Croydon `Parent in Partnership`
Croydon `Parent in Partnership`
news For parents of children and young adults Inside this issue: What have we been up to? 2 -3 Croydon PIP Parent Forum feedback 4 Looking ahead 5 Upcoming consultations and events 6 -7 General Information 8 Early Years 9 Over 16’s 10 Parent Training & workshops 11 Did you know? 12 In partnership with: Winter 2015 Issue 10 Hello to all... A warm welcome to everyone in the midst of winter. We hope you had a wonderful and relaxing time over the Christmas period. As always, we tried to cram the Newsletter with updates on: what we have been up to over the last 6 months (see pages 2-3); the PIP Parent Forum involvement - to show you how your voice and your experiences are used by our Forum and Parent Reps at the strategic meetings and in consultations with the LA and Croydon Health services (page 4). We also want to give you heads up for what’s happening in Croydon in the near future and how the services are changing (see pages 5-7). We are hoping that this news will make you feel heard and indeed truly valuable! Please note we have set up an exclusive & confidential PF email: ! You can also reach us via our secret PF Facebook group, just email us with a request to be added! Additionally we put in information about local support groups, leisure activities, events, training and workshops that are available to you and your families. Although we only recently, increased the number of pages of the PIP newsletter we must admit that the struggle to share all the exciting info in the limited format. continues. And so, we would like to encourage you all to regularly check our website, Facebook and E-Bulletins as well as the Croydon Local Offer for updates on events, training and local news. The autumn period is known for our AGMs - a yearly meeting that allows us to pause and reflect on PIP’s achievements and challenges in the last year as well as think about the part that we are honoured to have in families’ lives. One of our parents was kind enough to share her experience with us. We are passing her thoughts on & hoping that you will enjoy reading this issue. “Where do I start?... I first met the Family Link Worker from PIP when I was going through a rough time with my son, who was having loads of trouble at primary school. She was so supportive and helpful and really got my point across to the school. Unfortunately we took him out of primary and moved him to Victoria House. She came to every meeting with me and supported me with my other children at the current primary school. She was so helpful and full of loads of information to do with benefits and workshops to help support my family in a time of need. She's always here at the end of phone if I need her. She was friendly and professional at the same time”. Distributed by Register Services on behalf of the Croydon 'I Count' Register for Children and Young People with Disabilities, and Parents in Partnership, Croydon, Reg. Charity No. 1092969 Tel: 020 8663 5626 Email: 1 What have we been up to? September - FAMILY FUN DAY “Would just like to say the Fun Day this Sat was superb! My two year old loved it with lots to see and do. Well done to all the volunteers, they did a fab job. Was a good turn out and better still the sun was shining. Thank you xx” PIP and Young Carers teamed up to organise a free Family Fun Day at Royal Russell School in September. The sun shone and families from far and wide enjoyed a day filled with laughter, bouncy castles, face painting, games and fun, fun, fun! Kids and parents alike had time to relax and enjoy themselves uninterrupted and there were NO tears!!! We all left energised and invigorated, with massive grins, already planning for another family event next year! Those, who attended and would like a photo of their child or indeed themselves having fun, please email the PIP office and we will send you a link to website of our lovely photographer on the day—Jo Bartlett!! The Croydon Community Civic Awards honours the achievements of outstanding local people and voluntary groups and celebrates the boroughs unsung heroes who go that extra mile to help others. This year PIP’s parent volunteers who were involved as parent reps were nominated for ‘Voluntary Group of the Year’ awards. They were one of three finalist in the “Voluntary group of the year” category with over 150 candidates from other voluntary organisations. Although we did not win, it has been a truly fantastic recognition for all the parent carers who were involved and attended numerous meetings during the SEN reform planning period. It is very positive that parent participation and PIP Parent Forum are now seen as regular partners to represent views of