February 2015 - Blues in the South
February 2015 - Blues in the South
BLUES IN F r e e BiTS World HQ THE SOUTH e v e r y www.bluesinthesouth.com 2 Brook Meadow TWITTER: EX8 4HH @bluesinthesouth - BLUES - ROCK & ROLL - ZYDECO s i n c e 1 9 8 7 SPONSORED BY BENTWORTH BLUES FESTIVAL CONTACT: editor@bluesinthesouth.com FEBRUARY 2015 JAZZ m o n t h D BY SORE SPON 15, 16, 17 AUGUST 2014 - GOSPEL - BLUES ROCK BiTS EDITOR’S AWARDS 2014: TOP 50 1. Bill Blue - Mojolation 2. Zoe Schwarz' Blue Commotion - Exposed 3. Dave & Phil Alvin - Common Ground 4. John Nemeth - Memphis Grease 5. Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band Goin' Home 6. Mighty Mo Rodgers - Mud 'n' Blood: A Mississippi Blues Tale 7. Arthur Migliazza - Laying It Down 8. Dan Phelps - Goin' Home 9. Albert Castiglia - Solid Ground 10. Arsen Shomakhov - Dynamic 11. Half Deaf Clatch - The Blues Continuum 12. Robben Ford - A Day In Nashville 13. 68-75 Stay On The Ride 14. Walter Trout - Blues Came Calling 15. Keb' Mo' - Bluesamericana 16. Alan Glen - Zip Your Lip 17. Bob Stroger & Kenny 'Beedy Eyes’ Smith - Keepin' It Together 18. Chad Strentz - Shake Down 19. Danny Bryant - Temperature 20. Bonnie Mac Band - Pleasures and Pains 21. B.B. & The Blues Shacks with The No Blow, No Show Horns Businessmen 22. Bella Reunion - Introducing 23. City Boy AllStars - Blinded By The Night 24. Climax Blues Band - The Official Bootleg 25. Coco Montoya - Coco Live 26. Eddie Martin - Blues Took Me By The Hand (Vol 1) 27. Dana Fuchs - Songs From The Road 28. The Hoax - Recession Blues: A Tribute To BB King 29. Doghouse Sam and his Magnatones - Knock Knock 30. Son Jack Jr & Michael Wilde Hard Garden 31. Eric Clapton and Friends - The Breeze: An Appreciation Of J.J. Cale 32. Eric Johnson - Live In Europe 33. Marcia Ball - The Tattooed Lady And The Alligator Man 34. Joanne Shaw Taylor - The Dirty Truth 35. Ben Waters Band - Live 36. Mud Morganfield w Kim Wilson - For Pops (A Tribute to Muddy Waters) 37. Ian Siegal - Man & Guitar 38. Jack Harvey Roberts Band Devil On A Dirt Road 39. Eddie Martin - Blues Took Me By The Hand (Vol 2) 40. Elvin Bishop - Can't Even Do Wrong Right 41. Kelly's Lot - Don't Give My Blues Away 42. Kim Simmonds and Savoy Brown - Goin' To The Delta 43. Katie Bradley - Anchor Baby Sessions 44. My Baby - Loves Voodoo 45. Paul Lamb And The King Snakes - Hole In The Wall 46. Rob Heron & The Tea Pad Orchestra - Talk About The Weather 47. King Size Slim - Milk Drunk 48. Kaz Hawkins - Get Ready 49. Alexis P Suter - Love The Way You Roll 50. Altered Five Blues Band - Cryin' Mercy S D R A W A S T Bi 4 1 20 These awards are based on PERSONAL selections made by the editor of BiTS on the basis of knowledge of the world of blues music gathered from his radio shows, from the feedback of listeners, from membership of the Independent Blues Broadcasters’ Association and the Blues Foundation and from participation in the British Blues Awards as a sponsor and as a broadcaster and writer. BITS EDITOR’S AWARDS: INTERNATIONAL ARTIST 2014 WALTER TROUT: For much of 2014 Walter was in hospital fighting for his life. He had a liver transplant and the blues world responded by assiting with the cost of the surgery in the most remarkable way. He is selected not just for his music (the CD Blues Came Calling is as good as anything Walter has done) but also for (inadvertenly) demonstrating that the blues vibe resonates around the world BRITISH SOLO ARTIST 2014 HALF DEAF CLATCH. Unknown two years ago, Clatch (Andrew McClatchie) has made the acoustic blues world in the UK his own. A relentless producer of high quality music and song, the pace of his work is phenominal. BiTS belives that he is on the verge of international stardom. (PS: the word ‘relentless’ also sums up the PR and entrepreneurial qualities of Clatch’s partner and manager Red…without whom ….) BRITISH BAND 2014 ZOE SCHWARZ' BLUE COMMOTION Zoe’s success in becoming a runner up in the Female Artist category of the British Blues Awards, reflects only part of the acomplishment of Blue Commotion. The jazz inflected guitar work of Rob Koral and his (and Zoe’s) exemplary song writing skills, coupled with the outstanding harp work of Si Genaro, to say nothing of the tightest of rhythm sections in Paul Robinson (d) and Pete Whitacker (Hammond) put them at the very edge of triumph on the world blues scene. BLUES GIGS: FROM EXMOUTH TO EASTBOURNE WITH A BIT MORE BESIDES - FEBRUARY 2015 01 PETE HARRIS, JERADINE HUME, JON VAUGHAN, @ THE PLATFORM TAVERN, TOWN QUAY, SOUTHAMPTON 02 BOOGIE WOOGIE CLUB @ STURMINSTER NEWTON, ROYAL BRITISH LEGION, DT10 1DU 02 MARCUS BONFANTI @ SOUTH HILL PARK 03 STAN'S BLUES JAM @ THE THOMAS TRIPP, 10 WICK LANE, CHRISTCHURCH BH23 1HX 05 PETE HARRIS R&B ALL STARS/BOB PEARCE BAND @ THE 1865 CLUB, BRUNSWICK SQUARE, SOUTHAMPTON 05 STEVE BROOKES @ THE PLATFORM TAVERN, SOTON 05 SEAN WEBSTER BAND @ THE FARNHAM MALTINGS 06 TIM PAYNE'S PLATFORM POSSE @ THE PLATFORM TAVERN, SOTON 06 PETE HARRIS, JERADINE HUME, JON VAUGHAN, FOC'S'LE FOLK CLUB, RICHMOND INN, 108 PORTSWOOD RD, SOUTHAMPTON SO17 2FW 06 PAUL LAMB & THE KINGSNAKES@ ARLINGTON ARTS CENTRE, NEWBURY RG14 3BQ 8PM £12 06 RIVERSIDE BLUES BAND @ THE KING RUFUS, ELING HILL, TOTTON, SOUTHAMPTON SO40 9HE BLUES 07 THE BLACK KAT BOPPERS @ THE PLATFORM TAVERN, SOTON R A D IO 07 RIVERSIDE BLUES BAND @ THE CRICKETERS, 41 WINDHAM ROAD, LISTIN GS SPRINGBOURNE, B'MOUTH BH1 4RN 07 WILL WILDE BAND @ DORCHESTER ARTS, SCHOOL LANE, THE GROVE, DORCHESTER, DORSET, DT1 1XR 08 BLUES JAM @ THE WHITE HART, WOODBURY, DEVON, EX5 1HN 09 BLUES AT THE BRIDGE @ THE BRIDGE INN, TOPSHAM, OPEN MIC: ACOUSTIC ONLY. DOORS 8.15 FOR 8:30 CLOSE 10:30. FREE FOR