such as casino chips, travelers checks, stamps, etc. CREDIT: Only Global supports Quasicash payments Valid Values: TRUE FALSE (Default) RBAccount String Account number for recurring billing. Note: PAYware Connect Only RBContractID String Contract ID for recurring billing. Note: PAYware Connect Only RBCustomerID String Customer ID for recurring billing. Note: PAYware Connect Only RBEmail String Email for recurring billing. Note: PAYware Connect Only Recurring String Recurring Billing Flag. Flag to indicate the transaction is recurring. Only applicable to Direct Marketing. Do not submit AVS (Street or Zip) when using this flag. Valid Values: Y or N RefTroutD String Value is presented during a follow-on transaction with PAYware Connect. This value should be the original TroutD received in the response during the initial authorization. Once this value is added it replaces the need to resubmit the original ACCOUNT_NUM, EXP_DATE, and TRACK_DATA. NOTE: The only reference transactions supported are: ELAS HTUA_ERP HTUA_ECIOV HTUA_TSOP ReturnACI String Authorization Characteristics Indicator The ACI is generated by the merchant's processor company. Note: Paymentech Salem Only - Visa / MC Extension record SerialNumber String Unique string sent to PAYware Connect. This string should accompany transactions when using a device in connection with PAYware Connect. This should be accompanied by DEVTYPE. Note: PAYware Connect Only. ShiftID String The Shift ID An Alphanumeric code for a server‘s shift. Example: L = lunch SignatureData String Signature data in base 64 format collected from the .GetSignatureData method. StartDate String Required for Switch/Solo users. StatementDescription String Item Descriptor for ―M‖ Record Integration Guide Note: Paymentech Salem Only Max Length: 18 bytes (if StatementName = 3 14 bytes (if StatementName = 7 9 bytes (if StatementName = 12 Payment Processing. PAYware Connect M record processing bytes) bytes) bytes) StatementInfo String Merchant Information such as telephone number, city, etc. Note: Paymentech Salem Only - M record processing Max Length: 13 bytes. StatementName String Note: Paymentech Salem Only - M record processing The Merchant‘s Name 64 Data Type Description Street Property String The cardholder's billing street address. The Street property is used for address verification. Address verification can only be performed on non-swiped transactions. For FDC: Use first 5 digits only. Note: For manually keyed transactions, Street is required to qualify for the lowest transaction rates. Max Length: 20 characters Surcharge String Optional surcharge amount for Canadian Debit transactions. TaxAmt String The tax amount. This is the portion of the amount that is tax. Providing the tax amount is required to obtain the best rate on commercial card transactions. Max Length: 9 characters (including the decimal). Format: DDDDDD.CC. The transaction's action code must indicate that it is a commercial transaction. Tax amount should be included in the amount field. Ticket String The ticket or invoice number for internal referencing by merchant. This value is stored by PCCharge and passed to the processor for referencing purposes. Max Length: 9 characters. The value can be alphanumeric. Note: Not all processors support alphanumeric characters. Note: For manually keyed transactions, Ticket is required to qualify for the lowest transaction rates. Note: When using Elavon (NOVA), ticket numbers can only be alphanumeric, no hyphens. TotalNumCards String GIFT: The total number of cards being activated. TransactionCode String GIFT: The transaction code. TransSeqFlag String GIFT: The transaction sequence flag. TroutD String The TroutD (Transaction Routing ID) is used when performing ―Follow On‖ transactions. The TroutD is a PCCharge-assigned unique identifier that will be associated with a transaction and any subsequent transactions related to it. This property must be set when performing Follow-on Transactions. UseTIMPassthrough Boolean This property should be set to TRUE when using the TIM in conjunction with the SIM.DLL. For more information See Appendix E. Note: PAYware Connect only. ValidCode String Validation Code. Assigned by the VISA authorization system. Note: Paymentech Salem Only - Visa / MC Extension record Zip String The cardholder's zip code. The Zip property is used for address verification. Max Length: 9 digits. Address verification can only be performed on non-swiped transactions. Note: For manually keyed transactions, the Zip is required to qualify for the lowest transaction rates. Note: For manually keyed transactions, the Zip is required to qualify for the lowest transaction rates. Note: If submitting the 9digit zip, do not include the dash. Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) DCCIndicator String Set with the value ―Y‖. The host will convert the transaction to the cardholder‘s currency based on the BIN. DCCCustomerCurrency String Used for currency selection. Cardholder ISO currency code. Refer to table below. DCCExponent String Used for currency selection. Number of exponent digits in the DCC_RATE. Numerical value only. DCCRate String Used for currency selection. Foreign currency exchange rate. 65 Data Type Description DCCCustomerAmount Property String Used for currency selection. Cardholder transaction amount. = (TRANS_AMOUNT * exchange rate) Modifier String CheckType Enum Valid Values: 0 = Personal, 1 = Business CustomerName String The name on the customer‘s ID. CustomerCity String The Customer‘s City CheckReaderCode String Passes the type of Check Reader that is being used. Valid Values: 001 - Magtek mini micr 002 - EnCheck 3000 003 - IVI 2500 004 - IVI 430 005 - IVI 431 006 - ICE 5700 007 - MagtekImager 008 - VeriFone CR1000i 009 - Epson - TMH6000 010 - Epson - TMH6000Imager 011 - WelchAllyn ScanTeam 8300 012 - VeriFone CR600 013 - Magtek Imager with Modem 014 - IBM 4610 reader/printer 015 - Ingenico EC2600 016 - RDM EC5000 017 - RDM EC6000 018 - NCR 7158 and 7167 019 - LS 100 020 - MagTek Excella 021 - MagTek Excella (DL Capture & F&B check images) 022 - VeriFone Model Quartet MICR String The full swipe from Check Read Note: MICR is required if check is swiped. The MICR contains the 9digit ABA Number immediately followed by the checking account number (up to 14 digits) and then optional check number. Note: MICR stands for Magnetic Ink Character Recognition MICRReaderStatus String Valid Values: 15 = Valid read by MICR reader 15I = Valid read by MICR reader with imaging capability 9 = Manual only State String The Customer‘s State. CHECK: State from which the ID was issued Required when CUSTOMER_ID_TYPE used. License String Driver‘s License Number DLTrack2 String The parsed TrackII data from the driver‘s license. ABANumber String The Transit Routing number / Bank Number This value should not be passed if the MICR is sent. This value is required if check is manually keyed. Note: ABA stands for American Bankers Association Note: Must be exactly 9 characters when using Fifth-Third. PhoneNumber String Customer‘s Phone Number. Maximum Length: 10 characters Example: 9125551234 Check Properties 66 Data Type Description DOB Property String Customer Date of Birth. Format: MMDDYYYY Maximum Length: 8 characters Example: 01012001 for someone born January 1st, 2001. CheckNumber String The Check Number This value should be passed if MICR not sent. ManagerNumber String Optional Manager Number for manager override. CashierNumber String The Cashier Number FirstName String The Customer‘s First Name CHECK: Required by some networks Note: This value may contain the entire name - first and last LastName String The Customer‘s Last Name. CHECK: Required by some networks Note: This value may contain the entire name - first and last Payee String The Payee. The name of the check's recipient CustomerAddress String The cardholder‘s street address. CustomerAddress2 String Continuation of the street address. CustomerAcctType String The Customer Account Type Specifies whether transaction involves a business account check or a personal check. If the checking account is designated as a business, personal identification parameters are not applicable. Valid for Echo Valid Values: (Echo) Personal Accounts: PC - Personal Checking PS - Personal Savings PL - Personal Loan Personal Accounts: BC - Business Checking BS - Business Savings BL - Business Loan ACHType String The ACH Payment Type as defined by the National Automated Clearing House Association Populate only if CUSTOMER_ACCT_TYPE=PC Note: Echo only Note: NACHA regulations require that either the session in which the order was taken be recorded, or the consumer be notified in writing prior to initiation of the transaction. Valid Values: PPD - (Prearranged Payment and Deposit Entry) Used to submit prearranged credit and debit transactions such as payroll deposits and periodic bill payments against a consumer's account. WEB - (Internet-Initiated Entry). Used to submit debit entries pursuant to an authorization that has been obtained from the consumer via the Internet. DEFAULT for personal checks TEL - (Telephone-Initiated Entry). Used to submit transactions pursuant to an oral authorization obtained from the consumer via the telephone. CCD = Cash Concentration or Disbursement (default for business checks) CTX = Corporate Trade Exchange (business checks) CustomerStreet String The cardholder‘s street address. Max Length: 50 characters Note: In some cases, this value may be truncated to meet the processor‘s field length specifications. CustomerStreet2 String Continuation of the street address. 67 Data Type Description Suffix Property String The customer suffix (Ex: Jr, Sr) PhoneNumberType String Phone Number Type Valid Values: H = Home W = Work D = Day N = Night CustomerIDType String The Customer‘s ID Type. The type of Identification being used to identify the owner of the checking account. Valid Values: DL - Drivers License MI - Military ID GN - Generic ID SS - Social Security or Government ID Note: Required if CustomerIDNum is used Note: Required for Echo unless this is a business check transaction. CustomerIDNum String The driver‘s license (ID) number of the individual writing the check. CustomerIDDay String Expiration Day – Format: DD CustomerIDMonth String Expiration Month – Format: MM CustomerIDYear String Expiration Year – Format: YY SaleType String Echo Check Deposit Optional Enter for ACH only – without verification. Valid Value: ―ACH_ONLY‖ OtherName String Optional Other name on the check CustomerCountry String Valid Values: CA – Canada MX – Mexico US – USA (Default) *Interac Canadian Debit available only for PAYware Connect and PAYware Transact 68 PAYware PC, PAYware Transact/PAYware Connect Methods Method Returned Description Value Cancel Boolean The Cancel method attempts to cancel the transaction in progress. Calling the Cancel method does not guarantee that the transaction will be canceled; it simply attempts to cancel the transaction. It will return false if the transaction has already been submitted to the server for authorization. Clear None The Clear method will clear the values in all properties and methods It is recommended that this method be called: After the transaction results have been retrieved by using the various .get methods After the DeleteUserFiles method has been called Prior to running the next transaction GetAuthCode String For approved transactions, returns the authorization code from the issuing bank. For declined transactions, returns the reason why the transaction was declined (if the issuing bank provides one) or why the transaction was rejected. GetAVS String Returns the AVS response code from the issuing bank. If performing Address Verification on card-not-present transactions, this code indicates how well the AVS information passed in matches what the issuing bank has on file for the cardholder. Consult Appendix C for a description of values that may be returned. GetBatchResult String Returns the result of a settlement attempt GetBatchBalance String Returns the total balance of the current batch file. GetBatchNumber String Returns the batch number for the current batch GetBatchCount String Returns the batch item count for the current batch. GetBatchError String Returns