The Florida Photographer 2010 #3
The Florida Photographer 2010 #3
mag2010#3 6/14/2010 4:35 PM Page 1 mag2010#3 6/14/2010 4:35 PM Page 2 mag2010#3 6/14/2010 4:35 PM Page 3 The Florida Photographer Staff publishing editor Luis Melendi 828 Narragansett Lane Key Largo, FL 33037 305.453.5441 Fax 305.453.5448 Is the official publication of the Florida Professional Photographers, Inc. Permission to reprint contents on this publication is granted to similar publications of the photographic industry, provided that the author and THE FLORIDA PHOTOGRAPHER are recognized as the sources. The opinions expressed in any article or column are those of the author and does not necessarily represent the official position of the Florida Professional Photographers, Inc. In His Own World First Place Portrait of a Child advertising Luis Melendi 828 Narragansett Lane Key Largo, FL 33037 305.453.5441 Fax 305.453.5448 Photograph by Julie Hughes M.Photog.Cr., FDPE, FSA, FED Photographer of the Year 2009 design Luis Melendi The Florida Professional Photographers exists solely for the good of its members. The association provides tools and educational opportunities for its members to achieve their business and artistic goals. It is committed to an ongoing exchange of information and experiences between all members in an open and friendly atmosphere. NEWS 8 FPP CONVENTION SCHEDULE 9 F P P 2 0 1 0 C O N V E N T I O N I N F O R M AT I O N 14 C O N V E N T I O N R E G I S T R AT I O N F O R M M O N D AY N I G H T PA R T Y A N D AWA R D S B A N Q U E T 15 16 A R O U N D T H E S TAT E 18 CONVENTION TIPS 24 GET THE MOST OUT OF A PROGRAM 26 NEW FPP BOARD MEMBER 28 NEW FPP MEMBERS 29 P H O T O G R A P H I C C O M P E T I T I O N U P D AT E COLUMNS 5 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE D I G I TA L P H O T O G R A P H Y 21 Join the Florida Professional Photographers See Application on line at 3 mag2010#3 6/14/2010 4:35 PM Page 4 mag2010#3 6/14/2010 4:35 PM Page 5 President’s Message D E B B I E A L C O R N , Hello to all my Friends... Sometimes I just can’t get over how fast time goes by. The long awaited 2010 Florida School has come and gone. To say “Thank You” to our School Director, Marybeth Hamberger, is an understatement. WOW, great job, you ROCK LADY, is more like it. We are now quickly approaching our annual FPP Convention!! The dates are a little earlier this year. You asked for it and we acted. Make your plans now! August 7th through the 11th in Orlando at The Rosen Plaza Hotel. Call 1800-627-8258 and tell them F S A , F E D you are with the Florida Professional Photographers Association. This year, along with our super speakers, we have an actual Wedding happening. Register early to be part of the Dream Team program. Seating is limited, so act now! Register on line. Our Convention Manager, Donna Campiz, along with her two Lieutenants, Bruce Wilson Jr. and Pat Tankersley, have a great line up in store for us. Come learn and network with your fellow photographers. Trade Show Manager, Luis Melendi, has done it again! We are completely sold-out. Not only sold-out, but with a waiting list. Our Trade Show is the best in the Southeast, vendors know it, so don’t miss out! We have more booths than last year, so make it a point to attend both days: Sunday, August 8th and Monday August 9th. Our Trade Show hours do not conflict with our programs, so there is no reason for anyone to miss anything! All Conventions need volunteers, join a committee and work along side your peers to help make our Convention and Organization a success. You will have fun, make new friends and earn merits to boot! If you want. . . I am so looking forward to joining you all in Orlando. If you are a new member, please seek me out and say hello. I look forward to seeing my “old” friends and making new friends along the way. Prestige, Knowledge, Business Development, Continuing Education, Personal Growth, Degrees, Development of Ethics, Friends and Fellowship, Fun, Awards, Leadership Development, Annual Convention and Trade Show, Award Winning Publication, Photographic Competition, Seminars, PPA Affiliate School and more! Join the Florida Professional Photographers On a sadder note, our long time friend, board member and VP, Sue Crouch, had to Fill-out application at 5 move to Mississippi for personal reasons. I truly hope she can make it to our Convention. Sue has to step down from the FPP Board and VP since she no longer works or resides in our State. You will be sorely missed my friend. To fill her vacancy as a Board Member, your Board has appointed Pat Tankerley to complete her term. I look forward to great things from him, he has always come through for the FPP. Congratulations Pat. Our Sec. Treas., Dana Lunden, will be wearing two hats for the rest of this year. Sec. /Treas. and acting VP. Please, let’s all cheer him on. Good luck Dana, we are here for you; I know you will do us proud. To wrap things up, come join us in Orlando. Remember, it’s YOUR CONVENTION, come, learn, rejoice and have fun. See you soon. FAITH, HOPE and LOVE And the greatest is Love. n mag2010#3 6/14/2010 4:35 PM Page 6 FPP Board of Directors PRESIDENT Debbie Alcorn, FSA, FED 2012 4243 Trout Drive SE St. Petersburg, FL 33705 800.226.8033 (Reedy) VICE PRESIDENT/SEC. TREASURER Dana Lunden, FSA, FED 2010 8713 Elmdale Place Tampa, FL 33637 813.624.3788 PAST PRESIDENT Cherilyn Nocera, FDPE, FSA, FED 2009 419 Santa Barbara Blvd. Cape Coral, Florida 33911 239.458.5100 DIRECTOR OF CONVENTION Donna H. Campiz, FSA, FED 2010 2880 Mandarin Meadows Dr N Jacksonville, FL 32223-2633 904.268.3044 FPP SECTION’S WEB SITES SECTIONS COORDINATOR: C as ey Gor ma n, F E D 2 01 S . C hr is t mas Hill Road, Tit us v ille, F L 32796 Tel 321.383.2444 - Email BPPA - Bay: ECPPA - Destin: SWFPPA - Ft. Myers: PPNCF - GainesvillE: PPSNF - Jacksonville: PPGMF - Lakeland: APPA - Melbourne: PPGF - Miami: PPSCF - Orlando: PPGPB - Palm Beach: NWSFPP - Pensacola: T P P G - Ta l l a h a s s e e : h t t p : / / t p p g . w o r d p r e s s . c o m TA P PA - Ta m p a : h t t p : / / t a p p a . o r g DIRECTORS Larry Brewer, FSA, FED 2011 PO Box 314 Lake City, FL 32056-0314 386.755.6629 Martin Gudz, FSA, FED 2011 6174 SW CR 360 Madison, FL 32340 850.973.6376 Tony Hopman, FDPE, FSA 2010 5380 S. Florida Ave Lakeland, FL 33813-2520 863.646.4648 Sandra Pearce McAuley FDAE, FED 2011 1122 SW 15th Street Okeechobee, FL 34974 863.763.2684 Teresa Stevenson, FED 2012 925 SW Martin Downs Blvd Palm City, FL 34990 772.529.1655 Pat Tankersley 2012 1750 Leyburn Court Jacksonville, Fl.32223 904-886-4410 FPP OFFICE - EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Teri S. Crownover 13424 White Cypress Road Astatula, FL 34705-9302 352.243.1135 Fax 352.243.1136 Toll Free 800.330.0532 email: PPA COUNCILORS Betty Huth 813-571-2100 Michael Joseph 904-733-9966 Kirk Kief 386-972-3600 Mario Munoz, Sr 954-735-7150 Ed Booth 813-571-2100 Jim Chamberlain 239-272-3321 Al Gordon 941-751-9257 Martin Gudz 850-973-6376 Kevin Newsome 813-968-2810 Cherilyn Nocera 239-458-5100 Sandra Pearce 863-763-2684 Gloria Pearse 941-416-3523 Robin Phillips 863-682-6958 Pat Tankersley 904-886-4410 Kim Warmolts 727-934-4456 While in Orlando... Stay where we stay! The Rosen Plaza Hotel 9700 International Drive Orlando, FL 32819 800.627.8258 Our New FPP Website - 6 mag2010#3 6/14/2010 4:35 PM Page 7 mag2010#3 6/14/2010 4:35 PM Page 8 2010 FPP Convention Schedule SATURDAY, AUGUST 7 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM Convention Registration 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM Commercial Judging 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM Electronic Imaging Judging 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM Convention Registration Closed 1:30 PM Commercial & EI Judging Resumes 6:30 PM - 9:30PM PAT CAHILL Making Money Photographing Team Sports - Sponsor: ACI Lab 9:45 PM - 12:00AM Early Bird Party 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM 1:30 PM - 3:00PM 4:00 PM 4:15 PM - 7:15PM SUNDAY, AUGUST 8 6:45 AM - 8:45 AM Members Continental Breakfast 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM