Webelos Program - Skill 1 - Sam Houston Area Council


Webelos Program - Skill 1 - Sam Houston Area Council
Webelos Program - Skill 1
(even years)
Scientist Badge
Science Belt Loop
Scientist 8 - With adult supervision, build and launch a model rocket. Describe how Newton's third
law of motion explains how the rocket is propelled into the sky.
Make a Water Rocket
Materials: (remember lightweight but sturdy)
 Rocket launchers
 Water hose
 Water source
 Open Field
 Empty 1 or 2 liter bottles with lid, one per scout (Coke or Sam’s
Choice brand)
 Paper clips or Index Cards
 Duct Tape or Clear packing tape
 Scissors, one per 2 scouts
 Cleaner to remove label
 Fins (choose one):
► Cardboard (cheap, plentiful, soggy when wet)
► Chipboard (cereal boxes)
► Foam core (a little tougher but more $, some water damage)
► Sturdi-board (like plastic cardboard, great stuff, $$, no water
 Den Time Coordinator must arrive at camp early enough to set up Rocket Range. Place rocket launchers at least 10 feet
apart – secure in the ground with stakes.
 May have to coordinate with Field Sports leaders to re-position the layout of their field.
 If you instructed the Den Leaders to meet you at the Sports Field – meet them there with all the necessary materials. If you
did not instruct the Den Leaders to meet you at the field – wait for the dens and then walk them over.
Water Bottle Rocket Instructions
Issue the following instructions to the Scouts BEFORE they move to their individual launchers:
1. Form into groups of two to three.
2. Make sure the launch tube is pointed directly up before every launch.
3. One Scout will fill half his bottle with water and place his water bottle upside down on the launcher.
4. Double check that the launch tube is still pointed directly up.
5. Scout to shout ‘Clear’ when he considers himself out of the way for launching.
6. Launcher: MAKE SURE no one is standing over the launcher – the impact will HURT if the bottle launches prematurely!
7. Launching Scout will pump air into the water rocket until the air pressure causes it to ‘Launch’.
8. The person who put the rocket on the launcher will retrieve his own rocket then return to the end of the line.
9. Scout who was pumping the air becomes the Scout putting the bottle on the launcher.
Source: www.siouxbsa.org/pubs/c/98_waterbottlerocket.pdf
More rocket ideas: http://wwong.homestead.com/files/Rockets2007.pdf
Day Camp Program Plan, revised Jan 2013
Webelos Day Camp Program (Even Years)
Day Camp Program Plan, revised Jan 2013
Webelos Day Camp Program (Even Years)
Water Bottle Rocket
A water bottle rocket is a 1 or 2-liter (soda) bottle with compressed air (for safety reasons we keep the air pressure
around 40 to 50 psi) and water released in an upward direction. Not only is a bottle rocket easy to build but it can also be
used to teach Newton’s Laws of motion, forces, energy and flight as well as the scientific method. Your rocket launching
could include events such as, long distance, hitting a target, landing an egg safely, or even making a field goal, but if you
want to keep is simple the boy can have a blast just launching the water bottle and watching is go up.
Instructions: Almost any 1 or 2 liter bottle will work; however, some bottles have a mouth or opening (nozzle) that is too
small to accommodate the launch tube. The launch tube is a regular 1/2 inch piece of PVC tubing. The tube should slide
snugly into the nozzle of the bottle forming a nearly air tight seal. We have found that the majority of Coke™ related 2
liter bottles and Sam’s Choice 1 liter water bottle will work while a majority of Pepsi™ related bottles will not. This is not
to say that the smaller nozzle bottles are worthless, rather they should be used for other components of the rocket like
the nose cones.
#1 Main Body/Pressure Chamber
The main part of your rocket is the body or PRESSURE CHAMBER. Peel the label off your bottle and try to clean
the glue residue the best that you can. Do NOT use a knife or other object to scrape the label off. Scrape marks
can weaken the plastic. Also, do not use hot water the plastic may shrink and weaken the bottle.
Some people have tried to use chemical solvents to remove the glue residue on the bottle. This might alter the walls
of the bottle and make them too brittle or soft. Therefore we don't recommend it.
#2 After Cleaning
When launching, the pressure inside the bottle will cause the walls to expand. This expansion leads to a loss of
energy and will make the rocket fly to a lower altitude. To solve this problem take some or duct tape, strapping
tape, or packing tape and pre-wrap three bands around the pressure chamber. You don't want the tape to be too
bulky and watch for wrinkles. This will strengthen the walls of the bottle without adding too much mass and
launch altitude will increase overall.
Day Camp Program Plan, revised Jan 2013
Webelos Day Camp Program (Even Years)
#3 Nose Cones
Nose cones are not only for performance but add character and style to your rocket. Be sure to take some time thinking out the
design of your rocket before committing to a plan of action. Shown here is only two examples; so don't be afraid to be creative.
Option 1: Berth Series
My favorite is the "Bertha Series" nose cones, they are easy to make as well, but require a little
attention to detail. The "Bertha" nose cones are made by cutting the bottom off a spare bottle with
a pair of scissors and attaching the top portion onto the pressure chamber. (Note: Never cut the
pressure chamber) To mark a straight line around the bottle for cutting, I place the bottle in a
short can and hold a marker on the lip of the can as I rotate the bottle. Before attaching the nose
cone, add a small lump of Play-Doe or clay in the bottle’s neck to increase the mass (see section on
Rocket Concept). After the Play-Doe is pushed in place tape over it with some duct tape and replace
the cap. Once you lance the rocket see how it hits the ground you will understand the reason for
the tape. Make sure you have a cap on the nose cone. Before you tape the cone on, roll the rocket
over a flat surface to make sure the cone and pressure chamber align. A curvy rocket will not be
safe coming off the launcher.