families in Croydon who have children and young people with special needs or disabilities. November - PIP’s AGM We were delighted to be joined by a variety of kind supporters and friends of PIP on the 23rd Annual General Meeting on 17th November. After summarising accounts and last years’ achievements, Agnieszka shared PIP’s plans & hopes for the near future year. We also hosted engaging speakers: Clare Brutton from CCG talked about PF involvement with the review of CAMHs and new ASD diagnostic pathways, Trisha Holmes spoke about parents co-creating the Local Offer and our engagement with the new 0-65 Croydon Disability Service. It wouldn’t have been a true AGM and celebration of PIP’s accomplishments without a parent perspective… Charlene Grant gave a heart moving and thought provoking overview of her personal journey as a parent-carer. We were humbled by Charlene’s experience as it is always reassuring and encouraging to hear that we are able to make a real difference in families' lives. Again, a huge thank you to all speakers and attendees for making this year’s AGM so special. If you would like an electronic or hard copy of our Annual Report, please contact us on 020 8663 5626 or email 2 November - SEND Conference The second Croydon Conference: SEND Reforms - one year on the journey towards aspirations was held on 26th November. The conference brought together parent carers, young people with SEN, local SEN Practitioners, guest speakers and voluntary organisations. The aim was to inform local families about the development of SEN reforms in Croydon, to share expertise and to answer questions. If you would like copies of any of the presentations emailed to you, please contact the PIP office on 020 8663 5626 or email For more information on SEND support in Croydon, please visit the Croydon Local Offer: For general information on SEN and helpful organisations nationally see: With effect from 1 September 2015 the maximum timescales for transferring individual Statements will be increased from 16 to 20 weeks, matching the timescale for new assessments. Edward Timpson MP, Minister of State for Children and Families has provided more details As the Croydon SEND support services went through changes a few months ago and we have heard that working out who is who has been somewhat confusing, we thought that you may find this graph explaining the differences of support helpful: PIP PARENT FORUM CONFERENCE SEND – MAKING SENSE OF TRANSITIONS at CVA, London Rd, Croydon, Surrey CR0 2TB on Thursday 4th February 2016 9:30am – 2.30pm Following on from the success of last year’s conference and your feedback from the event in November, we have invited Steve Broach back to Croydon to throw light on the area of ‘transitions’. Steve is a leading SEN advisor and the leading legal advisor for CDC and CAF and has particular interest and expertise in the rights of children (especially disabled children) as well as being a long-time supporter of parents and Parent Forums! This is an event for parents only, to allow a confidential and respectful yet informal space for questions and discussions. To book a place, please contact the PIP team on 020 8663 5626 or by e mail at 3 The Croydon Parent Forum Feedback... There is no doubt that it has been a very busy autumn for PIP’s Parent Forum. We now have 75 Parent Forum members who receive regular updates and share their experiences and perspectives. We’ve held 7 Parent Forum Steering Group meetings this year and have been joined by: Claire Brutton from Croydon CCG to talk about CAMHS services and plans on improving waiting lists, Trisha Holmes, SEN project manager, who came on more than one occasion to talk about Croydon’s Local Offer, the Wikis and the new All Age Disability Group, George Riley, CWD’s manager, has also visited the forum more than once to talk about the Children with Disabilities social care service, Short Breaks and Personal Budgets, Nick Clinch from Croydon’s Children's’ Health Services came to talk about the review of Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Speech and Language Therapy and Special Nursing Team, Finally—Healthwatch joined us to hear about our burning issues. We've been able to offer two free training sessions on Parent Representation which skilled 16 parent carers in participation and group representation. We are hoping to provide further training next year for those parent carers, who would like to represent voices of Croydon families on strategic meetings and various advisory boards that influence Croydon’s services. Thanks to us having such a wonderful pool of dedicated, experienced, knowledgeable and skilled parent reps we were able to make your voices heard and present!!! (Have you