Picnic in the Park


Picnic in the Park
ISSN 1061-5725
This Month’s Presentation
in the
Volume 24, No. 7
July 2006
(see map
This Month’s Meeting:
Wednesday 12th at 7 pm
Out the
Review of
Pro 6
Page 4
Utah’s Award Winning Computer Magazine!
By Cliff Millward, Editor
Read the Ingredients
When you buy items at the grocery you should read
the ingredients, particularly if you are on a restricted diet.
Many items contain added sugar in several forms. What
you may end up with is a sugar cocktail.
Apple recently has developed a program (BootCamp)
that will run Microsoft Windows on an Intel based computer. The “ingredients” seem harmless enough, but
where are they taking us? Perhaps Microsoft should “read
the ingredients.”
Most people agree that Apple OS X
is a superior operating to Windows. So
there is little (if any) advantage for Apple
customers to run Windows. However, the
opposite is true. Windows customers can
use the Apple system to their advantage.
Right now, the Apple Windows program will run only on Apple computers.
But what will happen if sometime in the
future this Apple system can run on almost any Intel PC computer?
Can you see an operating system war emerging? Perhaps Apple is sneaking up on Microsoft to take over the
operating system market by adding “sugar” to the mix.
Most people agree that much more money can be
made by selling operating systems instead of hardware.
Microsoft is the ultimate example of this fact. If Apple
successfully challenges Microsoft in the future, I can
see Apple either leasing or selling their hardware computer business to another company and concentrating
on software.
Another interesting fact, Bill Gates is leaving
Microsoft just as this is happening; as well as pressure
from European countries to open up their code. Is Gates
leaving a ship that is headed for the reefs?
If the Apple “sugar” spreads, we could all be using a
new product without even realizing it.
I may be way out in “left field” with this scenario, but
it is fun to speculate. How about this one: if Apple is successful and takes over as the worlds dominant operating
system, will they offer to buy out Microsoft? Also, is this
new Apple operating system a Linux killer?
Keep your eye on BootCamp. Perhaps this “basic
training” program envisions a coming war.
IBM Revs Up
From what I read on the Internet, IBM is about to
announce that the speed record for silicon-based chips
is going to be broken. It is reputed to be 250 times faster
than today’s chips and could possibly make their way into
commercial products in about 1 to 2 years.
However, they achieved this speed by freezing the
chip to 451 degrees below zero F. That is a bit too cold
for me (and for anyone else for that matter!) At room
temperature, however the chips will operate at 350 Gigahertz. Present processors are operating
at about 3 gigahertz. Get ready to ride
the speed train. Next they’ll have chips
that read your mind and print out what
you desire before you even think about
it (that could be embarrassing!)
Page 2
More IBM
By the way, the IBM PC celebrates its
25th birthday this coming August. When
it was introduced in 1981 it cost $1,600
(that’s about $3,600 in today’s dollars.) And to think that
it did not have internal memory, modem or networking
connections. It also had only a text-only monochrome
screen. It came with MS-DOS, VisiCalc, EasyWriter and
a text game entitled “Microsoft Adventure.”
Big Brother is Watching You
“What would you call a computer program that surreptitiously installed itself onto your computer, collected
personal information about you without your knowledge
or effective consent, was difficult or impossible to remove,
installed pop-up banners that constantly harassed you,
and presented significant security vulnerabilities?” This
question was asked by Mark Rasch in Security Focus.
The answer is Windows. He goes on at length to
demonstrate that updates from MS, particularly one that
is called Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) is actually
spyware. There has been a class action suit filed against
MS about this software in Seattle.
The author ends his article by subtilely suggesting
that you switch to Linux. (Maybe he needs to check out
BootCamp.) For more information see http://www.
Blue Chips Magazine — July 2006
Blue Chips
“Utah’s Award Winning Publication”
Magazine Staff
Editor — Cliff Millward
Review Program Liaison — James Alexander
Review Product Editor — Donna Nendell
Review Editor/Product Recruiter — Don Nendell
Photography — LeRoy Johnson
Proof Reader — Larry Lamph, Doug Jackson
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Association of PC User Groups
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Full page size is 7½ x 10 inches. All other page sizes are based on a 7 x 10
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and the author (s) of the reproduced materials. Reprinted articles are subject to the
terms of their respective copyright holders.
