sfp bye bye birdie program15
sfp bye bye birdie program15
Swamp Fox Players Present Book by Music by Lyrics by Michael Charles lee Stewart Strouse Adams Directed by Josie Thames July 17, 18 & 23, 24, 25 & 30, 31, August 1, 2015 • 8:00 pm Sunday Matinees: July 26 & August 2, 2015 • 2:30 pm Georgetown Strand Theater South Carolina Bye Bye Birdie is produced by arrangement with TAMS-WITMARK MUSIC LIBRARY, INC. 11412 Ocean Highway • Pawleys Island 843-237-3773 • Mon-Fri 10-6 • Sat 10-5 www.christophersfinejewelry.com Swamp Fox Player Productions are ALWAYS good for the heart Ariane U. Lieberman, MD, FACC Craig Lieberman, MD, FACC 843.355.5353 402 Nelson Blvd., Suite 100 Kingstree, SC 29556 201 Business Center Dr. Pawleys Island, SC 29585 www.oceancardiologists.com Dawson Lumber Company Locally Owned & Operated for over 60 years Highway 17 South 546-859 6 We appreciate your business Coastal Saves You Time Coastal Saves You Cash 843-979-3400 • www.coastalsaves.com Coastal Saves You Time Coastal Saves You Cash 843-979-3500 • www.coastalsaves.com David E. Grabeman D.D.S., P.A. Aesthetic & Restorative Dentistry 71C Da Gullah Way, Pawleys Island, S.C. 29585 843-235-7580 • fax 843-235-7584 www.davidgrabeman.com Hampton Inn Georgetown-Marina 420 Marina Drive, Georgetown, SC 29440 843-545-5000 GTNSC_hampton@hilton.com www.georgetownhamptoninn.com Official Dry Cleaner of the Swamp Fox Players Same Day Service Alterations & Repairs Curry’s Dry Cleaners & Laundry Serving Georgetown Since 1968 1506 Highmarket St. Georgetown, SC 843-546-3114 Get in. Get help. Get on with your life. SM Get In. Get Help. Get on with your life. M-F 7:30-7 • Sat. 8-6 • Sun. 10-4 8317 S. Ocean Highway, Pawleys Island, SC Palmetto o (843)M-F 235-3555 • www.palmettoace.com 7-6 • Sat. 8:30-6 • Sun. 12-5 8317 S. Ocean Highway, Pawleys Island,, SC SC (843) 235-3555 Home Center er er ANDERSON BROTHERS BANK Personal Banking On A Personal Level. 706 North Fraser St. in Georgetown Member FDIC (843) 546-3652 • w w w. a b b a n k . c o m Visit our Web site at www.medicineshoppe.com/1386 m.pharmacygeorgetownsc.com Alfresco Georgetown Bistro “Casual dining at its best” 812 Front Street Georgetown, SC 29440 843-344-3869 AlfrescoGeorgetownBistro.com Phillip Ness, R.Ph. 1061 N Fraser Street Georgetown, SC 29440 Hours: M-F 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sat 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Immunization Services Now Available. ✆843.546.2880 ©2008 Medicine Shoppe International, Inc., a Cardinal Health company. All rights reserved. 1386/1208 Temple Beth Elohim A blend of faith and friendship For over 100 years! Free crab dip With ticket stub Sabbath Services each Friday at 7:30 pm 230 Screven Street, Georgetown, SC 29440 Visit us at Templebethelohim.net 843-283-7145. 911 Front Street (other end of Boardwalk) Visit our historic cemetery (since 1772) at the corner of Duke and Broad Streets Temple Beth Elohim is a Reform Congregation Serious Seafood since 1984 On the Waterfront in Historic Georgetown, SC Open Monday - Saturday Lunch 11 AM - 2:30 PM • Dinner 5 - 10 PM 801 Front St. Georgetown, SC Ph: 843-527-4110 www.riverroomgeorgetown.com RESTAURANT Directors’ Notes My first exposure to Bye Bye Birdie was right here at the Strand Theater, in my first two shows as a Swamp Fox Player; they were revues which each featured a song from the classic 1960 musical. The music is cheerful, optimistic, and infectious; the script is lighthearted, sweet, and funny. I knew the minute I read it that Broadway’s first Rock ‘N Roll musical would be the perfect choice for my directorial debut. The show that you’ll see tonight is the combined effort of so many people who truly love this theater. Joe Ford, Jan Fort, Lee Padgett, Stephen Stewart, and Tracy Crane have all been invaluable mentors who have offered so much helpful advice and guidance. I would also be remiss to not mention the wonderful support I’ve received from the Production Board. The cast, crew, stage manager William Gaskins, music director Kenneth Bedwell and his orchestra are all to be commended for their tireless hard work and dedication. Every single one of you is a rock star, and I am in awe of you all. Last, and certainly not least, I need to thank my husband--my best friend-Richie, for all of his love, support, and sacrifice while I realized this dream. You are the reason I get to do this wonderful thing that I love, and you are the rock on which I stand. Thank you to our audience for coming tonight and I hope that you will enjoy tonight’s performance as much as we have enjoyed bringing it to this stage! Josie Thames, Director Proud Supporter of the Arts Supporting our local communities and neighbors is the South State Way. Georgetown / 1025 Church Street / (843) 546-8500 SouthStateBank.com / Member FDIC FORD Custom Construction, Inc. Licensed General Contractor & Residential Home Builder Joe Ford 843-240-2250 “Custom is our middle name.” 807 Front Street Georgetown 29440 843-546-1045 HUTTO LAW