The Lodestone Catalog


The Lodestone Catalog
C Audio Theatre
st in Con
The Be
Firesign Theatre
page 6
Science Fiction
page 14
page 12
page 10
Norman Corwin
page 4
Prairie Home
Companion page 20
Lodestone Catalog
627 N. Morton St.#204
Bloomington, IN 47404
Welcome to the Lodestone Catalog -the world’s best source for English-language
contemporary audio theater.
Why Audio Theater?
Why Contemporary Audio Theater?
Of course, we love the old stuff. “Old-Time
Radio” (OTR) is a wonderful thing. It was a
time when a great deal of time, effort, and
money was put into the medium, and it got
some wonderful results.
And the best of those results got remembered.
The best of those results got preserved. The
best of those results is still around today.
What we listen to today is the best of what was
created then.
Audio Theater is the theater of the mind. It
sparks the imagination, allowing you, the listener, to create his or her own mental images.
Our friends at XM Sonic Theater are fond of
telling you, “The pictures are in your head.”
Our friend, Norman Corwin, tells of a story of
a young girl who was asked if she preferred
Radio or Television. She said ‘Radio’. When
asked why, she replied, “Because the pictures
are better.”
These two ideas, taken together, only confirm
what we already knew:
The pictures are better in your head.
Although television and trends took audio
drama largely off the radio since the 1950’s,
it has evolved into an artists medium, created
by people who love the medium and use great
skill, time, love, and patience to produce audio
theater which reaches beyond the styles and
conventions of OTR. Audio theater is a growing and evolving art form, the best of which
engages the mind and excites the imagination.
But how do you find the best of the new stuff?
That’s where we come in. We present the best
in contemporary audio theater. The cream that
rises to the top. We carry the stuff that turns us
on. We think it will turn you on, too.
Lodestone supports
The National Audio Theatre Festivals (NATF)* is a driving
force behind the growth of contemporary audio theatre in the
United States.
As the country’s oldest audio theater education and training
organization, NATF’s mission is to promote, support and educate
emerging and established artists in the field of audio theater.
Annually, NATF hosts The Audio Theater Workshop (ATW), a
week-long hands-on training and performance event. NATF
also hosts an annual script competition for new audio plays along
with smaller advanced weekend workshops throughout the year.
If you enjoy audio theater, or have an interest learning more
about writing, producing or performing audio theater projects,
please support NATF, or attend an NATF event.
But there are more ingredients -- Time,
Craftsmanship, Intelligence, Love, Imagination.
Toss in heavy helpings of great scriptwriting,
and a whole lot of good acting.
Audio Theater starts with the written word, but
it is much more than just reading aloud.
Audio Theater fires the imagination and stirs
the soul.
And we are happy to bring some of the best
audio theater to you.
What is Audio Theater?
Audio Theater makes you laugh, cry, hope, and
Why Lodestone Catalog?
Audio Theatre
Why do we call it audio theater? Many people
call it radio drama, but most of the best new
productions go directly to CD, never being
heard on the radio. New-Time-Radio? Same
problem. Theater of the Mind? Theater of the
Ear? Sonic Movies? All nice, and great at capturing different aspects of the medium, but we
think Audio Theater describes it best.
Voices. Music. Sound effects. Silence. These
are the basic ingredients of audio theater.
But what about the new stuff?
We sell audio theater because we love the
medium of audio theater. It’s that simple.
What’s In A Name?
4 Horror
10 - 11 Sci Fi
21 Western
Alien Voices
Atlanta Radio
Theater Co.
15, 18, 19
Celestial Navigations
Crazy Dog Audio
10, 18, 19
Dirk Maggs
14, 17
Firesign Theatre
Full Cast Audio
Garrison Keillor
Great Northern
Audio Theater
8, 10
Little Evil Things
Mind’s Ear Audio
11, 21
National Lampoon
Norman Corwin
16, 19
Otherworld Media
3, 8, 15, 22
Proctor and Bergman
Posthuman Enterprises
Rabbit Ears
Radio Repertory Co.
of America
Reduced Shakespeare Co. 11
This American Life
Transdimensional Media
Twilight Zone
Willamette Radio
18, 22
Yuri Rasovsky
19, 22
ZBS Foundation
12 - 13
For more information, visit
*NATF is a recognized 501(c)3 not-for-profit arts organization.
20 - 21
14 - 15
Cover image from a concept by Jim Fields.
The Wizard of Oz
Otherworld Media
A loving and beautiful unabridged audio
drama, produced to celebrate the 100th
anniversary of the book’s publication. Starring
Harry Anderson, Phyllis Diller , Mark Hamill,
Annee Benning, Rene Auberjonois, Robert
Guillaume, John Goodman, and many more.
OWME010 - 1 CDs - 4 hours - $39.95
The Last Dragon to Avondale
Atlanta Radio Theatre Company
A subway station becomes a magical
place when the subway train is really
a giant dragon. Fun, fantasy, and
imagination from Thomas Fuller.
ARTC025 - 1 CD - 60 minutes - $10.00
Rabbit Ears
top talent and is back! These stories,
children’s lite est musicians around. Lo ich aired on Public Radio
rature. Gentle
, feature som
vingly produce
e of the
, smart, funny
d, these reco
not at them, m
of top perform de by people who care ab d intelligent, this is radio th gs are treasures of
ers. These a
at speaks to th
re as much a ut their audience. Origina
e listener,
l scores by a
treasure for a
diverse list
dults as they
are for childre
Rabbit Ears Treasury of Fairy Tales and Other Stories
Read by Kelly McGillis
Original Music by Mark Isham
The Talking Eggs
Read by Sissy Spacek
Original Music by BeauSoleil
The Fisherman and His Wife
Read by Jodie Foster
Original Music by Van Dyke Parks
The Emperor and the Nightingale
Read by Glenn Close
Original Music by Mark Isham
RABB001 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $19.95
Rabbit Ears Treasury of American Tall Tales
Davy Crocke
Read by Nicolas Cage
Original Music by David Bromberg
Rip Van Winkle
Read by Anjelica Huston
Original Music by Jay Ungar and Molly Mason
Johnny Appleseed
Read by Garrison Keillor
Original Music by Mark O’Connor
Paul Bunyan
Read by Jonathan Winters
Original Music by Leo Koke with Duck Baker
RABB002 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $19.95
Order Online
Rabbit Ears Treasury of Fables and Other Stories
The Three Billy Goats Gruff / The Three Lile Pigs
Read by Holly Hunter
Original Music by Art Lande
Read by Kathleen Turner
Original Music by Tangerine Dream
The Tiger and the Brahmin
Read by Ben Kingsley
Original Music by Ravi Shankar
The Ugly Duckling
Read by Cher
Original Music by Patrick Ball
RABB003 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $19.95
Rabbit Ears Treasury of World Tales
Aladdin and the Magic Lamp
Read by John Hurt
Original Music by Mickey Hart
Read by Denzel Washington
Original Music by UB40
East of the Sun, West of the Moon
Read by Max von Sydow
Original Music by Lyle Mays
The Five Chinese Brothers
Read by John Lone
Original Music by Bill Douglass and David Austin
Peter Dennis is the only reader of
A.A. Milne’s work authorized by Milne’s son,
Christopher Robin. This work has earned
the prestigious Audie Award, Parents’
Choice Gold Award,
Ohio State Award of
Merit, and the
for Public
Silver Award.
Winnie The Pooh
Peter Dennis
Welcome to the 40 acre woods, where
Winnie-the-Pooh lives with Piglet, Rabbit,
Owl, Eeyore, Kanga, and Lile Roo. Join
Christopher Robin, Pooh, and friends in their
lively and enchanting adventures.
PETD001 - 3 CDs - 3 hours - $19.95
The House at Pooh Corner
Peter Dennis
“One day when Pooh Bear had nothing else to
do, he thought he would do something, so he
went round to Piglet’s house to see what Piglet
was doing...” First published in 1928, these
are the further adventures of Christopher
Robin, Pooh, and friends, and the introduction of the rather bouncy Tigger.
PETD003 - 2 CDs - 3 hours - $14.95
When We Were Very Young and Now We
Are Six
Peter Dennis
Poems and verses from When We Were Very
Young and Now We Are Six.
PETD002 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $9.95
RABB004 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $19.95
Robert Heinlein’s “Juveniles” page 15
On A Note Of Triumph
The grand master of the golden age of radio
drama, Norman Corwin has continued to write
and produce incredible radio drama. Now in
his nineties, he currently teaches at USC,
and maintains a busy schedule.
Norman Corwin’s Masterpiece! The original, live V-E Day broadcast which
thrilled millions on May 8, 1945, retaining its vast power and its piercing
relevance today. The horrors and lessons of World War II blaze forth in a
vivid dramatic masterpiece, arguably the finest use of the radio medium
ever achieved. Original score by Bernard Herrmann.
CORW026 - 1 Compact Disc - 1 hour - $12.95
...a vast announcement,
a terrific interrogatory,
one of the all-time great
American poems
-- Carl Sandburg
Thirteen by Corwin
National Archives
SCRIPT of ‘On a Note of Triumph’
Norman Corwin
The entire original script for On A Note Of Triumph.
CORW003 - Paperback - 46 pages - $6.95
Norman Corwin’s personal favorites from the
surviving recordings of his works from the
Golden Age of Radio. A galaxy of stars
including Groucho Marx, Frederic March,
Elsa Lanchester, Robert Benchley, Vincent Price,
Henry Morgan and many more. Ranging from
satirical comedy through fantasy, travelogue,
and romance to Corwin’s amazingly
powerful, inspiring drama.
• The Undecided Molecule
• The Long Name None Could Spell
• Untitled
• The Odyssey of Runyon Jones
• Cromer
• El Capitan and the Corporal
• My Client Curley
• Descent of the Gods
• They Fly Through The Air
• Could Be
• Radio Primer
• Mary and the Fairy
• New York: A Tapestry
Tru0tthh sbirt19h41
Wemissioned to celebrate theam
ights, this pro
er the
of the Bill of Rring exactly one week a me
significance k on Pearl Harbor. It be ich
Japanese aacinder of the values for wh by an
a needed remere now fighting Capped sevelt.
Americans w President Franklin D. Roo
appearance byy Stewart, Orson Wells, L any
dward G. Rob
Barrymore, E nishing historical docum
1 hour - $15.95
CORW027 - 1
CD -
ruths 1991
Hold These T ation of the Bill
CORW030 - 7 CDs - 7 hours - $59.95
Wear-filled 200th birthday celeby
Norman Corw
A St
en and updat
of Rights, wriby David Ossman. Updat ichard Dysart,
historic 1941
Rolle, Lloyd
version of thenes, Jill Eikenberry, Esther ois, and more.
James Earl Jo da Vacarro, Rene Auberj ren Berger.
Bridges, Bren rance by Chief Jusice War
Special appea
utes - $15.95
OWME003 -
1 CD - 66 min
14 August
50 Years Aer 14 August
Norman Corwin’s original broadcast celebrating
the end of World War II and the victory over Japan,
narrated by Orson Welles. And his update, narrated by Charles Kuralt, looking back from 50 years
later, giving historical and personal reflection on the
events and implications of that time.
CORW032 - 1 CD - 50 minutes - $15.95
SCRIPT of ‘50 Years Aer 14 August’
CORW006 - Script - 8.5”x11” stapled - $9.95
radio dramas
ries of NEW
an Corwin em
s nationwide.
In the
ss Public
broadcast acro
The Poet Laureate of Radio:
An Interview with Norman Corwin
Anthracite Films
An interview with Corwin originally recorded
for a documentary on “Old-Time Radio.”