Sunday Devotions 7:30 AM - 7:00 PM Prints Displayed 8:00 AM - 10:45AM RICK FERRO Posing & Lighting Tips for Fashion Photography - Sponsor: Westcott 8:30 AM - 10:45AM Judging wrap-up 11:00 AM Trade Show Opens 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM Silent Auction 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM Mentor Program Auction 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Registration Closed for Lunch 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM Judges Break for Lunch 4:00PM Trade Show Closes 4:15 PM - 7:00 PM HANSON FONG On Location Photography... The Fong Shui Way - Sponsor: Canon 7:15 PM Presidents Welcome 7:30 PM - 10:30 PM DENNIS CRAFT The Love of Photographing Children Sponsor: Burrell Colour Imaging TUESDAY AUGUST 10 7:00 AM - 10:30AM SAFARI - JOHN WOODWARD Exploring Light on Location Hotel Lobby - Sponsor: MAC Group 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM Members Contiental Breakfast 7:30 AM - 10:30 AM Registration Opens 8:00 AM - 10:45 AM LARRY LOURCEY Optimizing The Home Studio Sponsor: WHCC 11:15 AM - 12:45PM General Business Meeting 1:00 PM CPP Exam 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM Print Case Pick up 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM ANDREW JENKINS & JACKIE PALMER - Image Is Everything Sponsor: Burrell Colour Imaging 6:30 PM President’s Reception 7:00 PM - 12:00 AM Awards Banquet Sponsor: FPP and Reedy Photo MONDAY AUGUST 9 7:30 AM - 8:30AM Members Continental Breakfast 7:30 AM - 7:00 PM Print Displayed 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM 7:30 AM - 6:00 PM Registration Opens 8:00 AM - 9:45 AM BRUCE AND JOSH HUDSON Marketing Past, Present and Future in an Economy that Sucks Sponsor: H&H Color Imaging 10:00 AM - 10:45AM Album Critique 11:00 AM Trade Show Opens 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM SANDRA PEARCE Painting with Photoshop Sponsored by ACI Mentor Program Auction Merit Forum Trade Show Closes RICHARD STURDEVANT Power of Creative Composites Sponsor: BWC 6:30 PM Flea Market Set Up 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Flea Market Open 9:15 PM - 1:00AM Costume Party - Mardi Gras Masquerade - Sponsor: Reedy Photo WEDNESDAY AUGUST 11 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Members Continental Breakfast JANICE WENDT The Art Of Nik Software Sponsor: Nik Software 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM Dream Team Wedding & Reception Experience Top Wedding Photographers at an actual Wedding 8 mag2010#3 6/14/2010 4:35 PM Page 9 2010 FPP Convention D O N N A C A M P I Z , F S A , F E D Faith, Hope, Love FPP Convention, August 7-11, 2010 The Rosen Plaza Hotel 9700 International Drive Orlando, Florida 32819 Telephone 800.627.8258 Special Rates for Florida Professional Photographers •Group ID: 30040- Password: 1041012782 I’m so excited about our Convention line up! We have thought outside of the box this year! Trade Show , Print Competition, Power of Creative Composites Richard Sturdevant M.Photog.CR Enter into a world where photography has no rules, where the ordinary can become extraordinary, and creativity has no bounds. Richard Sturdevant specializes in the art of composites to create wonderful vivid images that tell a story. No matter what type of photography you create, composites can add a whole new dimension to your style. Richard will show you how he uses composites to create stunning works of art for his portrait clients, commercial clients and award winning competition prints. He will take you on a journey through his creative thought process from start to finish. This program will inspire you to think like a traditional artist, how to paint with the camera and Photoshop. He is a leading expert in photographic artistry and creative composites. His award winning work, style, and techniques have earned him high praise in the photographic industry. Richard is Monday Night Party, Awards Banquet, Internet Café and The first ever Dream Team Wedding Program are just some of the events happening at this convention. Stay and Play! Ya’ll need to register for Convention and make your hotel reservations at the Rosen ASAP. This Convention and Trade Show are not to be missed! known for an impressive track record in print competition – receiving five prints with a perfect 100 point score in both state and regional competitions. graphic education. Sharing his knowledge and experience with others in the industry is something that he enjoys. As part of his commitment to helping others learn and succeed, he has launched his own brand of educational materials to photographers, graphic designers, and artists nationwide. He believes that these materials, known as the “Sturdavinci Art Tools”, will help fellow professionals, as well as aspiring students, achieve their creative potentials and improve their workflow. Sturdevant’s fluid combination of photography with fine art skills stems from his original artistic roots. Prior to becoming a photographer, Richard made his living as a classic and award-winning artist and also was a national art instructor and a published subject matter expert. Using airbrush and oil, his unique but photorealistic style made for a natural transition to photography. Today his passion for painting comes alive in his creations of photographic art. Richard owns and operates Sturdevant Studio – a thriving portrait studio in Garland, Texas. He specializes in fine art composites, seniors, families, wedding, and commercial photography. He was featured in Rangefinder magazine August 2006 where his image “Durrel’s Run” was featured on the cover. Richard is a member of PPA, ASP, WPPI, TPPA, DPPA and is PPA Master of Photography. With over 20 years of experience as a creative artist, Richard brings a unique eye to the world of photo9 Marketing Past, Present and Future... 21 Effective Marketing Stratagies for Sucsess in an Economy That Sucks Bruce Hudson, M.Photog.CR and Josh Hudson Let’s face it, this economy sucks! We are all working harder and longer hours just to survive the challenges of mag2010#3 6/14/2010 4:35 PM Page 10 this financial downturn. Many of the proven marketing methods of the past are not working anymore and qualified clients are harder to come by. Is it all doom and gloom? Absolutely not! The dynamic father and son team of Bruce and Josh Hudson will give you the detailed marketing strategies you’ve been craving in your business and a much needed energy boost! During their jam-packed three-hour presentation they will be discussing 21 effective ways you can market your studio and thrive during these challenging times. Here is just a small handful of what they will be covering: #3- The social media mania and how to actually make money from it. #7- The lost art of custom thank you’s as a marketing and referral building tool. #10- Orchestrating a charity auction program that is a new client generating machine. #13- Maximizing and optimizing your website so you get Googled more often. #16- Writing effective marketing and sales copy for your ads. #20- Implementing an ongoing “Portrait Safari” marketing campaign. And 15 more strategies! Don’t miss this content rich, no fluff program created by 27 year veteran Bruce Hudson and one of the most brilliant up in coming marketing minds in the industry, Josh Hudson! Josh Hudson has a unique perspective of the photography business, being the son of Bruce and Sue Hudson. Literally growing up in the business has given him a valuable insight that few possess in this industry today. Not being a photographer, Josh has the ability to be more subjective and not as emotionally tied to the photography as an art form. When it comes to marketing, his mission is clear: Make the phone ring with highly qualified clients that can’t wait to spend top dollar at his family’s studio! As a graduate from Washington State University, Josh’s plans were to go to law school, which changed shortly after starting a full time position in the family business. In other words, he never left! As co-founder of and publisher of the highly