premier plan
premier plan
2014 PREMIER PLAN Provider Directory 305-262-1610 Florida Office of Insurance Regulation: Med Plan, LLC Date of Insurance: July 27, 2010 N 10-800522755 MEMCOM-MEMHND-001 V08/19/2014 w w w. f l o r i d a m e d p l a n . c o m 1 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS / TABLA DE CONTENIDO Membership Agreement / Acuerdo de Membrecia..........................................................7 Welcome Letter / Carta de Bienvenida...............................................................................8 Terms and Conditions / Términos y Condiciones.............................................................9 How to Use Your Card? / ¿Cómo usar su tarjeta?..........................................................10 Primary and Specialist Physicians / Medicos Primarios y Especialistas ....................11 Gynecology & Obstetrics / Ginecologia y Obstetricia....................................................20 Pediatrics / Pediatria..........................................................................................................21 Primary and Specialist Provider Fee Schedule / Precios de los servicios medicos primarios y especialistas...................................................................................................24 Medical Centers / Centros Medicos..................................................................................25 Specialist Physicians Locations / Direcciones de los Medicos Especialistas.............30 Neurological Studies Fee Schedule / Estudios neurológicos.......................................35 Urgent Care Centers / Centros de Cuidados de Urgencia.............................................39 Dental Services / Servicios Dentales................................................................................41 General Dentistry Fee Schedule / Servicios de Odontologia General..........................43 Dental Specialties Fee Schedule / Servicios Dentales por Especialidad.....................46 Optical Services / Servicios Opticos................................................................................47 Clinical Laboratories / Laboratorios Clinicos..................................................................50 Laboratory Services Fee Schedule / Servicios de Laboratorio.....................................53 Diagnostic and Radiology Centers / Centros de Diagnostico y Radiologia.................58 Diagnostic Services Fee Schedule / Servicios de Diagnostico.....................................60 Perinatal Medicine / Medicina Perinatal...........................................................................63 Ancillary Services / Servicios Auxiliares........................................................................64 Durable Medical Supplies / Equipos Medicos Duraderos..............................................65 Transportation/ Transportacion........................................................................................65 Orthopedic Supplies/ Suplementos Ortopedicos...........................................................66 Hearing Aids/ Suplementos Auditivos.............................................................................67 Home Health / Servicios a domicilio................................................................................67 Physical Therapy / Terapia Fisica.....................................................................................68 Alternative Medicine / Medicina Alternativa....................................................................69 Diabetes Supply Services / Suplementos para la Diabetes...........................................70 Pharmacy Services / Servicios Farmaceuticos...............................................................71 Pharmacy Services Fee Schedule/ Precios de los Servicios de Farmacia......................74 Cosmetic Services Fee Schedule / Precios de los Servicios de Cosmetologia...........79 3 Disclaimer of Liability In consideration of the monthly payment fees to be paid to Med Plan by you or on your behalf, Med Plan agrees to arrange for the delivery of health care services in accordance with and subject to the terms of the Agreement entered into between you or on your behalf, and Med Plan. Med Plan, in so arranging for the delivery of health care services and supplies, does not directly provide these services nor supply them. Rather, Independent Contractors provide these services and supplies. The health care providers listed in this directory are not employees or agents of MedPlan. MedPlan shall not be liable for any negligent act or omission committed by any of the providers listed in this directory, or any of their employees or agents who may, from time to time provide medical services to you. MedPlan expressly disclaims any agency relationship, actual or implied, with any health care provider. MedPlan does not exercise any control or direction over the medical judgement or clinical decisions of any health care provider listed in this directory and does not interfere with the physician patient relationship between you and any health care provider. It is important for you to know when you enroll in MedPlan that the continued participation of any one doctor, hospital or other provider cannot be guaranteed. This directory is current as of date of publication. Some plan providers may have been added or removed from this list after this directory was printed. To get the most up-to-date information about MedPlan providers in your area, you can visit or call our Customer Service Department at 844-200-1222, Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. The fact that a provider is listed does not guarantee that they are still in the network or accepting new patients. The “Plan Providers” listed in this directory have agreed to provide you with your health care coverage at fixed discounted from their usual and customary pricing rate. Members are limited to only those providers that are affiliated to the MedPlan Network of Providers. Participating physicians and other providers listed in this directory or on our website are not agents, employees or partners of MedPlan or any of its subsidiaries. MedPlan is not a medical services provider, a medical insurance plan nor an HMO. MedPlan does not control nor endorse the judgement or clinical treatment recommendations made by the physicians or other providers listed in our directory, or in our website nor those that you chose to select. All MedPlan providers are independent contractors. You may go to any of our plan providers listed in this directory; however some services may require a prescription or medical treatment plan provided by a licensed medical physician. If you have been going to one plan provider, you are not required to continue going to that same provider. Providers are independent. Providers are listed in this directory by the type of provider: Primary Care Physicians (PCP), Family Medicine, Specialists, Urgent Care Centers, Diagnostic Centers, Laboratory, Pharmacy, Optical, Dental, and Durable Medical Equipment providers. Within each provider type, providers are lsited by COUNTY. You can also visit or call Customer Care Department at 844-200-1222 Our providers are paid on a contracted discount fee-for-service basis by you at the time the service is rendered. If you use Non-Plan providers, understand that Non-Plan providers are not part of MedPlan network. In that case, you will have to pay the provider their usual and customary fees which are significantly higher than the contracted rate MedPlan has with its in-network providers. care or services you get from non-plan providers will NOT be covered. MedPlan services are limited to the counties that MedPlan has providers and services contracted in. Any services provided outside MedPlan service areas will not be at the contract price. You have the right to get timely access to plan providers and to all discounts covered by the plan. Timely access means that you can get appointments and services within a reasonable period of time. You have the right to get full information from your providers when you go for medical care. You have the right to participate fully in decisions about your healthcare. You have the right to refuse care. MedPlan does not limit its members from visiting any provider contracted by MedPlan. You can visit any provider or service without any limitation or need for referral. MedPlan does however recommend that the member choose a primary care physician from our directory to be the gate keeper or central coordinator for all referrals to specialist and services. 4 This insures that the member’s service ordered or more importantly that the member is not prescribed medication that can be contraindicated to another medication ordered by an unknown provider. Also please note due to the nature of health care delivery systems it is sometimes necessary to have a written prescription or medical treatment plan in order to have services rendered by certain MedPlan providers. These services are Pharmacy, Durable Medical Equipment, Laboratory Services, Physical Therapy and Diagnostic Radiology services. Please visit your Primary Care Provider or Specialist to get the proper treatment orders before visiting any MedPlan support service providers listed above. Services such as Dental and Optical can be accessed directly by the member at anytime without providing notification to your PCP. Please note that any medical emergency should be directed to the nearest Urgent Care Center or local Hospital Emergency Room. The following directory is constantly changing and is therefore subject to change without notice. For current and update providers information please visit our website: Excepción de responsabilidad civil. MedPlan, en consideración al pago de su membrecía, está de acuerdo en ofrecerle el acceso a la red de proveedores establecida que prestan sus servicios a nuestros miembros. MedPlan coordinará su primera cita con el proveedor que usted elija dentro del directorio. MedPlan no asigna a ningún proveedor. Es responsabilidad del miembro elegir el médico que le prestará los servicios. MedPlan no ofrece los servicios médicos directamente, sino a través de proveedores independientes que proveen estos servicios y sus suplementos. Los proveedores que aparecen en este directorio no son empleados o agentes de MedPlan. Los empleados o agentes de MedPlan no deben ser responsables legalmente por alguna negligencia o acto de omisión cometida en cualquier momento por algún proveedor que aparezca en este directorio. MedPlan específicamente no se responsabiliza en ningún momento y no tiene ninguna relación de agencia con ningún proveedor médico. MedPlan no ejerce ningun control o dirección respecto a un criterio médico o decisión clínica de algún proveedor del directorio ni interfiere en la relación entre el paciente y su médico. Es importante que al convertirse en miembro de Med Plan, la persona sepa que no se le garantiza la continua participación de un doctor, hospital, u otro proveedor. Este directorio está vigente desde el día en que fue publicado. Es muy posible que a partir de ese dia se hayan agregado o eliminado de la lista algunos proveedores. Para obtener una información actualizada de los proveedores en su area, visítenos en o llame a nuestro Departamento de Servicio al Cliente, al 844200-1222, de Lunes a Viernes de 9:00 am a 6:00 pm. El hecho de que un proveedor se encuentre en la lista no garantiza que todavía se encuentre en la red o que participe consultando nuevos pacientes. Los proveedores listados en este directorio han acordado en proveerles a los miembros de Med Plan sus servicios de cuidado a su salud con una tarifa fija que representa un Ahorro sobre la tarifa regular. Usted puede ir a cualquiera de nuestros proveedores en este directorio y no necesita ser referido por el médico primario que le atiende para visitar a un especialista dentro de la red, pero algunos de estos servicios, como son los exámenes de laboratorio, radiología o diagnóstico sí requieren de una referencia por parte del doctor que le ordena el examen o procedimiento. Si usted ha ido a uno de nuestros proveedores y no se siente satisfecho con sus servicios, usted no está en la obligación de seguir visitándolo. Los miembros están limitados a los proveedores que están afiliados a la red de MedPlan. Los proveedores participantes en este directorio o en no son agentes, empleados o socios de MedPlan, ni ninguno de sus subsidios. MedPlan no es un proveedor de servicios médicos, ni tampoco un plan de seguros médicos ni un HMO. MedPlan no apoya los diagnósticos ni los tratamientos médicos dados por los proveedores participantes en la red de MedPlan listados en este directorio, ni en, ni los proveedores escogidos por nuestros miembros. Los proveedores son independientes. Los proveedores en este directorio han sido clasificados según tipo de proveedor: Doctores primarios(PCP), Medicina familiar, Especialistas, Centros de cuidados de urgencia, Centros de terapia física, Centros de diagnóstico, Laboratorios, Cuidado médico en el hogar, Farmacias y Equipos médicos. Cada especialidad ha sido clasificada en sus respectivos condados. Visítenos en o llámenos al Departamento de atención al cliente al 844-200-1222. Nuestros proveedores tienen que ser pagados por usted a la hora de recibir sus servicios. MedPlan tiene varios tipos de acuerdos contractuales con los proveedores que son comunes en los planes médicos. Si usted usa un proveedor que no forma parte de la red de MedPlan, usted no recibirá la tarifa negociada y tendrá que pagar la tarifa completa que exija ese proveedor. Los descuentos de MedPlan no se aplican si usted viaja fuera de las areas de servicios. 5 Usted tiene derecho al acceso de la red de nuestros proveedores y a todos los descuentos disponibles en el plan. Esto significa que usted puede obtener citas y servicios en un tiempo razonable. Usted tiene derecho a recibir de su proveedor toda la información referente a su cuidado o tratamiento médico, a participar completamente en las decisiones sobre su salud, y al derecho de rehusar su tratamiento médico. MedPlan no limita a sus miembros a visitar a cualquier proveedor que pertenezca a su red. Usted puede visitar a cualquier proveedor o servicio sin ningún tipo de limitación o necesidad de derivación. MedPlan recomienda, sin embargo, que el miembro elija un médico de atención primaria de nuestro directorio para ser el coordinador central para todas las derivaciones al especialista y servicios. Esto asegura que los servicios de los miembros se coordinen y el miembro reciba la atención médica adecuada con el pleno conocimiento de su PCP. Esto evitará la duplicación de los servicios solicitados, o más importante aún, que al miembro no se le prescriba un medicamento que puede estar contraindicado con otro medicamento ordenado por un proveedor desconocido. Tambien tenga en cuenta que debido a la naturaleza de los sistemas de prestación de asistencia sanitaria, a veces es necesario tener una prestación escrita o plan de tratamiento médico a fin de que los servicios prestados por determinados proveedores de MedPlan estén prescritos correctamente. Estos servicios son Farmacia, Equipo médico duradero, Laboratorio, Radiología diagnóstica, Terapia física, etc. Visite a su proveedor de atención primaria o especialista para obtener las órdenes de un tratamiento adecuado antes de visitar cualquier proveedor de los antes mencionados. El siguiente directorio está sujeto a modificaciones constantes y puede cambiar sin previo aviso. Para más información actualizada visítenos en 6 MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT MED PLAN LLC Attn: Compliance Department 5300 NW 77th Ct Doral, Fl. 33166 For assistance and plan information call: 844-200-1222. or plan information, to change your method of payment, to add family members or for any other assistance please call the customer service number located on the back of your membership card. All documents contained herein (i.e. Terms and Conditions and Member Benefits) are hereby attached to and made a part of the Membership Agreement. Disclosures: 1. This plan is not a health insurance policy. 2. This plan provides discounts at certain health care providers for medical services. 3. This plan does not make payments directly to the providers of medical services. 4. The plan member is obligated to pay for all health care services but will receive a discount from those health care providers who have contracted with the discount plan organization. Terms and Agrements: To terminate or cancel the member agreement please call the number above or send a written cancellation notice to the Discount Medical Plan Organization at the address provided above. This agreement will not be cancelled for nonpayment. If the discount medical plan organization cancels a membership for any reason other than nonpayment of fees by the member, the discount medical plan organization shall make a pro rata reimbursement of all periodic charges to the member. If you cancel for any reason within 30 days after the effective date, you will receive a full refund of paid membership fee, excluding the one-time application fee. Legal Notice: Med Plan is not an insurance company. Med Plan offers discounts on some health providers for their medical services. Med Plan does not make direct payments to the providers of medical services. The members of Med Plan are required to pay for all the health care services, but will have a discount on the health providers contracted. ACUERDO DE MEMBRECIA Para información del plan, para cambiar la forma de pago, para agregar miembros de la familia o cualquier otro tipo de asistencia llame al Departamento de Atencion al cliente situado en la parte superior de su tarjeta de membrecia: 844-2001222. Todos los documentos incluidos (beneficios de los miembros, términos y condiciones de estos) se mostrará en estas páginas y forma parte del Acuerdo de Membrecía. Para cancelar su membrecía, por favor llame al número indicado anteriormente y envíe una notificacion con su puño y letra explicando los motivos de su cancelación al Departamento de Servicio al Cliente de MedPlan. Por favor envíe las tarjetas de membrecía de cada miembro junto con la carta de cancelación, esta carta debemos recibirla antes de los 30 días despues que se afilió a la Compañía. Este acuerdo puede ser cancelado por no pagar su mensualidad. Si el Departamento de Servicios al Cliente de MedPlan cancela su membrecía por cualquier razón que no sea el pago de su mensualidad MedPlan le hará el reembolso con la suma de los días no utilizados. Proceso de cancelación:Si usted cancela su membrecía por cualquier razón dentro de los 30 días siguientes a la fecha de efectividad, usted recibirá un rembolso completo de su pago, excepto la cuota de inscripción de $30.00. Aviso Legal Med Plan no es un seguro médico. Med Plan proporciona descuentos con los proveedores de la salud que han sido contratados. Med Plan no efectúa pagos directamente a los proveedores de los servicios médicos. Los miembros de Med Plan están obligados a pagar por todos los servicios Médicos, pero recibirán un descuento de los provedores de salud que han sido contratados. 7 WELCOME We are pleased to welcome you to Med Plans Premier Plus benefits program. You can enjoy savings on your health care needs by using your new membership card, which is enclosed in your new member packet. We help in caring for your health and your family. For your convenience we have enclosed with your membership kit a complete directory of all Med Plans contracted participating providers. Our Member Services Department is also available during business hours to assist you in locating additional providers in your area. Just call our toll-free number located on the back of you membership card, or you may go to the internet at at any time day or night. If your favorite provider is not already on our program, you may nominate them to Members Services for additional follow-up. Please keep in mind that your membership is NOT insurance, so it is simple and easy to use. You can begin using Med Plans complete list of services immediately as many times as needed without need of prior approvals. When you present your card with your ID to a participating provider you will have immediately access to the exclusive pricing Med Plan members receive at time of service. We also understand that your family’s health is your number one priority, so all legal dependents you have enrolled as part of your plan will receive their own card that they need to take with them to access the same pricing and services. If for any reason you are not satisfied with this program or are having problems in accessing services, pleased call the number on the back of your card for prompt response to any issue. We encourage our new members to please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the instructions in this booklet so that you can better understand how Med Plan works and what is required to access the different services. Please remember the more informed you are, the better your experience with Med Plan will be and the more often you will take advantage of the tremendous serves and exclusive pricing that Med Plan offers you. Remember your Health is the most precious gift you have. Let Med Plan help protect it. BIENVENIDOS Nos complace darle la bienvenida a un programa de beneficios de primer nivel. Puede disfrutar de ahorros en sus necesidades de salud mediante el uso de su nueva tarjeta de membrecía, que se incluye en su paquete de nuevo miembro. Le ayudamos en el cuidado de su salud y la de su familia Para su comodidad, le proporcionamos una guía de proveedores contratados por Med Plan que incluyen, direcciones y números de teléfono. Nuestro Departamento de Servicios también está disponible durante horas de oficina para ayudarle a encontrar proveedores en su área y ayudarlos a conseguir una cita o usted puede visitar nuestro sitio Web: a cualquier hora del día o llamar al (305) 262-1610 en horas laborables. Si su Doctor favorito no pertenece a nuestra Red, usted puede llamar a Med Plan al Departamento de Relación con proveedores y nosotros lo vamos a contactar, haciendo todo lo posible por lograr que se una a nuestra Red y continúe brindándole los servicios que usted se merece a través de nuestro Plan Médico. Med Plan en ningún caso le garantiza el resultado de esta Gestión. Por favor, tenga en cuenta que su membrecía NO ES UN SEGURO MEDICO, por lo que es simple y fácil de usar. Usted puede usar la tarjeta inmediatamente y tantas veces como sea necesario. Al presentar su tarjeta a usted se le aplicará inmediatamente la tarifa de descuento en el momento de la compra o servicio. En Med Plan, sabemos que la salud de su familia es su prioridad. Todos los dependientes legales podrán utilizar su tarjeta de membrecía, o solicitar tarjetas adicionales en caso de pérdida para usted o algún miembro de la familia con su propio nombre sin costo alguno, simplemente llamando al Departamento de Servicios al cliente. Si por alguna razón usted no está satisfecho con este plan, llame al número en la parte posterior de su tarjeta para su reclamo. ¡PORQUE SU SATISFACCION ESTA GARANTIZADA! 8 TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1 - Primary member is defined as the person who is responsible for the monthly payments for membership fees and is of legal age. The primary member, spouse, and all legal dependents listed on the enrollment application can access the services and exclusive pricing at Med Plan Contracted service providers. 2 - Participating provider may be added or removed from the respective network in which they are associated with. These changes are made in best interest of our members. Updated Provider information will be made available online at www. 3 - Companies contracted to provide benefits and services in this program are not a licensed insurer, health maintenance organization (HMO), or any other underwriters of healthcare services. No portion of any provider fees will be reimbursed or otherwise paid. 4 - The exclusive Med Plan pricing contained herein may not be used in conjunction with any other medical plan or discount program. All listed or quoted prices are current prices from participating providers and subject to change without notice. From time to time, certain providers may offer products and /or services to the general public at prices lower than the prices available through this program. In such event, members will be charged the lowest price. 5 - Providers are subject to change without notice and programs may vary in some states. This is a discount membership program only, not insurance, and may be discounted or modified at anytime. 6 - Savings are based upon the provider’s normal fees. Actual savings will vary depending upon location and specific services or products purchased. 7 - This discount medical plan does not warrant professional services, nor is it responsible for the quality of care provided by participating providers. 8 - (30) Day Money Back Guarantee: If you cancel for any reason within 30 days, you will receive a full refund. Nonrefundable one time fees will be disclosed at time of application. 9 - All applicable limitations, exclusions and exceptions of the discount medical plan benefits are listed with each benefit description. TERMINOS Y CONDICIONES 1 - El titular es definido como miembro principal, siendo el responsable de los pagos mensuales y debe ser mayor de edad. Dicho titular, el cónyuge y todos los dependientes legales adicionales contaran automáticamente con los mismos beneficios que se ofrecen en el plan. 2 - En cualquier momento, un proveedor participante puede ser eliminado de la red de Med Plan. Estos cambios se realizan para beneficio de nuestros miembros. Usted encontrará esta información acualizada en el sitio web www.floridamedplan. com 3 - Las compañías proveedoras de servicios asociadas a nuestro plan no son aseguradoras, organizaciones de la salud (HMO) o evaluadores de servicios de salud. Cualqueir honorario que usted les pague a estas compañías no le será reembolsado. 