Corwin was so pleased with the interview that
he encouraged the filmmaker and Lodestone to
release it to the public. We were happy to oblige.
CORW060 - 1 DVD - 74 minutes - $19.95
Corwin (DVD)
The Writer With The Lame Le Hand
Norman Corwin
An absorbing biography of “Don Quixote” author, Miguel de Cervantes. A tale of heartbreak,
adventure, tragedy and triumph. Corwin paints
a mosaic picture of 16th century Spanish culture.
Charles Durning, Ed Asner, Norman Lloyd,
William Shatner, and Samantha Eggar.
CORW022 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $15.95
‘The Writer with the Lame Le Hand’
CORW011 - Script - 8.5”x11” stapled - $9.95
Norman Corwin
Les Guthman’s inspiring 1996 video tribute
to Norman Corwin. Exhaustive, informative,
and entertaining, it offers great insight into the
Golden Age of Radio, the development of the
medium, and the man who has become the
Grand Master of the form.
CORW101 - 1 DVD - 1 hour - $24.95
Documentary: Norman Corwin –
A Note of Triumph
Norman Corwin
Charles Kuralt narrates this introduction to
the life and work of Norman Corwin, from his
greatest early works to greatest masterwork,
’On A Note Of Triumph’. This audio documentary
aired on Public Radio in 1995, and again in 2005.
CORW031 - 1 CD - 58 minutes - $15.95
The Secretariat
Hume Cronyn, Tandy Cronyn, and William
Shatner star in a brand-new program about
prayer, showcasing scores of actual prayers from
around the world and across the centuries. An
inventive, engaging ‘mosaic for radio’ examining
man’s relationship with God in all his forms.
CORW025 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $15.95
SCRIPT of ‘The Secretariat’
Conversations with Corwin
Norman Corwin
A lively conversation between the Grand Master
of Radio Drama and an audience of audio theater writers. Corwin is engaging, entertaining,
and enlightening. A wonderful resource for
anyone involved in creating audio drama, or
any fan of Corwin.
CORW040 - 2 CDs - 2.5 hours - $19.95
CORW019 - Script - 8.5”x11” stapled - $9.95
No Love Lost
Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, and Aaron
Burr hold a public seminar – a fictional event
created from their own words, carefully researched
by Norman Corwin. William Shatner, Lloyd
Bridges, Jack Lemmon, and Martin Landau star.
CORW023 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $15.95
SCRIPT of ‘No Love Lost’
CORW009 - Script - 8.5”x11” stapled - $9.95
The Curse of 589
A scientist is confronted by a leprechaun who
wants to put a curse on science, sparking a
hilarious bale between science and magic.
Starring William Shatner and Samantha Eggar in
the lead roles, and Carl Reiner as everyone else.
CORW024 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $15.95
SCRIPT of ‘The Curse of 589’
CORW014 - Script - 8.5”x11” stapled - $9.95
Norman Corwin’s Holidays
Norman Corwin
A look at the holidays we celebrate. Featuring
Public Radio’s Bob Edwards and Susan
Stamberg, among others.
CORW029 - 1 CD - 2 hours - $15.95
‘Our Lady of The Freedoms, and Some of Her Friends’
A loving tribute to the history and meaning of the
Stature of Liberty. Currently not available in audio.
CORW017 - Script - 8.5”x11” stapled - $9.95
SCRIPT of ‘Memos To A New Millennium’
A pause for reflection on the edge of a new
millennium. Currently not available in audio.
CORW021 - Script - 8.5”x11” stapled - $9.95
Norman Corwin
and Radio:
The Golden Years
by R. LeRoy Bannerman
The authorized biography of the grand master
of American radio drama It covers not only
Corwin’s heyday at CBS, but also Corwin’s
youth, and his later career in books, film, and
television. Meticulously researched, with an
exhaustive broadcast chronology.
CORW050 - Paperback - 275 pages - $29.95
Norman Corwin’s ‘Leers’
edited by A. J. Langguth
The history of radio, and of the 20th Century,
reflected in the leers of one of the century’s
greatest thinkers, radio producers, and writers.
From Corwin’s own typewriter, and in his own
voice comes a profound view of history, and
everything from the mundane to the magnificent.
BARR001 - 1 Hardbound Book - 467 pages - $14.95
Thirteen for Corwin
Ray Bradbury , Charles Kuralt, Studs Turkel,
Norman Lear, and others talk about Norman
Corwin and his influence upon their writing,
their lives, and upon history. 110 pages.
BARR002 - 1 Paperback Book - 110 pages - $9.95
Order Online
iF res tre
How Can You Be in Two Places
at Once
Firesign Theatre
The classic 1968 second album,
designed with your mind in mind.
We meet Nick Danger and Ralph
Spoilsport. A freewheeling dive into
the possibilities of sound,
de-constructing, and re-constructing
reality inside your head and
between your ears.
MSUG003 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $12.95
Anythynge You Want To
Firesign Theatre
Firesign in Shakespearean verse!
Densely-packed and smarter than
ever, this CD is bursting with
multiple layers of jokes, puns, and
triple-entendres. The Firesign’s love
of language is never more evident
than in this production. New
delights on every listening.
MSUG090 - 1 CD - 58 minutes - $15.95
Waiting For The Electrician (Or
Someone Like Him)
Firesign Theatre
The album that introduced the
world to Firesign’s surprisingly surreal audio comedy. A wild mental
trip, from the old west where selers
are carving a new life out of the
American Indian, to a small country
where you can go from confused
tourist to imprisoned dictator faster
than you can diagnose your own
disease on Beat The Reaper.
Firesign Theatre
A densely-layered trip through the
life of George LeRoy Tirebiter. Join
Porgie and Mudhead at Morse
Science High as they experience
High School Madness. Recently
inducted into the Library of Congress’ registry of historic sound.
Firesign Theatre
Visit the Future Fair – a fair for all,
and no fair for anybody. You can
meet the animatronic president, and
receive a simul-fax copy of your
conversation. But if you’re familiar
with his operating system, you may
be able to hack the President!
MSUG306 - 1 CD - 45 minutes - $12.95
MSUG304 - 1 CD - 45 min - $12.95
MSUG302 - 1 CD - 45 minutes - $12.95
Just Folks
Firesign Theatre
January 1977. Jimmy Carter is
President Elect. The Firesign Theatre
takes on the task of introducing the
new President to the residents of
his new home, DuCktown, USA,
inhabited by the usual unusual
Firesign characters, from drunkards
to truckers, and from TV hosts to
rocket scientists.
MSUG120 - 1 CD - 39 minutes - $15.95
Order Online
Don’t Crush That Dwarf, Hand
Me The Pliers
I Think We’re All Bozos On
This Bus
RadioNow Live!
Firesign Theatre
Firesign Live in ‘99. The Firesign
Theatre rocks, and the audience is
rolling in the aisles! Material from
I Think We’re All Bozos On This Bus,
Don’t Crush That Dwarf..., How Can
You Be..., Give Me Immortality...,
and Anythynge You Want To.
MSUG102 - 2 CDs - 121 minutes - $19.95
Fighting Clowns
Firesign Theatre
Skits and songs – yes, songs! –
recorded live at the Roxy. Its 1980.
Remember Carter? Remember
Reagan? Remember Afghanistan
– the first time around? Hot tubs?
Firesign pokes everything and
everyone in the eye – from German
Cabaret to contemporary politics.
MSUG106 - 1 CD - 39 minutes - $15.95
Dear Friends
Firesign Theatre
A series of shorts taken from Firesign’s 1970-71
live radio broadcasts, this CD gives an insight
into the inner workings of the collective mind
of the Firesign Theatre. It is also outrageously
funny. Live radio is Firesign’s natural milieu,
and the album conveys a relaxed ease which
comes from the fact that they are clearly enjoying themselves.
MSUG501 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $14.98
In The Next World You’re On Your Own
Everything You Know is Wrong
Firesign Theatre
Hello Seekers! Here is one of Firesign’s funniest,
and on-target (just like the comet), albums. Join
Happy Harry Cox, and Nino the Mindboggler
in the quest for new age truth and the sun in the
center of the earth!
Firesign Theatre
A biting satirical look at contemporary culture
circa 1975. Features cop-drama parody “Police
Street” and “The Nominees Are...” – a hilarious
send off of Marlon Brando’s infamous Emmy
Awards protest.
MSUG505 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $14.98
MSUG504 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $14.98
Tale of the Giant Rat of Sumatra
Not Insane
Firesign Theatre
A wonderful glimpse into the manic energy of
Firesign live performance. Features their own
twist to Shakespearean verse (long before
“Anythynge You Want To”), the National Surrealist
Convention, and “Young Guy, Motor Detective.”
Firesign Theatre
Join Hemlock Stones in a fast-paced parody of
the detective fiction of Arthur Conan Doyle as
only Firesign could do it. A “Goon Show”
inspired performance, but also uniquely
Firesign. A pure comic romp and a lot of fun.
MSUG503 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $14.98
MSUG502 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $14.98
Pink Hotel Burns Down
Bride of Firesign
Firesign Theatre
The Firesign guys deconstruct every part of contemporary pop
culture – including themselves! The entire history of Firesign is
represented, with a cast of favorite characters including Nick
Danger, Lieutenant Bradshaw, Rocky Roccoco, and even Porgie
and Mudhead. A zany, smart roller coaster for the mind.
MSUG017 - 1 CD - 50 minutes - $17.98
Firesign Theatre
A look through The Firesign
Theatre Archives. The earliest
recordings and live Magic
Mushroom broadcasts are here,
along with the legendary Jack
Poet radio spots, the original
‘Giant Rat of Sumatra’,
and more. Hilarious!
MSUG008 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $15.98
All Things Firesign
Firesign Theatre
In 2002, the Firesign Theatre
was asked to contribute their
skewed view of current events
to NPR’s All Things Considered.
The result was Firesign’s
free-form brand of topical
theatre – smart, funny, and,
of course, controversial.
MSUG601 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $18.98
Give Me Immortality or Give me Death
Firesign Theatre
RadioNow’s weirdly cool broadcast day on the edge of a new
Millennium. Exit the Information Super-Highway when it still
was the Information Super-Highway in this side-spliing
vision of the near future, which (as usual) has already come true!
Nominated for a Grammy Award.
MSUG007 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $14.95
Boom Dot Bust (DVD Audio)
Firesign Theatre
Billville – The Town That Nature Forgot to Hate! The
twisters are coming, and the mayor is headed up the flagpole.
New laughs in every layer, and a new layer in every listening.
Currently only available on DVD Audio Disc – put it in your
DVD Player, and listen in glorious 96kHz 5.1 surround.
MSUG110 - 1 DVD-Audio - 46 minutes - $17.98
Shoes for Industry
Firesign Theatre
Favorite cuts and fabulous
moments from Firesign’s classic
albums. Includes the original
Nick Danger, Porgie and
Mudhead in High School
Madness, Native American
history revelations from
Temporarily Humboldt County,
and much much more.
MSUG014 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $24.95
Papoon for President
Firesign Theatre
Some of the best of Firesign’s
political humor. Previously
un-released radio interviews
with Proctor and Bergman for
the 1972 “Papoon for President”
campoon. Plus audio footage
from their National Surrealist
Party convention, and
presidential parody from
1982’s Lawyers Hospital.
MSUG506 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $14.98
Nick Danger T-Shirt
Wear your favorite third eye
on your chest with this
“Nick Danger, Third Eye” tee.