the error code from the processor if one is provided for a declined transaction. All processors do not support this field. GetBatchReference String The reference field returns the response from the processor if the response is a declined. This field is not returned for all processors. GetBatchStatus String Returns the status of the batch. If the batch was successfully closed this status will indicate that, if the batch was not closed and there was a problem, it will return the response from the processor. For example, if TSYS sends back a rejected batch response this method will return the RB# number that TSYS returns. GetBatchTraceID String Value used to trace a transaction response back to its original request. When a value for BatchTraceID is passed in, that same value will be returned in the response. This value is not stored in the database. Format: Alphanumeric, unlimited length GetBatchInternalSettlementNumber String Returns the Settlement number that is stored in association with the transaction in PCCharge‘s database. This number is not returned from the processor but is PCCharge‘s internal sequencing number scheme. GetCashBenefitsAvailBalance String Returns the available cash benefits balance. GetClientID String Returns the Client ID being used in the transaction. GetCVV2 String Returns the CVV2/CVC2/CID response code from the issuing bank. If performing CVV2/CVC2/CID validation on card-not-present transactions, this code indicates if the CVV2/CVC2/CID code passed in matches what the issuing bank has on file for the cardholder. Consult Appendix C for a description of values that may be returned. GetDeviceKey String Retrieve Device Key. GetEstGratuityAmount String The GetEstGratuityAmount echoes the estimated gratuity from the original transaction. GetFoodStampAvailBalance String Returns the available food stamp balance. GetGratuityAmount String The GetGratuityAmount echoes the gratuity amount from the original transaction. GetInternalSeqNum String Returns the Internal Sequence Number, which is a PCCharge-assigned unique number for each transaction. This number is stored in the Number field in the PCCharge database (PCCW.MDB) for each transaction. 69 Method Returned Description Value GetPaymentMedia String Code that identifies the issuer of the card. Consult Appendix C for a description of values that may be returned. GetReference String Returns the reference number associated with the transaction. The reference number is assigned by the card associations. The reference number is used to help identify the transaction and is useful for the cardholder and merchant when doing research. This value is not returned with all transactions. GetRespCode String Returns the response code that is provided by the processor. This value is not returned by all processing companies. GetResponseCommercialType String Returns the type of commercial card that was used for the transaction. This value is not returned by all processing companies. Valid Return Values: B – Business C – Corporate P – Purchase GetResponseText String Response text from the processor or PAYware PC/PAYware Connect/PAYware Transact Transaction specific data that is returned by the processor, bank, or PAYware PC/PAYware Connect/PAYware Transact. Varies by transaction type and processor. GetRestrictCode String Note: Only supported on Fleet One. The product restriction code. GetResult String Returns the result, which indicates the transaction‘s status upon completion. Consult Appendix C for a description of values that may be returned. GetResultCode String Returns the response code that is provided by the processor. This value is not returned by all processing companies. Consult Appendix C for a description of values that may be returned. GetSettlementDetails String Returns the result of the settlement as a string of parsed data in place of an XML response. The string will appear as follows: <STX>InternalSeqNum<FS>TerminationStatus<FS>ResultCode<FS>Result <GS>BatchCount <RS>BatchSeqNum<FS>ResultCode<FS>Result<FS>ResponseText<FS>BatchCount <FS>BatchBalance<FS>TransSeqFirst<FS>TransSeqLast <GS>ExceptionCount <RS>ExceptionElements<FS>Reason <ETX> GetStatus String Returns current status. GetTBatch String Returns the active batch number for the transaction. This value is not returned by all processing companies. GetTermStatus String The Termination Status of the transaction request Note: This value is assigned and returned by PAYware PC/PAYware Connect/PAYware Transact. Consult Appendix C for a description of values that may be returned. Note: If SUCCESS is returned, it simply indicates that PAYware PC /PAYware Connect/PAYware Transact processed the request properly. It DOES NOT mean that a request, transaction, settlement, etc., was accepted or closed by the processor. Check the RESULT value and RESULT_CODE returned to determine the status of a transaction request. When a value other than "SUCCESS" is returned, it means that the request was not processed properly by PAYware PC /PAYware Connect/PAYware Transact. The request must be re-submitted to PAYware PC/PAYware Connect/PAYware Transact (unless NOT_PROCESSED_COMM_FAILURE" is the TERMINATION_STATUS of a PAYMENT transaction and fault tolerance queuing is enabled). GetTerminalName String Returns the name of the terminal. GetTicket String Returns the ticket number or invoice of the transaction. This value is echoed back from the original transaction or is generated by PCCharge if one is required to complete the transaction. 70 Method Returned Description Value GetTraceCode String Value returned by the processor used for tracking purposes. Note: For Debit transactions, this value must be printed on the customer receipt. GetTransSeqFirst String The sequence number of the first transaction in the settled batch segment. GetTransSeqLast String The sequence number of the last transaction in the settled batch segment. GetTransSeqNum String The sequence number of the transaction in the current open batch. Note: This value is assigned and returned by PAYware PC /PAYware Connect/PAYware Transact. GetTroutD String Returns the TroutD (Transaction Routing ID) for the transaction. The TroutD is a PCChargeassigned unique identifier that is associated with the transaction throughout its ―lifespan‖. This number is stored in the TroutD field in the PCCharge database (PCCW.MDB) for each transaction. See the section Follow On Transactions for more information. GetXMLResponse String The GetXMLResponse method is used to echo the text that is returned in the response file associated with the transaction. GetXMLRequest String This method is used to echo the text that is sent in the request file associated with the transaction. GetPyRespCode String GIFT: Response code returned by processing company. Response code returned only when using Paymentech. Valid Return Values: E - Error A - Approved If E is returned, the error code will be returned in the AUTH_RESP_CODE field. If A is returned the authorization code will be returned in the AUTH_CODE field. GetAvailBalance String GIFT: The Gift Card Available Balance. Returns Gift Card balance if available from card. GetApprovedAmount String GIFT: The Approved Amount. If processing a Gift card partial redemption, then Paymentech will approve the transaction as long as there is a balance on the card. If the card‘s available balance will not cover the TRANS_AMOUNT, Paymentech will approve the amount up to the balance on the card. APPROVED_AMOUNT contains the amount Paymentech approved for the partial redemption. If the customer owes a difference then the DIFF_AMOUNT_DUE field will contain the amount the customer owes towards the transaction. GetDiffDueAmount String GIFT: The Difference due from the customer. If processing a Gift card partial redemption, then Paymentech will approve the transaction as long as there is a balance on the card. If the card‘s available balance will not cover the TRANS_AMOUNT, Paymentech will approve the amount up to the balance on the card. APPROVED_AMOUNT contains the amount Paymentech approved for the partial redemption. If the customer owes a difference then the DIFF_AMOUNT_DUE field will contain the amount the customer owes towards the transaction. GetOrigTransAmount String GIFT: The Original Transaction Amount. If processing a Gift card partial redemption, populated if APPROVED_AMOUNT does not match original TRANS_AMOUNT. GetAuthRespCode String GIFT: The Authorization Response Code. Populated if declined. Error code returned from network. Only returned when using the processor Global, CardNet or Paymentech. GetLCLTransDate String GIFT: Returns the local transaction date. GetLCLTransTime String GIFT: Returns the local transaction time. GetTransDate String GIFT: The transaction date. GetTransTime String GIFT: The transaction time. GetAcctCurrencyCode String GIFT: Returns the account currency code. GetAcctNum String GIFT: The Gift Card Account Number. registered is returned in the response. GetTransAmount String GIFT: The amount of the original transaction. GetTraceAuditNum String GIFT: Value returned by the processor used for tracking purposes. GetCardBal String GIFT: Returns the gift card balance. GetInvNum String GIFT: Returns the original invoice number. 71 For Register transactions, the gift card number Method Returned Description Value GetStoreDivNum String GIFT: Returns the store division number. GetTransCurrencyCode String GIFT: Returns the currency code. GetRemainingBalance String GIFT: Returns the remaining balance of the gift card. GetTransConversionRate String GIFT: Returns the transaction conversion rate. GetSVSMerchNum String GIFT: Returns the SVS merchant number used for gift cards. GetProcessingCode String GIFT: Returns the processing code from the gift card processor. GetTransactionCode String GIFT: Returns the transaction code from the gift card processor. GetAmountBalance String GIFT: The amount of usable funds remaining on gift card. GetDCCMerchantCurrency String Returns Merchant ISO currency code. GetDCCCustomerCurrency String Returns Cardholder ISO currency code. GetDCCExponent String Returns number of exponent digits in the DCC_RATE. Numerical value only. GetDCCRate String Returns Foreign currency exchange rate. GetDCCCustomerAmount String Returns Cardholder transaction amount. = (TRANS_AMOUNT * exchange rate) GetDCCUpdateDetails String This is available when performing a DCC Update Inquiry. The string will be in the following format: <STX>Number of DCC Records<RS>DCC Exponent<FS>DCC Rate<FS>DCC Customer Detail<ETX> Example: <STX>5 <RS>5<FS>148316<FS>AUD <RS>5<FS>127265<FS>CAD <RS>5<FS>76459<FS>EUR <RS>5<FS>10079997<FS>JPY <RS>5<FS>70894<FS>GBP <ETX> GetReturnCheckFee String Returns the response from the processor, which indicates the fee for returned checks. GetReturnCheckNote String Returns the response from the processor, which displays a note for returned checks. GetEchoDeclineCode String Returns Echo Specific code if transaction is declined. Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) Check Methods 72 73 Appendix A – SIM.DLL Constants Action Codes The .Action property is of enumerated type. The integrator can choose to use the enumeration or the action code to set this property. For example: .Action = 1 or .Action = SIM.Charge.Command.Credit_Sale Credit Card Actions Action Code Description Enumeration 1 Sale SIM.Charge.Command.Credit_Sale 2 Return SIM.Charge.Command.Credit_Return 3 Void SIM.Charge.Command.Credit_Void 4 Pre-Auth SIM.Charge.Command.Credit_Pre_Auth 5 Post-Auth SIM.Charge.Command.Credit_Post_Auth 6 Void Return SIM.Charge.Command.Credit_Void_Return 7 Void Post-Auth SIM.Charge.Command.Credit_Void_Post_Auth 8** P-Card Sale SIM.Charge.Command.Credit_Commercial_Card_ Sale 9** P-Card Return SIM.Charge.Command.Credit_Commercial_Card_Return 10** P-Card Post-Auth SIM.Charge.Command.Credit_Commercial_Card_ Post_Auth 13 Gratuity SIM.Charge.Command.Credit_Gratuity 14 Sale w/ Gratuity SIM.Charge.Command.Credit_Sale_with_Gratuity 91* Completion SIM.Charge.Command.Credit_Completion 92* Voice-Auth SIM.Charge.Command.Credit_Voice_Auth 93* Add Tip SIM.Charge.Command.Credit_Add_Tip 94* P-Card Follow on SIM.Charge.Command.Credit_Commercial 95* Reset Tip SIM.Charge.Command.Credit_Reset_Tip 110* Sends Signature Data SIM.Charge.Command.Credit_Store_Signature *These actions are only for use with PAYware PC, PAYware Transact, or PAYware Connect **These actions are only for use with PCCharge 74 Debit Card Actions Action Code Description Enumerated 41 Sale SIM.Charge.Command.Debit_Sale 42 Return SIM.Charge.Command.Debit_Return 43* Void SIM.Charge.Command.Debit_Void 46* Void Return SIM.Charge.Command.Debit _Void_ Return 48* Sale Recovery SIM.Charge.Command.Debit_Sale_Recovery 49* Return Recovery SIM.Charge.Command.Debit_Return_Recovery EBT Card Actions Action Description Code Enumerated 60 Inquiry SIM.Charge.Command.EBT_Inquiry 61 Cash Withdrawal SIM.Charge.Command.EBT_Cash_Withdrawal 62 Food Stamp Purchase SIM.Charge.Command.EBT_Food_Stamp_Purchase 63 Food Stamp Return SIM.Charge.Command.EBT_Food_Stamp_Return 64 Cash Post Auth SIM.Charge.Command.EBT_Cash_Post_Auth 65 Food Stamp Post Auth SIM.Charge.Command.EBT_Food_Stamp_Post_Auth 66 Food Stamp Credit Post Auth SIM.Charge.Command.EBT_Food_Stamp_Credit_Post_Auth 67 Cash Void SIM.Charge.Command.EBT_Cash_Void 68 Food Stamp Void SIM.Charge.Command.EBT_Food_Stamp_Void 69 Food Stamp Credit Void SIM.Charge.Command.EBT_Food_Stamp_Credit_Void 70 Purchase SIM.Charge.Command.EBT_Purchase 71 Food Stamp Purchase Recovery SIM.Charge.Command.EBT_Food_Stamp_Purchase_Recovery 72 Food Stamp Credit Recovery SIM.Charge.Command.EBT_Food_Stamp_Credit_Recovery 73 Food Stamp Post Auth Recovery SIM.Charge.Command.EBT_Food_Stamp_Post_Auth_Recovery 74 Cash Withdrawal Recovery SIM.Charge.Command.EBT_Cash_Withdrawal_Recovery 75 Cash Purchase Recovery SIM.Charge.Command.EBT_Cash_Purchase_Recovery *These actions are only for use with PCCharge and PAYware Transact/PAYware Connect 75 Gift Card Actions Action Description Code Enumerated 18 Balance Inquiry SIM.Charge.Command.Gift_Balance_Inquiry 25 Redemption SIM.Charge.Command.Gift_Redemption 26 Register SIM.Charge.Command.Gift_Register 27 Add Value SIM.Charge.Command.Gift_Add_Value 28 Activate SIM.Charge.Command.Gift_Activate 29 Void SIM.Charge.Command.Gift_Void 76 Deactivate SIM.Charge.Command.Gift_Deactivate 77 Refund SIM.Charge.Command.Gift_Refund 78 Totals Inquiry SIM.Charge.Command.Gift_Totals_Inquiry 79 Previous Day Total SIM.Charge.Command.Gift_Previous_Day_Total 80 Balance with Lock SIM.Charge.Command.Gift_Balance_with_Lock 85 Post Auth SIM.Charge.Command.Gift_Post_Auth 86 Redeem Points SIM.Charge.Command.Gift_Redeem_Points 87 Balance Merge SIM.Charge.Command.Gift_Balance_Merge 88 Balance Adjustment SIM.Charge.Command.Gift_Balance_Adjustment 89 Balance Transfer SIM.Charge.Command.Gift_Balance_Transfer 96 Report Lost/Stolen SIM.Charge.Command.Gift_Report_Lost_Stolen 97 Cashout SIM.Charge.Command.Gift_Cashout 98 Add Tip SIM.Charge.Command.Gift_AddTip 99 Pre Auth SIM.Charge.Command.Gift_PreAuth 100 Completion SIM.Charge.Command.Gift_Completion 101 Decrement SIM.Charge.Command.Gift_Decrement 102 Close SIM.Charge.Command.Gift_Close 103 Block Activate SIM.Charge.Command.Gift_Block_Activate *These actions are only for use with PCCharge and PAYware Transact/PAYware Connect. 76 Check Actions Action Description Code Enumerated 20 MICR Verify SIM.Charge.Command.Check_MICR_Verify 21 COD Phone Verify SIM.Charge.Command.Check_COD_Phone_Verify 22 Driver‘s License SIM.Charge.Command.Check_Drivers_License 23 Double ID Verify SIM.Charge.Command.Check_Double_ID_Verify 24 Void Check SIM.Charge.Command.Check_Void_Check 50 MICR Truncation SIM.Charge.Command.Check_MICR_Truncation 51 Sale w/ MICR SIM.Charge.Command.Check_Sale_MICR 52 Void MICR SIM.Charge.Command.Check_Void_MICR 53 Force MICR SIM.Charge.Command.Check_Force_MICR 54 Manager Override SIM.Charge.Command.Check_Manager_Override 55 ECA Authorization SIM.Charge.Command.Check_ECA_Authorization 56 ECA Adjustment SIM.Charge.Command.Check_ECA_Adjustment 57 ECA Completion Accepted SIM.Charge.Command.Check_ECA_Completion_Accepted 58 ECA Completion Refused SIM.Charge.Command.Check_ECA_Completion_Refused 59 Settle MICR SIM.Charge.Command.Check_Settle_MICR 120 Check Credit (Refund) SIM.Charge.Command.Check_Credit 121 Check Status SIM.Charge.Command.Check_Status 122 Check Inquiry SIM.Charge.Command.Check_Inquiry Settlement Actions Action Description Code Enumerated 30* Batch Inquiry SIM.Charge.Command.Batch_Inquiry 31* Batch Settle SIM.Charge.Command.Batch_Settle 34** Batch Credit Settle SIM.Charge.Command.Batch_Credit_Settle 35** Batch Debit Settle SIM.Charge.Command.Batch_Debit_Settle 36** Batch Local Settle SIM.Charge.Command.Batch_Local_Settle *These actions are only for use with PCCharge **These actions are only for use with PAYware PC, PAYware Transact and PAYware Connect 77 Error Codes These error codes and descriptions will be returned when either the Err event has fired or the Process method returns false. Error Code Error Description Description 1 Unable to Communicate SIM.DLL was unable to communicate with the payment engine. payment engine is running 6 Timeout SIM.DLL did not receive a response from the payment engine in the amount of time allotted by the .Timeout property. 20 Exception A General Error Exception has occurred 21 Insufficient Transaction Data The amount of data, or the data inputted, is insufficient to carry out that particular transaction. 22 Merchant Account Error The merchant account information is incorrectly formatted or incorrectly entered for the selected payment engine. 23 Device Data Error The device (PIN pad) data entered is insufficient to properly use the device. 24 Communication Data Error The communication data entered is insufficient to connect to the server or has been incorrectly entered 25 Invalid Command The action code entered is not supported by the selected payment engine. 26 PIN pad initialization Failed The initialization of the PIN pad failed. The PIN pad will not be able to collect swipe data or extract pin entry data unless it is initialized. 27 Error Reading Card From Device The card swipe encountered an error 28 Error In Line Display The Everest encountered an error updating the display message 29 Error in Pin An error occurred while trying to extract the pin data 30 Unable to Open Line Display The line display module of the Everest PIN pad was unable to open. This generally means that the Com Port selected is already in use by another program Unable to Open MSR The mag stripe reader module of the Everest PIN pad was unable to open. This generally means that the Com Port selected is already in use by another program Unable to Open PIN pad The PIN pad module of the Everest PIN pad was unable to open. This generally means that the Com Port selected is already in use by another program 33 Unable to Open Keyboard The keyboard module of the Everest PIN pad was unable to open. This generally means that the Com Port selected is already in use by another program 34 Customer Initiated Cancel The customer pressed the ―Clear‖ or ―Cancel‖ button on the device. 35 Transaction has been sent. Can not cancel This error occurs when a cancel is initiated by the integrated application by calling the Cancel method, but the transaction has already been submitted to the payment engine. 36 Timeout waiting for swipe The amount of time permitted by the .SwipeTimeout property has elapsed. The customer did not swipe their card through the device in this amount of time. 37 Interac Transaction Failed An error occurred during the transmission of a Interac transaction to PAYware Transact, PAYware Connect or the SC 5000 38 Key Load failed An error occurred during the Key Load procedure to PAYware Transact, PAYware Connect or the SC 5000. 31 32 78 Check to see if the Appendix B – PCCharge Constants Address Verification Response Codes Response Code Address Match A Address matches, ZIP code does not B Address matches, postal code does not C No match on address or postal code D Street address and postal code matches E AVS error G Service not supported by non-US issuer I Address not verified for international transaction M Street address and postal code matches N No match on address or ZIP code P Postal code matches, address does not R Retry, system is unavailable or timed out S Service not supported by issuer (card type does not support AVS) U Address information is unavailable W 9-digit ZIP code matches, address does not X Exact match Y Address and 5-digit ZIP code match Z 5-digit ZIP code matches, address does not 0 No response sent CVV2/CVC2/CID Response Codes Response Code Address Match M CVV2/CVC2/CID match N CVV2/CVC2/CID mismatch P Not processed -- Either the CVV2/CVC2/CID was not provided, or the card does not have a CVV2/CVC2/CID value. If the CVV2/CVC2/CID was left blank, resubmit as a zero dollar amount for the transaction so the customer's credit line won't be affected by the second CVV2/CVC2/CID request. S Issuer indicates that the CVV2/CVC2/CID data should be present on the card, but the merchant has indicated that the CVV2/CVC2/CID data is not present on the card. U Issuer has not certified for CVV2/CVC2/CID or issuer has not provided Visa/MasterCard with the CVV2/CVC2/CID encryption keys. 79 Processing Company Codes Note: The processor drop-down lists found in the various setup screens in PCCharge also serve as accurate lists of the available processor codes. Credit Card Processing Company Processor Code Alliance Data Systems, Inc. ADSI American Express AMEX BuyPass, Inc. BPAS Citibank Private Label CITI ECHO ECHO FDMS Nashville / Envoy FDCN FDMS North Nash FDNN FDMS North / Cardnet CES FDMS Omaha / FDR FDC FDMS South / NaBanco NB Fifth-Third Bank – St. Pete BPS Global Payment-East NDC Heartland Payment Systems HPTS RBS WorldPay LYNK National Bankcard Services NBS National Processing Company NPC Elavon NOVA Chase Paymentech GSAR TSYS (Formerly Vital) VISA Debit Processing Company Processor Code Alliance Data Systems, Inc. ADSI BuyPass, Inc. BPAS FDMS North / CardNet CES FDMS Omaha / FDR FDC FDMS South / NaBanco NB Fifth-Third Bank – St. Pete BPS Global Payments / East NDC Heartland Payment Systems HPTS RBS WorldPay LYNK National Bankcard Services NBS National Processing Company NPC Elavon NOVA Chase Paymentech GSAR TSYS (Formerly Vital) VISA 80 PCCharge Transaction Result Constants These results are returned by the .GetResult method of SIM.DLL Result Transaction Type Description CAPTURED Monetary Successful online transaction now ready for settlement NOT CAPTURED Varies Unsuccessful online transaction APPROVED Non-Monetary Successful offline transaction for Terminal based processors, or successful Pre-Authorization for Host based processors) NOT APPROVED Varies Unsuccessful offline transaction or unsuccessful Pre-Authorization for Host based processors PROCESSED Off-line Transaction, Report Transaction was processed (Terminal based processors only); report was generated CANCELLED Any Transaction canceled by operator or modem never connected VOIDED Void Successful (with most Terminal based processors) SALE NOT FOUND Follow On (Void, Gratuity, etc.) Unsuccessful (with most Terminal based processors) GRATUITY ADDED Gratuity Successful (Offline Transaction for Terminal based processors. Depending on the processor and amount, some Gratuity transactions may be authorized online for Terminal based processors) Error Varies Unsuccessful transaction Problem Report Unsuccessful Report Request SALE RECOVERED Debit Sale Recovery Successful Debit Sale Recovery RETURN RECOVERED Debit Return Recovery Successful Return Recovery Settle Error Settlement Unsuccessful Settlement Closed Batch Close Successful Batch Close not closed Batch Close Unsuccessful Batch Close OPEN TO BUY Private Label Successful Open to Buy Inquiry on an ADSI Private Label card INVALID PARAM Transaction Inquiry Account number or TroutD not passed to Transaction Inquiry command Accepted Settlement Successful Settlement Result Code = 2 Settlement Batch Closed/Settled 81 Result Transaction Type Description Result Code = 6 Settlement Batch Declined Result Code = 8 Settlement Batch Deferred 82 Appendix C – PAYware PC, PAYware Transact and PAYware Connect Constants Address Verification Response Codes Response Code Address Match A Address matches, ZIP code does not E Not a mail-order/phone order N No match on address or ZIP code R Retry, system is unavailable or timed out