4 - Los descuentos que figuran en este documento no pueden ser utilizados en combinación con cualquier otro plan de descuento médico o programa de descuentos. Todos los precios cotizados son los precios actuales de los proveedores participantes y están sujetos a cambios sin previo aviso. De vez en vez, algun proveedor puede ofrecer productos y / o servicios al público en general a precios inferiores a los precios disponibles en este programa. En tal caso, se cobrará el precio más bajo. 5 - Los proveedores están sujetos a cambios sin previo aviso, los programas pueden variar en algunos términos. Este es un programa de membrecía de descuentos, no un seguro medico, y puede ser cancelado o modificado en cualquier momento. 6 - Los ahorros se basan en las tasas normales del proveedor. Los ahorros reales variarán dependiendo de la localización de los servicios específicos o productos comprados. 7 - Este plan médico de descuentos no ofrece garantía por la calidad de los servicios profesionales brindados por los proveedores participantes. 8 - Garantía de Reembolso por 30 Días: Si cancela por cualquier razón en un plazo de 30 días, usted recibirá un reembolso completo de su mensualidad. Tasa no reembolsable se revelará en el momento de aplicación. 9 - Las limitaciones, exclusiones o excepciones que apliquen dentro este plan médico de descuentos se enumeran en la descripción de cada servicio. 9 HOW TO USE YOUR MEMBERSHIP CARD 1. Keep your membership card with you at all times so it will be easily accessible to present at provider locations. Please note that you must present your membership card so that the status of you membership can be verified before services are provided and to qualify for Med Plan exclusive price at contracted provider locations. 2. When visiting your Physician and or Specialist you must present your Med Plan membership card with a picture ID so that your eligibility can be verified at time of your visit to receive the exclusive pricing offered to Med Plan members 3. Med Plan has sent all persons covered in your plan their own membership cards. Each card has its own ID number and must be shown to the provider so that the status of you membership can be verified before services are provided. If the dependent is a minor then it is the responsibility of the “minors” parent or legal guardian to accompany the minor to all provider visits and services. 4. To locate participating providers in your area, please refer to the Provider Directory provided in your “Membership Kit”. This directory contains information on all Med Plan contracted providers including pricing for all covered services. Since providers and services are being added monthly, Med Plan has created a website for our members to view all of their membership information which includes updates and new services. To access this information online please call Med Plans “Member Service Department” and ask for them to email you your username and password. For additional provider locations, call the appropriate number on the back of your card or visit: 5. Please remember that Payment for all services must be made directly to the provider at time of service. 6. If you have any questions on how to use your membership, call our Member Services departments at the toll-free number listed on your card for prompt, friendly service. 7. We are located at 5300 NW 77 Ct, Doral FL 33166 (305) 262-1610. Our Offices are open Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. COMO USAR SU TARJETA DE MIEMBRO Cuando usted visite a un proveedor (Ejemplo: Médico general o Especialista) usted deberá presentar su tarjeta de miembro con una identificación con fotografía (ID) para que su elegibilidad pueda ser verificada en el momento de solicitar sus servicios y pueda beneficiarse de las tarifas preferenciales exclusivas que aplican únicamente a los miembros de MedPlan. Cuando usted visite a proveedor participante usted pagará una tarifa fija preferencial que ha sido establecida para los miembros de MedPlan. Las Tarifas establecidas aparecen en este libro que ha sido incluido dentro del paquete de membrecía que usted recibió. Por favor refiérase a la sección que corresponda dentro de este directorio. Todos los servicios prestados en el consultorio de un médico de atención primaria o especialista usted lo pagará directamente en el momento de recibir los servicios. Solo los médicos y demás proveedores de la red que brindan sus servicios a nuestros miembros, honraran las tasas establecidas. Los proveedores de la red tienen en su poder las mismas tarifas que usted tiene, esto le asegura que lo que usted pagará no puedan ser alterados. MedPlan no le asigna ningún proveedor, usted es libre de elegir dentro del directorio. La información detallada para localizar a un proveedor, dirección, número telefónico, tarifa etc. se encuentra dentro del directorio médico que usted recibió. Usted puede obtener esta información en cualquier momento visitando nuestra página web: Para coordinar su primera cita con un proveedor de la red usted puede elegir cualquiera de las siguientes opciones: a) Llame directamente al proveedor que usted haya elegido. b) Llame a nuestro departamento de atención al cliente y solicite que se le coordine la cita con el doctor que usted haya elegido. En ese caso tenga a mano el nombre del doctor para que la asistencia sea efectiva y rápida en función de sus necesidades. Nos encontramos en 5300 NW 77 Ct, Doral FL 33166 (305) 262-1610. Nuestras oficinas estan abieras de Lunes a Viernes de 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 10 PRIMARY PHYSICIANS AND SPECIALISTS All services rendered at your primary care physicians office or Specialist will be paid directly to the provider at fix rates that are completely disclosed inside this book. These prices are exclusive to Med Plan members and represent an average savings of 70% percent off the Providers Usual and customary fees. All prices cover service provided at your Physicians office which can include, routine X-rays, EKG’s, Ultrasounds and many other services. Services vary from provider to providers depending on equipment each Physician or Specialist practice elects to provide. It’s unlimited the access to Primary Care and Specialist Visits. No prior approval is needed. Physician and Specialists address and phone numbers are located inside your Membership kit or on our website www. To schedule an appointment please call the provider you have chosen from the directory. If you need assistance or cannot find a provider near you please call our Customer Service Department for assistance at 844-200-1222. Only approved and contracted Med Plan Physicians and Specialists will honor the exclusive prices as defined in the Pricing Guide included in your membership kit. Any Diagnostic studies, Laboratory test, Prescription Medication or services ordered by a Med Plan contracted Physician or Specialist must be performed or completed by a Med Plan approved and contracted provider. This will insure that the service and its price are within the scope of the agreements Med Plan has in place with its approved service providers If you need assistance in coordinating these services please feel free to contact our Customer Service Department at 844200-1222. Note: If your favorite physician is not already a participating provider, Call our Provider Relation Department to nominate him or her. Have the physicians name, address, and telephone number available when you call. MEDICOS PRIMARIOS Y ESPECIALISTAS Todas las tasas aplican a los servicios prestados en la oficina de los médicos que pueden incluir, rutina de Rayos X, electrocardiogramas, ecografías y muchos otros servicios. Los servicios pueden estar disponibles o no, dependiendo el equipo médico o especialista que usted pueda elegir. Tenga en cuenta que no todos reúnen las mismas condiciones de equipamiento dentro de su consulta médica. Usted cuenta con visitas médicas ilimitadas y además tendrá la libertad de visitar a cualquier médico especialista sin la necesidad de ser referido por su médico primario. Cualquier estudio de Diagnóstico, Examen de Laboratorio, Medicamentos recetados u otro servicio deberá ser indicado por un proveedor que haya sido aprobado o contratado por MedPlan. Esto asegura que el servicio que usted va a recibir y la tasa que va a pagar esta dentro de los acuerdos que MedPlan ha establecido con los proveedores de la red. Nota: Si su doctor favorito aun no es participante de nuestra red y desea que se integre para que pueda continuar con sus servicios y adaptar nuestras tarifas preferenciales, por favor contacte a nuestro departamento de Relación con Proveedores y ofrezca información precisa del doctor (Nombre, Dirección y Teléfono de su oficina) nosotros nos sentiremos complacidos en contactarlo a mayor brevedad posible y lo invitaremos a que se una a nuestra Red. 11 PRIMARY PHYSICIANS LOCATED AT MED PLAN CLINICS MEDICOS PRIMARIOS LOCALIZADOS EN LAS CLINICAS DE MED PLAN 12 Julian N. Guerrero, M.D. (General Practice) (Med Plan Clinic) 7200 N.W. 7th St #202 Miami, Fl. 33126 Phone: (305) 267-7784 Fax: (305) 266-9939 1st Visit :$25 - Follow Up: $20 Manuel Michael Lam, M.D. (General Practice) (Med Care Quality Medical Center) 7200 N.W. 7th St #150 Miami, Fl. 33126 Phone: (305) 264-6270 Fax: 305-261-7739 1st Visit :$25 - Follow Up: $20 Julio Cesar Reyes Gavilan, M.D. (General Practice) (Med Care Quality Medical Center) 7200 N.W. 7th St #150 Miami, Fl. 33126 Phone: (305) 264-6270 Fax: 305-261-7739 1st Visit :$25 - Follow Up: $20 Ramon Castillo, M.D. (General Practice) (Med Care Quality Medical Center) 7200 N.W. 7th St #150 Miami, Fl. 33126 Phone: (305) 264-6270 305-261-7739 1st Visit :$25 - Follow Up: $20 Maria Bertoli Avella, M.D. (General Practice) (Med Plan Clinic) 4218 East 4th Ave Hialeah, Fl. 33013 Phone: (786) 401-7656 Fax: 786-558-9980 1st Visit :$25 - Follow Up: $20 Juan Carlos Romero, M.D. (General Practice) (Med Plan Clinic) 4218 East 4th Ave Hialeah, Fl. 33013 Phone: (786) 401-7656 Fax: 786-558-9980 1st Visit :$25 - Follow Up: $20 Mara Elena de Garcia, M.D. (General Practice) (Med Plan Clinic) 4218 East 4th Ave Hialeah, Fl. 33013 Phone: (786) 401-7656 Fax: 786-558-9980 1st Visit :$25 - Follow Up: $20 Francisco Macias, M.D. (General Practice) (Med Plan Clinic) 4218 East 4th Ave Hialeah, Fl. 33013 Phone: (786) 401-7656 Fax: 786-558-9980 1st Visit :$25 - Follow Up: $20 Richard Schwartz, M.D. (General Practice) (Med Care Quality Medical Center) 900 W 49th St, Suite 308 Hialeah, Fl. 33012 Phone: (305) 558-9902 Fax: 305-558-9039 1st Visit :$25 - Follow Up: $20 Carolina Arguello, M.D. (General Practice) (Med Care Quality Medical Center) 900 W 49th St, Suite 308 Hialeah, Fl. 33012 Phone: (305) 558-9902 Fax: 305-558-9039 1st Visit :$25 - Follow Up: $20 Julibeth Alvarez, M.D. (General Practice) (Med Care Quality Medical Center) 1149 SW 27 Ave Miami Fl. 33135 Phone: (305) 642-1588 Fax: 305-642-1585 1st Visit :$25 - Follow Up: $20 Jose Haber, M.D. (General Practice) (Med Care Quality Medical Center) 11825 SW 26th ST Miami, Fl. 33175 Phone: (305) 225-6622 Fax: 305-225-6633 1st Visit :$25 - Follow Up: $20 Primary Care Physicians / Médicos Primarios Miami - Dade Esperanza A. Nuñez, M.D. (General Practice) (Glez and Gonzalez Medical Center) 3804 NW 167th Street Opalocka, Fl. 33054 Phone: (305) 624-2700 Fax: (305) 624-3154 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 John Padron, M.D. (General Practice) (Opa Medical Center) 1865 NE 163th Street North Miami, Fl. 33162 Phone: (305) 948-9958 Fax: (305) 948-9518 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Armando Segui, M.D. (General Practice) (Ambert Medical Center) 15495 Eagle Nest Ln, Suite 100 Miami Lakes, Fl. 33016 Phone: (305) 556-0021 Fax: (305) 556-0071 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Pilar Delgado, M.D. (General Practice) 5590 W. 20 ave Suite 100 Hialeah, Fl. 33016 Phone: (305) 228-3997 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Felix A. Rodriguez, M.D. (General Practice) (American Family Health Center) 1840 W. 49 St, Suite 425 Hialeah, Fl. 33012 Phone: (305) 231-8996 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Miguel A. Chamah, M.D. (General Practice) 1800 West 68th St, Suite 127 Hialeah, Fl. 33014 Phone: (305) 820-0903 Fax: (305) 826-3827 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Humberto Hernandez, M.D. (General Practice) 5875 NW 163 St Miami Lakes, Fl. 33014 Phone: (305) 885-3111 Fax: (305) 364-7147 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Gilda de la Calle, M.D. (General Practice) 1435 West 49th Place Suite 400-B Hialeah, Fl. 33012 Phone: (305) 823-5730 Fax: (305) 823-5732 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Odalys Frontela, M.D. F.A.C.P (General Practice) 801 West 48th St, Suite A Hialeah, Fl. 33012 Phone: (305) 698-7172 Fax: (305) 698-7649 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Francisco Bautista, M.D. (Family Practice) (Felicidad Medical Center) 4410 West. 16th Ave. # 55 Hialeah, Fl. 33013 Phone (305) 824-8559 Fax: (305) 824-8561 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Lucky Flores, M.D. (General Practice) (Elite Health & Rehabilitation) 1949 W 68th St Hialeah, Fl. 33014 (305) 698-0806 Fax: (305) 698-2325 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Gonzalo Gonzalez, M.D. (General Practice) (Elite Health & Rehabilitation) 1949 W 68th St Hialeah, Fl. 33014 Phone: (305) 698-0806 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Felix Penate, M.D. (General Practice) (Elite Health & Rehabilitation) 1949 W 68th St Hialeah, Fl. 33014 Phone: (305) 698-0806 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Maria Cadima, RNPA (General Practice) (Elite Health & Rehabilitation) 1949 W 68th St Hialeah, Fl. 33014 Phone: (305) 698-0806 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Conchita Jackson, M.D. (General Practice) (Vida Health Centers) 881 E 2nd Ave Hialeah, Fl. 33010 Phone: (305) 882-1100 Fax: (305) 887-3273 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Juan J. Salinas, M.D. (General Practice) 4212 W 16 Ave Hialeah, Fl. 33012 Phone: (305) 821-5525 Fax: (786) 342-6017 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Viviana Pérez, M.D. (General Practice) 4410 West. 16 ave Suite 26 Hialeah, Fl. 33012 Phone: (305) 822-8883 Fax: (305) 825-2873 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Amado Viera, M.D. (General Practice) 777 East 25th St. Suite 118 Hialeah, Fl. 33013 Phone: (305) 835-0438 Fax: (305) 693-0768 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Sebastian Padron, M.D. Prime Care Medical Center (General Practice) 4305 East 8 ave, Suite E Hialeah, Fl. 33013 Phone: (305) 769-5601 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Ausberto Hidalgo, M.D. (Family Practice) 5590 W 20 Ave # 101 Hialeah, Fl. 33016 Phone: (305) 827-3303 Fax: (305) 819-6634 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Jorge Paoli-Bruno, M.D. (Family Practice) 7911 NW 72 ave #109 AB Medley, Fl. 33166 Phone: (305) 887-1005 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 13 Primary Care Physicians / Médicos Primarios 14 Miami - Dade Aurelio Ortiz, M.D. (General Practice) (Florida Care Health Center) 11300 NW 87th Court, Suite 141 Hialeah Gardens, Fl. 33018 Phone: (305) 364-8600 Fax: (305) 364-8604 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Mayre Urdaneta, M.D. (General Practice) 8060 NW 155th Street Ste 201 Miami Lakes, Fl. 33016 Phone: (305) 826-0606 Fax: (305) 826-0630 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Ramon Hernandez M.D. Hollistic Medical Center (Family Medicine) 6445 SW 8th St Miami, Fl. 33144 Phone: (305) 448-8557 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Gretell Trullenque, M.D. (General Practice) (Acevedo Medical Group) 2525 NW 54th St. Miami, Fl. 33142 Phone: (305) 633-9090 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Lucky Flores, M.D. (General Practice) 5881 NW 151 St, Suite 127 Miami Lakes, Fl. 33014 Phone: (305) 827-0208 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Johanne Zephir, M.D. (General Practice) (7th Ave. Medical Plaza) 10071 NW 7 ave Miami, Fl. 33150 Phone: (305) 403-7777 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Jon Hemstreet, M.D. (General Practice) (7th Ave. Medical Plaza) 10071 NW 7 ave Miami, Fl. 33150 Phone: (305) 403-7777 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Abraham A. Benchabatt, M.D. (General Practice) MD Health Care and Rehabilitation 14750 NW 77 Ct # 106 Miami Lakes, Fl. 33016 Phone: (305) 698-4000 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Hector Rodriguez, M.D. (General Practice) (Acevedo Medical Group) 2525 NW 54th St. Miami, Fl. 33142 Phone: (305) 633-9090 Fax: (305) 633-9383 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Gamaliel Mattos, M.D. (General Practice) 4001 NW 97 ave #101 Doral, Fl. 33178 Phone: (305) 418-2233 Fax: (305) 418-2295 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Noel E. Lezama, M.D. (General Practice) Florida Medical Center 1501 NW 36 St Miami, Fl. 33142 Phone: (786) 378-8200 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Raul A. Tamayo, M.D. (General Practice) (RT Professional Inc) 7374 NW 35 Terr # 102 Miami, Fl. 33122 Phone: (305) 418-8990 Fax: (305) 418-8997 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Jorge Martinez, M.D. (General Practice) (St. John Medical Center) 161 NW 29th St Miami, Fl. 33127 Phone: (305) 576-0231 Fax: (305) 573-1100 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Juan Delgado, M.D. (Family Practice) (St. John Medical Center) 161 NW 29th St Miami, Fl. 33127 Phone: (305) 576-0231 Fax: 1-877-346-4133 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 José Gil, M.D. (General Practice) (Davila Medical Center) 782 NW 42th Ave # 348 Miami, Fl. 33126 Phone: (305) 441-2760 Fax: (305) 441-2762 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Valdemir Santos, M.D. (General Practice) (All Future Medical Center) 7376 NW 35 Terr # 104 Miami, Fl. 33122 Phone: (305) 805-6903 Fax: (305) 805-6918 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Carlos A. Almonte, MD (General Practice) (Trisquel Medical Center) 1414 NW 107 ave # 215 Miami, Fl. 33172 Phone: (305) 468-1485 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Jesús J. Cid, M.D. (General Practice) (Medical Consulting Center) 759 NW 22 ave Miami, Fl. 33125 Phone: (305) 649-0492 Fax: (305) 649-0496 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Jesús J. Cid, M.D. (General Practice) 711 NW 23 ave # 301 Miami, Fl. 33125 Phone: (305) 643-4797 Fax: (305) 643-4880 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Baudilio Cuzco Prieto, M.D. (General Practice) (Complete Medical Care) 630 NW 33th Ave Miami, Fl. 33125 Phone: (305) 649-6378 Fax: (305) 541-6077 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Andres Cazau, M.D. (General Practice) (Private Medical Center) 10 NW 42th Avenue, Suite 300 Miami, Fl. 33126 Phone: (305) 774-0742 Fax: (305) 774-0836 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Primary Care Physicians / Médicos Primarios Miami - Dade Jose Pena, M.D. (General Practice) (Private Medical Center) 10 NW 42th Avenue, Suite 300 Miami, Fl. 33126 Phone: (305) 774-0742 1st Visit :$30 - Follow Up: $20 Lazaro Miguel Garcia, M.D.P.A (General Practice) 3626 NW 7 St Miami, Fl. 33125 Phone: (305) 643-4343 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Arles Perdomo M.D (General Practice) 7959 NW 2 St Miami, Fl. 33126 Phone: (305) 267-6060 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Conchita Jackson, M.D. (General Practice) (Private Medical Center) 10 N.W. 42th Ave, Suite 300 Miami, Fl. 33126 Phone: (305) 774-0742 Fax: (305) 774-0836 1st Visit :$30 - Follow Up: $20 Mauricio Vargas, M.D. (General Practice) (Private Medical Center) 10 N.W. 42th Ave, Suite 300 Miami, Fl. 33126 Phone: (305) 774-0742 Fax: (305) 774-0836 1st Visit :$30 - Follow Up: $20 Luis E. De Armas, M.D. (General Practice) 11373 W Flagler St. # 212 Miami, Fl. 33174 Phone: (305) 220-7730 Fax (305) 220-7703 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Sebastian Padron, M.D. (General Practice) 4141 SW 6th St Miami, Fl. 33125 Phone: (305) 443-5031 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Pedro R. Caro, M.D. (General Practice) Varadero Medical Center 5850 West Flagler ST Miami, Fl. 33144 Phone: (305) 263-9590 Fax: (305) 263-9657 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Maria L. Margolles, M.D. (General Practice) (Varadero Medical Center) 5850 W. Flagler St Miami, Fl. 33144 Phone: (305) 263-9590 Fax: (305) 263-9657 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 John A. Padron, M.D. (General Practice) 8370 W. Flagler St, Suite 120 Miami, Fl. 33144 Phone: (305) 222-8365 Fax: (305) 222-8366 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Mario R. Villoch, M.D. (General Practice) (AV Medical Center) 2075 SW 27 ave Suite 101 Miami, Fl. 33145 Phone: (305) 856-6081 Fax: (305) 854-5968 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Blanca N. Gonzalez, M.D. (General Practice) 7801 Coral Way #114 Miami, Fl. 33155 Phone: (786)-334-6170 Fax: (305) 456-6194 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Leonardo Marquez, M.D. (General Practice) J.O. Medical Center, Inc. 2260 SW 8th St, Suite 200 Miami, Fl. 33135 Phone: (305) 642-7704 Fax: (305) 642-5171 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Ariel Duran Mondragon, M.D. (General Practice) (Selecta Physical Therapy) 2140 West Flagger St, Ste 112 Miami Fl. 33135 Phone: (786) 953-6735 Fax: (786) 953-6943 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Fausto Castillo, M.D. (General Practice) 1313 SW 1th Street. Miami, Fl. 33135 Phone: (305) 541-8448 Fax: (305) 541-8565 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Maria Valdivia, M.D. (General Practice) (International Medical Center) 1393 SW 1th ST Suite 320 Miami, Fl. 33135 Phone: (305) 644-0977 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Gilda de la Calle, M.D. (General Practice) 421 SW 107th Avenue Miami, Fl. 33174 Phone: (786) 360-4219 Fax: (786) 360-4217 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Herbert R. Slavin, M.D. (General Practice) (Leda Medical Center, Inc) 7105 SW 8th ST, #206 Miami, Fl. 33144 Phone (305) 262-4801/03 Fax: (305) 262-4840 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Abdón S. Borges, M.D. (General Practice) 3990 West Flagler Suite #301 Miami, Fl. 33134 Phone: (305) 441-2400 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Maria Lourdes Zeno, M.D. (General Practice) Best Medical Care, Inc 920 SW 82th ave Miami, Fl. 33144 Phone: (305) 262-3999 Fax: (305) 262-3995 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Alberto Gonzalez-Gomez, M.D. (General Practice) 7968 SW 8th ST Miami, Fl. 33144 Phone: (786) 332-2093 Fax: (786) 332-3295 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 15 Primary Care Physicians / Médicos Primarios Josefina Hernández, M.D. (General Practice) 8480 SW 8th Street. Miami, Fl. 33144 Phone: (305) 264-1131 Fax:(305) 264-1134 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Adolfo R. Martínez, M.D. (General Practice) 8480 SW 8th Street. Miami, Fl. 33144 Phone: (305) 264-1131 Fax:(305) 264 -1134 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Adriadna Valdes M.D. (General Practice) (Salud Medical Center) 1338 SW 8th Street Miami, Fl. 33135 Phone: (305) 854-4443 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Hilda M Brito M.D. (General Practice) 12260 SW 8th Street, Suite 224 Miami, Fl. 33184 Phone: (305) 220-6917 Fax: (305) 220-6977 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Antonio J. Reyes. M.D. (General Practice) 1350 SW 57 ave, Suite 314 Miami, Fl. 33144 Phone: (305) 267-2182 Fax: (305) 267-1244 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Myriam Lacayo, M.D. (General Practice) The Children Medical Center Group, Inc 8300 SW 8 St, Suite # 302 Miami, Fl. 33144 Phone: (305) 225-4434 Fax: (305) 267-6033 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Jorge L. Garcia, M.D. (General Practice) 8300 SW 8 St, Suite # 108 Miami, Fl. 33144 Phone: (305) 229-1244 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Eduardo Almaguer, M.D. (General Practice) 330 S.W 27th Ave # 404 Miami, Fl. 33135 Phone: (305) 644-9798 Fax: (305) 644-9794 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Lazaro Martinez. M.D. (General Practice) 9600 SW 8 St, Suite 30 Miami, Fl. 33174 Phone: (786) 312-0333 Fax: (305) 503-6934 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Valdemir Santos, M.D. (General Practice) (ACN Physician Group) 7490 SW 23 ST #201 Miami, Fl. 33155 Phone: (786) 953-8221 Fax: (786) 953-7514 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Suzanna Dotson , M.D. (General Practice) (West Miami Health Center) 1707 Coral Way Miami, Fl. 33145 Phone: (786) 338-9243 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Sergio Alzugaray , M.D. (General Practice) 11865 Coral Way Miami, Fl. 33175 Phone: (305) 220-6128 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Maria Margolles, M.D. (General Practice) (AM Medical Center) 8900 Coral Way #203 Miami, Fl. 33165 Phone: (305) 225-3545 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Ramon Sastre, M.D. (General Practice) (AM Medical Center) 8900 Coral Way #203 Miami, Fl. 33165 Phone: (305) 225-3545 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Rolando Diaz , M.D. (General Practice) 11865 Coral Way Miami, Fl. 33175 Phone: (305) 220-6128 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Raidel Oviedo, M.D. (General