FIRM, P.A. Scott W. Hutto Certified Specialist in Estate Planning & Probate Law 521 Highmarket Street Georgetown, SC 843.545.5250 www.huttolaw.com Wills Trusts Powers of Attorney Probate Corporate Planning Georgetown Quality Inn & Suites 210 Church Street Phone (843) 546-5656 • Fax (843) 546-6116 www.georgetownquality.com 10919 Ocean Hwy. Pawleys Island, SC. 29585 843-237-7776 • Fax: 237-7710 1-866-287-6002 www.palmettoheritagebank.com Locations also in Murrells Inlet and Mt. Pleasant Bienvenue Home Accents & Swamp Fox Tours 814 Front St., Georgetown, SC 843-527-1112 • 843-450-8433 Kevin Jayroe • Geraldine Jayroe, Owner Interior Decorating Home Furnishings Tours Monday-Saturday 10-5 • Sunday 1-4 Atlantic Coast Local Bar Harbor to Key West 109 Screven Street Georgetown, SC 29440 843-520-6918 C ast Albert Peterson................................................................................. Joe Nooft Rose Alvarez............................................................................... Renee Faiella Conrad Birdie.....................................................................................Lee Ford Mr. Harry MacAfee............................................................................ Joe Ford Mrs. Doris MacAfee.................................................................. Anne Holmes Kim MacAfee........................................................................ Cathryn Thames Randolph MacAfee.................................................................. Max Congdon Hugo Peabody........................................................................... Chris Holmes Ursula Merkle.............................................................................Taylor Baxley Mrs. Mae Peterson..............................................................................Jan Fort Deborah Sue Miller/Conrad Birdie Fan Club.............................Ally Gebbia Margie/Conrad Birdie Fan Club................................................ Kayla Smalls Alice...........................................................................................Morgan Berry Harvey Johnson..................................................................... Stephen Stewart Helen........................................................................... Mary Hannah Newton Suzie/Nancy...............................................................................Elizabeth Fort Penelope/ Gloria Rasputin...........................................................Julia Hooks Charles F. Maude/Ensemble..................................................Rocco Gabriella Mayor............................................................................................. Jeff Siegrist Edna, Mayor’s Wife...............................................................Jackie Hoelscher Mrs. Merkle............................................................................Laura Bannister Conrad Birdie Fan Club...... Emily Beckman, Molly Congdon, Grace Geer, Evelyn Moore, Mary Darby Moore, Haley Scoggin, Coker Berry Streett Ensemble.............................Ethan Anderson, Davaughn Funny, Ray Grant, Warren Umstead E x tra o rdi n ar y G ifts : Dr. Howard P. Steiger’s Trust S p e cia l T ha n ks : Waccamaw High School P r o d u cti o n S taff Director...................................................................................... Josie Thames Music Director..................................................................... Kenneth Bedwell Musicians.......................................................................Asaiah Browne, flute; Raleigh Durham, percussion, Thomas Hodge, percussion; Ian Thomas Kelley, trumpet; Tori Setliff, clarinet; Sydney Windham, trumpet Stage Manager.......................................................................William Gaskins Backstage.........................................................Jo Camlin, Elizabeth Waldrop Set Design........................................................................................... Joe Ford Set Construction...........................Joe Ford, Lee Ford, Jan & Elizabeth Fort, Jackie Hoelscher, Richard Hudak, Lee Padgett, Richard Mahany, Stephen Stewart, Blake Wilson Charge Paint............................................................................. Roger Goedtel Light Design........................................................... RDG Custom Electronics Sound Design......................................................... RDG Custom Electronics Light Tech.......................................................................................Trey Jarrell Sound Tech......................................................................................Bob Gauss Costumes....................................... Tracy Crane, Pookie Oates, Cast & Crew Poster & Playbill Design........................................................... Taylor Nelson Publicity...........................................................................................Inge Ebert Box Office Coordinator.................................................................... Foy Ford Box Office............. Janet Barrineau, Tracy Crane, Inge Ebert, Betty Haring, Suzanne Harris, Lee Padgett, Stacy Rabon Usher Coordinator................................................................ Kathy Anderson Ushers..........Hannah & Robin Altman, Herb Anderson, Shirley Anderson, Taylor Baxley, Aliska Brown, Will & Angela Connor, Bob Desaulniers, Meg & Phil Filiatrault, Linda Gurzinski, Margaret Hancock, Richard & Anna Hudak, Von Jones, Deontre McCray, Kathy McGrogan, Helen Miller, Joyce Russo, Emily Shearer, Josie Thames, Clem & Ellen Thoennes, Warren & Phyllis Umstead, Diane Hinkle-Wells B OARD OF DIRECTORS Jo Camlin, President; Darice Newmister, Treasurer; Joe Ford, Jason Lesley, Lori Lowell, Debbie Morris, Robbie O’Donnell, Jeff Siegrist, Warren Umstead, Matt Wesolowski, Karen Yaniga, Foy Ford, Theater Manager P R O D U C T I ON B O A R D Joe Ford, Chairperson; Lee Padgett, Secretary; Kathy Anderson, Herb Anderson, Mark Brown, Jo Camlin, Tracy Crane, Inge Ebert, Bob Gauss, Roger Goedtel, Suzanne Harris, Richard Hudak, Taylor Nelson, Tom Newmister, Pookie Oates, Mary O’Donnell, Robbie O’Donnell, Stacy Rabon, Josie Thames, Warren Umstead, Blake Wilson, Karen Yaniga Act I Overture: Concert, New York Scene 1 Office of Almaelou Music, New York Scene 2 Sweet Apple, Ohio Scene 3 MacAfee Home, Sweet Apple Scene 4 Pennsylvania Station, New York Scene 5 Railroad Station, Sweet Apple Scene 6 Courthouse Steps, Sweet Apple Scene 7 MacAfee Home, Sweet Apple Scene 8 Stage & Backstage Office, Central Movie Theatre, Sweet Apple Scene 9 Stage, Central Movie Theatre, Sweet Apple 15 Minute Intermission Act II Scene 1 MacAfee Home, Sweet Apple Scene 2 Downstairs in the MacAfee Home Scene 3 The Streets of Sweet Apple Scene 4 Maude’s Roadside Retreat Scene 5 Private Dining room, Maude’s Roadside Retreat Scene 6 Back Door, Maude’s Roadside Retreat Scene 7 The Ice House Scene 8 Railroad Station, Sweet Apple ACT ONE Time:1957 “Conrad Birdie Theme Song”..................... Conrad Birdie, Conrad Birdie Fan Club “An English Teacher”............................................................................... Rose Alvarez “The Telephone Hour”............................................................................. Teen Chorus “How Lovely To Be A Woman”...............................................................Kim MacAfee “Put On A Happy Face”......................................................................Albert Peterson “A Healthy Normal American Boy”........................Albert, Rose, Conrad Birdie Fan Club, Adult Chorus “One Boy”................................................................. Kim, Alice, Deborah Sue, Hugo “Honestly Sincere”.................................................................................Conrad Birdie “Hymn For A Sunday Evening”.................................... MacAfee Family & Company “One Last Kiss”................................................................ Conrad Birdie & Company ACT TWO “What Did I Ever See In Him”................................................................. Rose & Kim “A Lot Of Livin’ To Do”................................................Conrad, Kim, & Teen Chorus “Kids”.......................................................................................... Mr. & Mrs. MacAfee “Spanish Rose”.......................................................................................................Rose “Baby, Talk To Me”..................................................................Albert & Male Quartet “Shriner Ballet”..................................................... Kenneth Bedwell & His Orchestra “A Mother Doesn’t Matter Anymore”.....................................................Mrs. Peterson “Reprise: Kids”................................ Randolph, Mr. & Mrs. MacAfee, Adult Chorus “Rosie”................................................................................................... Albert & Rosie Who’s Who Joe Nooft [Albert Peterson] is a native of Georgetown. Though he has been in many Swamp Fox Players productions over the years, he is excited to have his first leading role. He would like to thank his fellow cast members for the wonderful experience throughout the process. Renee Faiella [Rose Alvarez] resides in Pawleys Island with her husband John and her 4 sons Johnny, Jace, JJ, and Jaxon. She is the Music Director for Precious Blood Catholic Church and her background and studies are in dance and music. Renee is so excited to return to the stage playing Rose in Bye Bye Birdie and her last show at the theater was Luv 4 Sail. Lee Ford [Conrad Birdie] since his debut in SFP’s 2011 production Luv 4 Sail, Lee has slowly but surely become a mainstay on the Strand Theater stage, his many credits including acclaimed turns as Hoke in Driving Miss Daisy and Audrey II in Little Shop of Horrors. Lee would like to thank all who’ve supported him along the way and assure them that this is