Current Newsletter - First Presbyterian Church
Current Newsletter - First Presbyterian Church
Volume 13, No. 43 October 23–29, 2016 Ministry News Activities Ministry, Lindsay Graham THE ARK ENCOUNTER & CREATION MUSEUM Join this Activities Trip Thursday–Saturday, March 16-18, 2017. (Thursday and Friday, March 16-17, are Greenville County School holidays.) The Ark Encounter and Answers in Genesis Creation Museum historically themed attractions bring the Bible to life. Trip cost is $290/double, 350/single (two nights in Georgetown, KY, tickets, transportation). For details, visit or contact Donna Roper, or 672.0372. HOLLAND AND BELGIUM IN BLOOM Cruise the rivers of Holland and Belgium with First Presbyterian and Tauck Tours April 20-29, 2017. We have reserved a limited number of spots on this soon-to-be-sold-out voyage, and it’s time to fill them. Tour cost is $5260 per person, beginning and ending in Amsterdam. For details and itinerary, visit, or contact Lindsay Graham (672.1844) or Linda Young at Young Travel (232.8880). College Ministry, Phil Hargrove COLLEGE CARE PACKAGES: INFO NEEDED Parents and students, please send any address changes or new applications for college care packages as soon as possible. Any new or changed information is needed no later than November 7. Email Autumn Clark (aclark@firstpresgreenville. org) for information. Be on the lookout during exam season for packages to arrive! Family Ministries, Phil Hargrove FAMILY FIRST OCTOBER 30: PICKING A PRESIDENT They say you shouldn’t talk about religion or politics in public. We’re going to do both. At church. Join us for Picking a President: How Faith Informs Politics, facilitated by Dr. Terry Bruner on Sunday, October 30, 9:40–10:30am in Harper Chapel. First Presbyterian Academy, Tom Roe COME TO THE ACADEMY FALL FESTIVAL! Join us for the First Presbyterian Academy Fall Festival on Friday, October 21, 5:00–8:00pm at FPC. Kids in preschool through middle school will enjoy games, inflatables, laser tag, rock climbing wall, sticky wall, bounce houses, hot dogs, pizza, snacks, Nomadik Few shaved ice, and much more! There’s a silent auction and casserole/bake sale for parents, and music by the North Greenville University Bluegrass Band. Admission is free, with ticketed activities and food. For details, visit or call 235.0122. ACADEMY OPEN HOUSE WEEKS First Presbyterian Academy, which provides highquality Christian education for K2 through 8th grade, will host Open House Weeks November 1418 and January 17-20. For more information about our school, visit To schedule a tour, please contact Aimee Waite, Academy Director of Development (235.0122, Membership Development, Claire Ripley COME TO A NEW MEMBER WEEKEND! Are you exploring membership at First Pres? We invite you to attend our next New Member Weekend to discover more about the vision, discipleship, and outreach of FPC. Our three sessions are: • Friday, November 18 (6:00–8:30pm) • Saturday, November 19 (8:45am–12:00noon) • Sunday, November 20 (3:00–5:30pm) Register at Contact Autumn Clark ( or 672.0370) with questions. We look forward to welcoming you! Military Ministry, Stan Johnson VETERANS DATA REQUEST The Military Ministry desires to honor all veterans who are members of First Presbyterian Church by publishing their names in the church bulletin insert on Sunday, November 13. If you are not already on our list, please complete the form at (click MINISTRIES), fill out a form at the reception desk, or contact Tammy Burkhalter (672.0327) by Wednesday, November 2. Missions, Brian Stewart SAVE THE DATE! ALASKA SPORTING CLAY CLASSIC Reserve March 31, 2017, for the Great Alaska Sporting Clay Classic 2017 in Clinton, SC. Watch for details on a new church competition! Questions? Contact Drew Brown (242.3491, NEW YEAR—NEW DR MISSION TRIP! Sign up now for the January mission trip to the Dominican Republic, January 14-20. This team will focus on continued medical and dental care for the Dominican community; however, no medical training is necessary to participate. For information on joining the team, please contact Autumn Clark (, 672.0370). Deadline to register is October 30! Music & Worship Arts, Tom Barrett WE NEED YOU IN FPC’s CHOIR & ORCHESTRA! Come be a part of the Music and Worship Arts Ministry at First Presbyterian Church. Open enrollment—no audition necessary!