Option 2: The Bullet
This rocket is called "The Bullet". It is the easiest to make but lacks flight stability, this can be fixed to a degree by
pressing a small lump (a few ounces) of clay to the inside of the nose cone. This will add mass to the cone and
keep your rocket from flipping end over end while in flight. The cone is made from poster board or tag board.
You can make the cone by simply cutting a large circle out of the poster board (about a 6 inch radius). Cut a line
from the outer edge of the circle to the center on the radius. Overlap the cut edges and turn the circle while
holding one edge stationary until you get the desired cone shape. Secure the cone shape with staples or tape.
Attach to the bottle with tape or similar adhesive. (Note: do not puncture or cut the pressure chamber).
Day Camp Program Plan, revised Jan 2013
Webelos Day Camp Program (Even Years)
#4 Fins
Fins are the guidance system for your rocket. Without them a rocket would tumble end over end. Fins can give your rocket life and
beauty. Fins can portray aggressive power or aerodynamic grace. However, fins tend to be the single greatest downfall of many young
rocket builders. With the incredible speeds and acceleration generated at launch, many fins get ripped off the rocket body within a
fraction of a second.
Fins should be firm; if they flop around they are useless.
Fins should be adequately secured; duct tape works well. I do not use glue because it does not expand with the pressure
chamber and may cause it to become brittle.
The best fins are made of rigid cardboard or styrofoam board.
The size of the fin does matter! The best rockets fly well with long and narrow fins.
How many fins do I need? Too ensure stability and safety, the minimum number of fins on a rocket is three (3). Many people choose a
3 or 4 fin design. There is no maximum number of fins you may have but keep in mind that the more fins you have the more drag you
will create and drag slows a rocket down.
Constructing fins
1. Be creative and cut out 3 or 4 identical fins. You can use any shape except "forward
swept" fins.
2. Lay the fin on a flat surface.
3. Use a paper clip bent at 90 degrees and taped it to the fin or an index card taped onto the
side of the fin. Be sure to leave a one-inch tab on the index card. You will later bend this
tab out 90 degrees to make an attachable area for the rocket.
4. Repeat the same for the other side of the fin.
Day Camp Program Plan, revised Jan 2014
Webelos Day Camp Program (Even Years)
Repeat with other fins.
You should now have 3 or 4 fins each with either paper clips or two-index card tabs attached to the fins. (If you use cardboard
laminate the entire fin surface with tape to reduce the amount of water damage to the fins.)
Fin placement
The fins of your rocket can't be placed above the halfway point of your pressure cylinder. You want to
place your fins at the base of the rocket to lower or maintain the center of gravity. If you were to place
the fins above the center of gravity, the rocket would tumble and spin out of control once it left the
launch pad.
Attaching the fins
This is the tricky part. Gluing the fins on is not recommended including hot glue and "Liquid Nails" type
adhesives are not flexible enough when it comes to the launch. The bottle pressure chamber might expand
a millimeter or more in circumference when it is pressurized. That is enough to break the bonding seal of
most glues. When the rocket is launched, the fins usually rip off. I have found that tape works the best at
holding the fins on the rocket.
To find the location of the fins on the bottle, take a piece of string and wrap it around the outside of the bottle and mark the
length using an ink pen. Remove the string from the bottle and lay it out in a straight line and mark the string in 3 or 4 equal
lengths depending on the number of fins you are going to use. Wrap the string around the bottle again and transfer the marks
to the bottle. If you are using 4 fins this will create 90-degree angles, 3 fins will be at 120-degree angles. To mark a straight line
on the bottle, lay it in a door jam and use the straight edge to draw a line the length of your fin. You now have the locations of
where to attach your fins.
Apply a piece of tape to the paper clip or index card tabs and carefully tape them to your rocket.
Look at your fin. Make sure it doesn't curve or it isn't crooked. It should be in a direct line with the body of your rocket. If it
isn't perfect, take it off and try again.
Attach the other fins. Test the wiggle of the fins. Your fins shouldn't wiggle more than a few centimeters from side to side.
Adding more tape to the top and bottom areas of the fin might fix this problem.
Day Camp Program Plan, revised Jan 2014
Webelos Day Camp Program (Even Years)
Extra: Rocket Concepts
Air enters the pressurized vessel from the bottom and presses down on the
water. When the pressure reaches a critical level, it pops the "cork" out of
the nozzle and the pressurized air expels the water from the nozzle.
Air is a mixture of gases that can be compressed. As more and more air is
forced into the rocket "engine," air molecules are packed more and more
tightly together. Pressure inside the container is very high. When the
stopper is released, the compressed air in the container rushes out.
Shift Center of Mass Up
By placing a clay ball or weight in the nose cone the Center of Mass is
moved high enough on the rocket so that it won't tumble on lift off.
If the center of mass of your rocket is too close to the center of area, your
rocket will cartwheel out of control. It will NOT fly straight! Moving the
center of mass UP away from the midpoint of the rocket, will help to ensure
that the rocket flies straight.
Here is a way to tell if your rocket will tumble. Measure the Center of Mass
& mark this spot on your rocket. Now measure the Center of Area and mark
this space as well. If the two marks are further apart than the width of your
rocket body, you are probably in good shape.
The best way to determine Center of Mass is to balance your rocket on a
Obviously, if your rocket behaves more like the one on the left it is more
likely to fly straight. The rocket on the right will tumble out of control.