Officers and Trustees
Eve. Phone
President, Rick Gregory
Vice President, Sean Wolsey
Secretary, Lowell Kenedy
Treasurer, John Witzel
Stuart Gygi
Doug Jackson
LeRoy Johnson
Larry Lamph
Persons or companies may join or renew at the meeting, or by sending a check payable
to the Utah Computer Society to:
Utah Computer Society
Membership Secretary
P.O. Box 510811
Salt Lake City UT 84151
Individual memberships are $25/year. Business Memberships are $35.00 a year.
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Contact a Board Member for more information. $10/year memberships without the magazine
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Other important information:
Meeting Information
Group Business (James Alexander)
Magazine (Cliff Millward)
Program Coordinator (James Alexander)
Web Site
Membership (evenings) (Bob)
2nd Wednesday of every month
University of Utah
Engineering & Mines Classroom Bldg.
Room 104, 7:00 p.m.
Page 3
Blue Chips Magazine — July 2006
Preston Anderson
David Bernhardt
Rick Gregory
Stuart Gygi
LeRoy Johnson
Robert B Stock
PowerDesk® Pro 6
Windows Review
Organize and Manage All Your Files
Reviewed by Don Nendell
Avanquest USA, Inc.
7031 Koll Center Parkway
Pleasanton, CA 94566, USA
URL: <www.v-com.com>
End User General Sales:
Hours: Mon. - Fri., 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.,
PST, except holidays
Ph: (800) 325-0834 or
(925) 474-1701 opt.1
e-Mail: sales@v-com.com
Minimum System Requirements:
Pentium, or better PC
At least 32MB of RAM (64MB r
ecommended and 40MB of free disk space)
Compatible with Windows 98/ME/
PowerDesk Professional 6 can be purchased
at CompUSA, Best Buy, Staples and other leading
retail outlets across North America, and is also
available online at <http://www.avanquestusa.
Suggested Retail Price: $39.95
Note. Users of PowerDesk Professional 5
can upgrade to version 6 for $24.99 by visiting
the website.
years ago? Lord, has it been that long?);
then on through its sale to OnTrack; then
again through its sale to V-Com; and
then on to its present owner, Avanquest
Publishing. From that very first enlightened moment, I instinctively knew what
a winner PowerDesk was. It was then,
and still is, a brilliant utility - probably
“THE” epitome of any utility - for its
specifically designed purpose. None will
ever be able to surpass it, of that I’m
“Dead Certain!” Matter of fact, if I
would of had the money, then, as well
as, now, I would have bought this great
product (the whole “ball of wax,” that is)
a long, long time ago myself.
For neither love nor money, I’m ac-
Two versions of PowerDesk
PowerDesk 6 Standard Edition is available as
a free download with no time or usage limits. It is
based on a PowerDesk Pro 6 with some features
PowerDesk Pro 6 includes many more features and functions (See Web Site or see below
for details)
Technical Support: Is not available for
PowerDesk 6 Standard Edition, but is offered for
purchasers of PowerDesk Pro 6.
Note. Complementary technical support is
only honored if you are using the software on a
compatible operating system for the particular
version you own.
Supported Email Attachments
MIME/Base 64, BinHex, Uuencode, XXEncoded
Say What?
I truly thought I had reviewed PowerDesk 5, but I was “Dead Wrong.”
Matter of fact, I even thought I had at
least reviewed PowerDesk 3, but there
again, I was wrong. I know I presented
PowerDesk 5 to the group back in May
2005. The weird part here is that I have
been following PowerDesk, VERY
CLOSELY, literally from its very inception, at Mijenix, in Bolder, Colorado
(which was about the time Donna first
spotted it in a booth at Comdex 8 to 10
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Blue Chips Magazine — July 2006
tually not able to
think of anything
else I would like
to have PowerDesk Pro 6 do
for me that it already doesn’t do,
save one thing,
my own patented product being
built right into
the heart of it. As a matter of fact, amazingly enough, I keep finding totally “new
things” I didn’t even know it does do every time I find time to play around with
it - like now, for instance. For example,
Donna even told me about a “Copy to
CD” feature she found as she was installing her new version of PowerDesk Pro
6. However, I haven’t found it yet, but it
must be there? Everything else is, why
not that one?