ALL INCLUDING LISTENERS 11 PETE HARRIS & HUGH BUDDEN @ THE THOMAS TRIPP, WICK LANE, CHRISTCHURCH 12 MATT WOOSEY @ THE PLATFORM TAVERN, SOTON 12 ROBIN BIBI BAND & SPECIAL GUESTS AT THE FARNHAM MALTINGS 13 PETE HARRIS BLUES BAND @ THE PLATFORM TAVERN, TOWN QUAY, SOUTHAMPTON FOR BLUES RADIO 13 STEAMER @ THE ROEBUCK, KINGSMEAD, WICKHAM PO17 5JD 14 JO LONG AND THE PURE DROP @ THE PLATFORM TAVERN, TOWN QUAY, SOUTHAMPTON 14 PETE HARRIS, JERADINE HUME, JON VAUGHAN @ THE SHAKESPEARE, HENRY ST. TOTTERDOWN, BRISTOL BS3 4UD 15 PETE HARRIS, JERADINE HUME, JON VAUGHAN, THE STAR AND DOVE, 75-78 SAINT LUKE'S RD. BRISTOL BS3 4RY 4-6.30 PM 15 RIVERSIDE BLUES BAND @ THE LORD NELSON, POOLE QUAY BH15 1HJ 18 STAN'S BLUES JAM @ MARSHALS, 74 LONDON RD, SOUTHAMPTON SO15 2AJ 19 FEDORA CAFE @ THE PLATFORM TAVERN, TOWN QUAY, SOUTHAMPTON 19 PETE HARRIS, JERADINE HUME, JON VAUGHAN, @ THE RISING SUN, SHORE RD. WARSASH 19 STU LARSEN @ THE BROOK, SOUTHAMPTON SO17 3SD 20 PETE HARRIS R&B ALL STARS @ THE BENT BRIEF, LODGE RD. SOUTHAMPTON 20 THE PRODUCERS @ BARRINGTON CENTRE THEATRE, FERNDOWN, DORSET. BH22 9TH,ADV TICKETS £12.50 FROM BOX OFFICE 01202 894858 21 MJ WHIPROUND @ THE PLATFORM TAVERN, TOWN QUAY, SOUTHAMPTON 21 THE PETE HARRIS BLUES BAND @ THE WHEATSHEAF, BOTLEY RD. SHEDFIELD, NR. WICKHAM, HANTS. 21 RIVERSIDE BLUES BAND @ THE BRICKLAYERS ARMS, WIMPSON ROAD, MILLBROOK, SOUTHAMPTON SO16 4QD 8.30PM 21 THE SELECTER @ THE BROOK, SOUTHAMPTON SO17 3SD 24 BLUES AND FOL JAM @ THE PLATFORM TAVERN, TOWN QUAY, SOUTHAMPTON 25 STAN'S BLUES JAM 2 @ THE OWL'S NEST, 196 CHRISTCHURCH ROAD, WEST PARLEY, FERNDOWN, BOURNEMOUTH BH22 8SS FREE ENTRY 26 SONS OF THE DELTA @ THE PLATFORM TAVERN, TOWN QUAY, SOUTHAMPTON 26 DEVIL DRIVES, JUMP 66 AND GEOFF GARBOW BLUES BAND A@ THE FARNHAM MALTINGS 27 CHAD STRENZ & THE CHADALACS @ THE PLATFORM TAVERN, SOTON 27 PETE HARRIS BLUES BAND @ THE KING RUFUS, ELING HILL, TOTTON, SOUTHAMPTON S040 9HE 27 DREADZONE @ THE BROOK, SOUTHAMPTON SO17 3SD 28 PETE HARRIS, JERADINE HUME, JON VAUGHAN, THE CROWN, 2 THE SQUARE, ALDBOURNE, WILTS.SN8 2DU 28 THE BRITISH BLUES ALL-STARS! @ THE BARN @ SQUARE+COMPASS, WINDMILL HILL, NR ILMINSTER, SOMERSET. SAT NAV - TA19 9NX 01823 480467 28 JOHN COGHLAN'S QUO @ THE BROOK, SOUTHAMPTON SO17 3SD Listings are provided as a guide only. Don’t forget to check the venue before you leave home to ensure that the gig is still on. The listing here is far from complete, so check out www.bluesinthesouth.com too as that is updated all the time: LAST DATE FOR MARCH 2015 is 10th FEBRUARY 2015 FORUM - THE STATE OF THE BLUES For the last couple of months, BiTS has been running discussion about the state of the Blues in the UK Click HERE to see the original comments. We have received this from a ‘Blues Fan’ I must agree with both Stan and Phil, possibly hundreds of others too. I've been involved in the music scene since 1963 which officially makes me an antique! When I began, I was singing what was then termed rock and roll - in fact it could've also been listed as rhythm & blues (not that which is classed as R&B today) as the two styles were so closely linked as to almost be one. During that year I heard Sonny Boy Williamson (Rice Miller) for the first time, it was then that I immersed myself fully into what some of us consider to be blues - searching out more and more 'blues' from Chicago, Houston, Memphis, Mississippi and Louisiana... and then the west coast. Every one of the artists I listened to could easily be classed as a blues artist, my record collection grew and grew as did my library, I listened, read and studied - not just about the music, but about the people, their culture and the way many had to live. So you could say I know some blues when I hear it. I've also been lucky enough through the years to work with a whole bunch of 'blues' artists - learning from them first hand. It was through talking with these people that my eyes were opened somewhat.... and here's the kicker, better sit down..... the majority of these 'blues' artists play pop music too. That's right. On one occasion Mojo Buford asked the band if we knew "Billie Jean" (Michael Jackson hit). Phil Guy (and other Chicago based players) told me that in the neighborhood bars, they'd play pop music, soul ballads and even a little rock and roll until around two in the morning - from then on it would be strictly blues!!! It was essential for them to play the hits of the day to secure their gigs. O.K; what about the old country blues players. Yep, they're involved too. Most will include Gospel songs, ragtime pieces and waltz tunes, however, they can still classed as blues players. Somewhere around the early 1980's, a few rock bands - before they were known as 'heavy metal' - began to include a couple of old warhorses in their set, generally "They Call It Stormy Monday" and more than likely "Hoochie Coochie Man" which enabled them to gain a few extra dates in blues based venues. It became even more problematic after the release of 'The Blues Brothers' movie, as most of the musical content was what I'd class as soul music....... are you keepin' up with all this??? I well remember arriving at a gig and the promoter asking me why we weren't wearing pork pie hats and wearing shades, oh, and "when are the sax players getting here"?! So you see, to those who'd not actually heard the real thing - all this stuff was accepted as 'blues', therefore, when a blues band or artist began to play, people would complain and ask "what kind of music is this"? Total confusion - and it's just as bad today. Since including Gospel music, soul ballads and a little rock and roll into my set - which still features a fair amount of