Hart-Montague Trail State Park
Hart-Montague Trail State Park
Hart-Montague Bicycle Trail State Park - Information and Index Map General Location: Montague/Whitehall to Hart Oceana Co. Segment A - 6.3 trail miles Trail Elevation Information: 580' near the White River in Montague to 651' in Hart. Total elevation change between the cities is 71'. The highest point on the trail is in Shelby at 819' Segment B - 6.0 trail miles Segment C - 7.2 trail miles Total Mileage: 26.3 Segment D - 6.8 trail miles Surface: Asphalt the entire length Hart For More Information Contact: The Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Environment at www.michigandnr.com/parksandtrails D Shelby C New Era B Rothbury Muskegon Co. Montague Ü A Segment A-1 Montague/Whitehall Areas Whitehall 29 Kubon Rd. Henderson Rd. 683 Meinert Park Rd. 669 NF4 - Dry-mesic northern forest To the east of the trail you can see a forest that is dominated by black and white oak with scattered white pine trees. Also in the canopy are black cherry, American beech and red maple. NF4 654 ! H H ! H ! Dicey St. ! H H ! H ! 580 H H! ! H ! Alice St. Ri v er Howmet Park al l . Rd e S t. Holton White hall Rd. BR31 eh Lewis St. ! O i! ! _! ²! 5 £ ¤ 31 Klinefelter's Art Gallery 627 H ! Howmet Park H631 ! H ! Durham Rd. Lak £ ¤ hit White Lake Trail way Main St. i! ! 5! _ Colby St. Trailhead from US-31: Whitehall/Montague exit, BR-31/ Colby St. to trailhead parking on right. W 589 Trailhead - Covell Park Peterson Rd. Cook St. Whitbeck Rd. White Hall White Lake 2 Wh ite H Lasley ! S t. H !! H H ! H! ! H Lake St. 1 d. H ! ! H 592 H H! ! Wilcox St. ± hR Silver Creek Rd. H ! Old Channel Trl. ls Wa Warner St. Dowling St. Hancock St. 647 631 Eilers Rd. Segment A-1 Montague Area (Page 31) Stanton Blvd. 0.5 Rest Area Whitehall Rd. Montague 0 Fruitv ale Rd. Doug Borns Smokehouse and Sausage Kitchen Division St. ´ ! k r ee nC Car lto Sikkenga Rd. Segment A - White Hall to Montague Area Benston Rd. White Lake Community Library i! ! _! ² White Lake Dr. 3 Miles 30 Segment A-1 Montague and Whitehall Areas Dicey St. Montague NF3 - Relict conifer swamp To the east off of the trail is a relict conifer swamp that is dominated by tamarack and nothern white cedar. NF3 H ! 3 ! O ! The Kickstand bbin s H ! Ste t St. ! G ´ ! Do w H ! Butt Weathervane S i! ! 5! _! ] Trailhead ilk H ! White River W at er H ! erm H ! k ee Twisters Ice Cream Spri ng S t. Cr ´ ! t. H ! The Favor Cafe ling St. O ! Las ley S Mobile Bicycle Repairs t. HF1 - Staple and Covell Mill t. Fer ry S S t. G ! Hu n H ! H ! Wate rS le y St. L as Putt Putt Golf t. Stanton Blvd. H ! NF2 - Southern shrub-carr To the east off of the trail is a southern shrub-carr dominated by willows with pockets of southern wet meadow and southern hardwood swamp. NF2 H ! Rotary Picnic Area 9 ! Trailway Campground Trailhead - Covell Park £ ¤ BR31 HF1 H ! NF1 H ! H ! om Th HF1 - Staple and Covell mill In 1856, the Staples and Covell mill, the first steam-powered lumber mill in Whitehall, was erected on this site. St 0.05 0.1 . 0 H H Hanson St. ! ! Lions Park H ! Harbor View Grille 0.2 Livingston St. Division St. Mears Ave. Colby St. 1st St. ± !! ] _ i! ! 3 White Lake Area Chamber of Commerce on ps White Lake NF1 - Great Lakes Marsh To the east of this point on the trail is an extensive high quality Great Lakes estuary marsh associated with the drowned river mouth of White River. There are several different natural communities associated with this marsh they include: emergent and submergent marsh, southern wet meadow, southern shrub-carr, and southern hardwood swamp. i! ! 