S Service not supported by issuer (card type does not support AVS) U Address information is unavailable W 9-digit ZIP code matches, address does not X Exact match, 5 digit zip Y Exact Match, 9 digit zip Z 5-digit ZIP code matches, address does not CVV2/CVC2/CID Response Codes Response Code Address Match M CVV2/CVC2/CID match N CVV2/CVC2/CID mismatch P Not processed -- Either the CVV2/CVC2/CID was not provided, or the card does not have a CVV2/CVC2/CID value. If the CVV2/CVC2/CID was left blank, resubmit as a zero dollar amount for the transaction so the customer's credit line won't be affected by the second CVV2/CVC2/CID request. S Issuer indicates that the CVV2/CVC2/CID data should be present on the card, but the merchant has indicated that the CVV2/CVC2/CID data is not present on the card. U Issuer has not certified for CVV2/CVC2/CID or issuer has not provided Visa/MasterCard with the CVV2/CVC2/CID encryption keys. 83 Payment Media Credit Card Issuer Credit Card Type American Express "AMEX" Carte Blanche "CBLN" Diner‘s Club "DCCB" Discover "DISC" Enroute "ENRT" Fleet One "FLT1" Fuelman "FUEL" JAL "JAL " JCB "JCB " MasterCard "MC " Wright Express "WEX " Visa "VISA" Voyager "VGER" 84 PAYware Transact and PAYware Connect Transaction Result Constants These results are returned by the .GetResult method of SIM.DLL Result Result Code Description SUCCESS -1 Successful API Call UNKNOWN 0 Unknown Result APPROVED 5 Successful offline transaction for Terminal based processors, or successful Pre-Authorization for Host based processors) CAPTURED 4 The transaction was approved and captured in the batch Unsuccessful offline transaction or unsuccessful Pre-Authorization for Host based processors NOT APPROVED DECLINED 6 The transaction was declined Transaction was processed (Terminal based processors only); report was generated PROCESSED The result of the transaction is deferred to each batch segment DEFERRED VOIDED 7 Successful (with most Terminal based processors) COMPLETED 10 PARTCOMP 11 Partial Completion TIP MODIFIED 17 Tip modification The transaction was completed successfully and placed in the batch The ERROR value will be returned if the Termination Status is anything other than SUCCESS. ERROR SETTLED 2 Successful Batch Close DECLINE 092 Transaction Encrypted, No Terminal Keys. Note: PAYware Connect Only Note: VeriShield Protect (VSP) Transactions Only NOT AVAILABLE 30000 Backend Payment Engine is not available 85 *There are various error result codes that are not listed. For more information on these codes, contact VeriFone support. Termination Status Response Code Address Match SUCCESS Successful transaction request (check the Result or ResultCode value to determine if the transaction was approved, declined, etc.) NOT PROCESSED API call not successful NOT PROCESSED DB FAILURE API call not successful. Database failure NOT PROCESSED PARAMETER ERROR API call not successful. Parameter error NOT PROCESSED COMM FAILURE API call not successful. Communication failure NOT PROCESSED ENGINE Backend payment engine is not available NOT ACCESSABLE INDETERMINATE STATUS API call not successful. Indeterminate status PROCESSED DB FAILURE API call successful. Database failure UNKNOWN Unknown error 86 Appendix D - Unmanaged Code It is possible to have PAYware SIM run in Debug with Unmanaged Code. This is any environment outside .NET. The environment could be Vb6, C++, FoxPro, etc. It is, however, necessary to run the COM-Dev.bat file on the development machine. This is located with PAYware SIM development kit files. Please make sure to change the path in the .bat file prior to running it. This .bat file will create a .tlb file in the SIM.DLL path. This is the file you will need to reference in your code. In the client environment the .tlb file is not necessary. SIM.DLL will still need to be registered on any client machine when dealing with Unmanaged Code (anything other than .NET). Upon deployment, the integrator should run the COM.bat file instead. Note When using the .bat file, it is important to make sure there are no spaces in the path. Examples C:\Program Files – Incompatible Path C:\VeriFone\SIM – Compatible Path 87 Appendix E – TIM: Store and Forward Module TIM (Terminal Interface Module) provides a Store and Forward option for PAYware Connect. TIM is used in conjunction with SIM.DLL. It is important to note that TIM should not be configured to drive devices such as PIN pads when used in conjunction with PAYware SIM. 88 Appendix F – VeriShield Protect© VeriShield Protect© (VSP) allows an integrator to pass card swipe data (Track II) securely to PAYware Connect. The merchant will need to have a device that supports VSP and an account setup with PAYware Connect that also has VSP enabled. PAYware Connect requires Track II Data (Track), Serial Number (SerialNumber), and Device Type (DevType) to process a VSP transaction. This ensures the transaction is properly encrypted. At this time only Track II data is supported. The merchant uses a Command Card to generate the encryption key. This must be sent prior to submitting any other transactions. A Command Card looks like a credit card, but is specifically issued to the merchant to initiate commands. These commands are passed to PAYware Connect like any other SALE transaction. These transactions will have a RESULT of DECLINE and a TERMINATION_STATUS of NOT_PROCESSED. Please check the RESULT_CODE and RESULT_TEXT to determine the success of the command. If an encryption key is not generated prior to the first transaction, the merchant will receive the following: <RESPONSE> <RESPONSE_TEXT>TRX ENCRYPTED, NO TERMINAL KEYS</RESPONSE_TEXT> <RESULT>DECLINE</RESULT> <RESULT_CODE>092</RESULT_CODE> <TERMINATION_STATUS>NOT_PROCESSED</TERMINATION_STATUS> </RESPONSE> Note See PAYware Connect Developer‘s manual, section Appendix B: VeriShield, for more information regarding VeriShield Protect© and transactions. 89 Appendix G - MX Passthrough FormAgent Commands REQ packets are sent from the POS (PC side) to the Terminal. RSP packets are sent from the Terminal side to the POS (PC side). The normal link-level packet protocol will be observed, i.e., all packets on either side will be responded to with an ACK or NAK if the LRC is good or bad respectively. The 'RSP' responses shown below are packet-level responses from the terminal to the POS, and indicate a success/failure status after processing the packet. The LRC (Longitudinal Redundancy Check) is computed by exclusive OR'ing (i.e., XOR‘ing) all characters in the message except the STX but including the ETX. Both the sending and receiving sides perform this calculation. In all RSP packets below, the RetVal field signifies a Boolean value (0=Failure, 1=Success) unless otherwise specified. All data in the request (REQ) packets below in general are textual strings (i.e., there are no binary fields), except for special protocol characters such as <STX>, <ETX>, <FS> and {LRC} (Longitudinal Redundancy Check character). E.g., the OverwriteFlag field of the SFL command is either ‗0‘ (hex 30) or ‗1‘ (hex 31). All packets will contain a leading <FS>-separated command name, followed by a string of fieldname or ―fieldname=fieldvalue‖ sequences, each separated by an <FS> character. All packets being sent/received via TCP/IP will have a leading 2-byte message length header/prefix in networkbyte order, indicating the length of the trailing data. If the POS application displays a form containing buttons or other controls that generate events, or enables the magnetic /RFID card reader, due to the asynchronous nature of events such as magnetic card swipes, RFID card taps or button presses, it MUST be prepared to receive asynchronous event packets (e.g., 81., XEVT, ...) at any time. All objects drawn on the form have an associated ControlID. This is used as a key. The ControlIDs are contained in the file ctrlids.h, which is generated when the other form files are generated. 90 Command SFL Function/Description StoreFile Request/Response Packets and notes REQ: <STX>SFL<FS>FileName<FS>FileSize<FS>BlockSize<FS>OverwriteFlag<ETX>{LRC} RSP: <STX>SFL<FS>RetVal<FS>RetValString<ETX>{LRC} Where: FileName = name of file to download to device FileSize = size of file BlockSize = number of bytes being transmitted in one block OverwriteFlag = boolean value, 0 => Don‘t overwrite file if it exists 1 => overwrite file if it exists DATA BLOCK record packet formats: REQ: <STX>XDAT<FS>MPPPPSSSS{data upto PPPP bytes}<ETX>{LRC} *** DATA record Where: M = more records indicator; Y = Yes, N = No The last XDAT record has M=N PPPP = number of data bytes in *this* packet SSSS = Sequence number of block RSP: <STX>XDAT<FS>{RetVal}<ETX>{LRC} Where: RetVal = 1 will indicate a good XDAT was received; file write was successful. RetVal = 0 will indicate failure. Final RSP: <STX>SFL<FS>RetVal<FS>RetValString<ETX>{LRC} The RSP SFL1 comes after the initial REQ, and also after the last XDAT block has been received (SFL2) and acknowledged. RetVal = 0 - Unsuccessful operation 1 - Successful operation RetValString - contains a text description of the result. Purpose: Used to download files to the terminal at runtime. Sample trace: Transmit: <STX>SFL<FS>SIG1_100_100.PTS<FS>410<FS>0256<FS>1<ETX>J -- HEADER Receive : <ACK> Receive : <STX>SFL1<FS>1<FS>SUCCESS<ETX>( -- HEADER RSP Transmit: <ACK> Transmit: <STX>XDAT<FS>Y02560001{data...}<ETX>{LRC} } Multiple -- DATA BLOCK(s) Receive : <ACK> } of Receive : <STX>XDAT<FS>1<ETX>' } these -- DATA BLOCK RSP(s) Transmit: <ACK> } ... Receive : <STX>SFL2<FS>1<FS>SUCCESS[*]<ETX>( -- TRAILER RSP Transmit: <ACK> NOTE: If the file being downloaded has the following extensions, it is automatically expanded after being downloaded: .tar (regular tar archive) .tgz –or- tar.gz (gnu zipped format) .bz2 (binary zipped format) 1 This is the initial SFL response indicating whether the download will be permitted or not. This is the final SFL response: [*] SUCCESS -– normal case –orSUCCESS:DEVICE REBOOTING -- device is about to reboot after download 2 91 - - XRFL RemoveFile XIFM InitForm XSFM ShowForm REQ: <STX>XRFL<FS>FileName<ETX>{LRC} RSP: <STX>XRFL<FS>RetVal<ETX>{LRC} Purpose: Remove a file on the terminal REQ: <STX>XIFM<FS>FormName<ETX>{LRC} RSP: <STX>XIFM<FS>RetVal<ETX>{LRC} Purpose: Used to initialize a form, preparing it for display on the terminal. REQ: <STX>XSFM<ETX>{LRC} -or<STX>XSFM<FS>PresentationMode<ETX>{LRC} RSP: <STX>XSFM<FS>RetVal<ETX>{LRC} Where PresentationMode is: ‗1‘ = PM_NORMAL – default: new form overlays old form ‗2‘ = PM_LEFT_TO_RIGHT - new form moves in from left to right ‗3‘ = PM_RIGHT_TO_LEFT - new form moves in from right to left ‗4‘ = PM_TOP_DOWN – new form moves in top-down ‗5‘ = PM_BOTTOM_UP – new form moves in bottom-up ‗6‘ = PM_FADE - new form fades in Purpose: Used to show a form on the screen that was previously initialized via InitForm. XGPV XSPV GetPropValue SetPropValue Note: The above PresentationMode capability is useful only if operating in a buffered mode (i.e., BUFFERED_UI_UPDATES=1), and for the very first XSFM command after a form is newly initialized with XIFM. Although the presentation modes 2 through 6 take effect for subsequent XSFM calls from then on for the form, it is not as appealing visually or recommended: use normal mode instead. REQ: <STX>XGPV<FS>ControlID<FS>PropName<FS>PropType<ETX>{LRC} RSP: <STX>XGPV<FS>PropValue<ETX>{LRC} Purpose: Used to get a property value from a control in the form. See the PropName and PropType sections below for possible values. REQ: <STX>XSPV<FS>ControlID<FS>PropName<FS>PropType<FS>PropValue<ETX>{LRC} RSP: <STX>XSPV<FS>RetVal<ETX>{LRC} Purpose: Used to set a property value on a control in the form. See the PropName and PropType sections below for possible values. NOTE: All the XSPV/SetPropValue functions will be ignored if there is a blocked MessageBox currently displayed on the screen. REQ: <STX>XIFL<FS>FormName<ETX>{LRC} RSP: <STX>XIFL<FS>RetVal<ETX>{LRC} XIFL IsFormLoaded XGLF GetLoadedForm Purpose: Used to query if the specified form is currently loaded or not. REQ: <STX>XGLF<ETX>{LRC} RSP: <STX>XGLF<FS>FormName<ETX>{LRC} XCLB ClearListBox Purpose: Used to return the currently loaded form. REQ: <STX>XCLB<FS>ControlID<ETX>{LRC} RSP: <STX>XCLB<FS>RetVal<ETX>{LRC} Purpose: Used to clear the contents of a listbox control in the current form. (The listbox control must be present in the current form). 