only the beginning. Joe Ford [Mr. Harry MacAfee] has been active with the SFP’s for over 20 years building sets, acting and directing. Most recently Joe was seen in The Constant Wife and directed The Marvelous Wonderettes and Always…Patsy Cline. Originally from California, Joe lives in Pawleys with his wife Foy. They have 2 daughters who live in Charlotte. When Joe is not doing something at the theater, he is the owner of Ford Custom Construction, Inc. Anne Holmes [Doris McAfee] lives in Georgetown with her husband, Jay, and their three children. Her son, Chris, is also a member of the cast. She has been teaching elementary school for 24 years, and is presently a Kindergarten teacher at Kensington Elementary School. Cathryn Thames [Kim MacAfee] is a rising freshman at GHS. She was in the GMS Honors Chorus for two years, and is entering her fourth year as a BEACH Singer. She is excited to be in her fourth production with SFP, having last been seen as Louann in Hairspray. She would like to thank her parents, grandparents, family, and special friends for their love and support. Max Congdon [Randolph MacAfee] is enjoying participating in his very first SFP production. Max chose to pursue theatrical arts in third grade and has been performing ever since. Max previously played FDR in America the Beautiful and Prancer in North Pole Musical at Waccamaw Intermediate School, where Max will be in sixth grade in the fall. Chris Holmes [Hugo Peabody] made his debut at the Strand Theater last summer as “IQ” in Hairspray. He is a rising junior at Waccamaw High School and is a member of the BEACH Singers as well as the Waccamaw Choralaires, an auditioned choral ensemble. In addition to singing and acting, Chris also enjoys weightlifting, football, and tennis. Taylor Baxley [Ursula Merkle] is a rising senior at Andrews High School, and this is her second performance with the SFP. After a successful first show with the Players in Hairspray last summer, she decided she couldn’t get enough! Taylor, a busy honors student, manages to stay active in her school’s choir and drama program, and the BEACH Singers; the stage is her second home! Taylor is excited to be back working in community theater, and is continuing to look forward to future performances. Jan Fort [Mrs. Mae Peterson] is no stranger to SFP. She has been involved since 1987 in various roles. She was last seen on stage as Mrs. Culver in The Constant Wife. She is excited to be working on stage with her daughter Elizabeth again. Ally Gebbia [Deborah Sue Miller/Conrad Birdie Fan Club] is 14 and a rising freshman at Socastee High School. She has been in BEACH Drama for four years. This is Ally’s first appearance with the Swamp Fox Players, and she hopes to take part in many more performances. In her free time, Ally enjoys reading, singing, and going to the beach. Kayla Smalls [Margie/Conrad Birdie Fan Club] is a rising 9th grader at Georgetown High School. She has previously performed with the Georgetown Middle School Honors Chorus for two years, and was in last summer’s SFP production of Hairspray as Lorraine. She wishes to thank her parents, aunts, and uncles who musically and artistically enhance her skills and Mrs. Lillian Moultrie for continuing to push her and being there to support her every move. Morgan Berry [Alice] is a rising freshman at Georgetown High School. In addition to being a member of the Georgetown County School District BEACH Singers, Morgan takes private voice lessons and professional dance instruction. This summer marks Morgan’s second year with SFP having made her debut in last summer’s production of Hairspray. Morgan loves musical theater and is thrilled to once again share the stage with her best friend, Cathryn Thames. Stephen Stewart [Harvey Johnson] has been a part of SFP since 2002 and is excited to be working with such an amazing cast. Since then he has actively pursued his love for theater in various productions such as Lil’ Abner, Oklahoma!, Dracula and most recently, Hairspray. He is a Nursing major at Southeastern University in Florida. Stephen would like to thank his loving parents for their support in all his endeavors. Mary Hannah Newton [Helen] is a native of Andrews, SC. She is an upcoming 8th grader at Rosemary Middle School where she is a member of Chorus and the Drama team. She has also participated in plays at Andrews High School. She enjoys singing in school programs and at her church, Trinity United Methodist. She is truly honored to be a part of Bye Bye Birdie! Elizabeth Fort [Suzie/Nancy] is a recent graduate of Winthrop University with a degree in Family Consumer Science. She currently is working at Georgetown Presbyterian CDC. She has been involved with theater and music all her life. She was last seen on stage as a wife in Lil Abner. Julia Hooks [Penelope/Gloria Rasputin] is making her debut with SFP, however she is no stranger to the stage. She has performed in many shows throughout her high school and college career. She was last seen in Wait