November 2012 Newsletter
November 2012 Newsletter
CALIFORNIA SOCIETY OF TAX CONSULTANTS e t t e z a G x a T re i p m E d n a l n I T he Newsletter of the Inland Empire Chapter of the California Society of Tax Consultants. Published monthly May through December. Editor: Hilde Morrow November 2012 PRESIDENT ’S MESSAGE W ow – what can I say other than we had a great time at our 46th anniversary celebration in October. There was that festive feeling in the air – it wasn’t Fall though since the temperatures were in the high 90’s . We were honored by our special guests Frank Alvarez, Pauline Doyle, Mamie Erby, Rich ard Irwin, Liz Larson and Adele Stagner. They each said a few words about what they enjoyed being members in the past of ISTC or CSTC – it was very enlightening to all of us. Thanks to Don Klotz suggestion, we had a vacant chair with a flowering plant behind the podium in memory of all those tax preparers we have lost in the last 46 years, the latest one being our dear Past President Cookie Diamond. We are looking forward to our November 14, 2012 meeting (remember it will be the second Wednesday rather than the third which is right before Thanksgiving). The speaker will be our own Ruth Godfrey, EA, and her topic is Married Filing Sepa rate. You will learn things you never even thought of before when you file some one MFS. Plan to be there. Inside this issue: President’s Message 1, Dinner Meeting Info. 2 Speaker Information 3 Misc member info Member Anniversaries 2012Board, 2013 Slate Our January 5, 2013 workshop will have Claudia Stanley and Vicki Mulak as our speakers – they are both top notch professionals in the tax field – “treat” yourself to this one. We have received an invitation from the Double Tree Hotel to a Client Appreciation Lunch and we plan to have representation in attendance. Society Board meeting will be November 19, and yours truly plans to attend. 5.,6, 7 8,9 From the Tax Front Member Benefits, Pics 46th Society Calendar 10,11 Officers President Tax Bridge is scheduled for December 67, 2012 at the Crown Plaza in Anaheim – check out the CSTC website for more information. 4 Calendar Priscilla Lerma 909-983-3716 1st VP Tina Garcia 909-626-7706 2nd VP Clint Young 951-682-4848 Secretary Janice Coleman 909-941-7939 Treasurer Ann Mills 909-983-3716 Past President Barbara Feliciano 909-896-1452 Nominations and elections will take place at our November meeting, and no one has stepped up to the plate yet for the position of President – I’m keeping my fin gers crossed that someone will. This is a fantastic chapter to lead in 2013 – really think about this. Directors Membership Hilde Morrow 909-624-9366 Asst Treasurer Randi Stern 909-597-2721 In closing, I wish you a Happy Halloween and many blessings of the Thanksgiving season. See you on the 14th – Respectfully submitted, Newsletter Editor Hilde Morrow 909 -624-9366 Volunteer Priscilla Lerma, EA, President Photographer Annette Finnerty PAGE 2 THE INLAND EMPIRE TAX GAZETTE November 2012 DINNER MEETING DoubleTree Hotel Claremont == MENU == 555 West Foothill Blvd, Claremont, CA 91711 House Salad with Ranch and Italian dressings Fresh Rolls and Butter Phone: 909.626.2411 Beef Bourguignon Wednesday, November 14, 2012 with burgundy wine sauce Garlic Mashed Potatoes Fresh Steamed Vegetables Dinner at 6:00 pm —– Sign in at 5:30 pm For Reservations and Menu Preference: OR Vegetarian Lasagna Phone 18888539670 on or before Tuesday, November 10, 2012, 11:59 pm Lasagna Noodles layered with Mozzarella Cheese, Alfredo Sauce, & Succulent Layers of Vegetables Garlic Mashed Potatoes Fresh Steamed Vegetables MEETING COST (dinner and 2 hours of education) $35 for members on the permanent dinner list & members with timely reservations. $50 for nonmembers, walkins and late registrations. Coffee, Ice Tea & Chef’s Choice House Dessert Cancellation Policy: If you are on the permanent dinner list or have made a reservation and are unable to attend, you must cancel your reservation by Saturday, November 10, 2012, 11:59 pm, otherwise you will be billed for the dinner. Note to all members: Please check the permanent dinner list below for accuracy. Are you on the list and should not be, or should you be on the list and your name does not