February 1945 - 57th Bomb Wing


February 1945 - 57th Bomb Wing
12th Air Force, 57th Bombardment Wing (M)
321st Bombardment Group (M)
History: February 1945
For my dad,
Colonel John “Jack” Fitzgerald, U.S. Army (deceased)
“Lil Butch”
John T. Fitzgerald, SMSgt, U.S. Air Force (retired)
12th Air Force, 57th Bombardment Wing (M)
321st Bombardment Group (M)
History: February 1945
The following is a compilation of the 321st Bomb Group’s Headquarters and individual
Squadron War Diaries. They have been transcribed word for word, from the Squadron
Histories provided by the Air Force Historical Research Agency (AFHRA), Maxwell Air
Force Base Alabama. At the end of each Squadron’s daily entry, the individuals cited in
the entry are identified by full name, rank and duty, in alphabetical order. The day’s
entry begins with the Tactical Operations Statement, from the United States Army Air
Forces (USAAF) Chronology, for the Mediterranean Theater of Operations (MTO). The
history also includes mission reports, mission crew rosters, Missing Air Crew Reports
(MACR), personal mission logs, journals, and diaries made available by various sources.
Anyone who has documentation pertaining to the 321st Bomb Group or its members, and
would like to have it included in this history, is welcome to participate. Copies of:
photos (official or personal); orders (promotion, decoration, travel, etc.); Mission
Reports; Missing Air Crew Reports; personal diaries, logs, journals, etc; other
documentation; or information that will help identify hi-lited individuals will be greatly
appreciated, as one of my goals is to correctly identify every man and plane assigned to
the 321st Bomb Group.
My only interest in this project is to honor those who served by perpetuating their story,
and making it available for future generations, particularly the families and friends of
our Great Heroes. If you are interested in helping, or if I may be of assistance in finding
information about your 321st BG Hero, please contact me at: Lil-Butch@nc.rr.com
Special Thanks to Very Special Folks
Agostino Alberti: Professor - historian (Soncino, Italy)
Michele Becchi: aviation history - archaeologist (Reggio Emilia, Italy)
Jack Brellenthin, great nephew of: Harold Ray Brellenthin, 2Lt, pilot, 446th BS
Cecile Burandt, daughter of: Charles Lawson “Chuck” Burandt, Capt, pilot, 446th BS
Sally Brown, daughter of: Barnard H. Seegmiller, Sgt, armament, 445th BS
Dave Charville, grandson of: Leighton Daniel “Danny” Charville, 1Lt, pilot, 445th BS
Barbara Connolly, daughter of: Edward Charles “Salvo” Ennis, T/Sgt, radar-radiogunner, 447th BS
1Lt Robert S. Crouse: pilot, 379BS
Ralph “Monguse” Gimenez: Software Architect, IL2-FB Skinner
Bob Haney, son of: Vincent M. Haney, M/Sgt, flight engineer, 341st BG
Ed Haney, cousin of: Gale Monroe Dickson, Capt, pilot, 446th BS
Special Thanks to Very Special Folks (continued)
Jim Hawkins, son of: Frank B. “Pancho” Hawkins, 2Lt, pilot, 381st BS
John Hughes, son of: John Jerome “Jack” Hughes, 1Lt, bombardier, 446th BS
Patti Johnson: genealogist, proofer, and family friend of: James Raymond Orechia,
T/Sgt, radio-gunner, 446th BS
Don Kaiser, son of: Quentin C. Kaiser, T/Sgt, radio-gunner, 489th BS
John Lanza, nephew of: William A. Lanza, Sgt, gunner, 446th BS
Stephanie Lile, daughter of: Keith B. Lile, S/Sgt, gunner, 445th BS
1 Lt Joseph A. Malec: bombardier, 448th BS and friend of: Vernon Curtis Dossey, Capt,
pilot, 448th BS
Vince Mango, son of: Vincent A. “Vince” Mango, S/Sgt, aerial gunner, 447th BS
John J. McCarthy: Sgt, engineer-gunner, bombardier, 447th BS
Lorraine McRae, daughter of: James Arrington McRae, 1Lt, bombardier, 446th BS
T/Sgt Rocco F. “Rocky” Milano & daughter Peggy Chatham: Crew Chief of Peg O' My
Heart, Lil Butch, and Haulin' Ass, 446th BS
Bob Ritger, nephew of: Frederic Charles Ritger, 1Lt, pilot, 446th BS
Irving J. Schaffer: T/Sgt, radio-gunner, photographer, 448th BS
1st Lt Frederick H. Smith: pilot, 447th BS
Marsha Gurnee Suszan, daughter of: Clarence E. “Shine” Gurnee, S/Sgt, gunner,
Dominique Taddei: author, U.S.S. Corsica (Corsica)
S/Sgt George B. Underwood: gunner, 381st BS
David Waldrip, nephew of: Robert Laseter Waldrip, T/Sgt, radio-gunner, 447th BS
Vinny J. White, son of: Joseph P. White, T/Sgt, radio-gunner, 381st BS
S/Sgt, Harry (NMI) Yoa: engineer-gunner, 445th BS
Crew lists
Aircraft information - serial #, name, etc
Cannon Loader (on B-25G)
Sometimes used
Bomb/Nav Bombardier-Navigator
BN Bombardier-Navigator
EG Engineer-gunner
RG Radio-gunner
TG Turret gunner
AG Aerial gunner
PH Photographer
AP Aerial photographer
CC Crew Chief
Acronyms & Abbreviations
A/C: Aircraft
A/D: Aerodrome
AE: Aerial Engineer
A/F: Air Field, also Anti-Flak
AA or AAA: Anti-Aircraft (Artillery)
abs: absent
AGL: Above Ground Level
ALO: Allied Liaison Officer
ALW: Alive and Well
AMGOT: Allied Military Government for
Occupied Territories
A.R.C.: American Red Cross
ASC: Air Support Command
ASN: Army Serial Number (personnel)
Assg: Assigned
ASV: Anti-Surface Vessel (radar)
ATA: Actual Time of Arrival
ATC: Air Transportation Command
ATS: Air Transport Service - also Army
Telegraph Service
Azon: Azimuth only (guided bomb)
BC: Bomber Command
BIC: Bruised in Crash
Bmb: Bombardier
Bn: Battalion
B.R.L.: Ballistic Research Laboratory
BSM: Bomb System Maintenance
CA: Heavy Cruiser
CAVU: Ceiling and Visibility Unlimited
C.B.I.: China-Burma-India Theater
C/D: Coastal Defense
CE: Circular Error
CEP: Circular Error Probable
Chaff (US term): Radar countermeasure:
tiny strips of aluminum, metalized glass
fiber, or plastic. See Window
CL: Cannon Loader
CO: Commanding Officer
CG: Commanding General
CP: Command Post
M/G: Machine Gun
MIA: Missing In Action
M/T: Motor Transport (Truck)
MTB: Motor Torpedo Boat
M/V: Military Vessel, Maritime Vessel
M/Y: Marshalling Yards
MC: Maintenance Crew
NARA: National Archives and Records
NASAF: Northwest African Strategic Air
NATC - Northwest African Training
NATOUSA: North Atlantic Theater of
Operations USA
Nav: Navigator
N.B.S.: National Bureau of Standards
NC: Nurse Corps.
NCO: Non-Commissioned Officer
Nickels: propaganda Leaflets
(NMI): No Middle Initial
NOK: Next Of Kin
NRO: National Reconnaissance Office
OAF: Occupation Air Forces
OD: Officer of the day, also Olive Drab
OLC: Oak Leaf Cluster
OTU: Operational Training Unit
PAX: Passengers
PDI: Pilot Direction Indicator
POE: Point of Embarkation
POW: Prisoner of War (also PW)
PRO-Kit: Individual Chemical
Prophylactic packet
PW: Prisoner of War (also POW)
PWB: Psychological Warfare Branch
PX: Post Exchange
QBB: Base of cloud
QDM: Course to steer
QM: Quarter Master
R/B: Road Bridge
RC: Red Cross
CQ: Charge of Quarters
C/S: Call Sign
CWS: Chemical Warfare Service
D/H: Direct Hit
DD: Destroyer
DED: Declared Dead - no body or remains
Demo: Demolition
DL: Dead List
DNB: Died Non-Battle / Died Not-Battle
DOW: Died Of Wounds.
DOWRIA: Died of Wounds Received in
DS: Detached Service
E/A: Enemy Aircraft
E/F: Enemy Fighter
EM or E/M: Enlisted Men
ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival
ETIR: Estimated Time In Route
EUS: Evacuated to the United States
E/V: Enemy Vessel
F Boat: Flying Boat
F/L: Formation Leader - also Flight Leader
FO or F/O: Flying Officer
FOD: Finding Of Death
Frag: Fragmentation
F.S.: Flight Section
GLO: Ground Liaison Officer (UK)
GO: General Order
GP: General Purpose/Gun Position
GTC: General Time Convention (railroad)
HE: High Explosive
IAS: Indicated Air Speed
I & E: Information & Education
I.F.F.: Identification, Friend or Foe
(i. o.): Initials Only (initial is the name)
IP: Initial Point
KNB: Killed Not Battle
KIA: Killed In Action
L/A: Landing Area
LC: Landing Craft
L/G: Landing Ground
Lox: Liquid Oxygen
L/S: Landing Strip
R/J: Road Junction
R/Y: Railroad Yards
Repl: Replacement
RMC: Returned to Military Control
RON: Remain OverNight
RR/B: Railroad Bridge
RR/J: Railroad Junction
RR: Railroad
RTD: Returned To Duty
R/V: Rendezvous
S-1: Administration
S-2: Intelligence
S-3: Operations
S-4: Supply
SAP: Semi-Armor Piercing
SD: Special Duty
S/E: Single Engine (plane)
S.E.: Special Equipment (Shoran)
S/F: Siebel Ferry
sk: sick
S/M: Submarine
SO: Special Order
SOI: Standard Operating Instructions?
S/P: Sea Plane
Sq: Squadron
Sqdn: Squadron
SWA: Seriously Wounded in Action
T/A: Target Area
T/C: Troop Concentration
T/E: Twin Engine (plane)
TAC: Theater Allied Command
TBF: Tactical Bomber Force
TD: Temporary Duty
TDY: Temporary Duty
TLC: Tactical Landing Craft
TO: Take-Off (time), also Technical
Order, and Transportation Officer
T/O: Table of Organization
TOT: Time Over Target/Time On Target
Trfd: Transferred
TWX: Teletypewriter Message
u/i: Unidentified, also unit of issue
UNRRA: United Nations Relief and
Rehabilitation Administration
L/V: Large Vehicle
LST: Landing Ship Tank
Ltr: Letter
LWA: Lightly Wounded in Action
MACR: Missing Air Crew Report
MATS: Military Air Transport Service
Very Pistol or Verey Pistol: Flare gun
VOCO: Verbal Order of the Commanding
WC: Water closet
W.O.: Warrant Officer
WIA: Wounded In Action
Window (British term): Radar
countermeasure: tiny strips of aluminum,
metalized glass fiber, or plastic. See Chaff
WP: White Phosphorus (bombs)
WT, W/T: Watch Tower
XC: Cross Country
ZI: Zone of Interior (U.S.A.)
Thursday, 1 February 1945
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, bad weather curtails operations; A-20s and medium bombers
are grounded and fighters and fighter-bombers fly only 14 sorties, 12 against
communications targets N of the battle area and 2 weather reconnaissance sorties.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: No mission – weather. General Knapp attended ceremonies
today to present awards earned during the past six weeks. Among the awards presented
were two Silver Stars, twenty Distinguished Flying Crosses, six Soldiers Medals, twenty
Purple Hearts, twenty Bronze Stars and numerous Air Medals. Lt. Colonel Cooper and
Major Neumann received the Silver Stars for gallantry in action. After the awards
ceremony the Enlisted Men of Headquarters put on a two-year anniversary party. The
new club committee is comprised of Master Sergeant V. T. O’Donnell, president; Staff
Sergeant O. C. Vogen, treasurer recorder; Corporal Frank Noble, member. Decorations
were by Master Sergeant Kees and Sergeant Ginsberg. Highlights were the drinking bout
between Technical Sergeant Al Hodgen and Sergeant Ben Cable and Colonel Smith’s
final words to the fellow, “Doc” Smith and his band, Jackie Nordlinger, American Red
Cross and the fifteen Corsican girls she brought as dancing partners, Captain
“Steamboat” Henry and, of course, our new Commanding Officer, Colonel Cassidy also
Cable, Ben (NMI), Jr., Sgt, communications
Cassidy, Charles F., Jr., Col, pilot, 321st BG, Commander
Cooper, Paul T., Lt Col, pilot, Commander, 446th BS
Ginsbeg, Bernard (NMI), Sgt, mess
Henry, Forrest R. "Steamboat", Capt, intelligence
Hodgen, Allen J. "Al", T/Sgt, personnel
Kees, Frank M., Jr., M/Sgt, intelligence
Knapp, Robert Duane, Brigadier General, pilot, 57th BW Commander
Neumann, Robert H., Maj, pilot, Group Gunnery Officer
Noble, Francis L. "Frank", Cpl, armament
Nordlinger, Jacqueline, Miss, American Red Cross (321st BG "Red Cross girl")
O'Donnell, Vincent T., M/Sgt, engineering
Smith, Richard H. "Red", Col, pilot, 321st BG Commander
Smith, William C. "Doc", Capt, Flight Surgeon, 445th BS
Vogen, Obert C., S/Sgt, personnel
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 707/mission 707) Group Mission # 707:
Weather Reconnaissance
(Group mission report not available at this time)
Thursday, 1 February 1945 (continued)
445th BS War Diary: Squadron did not participate in mission. General Knapp was
present at ceremonies at the motor pool area this afternoon when awards were presented
to various members of the squadron. The weather was balmy, very ideal for a move as
some of the men put it. The rumor of a move is in the warm, sunny air these days. Lts.