Until Dark and Christmas Belles at Waccamaw High School and Dancing at Lughnasa at the College of Charleston. She is currently attending the College of Charleston where she studies theatre. She would like to thank her parents for their support. Rocco Gabriella [Charles F. Maude/Ensemble] is a Philadelphia Native and former professional horse jockey & racing official & is making his theatrical debut. A popular local vocalist, he has entertained at Gios, Nosh, Fuego, and Alfresco. He composed an original song which he performed on NBC prior to the 2004 Preakness Stakes. He also produced a CD, “I’ve Got It Covered” where he sings many of his fans favorite songs. Tonight is dedicated to his three favorite thespians--Deatra, Michael, and Debbie. Jeff Siegrist [Mayor] is a community theater veteran. His credits with Swamp Fox Players include Love Letters, The Constant Wife, Barefoot in the Park, Oklahoma!, The Sensuous Senator, and Wait Until Dark. Jeff and his wife Mary live at Pawleys Island and are the parents of three grown sons; Joseph, Ben, and Will. Jackie Hoelscher [Edna/Mayor’s Wife] is a retired renal dietitian. She and her husband, Fred moved to Georgetown from Missouri in 1999. She can now scratch “being in a play” off her life list! She wants to thank Fred and her daughter, Stephanie Eldridge for encouraging her to tryout for this show and Jan Fort for her voice lessons to prepare for it. Jackie also sings with Indigo Choral and the Georgetown Presbyterian Church choir. Laura Bannister [Mrs. Merkle] is delighted to make her debut not only with the Swamp Fox Players, but in musical theater as well with Bye Bye Birdie! Laura has returned to her hometown of Andrews after living in Columbia for 8 years, and is grateful for the opportunity and enjoyment she has received through this production! Emily Beckman [Conrad Birdie Fan Club] was born and raised in Georgetown. She is a rising 6th grader at Georgetown Middle School. She enjoys singing and has performed in the Kensington Elementary talent show and Christmas concert. Bye Bye Birdie is her first play and she looks forward to many more roles on the stage. Molly Congdon [Conrad Birdie Fan Club] was bitten by the acting and singing bug since joining the Precious Blood of Christ Church Children’s Choir 3 years ago. Since then, she has performed a number of solos at her church, and sung in her third grade production of Christmas in Pawleys at Waccamaw Elementary School. Molly will be a 4th grader at Waccamaw Intermediate School in the fall. Grace Geer [Conrad Birdie Fan Club] is going into the 6th grade at Georgetown Middle. This is her first musical. She enjoys playing sports, singing, playing the piano, and creating works of art. “I’d like to give a shout out to one of my favorite people on planet earth, Mrs. Easterling, who was my BEACH teacher at K.E.S! With help and inspiration from her and my family I’ve been able to get where I am today. I couldn’t have done it without y’all!” Evelyn Moore [Conrad Birdie Fan Club] of Georgetown is a rising 4th grader at Waccamaw Intermediate School. Bye Bye Birdie is her first musical, and she is excited to work with the Swamp Fox Players. In her spare time, Evelyn enjoys playing the piano, sailing, swimming, and playing tennis. She is a member of Christ the King-Grace Church in Pawleys Island. Mary Darby Moore [Conrad Birdie Fan Club] of Georgetown is a rising 3rd grader at Waccamaw Elementary School. She loves working with the Swamp Fox Players and is thrilled to be a member of the cast of Bye Bye Birdie, her first musical. In her free time, Mary Darby enjoys reading, playing the guitar, cooking, and playing tennis. She is a member of Christ the KingGrace Church in Pawleys Island. Haley Grace Scogin [Conrad Birdie Fan Club] is a nine year old Honor Roll student at Kensington Elementary School. She loves to spend time with her family. She enjoys fishing, swimming, tubing, and playing with friends. She is a member at Herbert Memorial United Methodist Church where she participates in the KICKS youth group and the Praise Team Ministry group. Haley takes ballet and tap from The Studio of Dance of Georgetown and plays softball. Although this is her first experience with SFP she is geared up for many more opportunities! Coker Berry Streett [Conrad Birdie Fan Club] is nine years old and was born and raised in Pawleys Island. She recently completed third grade at Waccamaw Elementary School. She attends church at Belin Memorial United Methodist Church in Murrells Inlet. Coker loves to dance, sing, and perform. She has taken classes at Litchfield Dance Arts Academy for several years. Ethan Anderson [Fred, Ensemble] is excited to be a part of Bye Bye Birdie! This is his first time performing at The Strand, though he has been acting and singing in his church, fireside ministries, since he was very young. When he is not in the theater, Ethan enjoys reading, playing tennis, his guitar, and his ukulele. He thanks his parents for supporting him and the cast and