FTEE211 - 1 Shirt - M - $19.95
FTEE212 - 1 Shirt - L - $19.95
FTEE213 - 1 Shirt - XL - $19.95
FTEE214 - 1 Shirt - 2XL - $19.95
FTEE215 - 1 Shirt - 3XL - $19.95
FTEE215 - 1 Shirt - 4XL - $19.95
Ralph S
Morse Science – Firesign T-Shirt
Firesign Theatre
Show the world you went to high school
with Porgie, Mudhead, and the guys.
You know you wanted to.
FTEE201 - 1 Shirt - M - $19.95
FTEE202 - 1 Shirt - L - $19.95
FTEE203 - 1 Shirt - XL - $19.95
FTEE204 - 1 Shirt - 2XL - $19.95
FTEE205 - 1 Shirt - 3XL - $19.95
FTEE206 - 1 Shirt - 4XL - $19.95
check out
more firesign shirts at
Special Appecrazy guys”
The “four or five
of the Firesign Th pearances
have made a nu
in non-firesign pr
Buddy Shell: Metaphysical Private Investigator
Fried-Out Features
Murder, magic, mysticism, mental telepathy,
corruption, and conspiracy. It’s all in a day’s work
for detective Buddy Shell and his psychic psidekick,
a mynah bird named Miles. Features Firesign
Theatre’s Phil Proctor and David Ossman.
So, you dpoilsport Lice
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laughingr-view mirror, y , when you look otors
FMCH1 at you, they’re u’ll know they in
02 - 1 Pla
te Frame st Firesign fa e not
- $7.95
I Think We’re All Bozos On This Bus
– Bumper Sticker
You know its true – you
know what your bus is
filled with. So why not
warn people!
3” x 11.5”
FMCH101 - $3.95
d by David
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e The Pliers on
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That Dwa
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Now the full
chronicles h
George Tirebiter Collection #1:
Live from the Islands
FRIE001 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $24.95
Drummer’s Dome / Velveteen Submission
Great Northern Audio Theatre
Drummer’s Dome –Drummer Crowley finally
builds his geodesic dome in the woods. But
things the inside of the dome are a lile bit,
well, far-out. Velveteen Submission – an odd
space-chap named Pangborn arrives at a space
lighthouse to stir up trouble and get a hot bath.
Starring David Ossman and Roger Gregg.
GNAT003 - 1 CD - 65 minutes - $12.00
Peter Galaxy / Tell Them NAPA Sent You
Great Northern Audio Theatre
Can two retired, old-time radio actors find work
for 300 billion illegal aliens? Michael Sheard
and David Ossman find the answer. Plus, never
use car parts from Middle Earth.
GNAT004 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $12.00
Dialog With Martian Trombone
Great Northern Audio Theatre
Remember the Ramon Rocello Orchestra. They
were the band interrupted for “news broadcasts” of
Martian Invasion in “The War of the Worlds” But
what if there really was an alien invasion that night
– in the trombone section! Stars David Ossman.
GNAT005 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $14.95
Order Online
George Tirebiter Collection #2:
Radio Follies
Otherworld Media
“George Tirebiter’s Radio Follies!” – Co-starring Phil
Proctor and Melinda Peterson – Mr. Tirebiter’s
pilot performance in a theatrical radio variety
show, featuring an on-going mystery story and
“The Years in Your Ears,” a comic look at the
Golden Age of radio.
OWME102 - 1 CD - 71 min - $14.95
George Tirebiter Collection #4:
Another Christmas Carol
Otherworld Media
“Another Christmas Carol” Mr. Tirebiter aempts
Scrooge in a local production of Dickens’ classic,
but his own Ghosts follow him into rehearsal.
“The Ronald Reagan Murder Case” – During a
wrap party in 1944, George Tirebiter and Ronald
Reagan stumble across the body of... Ronald Reagan! A mystery indeed.
OWME104 - 1 CD - 60 min - $14.95
$5 off
when you g
et all five
Otherworld Media
“Max Morgan, Crime Cabby” – Mr. Tirebiter’s
radio noir classic from 1951. “Tirebiter Speaks
His Mind” – In his role as Surrealist Vice
President, George Tirebiter comments on
2004’s crop of presidential candidates.
OWME101 - 1 CD - 57 min - $14.95
George Tirebiter Collection #3:
Hollywood Madhouse & Radiodaze
Otherworld Media
“Hollywood Madhouse” – It’s yet another day
in the hectic household of radio star George
Tirebiter in a day from his classic radio series.
“Radiodaze” – An audio autobiography in
which Mr. Tirebiter recreates shows from his
long career, inlcuding “Young Tom Edison,”
and “Mark Time.”
OWME103 - 1 CD - 60 min - $14.95
George Tirebiter Collection #5:
New Mexican Overdrive
Otherworld Media
“New Mexican Overdrive” – Our hero goes
on assignment to view the secret desert test of
the government’s new “Sonorization” weapon
– guaranteed to change the world. Just what has
George goen himself into? Plus: “Tirebiter’s
Time Machine.”
OWME105 - 1 CD - 62 min - $14.95
Weirdly Cool (DVD)
Firesign Theatre
Firesign’s 2001 PBS Special, including
updates of Firesign favorites from their
first four albums, plus new material. The
Firesign guys are in top form, and having
fun. Introductions by Firesign fans,
including Robin Williams, and
John Goodman. Special Features include
Jack Poet commercials, a documentary,
fundraising spots, and more.
Everything You Know is Wrong (VHS)
Firesign Theatre
A video version of The Firesign Theatre’s
lampoon of “new age” bufoonery. Join Happy
Harry Cox as he guides you through the Nude
Age, drinking Bear Whiz beer, while aliens are
in everybody’s eggs. Hey, he was right about the
MSUG401 - 1 DVD - 105 minutes - $19.95
MSUG001 - VHS Videotape - 45 minutes - $19.95
Martian Space Party (VHS)
Firesign Theatre (script)
A Firesign Western? A pair of would-be
cowboys who fall in with a band of
hippie musicians. Firepower meets
Flower Power? Features a young Don
Johnson, and Country Joe and the Fish
– plus an appearance by The James Gang.
Firesign Theatre
George Papoon is NOT INSANE! A live performance film from the 1972 National Surrealist’s
Party Convention. Your only chance to see Richard
Nixon meet Glutamoto, the Cheese Monster.
MSUG005 - VHS Videotape - 30 minutes - $19.95
MSUG602 - 1 DVD - 92 min - $14.95
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Phil Profocur members of the Firecsts -- as a duo.
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TV or not TV
Proctor and Bergman
Brilliant parodies of Television, with a sci-fi
twist. Pay television? Zillions of channels?
Hacking the media? Who’d a thunk it? Proctor
and Bergman did, way back in 1973. Futuristic
fun way ahead of its time.
PROB101 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $14.98
How Time Flies
David Ossman
This Hi-Fi Sci-Fi Comedy features David
Ossman as Mark Time, an intrepid
space-traveling, time-traveling hero. Part
old-time sci-fi clianger, and part surreal
humor. Features all of the Firesign guys, plus
Harry Shearer and Wolfman Jack.
FSOL101 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $14.98
What This Country Needs
Proctor and Bergman
Their second solo album. The best bits of
their live performances. It goes straight for
the funnybone with Proctor and Bergman’s
incisive comic take on the world.
PROB102 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $14.98
Roller Maidens
from Outer Space
Phil Austin
Dead-on TV parodies of the vast wasteland
called television, plus “Dick Private – Private
Dick”, and a dead on country music parody.
Austin’s “C’mon, Jesus” is a comic masterpiece
and a highlight of the album.
FSOL201 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $14.98
True Confessions of the Real World
Peter Bergman
Commentaries from Peter Bergman recorded near
the end of 2001. Bergman’s view of contemporary
culture, politics, and the changed world we live
in is right on target, and hilariously funny. Makes
you both laugh and think.
FSOL301 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $12.98
Proctor and Bergman
Hollywood is a land of money, sex, ambition,
movies, TV and more money. Paul Power, and
George Scoff wheel, deal, backstab and frontgrab
their way through the entertainment industry in
this satire from Proctor and Bergman.
PROB001 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $15.95
J-Men Forever (DVD)
Proctor and Bergman
Old black and white Republic clianger serials,
edited together and overdubbed by Firesign’s
Phil Proctor and Peter Bergman, and intercut
with new scenes. Subversive and surreal mindblowing madness that will keep you giggling to
the end. Features bonus interviews with Peter
and Phil, and others.
FSOL901 - 1 DVD - 75 min - $14.95
Time Out for Bill Lizard
Crazy Dog Audio
Bill Lizard is a private eye whose world keeps
turning upside down as the mystery unfolds.
Hilarious writing, and a tour-de-force
performance by Gregg as practically everybody.
RGRG001 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $15.95
Tread Soly Bill Lizard
Permafrost, MN
Great Northern Audio Theatre
Permafrost isn’t frozen in time, just frozen. And its the
ice-fishingest place around. There’s a crazy cast of
characters, and we get to meet each one. Great fun.
GNAT001 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $12.00
Crazy Dog Audio
Bill Lizard is thrown off his speeding train of
thought, caroming into the fertile landscape of
the Celtic Imagination. A Yankee tourist
fumbling through a surreal tapestry of Irish
literature, wickedly pointed social satire, and
full-blooded romping slap-stick.
RGRG002 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $24.95
The Apocalypse of Bill Lizard
Crazy Dog Audio
In his two-tone shoes, and with his sidekick Cyril
– a 6-foot “pooka” in the shape of a rabbit –
by his side, our hero Bill Lizard travels between
dimensions on a metaphysical adventure that
will have him pondering the biggest question of
all: will he need shoes in heaven?
RGRG003 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $24.95
Tumbleweed Roundup/Solid State U.
Great Northern Audio Theatre
A SciFi Western of Cowboys and Aliens. And a 1993 mockumentry
on higher education so far ahead of its time, it’s already come true.
Features Dr. Science himself, Dan Coffee.
GNAT002 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $12.00
Crazy Dog Live
Crazy Dog Audio
Roger Gregg’s unique sensibility comes to life
in six plays performed for a live audience.
The Phantom Chancer, Sundrive Boulevard,
Ferdia the Druid, Scos Last Winter, Bonnie
O’Callaghan: Psychic Investigator, and The
Ghost Behind the Black Door.
RGRG102 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $22.50
Extreme Channel Surfing
Mack and Jamie
A hilarious quick paced romp through contemporary culture
and TV as Mack and Jamie ride the zillion channel wave.
These comedy club headliners have appeared on The Tonight
Show, and on 125 episodes of their own show
MAJA001 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $14.95
This Pointless Thing Called Life
Posthuman Enterprises
Two somewhat confused university students
tear off across the universe to find the
meaning of life, and to stop the evil University
from dominating the galaxy. But between
poverty, drunkenness, and kleptomania, can
they possibly succeed at either one?
Nothing is as funny as real life, especially when viewed through
the ironic sensibilities of WBEZ radio’s Ira Glass and his cast of
contributors. This American Life travels from the tremendous to
the tragic -- always with its own perspective. Sarah Vowell and
David Sedaris are two of the many intelligent and unique people
telling their own stories on these marvelous collections.
This American Life: Lies, Sissies and Fiascoes
Ira Glass
Featuring the Peter Pan Fiasco, an Apology Line
where people call to confess there most personal
and shocking sins, and Christmas Freud – who
sits in a store window embodying the spirit of
psychoanalysis past.