noted that our parent volunteers were finalists of this years Croydon Community Civic Awards? If you missed it, see the highlight on page 2.) A summary of some of our recent work lists: Two of our Parent Forum Reps being involved in strategic meetings discussing Croydon’s Local Offer and continuing to work closely with Trisha Holmes to develop and improve it. One representative attending the 0-65 All Age Disability reference group to discuss the new ideas about joint: children and adult services for people with SEN and disabilities. Parents attending both the Autism and the Learning Disability Partnership Boards! a group of 5 parents co-designing a new commissioning framework for Children’s Therapies Service; Several meetings with CAHMs and Paediatrics Commissioner discussing ways on creating an efficient and effective CAMHs service. 4 members of the Parent Forum Steering group attending 3 Short Breaks consultations helping to develop a Short Breaks Questionnaire (the feedback from the questionnaires is still being collated—we had a whooping 250 responses! Once the data is analysed, we are hoping to hold further meetings with George Riley and his team to shape local short breaks offer). Furthermore, Agnieszka and I have been present at meetings that discuss: SEND Implementation in Croydon, Personal Budgets offer in Croydon, executive meeting about merging children and adult services for people with disabilities, Transitions meeting. We always try our best to pass on your experiences, problems as well as your hopes and the positive feedback. We are really glad to hear about cases where SENCo’s, SEND caseworkers and parents are working well together and are engaged in the new ethos of the reforms where the process is proving to be a positive one for both the child and the parent. We really want to hear about these good experiences as well as the difficulties. Your feedback is collated by us and used regularly to inform the managers of Croydon SEN, Social Care and Health Services. We can’t stress how grateful we are for your input. The positive experiences are used as examples of good practice in areas where improvement is needed urgently and the challenges are raised with the LA and Health to improve the service delivery!!! You will be pleased to know that next year will be very much targeted on reducing the waiting lists for diagnosis of autism and making access to CAMHs and support for children and young people easier and uncomplicated. 4 Now, if you think you think this is all that we have done, here is some more, this time, on a national scale! As it’s now been over a year since the new legislation The Children and Families Act 2014 came into force and it’s been a year that has presented some challenges for a lot of the families we speak to. We, as your Croydon Parent Forum, collated your feedback and concerns and presented them in a report to the Local Authority, we also met regularly with the SEND service looking at ways to work together on resolving these issues. Additionally, we fed back parental views directly to the Department for Education (DfE) via their half-yearly SEND questionnaire. We were also privileged to host a South London parent Forum “cluster” meeting where we were joined by two advisors from the DfE. Myself and Agnieszka were able to express these issues along with other South London Parent Forums. Finally, we attended the NNPCF’s AGM ( ) in London alongside 40 other Parent Forums & DfE representatives. It proved to be a truly informative event. Through discussions and networking it became clear that parents across the country were facing similar challenges and the DfE were keen to hear from them. Looking ahead… The new exciting development of Croydon Wikis’ will be taking off in the New Year, we currently have 4 parents who are keen to develop a Wiki for their young person. Wiki is a secure and easy to build personal website that can be used to create person-centred plans using words, photos, video and sound. This helps to show the individual as a person – with their skills and aspirations as well as their needs. Croydon will be rolling out a project for children and young people with SEND over the next 2 years with the aim of using Wikis to enable parents to share their child’s development with teachers and professionals. Wikis can support the EHC Planning process and will move with the individual as they grow older, recording their changing skills and support needs through different stages of life. We will be piloting the Wikis in the new year with a few families who have agreed to be ‘guinea-pigs’. This will give us the opportunity to test how well a Wiki can work and also where it is not so helpful. Once we have completed the