pliers - Unior
pliers - Unior
main menu P O W E PLIERS R I N Y O U R tool index H A N D FEATURES OF UNIOR’S PLIERS 83 83 83 84 84 84 84 85 85 85 86 86 86 87 87 87 88 88 88 89 89 89 90 90 90 91 91 91 92 92 92 93 93 94 94 94 95 95 95 95 96 96 96 97 97 97 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 81 combination pliers combination pliers combination pliers combination pliers combination pliers combination pliers linemen's pliers long flat nose pliers long flat nose pliers long flat nose pliers long round nose pliers long round nose pliers long round nose pliers long nose pliers with side cutter long nose pliers with side cutter long nose pliers with side cutter long nose pliers with side cutter and pipe grip, straight long nose pliers with side cutter and pipe grip, straight long nose pliers with side cutter and pipe grip, straight long nose pliers with side cutter and pipe grip, bent long nose pliers with side cutter and pipe grip, bent long nose pliers with side cutter and pipe grip, bent end cutting nippers end cutting nippers end cutting nippers diagonal cutting nippers diagonal cutting nippers diagonal cutting nippers heavy duty diagonal cutting nippers heavy duty diagonal cutting nippers heavy duty diagonal cutting nippers set of BI pliers in plastic box set of BI pliers on carton display brake spring pliers combination slip - joint pliers for gas tubes duckbill pliers spare cutter for 479 wire stripping pliers wire stripping pliers wire stripping pliers round cable stripper wire stripper wire stripper cable stripper coax cable stripper combination coax cable stripper cable conectors cable conectors cable conectors female conectors female conectors female spade terminals female spade terminals female spade terminals insulated female spade terminals insulated female spade terminals insulated female spade terminals male and female terminals male and female terminals male conectors male conectors male spade terminals 405 BI 407 415 406 BI 408 416 420 BI 471 472 BI 473 474 476 BI 477 504 505 506 BI 502 507 508 BI 510 512 BI 513 451 455 BI 456 460 461 BI 462 465 466 BI 467 900/1 BI 400/2 431 418 509 BI 479.1 469 478 BI 479 382 380 381 385 384 383 423.10B 423.10J 423.10R 423.5B 423.5R 423.7B 423.7J 423.7R 423.8B 423.8J 423.8R 423.9B 423.9R 423.4B 423.4R 423.6B 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 99 99 99 99 100 100 100 101 101 101 101 101 102 102 102 103 103 104 104 104 104 105 105 105 106 106 106 107 107 107 108 108 108 109 109 109 110 110 110 111 111 111 111 112 112 112 male spade terminals male spade terminals pin terminals pin terminals pin terminals rapid conectors rapid conectors ring terminals ring terminals ring terminals spade terminals spade terminals spade terminals crimping pliers crimping pliers crimping pliers set of crimping pliers with terminals crimping pliers telephone pliers telephone pliers crimp lever pliers crimp-grip pliers crimp-grip pliers set of crimp-grip pliers with terminals spare head for 428 double groove joint pliers double groove joint pliers double groove joint pliers set of variable joint HYPO pliers variable joint HYPO pliers double groove joint pliers slip joint waterpump pliers slip joint waterpump pliers wheel and rack waterpump pliers, box joint set of waterpump box joint pliers on carton display waterpump box joint pliers waterpump box joint pliers external lock rings pliers, straight external lock rings pliers, straight external lock rings pliers, straight external lock rings pliers, bent external lock rings pliers, bent external lock rings pliers, bent internal lock rings pliers, straight internal lock rings pliers, straight internal lock rings pliers, straight internal lock rings pliers, bent internal lock rings pliers, bent internal lock rings pliers, bent lock rings pliers set revolving punch pliers with 6 punches spare punches for 557 carpenter's pincers carpenter's pincers heavy duty tower pincers tile pincers set of tower pincers on carton display tower pincers tower pincers 423.6J 423.6R 423.3B 423.3J 423.3R 423.11B 423.11R 423.1B 423.1J 423.1R 423.2B 423.2J 423.2R 425 A 425 AB 425 B 965/12 424 503 A 503 428 426 A 426 B 965/11 428.1 443 444 445 BI 400/8 442 