blues, the name of the band no longer has the 'blues' tag.... not that I'm expecting any gold stars for this change, but I just don't want to con anybody. There are far too many acts jumping on the 'blues' wagon... as has been noted - jazz, rock, metal and, weirdest of all, loads of pop singers who - apparently have "always had the blues in my blood". So, to sum up then, in my extremely humble opinion... If a blues artist plays material other than blues in their set they are still a blues artist. As for jazz, pop, rock, heavy metal, reggae, classical, music hall, comedians, film stars and other actors, stick to what you know - and probably do better. Leave the blues alone, there's room out there for everyone and for all the various styles of entertainment without you having to steal someone else's livelihood. A Blues Fan How do you feel about this? Email your thoughts to editor@bluesinthesouth.com..Let’s have a debate OBITUARY: WILLIE "POPSY" DIXON, DRUMMER AND VOCALIST OF ACCLAIMED SOUL/BLUES BAND THE HOLMES BROTHERS, 1942 - 2015 Willie "Popsy" Dixon, drummer and vocalist of the critically acclaimed soul/blues band The Holmes Brothers, died in Richmond, Virginia on Friday, January 9. He had recently been diagnosed with stage four bladder cancer. He was 72 years old. Dixon, born in Virginia Beach, Virginia on July 26, 1942, was celebrated for his soaring, soulful multi-octave vocals and his driving, in-the-pocket drumming. He first met brothers Sherman and Wendell Holmes at a New York gig in 1967. Dixon sat in with the brothers and sang two songs. "After that second song," recalls Wendell, "Popsy was a brother." They played in a variety of Top 40 bar bands until 1979, when the three officially joined forces and formed The Holmes Brothers, which The New York Times described as "deeply soulful, uplifting and timeless." They toured the world, releasing 12 albums starting with 1990's In The Spirit on Rounder. Their most recent release is 2014's Brotherhood on Alligator. Dixon first played the drums when he was seven. He told Blues On Stage, "My mom and dad took me to the store and told me to get anything I liked. There was this tiny red drum set, with a tiny little kick drum and snare...little cymbals. Now, that's what I wanted! By the next morning, the thing was in the trash can. I beat it all to death. But, I tell you what...I knew how to play after that. I just knew. I had the rhythm down pat and had timing too. Just that fast. I been playing ever since." The Chicago Tribune described Dixon's voice as "otherworldly...a gift to the world of music." Living Blues said, "Popsy’s voice is a wonder...spontaneous and raw." In September 2014, The Holmes Brothers were honored with a National Endowment For The Arts National Solomon Burke Heritage Fellowship, the highest honour the United States bestows upon its folk and traditional artists. Dixon is survived by daughter Desiree Berry and longtime partner Isobel Prideaux. Funeral service information family plot in Saluda, Virginia Interment will be at the Holmes' is pending. Award-winning British songwriter, Ian Siegal, is set to release One Night In Amsterdam, his first full-band live album on CD and vinyl on March 9th. Released by Nugene Records, the new album dovetails with Siegal’s nationwide March UK tour which kicks off at the Chester Live Rooms on March 17th. And includes one gig firmly in the BiTS area. Fans can pre-order the limited edition vinyl version of the album by clicking here. While Siegal s 2014 album Man & Guitar showcased the awardwinning British songwriter as a solo acoustic troubadour, One Night In Amsterdam flicks the power switch, marking Siegal s first live album with a fullthrottle electric band. Chalk up another first for the man that Mojo called, “One of the most innovative, gifted and engaging blues performers on the planet today.” Siegal is able to draw on an astonishing eight-album catalogue that has scored him seven British Blues Awards in five categories (he’s also the only Brit ever to receive two nominations at the U.S. Blues Music Awards). The bar for Siegal’s live albums has been set sky-high by Man & Guitar recently crowned Blues Album of the Year by Mojo. From the opening notes of One Night In Amsterdam, it’s clear he’s up for the challenge. The new album will include a free bonus track Hard Pressed unlocked via a download key available on release day, March 9th. CLICK THE IMAGE OF IAN BELOW TO SEE A VIDEO ABOUT THE MAKING OF THE NEW CD. IAN SIEGAL - MARCH 2015 UK TOUR DATES Chester Live Rooms Tuesday 17 March Glasgow Stereo Wednesday 18 March Aberdeen Jazz Festival Thursday 19 March Harrogate Ripley Blues Friday 20 March Derby Flowerpot Saturday 21 March Scarborough Top Secret Blues Festival Sunday 22 March Newcastle Cluny Tuesday 24 March Bolton Railway Wednesday 25 March Bristol Tunnels Thursday 26 March Norwich Arts Centre Friday 27 March London Jazz Cafe Saturday 28 March Southampton Talking Heads Sunday 29 March NEW ORLEANS, LA @ NIGHT BOOK REVIEW: HUEY "PIANO" SMITH AND THE ROCKING PNEUMONIA BLUES by John Wirt This book is liable to make you extremely angry, more so if you're a musician. However, the first fifteen chapters provide a glimpse into the once vibrant and colourful New Orleans music scene of the fifties and early sixties. Some great anecdotes from many who were there at the time, including Earl King, Bobby Marchan, Gerri Hall, Dr. John and Huey Smith himself, the composer of such classics as "Don't You Just Know It", "High Blood Pressure", "Sea Cruise" and of course, "Rocking Pneumonia And The Boogie Woogie Flu" It's a well written account that sits quite comfortably alongside Rick