appear? If you wish to be added to or deleted from the permanent dinner list please inform Ann Mills, 9099833716, Email: Alternatively, you may call our message phone 18888539670 and leave a message. O ur next Board Meeting will be on November 14, 2012 at 4:00 pm. All members are welcome to attend. The meeting will be at the DoubleTree Hotel in the same room as our dinner meeting. PERMANENT DINNER LIST* Emma Barrows Marcia Berry Russel Bisgaard Phillip Brown Mary Carlos Ted Caruthers III Corina Christiansen Janice Coleman Cookie Diamond Richard Doyle David Eastis T Dotte Egbert Barbara Feliciano Annette Finnerty Elvia Flores Wayne Franck Tina Garcia Rosemary Genovese Ruth Godfrey Wayne Hardesty Sharon Hardy Eric Johnson Don Klotz Priscilla Lerma Leonor Maher Francisco Medrano Renee McClellan Ann Mills Hilde Morrow J.M. Olchawa Michael Olden Robert Rego Michael Richeson Janine Rodriguez Randi Stern Margarita Varela Jessica Vasquez Mark Wilson Norman Wing Dee Wonders Clint Young *current to October 2012 he California Society of Tax Consultants was born in Southern California in 1966. Today we have 16 Chapters in California. CSTC’s emphasis on highquality education and its atmosphere of friendly sharing make it an ideal organization for the tax professional. THE INLAND EMPIRE TAX GAZETTE PAGE 3 N ov e m b e r 2 0 1 2 t o p i c & S P E A K E R I N F O R M AT I O N MARRIED FILING SEPARATE CTEC # 1000-CE-3548—IRS Program # 18QC1-T-00029-12-I 2 hours Federal Tax Law Credit T his is a class about people that the IRS considers Married! (As opposed to the people that the state recog nizes as Married). Some of the things we’ll discuss: Why do I want to file separately? Is it a good idea to file separately? What about community property? Will my pre/post nuptial agreement work? What breaks a pre/ postnuptial? What is separate property in a community property state? What do I lose by filing separately? Speaker: Ruth Godfrey, EA R uth Godfrey, EA has been an Enrolled Agent since 1984 and has a tax practice in Upland, CA serving both individuals and small businesses. Prior to becoming an EA, Ruth was a licensed real estate agent and she has kept her contacts with the real estate market. During this everchanging financial period Ruth has kept on top of the most recent developments in the foreclosure world. Knowledgeable and entertaining, she is a frequent speaker to professionals throughout California. Ruth is a Past President of the California Society of Tax Consultants, Inc and the Inland Empire CSTC Chapter as well as a PastChairman of the California Tax Education Council (CTEC). This presentation has been designed to meet the requirements of the Director of Practice of the Internal Revenue Service; the California State Board of Accountancy; and the California Tax Education Council including code 31 of Federal Regulations 10.6(g). This does not constitute an endorsement by these groups. A listing of additional requirements to renew taxpreparer registration may be obtained by contacting CTEC at PO Box 2890, Sacramento, CA 95812-2890, or phone CTEC at 1-877-850-2832, or on the Internet at This is our 2012 Meeting Location . CSTC MISSION STATEMENT To promote professionalism by providing quality educational events for tax professionals, creating and encouraging networking opportunities for members, and advocating professional standards and positions within the tax industry. PAGE 4 THE INLAND EMPIRE TAX GAZETTE 2012 CSTC INLAND EMPIRE CHAPTER MEETING CALENDAR All our meetings are on the third Wednesday of the month, except the September and November meetings, which will be on the second Wednesday of the month. Date Topic Speakers May 16, 2012 Tax Credits David A Eastis, CRTP June 20, 2012 Social Security Robert “Bob” Hartnett, Social Security July 18, 2012 Aug 15, 2012 “Basis Bingo” Rodney Couts, EA “Tax Jeopardy “ Lisa Ihm, EA Joint Meeting with the San Gabriel Valley Chapter The new Sch D and Form 8949 Steve Honeyman, CPA along with an investment update 46th Anniversary Celebration CA Update—1 hr CTEC credit * Lynn Freer, EA, Spidell Married Filing Separate Ruth Godfrey, EA Sept 12, 2012 (2nd Wednesday) Oct 17, 2012 Nov 14, 2012 (2nd Wednesday) Dec 19, 2012 2013 Board Elections Living