CSA FARM - Bayard Cutting Arboretum
CSA FARM - Bayard Cutting Arboretum
10/4/2014 Bayard Cutting Arboretum CSA Newsletter Having trouble viewing this email? Click here CSA FARM a publication of the Bayard Cutting Arboretum Volume 3 Issue 4 April 24, 2014 IN THIS ISSUE Along the Connetquot River Meet Terry-CSA "Chickenista" "Growing Conscious" CSA Children's Education Program https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1117124037943&format=html&print=true 1/8 10/4/2014 Bayard Cutting Arboretum CSA Newsletter Along the Connetquot River Jen Campbell-CSA Farm Manager Sunshine Greets Members Gorgeous, warm sunshine greeted dozens of members at the Third Annual Opening CSA Breakfast on Saturday, April 12. Jen welcomed returning and new members, who enjoyed a light breakfast of bagels, fruit and drinks. Members were given the Farmer's Handbook, an events calendar as well as a beautiful harvest bag, compliments of Drew Patrick Spa in Bay Shore! Jen also gave each member a CSA parking pass. New for this season, members must display this vehicle pass when volunteering at the Farm or tending to the chickens. Following the meeting, members toured the field, hoop house, barn, and chicken house. Those members who were unable to attend the event are encouraged to stop by the Farm to pick up the handouts and a harvest bag. Another Cold Snap, but Planting Continues Continued (and surprising) cold temperatures prompted Jen to cover our seedlings with a double thickness of row cover in order to protect them from the freezing nighttime temperatures. The good news, however, is that peas and arugula are peeking through the soil, carrots, and broccoli raab have been direct seeded, and the scallions transplanted. It is anticipated that hakurei turnips, parsnips, beets and early cabbage will be planted in the field this week! Bees Are Going to be a'Buzzing Recently, Director Nelson Sterner and Jen met with local beekeeper Don Peterson who is planning to put bee hives on the property near the Farm. These bees will be amazing https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1117124037943&format=html&print=true 2/8 10/4/2014 Bayard Cutting Arboretum CSA Newsletter pollinators for our vegetable plants. In addition, members will have an opportunity to buy the tasty honey. We'll be learning a lot more about these complex and fascinating insects, but in the interim, please enjoy the following article on how you can attract bees to your property at home. Northeast Plants for Native Bees http://www.xerces.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/northeastplants-for-bees-xerces3.pdf Volunteers for Speed Weed Needed We are looking for volunteers to host the Farm's Wednesday evening Speed Weeds. The speed weeds are a popular and fun evening for the entire family. We gather at the Farm at 5pm, work in the field for an hour or so, and then relax with food and drinks by the barn. Originally, refreshments at the speed weeds began as light fare, but over time, they evolved into dinner. This year, the speed weeds will be set up more like a pot luck. We will have a grill and a large cooler filled with ice available. We still need hosts to help with set up and provide hors d'oeuvres for members to share. As a fun aside, hosts can set a theme, such as hot dog night (a popular favorite from last year), or vegetarian night. The goal is to keep it simple and fun! Please contact Jen if you would like to host a speed weed this season. Save the Date for a Succulent Treat Please save the date for our Mother's Day Container demonstration with member Regina Watkins on Saturday, May 10th at 9am. The theme is "succulents" and everyone will go home with a beautiful pre-planted succulent container. Look for more information about how to sign up for the demonstration in the coming weeks. Click here to Download 2014 Events Calendar Meet Terry-CSA "Chickenista" Jen Droesch-CSA Member This week we interviewed Terry LaFrance of Ronkonkoma who is considered the "Chickenista" of the CSA. Terry is an AP https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1117124037943&format=html&print=true 3/8 10/4/2014 Bayard Cutting Arboretum CSA Newsletter History teacher at Connetquot High School. She loves animals and grew up in a household filled with pets. She currently lives with 3 rescues: two cats, Lucy and Hutch, and Archie a retired Greyhound racing dog. She also considers herself a "giant nerd" who can recite every line from Seinfeld and Friends. When Terry isn't teaching or at the farm she likes to volunteer with Grateful Greyhounds and root for the Yankees! Kristin and Terry Where did you grow up? I grew up in Sayville. Did anyone inspire your love for gardening? My parents inspired my love of gardening. We had a small vegetable garden in the backyard when my sisters and I were little kids. Both of my parents have parents or grandparents who farmed at one time, too. As far as chickens go, I love animals. And our chickens and ducks are so entertaining; it is easy to want to learn more and more about them. How old were you when you grew your first plant and what was it? I was in first grade, and I grew a pea plant in a Dixie cup. When did you know you were hooked on growing things? I knew I was hooked after joining the CSA last year and participating in speed weeds and Saturday morning harvests. It is so rewarding to help out in some small way in the farm, experiment with different veggies and recipes, and meet so many great people. What is your favorite way to eat eggs? Do you have a recipe to share? My favorite way to eat eggs is fried, scrambled, or in an omelet. I do have a Farmer's Casserole recipe from Allrecipe that I make for Christmas morning and for occasional dinners. Sometimes I substitute cheddar cheese instead of the pepper jack and use turkey sausage instead of ham! http://allrecipes.com/recipe/farmers-casserole/detail.aspx Have you had any chicken disasters yet? What has been your biggest chicken success? Knock on wood, these past few months have been disaster-free. The