448 440 441 446 400/5 447/1 447 532/1 532/4 532 534 534/4 534/1 536/1 536/4 536 538/1 538/4 538 539 557.558 557.1 530/4 530 529 527 400/6 531/4 531 81 P O W E PLIERS R I N Y O U R H A N D FEATURES OF UNIOR’S PLIERS T H R E E L I N E : * material: special composition steel suitable for hardening and tempering * entirely hardened and tempered * cutting edges induction hardened * head polished * surface finish: crome plated * heavy duty double - component handles * jet stamp UNIOR The items with blue color handles are not available for sale in the USA and Canada. Items can be supplied with red color handles. * material: special composition steel suitable for hardening and tempering * entirely hardened and tempered * cutting edges induction hardened * head ground * surface finish: phosphatized * heavy duty plastic handles * material: special composition steel suitable for hardening and tempering * entirely hardened and tempered * cutting edges induction hardened * head ground * surface finish: phosphatized * handles plastic dipped Cutting capacities of pliers are by article ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN mm, ALL WEIGHTS ARE IN g. 82 82 PLIERS P O W E R I N Y O U R H A N D 405 BI 407 415 COMBINATION PLIERS 405 BI COMBINATION PLIERS 407 BA BA C D B C D 607867 160 5.5 607868 180 5.8 607869 200 7 cutting capacities 24 27 29 35 38 41 9.5 10 10.5 Dim. 160 180 200 L DIN ISO 5746 A Code C D L DIN ISO 5746 L soft wire CuSn6 (ISO427) 740 - 830 N/mm2 / 1 mm O / 1 mm O / 1 mm O Code 200 250 310 medium hard wire 1600 N/mm2 / 1,6 mm O / 1,6 mm O / 1,6 mm O 10 10 10 L A B C D 9,5 35 24 5.5 160 10.0 38 27 5.8 180 10.5 41 29 7.0 200 cutting capacities same as 405 BI 608668 608669 608670 200 250 310 10 10 10 COMBINATION PLIERS 415 BA C D L DIN ISO 5746 Code L A B C D 608678 608679 608680 160 180 200 5,5 5,8 7,0 24 27 29 35 38 41 9,5 10.0 10,5 200 250 310 10 10 10 cutting capacities same as 405 BI 83 83 PLIERS P O W E R I N Y O U R H A N D 406 BI 408 416 420 BI COMBINATION PLIERS 406 BI BA C D L DIN ISO 5746 Code L A B C D 607870 607871 607872 608354 160 180 200 220 5.5 5.8 7 8 24 27 29 32 35 38 41 47 9.5 10 10.5 11 BA 200 250 310 390 10 10 10 10 160 180 200 220 L C L A B L C D 160 200 250 310 390 10 10 10 10 10 220 10 L DIN ISO 5746 D 608681 140 5 23 32 8 608682 160 5.5 24 35 9.5 608683 180 5.8 27 38 10 608684 200 7 29 41 10.5 608685 220 8 32 47 11 cutting capacities same as 406 BI 84 C C D DIN ISO 5746 Code B BA BA D A LINEMEN`S PLIERS 420 BI COMBINATION PLIERS 416 L 608673 140 5 23 32 8 608674 160 5.5 24 35 9.5 608675 180 5.8 27 38 10 608676 200 7 29 41 10.5 608677 220 8 32 47 11 cutting capacities same as 406 BI medium hard wire 1600 N/mm2 / 1,6 mm O / 1,6 mm O / 1,6 mm O / 1,6 mm O soft wire CuSn6 (ISO427) 740 - 830 N/mm2 / 1 mm O / 1 mm O / 1 mm O / 1 mm O C D DIN ISO 5746 Code cutting capacities Dim. COMBINATION PLIERS 408 160 200 250 310 390 10 10 10 10 10 Code L A B C D 607873 180 6 24 45 11 cutting capacities Dim. 180 soft wire CuSn6 (ISO427) 740 - 830 N/mm2 / 1 mm O medium hard wire 1600 N/mm2 / 1,6 mm O 84 PLIERS P O W E R I N Y O U R H A N D 472 BI 473 471 LONG FLAT NOSE PLIERS 472 BI LONG FLAT NOSE PLIERS 473 BA BA C D DIN ISO 5745–long form L Code L A B C D 607878 607879 140 160 2.5 3.0 15 16 39* 49 8 9 C D DIN ISO 5745–long form 120 145 10 10 * flat long jaws * gripping surface serrated L Code L A B C D 608704 608705 140 160 2.5 3.0 15 16 39* 49 8 9 120 145 10 10 * flat long jaws * gripping surface serrated LONG FLAT NOSE PLIERS 471 BA C D L DIN ISO 5745–long form Code L A B C D 608702 608703 140 160 2.5 3.0 15 16 39* 49 8 9 120 145 10 10 * flat long jaws * gripping surface serrated *dimension does not correspond with standard DIN ISO 5745-long type 85 85 PLIERS P O W E R I N Y O U R H A N D 476 BI 477 474 LONG ROUND NOSE PLIERS 476 BI B LONG ROUND NOSE PLIERS 477 A D C B L DIN ISO 5745–long form Code L A B C D 607880 607881 140 160 15 16 9 10 39 49 2.0 2.5 A D C L DIN ISO 5745–long form 100 130 10 10 *long round jaws Code L A B C D 608708 608709 140 160 15 16 9 10 39 49 2.0 2.5 100 130 10 10 *long round jaws LONG ROUND NOSE PLIERS 474 B A D C DIN ISO 5745–long form L Code L A B C D 608706 608707 140 160 15 16 9 10 