Trust J. Benjamin Selters, III, Esq. Annual Meeting; Installation of 2013 Board Topics are tentative and subject to change without prior notice. May through November: 2 hours education credit—December: 1 hour education credit. * 1 hour CA Update CTEC credit, there will be no Federal EA or RTRP credit granted for this presentation. Annual Update and Review Workshop January 5, 2013 8 hours CPE credit Where: DoubleTree Hotel, Claremont Federal Update: Claudia Stanley, CPA, EA California Update: Vicki Mulak, EA Topics and speakers are tentative and subject to change without prior notice. Save the date! Mark your calendar! Y our membership renewal was due on July 1, 2012. A $15 late fee will be charged for all memberships not re newed by August 15, 2012. In addition, members who have not renewed their membership will be charged the nonmember price to attend our meetings. Please renew your membership ASAP. PAGE 5 THE INLAND EMPIRE TAX GAZETTE Registered Tax Return Preparer Test D Frank Alvarez and Hilde Morrow o we have other members who have taken and passed the RTRP test??? So far we only heard from 5 of our members, including myself, that they have taken the test. We are wondering if some of you took the test and we did not find out about it, or are you still thinking about it? This is not going away and sooner or later you will have to do it. Passed the RTRP test! Here is what I did. I made my appointment for the test. With the date in place I had a deadline to be ready by – this put on some pressure and made me focus. I studied every day for about 3 weeks. I used an exam review book which had been issued to me by my employer. I also signed up for a RTRP Exam Prep WBT – all this consisted of was tests and quiz zes. There was a pretest to take to start with. By looking at the results of this test I knew exactly what to focus on. I didn’t have to waste time on things I already knew. I read the entire book (about 500 pages) it was a good review for some of the things I once knew, but had forgotten about and I learned some things I never knew. I took lots of tests on the WBT. One could either take a test with 120 questions which covered all the domains (the areas the IRS tests on) or pick one of the areas. If a question was answered wrong feedback was provided. I took the test last Wednesday, October 31, 2012 at the Rancho Cucamonga Prometric test center and passed. Now all I have to do is wait for the Registered Return Preparer certificate to arrive in the mail, which will be in 4 to 5 weeks. I am really happy this is all behind me and I am glad to be able to enjoy the upcoming holidays without thinking about having to take a test. I hope sharing with you what I did, will help you decide to go ahead sign up, study and take the test. There is noth ing to be scared about, if you are well prepared you will pass! In closing I would like to ask all of you again to please let us know ( if you took and passed the test so we can properly recognize your achievement. Respectfully submitted, Hilde Hilde Morrow, Membership Director/Newsletter Editor, 909.624.9366 O ur long time member and friend, Cookie Diamond, passed away on October 6, 2012. Cookie was a board member for many years and a Past President of our chapter. Several of our board members attended the funeral. We will all miss her! Daily Bulletin—October 9, 2012 THE INLAND EMPIRE TAX GAZETTE PAGE 6 November 2012 Thank you for your loyalty to our Chapter! PICTURES OF THE MEMBERS LISTED BELOW WERE NOT AVAILABLE AT PRESS TIME! Member Emma Barrows Mary Carlos Elvia Flores Tina Garcia 35 years 35 years 1 year 2 years S Noel De Trinidad 30 years Jimmy Kamio 13 years Patricia Kamio 13 years George Phillips 15 years P hari Hardy was the winner of our September wear your badge drawing. She received a $15 Staples gift R enee McClellan was the winner of our October wear your badge drawing. Anniversary lease help us welcome our newest member John Doran of Apple Valley. John has been a member of the Hi Desert Chapter since August 1999. He transferred to our chapter in October. We are looking forward to meeting him soon! She received a $15 Staples gift card. CLASSIFIED ADS T here is no charge to members to advertise po sitions available in their