Day Camp Program Plan, revised Jan 2014
Webelos Day Camp Program (Even Years)
Rocket Principles: Newton’s Laws
Newton's First Law: The Law of Inertia: “A body in motion remains in motion, a body at rest remains at rest,
until acted upon by an outside force.” Inertia is the tendency to resists any change in motion. It is associated
with an object’s mass.
The bottle that is MORE full has
MORE inertia because it has MORE
mass. MORE inertia means MORE
resistance to a change in direction.
The wind has a hard time pushing
the bottle away.
The bottle that is LESS full has LESS
inertia – because it has LESS mass.
LESS inertia means LESS resistance
to a change in direction. The wind
has an EASY time pushing the bottle
Newton's Second Law: Force = (Mass) x (Acceleration) or F = ma
F=ma implies that the if the
forces are the same, then
the bigger the mass the
smaller the acceleration
Newton's Third Law: “For every action, there is an equal and opposite re-action.”
(Bottle & Water Mass) X (Bottle Velocity)
(Ejected Water Mass) X (Ejected Water Velocity)
Essentially, the faster the fluid is ejected, and the more mass that is ejected, the greater the reaction
force on the bottle.
Putting Newton's Laws of Motion Together. An unbalanced force must be exerted for a rocket to lift off from a launch pad or for a craft in
space to change speed or direction (First Law). The amount of thrust (force) produced by a rocket engine will be determined by the rate at
which the mass of the rocket fuel burns and the speed of the gas escaping the rocket (Second Law). The reaction, or motion, of the rocket is
equal to and in the opposite direction of the action, or thrust, from the engine (Third Law).
Preliminary Questions to consider:
 Why do bottle rockets fly?
 Why do we have to use water, or do we?
 Will it fly without water?
 If a little water works well, will a lot of water work better?
 Will it fly best when it is totally full?
 What volume of water works best?
These questions can be answered by demonstration using a bottle with no modifications and with various levels of water. As with all good demonstrations more questions usually
arise, such as: Why did the rocket that was full of water barely take off?
It was too heavy or massive. This can be explained with Newton's first law of motion; A body at rest tends to remain at rest and a body in motion tends to stay in motion.
The rocket didn't have enough "oomph" (force) to make it take off. Why? There was not enough force for the relatively huge mass. The more mass it has, the less it will accelerate
using the same force. This can be explained using Newton's second law of motion: Force equals Mass times Acceleration.
Why did the water go one way and the rocket the other? There is an equal force in both directions. This can be explained by Newton's third law of motion: For every action
there is an equal but opposite reaction
Day Camp Program Plan, revised Jan 2014
Webelos Day Camp Program (Even Years)
Science Belt Loop a - Explain the scientific method to your adult partner.
Scientific Method
A Simple Explanation of the Scientific Method.
The scientific method can be used to solve everyday
problems and is the series of steps scientists use to
determine if they can prove something to be true or not.
These are the basic parts of the scientific method.
Step 1: Make an observation
Step 2: Ask a question
Problem. The problem is the question being addressed. It
could be something like “Does ABC brand ketchup really
come out of the bottle slower than XYZ brand like they claim
in their commercials?”
Step 3: Formulate a hypothesis
Hypothesis. The hypothesis is a guess. It is what we think
the answer to the problem might be. At this point, we don’t
know if the hypothesis is correct or not because we haven’t
done any testing.
Step 4: Conduct an experiment
Procedure. The procedure is the series of steps we are going
to take to try to prove the hypothesis correct. Scientists try
to write very detailed procedures so that somebody who
tries to repeat the experiment later will be able to repeat it
exactly and (hopefully) duplicate the results. It is not unusual
to have to run and change a procedure several times to get it
written down specifically enough.
Data. The data is the information which is collected when
the procedure is run. It could be a series of observations,
such as noticing different colors in the sky at different times
of day. Or it could be a lot of numbers, such as the time it
takes for a bottle of ketchup to empty.
Step 5: Analyze data
Results. The data is grouped and organized into results so it
is easier to figure out what it means. Results are often
presented as a graph.
Determine if the hypothesis is correct or incorrect.
Conclusion. After the results are organized, we can draw a
conclusion. The conclusion can be “My hypothesis was
correct”, “My hypothesis was incorrect”, or even “I’m not
sure if my hypothesis was correct”. None of these
conclusions should be seen as failures. Sometimes scientists
learn more from an incorrect hypothesis than they do from a
correct hypothesis.
In any of these cases, the conclusion should also include a
reason why you thought the hypothesis was correct or
incorrect. If you have a possible explanation, you should also
include that, so people who do similar experiments in the
future can understand why your results might have come out
the way they did. Scoutermom.com
Step 6: Draw conclusion
Day Camp Program Plan, revised Jan 2014
Webelos Day Camp Program (Even Years)
Science Belt Loop b - Use the scientific method in a simple science project. Explain the results to an adult.
Option 1: Experiment: Ziploc bag vs. Pencil
This simple experiment to demonstrate the scientific method is always a hit with the scouts. The results are not
usually what they expect.
I. First step in the scientific method: Define the problem
The problem is: What will happen if I fill a Ziploc bag with water, seal it, and then stick a pencil through it?”
II. Second step in the scientific method: Make a hypothesis
Have the scouts guess what will happen when they stick the pencil through the bag. Will it make a mess or won’t
III. Third step in the scientific method: Define the procedure
 Fill a Ziploc sandwich bag with water.
 Seal it.
 Stick a very sharp pencil all the way through the bag so that the pointy end is outside of the bag on one
side and the eraser is outside of the bag on the opposite side.
 Observe what happens
IV. Fourth step in the scientific method: Collect your data
Give each scout a Ziploc bag and a very sharp pencil and let them each run through the procedure.