Coleman's 'Blue Monday: Fats Domino and The Lost Dawn Of Rock & Roll' and 'Ernie K. Doe The R&B Emperor Of New Orleans' by Ben Sandmel. Chapters sixteen to twenty two are taken up with the numerous court cases regarding the legal ownership of Huey's songs and how the system appears to have 'screwed' him at every step. These sections include actual word by word accounts of said court proceedings.... it's here that events appear to be almost unbelievable, although reading through the court transcripts can be slightly wearing, it's worth doing so. You may find your anger slowly building, as I did, back in the previous chapter or two! Unless there are unreported or unknown reasons as to why Huey Smith has been treated so appallingly, then all I can say is that the U.S legal system leaves much to be desired. That said, certain 'record company people' seem to be as much to blame in Huey's misfortunes, if what we read here is so. Maybe the whole situation revolves around a long ago misunderstanding? Who knows? You'll need to read this book before you decide. Bob Pearce · Paperback: 294 pages · Publisher: Louisiana State University Press (24 Mar. 2014) · Language: English · ISBN-10: 0807152951 · ISBN-13: 978-0807152959 Amazon Price £15.44 (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Piano-Smith-Rocking-Pneumonia-Blues/dp/0807152951) THE BITS INTERVIEW - DAVE SAUNDERS: I am proud to have met some of the last representatives of 1920s and ‘30s blues musicians . O ne of the hardest working musicians along the south coast is Mr Dave Saunders who by his own admission has ‘been at it for years’. His principle instrument is the bass and he has worked over the years with bands supporting visiting US blues musicians like the great harp man Mojo Buford; as a founder member of The Producers; as bass player for (Stomping) Dave Allen; as the promoter of events under the aegis of Mojo Productions, his own agency (with Harry Skinner) and as the bass man for Bill Sheffield from Atlanta, GA, renowned for his stories in song, on his (Bill’s) far too infrequent visits to the UK. Ian McKenzie talked to Dave Dave became interested in music because his father played in a jazz band and “the first thing I saw every morning when I woke up was my dad’s drum kit in my bedroom. Strangely although my dad played saxophone, there was not a lot of music around the house. There were some old 78(rpm) records around most of them dance music, but most of the time I used to listen to my cousin’s record collection. He had a collection, which he was very, very proud of, of Elvis and Buddy Holly records and other stuff which I loved to listen to. I used to listen to my cousin’s records rather than the dance music.” Like many youngsters in that era, his music came from Radio Luxembourg “under the bed sheets”. Not surprisingly perhaps, Dave started his musical career as a drummer. “My dad taught me to play the drums, “ Dave told me, “So I was in and out of various clubs by the time I was eleven or so! I didn’t start on the bass until I was about seventeen or eighteen.” When Dave started to play the bass he was already listening to the likes of Muddy Waters and Howling Wolf, though the introductions provided by The Rolling Stones. This was around 1966 or ‘67, so not quite into the psychedelic era . But,” he says “ the excitement of the British Blues Scene got me. I knew I wanted to be part of it.”. Dave was in a band at that time and considers that an apprenticeship. As noted in the introduction Dave was in the internationally renowned band The Producers and considers his work with them the highlight of his career as a professional musician. “The Producers tours,” he told me, “ were some of the high spots. We did tours in Australia and New Zealand and Harry (Skinner guitarist and front man of the producers) and I went to the states to play in the Atlanta Blues Festival and we met a number of blues musicians while we were there,” Another high spot, Dave told me, was when the band were the opening act in a number of gigs when Peter Green (“one of my all time guitar heroes” ) returned to the music scene in about 1971/72, after 25 years of ill health. “When he first came out of retirement he was enthusiastic and it was great to hear him play again, Unfortunately after a couple of years, it all started to fade away again.” This was before the Splinter Group (Green’s band with Nigel Watson and Cozy Powell) and well before he became ill again. “When he first came back and the interest and enthusiasm was there, it was wonderful to hear him play again and I saw grown men cry! But…he is a frail man. A couple of years later and it was essentially all over.” Dave met Harry Skinner when the latter was playing in a progressive rock band called Manitou and “I had this idea that I wanted to have a blues band. I heard Harry playing this rock-style stuff and I went and spoke to him and we decided to get together to see what happens, whether things workout. They did!” The band was hugely popular around the country, winning the ‘Blues Band of the Year’ award 4 times, releasing 7 CD albums one of which ‘Ain’t No Love in the World’ was nominated for the ‘Best Blues Album’ award.. Although doing the circuit with the Producers was a full time effort, Dave and Harry went to the USA on tour with Bill Sheffield (former singer with Roy Buchanan and himself an accomplished finger picking guitar player) One night in Atlanta GA, in a club called Blind Willies., “one of the McCoy’s came in followed by Chuck ‘Stoop Down’ Willis dressed all in red and George Thorogood dressed in snakeskin. The night featured Ray Drury, Harry Skinner, Biff Smith, Dave