39 49 2.0 2.5 100 130 10 10 *long round jaws 86 86 PLIERS P O W E R I N Y O U R H A N D 506 BI 504 505 LONG NOSE PLIERS WITH SIDE CUTTER 506 BI D BA C E DIN ISO 5745 D L Code L A B C D E 607874 607875 140 160 2.5 3.2 15 16 2 2.5 8 9 39 49 140 160 soft wire CuSn6 (ISO427) 740 - 830 N/mm2 / 1 mm O / 1 mm O BA C E DIN ISO 5745 Code 110 150 10 10 608712 608713 L L A B C D E 140 160 2.5 3.2 15 16 2 2.5 8 9 39 49 110 150 10 10 110 150 10 10 cutting capacities same as 506 BI cutting capacities Dim. LONG NOSE PLIERS WITH SIDE CUTTER 504 medium hard wire 1600 N/mm2 / 1,6 mm O / 1,6 mm O * gripping surface serrated * half-round, serrated jaws * gripping surface serrated * half-round jaws LONG NOSE PLIERS WITH SIDE CUTTER 505 D BA C E DIN ISO 5745 L Code L A B C D E 608716 608717 140 160 2.5 3.2 15 16 2 2.5 8 9 39 49 cutting capacities same as 506 BI * gripping surface serrated * half-round jaws 87 87 PLIERS P O W E R I N Y O U R H A N D 508 BI 502 507 LONG NOSE PLIERS WITH SIDE CUTTER AND PIPE GRIP, STRAIGHT 508 BI D BA C E DIN ISO 5745 D L Code L A B C D E 607876 607877 170 200 3.0 3.0 17 17 2.5 2.5 9 9 61 77 170 200 soft wire CuSn6 (ISO427) 740 - 830 N/mm2 / 1 mm O / 1 mm O BA C E DIN ISO 5745 Code 160 180 10 10 608710 608711 L 170 200 A 3.0 3.0 B 17 17 C 2.5 2.5 D 9 9 L E 61 77 160 180 10 10 160 180 10 10 cutting capacities same as 508 BI cutting capacities Dim. LONG NOSE PLIERS WITH SIDE CUTTER AND PIPE GRIP, STRAIGHT 502 medium hard wire 1600 N/mm2 / 1,6 mm O / 1,6 mm O * gripping surface serrated * half-round, serrated jaws * gripping surface serrated * half-round, serrated jaws LONG NOSE PLIERS WITH SIDE CUTTER AND PIPE GRIP, STRAIGHT 507 D BA C E DIN ISO 5745 L Code L A B C D E 608714 608715 170 200 3.0 3.0 17 17 2.5 2.5 9 9 61 77 cutting capacities same as 508 BI * gripping surface serrated * half-round, serrated jaws 88 88 PLIERS P O W E R I N Y O U R H A N D 512 BI 513 510 LONG NOSE PLIERS WITH SIDE CUTTER AND PIPE GRIP, BENT 512 BI BA C D 45° E L A B C D E 607966 607967 170 200 3.0 3.0 17 17 2.5 2.5 9 9 61 77 160 180 170 200 * gripping surface serrated * half-round jaws * jaws bent to an angle of 45° 10 10 E L Code L A B C D E 608720 608721 170 200 3.0 3.0 17 17 2.5 2.5 9 9 61 77 160 180 10 10 cutting capacities same as 512 BI cutting capacities soft wire CuSn6 (ISO427) 740 - 830 N/mm2 / 1 mm O / 1 mm O BA C D 45° L Code Dim. LONG NOSE PLIERS WITH SIDE CUTTER AND PIPE GRIP, BENT 513 medium hard wire 1600 N/mm2 / 1,6 mm O / 1,6 mm O * gripping surface serrated * half-round jaws * jaws bent to an angle of 45° LONG NOSE PLIERS WITH SIDE CUTTER AND PIPE GRIP, BENT 510 BA C D 45° E L Code L A B C D E 608718 608719 170 200 3.0 3.0 17 17 2.5 2.5 9 9 61 77 160 180 10 10 cutting capacities same as 512 BI * gripping surface serrated * half-round jaws * jaws bent to an angle of 45° 89 89 PLIERS P O W E R I N Y O U R H A N D 455 BI 456 451 455 BI END CUTTING NIPPERS 456 END CUTTING NIPPERS A B C A L DIN ISO 5748 B C L DIN ISO 5748 Code L A B C 609192 160 27 22 7 cutting capacities hard wire Dim. 2 200 N/mm2 / 1,6 mm 160 O 200 10 Code L A B C 608694 160 27 22 7 200 10 200 10 cutting capacities same as 455 BI * material: Ck 60 * are also suitable for nipping piano wire * material: Ck 60 * are also suitable for nipping piano wire 451 END CUTTING NIPPERS A B C L DIN ISO 5748 Code L A B C 608693 160 27 22 7 cutting capacities same as 455 BI * material: Ck 60 * are also suitable for nipping piano wire 90 90 PLIERS P O W E R I N Y O U R H A N D 461 BI 462 460 DIAGONAL CUTTING NIPPERS 461 BI 462 DIAGONAL CUTTING NIPPERS A B A C B L DIN ISO 5749 Code L A B C 607883 607884 140 160 19.0 22.5 9.5 10.0 18 22 Code 150 180 140, 160 soft wire Cu-ETP (ISO1337) 210 - 250 N/mm2 / 0,5 mm O L 10 10 608697 608698 L 140 160 A 19.0 22.5 B 9.5 10.0 C 18 22 150 180 10 10 150 180 10 10 cutting capacities same as 461 BI cutting capacities Dim. C DIN ISO 5749 medium soft wire 1600 N/mm2 / 1,6 mm O 460 DIAGONAL CUTTING NIPPERS A B C L DIN ISO 5749 Code L A B C 608695 608696 140 160 19.0 22.5 9.5 10.0 18 22 cutting capacities same as 461 BI 91 91 PLIERS P O W E R I N Y O U R H A N D 466 BI 467 465 466 BI HEAVY DUTY DIAGONAL CUTTING NIPPERS 467 HEAVY DUTY DIAGONAL CUTTING