Practice) 1701 West Flagler St #215 Miami, Fl. 33135 Phone (305) 418-0524 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Antonio J. Reyes, M.D. (General Practice) 1350 SW 57 ave #314 Miami, Fl. 33144 Phone (305) 267-2182 Fax: (305) 267-1244 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Mario A Jimenez, M.D. (General Practice) (Kendall South Medical Center)) 2433 SW 147 ave Miami, Fl. 33185 Phone (305) 388-1118 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Jorge Santander, M.D. (General Practice) 4080 SW 84 ave Suite D Miami, Fl. 33155 Phone: (305) 223-1140 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Rodolfo Vega, M.D. (General Practice) (Vega Medical Center) 3720 SW 107 ave Miami, Fl. 33165 Phone: (305) 554-4270 Fax: (305) 553-5271 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Sara Llerena, M.D. (General Practice) (Kendall South Medical Center)) 2433 SW 147 ave Miami, Fl. 33185 Phone (305) 388-1118 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 16 Miami - Dade Primary Care Physicians / Médicos Primarios Miami - Dade Margarita Perez-Batista, M.D. (General Practice) (Anchor Medical Center) 12781 SW 40 St # H Miami, Fl. 33175 Phone: (305) 229-3990 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Juan Falcon, M.D. (General Practice) (Anchor Medical Center) 12781 SW 40 St # H Miami, Fl. 33175 Phone: (305) 229-3990 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Oscar Ordenana, M.D. (General Practice) (MMG-Clinics) 12001 SW 128 CT Suite 209 Miami Fl. 33186 Phone: (305)-888-4300 Fax: (305) 888-1199 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Julio C. Rosales, M.D. (General Practice) Kendall Medical Plaza 11880 SW 40 St # 120 Miami, Fl. 33175 Phone: (305) 225-7330 Fax: (305) 225-7314 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Juan Blemil Fdez. M.D, P.A. (General Practice) 13303 SW 42th Street Miami, Fl. 33175 Phone: (305) 227-6497 Fax: (305) 551-2370 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Julio C. Rosales, M.D. (General Practice) (Hammocks Medical Center) 15122 SW 72th Street Miami, Fl. 33193 Phone: (305) 383-3848 Fax: (305) 383-7601 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Hector S. Rodriguez, M.D. (General Practice) Ana J. Solis, M.D. (X-Press Medical Center) 9995 SW 72 St, #202 Miami Fl. 33173 Phone: (786)-289-0759 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Sophia Khawly, ARNP (General Practice) First Quality Medical Center, Corp 8900 SW 107 ave #311 Miami, Fl. 33176 Phone: (305) 270-7608 Fax: (305) 270-7609 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Anselmo H. Humaran, M.D. (General Practice) (0-99 years) 11474 Quail Roost Dr. Miami, Fl. 33157 Phone: (305) 232-2066 Fax: (305) 232-2089 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Maria C. Cubillas, M.D. (General Practice) 27543 S. Dixie Hwy Homestead, Fl. 33032 Phone: (305) 246-0047 Fax: (305) 247-8540 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Josefa L. Binker, M.D. (Family Practice) 70 NW 8 St Homestead, Fl. 33030 Phone: (305) 242-5225 Fax: (305) 242-6525 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Rafael A. Ubeda, M.D. (Family Practice) (Leal Medical Center LLC) 632 Washington Ave Homestead, Fl. 33030 Phone: (305) 246-1265 Fax: (305) 246-1240 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Martha Fernandez, M.D. (Family Practice) (Leal Medical Center LLC) 632 Washington Ave Homestead, Fl. 33030 Phone: (305) 246-1265 Fax: (305) 246-1240 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Arles Perdomo, M.D. (General Practice) 311 NE 8 St #110 Homestead, Fl. 33030 Phone: (786) 339-8093 Fax: (786) 339-8516 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 John G. Gutleber, M.D. (General Practice) 139 N.E 15th Street Homestead, Fl. 33033 Phone: (305) 247-1213 Fax: (305) 247-5701 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Maria Delgado, M.D. (General Practice) (Homestead Medical Clinic, M.D) 43 NE 15th St Homestead, Fl. 33030 Phone: (786) 243-1909 Fax: (786) 243-4292 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Marta Delgado, M.D. (General Practice) (Homestead Medical Clinic, M.D) 43 NE 15th St Homestead, Fl. 33030 Phone: (786) 243-1909 Fax: (786) 243-4292 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Eduardo Medrano, M.D. (General Practice) (All Family Care Inc.) 38 Northwest 8th Street Homestead, Fl. 33030 Phone: (305) 246-0460 Fax: (305) 246-0516 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Jose de Jesus Gomez Cortes, M.D. (Redland Medical Center) (General Practice) 19744 SW 177 ave Miami, Fl. 33187 Phone: (786) 701-3618 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 17 Primary Care Physicians / Médicos Primarios Broward Silvia Soto, M.D. (General Practice) (Miramar Medical Center) 11904 Miramar Parkway Miramar, Fl. 33025 Phone: (954) 639-7560 Fax: (954) 639-7563 Price 1st Visit: $ 40.00 Price Follow Up: $ 40.00 Elsa Pichardo Matos, M.D. (General Practice) (Sunset Strip Medical Center) 4269 N.W 88 ave Sunrise, Fl. 33351 Phone: (954) 578-0200 Fax: (954) 578-0050 Price 1st Visit: $ 40.00 Price Follow Up: $ 40.00 Eugene Gregorie, M.D. (General Practice) 4141 NW 5th Street, Ste 100 Plantation, Fl. 33317 Phone: (954) 486-6866 Fax: (954) 581-0543 Price 1st Visit: $ 40.00 Price Follow Up: $ 40.00 Karen Prida, M.D. Pines Care Medical Center (General Practice) 301 NW 103 Ave, # 235 Pembroke Pines, Fl. 33026 Phone: (954) 251-1497 Fax: (954) 404-9537 Price 1st Visit: $ 40.00 Price Follow Up: $ 40.00 Mark Leeds, D.O. PA. (General Practice) 3500 Hollywood Blvd Hollywood, Fl. 33021 Phone: (954) 239-6060 Fax: (954) 239-6100 Mon-Fri 9am to 5pm Price 1st Visit: $ 40.00 Price Follow Up: $ 40.00 Controlled Substance Call for a Schedule Emmauel Eloi, M.D. (General Practice) (Sunshine Medical & Chiropractic Care Inc) 3500 N. State Rd Suite # 211 Lauderdale Lakes, Fl. 33319 Phone: (954) 766-4233 Fax: (954) 306-2056 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $40 Karen Gaynair, M.D. (General Practice) 4900 West Oakland Park Blv #202 Lauderdale Lakes, Fl. 33313 Phone: (954) 730-7993 Fax: (954) 730-7994 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $40 Jeanne - Elyse Cedeño, M.D. (General Practice) (Children and Adults) 1601 N. Palm ave, Suite 102 B Pembroke Pines, Fl. 33026 Phone: (754) 273-6278 Fax: (954) 374-6954 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $40 Herbert Pardell, DO. Emeril Health Medical Center (General Practice) 3990 Sheridan Street Ste 101 Hollywood, FL 33021 Phone: (954) 987-4455 Fax: (954) 964-7342 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $40 Charles Merson, M.D. SFL Medical & Wellness Clinic) (General Practice) 5931 S. University Dr. Davie, Fl. 33328 Phone: (954) 252-3339 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $40 Ricardo Zamora, M.D. Colony Spring Medical Center) (General Practice) 7737 North University Dr. #107 Tamarac, Fl. 33321 Phone: (954) 720-0056 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $40 MIlena Osorio-Smith, M.D. (Colony Spring Medical Center) (General Practice) 7737 North University Dr. #107 Tamarac, Fl. 33321 Phone: (954) 720-0056 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $40 Primary Care Physicians / Médicos Primarios Palm Beach Bob M. Gairaj, M.D. (General Practice) (Boca Family Practice) 7280 West Palmetto Park Rd Suite # 104 Boca Raton, Fl. 33433 Phone: (561) 391-6552 Fax: (561) 391-6285 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $40 Paul Murry, M.D. (General Practice) (Boca Family Practice) 7280 West Palmetto Park Rd Suite # 104 Boca Raton, Fl. 33433 Phone: (561) 391-6552 Fax: (561) 391-6285 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $40 Rafael Ubeda, M.D. (General Practice) (Basic Gynecology) (Johnson Medical Services) 2531 N Dixie Hwy Lake Worth, Fl. 33460 Phone: (561) 582-0330 Fax: (561) 582-0339 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $40 Jose E. Blandon, M.D. (General Practice) (Basic Gynecology) (Johnson Medical Services) 2531 N Dixie Hwy Lake Worth, Fl. 33460 Phone: (561) 582-0330 Fax: (561) 582-0339 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $40 Alfonso Ramirez, M.D. (General Practice) (Basic Gynecology) (Johnson Medical Services) 2531 N Dixie Hwy Lake Worth, Fl. 33460 Phone: (561) 582-0330 Fax: (561) 582-0339 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $40 Ricardo Zamora, M.D. (General Practice) (Colony Spring Medical Center of Palm Beach) 130 JFK Drive Suite 131 Atlantis, Fl. 33462 Phone: (561) 439-7070 Fax: (561) 967-3888 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $40 18 Primary Care Physicians / Médicos Primarios Marilyn Belizaire Innocent M.D. (General Practice) 220 S. Dixie Hwy #4 Lakeworth, Fl. 33460 Phone: (561) 429-5086 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $40 Mario F. Guillen M.D. (General Practice) 6300 S. Dixie Hwy #101 West Palm Beach, Fl. 33405 Phone: (561) 296-1116 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $40 Palm Beach Joseph Pierre-Paul Cadet M.D. Polyclinic de Palm Beach (General Practice) 5333 West Atlantic Ave #405 Delray Beach, Fl. 33346 Phone: (561) 276-3000 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $40 Israel Machin M.D. (General Practice) 1151 Forrest Hill Blvd # 3 West Palm Beach, Fl. 33406 Phone: (561) 433-3556 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $40 Primary Care Physicians / Médicos Primarios Luis Martinez, M.D. (General Practice & Gynecology) Naples Health Care Inc 4947 Tamiami Trail North Suite 206 Naples Fl. 34103 Phone: (239) 304-9290 Fax: (239) 304-9295 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Alfonso Garcia, M.D. (General Practice & Gynecology) Naples Health Care Inc 4947 Tamiami Trail North Suite 206 Naples Fl. 34103 Phone: (239) 304-9290 Fax: (239) 304-9295 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Collier Gary Lawson, M.D. (General Practice) SW Florida Regional Medical Center 5580 19th Court SW Unit 2 Naples, Fl. 34116 Phone: (239) 304-2471 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Arles Perdomo, M.D. (General Practice) Clinica Los Angeles 5038 Coronado Pkwy Naples, Fl. 34116 Phone: (239) 234-6835/6948 Fax: 239-331-2362 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Primary Care Physicians / Médicos Primarios Varghese E. Mathai, M.D. (General Practice) (Region Medical Center) 3900 Broadway Unit 1 Bldg A Fort Myers, Fl. 33976 Phone: (239) 288-5413 Fax: (239) 288-5418 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 Lee Alfonso Garcia, M.D. (General Practice) Del Prado Medical Center. 2500 Del Prado Blvd South Cape Coral Fl. 33954 Phone: (239) 772-1194 / 1195 Fax: (239) 772-1196 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $20 19 Gynecology & Obstetrics / Ginecología y Obstetricia Miami - Dade OFERTA ESPECIAL DE PAPANICOLAU EN LAS CLINICAS DE MED PLAN Los examenes de Papanicolau se efectuaran en la Clinica de MED-PLAN ( 7200 NW 7 St Suite # 202) y en la clinica de MED PLAN, MED CARE de Little Havana( 1149 SW 27 Ave.). El costo, que incluye la toma de la muestra asi como el resultado de la Patologia es de : Liquid $ 50.00 usd. Slide $ 35.00 usd. Llamar a los Centros para appointment o al Call Center. 20 Luis Martinez, M.D. (Med Care Quality Medical Center) 900 W 49th St, Suite 308 Hialeah, Fl. 33012 Phone: (305) 558-9902 Fax: 305-558-9039 1st Visit :$50 - Follow Up: $30 Esperanza A. Nuñez M.D. (OB)-(GYN) (Glez. and Glez. Medical Center) 3804 NW 167th Street. Opa-Locka, Fl. 33054 Phone: (305) 624-2700 Fax: (305) 624-3154 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Conchita Jackson, M.D.(GYN)) (Private Medical Center) 10 NW 42 Ave Suite 300 Miami, Fl. 33126 Phone: (305) 774-0742 Fax: (305) 774-0836 1st Visit :$50 - Follow Up: $40 Ramon Hechavarria, M.D.(GYN) (Private Medical Center) 10 NW 42 Ave Suite 300 Miami, Fl. 33126 Phone: (305) 774-0742 1st Visit :$50 - Follow Up: $40 Matias Guerra M.D. (OB-GYN). (ST. John Medical Center) 161 NW 29th Street Miami, Fl. 33121 Phone: (305) 576-0231 Fax: (305) 573-1100 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Tomas Seville, M.D. (OB-GYN). (Hollistic Medical Center) 6445 SW 8th St Miami, Fl. 33144 Phone: (305) 448-8557 / 397-7230 Fax: (305) 448-8570 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Emilio Blanco, M.D. (OB) - (GYN) (Vida Health Centers) 881 East 2nd ave Hialeah Fl. 33010 Phone: (305) 882-1100 Fax: (305) 887-3273 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Eduardo Lavado, M.D. (OB-GYN) 4160 W. 16 Avenue, Ste 406 Hialeah, Fl. 33012 Phone: (305) 822-4561 Fax: (305) 826-9366 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Esperanza A. Nuñez M.D. (OB)-(GYN) 1840 W 49th ST Ste # 420 Hialeah, Fl. 33012 Phone: (305) 823-3000 Fax: (305) 822-9807 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Julio A. Diaz-Jane, M.D. (OB) - (GYN) 4201 Palm Ave Suite 2A Hialeah, Fl. 33012 Phone: (305) 822-8123 Fax: (305) 822-0628 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Sara Llerena, M.D. (Kendall South Medical Center)) 2433 SW 147 ave Miami, Fl. 33185 Phone (305) 388-1118 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Rolando Padro, M.D. (GYN) 15439 SW 137 Avenue Miami, Fl. 33177 Phone: (305) 259-5570 Fax: (305) 259-5533 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Carlos M. Verdeza, M.D. (GYN) 7000 SW 62 Ave Suite PH5 Miami, Fl. 33143 Phone: (305) 553-8033 Fax: (786) 453-2787 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Rafael Elneser, M.D. (GYN) MMG Clinics 12001 SW 128 St # 209 Miami, Fl. 33186 Phone: (305)-888-4300 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Josefa L. Binker, M.D. (GYN) 70 NW 8 St Homestead, Fl. 33030 Phone: (305) 242-5225 Fax: (305) 242-6525 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Paquete de Maternidad Proveedor Consulta Dr. Eduardo Lavado Hialeah Hospital • • * Incluye: Todas las visitas Postparto • • • • Parto Normal Parto Cesárea $1,600.00* $4,050.00** $1,900.00* $5,100.00*** ** Incluye: Hospitalizacion (2 noches) Pathology Neonatal Epidural Gynecology / Ginecología • • • • • *** Incluye: Hospitalizacion (3 noches) Pathology Neonatal Anesthesia Surgical Assistant Lee / Cape Coral Luis Martinez, M.D. (Ginecology) Del Prado Medical Center. 2500 Del Prado Blvd South Cape Coral Fl. 33954 Phone: (239) 772-1194 / 1195 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Pediatrics / Pediatría Miami - Dade Olabisi Oyadiran, M.D. 99 NW 183 St, Suite 114 Miami Gardens, Fl. 33169 Phone: (305) 625-4100 Fax: (305) 625-4004 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $30 Miriam Estévez, M.D. St. John medical Center 161 NW 29th ST Miami, Fl. 33127 Phone: (305) 576-0231 Fax: (786) 230-6127 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $30 Armando Segui, M.D. (Ambert Medical Center) 15495 Eagle Nest Ln, Suite 100 Miami Lakes, Fl. 33016 Phone: (305) 305-556-0021 Fax: (305) 556-0071 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $30 Jorge L. Alsina, M.D. 4980 W. 10 Ave. Suite, 204 Hialeah, Fl. 33012 Phone: (305) 556-4447 Fax: (305) 556-6290 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $30 Ausberto Hidalgo, M.D. 5590 W 20 Ave # 101 Hialeah, Fl. 33016 Phone: (305) 827-3303 Fax: (305) 819-6634 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $30 Armando Acevedo, M.D. (Acevedo Medical Group) 2525 NW 54th Street. Miami, Fl. 33142 Phone: (305) 633-9090 Fax: (305) 633-9383 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $30 Juan Del Sol, M.D. (ST. John Medical Center) 161 NW 29th Street Miami, Fl. 33127 Phone: (305) 576-0231 Fax: (305) 573-1100 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $30 Ivette Valle, M.D. (ST. John Medical Center) 161 NW 29th Street Miami, Fl. 33127 Phone: (305) 576-0231 Fax: (305) 573-1100 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $30 Eduardo Díaz, M.D. 5703 NW 7 ST Miami, Fl. 33126 Phone: (305) 267-3462 Fax: (305) 267-3463 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $30 John Hemstreet, M.D. (7th Ave. Medical Plaza) (0 and Up) 10071 NW 7 ave, Miami, Fl. 33150 Phone: (305) 403-7777 Fax: (305) 403-7700 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $30 Johanne Zephir, M.D. (7th Ave. Medical Plaza) (0 and Up) 10071 NW 7 ave Miami, Fl. 33150 Phone: (305) 403-7777 Fax: (305) 403-7700 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $30 Rodolfo B. Ferretti M.D. 3228 NW 7 St Miami, Fl. 33125 Phone: (305) 642-5090 Fax: (305) 642-9950 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $30 Luis E. De Armas, M.D. 11373 W Flagler St. # 212 Miami, Fl. 33174 Phone: (305) 228-1919 Fax (305) 220-7730 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $30 Rodolfo Sidron, M.D. 7285 W Flagler St Miami, Fl. 33144 Phone: (786) 388-9877 Fax: (786) 388-9627 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $30 Hilda M. Brito, M.D. 12260 SW 8th Street, Suite 224 Miami, Fl. 33184 Phone: (305) 220-6917 Fax: (305) 220-6977 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $30 21 Pediatrics / Pediatría Miami - Dade Gloria López, M.D. 747 Ponce de Leon Blv, Ste 607 Coral Gables, Fl. 31334 Phone: (305) 443-2324 Fax: (305) 443-6301 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $30 Pedro C. Reimon, M.D. (Child Obesity Specialist) 13155 SW 42nd Street Ste 106 Miami Fl. 33175 Phone: (305) 220-1310 Fax: (305) 220-1323 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $30 Otneil Hernandez, DNP, ARNP. (Felicidad Medical Center) 4410 West. 16th Ave. # 55 Hialeah, Fl. 33013 Phone (305) 824-8559 Fax: (305) 824-8561 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $30 Antonio J. Reyes. M.D. (General Practice) 1350 SW 57 ave, Suite 314 Miami, Fl. 33144 Phone: (305) 267-2182 Fax: (305) 267-1244 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $30 Maria I. Delgado, M.D. (Homestead Medical Clinic PA) 43 NE 15th Homestead, Fl. 33030 Phone: (786) 243-1909 Fax: 786-243-4292 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $30 Rodolfo B. Ferretti M.D. 7765 SW 87 Avenue Suite 209 Miami, Fl. 33173 Phone: (305) 595-0429 Fax: (305) 595-0431 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $30 Lazaro de la C. Nunez, M.D. (Medical Health and Research Inc) 6854 W Flagler St Miami Fl. 33144 Phone: (786) -310-7697 Fax: (786) 334-6078 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $30 Myriam Lacayo, M.D. The Children Medical Center Group, Inc 8300 SW 8 St, Suite # 302 Miami, Fl. 33144 Phone: (305) 225-4434 Fax: (305) 267-6033 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $30 Juan Ruiz, M.D. 8900 SW 24 ST #204 Miami, Fl. 33165 Phone: (305) 554-6666 Fax: (305) 554-0176 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $30 Francisco Martinez, M.D. 15122 SW 72th ST Miami, Fl. 33193 Phone: (305) 383-3848 Fax: (305) 383-7601 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $30 Dorses Goosby, M.D. (Pediatric Ass. of Florida) 151 N.W 11th St. Ste E-202 Homestead, Fl. 33030 Phone: (305) 245-3220 Fax: (305) 247-5849 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $30 Alfredo Machado, M.D. (Pediatric Ass. of Florida) 151 N.W 11th St. Ste E-202 Homestead, Fl. 33030 Phone: (305) 245-3220 Fax: (305) 267-6033 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $30 Milady Fernandez, M.D. (All Family Care Inc.) 38 Northwest 8 Street Homestead, Fl. 33030 Phone: (305) 246-0460 Fax: 305-246-0516 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $30 Marta Delgado, M.D. (Homestead Medical Clinic PA) 43 NE 15th Homestead, Fl. 33030 Phone: (786) 243-1909 Fax: 786-243-4292 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $30 Pediatrics / Pediatría 22 Broward Yoelice A. Villamar, M.D. (Sacred Hearth Medical) 17901 N.W. 5 St. # 205 Pembroke Pines, Fl. 33029 Phone: (954) 392-0333 Fax: 954-398-0393 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $40 Ausberto Hidalgo, M.D. (Pines Professional Campus) 302 NW 179 St # 103 Pembroke Pines, Fl. 33029 Phone: (954) 442-8888 Fax: 954-442-8661 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $40 Neelan Seth, M.D. 2929 University Dr. Coral Spring, Fl. 33065 Phone: (954) 510-7900 Fax: 954-510-7999 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Emmauel Eloi, M.D. (0 through 18 years old) (Sunshine Medical & Chiropractic care Inc) 3500 N. State Rd Suite # 211 Lauderdale Lakes, Fl. 33319 Phone: (954) 766-4233 Fax: (954) 306-2056 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $40 Dibanni Vazquez, M.D. (Pines Professional Campus) 302 NW 179 St # 103 Pembroke Pines, Fl. 33029 Phone: (954) 442-8888 Fax: 954-442-8661 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $40 Pediatrics / Pediatría Bradley J. Bradford, M.D. (Pediatrics by the Sea) 285 SE 5th Ave Delray Beach, Fl. 33483 Phone: (561) 272-8991 Fax: (561) 272-8985 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $40 Palm Beach Jose E. Blandon, M.D. (6 and Up) (Johnson Medical Services) 2531 N Dixie Hwy Lake Worth, Fl. 33460 Phone: (561) 582-0330 Fax: (561) 582-0339 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $40 Rafael Ubeda, M.D. (6 and Up) (Johnson Medical Services) 2531 N Dixie Hwy Lake Worth, Fl. 33460 Phone: (561) 582-0330 Fax: (561) 582-0339 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $40 Alfonso Ramirez, M.D. (6 and Up) (Johnson Medical Services) 2531 N Dixie Hwy Lake Worth, Fl. 33460 Phone: (561) 582-0330 Fax: (561) 582-0339 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $40 Pediatrics / Pediatría Collier Héctor Cordero, M.D. 1090 6th Ave N Naples, Fl. 34102 Phone: (239) 213-9200 Fax: 239-213-9205 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Pediatrics / Pediatría Lee Varghese E. Mathai, M.D. (Region Medical Center) 3900 Broadway Unit 1 Bldg A Fort Myers, Fl. 33976 Phone: (239) 288-5413 Fax: (239) 288-5418 1st Visit :$40 - Follow Up: $30 23 PHYSICIAN AND SPECIALIST PROVIDER FEE SCHEDULE Family and General Practice Consultation Fees Inicial Office Visit $40.00 Follow-Up OfficeVisit $20.00 Specialist Physician Practice Consultation Fees Initial Office Visit $60.00 Follow-Up Office Visit $40.00 Pediatric / Pediatrician Initial Office Visit $40.00 Follow-Up Office Visit $30.00 Codes 93000 93307 93320 93325 93324 Codes 76705 76700 76645 76856 76873 76770 76536 93923 93925 93965 93970 Codes J0780 J1100 J1030 J1040 J2480 J3120 J3410 J3420 J1670 J3180 J0500 J3450 J1885 J1200 Codes 94060 94664 94665 94010 94060 94070 94200 94240 94250 Cardiovascular ECG Echo Echo Doppler Color Flow Doppler Holter Monitor 24 hr Diagnostics US Abdomen / Single Abdomen / Complete Breast Pelvic Prostate Kidney / Renal Thyroid US Arterial Upper-lower Duplex Scan Arterial US venous extremity Duplex scan venous Injections Compazine 10 mg Cost Decadron up to 5mg Cost Depo-Medrol 40 mg Depo-Medrol 80 mg Terramycin up 50 mg Testosterone to 100 mg Vistaril to 25 mg Vitamin B12 to1000 mg Tetanun (Globulin) Tetanun Toxoid Cost Bentyl Tigan Tiradol Benadryl Pulmonary Bronchospasm Eval Nebulizer Treatment Nebulizer Subsequent Spirometry Spirometry W bronco sp. Prolonged Broncho sp. Maximum Breathing cap. Func. Resd. Cap. Exp. Gas Collecion Med Plan $10.00 $90.00 $90.00 $25.00 $55.00 Med Plan $70.00 $70.00 $70.00 $70.00 $70.00 $70.00 $70.00 $70.00 $70.00 $70.00 $70.00 Med Plan Cost +$10.00 Cost +$10.00 Cost +$10.00 Cost +$10.00 Cost +$10.00 Cost +$10.00 Cost +$10.00 Cost +$10.00 Cost +$10.00 Cost +$10.00 Cost +$10.00 Cost +$10.00 Cost +$10.00 Cost +$10.00 Med Plan $12.50 $12.50 $12.50 $12.50 $12.50 $12.50 $12.50 $12.50 $12.50 Codes 73600 71010 71020 73070 73620 73090 73120 73500 73510 73520 73060 74020 72110 71100 73020 73030 73590 73100 73560 73550 73140 72040 72070 73562 70220 70260 70160 70110 70200 Codes 97010 97010 97012 97014 97018 97022 97026 97035 97039 97110 97112 97124 97139 97140 97140 E0217 E0218 97535 Codes 69210 88150 X Ray Procedures Ankle 2 views Chest PA Only Chest PA & LA Elbow 2 Views Foot 2 Views Forearm 2 Views Hand 2 Views Hip 1 Views Hip 2 views Hip Bilateral Humerus 2 views KUB 2 Views Lumbo Sacral Spine Ribs 2 views Shoulder 1 views Shoulder 2 views Tibia 2 views Wrist 2 views Calcaneus Femur Finger(s) Cervical Spine Thoracic Spine Knee Sinus Skull Series Nasal Bones Mandible Orbits Therapies Hot Pack Therapy Cold Pack Therapy Tractional Mechanical EMS (High Frequence) Paraffin Bath Whirpool Infrared Ultrasound Vibratory massage Therapeutic Exercise Neuromuscular Re-Education Massage Hydro massage Manual Therapy Manual Traction Water Circulating Cold Water Circulating Hot Self/Home Care Other Procedures Ear Lavage PAP Smear Med Plan $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 Med Plan $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $13.20 $10.00 $17.50 $57.00 $63.00 $47.00 $17.00 $65.00 $65.00 $91.00 $91.00 $41.00 Med Plan $5.00 $35.00 All immunizations will follow CDC protocols for age requirements. (See attached). Persons under the age of 19 years are elegible for Free Vaccines offered by VFC Program. Med Plan providers will charge our members $10.00 for the administration of each vaccine only. 24 MP . P/S . FS 01/13 MEDICAL CENTER / CENTRO MEDICO 7200 N.W 7TH ST, SUITE 202 Miami, Fl. 33126 Phone: 305-267-7784 Fax: 305-266-9939 CONVENIENT HOURS Nuestro Centro cuenta con un horario de atención que se ajusta a su conveniencia Hours / Horario Mon-Fri 8:00AM-7:00PM A CLINIC FOR OUR MEMBERS UNA CLINICA PARA NUESTROS MIEMBROS • Primary Physician / Médico Primario • Laboratory / Laboratorio • Ultrasound / Ultrasonido • X-Rays / Rayos X • Electrocardiogram / Electrocardiograma • Pharmacy / Farmacia Med Plan members will receive excellent health services aimed at detecting and preventing diseases by means of PREVENTIVE MEDICINE Nuestros miembros cuentan con excelentes servicios de salud especialmente pensados para detectar y prevenir a tiempo enfermedades mediante la MEDICINA PREVENTIVA CALL NOW FOR AN APPOINTMENT LLAME HOY PARA UNA CITA 305-267-7784 25 MEDICAL CENTER / CENTRO MEDICO 