Saunders me and the others playing “Hang On Sloopy’, ‘Stoop Down’ and ‘Bad To The Bone’ with the original artists!” The band has played with Delbert McClinton, and Harry is proud to have met (in 2008) the likes of Beverly ‘Guitar’ Watson and Cora May Bryant (now deceased) the daughter of Curley Weaver and of seeing the last ever gig by Frank Edwards who passed away two days later in the back of a car which was taking him home from a recording session. The Producers have opened for Taj Mahal, Dr John, Joe Louis Walker, Luther Allison and the blind Canadian artist Jeff Healey and the band was the backing band for Mojo Bruford (one of Muddy Waters’ harp men) on Bruford’s last full tour of the UK. The band has made a number of albums, the latest of which is London Blues, which was released in 2011. Are there any plans for a new one? “Well, we are talking about doing another acoustic album. We did one some time ago and that is still selling well and quite a few of the gigs we do these days are acoustic.” So how does Dave sum up his life in the blues? “I am proud to have met some of the last representatives of 1920s and ‘30s blues musicians ..I have been on stage with some great musicians, and I am still enjoying myself,” Dave ends with a sage word of advice to young people contemplating a life in the blues. “You won’t get rich,” he says, “But you’ll always have a story to tell!” www.mojopromo.co.uk www.producersbluesband.co.uk R E V I E W S EMPIRE ROOTS BAND Music From the film Harlem Street Singer Acoustic Sessions Recordings: ASC 220 Fabulous album of raw roots music with strong, driving guitar-led punch from New York master, Woody Mann, this release is a first - hopefully not a last - from a marvellous ad-hoc outfit who come together to re-interpret the music of legendary New York acoustic bluesgospel man, the Rev Gary Davis. There is also a scattering of originals in the stew. Mann is largely responsible, as co-producer, for the recent/current documentary film based on the life of Davis, and the film and album title comes from one of the late Rev's finest albums, 'Harlem Street Singer.' Woody Mann is a former guitar student of Davis's from the 1960s, a guy who certainly knows the man and his music better than most. He has also played and recorded with other huge former blues-men including Son House and Bukka White back in the day. On this excellent release he is supported by Dave Keyes on piano (ex-Bo Diddley, Odetta, Gladys Knight, Lou Rawls, etc); Brian Glassman, Bass (ex-Kenny Burrell, Lionel Hampton etc); and Bill Sims Jr, (Heritage Blues Orchestra) vocals. The overall result here sparkles with the very essence of Gary Davis and his positively enormous, undiminished contribution to blues and gospel music worldwide. www.harlemstreetsinger.com Iain Patience ERNIE HAWKINS Monongahela Rye Corona Music: 70651 This marks the first release from Pittsburgh picker Ernie Hawkins in some years. 13 tracks of superb Piedmont picking with forays into straight southern blues styles and some surprising additions with a positively jazzy undercurrent. WC Handy's original version of 'Hesitation Blues' is included together with Blind Blake's 'Too Tight', Jelly Roll's 'State and Madison'; Bill Broonzy's 'Stovepipe Stomp' and Hoagy Carmichael's 'Rockin' Chair'. Two real surprises include 'Red, Red, Robin' and 'What A Wonderful World'. An eclectic mix that reflects Hawkins' personal interests and passion for cross-genre material. this album also highlights this guy's sheer class and skill. A former student of Rev Gary Davis in 1960s New York, Hawkins is always drawn to his late mentor's music and here turns his hand to one of Davis' most popular instrumentals: 'Catfish' is acknowledged by Hawkins' as widely known by Stefan Grossman and others - as 'Rag/Blues In C'. Now touring and recording with Maria Muldaur at times, Hawkins is a master of most US acoustic blues/gospel guitar styles and can switch effortlessly between styles and genres at the proverbial drop of a hat. It's good to hear a fresh offering from this monumentally talented musician. Highly recommended release. www.erniehawkins.com Iain Patience GEORGIE BONDS Stepping Into Time BGB Music Where has this guy been? It may be better not to ask that question, but let’s be glad he’s here now. Given that much modern blues consists of over-long, meandering guitar solos it is so-o-o good to encounter a real blues singer; why, he even opens with an a capella ‘St. James Infirmary’ and it’s not just to make for a different introduction, it works. He follows this up with a raw sounding down-home blues, ‘The Blacksmith’, a rather nice double-entendre number that may draw its inspiration from Georgie’s 14 years shoeing horse but that ain’t what he’s singing about (oh, and do let the CD run on after the end of the listed tracks). He does tackle some soul material, as on the plaintive, southern styled ‘Calling Your Name’, but more frequently he is handling hard, modern sounding blues, with intelligent and socially relevant lyrics ( take a listen to the slow blues of ‘Out Of The Fryin’ Pan’ for a good example). The backing is excellent and always on the button (and yes, there’s some excellent guitar work from Neil Taylor and occasionally Harry Jacobson – they keep to the point. Georgie was mentored by Sonny Rhodes and it shows; he released his first album in 2001 and it completely passed me by. Now I’m going to have to track it down and hope it is as good as this excellent set. (www.georgiebonds.com) Norman Darwen DONALD RAY JOHNSON These Blues: The Best Of Donald Ray Johnson Mar Vista MV7 When blues great Phillip Walker toured Britain around 