Comm feb, march, april 2015 - West Central School Corporation


Comm feb, march, april 2015 - West Central School Corporation
Feb., March & April 2015
Volume XXXX, Issue III
Winter Weather and Student Learning
By: Don Street, Superintendent
Winter Weather – January 2015 has given us some interesting weather days! I
appreciate everyone’s patience as we battle the winter weather. The Pulaski County
Highway Department does an outstanding job of clearing the roads. We work closely
together in deciding if WCSC will need to delay school or close. The positive working
relationship with the department is very much appreciated. School will be in session on
February 16 and April 20 as make-up days. Other make-up days will be announced later.
In the event of delays or cancellations, we attempt to send a phone message to parents
and staff. Information may also be found on the district web-site:, as well as
on WKVI 99.3, WLQI 97.7, WFRN 100.1, WSBT Channel 22, WLFI Channel 18, WNDU
Channel 16, WSJV Fox 28, and ABC57.
E-Learning Days – West Central School Corporation is exploring the possibility of
conducting E-Learning days on specific days such as Saturdays to make-up for some school
days missed because of weather. E-Learning is providing relevant, meaningful educational
activities at a setting away from school. E-Learning would allow our students to receive
useful educational information prior to most state testing as opposed to adding days on at the
end of the school year. E-Learning days are being used by several school districts across
Indiana. A survey completed by WCSC students revealed that approximately 80% of students
have internet at home. Students will use internet at home to complete school work. If a
student does not have Internet at home, information may be downloaded to a school computer
to take home and/or paper materials will be provided to the student. More specific and
detailed information will be provided at a later date.
WCHS Yearbook
2015 Seniors need to have senior
pictures (portrait view) to Mrs.
Stevens by March 1. You can
email your
digital picture to
Yearbooks are now at their lowest cost of $50.00. Send your check to
Mrs. Stevens before March 1, 2015. On March 1, 2015 the cost of the book
will increase to $75.00.
To order your yearbook, please provide the following information:
_______________________________________ ________________
Name (Please print)
Phone Number
Please send form and money to Mrs. Stevens at the high school.
Life Skills Chili Supper
The Life Skills Chili Supper has been rescheduled for Saturday, January 31 from
5:00-7:00. Please plan on attending and supporting the Life Skills class!
News from the School Nurse
On behalf of the West Central Schools, I would once again like to take this opportunity to thank the Pulaski
Community Foundation for the Grant to purchase a vision tester for our schools. It is already in use! It will be so
helpful for accurate vision screening of our students/staff/and community members. This tester will be appreciated
now and in the years to come.
“Smile Care Indiana” will be coming to West Central Elementary and Middle School on Thursday, February 12.
Application forms have been sent home with your child/children. If interested, please fill out the form and return to the school
by January 23. If more forms are needed, please contact Mrs. Metzger.
March 18—Indiana Blood Center Blood Drive-7:30-2:00 High School Aux. Gym—Please contact Mrs. Metzger at
219-567-9741 to schedule an appointment
Alcohol and Other Drug Use Survey will be given on Wednesday, March 4 to students in grades 8-12.
Drug Survey Permission
On March 4, 2015, West Central M.S. and H.S. will be giving a survey to all Eighth through Twelfth grade
classes. The survey, “Alcohol and Other Drug Use Survey” is provided by the Indiana Prevention Resource Center,
free of charge. It is a statewide survey of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use among Indiana children and adolescents. It will be given by the classroom teachers to assure participant confidentiality and procedural consistency
that is necessary to assure a scientifically rigorous survey.
The survey conducted by “IPRC” is conducted for two purposes: To provide local schools and their
communities with valid estimates of the prevalence of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use among their
students, and to provide the state of Indiana with similar estimates of prevalence on a statewide basis.
1) The survey is completely anonymous and completed in private, without any personal identifiable information
that could be traced to an individual student, 2) participation is voluntary and the student can easily “opt out” of
participation by submitting a blank survey form, 3) it is important for non-drug-using students to participate to
make sure that the survey can produce accurate estimates of the percentages of students who do use, and 4) we offer
an opportunity for parents to inspect the forms.
