Erste Kundenkommentare über den IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator
Erste Kundenkommentare über den IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator
IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator Das Beste aus beiden Welten! IBM Netezza Webcast: 10:00 – 10:45 Uhr Ralf Götz IBM Netezza Systems Engineer © 2011 IBM Corporation Information Management Smart Business Analytics on System z 1908 x schneller: 2 Stunden 39 Minuten reduziert auf 5 Sekunden! 99% weniger CPU: 24Millionen Sätze: 56.5 CPU Sekunden reduziert auf 0.4 CPU Sekunden! …und das in nur 2 Tagen… klingt das interessant für Sie? 2 © 2011 IBM Corporation Information Management Smart Business Analytics on System z „IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator“ Was ist der IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator (IDAA)? Was macht der IDAA? Warum kann der IDAA mein System/z für analytische Abfragen so stark beschleunigen? IBM Netezza – Kurze Historie IBM Netezza 1000 Appliance – die Technologie Erste Kundenbeispiele Fragen & Antworten © 2011 IBM Corporation Information Management Smart Business Analytics on System z Was ist der IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator? Ein Add-On für DB2 auf System z zur drastischen Beschleunigung von analytischen Abfragen DB2/z analysiert die ankommenden Queries und entscheidet, eine Query weiterzuleiten, oder selbst auszuführen . Die clevere Idee: die jeweils am besten geeignete Technology für die jeweilige Aufgabe wird genutzt! © 2011 IBM Corporation Information Management Smart Business Analytics on System z Add-On? Weiterzuleiten? Was? Wohin? System z196/z114 IBM Netezza 1000 Das Add-On ist ein Stück Software und die Netezza DWH Appliance 5 © 2011 IBM Corporation Information Management Smart Business Analytics on System z DB2 Analytics Accelerator V2.1 Das Beste beider Welten – System z und Netezza Was es ist Der IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator ist ein lastoptimierte, Appliance Add-On. Dieses Add-On beschleunigt Select Queries mit atemberaubender Geschwindigkeit! Warum ist IDAA so anders: Performance: Beispiellose NearRealtime Antwortzeiten für Analysen, die durch schlechte Performance vorher unmöglich waren. Integration: Tiefe Integration mit DB2 ermöglicht vollständige Transparenz für alle Anwender und Anwendungen. Self-Managed Workloads: Queries werden immer am richtigen Ort verarbeitet. Transparenz: Applikationen, die zur DB2 verbunden sind, bemerken den Accelerator gar nicht. Vereinfachte Administration: Appliance “hands-free” Betrieb, eliminiert die meisten Tuning Aufgaben Breakthrough Technology Enabling New Benchmarks in Analytics 6 © 2011 IBM Corporation Information Management Smart Business Analytics on System z Lösungskomponenten Netezza 1000 zEnterprise z196/z114 CLIENT Primary OSA-Express3 10 GbE Private Service Network 10Gb Backup Data Studio Foundation DB2 Analytics Accelerator Admin Plug-in Users/ Applications 7 BladeCenter Data Warehouse application DB2 for z/OS enabled for IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator IBM DB2 Analytics Acelerator © 2011 IBM Corporation Information Management Smart Business Analytics on System z Einfachheit, Flexibilität, freie Wahl Erfüllen von Anforderungen durch vollständige Lösungen IBM Netezza Zweckbestimmte Appliance Netezza 1000 IBM System z Mixed Workload System PureScale Analytics System 9700 Information Management Portfolio (Information Server, MDM, Streams, etc) Einfachheit Der richtige Mix aus Einfacheit und Flexibilität Flexibilität © 2011 IBM Corporation Information Management Smart Business Analytics on System z Z N Das Beste beider Welten IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS Netezza 1000 System z Appliance Data Mart Data Mart Data Mart Data Mart Stark in OLTP Marktführer in unternehmenswichtigen Transaktionalen Systemen Data Mart Consolidation Stark in Data Warehousing Transaction Systems (OLTP) Appliance Marktführer bei HighSpeed Analytischen Systemen Stark in der Konsolidierung Data Warehouse Analytics z/OS: Netezza: Recognized leader in mixed workloads with security, availability and recoverability Recognized leader in cost-effective high speed deep analytics Beispielloser flexibilität bei einem mixed workload und Virtualisierung ermöglicht kosteneffiziente Konsolidierung © 2011 IBM Corporation Information Management Smart Business Analytics on System z Sie haben die Wahl: Mehrere DB2 Systeme und ein IDAA Ein DB2 System und mehrere IDAA Mehrere DB2 Systeme und mehrere IDAA Volle Flexibilität für DB2 Systeme: •Bessere Ausnutzung der IDAA Ressourcen •Skalierbarkeit •Hochverfügbarkeit 