1993, I spoke to his excellent drummer, one Don Johnson, who told me he was a recording artist – I think this may be the same guy (he is ED. See http://www.donaldray.com/), as he lists working with Phillip, and other well-known California blues performers such as saxman Joe Houston, Big Mama Thornton, Lowell Fulson and Percy Mayfield among others, after being part of award winning disco group A Taste Of Honey around the end of the 70s. This set draws on material he recorded whilst living in Canada, where he moved in 1989 and recorded six albums. It is a solid blues set for the most part, a mixture of (mostly) original blues numbers and borrowed items such as George Jackson’s fine and popular southern soul;/ blues ‘Last Two Dollars’ and perhaps more unexpectedly ‘Always On My Mind’, yes, the number associated with Elvis – I have to admit it’s not a favourite though! Tough drawn from album tracks, the whole sounds very much like a selection of (very good) West Coast blues singles from the last 40 years or so, and in my book, that is a recommendation in itself! Norman Darwen FO’ REEL Heavy Water independent www.foreelband.com Do you recall the days when The Meters ruled New Orleans with their brand of slippery funk, with Leo Nocentelli’s bluesy guitar enjoying a large role? Crescent City four-piece Fo’ Reel obviously do. Take a listen to the title track if you need convincing – even the drum sound is spot on, and we have the bonus of veteran N’Awlins soul man C.P. Love on vocals. Mind you, much of the set consists of lively blues numbers, and C.P. also handles tracks like ‘Breaking Up Somebody’s Home’ and the straight blues of ‘Leave Your Love Alone’ with ease, riding over the beat in time-honoured fashion. Luther Allison is also an influence judging by the excellent renditions of his ‘What’s Going On In My Home’ and ‘Just As I Am’. Most of the numbers are originals though, often written by guitarist/ bandleader Mark Domizio. The collective experience of this band (regular members not yet mentioned include keyboards player Johnny Neel and bassist David Hyde, since replaced by Davis Barard) ranges from Fats Domino to Buddy Guy and The Allman Brothers. It shows too, on this excellent, totally enjoyable CD. Norman Darwen AARON BURTON All Night Long Autoprod All Night Long is Texan Burton's sixth release to date and features his usual mix of drawling southern vocals with some fine understated guitar fretwork. Here he is joined by two musical buddies, 'Stomping' Bill Johnston on Harp and Dirk Cordes on Skins. Mostly self-written, material also includes Charlie Patton's 'Pony Blues' together with a Willie McTell cover of 'Statesboro Blues'. The 14 tracks that make up the album are delivered with Burton's trademark laid-back style and sensitivity. Always soulful, the tempo is varied giving the whole a satisfying overall feel and vibe. Having played a few gigs in Europe (France) last year in 2014, his first gigs outside the USA, Burton is now targeting his launches at a UK and Europe-wide audience with considerable success; this album has already featured widely on UK blues radio playlists in recent months, gaining a well-deserved growing fanbase and interest for the guy and his music. Burton is clearly hungry, hoping for success and record sales in the European blues arena and the wider global market. With this latest release he might just have produced the goods to carry him onto a wider world stage. www.aaronburton.net Iain Patience NEXT MONTH’S BiTS WILL INCLUDE AN INTERVIEW WITH AARON BURTON (Ed) T.ROGERS Simple Life Autoprod Eleven tracks of quality blues from a Hungarian band here. Tempo varies with a good range of standards and selfwritten material. Overall, this production is polished and poised, with popular US acoustic blues giant Keb Mo also adding his weight on vocals and steel slide guitar on one of his own spotlight tracks, 'Angelina.' This is the fourth release from this outfit who will feature at the 2015 European Blues Challenge later this year. There's some seriously good Harp-work in the mix, notable on the old Elmore James standard 'It Hurts Me Too', where the fretwork also rips along loud and proud. For me, the surprise with this album comes from its genesis in Hungary and the involvement of Keb Mo in the project. But, as band frontman and composer of most tracks, Ferci Kovacs admits, Mo has been a major influence on his own musical journey and he is delighted to have him guest on this CD. As for the eponymous T.Rogers, well, he doesn't seem to figure much here at all. I'm guessing he is in truth none other than Ferci Kovaks using an Anglicised/US-sounding name to hopefully help with band and album marketing and promotion! www.trogers.hu Iain Patience TROND OLSEN BAND Mercy Toneland: TOBCD002 An absolutely fabulous second album here from the northern reaches of Europe. 