92 XALI AddListBoxItem REQ: <STX>XALI<FS>ControlID<FS>ItemIndex<FS>ItemText<FS>KeepCopyFlag<ETX>{LRC} RSP: <STX>XALI<FS>RetVal<ETX>{LRC} ItemIndex is zero-based. ItemIndex = 0 will add the item to the TOP of the list = -1 will add the item to the END of the list >=0 and < ListCount-1 will add the item at the specified index KeepCopyFlag = 1 Keep shadow copy of item (for use in XLRS command) XRLI XGLI RemoveListBoxItem GetListBoxItem XGLC GetListBoxItemCount XGLS GetListboxSelectedItem XSLT XLRS XLCS SetListBoxTopItem ListboxRestoreState ListboxClearState Purpose: Used to add a line of item text to a listbox control specified by ControlID. REQ: <STX>XRLI<FS>ControlID<FS>ItemIndex<ETX>{LRC} RSP: <STX>XRLI<FS>RetVal<ETX>{LRC} ItemIndex is zero-based. Purpose: Used to remove a line of item text at the specified index (ItemIndex) from a listbox control specified by ControlID. REQ: <STX>XGLI<FS>ControlID<FS>ItemIndex<ETX>{LRC} RSP: <STX>XGLI<FS>ItemText<FS>RetVal<ETX>{LRC} ItemIndex is zero-based. Purpose: Used to return a line of item text from the specified index (ItemIndex) from a listbox control specified by ControlID. REQ: <STX>XGLC<FS>ControlID<ETX>{LRC} RSP: <STX>XGLC<FS>ItemCount<ETX>{LRC} Purpose: Used to get a count of the number of items in the listbox control specified by ControlID. REQ: <STX>XGLS<FS>ControlID<ETX>{LRC} RSP: <STX>XGLS<FS>ItemIndex<ETX>{LRC} ItemIndex is zero-based. Purpose: Used to get the index of the currently selected list item. REQ: <STX>XSLT<FS>ControlID<FS>ItemIndex<ETX>{LRC} RSP: <STX>XSLT<FS>RetVal<ETX>{LRC} ItemIndex is zero-based. Purpose: Used to set the specified list item index as the topmost visible item in the specified listbox control. Note: A best-case attempt is made to satisfy this command. E.g., if there is a listbox that can have 6 items visible at a time and there are only 4 items added, and this command is sent to make the 3 rd item the top-most, nothing will be done (since there are 2 empty rows below the last item). On the other hand, if there are 10 items in the list and a command is sent to make the 3rd item the top-most, the item with index 3 will be made the topmost, and the items with indices 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 will all be visible. REQ: <STX>XLRS<FS>ControlID<ETX>{LRC} RSP: <STX>XLRS<FS>RetVal<ETX>{LRC} RetVal Count of listbox items restored Purpose: Used in conjunction with the XALI command; used to update a listbox control with a cached copy of listbox items. REQ: <STX>XLCS<ETX>{LRC} RSP: None Purpose: Used in conjunction with the XALI and XLRS commands; used to clear the cache of listbox items 93 XMBX MessageBox REQ: <STX>XMBX<FS>Title<FS>Text<FS>Icon<FS>Buttons<FS>Blocked<ETX>{LRC} RSP: <STX>XMBX<FS>RetVal<ETX>{LRC} Where: Icon can have one of the following values: 1 = ERROR Icon 2 = INFO Icon 3 = QUERY Icon 4 = WARNING Icon Buttons can have one of the following values: 0 = No buttons 1 = OK button 2 = CANCEL button 3 = YES and NO buttons 4 = YES, NO and CANCEL button Blocked can have one of the following values: 0 = messagebox is not blocked 1 = messagebox is blocked RetVal has one of the following values: - for Blocked messageboxes: -1 = Invalid packet 1 = OK button 2 = CANCEL button 3 = YES button 4 = NO button - for Unblocked messageboxes: 0 = Failed to display messagebox 1 = messagebox successfully displayed XMBH HideMsgBox XDIA DisplayImageAt Purpose: Used to display a messagebox to the user. NOTE: All the XSPV/SetPropValue functions will be ignored if there is a blocked MessageBox currently displayed on the screen. REQ: <STX>XMBH<ETX>{LRC} RSP: None Purpose: Hide a displayed MessageBox. REQ: <STX>XDIA<FS>X<FS>Y<FS>ImageFileName<FS> [Width<FS>Height<FS>OptionsMask]ETX>{LRC} RSP: <STX>XDIA<FS>RetVal<FS>RetValString<ETX>{LRC} ImageFileName – MUST be a PNG or JPG file, with '.jpg'/'.png' filename extension RetVal = 0 - Unsuccessful operation 1 - Successful operation RetValString - contains a text description of the result. OptionsMask: Bit position 3 Meaning 0x0004: Scale image (up or down) to match Height and Width values (if specified) If this option bit is set, the image will be scaled to match the specified height and width values. If this option bit is not set, the image will be shown with its true height and width Purpose: Used to display an image file at the specified [X,Y] pixel coordinates. 94 - XGID GetInputData NOTE: 1) Width, Height and OptionsMask fields are optional; however, if present, ALL must be present (i.e., a total of 7 fields). 2) There is another (recommended) solution to update an image on a form: an Image control can be setup on a form and used as a template/placeholder with a default image file. Then at runtime, the IMAGE_FILE_NAME property of the Image control can be updated by using XSPV/SetPropValue to set it to the new image filename. 3) Currently if present, the OptionsMask value must be set to ―4‖ to perform scaling. If an invalid value is specified, the image will be shown with its true dimensions. 4) If no/invalid image dimensions are specified or scaling is not specified, the image's true dimensions from the image file are used. REQ: <STX>XGID<ETX>{LRC} RSP: <STX>XGID<FS>ControlID1<FS>FieldType1<FS>FieldValue1<FS> ControlID2<FS>FieldType2<FS>FieldValue2<FS> ... ControlIDN<FS>FieldTypeN<FS>FieldValueN<ETX>{LRC} ControlID = control ID of individual checkboxes in the form. Field Type = always BOOL for checkboxes. Field Value = 1 => Checkbox checked Field Value = 0 => Checkbox unchecked XCLS ClearScreen Purpose: Use this function/packet to get the state of all checkboxes in a form. REQ: <STX>XCLS<FS>X1<FS>Y1<FS>X2<FS>Y2<ETX>{LRC} RSP: <STX>XCLS<FS>RetVal<ETX>{LRC} X1 = starting X coordinate Y1 = starting Y coordinate X2 = ending X coordinate Y2 = ending Y coordinate XRST RestartTerminal Purpose: Clears the ENTIRE screen area. The X1,Y2,X2,Y2 coordinate values are optional, but are maintained for backward compatibility with the Omni 7100 command packet API. If not present, the entire screen is cleared. If present however, ALL 4 field values must be supplied. REQ: <STX>XRST<ETX>{LRC} RSP: None Purpose: Reboots the terminal. XRSTAPP RestartApp XDTX DisplayText NOTE: If using USB communication, the PC application should close the virtual USB COM port, so that the OS (Windows) will properly create it again when the Mx870 USB device is re-detected after it boots up. REQ: <STX>XRSTAPP<ETX>{LRC} RSP: None Purpose: Restarts the FormAgent application. REQ: <STX>XDTX<FS>X<FS>Y<FS> WrapRow<FS>WrapColumn<FS>OptionsMask<FS>FontName<FS> FontSize<FS>Text[<FS>Colors]<ETX> RSP: <STX>XDTX<FS>RetVal<FS>NewX<FS>NewY<ETX>{LRC} where: FontName - is a pipe-separated list of sub-fields containing font names for normal, bold, italics AND bold-italics, without ―.ttf‖ extension. The normal fontname is MANDATORY; any of the other FontName sub-fields may simply o be left blank, in which case, the normal font name will be used. E.g., VeraMono|VeraMoBd||VeraMoBI -- the Italics fontname (VeraMoIt) is not specified, so the normal fontname (VeraMono) is used in lieu of it Colors - is a OPTIONAL pipe-separated list of background (BGColor), foreground (FGColor) and selection (SelColor) colors: BGColor|FGColor|SelColor – in RRGGBB format 95 E.g., BGColor = FFFFFF – for white background FGColor = 008000 – for green text SelColor = FFFF00 – for yellow highlighter text Purpose: Used to display text with embedded attributes at the specified [X,Y] pixel coordinates. The text will automatically wrap on the screen at the specified WrapColumn. The Text parameter can contain embedded directives for turning on bold, italics, underline, reversevideo (selection) and strike-through attributes for sections of the text. You can intersperse font attributes throughout the text: - For bold, <B> will turn ON the bold attribute, the next <B> will turn it OFF - For italics, <I> will turn ON the italics attribute, the next <I> will turn it OFF - For underline, <U> will turn ON the underline attribute, the next <U> will turn it OFF - For selection, <R> will turn ON the selection attribute (i.e., will display text in the specified SelColor), the next <R> will turn it OFF - For strikethrough, <S> will turn ON the strike-through attribute, the next <S> will turn it OFF The effects of an attribute once turned on remain in effect until turned off. Thus you may have multiple attributes ON at the same time, and all attribute effects will be applied to the relevant text block. OptionsMask – mask value representing the decimal value of the sum of the options. Bit value 0 implies the option is OFF, value 1 implies the option is ON. Mask Meaning 0x0001 Visible: 0 = not visible; 1 = visible 0x0002 Border Visible: 0 = border not visible; 1 = border visible 0x0200 Display border if scrollbars are displayed 0x0400 Add vertical scrollbar 0x0800 Add horizontal scrollbar 0x1000 Strip leading blanks in line of text 0x2000 Ignore height parameter, display all text provided 0x4000 Auto-wrap text 0x8000 Make text background transparent // E.g. If the following command is sent: XDTX<FS>10<FS>10<FS>100<FS>300<FS>21507<FS>VeraMono|VeraMoBd|VeraMoIt|VeraMoBI <FS>12<FS><R>Note:<R> Please pick up your <S>TWO<S> <B><I>FIVE<I> complimentary tickets<B> at the <U>customer service desk<U> on the way out.<FS>FFFFFF|008000|FFFF00 ...the text display on the screen (wrapped accordingly) will look like: Error! Objects cannot be created from editing field codes. NewX – new X coordinate (pixel) for next write operation NewY – new Y coordinate (pixel) for next write operation 96 XATT AddTextboxText XCTT ClearTextboxText XEVT FormEvent REQ: <STX>XATT<FS>ControlID<FS>Text<ETX>{LRC} RSP: <STX>XATT<FS>RetVal<ETX>{LRC} Purpose: Used to add (append) text to a textbox control. REQ: <STX>XCTT<FS>ControlID<ETX>{LRC} RSP: <STX>XCTT<FS>RetVal<ETX>{LRC} Purpose: Used to clear text in the textbox control. RSP: <STX>XEVT<FS>ControlType<FS>ControlID<FS>ControlData<ETX>{LRC} Where: ControlType = identifier indicating which type of control fired the event ControlID = Control Identifier assigned by Form Manager tool. ControlData = <FS>-separated values specific to the EventType. Purpose: This packet is sent whenever an event occurs on a form and there is an associated callback function specified. E.g., a button is pressed or a listbox item is selected. XEVT response by control type: For Button controls: <STX>XEVT<FS>2<FS>ControlID<FS>0<ETX> For CheckBox controls: <STX>XEVT<FS>6<FS>ControlID<FS>SelectedState<ETX> Where: SelectedState: 0=Not selected; 1=selected For Animation controls: <STX>XEVT<FS>8<FS>ControlID<FS><ETX> For KeyPad controls: <STX>XEVT<FS>0<FS>ControlID<FS>KeyEvent<FS>Value<ETX> Where: KeyEvent: 1=ON_KEYPRESS; 2=ON_ENTER; 3=ON_CANCEL Value: When KeyEvent=ON_ENTER, this is the entered value, or empty if no value is entered When KeyEvent=ON_CANCEL, this indicates the reason code for cancellation: 1=USER_ABORT (user pressed CANCEL); 2=PGM_ABORT (application abort) Q1/Q12 Q11 Q13 GetCardData(TracksToRead) NOTE: If the PC POS developer wishes to suppress an event for any Control on a Form (except Buttons), then all that is required is that the callback function name of the control be deleted in the Form Manager designer. Then when the form is generated, that Control‘s events are effectively disabled. REQ: <STX>Q1<ETX>{LRC} } REQ: <STX>Q12<ETX>{LRC} } Possible requests REQ: <STX>Q11<ETX>{LRC} } REQ: <STX>Q13<ETX>{LRC} } RSP: <STX>81.CardData<FS>CardDataSource<ETX>{LRC} Where: TracksToRead = string containing tracks to read, e.g., ―1‖, ―2‖, ―3‖, ―12‖, ―13‖, ―23‖. CardData = <FS>-separated track data in sequential order: {Track1}<FS>{Track2}<FS>{Track3} CardDataSource = „M‟ => for magstripe card-swipe = „R‟ => for RFID card tap Purpose: Used to enable the magnetic stripe reader (and RFID reader) to get card data from the terminal. 