crew for making this a great experience. Davaughn Funny [Ensemble] is a rising junior at Waccamaw High School where he plays saxophone in the concert band. This is his second performance with Swamp Fox Players, having played Duane in last summer’s Hairspray. He thanks his family and special friends for their love and support. Raquan Grant [Ensemble] started performing in church plays at age four. He’s been in BEACH Singers, and the Georgetown Middle chorus. This is his third production with SFP. He was last seen in Little Shop of Horrors. He is a 2015 graduate of Georgetown High School and would like to thank his family and friends for their support. Warren Umstead [Ensemble] retired from DuPont where he was an International Marketing Manager. He has been involved in the Performing Arts since high school. Since moving to Myrtle Beach in 1969 he has been active in numerous community activities. Over the past years he has appeared in many SFP productions while also serving on the Theater Board. Each production has been a special joy. Kenneth Bedwell [Music Director] makes his debut with SFP. He has been music director for numerous productions in Michigan and SC. Kenneth was the Music Director at Andrews High School from 2012-2015, and is currently the Director of Choral Activities at St James High School. He is married to Danielle, and they are expecting a child in December. Asaiah Browne [Flute] is a rising senior at Waccamaw High School and is the current Drum Major for the Marching Warrior Band. She also plays flute for the Waccamaw Symphonic Band. Raleigh Durham [Percussion] is a rising junior at Waccamaw High School and has been playing drums for five years. He also plays guitar, bass, and piano. He plays snare drum on the WHS drum line, as well as percussion in the Symphonic Band. Thomas Hodge [Percussion] lives in Murrells Inlet and is 15 years old. He enjoys anything to do with music and skateboarding. This is his third year in the Waccamaw High School Marching Warrior Band and his first year as an officer. When he gets older, he would like to be a musician. Ian Thomas Kelley [Trumpet] is a rising junior at Waccamaw High School and this will be his third year in the marching band, but his first year as a Rookie Captain. He enjoys playing the trumpet, faking a European accent, video editing, and 2D Animation. He is also a Young Treasure for the Cultural Council. Tori Setliff [Clarinet] is a recent graduate of Waccamaw High and will be attending USC in Columbia to major in Music Education. She was previously the Drum Major for the marching band and will continue her passion for playing with the Carolina Band. Sydney Windham [Trumpet] is a rising junior at Waccamaw High School where she plays in the symphonic band and songs in the chorus. This is her second year as High Brass Officer in the Waccamaw High School Marching Warrior Band. Along with trumpet, she also studies piano and voice. This is her third year as a Young Treasure for the Cultural Council. William Gaskins [Stage Manager] loves being in SFP shows! You may have seen him in hits such as Moonlight and Magnolias, Broadway’s Best, and Hairspray. Or rather, you probably didn’t. William has never actually been on stage, so if you’re hoping to see him tonight--tough luck! He loves all things technical theater. He is a rising junior at the College of William and Mary where he is a 2nd Electrician in the theater department. Colonial-Floral Fascinations Jeanette Ard 912 Front Street Georgetown, South Carolina 29440 843-546-5108 www.colonialfrontstreet.net P rintmaking S tudio 843.445.9191 Fax 843.448.0895 Email digitalarts@sc.rr.com focus on your PERFORMANCE 96 Archer Road • P.O. Box 380 Pawleys Island, SC 29585 843-237-8421 Vintiques Antique and Variety Mall 4721 Hwy. 17 Bypass South Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 (843) 808-3800 Buy - Sell - Trade www.vintiquesvenue.com not on your banking Proud supporter of Swamp Fox Players ◆◆◆ 726 Front Street Georgetown 843-527-7592 MEMBER FDIC FirstCitizensonline.com ces a r B Helping to create beautiful smiles Timothy J. Pence, DMD, MSD Specialist in Orthodontics 420 Church Street Georgetown, SC 29440 843-527-4536 9462 Highway 17 North Pawleys Island, SC 29585 843-237-5266 Anita Weaver Executive Director 2628 North Fraser Street Georgetown, SC 29440 Ph 843-520-0319 • Fax 843-545-5267 aweaver@5sqc.com A Five Star Care Community www.fivestarqualitycare.com Supporting the Swamp Fox Players 2015 ❦ Kudzu Bakery s i mp ly div i n e 120 King Street 843-546-1847 kudzubakery.com John A. Joseph, Jr., d.m.d. Timothy G. Joseph, d.m.d. A dental practice founded by John A. Joseph, Sr., D.D.S. 632 Front Street Post Office Box 559 Georgetown, SC 29442 843-546-5994 Coastal Eye Group, P.C. Richard E. DeChamplain, MD Carole M. Young, MD Walter A. Mayo, OD 1200 Highmarket Street 843-546-8421 www.coastaleyegroup.com DuMont Brothers Building, Inc. 8227 Ocean Highway, Pawleys Island, SC 29585 843-237-4367 / toll free 877-203-2922 Website: www.dumontbrothers.com Email: dumontnewhomes@aol.com New Home Construction Home Renovations Additions, New Kitchen, Bathroom, Garage, Carolina Room, Screen Porch Enclosure, Siding & Window Replacement, Elevators Interior & Exterior Painting With over 25 years of experience in Georgetown County Fully Insured S.C. State Licensed General Contractor Archangels 2 0 1 5 Curry’s Dry Cleaners & Laundry Georgetown Kraft Credit Union Palmetto Heritage Bank Rinehart Dentistry Downer, Tom & Gretchen Gagliano, Dr. & Mrs. T.E. Heusel, Gwen & Richard Hudson, Lily Grace M. & Thomas B. Mahany, Dick & Pam Tindall, Rhett & Charla Umstead, Dr. Warren & Phyllis Wildes, Jeff angels 2 0 1 5 Big Lake Holdings, Inc. Treffer Apraisal & Advisory Group Alfonsie, Marty Ballou, Lance & Gloria Barrineau, Bobby & Janet Doyle, Jay & Suzanne Dozier, Jamie & Pam Floyd, Bill & Lynn Forshaw, Meredith & Tom Gaskins, Bill & Martha Lynn Givens, Patrick Goedtel, Nancy & Roger Golden Girls Guptill, Bill & Eileen Jewell, Nancy & Dunbar Lieberman, Drs. Craig & Ariane Meade, Charlie & Debbie O’Donnell, Robbie & Mary Owens, Eddie Sentivan, Jane & Jim Skinner, Virginia Tamsberg, Anne & Jody Tarbox, Glennie & Margaret Anne VanVlack, Dorothy & Melvin Benefactors 2 0 1 5 Anne Hartis Interiors Christopher’s Fine Jewelry Morningside of Georgetown Pawleys Island Lumber Quality Inn & Suites The Sly Fox/Linda Abate Abbott, Olga & Ernest Abruntilla, Canto & Lois Adorna, Sam & Kathy Allison, Martha & Fitz Altman, Lenair & Marilyn Amidon, Kenneth & Giovana Anderson, Betty & Perrin Anderson, Mr. & Mrs. Neal Anderson, Mr. & Mrs. Taylor Aragona, John & Rosalie Ard, Jeanette Arentsen, Al & Susan Ares, John & Angela Austin, Carol & Pat Avant, Levurn & Ann Avant, Sybil Ayotte, Pat & Al Bateman, Dr. Suzi Bayer-Ziegler, Judith Bedingfield, Michael Benfield, Jack & Bette Ann Bennett, Richard & Merideth Bentley, Thomas & Virginia Berry, Jack & Monnie Blackhurst, Ed & Neats Blodis, Harriet & Brenda Lewis Bloom, Michael & Janis Boshears, Neal & Donna Bowers, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bowers, Lewis & Linda Boyd, Muff & Herbert Boyer, Bruce & Marcia Bradshaw, Celia F. Brown, Dean & Robin Brown, Harvey & Kathy Brown, Joan & Robert Bruce Buono, Rick & Mary Cameron, Stella & Danny Camp, Joseph E. Campbell, Russ & Sue Cannon, Bleeker & Bubba Carey, Dawn Carter, Rhea & Henry Cavanaugh, Jim & Mady Cave, Nancy & Billy Chadwick, Everett & Yvonne Chandler, Jon & Shirley Cherchio, Elizabeth & Angelo Clark, Rich & Cheryle Cohn, Howard & Frances Cole, Warner & Carol Connor, Josephine & Ralph Corrigall, Nancy J. Cowen,Dr. Norman J. & Mrs. Diane Crane, Kathy & Bob Cristello, James & Tracy Cummons, Al & Margie Currey, Joan & John Cutler, Ann H. Danhoff, Richard & Jo Daniels, Claude Mac Davidson, Hubert & Linda C. Davis, Bob & Susan Davis, Fannie & Brenda Lesesne Davis, Michael Dawson, Clary & Doris Dawson, Helyn DeMarchi, Al & Jill Desh, Michael & Deborah Dias, Richard & Jane Dickert, Bacil & Shirley Doar, Bill & Terry Dodson, Elliott & Darlene Dobson Jr, Frederick P. Doscher, Suzie DuMont, David & Clare Dwyer, Annette M. & Irving N. Edwards, Ralph & Agnes Ellis, Betty Endl, Tom & Susan Fick, Lawrence & Joyce Finch, Jim & Jane Floyd, Hinson Ford, Mrs. Anna Maria Ford, Jess & Helen Ford, Joe & Foy Foshee, Rick & Danette Fournier, Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Gainey, John & Alberta Ganem, Ray Gericke, Judy A. Glasser, Bill & KC Gomolski, Carol & John Griffith, George & Sheila Grubb, Eileen & Bill Guarino, Carol Gunter, Roland C. Hacker, Bob & Janie Hall, Theresa & Tom Kendrick Hallock, Andrew & Jackie Hammond, Ron & Ann Hanna, Anne Hannan, Robert & Karen Harrington, Kim & Teressa Harris, Suzanne S. Head, Rip & Maggie Healey, Richard & Laura Heiden, Dr. Eric & Rosa Lee Hicks, Sandy & Dale Hill, Freddie & Wanda Hoelscher, Jackie & Fred Hoover, Bill & Ginny Hora, June Chandler Howard, Tommy & Ruthann Hoyle, Anne Marie & Bill Huggins, Ed & Meri Hughes, Bonnie & Beth Harter Hughes, James & Margaret Hulse, Evelyn B. Humphreys, Bryan & Carrie Huray, Susan & Paul Illos, Marie Inman, Julius & Louella Isaac, Joe & Cheryl Jacques, Winston & Laurel Jayroe, Carol Jobe, Betty & Henry Johnston, Tom & Nancy Jolly, J.B. & Karen Jordan, Jeanna A. Jordan, Tony Joseph, Johnny & Susan Kaufman, Art & Deb Pentecost Kazersky, Robert & Nancy Kelley, Rives W. Kelly, Beans & Martha White Kester, Alice & John Kieltyka, Martha & Hank Klopp, Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Koonce, Mr. & Mrs. Elliott Koonce, Dr. & Mrs. Samuel Kunz,Vera & Bob Lange, Connie Jefferson & Philip E. Lapworth, Bill & Cindy Law, Peter & Joan Lawrimore, Willard L. Lee, Jack & Kendra Lesley, Jason & Anna Lewis, Tom & Kathy Lowery, Pat & Wilson Lumpkin, Sarah P. MacDonnell, Tom & Dororthy MacKall, Lloyd & Kay Mackes, Judy & Dave MacWilliams, N. & D. Wagner Malek, Ann Marie Marchant, Tom & Deborah Maresca, Ann Marie & Bob Martin, Bev & Gerry McAlpine, Betty & Dennis McBride, John & Carolyn McBride, Loren & Sandi