THIS001 - 2 CDs - 2.5 hours - $17.95
POST001 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $19.95
This Miserable Thing Called Life
Posthuman Enterprises
In a case of instant publishing gone wrong, our
galaxy-traveling heroes accidentally publish
a small planetoid worth of unsold philosophy
books, directly from their drunken brains.
What do they do now?
10POST002 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $19.95
This American Life: Crimebusters and
Crossed Wires
Ira Glass
Featuring Squirrel Cop – the now-infamous
story of the rookie cops confounded by a
squirrel on the run. The Greatest Answering
Machine Message of all time. The merits
of super-powers.
THIS002 - 2 CDs - 2.5 hours - $19.98
Since the 70’s National Lampoon has had its grubby little fingers in many forms
of media -- print, movies, and, of course, comedy audio theater through its radio show
and albums. It has been a breeding ground for future stars, and a hotbed of
subversive comedy ranging from smart to gross.
In 2004, original member Richard Belzer reprised
the National Lampoon Radio Hour with new
members, once again producing their peculiar
brand of cutting edge audio comedy.
Sex, Drugs, Rock N Roll,
and the End of the World
National Lampoon
Originally released on vinyl in 1982. Featuring
incredible impressions of Jane Fonda,
Sissy Spacek, Sen. Jesse Helms, Bob Dylan,
Marilyn Monroe and Ronald Reagan.
Reduced Shakespeare Company Radio Show
Reduced Shakespeare Company
The Reduced Shakespeare Radio Shows volumes 1 - 3
contain all six half-hour episodes of their infamous
BBC World Service radio series, in which we chronicle
the life and work of William Q. Shakespeare.
Volume One – “Hamlet,” and “Romeo & Juliet”
RSCP101 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $14.95
Volume Two – “The Histories,” and “The Tragedies”
NLAM003 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $14.95
That’s Not Funny, That’s Sick
National Lampoon
Originally recorded in 1977, but never released.
As fresh today as it was when it was first performed.
The writers and performers include
Bill Murray, Billy Crystal, Christopher Guest,
Richard Belzer, Paul Schaffer, Harold Ramos,
and Larraine Newman.
NLAM001 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $14.95
National Lampoon’s Greatest Hits
National Lampoon
Originally released on vinyl in 1978, shortly
aer “Animal House.” Featuring:
Bill Murray, John Belushi, Chevy Chase,
Gilda Radner, Christopher Guest,
Harold Ramis, and more.
NLAM004 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $14.95
RSCP102 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $14.95
Volume Three – “The Comedies,” and
“Shakespeare’s Lile Known Trip To America”
RSCP103 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $14.95
White Album
National Lampoon
Originally released on vinyl in 1980. Twisted
humor from some of the comic greats of our
time. Featuring John Belushi, Chevy Chase,
and Christopher Guest.
NLAM002 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $14.95
National Lampoon Radio Hour –
It’s About Time
National Lampoon
The National Lampoon Radio Hour is Back!
On radio and as this CD collection of the best
material created since its revival. Featuring
original National Radio Hour troupe
member Richard Belzer, and an all-new cast
of characters and performers.
Rules of the Road
National Lampoon
If there’s anything the world really needs, its
a CD of gay country music. And leave it to
National Lampoon to bring it to us. The full
range of emotions felt on the lonesome road,
from paranoid, closeted homo-erotica to
jubilant flamboyant homo-erotica and all the
textures of homo-erotica in between.
NLAM005 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $14.95
NLAM006 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $14.95
The Dante Experience
The Bible – Complete Word of God, Abridged
Reduced Shakespeare Company
The whole Bible hilariously told in about an hour.
RSCP111 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $14.95
Order Online
Minds Ear Audio Productions
The youth of America are going to hell...
and purgatory... by way of Minnesota!
Five young people on their way to the
Mall of America are kidnapped by the
Archangel Michael for a trip right out of
Dante’s Inferno. Can they win the bale
between good and evil, and still get to the
mall on time?
MEBT004 - 3 CDs - 3 hours - $34.95
Ruby I
ZBS Foundation
‘Dinotopia’ has been an outstanding bestseller in
children’s literature, featuring absolutely
beautiful illustrations which gave rise to a
fascinating story. With the help of James
Gurney, the book’s author, Tom Lopez created
this audio version of the story which has been
called a “masterpiece” of audio theater. It takes
the story even further, with new scenes that add
a new dimension to the story. Learn the secret
history of this land that time le behind, where
dinosaurs and people have evolved a wonderful,
civilized co-operation. Fascinating,
thought-provoking listening for all ages.
ZBSF018 - 2 CDs - 2.5 hours - $19.95
Dinotopia – The World Beneath
ZBS Foundation
This peaceful island of Dinotopia comes alive
again in this spectacular audio journey. Join
Arthur and Will as they explore the caverns
beneath Dinotopia, and discover the secret of the
marvelous mechanical walking machines they
find there.
ZBSF026 - 2 CDs - 2.5 hours - $19.95
Ol’ Cactus Kapoor
ZBS Foundation
The original Ruby, and the most popular. Ruby
tracks down whoever’s manipulating the media
Ruby 2
on the planet Summa Nulla. For the first time
ZBS Foundation
we meet Rodant Kapoor, T.J. Teru, AndOr,
Somebody has been puing strange “windows” technowitches Onoffon and Offonoff, and more.
into the minds of the peaceful, zen-like BullZBSF002 - 3 CDs - 3.5 hours - $29.95
dada. Is it an insidious device controlled by the
electronic media, to manipulate the malleable
minds of the gullible consumers? Will it take
Ruby 3
two Rubys to find out?
ZBS Foundation
ZBSF004 - 4 CDs - 4 hours - $29.95
Magnifico, City of Malls, is invaded by an invisible force which creates a buying frenzy! As
Inanna journeys to the Underworld and
encounters the Seven Gates, Ruby searches
Ruby 4
for the source of the dark force in this mystical
ZBS Foundation
Ruby bales the Reptoids, as AndOr follows the and sometimes scary story.
ZBSF006 - 10 CDs - 10 hours - $55.00
Sacred Schematics handed down Saint Nicola
Tesla, and Professor T.J. Teru encounters the
Whoopsie Daisies. But when AndOr and Tesla
fire up their machine, just as Teru enters a glass
city, it leads to a shaering conclusion.
ZBSF008 - 8 CDs - 8 hours - $55.00
ZBS Foundation
Nine humorous tales of the sneaky, squeaky but
oddly beloved lile Rodant Kapoor from the
Ruby series.
Ruby 6
Android Sisters – Pull No Punches
ZBSF106 - 3 CDs - 3.5 hours - $29.95
ZBSF144 - 1 CD - 75 minutes - $8.00
ZBS Foundation
‘Speak-songs” from the Android Sisters –
“audio cartoons”, humorous snapshots of life,
liberty, lies and the pursuit of someone else’s
happiness. Outrageous, and outrageously
funny, political satire with a toothy bite.
ZBSF132 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $10.00
Android Sisters – Greatest Hits
ZBS Foundation
The Android Sisters (from the Ruby stories) will
speak-sing their way into your teflon heart. The
most intriguing, outrageous, mind-damaging
songs from this electric duo. 24 songs.
ZBSF131 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $14.95
Order Online
ZBS Foundation
On the planet Illuboo Roi, the “Illusionati” can
manipulate minds. But are they really real, or
just paranoid imaginings. Ruby is hired to find
out more about them. How? Join the circus!
Ruby 5: Land of Zoots
ZBS Foundation
The people of the Awakening Archipelago are
remaking their world to resemble the story of
the Land of Zoots. Only, the story does not
actually exist. It has never been wrien, read,
seen, or heard. So why does everyone know it?
ZBSF024 - 3 CDs - 208 minutes - $29.95
Ruby 6.5: Far Flunk Farouk
ZBS Foundation
Ruby and her friends return to Illuboo Roi, a
planet inhabited by wise & waddley,
pear-shaped peoples. Off to Far Flung Farouk,
an almost mythical desert kingdom, but nobody
mentioned the Black Curse of the Phar-Oops.
Oooh, danger! Just Ruby’s cup of tea.
ZBSF107 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $15.00
Ruby 7
ZBS Foundation
Ruby and the crew travel to the planet
Möbius-Morpheus, where life is but a dream,
and the Morpheusians choose to dream their
own dreams. But when fear invades their
dreams, from an unknown ouside source, Ruby
must find out who is doing it. Add in some
Slimies, and a few tunes from the Android sisters, and you have the makings of another great
Ruby adventure!
ZBSF108 - 2 CDs - 2.5 hours - $22.50
Incredible Adventures of Jack Flanders
Do That In Real Life?
ZBSF123 - 6 CDs - 6 hours - $35.00
ZBSF113 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $22.50
ZBS Foundation
Jack Flanders receives a green overstuffed chair,
and siing in it, he is transported to a fantasy
land filled with action, mystery, and flying pirate
ships. An adventure into a dreamy, hypnotic
world on the other side of the looking glass.
ZBS Foundation
Jack in New Orleans! A real-life zombie seeks
Jack’s help in moving on to the next world, and
Jack discovers that not everything conforms to
his pre-conceived notions. So what else is new?
Nobody does the audio voodoo like ZBS.
The Fourth Tower of Inverness
The Mystery of Jaguar Reef
ZBS Foundation
The first Jack Flanders adventure. Jack arrives
at an old Scoish mansion to find a mysterious
disappearing tower, doors that open into
different dimensions, a castle-full of weird and
wacky characters, and the wonderful Wurlitzer
of Wisdom.
ZBS Foundation
Jack investigates a puzzling case of personality
change and soon finds himself scuba-diving off
the shores of Belize. Where did this mysterious pirate wreck come from? Is Jack actually a
pawn in a cosmic chess game? Mystery,
mysticism, adventures and wonders.
ZBSF010 - 6 CDs - 7 hours - $55.00
ZBSF022 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $22.50
Return to Inverness
The Ah-Ha Phenomenon
ZBSF124 - 6 CDs - 6 hours - $35.00
ZBSF121 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $12.00
ZBS Foundation
Jack Flanders, disguised as a Dervish, whirls his
way onto other planes of existence looking for
ancient archives which hold the key to the
secrets of the Ah-Ha’s. Along the way he
encounters wizards, demons, and a variety of
beasts, helping and hindering in his quest.
ZBS Foundation
Jack Flanders inherits the Inverness mansion,
finding it inhabited with some of the same old
cast of characters, and a few new ones. Things
disappear, including his wardrobe, leaving Jack
to solve the mystery in an old safari outfit he
Moon Over Morocco
ZBS Foundation
Jack searches for a long forgoen natural magic.
He meets Mojo Sam for the first time, going on a
strange quest from uer realism to real surrealism as Jack learns more about Morocco, magic,
and especially, himself.
ZBSF012 - 8 CDs - 10 hours - $55.00
Dreams of Rio
ZBS Foundation
When America finally becomes one gigantic
shopping mall, Jack escapes to Brazil, where he
finds a crystal skull that leads him from a lost
city to the joyous chaos of Carnival. A physical
as well as a spiritual journey, where adventure
and enlightenment are woven together.
Many Adventures of Jack Fland
Dreams of the Blue Morpho
ZBS Foundation
In Costa Rica, Jack Flanders helps Mojo’s friend
Amy, who is being followed by strange hovering
lights. What are they? Are they threatening? Of
course its up to Jack to find out.
ZBSF111 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $22.50
Somewhere Next Door To Reality
ZBS Foundation
Old Montreal’s cobbled streets and quaint cafes,
hide another Montreal. It lies next door to reality.
Jack and Mojo search for this other Montreal,
with a blind musician who knows the way, and
a mysterious woman who knows its secrets.