NIPPERS A B A C B L DIN ISO 5749 Code L A B C 608850 608837 180 200 28 27 11 11 20 21 310 293 180 200 soft wire CuSn6 (ISO427) 740 - 830 N/mm2 / 1 mm O / 1 mm O L 10 10 Code L A B C 608700 609190 180 200 28 27 11 11 20 21 310 293 10 10 310 293 10 10 cutting capacities same as 466 BI cutting capacities Dim. C DIN ISO 5749 hard wire 2150 N/mm2 / 1,8 mm O / 2 mm O 465 HEAVY DUTY DIAGONAL CUTTING NIPPERS A B C L DIN ISO 5749 Code L A B C 608699 609191 180 200 28 27 11 11 20 21 cutting capacities same as 466 BI 92 92 PLIERS P O W E R I N Y O U R H A N D 900/1 BI 400/2 PAGE 259 900/1 BI Code 608480 SET OF BI PLIERS IN PLASTIC BOX 400/2 SET/pcs 5 Code 1600 CONTENTS: 1 609357 SET OF BI PLIERS ON CARTON DISPLAY SET/pcs 20 3780 CONTENTS: Code mm pcs Code mm pcs 406 BI 461 BI 478 BI 506 BI 512 BI 180 160 160 160 170 1 1 1 1 1 406 BI 406 BI 461 BI 508 BI 180 200 160 170 5 5 5 5 93 1 93 PLIERS P O W E R I N Y O U R H A N D 418 509 BI 431 418 COMBINATION SLIP - JOINT PLIERS FOR GAS TUBES DUCKBILL PLIERS 509 BI A B A B D C C L L DIN ISO 9343 Code L A B C 601262 601263 160 180 5 5 9 10 28 30 170 250 10 10 * material: special composition steel suitable for hardening and tempering * entirely hardened and tempered * with wire cutter * two possibilities for jaw setting * surface finish: chrome plated Code L A B C D 605585 200 70 17 9 2 145 10 405 5 * used in textile industry 431 BRAKE SPRING PLIERS A ØD L Code L A ØD 601554 325 53 25 * material: special composition steel suitable for hardening and tempering * entirely hardened and tempered * loose oil hardened head, phosphatized * surface finish: chrome plated 94 94 PLIERS P O W E R I N Y O U R H A N D 478 BI 469 479 479.1 Spare Cutters WIRE STRIPPING PLIERS 478 BI A B C WIRE STRIPPING PLIERS 469 L Code L mm2 A B C 607882 160 0.6-10 18 9 40 A 170 B 10 C L * stripping capacity: up to max 0.6 mm2-10 mm2 * spring for reopening 479 WIRE STRIPPING PLIERS Code L mm2 A B C 608701 160 0.6-10 18 9 40 479.1 Code 601134 601135 mm2 A0.5 - 1.2-1.6-2 B1 - 1.6 - 2- 2.6 - 3.2 L 160 160 260 260 * interchangeable blades for various insulated wire cross – sections * when stripping insulation wire remains undamaged * cable (insulated wire) to be put into the proper blade opening * heavy duty plastic handles 95 170 10 * stripping capacity: up to max 0.6 mm2-10 mm2* spring for reopening 10 10 SPARE CUTTERS Code Dim.-form 602048 602049 A0.5 - 1.2-1.6-2 B1 - 1.6 - 2- 2.6 - 3.2 1 1 95 PLIERS P O W E R I N Y O U R H A N D 380 382 381 380 WIRE STRIPPER 382 * for round and continental type cables of 8 to 13 mm2 Ø * flush stripping even in hard-to-reach areas * need no adjustment of the cutting deph * fully insulated automatic wire stripper for all common stranded and solid conductors of 0,2-6 mm2 * adjustable lenght stop of 5-12 mm2 * easily accessible built-in side cutter for max. 2 mm Ø Code mm2 610925 0,2 - 6 381 ROUND CABLE STRIPPER 109 10 Code mmØ 610927 8 - 13 43 10 WIRE STRIPPER * fully insulated automatic wire stripper for all common stranded and solid conductors of 0,5-6 mm2/20-0 AWG * with integrated lenght scale of 8-20 mm * the special scanning system adjust automaticaly to the wire diameter and allows fast and accurate stripping * easily accessible built-in side cutter Code mm2 610926 0,5 - 6 96 112 10 96 PLIERS P O W E R I N Y O U R H A N D 383 384 385-hoock knife 385-straight knife 383 384 COMBINATION COAX CABLE STRIPPER * two or three-level stripping of all common coaxial cables (antenna and transmission cables) of 4,8-7,5 mm Ø and flexible cables (3x0,75 mm2, 10 mm2, 16 mm2) * need no adjustment of the cutting deph * tools allows stripping in easy steps of all common coaxial cables of 4,8-7,5 mm Ø and flexible cables (3x0,75 mm2, 10 mm2, 16 mm2) * need no adjustment of the cutting deph * with an easily accessible side cutter Code 610928 mmØ 4,8 - 7,5 56 COAX CABLE STRIPPER 10 Code mmØ 610929 4,8 - 7,5 385 28 10 CABLE STRIPPER * accurate, fast and save stripping of all common round cables of 4-28 mm Ø * no damage of the inner conductors can occur due to infinitely variable adjustment of the cutting depht. * inside of handles are spare swivel blade 97 Code mmØ 610930 610931 4 - 28 hoock knife 4 - 28 straight knife 