McCann, Richard & Carol McClary, Lucy & Herbie McCullough, Sharon & Robert Balding McDowell, Don & Georgia McIntyre, Larry & Cynthia McKenzie, Franklin & Judy McNulty, Art & Libby Mercer, William & Mary Meyers, III, Ernie & Laura Miller, Jana & Jerry Miller, Larry & Marge Miller, Wallace E. & Donna M. Mitchell, Peter & Becky Mixson, Joyce P. Molnar, Tom & Mary Sue Moody, Charles & Jonell Moore, David & Harriett Moore, Merwin & Shirley Mosimann, Tom & Bettsy Nann, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ness, Phillip & Beth Neumann, Joyce & David Noble, Beverly & Gil Oates, Pookie & Jum Oberembt, Marilyn & Jerry O’Brien, John & Betty O’Connell, Glen & Betty Kay Olenchock, Steve & Marcia Omphaliaus, Bill & Kathy Ondrejcek, Florence & John Ottinger, Bob & Barb Overton, Sue Owens, Kevin & Mary Ann Owens, Sylvia S. Pacella, Richard & Carolyn Parker,Vernon M. & Lillian Passmore, Barbara & J. Laurence Patton, Doug & Nancy Pearigen, Raymond & Jean Perkins, Cherri & Al Butler Peterson, Teresa Pettit, Ethel & Earl Pierce, Sam & D. Pieterse, Winfred & Jean Piersma, David & Sherry Pietkewicz, Ron & Marie Pioth, Clay & Doris Piver, Selma & Jim Plexico, Kevin & Pam Pope, Tommy & Brenda Powers, Jeanne & Don Coker Price, Dan & Sandra Przygocki, Walter Rabon, Joe & Hilda Rana, Mary Ransom, Tom & Janet Raymond, Peter & Linda Reichling, Bill & Pat Relinger, Carol Ann Riegel, Barbara & Fred Roberts, Deloris K. Robinson, Karen A. Robson, Pat & Dave Rodgers, Johnnie & Diane Rogers, Anne Rogers, Betty & Bob Rogers, Nancy T. Rosol, Dr. & Mrs. Martin Roughgarden, Matt & Rose Roy, Barbara & Don Rubick, Ed Ryan, Jim & Sue Ryan, Tom & Peggy Sabourin, Larry & Janelle Schantz, Roger D. Scheffing, Dan & Kathie Schuhmacher, Bob & Anita Segelken, William & Vivian Sekkes, Ed & Ann Sharwell, George & Josette Sherrer, Warren & Carolyn Siau, Col. & Mrs. Lynn Siegel, Roy & Beth Siegrist, Jeff & Mary Singer, Madeline Slattery, Dennis & Catherine Slomkowski, Edward & Luciann Small, Peggy Smith, Larry & Carol Steagall, Darrell & Patricia Steele, Col. John & Frances Steen, Joe & Sally Streeter, David & Carol Tanner, Jimmy & Ellyn Thames, Richard & Cathy Thoennes, Clem & Ellen Thomas, Grady & Brenda Tindall, Bobby & Sandy Towse, JJ & Dick Triplett, Barry Lee & Teresa Trousdell, Kenneth & Elaine Tuttle, Ed & Mary Vaughan, Laura & Randy Waddell, Grace Waikart, Charlotte & Doug Wall, John & Marty Waltemyer, Marty & Ellie Walters, Alan & Susan Ward, Franklin & Jackie Warrick, Jim & Diane Ward, Mary Ann Watson, Tommy & Alice Alford, Betty Ard, Virginia Baker, Louise Beaubain, Thelma Bell, Marthalee Mills Bixler, Kathi Bowler, Evelyn Brady, Van Brokaw, Cheryl Buchan, Sharon Callahan, Jill Camlin, Carolyn Camlin, Jo Campbell, Shirley M. Castleman, Ada Collins, Karen Costlow, Donna Dawson, Liz Dawson, Rowena J. DeRenzo, Nancy Detwiler, Patsy B. Dillon, Rachel J. Dimentstein, Richard A. Domer, Margie Dougherty, Beverly Dragouich, Ellie Eaddy, Gwendolyn Ebert, Inge English, Betty W. Etheridge, Maxine B. Forehand, Marvadine B. Forrester, Liz Fritts, Karen Gasque, Dinah Hard, June Harris, Jackie Harrison, Katherine Holland, Jean Hunter, Judith Hurne, Charles Jividen, Phyllis Kaufmann, Lenore Kilgore, Betty B. Lawrimore, Betty Liples, Christine MacKenzie, Julie McElveen, Inez Mills McEntee, Myrtle A. Miller, Marie Moody, Mrs. Jean F. Murren, Walter E. Nilles, Don Orth, Gwendolyn J. Owens, Erma B. Patton, Vivian Peterson, Shirley Weathers, Gene & Ella Wesel, Mary & Win West, Charlie & Dale Wheeler-Cribb, Peggy & CL Wichrowski, Regina A. Wilcox, Norman & Happy Wilhite, Gary & Susan Willcox, Patricia & Don Williams, John & Ginny Williamson, Robert & Maryann Woodbury, Billy & Geneva Yacullo, Mary Yaniga, Karen D. Young, Clara & Betty Goodman Young, Clarence & Etta Young, Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Zabel, Ray & Elaine Zawislak, Christopher John & Lisa Zothner, Bob & Trudy Patrons 2 0 1 5 Phares, Joy Poston, Sunny Powers, Annette M. Roberts, Betty J. Rogers, Sheila Russo, Joyce A. Sapough, B. Lyle Schaefer, Marie K. Schoenig, Edward Scott, Ednetta O. Seaman, Ede Steiger Smith, Carrie Smith, Charles T. Sullivan, Mary Temple, Eloise Thomas, Helen Thompson, John V. Wagner, Ruth Watson, Gwen H. Welch, Jinny Wiggington, Rosemary Williams, Hollace Wilt, Zella Wimsatt, R. Zack, Pat Zawislak, Ms. Lee Zdun, Annette One Step Ahead to Center Stage South Carolina Federal strives to stay one step ahead of our members and their busy lives. We create products and services to meet your financial requirements—and keep you in the spotlight! Whether you’re just starting out or nearing retirement, we’ll make the road ahead just a little easier. Our streamlined processes and convenient access simplify your life. 843-545-8300 (Georgetown) 800-845-0432 (Nationwide) scfederal.org This credit union is federally insured by the national credit union association. Grayman Climate Control Inc. Service on Heating Cooling Systems P.O. 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