practice, equipment for sale, or similar subjects. Members looking for a new employer may also advertise. D o you prefer not to handle Audits and CP 2000s for your clients? Our long time member – Don Klotz, EA – is seeking referrals for audit representa tion from other firms or tax preparers. Don will handle Personal Income Tax Au dits as well as Sales Tax Audits. He will also answer and handle CP 2000s. For nonmembers and for promotional advertising, there is a $15 charge for each advertisement in the newsletter, limited to businesscard size, subject to available space and the discretion of the Chapter Board. Advertising does not constitute endorsement Don has been an Enrolled Agent since 1990 and a tax pre by the Inland Empire Chapter of the California Soci parer for 37 years. ety of Tax Consultants. Phone: 909.717.3755 Please contact Hilde Morrow if you would like to Email: place an ad. THE INLAND EMPIRE TAX GAZETTE PAGE 7 2012 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS The term of office is one year, unless otherwise stated President Priscilla Lerma Serving 2nd year of a 2 year term Director Membership First Vice President & Newsletter Editor Tina Garcia Hilde Morrow Second Vice President Director—Asst. Treasurer Clint Young Randi Stern Past President Treasurer (2 year term) Ann Mills Not an elected position Secretary Janice Coleman O Barbara Feliciano NOTE: The Member at Large position was eliminated at the October 2011 meeting with board and membership approval. Slate of 2013 Officers and Directors ur 2013 Board of Directors will be elected at the November 2012 Meeting. Installation of the Board will take place at the December 2012 meeting. Barbara Feliciano, current Past President, has submitted the following candidates: President (2 year term) Open First Vice President Tina Garcia Second Vice President Clint Young Secretary Janice Coleman Treasurer (2 year term) Ann Mills (Serving 2nd year of a 2 year term) Director— Membership & Newsletter Editor Hilde Morrow Director – Assistant Treasurer Ann Esquivel Past President Priscilla Lerma (Not an elected position. The outgoing President will serve as Past President. lease contact Barbara Feliciano—email: or phone: 909.896.1452—if you would like to serve on the board, or if you would like to nominate a member to serve on the board. The nominee’s permis sion is required. The term of office is one year, unless otherwise stated. P THE INLAND EMPIRE TAX GAZETTE PAGE 8 NEWS FROM THE TAX FRONT IR201279 —October 22, 2012 PTIN Renewal Period Underway for All Tax Professionals Registered Tax Return Preparer Candidates Urged to Schedule Tests WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service today reminded the nation’s 730,000 federal tax return preparers that they must renew their Preparer Tax Identification Numbers (PTINs) for 2013. Also, preparers who have a com petency test requirement should take the time now to schedule an appointment for the exam. Anyone who is a paid federal tax return preparer must register with the IRS and have a PTIN, as must all Enrolled Agents. Additionally, some return preparers have new continuing education and competency test requirements. “We ask that you renew your PTIN as soon as possible to avoid a lastminute rush. It’s easy to let this slip as the holiday season approaches,” said Carol A. Campbell, Director, IRS Return Preparer Office. “And, if you have a test ing requirement and haven’t yet scheduled an appointment, please do so at the same time.” The online PTIN renewal process takes about 15 minutes. Renewed PTINs will be valid for calendar year 2013. The IRS also has significantly upgraded the PTIN system to make it easier to use and more intuitive. Preparers who have forgotten their login information, password, or email address can use online tools to resolve these issues. Get started at New continuing education and testing requirements also apply to approximately 340,000 preparers who previously had no such requirements. These preparers must certify when renewing their PTIN for 2013 that they have com pleted the 15hour requirement for continuing education in 2012. Learn more about the 2012 continuing educa tion requirement at Additionally, preparers with a testing