subscribed to Monthly Mentor Program, Josh communicates and consults with hundreds of photographers all over the country and is seen as an up and coming marketing guru, following in his father’s footsteps. With the creative marketing mind of his father, Bruce, and the extraordinary organizational skills of his late mother, Sue, he has the winning combination to help photographers realize their true business potential! Posing & lighting Tips for Fashion Photography Rick Ferro M.Photog.Cr, WPPI Master Glamour Photography and Working with Light. In the last twelve years, Rick has impacted the photographic community by being one of the leading wedding photographers in the nation. In addition to wedding photography, his clients have included 7-UP, Sprint, the Miami Dolphins, Master Card, Mercedes Benz, just to name a few. In 1993, Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida, approached Rick to create for Disney a wedding photography department. With 20 years experience, Rick became the Senior Wedding Photographer for Disney. Walt Disney World became the worlds’ most sought after wedding destination! As the department grew with four photographers working under Rick, it also became an avenue for television weddings. Rick was a photographer for ABC’s “Weddings of a Lifetime” and weddings on the highly successful “Regis & Kathie Lee Show”. After three years with Disney, Rick decided to freelance at Disney so that he could pursue other creative ventures. In 1999 Rick wrote his first book, “Creative Techniques For Lighting and Posing”, published by Amherst Media. Since then, Rick has 10 published a second & third book and is committed to Amherst for three more. Because of Rick’s experience as a photographer, author and teacher, he is asked to speak at professional guilds, conferences and conventions. Wedding Portrait Photographers International asked Rick to give numerous programs at their national convention in Las Vegas, and in 2002, his wife Deborah joined him on the speaking tour. As a member of Professional Photographers of America, Rick has received his PPA Master Photographer and Craftsman degrees. He has also earned the honor of his images meriting the Loan Collection and Showcase Collection. Rick has an Associate of Science Degree and is a WPPI Master Photographer. At FPP, 2001 Rick received first place in “Social Function Portrait”, “Best of Show” with a perfect score of 100 for his print “Postcard From The Edge.” He was honored by, Kodak with the Kodak Gallery Masterpiece Award. In 2006 Rick received, along with his wife, the United Nations Leadership Award from the International Photographic Council. Making Money Photographing Team Sports Pat Cahill Cr.Photog. Sports and Underclass for the Traditional Studio. Are you sitting in your studio watching thousands of dollars walk out of your town with the larger, chain school or sports photographers? Wondering how you can stop the madness and take advantage of that business? Wonder no more. Pat Cahill has plugged the drain in his small Wisconsin community and now reaps the overflow benefits from these lucrative school picture contracts . In his program, Pat speaks on how a traditional studio can increase profits by breaking into the sports and mag2010#3 6/14/2010 4:35 PM Page 11 underclass market for leagues and schools. He will cover: Beating (out) the Competition, How to get sports and underclass jobs, how to keep sports and underclass jobs, controlling a sports or underclass shoot, delivery, green screen backgrounds, control of lighting both indoor and outdoor, online ordering, file management and how to increase your sports and underclass sales. In his program, Pat can teach you how to: • Be from a small town and compete against the “big boys” • Eliminate the competition and gain control of your own back yard. • Be more than just a building by getting involved in the community. • Giving back to the community and how it profits your business. • Maintain a high profile in the community to maintain the business. • Go after the sale and ask for the business. • Sports and underclass is no longer a “specialty”. Any studio can benefit and profit from sports and underclass photography, even if your area seems to be “locked in” with contracts. Learn how your studio can own those contracts. • You no longer need special equipment to make a profit. Your digital camera and a handful of basic equipment is all you need to get started. • There’s gold in them thar’ schools. With today’s hectic schedules, parents count on photographers to capture their children’s sports memories. Sports and underclass pictures are an established practice that no parent goes without. Don’t miss out on an opportunity to not only profit, but market to, these students and families. Pat Cahill, Cr. Photog., is the owner and CEO of Cahill Studios of Photography in Amery, Wisconsin. Cahill Studios opened in 1978. Cahill Studios digitally photographs and processes more than 15,000 underclass students as well as 15,000 sports clients annually. Pat is also the National Sales Manager for American Color Imaging. Pat deals with teaching independent studios the fundamentals of digital control and file management in an underclass and sports setting. He instructs in the benefits of these product lines as a way to even out cash flow and relieve some of the financial stress of a “seasonal” photography studio. With the changing photography market Pat will show how to use green screen technology to increase your profit and offer greater choices to your clients. A past board member of the Wisconsin Professional Photographers Association, Pat is an Honorary Fellow in the State of Wisconsin as well as a member of ASP, PSPA and SPAC. Pat and his wife, Merry, have five children and Pat is a former Investigator for the Polk County, Wisconsin, Sheriff’s Department. On Location Photography the Fong Shui Way Hanson Fong M.Photog.CR., XXV, ASP With over 30 years practicing the Art of Photography, Hanson will demonstrate his successful techniques that apply to both portrait and wedding photography. Balancing the art of lighting and posing, Hanson will teach you how to create perfect harmony, which will allow you to handle any subject’s body size and type. The “Classic 10 Poses” that Hanson mastered and pioneered will help you analyze different body sizes and types. You will learn to recognize the poses that will result in a proportional balance of the various body sizes to each other. This technique will enable you to pose any family grouping, couple, and bride & groom. The late legendary Rocky Gunn, Hanson’s mentor and teacher, inspired Hanson’s “Flow Posing” which is acknowledged and recognized internationally. He will share with you his secret to this elegant dance of posing that is out of this world! In addition to the hands-on posing techniques, Hanson will also teach lighting and metering techniques. You will be learning how to photograph 11 under any lighting condition… indoors and outdoors… any place, anytime. Hanson’s approach to finding the proper light outdoors is simple and uncomplicated. Proper lighting and posing helps you to create highly desirable, beautiful and timeless portraits. The key element to being a successful photographer is to make people look great. Hanson is known for his teaching skills as well as his photographic prowess. He shares all his secrets of success with his students. Program highlights include: The Classic 10 Poses, Lighting Control, Flow Posing, Window Lighting, Group and Family Posing, Metering Techniques and Facial Analysis Hanson Fong is globally recognized as one of the premier wedding and portrait photographers in the industry today. His photographic experience and educational credentials are unsurpassed. As an award winning photographer and instructor, Hanson is on the cutting edge of photography. His work sets the standard for photographers around the world. He has lectured at every major school of photography across America and has been invited to speak at various national and international conventions. His work and talent are recognized throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico and Europe. The Love of Photographing Children Dennis Craft M.Photog.Cr., ASP Craft Photography opened in 1979 in a storefront in downtown Marshall, Michigan. In 1988 Dennis and wife Lori renovated a historic home in Marshall as a studio. Then, in 1999 they moved their business and home outside of Marshall on thirteen acres of scenic Michigan countryside. The charming surroundings serve as a perfect backdrop for their focus on mag2010#3 6/14/2010 4:35 PM Page 12 fanciful children’s portraiture. A Michigan Top-Ten photographer thirteen times, thirteen of his merit prints have been selected into the International Loan Collection. Three have been selected for exhibit at Walt Disney World’s Epcot Center, and one has been on display in the International Photography Hall of Fame. Craft was named Photographer of the Year in Michigan in 1992 and 1996. He received his Master of Photography Degree in 1991 and Photographic Craftsman Degree in 1993 from the Professional Photographers of America. In 1997 he was awarded the Fellowship Degree from the American Society of Photographers. The past few years have kept Dennis very busy by serving on the Professional Photographers of America’s Board of Directors; Dennis is also the current President of PPA 2008-2009. Dennis has spoken at state and regional conventions and numerous local affiliates. He has been a featured platform speaker for the Annual PPA Convention. He is a sought after teacher for many of the PPA Affiliate schools around the country. Hundreds of students have enjoyed Dennis’ unique teaching style and have been able to apply practical solutions and ideas for developing and improving their own photographic style. Most of his honored prints are of children. Dennis enjoys working in a natural light situation, window light and environmental portraits are his specialty. Optimizing The Home Studio Larry Lourcey M.Photog.Cr. With more and more photographers moving to home studios, it is more important than ever to make sure we run businesses that set us apart from the competition. To take your business to the next level, you must grow as both a business person AND as an artist. Larry will explain ways to run an upscale business, without the upscale overhead. Topics will include: • Planning your studio/salesroom layout • Shooting strategies • Sales techniques for maximum sales • Marketing your business • Avoiding the mistakes that sink most studios. Storytelling has always been the hallmark of Lourcey Photography. Since earning his Bachelor of Arts in 1992, continuing education has always been a priority for Larry. Countless art classes and photography workshops have helped to mold his style and technique. In 2001, Larry earned his Certified Professional Photographer designation from the Professional Photographers of America, followed by his Master Photographer degree is 2007. In 2009 he became a PPA Approved Juror. Larry is a member of the Professional Photographers of America and the Texas Professional Photographers Association. He is also a past president of the Dallas Professional Photographers Association. Image Is Everything Andrew Jenkins M.Photog.Cr., ASP Jacqueline Palmer, CPP Andrew owns and operates a custom design portrait studio located in St. Johns, Michigan. After graduating with a degree in photography, Andrew purchased a home based business and relocated it to a one hundred year old Victorian style home complete with a carriage house and a beautiful portrait park. He goes home in the evening to a wonderful wife Emily and three children Alex, Gabriella, and Caroline. Andrew has been very successful in State and National Print Competitions. He is a Certified Professional Photographer and holds both the Master and Craftsman degree 12 awarded out by the Professional Photographers of America. He has been honored with Top Seven Photographers in Michigan many times over the past years. Andrew was awarded Photographer of the Year in the state of Michigan in 2005 and 2007. He has also been the recipient of the ASP Bronze Medallion as well as placing second in the Kodak Gallery Elite Award. Many of his images have been published in PPA Loan Collection as well as Showcase books. He has also been honored with the PPA International Photographer of The Year for the past six years. Andrew is a Past President of the Michigan Triangle of Professional Photogra-phers. He has also served on the Professional Photographers of Michigan board as well as a trustee for the Great Lakes Institute of Photography. He is currently a Councilor for the Professional Photographers of America, and serves as a national affiliated juror. He is also a part of the Burrell Colour Imaging Mentor Program. Jaqueline Palmer After graduating with a degree in education, Jackie took her love for children to the photography industry. She operates a custom design portrait studio in St. Johns Michigan. She also works as a personal studio consultant helping photographers all around the state. Her passion for photography and children is evident not only by the images that she creates but by her dedication to helping others succeed in their own business. She, along with her husband Tim, are wonderful parents to their dog Jake. Jackie holds the Craftsman degree from the Professional Photographers of America. The Professional Photographers of Michigan has honored her with a Service Award. She has been very successful in both State and National print competitions. Jackie has been in the top seven Michigan photographers. She has had many images selected for the PPA Loan Collection. Jackie has been awarded the PPA International Photographer of the Year Award. She also has been chosen as the Earl Austin Service Award recipient by the mag2010#3 6/14/2010 4:35 PM Page 13 Michigan Triangle of Professional Photographers. Jackie has served as a volunteer for both the Professional Photographers of Michigan as well as the Great Lakes Institute of Photography. She currently is serving on the board of directors for the Michigan Triangle of Professional Photographers, and has been instrumental in the development of the SNAP (Shoot. Network. Apply. Profit.) Program. The Art of NIK Software Janice Wendt Ever wonder how these top, edgy photographers are getting these awesome looking digital images? Don’t you want your images to look that good? Janice Wendt, Nik Software’s leading authority and ambassador, reveal the secrets and how easily creativity through subtle image enhancements can be made, while saving the most valuable commodity we all share, “TIME”! Janice has fine-tuned her craft over the years and has a fool-proof way of getting the most out of every image. By understanding the photographic process she has positioned herself as one of the true leader on the topic of digital image enhancement. This promises to be a program filled with Ooohs and Ahhhs along with highly useful tips and techniques. This is a program not to be missed, if you are looking to take your images to the next level. At Nik Software Inc. in San Diego, California, Janice Wendt has a variety of responsibilities. As Channel Sales Manager she is the link between Nik Software and the entire U.S. distribution channel for product sales. In addition, she has become one of the industry’s most respected and leading retouch and image enhancement artists, often “training the trainers” on numerous techniques related to digital imaging. Janice spends much of her time working on educational issues for Nik Software and educates professionals nationally in subjects related to the digital capture process, digital workflow and offers a practical view of retouching featuring alternative, time saving techniques for both the professional and beginning photographer. Nik Software is well known for it’s innovative and time saving software. Their U-Point technology has received wide acclaim and is found in all of Nik Software’s programs, including Nik Color Efex Pro, Nik Sharpener Pro, Viveza, Silver Efex, and Nikon Capture NX2. Janice will help you get the most out of these programs