March 2016 Newsletter - Inland Empire Mustang Club


March 2016 Newsletter - Inland Empire Mustang Club
Mark Lidbeck’s 2007 Shelby GT
‘Stang of The Month
In this issue:
‘Stang of the Month
Activities Recap
March Birthdays
Mar-Apr Calendar
The Prez Says
Jan Meeting Minutes
Classified Ads
A couple of years
ago, we sold our 2007
Shelby and wanted to
finish our 64 GTO. Well, I
guess we learn from our
mistakes. The Pontiac
became a big money
pit and always let me
depended on it. So, with
constant "I told you so"
from my better half and
members, we finally sold
it at last year's Good
Guys. As it turned out, we found another 2007 just before that and jumped
on the chance to buy it.
A young man bought it new in California and had to have a pickup
truck for his job when they moved up here. So, as it goes, he traded his
baby in for the truck. Ray, Brink, and I went to look at it and unanimously
decided it was a god deal and I bought it. He had done several
modifications to it that made it worth every penny. He replaced the 5
speed tranny with a 6 speed racing tranny, aluminum drive line, stage 2.5
clutch, and short throw shifter. Next was the Borla exhaust system.
General Information 8
(cont. next page)
March 2016
Official Publication of the Inland Empire Mustang Club
Spokane, WA
‘Stang of The Month (cont.)
The cap for me was the Kenne Bell supercharger with the new dash package. It's like our
old Shelby re-appeared after working out in the gym. It has Foose wheels and low profile tires and
all new striping over the trunk, top, and hood.
With the low mileage, we hope to keep it
another 2 or 3 years and see what Ford comes
out with. We really like this car and the GTO is
now just a memory in our checkbook.
- Mark Lidbeck
Throwback “Ele nor” a nd Shel by Musta ngs Availa ble
C L A S S I C R E S T O R A T I O N S i s re c re a t i n g t h e st a r v e h i cl e o f
t h e o ri gi n a l “ G o n e I n 6 0 S e c o n d s ” m o v i e a n d o t h e r c l a s si c
S h e l by M u s t a n g s f ro m Fo rd - l i c e n s e d re p ro d u c t i o n b o d y p a rt s
m at c h e d w i t h m o d e rn ru n n i n g ge a r. T h e re s u l t s a re s p e c t a c u l ar 535hp beast s of
c a rs t h a t a re s u re t o at t ra c t b u y e rs w i t h
w al l et s bi g e n o u g h t o p o n y - u p $ 1 8 9 ,9 0 0 f o r t h e s e l i m i t e d
p ro d u c t i o n
v e h i cl e s .
t hose
t hat
w ant
m o re
p ow e r ,
a n o t h e r $ 5 0 K w i l l g e t y o u t h e s u p e rc h a rg e d 7 7 0 h p o p t i o n .
Events and Activities
IEMC Classic ’Stangs Featured at
Spokane International Auto Show
The tandem-arranged tables filled quickly at the
IEMC was approached by the organizers of the Spokane Auto
Show to see if a few members of the club would be willing to feature
Dragon Inn in Spokane Valley for the popular
their classic Mustangs at the event over the Valentines weekend. The
response was an enthusiastic “yes”, as three members stepped up immediately. The club was proud to be represented by Tom, Sam and Gary
and their beautifully prepared Mustangs.
additional tables has be set up as the numbers of IEMC
members in attendance continued to grow beyond
the advertised 6pm start time.
Thousands of people attend the show and the response to the classic cars
was very positive. Our guys were great ambassadors for the club and for
the iconic Mustang, as they answered many questions and provided
background information to those who were curious about the history of
America’s original pony car.
Despite the large group, the delicious food was served
quickly and in large portions (many to-go boxes were
provided at the end of the evening). The server was
everyone. Well done, Dragon Inn.
The Prez Says...
Writing this article every month is
sure to be the most difficult part of having
this position in the club. I guess I’ll start by
saying it’s time for car show season. With
this in mind, I would like to start
something new: A Club-recognized “Car Show of the Month”.
This would be a car show that the Club would say “we’re
going to this show”. Any member is of course still able to
choose whether or not they want to go to this show and
there would never be any hard feelings toward someone that
didn’t go.
1st – Monthly Membership Meeting at Darcy's in
the valley - 10502 East Sprague Avenue (In the
University City Mall). The meeting will be at
7:00pm as usual. Come early to eat and visit.
15th - Ice Cream Run to O’Doherty’s – 11723 E.
Sprague Ave. – Spokane Valley. Meet there at
6pm. POC: Gary Kendall (509) 928-4979.
For example, one of the shows we heard about last
night at the INCCC Meeting was the show in Wallace Idaho
on May 7th, Mothers Day. Several of our members make an
annual trek to this show. I spoke with Hugh from the show
and he said if we could assure that there would be 10 or 12
cars from the club, they would add a Mustang class to the 17
classes they already have. They also want one volunteer to
help with judging.