PowerDesk Pro 6 bills itself as, “The
ultimate desktop enhancement utility for
Windows, providing the power and features you need to get more work done in
less time. PowerDesk comprises a group
of utilities that will immediately increase
your productivity in Windows.”
Note. For my money, PowerDesk
Pro 6 certainly qualifies as the premier
“Jack of all Trades!” utility product.
It is said that “A picture is worth a
thousand words,” and PowerDesk Pro
6 is most definitely
worth ten thousand
Microsoft® Explorers’. A couple
of thought-provoking questions here?
Do you sometimes
(or, maybe ever?)
get a queasy feeling opening up that
can of worms, Explorer? You know,
the one that flops
open every time to the crazy Start
Menu settings, and spreads itself out
all over the screen; and what’s worse,
you can’t do a thing about it? Why?
Why indeed? What do I care about
the Start Menu and always saving to
My Documents? I’ve got real things to
do, not just mollycoddle a company who
doesn’t care about our individual wants
or program needs. Have you ever even
given a thought to a possible alternative
to this Explorer mess?
Well sadly, it seems like I’ve waited
way, way too long to sing the “Hail,
All Hail to Thee, ‘O Great PowerDesk Pro 6” praise song, or to shout
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Blue Chips Magazine — July 2006
it from the highest mountain top about
PowerDesk Pro 6’s incredible virtues,
capabilities and superior strengths; so
without further ado, we’re off and running.
About Avanquest Software and
Avanquest Software is a global
developer and leading publisher of a
wide selection of best-selling personal
and professional software designed for
utilities, office productivity, finance,
communications and mobility worldwide. Avanquest Software Products are
marketed in over 100 countries, through
e-commerce, OEM partnerships and
IT resellers. They advertise, “There is
software for everyone in their home or
small business, from seasoned professionals to young adults looking for iPOD
Avanquest not only creates dynamic
software under the MySoftware, BVRP
and V-COM brands, but also publishes
top titles from some of the best known
developers on the planet. You can find
all of these terrific products, including
PowerDesk Pro 6, in their online store,
located at http://www.shop.avanquest.
PowerDesk Professional vs.
Standard Edition
To put it mildly, Standard Edition
does not include a number of features
and benefits of PowerDesk Pro. And in
addition, Standard Edition does not
include technical support. If you’re the
slightest bit curious, however, but for
the life of me I can’t see why, to view a
detailed comparison of PowerDesk Pro
vs. PowerDesk Standard edition, go
to: <www.v-com.com/product/PowerDesk_Pro_Compare2.html>
PowerDesk Pro 6 in a Nutshell
PowerDesk Pro 6 (PDP6) is the
luxury edition of a file manager and offers lots more features and functionality
than the limited file manager offered in
Windows®, or any other file management software, for that matter. Bottom line. PowerDesk Pro 6 completely
replaces Windows® Explorer, giving
users a wide array of tools to search,
edit, delete, move, sort, view and copy
files, including those found on digital
cameras or MP3 music players.
Yet, PDP6 is a simple, fast and fun
way to organize and manage files, digital
photos, MP3 music files and web images
on your PC. It’s convenient and it saves
time! With sometimes just one, or two,
or three clicks, you can customize your
PC: move, copy, zip, label, color code,
search, view, prioritize, convert, and
use your files the way you want to use
New Features in
PowerDesk Pro 6
PowerDesk Pro 6 (PDP6) has all
these new and improved features:
1. New compression formats
PDP6 has doubled its already strong
file compression handling from 16 formats to 32. Now users can easily compress and/or expand files in all popular
compression formats. PowerDesk also
allows users to see within many archives
the entire list of files and selectively view
the contents or extract with a simple
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Blue Chips Magazine — July 2006
drag and drop operation. Supported
compression types include: .arc, .ark,
.arj, .as, .bin, .btoa, .bz2, .cab,
.compact, .cpt, .dwc, .freeze, .gz,
.hqx, .jar, .lha, .lzh, .mime, .pak,
.pf, .rar, .sit, .sitx, .sco, .tar, .taz,
.tgz, .uu, .ync, .z, .zip, and .zoo.