4218 East 4th ave Hialeah, Fl. 33013 Phone: (786) 409-4787 Hours / Horario Mon-Fri 9:00AM-6:00PM A CLINIC FOR OUR MEMBERS UNA CLINICA PARA NUESTROS MIEMBROS • • • • • CALL NOW FOR AN APPOINTMENT LLAME HOY PARA UNA CITA 26 Primary Physician / Médico Primario Laboratory / Laboratorio Ultrasound / Ultrasonido X-Rays / Rayos X Electrocardiogram / Electrocardiograma 786-409-4787 Medical Centers / Centros médicos Miami - Dade Gonzalez and Gonzalez. (Medical Center Family) 3804 NW 167th Street. Opa-Locka Fl. 33054 Phone: (305) 624-2700 Fax: (305) 624-3154 Services / Servicios: General Medicine, Psychiatrist Psiquiatry, Gynecology Opa Medical Center. (Medical Center Family) 1865 NE 163th Street. Miami, Fl. 33162 Phone: (305) 948-9958 Fax: (305) 948-9518 Services / Servicios: General Medicine Gynecology and Minor Surgery Ambert Medical Center. (Medical Center Family) 15495 Eagle Nest Ln Suite 100 Miami Lakes, Fl. 33016 Phone: (305) 556-0021 Fax: (305) 556-0071 Services / Servicios: General Medicine Pediactrics Florida Care Health Center. (Medical Center Family) 11300 NW 87th Court, Ste 141 Hialeah Gardens, Fl. 33018 Phone: (305) 364-8600 Fax: (305) 364-8604 Services / Servicios: General Medicine Vida Health Medical Center. (Medical Center Family) 881 East 2 ave Hialeah, Fl. 33010 Phone: (305) 882-1100 Fax: (305) 887-3273 Services / Servicios: General Medicine, Surgery, Angiology, Gastroenterology, Gynecology and Psychiatry Felicidad Medical Center (Medical Center Family) 4410 West. 16th Ave. # 55 Hialeah, Fl. 33013 Phone (305) 824-8559 Fax: (305) 824-8561 Services / Servicios: General Medicine, Internal Medicine, Loss Weight, Ultrasound Laboratory, Physical Therapy. Mon-Fri: 8am-9pm...Sat 8am-2pm Acevedo Medical Group. (Medical Center Family) 2525 NW 54th Street Miami, Fl. 33142 Phone: (305) 633-9090 Fax: (305) 633-9383 Services / Servicios: General Medicine St. John Clinic Medical Center. (Medical Center Family) 161 NW 29th Street. Miami, Fl. 33127 Phone: (305) 576-0231 Fax: (305) 573-1100 Services / Servicios: General Medicine, Pediatric Podiatric, Cardiovascular Gynecology, Orthopedic Medical Consulting Center. (Medical Center Family) 759 NW 22 ave Miami , Fl. 33125 Phone: (305) 649-0492 Fax: (305) 649-0496 Services / Servicios: General Medicine, .Ginecology Physicial Therapy Complete Medical Care. (Medical Center Family) 630 NW 33 Avenue Miami, Fl. 33125 Phone: (305) 649-6378 Fax: (305) 541-6077 Services / Servicios: General Medicine Hollistic Medical Center (Family Medicine) 6445 SW 8th St Miami, Fl. 33144 Phone: (305) 448-8557 Services / Servicios: General Medicine, Gynecology Ophthalmology Private Medical Center. (Medical Center Family) 10 NW 42th Ave. Suite 300 Miami, Fl. 33126 Phone: (305) 774-0742 Services / Servicios: General Medicine, Ginecology Pediatric, Cardiology, Dermathology, Internal Medicine. J.O. Medical Center. (Medical Center Family) 42 NW 27 ave Ste 303 Miami, Fl. 33125 Phone: (305) 642-7704 Services / Servicios: General Medicine International Medical Center (Medical Center Family) 1393 SW 1st Street, Suite 320 Miami Fl. 33135 Phone: (305) 644-0977 General Medicine ACN Physician Group 7490 SW 23 St, Ste 201 Miami, Fl. 33155 Phone: (786) 953-8221 Services / Servicios: General Medicine Delgado Pediatrics After Hours PA. (Medical Center Family) 7815 SW 24th Street, Suite 106 Miami, Fl. 33155 Phone: (305) 262-2467 Services / Servicios: Pediactric Anchor Medical Center. (Medical Center Family) 12781 SW 40th St # H Miami, Fl. 33175 Phone: (305) 229-3990 Fax: (305) 229-3880 Services / Servicios: General Medicine Hammocks Medical Center. (Medical Center Family) 15122 SW 72 Street. Miami Fl. 33193 Phone: (305) 383-3848 Services / Servicios: General Medicine Pediactrics 27 Medical Centers / Centros médicos All Family Care Inc. (Medical Center Family) 38 NW 8th Street. Homestead, Fl. 33030 Phone: (305) 246-0460 Services / Servicios: General Medicine Pediactrics Pediatrics Ass. of South Florida. 151 N.W 11th Street, Suite E-202 Homestead, Fl. 33030 Phone: (305) 245-3220 Fax: (305) 247-5849 Services / Servicios: Pediactrics Miami - Dade Homestead Medical Clinic PA. (Medical Center Family) 125 NE 8th Street, Suite 6 Homestead, Fl. 33030 Phone: (786) 243-1909 Services / Servicios: General Medicine Pediactrics Leal Medical Center 632 Washington Ave Homestead, Fl. 33030 Phone: (305) 246-1265 Fax: 305-938-5088 Services / Servicios: General Medicine Pediactrics Medical Centers / Centros médicos Emeril Health Medical Center. 4330 Sheridan Street, Suite 102 Hollywood, Fl. 33021 Phone: (954) 987-4455 Fax: (954) 964-7342 Services / Servicios: Internal Medicine Pines Care Medical Center, LLC. 301 NW 103 Ave, # 235 Pembroke Pines, Fl. 33026 Phone: (954) 251-1497 Fax: (954) 404-9537 Services / Servicios: General Medicine Internal Medicine Miramar Medical Center. 11904 Miramar Parkway Miramar, Fl. 33025 Phone: (954) 639-7560 Fax: (954) 639-7563 Services / Servicios: Medicina Interna, General Medicine, Rayos X Cardiology, Endocrinology Ultrasound Sunset Strip Medical Center. 4269 N.W.88 ave Sunrise Fl. 33351 Phone: (954) 578-0200 Services / Servicios: General Medicine, Gynecology Broward Medical Center of Davie. 255 SE 14 St Suite C-1 Ft. Lauderdale, Fl. 33316 Phone: (954) 321-9826 Fax: (954) 321-9660 Services / Servicios: Cardiology Urgent Care Center. (UrgentMed) 2337 S. University Drive Davie, Fl. 33324 Phone: 954-423-9234 Fax: (954) 423-9231 French, Italian & Creole Services / Servicios: General Medicine Pines Professional Campus 302 NW 179th St, Suite 103 Pembroke Pines Fl. 33029 Phone: (954) 442-8888 Services / Servicios: Pediatrics Medical Centers / Centros médicos Pediatrics by the Sea 285 SE 5th ave Delray Beach Fl. 33483 Phone: (561) 272-8991 Services / Servicios: Pediatrics Naples Health Care Inc. 4947 Tamiami Trail North Suite 206 Naples Fl. 34103 Phone: (239) 304-9290 SERVICES / SERVICIOS: Multi Specialist Practice, General Medicine, Gynecology Podiatry, Physical Therapy Palm Beach Johnson Medical Service 2531 N. Dixie Hwy Lakeworth Fl. 33460 Phone: (561) 582-0330 Services / Servicios: General Medicine, Pediatrics, Ophthalmology Medical Centers / Centros médicos 28 Broward Collier Medical Centers / Centros médicos Lee / Cape Coral Del Prado Medical Center. 2500 Del Prado Blvd South Cape Coral Fl. 33954 Phone: (239) 772-1194 / 1195 Services / Servicios: Multi Specialist Practice General Medicine, Gynecology, Podiatry Podiatría, Physical Therapy 29 SPECIALIST PHYSICIANS / ESPECIALISTAS Angiology / Angiólogo Miami-Dade Abdón S. Borges, M.D. 3990 West Flagler Suite #301 Miami, Fl. 33134 Phone: (305) 441-2400 1st Visit :$80 - Follow Up: $50 Alergist /Alergista Vicente A. Chavarria, M.D 1840 W. 49th Street, Suite 515 Hialeah, Fl. 33012 Phone: (305) 670-7006 1st Visit :$80 - Follow Up: $50 Miami-Dade Vicente A. Chavarria, M.D 7400 N. Kendall Dr., Suite 204 Miami, Fl. 33156 Phone: (305) 670-7006 1st Visit :$80 - Follow Up: $50 Anesthesiology / Anestesiólogo Miami-Dade Manuel A. Barbeito, M.D. (Pain Management) (South Florida Institute of Pain Management) 9370 Sunset Dr. Suite A-150 Miami, Fl. 33173 Phone: (305) 663-6681 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Audiology / Audiologia Palm Beach Ali A. Danesh, P.h.D.FAAA Labyrinth Audiology 1500 NW 10th ave #104 Boca Raton, Fl. 33486 Phone: (561) 807-7873 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $60 Cardiology / Cardiólogo Jorge Bordenave, M.D. (Med Plan Clinic) 7200 N.W. 7th St #202 Miami, Fl. 33126 Phone: (305) 267-7784 Fax: (305) 266-9939 1st Visit :$50 - Follow Up: $30 Mario R. Villoch, M.D. (AV Medical Center) 2075 SW 27 ave #101 Miami, Fl. 33145 Phone: (305) 856-6081 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Francisco Dieguez, M.D. 1435 West 49 Place, Suite 500 Hialeah, Fl. 33012 Phone: (305) 575-1776 Fax: (305) 575-1780 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Michelle Malow, M.D. (St. John Medical Center) 161 NW 29 Street. Miami, Fl. 33127 Phone: (305) 576-0231 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Mauricio Vargas, M.D. (7 years and Up) (Private Medical Center) 10 NW 42 Ave Suite 300 Miami, Fl. 33126 Phone: (305) 774-0742 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Guido A. Perez, MD 8756 SW 8 St, Miami, Fl. 33174 (Phone: (305) 554-1819 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Manuel A. Franco, MD 600 NW 35 ave, Suite 202 Miami, Fl. 33125 (Phone: (305) 631-9875 Fax: 305-631-9858 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 30 Miami-Dade Cardiology / Cardiología Broward Mian Hasan, MD 603 N Flamingo Road #150 Pembroke Pine, Fl. 33028 (Phone: (954) 436-6660 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $60 Maximo Fernandez, MD 100 NW 82nd ave #401 Plantation, Fl. 33324 (Phone: (954) 370-9402 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $60 Cardiology / Cardiología Broward Maximo Fernandez, MD 603 N Flamingo Road #150 Pembroke Pine, Fl. 33028 Phone: (954) 436-6660 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $60 Cardiology / Cardiología Palm Beach Mian Hasan, MD 100 NW 82nd ave #401 Plantation, Fl. 33324 (Phone: (954) 370-9402 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $60 Alfred G. Salas M.D. 2188 Jog Rd West Palm Beach, Fl. 33415 Phone: (561) 439-0850 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $60 Chiropractor / Quiropráctico Miami - Dade Dennis Kogut, DC. 9999 NE 2nd ave Ste # 303 Miami Shores, Fl. 33138 Phone: (305) 978-7680 Fax: (305) 757-6220 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Yolaris Garcia, DC. 11730 Biscayne Blv. #104 North Miami, Fl. 33181 Phone: (305) 981-0899 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 J. Macandrew Richardson, D.C. Palmetto Lakes Medical Center 2604 West 84th St Hialeah, Fl. 33016 Phone: (786) 452-1265 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Maria Del Campillo, DC. 3625 NW 82nd Ave. Suite 320 Doral, Fl. 33166 Phone: (305) 593-1555 Fax: (305) 593-1556 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Arturo Garcia, DC. Iris M. Garcia, D.C Danay Gonzalez, D.C Miami Back Center 3785 NW 82 ave #315 Miami, Fl. 33166 Phone: (305) 303-9306 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Aixa Goodrich, D.C. 7990 SW 117 Ave Suite 205 Miami, Fl. 33183 Phone: (305) 271-7447 Fax: (305) 271-7448 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 William Rojas, D.C 1890 SW 87th ave #104 Miami, Fl. 33155 Phone: (305) 264-8955 Fax: (305) 264-8948 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Chiropractor / Quiropráctico Jan Scott Buchholz, D.C. (Hands On Healthcare) 2901 West Oakland Park Blvd, Suite A-23 Ft. Lauderdale, Fl. 33311 Phone: (954) 731-8097 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $60 Broward David Shwartz, D.C. SFL Medical & Wellness Clinic) 5931 S. University Dr. Davie, Fl. 33328 Phone: (954) 252-3339 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $60 Chiropractor / Quiropráctico Palm Beach Milagros Alvarez, DC. Miami Back Center 2290 10 ave North #404 E Lakeworth, Fl. 33461 Phone: (561) 633-1026 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $60 Lee Charles Wolter, D.C. (Region Medical Center) 3900 Broadway Unit 1 Bldg A Fort Myers, Fl. 33976 Phone: (239) 288-5413 Fax: (239) 288-5418 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Chiropractor / Quiropráctico Gerardo Martinez, D.C. Naples Health Care, Inc. 4947 Tamiami Trail North Suite 206 Naples, Fl. 34103 Phone: (239) 304-9290 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Collier 31 Cosmetic Surgery / Cirugía Cosmética Constantine N. Kitsos, M.D. (Board certified plastic surgeon) (Seduction Cosmetic Center) 2500 NW 107 Ave #102 Doral, Fl. 33172 Phone: (305) 406-9055 Camille Chavez, M.D. (Board certified plastic surgeon) (Seduction Cosmetic Center) 2500 NW 107 Ave #102 Doral, Fl. 33172 Phone: (305) 406-9055 Patrick Abuzeni, M.D. (Board certified plastic surgeon) (Seduction Cosmetic Center) 2500 NW 107 Ave #102 Doral, Fl. 33172 Phone: (305) 406-9055 Manuel Lopez Prieto, M.D. (Board certified plastic surgeon) (Seduction Cosmetic Center) 2500 NW 107 Ave #102 Doral, Fl. 33172 Phone: (305) 406-9055 Dermatology / Dermatología Miami - Dade Horacio Leyva, M.D. (Board Certified Plastic Surgeon) (Seduction Cosmetic Center) 2500 NW 107 Ave #102 Doral, Fl. 33172 Phone: (305) 406-9055 (See price list, Page 94) Miami - Dade Jose E. Mendez, D.O. 1435 W 49 Place # 702 Hialeah, Fl. 33121 Phone: (305) 828-7504 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Jaime Garcia, M.D. 935 West 49 St #107 Hialeah, Fl. 33012 Phone: (305) 827-2268 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Mauricio Vargas, M.D. (Private Medical Center) 10 NW 42 Ave Suite 300 Miami, Fl. 33126 Phone: (305) 774-0742 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Maria Cartaya, M.D. 7805 Coral Way, Suite 131 Miami, Fl. 33175 Phone: (305) 261-4474 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Hector Wiltz, M.D. 11760 SW 40th Street Ste 451 Miami Fl. 33175 Phone: (305) 227-9233 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Hector Wiltz, M.D. (Eric W. Bussear M.P.H, PA-C) 151 NW 11 Street, Suite W-201 Homestead Fl. 33030 Phone: (305) 245-1332 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Josefa L. Binker, M.D. 70 NW 8 St Homestead, Fl. 33030 Phone: (305) 242-5225 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Hector Wiltz, M.D. (Eric W. Bussear M.P.H , PA-C) 7400 N. Kendall Drive Suite 411 Miami Fl. 33156 Phone: (305) 670-0178 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Dermatology / Dermatología Broward Jose E. Mendez, M.D. 12600 Pembroke Road # 312 Miramar, Fl. 33027 Phone: (954) 431-7681 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $60 Endocrinology / Endocrinología Alexander A. Miranda, M.D. Juventus Medical Center, Inc. 1165 W 49th St # 208 Hialeah, Fl. 33012 Phone: (305) 512-5480 1st Visit :$90 - Follow Up: $75 Juan A. Enriquez, M.D. (Clinic Center Inc) 3800 W 12 Ave Hialeah, Fl. 33012 Phone: (305) 557-7777 1st Visit :$90 - Follow Up: $75 Carlos Barrera, M.D. 7400 North Kendall Dr., Suite 617 Miami, Fl. 33156 Phone: (305) 670-0576 1st Visit :$90 - Follow Up: $75 Carlos Barrera, M.D. 151 NW 11th Street, Ste 102-B Homestead, Fl. 33030 Phone: (305) 670-0576 1st Visit :$90 - Follow Up: $75 Endocrinology / Endocrinología Emilio Castañeda (Miramar Medical Center) 11904 Miramar Parkway Miramar, Fl. 33025 Phone: (954) 639-7560 1st Visit :$90 - Follow Up: $75 32 Miami - Dade Noel Lezama, M.D. (Clinic Center Inc) 3800 W 12 Ave Hialeah, Fl. 33012 Phone: (305) 557-7777 1st Visit :$90 - Follow Up: $75 Broward Endocrinology / Endocrinología Alfred G. Salas M.D. 2188 Jog Rd West Palm Beach, Fl. 33415 Phone: (561) 439-0850 1st Visit :$80 - Follow Up: $50 Palm Beach Emilio Castañeda M.D. Guadalupe Medical Center 4469 S. Congress Ave, Ste 106 Lakeworth, Fl. 33461 Phone: (561) 642-0268 1st Visit :$90 - Follow Up: $75 ENT / Otorrino Miami - Dade Maria T. llopiz, M.D. (Otolaryngologist ENT / Otorrino) 330 SW 27 ave Suite 603 Miami Fl. 33155 Phone: (305) 649-5455 1st Visit :$80 - Follow Up: $50 Gastroenterology / Gastroenterólogo Orlando Torres, M.D. 4791 W 4 ave Hialeah, Fl. 33012 Phone: (305) 825-0500 Fax: (305) 825-5557 Servicios: All Included Endoscopía $ 530.00 Colonoscopía $ 675.00 Sigmoidoscopía $ 400.00 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $50 Juan Sarol, M.D. (Vida Health Centers) 881 E 2nd ave Hialeah, Fl. 33010 Phone: (305) 882-1100 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Internal Medicine / Medicina Interna Miami - Dade Juan C. Sarol, M.D. 87 E 49 St Hialeah, Fl. 33013 Phone: (786) 536-5001 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Carlos A. Selema, M.D. 747 Ponce de Leon #510 Coral Gables, Fl. 33134 Phone: (305) 443-2611 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Miami - Dade Mayre Urdaneta, M.D. 8060 NW 155th Street Ste 201 Miami Lakes, Fl. 33016 Phone: (305) 826-0606 Fax: (305) 826-0630 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Mauricio Vargas, M.D. (Private Medical Center) 10 NW 42 Ave Suite 300 Miami, Fl. 33126 Phone: (305) 774-0742 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Margarita del Val, M.D. (MD Health Care and Rehabilitation) 14750 NW 77 Ct # 106 Miami Lakes, Fl. 33016 Phone: (305) 698-4000 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Felix A. Rodriguez, M.D. (American Family Health Center) 1840 W. 49 St, Ste 425 Hialeah, Fl. 33012 Phone: (305) 231-8996 Fax: (305) 231-8433 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Humberto Hernandez, M.D. (General Medicine) 5875 NW 163 St Miami Lakes, Fl. 33014 Phone: (305) 885-3111 Fax: (305) 364-7147 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Gonzalo Gonzalez, M.D. 10550 NW 77 Ct #303 HIaleah Gardens 33016 Phone: (305)-863-2233 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Odalys Frontela, M.D. F.F.C.P 801 West 48th Street, Suite A Hialeah, Fl. 33012 Phone: (305) 698-7172 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Otneil Hernandez, DNP, ARNP. (Felicidad Medical Center) 4410 West. 16th Ave. # 55 Hialeah, Fl. 33013 Phone (305) 824-8559 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Maray Rocher, M.D. 87 E 49 ST Hialeah, Fl. 33013 Phone: (786) 536-5001 Fax: (786) 536-5535 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Juan Sarol, M.D. 87 E 49 ST Hialeah, Fl. 33013 Phone: (786) 536-5001 Fax: (786) 536-5535 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Noel E. Lezama, M.D. Florida Medical Center 1501 Nw 36 St Miami, Fl. 33142 Phone: (786) 378-8200 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Juan Miguel Fernandez, M.D. 2322 NW 28 St Miami, Fl. 33142 Phone: (305) 633-3667 Fax: (305) 633-3664 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Gonzalo Gonzalez, M.D. (Medical Health and Research Inc) 6854 W Flagler St Miami Fl. 33144 Phone: (786) -310-7697 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Alejandro de la Cruz, M.D. 9600 SW 8th ST #30 Miami, Fl. 33144 Phone: (305) 831-2789 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Renato Dominguez, M.D. (Salud Medical Center) 1338 SW 8th St Miami, Fl. 33135 Phone: (305) 854-4443 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 33 Internal Medicine / Medicina Interna Silvia M, Robalino, M.D. Ambert Medical Canter 15495 Eagle Nest Ln #100 Miami Lakes, Fl. 33016 Phone: (305) 556-0021 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Joseph Thevenin, M.D. 9635 SW 181 Terrace. Miami, Fl. 33157 Phone: (305) 238-8561 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Ramses Vega, M.D. 3720 SW 107 ave Miami, Fl. 33165 Phone: (305) 554-4270 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Juan Miguel Fernandez, M.D. 9600 SW 8 St #30 Miami, Fl. 33174 Phone: (305) 633-3667 Fax: (305) 633-3664 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Miami - Dade José Padrón, M.D. 2601 SW 37 Ave, Suite 906 Miami, Fl. 33133 Phone: (305) 569-0010 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Internal Medicine / Medicina Interna Mario R. Villoch, M.D. (AV Medical Center) 2075 SW 27 ave #101 Miami, Fl. 33145 Phone: (305) 856-6081 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Broward Herbert Pardell, DO. Emeril Health Medical Center 4330 Sheridan Street, Suite 102 Hollywood, Fl. 33021 Phone: (954) 987-4455 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $60 Carlos Vallin, M.D. Miramar Medical Center 11904 Miramar Parkway Miramar, Fl. 33025 Phone: (954) 639-7560 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $60 Emilio Castañeda, M.D. Miramar Medical Center 11904 Miramar Parkway Miramar, Fl. 33025 Phone: (954) 639-7560 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $60 Emilio A. Pando, M.D. 12781 Miramar Parkway #206 Miramar, Fl. 33027 Phone: (954) 450-0228 Fax: 954-450-7399 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $60 Santiago Cardenas ,M.D. (General & Internal Medicine) Pines Care Medical Center, LLC 301 NW 103 Ave, # 235 Pembroke Pines, Fl. 33026 Phone: (954) 251-1497 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $60 Karen Prida, M.D. (General & Internal Medicine) Pines Care Medical Center, LLC 301 NW 103 Ave, # 235 Pembroke Pines, Fl. 33026 Phone: (954) 251-1497 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $60 Jayner Moya, M.D. (General & Internal Medicine) Pines Care Medical Center, LLC 301 NW 103 Ave, # 235 Pembroke Pines, Fl. 33026 Phone: (954) 251-1497 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $60 Internal Medicine / Medicina Interna Jean-Luc Michel, M.D. 1800 Forest Hill Blvd Suite B-9 West Palm Beach, Fl. 33406 Phone: (561) 968-7288 Fax: (561) 968-7488 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $60 Immacula Michel, M.D. 1800 Forest Hill Blvd Suite B-9 West Palm Beach, Fl. 33406 Phone: (561) 968-7288 Fax: (561) 968-7488 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $60 Alfred G. Salas M.D. 2188 Jog Rd West Palm Beach, Fl. 33415 Phone: (561) 439-0850 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $60 Emilio Castañeda M.D. Guadalupe Medical Center 4469 S. Congress Ave, Ste 106 Lakeworth, Fl. 33461 Phone: (561) 642-0268 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $60 Internal Medicine Alfonso Garcia, M.D. Naples Health Care, Inc. 4947 Tamiami Trail North Suite 206 Naples, Fl. 34103 Phone: (239) 304-9290 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 34 Palm Beach Mario F. Guillen M.D. 6300 S. Dixie Hwy #101 West Palm Beach, Fl. 33405 Phone: (561) 296-1116 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $60 Collier Rodolfo Freyre, M.D. 12264 Tamiami Trail East, Suite 203 Naples, Fl. 34113 Phone: (239) 304-9071 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $60 Jose Francisco Perez, M.D. 12264 Tamiami Trail East, Suite 203 Naples, Fl. 34113 Phone: (239) 304-9071 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $60 Internal Medicine Lee Alfonso Garcia, M.D. Del Prado Medical Center. 2500 Del Prado Blvd South Cape Coral Fl. 33954 Phone: (239) 772-1194 / 1195 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Nephrology / Nefrología Guibel Perera, M.D. 10710 SW 38 St Miami, Fl. 33165 Phone: (305) 392-1000 1st Visit :$80 - Follow Up: $50 Miami - Dade Jorge L. Posada, M.D. 747 Ponce de Leon Blvd # 605 Coral Gables, Fl. 33134 Phone: (305) 445-4535 1st Visit :$80 - Follow Up: $50 Luis Garcia-Mayol, M.D. 747 Ponce de Leon Blvd # 605 Coral Gables, Fl. 33134 Phone: (305) 445-4535 1st Visit :$80 - Follow Up: $50 Neurology / Neurologia Martha Bustamante, M.D (Pediatric Neurology) 4160 W. 16 Ave. Suite 100 Hialeah, Fl. 33012 Phone: (305) 826-5655 1st Visit :$80 - Follow Up: $50 Miami - Dade Sonia V. Tolgyesy, M.D. (Neurology) (Kendall South Medical Center)) 2433 SW 147 ave Miami, Fl. 33185 Phone (305) 388-1118 1st Visit :$80 - Follow Up: $50 Neurology / Neurologia Broward Christopher Pham, M.D. (Neurology) 12651 West Sunrise Blvd #102 Sunrise, Fl. 33323 Phone (954) 271-2307 1st Visit :$80 - Follow Up: $50 Diagnostic Center of Neurological Studies Neurology Mobile System Associates, Inc 7374 SW 93 ave, Suite 201 Miami, Fl. 33173 Phone: 305-270-7771 Fax: 305-270-7775 See procedures and fee schedule of this center only in the chart below PROCEDURE Soft-Tissue Ultrasound Neurological Studies DESCRIPTION Cervical Soft Tissue Spinal Canal & Contents Extremities Leg / Arm NCS Upper Motor NCS Upper Motor + F-Wave NCS Upper Sensory NCS Lower Motor NCS Lower Motor + F-Wave NCS Lower Senory EEG - Electroencephalogram BAER - Brainstem Auditory Evoked Response VER - Visual Evoked Response VEP - Visual Evoked Potential EMG - 1 Extremity EMG - 2 Extremities EMG - 3 Extremities EMG - 4 Extremities Orbucularis Ocull - Blink MP. NS .FS 01/13 CPT ODES 76536 76800 76880 95900 95903 95904 95900 95903 95904 95819 92585 92280 95930 95860 95861 95863 95864 95933 Fees $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $125.00 $125.00 $125.00 $125.00 $125.00 $125.00 $150.00 $125.00 $125.00 $125.00 $130.00 $180.00 $225.00 $275.00 35 Ophthalmology / Oftalmología Salomon Esquenazi, M.D. Andrés E. Cortés, M.D. (Laser & Cataract Institute) 202 East 49 Street. Hialeah, Fl. 33013 Phone: (305) 558-7895 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Osvaldo Caffa M.D. (Ophthalmology) 900 West 49th Street, Ste 300 Hialeah, Fl. 33012 Phone: (305) 823-6525 Fax: (305) 823-6527 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Salomon Esquenazi, MD Andrés E. Cortés, M.D. (Laser & Cataract Institute) 2441 SW 37 Avenue. Miami, Fl. 33145 Phone: (305) 442-0066 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Arnulfo Mansur, MD (Laser & Cataract Institute) 202 East 49 Street. Hialeah, Fl. 33013 Phone: (305) 558-7895 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Orthopedics / Ortopedia Joel Aronowicz M.D. (Ophthalmology) 900 West 49th Street, Ste 300 Hialeah, Fl. 33012 Phone: (305) 823-6525 Fax: (305) 823-6527 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Miami - Dade Carlos Roig, M.D. (Orthopedic Medicine & Surgery) (St. John Medical Center) 161 NW 29 Street, Miami, Fl. 33127 Phone: (305) 576-0231 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Gustavo Torres, M.D. (Orthopedic Medicine & Surgery) 900 West 49th Street, Suite 450 Hialeah, Fl. 33012 Phone: (305) 821-4020 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Ignacio Calvo, M.D. (Orthopedic Medicine & Surgery) 777 East 25 Street, Suite 508 Hialeah, Fl. 33013 Phone: (305) 696-7772 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Manuel Frade, M.D.P.A 8080 West Flagler St, Ste 1B Miami, Fl. 33144 Phone: (305) 262-8280 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Arnaldo V. Lopez, M.D. (Orthopedic Medicine & Surgery) 1545 S.W 1St Street, Suite 200 Miami, Fl. 33135 Phone: (305) 541-3230 Fax: (305) 541-1650 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Alejandro de la Cruz, M.D. 9600 SW 8th ST #30 Miami, Fl. 33144 Phone: (305) 831-2789 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Rigoberto Reguero, M.D. (Orthopedic Medicine & Surgery) 5450 SW 8th St, Ste 203 Coral Gables, Fl. 33134 Phone: (305) 649-1700 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Ignacio Calvo, M.D. (Orthopedic Medicine & Surgery) 1800 SW 27 Ave, Ste 400 Miami, Fl. 33145 Phone: (305) 856-7411 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Jose L Ponce de Leon, M.D. (Orthopedic / Ortopédico) 3501 SW 107 ave Miami, Fl. 33165 Phone: (305) 229-1227 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Podiatry / Podiatría 36 Miami - Dade Miami - Dade Luis Eiver, D.P.M Hialeah Foot Center. 