10 • • • • • • residing in the same LPAR residing in different LPARs residing in different CECs being independent (non-data sharing) belonging to the same data sharing group belonging to different data sharing groups © 2011 IBM Corporation Information Management Smart Business Analytics on System z Netezza 1000 Appliance Skalierbarkeit 1 10 ....... TF3 TF6 TF12 TF24 TF36 TF48 TF72 TF96 TF120 Cabinets 1/4 1/2 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 Processing Units 24 48 96 192 288 384 576 768 960 Capacity (TB) 8 16 32 64 96 128 192 256 320 Effective Capacity (TB)* 32 64 128 256 384 512 768 1024 1280 List Price $380k $730k $1.39m $2.78m $4.17m $5.56m $8.34m $11.12m $13.9m Aktuelle IDAA Plattformen Vorhersagbare, lineare Skalierung über die gesamte Familie Capacity = User Data space Effective Capacity = User Data Space with compression *: 4X compression assumed © 2011 IBM Corporation Warum kann der IDAA mein System/z für analytische Abfragen so stark beschleunigen? © 2011 IBM Corporation Information Management Smart Business Analytics on System z Wie funktioniert das Routing der Queries? 13 © 2011 IBM Corporation Wer ist Netezza? Woher kommen wir? Ein kurzer Blick zurück… … und in die Technik unter dem Blech © 2011 IBM Corporation Information Management Smart Business Analytics on System z Netezza – unter „blauer“ Flagge Gründung Netezza Corporation 2001 Erstes Produkt 2003 IBM gab am 20.09.2010 die Übernahme von Netezza bekannt Seit 01.07.2011 ist die vollständige Integration in die IBM abgeschlossen IBM Netezza ist nun Teil der Software Group / Information Management © 2011 IBM Corporation Information Management Smart Business Analytics on System z Netezza – unter „blauer“ Flagge Gründung Netezza Corporation 2001 Erstes Produkt 2003 Y T I IBM gab am 20.09.2010 die Übernahme von L Netezza bekannt UA Q Seit 01.07.2011 ist die vollständige Integration in die IBM abgeschlossen D E V IBM Netezza ist nun Teil der Software Group / O Information Management PR AP © 2011 IBM Corporation Information Management Smart Business Analytics on System z Netezza – Marktführer & Innovator bei DWH Appliances Eine kurze Historie IBM Netezza High Capacity Appliance Erste High Capacity Appliance weltweit (>10 PB Storage) IBM Netezza 1000 with Advanced Analytics Erste Analytic DWH Appliance weltweit IBM Netezza 1000 Impact Erste PB DWH Appliance weltweit (300X Performance) (150X Performance) NPS® 10000 Series Erste 100TB DWH Appliance weltweit NPS® 8000 Series Erste DWH Appliance der Welt 2003 17 2006 3 einfache Paradigmen: (50X Performance) - Preis/Performance - Hohe Geschwindigkeit - einfach zu bedienen 2009 2010 2011 2012 © 2011 IBM Corporation Information Management Smart Business Analytics on System z Digitale Medien Finanzdienstleistungen Öffentlicher Bereich Gesundheitswesen Handel Telekommunikation Andere 18 Page 18 © 2011 IBM Corporation Information Management Smart Business Analytics on System z Digitale Medien Finanzdienstleistungen Öffentlicher Bereich Gesundheitswesen Handel Telekommunikation Andere 19 Page 19 © 2011 IBM Corporation Information Management Smart Business Analytics on System z Traditionelle Data Warehouse Anwendungen sind einfach zu komplex Sie basieren auf Datenbanken die für die Transaktionsverarbeitung optimiert wurden – NICHT um die Anforderungen von fortschrittlichen Analysen auf großen Datenbeständen abzubilden Zu komplexe Infrastruktur Zu ineffiziente Analysen Zu komplizierter Einsatz Zu viel Personal für die Wartung Zu viel Tuning notwendig Zu kostspielig im Betrieb Zu zeitraubend für schnelle Antworten © 2011 IBM Corporation Information Management Smart Business Analytics on System z Eine einzige echte Data Warehouse Appliance: Gemacht nur für einen Zweck: die Analyse ihrer Daten Integrierte Datenbank, Server und Speicher Standard Schnittstellen Niedrigste TCO für Data Warehouse-Systeme Geschwindigkeit: 10-100x schneller als traditionelle Systeme Einfachheit: Minimale Administration und Tuning Skalierbarkeit: bis zu Petabytes Nutzerdaten Smart: High-performance advanced Analytics 21 © 2011 IBM Corporation Information Management Smart Business Analytics on System z Die Netezza TwinFin™ (=IBM Netezza 1000) Appliance Plattengehäuse SMP Hosts S-Blades™ (mit FPGA-basierendem Databankbeschleuniger) 22 Nutzdaten Swap- und Spiegelpartitionen Hochgeschwindkeitsdatenstrom SQL Compiler Query Plan Optimize Admin Prozessor & DB- und Datenstrom-Logik Hochgeschwindigkeitsdatenbank Im Datenstrom: Joins, Aggregationen, Sortierung, etc. © 2011 IBM Corporation Information Management Smart Business Analytics on System z Das Geheimnis hinter der Leistung Snippet Blades™ (S-Blades™) Zone