Untitled - Sage Pastel Accounting


Untitled - Sage Pastel Accounting
When processing a stock take or count inventory you will have the option to either:
1.) Enter or edit the physical quantities on hand (manually capture each item into Sage Pastel
Accounting) or
2.) Import a text file which contains the physical quantities on hand (This can be either a .txt
or a .csv file however it is recommended to use a .csv file)
While importing a .txt or .csv document may be quicker you will need to make sure that you have
created the import file in the correct layout which is dependent on the add-on modules you have
No Multi Stores, No Serial Number Tracking
Multi Stores, No Serial Number Tracking
Multi Stores and Serial Number Tracking
Serial Number Tracking, No Multi Stores
How to Import your Quantities
If you are unsure if you make use of Multi Stores or Serial Number Tracking you would need to check
your registered modules in Sage Pastel Accounting.
Click on Help| About
Scroll down to the Modules heading
Look for Multi Stores or Serial Number Tracking as displayed below:
Note: Multi Stores and Serial Number Tracking is not available in Sage Pastel Xpress.
When creating a .csv file where neither Multi Stores nor Serial Number Tracking is used the file
layout requires Column A, Column B and Column C.
When creating a .txt file the file layout will require two fields separated by a comma.
Item Code (15 Characters)
Quantity (Numeric)
Enter ‘ (Single Inverted Comma)
Example of Excel file (.csv)
In Column A enter the Item code
In Column B enter the Quantity
In Column C enter ‘ (Single Inverted Comma)
Save the file as a csv (comma delimited) file
Do not close the .csv file
Note: When you press enter the ‘(Single inverted comma) will disappear if you select the cell and
look at the top of the screen, next to the function screen you will see the ‘(Single inverted comma)
as displayed below:
Example of Text file (.txt)
Open Notepad
First enter the Item Code followed by a comma
Next enter the Quantity followed by a comma
Save the file as a .txt
When creating a .csv file where Multi Stores is used but Serial Number Tracking is not used, the
file layout requires Column A, Column B, Column C and Column D.
When creating a .txt file the file layout will require three fields separated by a comma.
Column A
Column B
Column C
Column D
Item Code (15 Characters)
Store Code (3 Characters i.e. 001)
Quantity (Numeric)
‘ (Single Inverted Comma)
Example of Excel file (.csv)
In Column A enter the Item code
In Column B enter the Store Code (this needs to be 3 characters)
For Column B to have three characters enter the store number i.e. 1
Now select Column B as displayed below:
Right click and select Format Cells as displayed below:
The ‘Format Cells’ screen will display:
Select the Number Tab
On the left under Category select Custom
On the right under Type enter 000 as displayed below:
Click on OK
In Column C enter the Quantity
In Column D enter ‘ (Single Inverted Comma)
Save the file as a csv (comma delimited) file
Do not close the csv file
Note: When you press enter the ‘(Single inverted comma) will disappear if you select the cell and
look at the top of the screen, next to the function screen you will see the ‘(Single inverted comma)
as displayed below:
Example of Text file (.txt)
Open Notepad
First enter the Item Code followed by a comma
Next enter the Store Code i.e. 001, 002 etc. followed by a comma
Next enter the Quantity followed by a comma
Save the file as a .txt
When creating a .csv file where Multi Stores and Serial Number Tracking is used the file layout
will require Column A, Column B, Column C, and Column D
When creating a .txt file the file layout will require four fields separated by a comma.
Column A
Column B
Column C
Column D
Item Code (15 Characters)
Store Code (3 Characters i.e. 001)
Quantity (Numeric)
Serial Number
Note: When making use of serialized items and importing the quantities of the items, the serialized
items are entered individually i.e. if you have a count of 22 you will enter 22 lines on the import file
showing the Item Code, Store Code, Quantity of 1 followed by a unique serial number as shown
Example of Excel file (.csv)
If you have 22 items in store 001 you will
need to enter 22 lines with:
In Column A enter the Item code
Column A = Item code i.e. ITE003
Column B = Store i.e. 001
Column C = Quantity = 1
Column D = Serial Number
In Column B enter the Store Code (this needs to be 3 characters)
For Column B to have three characters enter the store number i.e. 1
Now select Column B as displayed below:
Right click and select Format Cells as displayed below:
The ‘Format Cells’ screen will display:
Select the Number Tab
On the left under Category select Custom
On the right under Type enter 000 as displayed below:
Click on OK
In Column C enter the Quantity (for serialized items enter the quantity as 1)
In Column D enter ‘(Single Inverted Comma) for non-serialized items or enter the unique
Serial Number for Serialized Items.