Dyer and Payne and Sgts. Cavanaugh and Freiler went home on rotation today. Lt. RG
Rice, who was responsible for cracking up an aircraft recently when he raised the landing
gear before the ship was airborne on take-off, was acquitted at a hearing today and was
recommended for flying duty. Luxury rations were distributed to the men today. Beer
was distributed in the evening along with some coca cola.
Cavanaugh, Thomas J., Sgt, gunner
Dyer, Robert H., Capt, pilot
Freiler, Walter C., Sgt, gunner
Knapp, Robert Duane, Brigadier General, pilot, 57th BW Commander
Payne, Lawrence J., 1Lt, pilot
Rice, Rudolph G., 2Lt, pilot
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 707/mission 707) Group Mission # 707:
(445th BS did not participate)
446th BS War Diary: Major Ziglar goes on temporary duty and Sgt. Beets gets orders to
go home.
Beets, Frank T., S/Sgt, gunner
Ziglar, Frank C., Maj, pilot
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 707/mission 707) Group Mission # 707:
Squadron Mission 488
TARGET: Weather Reconnaissance
DATE: 1 Feb.1945
Type of Bombs: - - 446th Planes: 1
Capt. Hurley was the pilot. Mission accomplished. No flak no fighters.
A/C No. 43-27678 Tail # 40 “Lemmon
Lu” (Weather Ship)
P Hurley, John R., 1Lt
CP Moore, Howard T., 2Lt
N Gale, Benjamin H., Jr., 1Lt
B None
E Bass, Charles L., Cpl
R Leary, Edward M., T/Sgt
G Holdridge, John F., Sgt
F Turay, Norman Ambrose, T/Sgt (weather
447th BS War Diary: A mission was scheduled for today but cancelled because of bad
weather. A formation was held in the 448th area for 447th and 448th officers and enlisted
men in order that General Robert D. Knapp could present medals and clusters to a
number of men.
Knapp, Robert Duane, Brigadier General, pilot, 57th BW Commander
Thursday, 1 February 1945 (continued)
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 707/mission 707) Group Mission # 707:
(447th BS did not participate)
448th BS War Diary: The day here was nice one, despite the few clouds that floated
lazily overhead, but with stormy weather in the Po Valley the mission was stand down.
This afternoon General Knapp, 57th Wing Commander visited the Group and in an
impressive ceremony presented the following awards to officers and enlisted men of the
Squadron: Distinguished Flying Cross: Major Farwell, Captain Furey, Lieutenant
Lyons; Bronze Star: Major Knievel, Master Sergeant Courtney, Staff Sergeants Libero,
Schaeffer, and Wilcox, Sergeant Lison. Air Medal: 1st Lt. Brown, Second Lieutenants
Allendorph, Armstrong, Bartlett, Cannon, Gardner, Russell, H., Russell, J., Schwartz,
Sheppard, Steely, Stout, Sutton, West, Wilson, Zakopcsan, Staff Sergeant Magers,
Sergeants Ferrell and Foote, Corporals Sevier, Turner, Vandenberg, Ward, Weese, Petix.
Purple Heart: First Lieutenant Brown, Second Lieutenant Arnold, Technical Sergeant
LaBella, Staff Sergeants Hawthorne and Qualls. First Oak Leaf cluster to Air Medal:
Lieutenants Allendorph, Freund, Gardner, Steely, Staff Sergeants Bergstrom, Ferrel,
Magers, Sergeants Turner and Weese. Second Oak Leaf Cluster to Air Medal: Staff
Sergeants Bergstrom, Justice, Mardeuse, Reves, Sergeant Wright. Third Oak Leaf
Cluster to Air Medal: Technical Sergeants Bass, Hulse, and Schaffer, Staff Sergeants
Abiecunas, Bergstrom, Baird, Edwards, Enderle, Gage, Goethals, Justice, Langley,
Mardeuse, Moleski, Pealer, Ratcliffe, Sharp, Sergeant Wright. Fourth Oak Leaf Cluster
to Air Medal: Technical Sergeants Berman, Morefield, Randall, and Seward, Staff
Sergeants Bergstrom, Holloway, Markiewicz. Fifth Oak Leaf Cluster to Air Medal:
Staff Sergeants Bergstrom, Hawthorne, and Veeck. This afternoon, Captain Swanson
returned from the rest camp at Cannes, France, also this afternoon Lieutenants Russell,
H., Russell, J., Stout, and Sergeants Morefield and Schaffer left for the AAF rest camp at
Capri, and Sergeants Berman and Hawthorne returned from the Isle.
Abiecunas, Joseph P. “Abby”, S/Sgt, gunner Allendorph, John B., 2Lt, bombardier
Armstrong, Sherman T., Jr., 2Lt, bombardier Arnold, Harold L., 2Lt, bombardier
Baird, James (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt, gunner
Bartlett, Thomas M., 2Lt, pilot
Bass, Bernard G., T/Sgt, gunner
Bergstrom, Donald P., S/Sgt, gunner
Berman, Samuel (NMI), T/Sgt, gunner
Brown, Royden (NMI), 1Lt, pilot
Cannon, John L, 2Lt., bombardier
Courtney, Howard W., M/Sgt, armament
Edwards, Jesse R., Sgt, photographer
Enderle, Melvin J., S/Sgt, gunner
Farwell, Harold S., Maj, pilot, Commander Ferrel, Bruce M., S/Sgt, gunner
Foote, Lancel H., Jr., Sgt, gunner
Freund, John F., 1Lt, bombardier-navigator Furey, Frank M. “Mickey”, Capt, pilot
Gage, Robert L., S/Sgt, gunner
Gardner, Philip K., 2Lt, bombardier
Goethals, Camiel A., S/Sgt, gunner
Hawthorne, Ralph C., S/Sgt, gunner
Holloway, Garland (NMI), S/Sgt, gunner
Hulse, Donald W., T/Sgt, gunner
Justice, Conway J., Jr., S/Sgt, gunner
Knapp, Robert Duane, Brigadier General, pilot, 57th BW Commander
Thursday, 1 February 1945 (continued)
Knievel, Arthur W., Maj, executive
LaBella, Dante (NMI) “GI Joe”, T/Sgt, gunner
Langley, Edmund P., Jr., S/Sgt, gunner
Libero, Victor P., Sgt, armament
Lison, George C., Sgt, Bomb System Maintenance
Lyons, John B., 1Lt, pilot
Magers, Marshall P., S/Sgt, gunner
Mardeuse, Alfred K., S/Sgt, gunner
Markiewicz, Edward B., S/Sgt, gunner
Moleski, Benny M. “Ben”, S/Sgt, gunner
Morefield, James Carl, T/Sgt, gunner
Pealer, Woodward D., S/Sgt, gunner
Petix, Ignatius D., Cpl, gunner
Qualls, Thomas B., S/Sgt, gunner
Randall, Charles R., Jr., T/Sgt, gunner
Ratcliffe, James E., Jr., S/Sgt, gunner
Reves, Louis E., S/Sgt, gunner
Russell, Harold H., 2Lt, pilot
Russell, John D., 2Lt, pilot
Schaeffer, John H., S/Sgt, armament
Schaffer, Irving J., T/Sgt, gunner
Schwartz, Theodore (NMI), 2Lt, pilot
Sevier, Fred L., Cpl, gunner
Seward, Richard F., T/Sgt, gunner
Sharp, Russell L., Jr., S/Sgt, gunner
Sheppard, John W., 2Lt, bombardier
Steely, Ralph K., 2Lt, bombardier
Stout, Charles S. “Chuck”, 2Lt, bombardier
Sutton, Norman J., 2Lt, bombardier
Swanson, Erle G. “Swanny”, Jr., Capt, pilot
Turner, James H., Sgt, gunner
Vandenberg, Edward V. “Van”, Sgt, gunner
Veeck, Richard W., T/Sgt, gunner
Ward, Paul D., Cpl, gunner
Weese, Charles F., Sgt, gunner
West, Alden A. "Bud", 2Lt, pilot
Wilcox, John F., III, S/Sgt, armament
Wilson, James M., 2Lt, pilot
Wright, Melvin M., Sgt, gunner
Zakopcsan, John S., 2Lt, pilot
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 707/mission 707) Group Mission # 707:
(448th BS did not participate)
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., T/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Awoke 7:30AM. Departed Corsica 9:30AM. Arrived Rome 10:30AM. Dropped off Lt
Gardner. Departed 10:45AM. Arrived Naples 11:15AM. Billeted at Rest Camp Hotel.
Ate dinner at black market restaurant (small steak, french fries, salad, wine). Also had a
meal (15 cents) at GI restaurant downtown - not so hot. Walked about Naples. Followed
a couple of kids who propositioned us regarding some women who promiscuously engage
in love. Climbed about the city to what seemed like a village all of its own. Many
winding and narrow alleys. Made entrance to a very small, cold, poorly furnished
several rooms where 2 young girls, 1 older woman, a man and us made it eight. Jim did
the honors. Yours truly still maintains himself. Jim paid her $3.00. Disposed of carton
cigarettes and sweater. Ate at private home (also black market). Our room in the Rest
Camp Hotel has 5 cots, no mattresses, three blankets. Not too chilly on 6th floor. No
elevators. Naples still in blackout. Civilians are still begging and trying to buy anything.
Many vendors selling products at exorbitant prices. Retired 11:00PM.”
Gardner, Philip K., 2Lt, bombardier
Herod, James E. “Jim”, Sgt, radio-gunner
Friday, 2 February 1945
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, medium bombers, taking advantage of improving weather
conditions in NE Italy, hit bridges at Lavis, Chiusaforte, Calliano, Mantua, Rovereto,
Calcinato, and Dogna; bad weather at bases restricts XXII Tactical Air Command aircraft
to 5 weather reconnaissance sorties.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: Went to the Calliano Railroad Bridge #3 in the Brenner Pass
with twenty planes. Good results were reported with main concentration just over the
bridge. The other two eighteen aircraft missions went to the Mantua Causeway and
Mantua East Railroad Bridge and photos showed good to excellent results. Major
Charles H. Gaffney, on Special Order #18, 321st Bombardment Group Headquarters, 2
February 1945, is appointed the Headquarters Commanding Officer in addition to his
other duties. He will have Staff Sergeant Mehren and Sergeant Zimmerman as his
enlisted aides. 57th Wing suggested the new set-up to handle the affairs of the men
attached and assigned to Headquarters of the Group.
Gaffney, Charles H., Maj, Executive Officer, HQ Commander
Mehren, Robert K., S/Sgt, personnel, Mail Clerk
Zimmerman, Edward C., Sgt, personnel
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 708/mission 708) Group Mission # 708:
Weather Reconnaissance.
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 709/mission 709) Group Mission # 709:
Calliano Railroad Bridge # 3.
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 710/mission 710) Group Mission # 710:
Mantua Causeway.
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 711/mission 711) Group Mission # 711:
Mantua East Railroad Bridge, Italy.
(Group mission report not available at this time)
Friday, 2 February 1945 (continued)
445th BS War Diary: The attack on the Calliano railroad bridge, Italy resulted in 100
per cent bombing accuracy. Lt. Kendall had just left the ground with his B-25 on a
routine training flight when one of his engines cut out. He managed to gain enough
altitude to land the plane again on the airdrome. It was a close call as Lt. Skebey,
bombardier-passenger on the flight, will readily acknowledge. Sergeant Bertling was
acquitted in a trial today. He was courts-martialled for negligence in the Sgt. Dexter
accident on December 3 last. Four officers and two enlisted man combat crews were
assigned today. The good weather persists. There was some mail today.
Bertling, Gerald M., Sgt, gunner
Dexter, Richard W. “Dex”, Sgt, armament
Kendall, Wayne E., 1Lt, pilot
Skebey, Robert J., 1Lt, bombardier
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 708/mission 708) Group Mission # 708:
(445th BS did not participate)
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 709/mission 709) Group Mission # 709:
Group Mission #709; Squadron Mission #709: Capt. Wagner led 17 squadron ships in a
20 plane mission sent out to bomb the Calliano railroad bridge, Italy. 1000 pound and
500 pound bombs were dropped from 12,000 ft. Area cover was provided. Flak was
heavy, scant to moderate, inaccurate to fairly accurate tracking in bursts of 4 from 20
seconds before bombs away to breakaway. No ships holed, none lost. RESULTS: It
was difficult to identify the target due to haze and ground snow but the main
concentration was in the target area with a few possibly over.