All students will be given the survey unless Mr. Culp or Mrs. Metzger is contacted by the parent/guardian
in writing stating that your child is not to participate. A copy of the survey is available for any parent/guardian to
inspect prior to the survey date. Please notify either the school principal or school nurse if interested to schedule a
time to preview or ask questions.
News from High School/Middle School
By: Mr. Patrick Culp, Principal
One of the questions I am most commonly asked by students and parents is “What do
teachers do during the Thursday morning meetings?” I want to share some insight as to what
the professional educators of the West Central School Corporation do during the Thursday
morning meetings, from the Middle and High School perspective.
Sometimes I hear speculation from students that the Thursday morning meetings are a
time for teachers to talk negatively about students. (Teachers do not talk negatively about
students during the Thursday morning meetings.) Recently I shared the following document
with the teaching staff stating:
“We believe all students can learn at a high level.
 We collaborate because we believe no one teacher holds the key to ensure learning for
 We take collective responsibility to ensure that students learn.
 We will align all school operations with this focus.”
 ////
The notion that all students can learn at a high level is the central theme for the
professional development at the middle school and high school. There are times when
teachers talk about students, but in the context of trying to understand different learning
styles, best instructional practices to reach all kids, to identify individual student
strengths and weaknesses, or other ways to improve the instruction for all the students
coming to our school daily.
At West Central, teachers and administrators have prioritized time before school on
Thursdays to conduct professional development. The idea for professional development
was necessitated by the increasing demands placed on teachers and administrators in
light of the implementation of high-stakes standardized tests, demanding teacher
evaluation systems, and other professional obligations for educators. As students are
encouraged to be constantly learning and mastering new topics and ideas, teachers and
administrators are also constantly learning best teaching practices, becoming acquainted
with the new College and Career Readiness Standards (CCR), sharing positive
moments from within the classroom from lessons or specific students, sharing new
legislative decisions, and other pertinent topics related to the field of education.
While there are numerous topics teachers can cover during professional development,
there are four main questions the teachers of West Central Middle and High School are
using as a guide to enhance student learning. At times, these questions may be covered
individually. (For example, Question #1 -’ What do students need to know and be able to
do?’ is the focus for teachers, especially with the adoption of the CCR standards.)
Four Main Questions:
1. What do students need to know and be able to do?
2. How will we know when they have learned it?
3. What will we do when they haven’t learned it?
4. What will we do when they already know it?
Thursday morning is one opportunity for teachers to dedicate time to the practice of
becoming the best professional educator to serve our stakeholders, the students. Along with
attending Thursday morning professional development, teachers are also attending workshops
around the state. The teachers of West Central Middle and High School, as well as the
Elementary, are dedicated to striving to enhance student learning by attending periodic
professional development.
WCEF Scholarship Dinner
Friday, Febuary 20, 2013
5:00 pm—7:00 pm
The Twenty-third Annual West Central Schools Educational Foundation Scholarship
Dinner will be held before the Winamac and West Central boys’ varsity basketball game on
Friday night, February 20th, 2015. The doors will open at 5:00 PM. Serving will continue until
7:00 PM. The prices will be adults $7.00 and children (12 and under) $4.00. The adult meal
will consist of Broccoli Cheese Soup or Creamy Potato Soup, Homemade Cheese Pizza, Fresh
Fruit, Cookie or Brownie and lemonade, water or coffee.
ALL profits go to scholarships for the students. Thank you for your help in making the
educational foundation dinner a success!
Library News
Scholastic BOGO Spring Under the Seas Book Fairs
It is time to start looking ahead to the spring book fairs that will be held at
the middle-senior high school and at the elementary this April. Please plan on
attending both BOGO (Buy One, Get One) book fairs that will showcase new titles
as well as some of your favorite former books. The first fair will begin Monday,
April 6, in the middle-senior high school media center and will end on Monday,
April 13. The elementary book fair will start on Monday, April 13, and end on
Monday, April 20, and it will be held in the “green room” where it was showcased
last spring. Patrons will have two weeks for purchasing great books while receiving
wonderful discounts. For EVERY item purchased, shoppers receive a free item of
equal or lesser cost. This is a fantastic time to stock up for summer reading! If you
have any questions, please contact Julie Hart at 567-9119 at the high school or
Alicia Cotner at 567-9741 at the elementary school.