Map Accelaration Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) •Keine Wartung notwendig •Aktualisierung bei jedem Laden •Automatisierte Konfiguration © 2011 IBM Corporation Information Management Smart Business Analytics on System z Netezza Data Stream Processing select DISTRICT, PRODUCTGRP, sum(NRX) from MTHLY_RX_TERR_DATA where MONTH = '20091201' and MARKET = 509123 and SPECIALTY = 'GASTRO' Uncompress FPGA Core Project CPU Core Restrict, Visibility Complex ∑ Joins, Aggs, etc. Slice of table MTHLY_RX_TERR_DATA (compressed) select DISTRICT, PRODUCTGRP, sum(NRX) where MONTH = '20091201' and MARKET = 509123 Page 24 and SPECIALTY = 'GASTRO' © 2011 IBM Corporation Information Management Smart Business Analytics on System z Wir bringen die Netezza AMPPTM Architektur zur DB2/z AMPP = Asymmetric Massively Parallel Processing CPU Memory Advanced Analytics BI Legacy Reporting DB2 for z/OS •V9 •V10 SMP Host CPU Netezza •1000/3 •1000/6 •1000/12 FPGA Memory CPU DBA FPGA FPGA Memory Network Fabric S-Blades™ Disk Enclosures IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator © 2011 IBM Corporation Erste Kunden- und Einsatzbeispiele © 2011 IBM Corporation Information Management Smart Business Analytics on System z Erstes Feedback unserer Kunden: Fast Time to Value IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator (Netezza 1000-12) Production ready - 1 person, 2 days Table Acceleration Setup … 2 Hours – – – – – DB2 “Add Accelerator” Choose a Table for “Acceleration” Load the Table (DB2 copy to Netezza) Knowledge Transfer Query Comparisons Initial Load Performance … 5.1 GB in 1 Min 25 Seconds (24M rows) 400 GB in 29 Min (570M rows) Actual Query Acceleration … 1908x faster 2 Hours 39 Minutes to 5 Seconds CPU Utilization Reduction … 99% less CPU 24M rows: 56.5 CPU seconds to 0.4 CPU seconds Actual customer results, October 2011 © 2011 IBM Corporation Information Management Smart Business Analytics on System z IDAA Beta Customer Workload characteristics – Workload already running on DB2 for z/OS – Accelerating queries to operational data store for financial reporting The challenges – The challenges The DB2 workload on the mainframe is permanently cost –challenged The DB2 workload on the mainframe is permanently cost – Customer challenged focus is on CPU savings for long running reports – Customer The facts: focus is on CPU savings for long running reports – The facts: Workload assessment: turnaround in 1 day – –Workload Workload assessment assessment: helped turnaround to identify in 1the dayopportunity Workload assessment – –Time to Value: 2 days: helped to identify the opportunity – Time to Value: 2 days: Installation + first tables acceleration NoInstallation changes to+ the firstapplication tables acceleration and SQL needed No changes theraw application and SQL needed – Compression: 400toGB data compresses down to 40 GB Compression: 400 GB raw data compresses down to 40 GB – –Load time 29 minutes Load time 29 – –Acceleration for minutes first customer query – Acceleration for→ first query 720 sec (DB2) 14customer sec (IDAA) / Acceleration factor 51 720 secselling (DB2) →point 14 sec (IDAA) / Acceleration factor 51 The unique – The IDAAunique Strongly selling supportspoint the ongoing active cost management mainframe –onIDAA Strongly supports the ongoing active cost management on mainframe Return on investment – Return investment Fast ROIon based on saved mainframe CPU MIPS together Netezza price/performance –with Fast ROI based on saved mainframe CPU MIPS together with Netezza price/performance © 2011 IBM Corporation Information Management Smart Business Analytics on System z The challenge – The Long challenge query execution times – Long query execution times The facts: – The facts: Workload assessment: turnaround in 1 day IDAA Beta Customer Workload characteristics – Workload already running on DB2 for z/OS – Accelerating queries to data hub for reporting on medical data and reporting on claims processing Workload assessment: turnaround in 1ofday – –Workload assessment showed 3111 out 3464 queries with offload –a potential Workloadfor assessment showed 3111 out of 3464 queries with – POC a potential focusingfor onoffload the 224 to of those queries POC on days: the 224 to of those queries – –Time to focusing Value: 2.5 – Time to Value: 2.5tables days:acceleration Installation + first 221 Installation out of 224+queries first tables were acceleration offloaded immediately 221“Loaded” out of 224 queries offloaded immediately – 5.1 GB in 1 Min 25were Seconds 5.1query GB “Loaded” in 1 1908x: Min 25 from Seconds – –Top acceleration 159Min → 5 sec 159Min → 5 sec Top acceleration 1908x: – –Top 