ZBSF014 - 6 CDs - 6 hours - $35.00
ZBSF112 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $22.50
Dreams of Bali
The Eye of Van Gogh
ZBS Foundation
A trip to Bali spins out of control as Jack is
confronted with jealous rivalries, black magic,
dreams, and spectral visits from a holy man. An
intoxicating blend of folkways, native wisdom
and mesmerizing music.
ZBSF020 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $24.95
ZBS Foundation
Invisible balls of energy are floating around
Quebec, making reality look a Van Gogh painting. Is it hallucinations? Visions? Madness?
Jack and Mojo search for the source of these
floating “eyes.” When Lile Frieda shows up,
nobody is surprised.
ZBSF114 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $22.50
Dreams of India
ZBS Foundation
When a beautiful Indian woman hands Jack his
own business card, she says he gave it to her
aunt forty years ago. Another quest is about to
unfold. Authentic sounds of India – chanting
monks, temple bells and Tibetan horns –
transport you on a metaphysical mystery.
ZBSF034 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $25.00
Travels With Jack
ZBS Foundation
Jack Flanders travels to exotic lands – The Amazon, India, Bali, Sumatra – and in each one he
finds a new metaphysical mystery. Thoughtful
writing and award-winning production with
sounds recorded on location.
ZBSF125 - 8 CDs - 8 hours - $55.00
A Streetcar Named Le Petit Lafie
ZBS Foundation
10-year old Lile Louie Lafie wanders into a
Mausoleum. But its really a streetcar, and when
it takes off down the streets of New Orleans,
pirate ghosts appear quicker than you can say
“Arrrrrgh.” Descended from pirates himself,
he leads them on a good old pirate adventure.
Scary, but safe fun for ages 5 and up.
Midnight at the Casa Luna
ZBS Foundation
The Casa Luna, a Manhaan coffee shop, has a
habit of disappearing. When it disappears with
Jack in it, he is no longer in Manhaan, but in
the tropics with his long lost uncle, Sir Henry
Jowls. What now?
ZBSF122 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $22.50
Orchids and Moonbeams
ZBS Foundation
Jack and Mojo head to the tropics for an
environmental mystery. The jungle’s Nature
Spirit fights back when a developer puts a road
through a sacred valley. Its not nice to fool with
Mother Nature.
ZBSF143 - 1 CD - 70 minutes - $15.00
The Case of the Disappearing Witch
ZBS Foundation
In an off off off Broadway production of
Macbeth, the actors playing witch number three
keep disappearing. The producer calls in Mojo
Sam, who calls in Lile Frieda, who decides she
should be the next witch. Will she dissapear
too? And what will she find when she does?
ZBSF147 - 1 CD - 59 minutes - $15.00
The Wee Weaver – A Lile Frieda Adventure
ZBS Foundation
Lile Frieda and Mojo Sams aempt to unravel
the mystery of the “thing” lurking within the
McIllroy mansion. Its illusive, elusive,
mischievous and perhaps dangerous. It eludes
the traps they set, but it seems to be trying to
contact Mojo in his sleep. But how can they
contact it without endangering Mojo?
ZBSF142 - 1 CD - 56 minutes - $15.00
Fat Cats Set
ZBS Foundation
Willie, a painter hired by a millionaire, is an
amateur sleuth who hears in his head the voice
of his a pulp-paperback hardboiled detective.
When the millionaire is killed, Willie must
uncover the truth. Recorded on location. A two
part mystery on three CDs.
ZBSF141 - 3 CDs - 3 hours - $20.00
ZBSF145 - 1 CD - 51 Minutes - $15.00
90 Second Chillin Cellphone Theater
ZBS Foundation
48 terriffic tales, all about 90 seconds long.
Hardly horror, rarely scary, oen satirical,
and always humorous. They all take place on
cellphones. Meatball Fulton’s humor and
imagination shines through.
ZBSF148 - 2 CDs - 113 minutes - $20.00
Stephen King’s The Mist
ZBSF146 - 1 CD - 53 Minutes - $12.00
MIST002 - 1 CD - 1 Hour - $14.95
ZBS Foundation
Felipe Montero meets an 100-year-old woman,
and her young niece Aura. But does the
beautiful Aura actually exist? From a story by
Mexican novelist Carlos Fuentes. A haunting
story, brought dreamily to life in 3-D binaural
sound by ZBS.
Tom Lopez
Steven King’s sinister tale of terror brought to
life in 3-D Binaural sound by ZBS’s Tom Lopez.
In a sleepy northeastern town, a violent storm
sweeps abruptly, and leaves behind the mist.
A mist which seems to be alive, seething with
unearthly sounds and terrors!
S iction
Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy: Tertiary Phase
Part three of the five part Hitchhiker’s Guide Trilogy.
Arthur Dent, displaced earthling, finally escapes being
stranded on pre-historic earth, just in time to find himself
in the middle of a rather explosive cricket match. It can
only mean one thing – off to save the universe... again.
BBCP103 - 3 CDs - 3 Hours - $29.95
Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy: Quandary Phase
Leonard Nimoy
and John de Lancie -Spock, and “Q” from different
generations of Star Trek -- have
joined forces to produce and star in
this series of classic science fiction tales.
Part four. Arthur Dent, displaced earthling, discovers
that the Earth, previously destroyed by Vogons, has
miraculously reappeared. Arthur returns to his home, and
falls in love. But Ford Prefect might well burst Arthur’s
bubble. And what has happened to all the dolphins?
BBCP104 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $24.95
Joined by many of their Star Trek cohorts, these
remarkable audio dramas stay true to their original
stories, while adding a contemporary sound, and
solid performances.
The Time Machine
Alien Voices
H.G. Wells’ seminal time-travel story comes to
life. Aer an inventor develops a time machine,
he fights not only to stay alive, but to save the
future of humankind.
ALEN002 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $19.95
Journey to the Center of the Earth
Alien Voices
Jules Verne’s story of Professor Lidenbrock’s
fantastic expedition to the Earth’s core. An
incredible journey of science and discovery,
and an incredible adventure.
ALEN004 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $19.95
The Lost World
Alien Voices
An expedition to the Amazon discovers a lost
plateau where ape-men have evolved beside
dinosaurs, and the fate of the human race hangs
in the balance. Will the adventurers gain fame,
fortune, or death? Find out.
ALEN006 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $19.95
The Invisible Man
Alien Voices
Aer finding a way to become invisible, a
scientist finds he can’t go back. He can get away
with anything, but at the cost of losing himself.
This road leads to madness... and death.
ALEN008 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $19.95
Spock vs. Q Gi Set
Alien Voices
Spock vs. Q and Spock vs. Q: The Sequel –
Leonard Nimoy and John De Lancie reprise
their best known roles before a live and appreciative audience for two extraordinary
debates between logic and chaos. Two of the
universes smartest creatures spar as the fate
of humanity hangs in the balance. A smart,
literary, and amazingly fun verbal adventure.
ALEN018 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $19.95
Dry Smoke and Whispers – Season One
Transdimensional Media
Emile Song must catch the East End Reaper, a
techno-fiend terrorizing the people of Quaymet.
Along the way we meet Trickles, and his
demonic protector, the Jachtah, Jaddock Mier
and Marcori Deedwik and his laboratory of
heinous inventions.
TRDM001 - 5 CD Set - 5 hours - $44.95
Dry Smoke and Whispers – The Shadowman
Transdimensional Media
Emille Song, telepathic detective from Quaymet, meets his greatest Nemesis –
the Shadowman. Or is he an Ally? Neither time nor the Shadowman will tell, as
a network of subterranean portals sends song on the quest of... and for... his life.
TRDM011 - 3 CD Set - 3 hours - $12.50
Dry Smoke and Whispers – Murder on the Huddleston Ferry
Transdimensional Media
A tourist voyage to the Outer Provinces – what could be more relaxing?
Unless you have exiled Troids, gangster kingpins, a power-mad cult,
and Emille Song and Professor Henchard on board.
TRDM012 - 3 CD Set - 3 hours - $12.50
Dry Smoke and Whispers – Allies of the Overseers
Transdimensional Media
The Jungle World of KeAmbudahnah – An unlikely place to
decide the future course of the entire galaxy. But here, Emille
Song and an ancient enclave of mystic warriors must
somehow hold off world-shaering evil.
TRDM013 - 3 CD Set - 3 hours - $12.50
Yuri Rasovsky
Sixteen remarkable tales of life aer 2000 as
imagined by authors from the previous
millennium. Bradbury, Heinlein, Vonnegut,
Ellison, and many more. Performers include:
Richard Dreyfuss, Charles Durning, Tom
Poston, Lynne Thigpen, Rene Auberjonois,
Barbara Rush, Robin Williams, and others.
YROS005 - 6 CDs - 6 hours - $35.00
Ray Bradbury
“Pillar of Fire”
Fredric Brown
War of the Worlds 50th Anniversary Production
Otherworld Media
Award-winning remake of Orson Welles’ famous
“Panic” broadcast, produced as if taking place in the
present on Public Radio. Jason Robards, Steve Allen,
Phil Proctor, Rene Auberjonois, Sco Simon, Terry
Gross, and more. Tremendous on-location production
by Oscar-winning sound designer Randy Thom
at George Lucas’ Skywalker Ranch.
OWME021 - 1 CD - 59 minutes - $15.95
Octavia E. Butler
Kurt Vonnegut Jr
Karel Capek
“Tomorrow and Tomorrow
and Tomorrow”
Harlan Ellison
Connie Willis
“’Repent, Harlequin!’ Said the Ticktockman”
“Even the Queen”
Robert A. Heinlein
Fredric Brown
“By His Bootstraps”
C.L. Moore
Henry Slesar
William F Nolan
Dannie Plachta
“And Miles to Go before I Sleep”
“Revival Meeting”
A.E. Van Vogt
Gort Klatu
“Dear Pen Pal”
Menace From Earth
Big Big Space
Crazy Dog Audio
Six silly, smart sci-fi parodies performed live
send up contemporary sci-fi movies and
television as well as paying loving homage to
the classic 1940s days of radio. Captain Sane
and her crew travel the galaxy in search of
adventure and cliche’s to explode.
RGRG101 - 3 CDs - 3 hours - $35.00
Soundings – Jeff Green Collection
MaxMedia/Jeff Green
Canada’s audio theater wizard Jeff Greene
brings you outstanding, award-winning
science fiction, horror, comedy, satire and
mystery in this collection. Powerful, gripping
stories include Spaxter, Spaxterback, Plague,
Epiphanies, Christmas is Coming to the
District of Drudge, Flash, Psychotherapy,
Vigilante, and She Dreams of Atlantis.
MAXM030 - 10 CDs - 10.5 hours - $69.95
Order Online
“Sentience Today”
The work
Robert A
Atlanta Radio Theatre Company
Holly Jones is a 15 year old high-school student
on the moon, who dreams designing spaceships.
Hobby: Flying using artificial wings, the moon’s
low gravity, and air currents in a large air reserve
known as the “bat’s cave.” A “menace” arrives
from earth in the form of tourist Ariel Brentwood,
a beautiful young actress who seems to be drawing the interest of Jeff Hardesty – Holly’s friend,
designing partner, and maybe... possibly... a lile
bit more.
ARTC017 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $10.00
The Man Who Traveled In Elephants
Atlanta Radio Theatre Company
Robert Heinlein’s charming tale of a retired
salesman who enjoys life on the road so much
that he takes up selling elephants. He travels
from town to town, and from circus to circus,
always by bus, and always with his wife by his
side. Perhaps he’ll sell one some day – it doesn’t
really maer. With science fiction writer Harlan
Ellison. Introduced by Ray Bradbury.