A/C No. 43-27899 Tail # 08 “Flo”
Wagner, Gerald W., Capt
Brown, Cecil A., 2Lt
Mitchell, Robert F., 1Lt
Finkhouse, Lloyd L., 1Lt
Watts, Joseph T., Jr., S/Sgt
Engleman, Bud (NMI), T/Sgt
Moorehead, Lewis E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-26227 Tail # 04
Shutters, Paul E., 2Lt
Buckham, John K., 2Lt
Murphy, John P., 2Lt
Cubley, Harold B., T/Sgt
DeLaune, William P., T/Sgt
Smith, Francis L. “Smitty” , S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27716 Tail # 17 “Shit
House Mouse”
Emler, Richard S. “Dick”, 2Lt
Doe, Norman H., 2Lt
Davis, Morton A., S/Sgt
Hagains, John R., Cpl
Reagin, Charles T., S/Sgt
Edwards, Jack M., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27733 Tail # 00 “Porky’s
Miron, Leno L., 2Lt
Hancock, Victor J., 2Lt
Puchalla, John M., F/O
Krauk, Edward J., S/Sgt
Seigler, William B., Cpl
Osborn, Jack R., Sgt
Friday, 2 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-36228 Tail # ? “Miss
P Curry, Arthur L. “Art”, 2Lt
CP Rice, Rudolph G., 2Lt
N None
B Harvel, Lonnie B., Jr., 2Lt
E Kuykendall, Ben (NMI), Cpl
R Matter, Dean R., S/Sgt
G Clayton, Ross W., Sgt
F Lind, Ragnar G. “Jeffrey Lynn”, 1Lt,
HQ 321st BG
A/C No. 44-28722 Tail # 18 “Spirit of
P Mogren, Edward G., 1Lt
CP Wilson, Charles B. “Charlee”, 2Lt
N Joyce, John F., Jr., 1Lt
B Jackson, William H., 2Lt
E Larson, Richard A., Cpl
R Russo, Paul A., Cpl
G Slodden, Henry M. “Kip”, S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27748 Tail # 02 “Mama!”
Bowling, Dan Parker, 1Lt
Reade, Rex E., 2Lt
Robson, Herbert E., 1Lt
Silnutzer, Joseph A., 1Lt
Gum, Paul V., Cpl
Kavan, Lester D., T/Sgt
Morisi, David D., T/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27698 Tail # 13 “Peggy
P Middleton, Donald M., 2Lt
CP Amundson, Fred K., 2Lt
N None
B Salch, Raymond F., S/Sgt
E Hunsberger, William R., S/Sgt
R Ott, James V., Cpl
G Stansberry, Robert C., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27534 Tail # 11 (standing
Young, William J. “Dusty”, 2Lt
Brown, William G., F/O
Brown, Milton H., 1Lt
Chambers, Jimmie (NMI), T/Sgt
Nuttall, John H., Cpl
Bierly, Glenn E., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27769 Tail # 19 “Miss
Fancy Pants”
Knauss, Roger Reid “Reid”, 2Lt
Galny, Gerhard Henry “Hank”, Jr., 2Lt
Weiner, Irving B., 1Lt
Mitchell, Robert D. “Bob”, Cpl
Peters, Andrew D., Cpl
Swinson, Carl R. M., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27502 Tail # 10 “Pretty
Kitty Blue Eyes” (previously “What’s
Cox, Harold L., 1Lt
Takacs, Rudolph J., 2Lt
Rosenthal, Richard C., 2Lt
Kimmel, Edwin B., S/Sgt
Eberhardt, Charles D., Sgt
Lile, Keith B., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27680 Tail # 07 “Stuff”
Lewis, Max E., 1Lt
Doris, Robert E., 2Lt
Chauncey, Martin E. “Marty”, T/Sgt
Smith, Warren B. “Smitty”, T/Sgt
Barnett, Frank E., Sgt
Teague, Phillip B., Cpl
Friday, 2 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27741Tail # 14 “Val”
(previously “Modern Design”)
P DeBoer, Jay (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
CP Stolberg, Frederick R., 2Lt
N None
B Brooks, William F., F/O
E Koski, Paul J., S/Sgt
R Ross, Reginald J., T/Sgt
G Grovenburg, Frank Andrew, Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27714 Tail # 16 “Blonde
Beauty” (late take off - filled in 2nd
Flight, 3rd Element No.3)
P McFatter, Joe H., 2Lt
CP Divine, Donald D., F/O
N None
B None listed
E Miller, Morris M., S/Sgt
R Heckman, Kenneth W., Cpl
G Emberton, Daniel P., Jr., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 44-28928 Tail # 03 “Heaven
Can Wait”
CP White, Edward A., 2Lt
N None
B Brown, Thomas M., 2Lt
E Taylor, Marion R., S/Sgt
R Alexaki, Nicholas (NMI), Cpl
G Haynes, Irving L., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27545 Tail # 06 “Maggie”
(first # 06)
O’Keefe, John H., 2Lt
Crutchfield, Lucian C., Jr., 2Lt
None listed
McCormack, Samuel C., S/Sgt
Vaseleski, Andrew C., Cpl
Hickman, Jefferson M. “Jeff”, Cpl
A/C No. 44-28948 Tail # 09 “Miss
Belle Fontaine” (Anti-Flak/Incendiary
Rigler, Edward J., 1Lt
Hughes, Richard C., 2Lt
Miller, Edward A., 1Lt
Sycylo, Theodore W., S/Sgt
Lowrey, James S., Cpl
Heintz, Edward R., Jr., Cpl
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 710/mission 710) Group Mission # 710:
(445th BS did not participate)
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 711/mission 711) Group Mission # 711:
(445th BS did not participate)
446th BS War Diary: Lieut. Hurley is promoted to Captain and Lt. Perlman is made a 1st
Lt. A 15 plane mission is flown to northern Italy.
Hurley, John R., Capt, pilot
Perlman, Jacob L., 1Lt, pilot
Friday, 2 February 1945 (continued)
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 708/mission 708) Group Mission # 708:
Squadron Mission 489
TARGET: Weather Reconnaissance
DATE: 2 Feb.1945
Type of Bombs: - - 446th Planes: 1
Capt. Hurley was the pilot. Mission accomplished. No flak no fighters.
A/C No. 43-27678 Tail # 40 “Lemmon
Lu” (Weather Ship)
P Hurley, John R., Capt
CP Smith, Clarence J. H., F/O
N Gale, Benjamin H., Jr., 1Lt
B None
E Bass, Charles L., Sgt
R Leary, Edward M., T/Sgt
G Holdridge, John F., Sgt
F Mesnard, James M., 2Lt, HQ 321st BG
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 709/mission 709) Group Mission # 709:
Squadron Mission 490
TARGET: Calliano Rail Bridge, Italy.
DATE: 2 Feb.1945
Type of Bombs: 1000 lb.
446th Planes: 3
Capt. Wagner led the formation. Target identification difficult due to haze and ground
snow. Main concentration in target area but possibly just over. Two three ship elements
bombing separately report hits on bridge and North approach. Third element of second
flight dropped on second run. One ship dropped incendiaries on gun position with
unobserved results. Flak was heavy, scant to moderate, inaccurate. No fighters.
Wagner, Gerald W., Capt, pilot, 445th BS
A/C No. 43-3989 Tail # 37 “My
Georgia Peach” (on co-pilot side - “The
Leading Lady”, previously “Miss
P Crisp, Glenn S., Jr., 1Lt
CP Anderson, William H., F/O
N Clark, Samuel E., 2Lt
B Starczewski, Phillip R., 2Lt
E Lamm, Earl D., Sgt
R Wimert, Donald A., Cpl
G Springer, Walter H., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-36224 Tail # 34 probably
”Haulin Ass II”
Holt, Noel P., Jr., 2Lt
Neel, John Dodd, 2Lt
Buchanan, Talmadge A., Jr., 2Lt
Jeczewski, Joseph M., Cpl
Benedict, William P., Sgt
Wagner, William M., Sgt
Friday, 2 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27503 Tail # 46 “Miss
P Sheetinger, Dan A., 2Lt
CP Haynes, Allan C., 2Lt
N None
B Pouse, Alford H., Jr., 2Lt
E Henry, Clark H., S/Sgt
R Johnson, Carl W., S/Sgt
G Haxby, William H., Jr., S/Sgt
F None
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 710/mission 710) Group Mission # 710:
(446th BS did not participate)
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 711/mission 711) Group Mission # 711:
Squadron Mission 491
TARGET: Mantua East Railroad Bridge, Italy.
DATE: 2 Feb.1945
Type of Bombs: 1000 lb.
446th Planes: 12
Capt. Pietrowski led the formation. Due to clouds in target area lead six a/c did not drop,
others dropped on second pass. Results generally unobserved because of clouds. No
flak, no fighters.
A/C No. 43-27501 Tail # 39 “Sweet
Sue Kathy Jeanne” (unnamed to Nov
44. In 45 “Kathy Jeanne” dropped)
P Pietrowski, Stanley J., Capt
CP Atkins, Richard A., Jr., F/O
N Ottem, Earl R., Capt
B Paulson, Ronald A., 1Lt
E Alexander, Preston S., S/Sgt
R Luitjens, Harvey J., Sgt
G Slezak, Alex E., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27699 Tail # 33 “Jessie”
(later name dropped from nose art)
P Fisher, Carl D., 1Lt
CP Tighe, Leo J., 1Lt
N None
B Epstein, Joseph H., 1Lt
E Lohrman, Leo F., Cpl
R Martin, Thomas J., Jr., Cpl
G Darnielle, George W., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-4020 Tail # 26 “Bourbon
Cressman, Jack E., 1Lt
Alward, Charles W., 2Lt
Beecher, Everett F., Sgt
Chase, William H., Cpl
Wilkins, Keith Albert, Cpl
Beavers, Marqus F., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27497 Tail # 29
Sloan, Thomas M., 2Lt
Dunn, Albert W., 2Lt
Cimino, William C., 2Lt
Reda, John J., Sgt
Vanderpool, Ralph M., Cpl
Hatcher, James T., Cpl
Friday, 2 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-4021 Tail # 31 “The Little
Admiral” (later Lady Jane) (first # 31)
McCloud, Ray L., 2Lt
Ratliff, James Ernest, Jr., 2Lt
Fox, David (NMI), 2Lt
Pelusi, Richard D., Cpl
Moncure, James D., Jr., Cpl
Broderick, Emmett P., Cpl
A/C No. 43-4074 Tail # 27 (picture of
seated lady - no name/lettering)
Ingram, William T., 1Lt
French, Wendell L., 2Lt
O’Connor, Richard W., 2Lt
Leith, William V., 1Lt
Hemmert, Harold E., S/Sgt
Kirwan, Harold J., Cpl
Meade, Harold W., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27480 Tail # 44 “Yankee
Ramsay, Lamar E., 1Lt
Weihe, Frederick A., Jr., 2Lt
Fein, William F., 2Lt
Reinartsen, Charles R., Jr., Sgt
Carl, Edgar W., Sgt
Rubin, Herbert L., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27496 Tail # ?
Capalety, Thomas A., 1Lt
Rozar, Richard L., 2Lt
Freck, Byron P., Sgt
Boylan, James P., Cpl
Beck, Junior D., Cpl
Jakielek, Ernest F., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27660 Tail # 30 “Shooting
Perlman, Jacob L., 2Lt
Brock, Thomas E., F/O
Corra, Andrew J., 2Lt
Brady, Walter (NMI), Cpl
McEuen, Richard W., Cpl
Cleland, Donald S., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27490 Tail # 45 “Mrs C”
DiNorma, Joseph S., 1Lt
Welsh, Cecil E. “Red”, Jr., 2Lt
Law, John B., Sgt
Scheetz, Elvin N., Sgt
Swann, Homer W., Cpl
Dubreuil, Roger N., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27477 Tail # 32 “Boots”
Manolis, Ronald J., 2Lt
Wallace, Merwin W., 2Lt
DeSorbo, John S., Sgt
Autore, Nicholas A., Cpl
Nichols, Henry J., III, Cpl
Fitzgerald, George L., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27747 Tail # 42 “Spider’s
Frolic Pad” (first # 42)
Everhart, Herman E., 2Lt
Long, Emmett N., 2Lt
Gahm, Edward L., 2Lt
Freeman, Harold W., Cpl
Ransom, Gerald H., S/Sgt
Feola, Joseph A., Cpl
446th BS: War Diary of: Luitjens, Harvey J., Sgt, radio-gunner: (mission 33)
“No. 33) Milk Run - But couldn’t get into the target Because of a overcast. Pietrowski.”
Pietrowski, Stanley J., Capt, pilot
Friday, 2 February 1945 (continued)
447th BS War Diary: Sgt. Neil F. Gary reduced to grade of private for failure to fly
combat. Usual camp duties.