4410 West 16 Ave #53 Hialeah, Fl. 33012 Phone: (305) 558-7437 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Nguyen Phu, D.P.M. 3661 S. Miami Ave. Suite 309 Miami, Fl. 33133 Phone: (305) 854-6600 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Yanssel Delgado, D.P.M. 5590 W 20 Ave Suite # 404 Hialeah, Fl. 33016 Phone: (305) 819-9240 / 9239 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Richard Mallia, D.P.M. (St. John Medical Center) 161 NW 29 Street. Miami, Fl. 33127 Phone: (305) 576-0231 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Joaquin Fernandez, D.P.M. 605 SW 57 Avenue. Miami, Fl. 33144 Phone: (305) 269-8223 Fax: (305) 262-0554 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Oscar Barreto, D.P.M. (D.P.M., F.A.C.F.A.S). 7975 NW 154th Street, Ste 390 Miami Lakes, Fl. 33016 Phone: (305) 825-5633 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Juliette Perez, D.P.M. (Perfect Feet Care Podiatry Center) 13651 SW 26th Street. Miami, Fl. 33175 Phone: (305) 225-4277 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Michel L. Bertelle, D.P.M. (Perfect Feet Care Podiatry Center) 13651 SW 26th Street. Miami, Fl. 33175 Phone: (305) 225-4277 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Flavia Inesta, D.P.M. 1797 SW 3 ave Miami, Fl. 33129 Phone: (305) 856-4454 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Podiatry / Podiatría Miami - Dade Riquel Gonzalez, D.P.M Private Medical Center. 10 NW 42th Ave. Suite 300 Miami, Fl. 33126 Phone: (305) 774-0742 1st Visit: $60 - Follow Up: $40 Juliette Perez, D.P.M. 922 North Crome Ave Homestead, Fl. 33030 Phone: (305) 246-4440 Fax: (305) 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Juliette Perez, D.P.M. 4410 W 16 ave #53 Hialeah, Fl. 33012 Phone: (305) 558-7437 Fax: (305) 558-1881 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Joanna Arroyo-Rivera, D.P.M. 4410 W 16 ave #53 Hialeah, Fl. 33012 Phone: (305) 558-7437 Fax: (305) 558-1881 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Podiatry / Podiatría Joanna Arroyo-Rivera, D.P.M. 922 North Crome Ave Homestead, Fl. 33030 Phone: (305) 246-4440 Fax: (305) 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Collier Angel Garcia, D.P.M. Naples Health Care Inc. 4947 Tamiami Trail North Suite 206 Naples Fl. 34103 Phone: (239) 304-9290 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $60 Podiatry / Podiatría Nelson Gonzalez, D.P.M. (Podiatry) Del Prado Medical Center. 2500 Del Prado Blvd South Cape Coral Fl. 33954 Phone: (239) 772-1194 / 1195 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $60 Lee / Cape Coral Riquel Gonzalez, D.P.M. (Podiatry) 35 Barkley Circle #2 Fort Myers Fl. 33907 Phone: (239) 362-0527 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $60 Psychiatry / Psiquiatría Miami - Dade Jose C. Lopez-Escobar, M.D. (Florida Medical Center) 1501 NW 36 St Miami, Fl. 33142 Phone: (786) 378-8200 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Evelyn Lopez Brignom, M.D. (Adults and Children ) Miami Community Health Center 2260 SW 8 ST, Suite 300 Miami, Fl. 33135 Phone: (305) 643-0535 / (305) 767-5635 Fax: (305) 642-9360 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Carlos Pérez, M.D. (Vida Health Centers) 881 E 2nd ave Hialeah, Fl. 33010 Phone: (305) 882-1100 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Silvia R. Silva-Duluc, M.D. (Healthy Connections CMHC, Inc) 2780 SW 37th ave, Suite 206 Miami, Fl. 33133 Phone: (305) 646-0112 Fax: 305-646-0113 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Sonia V. Tolgyesy, M.D. (Kendall South Medical Center)) 2433 SW 147 ave Miami, Fl. 33185 Phone (305) 388-1118 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Jose G. Valladares, M.D. (Healthy Connections CMHC, Inc) 2780 SW 37th ave, Suite 206 Miami, Fl. 33133 Phone: (305) 646-0112 Fax: 305-646-0113 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Psychology / Psicología Yelena Inguanzo, PH.D Felicidad Medical Center 4410 W 16 ave Suite 55 Hialeah, Fl. 33012 Phone: (305) 824-8559 1st Visit :$100 - Follow Up: $75 Miami - Dade Mercedes Llenin, M.D. 5600 SW 135 Ave, Suite 116 Miami, Fl. 33183 Phone: (305) 387-7850 1st Visit :$100 - Follow Up: $75 Amelie Bethart-Tejera PH,D 5600 SW 135 Ave, Suite 116 Miami, Fl. 33183 Phone: (305) 387-7850 1st Visit :$100 - Follow Up: $75 37 Psychology / Psicología Miami - Dade Prince R. Drago, M.D. (Healthy Connections CMHC, Inc) 2780 SW 37th ave, Suite 206, Miami, Fl. 33133 Phone: (305) 646-0112 Fax: 305-646-0113 1st Visit :$100 - Follow Up: $75 Psychology / Psicología Broward Maria Moncayo, M.D. 10406 Taft St Pembroke Pines, Fl. 33138 Phone: (954) 436-3880 1st Visit :$100 - Follow Up: $75 Psychology / Psicología Collier Calixto Garcia, M.D. (Psychologist) Naples Health Care Inc. 4947 Tamiami Trail North Suite 206 Naples Fl. 34103 Phone: (239) 304-9290 1st Visit :$100 - Follow Up: $75 Psychology / Psicología Lee / Cape Coral Calixto Garcia, M.D. (Psychologist) Del Prado Medical Center. 2500 Del Prado Blvd South Cape Coral Fl. 33954 Phone: (239) 772-1194 / 1195 1st Visit :$100 - Follow Up: $75 Pulmonology / Neumología Miami - Dade Humberto Hernandez, M.D. (Pulmonary Medicine) 5875 NW 163 St Miami Lakes, Fl. 33014 Phone: (305) 885-3111 Fax: (305) 364-7147 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Surgery / Cirugía Miami - Dade Consulta de Orientación Quirúrgica Dr. Félix Dolorit (Surgery Coordinator). 1900 SW 22 St Suite 404 Miami Fl. 33145 Phone:(305) 854-3949 Consulta de Coordinación FREE. Urology / Urología Luis Sabogal, M.D. (Urology / Urología) 1800 SW 27 Avenue, Suite 402 Miami, Fl. 33145 Phone: (305) 445-2404 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 38 Luis F. Maggiolo, M.D. (Urlogy / Urología) 747 Ponce de Leon Blvd # 502 Coral Gables, Fl. 33134 Phone: (305) 444-2858 Fax: 305-448-3346 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Miami - Dade Eduardo Guzman, M.D. (Urology / Urología) 1800 SW 27 Avenue, Ste 402 Miami, Fl. 33145 Phone: (305) 445-2404 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $40 Juan B Suarez, M.D. (Urology / Urología) 5450 SW 8th St #204 Miami, Fl. 33134 Phone: (305) 443-8041 Fax: (305) 444-2054 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $60 URGENT CARE CENTERS At Med Plans contracted Urgent Care Centers, you’ll find experienced professionals who firmly believe everyone deserves access to affordable medical care. If you or a family member is experiencing life-threatening illness or injury-such as major head trauma, chest pain, severe abdominal pain, or loss of consciousness – you should go directly to an Emergency Room (ER). See the list below for guidance on what situations require ER treatment. • Falls from greater than 7 feet • Loss of consciousness • Infants less than 6 months of age or with a temperature greater than 103 degrees • Pregnancy bleeding or complications • Life-threatening allergic reactions • Severe burns • Severe choking (cannot breathe or talk) • Severe abdominal pain • Signs or symptoms of stroke or heart attack • Amputation of a body part • Near drowning • Electrical shock • Open or angulated fractures CENTROS DE URGENCIAS Med Plan tiene contratados “Centros de Cuidado de Urgencias” donde usted encontrará un servicio rápido, económico y eficiente ofrecido por profesionales experimentados que creen firmemente que todos merecen tener acceso a la atención médica. Si usted o algún miembro de la familia está sufriendo una enfermedad potencialmente mortal o lesiones - como: Traumatismos craneales importantes, Dolor torácico, Dolor abdominal intenso o pérdida de la conciencia debe ir directamente a una sala de emergencias (ER). Vea la lista a continuación para obtener orientación sobre las situaciones que requieren un tratamiento (ER). • Caídas de más de 7pies de altura. • Pérdida de conciencia. • Los bebés menores de seis meses de edad o con una temperatura superior a 103 grados. • Sangrado o complicaciones de embarazo. • Reacciones alérgicas que puedan poner en peligro la vida • Quemaduras graves • Asfixia severa que le impide respirar o hablar • Dolor abdominal severo • Signos o síntomas de derrame cerebral o ataque al corazón • Pérdida o desmembramiento de una parte del cuerpo • Si usted está a punto de ahogarse • Una descarga eléctrica • Fracturas abiertas o anguladas Urgent Care Centers / Centros de Urgencia Med Clinic Health Care 10800 NW 58th St. Doral Fl. 33178 Phone: (305) 477-4475 Fax: (305) 477-4487 Language: English / Spanish HOURS OF OPERATION: MON – FRI 10AM – 10:00PM SAT – SUN 10:00AM – 10:00PM Elite Health & Rehabilitation. 1949 W. 68th St Hialeah, Fl. 33014 Phone: (305) 698-0806 Fax: (305) 698-2325 Language: English / Spanish HOURS OF OPERATION: MON – FRI 8:AM – 6:00PM SAT – 8:00AM – 2:00PM Campbell Urgent Care. 1855 NE 8th Street. Homestead, Fl. 33033 Phone: (305) 242-8025 Fax: (305) 245-1839 HOURS OF OPERATION: MON – FRI 8:00AM – 8:00PM SAT – SUN 10:00AM – 4:00PM Paradisus Medical Center 4410 West. 16th Ave. # 55 Hialeah, Fl. 33013 Phone (305) 824-8559 Fax: (305) 824-8561 HOURS OF OPERATION: MON – FRI 8:00AM – 9:00PM SAT 8:00AM – 2:00PM Miami - Dade South Florida Urgent Care (Urgent Care) 5590 W 20 Ave # 100 Hialeah Fl. 33016 Phone: (305) -827-3303 HOURS OF OPERATION: MON – FRI 8:00AM – 8:00PM 39 Urgent Care Centers / Centros de Urgencia Urgent Care Center. (UrgentMed) 2337 S. University Drive Davie, Fl. 33324 Phone: 954-423-9234 Fax: (954) 423-9231 Medicaid Rates after 5:00 PM. HOURS OF OPERATION: MON – FRI 9:00AM – 9:30PM SAT – 9:00AM – 5:00PM Broward Pines Professional Campus (Urgent Care) 302 NW 179 ave # 103 Pembroke Pines, Fl. 33029 Phone: (954) 442-8380 HOURS OF OPERATION: MON – FRI 9:00AM – 9:00PM SAT-SUN 9:00AM – 6:00PM Urgent Care Centers / Centros de Urgencia Palm Beach SBM Rehab. Medical Center 6300 S. Dixie Hwy #101 West Palm Beach, Fl. 33405 Phone: (561) 296-1116 Fax: (561) 296-1118 HOURS OF OPERATION: MON – FRI 9:00AM – 7:00PM URGENT CARE FEE SCHEDULE Tier One (Basic Visit) includes: $60.00 • Any and all levels of service, including initial visits and established patient visits. • Instant test(s) performed at the center. - Urine dip. - Instant strep - Mono - Flu - Pregnancy - Hemoccult - Glucose - HIV Tier Two (Intermediate Visit) includes: $120.00 • Tier One (Basic Visit) above PLUS - X-Rays of single body area performed in the center. - Injection of pain meds or antibiotics. - Vaccine administration (vaccine charged as exclusion below) - Venipuncture or specimen collection for any lab outside reference lab (lab test charged as exclusion below) Tier Three (Advanced Visit) includes: • Tier Two (Intermediate Visit) PLUS • Single procedures performed in the center including but not limited to: - Nebulizer treatment - Laceration repair. - Burn dress/debride - Foreign body removal - Cast / Splint application - IV Therapy - EKG 40 $145.00 DENTAL SERVICES / SERVICIOS DENTALES Med Plan offers exclusive pricing to all our members consisting of: • Simple Cleanings that include Oral Examination, X-Rays, Topical anesthesia, for only $49 (Code 1110). For persons under the age of 16 this service is provided for $35 (Code 1120). All minors will receive topical fluoride treatment included with their cleaning. • Deep cleanings are provided at $75 per quadrant (Code 4341) which include oral examination, complete x-rays, and anesthesia. This service does not include panoramic x-rays. All minors will receive topical fluoride treatment included with their cleaning. DEEP CLEANING PROCEDURE MAY REQUIRE THE USE OF ARESTIN AS PART OF THIS SERVICE. THE PATIENT MAY BE PROVIDED AN ALTERNATIVE ORAL ANTIBIOTIC AT A LESSER COST. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Los proveedores de servicios dentales asociados a MedPlan están ofreciendo precios exclusivos a nuestros miembros. Entre los más destacados están: • • Limpieza Simple que incluye Examen Oral, Rayos X, Anesthesia, todo por el precio de $49.00 para adultos (Código 1110) y $35.00 para menores de 16 años (Código 1120). En el caso de los menores de 16 años se le incluye también la aplicación de fluoride anticarie. Limpieza Profunda en una dentadura completa por $75.00 el cuadrante (Código 4341). Si la dentadura está incompleta el precio a pagar será de $60.00 (Código 4342). Dicha limpieza incluye Examen Oral, Rayos X (no panorámicos), Anesthesia. En el caso de los menores de 16 años se le incluye también la aplicación de fluoride anticarie. • EL USO DE ANTIBIOTICO ARESTIN EN EL PROCEDIMIENTO DE LA LIMPIEZA ES DECISION PERSONAL DEL PACIENTE. EL PACIENTE TIENE COMO ALTERNATIVA EL USO DE OTRO ANTIBIOTICO RECOMENDADO POR EL DENTISTA. Dentistry / Odontología Miami - Dade Med Dental Associated Inc. 7200 NW 7St Suite 333 Miami, Fl. 33126 Phone: 305-264-0063 Fax: 305-264-0065 Ronald Askowitz DDS. Beautiful Smile LLC 1871 NE 163rd St North Miami Beach, Fl. 33162 Phone: (305) 945-7030 America Dental Clinic 3631 SW 87 Ave Miami, Fl. 33165 Phone: (305) 485-8427 Fax: (305) 9485-8429 Hialeah Dental Care 4240 W 16 ave Hialeah, Fl. 33012 Phone: (305) 823-1882 World Dental Care Corp 1370 East 4 Ave Hialeah, Fl. 33010 Phone: (305) 888-1458 Ernesto Quezada, DDS. Dental Group of South Florida II 11336 SW 184 St Miami, Fl. 33157 Phone: (305) 251-4262 DENTAL GROUP OF SOUTH FLORIDA 101 West Ward Dr Miami Springs, Fl. 33166 Phone: (305) 885-1357 Maria J. Alvarez, DDS. Dental Group of South Florida II 11336 SW 184 St Miami, Fl. 33157 Phone: (305) 251-4262 Dentistry / Odontología Life Dental Care Corp. 123 N Powerline Rd. Derfield Beach, Fl. 33442 Phone: (954) 429-8840 Fax: 954-429-8842 Dentistry / Odontología Broward Pines Dental Care Inc. 17868 NW 2 ST Pembroke Pines, Fl. 33029 Phone: (954) 538-0047 Fax: 954-538-0924 Palm Beach Mario Hernandez, DDS. 6815 South Dixie Hwy West Palm Beach, Fl. 33405 Phone: (561) 585-5891 Fax: 561-586-6014 MP. D. FS 01/13 41 DENTISTRY FEE SCHEDULE SPECIAL FEES FOR DENTAL SERVICES PROVIDED EXCLUSIVELY AT: MED DENTAL ASSOCIATES, INC 7200 NW 7 ST, SUITE 333 MIAMI, FL 33126 PHONE: (305) 264-0063 FAX: (305) 264-0065 CODE D 0150 D 0210 D 1110 D 2330 D 1203 D 1204 D 7110 DESCRIPTION Comprehensive Oral Evaluation (1 anually) Full Mouth X-Rays (1 anually) Simple Prophylaxis (1 anually) Single Restoration Per Surface (1 anually) Topical Application of Fluoride - Child (1 anually) Topical Application of Fluoride - Adult (1 anually) Single Tooth Extraction (1 anually) CODE D 2330 D 2331 D 2332 D 2335 D 7110 D 3310 D 3320 D 3330 D 2952 D 2750 D 2740 D 4341* D 4342 D 5110 D 5120 D 5213 D 5214 DESCRIPTION Single Restoration Per Surface Resin Based Composite Filling Two Surface Anterior Resin Based Composite Filling - Three Surfaces Anterior Resin Based Composite Filling - Four or more surfaces anterior Simple Extraction Root Canal Anterior Root Canal – Bicuspid Root Canal - Molar Cast post/core in addition to crown Crown porcelain fused to high noble metal Crown porcelain ceramic Periodontal scaling and root planing/quad Periodontal scaling and root planing - 1 to 3 teeth per quadrant Complete denture - Maxillary Complete Denture - Mandibular Maxillary Partial Denture - Cast Metal Framework with Resin Denture Bases Mandibular Partial Denture - Cast Metal Framework with Resin Denture Bases FEE $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 FEE $45.00 $55.00 $65.00 $75.00 $60.00 $350.00 $450.00 $550.00 $120.00 $395.00 $450.00 $60.00 $45.00 $375.00 $375.00 $395.00 $395.00 The fees of the procedures not listed in the above chart can be found in the following pages. El costo de los procedimientos dentales que no aparecen en la lista anterior se encuentran en las paginas siguientes. New members will be able to access these services in Med Dental from the third month of their membership. Los miembros podrán disfrutar de estos servicios en Med Dental a partir del tercer mes de su afiliación * Periodontal scaling and root planing of 4 quadrant cost $240.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE If you have a dental emergency and need to see a dentist, please visit any dental clinic listed in the previous page. Med Dental does not provide emergency dental assistance to Med Plan Members. Si a usted se le presenta alguna emergencia dental, visite cualquiera de las clinicas dentales en la pagina anterior. Med Dental no ofrece servicios dentales de emergencia a nuestros miembros. 42 MP. D. FS 01/13 GENERAL DENTISTRY FEE SCHEDULE ADA CODES D0120 D0140 D0150 D0160 D0170 D0180 D0210 D0220 D0230 D0240 D0250 D0260 D0270 D0272 D0330 D0340 D0350 D0460 D0470 D1110 D1120 D1201 D1203 D1204 D1310 D1320 D1330 D1351 D1510 D1515 D1520 D1525 D1550 D2330 D2331 D2332 D2335 D2391 D2392 D2393 D2394 D2410 D2420 D2430 D2510 D2520 D2530 D2542 D2543 D2544 D2610 D2620 D2630 D2642 D2643 D2644 D2650 D2651 D2652 D2662 D2663 D2664 D2710 MP. D. FS 01/13 DESCRIPTION PERIODIC ORAL EXAM LIMITED ORAL EVALUATION-PROBLEM FOCUSED COMPREHENSIVE ORAL EVAL-NEW OR ESTABLISHED PATIENT DETAILED & EXTENSIVE EVAL-PROBLEM FOCUSED RE-EVALUATION-LIMITED, PROBLEM FOCUSED COMPREHENSIVE PERIODONTAL EVALUATION RADIOGRAPHY/DIAGNOSTIC DENTISTRY X-RAY - INTRAORAL - COMPLETE SERIES (INCLUDING BITEWINGS) X-RAY - INTRAORAL - PERIAPICAL FIRST FILM X-RAY - INTRAORAL - PERIAPICAL EACH ADDITIONAL FILM X-RAY - INTRAORAL - OCCLUSAL FILM X-RAY - EXTRAORAL - FIRST FILM X-RAY - EXTRAORAL - EACH ADDITIONAL FILM X-RAY - BITEWING- SINGLE FILM X-RAY - BITEWING - 2 FILMS NOT TO BE TAKEN IF 274 WAS DONE W/IN PRIOR 6 MOS PANORAMIC FILM CEPHALOMETRIC FILM, NON-ORTHODONTIC DIAGNOSTIC PHOTOGRAPHS PULP VITALITY TEST DIAGNOSTIC CASTS PREVENTIVE DENTISTRY ROUTINE PROPHYLAXIS ADULT (ONCE EVERY 6 MONTHS) ROUTINE PROPHYLAXIS - CHILDREN UNDER 16 YRS (ONCE EVERY 6 MONTHS) TOPICAL APPLICATION OF FLOURIDE FOR CHILDREN UNDER 16 TOPICAL APPLICATION OF FLOURIDE FOR CHILDREN UNDER 16 TOPICAL APPLICATION OF FLOURIDE FOR ADULTS NUTRITIONAL COUNSELING FOR CONTROL OF DENTAL DISEASE TOBBACO COUNSELING FOR CONTROL & PREVENTION OF ORAL DISEASES ORAL HYGIENE INSTRUCTIONS APPLICATION OF SEALANT PER TOOTH - CHILDREN UNDER 16 SPACE MAINTAINER - FIXED SPACE MAINTAINER - FIXED SPACE MAINTAINER - REMOVABLE SPACE MAINTAINER - REMOVABLE RE-CEMENTATION OF SPACE MAINTAINER RESIN-BASED COMPOSITE - 1 SURFACE, ANTERIOR RESIN-BASED COMPOSITE - 2 SURFACES, ANTERIOR RESIN-BASED COMPOSITE - 3 SURFACES, ANTERIOR COMPOSITED RESIN - 4 OR MORE SURFACES RESIN - BASED COMPOSITE - 1 SURFACE, POSTERIOR RESIN-BASED COMPOSITE - 2 SURFACES, POSTERIOR RESIN-BASED COMPOSITE - 3 SURFACES, POSTERIOR RESIN-BASED COMPOSITE - 4 OR + SURFACES, POSTERIOR GOLD FOIL - 1 SURFACE GOLD FOIL - 2 SURFACES GOLD FOIL - 3 SURFACES INLAY - METALLIC - 1 SURFACE INLAY - METALLIC - 2 SURFACES INLAY - METALLIC - 3 OR MORE SURFACES ONLAY - METALLIC - 2 SURFACES ONLAY - METALLIC - 3 SURFACES ONLAY - METALLIC - 4 OR MORE SURFACES INLAY - PORCELAIN/CERAMIC - 1 SURFACE INLAY - PORCELAIN/CERAMIC - 2 SURFACES INLAY - PORCELAIN/CERAMIC - 3 OR MORE SURFACES ONLAY - PORCELAIN/CERAMIC - 2 SURFACES ONLAY - PORCELAIN/CERAMIC - 3 SURFACES ONLAY - PORCELAIN/CERAMIC - 4 OR MORE SURFACES INLAY - RESIN - BASED COMPOSITE - 1 SURFACE INLAY - RESIN - BASED COMPOSITE - 2 SURFACES INLAY - RESIN - BASED COMPOSITE - 3 OR MORE SURFACES ONLAY - RESIN - BASED COMPOSITE - 2 SURFACES ONLAY - RESIN - BASED COMPOSITE - 3 SURFACES ONLAY - RESIN - BASED COMPOSITE - 4 OR MORE SURFACES CROWN - RESIN (INDIRECT) Fees NO CHARGE $10.00 $20.00 NO CHARGE NO CHARGE $15.00 $30.00 $15.00 NO CHARGE NO CHARGE NO CHARGE NO CHARGE NO CHARGE NO CHARGE $25.00 $75.00 $20.00 $10.00 $25.00 $49.00 $35.00 NO CHARGE NO CHARGE $20.00 NO CHARGE NO CHARGE NO CHARGE $15.00 $120.00 $175.00 $160.00 $250.00 $25.00 $60.00 $70.00 $80.00 $90.00 $60.00 $70.00 $80.00 $90.00 $75.00 $95.00 $125.00 $300.00 $320.00 $340.00 $325.00 $330.00 $355.00 $325.00 $350.00 $375.00 $395.00 $415.00 $445.00 $195.00 $250.00 $275.00 $250.00 $275.00 $290.00 $210.00 43 GENERAL DENTISTRY FEE SCHEDULE ADA CODES D2720 D2721 D2722 D2740 D2750 D2751 D2752 D2780 D2781 D2782 D2783 D2790 D2791 D2792 D2799 D2910 D2920 D2930 D2931 D2932 D2933 D2940 D2950 D2951 D2952 D2953 D2954 D2955 D2957 D2960 D2961 D2962 D2970 D2980 D3110 D3120 D3220 D3221 D3230 D3240 D3310 D3320 D3330 D3331 D3346 D3347 D3348 D3950 D4211 D4220 D4240 D4241 D4245 D4341 D4342 D4355 D4381 D4910 D5110 D5120 D5211 D5212 D5213 44 MP. D. FS 01/13 DESCRIPTION CROWN - RESIN WITH HIGH NOBLE METAL CROWN - RESIN WITH PREDOMINNATLY BASE METAL CROWN - RESIN WITH NOBLE METAL CROWN - PORCELAIN/CERAMIC SUBSTRATE CROWN - PORCELAIN FUSED TO HIGH NOBLE METAL CROWN - PORCELAIN FUSED TO PREDOMINANTLY BASE METAL CROWN - PORCELAIN FUSED TO NOBLE METAL CROWN - 3/4 CAST HIGH NOBLE METAL CROWN - 3/4 CAST PREDOMINANTLY BASE METAL CROWN - 3/4 CAST NOBLE METAL CROWN - 3/4 PORCELAIN/CERAMIC CROWN - FULL CAST HIGH NOBEL METAL CROWN - FULL CAST PREDOMINANTLY BASE METAL CROWN - FULL CAST NOBLE METAL PROVISIONAL CROWN RECEMENT INLAY RECEMENT CROWN PREFABRICATED STAINLESS STEEL CROWN-PRIMARY TOOTH PREFABRICATED STAINLESS STEEL CROWN-PERMANENT TOOTH PREFABRICATED RESIN CROWN PREFABRICATED STAINLESS STEEL CROWN WITH RESIN WINDOW SEDATIVE FILLING CORE BUILDUP, INCLUDING ANY PINS PIN RETENTION - PER TOOTH, IN ADDITION TO RESTORATION CAST POST & CORE IN ADDITION TO CROWN EACH ADDITIONAL CAST POST - SAME TOOTH PREFABRICATED POST & CORE IN ADDITION TO CROWN POST REMOVAL (NOT IN CONJUNTION WITH ENDODONTIC THERAPY) EACH ADDITIONAL PREFABRICATED POST - SAME TOOTH LABIAL VENEER (RESIN LAMINATE) - CHAIRSIDE LABIAL VENEER (RESIN LAMINATE) - LABORATORY LABIAL VENEER (PORCELAIN LAMINATE) - LABORATORY TEMPORARY CROWN (FRACTURED TOOTH) CROWN REPAIR/ When crown and/or bridgework exceeds six(6) consecutive units, there will be an additional charge of $30.00 per unit. ENDODONTICS SERVICES PULP CAP-DIRECT (EXCLUDING FINAL RESTORATION) PULP CAP-INDIRECT (EXCLUDING FINAL RESTORATION) THERAPEUTIC PULPOTOMY (EXCLUDING FINAL RESTORATION) PUPAL DEBRIDEMENT, PRIMARY AND PERMANENT TEETH PUPAL THERAPY (RESORB FILLING) - ANTERIOR, PRIMARY PUPLAM THERAPY (RESORBABLE FILLING) - POSTERIOR, PRIMARY ROOT CANAL THERAPY - ANTERIOR ROOT CANAL THERAPY - BICUSPID ROOT CANAL THERAPY - MOLAR TREATMENT OF ROOT CANAL OBSTRUCTION, NON-SURGICAL ACCESS RETREAT, PREV RCT - ANTERIOR RETREAT, PREV RCT - BICUSPID RETREAT, PREV RCT - MOLAR CANAL PREPARATION AND FITTING OF PREFORMED DOWEL OR POST PERIODONTICS SERVICES GINGIVECTOMY/GINGIVOPLASTY - 1 TO 3 TEETH, PER QUAD GINGIVAL CURETTAGE PER QUADRANT EXCLUDING ROOT PLANNING GINGIVAL FLAP PROCEDURE- 4 OR MORE GINGIVAL FLAP PROCEDURE - 1 TO 3 TEETH PER QUAD APICALLY POSITIONED FLAP PERIODONTAL SCALING & ROOT PLANING - 4 OR MORE CONTIGUOUS TEETH PERIODONTAL SCALING $ ROOT PLANING - 1 TO 3 TEETH, PER QUAD FULL MOUTH DEBRIDEMENT TO ENABLE COMPREHENSIVE EVALUATION LOCAL DELIVERY ANTIBIOTIC (ARESTIN) PERIODONTAL MAINTENANCE COMPLETE DENTURE - MAXILLARY BASIC COMPLETE DENTURE - MANDIBULAR BASIC MAXILLARY PARTIAL DENTURE - RESIN BASE (INCLUDING CLASPS) MANDIBULAR PARTIAL DENTURE - RESIN BASE (INCLUDING CLASPS) PARTIAL DENTURE - MAXILLARY CAST METAL - ACRYLIC Fees $455.00 $405.00 $425.00 $595.00 $495.00 $495.00 $495.00 $530.00 $410.00 $520.00 $550.00 $699.00 $525.00 $580.00 $50.00 $25.00 $25.00 $95.00 $95.00 $95.00 $145.00 $40.00 $85.00 $20.00 $155.00 $105.00 $125.00 $30.00 $30.00 $205.00 $260.00 $425.00 $50.00 $95.00 $25.00 $25.00 $75.00 $95.00 $80.00 $90.00 $395.00 $495.00 $595.00 $85.00 $495.00 $595.00 $695.00 $75.00 $50.00 $75.00 $325.00 $250.00 $150.00 $75.00 $60.00 $80.00 $30.00 $55.00 $495.00 $495.00 $450.00 $450.00 $575.00 GENERAL DENTISTRY FEE SCHEDULE ADA CODES D5214 D5410 D5411 D5421 D5422 D5510 D5520 D5610 D5620 D5630 D5640 D5650 D5660 D5710 D5711 D5720 D5721 D5730 D5731 D5740 D5741 D5750 D5751 D5760 D5761 D5810 D5811 D5820 D5821 D5850 D5851 D5862 D6210 D6211 D6212 D6240 D6241 D6242 D6245 D6740 D6750 D6751 D6752 D6780 D6781 D6782 D6783 D6790 D6791 D6792 D6930 D6950 D6970 D6971 D6972 D6973 D6975 D7110 D7140 D7310 D7320 D7510 D9215 DESCRIPTION PARTIAL DENTURE - MANDIBULAR VAST METAL - ACRYLIC ADJUSTMENT - COMPLETE DENTURE - MAXILLARY ADJUSTMENT - COMPLETE DENTURE - MANDIBULAR ADJUSTMENT - PARTIAL DENTURE - MAXILLARY ADJUSTMENT - PARTIAL DENTURE - MANDIBULAR REPAIR BROKEN COMPLETE DENTURE BASE REPLACE BROKEN TOOTH - COMPLETE DENTURE (EACH TOOTH) REPAIR DENTURE RESIN BASE REPAIR CAST FRAMEWORK REPAIR OR REPLACE BROKEN CLASP REPAIR BROKEN TEETH - PER TOOTH ADD TOOTH TO EXISTING PARTIAL DENTURE ADD CLASP TO EXISTING PARTIAL DENTURE REBASE COMPLETE MAXILLARY DENTURE REBASE COMPLETE MANDIBULAR CENTURE REBASE MAXILLARY PARTIAL DENTURE REBASE MANDIBULAR PARTIAL DENTURE RELINE COMPLETE MAXILLARY DENTURE (CHAIRSIDE) RELINE COMPLETE MANDIBULAR DENTURE (CHAIRSIDE) RELINE PARTIAL COMPLETE MAXILLARY DENTURE (CHAIRSIDE) RELINE PARTIAL COMPLETE MANDIBULAR DENTURE (CHAIRSIDE) RELINE COMPLETE MAXILLARY DENTURE (LABORATORY) RELINE COMPLETE MANDIBULAR DENTURE (LABORATORY) RELINE PARTIAL MAXILLARY DENTURE (LABORATORY) RELINE PARTIAL MANDIBULAR DENTURE (LABORATORY) INTERIM COMPLETE DENTURE - MAXILLARY INTERIM COMPLETE DENTURE - MANDIBULAR INTERIM PARTIAL DENTURE - MAXILLARY INTERIM PARTIAL DENTURE - MANDIBULAR TISSUE CONDITIONING - MAXILLARY TISSUE CONDITIONING - MANDIBULAR PRECISION ATTACHMENT PROSTHODONTICS - FIXED PONTIC - CAST HIGH NOBLE METAL PONTIC - CAST PREDOMINANTLY BASE METAL PONTIC - CAST NOBLE METAL PONTIC - PORCELAIN FUSED TO HIGH NOBLE METAL PONTIC - PORCELAIN FUSED TO PREDOMINANTLY BASE METAL PONTIC - PORCELAIN FUSED TO NOBLE METAL PONTIC - PORCELAIN/CERAMIC CROWN - PORCELAIN/CERAMIC CROWN - PORCELAIN FUSED TO HIGH NOBLE METAL CROWN - PORCELAIN FUSED TO PREDOMINANTLY BASED METAL CROWN - PORCELAIN FUSED TO NOBLE METAL CROWN - 3/4 CAST HIGH NOBLE METAL CROWN - 3/4 CAST PREDOMINANTLY BASED METAL CROWN - 3/4 CAST NOBLE METAL CROWN - 3/4 PORCELAIN/CERAMIC CROWN - FULL CAST HIGH NOBLE METAL CROWN - FULL CAST PREDOMIANTLY BASED METAL CROWN - FULL CAST NOBLE METAL RECEMENT FIXED PARTIAL DENTURE PRECISION ATTACHMENT CAST POST & CORE ADDITION TO FIXED PARTIAL DENTURE RETAINER CAST POST AS PART OF A FIXED PARTIAL DENTURE RETAINER PREFABRICATED POST & CORE IN ADDITION TO FIXED PARTIAL DENTURE CORE BUILD UP FOR RETAINER, INCLUDING PINS COPING - METAL ORAL SURGERY SINGLE TOOTH EXTRACTION EXTRACTION OF ERUPTED TOOTH OR EXPOSED ROOT ALVEOLOPLASTY WITH EXTRACTIONS - PER QUADRANT ALVEOLOPLASTY WITHOUT EXTRACTIONS - PER QUADRANT INCISION AND DRAINAGE OF ABSCESS - INTRAORAL SOFT TISSUE LOCAL ANESTHESIA MP. D. FS 01/13 Fees $575.