ARTC013 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $10.00
s of
. Heinlein
Have Space Suit, Will Travel
Full Cast Audio
Winning a slightly used genuine space suit, Kip
Russel is drawn into the adventure of his young
life. With a pint-sized genius named PeeWee
and an alien known as “the Mother Thing,” he
escapes space bandits and defends the Earth in
an intergalactic court of law. An unabridged
multi-voice audiobook.
FULL001 - 8 CDs - 8 hours - $39.00
The Rolling Stones
Full Cast Audio
When brilliant teenage twins Castor and Pollux
decide to buy a used spaceship and travel the
solar system, the whole oeat family ends up
coming along, ‘cause when you’re a Stone, your
family is your highest priority. An unabridged
multi-voice audiobook.
FULL002 - 8 CDs - 8 hours - $39.00
Solution Unsatisfactory
Atlanta Radio Theatre Company
Robert Heinlein’s frightening tale from 1939, of
what would come to be known as “mutually
assured destruction.” It predicted the trials and
dangers of the nuclear age, before the Second
World War even began.
ARTC015 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $10.00
In 1978, George Lucas asked National Public Radio to
produce a radio drama from his seminal science fiction
movie. In 1981, this production brought modern sound effects
to audio theater, and a millions of listeners to the radio.
Original sound effects and music from the films, with exciting
scripts and performances by some of the original actors, enthralled
listeners, and introduced a new generation to the joys of radio drama.
NPR followed up with adaptations of The Empire Strikes Back, and Return
of the Jedi. With more time to devote, these editions expand on the original
movies, telling parts of the story glossed over in the films.
Highbridge Audio has continued the story with Audio Theater versions of several of the
popular Star Wars books. Transport yourself to a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.
Star Wars
Join Luke Skywalker, as he discovers and fulfills
his destiny against the evil Galactic Empire.
This is the whole story, with plots and action
ignored or glossed over in the movie.
Mark Hamill. Anthony Daniels.
The Hobbit
The unabridged masterpiece from J.R.R.
Tolkien. Bilbo Baggins travels Middle
Earth, from the Misty Mountains, to dragon
Smaug’s mountain fortress, and back again
to Hobbiton, meeting Dwarves, Trolls, Elves,
and, of course, the powerful wizard, Gandalf.
HBRG001 - 7 CD Set - 6.5 hours - $51.96
The Empire Strikes Back
The continuing story of Luke Skywalker
and a small band of rebels, through victories
and defeats against the Empire, and Luke’s
spiritual development toward becoming a
Jedi Knight. Mark Hamill, Anthony Daniels,
and Billy Dee Williams in their original roles,
plus John Lithgow as Yoda.
BBCP201 - 5 CDs - 4 hours - $39.95
Star Wars Dark Forces Collectors Trilogy
Three stories of Kyle Katarn, an Imperial soldier, who learns the ugly truth about his father’s
death, swears revenge, and joins the Rebels to
seek revenge on the Empire. But his dark desire
for revenge may eventually lead him toward the
enlightened path of a Jedi Knight.
HBRG004 - 6 CDs - 6 hours - $39.96
HBRG002 - 5 CD Set - 5 hours - $47.96
Return of the Jedi
Luke Skywalker has completed his training as a
Jedi, and leads the rebels toward the final
victory over the evil Galactic Empire. Featuring
Anthony Daniels as See-Threepio and Ed Asner
as Jabba the Hu.
HBRG003 - 3 CD Set - 3 hours - $27.96
Star Wars Crimson Empire
A generation aer the rebel victory, it is at a
time of high turmoil in the Empire. The Dark
Lord Jax, has seized the throne. One brave
man stands between Jax and universal
domination: Kir Kanos. Adapted from the
graphic novel from Dark Horse Comics.
HBRG005 - 2 CD Set - 2 hours - $20.76
Star Wars Tales of the Jedi I
The thousand-generation history of the Jedi
Knights was only hinted at in the movies. Follow the adventures of two young Jedi Knights
drawn into bale against the dark side, a
bale that may decide the fate of the
planet–and the galaxy!
HBRG008 - 3 CD Set - 2.75 hours - $19.96
Lord of the Rings
The full story of Frodo and Samwise, and their epic
journey to destroy the one ring which could destroy
Middle Earth. Joined by close friends and vast armies,
they bale the evil Lord Sauron, and his minions.
Unabridged with a cast including Ian Holm, Michael
Hordern and John LeMeasurier.
BBCP202 - 13 CDs - 13 hours - $69.95
Star Wars Tales of The Jedi II: Dark
Lords of the Sith
Learn the ancient history of the Dark Lords
of the Sith, and their eternal struggle with
the Jedi. As the power of the evil Sith spreads
across the galaxy, it threatens the existence of
the Jedi themselves, and draws one of their
greatest allies over to the dark side.
HBRG009 - 2 CD Set - 2.25 hours - $18.36
Order Online
Star Wars Dark Empire I
Six years aer the rebel victory, Luke Skywalker is off on a quest deeper into the
mysteries of the Force. Han and Leia, are
married, but face grave danger. Forces from
the old Empire strike back against the Rebel
Alliance. But old friends may be their greatest foes.
HBRG006 - 2 CD Set - 2.5 hours - $18.36
Star Wars Dark Empire II
The remnants of the Empire are defeated.
Or did they? Luke Skywalker, still searches
to learn the secret history of the Jedi, as Han
and Leia lead the Rebel Alliance against a
terrible new threat as a group of “Dark Jedi”
try to fulfill the Emperor’s final mission.
HBRG007 - 2 CD Set - 2 hours - $18.36
Anne Manx in Lives of the Cat
Radio Repertory Company of America
Detective Anne Manx, an honest cop in a
system under siege. Anne is marked for
death by a Richmond, a cop gone wrong.
But somehow, when Annie gets killed,
she doesn’t die. Just how many lives does
this cat have? Stars Claudia Christian.
RRCA007 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $24.95
Anne Manx
and the Ring of the Minotaur
Radio Repertory Company of America
An ancient temple, a mysterious ring
- and a chance to become a god. The evil
Richmond’s murderous lunge for
ultimate power forces Anne Manx
to risk her own soul for revenge.
Superman Lives!
Dirk Maggs
Clark Kent and Lois Lane finally get engaged,
Lex Luthor is dead, and all is well in Metropolis
under the cape of the mighty Superman. But all
is not as it seems.
RRCA010 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $24.95
Anne Manx on Amazonia
DMAG002 - 3 CDs - 3 hours - $22.98
Radio Repertory Company of America
The Queen’s clone has been barred from
the throne. And its up to Anne Manx to
help her get it back. The solution will
involve diamonds... lots of diamonds.
Because on Amazonia, that’s what it takes
to mend a monarch’s mimic.
Batman: The Complete Knightfall Saga
Dirk Maggs
With Batman crippled by his fiercest foe, a new hero
tries to fill his shoes in protecting Gotham City. But his
methods are brutal and dangerous, and the future of
Gotham City is uncertain. A comic book for the ears,
fast paced and sonically rich.
DMAG001 - 3 CDs - 3 hours - $22.98
RRCA013 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $24.95
Anne Manx and The Trouble On Chromius
Radio Repertory Company of America
Chromius – a backwater planet ruled by
an evil dictator. Patriots are planning a
revolt, and Anne is caught in the
crossfire. It will take all the courage,
fighting skill and detective genius Manx
can muster just to stay alive.
RRCA011 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $24.95
The Flight of the Bumblebee
Radio Repertory Company of America
Rebels assault the planet Quatro
Cinco. And to put the interstellar
kibosh on the rebellion, Lieutenant
Nancy Coy is assigned to rehabilitate Kurk Manly – once the greatest
and most handsome starship pilot
in the Galaxy, now reduced to a
staggering drunk. Stars
Marina Sirtis.
RRCA008 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $24.95
The Adventure of Red Cloud
Radio Repertory Company of America
When pirates murder her father,
Wendy McCloud abandons life
on the street to go undercover as
“Red Cloud” to infiltrate and take
revenge on the pirates.
RRCA012 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $24.95
Twilight Zone
All-new productions featuring some of today’s top
stars from the original Twilight Zone scripts. Rod
Serling’s original TV scripts have been adapted for
radio -- retaining all the mystery, suspense, surprise
and fun of the originals. Each collection features
10 tales featuring stars of today, including Lou
Diamond Phillips, Blair Underwood, Ed Begley, Jr.,
Tim Kazurinsky, Jason Alexander, Jim Caviezel,
Stan Freberg, Shelley Berman, John Ratzenberger,
Adam West, Daniel J. Travanti, Jane Seymour,
and many more.
Twilight Zone Set #1
TWIL001 - 10 CD Set - 7.5 hours - $39.99
Twilight Zone Set #2
TWIL002 - 10 CD Set - 7.5 hours - $39.99
Twilight Zone Set #3
TWIL003 - 10 CD Set - 7.5 hours - $39.99
Twilight Zone Set #4
TWIL004 - 10 CD Set - 7.5 hours - $39.99
Twilight Zone Set #5
TWIL005 - 10 CD Set - 7.5 hours - $39.99
Twilight Zone Set #6
TWIL006 - 10 CD Set - 7.5 hours - $39.99
Tales From The Crypt
Willamee Radio Workshop
Faithful to Mary Shelly’s original novel, the horror,
beauty, and subtleties of meaning are preserved
and portrayed – this performance makes the
listener understand once again why this is one
of the seminal works of English literature.
WILL003 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $10.00
The Passion of Frankenstein
Seeing Ear Theatre
These audio dramas, adapted from the original
“Tales of the Crypt” comics were produced by’s legendary Seeing Ear Theatre, with
their signature mix of superb story-telling and
cuing edge sound effects. Luke Perry, Oliver Pla,
Gina Gershon, Tim Curry, John Rier, and more.
Music by Danny Elfman, Jack Wohl, and others.
Atlanta Radio Theatre Company
Darkness can hide heros and monsters can walk in
the light, and sometimes not even the fair maiden
can tell them apart. A gripping, insightful, and
even romantic addition to the Frankenstein lore.
Two Plays for Voices
Neil Gaiman
From Neil Gaiman
and Sci-Fi Channel’s
Seeing Ear Theatre,
two original gothic tales
not for the faint
of heart.
SNOW GLASS APPLES – a dark re-telling
of the familiar fairy tale, starring Bebe Neuwirth.
MURDER MYSTERIES – there’s a murder in
heaven, and the Angel of Vengeance turns detective
to solve the case. Starring Brian Dennehy.
HCOL001 - 2 CD Set - 2 hours - $22.95
ARTC014 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $10.00
The Brides of Dracula
HBRG021 - 4 CDs - 5 hours - $26.95
The Last Harbinger
Crazy Dog Audio
A satiric vision of an obscenely grotesque world
called Moloch – an absurdly brutal world where
a vain elite rules and children starve in poverty,
where religion has been twisted by the powerful,
where civilization is destroying itself. Disturbing,
shocking, and a parable for our times.
RGRG104 - 2 CDs - 2.5 hours - $22.50
Atlanta Radio Theatre Company
There’s a part of the Dracula legend which went
untold – suggestions... undertones.... Until now.
Erotic, but not pornographic, fascinating, and
great fun at the same time. Mature concepts,
dely handled.
ARTC011 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $10.00
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr.
Atlanta Radio Theatre Company
When Dr Jekyll finds a way to ultimate power,
he leaves restraint... and morality... behind. But
even as he fears the results, he cannot stop, and
is losing himself, and his humanity, a lile bit
more each time.