Gary, Neil F., Pvt, personnel
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 708/mission 708) Group Mission # 708:
(447th BS did not participate)
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 709/mission 709) Group Mission # 709:
(447th BS did not participate)
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 710/mission 710) Group Mission # 710:
A/C No. 43-36106 Tail # 63
Amundson, Donald A., 1Lt
Autry, Aaron E., 1Lt
Blankemeyer, Frank J., F/O
Henkler, Edward H., Cpl
Meiborg, Walter F., Cpl
West, Edward M., Cpl
A/C No. 43-36110 Tail # 59 “Big
P Buckley, Paul I., 1Lt
CP Brown, Lyle N., Jr., 1Lt
N None
B Stroupe, Burton Elwood “Woody”, 2Lt
E Price, Charles J., Cpl
R Newton, James R., Cpl
G Goethe, Emil C., Jr., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4040 Tail # 56 “Fearless
P Loewus, Frederick E. “Fred”, 1Lt
CP Rose, Norman I., 2Lt
N None
B Atkins, William T. “Bill”, F/O
E Neely, Robert E., Cpl
R Guild, Bernard Robert, T/Sgt
G Williams, James H., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27492 Tail # 57 “Reddie
Gates, Edward (NMI), 1Lt
Smith, Frederick H., 2Lt
Olsen, Svend P., Capt
Darrell, Franklin Lloyd, Jr., 1Lt
Mullis, Paul C., Sgt
Jones, LeRoy (NMI), Cpl
Drew, Horace E., Sgt
A/C No. 43-4009 Tail # 69 “Double-ONine”
Hutson, Ernest G. “Hod”, 1Lt
Janssen, Vernon E., 2Lt
Schmoke, Vernon L., 2Lt
Lussier, Ernest R., Sgt
Krauss, Frederick J., Cpl
Dolezal, Albert (NMI), S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-36108 Tail # 70
Breckenridge, Louis C., 1Lt
Bryson, Roy V., Jr., 2Lt
McKnight, John A., Jr., Sgt
Jones, Robert G., S/Sgt
Maloney, Thomas J., Cpl
Hagan, Richard E., Sgt
Friday, 2 February 1945 (continued)
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 711/mission 711) Group Mission # 711:
A/C No. 43-27793 Tail # 64 “The
Melting Pot”
Jr., 2Lt
CP Highsmith, John R., 2Lt
N None
B Pobereyko, Tony (NMI), F/O
E Netzel, Carl F., Sgt
R Schnaars, George D., T/Sgt
G Miller, Dale G., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27498 Tail # 71 “Ave
P Craddock, Jesse J., 1Lt
CP Antry, Jack B., 2Lt
N None
B Gough, William V., 2Lt
E Judkins, Philip L., T/Sgt
R Appleman, Carroll G., Cpl
G Flanagan, Joseph E., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-36059 Tail # 67
P Kibler, William E. “Kib”, 1Lt
CP Speer, Leslie Thomas, 2Lt
N None
B Jones, Dewey D., Jr., Sgt
E Mindlin, Karl N., Cpl
R Fiocca, Theodore Aurelio, T/Sgt
G Merlino, Camille J., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27751 Tail # 50 “MMR”
(Meet Mrs. Runyon)
Morton, William C. “Mort”, Jr., 1Lt
Barrett, Herbert E., 2Lt
Heist, Erwin William “Butch”, F/O
Lankester, Hugh H. “Lank”, 1Lt
Flanigan, Bernard A., Sgt
Maslyar, Michael M., Sgt
Young, Robert E., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27730 Tail # ? “Katie”
Morrison, George R., Jr., 1Lt
Tarquinio, Albert C., 2Lt
Caflisch, Leonard P. “Lenny”, Jr., 2Lt
Dulaney, Earl W., Sgt
Smith, John T., Cpl
Citarelli, James E., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27636 Tail # 74
Brice, David W., 1Lt
Calabrese, Frank (NMI), 2Lt
Fach, Albert W., 2Lt
Keenan, Harry A., Sgt
Lamb, George K., Cpl
Hawthorne, Charles E., Cpl
448th BS War Diary: Lieutenants Bechtle and Birkhead returned from Capri rest camp
this afternoon.
Bechtle, Robert M., 2Lt, pilot
Birkhead, Charles F., Jr., 2Lt, pilot
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 708/mission 708) Group Mission # 708:
(448th BS did not participate)
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 709/mission 709) Group Mission # 709:
(448th BS did not participate)
Friday, 2 February 1945 (continued)
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 710/mission 710) Group Mission # 110:
Despite cloudiness and threatening weather today, the mission took-off as scheduled.
The 448th had twelve (12) planes on the mission which attacked the Mantua Causeway.
Heavy cloud formations were encountered all the way to the target. Despite the limited
visibility at the objective good concentration of bombs was scored on the south end with
several direct hits reported. No enemy anti-aircraft fire was encountered and the
formation returned safely to base.
A/C No. 43-27720 Tail # 86
A/C No. 44-28721 Tail # 90 “Shug”
Wilson, James M., 2Lt
P Leonard, Lee V., Capt
Spaur, Melvin J., 2Lt
CP Wuest, Robert F., 2Lt
N Bartlett, J. E., 1Lt
Sutton, Norman J., 2Lt
B Brink, Richard E., 1Lt
Qualls, Thomas B., S/Sgt
E Oliver, Walter A., Sgt
Randall, Charles R., Jr., T/Sgt
R Hulse, Donald W., T/Sgt
Enderle, Melvin J., S/Sgt
G Holloway, Garland (NMI), S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4076 Tail # 88 (first # 88)
A/C No. 43-27538 Tail # 87 “Down
But Not Out” (first # 87)
Rubin, Julius W., 2Lt
P Gladwill, James G., 1Lt
Schweitzer, Robert E., 2Lt
CP Sturgis, Cloral S., 1Lt
N None
Pealer, Woodward D., S/Sgt
B Hildreth, Elmer L., M/Sgt
Powell, Neil J., Sgt
E White, Frank H., Cpl
Seward, Richard F., T/Sgt
R Varga, Frank K., Cpl
Dittman, Paul F., Jr., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 44-28940 Tail # 92
A/C No. 43-27648 Tail # 75 “Sweetie”
West, Alden A. “Bud”, 2Lt
P Cooper, Richard J., 1Lt
Carr, Robert E., F/O
CP Bruhn, Charles A., 2Lt
N None
Bass, Bernard G., T/Sgt
B Cameron, Alexander G., 2Lt
Mitchem, Dewey A., Sgt
E McTaggart, Leonard A., Sgt
Hunter, Dewey G., Sgt
R Brusa, Robert P., T/Sgt
Biersdorff, Charles J., Cpl
G Gage, Robert L., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 44-28927 Tail # 91
A/C No. 43-27911 Tail # 93
Ivory, Daniel J., Jr., 1Lt
P Smith, Milford A., 1Lt
Akers, Harold B., Jr., 2Lt
CP Valenti, Jack J., 2Lt
Friedman, Lester Z., 2Lt
N Freund, John F., 1Lt
Rutz, Victor H., 2Lt
B Armstrong, Sherman T., Jr., 2Lt
Hovorka, Leo F., Jr., Cpl
E Wright, Melvin M., Sgt
LaBella, Dante (NMI) “GI Joe”, T/Sgt
R Mardeuse, Alfred K., S/Sgt
Sharp, Samuel I., S/Sgt
G Edwards, Jesse R., Sgt
F None
Friday, 2 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27528 Tail # 85
P Churchill, Duane W., 1Lt
CP Campbell, John E., 2Lt
N None
B Libby, Donald E., F/O
E Martin, Lewis E. “Lew”, Sgt
R Fletcher, William H., Cpl
G Justice, Conway J., Jr., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27706 Tail # 89 “Silver
P Kuoni, Charles F., Jr., 2Lt
CP Meyers, Kenneth F., 2Lt
N None
B Ferrell, Bruce M., Sgt
E Harageones, George J., Sgt
R Shields, Robert L., Cpl
G Smith, Norman L., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27668 Tail # 83
Cook, Don W., 1Lt
Sanders, William A., 2Lt
Goethals, Camiel A., S/Sgt
Morian, Charles R., Cpl
Zimmerman, Carl F., Cpl
Tangren, Donald E., Cpl
A/C No. 43-4037 Tail # 78 “Cherry
Copes, Wilson R., 1Lt
Williams, Peter G., 1Lt
Baird, James (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
Mientkiewicz, Casmier (NMI), Sgt
Sevier, Fred L., Cpl
Glass, David H., Cpl
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 711/mission 711) Group Mission # 711:
(448th BS did not participate)
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., T/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Awoke 8:00AM. Missed breakfast. Slept quite well. Ate breakfast at black market
Restaurant. Been drinking quite a bit of wine. Mostly Marsala. Checked out of hotel.
Secured tickets etc for the Isle of Capri. Boarded boat at 2:30PM. Met a couple of Wacs
also going to Capri. Billeted at Hotel Pagano Vittoria. Regular hotel. Private room (2
beds). Running water - similar to American hotel. Chow served in dining room by Italian
waiters. 4 piece orchestra provides music. Italian waitresses also on the job. American
Red Cross girls are in charge. Bar just off lobby. Very clean. Attended dance at
"Seaside Club". Met Nappy, ARC worker who used to attend Skidmore College. The
weather is quite warm in comparison to Rome or Corsica. Retired 11:30PM.”
Saturday, 3 February 1945
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, weather restricts combat operations to an attack by 4 P-47s
on the Sonico marshalling yard.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: No mission – weather. The hustle and bustle of moving is
very evident. The theater and the area pre-fabricated offices are torn down and being
crated. “Sad Sack” of the Group is Sergeant Zerbel who received the news that his
fiancée has been commissioned as a nurse and is wondering what the regulations say
about kissing 2nd Lieutenants! The class for illiterates is now convening six nights a
week and has seventeen pupils. The teacher is Sergeant Fred E. Opitz of the 448th
Bombardment Squadron.
Zerbel, Harry R. "Sad Sack", Sgt, personnel
Opitz, Fred E., Sgt, communications, 448th BS
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 712/mission 712) Group Mission # 712:
Weather Reconnaissance.
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: Squadron did not participate in mission. There was a stand-down
on the mission today and 12 aircraft were unloaded for training flights. The training
program was extensive with many transition flights made. The armorers had their usual
“bitch” about unloading the ships after spending some arduous hours loading the planes
the night before. Theirs is a thankless and dirty task. Since the shortage in bombardiers
appears over, the pilots release for bombing in 714 was removed. Lts. Kendall and
Skebey are now on DS to the 310th in order to study the new radio-bombing. It is just a
spare time proposition. There was a big party at the squadron Officers club tonight when
Colonel Smith was feted by all the “big wheels” of this group and some from the 340th.
Col. Smith is to be relieved and will be sent to the United States. Lt. Col. Cassidy, his
successor, was also present at the blowout.
Cassidy, Charles F., Jr., Lt Col, pilot, 321st BG, Commander
Kendall, Wayne E., 1Lt, pilot
Skebey, Robert J., 1Lt, bombardier
Smith, Richard H., Col, pilot, 321st BG Commander
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 712/mission 712) Group Mission # 712:
(445th BS did not participate)
446th BS War Diary: Staff Sgt. George LeMoine, squadron mess Sergeant, is killed in
an automobile accident near the airbase. He was one of the original members of the
446th. Flight Officer Codd is appointed a 2nd Lieut.
Codd, Russell G., 2Lt, bombardier
LeMoine, George F, S/Sgt, cook
Saturday, 3 February 1945 (continued)
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 712/mission 712) Group Mission # 712:
Squadron Mission 492
TARGET: Reconnaissance
DATE: 3 Feb.1945
Type of Bombs: - - 446th Planes: 1
Capt. Hurley was the pilot. Mission accomplished. No flak, no fighters.
A/C No. 43-27678 Tail # 40 “Lemmon
Lu” (Weather Ship)
P Hurley, John R., Capt
CP Dunn, Albert W., 2Lt
N Gale, Benjamin H., Jr., 1Lt
B None
E Bass, Charles L., Sgt
R Leary, Edward M., T/Sgt
G Holdridge, John F., Sgt
F Shaw, C. M., 1Lt (weather officer)
447th BS War Diary: Mission scheduled but cancelled due to unfavorable weather. 13
planes were up on local training and 7 planes practicing PDI runs. First Lieutenant Henry
J. Magne relieved from assignment and assigned on combat rotation to the Replacement
Depot for transshipment to US, Ltr. Hq. 12th AF 27 January 1945.
Magne, Henry J. “Joe”, 1Lt, pilot
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 712/mission 712) Group Mission # 712:
(447th BS did not participate)
448th BS War Diary: The mission for today was stand down, because of bad weather
conditions over the Po Valley area. Second Lieutenants Kuoni, Rubin, and Stromberg
were promoted to First Lieutenants today. Sergeant Posnansky left this morning for TD
with the 176th Signal Warning Platoon.
Kuoni, Charles F., Jr., 1Lt, pilot
Posnansky, Frederick H., Sgt, communications
Rubin, Julius W., 1Lt, pilot
Stromberg, Carl K., 1Lt, pilot
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 712/mission 712) Group Mission # 712:
(448th BS did not participate)
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., T/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Awoke 8:00AM. Very sunny. Ate breakfast. Instead of taking Red Cross tour to the
Blue Grotto, Jim and I hired a smart, clean looking lad to row us there. This boat is
home made. Before the war its construction costs 99 cents. Today $20.00. Sea quite
calm. The Blue Grotto is a subterranean cove which is immense inside but its opening
barely permits a row boat. In addition to paying our boy Gino, it costs another 35 cents
Saturday, 3 February 1945 (continued)
apiece to enter. In the afternoon we met Gino again and we hiked up to the Tiberian
ruins. Took pictures. Very educational and interesting. Capri is very compact population is about 10,000 - 6 1/2 x 1 3/4 miles. Paid Gino $4.00 for day plus several
bars of soap. Began to rain. About 4:30PM. Jim retired. Ate supper by myself. Picked
up emblems, ribbons etc, that I had made at gift shop. Retired 9:00PM.”