97 S00 GetSignatureData REQ: <STX>S00<ETX>{LRC} RSP: <STX>S01xxxxxyyyyzerrr<ETX>{LRC} <STX>S02Muuuu{sigdata}<ETX>{LRC} – one or more of these records Where: xxxxx = total number of bytes (5 bytes long) yyyy = Number of bytes per packet z = Signature file format (0 = Raw, 1 = TIFF100, ..., 4 = TIFF400, 5 = 3BA, 6 = Windows BMP) e = 0 = Big Endian, 1 = Little Endian (only used when savemode m=0) rrr = Signature filter resolution M = More indicator: Y (for more data) or N (for no more data) The last S02 record has M=N uuuu = Actual size of signature data in current packet (excluding 11-byte envelope: <STX>S02Muuuu (9) and <ETX>{LRC} (2)) {sigdata} = Actual signature data Purpose: Used to initiate signature capture on the terminal. S03 SetSigCapParams NOTE: 1) The application developer is expected to display an appropriate sigcap form containing Complete and Cancel buttons and a signing box (also see #3 below) and issuing a S04 command to indicate the sigcap region before issuing a S00 request. (Sending a S00 command without these preliminary commands will result in the display of a default sigcap region without any Complete and Cancel buttons!) 2) The response will be one S01 packet with one or more S02 packets. Each S02 packet contains the field ‗M‘ above indicating whether another S02 packet will follow. 3) The Complete and Cancel buttons MUST have HotSpot IDs of 1 and 2 respectively (since this is what is needed in the OS call on the terminal. You can use the FormManager to change). Only ―VeriFone raw‖ sigcap format is supported at this time. Use the S03 command to indicate what the response format should be. The signature is streamed up to the PC in the above S01/S02 packet format. Note that during the sigcap (i.e., after S00 is sent), the Complete and Cancel buttons are controlled by the OS sigcap routine. After the sigcap is done, however, pressing these buttons will send back regular XEVT event packets. This should not be an issue since, on receiving the signature, the POS will navigate off to another form. 4) After signature capture and before displaying the next form, the POS may optionally send the XPNG command to get the signature directly off the terminal screen in Portable Network Graphics (PNG) file format (only the signature within the signing box region will be returned in the snapshot). REQ: <STX>S03sssdddxerrrmF{fn}<ETX>{LRC} RSP: None Where: sss = Max time in seconds to wait for user to begin signing. Range is 000 - 300 (3 bytes); 000 indicates no timeout. ddd = Max time in seconds to wait after a user completes signing. Range is 000 - 300 (3 bytes); 000 indicates no timeout. x = display mode, if zero, do not erase display when the first pen down is detected (1 byte) e = 0 = Big Endian, 1 = Little Endian (only used when savemode m=0) rrr = Signature resolution Range is 000 - 999. (3 bytes) m = Save mode (1 byte) 0 = VFI RAW file format 1 = Save a 100 DPI TIF File 2 = Save a 200 DPI TIF File 3 = Save a 300 DPI TIF File 4 = Save a 400 DPI TIF File 5 = 3-Byte ASCII (3BA) File 6 = Windows Bitmap File (BMP) F = File saved in flash or not (1 byte) 0 = Do not save in flash file system 1 = Save in flash file system {fn} = Filename to be used, up to six characters (optional field) 98 No extension is needed. Purpose: Updates the signature capture parameters. S04 XPNG SetSigCapBoxArea GetScreenShot REQ: <STX>S04xxxyyyXXXYYYC<ETX> RSP: None Where: xxx,yyy = start X,Y coordinates of sigbox XXX,YYY = end X,Y coordinates of sigbox C = Clear area flag: 0=OFF, 1=ON Purpose: Sets the coordinates of the signature box. NOTE: This packet MUST be sent before a S00 packet. REQ: <STX>XPNG<FS>X<FS>Y<FS>Width<FS>Height<ETX>{LRC} RSP: <STX>XPNG<FS>NNNNN<FS>BBBB<ETX>{LRC} Where NNNNN = file size BBBB = bytes per packet -- HEADER record <STX>XDAT<FS>MPPPPSSSS{data upto PPPP bytes}<ETX>{LRC} -- DATA record Where: M = more records indicator; Y = Yes, N = No PPPP = actual number of bytes in *this* packet SSSS = Sequence number of block FAILURE RSP: <STX>XPNG<FS>RetVal<FS>RetValString<ETX>{LRC} RetVal = 0 - Unsuccessful operation 1 - Successful operation RetValString - contains a text description of the result. XBEL SoundTone 72 ResetTerminalState Z60 GetPinUsingMS –orGetPinUsingDUKPT Purpose: Used to grab screen shots in PNG format. NOTE: The DATA records contain the image in PNG format. REQ: <STX>XBEL<FS>TONE<FS>INTERVAL<FS>REPETITIONS<ETX> RSP: None Where: TONE = 0 => ERROR TONE, 1 => NORMAL TONE INTERVAL = Interval between tones in milliseconds REPETITIONS = Number of times to repeat the tone Purpose: Used to sound a tone. REQ: <STX>72<ETX> RSP: None Purpose: Resets the terminal application state. This packet should also be sent anytime there is an outstanding device request that you wish to cancel (such as a S00 sigcap request, a Q1x magstripe reader request, etc.) Purpose: Used to initiate a PIN request on the terminal. For Master/Session (M/S): REQ: <STX>Z60.{AA..A}<FS>WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW<ETX> M/S request packet RSP: <STX>71.0LL01PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP<ETX> -or<STX>71.<EOT><ETX> if CANCEL is pressed or other error [e.g., Terminal is in M/S mode (MK=0)] -or<STX><EOT><ETX> if PIN pad is not injected with proper key(s) For DUKPT: REQ: <STX>Z60.{AA..A}<ETX> DUKPT request packet 99 RSP: <STX>73.00000KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP<ETX> -or<STX>73.<EOT><ETX> if CANCEL is pressed or other error [e.g., Terminal is in DUKPT mode (MK=1)] -or<STX><EOT><ETX> if PIN pad is not injected with proper key(s) AA..A = Card Account Number (8-19 digits) WW..W = 16-byte Working Key LL = PIN length (Range 04-12) PP..P = 16-byte encrypted PIN Block KK..K = 10-20 byte Key Serial Number (KSN) with leading F‘s suppressed Z62 GetPinExUsingMS –orGetPinExUsingDUKPT NOTE: The minimum and maximum PIN length is 4 digits and 12 digits respectively. The FormAgent application automatically uses a built-in form (PINE.FRM) to display a PIN pad for PIN entry. The POS application does not need and in fact should NOT use one of its own forms for PIN entry. Null PIN is not allowed For Master/Session (MK=0): - REQ: <STX>Z62.{AA..A}<FS>WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWmmMMn{P1}<FS>{P2}<FS>{P3} {CCNVFlag}<ETX> RSP: <STX>71.0LL01PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP<ETX> -or<STX>71.<EOT><ETX> if CANCEL is pressed or other error -or<STX>71.<ETX> if ENTER is pressed with Null PIN For DUKPT (MK=1): REQ: <STX>Z62.AA..A<FS>mmMMn{P1}<FS>{P2}<FS>{P3}{CCNVFlag}<ETX> RSP: <STX>73.00000KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP<ETX> -or<STX>73.<EOT><ETX> if CANCEL is pressed or other error -or<STX>73.<ETX> if ENTER is pressed with Null PIN AA..A = Card Account Number (8-19 digits) WW..W = 16-byte Working Key mm = minimum PIN length MM = maximum PIN length n = NULLPIN flag; Y => Null PIN allowed, N => Null PIN not allowed P1 = Prompt1 – Part 1 of PIN prompt; max length = 16 characters P2 = Prompt2 – Part 2 of PIN prompt; max length = 16 characters P3 = Prompt3 – Message displayed after PIN is entered and ENTER is pressed; Max length is 16 characters. LL = PIN length (Range 04-12) PP..P = 16-byte encrypted PIN Block KK..K = 10-20 byte Key Serial Number (KSN) with leading F‘s suppressed CCNVFlag = Credit Conversion flag – used ONLY if NULLPIN flag in packet = ‗Y‘; 0 = no credit conversion during PIN entry 1 = Credit conversion during PIN entry (ONLY if NULLPIN=Y); KeyPad‘s ENTER key starts off with ‗CREDIT‘ label, then changes to ENTER if/when PIN entry is started. NOTE: The advantage of using this packet/function over Z60 is that the minimum and maximum PIN lengths can be specified. Note that the maximum for P1 + P2 is 32 characters, and they will be concatenated together for the PIN entry prompt. 100 XDLD ZonTalkDownload The filename pinpadbg.png is used by the internal PIN entry screens for the PIN form background. It can be changed to something more suitable if required, to create a uniform background image scheme being used by the forms in the application. REQ: <STX>XDLD<FS>FileName<FS>DownloadType<ETX>{LRC} RSP: <STX>XDLD<FS>RetVal<FS>RetValString<ETX>{LRC} Where: FileName = name of file to be downloaded DownloadType = ‗P‘ = PARTIAL download (contents of file system are NOT erased) ‗F‘ = FULL download (contents of file system are erased) RetVal = 0 - Unsuccessful operation 1 - Successful operation RetValString - contains a text description of the result. Purpose: Used to perform a programmatic download of a file using the ZonTalk protocol. If the file being downloaded has a .tar or .tgz extension, it is automatically expanded after being downloaded. REQ: <STX>XVER<ETX>{LRC} RSP: <STX>XVER<FS>APP={App_Version}<FS> OS={OS_RFS_Version}<FS> GUIMGR={GUI_Library_Version}<FS> UNITID={UnitIDNumber}<FS><ETX> XVER E.g. <STX>XVER<FS>APP=0.06<FS>OS=Mx0001US/RFS00013<FS>GUIMGR=0.06<FS> UNITID=763-000-063/12000000<FS>CLOCK=20060716161116<FS><ETX> XLED LEDControl NOTE: The CLOCK field contains the device‘s current date/time setting. REQ: <STX>XLED<FS>ON_OFF<ETX>{LRC} RSP: None Where: ON_OFF = ‗0‘ = Turn LEDs OFF ‗1‘ = Turn LEDs ON Purpose: Turn LEDs on or off. XSETVOL SetVolumeControl Note: If the AUTOLED configuration variable is 1 (on), the LEDs are automatically turned on whenever a MSR cardswipe request is issued, and turned off automatically when the card swipe occurs. The default value for AUTOLED is 1 (on). Typically applications that need to control LED behavior will have the AUTOLED value set to 0 (off), and will explicitly control turning them on/off via this command. REQ: <STX>XSETVOL<FS>Volume<FS>Bass<FS>Treble<ETX>{LRC} RSP: None; the specified volume setting are applied Where: Volume - accepted values 0 - 100; 0 = Sound off; 100 = Max vol Bass - accepted values: 50 - 100 Treble - accepted values: 50 – 100 XGETVOL GetVolumeControl XFTPGET XFTPPUT FTPGetFile FTPPutFile Purpose: Apply specified volume/bass/treble settings. Note: Values below minimum get automatically converted to allowed minimum value. Values above maximum get automatically converted to allowed maximum value. REQ: <STX>XGETVOL<ETX>{LRC} RSP: <STX>XGETVOL<FS>Volume<FS>Bass<FS>Treble<ETX>{LRC} Purpose: Return current volume/bass/treble settings. REQ: XFTPGET<FS>FTPHOST={IPAddress}<FS>FTPPORT={Port}<FS> FTPUSER={UserID}<FS>FTPPWD={Password}<FS>FILENAME={FileName}<FS> RSP: XFTPGET<FS>RETVAL={N}<FS>RETVALSTRING={S}<FS> 101 - Purpose: Get a file from the specified FTP server. REQ: XFTPPUT<FS>FTPHOST={IPAddress}<FS>FTPPORT={Port}<FS> FTPUSER={UserID}<FS>FTPPWD={Password}<FS>FILENAME={FileName}<FS> RSP: XFTPPUT<FS>RETVAL={N}<FS>RETVALSTRING={S}<FS> Purpose: Put a file to the specified FTP server. XSETVAR SetConfigVariable XGETVAR GetConfigVariable XCLOCK SetDeviceClock Where: {IPAddress} = IP address of FTP server in dotted decimal notation {Port} = Port FTP Server is operating on {UserID} = User ID to use on FTP server {Password} = Password to use on FTP server {FileName} = Name of file to upload, with proper path and extension {N} = Return value: 0=Failure, 1=Success (Normal) 2=Success (Normal AND Device is rebooting) {S} = Return value string: e.g., when N=0: ―FAIL:<additional error description>‖ When N=1: ―SUCCESS‖ When N=2: "SUCCESS:DEVICE REBOOTING" REQ: XSETVAR<FS>Parameter1=Value1<FS>Parameter2=Value2<FS>...<FS> ParameterN=ValueN<ETX>{LRC} RSP: XSETVAR<FS>RetVal1<FS>RetVal2<FS>...<FS>RetValN<FS><ETX>{LRC} REQ: XGETVAR<FS>Parameter1<FS>Parameter2<FS>...<FS> ParameterN<ETX>{LRC} RSP: XGETVAR<FS>Parameter1=Value1<FS>Parameter2=Value2<FS>...<FS> ParameterN=ValueN<ETX>{LRC} REQ: XCLOCK<FS>{DateTime} RSP: XCLOCK<FS>RetVal Where {DateTime} = clock string to set in CCYYMMDDhhmmss format XBATCH BatchCommand NOTE: The ‗seconds‘ portion of the clock string (ss) is optional. REQ: <STX>XBATCH<FS>{REQ-Packet-1}<RS>{REQ-Packet-2}...<RS> {REQ-Packet-N}<ETX>{LRC} RSP: <STX>XBATCH<FS>{RSP-Packet-1}<RS>{RSP-Packet-2}...