Save the file as a csv (comma delimited) file
Do not close the csv file
Note: When you press enter the ‘(Single inverted comma) will disappear if you select the cell and
look at the top of the screen, next to the function screen you will see the ‘(Single inverted comma)
as displayed below:
Example of Text file (.txt)
Open Notepad
First enter the Item Code followed by a comma
Next enter the Store Code i.e. 001, 002 etc. followed by a comma
Next enter the Quantity ( enter 1 for serialized items) followed by a comma
Next enter the Serial Number (only for serialized items)
Save the file as a .txt
When creating a .csv file where Serial Number Tracking is used and Multi Stores is not used the
file layout will require Column A, Column B, and Column C.
When creating a .txt file the file layout will require three fields separated by a comma.
Column A
Column B
Column C
Item Code (15 Characters)
Quantity (Numeric)
Serial Number
Note: When making use of serialized items and importing the quantities of the items, the serialized
items are entered individually i.e. if you have a count of 22 you will enter 22 lines on the import file
showing the Item Code, Quantity of 1 followed by a unique serial number as shown below:
Example of Excel file (.csv)
If you have 22 items in store 001 you will
need to enter 22 lines with:
Column A = Item code i.e. ITE003
Column B = Quantity = 1
Column C = Serial Number
In Column A enter the Item code
In Column B enter the Quantity (for serialized items enter the quantity as 1)
In Column C enter ‘(Single Inverted Comma) for non-serialized items or enter the unique
Serial Number for Serialized Items
Save the file as a csv (comma delimited) file
Do not close the csv file
Example of Text file (.txt)
Open Notepad
First enter the Item Code followed by a comma
Next enter the Quantity (Enter 1 for serialized items) followed by a comma
Next enter the Serial Number (only for serialized items)
Save the file as a .txt
Click on Process| Count Inventory
You will receive a message to rebuild the batch quantities as shown below:
Click on Yes
The ‘Data Integrity Assistant’ with the option to ‘rebuild batch quantities’ selected will
Click on Process
Once complete click on Finish
The ‘Count Inventory Assistant’ screen will display:
Click on Next
The ‘Choose a Range of Items to Snapshot’ screen will display:
If you make use of Multi Stores you will have the options ‘From Store’ and ‘To Store’.
If you do not make use of Multi stores you will not see these two options.
On this screen you can select to arrange your items by Inventory Code, Inventory Category,
Bin Number or Barcode
Make your selection and click on the magnifying glass where you see ‘From’ as shown below:
The ‘Inventory Zoom’ screen will display
Select where to start your range from the list displayed
Click on the magnifying glass by ‘To’, select where to end your range from the list displayed
If you wish to take a snapshot of all your items, leave the ‘From’ field as Blank and the ‘To’ field
fill with zzzz as shown below:
If you use the Serial Numbers, you can choose whether to take a snapshot using serial
number items only, non-serial number items only, or both.
Make your selection and click on Next
The ‘Confirm Operations’ screen will display:
Click on Process
Depending on your selection you will receive a one of the below confirmation messages:
Click on either No or OK depending on which message you receive
The ‘Operation Complete’ screen will display:
Click on Continue
The ‘Choose the Operation to Perform’ screen will display:
This screen will show you all the steps necessary to perform a stocktake
The first option is to ‘Print a count sheet’, which your staff can use when counting the
physical quantities on hand
Once you have counted your physical quantities on hand you will need to enter these
quantities into Sage Pastel Accounting
Select the option ‘Import a text file which contains the physical quantities on hand’
The ‘Import Quantities from Text File’ screen will display:
Choose a Quantity Method:
1.) If the import file has one line per inventory item, choose the first option to replace
existing quantities.
2.) If the import file has more than one line per inventory item, choose the second option
to add quantities to the existing ones. (This is the option selected if you use Serial
Number Tracking)
Choose an Item Identifier (this is how Pastel will recognize which quantity goes with which
1. The first option is Item Code as Identifier
2. The second option is Barcode as Identifier
By Import File Name click on Browse
Navigate to the import .csv (should still be open) or .txt file.
The ‘Confirm Operation’ screen will display:
Click on Process
If there are errors in the input file, the system displays these, and you can print them. If there
are errors, no imports occur, even for lines that are not in error.
If there are errors please refer to the file layout section of this document.