and streamline your workflow in no time. Janice is an experienced commercial and portrait photographer with over 25 years of experience working in film photography and is a highly accomplished practitioner of digital imaging and photographic retouching. She can also be found working closely within the educational community giving lectures and seminars to college and university students and professors regularly. Before joining Nik Software, Inc., Janice worked as a photographic product manager for Omega Satter managing a broad range of products in their photographic product distribution division from cameras to paper products. n Stay with us! The Rosen Plaza Hotel The FPP’s 2010 Convention Home 13 FPP Flea Market Get Ready Now The FPP Flea Market is back! It will take place Monday night before the party 7 to 9 PM. The prices for tables has not changed... only $10 each. Now pull and tag those treasures so you can turn them into MONEY SPACE IS LIMITED FIRST COME FIRST SERVED Pat Tankerley 904-886-4410 Send your check with a note requesting your table(s) to: FPP, Inc. c/o Teri Crownover 13424 White Cypress Road Astatula, FL 34705 PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR NAME AND PHONE NUMBER mag2010#3 6/14/2010 4:35 PM Page 14 14 mag2010#3 6/14/2010 4:35 PM Page 15 Monday Night Party C A R O L W A L K E R , F S A One word: BEADS!!! Stock up on your purple, green and gold and break out your feather masks because this year we’re turning the Rosen Plaza ballroom into the French Quarter and the Monday Night Party into “Fat Tuesday” when we party ‘Nawlins Style’ and celebrate Mardi Gras at the FPP Convention 2010! We’re kickin’ it up Bourbon Streetstyle. Newbie members, listen up: in true Mardi Gras fashion, your mission will be to collect the most beads for the grand prize; keep it clean, no flashing allowed. Who’ll be lucky enough to find the ‘baby’ in the King Cake or crowned King & Queen for the evening? Stay tuned for details. In the meantime, Google “masquerade” for costume and mask ideas, and break out your dancing shoes. Plan on hangin’ with your Homies or make some new ones while we laugh, dance, eat, drink, blink and be merry! n Awards Banquet The FPP Awards Banquet is an especially elegant event that we look forward to every year; this year it will be held on Tuesday, August 10th. At this event, members are recognized for their dedication to our association and to the photographic industry, print competition winners receive their awards and our President passes the gavel to the next leader. There is a true sense of family as the evening is filled with lots of laughter and even a few tears. n 15 mag2010#3 6/14/2010 4:35 PM Page 16 Around the State C A R O L W A L K E R , F S A , F E D The Around the State article is a “what’s happening in your ‘hood” update of the affiliate guilds and their members; a little insight into our lives around and outside the studio and our photographic worlds. Please consider contributing to your local guilds report; I like to think of each of us as one small, yet significant part of our FPP Family. Anything short of spaying your dog (or bunnies) is acceptable; but we’ll take that, too. See below: On a personal note, Jackson's family is doing well. The kids are ready for school to be over with and start the summer. Jesse is already driving, Kathleen is getting ready to start driving, Jacob moves on to middle school, and Ashton moves on to kindergarten. Mary's massage business is going well and she is currently the president of her local chapter of the FSMTA. Jackson guesses she just had to copy him this year. Cheers and joy to all! PPSNF/Jacksonville would like to wish a Happy Anniversary to several of their members: Michael and Karen Joseph who recently celebrated 5 years together, Steve and Brenda Estes who recently celebrated 12 years of happiness and to Pat and Wanda Tankersley who surpassed the milestone of 37 years of marriage! Are they really that old? Deanna Clement had oral surgery and is now sporting braces; we wish her a speedy recovery. She has also just returned from visiting her husband in Boston. He is temporarily living there for a couple months while taking an intense business course. Rick Ferro and Tammie Sybelnik have joined forces and combined their studios. Hope all goes well for them in their new endeavor. Tammy Griffin-Vincent ran the Gate River Run successfully in March. There were over 15,000 runners this year. Her husband Danny went to the Orange and Blue Gator game with their grandson and son in law. Tammy got to see them for 10 minutes and was disturbed that Taylor’s new height is now up to her shoulders! There goes her little man! She is also thankful for the FL School Scholarship and the chance to learn exciting new things. PPNCF/Gainesville-Ocala After a long journey re-branding his company, President Jackson Koontz’ business has a new name: Jackson Koontz - Studio & Productions. We wish him well with this new venture. Ava Boothe’s husband, Peter, became a U.S. citizen after five arduous years of struggle. Pete came to the U.S. when he was seventeen, moved to NJ and attended engineering school part time while working. In his late twenties, he and Ava married and moved to Florida. Almost twenty years later, his green card was taken. Through the help of an expensive attorney, he was given back his green card until he he could take the test and he is now a U.S. citizen. Ava and Peter are very thankful to finally have this behind 16 them and Ava is very grateful that he was finally allowed to become a citizen of her homeland. On the Southeast coast, PPGPB/Palm Beach member Marty Grivjack's son Alan graduated from Palm Beach State College on May 10th; the SAME DAY Marty had to be in New York doing a lecture. So it goes. Alan has been accepted into UCF as of the fall. His major is engineering, obviously taking a queue from his father. He'll do well, and Marty will too. Marty gets back a spare bedroom and can finally clear the lot of "project cars," however leaving one choice specimen for senior sessions. In TAPPA’s world, Christine Reynolds recently covered the Red River Rat Fighter Pilot Convention in Orlando. Originally started by Fighter Pilots flying over the Red River Valley in North Vietnam, the Red River flows through Hanoi which was heavily defended and very dangerous. Christine says the stories were great and generally started with "no s***, there I was…” Membership was opened to include those who flew in more recent conflicts and includes current active duty fighter pilots, both men and women. On another note, after chasing a family rumor about a relative that was a Col. in the Revolutionary war with George Washington, Christine recently discovered it was not only true, but that they descended from one of the founding families in the Hamptons, arriving in 1635. Sadly, Christine says mag2010#3 6/14/2010 4:35 PM Page 17 “there is no money left so I can't go there and party this summer”. Instead, Christine will be teaching at the St. Maries Art Gallery in Idaho, close to where her parent’s lake cabin is located and plans to include a visit. She also continues to teach at the Panasonic's Digital Photography Academy. On May 31st, TAPPA Past President Dana Lunden retired from his full time position at the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office as a Master Deputy after 24 years. Dana served as a Field Training Officer for six years and was a Firearms Instructor for eighteen years. "Since I started in 1986, I have seen a lot of changes, not only in law enforcement as a whole, but in the technology we use. It was really an amazing career and fulfilling. I feel like I have paid my dues and now, instead of dealing with people in crisis situations, I am looking forward to sharing the beauty of life through the camera. I was fortunate to have worked for three great sheriffs and have made a lot of friendships that I will always cherish. I will miss my brothers and sisters in law enforcement but look forward to new friendships in our photographic circle." When we last left TAPPA Past President