'Mercy' is an eleven-track bit of great blues with ten tracks written by band leader-frontman, Trond Olson, and including a cracking cover of Robert Johnston's old classic, 'Come On In My Kitchen', - a hard cut to give a fresh feel - featuring former John Mayall Bluesbreaker sideman Buddy Whittington on guitar. This is a Norwegian outfit, who clearly know their way around the blues; a follow-up release to Olsen's 2009 debut, 'A New Day Comin', 'Mercy' should win the band blues fans aplenty; full of strong, sensitive, soulful guitar from Olson himself, and always alongside perfect percussion from Morten Bergstrom, Lars Hammerlsand on Keys and Frank Hovland on booming Bass. Vocal credits again lie with Olsen. Mostly electrically-driven blues in the mix, the album closes with a haunting, nicely pitched acoustic piece from Olsen, 'You'll Be Around'. This is a wonderful discovery, a truly excellent album full of gritty northern blues. Positively rcommended. www.toblive.com Iain Patience 100 CHRISTMAS BLUES - RICHARD TOWNEND AND THE MIGHTY BOSSCATS 100 CLUB GIG REVIEW Twas the week before Christmas and London was a bustling cornucopia of shoppers and tourists whilst a keen gathering of dedicated blues fans made their way below ground at 100 Oxford Street. All was calm, until the Mighty Bosscats took to the stage to kick off and evening of Blistering Christmas Blues at the legendary 100 club on Tuesday 16th December 2014. The first time I was in this venue ... I found myself saying to Richard Townend the virtuoso singer / songwriter, guitar player and leader of the Mighty Bosscats ... was in the 1970’s watching Alexis Korner sitting solo on a high bar stool playing his blues harp and also acting as compere for the night's headliner which on that occasion was BBC R2 Blues Show presenter Paul Jones and the Blues Band. Well that was a long time ago, a lot of beer and blues has flowed since then - but the place still looks the same: shabby - yes, steeped in music tradition - definitely - and yet oh-so cool! Not-only do you need to be a canny act to get on the gig list in the first place for a Tuesday Blues Nights at the 100 Club, but you also need to be able to hold your own with the other big cheeses on the the evenings tasting menu. So Richard (below left) and the Boys took to the stage first with a blistering set of original dark, smooth-silky Mississippi Delta / Countrystyle hot blues with songs taken from all of their repertoire including ‘7 Deadly Sins’ their new album which reached number two in the IBBA charts. The Bosscats were supporting the adopted son of ‘Detroit Blues’ which is Marcus Malone - whose band is as much of a contrast from the Bosscats as ‘Camembert and Stilton - both tangy and best taken with a good glass of something special - different a more traditional but complementary. The other artist on the tasting menu was Mike “Dr Blue” player, more like a mature cheddar for a different palate than the heady mix of premier - blues served up with a helping of red-hot chillies from Bosscats and Marcus Malone. Nevertheless, he was well received and was a really nice chap to boot! Opening the evening in a place whose walls have dripped musical greatness since the 1940’s, (launching the likes of the Muddy Waters and the Sex Pistols) would `be a testing experience for any band - but for Richard Townend and the Mighty Bosscats it seemed a fitting testimony to their musical credentials on today’s blues scene. The Mighty Bosscats kicked off their set with ‘Rain Keeps Coming’ one of what seems to be an ever growing set of references to Biblical themes - this being ‘Noah, his Arch and the Great Flood’ or maybe it was a reference to the torrential rain we were subjected to on our way home that night! With Richard’s smooth vocal and guitar style supported by Glenn Buck on drums, Phil Wilson on bass and Phil Pawsey - harp/keys - the band kicked into a groove that was a far cry from the madness of Christmas Shopping going on above ground. The set followed with ‘Fault Line (a personal favourite) blending JJ Cale style blues with a tight backline rhythm, and guitar solos from Richard that would have made Mr Knopfler sit up and learn a trick or two. Next stop ‘Cigar Box Blues’, ‘I Need A Friend’ and a return to the religion theme with ‘Ain’t Got Religion’ folowed by a host of other amazing thought provoking numbers in a set that blended light and shade in style, lyric and vibe - a bit like a complex glass of the finest Rioja or for those hotter numbers, a rich smoky Ardbeg or Laphroaig Whisky. The all too short set drew towards its conclusion with ‘Elvis Coming Home’, a homage to a host of ‘Elvis’ songs in a spicy shuffle style - leaning to blues-rock traditions that with more or less spice would be at home in any blues band’s song book - and with ‘Devil Inside’ a song relating to everyone’s inner demons and addictions - mine being blues on a cold rainy night in London - an evening of excellent blues and (Good friends and great times!) was well and truly started. ESSENTIALS: ALL THE STUFF YOU NEED TO KNOW F ebruary 5th sees a Blues double-header at a major new venue in Southampton, when the Pete Harris R&B All Stars and the Bob Pearce Blues Band perform at the 1865, a 800 capacity venue equipped with state of the art sound and lighting systems.This will be the first Blues gig at the venue, and the first time in fifteen years that Pete and Bob have appeared on the same bill. Owners Adam and Paul Hooper are keen to stage regular Blues evenings and are looking to book in leading British bands and touring American Blues artists, provided that this first event attracts a large enough crowd. Said Pete Harris "This could be a major boost for Blues in the Southampton area. Please come and support what should be a great evening, and show Adam and Paul that there is an audience for the Blues in Southampton!" Tickets £5 in advance from the venue or on the door. 1865 Ltd, Brunswick Square Southampton SO14 3AR M ulti award-winning guitarist, singer/songwriter and British Blues Hall of Famer, Matt Schofield, returns to the UK with his ‘Return of the Trio Tour’. Dates include The Jazz Cafe, London (March 3), followed by dates at The Guildhall, Lichfield (March 6) and the Bristol Jazz Festival (March 8). The three UK concerts follow Schofield’s November 2014 UK tour which met with rave reviews, and will showcase tracks from his critically acclaimed fifth studio album, "Far As I Can See". The trio