<RS> {RSP-Packet-N}<ETX>{LRC} NOTES: An XBATCH request packet can be used to submit multiple sub-request packets to the terminal. All sub-request packets will be separated by the <RS> character (where <RS> is the Record Separator hex character 0x1E). Sub-request and sub-response packets will NOT have any <STX> / <ETX> / LRC envelope. Only certain request packets can be sent in XBATCH requests. Those that result in multiple response packets (e.g., XPNG) cannot be sent. A quick check will be made on the packets contained in the XBATCH request. If the XBATCH request packet contains such sub-request packets, the entire XBATCH request will be rejected immediately. ALL sub-request packets WILL contain a corresponding sub-response packet in the XBATCH response packet. If the sub-request packet does not a high-level response packet, the corresponding subresponse field will be left empty. E.g., a 72 packet does not have a high-level response: REQ: <STX>XBATCH<FS>XSPV<FS>12<FS>VISIBLE<FS>BOOL<FS>1<RS>72<RS> XSETVAR<FS>KP200=0<ETX>{LRC} 102 RSP: <STX>XBATCH<FS>XSPV<FS>1<RS><RS>XSETVAR<FS>1<ETX>{LRC} NOTE the empty sub-response packet for the 72 sub-request packet. Since the terminal application will have to process more requests in one shot, the POS PC will have to adjust it's wait timeout accordingly. Note that for USB, the USB virtual COM port driver only supports packet sizes of around 500 bytes. XBATCH example for sigcap (no responses for S04, S03, S00): REQ: <STX>XBATCH<FS>XIFM<FS>SIGCAP<RS>XSFM<RS>S040041043162041<RS> S030300100000060SIG.BMP<RS>S00<ETX>{LRC} RSP: <STX>XBATCH<FS>XIFM<FS>1<RS>XSFM<FS>1<RS><RS><RS><ETX>{LRC} 103 Commands for PAYware Vision Support These commands will be active when the PAYware Vision module is enabled in FormAgent. Command XSTX Function/Description StartTransaction Request/Response Packets and notes REQ: <STX>XSTX<FS>Key1=Value1<FS>Key2=Value2 ..<FS>KeyN=ValueN<ETX>{LRC} RSP: <STX>XSTX<FS>RetVal<FS>RetValString<ETX>{LRC} Where Key value pairs can be any information the ECR/PCPOS and the VP Server have agreed to share. Purpose: Used to initialize data capture and send preliminary transaction information to the PAYware Vision Server. XETX EndTransaction REQ: <STX>XETX<FS>Key1=Value1<FS>Key2=Value2 ..<FS>KeyN=ValueN<ETX>{LRC} RSP: <STX>XETX<FS>RetVal<FS>RetValString<ETX>{LRC} Where Key value pairs can be any information the ECR/PCPOS and the VP Server have agreed to share. Purpose: Used to terminate data capture with information like receiptTrailer to the PAYware Vision Server. XPAY SendPaymentData REQ: <STX>XPAY<FS>Key1=Value1<FS>Key2=Value2 ..<FS>KeyN=ValueN<ETX>{LRC} RSP: <STX>XPAY<FS>RetVal<FS>RetValString<ETX>{LRC} Where Key value pairs can be any information the ECR/PCPOS and the VP Server have agreed to share. XLST SendLineItem Purpose: Used to transaction payment information to the PAYware Vision Server. REQ: <STX>XLST<FS>Key1=Value1<FS>Key2=Value2 ..<FS>KeyN=ValueN<ETX>{LRC} RSP: <STX>XLST<FS>RetVal<FS>RetValString<ETX>{LRC} Where Key value pairs can be any information the ECR/PCPOS and the VP Server have agreed to share. XTMO SendTerminalManagementOptions Purpose: Used to send line item transaction data to the PAYware Vision Server. This information can be used to reproduce the receipt. REQ: <STX>XTMO<FS>Key1=Value1<FS>Key2=Value2 ..<FS>KeyN=ValueN<ETX>{LRC} RSP: <STX>XTMO<FS>RetVal<FS>RetValString<ETX>{LRC} Where Key value pairs can be any information the ECR/PCPOS and the VP Server have agreed to share. Purpose: Used to set terminal management parameters that identify a terminal with the PAYware Vision Server. 104 A sample flow of command packets is as follows: Set Terminal Management options: Ideally set once during initialization of the device. XTMO<FS>COMPANYID=VFI<FS>STOREID=12345<FS>DEPTID=1111<FS>LANEID=001 Start of Transaction. This packet indicates the beginning of a new transaction. XSTX<FS>invoiceNumber=22222<FS>companyId=008 Send Line item information. These packets contain information needed to regenerate the receipt at the PAYware Vision server. XLST<FS>displayString= Panini Sandwich $5.00 XLST<FS>displayString= Coke $1.00 XLST<FS>displayString= Total (7% tax) $6.42 XLST<FS>displayString= Payment information. This packet contains information related to the payment for the transaction. XPAY<FS>mop=CREDIT<FS>accountNum=4012888888881881<FS>expYear=08<FS>expMonth=12<FS>cardholder=SADIQ MOHAMMED<FS>paymentMedia=VISA<FS>transAmount=6.42 Signature information Signature information is automatically sent to the PAYware Vision server, when PAYware Vision is enabled. End of transaction. This packet indicates the end of the transaction. XETX<FS>ReceiptTrailer=THANK YOU Property Types: (use for PropType fields above) BOOL SHORT LONG STRING Property Names: (use for PropName fields above) 105 BOOL Properties: VISIBLE BORDER_VISIBLE BEEP_ON_PRESS STAY_PRESSED SELECTED NO_SCROLL RUN – shows/hides a control – enables/disables the border of a control – enables/disables the BeepOnPress flag of a Button control – enables/disables the StayPressed flag of a Button control – set/get Checkbox Selected property value - enables/disables the scrollbars for ListBox and TextBox controls - starts/stops an Animation control TRANSPARENT - enables/disables the Transparent flag of a Label control SHORT Properties: OPTIONS TEXT_JUSTIFICATION FONT_ATTRIBUTES STYLE ITEMS_TO_SCROLL MIN_ENTRIES - set/get - set/get - set/get - set/get - set/get - set/get KEYPAD_TYPE KEYPAD_IMAGE_POS_LEFT KEYPAD_IMAGE_POS_TOP BUTTON_STATE BUTTON_RESET_STATE DELAY_INTERVAL LOOP_COUNT PRES_EFFECT control options text justification values font attributes control style number of items to scroll when up/down buttons are pressed in Listbox or Textbox control minimum number of characters to accept in Keypad control - set/get Keypad control type (Numeric, Alphanumeric, Custom) - set/get left coordinate of custom Keypad control‘s PNG/JPG - set/get top coordinate of custom Keypad control‘s PNG/JPG - get state of Button control (1=pressed/0=unpressed) - reset state of Button control to 0=unpressed (for resetting state of StayPressed buttons that have been pressed, to their 0=Up/Normal state) - set/get delay interval in milliseconds for Animation control - set/get loop count in milliseconds for Animation control - set/get presentation effect for Animation control\ 0=PE_NORMAL, 1=PE_FADE, 2=PE_SLIDE_LEFT_RIGHT, 3=PE_SLIDE_RIGHT_LEFT, 4=PE_SLIDE_TOP_DOWN, 5=PE_SLIDE_BOTTOM_UP, 7=PE_EXPLODE LONG Properties: BG_COLOR FG_COLOR - set/get background color property of certain controls (Label, Button, ListBox, Marquee, …) - set/get foreground color property of certain controls (Label, Button, CheckBox, ListBox, Marquee, …) STRING Properties: CAPTION UP_IMAGE_FILE_NAME DOWN_IMAGE_FILE_NAME IMAGE_FILE_NAME UNCHECKED_FILE_NAME CHECKED_FILE_NAME DISPLAY_STRING - set/get Caption property of Label/Button control - set/get name of PNG/JPG file of Button control‘s unpressed image - set/get name of PNG/JPG file of Button control‘s pressed image - set/get name of PNG/JPG file of Image control - set/get name of PNG/JPG file of Button control‘s unchecked image - set/get name of PNG/JPG file of Button control‘s checked image - set/get display mask of Keypad control FORMAT_STRING CUSTOM_IMAGE_FILE_NAME ANIM_FILE_NAME - set/get format mask of Keypad control - set/get name of PNG/JPG file of custom Keypad control - set/get name of EET file for Animation control 106 .profile Parameters in FormAgent application THEME_PATH=/home/usr1/themes Required for location of theme files. Do not change. LD_LIBRARY_PATH= /lib:/home/usr1/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH Required to specify library search path. Do not change. FP_EMULATE=320x234 FP_ORIENTATION=landscape Do not change. Do not change. FP_POINTER=0 Mouse pointer flag; if set to 1, this will define a 2 x 2 pixel pointer defined by the color specified by the FP_POINTER_COLOUR parameter (see below). FP_POINTER_COLOUR=0,0,0,0 FP_MEDIA_AUDIO_OSS_SOFT_DELAY=1 EVAS_DEBUG_SHOW=1 DBGIP= Do not change. This will define a mouse color in {Red, Green, Blue, Alpha} format. e.g., FP_POINTER_COLOUR=255,0,0,255 will define a solid Red color mouse pointer Do not change. Do not change unless asked to by technical support. Do not change unless asked to by technical support. DBGPRT=5678 Do not change unless asked to by technical support. DEBUG=0 Do not change unless asked to by technical support. DEBUG_GUIMGR=0 Do not change unless asked to by technical support. BUTTON_ACTION_ON_RELEASE=0 This value determines whether an event fires on the button push on the Down or the Up/release. A setting of ―0‖ causes the event to fire on the Down, and this is the preferred setting. Note: If the BUTTON_ACTION_ON_RELEASE setting is not found, the default setting is 1. When set to fire on the up/release, the finger/stylus must be released within the bounding rectangular area of the button for the event to fire. This value determines if a ShowForm is required for any screen updates such as an InitForm, SetPropertyValue, etc. A value of ―1‖ requires a ShowForm, and a value of ―0‖ causes any command to have immediate UI update, thus no ShowForm is ever required. Note: The setting of ―1‖ is very useful when the POS program needs to refresh multiple areas of the form in one go (e.g., updating a ListBox lineitem and corresponding Subtotal, Tax and Total Label controls), with no flicker. This is the background ―curtain‖ image that is behind all forms. Note: The image filename used can be a png or jpg file. If the filename is not found or in invalid, or the parameter is not set, a default black rectangle background is automatically used instead. SIGRESET=1 => Default behavior; allow SIGCAP_RESET_SESSION status to be sent to application when CANCEL is pressed after signature begins + automatically clear signing region + start a new signature capture session. If SIGRESET env var is missing in .profile, this would be the default behavior. The guimgr library also ensures that the CANCEL button does not have StayPressed=TRUE, to allow user to press it twice during signature capture; if the button did have StayPressed=TRUE, it is restored on exit, so the second CANCEL button hit will cause the button to remain pressed on exit. SIGRESET=0 => don't send SIGCAP_RESET_SESSION status to application; always send SIGCAP_ABORT_KEY when CANCEL is pressed (whether signature has begun or not). With this setting, pressing the CANCEL button ONCE aborts sigcap. BUFFERED_UI_UPDATES=1 SCREEN_BACKGROUND=guimgrbg.png SIGRESET=1 NOTE: If running in SIGRESET=1 mode, the DONE button on the sigcap form is hidden as soon as sigcap is initiated and shown when the first pen-down is detected. It is again hidden when the CANCEL button is pressed after signing, when the signature box is cleared. It is recommended that the DONE button have its hidden flag set via FormManager in design mode. 107 Configuration Parameters in FormAgent application *GO=frmAgent.exe The application (process) to startup on powerup. *ZR=8 Used to indicate download baud rate of 115200 for D99-initiated downloads. *DHCP=0 Used to indicate whether DHCP is ON (1) or OFF (0) *IFCONFIG=eth0 netmask IP address and netmask of terminal (used when DHCP=0) *TELNET=1 If set to 1, this will start the Telnet server daemon *NETIP= IP address of terminal (used when DHCP=0) *NETGTW= Network gateway of terminal (used when DHCP=0) *NETDNS1= Network primary DNS IP address (used when DHCP=0) *NETDNS2= Network secondary DNS IP address (used when DHCP=0) *NETMASK=255,255,255,0 Network mask (used when DHCP=0) DEBUG=0 Used to turn ON debug mode for debug version of application DBGIP= IP address of PC running SocketListener program for debug version of application DBGPRT=5678 Listening port number of PC running SocketListener program for debug version of application HOSTIP= IP address of PC register when running in TCP/IP mode HOSTPRT=9000 Port number of PC register when running in TCP/IP mode SERVER=1 Indicates whether terminal is Server (1) or Client (0) when running in TCP/IP mode TERMPRT=9001 Port number of terminal when it is a Server, when running in TCP/IP mode COMMTYPE=RS232 Indicates communication type of terminal application (other possible values: USB, TCPIP) If COMMTYPE=TCPIP, the parameters *NET???? (See above), DHCP, SERVER, TERMPRT, HOSTIP, HOSTPRT are also required COM port (on terminal block) used by terminal application (Note: this is NOT the PC‘s COM port) Baud rate used by terminal application (common values: 8=115200, 7=38400, 6=19200, 5=9600, 4=4800) Default: 8 (for 115200 baud) Protocol format; Some common values: 4 = {8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit}, 0 = {7 data bits, even parity, 1 stop bit} External port selection - ABCD format, Where: A=port number (1-3) B=baud rate; common values for B: 8=115200, 7=38400, 6=19200, 5=9600, 