pilot stage we will share our findings with families and professionals and will open up the opportunity to families who want to get involved. If you enter the link into your browser, you can see an example of a Wiki and more information; if you want to see how a Wiki can work – look on YouTube for ‘Shane’s Wiki’. The PF and managers from Croydon LA will be attending a workshop led by Contact a Family on Co-production this January. Co-production is at the heart of the recent SEND reforms and means having parent carers and young people in the centre of decision-making. It goes far beyond the plans and SEN support into strategic planning and commissioning (funding local services). Co –producing brings parents and service managers together to form shared vision, and bring about real change. Parent Forum meeting dates: Such a partnership working approach should result in: Providing parent carers with clear, comprehensive and timely information which enable them to make informed decisions & choices Having meaningful consultations that ensure parents voices are heard and listened to when services are being developed or reviewed. Parent carers participating in strategic work groups or task groups to put forward the views of the wider parent carer group that could lead to parent carers being involved in the commissioning process or in interviewing the workforce. Thursday 14th January Wednesday 24th February Tuesday 12th April Monday 23rd May Friday 1st July Thursday 8th September Wednesday 19th October Wednesday 30th November 10am—1pm 5 Upcoming consultations and events Crystal Centre re-location - Friday 22nd Jan, 10am-12pm Malling Close Children’s Centre, Croydon CR0 7YD Crystal Centre with all its services is moving to a new location, most likely to the site of the Malling Close Children’s Centre. If you would like to find out more and have your say on the look of the new service, do come along to this chill and chat meeting (with a crèche available for your lil one!). We will be joined by NHS Commissioners heading the move and look of the service. Contact us on Mini Review of Exclusions - Friday 29th Jan, 10am-11am The Local Authority is having a Local Action Mini Review looking at the extent of school/college/education exclusion among pupils/students in Croydon and its short and long term impact on the education offer in the borough. The aim of the review is: To review, track and do a comparative analysis of already available and up-to-date information on education exclusion in Croydon. To involve experts – practising and other expert witnesses To hear from parents, relevant pupils/students and interested individuals or groups To hear from centres offering services and support for excluded young persons To see what is happening in neighbouring boroughs including where there is good practice Conclusions, recommendations and the way forward. The Parent Forum will be meeting with Councillor Matthew Kyeremeh, who is heading the Mini Review, to talk about the experience of parents of children with SEN. PIP Family Link Workers will also join the meeting to further highlight the burning issues. It would be great if you would like to join us on the morning of Friday 29 th January. If you would like to come along please contact us at Making sense of Transitions - SEND conference for parents Thursday 4th Feb, 9:30am – 2.30pm CVA, London Rd, Croydon, Surrey CR0 2TB If you have been scratching your head wondering what is suppose to happen around the transition period or if you have found that the new law and guidance is proving to be tricky to apply to your circumstances, we are hoping to shed some light - as parent forum, we have invited Steve Broach back to Croydon to talk about the SEND law in simple and transparent way. Steve is a leading independent SEN advisor and legal advisor for CDC and CAF and has particular interest and expertise in the rights of children (especially disabled children) as well as being a long-time supporter of parents and Parent Forums! This is an event for parents only, to allow a confidential and respectful yet informal space for questions and discussions. To book a place, please contact the PIP team on 020 8663 5626 or by email at Croydon New 0-65 Disability Service - Jan & Feb 2016 Do you or a family member have a Special Educational Need or disability? Croydon Council is developing a new 0-65 disability service. Among the ambitious aims are: streamlining the children and adult services, making the transition period smoother and providing more efficient and effective service for local people. And so, as always, we are keen to receive feedback from individuals and families on what is important and what can be improved. Please use the