line-up features Matt Schofield (guitar vocals), Jonny Henderson (Hammond Organ and keyboards), and Evan Jenkins (drums). Over the last decade Schofield has earned a formidable international reputation as one of the most innovative and revered contemporary blues inspired guitarists on the world stage today. “Schofield transcends comparisons, undeniably his own man with his own sound and style,” says Guitar Magazine. “There isn’t a better British blues guitarist playing currently.” Matt Schofield – Official Website www.mattschofield.com KING KING New Album "Reaching For The Light" out May 5th. UK Tour BiTS AREA GIGS ROBIN TROWER New Album "Something's About To Change" out on March 9th Saturday 11th April LONDON O2 SHEPHERD’S BUSH EMPIRE Shepherds Bush Green, London, W12 8TT See legendary British Blues guitarist Robin Trower live at venues in or www.o2shepherdsbushempire.co.uk very near to the BiTS area as he graces audiences with his incendiary Tuesday 14-April CRAWLEY HAWTH Hawth Ave, Crawley RH10 6YZ www.parkwoodtheatres.co.uk Wednesday 15th April EXETER CORN EXCHANGE Market Street, Exeter, EX1 1BW www.exeter.gov.uk/cornexchange Thursday 16th April SALISBURY CITY HALL Malthouse Lane, Salisbury, SP2 7TU www.cityhallsalisbury.co.uk Friday 17th April MILTON KEYNES STABLES Stockwell Lane, Wavendon, Milton Keynes, MK17 8LU www.stables.org back-catalogue that saw the British music scene shift from a pop to rock prevalence. Heralded as one of the most influential guitar players, hear the signature sound and style of the man who was tagged by the press with the nickname of ‘The White Hendrix’ back in the 70’s. Expect a mix of Trower’s solo work as well as celebratory performances of certain Procol Harlem tracks. This is a night in the rock calendar not to be missed. Special guests will include Black Country born blues rock guitarist Joanne Shaw Taylor. E U L B N O T R U ASHB L A V I T S E F S Below is the IBBA air-play chart for December 2014 produced by Dave Raven for the Independent Blues Broadcasters Association and which is based on the air-play choices of the albums by members on their shows. Congratulations to all those who have ‘charted’. Please note that the chart is slightly distorted as a consequance of DJs playing ‘Christmas Blues’ and other seasonal music. Congratulations once again to Half Deaf Clatch and a big welcome to Aaron Burton, a singer songwriter from Dallas, TX.. d BoPlease note b Bates - Bridge POSITION -ARTIST -ALBUM 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 10 13 19 24 28 34 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 26 THE MOJO MAKERS DEVILS HANDS BAD BOB BATES BRIDGE STREET KATIE BRADLEY AND DUDLEY ROSS ANCHOR BABY SESSIONS HALF DEAF CLATCH BORROWED BLUES BACK WATER ROLL BLUES BAND LIVE AT THE PLATFORM BENNY TURNER JOURNEY THE SIMON KENNEDY BAND MAKE UP YOUR MIND THE MIGHTY BOSSCATS 7 DEADLY SINS THE BRUCE KATZ BAND HOMECOMING AARON BURTON ALL NIGHT LONG EDDIE MARTIN BLUES TOOK ME BY THE HAND ALTERED FIVE BLUES BAND CRYIN' MERCY THE BLUES SPIDERS ALL MY FAULT HURRICANE RUTH BORN ON THE RIVER GEORGE SHOVLIN & THE RADARS EP THE KIRBY SEWELL BAND GIRL WITH A NEW TATTOO KENNY WAYNE SHEPHERD BAND GOIN' HOME IAN SIEGAL MAN & GUITAR WILLY BO WALKER AND KARENA K A LONG WAY FROM HEAVEN VARIOUS ARTISTS ALLIGATOR RECORDS CHRISTMAS COLLECTION JOE BONAMASSA DIFFERENT SHADES OF BLUE EMPIRE ROOTS BAND FROM THE FILM HARLEM STREET SINGER JO HARMAN LIVE AT THE ROYAL ALBERT HALL REBECCA DOWNES BACK TO THE START VARIOUS ARTISTS CHRISTMAS BLUES CD 1 THE JACK ROBERTS HARVEY BAND DEVIL ON A DIRT ROAD 24 PESOS DO THE RIGHT THING RED BUTLER FREEDOM BOUND LISA MILLS I'M CHANGING MISSY ANDERSON IN THE MOMENT DICK LEMASTERS ONE BIRD, TWO STONES DEVON ALLMAN RAGGED AND DIRTY VARIOUS ARTISTS THE HOUSE OF BLUES CHRISTMAS ALBUM HALF DEAF CLATCH A ROAD LESS TRAVELLED KELLY'S LOT DON'T GIVE MY BLUES AWAY WILKO JOHNSON AND ROGER DALTRY GOING BACK HOME HALF DEAF CLATCH KATIE BRADLEY MIGHTY BOSS CATS ZOE SCHWARZ BLUE COMMOTION IAN SIEGAL KING SIZE SLIM BROTHERS GROOVE WALTER TROUT TREVOR SEWELL JO HARMAN PAUL LAMB AND THE KINGSNAKES ROBERT CRAY BAND MICK SIMPSON ROYAL SOUTHERN BROTHERHOOD JOE BONAMASSA MATT SCHOFIELD KYLA BROX BILL BLUE KING KING JOANNE SHAW TAYLOR JOHNNY WINTER ROSCOE LEVEE BLACKTOP DELUXE BRIDGET KELLY BAND RIOTOUS BROTHERS MARCUS MALONE 27 ERIC BIBB TIM AVES AND WOLFPACK 29 MUDDY WATERS 30 ERJA LYYTINEN 31 JANIVA MAGNESS 32 LAURENCE JONES MARK HARRISON 34 THE PROOF 35 KENNY WAYNE SHEPHERD BAND 36 KIRK FLETCHER 37 ALBERT CASTIGLIA SONS OF THE DELTA SPIKEDRIVERS 40 ROB HERON AND THE TEA PAD ORCHESTRA 41 BUDDY GUY STORM WARNING MARCUS BONFANTI 44 ERIC CLAPTON 45 LIGHTNIN' HOPKINS 46 EDDIE MARTIN LARRY MILLER MALAYA BLUE MOJO MAKERS ROBBEN FORD IBBA ‘PICKS’ for FEBRUARY 2015 Catfish - So Many Roads Rebecca Downes - Back To The Start Joel Fisk & the Breakdown - The Well Joakim Tinderholt and his Band - You Gotta Do More The Chart on the left is compiled fron the total annual returns of the DJ members of the IBBA. Positions reflect the GRAND TOTAL number of plays of tracks BY AN ARTIST OR BAND and are not related to any particular CD. CLICK ANY OF THE PICS ON THE LEFT AND YOU WILL BE TAKEN TO YOUTUBE FOR A GREAT VIDEO TREAT. Red Dirt Skinners - Mr. Jones (Official Video) /www.reddirtskinners.com ALBERT COLLINS - LOVE CAN BE FOUND ANWHARE - EVEN IN A GUITAR (FULL ALBUM) NEW ORLEANS SECOND LINE & MEMORIAL PARADE FOR DANNY BARKER 1995 TREME Blues in the South Is proud to support Kansas City Online Radio (KCOR) Blues Radio 24/7/365 Blues Rock And Cool Talk Check out The Acoustic Blues Club on Monday at 10pm UK time Blues music the way it should be heard!