V. Fifth step in the scientific method: Organize your results
Make a chart showing how many scouts made a mess when they put the pencil through the bag and how many
did not make a mess.
VI. Sixth step in the scientific method: Arrive at a conclusion
Have the scouts look at their results. What can they conclude? Was their hypothesis correct or incorrect?
Explanation: The water should remain sealed in the bag until the pencil is removed. Plastic is made of long chains of
molecules. These are called polymers. This is what makes the plastic in the bag stretch. Putting the pencil through
the polymers simply pushes them to the side. Their flexibility allows them to continue to form a strong seal
around the pencil.
Warning: Don’t pull the pencils back out until you are ready for the liquid to come flowing out of the bag! Do that
part over a sink or outdoors!!!! Source: Scoutermom.com
Option 2: Rocket Experiment:
Compare how the size, shape, and position of stabilizers on a rocket influence how high it can fly.
Altitude Tracker: www.nasa.gov/pdf/153402main_Rockets_Launch_Altitude_Tracker.pdf
Day Camp Program Plan, revised Jan 2014
Webelos Day Camp Program (Even Years)
Webelos Program - Skill 2
(even years)
Scientist Badge
Science Belt Loop
Scientist Badge
Setting up round robins or stations at several different tables with materials and instructions at each table so Webelos can rotate
through the experiments.
Scientist #1: Experiment 1 (Bernoulli’s Principle):
 short pin, one per scout
 3-inch cardboard square, one per scout
 thread spool, one per scout (or alcohol to clean between
Scientist #1: Experiment 2 (Bernoulli’s Principle):
 match, two per scout
 business card, one per scout
Scientist #3: Experiment 1 (Inertia)
 coin
 jar
 card
Scientist #3: Experiment 2 (Inertia)
 ten nickels
 penny
Scientist #3: Experiment 3 (Inertia)
 glass
 water
 long strip of paper
Scientist #3: Experiment 4 (Inertia)
 fresh egg
 hard-boiled egg
Scientist #3: Experiment 5 (Inertia)
 pail
 water
Scientist #5: Experiment 1 (Atmospheric Pressure)
 hard-boiled egg, peeled, one per rotation
 newspaper
 matches
 glass bottle (opening slightly smaller than the egg)
Scientist #3: Experiment 2 (Atmospheric Pressure)
 glass bottle
 shallow pan
 candle
 matches
Scientist #3: Experiment 3 (Atmospheric Pressure)
 cork
 toothpick
 sail made out of small piece of paper
 glue
 glass
 water
Day Camp Program Plan, revised Jan 2014
Scientist #3: Experiment 4 (Atmospheric Pressure) – not
recommended at camp due to expense
 metal gallon can with screw top
 metal pail (larger than the can)
 boiling water
Scientist #6: Experiment 1 (Air Pressure)
 pop glass bottle
 newspaper
Scientist #6: Experiment 2 (Air Pressure)
 several heavy books
 empty hot-water bottle
Scientist #6: Experiment 3 (Air Pressure)
 balloons
 glass
Scientist #7: Experiment 1 (Water Pressure)
 two large juice cans (with holes punched in them)
 water
Scientist #7: Experiment 1 (Water & Atmospheric Pressure)
 large juice cans with tight-fitting lid
 nail
 water
Scientist #7: Experiment 2 (Water & Atmospheric Pressure)
 balloon
 faucet or hose
 water
 bucket
Scientist #7: Experiment 1 (Water & Air Pressure)
 bottle cap
 bucket
 water
 glass
Scientist #7: Experiment 1 (Action/Reaction)
 balloons
Webelos Day Camp Program (Even Years)
Scientist 1: Read Bernoulli's Principle. Show how it works.
Bernoulli’s Principle
In 1738 a Swiss scientist named Daniel Bernoulli discovered a
fact known as Bernoulli’s principle, which is:
The pressure of a moving gas decreases as its speed
Bernoulli’s principle is used to explain how an airplane is able
to fly.
Air is a gas. Air moves over and underneath the wings of an
airplane as it travels. An airplane wing is curved on top and
flat on the bottom. Because of that, air travels a longer distance over the wing in the same amount of time that air moves
under the wing, which is a shorter distance. This means that the air over the wing travels at a greater speed, causing a
lower pressure (Bernoulli’s principle at work). The air under the wing travels in a straight line, more slowly, so its pressure
stays high. The plane is lifted because of this difference in pressure: Having lower pressure over the wing and higher
pressure under the wing causes lift. Another way to explain it is that the molecules of the faster air spread out, so they put
less pressure on top of the wing.
Air moves quickly, so pressure is reduced.
A molecule is the smallest possible quantity of a
substance that still shows the characteristics of that
substance. Molecules are usually composed of two or
more atoms, although some substances are mad of
single-atom molecules. For instance, a molecule of
water is made up of two atoms of hydrogen and one
Air moves more slowly, so pressure stays high.
atom of oxygen. H2O
Testing Bernoulli’s Principle
Experiment 1:
1. Push a short pin through the middle of a 3-inch cardboard square.
2. Push the pin into the hole in a thread spool or toy spool, making sure the pin doesn’t
stick out the open end.
3. Put the spool to your mouth and blow steadily. The cardboard will stay on the spool.
The harder you blow, the tighter it will hold.
The air stream (your breath) is moving. It makes a low pressure area between the
cardboard and the bottom of the spool. The air on the other side of the cardboard has
more pressure, so it pushes the cardboard against the spool.
Experiment 2:
Hold a lighted match behind a business card and blow hard against the card. The
flame will move toward you. Why?
Day Camp Program Plan, revised Jan 2014
Webelos Day Camp Program (Even Years)
Scientist 2: Read Pascal's Law. Tell about some inventions that use Pascal's law.