—for singers and instrumentalists high school level and higher. The choir meets Wednesdays, 6:15–7:30pm in the Choir Room. The orchestra meets Wednesdays, 7:30–9:00pm. Questions? Contact Rev. Tom Barrett, We hope to see you Wednesday! Prayer Ministry, Stan Johnson PRAYER AND COMMUNION OCTOBER 25 The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be observed on Tuesday evening, October 25, at 7:00pm in Harper Chapel during the Tuesday Evening Prayer Service. BLESSING OF MARRIAGES & FAMILIES A Service of Blessing and Prayer for Marriages and Families will be held in Harper Chapel on Tuesday evening, November 1, at 7:00pm. Come and receive a blessing on your marriage and family and future generations. The service will include a time of worship, encouraging words from First Pres Pastors, and individual blessing of marriages in all seasons. For childcare, contact Evelyn Penkert ( or 672.1843). Senior Adult Ministry, Stan Johnson WIT & WISDOM NOVEMBER 1 On Tuesday, November 1, at 11:30am in Fellowship Hall, Wit & Wisdom presents the Legacy Choir, a dynamic, inspiring 60-member senior adult choir from Taylors First Baptist Church. Call Susan Stewart (672.1756) by Thursday, October 27, to reserve your lunch, and bring a friend! The program is free; lunch is $7. Women’s Ministry, Claire Ripley ITEMS OF THE MONTH First Pres Women’s Ministry collects items each month to benefit others. Please place donated items in the basket in the Women’s Ministry Room (212) closet. Our October Item of the Month is children’s birthday supplies for A Child’s Haven. These can be items such as papers plates, cups, or napkins decorated for a child’s birthday. For the month of November, we are collecting empty Christmas stockings for Bel-Aire Community Outreach. Vision Plan Presentations If you missed the presentation in your Sunday School class, please come Sunday, November 6 or Sunday, December 11 9:45–10:30am • Harper Chapel Details at Announcements LOST AND FOUND TABLE A Lost and Found table will be set up near the elevator through Sunday, October 30. Please stop to look for your missing items! Member News CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY The Pastors and Congregation extend sympathy to: Mr. Dave Erwin in the death of his wife, Mickey Erwin, on October 12. IN MEMORIAM Alice G. “Mickey” Erwin November 1, 1930 – October 12, 2016 Calendar for the Week SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23 Pastor of the Day: Phil Hargrove (423.3455) 8:30am•Worship Service (Sanctuary) 9:30am•Continental Breakfast (Memorial Hall) 9:45am•Sunday School 9:45am•Coaches Meeting (Room 213) 10:45am•Ignite Worship (Fellowship Hall) 11:00am•Worship Service (Sanctuary) 4:00pm•GriefShare Support Group (Room 261) 4:30pm•Resonate! Youth Choirs (Choir Room) 6:00pm•Youth Small Groups (off campus) • High School Boys Small Group (Youth 352) • 9th Grade Girls Small Group (Parlor) MONDAY, OCTOBER 24 Pastor of the Day: Stan Johnson (423.2067) 10:00am•Prayer Shawl Ministry (Parlor) 7:00pm•Community Bible Study (Harper Chapel) 6:00pm•Session Meeting (Formal Dining Room) TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25 Pastor of the Day: Charlie Buchanan (561.6346) 8:30am•Women’s Study: Children of the Day (Rm 213) 9:30am •Women’s Study: Entrusted (Room 307) 11:30am•Circle #1 (Foothills Retirement Community) 3:30pm•Covenant Ringers (Room 402) 6:00pm•Pack 11 Webelos (Scout Hut) 7:00pm•Tuesday Evening Prayer Service/Communion (Harper Chapel) •Boy Scout Troop 11 (Scout Hut) WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26 Pastor of the Day: Brian Stewart (423.2660) 9:30am•Women’s Study: Gospel-centered Life (Fellowship Hall) 11:30am•Luncheon Bible Study (Fellowship Hall) 5:15pm•Wednesday Advantage Supper (Fellowship Hall) 5:45pm•Junior High Roots (Youth 354) •Nursery Care–age 0-2 (Nursery Suite) 6:00pm•Financial Peace University (Room 305) •Divorce Care Support Group (Room 315) •Stephen Ministry Training (Room 212) 6:15pm•Bible Study–age 2-3 (Room 215E) •Bible Study–grades 1-2 (Room 323) •Bible Study–grades 3-5 (Room 318) •Cherub Choir–age 4-5 (Room 213) •Covenant Choir–grades 3-5 (Ligon Conf Room) •Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room) •Men’s Fraternity (Room 301) •He is Risen! (Room 403) •Alpha & Omega (Room 307) • Mission of Jesus (Formal Dining Room) •Women’s Study: Women of the Word (Rm 405) •Revive Women 30s-40s (Parlor) 6:30pm•Bible Study: Minor Prophets (Fellowship Hall) 6:45pm•Radiance Young Women 20s-30s (off campus) •Bible Study–age 4-5 (Room 323) •Carol Choir–grades 1-2 (Room 213) 7:30pm•Senior High Roots (Youth 352) •Cathedral Ringers Rehearsal (Room 402) •Orchestra Rehearsal (Sanctuary) THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27 Pastor of the Day: Tim Leslie (423.2063) 7:00am•Men’s Bible, Fellowship, & Breakfast (Formal Dining Room) 8:00am•Women’s Prayer Group (Room 212) 9:30am•Women’s Study: Son of David (Room 305) •Women’s Study: Jeremiah (Room 308) •Women’s Study: Life of David (Room 301) •Women’s Study: God’s Mysterious Ways (Rm 210) 11:00am•Women’s