2. Updated XP Style is Customizable
The style of PowerDesk now matches the XP standards and goes beyond
with the ability to select different style
“skins”. It even includes multiple skins,
and you can select from thousands of
additional skin styles from the Internet.
3. Improved Sync Manager
New drop-down history automatically remembers previous synchronization operations so you can quickly
repeat common actions.
4. New Configuration Export/
You can save your entire configuration in one file (includes styles, options,
layouts and FTP sites), which makes it
easy to use the same configuration on
multiple locations.
5. New Layout Manager
PDP6 can save a current layout to a
chosen icon. With one click, the layout is
restored, including its multiple pane view,
selected folders, filters and other options
previously used. Users can save any number of layouts to save time and increase
productivity. In addition, you can save any
layout as a desktop shortcut.
6. Improved Thumbnails
Thumbnails now support over 150
file formats, including graphics, documents and much more!
7. Improved File Finder
New quick search buttons for some
of the most popular searches, including
choices for documents, photos, audio,
movies, and files modified today.
8. New Basic Toolbar
This new larger toolbar has the most
common functions including Back, Forward, File Finder, Favorites, Sync Manager, Size Manager and FTP. You can
also disable this toolbar if preferred.
9. Added also are many subtle
“new features” PowerDesk Pro 5 users
have been asking for, like: 1) The ability
to export and import all the settings, 2)
An on-screen filter status, 3) Handling
UNC paths, 4) A keyboard shortcut
manager, 5) An improved file viewer,
and more.
Facts About Some
Very Powerful Utilities
PowerDesk Pro 6 includes an integrated set of major application utilities
that you’d often have to pay more than
the price of PowerDesk just to have one
of these cool utilities! (Some are identified with (*) below)
Easy FTP Access - You can access
PowerDesk Easy FTP in an easy-to-use
interface that lets users: 1) View, access
and organize remote FTP sites as though
they were ordinary folders; 2) Easily
drag and drop data files from their desktop to a remote FTP server; and, 3) Easily drag and drop data files from remote
FTP servers back onto your desktop.
Once you have set up your favorite FTP
sites, connecting with them is simply a
single mouse click away. This feature is
very, very valuable for exchanging files
way too large to be attached to an e-mail,
due to ISP restrictions, for example.
(*) With Easy FTP you no longer
need to buy separate programs like
CuteFTP, or learn how to FTP the oldfashioned (Smith Barney?) “Hard
way,” etc., because PDP6 now does it
all for you.
Sync Manager - With PDP6’s
enhanced Sync Manager you can compare and synchronize the contents of
two folders. This is especially useful for
those who work on files that are shared
between two computers, but it is also
useful for backing up files, and many
other uses. Sync Manager locates and
updates files, and subfolders, within
two versions of a shared folder located
on separate PC hard drives, filtering and
selecting files for one-way, or two-way,
synchronization to ensure that data is
duplicated and saved as a back-up. Sync
Manager also allows synchronization
of folders and files using either pre-set
default synchronization parameters, or
customization of parameters, each time
a synchronization is performed.
(*) Some expensive applications
build-in this feature, and in the past
I’ve had separate programs that accomplish this same task. Whatever? At
least now, you don’t have to buy “them”
any more.
Size Manager™ - Size Manager
provides an instant, fully customizable
graphic display of storage space utilization. It is a powerful utility that shows
user’s where and how the space on each
of their drives is being used and enables
efficient management of space on individual or multiple computer drives.
Dialog Helper - Enhances most
of your Open and Save dialog boxes by
adding a list of selections for previously
opened documents and folders. It also
provides a file viewer pane that supports
over 150 file formats. Dialog helper further allows the resizing of these dialogs
that are often fixed in size.
Archive Manager - Archive Manager allows users to simultaneously scan
an entire list of files buried in sub-folders, and selectively view the contents
- and even to find text within multiple
archived folders - for a quick identification of data, plus its location, as well as
a simple drag-and-drop extraction of
certain selected files. User’s can easily
compress and/or expand files from a list
of 32 popular compression formats (See
above for a complete list of the available
(*) With Archive Manager you no
longer have to buy separate programs
like WinZip, PKZip, et al., because PDP6
does it all for you.