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $75.00 $70.00 $50.00 $55.00 $55.00 $45.00 $65.00 $75.00 $195.00 $195.00 $175.00 $175.00 $85.00 $85.00 $65.00 $65.00 $150.00 $150.00 $110.00 $110.00 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $55.00 $55.00 $150.00 $400.00 $400.00 $400.00 $400.00 $400.00 $400.00 $595.00 $595.00 $495.00 $495.00 $495.00 $530.00 $510.00 $520.00 $510.00 $495.00 $495.00 $495.00 $40.00 $150.00 $125.00 $125.00 $125.00 $95.00 $95.00 $70.00 $70.00 $95.00 $130.00 $55.00 NO CHARGE 45 GENERAL DENTISTRY FEE SCHEDULE ADA CODES D9230 D9630 D9940 D9950 D9951 D9952 MISCELLANOUS SERVICES ANALGESIA NITROUS OXIDE PER 1/2 hour ORAL IRRIGATION/OTHER DRUGS/MEDICAMENT PER QUAD OCCLUSAL GUARD OCCLUSAL ANALYSIS - MOUNTED CASE OCCLUSAL ADJUSTMENT - LIMITED OCCLUSAL ADJUSTMENT - COMPLETE Fees $20.00 $10.00 $195.00 $75.00 $25.00 $150.00 DENTAL SPECIALTIES FEE SCHEDULE ADA CODES ED3310 ED3320 ED3330 ED3346 ED3347 ED3348 ENDODONTICS Fees ROOT CANAL THERAPY - ANTERIOR ROOT CANAL THERAPY - BICUSPID ROOT CANAL THERAPY - MOLAR RETREAT, PREV RCT - ANTERIOR RETREAT, PREV RCT - BICUSPID RETREAT. PREV RCT - MOLAR $695.00 $775.00 $925.00 $750.00 $825.00 $1,125.00 D4210 D4249 D4260 D4263 D4264 D4266 D4275 D7953 D7960 GINGIVECTOMY 4 OR + PER QUADRANT CLINIC CROWN LENGTHEN - HARD TISSUE OSSEOUS SURGERY 4 OR + PER QUADRANT BONE REPLACE GRAFT - 1ST SITE/QU BONE REPLACE GRAFT - EACH ADD/QU GUIDED TISS REGEN-RESORB-PER SOFT TISSUE ALLOGRAFT RB-PER BONE REPL GRAFT RIDGE PRSV/SITE FRENULECTOMY - SEPARATE PROCEDURE $450.00 $800.00 $900.00 $650.00 $500.00 $900.00 $1,200.00 $400.00 $500.00 D7210 D7220 D7230 D7240 D7241 D7250 D7285 D7286 EXTRACTION - SURGICAL/ERUPT TOOTH EXTRACTION - IMPACTEDL/SOFT TISSUE EXTRACTION - IMPACTEDL/PART BONY EXTRACTION - IMPACTED/COMPLBONY (Cordales) REMOV IMPACT - COMP BONY W/COMP SURGIC REMOVL RESID TOOTH ROOT BIOPSY OF ORAL TISSUE - HARD (BONE, TOOTH) BIOPSY OF ORAL TISSUE - SOFT (ALL OTHER) BIOPSY LAB D8080 D8090 COMPREHENSIVE ORTHO, ADOLESCENT COMPREHENSIVE ORTHO, ADULT $3,490.00 $3,490.00 SURG PLACE IMPLANT, ENDOSTEAL COMPLETED CROWN IMPLANT OVERDENTURE UPPER WITH 4 IMPLANTS OVERDENTURE LOWER WITH 3 IMPLANTS $1,200.00 $1,950.00 $4,650.00 $3,650.00 D6010 D6010/D6059 D0000 D0000 PERIODONTICS ORAL SURGERY ORTHODONTICS IMPLANTS $240.00 $300.00 $395.00 $450.00 $500.00 $250.00 $120.00 $95.00 $50.00 *The basic cleaning does not apply if you have any periodontal disease. * The dental procedures not listed in your pricing list will apply to a discount of 25%. The dentists and specialists are the only responsible parties for the treatment and its charges. Med Plan is not responsible for payments nor for orthodontics indications performed by the dentists or specialists associated with our plan. 46 MP. D. FS 01/13 In the following vision centers, Med Plan members will receive a comprehensive eye exam(s) at $35 per visit which includes: • Vision Evaluation. • Intraocular Pressure Evaluation to check for Glaucoma. • Dilated Eye Exam to determine eye health and to look for disease such as high blood pressure and diabetes. • External eye health evaluation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------En los siguientes centros de visión, los miembros de Med Plan recibirán un (1) examen ocular completo con un costo de $35.00 por visita que incluye: • Evaluacion de la vista - (Optometría) • Evaluación de la Presión Intraocular para verificar evidencia de glaucoma. • Dilatación de la pupila para determinar la salud y para identificar enfermedades tales como presión alta o diabetes. • Evaluación externa para determinar la salud de los ojos. Optical & Vision Centers / Centros Opticos Miami - Dade (SOUTH FLORIDA VISION). ** Harrold Forrest, O.D James Hagen, O.D Martha Alfonso, O.D. (Navarro Pharmacy # 32) 366 East 4th Avenue. Hialeah, Fl. 33010 Phone: (305) 888-9910 (SOUTH FLORIDA VISION). ** Martha Alfonso, OD. Harrold Forrest, OD. James Hagen OD. (Navarro Pharmacy # 25) 11865-A SW 26th Street. Miami, Fl. 33175 Phone: (305) 552-9100 / (305) 225-4004 (VISION CENTER OPTICA). ** Gerald D. Furnari O.D. F.A.A.O. Robert L. Lofton O.D. F.A.A.O. Patrick F. Vecchio O.D. F.A.A.O. 948 N. Krome Ave Homestead Fl. 33030 Phone: (305) 247-2331 (TRIANGLE VISION CENTER.) *** (Vision Center/ Optica) 1750 West 39 Place Hialeah, Fl. 33012 Phone: (305) 490-3816 (OPTICA ARIAS). ** (Vision Center/ Optica) 9160 NW 122th Street, Suite 28 Hialeah Gardens , Fl. 33018 Phone: (305) 512-4408 Vision World Optical Corp. (Vision Center/ Optica) 7367 SW 8th Street Miami , Fl. 33144 Phone: (305) 265-7778 Call for Appointment (AVENTVISION) ** (Vision Center/ Optica) 31 NW 27th Ave Miami Fl. 33125 Phone: (786) 452-8544 Call for appointment (FABRICA DE ESPEJUELOS) ** (Vision Center/ Optica) 1100 W Flagler St Miami Fl. 33130 Phone: (305) 545-8433 Call for appointment Liset Optical, Inc (Vision Center/ Optica) 4306 SW 8th Street Miami , Fl. 33144 Phone: (305) 444-0535 Call for Appointment Note: ( ** ) Evaluation includes Intraocular Exam to Detect Glaucoma, Diabetes and High Blood Pressure. Nota: ( ** ) La evaluación incluye Examen Intraocular para verificar si hay Glaucoma, Diabetes y Presión Alta. Note: ( *** ) Evaluation does NOT include Intraocular Exam to Detect Glaucoma, Diabetes and High Blood Pressure. Nota: ( *** ) La evaluación NO incluye Examen Intraocular para verificar si hay Glaucoma, Diabetes y Presión Alta. 47 Optical & Vision Centers / Centros Opticos Broward (SOUTH FLORIDA VISION). ** Eric Dupuis, OD. Christopher Boalding, OD. Laurie Lesser, OD. 2551 South University Drive Davie, Fl. 33324 Phone: (954) 370-5883 Fax: (954) 370-8799 (SOUTH FLORIDA VISION). ** Eric Dupuis, OD. Christopher Boaldin, OD. Robert Coppola, OD. 2900 W. Cypress Creek Rd. # 1 Ft. Lauderdale Fl. 33309 Phone: (954) 979-2191 Fax: (954) 979-8988 (SOUTH FLORIDA VISION). ** Mirian Faraq, OD. Christopher Boaldin, OD. Jerrold Mills, OD. 3181 North State Rd. # 7 Margate Fl. 33063 Phone: (954) 974-7695 Fax: (954) 974-4211 (SOUTH FLORIDA VISION). ** Laura DeMarco, OD. 1666 East Oakland Park Blvd.. Ft. Luderdale Fl. 33334 Phone: (954) 566--1404 Fax: (954) 566-0291 (SOUTH FLORIDA VISION). ** Christopher Boaldin, OD. Harold Forrest, OD. Laurie Lesser, OD. 12538 Pines Blvd. Pembroke Pines, Fl. 33027 Phone: (954) 430-4030 (SOUTH FLORIDA VISION). ** Robert Coppola, OD. Christopher Boaldin, OD. 1205 S. Powerline Rd. Pompano Beach, Fl. 33069 Phone: (954) 977-6636 Fax: (954) 977-3822 Optical & Vision Centers / Centros Opticos Palm Beach (SOUTH FLORIDA VISION). ** Ashley Nochomson, OD. Karen Puchalski, OD. Miriam Farag, OD. 9851- B South Military Trail. Boynton Beach, Fl. 33436 Phone: (561) 742-8701 Fax: (561) 742-4212 (SOUTH FLORIDA VISION). ** Christopher Boaldin, OD. 143 N. Powerline Road Deerfield Beach, Fl. 33442 Phone: (954) 429-9600 Fax: (954) 429-9956 (SOUTH FLORIDA VISION). ** Ronie Zaruches, OD. 143 N. Powerline Road Deerfield Beach, Fl. 33442 Phone: (954) 429-9600 Fax: (954) 429-9956 (SOUTH FLORIDA VISION). ** Mitchell Biderman, OD. Karen Puchalski, OD. Lori Raynor, OD. 6618 West. Atlantic Ave. Delray Beach, Fl. 33446 Phone: (561) 498-5007 Fax: (561) 496-3088 (SOUTH FLORIDA VISION). ** Mitchell Biderman, OD. Christopher Boaldin, OD. Lori Raynor, OD. Ashley Nochomson, OD. 6266 S. Congress Ave. # 9 Lantana, Fl. 33462 Phone: (561) 966-9000 (SOUTH FLORIDA VISION). ** Karen Puchalski, OD. Jason Aronson, OD. 2905-G N. Military Trail West Palm Beach, Fl. 33409 Phone: (561) 684-5548 Fax: (561) 684-6229 Optical & Vision Centers / Centros Opticos (ST. LUCIE VISION CENTER). ** Mitchell Biderman, OD. ** 10077 South Federal Hwy. Port St. Lucie, Fl. 34952 Phone: (772) 398-3244 Fax: (772) 398-8090 Note: ( ** ) Evaluation includes Intraocular Exam to Detect Glaucoma, Diabetes and High Blood Pressure. Nota: ( ** ) La evaluación incluye Examen Intraocular para verificar si hay Glaucoma, Diabetes y Presión Alta. Note: ( *** ) Evaluation does NOT include Intraocular Exam to Detect Glaucoma, Diabetes and High Blood Pressure. Nota: ( *** ) La evaluación NO incluye Examen Intraocular para verificar si hay Glaucoma, Diabetes y Presión Alta. 48 St. Lucie VISION AND OPTICAL FEE SCHEDULE TARIFAS DE SERVICIOS OPTICOS SOUTH FLORIDA VISION** EYE EXAM BIFOCAL LENSE FITTING SINGLE VISION $35.00 Single Vision Contact Lense Fitting: $60.00 $35.00 Frames and Standard Lenses Standard Stock CR-39 Standard Stock CR-39 Standard Stock CR-39 Standard Select Progressive Bifocal Transition Lens Transition Progressive Lens 39 (Single Vision) $35.00 (Bi-Focal FT-28) $35.00 (Tri focal 7x28) $45.00 (Bi-Focal) $60.00 $80.00 $90.00 VISION CENTER** EYE EXAM BIFOCAL LENSE FITTING SINGLE VISION $30.00 Single Vision Contact Lense Fitting: $60.00 $35.00 Frames and Standard Lenses Standard Stock CR-39 Standard Stock CR-39 Standard Stock CR-39 Standard Select Progressive Bifocal Transition Lens Transition Progressive Lens 39 (Single Vision) $35.00 (Bi-Focal FT-28) $30.00 (Tri focal 7x28) $40.00 (Bi-Focal) $55.00 $80.00 $90.00 OPTICA ARIAS** EYE EXAM BIFOCAL LENSE FITTING SINGLE VISION $30.00 Single Vision Contact Lense Fitting: $60.00 $35.00 Frames and Standard Lenses Standard Stock CR-39 Standard Stock CR-39 Standard Stock CR-39 Standard Select Progressive Bifocal Transition Lens Transition Progressive Lens 39 (Single Vision) $35.00 (Bi-Focal FT-28) $30.00 (Tri focal 7x28) $40.00 (Bi-Focal) $55.00 $80.00 $90.00 TRIANGLE VISION CENTER *** EYE EXAM BIFOCAL LENSE FITTING SINGLE VISION $30.00 Single Vision Contact Lense Fitting: $60.00 $30.00 Frames and Standard Lenses Standard Stock CR-39 Standard Stock CR-39 Standard Stock CR-39 Standard Select Progressive Bifocal Transition Lens Transition Progressive Lens 39 (Single Vision) $35.00 (Bi-Focal FT-28) $30.00 (Tri focal 7x28) $40.00 (Bi-Focal) $55.00 $80.00 $90.00 (**) Evaluation includes an intraocular exam to detect Glaucoma, Diabetes and High Blood Pressure. La evaluación incluye un examen intraocular para verificar si hay Glaucoma, Diabetes y Presión alta. (***) Evaluation does NOT include an intraocular exam to detect Glaucoma, Diabetes and High Blood Pressure. La evaluación NO incluye un examen intraocular para verificar si hay Glaucoma, Diabetes y Presión alta. MP.V.FS 01/13 49 CLINICAL LABS / LABORATORIOS CLINICOS Over One thousand “1000” Lab tests available 80% of the tests are priced below $20.00. Five Complementary Lab tests free for all Med Plan members and their family once a year. Included tests are: • CBC. • Comprehensive Metabolic Panel. • Lipid Profile. • TSH • Urinalysis. All Laboratories require that the tests being requested are ordered by a licensed healthcare professional that is authorized to practice medicine in the State of Florida. The order must be written in a Physicians prescription or on the Laboratories requisition form that is signed by the ordering physician. All Laboratory results will be sent to the office of the Physician or Specialist that has ordered the test. This procedure is to protect the confidential information regarding the outcome or the test results. De las pruebas de laboratorio disponibles, el 80% de su totalidad están bajo precios fijos. MedPlan ha coordinado con sus laboratorios asociados que ofrecen precios preferenciales a nuestros miembros en varios exámenes y además cinco (5) exámenes complementarios cada año sin costo alguno para usted. • CBC. • Panel metabólico completo. • Perfil de lípitdos. • TSH (Tiroides) • Análisis de orina. Todos los laboratorios requieren que los exámenes que se solicitan hayan sido previamente indicados por un profesional de la salud con licencia que le autoriza a ejercer la práctica de la medicina en el Estado de la Florida. La indicación del examen debe estar escrita en una receta médica o en su lugar en el formulario de solicitud establecida para los Laboratorios y firmada por el médico que la indica. Todos los laboratorios cumplirán el procedimiento legal establecido de confidencialidad del paciente y para proteger este derecho enviaran los resultados de su/s examen a la oficina de su doctor. Clinical Labs / Laboratorio Clínico Miami - Dade Complete Bio Solutions 7200 NW 7 ST # 202 Miami, Fl. 33126 Phone: (305) 267-7784 Veni puncture Fee: $10.00 Complete Bio Solutions 4218 E 4th Ave Hialeah, Fl. 33013 Phone: (786) 409-4787 Veni puncture Fee: $10.00 Complete Bio Solutions 900 West 49th St, Suite 308 Hialeah, Fl. 33012 Phone: (305) 558-9902 Veni puncture Fee: $10.00 Complete Bio Solutions 1149 NW 27 AVE Miami, Fl. 33135 Phone: (305) 642-1588 Veni puncture Fee: $10.00 Complete Bio Solutions 11825 Coral Way Miami, Fl. 33186 Phone: (305) 225-6622 Veni puncture Fee: $10.00 Complete Bio Solutions 2546 West 6th ave Hialeah, Fl. 33010 Phone: (305) 477-6520 Veni puncture Fee: $5.00 Complete Bio Solutions Leal Medical Center 632 Washington Ave Homestead, Fl. 33030 Phone: (305) 246-1265 Veni puncture Fee: $10.00 50 Clinical Labs / Laboratorio Clínico Broward First Quality Laboratory 11460 Interchange Circle North Miramar, Fl. 33025 Phone: (954) 430-4424 Home Blood Collection $15.00 (Call For Appointment) Lab and Doctor’s Office Collection $10.00 Clinical Labs / Laboratorio Clínico First Quality Laboratory 11460 Interchange Circle North Miramar, Fl. 33025 Phone: (954) 430-4424 Home Blood Collection $15.00 (Call For Appointment) Lab and Doctor’s Office Collection $10.00 First Quality Laboratory 6300 S.Dixie Hwy #101 West Palm Beach, Fl. 33405 Phone: (561) 296-1116 Venipuncture Fee $10 Palm Beach First Quality Laboratory 220 S.Dixie Hwy #4 Lakeworth, Fl. 33460 Phone: (561) 429-5086 Venipuncture Fee $10 Clinical Labs / Laboratorio Clínico Complete Bio Solutions (Only Venipuncture/Sólo extracción de sangre) (Tuesdays 8:30 am to 1:00 pm) (Martes 8:30 am - 1:00 pm) 4947 Tamiami Trail N Suite # 206 Naples, Fl. 34103 Phone: 239-304-9290 Clinical Labs / Laboratorio Clínico Collier Complete Bio Solutions Clinica Los Angeles 5038 Coronado Pkwy Naples, Fl. 34116 Phone: (239) 234-6835/6948 Fax: 239-331-2362 Venipuncture: $10.00 Lee / Cape Coral Venipuncture Center for Med Plan Members at a cost of $10.00 only on Mondays. Centro habilitado para la extraccion de sangre a los miembros de Med Plan con un costo de $10.00. Este servicio se ofrece sólo los Lunes. Del Prado Medical Center. 2500 Del Prado Blvd South Cape Coral Fl. 33954 Phone: (239) 772-1194 / 1195 Clinical Labs / Laboratorio Clínico Orange Venipuncture Center for Med Plan Members at a cost of $10.00 ECCO LAB GROUP 1130 South Semoran Blvd Orlando, Fl. 32807 Phone: (407) 480-2938 ANNUAL FREE PANELS (5 per member) AT ALL ECCO LAB GROUP AND VENIPUNCTURE FOR $10. Clinical Labs / Laboratorio Clínico Hillsborough Venipuncture Center for Med Plan Members at a cost of $10.00 ECCO LAB GROUP 2801 Waters Ave Suite B-1 Tampa, Fl. 33614 Phone: (813) 932-9525 Contact: Nadina Rodriguez ANNUAL FREE PANELS (5 per member) AT ALL ECCO LAB GROUP AND VENIPUNCTURE FOR $10. 51 ANNUAL HEALTH SCREEN LAB / EXAMENES DE LABORATORIO ANUAL Med Plan offers all its members a group of essential blood exams to ensure you stay healthy and strong. These tests are provided once a year for each member of your family. Med Plan ofrece a todos sus miembros un grupo esencial de examenes de sangre con el objetivo de asegurar que se mantengan fuertes y saludables. Estos exámenes son efectuados a cada miembro de la familia una vez al año. Tests Provided / Examenes ofrecidos Complete Blood Count (CBC). It measures the following: Conteo completo de células sanguíneas (CBC). The number of red blood cells (RBC count) The number of white blood cells (WBC count) The total amount of hemoglobin in the blood The fraction of the blood composed of red blood cells (hematocrit) Average red blood cell size (MCV) Hemoglobin amount per red blood cell (MCH) The amount of hemoglobin relative to the size of the cell (hemoglobin concentration) per red blood cell (MCHC) Conteo completo de células sanguíneas o “CBC”, cuenta la cantidad de glóbulos rojos, glóbulos blancos y plaquetas que hay en la sangre. Además de los conteos de células sanguíneas, muchas sustancias químicas en la sangre pueden indicar el nivel de funcionamiento de otras partes del cuerpo, por ejemplo el hígado, los riñones, el corazón y los pulmones. Comprehensive Metabolic Panel. It measures: How your kidneys and liver are working Blood sugar, cholesterol, and calcium levels Sodium, potassium, and chloride levels (called electrolytes) Protein levels TSH (Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone) It measures the amount of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) in your blood. TSH is produced by the pituitary gland. It tells the thyroid gland to make and release thyroid hormones into the blood. Lipid Profile Lipid profile or lipid panel, is a panel of blood tests that serves as an initial broad medical screening tool for abnormalities in lipids, such as cholesterol and triglycerides. The results of this test can identify certain genetic diseases and can determine approximate risks for cardiovascular disease, certain forms of pancreatitis, and other diseases. Lipid panels are commonly ordered as part of a physical exam, along with other panels such as the complete blood count (CBC) and basic metabolic panel (BMP). Urinalysis It is an array of tests performed on urine, and one of the most common methods of medical diagnosis. The target parameters that can be measured or quantified in urinalysis include many substances and cells, as well as other properties, such as specific gravity. 52 Panel Metabólico Completo Este mide la glucosa, los niveles de calcio, la albúmina y proteína total, el sodio, el potasio, el dióxido de carbono y el cloruro, el nitrógeno ureico en sangre (NUS) y la creatinina, la fosfatasa alcalina, las enzimas alanina aminotransferasa, y la aspartato amino transferasa, y la bilirrubina. TSH (Hormona estimulante de la tiroides) Se utiliza para evaluar el funcionamiento de la glándula tiroides, ubicada en la parte inferior delantera del cuello. La TSH es producida por la glándula pituitaria, que está ubicada en la base del cerebro.Cuando la glándula tiroides no produce cantidades suficientes de hormona tiroidea (una afección que recibe el nombre de “hipotiroidismo”), la glándula pituitaria produce más TSH con la intención de estimular a la tiroides e incrementar su producción de hormonas. Perfil de Lípidos Este mide el colesterol total, que es la suma de los diferentes tipos de colesterol, las lipoproteínas de alta densidad (HDL) colesterol, que suelen recibir el nombre de colesterol “bueno”, las lipoproteínas de baja densidad (LDL) colesterol, generalmente conocidas como colesterol “malo”. Las lipoproteínas LDL que se acumulan en el torrente sanguíneo pueden tapar los vasos sanguíneos e incrementar el riesgo de afecciones cardíacas y los triglicéridos, que almacenan energía hasta que el organismo la necesita. Analisis de Orina Un reporte típico comprende la descripción de la densidad, aspecto y color, peso especifico, pH, cuerpos cetónicos, proteínas, nitritos, urobilinógeno, bilirrubina, conteo de globulos rojos, conteo de globulos blancos, glucosa y gonadotropina coriónica humana. MP.LAB.FS 01/13 LABORATORY SERVICES FEE SCHEDULE ONE ANNUAL HEALTH SCREENING LABORATORY PER MEMBER PER CONTRACT YEAR AT NO CHARGE CBC COMP. METABOLIC PANEL TSH LIPID PANEL URINE PATHOLOGY TEST / EXAMENES DE PATOLOGIA TEST CODE FEE PAP SMEAR (slide) TEST NAME 9161 $12.00 PAP LIQUID SUREPATH 9142 $25.00 HUMAN PAPILOMA VIRUS hc2 1845 $38.00 CHLAMYDIA & GC DNA 5344 $25.00 CHLAMYDIA & GC DNA hc2 9193 $35.00 PAP PANEL (liquid pap+HPVhc2+chlamydia&GC hc2 9190 $99.00 TEST CODE FEE BIOPSY Level I - Gross only 9181 $30.00 BIOPSY Level II 9182 $40.00 BIOPSY Level III 9183 $65.00 BIOPSY Level IV 9184 $85.00 All the Gynecology collections will cost $20. Todas las colecciones ginecologicas tendran un costo de $20. *The fees for the biopsies level (I-II-III-IV-V-VI) will be determined by the specimen site, number of the specimens and any special stains required for the final diagnosis. MP.LAB.FS 01/13 53 LABORATORY SERVICES FEE SCHEDULE 54 TEST NAME AMYLASE ACTH (ADRENOCORTICOTROPIC HORMONE) AFP TUMOR MARKER ALBUMIN ALCOHOL IN URINE ALDOLASE ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE ALLERGEN FOOD PANEL (ADULT) each allergen ($9) ALLERGEN RESPIRATORY PANEL(SUB-TROPICAL) each allergen ($9) ALLERGY PANEL PER ALLERGEN each allergen ($9) ALPHA PHETO PROTEIN QUAD SCREEN ALPHA PHETO PROTEIN TRIPLE SCREEN ALT (SGPT) AMIKACIN SERUM AMMONIA ANA ANTIBODY SCREENING ASO AST (SGOT) B-12 & FOLID ACID B-12 BASIC METAB PANEL BETA 2 MICROGLOBULIN BILIRUBIN DIRECT BILIRUBIN TOTAL BIOPSY (see comments at the end) BLEEDING TIME BLOOD TYPE & RH BNP BUN CBC C3 COMPLEMENT C4 COMPLEMENT CA 125 CA 15-3 CA 19-9 CA 27-29 CALCIUM CALCIUM IONIZED CALCULUS (stone) ANALYSIS CARBAMAZEPIN CEA CERULOPLASMIN CHLAMYDIA & GC IN URINE CHLAMYDIA & GC DNA CHOLESTEROL CK (CPK TOTAL) CMV IgG CMV IgM COMPRENH. METABOLIC PANEL COOMBS DIRECT COOMBS INDIRECT CORTISOL C-PEPTIDE CPK - MB (CREATINE KINASE MB FRACTION) C-REACTIVE PROTEIN - QUANT C-REACTIVE PROTEIN (CRP) C-REACTIVE PROTEIN (CRP) ULTRASENSITIVE CREATININE 24 HRS CREATININE CLEARANCE CREATININE SERUM CULTURE & SENSIT CYSTIC FIBROSIS DEPAKENE (VALPROIC ACID) DHEA (DEHYDROEPIANDROSTERONE DHEA-S TEST CODE 1106 7200 1274 8170 3525 1102 8160 7302 7304 1673 8260 8154 1695 1104 5200 4259 4201 8152 8794 7272 8118 1404 8149 8166 9181 4108 4200 1430 8142 4110 6115 6126 1462 1462 1463 1664 8172 2130 1318 3119 7214 6119 5346 5344 8146 8156 1353 5210 8112 4214 4215 7206 1431 6127 3595 4216 6657 2115 2127 8150 5145 6442 1938 7171 1655 FEE $6.00 $37.00 $15.50 $2.50 $12.00 $9.50 $2.50 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 $82.00 $56.00 $8.00 $15.50 $12.50 $12.00 $11.50 $15.00 $8.00 $30.00 $12.50 $8.00 $16.50 $4.50 $4.50 $4.50 $18.00 $40.00 $5.00 $7.00 $20.00 $20.00 $19.50 $19.50 $19.50 $19.50 $4.50 $11.00 $27.00 $15.00 $19.50 $36.00 $60.00 $25.00 $4.50 $7.00 $14.50 $12.50 $9.00 $10.00 $10.00 $17.50 $15.00 $12.50 $12.50 $5.00 $12.50 $10.00 $9.50 $4.00 $14.00 $250.00 $14.00 $26.00 $26.00 MP.LAB.FS 01/13 LABORATORY SERVICES FEE SCHEDULE TEST NAME DIHYDROTESTOSTERONE DHT D-DIMER DILANTIN LEVEL DRUG SCREEN IN URINE ELECTROLYTE PANEL EPSTEIN BARR VIRAL CAPSIDE ANTIGEN (VCA) IgG & IgM EPSTEIN BARR VIRUS EARLY EPSTEIN BARR VIRUS NUCLEAR ANTIGEN IgG ANTIBODY EPSTEIN BARR VIRUS NUCLEAR ANTIGEN IgM ANTIBODY ERYTHROPOIETIN ESTRADIOL ESTRIOL ESTROGEN TOTAL ESR (SED RATE) EYE CULTURE & SENSITIVITY FERRITIN FIBRINOGEN FOLIC ACID FREE T3 FREE T4 FSH FSH&LH FINE NEEDLE ASPIRATION FTA AG FUNGUS CULTURE GAMMA GT (GGTP) GC CULTURE GENTAMYCIN GLIADIN IgA, IgG GLUCOSE 2 HRS P.P GLUCOSE 2 HRS TOLERANCE TEST GLUCOSE 3 HRS GLUCOSE GRAY TUBE GLUCOSE SERUM GLYCOHEMOGLOBIN H. PYLORI AB IgG H.PYLORI AB IgM H.PYLORI IN STOOL (ANTIGEN) HAPTOGLOBULIN HCG QUAL HCG QUANT HEMOGLOBIN A1C HEMOGLOBIN ELECTROPHORESIS HEMOGLOBIN/HEMATOCRIT HEPATIC FUNCTION PANEL HEPATITIS A IgM HEPATITIS A TOTAL HEPATITIS B CORE IgM ANTIBODIES HEPATITIS B CORE TOTAL ANTIBODY HEPATITIS Bs ANTIBODY HEPATITIS Bs ANTIGEN HEPATITIS C ANTIBODY HEPATITIS PANEL ABC HERPES CULTURE HERPES I SELECT HERPES SELT II IgG HIV 1 & 2 SCREEN HLA-B-27 HOMOCYSTEINE HUMAN GROWTH HORMONE HUMAN PAPILOMA VIRUS hc2 IgA (Immunoglobulin) IgE (Immunoglobulin E) IgG (Immunoglobulin) TEST CODE 3126 3223 8200 1920 1632 1861 1902 5215 7226 7224 7227 4160 5145 7275 4223 7229 1603 7120 7228 7261 5220 5114 1116 5118 7232 1432 8180 8188 8189 8141 8140 6145 1295 1297 1294 6147 7282 7240 6145 6151 4132 8698 1376 1621 1799 1614 7237 7236 1711 2298 1716 1439 1440 1437 1398 1227 7238 1846 6140 7248 6142 FEE $26.50 $22.50 $15.00 $23.00 $6.50 $14.00 $14.00 $17.50 $17.50 $18.50 $22.00 $28.00 $22.00 $8.00 $12.00 $14.00 $22.00 $13.00 $7.00 $7.00 $17.00 $34.00 $69.00 $35.00 $35.00 $5.00 $35.00 $28.00 $80.00 $7.00 $13.00 $17.00 $3.50 $3.50 $9.00 $15.00 15.00 $43.00 $25.00 $7.00 $15.50 $9.50 $12.00 $12.00 $7.50 $11.50 $10.50 $11.50 $11.50 $11.00 $10.00 $13.50 $44.00 $35.00 $12.50 $18.50 $9.50 $70.00 $28.00 $16.00 $39.00 $9.00 $16.00 $9.00 MP.LAB.FS 01/13 55 LABORATORY SERVICES FEE SCHEDULE 56 TEST NAME IgM (Immunoglobulin M) IMMUNOELECTROPHORESIS IMMUNOGLOBULIN IgG-A-M INSULINE LEVEL INSULINE LIKE GROWTH FACTOR I SOMATOMEDIN-C IgF1 IRON IRON & IBC LEAD BLOOD L.E. SCREEN LDH LH LIPASE LIPID PANEL LIPOPROTEIN A LITHIUM LIVER PROFILE I MAGNESIUM SERUM MEASLES ANTIBODY IgG MEASLES ANTIBODY IgM METANEPHRINE 24 HRS URINE MICROALBUMIN 24 HRS URINE MICROALBUMIN RANDOM MITOCHONDRIAL TOTAL AUTOANTIBODIES MONO TEST MUMPS ANTIBODY IgG MUMPS ANTIBODY IgM MYCOPLASMA IgM TITER PNEUMONIAE ANTIBODY MYCOPLASMA PNEUMONIAE ANTIBODY IgG, IgM MYELIN BASIC PROTEIN (MBP) AUTOANTIBODIES MYSOLINE (PRIMIDONE) NEURONTIN (GABAPENTIN) NICOTINE