4=4800, 3=2400, 2=1200 C=format; Common values for C: 4 = {8 Data bits, No parity, 1 Stop bit} 0 = {7 Data bits, Even parity, 1 Stop bit} D=command scheme Values for D: 0=<STX><ETX>LRC used 1=<CR> terminates command CP=1 BD=8 PROT=4 PS1=2641 STP1=13 PS2=3641 NOTE: The config variable PS1 is used to specify settings when connecting a PP1000SE external PINPAD device to the Mx870. External comm port 1 stop char in decimal (13 = carriage return) External port selection - ABCD format, Where A=port number (1-3), B=baud rate, C=format, D=command scheme Common values for B: 8=115200, 6=19200, 5=9600 Common values for C: 4 = {8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit}, 0 = {7 data bits, even parity, 1 stop bit} Values for D: 0=<STX><ETX>LRC used, 1=<CR> terminates command 108 STP2=13 External comm port 2 stop char in decimal (13 = Carriage return SIGBLK=480 SIGRES=0 SigCap block size – Note that with USB the maximum size of a packet is 512 bytes and it is recommended that the max value used is 480. SigCap filter resolution (0=no filtering) SIGEND=0 SigCap endianness (0=big endian, 1=little endian) MK=1 Used to indicate the type of PIN pad Key Management being used; MK=0 is for Master/Session, 1 is for DUKPT. (A common misconception is that this indicates the type of key encryption used; encryption for us is always DES (1-DES or 3-DES, as indicated by the 3DES parameter) TRKDLM=1 FS=200 Track delimiter flag (1=send entire track buffer, 0=do not send first character of track buffer) Minimum flash size needed by the application in units of 1000 bytes (KB); needed for downloads into flash; if the available flash is less than this value, the app will automatically do a flash coalesce to create flash space ScreenSaver timeout in seconds (to indicate when the touch panel should be shutoff; a setting of 0 disables the screensaver). SSTO=0 RETRYTO=3 Retry timeout in seconds (to indicate after what interval a packet should be retried if it fails to get an ACK/NAK). TPRCTM=0200 Touch Panel Recalibration Time (default = ―0200‖, for 2 AM in the morning). Used to automatically recalibrate the touch panel at the specified time; typically a time when the store is guaranteed to be idle and there is no chance of any body parts/fingers being near the touch panel when the recalibration is being performed. Indicates whether the LEDs should automatically flash when any of the Q commands are issued. Note: the LEDs are automatically shut off once the Q command is satisfied/responded to after a card is swiped or a RFID contactless card is tapped. Determines whether to use the KP200 keyboard for PIN entry. 0 = don‘t use KP200 keypad; use normal NUMERIC keypad. 1 = use KP200 keypad 0 = 1-DES encryption for PINs. Default value. 1 = 3-DES encryption for PINs. Indicates DUKPT engine to use. Possible values are 0, 1 and 2. Default value is 0. Flag indicating whether to display error message box on bad card reads. The message that is displayed is "Card Read Error! Please Slide Card Again.", with a STOP icon. Default is 0 (off). Indicates the name of form file (without extension) to display after powerup and after display of FormAgent application version information. Very useful to display the customer's starting screen with logo, marquees, etc. This facility is provided in lieu of the legacy LOGOBMP and LOGODT parameters. Optional. PIN entry timeout value in seconds. Default value: 60 AUTOLED=1 KP200=0 3DES=0 DUKPTENGINE=0 BADMAGREADMSGBOX=0 STARTUPFORM= PINTO=60 109 PAYware Vision-specific parameters *VPS=0 *VPDOWNPORT=5016 *VPSERVERPORT=5015 *VPSERVERADDRESS= NumChkPts=N Flag to enable PAYware Vision functionality in the application. Default value: 0 (off) Port number that application will listen on for Device Solutions and Content Solutions messages from the PAYware Vision server. Port that PAYware Vision server is monitoring for device-initiated Signature and Receipt packets (Signature Solutions messages). IP address of PAYware Vision server. Number of checkpoints for content management via PAYware Vision, where: N = a number from 1 - 10 Corresponding to the NumChkPts value, there must also exist parameters Chkpt1, Chkpt2, … till ChkptN, where each ChkptX parameter is set to the name of the form that will receive content from the PAYware Vision server, as specified at the VP server for the defined checkpoint. ChkptN=<formname> The number of checkpoints set must match the number of forms used by the POS application for content management via PAYware Vision. <formname> = Name of form that will receive content from the PAYware Vision server as specified at the VP server for the defined checkpoint. NOTE: This maps to a ‗Placement code‘ setting in PAYware Vision. E.g. the following defines 4 checkpoints/formnames/placement codes... Chkpt1=Welcome Chkpt2=Scroll Chkpt3=Process Chkpt4=Goodbye ...Where Welcome, Scroll, Process, Goodbye correspond to the ‗soft‘ checkpoints/ placement codes configured in PAYware Vision server. 110 MultiPay-specific parameters MULTIPAY=0 Flag to turn on/off MultiPay emulation mode. Default value: 0 (off) For the following MultiPay flags used in the application, please refer to the standard MultiPay specification. BM=1 CASHBK=02000 CLR=1 FIRST=1 HBENBL=0 HS=0 IS=X MKIDX=0 OFL=1 PNUL=1 SFK=X2XX1453 TS=XXXXXXXX VER=1.02A_1.01B Z3TIM=1 CLANG=0 CBF=10203040 PP2000=0 Q40EMUL=0 3BA=1 111 .PrintReceipt string XML format for the Duet. Tag <SPPRINT> Data Element N/A <PCOL> <PRESPOOL> <SPSTYLE> <FORMAT> <SPCENTER> <SPLR> Maximum Width Number N/A 0 – Reset to Default 1 – Double Wide 2 – Double High 4 - Inverse Text to be printed N/A <L> <R> <FEED> <POSTSPOOL> <SPLREXT> Text to be printed Text to be printed N/A Number N/A <SPRIGHT> Text to be printed <SPLINE> <TEAR> * Text to be printed N/A Description Root tag of the print package. All other commands are encapsulated in this tag. Maximum width of the print lines. The default is 32. Will print as many blank lines as indicated by ―number‖. Parent of <FORMAT>, not required. Controls the formatting of any print commands following. Can be used multiple times in a print package. Values can be combined to produce multiple style changes. Will center the given text on a line. Begins a data block describing two pieces of data, formatted to justify on the left and right sides of a print line, respectively. Uses the <L> and <R> child tags. Left portion of a print line. Right portion of a print line. Linefeed. Will print as many blank lines as indicated by ―number‖. Begins a data block describing two pieces of data. The <L> child tag controls what text to print on the left justified, and the <R> child tag provided a pad character to fill the remainder of the line. Uses the <L> and <R> child tags similar to <SPLR>, but Text will be right justified. Text will be left justified. Form feeds a receipt and triggers a wait for keypress from the user. * When sending the <TEAR> tag, the device will wait for a user to press a button on the device to continue. A button must be pressed in order for the SIM.DLL to resume communications with the device. To avoid having to press a button to continue, you can press several line feeds <FEED> instead of <TEAR> to achieve the same result. 112 Appendix H - Editing/Creating the SIM Form Deck With the Mx800 Form Manager (developer edition), you can load the SIM‘s form deck that it uses during payment processing and edit them to your own specifications and design. Or you could create an entirely new form application using the Mx800 Form Manager and add the SIM forms from scratch. If editing the current SIM form deck, in the Mx800 Form Manager, go to File > Open Application and select the SIMForms.APP file in the SIM Form Deck folder. The following table details the minimum form requirements that the SIM needs in order to work properly. More items can be added than are listed, but the SIM needs at a minimum what is detailed in the required controls column. The form name is case sensitive. The number in parenthesis is the control ID number of the item on that form. MX devices vary in available keys, such as number and function keys, and dimensions. For that reason the SIM will call on different forms that serve the same purpose as other forms, but that have been customized to either the dimensions of that device or the availability of buttons on the device. Pay close attention to this as you are editing or creating these forms. Please follow these instructions careful as an error in the form could cause the SIM not to work properly. Form Name SWIPE Used in Devices MX830 MX850 MX870 Description Required Controls Type(Control ID #) Displayed when prompting the customer to swipe their card. No required controls Label (1) – Where the question is asked Button (2) – Yes button Button (3) – No button Label (1) – Where the question is asked Button (2) – Yes button Button (3) – No button Label (1) – Where the question is asked FunctionKeyButton (2) – Yes button. Associated with the F3 function key. Should match up with the 3rd blue function key from the top. FunctionKeyButton (3) – No button. Associated with the F4 function key Should match up with the 4th blue function key from the top RETR_YN MX870 Displays a form with a prompt asking a Yes or No question to the customer RYN860 MX860 Displays a form with a prompt asking a Yes or No question to the customer RYN830 MX830 MX850 Displays a form with a prompt asking a Yes or No question to the customer RETR_N MX830 MX850 MX870 Displays a form prompting to enter a desired cashback amount RETN860 MX860 Displays a form prompting to enter a desired cashback amount DISPLAY MX830 MX850 MX870 For displaying messages on the device via the ChangeDisplay method of the SIM. Label (1) DISP860 MX860 For displaying messages on the device via the ChangeDisplay method of the SIM. Label (1) PROC MX830 MX850 MX870 Displays a form informing that their payment is in progress, or processing No required controls PROC860 MX860 Displays a form informing that their payment is in progress, or processing No required controls Keypad (1) Label (2) Keypad (1) Label (2) 113 Form Name Used in Devices Description Required Controls Type (Control ID #) For manual credit card entry Box (2) – This is the signature area. All other controls should be outside of this box. This box should be hidden. Should have the following dimensions: Left: 0 Top: 96 Width: 320 Height: 76 Button (4) – Ok button. This box should be hidden Button (5) – Clear button Box (2) – This is the signature area. All other controls should be outside of this box. This box should be hidden. Should have the following dimensions: Left: 0 Top: 120 Width: 480 Height: 80 Button (4) – Ok button. This box should be hidden Button (5) – Clear button Keypad (2) For manual credit card entry Editfield (2) For manual For manual entry For manual entry For manual entry Keypad (2) SIGCAP MX830 MX850 MX870 Form that allows customer to enter their signature SIG860 MX860 Form that allows customer to enter their signature CARD_ENT CARD860 MX870 MX830 MX850 MX860 EXP_ENT MX870 EXP_830 MX830 MX850 CARD_830 EXP860 PMT_TYPE PTYPE860 PTYPE830 MX860 MX870 MX860 MX830 MX850 credit card entry expiration date expiration date expiration date For selecting the payment type of the transaction For selecting the payment type of the transaction For selecting the payment type of the transaction Keypad (2) Editfield (2) Keypad (2) Button (2) – Credit button Button (3) – Debit button Button (4) – EBT button Button (5) – Gift button Label (6) – Credit label Label (7) – Debit label Label (8) – EBT label Label (9) – Gift label Button (2) – Credit button Button (3) – Debit button Button (4) – EBT button Button (5) – Gift button Label (6) – Credit label Label (7) – Debit label Label (8) – EBT label Label (9) – Gift label FunctionKeyButton (2) – Credit button. Associated with the F1 function key. FunctionKeyButton (3) – Debit button. Associated with the F2 function key. FunctionKeyButton (4) – EBT button. Associated with the F3 function key. FunctionKeyButton (5) – Gift button. Associated with the F4 function key. Label (6) – Credit label Label (7) – Debit label Label (8) – EBT label Label (9) – Gift label Buttons should match up in order of control ID with the blue function buttons. 114