Pascal’s Law
A French physicist named Blaise Pascal discovered a fact about liquids in 1647.
If a liquid is in a closed container, pressure in every direction will be the same.
When pressure is added to the top, pressure will increase equally throughout
the container.
Pascal’s discovery led to the invention of the hydraulic press, which is used in
manufacturing to form three-dimensional objects from sheets of metal or
plastic. This is the way a hydraulic press works: It has two connected cylinders
filled with oil – a smaller cylinder and a larger one. Each cylinder has a movable
piston. When pressure is applied to the smaller piston, it creates extra pressure
throughout the oil in both cylinders. This causes the piston in the larger
cylinder to move, operating the press. A small amount of force on the small
piston leads to a stronger force on the large piston, because it has a larger area.
Simple hydraulic press
Pascal’s law is used today in the large hydraulic jack a mechanic slides under a car when a tire needs to be changed.
When the mechanic presses down on the jack handle, he’s putting pressure on the fluid in the jack. That creates enough
force to lift the car.
Pascal’s law is also at work in a car’s hydraulic brakes. A small amount of pressure on the brake pedal puts increased
pressure on the brake fluid. This in turn activates the car’s brakes, slowing or stopping the car.
Other examples of devices that use hydraulics are a fork lift, wing flaps on a plane, and a barber’s chair.
Day Camp Program Plan, revised Jan 2014
Webelos Day Camp Program (Even Years)
Scientist 3: Read Newton's first law of motion. Show in three different ways how inertia works.
Sir Isaac Newton, an English mathematician and physicist, discovered many laws of physics. In 1687, his book Mathematical
Principles of Natural Philosophy included his three laws of motion.
The first law of motion says that a thing at rest tends to remain at rest until an outside force moves it. The law also says that a
thing in motion continues to move at a constant speed in a straight line, unless an outside force acts on it.
The law describes inertia. Inertia is what causes an object to resist any change in motion.
These experiments may seem like magic tricks, but they demonstrate inertia.
Experiment 1:
Set a coin on a card on the top of a jar. Snap the edge of the card. The card will fly out
because of the force you are using to move it, and the coin will drop into the jar
because of inertia.
Experiment 2:
Make a stack of nickels. Try to snap a penny along the table at the bottom of
the coin. If you hit the target just right, the bottom nickle will fly out, the
others remain in a stack. Why?
Experiment 3:
Set a glass of water on the end of t a long strip of paper. (Use a plastic glass,
just in case. Or you can use a book instead of a glass of water). Pull the
paper slowly. The glass moves with it. Give the paper a sudden jerk. The
glass stands still.
Experiment 4:
Spin a fresh egg on its side. It will stop soon. Spin a hard-boiled egg. It will spin for a
much longer time. When you spin a fresh egg, you spin the outside. The white and yolk
inside are loose and tend to remain at rest, slowing down the fresh egg. When you spin
the hard-boiled egg, you spin the whole egg, because the cooking has made the yok and
white solid. They move right along with the shell.
Experiment 5:
Swing a pail of water back and forth at arm’s lengh. (Don’t fill the pail so full that it’s
too heavy for you ) After a few times, swing it over your head in a full circle. Tell what
happends. Do you know why?
Remember, a moving object tends to travel in a straight line unless an outside force acts
on it. You’re the outside force. Your hold on the bucket and your arm action provide
centripetal force. You’re constantly changing the direction of the bucket, away from
straight line travel, and making it go in a circle. Centripetal force makes an object travel
a circular route.
Some road curves are banked (tilted toward the inside of the curve) to help cars stay on
the road. You’ll also see banked curves on bobsled tracks, velodromes (bicycle tracks),
and roller coasters. That tilt provides centripetal force that causes circular travel.
Day Camp Program Plan, revised Jan 2014
Webelos Day Camp Program (Even Years)
Scientist 5: Show the effects of atmospheric pressure.
Atmospheric Pressure
We live under a blanket of air called the earth’s atmosphere. It is many miles deep. At sea level the atmosphere exerts a pressure of almost
15 pounds per square inch on every surface. A mile above sea level, the blanket of air is thinner, so the atmospheric pressure is less.
Experiments with Atmospheric Pressure
Experiment 1: More magic tricks? There’s a scientific explanation behind each one. Here’s one you can
do with an egg and a glass bottle with an opening slightly smaller than the egg.
1.Cook the egg in boiling water for 10 minutes
2. Put it in cold water. Take off the shell.
3. Fold a small piece of newspaper three times in same direction.
4. Light it. Drop it into the bottle. Quickly put the egg in the top of the bottle.
5. The egg will bounce up and down. Then it will slip neatly into the bottle.
Air molecules are constantly moving, but heat makes them move faster and spread even farther apart.
The burning paper heats the air in the bottle and expands it, pushing much of it out. As the air left in the
bottle cools, the inside air pressure drops. The outside atmospheric pressure pushes the egg into the bottle.
Experiment 2: You need a glass bottle, a shallow pan, and a
1. Pour the water from a half-filled bottle into a pan. Set a 2inch-high candle in the pan and light it.
2. Hold the empty bottle over the candle with the top a little
below the water. The water will bubble. Hold the bottle until
the bubbling stops.
3. Lower the bottle. The candle and water will rise up in the
The candle flame heats the air in the bottle and expands it, pushing part of it out and making the water bubble. The air pressure inside the
bottle drops. Outside the bottle, the higher the atmospheric pressure on the water’s surface pushes the water and the candle up into the
bottle. The flame goes out when it burns up all of the oxygen in the bottle.