Herod, James E. “Jim”, Sgt, radio-gunner
Sunday, 4 February 1945
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, medium bombers bomb railroad bridges at Ala, San Michele
all' Adige, Lavis, Dogna, and Bodrez, and attack the Ala marshalling yard; XXII Tactical
Air Command fighters and fighter-bombers escort the medium bombers and, in
widespread areas of N Italy, destroy 2 bridges, damage 8 others, and blast rolling stock.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: Forty-two planes to the Piacenza bridge were abortive due to
weather at primary and alternates. However the eighteen aircraft to San Michele reported
excellent coverage on the Diversion Bridge there.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 713/mission 713) Group Mission # 713:
San Michele Rail Diversion Bridge, Italy.
(Group mission report not available at this time)
Sunday, 4 February 1945 (continued)
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 714/mission 714) Group Mission # 714:
Piacenza Bridge, Italy - Abortive
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: A crew sent to Ciampino airdrome, Rome, today to change an
engine on aircraft 535 (43-3535 “Rum Runner”) which made forced landing there several
days ago on a cross-country. Duty sergeant James and his detail-men erected a new wall
tent for the use of the S-2, operations personnel who are scheduled to tear down their hut
tomorrow. A move is in the offing and the new tent will be used temporarily until the
move actually takes place. The balmy weather continues. This morning the kitchen
served corn flakes for the first time overseas. Drinks at the enlisted men’s club tonight
were “on” the Major. Cols Cassidy and Young attended for a while and then left.
Bounds, Thomas C., Maj, pilot, Commander
Cassidy, Charles F., Jr., Lt Col, pilot, 321st BG, Commander
James, Sgt, duty sergeant
Young, Earl B., Lt Col, Deputy Commander, 321st BG
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 713/mission 713) Group Mission # 713:
Group Mission #713; Squadron Mission #461: The squadron sent 3 planes along with 15
others to attack the San Michele rail diversion bridge, Italy. 1000 pound bombs were
dropped from 12,000 ft. Area cover was furnished. There was no flak. RESULTS: One
concentration was slightly over and to the right. Another pattern was believed to have
crossed the bridge. Shadow and snow-covered tracks made observation difficult.
A/C No. 43-27698 Tail # 13 “Peggy
P Mogren, Edward G., 1Lt
CP Doris, Robert E., 2Lt
N None
B Jackson, William H., 2Lt
E Watts, Joseph T., Jr., S/Sgt
R Engleman, Bud (NMI), T/Sgt
G Moorehead, Lewis E., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 44-28948 Tail # 09 “Miss
Belle Fontaine”
Young, William J. “Dusty”, 2Lt
Reade, Rex E., 2Lt
Ohm, Merton D., S/Sgt
Mitchell, Robert D. “Bob”, Cpl
Nuttall, John H., S/Sgt
Kabrich, Harry Lee, S/Sgt
Sunday, 4 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27769 Tail # 19 “Miss
Fancy Pants”
P Curry, Arthur L. “Art”, 2Lt
CP Zieman, Earl E., 2Lt
N None
B Rosenthal, Richard C., 2Lt
E Cruise, James P., S/Sgt
R Matter, Dean R., S/Sgt
G Clayton, Ross W., Cpl
F None
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 714/mission 714) Group Mission # 714:
A/C No. 43-27899 Tail # 08 “Flo”
Webb, Allen W. “Pete”, 1Lt
Young, Earl B., Lt Col, HQ 321st BG
Robson, Herbert E., 1Lt
Beck, Robert B. “Bob”, 1Lt
Carruthers, John (NMI), II, T/Sgt
Kavan, Lester D., T/Sgt
Smith, Francis L. “Smitty” , S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-26227 Tail # 04
Rigler, Edward J., 1Lt
Takacs, Rudolph J., 2Lt
Miller, Edward A., 1Lt
Vadnais, Floyd F., Cpl
DeLaune, William P., T/Sgt
Hieronimus, Philip J., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27714 Tail # 16 “Blonde
P O’Keefe, John H., 2Lt
CP Hancock, Victor J., 2Lt
N None
B Chauncey, Martin E. “Marty”, T/Sgt
E Palermo, Antonio (NMI), Sgt
R Alexaki, Nicholas (NMI), Cpl
G Slodden, Henry M. “Kip”, S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27748 Tail # 02 “Mama!”
Knauss, Roger Reid “Reid”, 2Lt
Mutchler, Charles W., 2Lt
Epstein, Philip (NMI), 2Lt
Gum, Paul V., Cpl
Weingartner, William E., Cpl
Morisi, David D., S/Sgt
A/C No. 44-28928 Tail # 03 “Heaven
Can Wait”
Rung, Raymond F. “Red”, Jr., 2Lt
O’Neill, William H., Jr., 2Lt
Puchalla, John M., F/O
Sycylo, Theodore W., S/Sgt
Salch, Raymond F., S/Sgt
Heintz, Edward R., Jr., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27545 Tail # 06 “Maggie”
(first # 06)
Dentoni, Louis M., 1Lt
Brown, William G., F/O
None listed
Nelson, Jacob M., Sgt
Vaseleski, Andrew C., Cpl
Hickman, Jefferson M. “Jeff”, Cpl
Sunday, 4 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 44-28722 Tail # 18 “Spirit of
P Poteete, Max W., 1Lt
CP Crutchfield, Lucian C., Jr., 2Lt
N Joyce, John F., Jr., 1Lt
B Vaughan, Fred W., 1Lt
E Hunsberger, William R., S/Sgt
R Ott, James V., Cpl
G Stansberry, Robert C., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27741Tail # 14 “Val”
(previously “Modern Design”)
P DeBoer, Jay (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
CP Galny, Gerhard Henry “Hank”, Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Brooks, William F., F/O
E Kuykendall, Ben (NMI), Cpl
R Ross, Reginald J., T/Sgt
G Grovenburg, Frank Andrew, Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27534 Tail # 11 (standing
P Santone, Michael A., 1Lt
CP Stolberg, Frederick R., 2Lt
N None
B Krause, Richard E. “Dick”, 1Lt
E Kimmel, Edwin B., S/Sgt
R Reagin, Charles T., S/Sgt
G Farmer, Alonzo (NMI), Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-36228 Tail # ? “Miss
Ottinger, Warren F., 1Lt
Rice, Rudolph G., 2Lt
Davis, Morton A., S/Sgt
Miller, Morris M., S/Sgt
Peters, Andrew D., Sgt
Stack, James T., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27680 Tail # 07 “Stuff”
Middleton, Donald M., 2Lt
Jones, Guilford (NMI), Jr., 1Lt
Harvel, Lonnie B., Jr., 2Lt
Knapp, Robert Duane, Jr., Cpl
Barnett, Frank E., Sgt
Freidli, William M., Cpl
A/C No. 4-27733 Tail # 00 “Porky’s
Cox, Harold L., 1Lt
Hughes, Richard C., 2Lt
Schnieringer, Frank M., 2Lt
Perich, Freddie (NMI), Cpl
Eberhardt, Charles D., Sgt
Lile, Keith B., Cpl
446th BS War Diary: Promotions go to the following men: Billups, Clark, A., Nigrelli,
Robbins, Toper are new Staff Sgts.; Dobrow and Johnson, M.W., are made Sgts. A 15
plane mission is flown and Lt. Meier returns from the United States.
Billups, Joseph E., S/Sgt, engineering
Clark, Ashbrook (NMI), S/Sgt, engineering
Dobrow, Edgar J., Sgt, gunner
Johnson, Moses W., Sgt, communications
Meier, Donald J., 1Lt, communications
Nigrelli, Ernest J., S/Sgt, gunner
Robbins, James S., S/Sgt, engineering
Toper, Raymond S., S/Sgt, engineering
Sunday, 4 February 1945 (continued)
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 713/mission 713) Group Mission # 713:
Squadron Mission 493
TARGET: San Michele Railroad Diversion, Italy
DATE: 4 Feb.1945
Type of Bombs: 1000 lb.
446th Planes: 15
Capt. Smedley led the formation. One concentration over and slightly to right, another
pattern believed to have crossed bridge. Shadow and snow cover made identification
difficult. No flak, no fighters. Lt. Crisp, the spare, returned early.
A/C No. 44-28926 Tail # 35 “Merrily
We Bob Along”
P Smedley, Robert Redmond, Capt
CP Anderson, William H., F/O
N Ottem, Earl R., Capt
B Paulson, Ronald A., 1Lt
E Alexander, Preston S., S/Sgt
R Luitjens, Harvey J., Sgt
G Slezak, Alex E., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27501 Tail # 39 “Sweet
Sue Kathy Jeanne” (unnamed to Nov
44. In 45 “Kathy Jeanne” dropped)
P Fisher, Carl D., 1Lt
CP Tighe, Leo J., 1Lt
N None
B Epstein, Joseph H., 1Lt
E Jeczewski, Joseph M., Cpl
R Benedict, William P., Sgt
G Kleinsmith, Kenneth H., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27496 Tail # ?
P Capalety, Thomas A., 1Lt
CP Neel, John Dodd, 2Lt
N None
B Fodor, Joseph M., 2Lt
E Kelly, Thomas J., Sgt
R Dobrow, Edgar J., Cpl
G Andrews, James Robert, Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-4020 Tail # 26 “Bourbon
Cressman, Jack E., 1Lt
Alward, Charles W., 2Lt
Murch, George M., Jr., Sgt
Cornelius, Wilbur G., S/Sgt
Wilking, Robert L., S/Sgt
Anderson, Chester S., Cpl
Lind, Ragnar G. “Jeffrey Lynn”, 1Lt,
HQ 321st BG
A/C No. 43-27660 Tail # 30 “Shooting
Perlman, Jacob L., 2Lt
Brock, Thomas E., F/O
Corra, Andrew J., 2Lt
Autore, Nicholas A., Cpl
Ross, Harry K., S/Sgt
Dickey, Jack F., Jr., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27477 Tail # 32 “Boots”
Manolis, Ronald J., 2Lt
Atkins, Richard A., Jr., F/O
Freck, Byron P., Sgt
Karuzas, Alexander W., Sgt
Nichols, Henry J., III, Cpl
Falls, Robert H., Sgt
Sunday, 4 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27699 Tail # 33 “Jessie”
(later name dropped from nose art)
P Berge, Gail B., 2Lt
CP Moore, Howard T., 2Lt
N McGann, Edom K., 2Lt
B Williams, Thomas A., 2Lt
E Utz, James W., Sgt
R Swann, Homer W., Cpl
G Nehls, Clayton R., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4074 Tail # 27 (picture of
seated lady - no name/lettering)
P Ingram, William T., 1Lt
CP Smith, Clarence J. H., 2Lt
N Clark, Samuel E., Jr., 2Lt
B Yarbrough, George L., 1Lt
E Englehaupt, Russell L., Sgt
R McEuen, Richard W., Cpl
G Meade, Harold W., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27747 Tail # 42 “Spider’s
Frolic Pad” (first # 42)
P Everhart, Herman E., 2Lt
CP Long, Emmett N., 2Lt
N None
B Gahm, Edward L., 2Lt
E Demmitt, Henry H., Sgt
R Cubbage, Robert (NMI), Sgt
G Griffin, John A., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27490 Tail # 45 “Mrs C”
Carlson, Lowell A., 1Lt
Wallace, Merwin W., 2Lt
Fox, David (NMI), Cpl
Lohrman, Leo F., Cpl
Wilkins, Keith Albert, Cpl
Darnielle, George W., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27678 Tail # 40 “Lemmon
DiNorma, Joseph S., 1Lt
Welsh, Cecil E. “Red”, Jr., 2Lt
Law, John B., Sgt
Taylor, Tullis (NMI), Cpl
Ransom, Gerald H., S/Sgt
Chapin, Correll C., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27503 Tail # 46 “Miss
Haynes, Allan C., 2Lt
Sheetinger, Dan A., 2Lt
Hensler, Donald O., F/O
Dalpos, Joseph N., S/Sgt
Wimert, Donald A., Cpl
Haxby, William H., Jr., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-36224 Tail # 34 probably
”Hauling Ass II”
Holt, Noel P., Jr., 2Lt
French, Wendell L., 2Lt
Beecher, Everett F., Sgt
Lind, Kenneth H., Cpl
Martin, Thomas J., Jr., Cpl
Cleland, Donald S., Cpl
A/C No. 43-4021 Tail # 31 “The Little
Admiral” (later Lady Jane) (first # 31)
McCloud, Ray L., 2Lt
Weihe, Frederick A., Jr., 2Lt
DeSorbo, John S., Sgt
Edwards, David R., T/Sgt
Vanderpool, Ralph M., Cpl
Dubreuil, Roger N., Cpl
Sunday, 4 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27497 Tail # 29
Sloan, Thomas M., 2Lt
Rozar, Richard L., 2Lt
Pouse, Alford H., Jr., 2Lt
Krider, Emanuel (NMI), Cpl
Kirwan, Harold J., Cpl
Cammack, Herbert R., Cpl
A/C No. 43-3989 Tail # 37 “My
Georgia Peach” (on co-pilot side - “The
Leading Lady”, previously “Miss
Dallas”) (Lead Spare - did not fill in)
Crisp, Glenn S., Jr., 1Lt
Ratliff, James Ernest, Jr., 2Lt
Starczewski, Phillip R., 2Lt
Boylan, James P., Cpl
Beck, Junior D., Cpl
Jakielek, Ernest F., Cpl
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 714/mission 714) Group Mission # 714:
(446th BS did not participate)
446th BS: War Diary of: Luitjens, Harvey J., Sgt, radio-gunner: (mission 34)
“No. 34) Milk-Run on the San Michelle R.R. Bridge. 4x1000 - bombs looked very good.
Capt. Smedley.”