High/Middle School Parent Teacher
Dear West Central High/Middle School Parents:
You are cordially invited to attend our West Central High/Middle School parentteacher conference with your son or daughter. West Central High/Middle School will
conduct two (2) more parent-teacher conference, one per term. Each term your child’s schedule changes; therefore, we are providing an opportunity for you to talk with your child’s teachers each term. The date and times of the remaining parent-teacher conference is:
_____ Time
3rd term
Thursday, February 5, 2015
3:30-6:00 PM
4th term
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
3:30–6:00 PM
Please mark your calendar for these important parent-teacher conference.
News from Title I
As we all have experienced this Indiana weather, it has made for a slow start to
second semester! But Title I is now up and running….working with students in small
groups K-5. If your child is receiving reading remediation services through Title I,
you should have already received a letter stating so. Changes in who attends Title I
may take place when upcoming Acuity tests are completed in grades 3-5, and
mid-year testing in Kindergarten. Parents will be notified when there is a change in
service for their children.
As this letter is written, Title I is collecting gently used books that students are
bringing in from home. This is a great way for parents to clean off shelves and
closets, while donating books their children no longer read. The following week,
students who brought it in books will be allowed to choose books from those
someone else donated. What a good way to encourage your child to read a different
book and no money involved at all! The more brought in, the more from which to
choose! Thank you in advance for donating books for this program.
Title I will finally get to kick off the 2nd semester reading incentive contest, MOOve
into Reading! With school cancellations and other conflicts our reading pep rally has
been rescheduled for Friday, January 23rd. The high school band will start off with
the school song and then entertain us with some of their pep songs. Selected 5th
graders along with Mr. Zylstra will perform in a skit, “Old McDonald had a Book”
while other 5th graders will help cheer on the crowd by using their bodies to spell
READ! It should be a fun afternoon, encouraging students to read and earn points
for a free movie in Winamac at the end of the school year. Classroom teachers have
already sent the requirements and details to the AR contest.
Thursday, March 19th, is the evening set aside for our Spring Family Literacy Night.
A free meal and a petting zoo are some items being planned for this event. Friday,
April 24th will be the Muffins with Mom morning. These events seem so far into the
future! Make sure to write them in your calendar so you keep the dates open! They
are free events you will want to attend!
Children need to see
adults reading. . . be
that good example!
Notes from the High School
Guidance Department
Mark your calendar for the following events:
Seniors and Senior Parents:
Sunday, February 22, 2015 at 2 p.m. (local time) – College Goal Sunday held at Ivy Tech
Community College in Lafayette, IN or Logansport, IN or St. Joseph’s College in Rensselaer.
Kickoff your future and find cash for college! For more information, call 1.800.992.2076 or visit or
The West Central Scholarship Application is available online now on the West Central High School
website. The firm deadline is March 13, 2015.
Juniors and Junior Parents:
Thursday, February 5 at 5:30 p.m. - Informational meeting in the cafeteria to prepare for the
senior year (held in conjunction with Parent/Teacher Conferences)
Meet your student’s teachers and then come to the cafeteria at 5:30 p.m. for this important meeting.
We will discuss planning for attendance at college, trade and technical schools after graduation.
SAT and ACT testing will be discussed as well as the application process for scholarships and
SAT and ACT Info – Juniors are encouraged to
take either the SAT or the ACT in the spring of
their junior year. You may register online.
ACT – (Register by March 13 for April 18 testing; by May 8 for June 13 testing).
SAT – (Register by Feb. 13 for March 15; by April 6 for May 2 testing; by
May 8 for June 6 testing).
21st Century Scholars may obtain up to two (2) waivers to help pay for SAT testing.