5th – Monthly Membership Meeting at Darcy's in
the valley - 10502 East Sprague Avenue (In the
University City Mall). The meeting will be at
7:00pm as usual. Come early to eat and visit.
19th - Ice Cream Run to Prospectors – 12611 N.
Highway 395, Spokane. Meet there at
6pm. POC: Chuck & Mary Oliver (509) 4643144.
Let me know what you think of the idea. If it’s a go, I
think we already have a May show booked.
Also in April, we may be doing Laser
Quest and in May, our Shakedown
Cruise. Details to follow.
M u s t a n g Wa go n A nyo n e ?
T h er e wa s a Fa cebook p ost r ecen t l y i n wh i ch Ra i n
Pr i sk Desi gn s r en der ed an im a ge of a t h eor et i ca l
Must a n g wa gon (see bel ow). Al t h ough th er e a r e n o
pl an s for such a ca r fr om For d, i t does sh ow wh er e t h e
youn ger m in dset i s r el a tin g t o per for m an ce ca r s.
March Birthdays
6-Barry Barton
17--Patty Wieber
6-Ron West
18--Mark Turner
9-Tammy Fountain
19--Richard Snyder
10--Susan Ragon
23--Doug Fountain
11--Allen Bunge
24--Carlene Searfoss
11--Mitch Hall
25--Fred Young
12--Brian Barton
26--Cortney Gailbraith
12--Diane West
29--Rocky Gibbs
13 Darlene Crosby
29--Donna Weimorts
14--Linda Wert
17--Denny Jones
Meeting Minutes
February 5, 2016
Shaun Huck
The meeting was called to order by President Mel Craven, who also led the Pledge of Allegiance.
There were no guests or new members to introduce.
President Mel Craven reminded everyone to pay their dues by March. He also announced our club will be represented
by 3 cars at the Spokane International Car Show Feb 12-14. Tom Morris’ 69 Mustang, Gary Kendall’s 65 Fastback and
Sam Picicci’s Shelby. Looking for volunteers to meet at the show and help load in on Wednesday 2/10 @ 10am,
confirmation to come.
Motion to approve January’s minutes was approved unanimously.
Treasurer Jerry Searfoss gave his report for February. Everything looks good but he pointed out we haven’t incurred
any significant expenses yet this year. He also has the results of the recent survey, the board will be reviewing the results
and discussing how to address the data and opinions the members shared.
Committee reports:
-Activities – Ron West reported we have 8 couples serving this year, there was a meeting last week to discuss
upcoming events. Ice Cream Runs will still be the 3rd Tuesday of the month. So far we have planned February – Dragon Inn
on East Sprague, March – O’Doherty’s in the Valley, April – Prospectors. There will also be a shakedown cruise on May
7th, a cruise to Palouse Falls on June 11th, and an overnight cruise to Enterprise OR, more details to follow as plans are
finalized. There was also a discussion about possibly doing a club tour of Buck Knives, however it is limited to 12 people
per tour and only available Monday – Thursday. About two dozen people expressed interest. Ray Smith also pointed out
they give a 50% discount for military ID and may schedule extra tours for a large group but this needs to be confirmed
with Buck.
-Motorsports – Nothing to report.
-Auctions – Carl Santowski, nothing to report.
-Health and Wellness – Jana Craven reported she and Vicki have sent out no get well cards this month, everyone
seems to be staying healthy. The club has also received a thank you note from Sally’s House for all the blankets that were
-Membership – Nadine Smith shared that she received an email from a gentleman in Alberta that would like to join but
has not received his application yet.
Past Activities: January’s Ice Cream Run to McKenzie River went well, the weather was much better this time as 30+
members made it out to dinner on the 19th.
Future Activities: Meet at the Dragon Inn on East Sprague at 6:00PM on February 16, watch for reminder email from
IEMC Events.
Club Apparel/Merchandise: Ken West brought multiple items and the catalog, he would really like someone to consider taking over this duty.
Historian: Marsha Sanburg received a new club member photo, she still wants more.
Meeting Minutes
February 2, 2016
Shaun Huck
Website: Barry Barton is in Mexico so no update this month.
Facebook: Michelle Huck reported all stats for the Facebook page are showing huge growth since she began posting the Daily Member Mustang. She still needs more photos so send them in, even if it’s just a new photo of a car already featured. The club’s page is
starting to get noticed by other Mustang fan pages. Mel encouraged members to share the photos with their friends to further draw
attention to the club.
INCCC – Jana Craven reported the Greater Spokane Meals on Wheels will be holding a scavenger hunt rally on July 30th, more info
to come. She has scholarship sheets available; they are due April 1st. If your nominee is picked they’ll receive $1500 towards their
schooling. “Show no Shine” is coming up on the 27th and she still has tickets available. 8 couples have signed up so far.
Ray Smith reported that Pat Signithal passed away at the age of 70. He was involved with multiple clubs over the years and was
known to several members.
New Ponies/Modifications: Jerry Searfoss painted the hood liner of his Mustang and he is really pleased with the results. Come
check it out in May at the shakedown cruise and he can teach you how to do it to yours.