Carol Walker’s ice princess, Lexi, she was about to compete in the annual Spring Fling competition; two first place and one second place medal later, she’s now gearing up for the 24th Annual ISI Championships at her home rink in Clearwater. Lexi will be competing with her Sychro team again, as well as in two other individual events. That same weekend, mama Carol will be hanging with her high school homies for her 30 year class reunion. Eeeek! Did she really ‘fess up to that number? The Walker’s recently added two new members to their family when they adopted Apolo & Ohno, two adorable bunnies that were on ‘loan’ from a local pet shop for Thomas Bruce Studio’s Springtime Portrait Sessions. “They were just too stinkin’ cute to give up!” And then Apolo realized his best friend was a girl. They are both recovering nicely from their recent procedures. Sorry, no bunnies for sale. TAPPA held their annual Family Picnic at Lettuce Lake Park amid a steady drizzle of rain the entire day. A respectable---and enthusiastic--crowd came out to support the event, which included a percussion jam, games and the best part: children that got to play in the mud all day! TAPPA would like to wish the best of luck to two members who are moving onward and upward this summer: Ed Booth, is moving back to San Diego, to assist in caring for his elderly father. Ed plans to continue working and has already lined up a job with a studio in the area. He will be back in the Tampa/Brandon area before the end of the year to assist his partner, Betty Huth with several weddings they have scheduled. In the meantime, Betty has downsized to a smaller studio and will continue to specialize in executive portraits, families, and small commercial accounts. Also, Erin Muir has enlisted in the U.S. Navy! She will be leaving Florida July 1st to visit with family in West Virginia, then ships out to boot camp in Great Lakes, Ill. on July 27th! Erin is very excited about her decision to join the Navy, but says she “will dearly miss my TAPPA and FPP family!!” And we’ll miss them; best wishes to you both! The Florida Photographer Next Issue Deadline September 15 17 mag2010#3 6/14/2010 4:35 PM Page 18 Convention Tips from Teri T E R I C R O W N O V E R , E X E C U T I V E What is my part in all this Convention planning??? Two of my main responsibilities are the hotel negotiations and convention registration. I also consider it my job to help make your convention experience run as smoothly as possible. Here are some tips: PRE-Registration: The atmosphere at the Registration Desk at the Convention can get crazy. So much going on…so many people asking me questions… so much for me to remember…Just ask anyone who has ever worked on the Registration Committee…The more I D I R E C T O R can get done BEFOREHAND, the better!! One of the best ways that I can help you have a smooth beginning to the Convention is to encourage you to PRE-REGISTER!!! I will have everything ready for you! You can look forward to a much shorter registration wait-time when you first get to the convention. Of course, don’t forget the nice discount on registration and banquet tickets. Registration desk at the Convention: We’re located right outside the Trade Show area. This is the place to pay for 18 registration, banquet tickets, Silent Auction items, Mentors, membership dues, etc. You may pay with cash, a check made out to FPP or with Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Discover Card. Nametag neckcords will be available for purchase at registration - $1.50. Hotel reservations: The Rosen Plaza phone # is 800-3669700. Make sure you mention FPP. The last day to reserve a room at the discount rate is July 9, 2010. Don’t wait – the hotel fills up quickly. If you C O N T I N U E S O N P A G E 2 0 mag2010#3 6/14/2010 4:35 PM Page 19 19 mag2010#3 6/14/2010 4:35 PM Page 20 F R O M P A G E 1 8 are interested in sharing a room to cut hotel expenses, please call me at 800.330.0532. I will keep a list of those who are interested. Awards Banquet on Tuesday evening: The dress code at the Banquet is semiformal. If you pre-registered and bought banquet tickets, vouchers for these tickets will be in the envelope that you pick up at registration. You will need to exchange these vouchers for the actual tickets beginning Monday morning, at which time, you may also choose where you would like to sit. If you have not previously purchased tickets, you may do so at registration. Peoples’ Choice Award: In your registration envelope, you will receive a ballot for the People’s Choice Award. As you walk through the Print Display, choose your favorite print. Drop the ballot in the box at the Registration desk. The winner will be announced at the Banquet on Tuesday. Last but not least: In addition to the opportunities for some great education, a special Dream Team Wedding on Wednesday, a topnotch Trade Show and Print Competition, you have the chance to see old friends and make new ones! I challenge all of you to get to know at least one person that you didn’t know before the convention. I look forward to all the hugs and smiling faces. It’s always a special time of year for me. Blessings to you all – Teri n The FPP Convention Home... The Rosen Plaza Hotel 20 mag2010#3 6/14/2010 4:35 PM Page 21 Digital Photography A L A U D L E M A N , M . P H O T O G . C R , C P P , A P I , F D P E Doing Photoshop while driving is hazardous to your health … Texting? OK, using the Text features in Photoshop may not be texting as you know it but it is a powerful feature! Departing from the usual image processing, let’s take a look at how using Photoshop’s Type Tool can help you create great marketing pieces or add text to an image for effect. There are four “tools” in the Tool Bar under the Type Tool (keyboard shortcut is simply the letter “T”). (See below) The basic and most useful tool is the Horizontal Type Tool. It “types” just like any other word processor. The Vertical Type Tool puts each letter underneath the last one. This is hard too read and not used often. You can use the Horizontal Type Tool and the Free Transform to “turn” the word to a vertical orientation but in a normal reading pattern if you want vertical type. The other two tools are “mask” tools, both horizontal and vertical versions as above. If you select one of these (usually by accident), as soon as you start “typing,” the screen will go red and freak you out. But keep typing. When you commit the type using the check mark in the Options Bar (See Figure #2) in older versions will show up as a selection. Then you can fill with a color (Edit>Fill or the other shortcuts) or an image (using “Paste Into” … Shift+Cmd/Ctrl+V). The caveat here is that the Type Mask tools do NOT make their own layer and are NOT editable later. And for those of you that are really into “texting” on the phone and have forgotten how to spell, there is a great spell checker in Photoshop. Go to Edit>Check Spelling to perform this task. (See Figure #3). Now here’s the kicker … go to Figure 3 the Character Figure 4 Figure 2 of Photoshop or Command+Enter on the Mac or Ctrl+Enter on the PC, it Palette (See Figure #4) and at the bottom, notice it says “English USA.” Click on this little window and WOW … there are 37 different languages you can spell check in! (See Figure #5) No, it WON’T convert English to 21 Spanish. But it will check it in Spanish if you type it in Spanish. Darn, huh? I wonder why word processing programs do not have this option? Now let’s look at the Options Bar … located at the top of your screen when you click on any tool. Back to Figure #2, from left to right are the following options: Presets Uses this for easy access to what you use most often; Figure 5 Switch - toggles between horizontal and vertical text; Type Face selection options; Typeface Style options - in some typefaces, you can choose normal, bold, italic or bold italic … and in some, you can’t; Point Size … used to select how large the type is. To the immediate left of this little window, you see an icon with a large black “T” and a smaller grey one. If you hover the cursor