Experiment 3: You need a cork, toothpick,
small piece of paper for a sail, and glue to
make small cork boat. You’ll also need a glass
that will fit over the boat and a larger
container for water. (You can do this
experiment with or without the cork boat.
The boat makes it more fun and easier to see
the water line inside the small glass).
1. Make a cork boat as shown. Float it.
2. Put a glass over it, putting one edge in the water first and slowly turn the glass bottom up.
3. Raise the glass, but keep the top under water.
When you life the glass the pressure of the air inside it becomes less than the atmospheric pressure acting on the surface of the water
outside. This difference in air pressure supports the water column.
Experiment 4: Have an adult supervise this next experiment. You’ll need a very clean, empty screw-top
metal gallon can and a metal pail larger than the can. To be sure the can is clean, rinse it at least three
times and let it stand open for 24 hours.
1. Fill the pail with cold water.
2. Pour a glass of water into the can. Leave the top off. Put the open can on a stove. Boil the water. Let it
steam for a minute or more, but don’t let it boil dry.
3. Use a hot pad to take the can off the stove. Screw on the cap. Turn the can over and place it, top down,
into the pail of water. The can will be crushed.
The steam drives nearly all the air out. The water cools the steam, leaving the can almost empty of air and
creating a parial vacuum (a space in which there is very low presure). The higher outside atmospheric
pressure crushes the can.
Day Camp Program Plan, revised Jan 2014
Webelos Day Camp Program (Even Years)
Scientist 6: Show the effects of air pressure.
Air Pressure
If we compress air (put pressure on it), it becomes denser and more forceful and we can use it in machines. For example, a jack
hammer that is used to break up pavement uses compressed air. A tire pump compresses air, and bicycle tires use compressed
air to give you a smooth ride. Experiments with Air Pressure:
Experiment 1:
Air pressure can do amazing things! For the first experiment, you’ll need a pop bottle
and a small piece of newspaper.
1. Make a ball of a 1-inch-square piece of newspaper.
2. Lay the pop bottle on its side on a table. Put the ball in the neck of the bottle.
3. Blow into the bottle. The ball will come out of the bottle.
You might expect that blowing on the ball will make it more to the back of the bottle.
But what really happens is this: The air you blow into the bottle increases the air
pressure, which drives the ball outward.
Experiment 2:
For the next experiment, you need books and a hot water bottle.
1. On the edge of a table, place several heavy books on top of an empty hot-water
2. Hold the opening of the bottle tightly against your mouth. Blow hard into the
bottle. Your breath will lift the books.
Experiment 3:
All you need is a balloon and a glass for the next experiment.
1. Put a balloon into a glass. Have the bottom of the balloon touching the bottom of
the glass.
2. Blow up the balloon. Hold it shut. You can lift the glass by the neck of the balloon.
The air pressure inside the balloon holds the balloon against the glass.
Day Camp Program Plan, revised Jan 2014
Webelos Day Camp Program (Even Years)
Scientist 7: Show the effects of water pressure. This may be combined with atmospheric pressure or with air pressure.
Water Pressure
Experiment 1:
This experiment shows how water pressure
works. You’ll need two large juice cans and
something to punch holes in them. The tops of
the cans should be open.
1. Punch five holes near the bottom of a tall
juice can. Make the holes about ½ to ¾ inch
2. Fill the can with water. Notice that all the water streams are the same length.
3. Take the other can and punch three holes at different levels (but not one above the other). Fill the can with water. Now
notice that the water streams are different lengths.
The amount of water pressure depends on the depth below the surface of the water. In the first can, the water pressure on the
holes was equal, since they all were at the same level. The streams of water looked the same. In the second can, the top hole
had the least water pressure, and the lowest hole had the most. The lowest stream, with the most pressure, went farthest.
When a dam is built on a river, it is thickest at the bottom, because that’s where the water pressure is greatest.
Water Pressure and Atmospheric Pressure
When you read about the water pressure experiment, did you
wonder if atmospheric pressure was at work too? It was, because
the surface of the water was open to the air.
Experiment 1:
Now try this. You’ll need another can, this one with a tight-fitting
1. Use a can with a lid that can be take off. Punch a nail hole in the lid. Make another hole near the bottom of the can on the
2. Fill the can with water. Put the lid on.
3. Turn the can upside down. Water runs out of the hole in the lid. Why? The weight of the water plus atmospheric pressure
(air coming in the hole in the can’s side, above the water) causes water to run out.
4. Put your finger over the hole in the side and the water stops. Remove your finger and it starts.
Your finger stops the air coming in, so the atmosphere cannot maintain pressure above the water. The upward force of the
atmosphere on the water in the bottom hole keeps the water from running out.
Experiment 2:
1. Slip a balloon onto a faucet. Fill it, supporting the weight with your
2. Hold the neck of the balloon tightly and remove it from the faucet.
Set the balloon in a bucket of water or in a sink with water in it. Let
go of the neck of the balloon.
Atmospheric pressure pushing on the surface of the water around the
balloon forces a fountain of water out.
Day Camp Program Plan, revised Jan 2014
Webelos Day Camp Program (Even Years)
Water Pressure and Air Pressure
Because of a scientific invention, divers can work on the bottom of a river, lake, or
sea. They use a diving bell. Diving bells are used today to help with the underwater
work needed in building things such as bridges, piers, and jetties.
Air is fed into the bell through a hose. Even though the bottom of the diving bell is
open, air pressure keeps the water out. For an idea of how a diving bell works, you’ll
need a bottle cap, a bucket, a glass, and water. The glass is your diving bell.
Experiment 1:
1. Float a bottle cap in a bucket full of water.
2. Place a dry glass straight down over the cap. Push the glass down halfway. The cap
floats. Where is the water level inside the glass?