82 82 10 10 97 PLIERS P O W E R I N Y 423.1B 423.1R L Code A RING TERMINALS mm2 L 609193 3 609194 4 609195 5 17 20 17 20 20 20 609196 609197 609198 609199 22 22 27 27 0.5 - 1.5 0.5 - 1.5 0.5 - 1.5 4 5 6 8 R H A N 1.5 - 2.5 1.5 - 2.5 1.5 - 2.5 1.5 - 2.5 20 20 20 20 D 423.2R RING TERMINALS mm2 L 609200 5 609201 6 609202 8 609203 10 26 31 34 34 Code A 423.2J 423.2B U 423.1J RING TERMINALS mm2 Code A O 2.5 - 6 2.5 - 6 2.5 - 6 2.5 - 6 SPADE TERMINALS mm2 L 609204 3 609205 4 609206 5 21 20 21 20 21 20 Code A 20 20 20 20 423.3R 0.5 - 1.5 0.5 - 1.5 0.5 - 1.5 423.3B SPADE TERMINALS Code A mm2 L Code A SPADE TERMINALS mm2 L Code A PIN TERMINALS mm2 L Code A PIN TERMINALS mm2 L 609207 4 609208 5 21 20 21 20 609209 4 609210 5 609211 6 25 20 25 20 25 20 609212 1.9 21 20 609213 1.9 1.5 - 2.5 21 20 1.5 - 2.5 1.5 - 2.5 2.5 - 6 2.5 - 6 2.5 - 6 423.4R 423.3J PIN TERMINALS Code A mm2 609214 2.8 2.5 - 6 0.5 - 1.5 423.4B 423.5R L MALE CONECTORS Code A mm2 L MALE CONECTORS Code A mm2 L 25 20 609215 4 21 20 609216 5 21 20 0.5 - 1.5 423.6R 423.5B 1.5 - 2.5 423.6B FEMALE CONECTORS Code A mm2 L 609217 4 0.5 - 1.5 24 20 423.6J FEMALE CONECTORS mm2 L MALE SPADE TERMINALS Code A B mm2 L MALE SPADE TERMINALS Code A B mm2 L MALE SPADE TERMINALS Code A B mm2 L 609218 5 609219 6.3x0.8 0.5 - 1.5 22 20 609220 6.3x0.8 1.5 - 2.5 22 20 609221 6.3x0.8 423.7B 423.7J 423.8R Code A 1.5 - 2.5 24 20 423.7R Code A B FEMALE SPADE TERMINALS mm2 L Code A B FEMALE SPADE TERMINALS mm2 L Code A B 609222 2.8x0.5 0.5 - 1.5 20 20 609223 6.3x0.8 0.5 - 1.5 22 20 609224 6.3x0.8 1.5 - 2.5 22 20 609225 6.3x0.8 423.8B FEMALE SPADE TERMINALS mm2 L 2.5 - 6 22 20 2.5 - 6 22 20 INSULATED FEMALE SPADE TERMINALS Code A B mm2 L 609226 6.3x0.8 0.5 - 1.5 23 20 423.8J 423.9R 423.9B INSULATED FEMALE SPADE TERMINALS Code A B mm2 L INSULATEDFEMALE SPADE TERMINALS Code A B mm2 L MALE AND FEMALE TERMINALS Code A B mm2 L MALE AND FEMALE TERMINALS Code A B mm2 L 609227 6.3x0.8 1.5 - 2.5 24 20 609228 6.3x0.8 609229 6.3x0.8 0.5 - 1.5 22 20 609230 6.3x0.8 1.5 - 2.5 22 20 2.5 - 6 24 20 423.10R 423.10B 423.10J 423.11R CABLE CONECTORS Code A mm2 L 609231 1.6 0.5 - 1.5 25 20 CABLE CONECTORS Code A mm2 L CABLE CONECTORS Code A mm2 L RAPID CONECTORS mm2 Code L 609232 2.3 1.5 - 2.5 26 20 609233 3.6 2.5 - 6 26 20 609234 20 20 0.5 - 1.5 423.11B 98 RAPID CONECTORS mm2 Code L 609235 20 20 1.5 - 2.5 98 PLIERS P O W E R I N Y O U R H A N D 425 A, 425 B, 425 AB 965/12 425 A CRIMPING PLIERS * for insulated terminals * cuts and strips wire * surface finish: lacquered * heavy duty plastic handles Code 601136 965/12 mm2 1.5-2.5-6 L 240 300 5 425 B SET OF CRIMPING PLIERS WITH TERMINALS CRIMPING PLIERS * for non insulated terminals * cuts and strips wire * surface finish: lacquered * heavy duty plastic handles Code SET/pcs 609355 281 800 1 Code 601137 mm2 1.5-2.5-6 L 240 300 5 300 5 CONTENTS: Code 425A 423.1R 423.1R 423.1B 423.1B 423.1J 423.1J 423.2R 423.2B 423.3R 423.3B 423.3J 423.5B 423.7R 423.7B 99 dim. pcs 240 3 5 4 6 5 8 4 4 1.9 1.9 2.8 5 6.3 6.3 1 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 425 AB CRIMPING PLIERS * for non insulated terminals * cuts and strips wire * surface finish: lacquered * heavy duty plastic handles Code mm2 605806 1.5-2.5-6 L 240 99 PLIERS P O W E R I N Y O U R H A N D 424 503 503 A CRIMPING PLIERS 424 503 * surface finish: chrome polished * handles plastic dipped * for non insulated terminals Code mm2 L 607949 607950 0.5-2.5 0.5-16 140 180 TELEPHONE PLIERS A 150 250 10 10 B C L TELEPHONE PLIERS 503 A D E L A B C 607863 140 17 9 35 100 10 * material: special composition steel suitable for hardening and tempering * entirely hardened and tempered * cutting edges induction hardened * head ground * surface finish: phosphatized * handles plastic dipped BA C Code L cutting capacities Code L A B C D E 607330 160 3.2 16 0.8 9 49 Dim. 150 10 140 soft wire Cu-ETP (ISO1337) 210 - 250 N/mm2 / 0,5 mm O * material: special composition steel suitable for hardening and tempering * entirely hardened and tempered * cutting edges induction hardened * head ground * surface finish: phosphatized * handles plastic dipped cutting capacities same as 503 100 100 PLIERS P O W E R I N Y O U R H A N D 426 A 426 B 965/11 