Smedley, Robert Redmond, Capt, pilot 20 Mar 45
447th BS War Diary: 1st Lt. Joseph G. Boyle transferred to 340th par 7, SO 29, HQ. 321st
Bomb Gp. The following officer and enlisted men assigned and joined squadron from
57th Bomb. Wing par 4, SO 18 Hq. 321st Bomb. Gp. F/O Lewis W. Tougaw, Cpl.
William Marion, Cpl. Marlin J. Plough.
Boyle, Joseph G., Jr., 1Lt, bombardier
Marion, William T., Jr., Cpl, gunner
Plough, Marlin J., Cpl., gunner
Tougaw, Lewis W., F/O, bombardier
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 713/mission 713) Group Mission # 713:
(447th BS did not participate)
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 714/mission 714) Group Mission # 714: A
mission of 15 planes flew to northern Italy but no bombs dropped due to over cast.
Sunday, 4 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27473 Tail # 73 “Paper
P Breckenridge, Louis C., 1Lt
CP Briggs, Richard G. “Dick”, 2Lt
N None
B Jones, Dewey D., Jr., Sgt
E Mullis, Paul C., Sgt
R Fiocca, Theodore Aurelio, T/Sgt
G Merlino, Camille J., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27793 Tail # 64 “The
Melting Pot”
P Dodson, Jackson R., 1Lt
CP Dickson, John L., Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Lubinsky, Norman B., Sgt
E Anderson, Arthur F., Cpl
R Theiss, Vincent E., Cpl
G McCready, John E., Jr., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27498 Tail # 71 “Ave
P Craddock, Jesse J., 1Lt
CP Antry, Jack B., 2Lt
N None
B Gough, William V., 2Lt
E Stokes, Robert C., Sgt
R Poulin, Gaston G., Sgt
G Loux, Robert E., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-36240 Tail # ? “May Be”
Brice, David W., 1Lt
Calabrese, Frank (NMI), 2Lt
Tougaw, Lewis W., F/O
Neely, Robert E., Cpl
Lamb, George K., Cpl
Citarelli, James E., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27492 Tail # 57 “Reddie
Remmel, Earl Howard “The Fox”, 1Lt
Speer, Leslie Thomas, 2Lt
Olsen, Svend P., Capt
Darrell, Franklin Lloyd Jr., 1Lt
Ifshin, Isidore (NMI) “Sonny”, S/Sgt
Barrett, Silas Alfred, Sgt
None listed
A/C No. 43-36108 Tail # 70
Yerger, John W., 1Lt
Wallis, Shelby D., 2Lt
Radel, Henry D., 2Lt
McMenamin, Daniel P., Jr., Sgt
Judy, Harry H., Jr., Cpl
Flanigan, Joseph E., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27636 Tail # 74
Cammack, Elmore (NMI), 1Lt
Buechner, Helmut K., 1Lt
Fach, Albert W., 2Lt
MacMullen, Clarence C., Cpl
Thomas, Hazen A., Cpl
Dolezal, Albert (NMI), S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27751 Tail # 50 “MMR”
(Meet Mrs. Runyon)
Satterwhite, Henry C., 1Lt
Barrett, Herbert E., 2Lt
Hiller, Frederick J., 1Lt
Balboni, Robert A., 2Lt
Applegarth, Smith B., S/Sgt
Cassidy, Raymond S., Jr., Cpl
Sims, James W., Sgt
Sunday, 4 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-4040 Tail # 56 “Fearless
Loewus, Frederick E. “Fred”, 1Lt
Britt, Robert O., 2Lt
Atkins, William T. “Bill”, F/O
Hardage, Charles W., Cpl
Appleman, Carroll G., Cpl
Williams, James H., Sgt
A/C No. 43-36110 Tail # 59 “Big
Gies, Donald W., 2Lt
Young, Robert H., 2Lt
Perl, Richard H., Sgt
Tyler, Freeman P., T/Sgt
Ruiz, Emigdio (NMI), Cpl
Goethe, Emil C., Jr., Cpl
A/C No. 43-4079 Tail # 51 “Little
Autry, Aaron E., 1Lt
Amundson, Donald A., 1Lt
Blankemeyer, Frank J., F/O
Pennington, Luther A., S/Sgt
Meiborg, Walter F., Cpl
West, Edgar M., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27779 Tail # 62
Hennessey, Ralph E., 1Lt
Peck, Paul R., 2Lt
Davies, John V., 1Lt
Daniels, Carl (NMI), Sgt
Finnegan, Paul W., Sgt
Gorden, Robert L., Sgt
A/C No. 43-4009 Tail # 69 “Double-ONine”
Hutson, Ernest G. “Hod”, 1Lt
Janssen, Vernon E., 2Lt
Schmoke, Vernon L., 2Lt
Lussier, Ernest R., Sgt
Krauss, Frederick J., Cpl
Staub, Edward C., Sgt
A/C No. 43-36106 Tail # 63
Cahoon, Carl W., 1Lt
Greene, Homer L., Jr., F/O
McKnight, John A., Jr., Sgt
Jones, Robert G., S/Sgt
Maloney, Thomas J., Cpl
Hagan, Richard E., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27542 Tail # ?
“Superstitious Aloysius”
King, Robert C., Jr., 2Lt
Highsmith, John R., 2Lt
Pobereyko, Tony (NMI), F/O
Dubbs, Andrew C., S/Sgt
Phares, Harold (NMI) “Harry”, Jr., Sgt
Ochs, Dan (NMI), Jr., Sgt
448th BS War Diary: Corporal Masbruch, a tail gunner was assigned to the Squadron
this morning.
Masbruch, Arthur G., Cpl, gunner
Sunday, 4 February 1945 (continued)
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 713/mission 713) Group Mission # 713:
(448th BS did not participate)
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 714/mission 714) Group Mission # 714: The
mission got off as scheduled this morning but had to turn back over Italy before reaching
the target area; bad weather once again over the Po Valley.
A/C No. 43-27720 Tail # 86
Lyons, John B., 1Lt
Schwartz, Theodore (NMI), 2Lt
Lang, Robert H., F/O
Allendorph, John B., 2Lt
Powell, Neil J., Sgt
Randall, Charles R., Jr., Sgt
Holloway, Garland (NMI), S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-4037 Tail # 78 “Cherry
P Stromberg, Carl K., 1Lt
CP Campbell, John E., 2Lt
N None
B Qualls, Thomas B., S/Sgt
E Murray, Francis J., Cpl
R Rockwell, Stewart R. “Rockwell”, T/Sgt
G Markiewicz, Edward B., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-28081 Tail # 81
P Rubin, Julius W., 1Lt
CP Brown, Royden (NMI), 1Lt
N None
B Hildreth, Elmer L., M/Sgt
E Wolfe, Bernard M., Cpl
R Seward, Richard F., T/Sgt
G Hawthorne, Ralph C., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4076 Tail # 88 (first # 88)
P Fleming, George B., 1Lt
CP Nolkemper, Harold J., F/O
N Freund, John F., 1Lt
B Cannon, John L., 2Lt
E Gutierrez, Ralph (NMI), Cpl
R Zimmerman, Carl F., Cpl
G Ward, Paul D., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27523 Tail # 95
Lee, Howard M., 1Lt
Beckman, Harold Christoph, 2Lt
Sheppard, John W., 2Lt
Friedman, Lester Z., 2Lt
Baird, James (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
O’Brien, Brendan M., Cpl
Abiecunas, Joseph P. “Abby”, S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27528 Tail # 85
Churchill, Duane W., 1Lt
Sanders, William A., 2Lt
Libby, Donald E., F/O
Martin, Lewis E. “Lew”, Sgt
Fletcher, William H., Cpl
Justice, Conway J., Jr., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27668 Tail # 83
Cook, Don W., 1Lt
Mann, James R., F/O
Goethals, Camiel A., S/Sgt
Morian, Charles R., Cpl
LaBella, Dante (NMI) “GI Joe”, T/Sgt
Tangren, Donald E., Cpl
A/C No. 44-28927 Tail # 91
Smith, Milford A., 1Lt
Bechtle, Robert M., 2Lt
Sutton, Norman J., 2Lt
Wright, Melvin M., Sgt
Mardeuse, Alfred K., S/Sgt
Edwards, Jesse R., Sgt
Sunday, 4 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 44-28940 Tail # 92
Cooper, Richard J., 1Lt
Stow, Charles E., 2Lt
Berman, Samuel (NMI), T/Sgt
Codd, James P., S/Sgt
Brusa, Robert P., S/Sgt
Gage, Robert L., S/Sgt
A/C No. 44-28721 Tail # 90 “Shug”
Sheffield, Woodrow W., 2Lt
Stokes, George M., 2Lt
Reves, Louis E., S/Sgt
Lasskow, Maxwell J. “Max”, Sgt
Petruzzi, Evo J., Cpl
Brentar, Joseph C., Cpl
A/C No. 43-4067 Tail # 76 “The Big
Swing” (first # 76)
Swanson, Erle G. “Swanny”, Capt
Cameron, William D. “Bill”, Jr., Lt Col,
HQ 321st BG
Martin, James M., Jr., 1Lt
Veeck, Richard W., T/Sgt
Chase, Harry M., Jr., Cpl
DiSalvo, Alfred J., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27706 Tail # 89 “Silver
Autrey, W. F. (i.o.), 1Lt
Wuest, Robert F., 2Lt
Brink, Richard E., 1Lt
Langley, Edmund P., Jr., S/Sgt
Hulse, Donald W., T/Sgt
Atherton, Robert C., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27648 Tail # 75 “Sweetie”
West, Alden A. “Bud”, 2Lt
Bruhn, Charles A., 2Lt
Bottom, James W., 2Lt
Mitchem, Dewey A., Sgt
Hunter, Dewey G., Sgt
Biersdorff, Charles J., Cpl
A/C No. 44-28918 Tail # 82 (first # 82)
Kuoni, Charles F., Jr., 1Lt
Sturgis, Cloral S., 1Lt
Bass, Bernard G., S/Sgt
Harageones, George J., Sgt
Shields, Robert L., Cpl
Hudson, Willie H., Jr., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27538 Tail # 87 “Down
But Not Out” (first # 87)
Gladwill, James G., 1Lt
Valenti, Jack J., 2Lt
McRee, Malcolm B., 1Lt
Head, Charles F., Jr., S/Sgt
Varga, Frank K., Cpl
Ederer, Robert J., Sgt
Sunday, 4 February 1945 (continued)
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., T/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Awoke 7:30AM. Ate breakfast. Jim and I hired automobile (open touring) and guide.
Ascended upper most peak of Capri. Visited San Michele with all its historical
remembrance. Especially the hand sculptured busts of many Roman notables. Visited
the ruins of former German and Italian forts overlooking the Tyrrhenian Sea. Saw the
better part of the interior of Certosa (monastery). Monk acted as guide. Every spot we
visited signs requested donations. Paid driver of car $5.00 and guide $3.00 and 1 pkg
cigarettes. Returned hotel 11:30AM. Can plainly see Mount Vesuvius, Sorrento. Met a
young lady from NYC who is a secretary for UNRRA while touring Ana Capri. Not much
to look at but very pleasant. All civilian bars and restaurants are "off limits". Water
shortage on island. Attended dance at Seaside Club. Met UNRRA female and Nappy
there. Italian band (OK) playing all popular American tunes. Jim doesn't dance, but
spends most of his time at the bar in hotel. Retired 11:30PM.”
Herod, James E. “Jim”, Sgt, radio-gunner
Monday, 5 February 1945
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, B-25s score excellently against the San Ambrogio di
Valpolicella landslide (the overhanging cliff collapses on the railroad by bombing) and
bridges at San Michele all' Adige and Calliano; during the night of 4/5 Feb, XXII
Tactical Air Command A-20 intruder missions hit lights, motor transport, and roads in
the Po Valley and areas S of Bologna; fighters and fighter-bombers fly 270+ sorties
against communications targets in N Italy; incendiary bombing of a truck park damages
numerous vehicles.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: No missions – weather. Routine camp duties.
445th BS War Diary: Squadron did not participate in mission. The operational mission
was cancelled this morning. S-2, operations personnel moved to the new wall tent this
morning only to discover later in the afternoon that the move was postponed indefinitely.
Plans are now to move back into the hut which luckily has not yet been dismantled.
Packing was accomplished by all departments but on a small scale so that unpacking
wasn’t such a terrific task after all. Anyway the weather continues to be perfect. Lts.
Mogren and Doris were “wracked back” for buzzing today. Buzzing is strictly taboo
theses days. Some packages arrived today. Lt. Born veteran of 60 missions was
transferred to MATS today.
Born, Walter E., 1Lt, pilot
Doris, Robert E., 2Lt, pilot
Mogren, Edward G., 2Lt, pilot
445th BS: War Diary of: Seegmiller, Barnard H., Sgt, armament:
“This morning I placed an additional 100 dollars on deposit in the
Soldier’s Fund. Sgt. Pool checked my previous deposit which was in amount of 350
dollars making a total of 450 dollars. I make mention of the fact for the reason that I do
not approve of the policy of not issuing receipts when deposits are made and I want to
preclude the possibility of a misunderstanding arising between him and me.