Helpful websites to check out:
Questions? Contact Marci Kennedy at 219-567-9119
Music Boosters
Band Director/HS & MS Choir Director: Daniel Coffey
Elementary Music Teacher: Anna DeRoo
Co-Color Guard Directors: Becky Reed & Hillary Durie
Music Booster Officers:
President—Tammy Perry
Vice President—Naomi Murphy
Treasurer—Tami Putt
Secretary—Mary Wireman
Fundraising Account Coordinator—Donna Putt
Our Citrus Fruit fundraiser was a success! Thank you to those of you who purchased
fruit and to Becky Reed for heading up this event for the 4th year in a row. Donna
Putt has volunteered once again to be in charge of the Butter Braid sales. Orders can
be taken anytime from February 6th-20th. These delicious pastries come in a variety
of flavors and are delivered frozen. They can be served as a breakfast treat or
dessert. Just thaw, bake and enjoy! Be sure to stock up.
Our 2015 Seniors are: Cassie Toosley/clarinet, Beth Green/Flute, Travis Biggs/
trumpet, Joshua Kottka/saxophone, Ben Marrs/trumpet, Mary Pierce/clarinet, David
Southern/percussion and Ian Yockey/saxophone. Band and Boys Varsity Basketball
Seniors will be recognized at our last home game on February 20th.
Thank you for your continuous support of our West Central Music program!
Important Dates to remember for the 2nd half of the 2014-15 school year:
January 31—HS & MS solo and ensemble contest
February 2—Music Booster meeting 3:15 pm in band room
February 6—ISSMA choir concert
February 6-20—Butter Braid fundraiser sales
February 20—Senior Night (Boys Varsity Basketball game against North White)
March 2—Music Booster meeting 3:15 pm in band room
March 12—Butter Braid delivery—2 pm in cafeteria
March 14—8th grade (only) Concert Band contest
April 6—Music Booster meeting 3:15 pm in band room
April TBA—HS band/choir concert
May 4—Music Booster meeting 3:15 pm in band room
May TBA—Pops concert
May 24—Graduation
Driver’s Education 2015
AGE: 15 years old by June 1, 2015
REQUIREMENTS: Driver's Education in Indiana exists in two parts. There is a Classroom portion and a Driving portion. The State of Indiana requires that you complete 30
hours of classroom time or equivalent online program. You will take your Classroom portion of Driver's Ed online through Driving You are also required to take
6 hours of in the car training to complete Driver's Ed. At West Central driving will be
done during the month of June. You must be at least 15 years old in the State of Indiana to get your Learner's Permit. If you complete Driver's Education and hold your permit for 180 days, then you will be able to get your permit when you are 16 years and 180
days old.
CLASS: The classroom portion of the class will be done online through Driving Brilliance. To access the registration go to and select
register. Make sure to put West Central as the high school. Students may begin the online
class after they turn 15, and must be completed by June 13 to drive this summer. The
online class may be done at home, on school computers during the school year, or students may also come to school to use computers during the first two weeks of June.
FEES; Total cost for the program will be $225.00. A $25 fee will be paid to Driving
Brilliance for the online class. A $200.00 fee will be paid to West Central for driving,
and must be paid by May 8. Out of corporation students will be charged $300. This will
allow time to create a driving schedule before June to give to students.
PERMIT; Students will be given a CDE form once they turn 15 years old and have the
$200 fee paid. This form is what is needed to get the student driving permit. Students
will take the CDE form and proper documents (found in Driver’s Manual) to the license
branch to get their permit. Students must take and pass a written test at the license
branch over the driver’s manual to get their permit. The manual can be found online
at under the drivers education tab. I have also ordered manuals to be
delivered to West Central.
DRIVING: Each driving group will consist of 3 drivers. Each student must drive for 6
hours and observe for 12 hours. Driving groups will be assigned at the end of May, and
we will group students with other students that live near the same location. Driving will
begin at West Central and students will be dropped off at West Central after driving.