following link to find the online questionnaire. There is also an easy –read version that can be downloaded; Trisha Holmes, who is project managing the new service, is currently consulting with various groups of people that the service will be providing for. She is hoping to gather parental feedback on the 4th February, after our PF conference with Steve Broach. Finally—the new service needs a name!!! If you have any ideas, please email 6 SEN Transport Home to School Service Thursday 11th Feb, 10am-12pm, Carers Centre The Parent Forum met with Jackie Wright and Becky Saunders from the local authority Transport Dept. in December to discus the SEN Transport Service. We were informed that: around 1000 children are being transported to school each day with demand for the service growing; contracts with 29 providers had been recently reviewed and awarded, a parent forum Rep was on the tender review panel; transport service offer is being reviewed with positive changes, i.e. independent travel training for 14+ will see more trainers for young people (numbers going up from 4 to 28 in January) with bus days available for young people to prepare for independent travel; Personal Transport Budgets are available to parents; personalised travel plans for all children/young people and the possibility of transport to health visits being discussed. The Parent Forum expressed a number of concerns and made a number of suggestions to improve the service including: Level of training to Escorts and Drivers and checks made on these staff (DBS/References) When contacting transport department to report concerns parents felt that they were not listened to and that staff were unhelpful. It would be helpful for parents and their YP to meet the Escort and Driver before starting. How to report difficulties should be better communicated to parents Independent travel training: parents would like to see more male trainers Further to this meeting it was agreed that a more in-depth consultation & workshop would be really helpful.. if you are interested in being involved and/or hear more, please contact or office Croydon CAMHs &Community Paediatric Services Review What we heard: (children & young people) its always more of the same no one wants to know what I want I don’t want to wait too much hassle to see someone they're not like me it’s all talk nothing changes What we heard: (adults) Waiting lists are too long for ASD assessments thresholds are too high really good once you are in the service not sure where to refer to waiting lists its inflexible between the tiers had to buy in counselling services LOTS of complex needs that we don’t understand (Primary Head)! What is planned: Redesign of ASD pathway Single point of access to CAMHs Shortening pre-diagnosis waiting list Better coordination of complex cases between CAMHs, social care and primary care (GPs) Behaviour support Increasing staffing levels and skills Healthwatch Croydon – The Official ‘Patient Voice’ What does Healthwatch Croydon Do? Listen & gather the views and experiences of local people on the way health and social care services are delivered and then research on topics identified by you. Are you a carer? Act. They collate information received to form a wider picture of local services Then join us in February and use this evidence to influence how services are designed and delivered,. They work closely with providers, planners and regulators to ensure your voice to tell about your is heard. They also have an Enter and View programme, staffed by volunteers, experiences of services or observing how services are being delivered. email us. Help. Provide people with info & advice about any health or social care related Healthwatch will be holding topic, such as how to access a service, or how to make a complaint. Carer's information session Include you. Local residents are at the centre of Healthwatch. Volunteers help on Friday 5 Feb, 9.30 -11.30am Healthwatch Croydon in all aspects of their work, there are various volunteering at the Carer's Centre . opportunities and specific training. The event will be co-hosted by Getting in touch. You can contact the office about volunteering, to give your Ruth from the Carer's Centre views and experiences or to get advice and information. Call 020 8663 5648 or and Healthwatch Chief Exec. email; website 7 General information A few words on ‘Work Experience’ placements Last year we heard from several parents whose children were hoping to do work experience placements. To help you prepare, we came up with a few pointers: Schools often tell students that they expect them to find their own placements in order for them to get experience of writing CVs and talking to employers. If your child