Pool, Charles R., S/Sgt, personnel
Preparations for our move to the Italian mainland are being completed with
regularity, the date set being February 23. Everything is to be taken with us including
the lumber from all buildings and tent floors. Most of the equipment will move by boat,
but the more vital necessities will be transported by our planes and C-47s. Some
personnel will go by each means. At last the long battle to change our policy of loading
bombs at night appears to have been won. By relentless propagandizing and setting up
several demonstrations of loading in the morning when there were few ships to be
loaded, our cause became popularized. Last week when Sgt. Lash went to Capri, leaving
Tony Cser in charge (Cser has ability and courage, if not refinement and education) we
loaded 18 planes for a seven thirty o’clock briefing and have continued ever since with
the new policy. Everyone is more satisfied.
Monday, 5 February 1945 (continued)
My present opinion is that the war in Europe will end in April or May, and after
that, depending upon the military situation, our Group will go either home or to the
Pacific in the early fall.”
Cser, Anthony J., Sgt, armament
Lash, Wayne H., Sgt, armament
446th BS War Diary: Regular squadron duties are performed as there is no flying.
Some mail reaches the squadron after a lull in news from home.
447th BS War Diary: The following enlisted men promoted to indicated grade, SO 19,
Hq. 321st Bomb. Gp. 3 Feb. 1945: To T/Sgt.; S/Sgt. Smith B. Applegarth, S/Sgt. Isidore
Ifshin, To S/Sgt.; Sgt. James E. Citarelli, Sgt. Earl W. Dulaney, Sgt. Zigmond
Klimkowicz, Sgt. Carl F. Netzel, Sgt. James H. Williams, Sgt. Carl Daniels, Sgt. Paul W.
Finnegan, Sgt. John A. McKnight, Sgt. James W. Sims, Sgt. Robert E. Young.
Applegarth, Smith B., T/Sgt, gunner
Citarelli, James E., S/Sgt, gunner
Daniels, Carl (NMI), S/Sgt, gunner
Dulaney, Earl W., S/Sgt, gunner
Finnegan, Paul W., S/Sgt, gunner
Ifshin, Isidore (NMI) “Sonny”, T/Sgt, engineer-gunner
Klimkowicz, Zigmond (NMI), S/Sgt, gunner
McKnight, John A., Jr., S/Sgt, gunner
Netzel, Carl F., S/Sgt, gunner
Sims, James W., S/Sgt, gunner
Williams, James H., S/Sgt, gunner
Young, Robert E., S/Sgt, gunner
448th BS War Diary: Staff Sergeant Manning who had been on TD with the 6660th
Signal School Company returned to the Squadron this afternoon. Staff Sergeants Qualls
and Mardeuse were promoted to Technical Sergeants and Corporals Atherton, Brentar,
Fletcher, Oliver, Shields, Varga, White, Biersdorff, Gutierrez, Parham, Sevier, Tangren,
Ward, Petix, DiSalvo, and Wolfe were promoted to Sergeants today.
Atherton, Robert C., Sgt, gunner
Biersdorff, Charles J., Sgt, gunner
Brentar, Joseph C., Sgt, gunner
DiSalvo, Alfred J., Sgt, gunner
Fletcher, William H., Sgt, gunner
Gutierrez, Ralph (NMI), Sgt, gunner
Manning, James F., S/Sgt, communication
Mardeuse, Alfred K., T/Sgt, gunner
Oliver, Walter A., Sgt, gunner
Parham, Ralph E., Sgt, gunner
Petix, Ignatius D., Sgt, gunner
Qualls, Thomas B., T/Sgt, gunner
Sevier, Fred L., Sgt, gunner
Shields, Robert L., Sgt, gunner
Tangren, Donald E., Sgt, gunner
Varga, Frank K., Sgt, gunner
Ward, Paul D., Sgt, gunner
White, Frank H., Sgt, gunner
Wolfe, Bernard M., Sgt, gunner
448th BS Mission Summary: It was a stand down mission once again this morning,
despite the clear weather that prevailed over Corsica, but not before the crews had been
briefed and were out at the planes. Apparently poor conditions over Northern Italy was
the cause once again.
Monday, 5 February 1945 (continued)
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., T/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Awoke 6:30AM. Packed and ate chow. Jeep took us to pier at 8:00AM. Boat left at
8:30AM. Wacs, Red Cross, civilians, etc. on boat. Porpoises followed bow of boat.
Naples full of freighters and one American light cruiser. Cloudy sky. Coffee and cookies
served on boat. About 2 hours by water from Capri to Naples. Trucks carried us to
airfield. No ship from 448th. Wing ship (42-87442). Lt Duggan, pilot. 12 men on ship only 9 chutes. Saw B-25 crash land on runway at Naples. Took off 3:00PM. Stopped at
Rome. Took off 4:00PM. Landed Corsica 4:30PM. Hitched to 448th. Fair chow. Van
also returned from Rome today. Stand-down of moving. New field in Italy (near Ancona)
strafed. Retired 10:00PM.”
Duggan, Raymond E., 2Lt, pilot
Vandenberg, Edward V. “Van”, Sgt, gunner
Tuesday, 6 February 1945
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, B-25s attack railroad targets on the line running N to the
Brenner Pass, damaging bridges at Rovereto and Ala; marshalling yards at Rovereto and
San Ambrogio di Valpolicella and a bridge at Crema are less successfully hit; fighterbombers cut railroad bridges at Nervesa delta Battaglia and San Michele all'Adige; the P47s claim 3 fighters destroyed in combat N of Verona and attack numerous targets of
opportunity throughout the target areas; during the night of 5/6 Feb, A-20s attack lights,
roads, and motor transport in the C Po Valley.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: Eighteen aircraft to the Rovereto Marshalling Yard had only
three planes drop at the primary due to enemy action and poor identification qualities.
Eight other planes smothered the alternate at Crema with a 100 percent pattern which
probably destroyed the bridge. The first element of three ships of the 2nd flight is missing
from this operation including Captain Remmel of the 447th Squadron flying his 69th
mission. Eighteen aircraft to the Rovereto Rail Bridge has its results confirmed by photorecce – span knocked into the river bed. The eighteen plane formation sent to crater the
Mori Rail Fill accomplished same with a 100 percent concentration in the target area
despite the fact that the lead bombardier was injured on the run.
Remmel, Earl Howard “The Fox”, Capt, pilot, 447th BS
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 715/mission 715) Group Mission # 715:
Rovereto M/Y, Italy (Primary) - Crema Railroad Bridge, Italy (Alternate)
(Group mission report not available at this time)
Tuesday, 6 February 1945 (continued)
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 716/mission 716) Group Mission # 716:
Rovereto Railroad Bridge, Italy
(Group mission report not available at this time)
Tuesday, 6 February 1945 (continued)
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 717/mission 717) Group Mission # 717:
Mori Railroad Bridge, Italy
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: The Rovereto railroad bridge was today’s target in Italy and 100
per cent bombing accuracy was the result. Capt. Wagner and Lts. Cox, Ottinger and
Palmer were sent to the Cannes, France rest camp today. Lt. Mogren was grounded 30
days for buzzing yesterday. This restriction isn’t expected to last very long since the
pilots are badly needed these days. It was decided that the S-2, operations personnel
would move back into the hut and preparations were made for such a change. Some mail
and packages arrived today. Hamburgers were served for supper tonight.
Cox, Harold L., 2Lt, pilot
Mogren, Edward G., 2Lt, pilot
Ottinger, Warren F., 2Lt, pilot
Palmer, Richard W., 1Lt, bombardier
Wagner, Gerald W., Capt, pilot
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 715/mission 715) Group Mission # 715:
(445th BS did not participate)
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 716/mission 716) Group Mission # 716:
Group Mission #716; Squadron Mission #463: Capt. Jeffery led 15 planes from the
squadron to lead 20 planes from the group in an attack on the Rovereto railroad bridge,
Italy. 1000 lb and 500 lb bombs were dropped from 11,500 to 12,500 ft. A total of 8 P47s dive-bombed flak positions. The flak was heavy, intense and fairly accurate from the
initial point through the bomb run and breakaway. Eight ships were holed but none lost.
RESULTS: Bombs started just short of the center of the bridge and walked through the
bridge. Target was well hit with excellent concentration of bomb hits.
A/C No. 43-27899 Tail # 08 “Flo”
Jeffery, James C., Capt, pilot
Hatcher, Leon F., Jr., Capt
Mitchell, Robert F., 1Lt
Finkhouse, Lloyd L., 1Lt
Carruthers, John (NMI), II, T/Sgt
Kavan, Lester D., 1Lt
Moorehead, Lewis E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-36228 Tail # ? “Miss
Buckham, John K., 2Lt
Crutchfield, Lucian C., Jr., 2Lt
Brown, Milton H., 1Lt
Taylor, Marion R., S/Sgt
Weingartner, William E., Cpl
Haynes, Irving L., Cpl
Tuesday, 6 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27741Tail # 14 “Val”
(previously “Modern Design”)
P Farrell, Robert A. “Baldy”, Capt
CP Stolberg, Frederick R., 2Lt
N None
B Brown, Thomas M., 2Lt
E Chambers, Jimmie (NMI), T/Sgt
R Johnson, John E., T/Sgt
G Emberton, Daniel P., Jr., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-26227 Tail # 04
Lewis, Max E., 1Lt
Sprankle, Floyd H., 2Lt
Puchalla, John M., F/O
Cubley, Harold B., T/Sgt
Barnett, Frank E., Sgt
Teague, Phillip B., Cpl
A/C No. 44-28722 Tail # 18 “Spirit of
P Poteete, Max W., 1Lt
CP Galny, Gerhard Henry “Hank”, Jr., 2Lt
N Joyce, John F., Jr., 1Lt
B Vaughan, Fred W., 1Lt
E Hunsberger, William R., S/Sgt
R Ott, James V., Cpl
G Edwards, Jack M., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27742 Tail # 01 “Winnie
Mae” (previously “Vicious Vera”)
P Collins, Daniel P., Capt
CP Badger, Joe G., 2Lt
N Robson, Herbert E., 1Lt
B Silnutzer, Joseph A., 1Lt
E McCormack, Samuel C., S/Sgt
R Ross, Reginald J., T/Sgt
G Henry, William W., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27769 Tail # 19 “Miss
Fancy Pants”
Miron, Leno L., 1Lt
White, Edward A., 2Lt
Josephson, Sanford L., S/Sgt
Krauk, Edward J., S/Sgt
Engleman, Bud (NMI), T/Sgt
Osborn, Jack R., Sgt
A/C No. 44-28928 Tail # 03 (early
McFatter, Joe H., 2Lt
Rice, Rudolph G., 2Lt
Davis, Morton A., S/Sgt
Larson, Richard A., Sgt
Nuttall, John H., S/Sgt
Slodden, Henry M. “Kip”, S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27545 Tail # 06 “Maggie”
(first # 06)
Wilson, Charles B. “Charlee”, 2Lt
O’Neill, Phillip W., 2Lt
Salch, Raymond F., S/Sgt
Vargas, Cleofas M., Cpl
Heckman, Kenneth W., Cpl
Swinson, Carl R. M., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27917 Tail # 20
O’Keefe, John H., 2Lt
Takacs, Rudolph J., 2Lt
Harvel, Lonnie B., Jr., 2Lt
Cruise, James P., S/Sgt
Reagin, Charles T., S/Sgt
Morisi, David D., S/Sgt
Tuesday, 6 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27534 Tail # 11 (standing
P Knauss, Roger Reid “Reid”, 2Lt
CP Doe, Norman H., 2Lt
N None
B Epstein, Philip (NMI), 2Lt
E Carney, Daniel (NMI), Sgt
R Lowrey, James S., Sgt
G Lile, Keith B., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27680 Tail # 07 “Stuff”
P Shutters, Paul E., 2Lt
CP Mutchler, Charles W., 2Lt
N None
B Murphy, John P., 2Lt
E Kuykendall, Ben (NMI), Cpl
R Russo, Paul A., Cpl
G Grovenburg, Frank Andrew, Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27714 Tail # 16 “Blonde
P Curry, Arthur L. “Art”, 2Lt
CP Young, Paul L., 2Lt
N None
B Ohm, Merton D., S/Sgt
E Rousso, Ralph L., Sgt,
R Matter, Dean R., S/Sgt
G Clayton, Ross W., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27733 Tail # 00 “Porky’s
Kourafas, James (NMI) “Jim”, 2Lt
Jones, Guilford (NMI), Jr., 1Lt
Krause, Richard E. “Dick”, 1Lt
Koski, Paul J., S/Sgt
Eberhardt, Charles D., Sgt
Hieronimus, Philip J., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27748 Tail # 02 “Mama!”
Young, William J. “Dusty”, 2Lt
Hughes, Richard C., 2Lt
Weiner, Irving B., 1Lt
Mitchell, Robert D. “Bob”, Sgt
Seigler, William B., Cpl
Kabrich, Harry Lee, S/Sgt
Naughton, John J., Jr., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27698 Tail # 13 “Peggy
Lou” (Anti-Flak/Incendiary Ship)
DeBoer, Jay (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Hancock, Victor J., 2Lt
Brooks, William F., F/O
Watts, Joseph T., Jr., S/Sgt
Peters, Andrew D., Sgt
Smith, Francis L. “Smitty” , S/Sgt
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 717/mission 717) Group Mission # 717:
(445th BS did not participate)
446th BS War Diary: Another mission is flown to Brenner Pass as the squadron is called
upon for 12 planes.