there, you will see it becomes a “scrubber hand.” Click and move it back and forth. The type size will change. This is a great way to make things fit. Didn’t work? You must “select” all the type first … either click-hold-drag the cursor over the type or use the “Select All” keyboard shortcut of Command/Control+A option; AntiAliasing method selection. Forget this one, just make sure it is NOT on “none!”; Alignment setting for keeping the text aligned to the left (the normal way we see text), centered or aligned to the right; Text Color … clicking on this box will mag2010#3 6/14/2010 4:35 PM Page 22 bring up the color picker. The Text color will be the same as the foreground color unless you change it. You can use the Eyedropper to select a color in advance. Here’s a hint: remember to change the Eyedropper option at the top to 3x3 or 5x5 average, NOT Point Sample); Warp Text - a feature to make text into various shapes; Character/Paragraph Palette access; then way over to the right in versions before CS4 are the options to either not accept or commit the type layer. When you want to add text, click on the Type Tool (Keyboard Shortcut “T” remember?) and then click on your image. You will get a point and a line and now you can start typing. If you start typing and nothing happens, you may have slightly moved the cursor when you clicked and that created a text box … a box used to confine the text to a certain area. Hit “Escape” and try again. You have the options of selecting the “Type Family” such as Verdant, Edwardian Script, etc. before you start. That’s great if you know what you want to use. (A side note, my favorite typeface/family is Verdana … an easy-toread sans-serif face). You will learn what you like and if you don’t have it in your list (See Figure #6), you can buy new ones or download some free ones. Once you actually type, you can highlight the text (click-hold-drag) then click on the down arrow in the Type Family Box, go to the top and select the first one (American Typewriter in older versions), select it, go back and click in the box again, then use the down arrow keys to go down the list and see what Figure 6 your options are until you find something you like. You will learn what you like pretty quickly. In the next box over, with the type selected, you can choose bold or italic or even bold italic in SOME type faces. Some do not offer that choice. So you’re happy with the type face but you want it larger. Again, highlight the text (with the Text Tool selected) and you have a bunch of options. If you KNOW the size, highlight the numbers in the box and type something in. Or you can click on the down arrow and select something. OR … use the scrubber hand technique described above to make it larger or smaller. These same options are also in the Character Palette (See Figure #4). Plus there are two other interesting options. While you are typing, you can hold down the Command or Control key and a transform box will appear, as if by magic! You can really screw with it now! Clicking on any “handle,” you can make it larger, smaller, distort it, skew it, whatever … and by holding the Shift Key and dragging a CORNER handle, you can “scale” it up or down. After you commit the type and then want to change it, you can use Free Transform (Command/Control+T) to do the same thing the same way. The next three options are for alignment. You can “align” it to the left (the normal way we see type, center it or align it to the right. You do NOT have to have the type selected when you do this. Moving on, the Color is set to the foreground color … but you can change it by clicking on the box, bringing up the color picker. Pick any color by moving the cursor around in the box or using the slider to the right of the color box to select a basic color and then move the cursor around until you’re happy. The type will become that color right before your eyes. You can also pick a color from your image if you are adding text to an image. It will become the foreground color and you can use the Option+Delete/Alt+Backspace fill method. You CANNOT use the Edit>Fill option in this case. 22 The next box is the Warp Text feature. This is something you can play with and figure out easily how to use … all by yourself! It is a cool option when you want something different. Just try it! See Figure #7 for the different Warp options. The last option is the Character/Paragraph Palette. The Paragraph Palette contains the three alignment options (what, MORE choices? LOL) but also contains four true “Justification” options. (See Figure #8) The three in the middle next to each other will “justify” all Figure 7 lines, which aligns them BOTH right and left, as in a magazine, but will align the LAST line to the left, center or right. The final Figure 8 option, the next box to the right, is “Justify All,” meaning it will align text to BOTH the right and left, INCLUDING the last line, spreading it out in both directions … NOT a good option 99% of the time. Additionally in the Paragraph Palette, you can decide if you want justified paragraphs to use hyphenated words … or not. (See Figure below) Now let’s look at some of the other text options. Have you ever clicked and started typing and nothing happened? Very possibly, you slightly moved the mouse and instead of actually clicking and setting a starting point for type, you defined a really small box that constrains the type … and it was too small to see! If you simply click and start typing, the mag2010#3 6/14/2010 4:35 PM Page 23 Figure 10 copy will continue in a straight line. (See Figure #10) If you click-holddrag, you will define a box that will contain the text. (See Figure #11) Note Figure 11 that you can change the size and shape of the box even after you drag out the initial box … with the type already done! In the Character Palette, you will see several boxes that define certain characteristics. In Figure #4, the top two boxes show the current “font family” and “font style.” In this case, Verdana is the font and bold is the style. The box next to the “double T’s” is the point size … how large the type is. The next box to the right is the “Leading.” This is like the “metal” lead (led), not the “follow me” lead (leed). This is the space between the lines. (See Figure #12). In this case, the “leading” is too large. With ALL the type selected, click on the icon next to the window and drag it up or down, making the leading more or less. As a rule of thumb, the setting for the Figure 12 leading should be very close to 23 the same number as the point size. But this is not always true, depending on what you are trying to do. You can also change this one line at a time by selecting just that line of text. The box under the “point size” with the AV icon is the “kerning” or “space-between-the-letters” setting. Using the scrubber hand again, you can spread or condense the type from side to side. The next box to the right, with another version of the AV icon, sets the tracking, something very similar to the kerning setting … and you will normally use this to spread out the text horizontally. The text must be selected to be used however! The option with the “T” and “Down Arrow” … with the type selected! … will change the height of all letters at the same time. The next box to the right with the “Horizontal Arrow” will increase or decrease the width of all the letters. The last box, with the large and small “A” and the little arrow, sets the “baseline” for selected mag2010#3 6/14/2010 4:35 PM Page 24 text. So here are some examples of using these options creatively: fake! While they are what they say, there are certain editing features you Get the Most Out of the FPP Programs! Do you feel like you're not getting everything out of programs or seminars as you should? Here are six ways to maximize your involvement: Figure 13 In Figure #13, The text was John Doe with a different font for the first letter of each name. Select each letter individually and change the font. Then increase the size of the letter individually with the “Vertically Scaling” option, using the Scrubber Figure 14 