has to find somewhere, remember, popular places fill up early - sometimes 6 months ahead (!) and bigger companies want plenty of time to set things up. Employers are more likely to take students if they are recommended by someone, who works there, so have a chat with family and friends. If your child knows what they want to do, encourage them to make a list of local places they could apply to, aim for about 10. If this is difficult, make sure you speak to the work experience co-ordinator at school as early as you can, they probably have some ideas and will try to arrange something for your child. Most employers are happy for parents to come to interviews and they often give a schedule you can go over beforehand to help your child prepare. Our parents have said it was worth the effort and their child enjoyed it and gained in confidence! As we all know, sometimes children and young people with SEN can be target for bullying at school, which can be very distressing for both, the child and the parent. The Anti-Bullying Alliance have launched their new free online Anti-Bullying Information Tool for parents and carers. The tool is interactive and designed to give parents and carers information about bullying. The tool will help parents if they: are concerned that their child may be vulnerable to bullying at school. are worried that their child might be being bullied. are aware that their child is being bullied. think or know that their child is bullying others. just want to browse. You can access this free resource at: SUTTON EAGLES SPECIAL NEEDS FOOTBALL TRAINING FOR BOYS & GIRLS at Pulse Health &Fitness, Nightingale Rd, Carshalton, SM5 2EJ Every Saturday (term time only) 12:30-1:30pm 12-16 Year Olds 1:30-2:30pm 5-11 Year Olds Make friends Learn football & co-ordination skills Improve team skills Gain confidence Take part in football tournaments No need to book in advance, just come along and have fun when you can. For more details contact Louise on or 020 8669 6797 Football in Croydon For people with learning disabilities (aged 16 and above) Led by coaches from the Crystal Palace Football Club Foundation Develop your football skills • Make new friends • Get healthy • Have fun… Three different sessions at two venues for people with different football abilities: Beginners Tuesday 11.30am - 12.30pm Waddon Leisure Centre Thursday 11.30am - 12.30pm Waddon Leisure Centre Advanced Thursday 5 - 6pm Selhurst Sports Arena £2 per person charge for each session at the Waddon Leisure Centre to be paid, in cash only, at the beginning of each session No charge for the ‘Advanced’ group session at Selhurst. Contact Andrew Slegg on or 020 8239 4393 to book a place or ask questions. 8 Early Years Chill ‘n’ Chat… We are never tired of these wonderful, weekly group sessions for parents & carers of children with special needs with plenty of information, support and ‘me-time’ treats to keep you going and your child most welcome! Tuesdays 9.30am - 11.30am Woodlands Children’s Centre Farnborough Avenue, Selsdon, CR2 8HD Wednesdays 1pm - 2.30pm Kensington Avenue Children’s Centre, Kensington Avenue, Thornton Heath CR7 8BT For more information please call 07704 061916 or contact: For more information on PRISM calendar and support groups for families please go to our website & click Calendar & Events CROYDON OPPORTUNITY PRE-SCHOOL GROUP FOR CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS Tue’s & Fri’s 10am - 12 pm (term time only) Developmental Playgroup COPG’s Chill and Chat groups are run by experienced Opportunity Group Staff offering you a chance to make new friends and share experiences; for your child to play and have fun and to relax and chat with other parents and carers. Learning and play group for children 0-5 with additional needs and their families. During term time There are a wide range of activities, refreshments provided, access to a sensory room and a chance to seek advice and support. THE CHILDRENS CENTRE, MALLING CLOSE, CR0 7YD t: 020 8655 5684 Mondays: 10am -12 noon at Woodlands Children’s Centre 020 8916 0543 1- 3pm at Selhurst Children’s Centre 020 8684 3777 Please note that this group will run at the Malling Close premises until March 2016. Wednesdays: 10 -11.30am Kensington Avenue Children’s Centre 020 8765 8128 10am—12.30pm No need to book, just pop along! In the US a nationwide initiative has been created aimed at communities with children ages 2 to 5. This initiative named ‘Sesame Street and Autism: See Amazing in All Children’ has been developed with input from parents, people who serve the autism community, and people with autism. “See Amazing in All Children” offers families ways to overcome common challenges and simplify everyday activities. At