biggest chicken success is how well the original chickens have integrated with all the new chickens and the ducks. https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1117124037943&format=html&print=true 4/8 10/4/2014 Bayard Cutting Arboretum CSA Newsletter Thanks to the time and efforts of all the volunteers on the chicken committee, they have become happy, healthy hens again, and with lots of new friends. Do you have a favorite chicken? They are all awesome! The original 6 chickens have a special place in my heart, of course, due to their extremely difficult summer last year. They are true survivors. The 3 leghorns, the "Gertrudes", keep things interesting by wandering around outside their yard. The Jersey Giants (the black chickens) are just stunning, and Lucky (the Jersey Giant rooster) is SUCH a good rooster! (Kristin Seplavy has created a terrific Instagram page for him. Follow him at luckytherooster). The Plymouth Barred Rocks (the black and white ones) are soft and so friendly. And I love the ducks....Monica, Rachel, and Phoebe after my favorite funny girls on friends. You can't help but laugh when you watch them! Is there anything the CSA volunteers can do to support the chicken committee? Yes, please bring down egg cartons. We run through them like crazy. You can just leave them in the barn. How does one volunteer to help out with the chickens and what does it entail? The commitment can be as large or as small as you want it to be. After the farm breakfast we had a lot of people expressed interest, which is great! It is fun and a great way to be part of the farm. Basically, you get scheduled for a few days a month to either come down and let the chickens out in the morning or put them away at night. You also have an opportunity to feed them and give them water. Anyone out there who is interested please email me at lafrance210@gmail.com with a day or days of the week that you are interested in volunteering and I will get back to you. What vegetable would you be unable to live without? Carrots What vegetable do you despise? Beets! https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1117124037943&format=html&print=true 5/8 10/4/2014 Bayard Cutting Arboretum CSA Newsletter What do you love most about the farm? The camaraderie! If you were being sent to a desert island and could only bring seeds for five types of plants, what would they be? Carrots, tomatoes, potatoes, string beans, and some kind of berry (strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, doesn't matter). Is there anything new you would like to introduce to the farm? In an ideal situation, it would be cool to have an apple orchard. If you won the lottery what gardening dream would you indulge? I'd donate some money to our CSA and trust Jen Campbell's judgment for how to best spend the money. (Part of the money would definitely go to our chickens and ducks. The ducks would get a huge new pond.). I'd also donate money to the Peconic Land Trust to help farmers out east. "Growing Conscious" Meghan Hand-CSA Member "In this plate of food, I see the entire universe supporting my existence" -A Zen blessing Chances are, you have already embarked on the path toward raising your "food" awareness. Participating in a CSA shows that you value locally grown, nutrient rich food produced without the use of toxic petro-chemicals. Raising our food awareness and changing our relationship with that which sustains us is the only way forward. Certainly the mode of food production which currently dominates cannot continue. The industrialized food system is devoid of reverence for, and connection to, our nourishment. The soil, water, air, animals, and humans, are all suffering from the destructive affects of our current system causing many people to come out of complacency into awareness and action. We must cultivate a new relationship- a relationship based on knowledge of our food's origin and quality, of respect and appreciation for our sustenance and reverence for the web of life. This transformation is already underway as more and more people are waking up. Movies like "Food, Inc.", "Forks over Knives" and "The Future of Food" have captured the attention of https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1117124037943&format=html&print=true 6/8 10/4/2014 Bayard Cutting Arboretum CSA Newsletter the mainstream, igniting a deeper inquiry into our food and affecting our buying habits. Authors and activists such as Michael Pollen are asking the critical questions of our time and encouraging us to participate in our own health and the health of our "larger body"- our Earth. The shift in our cultural narrative surrounding food is happening, no doubt. There are many ways to spread and accelerate this movement. Paramount among them is to continue raising our own food awareness, thereby changing our relationship with food and making choices that will help usher in a more harmonious, healthy tomorrow. Learn more at: www.ewg.org www.foodrevolution.org www.fooddemocracynow.org www.foodandwaterwatch.org 2014 Wednesday CSA Education Program Come Join the Fun!!! Register now! Click Here to Download the Class Descriptions Click Here to Download K-3 Registration Form Click Here to Download 4-8 Registation Form Future Farmers https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1117124037943&format=html&print=true 7/8 10/4/2014 Bayard Cutting Arboretum CSA Newsletter Contact Information: CSA Farm Arboretum Jen Campbell Farm Manager: 516-241-8833 Jennifer.Campbell@parks.ny.gov Farm Office: 631-256-5048 Arboretum Office: 631-581-1002 www.bayardcuttingarboretum.com/farm/ Forward this email This email was sent to kristin.halecky@parks.ny.gov by jennifer.campbell@parks.ny.gov | Update Profile/Email Address | Rapid removal with SafeUnsubscribeâ„¢ | Privacy Policy. Bayard Cutting Arboretum | 440 Montauk Highway | Great River | NY | 11739 https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1117124037943&format=html&print=true 8/8
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