requirement should schedule their tests, whether it is the Registered Tax Re turn Preparer (RTRP) test or the more extensive Special Enrollment Exam (SEE) for those interested in becoming Enrolled Agents. Compare the tests and credentials at The RTRP test can be scheduled online through the PTIN system by selecting “next steps and additional requirements” from the PTIN account Main Menu. The SEE can be scheduled online at Preparers who wait until next year to sched ule a test may find it difficult to arrange the test at a convenient date, time and location. Enrolled Agents, Certified Public Accountants and attorneys are exempt from the new continuing education re quirements because they already pass more extensive tests and take continuing education courses to satisfy their professional credentials. For more information about requirements for federal tax professionals, go to E-News 2012-44 —-11/1/2012 Preparers Suspected of Filing Inaccurate EITC Claims to Receive Warning Letters During October and November 2012, the IRS is sending letters to preparers suspected of filing inaccurate EITC claims. The letters pinpoint the primary issues identified on the returns, discuss the consequences of filing inaccurate claims for EITC and inform the preparer IRS will continue to monitor the types of claims for EITC they file. Check out EITC Central for more information on IRS compliance efforts and how to avoid penalties. PAGE 9 THE INLAND EMPIRE TAX GAZETTE NEWS FROM THE TAX FRONT In 2013, Various Tax Benefits Increase Due to Inflation Adjustments WASHINGTON — For tax year 2013, the Internal Revenue Service announced today annual inflation adjustments for more than two dozen tax provisions. x The annual exclusion for gifts rises to $14,000 for 2013, up from $13,000 for 2012. x The amount used to reduce the net unearned income reported on a child’s tax return subject to the “kiddie tax,” is $1,000, up from $950 for 2012. x The foreign earned income exclusion rises to $97,600, up from $95,100 in 2012. Details on these inflation adjustments and others such as the lowincome housing credit, the dollar limits for high deductible health plans and other amounts can be found in Revenue Procedure 201241, which will be published in Internal Revenue Bulletin 201245 on Nov. 5, 2012. October 2012 Don't Fall for Phony IRS Websites The IRS warns consumers about a new tax scam that uses a website that mimics the IRS eServices online registraon page. The actual IRS eServices page offers webbased products for tax preparers, not the general public. The phony web page looks almost identical to the real one. The IRS gets many reports of fake websites like this. Criminals use these sites to lure people into providing personal and nancial informaon that may be used to steal the vicm’s money or identy. The address of the official IRS website is Don’t be misled by sites claiming to be the IRS but ending in .com, .net, .org or other designations instead of .gov. The IRS website has information that can help you protect yourself from tax scams of all kinds. Search the site using the term: phishing. ENews —November 2, 2012 IRS Announces Qualified Disaster Treatment of Payments to Victims of Hurricane Sandy The Internal Revenue Service today alerted employers and other taxpayers that because Hurricane Sandy is desig nated as a qualified disaster for federal tax purposes, qualified disaster relief payments made to individuals by their employer or any person can be excluded from those individuals’ taxable income. Qualified disaster relief payments include amounts to cover necessary personal, family, living or funeral expenses that were not covered by insurance. They also include expenses to repair or rehabilitate personal residences or repair or replace the contents to the extent that they were not covered by insurance. Again, these payments would not be included in the individual recipient’s gross income. The IRS also announced that the designation of Hurricane Sandy as a qualified disaster means that employer sponsored private foundations may provide disaster relief to employeevictims in areas affected by the hurricane without affecting their taxexempt status. Like all charitable organizations, employersponsored