File Finder - Forget where you
saved that important file? No Problem.
PDP6 features an advanced File Finder
that locates any saved file through enhanced search functionality by almost
any criteria with its powerful “search
engine” type tool. Search utilizing convenient cross-referencing by keyword,
file type, size, name or date range, and
see the “hits” displayed in a single-line
reference. In addition to displaying a
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Blue Chips Magazine — July 2006
line-item list of “search-hits” for each
file or folder found, PDP6 also lets users
print the entire list of search results, and
like many other PDP6 features, a function not available in Windows Explorer.
You can also search inside Zip files and
archives, too!
File Destroy – Question. Could
one of the items on your To-do List be,
“Destroy Data,” by any chance? FYI
PDP6 is not geared specifically to actually keep someone from being fined the
requisite $20 million by the FTC for
a security breach incident. However,
PDP6 could have kept the infamous pair,
Monica L. and Ollie North, completely
out of trouble, if they would have only
destroyed their files with PDP6 Destroy,
instead of merely “deleting” them, like
they did. For shame, PDP6 File Destroy
is an exceptionally valuable tool, one
that is generally not adequately covered,
or even discussed in most descriptive
segments, such as this one. File Destroy
is one of my all-time favorites, and has
been my absolute number 1, “Must
Have,” security feature, which dates all
the way back to my very first version of
PowerDesk Pro, many years ago.
(*) With PDP6, here’s another great
feature, maybe now you won’t have to
buy separate programs like SecureClean,
et al., for total file cleaning security.
File Encryption/Decryption Here’s another “Must Have” security
feature, from my vantage point of view,
i.e., File Encryption and/or Decryption.
Most people aren’t even aware that
PDP6 performs this vital function, let
alone, “Password Protecting” Zip files
(also with their “Secret” hidden “Comments?”)
Note. While we’re in this critically
important area of discussion, you all
will be seeing first-hand my “formal introduction to the world” of my security
suite in action at the monthly “General
Membership’s” August Meeting. PowerDesk Pro 6 is, and always has been,
an integral, if not vital, component
of that demonstration. FYI I’ve tried
very hard these past 3 to 4 years to get
V-Com to automate and combine
their “File Encryption/Decryption”
and Zipping/Unzipping processes
(naturally, using my U.S. patented
IT). Alas. No Brass Ring! Oh well! You
all will now be the all-important judge
and jury of that very process in action?
Psst! Bring your own USB Flash
Drive, and I’ll give you a “Free” “Nontime-bombed (i.e., no time or usage limits),” copy of that Security Suite
- the very same one that is concurrently
scheduled to go on sale over the Internet
o/a the first of August, with Blue Squirrel
handling all the gory details for me.
View and Convert Graphic
Formats - PDP6 presently converts 31
different graphical formats (count’em;
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Blue Chips Magazine — July 2006
some I’ve never even heard of) including:
JPG (JPEG File Interchange Format),
JTF (Tagged Image File (with JPEG
Compression)), GIF (CompuServe GIF
(Animated/Interlaced/Normal)), TIF
(Tagged Image File), BMP (Windows/
OS2 Bitmap), ICO (Windows Icon),
CUR (Windows Cursor), PCD (Kodak
PhotoCD), EXF (Fuji EXF), PCX (PC
Paintbrush), WMF (Windows Meta
File), PSD (Adobe Photoshop 3), PNG
(Portable Network Graphics), TGA
(Truevision Targa), EPS (Encapsulated
PostScript (TIFF header)), RAS (Sun
Raster Images), PCT (Macintosh PICT),
FAX (Certain Fax Formats), MAC
(MacPaint), MSP (Microsoft Paint),
IMG (GEM Paint), ITG (Intergraph
Files), XBM (XBitMap), CLP (Windows
Clipboard), PPM (Portable Pixelmap),
PGM (Portable Greymap), PBM (Portable Bitmap), CUT (Dr. Halo), LBM
(Deluxe Paint), IFF (Interchange File
Format), XPM (XPicmap), XWD
(XWindows Dump), and FLC (Flic
Animation). Whew!
