KFPS Stallion Inspection Friday 15 January 2016


KFPS Stallion Inspection Friday 15 January 2016
Clinic program
KFPS Stallion Inspection
Friday 15 January 2016
KFPS Stallion Inspection 14-15-16 January 2016 WTC Expo, Leeuwarden www.kfps.nl
Room New York 1
(WTC Hotel, first floor)
10.30 – 11.25 uur
Main arena
Clinics in the main arena will be translated into English and
Shopping village
10.30 – 11.25 uur
German and can be tuned into with headsets, that are available
Saddle fitting clinic,
by Fryso Saddles
for rent at the information desk.
10.00 – 11.50 uur
Finals Friesian Talent Cup
Saddle fitting will be explained on the basis of the horse’s
anatomy and the rider’s build. Focal points are: exterior,
The eight best combinations of the categories ‘stallions and
shoulder conformation, back conformation, width etc. With on
geldings’ and ‘mares’ that have emerged from the semi-finals
the spot illustrations on the horse.
will be competing for the Championship.
Modern reproduction techniques, by Karin Hendriks,
recognised specialist equine reproduction
Explaining the application of modern reproduction techniques in
present-day breeding, including advantages and disadvantages.
11.30 – 12.25 uur
Modern reproduction techniques,
by Karin Hendriks, recognised specialist equine
Explaining the application of modern reproduction techniques in
present-day breeding, including advantages and disadvantages.
11.30 – 12.25 uur
11.50 – 12.05 uur
Z-Friesian Team Groningen showing off
their Friesian horses
Balance in the saddle,
by Mechteld Jonker and Marc Peter Spahn
12.30 – 13.25 uur
Nutrition and breeding, by Rob Krabbenborg,
product manager and nutritional specialist Pavo
The Z-Friesian Team Groningen will perform a dazzling show
The ultimate aim of dressage is to make the horse move in
ridden by a group of enthusiastic lady riders and their gorgeous
balance with the rider with the highest degree of lightness and
Friesian horses.
ease. This clinic demonstrates how the saddle plays a key role
The latest nutritional insights in the field of breeding and diets.
and can contribute to this balance.
In this lecture we concentrate on the points of interest regarding
diets of gestating and nursing mares, healthy raising of young
12.05 – 12.35 uur
‘For winning you yourself must be the strongest link’,
with Adelinde Cornelissen and the ATC
Day in day out we train our horses, but who trains the rider,
both physically and mentally? The Adelinde Training Center
stock and the facts and fables of nutritional aspects in general.
12.30 – 13.25 uur
Focal points in the training of Friesian sport horses,
by Marleen Noordhof,
physiotherapist and equine chiropractor
13.30 – 14.25 uur
The effects of bits, by Paul Versluis
Room New York 2
(WTC Hotel, first floor)
(ATC) is the platform for anybody who seeks mental and
physical fitness. Key areas are: balance, focus and breathing
What are the specific problems commonly encountered in
How and where does a bit have an effect on the horse. The
techniques, always in relation to riding.
Friesian horses? Marleen Noordhof will explain it to you with the
differences of various bits will be explained. All this in relation
help of a Friesian horse.
to contact/accepting the bit and contact problems.
12.35 – 13.05 uur
Young Friesian horses
with driving aptitude
14.30 – 15.25 uur
13.30 – 14.25 uur
Lunging clinic, by Lammert Haanstra
Dermatology in Friesian horses,
by prof.dr. Marianne Sloet
The two Champions of the Pavo Fryso Cup demonstrate their
Lammert will demonstrate his lunging with a Friesian horse
Dermatological problems occur frequently in horses. However,
this clinic Udo will describe the aim, the assessment and
explaining paces and posture. Next the same horse will be
some of these problems like sweet itch and lower limb dermato-
preparation of this class.
ridden under saddle and he will comment on the rider’s talent
ses resulting from a variety of causes are more frequently seen
and the effectiveness of the aids.
in Friesian horses.
Third viewing
16.30 – 17.15 uur
Top trainers seen on the job,
with Tineke and Imke Bartels
What considerations are important in the selection of a stallion
and what information and tools are useful. Focal points are, e.g.
breeding goal, emphasis on the mare´s characteristics, breeding
values, DNA tests, etc.
talent for driving under the leadership of Udo de Haan. During
13.30 – 16.30 uur
10.30 – 11.25 uur
How do I choose a stallion for my mare, by inspector
Bauke de Boer and prospective inspector Sabien Zwaga
14.30 – 15.25 uur
Demonstration Bowen technique,
by Janna Kroes
11.30 – 12.25 uur
IBOP through the eyes of the judges,
by performance judge Herman Smit
What are the focal points of the judges? Is it difficult to train a
15.30 – 16.25 uur
Dermatology in Friesian horses,
by prof.dr. Marianne Sloet
Bowen therapy is a very effective manual treatment technique
horse for the IBOP test?
12.30 – 13.25 uur
IBOP through the eyes of the judges,
by performance judge Herman Smit
which can be used for all sorts of problems. Using top mare Caja
Dermatological problems occur frequently in horses. However,
Moeskaer as her model, Janna Kroes is going to show the effect
some of these problems like sweet itch and lower limb dermato-
In a fascinating clinic, Tineke and Imke Bartels shed some light
Bowen can have on healing and improving the performances of
ses resulting from a variety of causes are more frequently seen
What are the focal points of the judges? Is it difficult to train a
on how they train Friesian horses for top sports.
this Friesian horse.
in Friesian horses.
horse for the IBOP test?
Location clinics:
WTC Expo, Heliconweg 52,
8914 AT Leeuwarden
Phone: 0031-58-2941500
info@wtcexpo.nl, www.wtcexpo.nl