3. Push the diving bell (glass) to the bottom. The cap rests on the bottom.
4. Raise the glass carefully. The cap will float again. Watch the water level inside the
glass as you bring it slowly up.
Though you are not feeding more air into the glass, the amount of air in it when you
touch it to the water remains the same. When you push the glass down, you are
compressing the air in it and providing the pressure to push the water out of the way.
Newton’s third law of motion says that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. This
principle explains how a rocket is propelled skyward.
Experiment 1:
Blow up a balloon and hold the opening closed. This is like a
rocket that hasn’t been ignited yet. The energy is stored in the
form of compressed air in the balloon.
Release the balloon, and the stored air rushes out of the
opening. This is the action. The reaction is a force called
thrust. Thrust causes the balloon to move in the opposite
direction from the rushing air.
As the rocket’s fuel is burned, hot exhaust gases are pushed out of the exhaust nozzle
at very high speed. The escaping exhaust gases are the action.
That action causes an equal but opposite reaction. The thrust propels the rocket
through the air. If the rocket burned fuel even more quickly both the action and the
reaction would be greater.
Hot exhaust gases escape through the exhaust nozzle.
Day Camp Program Plan, revised Jan 2014
Webelos Day Camp Program (Even Years)
Webelos Program - Skill 3
Scientist Badge
(even years)
 2 bottles
 Water
 Ice cubes
Center of Gravity
 Chair
 Wall
 Cardboard bird
 Glue or tape
 Penny
Optical Illusions:
 Sheet of paper rolled into a tube, one per scout
 Two pencils
 Small mirror
 Flashlight, if inside
Brain teasers:
 Copies of brain teasers (see below)
 ruler
Scientist: 9: Explain what causes fog. Show how this works. Webelos Book Page 419
Did you know that air has water in it? The water is in the form of molecules so small
you can’t see them. If cool air moves in after a warm day, the invisible molecules are
drawn together into tiny droplets of water. Billions of these condensed droplets make
up fog.
Experiment: Making Fog
1. Fill a bottle with hot water. Then pour out most of the water. Leave about 1
inch in the bottom.
2. Hold the bottle to the light. Notice the streams of vapor rising from it.
3. Hold an ice cube in the bottle opening. Hold the bottle toward the light.
Notice the thin streams of vapor moving down into the bottle. This is fog.
1. Put about 1 inch of cold water in a quart-sized bottle.
2. Cover the opening with your hand. Shake hard to soak the air in the bottle.
Pour out the water. Hold the bottle upside down.
3. Light a wooden match. Quickly blow it out. Put the smoking head into the
opening of the bottle. The smoke will help the water vapor change into water
4. Set the bottle in a good light. Place your mouth on the bottle opening. Press
down and blow hard—you’ll then see clear air in the bottle.
5. Raise your head. The fog forms again.
Blowing helps compress and heat the air. This evaporates the fog. When you raise your head, the compressed air expands and
cools. Cooling condenses water vapor into tiny water drops you can see, so the fog forms in the bottle again.
Day Camp Program Plan, revised Jan 2014
Webelos Day Camp Program (Even Years)
Scientist 12: Show in three different ways how your eyes work together, and show what is meant by an optical illusion.
Webelos Book Page 424
How Your Eyes Work Together
Your eyes are wonderful instruments. They are like amazing cameras that can
work together. Each of your eyes focuses a picture of what you are seeing on
the retina that lines the eye. The optic nerve carries these two pictures to the
brain. Then your brain makes one image out of the two.
Sometimes your eyes and brain can trick you. Using what it already understands about the world, your brain does the best it
can with the images it receives. It might make you believe you’re seeing something impossible! Try these easy experiments
that show how the eyes work.
Our eyes and the lens of a camera are similar. Both focus light rays to produce images.
Experiment 1:
Roll a sheet of paper into a tube. Hold the edge of your hand against the side of the tube. With
one eye, look at a distant object through the tube. Look at your hand with the other eye. There
seems to be a hold in your hand. What do you think is happening?
One eye sees the distant object through the paper tube, and the other eye sees your hand. Your
brain combines the two images in one view.
Experiment 2:
Hold two pencils, as shown, at arm’s length. Look past the pencils
at the far corner of the room. You’ll see two sets of pencils. Do
this again with the pencils held about 1 inch apart. You’ll see four
Experiment 3:
Place the tips of two fingers together about 6 inches from your
eyes. Look past them at the far corner of the room and you’ll see
a small sausage. Pull the fingers apart slowly. The sausage will
seem to hang in the air.
Day Camp Program Plan, revised Jan 2014
Webelos Day Camp Program (Even Years)
Light and Dark.
The pupils of your eyes adjust for the level of light that is available.
Experiment 1:
Stand in a corn of the room, facing the corner, with your back to
the light. Look in a mirror. Notice the size of the opening in the
pupil of each eye. The openings will be large. Turn around with
your face toward the light. Look in the mirror again. The pupils
will be smaller.
Experiment 2:
Look at something far away. Cup your hands into tubes. Look
through them as you would through field glasses. You see more
clearly because your pupils get bigger. They receive more light
from the faraway objects when they are protected from other
Day Camp Program Plan, revised Jan 2014
Webelos Day Camp Program (Even Years)
Brain Teasers
In some of the optical illusions below, you might be fooled about measurements,
sizes, and distance. When your brain tries to make sense out of what your eyes
are seeing it uses what it has already learned about how things usually look. That
doesn’t mean it’s always right!
Experiment 1:
Draw a ½-inch square inside a 1-inch square. Connect the corners. Look at it
steadily. The inside square seems to move closer, then farther away.