(*) With the PDP6 Graphics Conversion Manager you no longer will have
to Google search for things like: “Batch
Convert file Formats, Image File Format
Converters, Batch Conversion Software,
or Graphics File Converters (I received
‘Results 1-10 of about 17,100,000’ on the
latter terms in my Google search)” etc.,
Nor have to buy separate programs
like Hi Jaak, Verity KeyView Pro, et al.,
because PDP6 does it all for you.
Great File Management
Believe me, after using PowerDesk
for just a few days, you’ll be wondering
how you’ve ever lived without it! Windows Explorer can’t do a fraction of what
PowerDesk enables you to do!
Just to refresh your memory, here’s
a “short list” of just a “few” of the Key
Features unique to PowerDesk Pro 6:
Updated interface, Folder Synchronizer,
Size Manager, Easy FTP, Supports 32
different compression formats, Layout
Manager, Skins to change appearance, Group file rename, Configuration
import/export, Keyboard shortcut
manager, Viewer supports over 150 file
formats, Views and Converts over 30
different graphic formats, Advanced
instant file find features, playlist editor, and there’s lots more. Beat that
Explorer! Features like:
Dual pane operation - Makes it
so easy to drag and drop files between
different folders and drives.
Add Notes to Your Files - With
a right-click of the mouse, you can
add notes to help organize your files.
Displayed in a mouse-over window or
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Blue Chips Magazine — July 2006
details view, these notes can remind
you of what’s in a file without having
to open it!
Customize Your File Folders
with Color - Easily customize and
prioritize your file folders with eight
distinct colors.
File Info column - This feature
prominently displays specific details
about each file in the file pane viewer.
MP3 files will show a song title and run
time. Images will show the size and
resolution. Word documents show the
document title, etc.
MP3 Collection Management
- Create and control playlist files for
portable MP3 devices as well as other
multimedia applications, such as WinAmp or other MP3 devices, with MP3
listeners able to play previews of saved
music files, “randomize” the play list
for complete play in random sequence,
search for particular songs within a file
and edit music files in a single action.
You can use the randomize feature to
ensure complete play of the files, but in
random order. Also included are some
really cool tools for MP3 users to play
previews of files, search for files, as well
as rename and edit groups of files in a
single action.
(*) I’m not altogether sure what
program, or type of program, you now
do not have to buy, all because it’s already built-into PDP6. But, it’s definitely
a money-saving feature, that’s for sure.
File Viewer - Want to open the
right file the first time without having
to guess and open multiple files? PDP6
features a powerful file “Preview” tool,
giving PC users frustrated with the
speed or scope of the Windows Explorer
preview function the option to quickly
view document and graphic data files
in more than 150 distinct file formats,
either as convenient “thumbnails” or in
a “floating” viewer pane, all without ever
having to open other applications. PDP6
also allows dual-pane viewing of files in
a single window, negating the need in
Windows Explorer to open an additional
viewing window. This is particularly
useful for browsing files from digital
cameras, whole directories of images,
or MP3 players where you can even view
by artist name, album title, or your own
personal notations.
Launch Bar - My absolute favorite.
Your Desktop Icons can be placed on the
launch Bar for easy access at any time
PDP6 is active. A super handy, time-saving feature, for sure.
Believe it or not folks, this has only
scratched the surface of what PowerDesk
Pro 6 has to offer! As long-winded as this
review seems to be, know you well, it’s
been badly needed for a very long time,
I truly feel. Please visit the V-Com Web
Site for a “more complete” Features list,
and a better total picture of this incredible product! Take my word for it,
“You can enjoy great peace of mind
with PowerDesk Pro 6.” Better still; try
one on for size yourself. Like my new
partner, who just got PowerDesk Pro 6
for himself, says, “I love it!” “love it!”
“Love it!”
I know you will too!
I Just Put
Some of My Magic
in that Box!
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Blue Chips Magazine — July 2006
Utah Blue Chips Calendar
July 2006, August 2006
General Meeting
Murray Park
7:00 p.m.
U of U
Board of
C&C Bldg.
6:30 p.m.
General Meeting
U of U
7:00 p.m.
Blue Chips — Utah’s Computer Guide in the 21st Century