428 426 A CRIMP-GRIP PLIERS 426 B CRIMP-GRIP PLIERS * toggle joint ensures high compression pressure with little effort * tool steel jaws, oil hardened, phosphatized * handles nickel plated Code 601138 mm2 0.5-1,1.5-2.5,4-6 * for non insulated terminals * toggle joint ensures high compression pressure with little effort * tool steel jaws, oil hardened, phosphatized * handles nickel plated L 220 480 1 mm2 Code 601139 965/11 220 470 1 540 1 SET OF CRIMP-GRIP PLIERS WITH TERMINALS 428 Code SET/pcs 609356 281 984 CONTENTS: Code dim. pcs 426A 423.1R 423.1R 423.1B 423.1B 423.1J 423.1J 423.2R 423.2B 423.3R 423.3B 423.3J 423.5B 423.7R 423.7B 220 3 5 4 6 5 8 4 4 1.9 1.9 2.8 5 6.3 6.3 1 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 101 0.5-1,1.5-2.5,4-6,10 L 1 CRIMP LEVER PLIERS * jaws drop forged from special tool steel * oil hardened * toggle joint system * heavy duty plastic handles * rechangeable head-spare part Code mm2 L 602327 0.5-1.5,1.5-2.5,4-6 240 428.1 SPARE PARTS * spare head Code 602328 1 101 PLIERS P O W E R I N Y O U R H A N D 445 BI 444 443 445 BI DOUBLE GROOVE JOINT PLIERS 444 * grooved joint * jaw aperture adjustable in 5 position by dim. 180 and 240, by dim. 300 in 6 position * grooved joint * jaw aperture adjustable in 5 position by dim. 180 and 240, by dim. 300 in 6 position DIN ISO 8976 DIN ISO 8976 Code L max Ø 607885 607886 607887 180 240 300 25 35 40 443 DOUBLE GROOVE JOINT PLIERS 170 370 650 10 10 5 170 370 650 10 10 5 Code L max Ø 608690 608691 608692 180 240 300 25 35 40 170 370 650 10 10 5 DOUBLE GROOVE JOINT PLIERS * grooved joint * jaw aperture adjustable in 5 position by dim. 180 and 240, by dim. 300 in 6 position DIN ISO 8976 Code L max Ø 608687 608688 608689 180 240 300 25 35 40 102 102 PLIERS P O W E R I N Y O U R H A N D 442 400/8 VARIABLE JOINT “HYPO” PLIERS ON CARTON DISPLAY Code SET/pcs 612225 16 103 * special composition steel suitable for hardening and tempering * working surfaces induction hardened * surface finish chrome plated Code 6410 1 L max Ø 611780 103 PLIERS P O W E R I N Y O U R H A N D 448 440 441 446 448 DOUBLE GROOVE JOINT PLIERS 440 * grooved joint * jaw aperture adjustable in 11 position * slip joint * jaw aperture adjustable in 5 position * head ground * handles plastic dipped Code L max Ø 608213 410 105 441 1020 1 SLIP JOINT WATERPUMP PLIERS Code L max Ø 608686 240 35 Code L max Ø 601464 240 35 446 * slip joint * jaw aperture adjustable in 5 position * head ground * head slimmer and longer * anti-slip design * handles ergonomically shaped * handles plastic dipped 104 SLIP JOINT WATERPUMP PLIERS 320 10 WHEEL AND RACK WATERPUMP PLIERS, BOX JOINT * entirely chrome plated * infinitely jaw * variable adjustment of opening jaws * special design of the opening results in good grip of round and multi cornered objects 300 10 Code L max Ø 601461 260 35 450 10 104 PLIERS P O W E R I N Y O U R H A N D 447 447/1 447/1BI 447 WATERPUMP BOX JOINT PLIERS 400/5 * material: chrome vanadium * entirely hardened and tempered * entirely lacquered * jaw aperture adjustable in 7 position SET OF WATERPUMP BOX JOINT PLIERS ON CARTON DISPLAY DIN ISO 8976 Code L 607348 603160 605006 175 240 300 447/1 max Ø 26.5 35 42 157 300 470 1 1 1 WATERPUMP BOX JOINT PLIERS Code SET/pcs 609358 20 6100 1 CONTENTS: Art. dim. pcs 447 240 20 * material: chrome vanadium * entirely hardened and tempered * chrome plated * jaw aperture adjustable in 7 position DIN ISO 8976 Code L max Ø 605237 240 35 447/1 BI 300 1 WATERPUMP BOX JOINT PLIERS *heavy duty double-component handles *material: chrome vanadium *entirely hardened and tempered *teeth induction hardened *jaw operture adjustable in 7 position Code L 610984 240 105 max Ø 35 427 1 105 PLIERS P O W E R I N Y O U R H A N D * material: special composition steel suitable for hardening and tempering * entirely hardened and tempered * tips burnished 532 532/1 532/4 EXTERNAL LOCK RINGS PLIERS, STRAIGHT 532 532/1 øD C Code L Type for circlips to DIN 471 and DIN 983 for shaft diameter 603153 601391 601392 601393 140 140 180 220 A/A0 A/A1 A/A2 A/A3 3 - 10 10 - 25 19 - 60 40 - 100 DIN 5254 form A L øD C 0.9 1.3 1.8 2.3 40* 40* 52* 63 øD 100 100 180 250 10 10 10 5 * head polished * surface