5! _ ´ ! White Hall 0.3 Miles 31 Rd . Segment B - Rothbury Area to New Era 68th Ave. Wate r New Era 748 Yale Rd. 740 Schmidt Lake Park Rd. Rest Area 721 90th Ave. 80th Ave. Oceana Dr. Arthur Rd. H ! 5 ! White Rd. Cleveland Rd. 702 Lake Sixteen Clay Rd. Wildcat Lake ´ ! Michigan Ave. Wilke Rd. Morgan's Country Kitchen NF6 H ! 688 Heitman Lake 92nd Ave. H ! Trailhead 5 ! Winsto n Rd. H ! 5! ! _! i 96th Ave. 31 88th Ave. . Rd te r Wa £ ¤ NF6 - Carlton Creek Flowing under the trail at this point is Carlton Creek. The creek begins about 3.4 miles north of here and meanders fairly close to the trail for much of that distance. Just northwest of here outflow from Wildcat and Little Wildcat lakes enter the creek. The creek then flows southeast for another 5 miles, emptying into the White River. Clay Rd. Bunker Lake 702 689 McKinley Rd. Flo McKin ley Rd. we Rothbury rC Carlt k ree Webster Rd. on C ree k NF5 - Wild Lupine along the trail 72nd Ave. 688 0.5 1 Oceana Dr. 2 NF5 H ! 688 88th Ave. 80th Ave. ± 0 688 NF5 - Right-of-way ground cover On this part of the trail, directly adjacent to the asphalt is ground cover that is dominated by bracken fern, sweet fern, and blueberry. Wild Lupine and scattered clumps of little bluestem and big bluestem grasses also occur sporadically along the trail. 96th Ave. Roosevelt Rd. Mu dC re ek 3 Miles 32 Warren Rd. 774 Buchanan Rd. 767 Shelby NF7 H ! £ ¤ Trailhead 780 O ! i! ! ²! 5! ] Woodrow Rd. 819 64th Ave. Sto n ey C re igan 58th Ave. ek Shelby Rd. ! H H ! Brown Bear Restaurant 794 31 Ma Shelby Gem Factory H ! Piper Creek k r ee s on C Buchanan Rd. 779 72nd Ave. Lake Mich NF7 - Piper Creek Piper Creek begins less than a mile from here to the northeast. The 3 mile long tributary flows into Stony Creek directly west of this point. Stony Creek then flows for about 5 miles to the southwest into Stony Lake. Stony Lake then empties into Lake Michigan. Old U S 31 Rest Area 102n d Ave. ! H H ! Rest Area ´ ! 96th Ave. 5 ! 66th Ave. Segment C - New Era to Shelby Area Shelby Rd. H ! Flip Side Diner ´ ! Baker Rd. Wren Rd. 90th Ave. 758 . 728 O ´! ! H ! Hayes Rd. 761 ´ ! Stoney Lake Rd. 88th Ave. . W a t e r Rd 68th Ave. Stone Rd. 64th Ave. 56th Ave. Country Dairy Inc. 96th Ave. Hayes Rd Dorrance Creek Stony Lake 80th Ave. 72nd Ave. 56th Ave. Grant Rd. 756 758 Trailside Restaurant ! ( 20 Trailhead Hayes Rd. i! ! 5! _! ] H !! H New Era ± 0 0.5 1 2 3 Miles 33 WK$YH Segment D - Shelby Area to Hart 2FHDQD'U /HYHU5G QG$YH +) Lake Wyckoff Lake 7\OHU5G 0DLQ6W 5 ! 5HVW$UHD H ! ee k 3RON5G £ ¤ )LOPRUH5G 1)0HVLFVRXWKHUQIRUHVW 'LUHFWO\ VRXWK DQG HDVW RI WKHWUDLO DW WKLV SRLQW LVD DFUH ZRRGORWRIPHVLFVRXWKHUQIRUHVW$PHULFDQEHHFKDQGVXJDU PDSOHGRPLQDWHWKHFDQRS\6SULQJZLOGIORZHUVFDQEHVHHQ LQWKLV ZRRGORWVRPH WKDW KDYHEHHQ LGHQWLILHGLQFOXGHZLOG JLQJHU ZKLWH DYHQV VWDU IDOVH VRORPRQ¶VVHDO EORRGURRW ZLOG VDUVDSDULOOD DQG PD\DSSOH 1RWH WKLV LV SULYDWH SURSHUW\ 6WDWH6W Crystal Lake /RJ5G Cr +D]HO5G 2OG86 QG$YH WK$YH 6FRXW5G WK$YH QG$Y H 2 ! 7UDLOKHDG IURP 86 +DUW H[LW WDNH3RON5GHDVWWRWUDLOKHDG Hu ffi le U5G 1) :RRG6KHG%LNH5HQWDOV ´ ! i! ! 5! ] 7UDLOKHDG H ! 2 ! r R iver WK$YH &RPIRUW,QQ WK$YH e 7D\ORU5G Si lve rL ak H ! WK$YH twate 7\OHU5G %XGJHW+RVW,QQ P en WH :D )R[5G H ! G ! ! ! H H H ! 3RON5G 0HDUV H ! ± B ch ra n i 9! ! _! ²! 5! +DUW'DLU\'HOLJKW +DUW ´ ! 6LOYHU/DNH6WDWH3DUN H ! ! H 6LOYHU/DNH6DQG'XQHVDQG+DUW9LVLWRU&HQWHU 3RON5G La ke M ich i ga n ] ! S. H art WK$YH +DUULVRQ5G +)-RKQ*XUQH\3DUN 7KH-RKQ*XUQH\3DUNZDVRQHRIILYHDXWRWRXULVW FDPSV GHYHORSHG DORQJ WKH :HVW 0LFKLJDQ 3LNH GXULQJ WKH ¶V WR VXSSRUW WKH FDU DQG FDPSLQJ WRXULVW SKHQRPHQRQ WKDW ZDV JURZLQJ WKURXJKRXW WKHQDWLRQ 1):LOGJLQJHU 0LOHV