METABOLITE URINE OBSTETRIC PANEL OCCULT BLOOD PER SPECIMEN OVA AND PARASITES OXALATES - 24HRS OXALATES - URINE RANDOM PAP SMEAR PAP LIQUID SUREPATH PHENOBARBITAL PHOSPHORUS PLATELET COUNT POTASIUM POTASIUM IN URINE PRE - ALBUMIN PREGNANCY TEST IN URINE PRIMIDONE PROCAINAMIDE (PRONESTYL + NAPA) PROGESTERONE PROLACTIN PROTEIN ELECTROPHORESIS PROTEIN TOTAL 24HRS PROTEIN TOTAL SERUM PSA FREE & TOTAL PSA SCREEN PT PTH INTACT PTT QUINIDINE R A LATEX RENAL FUNCTION PANEL RENIN RETIC COUNT MP.LAB.FS 01/13 TEST CODE 6143 6160 6156 7250 1666 8162 8161 2160 3662 8158 7244 1126 6188 6165 2163 8158 2166 2362 2361 2169 1208 1209 5226 4213 1362 1317 1985 1363 1404 3162 1609 3198 8136 4320 4321 2173 2172 9161 9142 3155 8174 4149 8210 8223 2011 4330 3162 3163 7256 7252 6129 2305 8168 2216 1937 4254 1373 4253 2183 4257 8108 7258 4154 FEE $9.00 $21.50 $27.00 $11.50 $30.00 $5.00 $8.50 $10.50 $10.00 $4.00 $19.50 $6.50 $9.00 $33.20 $7.00 $10.00 $6.50 $12.50 $12.50 $80.00 $35.00 $4.00 $55.00 $12.00 $12.50 $12.50 $60.00 $65.00 $90.00 $55.00 $50.00 $24.50 $45.23 $5.00 $9.00 $13.00 $13.00 $15.00 $25.00 $11.00 $4.00 $6.00 $4.00 $4.00 $7.00 $6.50 $15.00 $16.50 $26.00 $19.50 $10.00 $3.50 $5.00 $29.00 $15.00 $3.50 $35.00 $3.50 $14.50 $7.00 $8.00 $18.50 $4.00 LABORATORY SERVICES FEE SCHEDULE TEST NAME RH FACTOR (ONLY) RHEUMATOID FACTOR RUBELLA ANTIBODY IgG RUBELLA ANTIBODY IgM RPR RUBELLA ANTIBODY IgM SED RATE SEMEN ANALYSIS SEROTONIN (5-HIAA) SICKLE CELL SCREEN SMOOTH MUSCLE ANTIBODY SODIUM (U) 12 HRS SODIUM (U) 24 HRS SODIUM IN URINE SODIUM SERUM STONE ANALYSIS (KIDNEY) STOOL CULTURE T-3 FREE T3 TOTAL T3-UPTAKE T4 TACROLIMUS (PROGRAF) TESTOSTERONE TESTOSTERONE FREE & TOTAL THEOPHYLLINE THIAMINE LEVEL (VITAMIN B1) THROAT CULTURE THYROGLOBULIN Abs SCREEN THYROGLOBULIN QUANT. THYROID II PANEL (TSH) THYROID PEROXIDE AB (TPO) THYROID STIMULATING IMMUNOGLOBULINS (TSI) THYROXIDE BINDING GLOBULIN TOBRAMYCIN TORCH PANEL TOXOPLASMA IgG TRANSFERRIN TRAZODONE TREPONEMA PALLIDUM TOTAL ANTIBODIES (FTA) TRIGLYCERIDES TROPONIN I TSH URINALYSIS URIC ACID URINE CULTURE URINE CYTOLOGY VARICELLA ANTIBODY IgG VITAMIN D25 VITAMIN D VITAMIN B-6 VAGINAL CULTURE VARICELLA ZOSTER ANTIBODY IgM VITAMIN B-1 (THIAMINE) VMA (VANILLYLMANDELIC ACID 24 HRS URINE) VALPROIC ACID VITAMIN B-12 WESTERN BLOT ANALYSIS WET MOUNT WBC IN STOOL ZINC TEST CODE 4202 4257 5230 1752 4272 1752 4160 4331 2186 4161 1601 2334 2335 8221 8205 1318 5113 1603 7260 7105 7110 1282 7268 7269 3174 7175 5155 5202 1201 7121 5205 1389 1391 3185 8420 5236 6175 1798 5220 8148 8157 7264 4340 8144 5113 2772 1300 1301 1346 5156 2772 7175 2196 1938 7272 1833 4319 2199 FEE $5.50 $6.00 $15.00 $15.00 $4.50 $15.00 $3.50 $50.00 $11.00 $6.00 $30.00 $4.50 $4.50 $4.50 $4.00 $27.00 $13.50 $7.00 $7.00 $6.00 $6.00 $16.00 $25.00 $27.50 $14.50 $6.00 $13.50 $16.00 $14.00 $29.00 $15.00 $12.50 $11.00 $16.00 $60.00 $15.00 $15.00 $70.00 $22.00 $6.00 $15.50 $14.00 $2.00 $3.00 $13.50 $25.00 $15.00 $33.50 $33.50 $14.00 $13.50 $15.00 $6.00 $12.50 $14.00 $15.00 $35.00 $4.00 $8.00 $11.50 MP.LAB.FS 01/13 57 DIAGNOSTICS / CENTROS DE DIAGNOSTICO Over 300 Diagnostic Tests available which include: • Digital Mammography • MRI • CT Scans • PET CT Scans • Ultra Sound • X-Rays • Sleep Studies All Diagnostic Centers requires that the tests being requested are ordered by a licensed healthcare professional that is authorized to practice medicine in the State of Florida. The order must be written in a Physicians prescription or on the Diagnostic Centers requisition form that is signed by a physician. All test results will be sent to the office of the Physician or Specialist that ordered the test. This procedure is to protect the confidential information regarding your health. Más de trescientos (300) procedimientos de diagnóstico están disponible e incluyen: • Mamografia Digital • Tomografia computaizada • CT Scans • PCT Scans • Ultrasonido • Rayos X • Estudios del sueno Todos los Centros de Diagnóstico requieren que los exámenes que se solicitan hayan sido previamente indicados por un profesional de la salud con licencia que le autoriza a ejercer la práctica de la medicina en el estado de la Florida. La indicación del procedimiento debe estar escrita en una receta médica o en su lugar en el formulario de solicitud establecida para los procedimientos de Diagnósticos y firmada por el médico que la indica. Todos los laboratorios cumplirán el procedimiento legal establecido de confidencialidad del paciente y para proteger este derecho enviaran los resultados de sus exámenes a la oficina del doctor que lo indicó. Diagnostic Radiology / Centro de Diagnóstico 58 Miami - Dade Digital Medical Diagnostic 41 Tamiami Canal Rd Miami Fl. 33166 Phone: (305) 269-0833 Fax: (305) 269-0851 Digital Mammography Mamografía digital por sólo $50.00 CT Imaging Inc. 395 West 10 Street, Suite 2 Hialeah Fl. 33010 Phone: (305) 887-7562 Refer to Fee Schedule Rivero Radiology. 285 West 49th Street. Hialeah, Fl. 33012 Phone: (305) 826-6040 B & G Diagnostic Services 444 West 51 Place Hialeah, Fl. 33012 Phone: (305) 818 - 2006 Free Transportation in Miami-Dade and Broward County Larskin Community Hospital Imaging Center. 3320 Palm Avenue. Hialeah, Fl. 33012 Phone: (305) 596-9992 Refer to Fee Schedule Transportation Available Universal Imaging of Florida. 14462 Commerce Way. Miami Lakes, Fl. 33016 Phone: (305) 821-8585 Refer to Fee Schedule Transportation Available Diagnostic Center of Medley 7911 NW 72 ave #109 AB Medley, Fl. 33166 Phone: (786) 401-7312 Refer to Fee Schedule Pinnacle Imaging 2390 NW 7 St, Suite 103 Miami, Fl. 33125 Phone: (305) 642-7388 Miami Diagnostic & Interventional Center 2975 Coral Way Miami, Fl. 33145 Phone: (305) 448-4950 Fax: (305) 648-5085 Larskin Community Hospital Imaging Center. 7101 SW 99 Avenue, Suite 106 Miami, Fl. 33173 Phone: (305) 596-9992 Refer to Fee Schedule Transportation Available Systems Associate Inc. (Neurological Diagnostic) Home and Office Service 7374 SW 93 Ave, Suite 201 Miami, Fl. 33173 Professional Health Diagnostic Inc 31 Almeria Ave Coral Gables, Fl. 33134 Phone: (305) 441-2262 Fax: (305) 441-2292 Phone: (305) 270-7771 Diagnostic Radiology / Centro de Diagnóstico CMS Open MRI 9601 SW 40 St Miami, Fl. 33165 Phone: (305) 227-2500 Larskin Community Hospital Imaging Center. 692 N. Homestead Blvd, Ste 106 Homestead, Fl. 33030 Phone: (305) 596-9992 Diagnostic Radiology / Centro de Diagnóstico Miami - Dade All X Ray Diagnostic Service, Corp 4210 NW 4 ST Miami, Fl. 33126 Phone: (305) 445-9462 Refer to Fee Schedule Broward Diagnostic Professional, Inc. 7301 NW 4th Street #107 Plantation, Fl. 33317 Phone: (954) 449-7023 Fax: (954) 449-7027 Refer to Fee Schedule Diagnostic Professional, Inc. 1799 West Oakland Park Blvd 105 Ft Lauderdale Fl. 33311 Phone: (954) 777-3466 Fax: (954) 777-3510 Refer to Fee Schedule Diagnostic Professional, Inc. 10950 Pines Boulevard Pembroke Pines, Fl. 33026 Phone: (954) 430-2044 Fax: (954) 430-2055 Refer to Fee Schedule Diagnostic Professional, Inc. 6808 N. State Road 7 Coconut Creek, Fl. 33073 Phone: (954) 570-5560 Fax: (954) 571- 5240 Refer to Fee Schedule Broward Pet Imaging Center 4850 W. Oakland Park Blvd Suite 1A Lauderdale Lakes, Fl. 33313 Phone: (954) 735-6330 Bersa Mobil X Ray 7300 W Menab Rd Suite 112 Tamarac, Fl. 33121 Phone: (954) 515-7080 RX, Eco-Cardiac, Ultrasound EKG Mobile Services / Servicio Movil Diagnostic Radiology / Centro de Diagnóstico West Palm Beach All X Ray Diagnostic Service, Corp 1800 Forest Hill Blvd Suite # A 1-2 West Palm Beach, Fl. 33406 Phone: (561) 318-5493 Language: English / Spanish Refer to Fee Schedule A1 Imaging Centers, LLC -- Florida Locations (MRI Only) (MRI solamente) A1 Imaging of Boynton Beach 3795 Boynton Beach Blvd Ste. C Boynton Beach, Fl. 33436 Phone: (561) 740-9305 Fax: (561) 740-9305 Services: Open MRI A1 Imaging of Orange Park 1566 Kingsley ave Orange Park, Fl. 32073 Phone: (904) 278-2128 Fax: (904) 278-2129 Services: Closed and Open MRI A1 Imaging of Deerfield 1890 W. Hillsboro Blvd. Deerfield Beach, Fl. 33442 Phone: (954) 429-8381 Fax: (954) 429-2705 Services: Open MRI A1 Imaging of Ft. Lauderdale 5100 N federal Hwy, Ste 102 Ft. Lauderdale, Fl. 33308 Phone: (954) 202-3400 Fax: (954) 202-3448 Services: Open MRI A1 Imaging of Pembroke Pines 8384 Pines Blvd Pembroke Pines, Fl. 33024 Phone: (954) 450-4020 Fax: (954) 432-8674 Services: Open MRI A1 Imaging of Orlando 500 N Semoran Blvd., Ste 103 Orlando, Fl. 32807 Phone: (407) 275-6072 Fax: (407) 275-7301 Services: Open MRI A1 Imaging of Ocoee 9450 W. Colonial Dr. Ste 12 Ocoee, Fl. 34761 Phone: (407) 822-0999 Fax: (407) 822-0990 Services: Open MRI A1 Imaging of St. Augustine 200 S. Park Blvd.,Ste 210 St. Augustine, Fl. 32086 Phone: (904) 819-0920 Fax: (904) 819-0299 Services: Open MRI A1 Imaging of West Palm Beach 1117 N. Olive Ave #101 West Palm Beach, Fl. 33401 Phone: (561) 651-7410 Fax: (561) 651-7417 Services: Open MRI A1 Imaging of Plantation 150 N. University Dr. Ste 110 Plantation, Fl. 33324 Phone: (954) 423-3674 Fax: (954) 916-0674 Services: Closed and Open MRI A1 Imaging of Mandarin 3753 Cardinal Point Dr. Jacksonville, Fl. 32223 Phone: (904) 636-5674 Fax: (904) 448-4674 Services: Open MRI A1 Imaging of Cape Coral 1003 Del Prado Blvd., Unit 102 cape Coral, Fl. 33990 Phone: (239) 573-6333 Fax: (239) 573-8674 Services: Open MRI A1 Imaging of Kissimmee 810 North John Young Pkwy Kissimmee, Fl. 34741 Phone: (407) 847-6745 Fax: (407) 847-8749 Services: Open MRI A1 Imaging of Ocala 301 SE 17th St., Unit 102 Ocala, Fl. 34471 Phone: (352) 622-7459 Fax: (352) 622-9238 Services: Open MRI A1 Imaging of Aventura 20880 W. Dixie Hwy, Suite 111/106 North Miami Beach, Fl. 33180 Phone: (305) 933-9565 Fax: (305) 933-8105 Services: Closed and Open MRI 59 DIAGNOSTIC AND RADIOLOGY SERVICES FEE SCHEDULE ABDOMEN & RETROPERITINIUM ULTRASOUNDS PROCEDURE Abdomen Complete RUQ (Liver, Gallbladder & Pancreas) Liver Gallbladder Pancreas Spleen Renal Bladder Renal & Bladder CPT 76700 76705 76705 76705 76705 76705 76775 76857 76770 FEE $70.00 $70.00 $70.00 $70.00 $70.00 $70.00 $70.00 $70.00 $70.00 Pelvic Complete Pelvic Transvaginal Prostate Transabdominal Prostate Transrectal Scrotum & Contents 76856 76830 76857 76872 76870 $70.00 $70.00 $70.00 $70.00 $70.00 CPT 73600 73610 77072 77073 73650 72040 72050 72052 71010 71020 71030 71035 71022 71015 71021 73000 73070 73080 70030 73550 73140 73620 73630 73090 FEE $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 PROCEDURE Ankle (2 views) Ankle Complete (3 views) Bone Age Bone Length Calcaneus (2 views) Cervical Spine (2 or 3 views) Cervical Spine (4 or more views) Cervical Spine Complete Chest (Single View) Chest (2 views) Chest Complete (4 views) Chest (Special Views) Chest (Oblique Projections) Chest (Stereo Frontal) Chest (Apical Lordoctic Proc) Clavicle Complete Elbow (2 views) Elbow Complete (3 views) Eye Femur (2 views) Fingers (2 views) Foot (2 views) Foot Complete (3 views) Forearm (2 views) 60 MP.D/R.FS 01/13 PELVIS ECHOGRAPHY PROCEDURE Echo Complete W/Color & Flow Ultrasound Echo Stress Test W/Color & Flow Abdominal Aorta Carotid Doppler SMALL PARTS CPT 93306 93306 FEE $150.00 $350.00 Arterial Upper Extremity Bilateral 93979 93880 93925 93923 93926 93923 93930 93923 Arterial Upper Extremity Unilateral 93931 93923 $90.00 93970 93971 $90.00 $90.00 Arterial Lower Extremity Bilateral Arterial Lower Extremity Unilateral Venous Duplex Bilateral Venous Duplex Unilateral DIGITAL X-RAYS VENOUS STUDIES PROCEDURE Hand (2 views) Hand (3 views) Hip Unilateral (1 view) Hip Bilateral (2 views) Hip Complete (2 views) Knee (1 or 2 views) Knee (3 views) Knee Complete (4 or more Views) Knee Billateral Standing Lumbosacral (4 or more) Lumbosacral Comp (Band V) Mastoids Mastoids Complete (3 views) Nasal Bones Neck Osseus Survey (Single View) Osseus Survey Limited Osseus Survey C Axial P Pelvis (1 or 2 views) Pelvis Complete (3 views) Ribs Unilateral (2 views) Ribs Bilateral (3 views) Ribs Posteroanter Chest (3V) Ribs Posteroanter Chest (4V) CPT 73120 73130 73500 73520 73510 73560 73562 73564 73565 72110 72114 70120 70130 70160 70360 77077 77074 77075 72170 72190 71100 71110 71101 71111 $90.00 $90.00 $100.00 $100.00 $90.00 FEE $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 DIAGNOSTIC AND RADIOLOGY SERVICES FEE SCHEDULE PROCEDURE Abdomen W Abdomen W & W/O Abdomen W/O Ankle W Ankle W & W/O Ankle W/O Arm W Arm W & W/O Arm W/O Brain W Brain W & W/O Brain W/O Breast Unilat W & W/O Breast Bilat W & W/O Breast Implant W & W/O Cervical Spine W Cervical Spine W & W/O Cervical Spine W/O Chest W Chest W & W/O Chest W/O Elbow W Elbow W & W/O Elbow W/O Facial W Facial W & W/O Facial W/O Foot W Foot W & W/O Foot W/O Hand W Hand W $ W/O Hand W/O Hip W Hip W & W/O Hip W/O ILIAC W ILIAC W & W/O PROCEDURE Abdomen W Abdomen W & W/O Abdomen W/O Cervical Spine W Cervical Spine W & W/O Cervical Spine W/O Chest W Chest W & W/O Chest W/O Head/Brain W Head/Brain W & W/O Head/Brain W/O IACS W IACS W & W/O IACS W/O Leg/Femur/TIB/FIB W Leg/Femur/TIB/FIB W & W/O Leg/Femur/TIB/FIB W/O MP.D/R.FS 01/13 “MRI” MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING CPT 74182 74183 74181 73722 73723 73721 73219 73220 73218 70552 70553 70551 77058 77059 77059 72142 72156 72141 71551 71552 71550 73222 73223 73221 70542 70543 70540 73719 73720 73718 73219 73220 73218 73722 73723 73721 70552 70553 FEE $325.00 $375.00 $275.00 $325.00 $375.00 $275.00 $325.00 $375.00 $275.00 $325.00 $375.00 $275.00 $475.00 $475.00 $475.00 $325.00 $375.00 $375.00 $325.00 $375.00 $275.00 $325.00 $375.00 $275.00 $325.00 $375.00 $275.00 $325.00 $375.00 $275.00 $325.00 $375.00 $275.00 $325.00 $375.00 $275.00 $325.00 $375.00 PROCEDURE ILIAC W/O Knee W Knee W & W/O Knee W/O Leg-Femur-TIB-FIB W Leg-Femur-TIB-FIB W&W/O Leg-Femur-TIB-FIB W/O Lumbar Spine W Lumbar Spine W & W/O Lumbar Spine W/O Neck W Neck W & W/O Neck W/O Orbit W Orbit W & W/O Orbit W/O Pelvis W Pelvis W & W/O Pelvis W/O Pituitary W Pituitary W & W/O Pituitary W/O Prostate W Prostate W & W/O Prostate W/O Scrotum W Scrotum W & W/O Scrotum W/O Shoulder W Shoulder W & W/O Shoulder W/O Thoracic Spine W Thoracic Spine W & W/O Thoracic Spine W/O TMJ Joints W/O Wrist W Wrst W & W/O Wrist W/O “CT SCAN” COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY CPT 74160 74170 74150 72126 72127 72125 71260 71270 71250 70460 70470 70450 70481 70482 70480 73701 73702 73700 FEE $200.00 $275.00 $150.00 $200.00 $275.00 $150.00 $200.00 $275.00 $150.00 $200.00 $275.00 $150.00 $200.00 $275.00 $150.00 $200.00 $275.00 $150.00 PROCEDURE Lumbar Spine W Lumbar Spine W & W/O Lumbar Spine W/O Maxilofacial W Maxilofacial W & W/O Maxilofacial W/O Pelvis W Pelvis W & W/O Pelvis W/O Sinuses W Sinuses W & W/O Sinuses W/O Soft Tissue Neck W Soft Tissue W & W/O Soft Tissue Neck W/O Thoracic Spine W Thoracic Spine W & W/O Thoracic Spine W/O CPT 70551 73722 73723 73721 73719 73720 73718 72149 72158 72148 70542 70543 70540 70542 70543 70540 72196 72197 72195 70552 70553 70551 72196 72197 72195 72196 72197 72195 73222 73223 73221 72147 72157 72146 70336 73222 73223 73221 FEE $275.00 $325.00 $375.00 $275.00 $325.00 $375.00 $275.00 $325.00 $375.00 $275.00 $325.00 $375.00 $275.00 $325.00 $375.00 $275.00 $325.00 $375.00 $275.00 $325.00 $375.00 $275.00 $325.00 $375.00 $275.00 $325.00 $375.00 $275.00 $325.00 $375.00 $275.00 $325.00 $375.00 $275.00 $275.00 $325.00 $375.00 $275.00 CPT 72132 72133 72131 70487 70488 70486 72193 72194 72192 70487 70488 70486 70491 70492 70490 72129 72130 72128 FEE $200.00 $275.00 $150.00 $200.00 $275.00 $150.00 $200.00 $275.00 $150.00 $200.00 $275.00 $150.00 $200.00 $275.00 $150.00 $200.00 $275.00 $150.00 61 BREAST DIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOGY PROCEDURES PROCEDURE FEE SCHEDULE Diagnostic Digital Mammo Screening Digital Mammo US Breast Unilateral or Bilateral Breast Biopsy Unilateral or Bilateral CPT G0204 G0202 76645 19103 19295* 76942** G0206*** 77051**** FEE $70.00 $70.00 $70.00 $600.00 *19295 At times the surgeon may choose to do a biopsy and, at the same opearative session, leave a metallic localization clip so that the site may be found later if it is necessary to remove more tissue. The placement of a clip is reported using add-on code 19295, Image guided placement, metallic localization clip, percutaneous, during breast biopsy. **76942 Ultrasonic guidance for needle placement (e.g.,biopsy, aspiration, injection, localization device), imaging supervision and interpretation. ***G0206 Diagnostic mammography, producing direct digital image, unilateral, all views ****77051 Computer-aided detection (computer algorithm analysis of digital image data for lesion detection) with further physician review for interpretation, with or without digitization of film radiographic images; diagnostic mammography (list separately in addition to code for primary procedure) 62 MP.D/R.FS 01/13 PERINATAL DIAGNOSTIC SERVICES FEE SCHEDULE Ultrasound 76801 76802 76805 76810 76811 76812 76813 76814 76815 76816 76817 76818 76819 76820 76821 76830 76856 76945 76946 59000 59015 99211 99241 99242 99243 99244 99251 99252 99254 59025 SFPM Rates 1st Tri<14 wks New 1st Tri each Add Gest w/76801 Complete Routine Comp Routine each Add Gestw/76805 >1 Tri HighRisk Detailed Targ - New >1 Tri HgRk Detailed Tgt eachAdd Gest w/76811 OB/US Nuchal Measurement I Gest Nuchal Measurement each additional Gestation Limited-quick look @1or more elements Follow Up (re-eva org susp abnormal) OB Transvag (use in addition to transadom code) BPP w/NST BPP w/out NST Doppler UA Doppler CA Vag. Ultra (non-obstetrical purposes) Pelvic TR CVS Guidance Amnio Guidance Amnio CVS Minor 5 minute established Minor 15 minute Low 30 Min Moderate 40 Min Mod High 60 Min Inpatient Consult 20 Min Inpatient Consult 40 Min Inpatient Consult 80 Min NST Fees $240.00 $140.00 $245.00 $230.00 $415.00 $265.00 $230.00 $155.00 $175.00 $160.00 $230.00 $245.00 $230.00 $180.00 $225.00 $265.00 $225.00 $245.00 $230.00 $300.00 $370.00 $70.00 $125.00 $160.00 $210.00 $265.00 $115.00 $175.00 $280.00 $125.00 HIGH RISK PREGNANCY TESTS Ultrasound AMNIO CVS 1ST TRIMESTER SCREENING INTEGRATED SCREENING SEQUENTIAL SCREENING SFPM Rates Includes Counseling, U/S, Guidance, Amnio Includes Counseling, U/S, Guidance, Amnio (Twins) Includes Counseling,U/S, Guidance, CVS Includes Counseling,U/S, Guidance, CVS (Twins) Includes Counseling, 1st Trimester U/S, Labs & Nuchal Translucency Includes Counseling, 1st Trimester U/S, Labs & Nuchal Translucency (Twins) Includes Counseling, 1st Trimester U/S, NT 1st & 2nd Labs Included Includes Counseling, 1st Trimester U/S, NT 1st & 2nd Labs Included (Twins) Includes Counseling, 1st Trimester U/S, NT and first part Labs Includes Counseling, 1st Trimester U/S, NT and first part Labs (Twins) Fees $1,645.00 $2,700.00 $1,665.00 $2,775.00 $805.00 $1,100.00 $900.00 $1,195.00 $825.00 $1,120.00 LOCATIONS South Miami 6200 Sunset Drive - Suite 301 Ph: 305-669-9521 Fax: 305-669-9735 Mercy Hospital 3663 S. Miami Ave - 5th floor, Room 5335 Ph: 305-403-7600 Fax: 305-403-7663 Kendall Regional Medical Office 11760 Bird Road - Suite 714 Ph: 786-621-5300 Fax: 786-621-5303 Mt. Sinai Medical Center 4308 Alton Road - Suite 730 Ph: 305-403-1234 Fax: 305-403-0345 Baptist Medical Arts Building 8940 N. Kendall Drive - Suite 901E Ph: 786-621-7770 Fax: 786-621-7771 Hialeah Hospital Office 777 East 25th St - Suite 402 Ph: 305-835-7909 Fax: 305-835-9353 North Shore Medical Center 1100 NW 95th St, South Lobby-1st Floor Ph: 305-691-2180 Fax: 305-691-2182 MP. PN. FS 01/13 63 ANCILLARY SERVICES/ SERVICIOS AUXILIARES DURABLE MEDICAL SUPPLIES When ordering medical equipment you must have a valid prescription signed by a licensed and authorized healthcare professional in the State of Florida indicating the supplies or equipment needed. You must present your Med Plan membership card with a picture ID so that your eligibility can be verified before your supplies are delivered. In order to receive the exclusive pricing offered to Med Plan members at contracted provider locations your monthly membership fee needs to be current. The durable medical supply offered to Med/Plan members are: • • • • Wheel Chairs Walkers Hospital Beds Oxygen Concentrators Offered 80% savings off of Providers Usual and Customary Fees. Unlimited Access to all Durable Medical Services. SERVICIO DE EQUIPOS MEDICOS Al pedir suministro de algún equipo médico debe tener una receta de prescripción válida firmada por su Doctor donde se indique los suministros y equipos que necesita. Usted tendrá que presentar su tarjeta de miembro conjuntamente con una identificación (ID) con foto para que su elegibilidad pueda ser verificada en el momento y pueda beneficiarse de las tarifas preferenciales exclusivas que aplican únicamente a los miembros de MedPlan. Entre los equipos medicos duraderos ofrecidos por Med/Plan estan: • • • • Sillas de ruedas Andadores Camas de hospital Concentradores de oxígeno Estos servicios ofrecen un ahorro del 80% de descuento de los proveedores habituales y tarifas habituales. Acceso ilimitado a todos los servicios de equipos medicos duraderos. 64 65 65 ORTHOPEDIC SUPPLIES / SUPLEMENTOS ORTOPEDICOS Podortis Corp. (Orthopedic Supplies) 5841 SW 8 St Miami, Fl. 33144 Phone: (305) 446-2995 Fax: (305) 446-2996 L CODE A5500 X 2 A5512 X 2 A5513 X 2 L3002 X 2 L5000 X 1 A6530 X 2 A6531 X 2 A6532 X 2 A6533 X 2 A6534 X 2 A6535 X 2 A6539 X 2 A6540 X 2 A6541 X 2 L4350 X 1 L4360 X 1 L4386 X 1 L4396 X 1 L3000 X 2 L3010 X 2 L3020 X 2 L1902 X 2 L1906 X 1 L1930 X 1 L1940 X 1 L1960 X 1 L8000 X 1 L8020 X 1 L8030 X 1 L1810 X 1 L1832 X 1 L1845 X 1 L1847 X 1 L0120 X 1 L0190 X 1 L0700 X 1 L0710 X 1 L1300 X 1 L0462 X 1 L0464 X 1 L0482 X 1 L0486 X 1 L0488 X 1 L0627 X 1 L0631 X 1 L1686 X 1 L2112 X 1 L2114 X 1 L2116 X 1 L2128 X 1 L2134 X 1 66 L3670 X 1 L3760 X 1 L3908 X 1 L3931 X 1 L3980 X 1 L3982 X 1 L3984 X 1 L3995 X 1 L8300 X 1 L8310 X 1 PROSTHETIC ORTHOTIC FEE SCHEDULE OFF THE SHELF DIAB SHOE / ZAPATOS PARA DIABETICOS DIAB MULTIDENSITY INSERTS / SOPORTES DE DIAB PREFAB DIAB MULTIDENSITY CUSTOM INSERTS / SOPORTES DE DIABETICO DIAB PLASTAZOTE CUSTOM INSERT / SOPORTES ACOMODATIVOS DE DIABETICOS INSERT FOR MISSING TOES / SOPORTE PARA DEDOS AMPUTADOS BELOW KNEE 18-30 COMRESSION STOCKING / MEDIAS PARA CIRCULACION A LA RODILLA 18-30 BELOW KNEE 30-40 COMRESSION STOCKING / MEDIAS PARA CIRCULACION A LA RODILLA 30-40 BELOW KNEE 40-50 COMRESSION STOCKING / MEDIAS PARA CIRCULACION A LA RODILLA 40-50 THIGH LENGTH 18-30 COMPRESSION STOCKING / MEDIAS PARA LA CIRCULACION AL MUSLO 18-30 THIGH LENGTH 30-40 COMPRESSION STOCKING / MEDIAS PARA LA CIRCULACION AL MUSLO 30-40 THIGH LENGTH 40-50 COMPRESSION STOCKING / MEDIAS PARA LA CIRCULACION AL MUSLO 40-50 WAIST LENGTH 18-30 COMPRESSION STOCKING / MEDIAS PARA CIRCULACION PANTY 18-30 MMHG WAIST LENGTH 30-40 COMPRESSION STOCKING / MEDIAS PARA CIRCULACION PANTY 30-40 MMHG WAIST LENGTH 40-50 COMPRESSION STOCKING / MEDIAS PARA CIRCULACION PANTY 40-50 MMHG AIR CAST PREFAB PNEUMATIC CAM WALKER PREFAB / BOTA DE MARCHA INMOVILIZADORA-NEUMATICA REGULAR CAM WALKER PREFAB / BOTA DE MARCHA INMOVILIZADORA CORTA O LARGA NIGTH SPLINT PREFAB UCBL CUSTOM FOOT ORTHOTIC / SOPORTE A LA MEDIDA TIPO UCB CUSTOM LONGITUDINAL ARCH SUPPORT / SOPORTE ARCO LONGITUDINAL CUSTOM METATARSAL ARCH SUPPORT / SOPORTE LONGITUDINAL METATARSIANO AFO GAUNLET PREFAB / AFO, APARATO PARA EL PIE TIPO GUANTE PREFAB AFO FOR PPTD PREFAB / AFO, PARA ESTABILIZAR EL PIE PREFAB AFO PLASTIC PREFAB AFO CUSTOM FAB / AFO A LA MEDIDA AFO POSTERIOR SOLID ANKLE CUSTOM / AFO A LA MEDIDA CON REFUERZO EN EL TOBILLO MASTECTOMIE BRAS / AJUSTADOR DE MASTECTOMIA BREAST PROSTHESIS MASTECTOMIE FORM FOAM / PROTESIS DE SENO DE FOAM BREAST PROSTHESIS SILICONE OR EQUAL / PROTESIS DE SENO EN SILICONA KO, ELASTIC WITH JOINTS PREFAB / RODILLERA SENCILLA PREFAB KO, ADJUSTABLE KNEE JOINTS, RIGID SUPPORT, PREFAB /RODILLERA CON ARTICULACION PREFAB KO, DOUBLE UPRIGHT, THIGH AND CALF, PREFAB KO, DOUBLE UPRIGHT, AIR, PREFAB / RODILLERA CON AIRE, PREFAB CERVICAL COLLAR, FOAM, PREFAB CERVICAL COLLAR TAYLOR TYPES / COLLAR CERVICAL TIPO TAYLOR CTLSO, MINERVA TYPE, CUSTOM / CTLSO, TIPO MINERVA, A LA MEDIDA CTLSO, ANTERIOR/POSTERIOR CONTROL MINERVA TYPE, CUSTOM SCOLIOSIS JACKET CUSTOM / SCOLIOSIS JACKET A LA MEDIDA TLSO, TRIPLANAR, 3 PLASTIC SHELLS / TLSO, TRIPLANAR, 3 MODULOS PLASTICOS TLSO, MODULAR SEGMENTED, 4 PLASTIC SHELLS / TLSO MODULAR SEGMENTADO, 4 PLASTICOS TLSO,TRIPLANAR CONTROL, ONE PIECE RIGID PLASTIC SHELL / TLSO, CONTROL TRIPLANAR UNA PIEZA RIGIDA PLASTICA TLSO,TRIPLANAR CONTROL, TWO PIECES RIGID PLASTIC SHELL / TLSO, CONTROL TRIPLANAR, 2 PIEZAS RIGIDAS EN PLASTICO TLSO,TRIPLANAR CONTROL, ONE PIECE RIGID PLASTIC SHELL LSO, SAGITAL CONTROL, RIGID PANELS / LSO, CONTROL SAGITAL PANELES RIGIDOS LSO, SAGITAL CONTROL, POSTERIOR EXTENDS, REDUCE LOAD HIP ORTHIOSIS, ABDUCTION CONTROL, PREFAB / APARATO DE CADERA, CONTROLA ABDUCTION AFO TIBIAL FRACTURE ORTHOSIS, SOFT, PREFAB / AFO, APARATO PARA FRACTURA TIBIAL SUAVE AFO TIBIAL FRACTURE ORTHOSIS, SEMI RIGID, PREFAB AFO TIBIAL FRACTURE ORTHOSIS, RIGID, PREFAB / APARATO PARA FRACTURA TIBIAL RIGIDO KAFO FEMORAL FRACTURE CAST ORTHOSIS, CUSTOM / KAFO, APARATO PARA FRACTURA FEMORAL A LA MEDIDA KAFO FEMORAL FRACTURE CAST ORTHOSIS SEMIRIGID, PREFAB / APARATO PARA FRACTURA FEMORAL, SEMIRIGIDO, PREFAB SO, (CANVAS AND WEBBING TYPE) PREFAB / CABESTRILLO DE BRAZO, PREFAB ELBOW ORTHOSIS, WITH ADJUSTABLE POSITION, PREFAB / APARATO DE CODO AJUSTABLE WRIST HAND ORTHOSIS PREFAB / MUNEQUERA PREFAB WRIST HAND FINGER ORTHOSIS PREFAB / MUNEQUERA CON DEDO GORDO PREFAB HUMERAL FRACTURE ORTHOSIS PREFAB / APARATO DE FRACTURA DE HUMERUS PREFAB RADIUS/ULNAR FRACTURE ORTHOSIS PREFAB WRIST FRACTURE ORTHOSIS PREFAB / APARATO DE FRACTURA DE MUNECA, PREFAB ADDIT FRACTURE SOCK OR EQUAL SINGLE ABDOMINAL BINDER / FAJA ABDOMINAL SENCILLA BILATERAL ABDOMINAL BINDER / FAJA ABDOMINAL BILATERAL Fees $100.80 $38.74 $57.82 $155.20 $129.96 $55.87 $62.30 $115.82 $73.33 $73.33 $77.40 $200.79 $200.79 $211.95 $57.13 $166.30 $107.73 $94.62 $337.56 $155.20 $155.20 $39.29 $83.91 $79.06 $215.34 $251.23 $26.13 $128.65 $139.15 $79.06 $531.35 $543.69 $348.25 $12.13 $281.30 $1,406.50 $1,552.00 $727.50 $518.99 $518.99 $933.85 $1021.88 $227.53 $299.45 $747.83 $539.08 $331.74 $465.60 $465.60 $976.31 $439.11 $55.29 $268.57 $17.46 $128.55 $121.25 $218.25 $244.44 $11.64 $59.90 $161.26 HEARING AIDS / SUPLEMENTOS AUDITIVOS Belgica Mock (Hearing Specialist) (Crystal Clear Hearing) 11342 Quail Roost Drive Miami, Fl. 33157 Phone: (305) 235-4035 Price 1st Visit: $ 60.00 Price Follow Up: $ 40.00 Home Health Service Ali Asghar Danesh, M.D. (Audiology)) 1500 NW 10 Ave. Suite #104 Boca Raton, Fl. 33486 Phone: (561) 807-7873 Price 1st Visit: $ 60.00 Price Follow Up: $ 40.00 Miami - Dade / Broward ALC Home Health. Home Health Services (Physical Therapy) 13275 SW 124 St. Miami Fl. 33186 Phone: (305) 828-5310 Home Health Aid: $15.00 per Visit RN: $ 29.00 per Visit Physical Therapy: $80.00 per Visit Occupational Therapy: $80.00 per Visit Speech Therapy: $95.00 per Visit HHA or CAN Visit: $15.00 per visit C&O Home Healthcare Corp (Home Health Services) (Physical Therapy) 1100 West 29th street Suite H Hialeah Fl. 33012 Tel: (305) 360-4104 Home Health Aid: $30.00 per Visit Skilled Nursing: $45.00 per Visit Physical Therapy: $80.00 per Visit Occupational Therapy: $80.00 per Visit Speech Therapy: $80.00 per Visit Home Health Care. Preferred Home Health Agency, Inc. 13903 NW 67 Avenue, Suite 420 Miami Lakes, Fl. 33014 Phone: (305) 231-4250 Language: English / Spanish Home Health Aid: $ 30.00 per Visit Skilled Nursing: $ 45.00 per Visit Physical Therapy: $ 80.00 per Visit Occupational Therapy: $ 80.00 per Visit Speech Therapy: $ 80.00 per Visit Capital Health Services Inc. (Home Health Services) 85 Gran Canal Dr. Suite 201 Miami, Fl. 33144 Tel: (305) 261-3831 Home Health Aid: $ 34.00 per Visit License Practice Nurse per Visit $27.00 Home Health AIDE per Visit $18.00 Holistic Nursing Care Agency Home Health Services 7400 NW 7 St. Miami Fl. 33126 Phone: 305-265-9618 Skilled Nursing: $30.00 Home health Aid: $15.00 Physical Therapy: $80.00 Occupational Therapy: $80.00 Speech Therapy: $80.00 HHA or CAN: $15.00 Q Home Health Care Corp. (Home Health Services) 10300 SW 72 St #230 Miami, Fl. 33173 Tel: (305) 273-4435 67 Physical Therapy Miami - Dade Davila Medical Center (Family Medicine) 782 NW 42 Av. Ste 318 Miami, Fl. 33126 Phone: (305) 441-2760 Fax: (305) 441-2760 RT Professional, Inc. (Physical Therapy) 7374 NW 35 Terr #102 Miami, Fl. 33122 Phone: (305) 418-8990 Therapy for Nasiff (Therapeutic Massage) 10025 SW 32 St. Miami Fl. 33165 Phone: (786) 316 - 8152 Language: English / Spanish Sunrise Relax Health Care Corp. (Physical Therapy) 636 SW 109 avenue Miami Fl. 33174 Phone: (305) 221-8500 Language: English / Spanish The New City Medical Center (Physical Therapy) 4118 W 12 Ave Hialeah Fl. 33012 Phone: (305) 824-8787 Language: English / Spanish Selecta Physical Therapy 2140 West Flagler St, Ste 112 Miami Fl. 33135 Phone: (786) 953-6735 Fax: (786) 953-6943 Language: English/Spanish Leal Medical Center (Physical Therapy) 632 Washington Ave Homestead, Fl. 33030 Phone: (305) 246-1265 THERAPY SERVICES FEE SCHEDULE CODES SERVICES Fees CODES SERVICES Fees 97010 97010 97012 97014 97018 97026 97032 97034 97035 97039 Hot / Cold Pack Ice / Cryo therapy Mechanical Traction E.M.S Paraffin Bath Infrared E.M.S Attended Contrast Bath Ultrasound Vibratory Massage $12.00 $12.00 $33.34 $26.50 $18.40 $13.20 $34.16 $32.00 $27.50 $17.50 97110 97112 97124 97139 97140 97140 E0217 E0218 97535 Therapeutic Exercise Neuromuscular Re-Education Massage Hydro massage Manual Therapy Manual Traction Water Circulating Cold Water Circulating Hot Self / Home Care $57.00 $63.00 $47.00 $17.00 $65.00 $65.00 $91.00 $91.00 $41.00 68 MP.TS.FS 01/13 Alternative Medicine / Medicina Alternativa Miami - Dade Luis Guzman PH,D Acuworks 4160 West 16 ave #201 HIaleah, Fl. 33012 Phone: (786) 274-9837 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $50 Sleep Study of South Florida Acuworks 14750 SW 26 St #213 Miami, Fl. 33185 Phone: (786) 476-7314 Price: $500.00 Larskin Community Hospital Imagings Center. (Sleep Studies / Estudio del Sueño) 9835 SW 72th Street, Suite 107 Miami, Fl. 33173 Phone: (305) 596-9992 Fax: (305) 779-9096 Precio: $500.00 Oscar Morell A.P. Health Promotions LLC 4410 West 16 ave #59 HIaleah, Fl. 33012 Phone: (305) 512-3085 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $50 Orlando Santana A.P. Health Promotions LLC 2555 NW 102 ave # 200 Doral, Fl. 33172 Phone: (786) 336-0805 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $50 Oscar Morell A.P. Health Promotions LLC 912 SW 67th ave Miami, Fl. 33144 Phone: (305) 261-4677 1st Visit :$60 - Follow Up: $50 Florida Sleep and Neuro Diagnostic Services** 14394 Commerce Way Miami Lakes, Fl. 33016 Phone: (305) 370-3100 Services: Sleep study: $485 Free Transportation for Miami-Dade & Broward Alternative Medicine / Medicina Alternativa Broward Miramar Medical Center (Acupuncture) 11904 Miramar Parkway Miramar, Fl. 33025 Phone: (954) 639-7560 Language: English / Spanish Initial Visit (60 min) $60.00 Follow Up (45 min) $50.00 Services: Weight Management, Pain Management, Depression, Anexity, Insomnia, Allergy and Respiratory Problems, Muscle-skeletal treatments, etc Magnet Therapy / Terapia Magnética Miami-Dade Panamerican Sports Medicine Institute of Miami (Magnet Therapy) 7480 SW 40 St, Ste 440 Miami, Fl. 33155 Phone: (786) 615-2357 Fax: (786) 615-2366 Evaluation and First Session $30.00 Follow Up Sessions: $30.00 each 69 DIABETES SUPPLY FEE SCHEDULE Free Home Delivery. Unlimited Access to all Diabetic Supplies. When ordering diabetic supplies you must have a valid prescription signed by a Med Plan participating physician indicating the supplies needed. Note: Free Delivery service is provided as a courtesy to Med Plan members but is subject to the Diabetes Medical Supply provider’s ability and the distance to the Member’s Delivery Address. Please call the provider for more details. Entrega gratis a domicilio. Acceso ilimitado de todos los suministros para diabéticos. Al pedir suministros para Diabetes o algún equipo médico debe tener una receta de prescripción válida firmada por su Doctor donde se indique los suministros y equipos que necesita. Nota: El servicio a domicilio es gratuito y se ofrece como una cortesía para los miembros de Med Plan, pero está sujeto a la capacidad del proveedor de los suministros y la distancia donde se encuentre el miembro como punto de entrega. Por favor, llame al proveedor para obtener más detalles. DIABETES SUPPLY STARTER KIT PRODUCT QUANTITY Glucose Meter (Glucometro) 1 Lancets 100 Test Strips 50 TOTAL FEE $19.95 MONTHLY RENEWABLE SUPPLIES PRODUCT QUANTITY FEE Glucose Meter Replacement (Glucometro) 1 $2.50 Lancets 100 $9.99 Test Strips 50 $19.99 Provided by: DIRECT MEDS OF FLORIDA Telf: 954-454-8118 Fax: 954-454-9898 Free Shipping anywhere in the United States 70 MP.DIAB.FS 01/13 PHARMACY SERVICES • • • • • • Exclusive Pharmacy Services in Miami Dade County with Navarro Pharmacy. Rx Savings Plus program available for out of State Pharmacy services. 400 Medication Formulary of the most frequently used medications for $9.99 for 100 pills or tablets. Over 65,000 medications offered at Florida MAC plus $3.73 for Dispensing. Prescription Assistance Program available for most brand medications. Home Delivery Program available to all Med Plan members. When visiting your Pharmacy to fill a prescription you must have a valid prescription signed by a licensed and authorized healthcare professional in the State of Florida. Med Plans “Prescription Assistance Program” are services provided directly by the pharmaceutical medi cation manufacturer. These programs are designed to help pay for the high cost of Brand medications that our members may not be able to afford. These “PAP” programs can greatly reduce the cost of the medications or in some case the member can get their medication completely free. Med Plan will help its members identify which programs are available and assist them in filling the necessary documents as part of our commitment to our members. Rx SavingsPlus Program is offered as an added value service which provides Med Plan members access to pharmacy services outside of Med Plans Florida coverage area. Your membership kit contains a brochure with your “Rx SavingsPlus” card inside. You can use this card outside of Florida at any Pharmacy as listed on the back of the brochure. Please note that pricing for medications under this program differs from the Florida Pharmacy providers. For medication pricing under this program you can go to to get specific cost. This service is only to be used if the member is outside the Med Plans Florida coverage area. SERVICIOS DE FAMACIA • • • • • • Servicios exclusivos en el condado Miami Dade brindados por Navarro Pharmacy Programa Rx Savings Plus disponible para los servicios de Farmacia fuera de la Florida. 400 medicamentos genéricos usados con más frecuencia a un costo de $ 9.99 por 100 pastillas. Más de 65.000 medicamentos se ofrecen en Florida MAC además de $3.73 para la distribución. Programa de asistencia de receta médica para todos los medicamentos (no genéricos). Programa de entrega de medicamentos a domicilio para todos los miembros de Med Plan. Para obtener algún medicamento pre-escrito por su Doctor, deberá presentar en la farmacia participante una receta válida firmada por un medico licenciado y autorizado en el Estado de la Florida. El Programa de Asistencia de receta médica es un servicio prestado directamente por el fabricante de medicamentos farmacéuticos. Este programa está diseñado para ayudar a pagar el alto costo de los medicamentos no genéricos que nuestros miembros no pueden pagar. Este programa puede reducir considerablemente el costo de los medicamentos o en algunos casos el miembro puede obtener sus medicamentos completamente gratis. Med Plan ayudará a sus miembros a identificar los programas que están disponibles y los ayudará a completar los documentos necesarios como parte del compromiso con sus miembros. Rx Savings Plus se ofrece como un servicio de valor añadido que provee a los miembros el acceso a los servicios de farmacia fuera de área de la Florida. Su paquete de membrecía contiene un folleto en su interior “Rx SavingsPlus”. Usted puede utilizar esta tarjeta fuera de la Florida en cualquier farmacia como aparece en el reverso del folleto. Tenga en cuenta que los precios de los medicamentos dentro de este programa se diferencian de los proveedores de farmacia locales de la Florida. Pharmacy / Farmacia Navarro Discount Pharmacy. (North Miami Lakes) 6410 NW 186 St. Hialeah Fl. 33015 Phone: (305) 825-3386 Fax: (786) 621-1097 Mon - Sat: 8:00 Am To 10:00 Pm Sun: 9:00 Am To 7:00 Pm Miami - Dade Navarro Discount Pharmacy. (Miami Lakes) 16801 NW 67 Ave. Miami Fl. 33015 Phone: (305) 822-9522 Fax: (305) 822-9775 Mon - Sun: 6:00 Am To 12:00 Am Navarro Discount Pharmacy. (Okeechobee) 2399 W 52 St. Hialeah Fl. 33016 Phone: (305) 822-3385 Fax: (786) 621-0866 Mon - Sat: 8:00 Am To 10:00 Pm Sun: 9:00 Am To 7:00 Pm 71 Pharmacy / Farmacia Miami - Dade Navarro Discount Pharmacy. (East Hialeah) 366 E 4 Ave. Hialeah Fl. 33010 Phone: (305) 883-0852 Fax: (786) 621-0861 Mon - Sat: 8:00 Am To 10:00 Pm Sun: 9:00 Am To 7:00 Pm Navarro Discount Pharmacy. (Hialeah Palm) 3915 Palm Ave. Hialeah Fl. 33012 Phone: (305) 822-2210 Fax: (786) 621-7863 Mon - Sat: 8:00 Am To 10:00 Pm Sun: 9:00 Am To 7:00 Pm Navarro Discount Pharmacy. (West Hialeah) 3960 W 12 Ave. Hialeah Fl. 33012 Phone: (305) 556-3117 Fax: (786) 621-0860 Mon - Sat: 8:00 Am To 10:00 Pm Sun: 9:00 Am To 7:00 Pm Navarro Discount Pharmacy. (Hialeah) 775 W 49 St. Suite 1 Hialeah Fl. 33012 Phone: (305) 823-0823 Fax: (305) 823-0030 Mon - Sun: 6:00 Am To 12:00 Am Navarro Discount Pharmacy. (Hialeah Gardens) 3141 W 76 St Suite 5 Hialeah Fl. 33018 Phone: (305) 231-8200 Fax: (305) 557-4707 Mon - Sat: 8:00 Am To 10:00 Pm Sun: 9:00 Am To 7:00 Pm Navarro Discount Pharmacy. (Flamingo Plaza) 4410 West 16 Ave. Hialeah Fl. 33012 Phone: (305) 556-8585 Fax: (305) 824-9601 Mon - Sat: 8:00 Am To 10:00 Pm Sun: 9:00 Am To 7:00 Pm Navarro Discount Pharmacy. 13250 Biscayne Blv. North Miami , Fl. 33181 Phone: (305) 891-3551 Fax: (305) 891-3902 Mon - Sat: 8:00 Am To 10:00 Pm Sun: 9:00 Am To 7:00 Pm Navarro Discount Pharmacy. (Doral) 11402 NW 41 St # 127. Doral Fl. 33178 Phone: (305) 471-8184 Fax: (305) 471-8189 Mon - Sat: 8:00 Am To 10:00 Pm Sun: 9:00 Am To 7:00 Pm Navarro Discount Pharmacy. (Miracle Mile) 93 Miracle Mile, Coral Gables Fl. 33134 Phone: (305) 445-1059 Mon - Sat: 8:00 Am To 10:00 Pm Sun: 9:00 Am To 7:00 Pm Navarro Discount Pharmacy. (Ponce De Leon) 3949 SW 8 St., Miami Fl. 33134 Phone: (305) 444-7530 Fax: (305) 442-2805 Mon - Sun: 6:00 Am To 12:00 Am Navarro Discount Pharmacy. (Sunset) 10720 SW 72 St., Miami Fl. 33173 Phone: (305) 271-9909 Fax: (305) 412-1851 24 Hrs Navarro Discount Pharmacy. (Flagler) 5252 West Flagler St. Miami Fl. 33134 Phone: (305) 442-9946 Fax: (305) 442-7320 Mon - Sat: 8:00 Am To 10:00 Pm Sun: 9:00 Am To 10:00 Pm Navarro Discount Pharmacy. (Sweetwater) 10044 West Flagler St. Miami Fl. 33174 Phone: (305) 223-3555 Fax: (305) 485-8037 Mon - Sat: 8:00 Am To 10:00 Pm Sun: 9:00 Am To 7:00 Pm Navarro Discount Pharmacy. (Little Havana) 1243 SW 8th St. Miami Fl. 33135 Phone: (305) 854-8544 Fax: (305) 854-6463 Mon - Sat: 8:00 Am To 10:00 Pm Sun: 9:00 Am To 7:00 Pm Navarro Discount Pharmacy. (Hammocks) 14665 SW 104th St. Miami Fl. 33186 Phone: (305) 752-0600 Fax: (305) 752-4272 Mon - Sat: 8:00 Am To 10:00 Pm Sun: 10:00 Am To 7:00 Pm Navarro Discount Pharmacy. (Country Walk) 13796 SW 152th St. Miami Fl. 33177 Phone: (305) 256-9800 Fax: (786) 249-0014 Mon - Sat: 8:00 Am To 10:00 Pm Sun: 10:00 Am To 7:00 Pm Navarro Discount Pharmacy. (Westchester) 9686 SW 24th St. Miami Fl. 33165 Phone: (305) 225-9307 Fax: (786) 621-0859 Mon - Sat: 8:00 Am To 10:00 Pm Sun: 9:00 Am To 7:00 Pm Navarro Discount Pharmacy. (Coral Way) 11865 SW 26th St. Miami Fl. 33175 Phone: (305) 227-0023 Fax: (305) 227-3021 Mon - Sat: 8:00 Am To 10:00 Pm Sun: 9:00 Am To 7:00 Pm Navarro Discount Pharmacy. (West Sunset) 15000 SW 72th St. Miami Fl. 33193 Phone: (305) 387-1300 Fax: 305) 388-2310 Mon - Sat: 8:00 Am To 10:00 Pm Sun: 9:00 Am To 7:00 Pm Navarro Discount Pharmacy. (East Flagler) 1601 West Flagler St. Miami Fl. 33135 Phone: (305) 643-9762 Fax: (786) 621-5810 Mon - Sat: 8:00 Am To 10:00 Pm Sun: 9:00 Am To 7:00 Pm 72 Navarro Discount Pharmacy. (FIU) 12000 SW 8th St. Miami Fl. 33184 Phone: (305) 225-8900 Fax: (305) 485-9009 Mon - Sun: 6:00 Am To 12:00 Am Pharmacy / Farmacia Miami - Dade Navarro Discount Pharmacy. (Sunny Isles) 18500 Collins Ave. Sunny Isles Fl. 33160 Phone: (305) 792-4099 Fax: (305) 792-4492 Mon - Sat: 8:00 Am To 10:00 Pm Sun: 9:00 Am To 7:00 Pm Navarro Discount Pharmacy. (North Shore) 631 71th St. Miami Beach Fl. 33141 Phone: (305) 865-0075 Fax: (305) 865-1886 Mon - Sun: 6:00 Am To 12:00 Am Navarro Discount Pharmacy. (West Bird Rd) 14491 SW 42 St. Miami Fl. 33175 Phone: (305) 229-1044 Fax: (305) 229-9039 Mon - Sat: 8:00 Am To 10:00 Pm Sun: 9:00 Am To 7:00 Pm Navarro Discount Pharmacy. (Galloway) 8760 SW 40 St. Miami Fl. 33165 Phone: (305) 552-1498 Fax: (305) 559-3193 Mon - Sat: 8:00 Am To 10:00 Pm Sun: 9:00 Am To 7:00 Pm Presidente Pharmacy. 10845 SW 40th St Miami, Fl. 33165 Phone: (305) 485-8888 President Pharmacy 11340 Quail Roost Drive Miami, Fl. 33157 Phone: (305) 235-8244 Cardenas Pharmacy. 2741 Coral Way. Miami, Fl. 33145 Phone: (305) 529-0003 Fax: (305) 529-1022 My Pharmacy of Homestead. 806 N. Krome Ave. Homestead, Fl. 33030 Phone: (305) 247-6949 Fax: (305) 247-6072 Pro Pharmacy 11478 Quail Roost Drive Miami, Fl. 33157 Phone: (305) 971-3388 Las Villas Pharmacy 716 W 29th ST Hialeah, Fl. 33012 Phone: (305) 883-7476 Redondo Pharmacy Discount 19533 N.W 57 Ave. Miami, Fl. 33055 Phone: (305) 625-0225 Pharmacy / Farmacia Direct Meds of Florida 800 E. Hallandale Beach Blvd Hallandale Beach Fl. 33009 Tel: (954) 454-8118 Fax: (954) 454-9898 Refer to Drug Pricing Fee Schedule Home Delivery Service Free Mail Order Delivery Service Broward President Pharmacy 2013 Harding St Hollywood Fl. 33020 Tel: (305) 506-8677 Fax: (786) 292-3142 Refer to Drug Pricing Fee Schedule Home Delivery Service Free Mail Order Delivery Service Pharmacy / Farmacia Palm Beach Garcia Pharmacy 2525 N. Dixie Hwy Lake Worth Fl. 33460 Phone: (561) 588-2252 Pharmacy / Farmacia Cape Coral Express Pharmacy 4419 Del Prado Blvd North Cape Coral Fl. 33904 Tel: (239) 574-8846 Fax: (239) 574-7080 Refer to Drug Pricing Fee Schedule Home Delivery Service Free Mail Order Delivery Service Lee / Cape Coral St. Jude Pharmacy 1202 N.E Pine Island Road Ste 1V Cape Coral Fl. 33909 Tel: (239) 673-7777 Refer to Drug Pricing Fee Schedule Home Delivery Service Free Mail Order Delivery Service 73 Disclaimer: Pricing for Navarro Saving Club members ONLY. The above list of drugs is subject to change. Not all prescription drugs are covered by this program. This program is NOT insurance. For more information about this program visit us at or contact Navarro pharmacist. 74 M.P. N-Rx. FS 01/13 Navarro Pharmacy Fee Schedule 100 tablets on over 400 generic medications for ONLY $9.99 Disclaimer: Pricing for Navarro Saving Club members ONLY. The above list of drugs is subject to change. Not all prescription drugs are covered by this program. This program is NOT insurance. For more information about this program visit us at or contact Navarro pharmacist. M.P. N-Rx. FS 01/13 75 Navarro Pharmacy Fee Schedule 100 tablets on over 400 generic medications for ONLY $9.99 Disclaimer: Pricing for Navarro Saving Club members ONLY. The above list of drugs is subject to change. Not all prescription drugs are covered by this program. This program is NOT insurance. For more information about this program visit us at or contact Navarro pharmacist. M.P. N-Rx. FS 01/13 76 Navarro Pharmacy Fee Schedule 100 tablets on over 400 generic medications for ONLY $9.99 Disclaimer: Pricing for Navarro Saving Club members ONLY. The above list of drugs is subject to change. Not all prescription drugs are covered by this program. This program is NOT insurance. For more information about this program visit us at or contact Navarro pharmacist. M.P. N-Rx. FS 01/13 77 Navarro Pharmacy Fee Schedule 100 tablets on over 400 generic medications for ONLY $9.99 Disclaimer: Pricing for Navarro Saving Club members ONLY. The above list of drugs is subject to change. Not all prescription drugs are covered by this program. This program is NOT insurance. For more information about this program visit us at or contact Navarro pharmacist. 78 M.P. N-Rx. FS 01/13 SEDUCTION COSMETIC CENTER FEE SCHEDULE COSMETIC PROCEDURES / TRATAMIENTOS ESTETICOS 2500 NW 107 Ave # 102 Doral, Fl. 3172 Phone: 305-406-9055 COSMETIC SURGERY AND TREATMENT FEE SCHEDULE PROCEDURES / PROCEDIMIENTOS Breast Augmentation (saline breast implants) Breast Augmentation (silicone breast implants) Breast Lift Surgery (saline breast implants) Breast Lift Surgery (silicone breast implants) Breast Augmentation (Saline Aeroplastics) Breast Augmentation (Silicone Aeroplastics) Breast Lift Surgery without implats Hypertrophic Breast Reduction Breast Aug w/Exchange Implants Saline Breast Augmentation With Exchange (saline breast implants) Breast Augmentation With Exchange (silicone breast implants) Breast Augmentation with Exchange (capsule implants) MiniTummy Tuck (Mini-Abdominoplastia) Tummy Tuck I (Abdominoplasty) Tummy Tuck II (Abdominoplasty) Tummy Tuck III (Abdominoplasty) Liposculpture Liposculpture + Fat Transfer Lipo x Areas (each area) 4 areas minimum Arms lipo (each arm) Arm Surgery (both arms) Inner Thighs Lipo Outter Thighs Lipo Lipo (double chin) combo Lipo (double chin) only “Z” Neck Surgery “Z” Neck Surgery (combo) Face Lift Eyebrow Lift Eyelids (Up and Down) Eyelids (Up) Eyelids (Down) Nose (cartilage only) Nose (bone + cartilage) Laser Skin Rejuvenation (Face) Microdermabrasion Treatment Chin Implant Otoplasty (Ear Surgery) Vagina Rejuvenation Gastric Banding Therapies Torso Lift through Thighs SPA TREATMENTS / TRATAMIENTOS DE SPA Cavitation (10 sections) Cavitation (1 section) Reductive Massage (10 sections) Reductive Massage (1 section) Passive Gymnastics (10 sections) Passive Gymnastics (1 section) Butt Lift (10 sections) Butt Lift (1 section) Vacum Therapy (10 sections) Mesotherapy (10 sections) Mesotherapy (1 section) Carboderm facial (1 section) MP . C-S . FS 01/13 ORIGINAL PRICE $3,500 $4,900 $6,000 $7000 $4,800 $5,800 $5,500 $7,500 $4,200 $5,400 $4,900 $5,900 $3,300 $4,900 $5,500 $7,000 $3,700 $5,000 $600 $1,200 $3,900 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 $3,000 $3,700 $1,700 $6,500 $4,000 $4,000 $2,000 $2,000 $4,000 $6,500 $3,500 $800 $2,500 $4,000 $4,500 $14,000 $750 $4,700 $2,800 $3,900 $4,500 $5,500 $3,800 $4,600 $4,000 $6,000 $3,400 $4,300 $3,900 $4,700 $2,500 $3,900 $4,500 $5,500 $3,000 $4,000 $300 $900 $3,000 $900 $900 $900 $2,400 $3,000 $1,400 $4,500 $3,000 $3,000 $1,500 $1,500 $3,000 $4,000 $2,500 $600 $2,000 $2,800 $2,500 $9,900 $550 $3,000 $1,200.00 $120.00 $700.00 $120.00 $400.00 $45.00 $400.00 $45.00 $450.00 $800.00 $90.00 $70.00 $750.00 $85.00 $500.00 $85.00 $300.00 $35.00 $300.00 $35.00 $350.00 $650.00 $75.00 $55.00 FEE 79 COSMETIC SURGERY AND TREATMENT FEE SCHEDULE SPA TREATMENTS / TRATAMIENTOS DE SPA Carboderm facial (10 sections) Carboderm body ( 5 sections) Carboderm body (10 sections) Endermology (10 sections) Yeso Therapies (1 section) Parafango (10 sections) Parafango (5 sections) Plasma Basic Facial Facial Acne Facial Oxígeno Facial con radio frecuencia Peeling Collagen Hydra Gel Mask Micro Dermabrasion (1 section) Micro Dermabrasion (3 sections) Micro Dermabrasion (5 sections) Parafina treatment (10 sections) Body Wrap (1 section) Body Wrap (10 sections) Radiofrequency (10 sections) Radiofrecuency (5 sections) Radiofrecuency (1 section) Varicose Vains Treatment (1 section) Varicose Vains Treatment (10 sections) Package 10 Relax Massages (Full Body) Include Free Trigger Point or Neuromuscular 1 Relax Massage (Full Body) Include Free Trigger Point or Neuromuscular Package 10 Swedish Massage Include Free Trigger Point or Neuromuscular 1 Swedish Massage Include Free Trigger Point or Neuromuscular Post-Surgery Therapy (1 section) Post-Surgery Therapy (5 section) Post-Surgery Therapy (10 section) Permanent Makeup Eyebrows 3 lines Bottom Line Upper Line Lighting Lips Alignment Wax Eyebrows (Con pinza) Eyebrows (between) Upper Lip Armpits Full face (Brows Included) Bikini Line Full Bikini Brazilian Bikini Full Arms (w/hands) Chest Chest with Stomach Stomach Back with Shoulders Full Legs (w/Toes) Upper Legs Lower Legs (w/Toes) Toes 80 MP . C-S . FS 01/13 ORIGINAL PRICE $650.00 $750.00 $1,350.00 $550.00 $150.00 $950.00 $525.00 $300.00 $75.00 $75.00 $90.00 $120.00 $90.00 $25.00 $85.00 $225.00 $350.00 $650.00 $85.00 $750.00 $1,200.00 $550.00 $90.00 $40.00 $350.00 $750.00 $100.00 $750.00 $85.00 $100.00 $425.00 $750.00 $500.00 $500.00 $1,100.00 $500.00 $100.00 $700.00 $400.00 $200.00 $50.00 $60.00 $70.00 $60.00 $70.00 $16.00 $65.00 $185.00 $260.00 $500.00 $60.00 $500.00 $900.00 $450.00 $60.00 $30.00 $250.00 $650.00 $70.00 $650.00 $70.00 $60.00 $375.00 $500.00 $200.00 $300.00 $130.00 $130.00 $130.00 $200.00 $150.00 $250.00 $90.00 $90.00 $90.00 $150.00 $15.99 $7.99 $9.99 $20.00 $52.99 $21.99 $29.99 $50.00 $36.99 $20.99 $36.99 $21.99 $35.00 $70.00 $35.00 $29.99 $15.00 $10.00 $5.00 $6.00 $15.00 $45.00 $18.00 $22.00 $40.00 $30.00 $15.00 $29.00 $16.00 $29.00 $55.00 $29.00 $25.00 $10.00 FEE COSMETIC SURGERY AND TREATMENT FEE SCHEDULE Laser Treatments / Tratamientos de Láser Laser Hair Removal (1 section) Laser Hair Removal (10 sections) Chin (1 section) Chin (10 sections) Double Chin (1 section) Double Chin (10 sections) Sideburn ( 1 section) Sideburn (10 sections) Full Face (1 section) Full face (10 sections) Armpits (1 section) Armpits (10 sections) Linea Alba (1 section) Linea Alba (10 sections) Thighs ( 1 section) Thighs (10 sections) Legs ( 1 section) Legs (10 sections) Full Legs ( 1 section) Full Legs ( 10 sections) Buttocks (1 section) Buttocks (10 sections) Bikini Line (1 section) Bikini Line (10 sections) Back of male (10 sections) Full Chest (1 section) Full Chest (10 sections) Full Bikini (1 section) Full Bikini (10 sections) Laser Spots / Láser para manchas Hands (1 section) Hands (10 sections) Cheeks (1 section) Cheeks (10 sections) Full Face (1 section) Full Face (10 sections) Forearm (1 section) Forearm (10 sections) Arm (1 section) Arm (10 sections) Laser Acne (1 section) Laser Acne (10 sections) Botox (Regular) 40 unidades Juvederm (1 jeringuilla) Arnica Lipocell Kelocote Latisse Scarguard (para proteger heridas) Procolagen Cocoa Butter VEIN TREATMENTS 1 Section (one at a time) Package (6) Treatment Package (8) Treatment Package (10) Treatment Package (12) Treatment MP . C-S . FS 01/13 GENERIC PRODUCTS / PRODUCTOS GENERICOS ORIGINAL PRICE $30.00 $250.00 $55.00 $450.00 $75.00 $600.00 $40.00 $350.00 $150.00 $1,300.00 $50.00 $400.00 $40.00 $350.0 $200.00 $1,800.00 $150.00 $1,200.00 $350.00 $2,800.00 $70.00 $600.00 $80.00 $650.00 $2,200.00 $140.00 $1,200.00 $150.00 $1,300.00 FEE $20.00 $170.00 $45.00 $400.00 $65.00 $500.00 $30.00 $250.00 $110.00 $1,000.00 $35.00 $300.00 $30.00 $250.00 $150.00 $1,300.00 $100.00 $900.00 $250.00 $2,300.00 $50.00 $400.00 $50.00 $450.00 $1,700.00 $85.00 $700.00 $110.00 $900.00 $45.00 $350.00 $40.00 $300.00 $100.00 $900.00 $75.00 $600.00 $90.00 $750.00 $75.00 $650.00 $35.00 $300.00 $30.00 $200.00 $80.00 $700.00 $65.00 $500.00 $70.00 $600.00 $60.00 $500.00 $350.00 $550.00 $30.00 $35.00 $70.00 $125.00 $70.00 $60.00 $25.00 $325.00 $500.00 $25.00 $28.00 $60.00 $100.00 $60.00 $50.00 $18.00 $75.00 $450.00 $600.00 $750.00 $1020.00 $55.00 $330.00 $440.00 $550.00 $600.00 81