Hand on the box indicated in Figure #13. In Figure #14, the phrase “From this day forward …” needed some special effect. So the first letter was changed from the original “Verdant” font to “Bradley Hand ITC TT” … something in CS4. Then the various default settings for vertical and horizontal scaling and tracking where changed … using the Scrubber Hand … until it suited the intended use. Note the settings in Figure #14. The set of “T’s” at the bottom of the Character Palette (See Figure #4 again) will make changes to all selected type. The first “T” makes the type “bold” and the second one “italic.” These are actually “Faux Bold” and “Faux Italic” … a fancy way to say cannot use when you use these two features. The next “double T” makes all the selected type Capital Letters … “All Caps” and the one next to it with the large and small “T” keeps the original capitals as capital letters but makes all lower case letters smaller capital letters. The “T’s” with the small number near the top and bottom are Super- and Sub-script options. Again, I wish word processors were so flexible! See Figure #15 to see how these are used. Figure 15 The last two options are “Underlining” and “Strikethrough” type … so check out Figure #16. Figure 16 n 24 1. Arrive early. This gives you the control to make the seminar work for you. Arriving early gets you "in the mood" for learning and helps you avoid the stress of rushing in at the last minute. 2. Remove yourself from office pressures. Nothing's worse than taking the studio with you everywhere you go. Let the office function without you for one day; ask your assistant to leave messages or make an appointment at a set time to check-in. 3. Bring business cards. Attending an educational seminar gives you an edge, both intellectually and professionally. It's a great place for networking and you'll want to have business cards ready for those people with whom you'd like to keep in touch. 4. Introduce yourself to at least three people sitting near you. You obviously have something in common with them; they all work in the photographic industry and they want to learn - there's no better way to make new contacts. 5. Take notes. It helps your comprehension to make a few notes, even on the handouts. Write down questions as they pop up so you'll remember to ask them later. 6. Participate in the discussion. You'll remember more of the material if you participate in the discussion. If you have a suggestion that works or had a similar problem and solved it, share that information so others can learn from your experience. Information Source: American Society of Association Executives. n mag2010#3 6/14/2010 4:35 PM Page 25 25 mag2010#3 6/14/2010 4:35 PM Page 26 Pat Tankersley Appointed Board Member Pat Tankersley is our newest appointed Member of the Board of Directors. Pat will be serving the remaining term of Sue Crouch. Pat has been a member of the FPP for many years and has served in many various positions. Pat is presently the President of the Jacksonville Guild, PPSNF. Pat with his wife Wanda, owns and operates Camera Craft Fine Art Imaging, in Jacksonville. Pat has been involved in all aspects of photography for over 40 years. He grew up working in his father's store in Central Florida, (Winter Haven) called, interestingly enough, "Camera Craft," where he worked as a Wedding and Freelance Photographer, as well as working in camera repair, developing and printing from before the age of 15. He covered his first wedding as a paid professional at the age of 16 and also worked as a Professional Photographer with his own studio in Huntsville, Alabama. Pat is also a Certified Franklin Trainer and teaches Time Management and Organization to the Photographic Community. Pat also spent 20 years 26 with United Parcel Service working as a Staff Level Manager in various operations. Pat also owns Tank’s Family Bar-B-Q and Salt of the Earth Catering, a family restaurant and catering service in Jacksonville and the Murray Hill Event Center. He is looking forward to serving the FPP in this new position. n The Florida Photographer Next Issue Deadline September 15 mag2010#3 6/14/2010 4:35 PM Page 27 27 mag2010#3 6/14/2010 4:35 PM Page 28 FPP NEW MEMBERS T he following people have applied for membership in the FLORIDA PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS, Inc. Their names are published for all members to review in accordance with the membership rules. If no objections are received within thirty days of this publication, these individuals will be accepted pending approval from the FPP Board of Directors. NAME CITY STATUS Chontelle Brown Fort White Professional Maria Dockery Melbourne Professional Larry Giles Orlando Associate Debra Kapustin Deland Professional Brandy Langston Clearwater Associate Steve Metz Crown Point, IN Professional Lydia Roberts Fleming Island Professional William Rowley Apopka Professional Stanley Wakefield Palm Coast Student Nicole White Largo Student 28 n mag2010#3 6/14/2010 4:35 PM Page 29 Photographic Competition Update T O N Y H O P M A N , F D P E , F S A Competition... Will you take advantage of the Opportunity? Entering competition is taking that first step in your path to achieving a degree in your field. It is through the very act of allowing your peers to judge the quality of the work you produce that will make you so much better at your craft. Having competed in salon, your work will never be the same. You will place yourself behind the camera with a new perspective, a new sense of creating exciting and unique images, even from mundane subjects. There is a list of FPP members on the web site willing to help What will it take for you to enter a case? Many people respond with the excuse, "my work is just not good enough" or "I'm embarrassed to show my work to other photographers.” If you've ever seen a triathlon or marathon, you know that there are people who enter the race with the knowledge that they have no chance of winning, but they FINISH, and that in itself, is winning. You compete against yourself to finish, against others to win. I suggest entering competition is about finishing, and that will make you a winner. I know that every one of us has the ability to create merit-worthy images, perhaps not the first time, but by the second time, most people achieve a score of 80+ on one or more of their entries. The ambition to achieve that finish, that 80+ score will become the driving force behind your efforts every time you create an image. I personally challenge each of you that have never entered salon, to make this YOUR YEAR. If you don't have a print case, bring us your entries in a cardboard box. As long as you or someone you designate picks up your box on Tuesday during the Convention, it will be just fine. 29 you name your entries. These members will also gladly help you mag2010#3 6/14/2010 4:36 PM Page 30 improve your entry. Just be willing to listen to their comments and suggestions. They really want to help you! Our great convention and competition are closer than you think. Now is the time to prepare your entries, don't wait, make the commitment to enter and reward yourself the personal achievement of becoming a better photographer, and one day, a degree. Please visit often. The important information regarding registration and submitting of your entries will be on the site. The new competition rules are on the site now. There are two distinct separate steps in entering, the first is the on-line registration and uploading of your entries. The second is the actual submission of your prints and/or album CD's to the competition committee at the convention. Your 2009 Competition Committee: 30 Tony Hopman, Competition Manager, Martin Gudz, Assistant Competition Manager, Marty Grivjack, Awards Banquet Video Manager and Carol Walker, Judging Rooms Coordinator Each of us in conjunction with dozens of other volunteers are ready and eager to provide you with a very educational and exciting experience in a courteous and professional manner. Won't you join us? n mag2010#3 6/14/2010 4:36 PM Page 31 mag2010#3 6/14/2010 4:36 PM Page 32