finish: chrome plated 532/4 EXTERNAL LOCK RINGS PLIERS, STRAIGHT EXTERNAL LOCK RINGS PLIERS, STRAIGHT C DIN 5254 form A Code L Type 608731 608732 608733 608734 140 140 180 220 A/A0 A/A1 A/A2 A/A3 for circlips to DIN 471 and DIN 983 for shaft diameter 3 - 10 10 - 25 19 - 60 40 - 100 L øD C 0.9 1.3 1.8 2.3 40* 40* 52* 63 100 100 180 250 10 10 10 5 * head polished * surface finish: chrome plated * handles plastic dipped øD C DIN 5254 form A Code L Type 608735 608736 608737 608738 140 140 180 220 A/A0 A/A1 A/A2 A/A3 for circlips to DIN 471 and DIN 983 for shaft diameter 3 - 10 10 - 25 19 - 60 40 - 100 L øD C 0.9 1.3 1.8 2.3 40* 40* 52* 63 100 100 180 250 10 10 10 5 * head ground * surface finish: phosphatized * handles plastic dipped 106 106 PLIERS P O W E R I N Y O U R H A N D * material: special composition steel suitable for hardening and tempering * entirely hardened and tempered * tips burnished 534 534/1 534/4 EXTERNAL LOCK RINGS PLIERS, BENT 534 C øD L Type for circlips to DIN 471 and DIN 983 for shaft diameter 140 140 180 220 B/A0 B/A1 B/A2 B/A3 3 - 10 10 - 25 19 - 60 40 - 100 DIN 5254 form B Code 603155 601394 601395 601396 A 128 128 166 207 A L 534/1 øD C 0.9 1.3 1.8 2.3 28 28 38 50 100 10 100 10 180 10 250 5 EXTERNAL LOCK RINGS PLIERS, BENT C øD Code L Type for circlips to DIN 471 and DIN 983 for shaft diameter 608739 608740 608741 608742 140 140 180 220 B/A0 B/A1 B/A2 B/A3 3 - 10 10 - 25 19 - 60 40 - 100 DIN 5254 form B * head polished * surface finish: chrome plated 534/4 EXTERNAL LOCK RINGS PLIERS, BENT A 128 128 166 207 A L øD C 0.9 1.3 1.8 2.3 28 28 38 50 100 10 100 10 180 10 250 5 * head polished * surface finish: chrome plated * handles plastic dipped C øD L Type for circlips to DIN 471 and DIN 983 for shaft diameter 140 140 180 220 B/A0 B/A1 B/A2 B/A3 3 - 10 10 - 25 19 - 60 40 - 100 DIN 5254 form B Code 608743 608744 608745 608746 A 128 128 166 207 A L øD C 0.9 1.3 1.8 2.3 28 28 38 50 100 10 100 10 180 10 250 5 * head ground * surface finish: phosphatized * handles plastic dipped 107 107 PLIERS P O W E R I N Y O U R H A N D * material: special composition steel suitable for hardening and tempering * entirely hardened and tempered * tips burnished 536 536/1 536/4 INTERNAL LOCK RINGS PLIERS, STRAIGHT 536 536/1 INTERNAL LOCK RINGS PLIERS, STRAIGHT øD C Code L Type for circlips to DIN 472 and DIN 984 for shaft diameter 601397 603158 601398 601399 140 140 180 220 C/J0 C/J1 C/J2 C/J3 8 - 13 12 - 25 19 - 60 40 - 100 DIN 5256 form C L øD øD C 0.9 1.3* 1.8 2.3 40* 40* 52* 63 C 100 100 200 240 10 10 10 5 * head polished * surface finish: chrome plated 536/4 INTERNAL LOCK RINGS PLIERS, STRAIGHT Code L Type for circlips to DIN 472 and DIN 984 for shaft diameter 608747 608748 608749 608750 140 140 180 220 C/J0 C/J1 C/J2 C/J3 8 - 13 12 - 25 19 - 60 40 - 100 DIN 5256 form C L øD C 0.9 1.3* 1.8 2.3 40* 40* 52* 63 100 100 200 240 10 10 10 5 * head polished * surface finish: chrome plated * handles plastic dipped øD C Code L Type for circlips to DIN 472 and DIN 984 for shaft diameter 608751 608752 608753 608754 140 140 180 220 C/J0 C/J1 C/J2 C/J3 8 - 13 12 - 25 19 - 60 40 - 100 DIN 5256 form C L øD C 0.9 1.3* 1.8 2.3 40* 40* 52* 63 * head ground * surface finish: phosphatized * handles plastic dipped 108 100 100 200 240 10 10 10 5 * dimension does not correspond with standard 108 PLIERS P O W E R I N Y O U R H A N D * material: special composition steel suitable for hardening and tempering * entirely hardened and tempered * tips burnished 538 538/1 538/4 INTERNAL LOCK RINGS PLIERS, BENT 538 538/1 C øD L Type for circlips to DIN 472 and DIN 984 for shaft diameter 140 140 180 220 D/J0 D/J1 D/J2 D/J3 8 - 13 12 - 25 19 - 60 40 - 100 DIN 5256 form D Code 601400 603213 601401 601402 A 128 128 166 202 A L øD C 0.9 1.3* 1.8 2.3 28 28 38 50 100 10 100 10 180 10 250 5 INTERNAL LOCK RINGS PLIERS, BENT C øD Code 608759 608760 608761 608762 L 140 140 180 220 Code L Type for circlips to DIN 472 and DIN 924 for shaft diameter 608755 608756 608757 608758 140 140 180 220 D/J0 D/J1 D/J2 D/J3 8 - 13 12 - 25 19 - 60 40 - 100 DIN 5256 form D A L A øD C 128 128 166 202 0.9 1.3* 1.8 2.3 28 28 38 50 100 10 100 10 180 10 250 5 * head polished * surface