Old Business: Everyone should have received the new contact sheet. Mel gave another reminder that dues are due. Jerry Searfoss
will attempt to send out the survey results as long as he can export them in an easy to read format. The board will have a meeting to
discuss the results, report out to the club, and propose changes. Mel will not stop talking about boats occasionally though.
New Business: Dave Brink announced the Millwood car show will again be the last Saturday of July. He and Kelly Ryan will run it
again this year. They need the usual $400 for Nadine Smith to get raffle prizes and $300 for Denny Jones to get door prizes. Jack
Bean motioned to approve, motion was unanimously approved, and Jerry will dispense checks from the club funds. Mel called for a
vote to approve the proposed changes to the by-laws to allow the Treasurer to set up online access to the club’s bank account.
Changes were approved unanimously.
Suggestion Box: Mel asked about the suggestion box, Shaun Huck confirmed it is on the table by the sign in sheets, there were no
suggestions submitted last month or this month.
HA Award: No nominees this month.
Mel Craven and Dave Brink presented certificates of appreciation to former officers, IEMC President Rocky Gibbs, IEMC Secretary
Pam Stotts, IEMC Vice-President Carl Santowski, and IEMC Treasurer Jim Fox (not present).
Member draw went to Harry Heilman who donated it to the Penny Drive for the Guild school. 50/50 went to Tom Eickmeyer.
Mel called for a motion to adjourn and several members motioned then approved unanimously.
Submitted by:
Shaun Huck
Secretary, IEMC 2016
1969 Mustang Mach 1
Double R Code Drag Pack Oponed w/
428 Super Cobra Jet engine C-6 Automac Trans., V Code 3.91 rear end.
Shaker Hood, rare hood tachometer.
Mostly original interior in exceponal
40,000 original miles, numbers matching w/ Deluxe Mar Report.
New Polyglas res from George Moir.
Asking Price $80,000 US.
Contact Kirk Seaborn, Rocky Mountain
House, Alberta, T4T 2A3
Submissions due by the 20th of the month. Classifieds: Free to members or brought forth by member. Renewable every three months. Business cards: $20 for 12 months.
Send payment to the club Treasurer. E-mail ads to the Editor.
Activities Committee:
IEMC Officers:
President: Mel Craven
Jack & Toni Bean
Vice Pres.: Dave Brink
Chuck & Mary Oliver
Treasurer: Jerry Searfoss
(509) 290-6302
Shaun & Michelle Huck
Secretary: Shaun Huck
(509) 928-9554
Gary & Marisa Intinarelli
Craig & Christine Binkley
Gary Kendall/Marsha Sundberg
Ken & Vicki West
Carl Sontowski
Ron and Diane West
Jana Craven
(509)280 1036
Vicki West
Sue Manly
Gary Wheeldon
Jim Fox
Kim Frank
Health and Welfare:
Barry Barton
Gary Gunning
Kim Frank
International Reps:
Gary Kendall/Marsha Sundberg
Barry Barton
Barry Barton
Club Purpose
and General Informaon
Inland Empire Mustang Club (IEMC)
Club Purpose: Our club exists to promote the enjoyment and preservation of all Mustang automobiles. There’s no limit to
how many Mustangs or other Ford-powered automobiles you may register. Ownership is not required. However, enthusiasm is
definitely encouraged!
Club Mailing Address: VIA Pony Express
Meeting Place: (1st Tuesday, Monthly)
Darcy’s Restaurant
P.O. Box 13591
10502 E Sprague Ave
Spokane Valley, WA 99213-3591
Spokane Valley, WA 99206
Monthly Stampede:
The IEMC holds a monthly get together the third Tuesday
of each Month. Check the IEMC website, Activity Alerts and
this newsletter for details.
Club Website:
The site features contacts, publications, photos,
stories, ads, an updated/current calendar of events and
many other items of interest.
The award winning IEMC MUSTANG is the
official club publication. An electronic version is sent
monthly to everyone who has an e-mail address. A
condensed black and white version is mailed to those
members who “opt in” for a hard copy each month.
E-mail your contributions (articles, photos, classified
ads, business cards) and questions to the Editor by the
20th of the month.
Advertising Policy: Submission deadline is the 20th of the
month. Business cards $20 for one year. Classifieds:
Free to members, renewable every 3 months. Send
payment to IEMC Treasurer, e-mail ads to the Editor.
Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month.
It’s an excellent time to meet fellow club members and
make new friends. Meetings start at 7:00PM. Come early
(by 6:00pm) to eat and visit. All family members are
welcome to attend and join the fun.
Membership Dues:
Membership dues are $25 per calendar year, per
household. Your membership includes family members
that reside with you that are under the age of 25. Each
membership includes one associate family member for
voting purposes. Dues are pro-rated, based on what part
of the year you join.
Mustang Registry:
Please help us maintain a current Pony registry. This is
a real help to the club for planning events and will give you
an opportunity to have your ride featured in the club
newsletter. Ask any club officer for a copy of the Mustang
Registry form. Turn it in at club meetings or mail to the