Study: Entrusted (Parlor) 12:00pm•Christian Men’s Fellowship: “Election 2016” with speaker Karl Day (Formal Dining Room) 6:30pm•Tiger, Wolf, and Bear Cub Scouts (Scout Hut) FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28 Pastor of the Day: Brian Stewart (423.2660) 9:00am•High School Moms in Prayer Group (Rm 352) 10:00am•Bulletin Stuffing (Room 254) SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29 Pastor of the Day: Brian Stewart (423.2660) 7:00am•Men’s Cycling Club (Parking Lot) Looking Ahead October 30 November 1 Stewardship Sunday Service of Blessing & Prayer for Marriages & Families November 6 Commitment Sunday November 13 Congregational Meeting November 18-20 New Member Weekend A WEEKLY NEWSLETTER OF FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, GREENVILLE, SC Worship SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2016 8:30 and 11:00am Worship 10:45am Ignite Contemporary Worship “A PEOPLE WHOSE DREAMS ARE GREATER THAN THEIR MEMORIES“ Philippians 3:1-11 Rev. Dr. Richard Gibbons 9:30am – Continental Breakfast 9:45am – Sunday School This WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 26, 2016 Bible Study (12:30pm & 6:30pm) Dr. Richard Gibbons Minor Prophets: Nahum Wednesday Meals (11:30am & 5:15pm) Hamburger Steak with Toppings Fried Fish, Roasted Sweet Potatoes French Fries, Pinto Beans Green Beans, Macaroni and Cheese Salad Bar, Assorted Breads and Desserts Equipping the Body of Christ to Engage in Radical, Gospel-driven Personal Relationships Assignments for October 23rd Connections Greeter Team: 8:30 Service (8:10am): Carol Loyless (Portico), Eli and Mollie Murphy (Loggia), Tom and Diane Drake (Memorial Hall), Bill and Helen Arthur (Sanctuary). Sunday School (9:20am): Joe Thomason (Portico), Jason and Jeanette Terry (Loggia), Peggy Thompson (Memorial Hall). 11:00 Service (10:40am): Scott Stewart, Julie Brown (Portico), Belinda Manley (Loggia), Karen Schweizer-Nagle (Memorial Hall), Ann Buchanan Freeman (Sanctuary), Tom Toler (Choir Room). Nursery Workers: (9:15) Ann Templeton, Libby Hall, Clare McMahan, Jeanette Terry, Devon Pace, Will and Casey Judy; (10:30) Lauren Barber, Nick and Courtney Prosise, Erin Schultz, Abi Thomas, Kristen Schultz, Samantha Lunsford. Maryann Abbott, Lura Boggs Daven Brooks, Dendy Brooks Gladys Burns, Lynn Campbell Roger Chastain, Naomi Clark Aileen Clay, Cheryl Craig Ray Denny, Marilyn Fain Sarah Fain, Norma Floyd Marcus Gambrell, Brenda Gantt Louise Gilstrap, Motte Grey Bill Hagood, Natalie Hall Cary Hargrove, Grover Haynes June Haynes, Becky Hill Jay Huff,Ellis Huguley Amy Hunter, Jerry Lenz Janet MacCallum Kenneth MacCallum Duncan Paulk, Pat Quarles Elizabeth Teel Robison Darst Yvonne Rose Earle Russell, Jr., Jim Seward, Jr. Bertha Mae Sims, Josh Skinner Shirley Smith, Larry Starkey Mary Lou Vassar, Dot Whitesides Barry Wimberley New volunteers are always welcome! Bold = New Italics = In Hospital To join the Connections Greeter Team: Contact Chad Brown at To join the Nursery Team: Contact Evelyn Penkert at or 672.1843. PRAYER REQUEST LINES Prayer Requests: 672.1838 Prayer Appointments: 672.1848 Congregational Care Director Tammy Burkhalter: 672.0327 l Christians to engage and impact the cultur Growing faithfu e with the transforming power of Jesus Christ October 23–29, 2016 Contact Us WHAT’S INSIDE 200 West Washington Street Greenville, SC 29601 Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Drive RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Family First October 30 Picking a President phone 864.235.0496 fax 864.235.0698 website email Blessing of Marriages & Families November 1 Broadcast Veterans Data Request TELEVISION First and Foremost Program on WHNS-TV FOX Carolina Sundays at 10:30am Women’s Ministry Items of the Month Wit & Wisdom November 1 For more information about the ministry of FPC, visit OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD SHOEBOX DRIVE October 23–29, 2016 Be a part of changing children’s lives all over the world in Jesus’ Name through a simple gift! • Pick up a shoebox from the Loggia or Fellowship Hall (or use your own) • Fill it with requested items • Return it by Sunday, November 13 In addition, children will participate in a SHOEBOX PACKING PARTY during Sunday School (9:30–10:30am) on November 6. Adult Sunday School classes have been asked to provide specific supplies for the Children’s Packing Party by Thursday, November 3. If you are not involved in a class, you may bring small stuffed animals and place them in collection bins around the church. Thank you for spreading Good News & Great Joy! QUESTIONS? Contact Tina Jones • • 672.7031 or visit
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