finish: chrome plated * handles plastic dipped A L Type for circlips to DIN 472 and DIN 984 for shaft diameter A øD C D/J0 D/J1 D/J2 D/J3 8 - 13 12 - 25 19 - 60 40 - 100 128 128 166 202 0.9 1.3* 1.8 2.3 28 28 38 50 DIN 5256 form D C øD * head polished * surface finish: chrome plated 538/4 INTERNAL LOCK RINGS PLIERS, BENT 100 10 100 10 180 10 250 5 * head ground * surface finish: phosphatized * handles plastic dipped * dimension does not correspond with standard 109 109 PLIERS P O W E R exchangeable punches 557 fixed punches 558 I N Y O U R H A N D 557.1 539 PAGE 200 539 557, 558 LOCK RINGS PLIERS SET Code ART. L 607970 601403 601404 601405 532+534+536+538 532+534+536+538 532+534+536+538 532+534+536+538 140 3-13 140 10-25 180 220 435 435 755 945 1 1 1 1 608763 608764 608765 608766 532/1+534/1+536/1+538/1 532/1+534/1+536/1+538/1 532/1+534/1+536/1+538/1 532/1+534/1+536/1+538/1 140 3-13 140 10-25 180 220 435 435 755 945 1 1 1 1 608767 608768 608769 608770 532/4+534/4+536/4+538/4 532/4+534/4+536/4+538/4 532/4+534/4+536/4+538/4 532/4+534/4+536/4+538/4 140 3-13 140 10-25 180 220 435 435 755 945 1 1 1 1 REVOLVING PUNCH PLIERS WITH 6 PUNCHES Code ART. Ø mm L 601557 602559 558 557 2, 2.5,3,3.5,4,5 2, 2.5,3,3.5,4,5 210 210 270 270 10 10 spare parts for art. 557.1 Code ø 603336 603337 603338 603339 603340 603341 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 set of spare parts in plastic bag Code 603394 ø 2,2.5,3,3.5,4,5 1 * handles made of steel sheet * punches from special tool sheet, hardened and tempered, sharpened * surface finish: zinc plated * handles plastic dipped * art. 557 with exchangeable punches * art. 5571 – spare punches 110 110 PLIERS P O W E R I N Y O U R H A N D 529 527 530 530/4 527 TILE PINCERS 3 mm A C B DIN ISO 9243 type A A B L Code L A B 610148 200 42,7 19,0 529 CARPENTERS` PINCERS 530 * material: special composition steel suitable for hardening and tempering with wire cutter (max 3 mm) * head ground, surface finish: phosphatized * handles plastic dipped 391 10 Code L A B C 601341 601342 601343 607860 601344 160 180 200 225 250 46 50 54 54 58 22 23 25 25 26 16 21 24 24 27 L 220 320 400 460 640 10 10 10 10 5 * material: special composition steel suitable for hardening and tempering * entirely hardened and tempered * cutting edges induction hardened * head ground * surface finish: phosphatized HEAVY DUTY TOWER PINCERS CARPENTERS` PINCERS 530/4 A C B A L Code L A B C 607494 280 33 33 19 460 * material: special composition steel suitable for hardening and tempering * entirely hardened and tempered * cutting edges induction hardened * head ground * surface finish: phosphatized * handles plastic dipped cutting capacities Dim. 280 111 medium hard wire 1600 N/mm2 / 1,6 mm O 5 C B DIN ISO 9243 type A Code L A B C 608722 608723 608724 608725 608726 160 180 200 225 250 46 50 54 54 58 22 23 25 25 26 16 21 24 24 27 L 220 320 400 460 640 10 10 10 10 5 * material: special composition steel suitable for hardening and tempering * entirely hardened and tempered * cutting edges induction hardened * head ground * surface finish: phosphatized * handles plastic dipped 111 PLIERS P O W E R I N Y O U R H A N D 531 531/4 531 TOWER PINCERS 531/4 TOWER PINCERS A A C B Code L A B C 601372 601373 601374 601375 190 225 250 280 26 30 36 36 22 23 25 25 15 17 18 18 C B L DIN ISO 9242 L DIN ISO 9242 240 320 410 490 10 10 10 5 Code L A B C 608727 608728 608729 608730 190 225 250 280 26 30 36 36 22 23 25 25 15 17 18 18 240 320 410 490 10 10 10 5 * material: special composition steel suitable for hardening and tempering * entirely hardened and tempered * cutting edges induction hardened * head ground * surface finish: phosphatized * handles plastic dipped * material: special composition steel suitable for hardening and tempering * entirely hardened and tempered * cutting edges induction hardened * head ground * surface finish: phosphatized cutting capacities same as 531 cutting capacities medium hard wire 1600 N/mm2 / 1,6 mm O / 1,6 mm O / 1,6 mm O / 1,6 mm O Dim. 190 225 250 280 400/6 400/6 Code 609359 SET OF TOWER PINCERS ON CARTON DISPLAY SET/pcs 20 6410 1 CONTENTS: Code mm pcs 531 225 20 112 112
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