the same time, the project fosters an affirming narrative around autism for all families and kids. For more videos, activities and topics to help you celebrate the uniqueness of each and every child visit NAS Croydon Branch Parent Support Group The NAS Croydon Branch Parent Group aims to reduce some of the isolation felt by those who have received a diagnosis or are waiting to receive a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder for a family member. We aim to provide: monthly coffee morning, advice & information, the opportunity to meet other parents and carers in similar circumstances, a friendly and supportive environment. Come and drop in to one of our sessions at the Carers Support Centre between 10am – 12 noon On Tuesdays 26 Jan,, 23 Feb, 22 March, 26 April, 24 May, 28 June & 19 July 2016 For more information contact us: Tel.: 07833 293 263 E-mail: 9 Over16’s A message from PIP Family Link Worker (Transition 14-25) I have been very busy working with parents over the last few months. Most of the issues have been around education which is to be expected as there have been several changes in Croydon with the advent of the new EHCP transfer reviews! It has been a shaky start but I am hopeful that matters will improve for parents as the new system becomes established. In order to widen the post 16’ offer, Croydon have introduced a pilot scheme - personalised study programme for Post 16 young people with SEN. The aims is to give young people, 16 years and over, a more independent life by giving them the skills and experience to live the life they want. The individualised pathway of study includes maths and English, developing vocational and employability skills including work experience and focuses on “real skills” such as handling money, healthy eating and travelling safely. For more information on the pilot you can contact Sarah Block – PiP Plus, our monthly meetings for parents with children aged 14+ continues to be well-attended and we have been very lucky to cover a range of subjects this year including: sexuality and relationships, the summery of the Mental Capacity Act as well as session on Crime and Vulnerability Awareness delivered by one of our Croydon parents who practices as a solicitor. We have already planned more sessions: on Benefits (March 16 th) and Wills & Trusts (March 1st) so please put these dates in your diary. We are looking into finding speakers for sessions on transition from year 11 to college and for a session on mental health issues that affect our children. We would very much like to plan training around the issues that you identify with as being relevant., so, again, please let us know what you would most like us to cover. Wishing you all a peaceful New Year -Tansy Muller MONDAY EVENING SOCIAL CLUB Addington Community Centre, CR0 OJB Mondays from 7 - 9pm £3.50 per session A popular social club, with around 120 members, for adults of all ages with a learning disability. This club provides leisure activities that include snooker, darts, music and special events. To find out more visit or contact “SPECIAL BLEND” Sir Phillip Game Centre, 38 Morland Avenue, Croydon, CR0 6EA Croydon Young Peoples Service Runs activities for young people with LDD aged 18-25 which include: Thai Fit, football, skills for work, Zumba, cooking and visits to the pub or the fantastic Club Soda nightclub. For more information visit or contact Paul Funnell on 07990790183 or email Croydon People First "run by and for people with learning difficulties Making It Happen for Adults with Learning Disabilities in Croydon & the Future-4-Us Community Hub are up and running! Are you the parent, family or carer of an adult or teenager with Autism? Would you like to meet up with people like you and talk about the issues that matter to you? The Autism Parent Family and Carer Group meet on the last Monday of each month from 6.30pm-8.00pm at : Chatsworth Hall Autism Service Chatsworth Hall, 1 Chatsworth Road Croydon CR0 1HE Refreshments are provided For more details contact Paul Wallingford on 0208 255 5473 Hannah Bowley on 0203 302 8686 Football in Sutton For adults with learning difficulties Run by Crystal Palace Football Club Foundation. £2 cash per person per session. Indoor sports hall sports attire required. For more information contact Michael Harrington on 020 8768 6047 For more information call 020 8253 7096 or email 10 Training and Workshops MAKATON 1 (2 day course) WEDNESDAYS 14th & 21st Jan 2016 6pm-8.30pm PIP offers free training workshops for parent/carers of children with Anne Chapman special needs or disabilities. Makaton uses signs, symbols and Places are limited, so please book by contacting the PIP office on speech to help people communicate. 