VACATIONS: If there is a specific week a student cannot drive, please fill out the form
below so we do not schedule the student to drive during that time. Remember there is
only so much flexibility we will have to get all students scheduled. Please include any
camps, 4-H fairs, and vacations.
Student Name________________________________
Date of Birth___________________
Date of Vacation or camps________________________________________________________
Parent Signature________________________________________________________________
Contact Mike Harter 567-9119 School or 574-870-6605 Cell
Please return the bottom portion of this page to Mr. Harter with your payment.
Educational Foundation Donations
As we approach the end of the school year, please be reminded of the opportunity to donate to
the West Central Schools Educational Foundation.
The foundation is a tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501C(3) of the Internal
Revenue Code and incorporated under Indiana Law as a not-for-profit corporation. Contributions are
deductible for income, estate and gift tax purposes.
The purpose of the foundation is to provide scholarships for the youth of the West Central
School Corporation. A secondary purpose is to promote educational excellence by raising funds for
an endowment through which grants can be awarded for the purpose of strengthening educational programs.
If you would like to become a donor, please complete the form below. You may stop by the
Central Office if you are interested in establishing an Advised Endowment Fund Agreement.
NAME ___________________________
Contribution of $________________
Please make checks payable to West Central Schools Educational Foundation
Mail to:
WCSE Foundation
P.O. Box 578
Francesville, IN 47946
ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS: Your child must be 5 by August 1, 2015, and you must provide a legal
birth certificate. Your child must be fully immunized.
ROUND-UP DAY: Thursday, April 9 and Friday, April 10, 2015. Your Round-up session will last
approximately two hours. During your session, your child will be given a kindergarten readiness screening
and his or her vision will be checked. You will also have the opportunity to meet the principal, counselor,
nurse, speech pathologist and kindergarten teachers. School registration forms will also be filled out at this
OTHER: The Kindergarten fee will be determined at a later date. Please complete the form below and return
it to the school office by Monday, March 30. If you know of a family who has an eligible child that does not
receive a copy of The Communicator or The Trojan Tribune, please ask them to contact the school at 219567-9741.
Please complete this form and return it to the elementary school by Monday, March 30 so we can schedule
your child for this exciting time.
Child’s Name
Birth Date
Parent’(s)’/Guardian’s Name(s)
Telephone Number
Address of Parent/Guardian Child Resides With
Is your child enrolled in the Medaryville Preschool?
Is your child enrolled in Head Start?
Yes _____
No _____
Yes _____ No _____
Other Program? __________________________________________
Please check your preferred time for your Round-up session:
Thursday AM _____
Thursday PM _____
Friday AM _____
Friday PM_____
Costa Rica 2016
A Touch of the Tropics
Are you tired of winter? Warm up with thoughts of sunny Costa Rica!
Travel with a group of students and teachers to Costa Rica in June of 2016. Enrollment is open
now with an early enrollment incentive of $100 off the total price for all who enroll by February
28th, 2015.
Tour Highlights:
InBioparque BioDiversity Tour
Ziplining through Rainforest
Kayaking in Lake Arenal
Visit to Arenal and Poás Volcanos
Hot Springs
La Fortuna Waterfall
Folklore Evening
Horseback Riding
Visit to local school
Whitewater Rafting in Sarapiquí River
Local Cuisine
What is included with your tour price?
Full time Tour Director (Bilingual-with our group the entire trip)
All entrances, transportation, meals (excluding soft drinks)
Round trip airfare
Hotels with private bathrooms
limitless fun, cultural immersion, lifetime memories
For more information contact: Becky Reed by email or call the high
school 567-9119 (best time is 8-9:30). If you would like a brochure with itineraries and prices,
please contact Becky.
Additionally: As a way to celebrate 50 years of showing students the world, EF Tours is giving
away 50 free tours to students who enroll in a 2016 tour by May 31, 2015. Want more info, see
Mrs. Reed!
117 East Montgomery Street
Francesville, IN 47946
- Non-profit Corporation
- US Postage Paid
- Francesville, IN 47946
- Permit #22
- Presort Discount