St. Thecla School - Young Rembrandts
St. Thecla School - Young Rembrandts
Copyright ©2014 Young Rembrandts, Inc. All rights reserved. ® For Grades K-6 Classes Held Wednesday 3:10 - 4:10 pm 9/14/16-12/14/16 No class 11/23/16 Tuition $182 or 4 payments of $46 each At St. Thecla School Payment Options MAIL or FAX in ENROLLMENT or ENROLL ONLINE at: YOUNG REMBRANDTS provides all classroom supplies and a trained instructor. Classes are held immediately after school. Parents are responsible for transportation at class end. Our Students Can Expect: Our Parents Can Expect: New exciting lessons every week Increased attention to detail Improved core art skills Improved Fine Motor Skills To have fun! Discipline, persistence and patience Young Rembrandts 6598 N. Onarga Ave. Chicago, IL 60631 773-594-9687 Fax: 773-594-9681 TO ENROLL: Submit your completed registration by mail or fax to the Young Rembrandts office along with payment. Once submitted your child is automatically enrolled unless you are notified otherwise. Please, make check or money order payable to Young Rembrandts and include your child’s name and school on the check. Save a stamp and enroll ONLINE at We accept Master Card and Visa credit/debit cards. Thank you! Student Name First _________________________Last __________________________ School ____________________________ Start Date __________________________ 9/14/2016 St. Thecla 3:10 - 4:10 pm WednesdayParent Name ____________________________________________________________ Class Day _________________________ Class Time _________________________ Address ________________________________________________________________ May we use your child’s drawing in our promotional materials? [ ] Yes [ ] No City ______________________________ State __________ Zip _______________ May we photograph/video your child in class? [ ] Yes [ ] No Email Address ___________________________________________________________ I also understand all personal absences are forfeited. Grade _______ Birth Date ________________ Classroom Teacher _________________ Signature _____________________________________________________________ Home Phone _____________________ Work Phone __________________________ I would like information about being a Parent Volunteer (FREE tuition!) [ ] Yes [ ] No Cell Phone ___________________ Emergency Phone _______________ _________ Make check payable to Young Rembrandts and include your child’s name and My child will: [ ] be picked up [ ] walk home [ ] other ______________________ Credit Card Number ____________ / ____________ / ____________ / ____________ school on the check. We accept MasterCard and Visa Card Expiration _____________________________ [ ] MC [ ] Visa CCV______ Name __________________________________________________________________ Signature _________________________________________ Date ______________ (as it appears on the card) [ ] Charge my account in full [ ] Charge my account monthly Amount:___________
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