10query queries: 11 hrs+ → 5 minfrom (average 139x) – Top 10 queries: hrs+ → 5 min (average 139x) The unique selling11point – The sellingw/o point IDAAunique implementation a change to applications and data IDAA implementation w/o change applications and data – –IDAA strengthens the role ofaDB2 as ato data hub – IDAAon strengthens the role of DB2 as a data hub Return invesment – Return invesment Fast ROIon based on saved mainframe CPU MIPS together Netezza price/performance –with Fast ROI based on saved mainframe CPU MIPS together with Netezza price/performance © 2011 IBM Corporation Information Management Smart Business Analytics on System z Erste Kundenkommentare über den IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator Product Lifecycle Size POC Install Table Setup Load ithin 1 day w d n u ro a CoE Turn Build upon Wo rk load assessm ent and subse quent Nz sizin ” g g in d r a o b n o f o e s 2” ing: “ea “normal” DB a h it w o d Best th ld hat you wou w to r a il im ry s itive and ve “It was tu in s a w t “I very ea sy to us "Eas e” y to u s e " “I found ev erything to be intuitive l" ” in tutoria m “Us 5 a h it able ry easy w e v : s with r e s ary u out "For ordin stud ying use r ma nua ls” "Only requires a few seconds to get used to..." "Intuitive interactio n and we ll-arrange d layout" Compress Accelerate "The way we hav admin tas e seen here is rea lly easy. k s ca n b e Most of th distribute d o n e o n ce and e d with the tool" © 2011 IBM Corporation Assessment: Ist IDAA eine Option? © 2011 IBM Corporation Information Management Smart Business Analytics on System z Modernizing your DBMS infrastructure on System z Production Data Low Latency Data Transactional Information Operational Applications 32 Operational Analytics DB2 Analytics Accelerator Enhancing the operational systems by bringing business insights pervasively across the organization embedded in the operational applications Passt IDAA für Sie? • Do you have long running DB2 for z/OS queries that could provide business value if they could be run in seconds vs hours ? • Do you face performance challenges with complex and ad hoc queries ? • Extending the use of operational platform data to perform business analysis and daily reporting • The forgotten query: Have you elected to set aside some queries due to performance challenges? • Have you exhausted all efforts to tune the system ? • Organized to a support high speed transaction environment with historical and analytic information • Increase agility by rapidly responding with immediate, accurate information, eliminating the need to search for answers with analysis that is timely • Enables the organization to become more nimble by placing fact-based information into the hands of decision makers • Removes the never-ending search for the right information • Delivers new insights that help business users discover opportunities to maximize customer and product profitability, minimize customer churn, detect fraud, improve patient care, increase campaign effectiveness and more. © 2011 IBM Corporation Information Management Smart Business Analytics on System z Erster Schritt: Ein schneller Workload Test Customer Report Report for for aa first first assessment: assessment: Acceleration Acceleration potential potential for for Queries Queries Estimated Estimated time time CP CP cost cost Collecting information from dynamic statement cache, supported by step-by-step instruction and REXX script (small effort for customer) Uploading compressed file (up to some MB) to IBM FTP server IBM / Center of Excellence Importing data into local database Quick analysis based on known DB2 Analytics Accelerator capabilities 1 Customer Customer Database Database 33 Documentation Documentation and and REXX REXX procedure procedure 2 Data Data package package (mainly (mainly unload unload data sets) data sets) Pre-process Pre-process and and load load 3 IBM IBM lab lab Database Database Quick Quick Workload Workload Test Test Tool Tool Report Assessment © 2011 IBM Corporation Information Management Smart Business Analytics on System z Business Case Approach 1 2 Look at the number of reports eligible for IDAA. Use the workload assessment tool Sort by CPU consumption 4 5 IDAA target 3 Combine the best of both worlds -Use DB2 for short running queries -Use IDAA for long running queries 6 Calculate MIPS savings from the offloadable queries Calculate effort savings for needless DB2 performance tuning efforts for offloadable queries Compare with IDAA investments ROI within a few months © 2011 IBM Corporation Information Management Smart Business Analytics on System z Fragen? 35 © 2011 IBM Corporation