ARTC022 - 1 CD - 72 minutes - $10.00
The Willamette Radio Workshop is a wonderful find for us here at Lodestone. The workshop is led by Sam Mowry, a man with the voice,
and dare we say, the talent, of Orson Welles.
Their productions never fail to amaze us.
A Murder of Crows
Willamee Radio Workshop
Three short audio stories of terror! Featuring
“Sweetheart” – a young woman is reluctant
to take her boyfriend home to see her mother,
concerned she’ll like him a lile bit too much,
if you know what we mean.
WILL001 - 1 CD - 27 minutes - $10.00
Next Year’s Girl
Willamee Radio Workshop
Each year a small village must send a young
woman to go up the hill to meet “The Beast”.
This year’s girl may be brave enough to kill the
beast for the sake of the next year’s girl, and the
next, and the next. But everything is not all that
it seems.
WILL004 - 1 CD - 30 minutes - $10.00
Dim the lights, slip on your headphones, and
settle in for bite-size tales of terror, each told in
five minutes, more or less. Spooky, scary, and
a lot of fun. These tightly paced 5-to-10 minute
horror stories sprinkled with irony and humor
will make you chuckle as they terrify you out
of your wits! Each one is fully scored by film
composer Frank Macchia.
Lile Evil Things Vol. 1
5 tales of terror.
H. P. Lovecraft
The Shadow over Innsmouth
The Island of Dr. Moreau
Atlanta Radio Theatre Company
H. G. Welles’ shocking tale of science taken
beyond restraint, and the nature of civil society
itself. Unspeakable tortures are inflicted on
innocent people and beasts in the name of
science gone mad.
ARTC012 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $10.00
Lile Evil Things Vol. 2
4 tales of terror.
LITT004 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $15.95
Lile Evil Things Vol. 3
5 tales of terror.
Lile Evil Things Vol. 4
The Dunwich Horror
5 tales of terror.
LITT008 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $15.95
LITT010 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $15.95
Order Online
The Rats In The Walls
ARTC024 - 1 CD - 46 minutes - $10.00
LITT006 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $15.95
5 tales of terror.
ARTC023 - 1 CD - 55 minutes - $10.00
Atlanta Radio Theatre Company
Beware the name Delapore. It
carries a history of unspeakable
atrocity, of black arts, of hatred,
and of terror. A history buried in
the past... until now. Beware.
LITT002 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $15.95
Lile Evil Things Vol. 5
Atlanta Radio Theatre Company
There is something wrong in the small
seacoast town of Innsmouth. Something
wrong in the crumbling buildings.
Something wrong in the cold deep
waters... The there’s something
wrong in the blood. A horror classic.
Night of the Living Dead
Simon and Schuster
This audio adaptation captures the same oeat
mood of the cult-favorite movie with its weird
humor, and gross images. When the dead rise,
walking the earth to eat the living, a small band
of refugees are caught in a small country house.
SSCH001 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $9.95
Atlanta Radio Theatre Company
In the village of Dunwich, mad fires
blaze from the top of the hill. Something happened long ago. If you’ve
heard the name ‘Whately’, you know
it could happen again. Fully
dramatized and soundscaped. Plus,
An Arkham Home Companion.
ARTC026 - 1 CD - 74 minutes - $10.00
Lost and Found Sound Vol 1
Kitchen Sisters
The history of recorded sound
celebrated in rare recordings
and “sonic snapshots” from NPR
listeners. Combining the historic
and the everyday, the monumental with the personal, these
fascinating recordings, and their stories, tell the tale
of the 20th Century
HBRG011 - 2 CDs - 2.5 hours - $24.95
Lost and Found Sound and Beyond
HBRG012 - 2 CDs - 2.5 hours - $22.95
Hayward Sanitarium
Last Minute Productions
Sometimes the most frightening demons are those inside the human mind.
A small sanitarium in Maine researches madness brought about by so-called
“supernatural phenomena.” Is it real? What is real? For one young
doctor, reality starts coming a bit too close. Recorded on location, creating
an intense, realistic sound which will chill your bones. Commit yourself
to Hayward. You should be afraid to miss it.
LMPD130 - 5 CDs - 5 hours - $39.95
Yiddish Radio Project
Fascinating look at the early days of radio – When
Radio was new, and broadcasters were exploring its
possibilities, stations serving the Jewish community
showed remarkable inventiveness, now rediscovered in once-lost acetates. From NPR.
HBRG010 - 2 CD Set - 2 hours - $24.95
Tales for a Stormy Night
To The Moon
YROS004 - 6 CDs - 6 hours - $56.00
KAPP002 - 6 CDs - 6 hours - $49.95
Mickey Kapp
The story of America’s space program, told by
the people who did it. The actual voices of the
astronauts and the real sounds of the Mercury,
Gemini, and Apollo missions. Producer Mickey
Kapp gained unequalled access to astronauts,
families, officials and workers at NASA plus
authentic recordings.
Yuri Rasovsky
Turn out the lights, cuddle with your true love,
and shiver to Edgar Allan Poe, Robert Louis
Stevenson, H. P. Lovecra, and more. Late-night
listening for lovers of mischief, the macabre,
and literature. 15 tales, plays, and poems, from
cultures around the world, range from wickedly
comic to deathly serious.
The Cabinet of Dr. Calgary
Yuri Rasovsky
An eerie psychological thriller starring John
de Lancie Inspired by the 1919 German classic
silent film. Wiy, fast-paced and thoughtprovoking with fantastic performances.
YROS001 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $15.00
Diabolic Playhouse (MP3 CD)
Crazy Dog Audio
Six plays, commissioned by the national broadcasting
company of Ireland, ranging from ‘mockumentry’,
political comedy, and morality tales to dark
psychological drama. Six hours on one MP3 format
CD. (will not play on traditional CD players)
RGRG103 - 1 MP3 CD - 6 hours - $29.95
All Hallow’s Moon
Celestial Navigations
is a unique blend of storytelling
and song. The stories are at the same time earthy and etherial, taking
unpredictable, and delightful turns, accompanied by music uniquely
designed to compliment, and even participate in, each story. The
stories are told... or rather, performed... by Geoffrey Lewis, a remarkable
actor with over 200 Motion Picture and Television appearances to his
credit, and scored by Geoff Levin, a composer who has written scores
and songs for over 50 movies. Each CD contains a variety of these
remarkable and inspiring pieces.
Chapter 1
8 stories
CNAV001 - 1 CD - 52 minutes - $15.95
Atlanta Radio Theatre Company
A small western town is dying, and as the
townsfolk wait for the last stagecoach out, a
terrified woman arrives out of the night pursued by the Devil himself. Or is it
hysterical imaginings? Find out.
Chapter 2
ARTC009 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $10.00
CNAV003 - 1 CD - 65 minutes - $15.95
The Long Vacation
Birke Duncan
An American teacher falls in love on a Pacific
resort island. But when he jokingly makes an
offering at the shrine of an occult sea god, he
seals his fate. An engaging supernatural tale.
BIRD001 - 1 CD - 46 minutes - $19.95
Pet Sematary
One of Stephen King’s most famous bestsellers,
this fully dramatized BBC production is a
masterpiece of the macabre and an
unforgeable audio experience.
SSCH002 - 3 CDs - 3 hours - $23.50
10 stories
CNAV002 - 1 CD - 63 minutes - $15.95
Chapter 3: Ice
11 stories
Chapter 4: Road Train
11 stories
CNAV004 - 1 CD - 56 minutes - $15.95
Chapter 5: The Connection
13 stories
CNAV005 - 1 CD - 58 minutes - $15.95
A “best of” collection of 14 stories on the them of love.
CNAV101 - 1 CD - 56 minutes - $15.95
Live at the Matrix
Live performances of some of their favorite stories.
CNAV102 - 1 CD - 68 minutes - $15.95
A Prairie Home Companion
“It’s been a quiet week in Lake Wobegon...” For years, radio fans have warmed to these words, knowing they’re about to hear another signature monologue
from Garrison Keillor. Filled with gentle humor, down-home truths, and amazing depths of tenderness and meaning, these tales of “the little town that time
forgot and the decades could not improve” are classics of American storytelling. A Prairie Home Companion is broadcast every week on 550 public radio stations, and is heard abroad on America One and the Armed Forces Networks in Europe and the Far East.
A Prairie Home Companion 20th Anniversary Collection
News from Lake Wobegon
HBRG101 - 4 CDs - 6 hours - $36.95
HBRG114 - 4 CDs - 4 hours - $36.95
Garrison Keillor
Features complete monologues drawn from the
first 20 years of radio broadcasts, most never
before available. Accompanied by an illustrated
booklet featuring A Prairie Home Companion
memoir by Keillor.
25th Anniversary Collection
Garrison Keillor
Highlights from the first 25 years on the air,
including favorite monologues like “Truckstop,”
“Gospel Birds” and “Pontoon Boat,” plus brandnew stories never before available. Plus a bonus
music CD featuring 25 tunes featuring regular
show musicians.
HBRG102 - 5 CDs - 6 hours - $39.95
A Prairie Home Christmas
Garrison Keillor
All-time-favorite highlights from past holiday
broadcasts, including Keillor’s tender edition of
the beloved Danish Christmas song “Det Kimmer Nu,” “The Twelve Days of Christmas,” and
a special Christmas rendition of “News from
Lake Wobegon.”
Garrison Keillor
The original collection of Garrison Keillor
monologues from A Prairie Home Companion.
Funny and touching, these 20 stories from original
live broadcasts of A Prairie Home Companion follow
the seasons in Lake Wobegon. One of the bestselling spoken-word recordings of all time.
More News from Lake Wobegon
Garrison Keillor
16 stories on Love, Faith, Hope, and Humor
from original live broadcasts of A Prairie Home
Garrison Keillor
17 News from Lake Wobegon monologues –
exquisitely craed tales about such things as the
luxury of rhubarb pie, the Krebsbachs’ thriy
vacation, and the vapor lights of Our Lady of
Perpetual Responsibility. 5 hours.
HBRG110 - 2 CDs - 2.5 hours - $36.95
Guy Noir
Garrison Keillor
Guy Noir – hard boiled, world-weary, yet
surprisingly articulate – is trying to find the
answers to life’s simple questions. A gentle poke
at old time-detective radio – having fun with
old conventions while giving Guy contemporary
problems. What’s an old-time, new-school
detective to do?
Garrison Keillor
A collection of songs, sketches, sound effects,
laughter, sweet nostalgia, and a monologue or
two, all with a Christmas theme.
HBRG108 - 2 CDs - 90 Minutes - $14.95
HBRG118 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $24.95
Family Radio
Garrison Keillor
Funny / scary stories told on Halloween
shows. A good scare and a good laugh
from Garrison Keillor and sound-effects
guy Tom Keith.
HBRG109 - 2 CDs - 90 minutes - $24.95
HBRG120 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $24.95
Garrison Keillor
Prairie Home Comedy and Garrison Keillor’s
Comedy Theater in one fun-filled gi package.
Over two dozen of the funniest pieces ever aired.
HBRG104 - 5 CDs - 5 hours - $49.95
Order Online
Mother Father Uncle Aunt
Garrison Keillor
There’s a reason all those children in Lake Wobegon
are above average. The clean prairie air, the
wholesome wheat that’s grown by the Norwegian
bachelor farmers, or just possibly their strong,
good-looking parents. A meditation on the joys,
sorrows, challenges, and humor of raising children.