private foundations should follow the guidance in Publication 3833, Disaster Relief: Providing Assistance Through Charitable Organiza tions, in providing assistance to employees or their family members affected by Hurricane Sandy. THE INLAND EMPIRE TAX GAZETTE PAGE 10 MEMBER BENEFITS F orty two of our members have attended enough meetings to receive a free book. One member has attended 4 meetings and two members have attended 3 meetings. See CSTC Inland Empire Chapter Benefits below for eligibility details. Please note we need a filled out book order form, even if you qualify for a free book. The final due date for submitting your order is November 14, 2012. The book order form is attached separately for your convenience. FREE BOOKS Bert Aquas, Emma Barrows, Marcia Berry, Russel Bisgaard, Phillip Brown, Mary Carlos, Corina Christiansen, Janice Coleman, Cookie Diamond, Richard Doyle, David Eastis, Dotte Egbert, Ann Esquivel, Barbara Feliciano, Annette Finnerty, Elvia Flores, Wayne Franck, Isabel Garcia, Rosemary Genoveve, Mary Gibson, Ruth Godfrey, Wayne Hardesty, Sharon Hardy, Eric Johnson, Don Klotz, Priscilla Lerma, Leonor Maher, Renee McClellan, Francisco Medrano, Ann Mills, Oscar Moreno, Hilde Morrow, J.M. Olchawa, Michael Olden, Michael Richeson, Robert Rego, Randi Stern, Margarita Varela, Mark Wilson, Norman Wing, Dee Wonders, Clint Young Four Meetings attended Jessica Vasquez Three Meetings attended Ted Caruthers, Theresa Franke, Janine Rodriguez CSTC Inland Empire Chapter Benefits x x x x x x x A free Quickfinder or TheTaxBook for members who attend at least 5 of our educational dinner meetings (December does not count), or 4 meetings and the January 2012 Workshop. Members who prepay for their 2012 dinner meetings, will be able to save $70 off the total price. The prepay cost for 7 meetings is $175. We will celebrate our 46th anniversary this year. In celebration of this event our chapter will pay for the dinners for all our members, regardless if they prepaid or are paying as they go. The deadline to prepay is May 16, 2012. No dinners will carry over to 2013 and there will be no refunds for missed dinners. Chance to win a $15 off dinner for wearing your badge to the meetings. Members who prepaid for all the meet ings and win the badge drawing will receive a $15 Staples gift card. Any member who signs up a new member gets a $15 off dinner the month after the person joins. The new member will also get $15 off (this does not apply to prior members who join again). A monthly free Newsletter. Eight educational dinner meetings (2 hrs CPE) and one Saturday all day workshop (8 hrs CPE). Noncredit breakfast meetings during tax season provide a chance to network and get answers to difficult tax questions from other tax professionals. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit. Aristotle THE INLAND EMPIRE TAX Page 11 1966 2012 F rank Medrano was the lucky winner of our grand prize donated by the DoubleTree Hotel. The prize consisted of a free night and breakfast for two, as well as tickets to pi ano, piano.. c/o Hilde Morrow 2058 N Mills Ave PMB 225 Claremont CA 91711 Address Service Requested Educational Dinner Meeting: November 14, 2012 Location: DoubleTree Hotel, Claremont 2012 SOCIETY CALENDAR 11/19/12 12/67 “2012 by 2012” (Society Benefit) UPCOMING EVENTS CSTC members in good standing Society Board Meeting will receive a $25 Society Education Voucher for each new member they bring into CSTC. Tax Bridge to 2013 W e now offer many online courses ranging from 1 to 8 CE hours. These classes are updated annually and are reasonably priced. More classes will be added. Go to: & click on the Education Button. CTEC CONTINUING EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS? The address for the Society Office is: 12419 Lewis , Ste 106 Garden Grove, CA 92840 Phone: 714750CSTC (2782) Fax: 7147502722 Twenty (20) hours of CTEC-approved continuing education (10 hours of Federal Tax Law, 3 hours Tax Updates, 2 hours Ethics and 5 hours CA). This education must be taken from a CTEC approved curriculum provider and completed by October 31 of each year. CSTC meetings and workshops are approved curriculum providers.
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