Experiment 2:
Draw a box as shown. Look at it steadily. Sometimes it seems you’re at the top of
the box. Sometimes it seems to be the bottom.
Experiment 3:
Is the high silk hat longer or shorter from A to B than from C to D? Measure it.
Experiment 4:
Does it look like you could put a dime on top of this box so the coin won’t touch
the edges? Try it.
Experiment 5:
Which of the two designs is longer? Better get your ruler.
Experiment 6:
Which of the dotted circles is larger?
Day Camp Program Plan, revised Jan 2014
Webelos Day Camp Program (Even Years)
Optical Illusions
“What are illusions? Illusions trick us into perceiving something differently than it actually exists, so what we see
does not correspond to physical reality. Hence, the word illusion comes from the Latin verb illudere meaning, "to
mock." In addition, some illusions show us one thing in a picture, while someone else sees something entirely
different in the same picture.
Research scientists must be sure that the results of their work are not "illusory" in nature. They need to accurately
report what "is," rather than their general "impression" of "what is." So, many times a scientist will repeat an
experiment many times, or in different laboratories, to ensure that their results were valid. Science is only "good
science" when anyone can repeat the experiment and get the same results.”
Now let's play with some words...what do you see below?
In black you can read the word GOOD; but the word EVIL also appears in white letters inside each black letter.
This one is quite tricky! The word TEACH reflects as LEARN.
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Webelos Day Camp Program (Even Years)
The following pictures are NOT animated.
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The following pictures are NOT animated.
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Webelos Day Camp Program (Even Years)
Your eyes are making them move. To test this, stare at one spot in each picture for a few seconds and everything will stop moving;
OR look at the black center of each circle in the first picture, and it will stop moving; but when you move your eyes to the next black
center, the previous one will move after you take your eyes away from it.
Day Camp Program Plan, revised Jan 2014
Webelos Day Camp Program (Even Years)
Looking up, or looking down?
Which of the MIDDLE circles looks bigger, the one on the left, or the one on the right? Wait, look again!
Can you count the black dots?
Day Camp Program Plan, revised Jan 2014
Webelos Day Camp Program (Even Years)
Are the horizontal lines parallel, or do they slope?
Answer: Believe it or not, they are parallel!
How many legs does this elephant have?
Day Camp Program Plan, revised Jan 2014
Webelos Day Camp Program (Even Years)
A rabbit, looking right? Or a duck, looking left?
Which of the figures in the picture do you think would measure the tallest with a ruler? Don't measure -- just guess!
Day Camp Program Plan, revised Jan 2014
Webelos Day Camp Program (Even Years)
What do you see?
Answer: The word Lift in white letters
This is called an "impossible object", which means that it's impossible to build.
But drawing it is not impossible, as you see in the image.
Day Camp Program Plan, revised Jan 2014
Webelos Day Camp Program (Even Years)
Focus on the dot in the center, and move your head forwards and backwards. What happens?
The diagonal lines are actually parallel.
Day Camp Program Plan, revised Jan 2014
Webelos Day Camp Program (Even Years)
Believe it or not, there are no gray spots at the corners of the squares.
The red squares are the same color in the top and bottom of the "X".
Parallel lines at sunrise.
Day Camp Program Plan, revised Jan 2014
Webelos Day Camp Program (Even Years)
Impossible Triangle
Which is longest?
Actually, the Vertical lines are both the same length.
Stare at the Reversing Staircase Illusion until it changes to a different staircase.
Day Camp Program Plan, revised Jan 2014
Webelos Day Camp Program (Even Years)
Scientist 13: Explain how you use your center of gravity to keep your balance. Show three different balancing tricks.
Webelos Book Page 422
Center of Gravity
Gravity is the force that holds objects to the earth. The same force holds the moon and planets in their orbits. Sir Isaac
Newton’s law of universal gravitation explained this in 1687.
Did you ever sit still on a bike with your feet on the pedals and try to keep your balance? You had to keep shifting your
weight, right? Why? Because each time you moved, your center of gravity – the point in your body where your weight is
concentrated – shifted a little. (A person’s center of gravity is usually somewhere behind the navel.)
Normally, when you stand or walk, you unconsciously keep your center of gravity over your feet, which are your base. But if
you try to walk along a straight line on the floor, you’ll find yourself moving your arms to adjust your center of gravity and
keep your balance. Try these experiments to see what happens when your center of gravity is a bit beyond your control.
Experiment 1:
Sit in a chair with your feet on the floor and keep your arms folded across your chest. See if you
can stand up, but obey this rule: You may not lean forward. Your center of gravity remains too
far back to allow you to stand. Now try to stand up by leaning forward first. This allows you to
adjust your center of gravity and move it over your feet.
Experiment 2:
Place a chair against the wall. Bend over it with your head touching the wall. Move your feet
back. Your legs, from ankles to hips, should slant toward the wall. Lift the chair. Try to stand
straight without moving your feet.
Experiment 3:
Stand with one shoulder, arm, leg, and foot close against a wall. Try to bring your outside foot to
touch the one next to the wall. Stop at the point where you feel yourself losing your balance.
The wall is in your way, so you can’t move your body that direction to adjust your center of
gravity and keep your balance.
Experiment 4:
Cut a bird out of 6-by-6-inch piece of light cardboard. Glue or tape a penny at the front end of
each wing. The middle of each penny should be just in front of the bird’s beak. Se the beak on
the end of your finger or put in on the corner of a table or a book. It won’t fall. Where do you
think the center of gravity is?
Day Camp Program Plan, revised Jan 2014
Webelos Day Camp Program (Even Years)