HBRG113 - 3 CDs - 3 hours - $30.00
Definitely Above Average
Garrison Keillor
Aer the birth of Garrison Keillor’s daughter,
the stories, songs, and sketches on A Prairie
Home Companion took on a distinctly parental
bent. Some of the warmest, funniest, most affectionate stories, skits, and songs recorded from
live broadcasts.
HBRG106 - 2 CDs - 2.5 hours - $24.95
APHC: Its Only A Show
Garrison Keillor
A sparkling collection of songs, skits, commercials, and monologues spanning 31 years.
Created for longtime fans and newcomers alike,
to celebrate the release of the recent movie based
on the show.
Garrison Keillor
A sampler of crowd-pleasers from A Prairie
HBRG115 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $24.90
Home Companion: four “News from Lake
Wobegon” monologues, “commercials” for
Bertha’s Kiy Boutique and the Fearmonger’s Local Man Moves To The City
Shoppe, and great music all from original live Garrison Keillor
From 1989 to 1993, Garrison Keillor broadcast
radio broadcasts.
from New York a show entitled, Garrison KeilHBRG107 - 2 CDs - 90 minutes - $24.95
lor’s American Radio Company – a show very
much not unlike A Prairie Home Companion.
10 monologues, in which he reflects on New
York City life through the eyes of a transplanted
Plenty of Prey Good Jokes
Garrison Keillor
All the puns, one-liners, knock-knock jokes, bar
jokes, lawyer jokes, lightbulb jokes, ethnic jokes,
political jokes, blonde jokes, and more from the
first 8 annual Prairie Home joke shows.
HBRG122 - 4 CDs - 4.5 hours - $39.95
Comedy Gi Pack
HBRG111 - 3 CDs - 3.25 hours - $30.00
Lake Wobegon USA
The Christmas Companion
Garrison Keillor
34 of the best-loved, most-requested songs and
sketches from the original radio broadcasts. Plus
a booklet of complete song lyrics so you can
follow along with your favorites.
Garrison Keillor
11 stores of “the lile town that
time forgot” – Lutheran men
expressing their emotions – Pastor
Ingqvist interviewing for a job at
the Mall of America – The fountain
of dog youth – The World’s largest pile of
burlap bags. Plus, a reading of Garrison
Keillor’s short story, “Spring.”
HBRG112 - 4 CDs - 5 hours - $36.95
HBRG103 - 2 CDs - 2 Hours - $17.50
Prairie Home Comedy Radio
Songs and Sketches
Life These Days
New and Not Bad Prey Good Jokes
Garrison Keillor
All the prey good jokes from A Prairie Home
Companion Joke Shows 7 and 8. Among the
most popular shows in the program’s history.
The puns and one-liners will make you groan.
Guests include Paula Poundstone. Plenty of
Prey Good Jokes collection.
HBRG117 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $9.95
HBRG119 - 1 CD - 75 minutes - $13.95
Commercial Radio
Garrison Keillor
A collection of hilarious fake commercial spots
from A Prairie Home Companion’s “advertisers”,
such as Guys’ Shoes, Bertha’s Kiy Boutique,
Powdermilk Biscuits, the Ketchup Advisory
Board and the American Duct Tape Council.
HBRG105 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $14.95
Prey Good Bits
Garrison Keillor
Thought about a visit to Lake Wobegon but
never got around to it? Prey Good Bits is an
irresistible introduction to this popular radio
program, including Guy Noir, ads from loyal
sponsors, music, Tom Keith’s sound effects, and
a classic News from Lake Wobegon monologue.
HBRG121 - 1 CD - 45 minutes - $6.99
Bowdrie Rides a Coyote Trail / A Trail To the West
LOLA002 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $14.99
Four Card Draw / Get Out of Town
LOLA003 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $14.99
Desert Death Song / Man Riding West
LOLA007 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $14.99
Love and the Cactus Kid / Medicine Ground
Bowdrie Passes Through / Where Buzzards Fly
LOLA004 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $14.99
LOLA013 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $9.99
McNelly Knows a Ranger / Job For a Ranger
McQueen of the Tumbling K / West of Tularosa
LOLA005 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $14.99
LOLA014 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $9.99
One for the Pot / That Triggernometry Tenderfoot
LOLA015 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $9.99
Merrano of the Dry Country / Law of the Desert Born
South of Deadwood / Too Tough to Brand
LOLA016 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $9.99
There’s Always a Trail / Home in the Valley
LOLA017 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $9.99
LOLA006 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $14.99
Grub Line Rider / Down Pogonip Trail
LOLA008 - 2 Compact Discs - 2 hours - $14.99
More Brains Than Bullets / The Road to Casa Piedras
LOLA009 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $14.99
West of Dodge / Monument Rock
LOLA018 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $9.99
Strong Shall Live / Keep Travelin’ Rider
Son of a Wanted Man
LOLA010 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $14.99
Unguarded Moment / Horse Heaven
LOLA019 - 3 CDs - 3 hours - $14.99
LOLA011 - 2 Compact Discs - 2 hours - $14.99
Outlaws of Poplar Creek / Bowdrie Follows a Cold Trail
The Collected Bowdrie Dramatizations
Texas Ranger Chick Bowdrie. The most hardened gunmen shivered at the name. Six classic
Bowdrie stories including: McNelly Knows a
Ranger, A Job for a Ranger, Bowdrie Rides a
Coyote Trail, A Trail to the West, Outlaws of
Poplar Creek, Bowdrie Follows a Cold Trail.
LOLA020 - 6 CDs - 6 hours - $29.95
LOLA012 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $14.99
The Black Rock Coffin Makers / A Mule for Santa Fe
LOLA022 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $14.99
Case Closed - No Prisoners / Killer From The Pecos
LOLA023 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $14.99
Lit a Shuck for Texas / Turkeyfeather Riders
LOLA024 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $14.99
A Ranger Rides To Town / Rain On A Mountain Fork
Four by L’Amour
No Man’s Land, Get Out Of Town, McQueen Of
The Tumbling-K, Booty for a Bad Man
LOLA025 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $14.99
LOLA021 - 4 CDs - 4 hours - $21.95
Neal Amid
Cat Simril
Phil Austin plays beat icon Neal Cassady,
travelling across the world, and across time.
He is a street philosopher, and a hard-boiled
existential gumshoe with a soul to search for.
CATI001 - 1 CD - 39 min - $15.95
French Quarter
Minds Ear Audio Productions
French Quarter tells the intertwined stories of ten
New Orleans residents who live or work in the
French Quarter. Ordinary folks like a professor,
a shopkeeper, a detective, a socialite, or a middle
aged vampire. 7 hours.
MEBT001 - 7 CDs - 7 hours - $44.95
Red Shi
Cat Simril
Hello Dali, It’s NASA to have you back where
you belong! When the Dali Lama is reborn on
Mars, the Martians know that their great project
has come to fulfillment. But when paranoid
earthlings fear invasion, they resurrect
Chairman Mao in electronic form
CATI003 - 1 Compact Disc - 1 hour - $15.95
Box of Time
Cat Simril
Ancient Mayan philosophy, modern marketing,
time travel, and the girl with the telescope eyes
– all fit into the Box of Time. A fascinating audio
collage with appearances by Phil Austin and
David Ossman.
The Children’s Zoo
Minds Ear Audio Productions
Seven troubled teens in a psychiatric hospital
face their inner demons as they work to heal
themselves and return to their families. Angry
at first, slowly they understand that the doctors
are truly on their side. Based on actual events,
13 half hour episodes.
MEBT011 - 7 Compact Discs - 6.5 hours - $44.95
MP3 Format CD
MEBT012 - 1 MP3 CD - 6.5 hours - $19.95
CATI002 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $15.95
Craven Street
Yuri Rasovsky
Benjamin Franklin living in London before the
Revolution, served as de-facto representative for
the colonies. Embroiled in intrigue, espionage
and even a duel, the British government
believed Franklin the head of all the rebels
and set out to have him hanged. Brilliantly
dramatized. Elizabeth Montgomery,
George Grizzard, and Sir Nigel Hawthorne.
YROS008 - 5 CDs - 5 hours - $45.00
The Odyssey of Homer
Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas
Margaretville Records
Hunter S. Thompson’s tale of drugs, debauchery,
and self-destruction comes to life. Innovative
sound design and remarkable performances.
Harry Dean Stanton, Jim Jarmusch, Maury
Chaykin, Harry Shearer, Dan Castellaneta,
Buck Henry, Joan Cusack, more. A wild
ride – not for the kiddies.
MARG001 - 1 CD - 1 hour - $19.95
Yuri Rasovsky
Meticulously researched, beautifully adapted, and
brilliantly produced. All the drama, poetry and
excitement of Homer brought to life by skilled
actors. Winner of the George Foster Peabody Award.
YROS003 - 8 CDs - 8 hours - $64.00
7 Classic Plays
Yuri Rasovsky
F. Murray Abraham, John Glover, Fritz Weaver,
and a host of others in a collection of seven of the
greatest plays of all time. Mede – Euripides;
The Tempest – Shakespeare; The Imaginary
Invalid – Molière; CamilleIbsen: An Enemy of
the Peoples – Dumas; Arms and the Man – Shaw;
Uncle Vanya – Chekhov.
YROS007 - 10 CDs - 13 hours - $80.00
The Dybbuk
Yuri Rasovsky
Jewish mystical folklore tells of the Dybbuk – a
wandering soul that comes to rest in the body
of a living person. This dybbuk has possessed
a young bride on her wedding day. Rich in
humor, music, folkways, magic, and humanity.
Carl Reiner, Theodore Bikel, Barbara Rosenblat,
Edward Asner, and Kenneth Mars. An Audie
Award winner.
YROS002 - 2 CDs - 2 hours - $16.00
Sherlock Holmes Theatre
Yuri Rasovsky
The only two Holmes plays wrien by his creator,
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: The Napoleon of Crime,
and The Speckled Band. The first sees the return
of the brilliant Professor Moriarty, out for Holmes’
blood. The second is a version of the story of the
same name. Plus, a one-act Sherlock Holmes
comedy wrien and produced by Yuri Rasovsky.
YROS006 - 5 CDs - 4.5 hours - $24.95
Empire of the Air
Otherworld Media
The true story of the invention of radio broadcasting
in the early 20th Century, and the genius behind
both AM and FM broadcasting – Edwin Howard
Armstrong. An intensely personal history of
triumph and tragedy, of friendship and betrayal,
of empires gained... and lost.
OWME025 - 2 CDs - 86 minutes - $19.95
Order Online
Fall of the City
Willamee Radio Workshop
A terrific production of Archibald Macliesh’s
pre-World War II radio play about the delicate
nature of freedom, and the insidious nature of
fascism. Originally produced by the Columbia
Workshop in 1937, this play finds new
relevance today.
WILL002 - 1 CD - 32 minutes - $10.00
Raymond Chandler’s ‘Goldfish’
Otherworld Media
Harris Yulin stars as Philip Marlow, and Harry
Anderson as ‘Sunset’. The original hard-boiled
detective goes aer stolen pearls in this splendid
digital on-location. Chandler’s dark, griy crime
drama never sounded more real. Original jazz score.
OWME008 - 1 CD - 55 minutes - $15.95
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On A Note Of
by Norman C
page 4
Your Brain
Audio Theater
Rabbit Ears Treasury of Fables
by Rabbit Ears Radio
page 3
Ruby I
by ZBS
page 12
by Hollywood Theatre of the Ear
page 15
Just Folks: A Firesign Chat
by Firesign Theatre
page 6
Hayward Sanitarium
by Last Minute Productions
page 19