020 8663 5626 or email WILLS & TRUSTS SEMINAR all meetings are at Carer’s Support Centre, st 1 March 2016 10am-1pm 24 – 26 George Street, Croydon CR0 1PB Philip Warford For families of a disabled or vulnerable child it’s important to consider how to provide for that child if you are no longer there to care for them. Philip will explain how Wills and Trusts can be used to protect the vulnerable and ensure benefits are not lost. BENEFITS – CHANGES THAT AFFECT ME 16 March 2016 10am-1pm Carole Webster— with so many changes in the benefits system and the new Care Act, this workshop will come very handy! Make sure you book early as Carole is known for her experience & knowledge! SLEEP WORKSHOP—DATE TBC Feel free to contact us and suggest a topic regarding useful training for parents! Events/Activities at the Carers Centre Need to be booked events: Call Ruth on 020 8649 6280 or email: IT Buddy appointments (fully booked until end of February); Massage sessions (all booked for January, for February’s sessions contact Ruth); The impact of caring on relationships 22 March 10am - 3pm; Employability skills 19 January, 15 March. (For individual employability skills sessions contact Ruth.) If only I’d known...6 week course for those caring for someone with Alzheimer’s/Dementia. 7 March 2-4pm No need to book the sessions below - just drop in! Knit & Natter 29 Jan, 26 Feb 11am – 12.30pm; Alzheimer’s Society in the Carers Café 21 Jan, 18 Feb, 17 March. 10.30am – 12.30pm; Carers singing group 27 Jan, 10 & 24 Feb, 9 & 23 March 11am – 12.15pm Dance sessions 12 & 26 Feb, 4 & 10 March 11am – 12.30pm Family Fund in the Carers Café 25 Feb 10.30 -12.30pm Croydon SEND Information, Advice, Support and Mediation service Contact 020 8663 5630, Workshops are FREE for parents, carers and young people, however a fee of £10 applies to professionals. All professionals have to fill in an application form. To book your place in advance, email: All workshops are taking place from 10am – 12 noon at : Small Hall at East Croydon United Reformed Church (Addiscombe Grove, Croydon CR0 5LP) Supporting Behaviours 20th January Mark Brown (Special Help 4 Special Need) Transferring Statement of SEN to EHCP 24th February Astrid Macabee (Family Lives) Exclusion from School 23rd March Paulette Douglas Changing the landscape of disability (Communities Empowerment Network) A free e-learning tool for the UK workforce Personal Budgets 20th April George Riley (Croydon LA) and carers Transport from Home to School 18th May Becky Saunders (Croydon LA) What is available for your child at the school 11 Did you know? We are very fortunate to have been given some FREE TICKETS for the new circus-panto, Pinocchio Joins the Circus at the Arnhem Gallery (in the Fairfield Halls). The show stars Peanuts, one of the nation's favourite clowns, as Pinocchio whose ambition is to become a real circus performer. Booing and hissing is encouraged as Pinocchio meets the cat and the fox who try to lure him away from his circus home. The performances are at 4.45pm and 7pm on Monday 11th January 2016. We have limited tickets so contact the office on 020 8663 5626 or email if you are interested. (Children aged 3 and under don't need a ticket). Autism Friendly Cinema Screenings ‘Dimensions’ offer Autism Friendly Screenings to people with autism or sensory sensitivity to enjoy a trip to cinema. They teamed up with over 250 cinemas nationwide - Cineworld, ODEON, Showcase and Vue cinemas. On Sunday mornings films suitable to all audiences are screened in a sensor friendly and inclusive environment. Adjustments at the cinema reduce over-stimulation and create a welcoming place for people with autism to enjoy with their family, friends or carers. You can find the nearest cinema to you via ‘Dimensions’ website. The current list of films on offer and ticket booking availability is also available! Relaxed performance in the West End Tuesday, 19th Jan, 2016 at 6pm Theatre Royal, Drury Lane ‘Mousetrap theatre projects’ Relaxed performances are for families with one or more children with special needs. They are designed to provide an opportunity for people with autism, learning difficulties or other sensory and communication needs who require a more relaxed environment ensuring: Adjustments to sound and lighting. Free support resources to help your family prepare for the visit Trained volunteers and staff to help at the event. A relaxed and supportive atmosphere that allows young people to access West End shoes without the usual restrains of ‘theatre rules’. For details and ticket info visit: Registered Office Carers Support Centre, 24-26 George Street, Croydon, CR0 1PB Tel: 020 8663 5626 Email: 12 Together we can make a difference