wfi-‐ez training - GA COE Online


wfi-‐ez training - GA COE Online
WFI-­‐EZ TRAINING Center of Excellence for Children’s Behavioral Health September 22, 2015 WFI-­‐EZ Training Overview •  WFI-­‐EZ Overview •  Sampling of eligible youth •  Data CollecOon – 
AdministraOon of surveys ConsenOng and youth eligibility Suggested script for administraOon and consent Links to WFI-­‐EZ online surveys •  Logging Survey AdministraOon Outcomes –  CC able to administer online –  CC unable to administer online WFI-­‐EZ Overview TransiOon from WFI-­‐4 to WFI-­‐EZ WFI-­‐4 WFI-­‐EZ Phone administraOon – COE conducts interviews Online self-­‐administraOon ***with op)on for phone Low response rates High response rates Respondents make themselves available for Reduced burden for respondents – can COE phone interview administer before or aUer team meeOngs COE enters data; data checks required by separate individual Real Ome data entry -­‐ reduced data entry error Improved data analysis and comparison across parOcipants and improved reporOng mechanisms WFI-­‐EZ Overview Beginning October 1, 2015 CCs are responsible for facilitaOng administraOon CompleOon is online through CCs laptop/tablet or with opOon for telephone interview 4 surveys (Caregivers; Team members; Youth; Care Coordinators) •  Immediately prior to or following team meeOngs – CGs; TMs; Youth •  On own Ome – CCs SAMPLING OF ELIGIBLE YOUTH WFI-­‐EZ samples will be pulled for four (4) monthly cohorts each year (e.g., for year 2015 samples will be pulled in October, January, April, and July). Annually 4 enrollment reports of all ac8ve youth 4 (monthly) samples of eligible youth September 15th October December 15th March 15th June 15th (e.g., enrolled between July 1-­‐31, 2015) January (e.g., enrolled between Oct. 1-­‐31, 2015) April (e.g., enrolled between Jan. 1-­‐31, 2015) July (e.g., enrolled between April 1-­‐30, 2015) Enrollment Reports Genera8ng list of all ac8ve youth On the 15th of each month prior to sample pull, CMEs send the following informaOon (using template provided) to COE – Annually •  CC name • 
CC CareLogic ID (if available) CC phone CC email address Youth CareLogic ID Youth name Youth DOB Youth Enrollment date Youth Discharge date (blank) Funding stream 4 enrollment reports of all ac8ve youth 4 (monthly) samples of eligible youth September 15th October December 15th March 15th June 15th (e.g., enrolled between July 1-­‐31, 2015) January (e.g., enrolled between Oct. 1-­‐31, 2015) April (e.g., enrolled between Jan. 1-­‐31, 2015) July (e.g., enrolled between April 1-­‐30, 2015) Enrollment Reports Genera8ng list of all ac8ve youth USE TEMPLATE PROVIDED “Wrap All AcOve Youth” template WFI-­‐EZ Eligible Youth Genera8ng list of WFI-­‐EZ Eligible Youth The COE will use the Enrollment Report of all currently enrolled youth to generate a list of those eligible for WFI-­‐EZ. Lists will be generated for each CC and include the following informaOon: • 
CC Name CC CareLogic ID (if available) Youth CareLogic ID Youth Name Youth Enrollment Date Start Date of WFI-­‐EZ (Day 1 WFI-­‐EZ cycle) End Date of WFI-­‐EZ (Day 60 WFI-­‐EZ cycle) WFI-­‐EZ Eligible Youth COE -­‐ Genera8ng list of WFI-­‐EZ Eligible Youth Appendix A-­‐WFI-­‐EZ Form “WFI Assigned Youth” worksheet “WFI Assigned Youth” worksheet DATA COLLECTION Administra8on of Surveys – WFI-­‐EZ Cycle -­‐  CCs are responsible for iniOaOng WFI-­‐EZ to all members of the cohort: CG, TM, Youth, and themselves – the CC. -­‐  CCs will give cohort members two opOon for compleOng WFI-­‐EZ: •  OpOon 1: Independently online (using CCs laptop/tablet) •  OpOon 2: Via telephone through COE rep -­‐  CCs have 60 days from the WFI start date to facilitate WFI-­‐EZ online. •  At earliest known date – COE follows up to conduct telephone interviews for those who preferred phone or in cases where internet access is an issue •  Day 61 through 90 – COE follows up to conduct telephone interviews DATA COLLECTION Caregiver Consent and Youth Eligibility -­‐  Only youth 11 years of age and older are eligible to complete the youth WFI-­‐EZ survey -­‐  If youth is < 11, the remaining cohort members (e.g., CC, CG, TM) are sOll eligible to complete the WFI-­‐EZ survey -­‐  Youth 11 or older who are < 18 years, CC must receive Caregiver consent before inviOng youth to parOcipate -­‐  CBAY Overview and Consent form DATA COLLECTION Suggested script for WFI-­‐EZ administra8on and consent -­‐ Pg. 5 of WFI-­‐EZ Protocol Care Coordinator Script: “DBHDD administers surveys to families who have had at least 3 full months of experience in the Wraparound process. This survey is your chance to provide feedback on how you feel the Wraparound process is going for your family and team. The survey may be confidenKally completed now online using [my] laptop computer if internet access is available. I will not be able to view or access your survey responses. They will … DATA COLLECTION Links to WFI-­‐EZ Online Surveys CCs will receive an email from the COE’s email address ( containing unique links to the online surveys for those eligible for WFI-­‐EZ. •  Each cohort member has a unique link and unique log-­‐in access (4 links per youth) •  Not all CCs will receive emails each quarter •  Each CME will receive a master list of the CCs and their assigned WFI-­‐EZ eligible youth DATA COLLECTION Accessing the surveys via WrapTrack Each CC receives an email with unique links Youth Wrap ID: TestWFI-­‐EZ YOUTH – WFI-­‐EZ Survey URL : hjps://wrap-­‐ PASSCODE : inkOtwx Caregiver – WFI-­‐EZ Survey URL : hjps://wrap-­‐ PASSCODE : xhsqjgvv DATA COLLECTION WrapTrack Log-­‐in CCs click on the unique and provide member with their unique passcode. DATA COLLECTION Survey is ac8ve Member is taking the survey and results will be saved in the database. LOGGING SURVEY ADMINISTRATION OUTCOMES Appendix A-­‐WFI-­‐EZ form – same excel document that each CC with WFI-­‐EZ eligible youth received. Three worksheets: 1.  WFI Assigned Youth 2.  Inability to Administer 3.  Code List – for your reference , do not edit LOGGING SURVEY ADMINISTRATION OUTCOMES Appendix A-­‐WFI-­‐EZ form -­‐ WFI Assigned Youth worksheet CBAY Consent Form “WFI Assigned Youth” worksheet Enter survey compleOon dates in blue columns LOGGING SURVEY ADMINISTRATION OUTCOMES Appendix A-­‐WFI-­‐EZ form – Inability to Administer worksheet “Inability to administer” worksheet Contact us: Center of Excellence for Children’s Behavioral Health Georgia Health Policy Center Georgia State University 55 Park Place NE, 8th floor Atlanta, GA 30303 For quesOons about WFI-­‐EZ data management contact Colleen Smith at or 404.413.0078 404.413.0075 (phone) 404.413.0316 (fax)