Tuesday, 6 February 1945 (continued)
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 715/mission 715) Group Mission # 715:
Squadron Mission 494
TARGET: Rovereto M/Y, Italy (Primary)
DATE: 6 Feb.1945
Crema Railroad Bridge, Italy (Alternate)
Type of Bombs: 1000 lb.
446th Planes: 5
Lt. Remmel led the formation. Our element of three ships bombed primary target laying
pattern across yards just N of main station building. Eight ships unable to pick up
primary in time for bomb run bombed alternate with excellent concentration on W half of
bridge. Five ships failed to drop when lead plane was lost to flak at primary. Two ships
dropping incendiaries had good coverage of gun positions. The spare did not drop. Flak
was heavy, intense and accurate, both barrage and tracking.
Remmel, Earl Howard “The Fox”, 1Lt, pilot, 447th BS
A/C No. 43-27699 Tail # 33 “Jessie”
(later name dropped from nose art)
P Berge, Gail B., 2Lt
CP Moore, Howard T., 2Lt
N Codd, Russell G., 2Lt
B Williams, Thomas A., 2Lt
E Boylan, James P., Cpl
R Beck, Junior D., Cpl
G Jakielek, Ernest F., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27747 Tail # 42 “Spider’s
Frolic Pad” (first # 42) (Spare - did not
fill in)
P Haynes, Allan C., 2Lt
CP Sheetinger, Dan A., 2Lt
N None
B Pouse, Alford H., Jr., 2Lt
E Lohrman, Leo F., Cpl
R Ross, Harry K., S/Sgt
G Dubreuil, Roger N., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-4097 Tail # 28 “Darlene”
(previously “Tiny?”)
P Cressman, Jack E., 1Lt
CP Alward, Charles W., 2Lt
N None
B Murch, George M., Jr., Sgt
E Freeman, Harold W., Cpl
R Wilking, Robert L., S/Sgt
G Feola, Joseph A., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-4021 Tail # 31 “The Little
Admiral” (later Lady Jane) (first # 31)
Perlman, Jacob L., 1Lt
Brock, Thomas E., F/O
Fein, William F., 2Lt
Chase, William H., Cpl
Moncure, James D., Jr., Cpl
Broderick, Emmett P., Cpl
A/C No. 44-28926 Tail # 35 “Merrily
We Bob Along” (Anti-Flak/Incendiary
Smedley, Robert Redmond, Capt
French, Wendell L., 2Lt
Paulson, Ronald A., 1Lt
Alexander, Preston S., S/Sgt
Luitjens, Harvey J., Sgt
Slezak, Alex E., S/Sgt
Tuesday, 6 February 1945 (continued)
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 716/mission 716) Group Mission # 716:
Squadron Mission 495
TARGET: Rovereto Railroad Bridge, Italy
DATE: 6 Feb.1945
Type of Bombs: 1000 lb.
446th Planes: 4
Capt. Collins led the formation. Bombs started just short of center of bridge and walked
through it. Target well hit, with excellent concentration. Flak was heavy, intense, fairly
Collins, Daniel P., Capt, pilot, 445th BS
A/C No. 43-27501 Tail # 39 “Sweet
Sue Kathy Jeanne” (unnamed to Nov
44. In 45 “Kathy Jeanne” dropped)
P Ramsay, Lamar E., 1Lt
CP Weihe, Frederick A., Jr., 2Lt
N O’Connor, Richard W., 2Lt
B McGann, Edom K., 2Lt
E Reinartsen, Charles R., Jr., Sgt
R Carl, Edgar W., Cpl
G Rubin, Herbert L., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27503 Tail # 46 “Miss
Atkins, Richard A., Jr., F/O
Heaberlin, Paul L., 2Lt
Hensler, Donald O., F/O
Reda, John J., Sgt
Vanderpool, Ralph M., Cpl
Hatcher, James T., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27678 Tail # 40 “Lemmon
Lu” (Wing spare)
P Holt, Noel P., Jr., 2Lt
CP McCloud, Ray L., 2Lt
N None
B DeSorbo, John S., Sgt
E Dalpos, Joseph N., S/Sgt
R Wilkins, Keith Albert, Cpl
G Cleland, Donald S., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27497 Tail # 29
Barbee, Harvey C., Jr., 2Lt
Treadwell, Joseph (NMI), 2Lt
Buchanan, Talmadge A., Jr., 2Lt
Hemmert, Harold E., S/Sgt
Benedict, William P., Sgt
Wagner, William M., Sgt
A/C No. 43-3989 Tail # 37 “My
Georgia Peach” (on co-pilot side - “The
Leading Lady”, previously “Miss
Dallas”) (Anti-Flak/Incendiary Ship)
Hurley, John R., Capt
Neel, John Dodd, 2Lt
Gale, Benjamin H., Jr., 1Lt
Cornelius, Wilbur G., S/Sgt
Leary, Edward M., T/Sgt
Kleinsmith, Kenneth H., Cpl
Tuesday, 6 February 1945 (continued)
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 717/mission 717) Group Mission # 717:
Squadron Mission 496
TARGET: Mori Railroad Bridge, Italy
DATE: 6 Feb.1945
Type of Bombs: 1000 lb.
446th Planes: 3
Lt. Lyons led the formation. Majority of bombs in target area. Some over to W.
Incendiary planes report good coverage. Flak was heavy, intense, accurate.
Lyons, John B., 1Lt, pilot, 448th BS
A/C No. 43-27490 Tail # 45 “Mrs C”
P Carlson, Lowell A., 1Lt
CP Rozar, Richard L., 2Lt
N McCullough, John E., Jr., 1Lt
B Clark, Samuel E., Jr., 2Lt
E Brady, Walter (NMI), Cpl
R Kirwan, Harold J., Cpl
G Beavers, Marqus F., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-36224 Tail # 34 probably
”Hauling Ass II”
Hahn, Melvin G., 2Lt
Ratliff, James Ernest, Jr., 2Lt
Cimino, William C., 2Lt
Lamm, Earl D., Sgt
Cubbage, Robert (NMI), Sgt
Springer, Walter H., Jr., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27477 Tail # 32 “Boots”
Manolis, Ronald J., 2Lt
Dunn, Albert W., 2Lt
Freck, Byron P., Sgt
Bass, Charles L., Cpl
Swann, Homer W., Cpl
Fitzgerald, George L., Sgt
A/C No. 43-4074 Tail # 27 (picture of
seated lady - no name/lettering) (Lead
spare - did not fill in)
Ingram, William T., 1Lt
Welsh, Cecil L., Jr., 2Lt
Leith, William V., 1Lt
Henry, Clark H., S/Sgt
Johnson, Carl W., S/Sgt
Haxby, William H., Jr., S/Sgt
446th BS: War Diary of: Luitjens, Harvey J., Sgt, radio-gunner: (mission 35)
“No. 35) Really had a rough one. Carried incendiaries to go after gun positions. Got us
before bomb run. Picked up about 60 holes. Tail gunner got hit. Capt. Smedley.”
Slezak, Alex E., S/Sgt, gunner
Smedley, Robert Redmond, Capt, pilot
447th BS War Diary: Crews on the three planes that failed to return are as follows: Lt.
Earl H. Remmel, Lt. Leslie T. Speer, Lt. Franklin L. Darrell, Lt. Harlan N. Tulley, T/Sgt.
Isidore Ifshin, T/Sgt Bernard R. Guild, Sgt. Silas A. Barrett; Lt. Carl W. Cahoon, Lt.
Robert H. Young, S/Sgt. John A. McKnight, S/Sgt. Robert G. Jones, , Cpl. Thomas J.
Maloney; Sgt. Richard E. Hagan, Lt. Jackson R. Dodson, Lt. John L. Dickson, Sgt.
Norman B. Lubinsky, Cpl. Joseph H. Cruce, Sgt. Vincent E. Theiss, Cpl. John E.
Tuesday, 6 February 1945 (continued)
McCready. Lt. Donald J. Colgan received several scratches on his face from flak. T/Sgt.
George Schnaars was hit in the forearm by flak but neither man was seriously wounded.
Barrett, Silas Alfred, Sgt, gunner
Cahoon, Carl W., 1Lt, pilot
Colgan, Donald J., 1Lt, bombardier
Cruce, Joseph H., Cpl, engineer-gunner
Darrell, Franklin Lloyd, Jr., 1Lt, bombardier
Dickson, John L., Jr., 2Lt, pilot
Dodson, Jackson R., 1Lt, pilot
Guild, Bernard Robert, T/Sgt, radio-gunner
Hagan, Richard E., Sgt, gunner
Ifshin, Isidore (NMI) “Sonny”, T/Sgt, engineer-gunner
Jones, Robert G., S/Sgt, engineer-gunner
Lubinsky, Norman B., Sgt, bombardier-gunner
Maloney, Thomas J., Cpl, radio-gunner
McCready, John E., Jr., Cpl, gunner
McKnight, John A., Jr., S/Sgt, bombardier-gunner
Remmel, Earl Howard “The Fox”, 1Lt, pilot
Schnaars, George D., T/Sgt, gunner
Speer, Leslie Thomas, 2Lt, pilot
Theiss, Vincent E., Sgt, radio-gunner
Tulley, Harlan N., 1Lt, navigator
Young, Robert H., 2Lt, pilot
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 715/mission 715) Group Mission # 715: 16
planes mission against Crema Rail Bridge in northern Italy. 3 planes failed to return and
are unaccounted for. Lt. Hutson landed at Pisa on the way to the target, because of
engine failure.
A/C No. 43-36240 Tail # ? “May Be”
A/C No. 43-27542 Tail # ?
(MACR-12134 - shot down – inverted
“Superstitious Aloysius” (MACRand crashed into hill at north end of Lake
12133 - shot down)
Cahoon, Carl W., 1Lt
P Remmel, Earl Howard “The Fox”, 1Lt
Young, Robert H., 2Lt
CP Speer, Leslie Thomas, 2Lt
N Tulley, Harlan Norval, 1Lt
McKnight, John A., Jr., S/Sgt
B Darrell, Franklin Lloyd, Jr., 1Lt
Jones, Robert G., S/Sgt
E Ifshin, Isidore (NMI) “Sonny”, T/Sgt
Maloney, Thomas J., Cpl
R Guild, Bernard Robert, T/Sgt
Hagan, Richard E., Sgt
G Barrett, Silas Alfred, Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27730 Tail # ? “Katie”
A/C No. 43-27779 Tail # 62
(MACR-12131 - shot down – left target
under control, with 1 engine out)
Smith, Frederick H., 2Lt
P Dodson, Jackson R., 1Lt
Hennessey, Ralph E., 1Lt
CP Dickson, John L., Jr., 2Lt
N None
McDermott, James W., 1Lt
B Lubinsky, Norman B., Sgt
Daniels, Carl (NMI), S/Sgt
E Cruse, Joseph H., Cpl
Finnegan, Paul W., S/Sgt
R Theiss, Vincent E., Sgt
Gorden, Robert L., Sgt
G McCready, John E., Jr., Cpl
F None
Tuesday, 6 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27636 Tail # 74
Buechner, Helmut K., 1Lt
Cammack, Elmore (NMI), 1Lt
Tougaw, Lewis W., 2Lt
MacMullen, Clarence C., Cpl
Thomas, Hazen A., Cpl
Dolezal, Albert (NMI), S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-4079 Tail # 51 “Little
David” (Anti-Flak/Incendiary Ship)
Morrison, George R., Jr., 1Lt
Tarquinio, Albert C., 2Lt
Davies, John V., 1Lt
Dulaney, Earl W., S/Sgt
Smith, John T., Cpl
Klimkowicz, Zigmond (NMI), S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27473 Tail # 73 “Paper
S., 1Lt
CP Rose, Norman I., 2Lt
N None
B Stroupe, Burton Elwood “Woody”, 2Lt
E Dubbs, Andrew C., S/Sgt
R Phares, Harold (NMI) “Harry”, Jr., Cpl
G Merlino, Camille J., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27498 Tail # 71 “Ave
Maria” (returned early from mission - a
gunner was sick)
P Craddock, Jesse J., 1Lt
CP Antry, Jack B., 2Lt
N None
B Gough, William V., 2Lt
E Mullis, Paul C., Sgt
R Jones, LeRoy (NMI), Sgt
G Drew, Horace E., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27751 Tail # 50 “MMR”
(Meet Mrs. Runyon)
King, Robert C., Jr., 2Lt
Satterwhite, Henry C., 1Lt
Caflisch, Leonard P. “Lenny”, Jr., 2Lt
Netzel, Carl F., S/Sgt
Marion, William T., Jr., Cpl
Ochs, Dan (NMI), Jr., Sgt
A/C No. 43-4009 Tail # 69 “Double-ONine” (landed at Pisa on the way to the
target – due to engine failure)
Hutson, Ernest G. “Hod”, 1Lt
Barrett, Herbert E., 2Lt
Heist, Erwin William “Butch”, F/O
Schmoke, Vernon L., 2Lt
Lussier, Ernest R., Sgt
Krauss, Frederick J., Cpl
Staub, Edward C., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27492 Tail # 57 “Reddie
Wiginton, J. Maurice “Wigs”, Capt
Britt, Robert O., 2Lt
Olsen, Svend P., Capt
Colgan, Donald J., 1Lt
Stokes, Robert C., Sgt
Poulin, Gaston G., T/Sgt
Smith, Kenneth C., Sgt
A/C No. 43-36108 Tail # 70
Yerger, John W., 1Lt
Wallis, Shelby D., 2Lt
Radel, Henry D., 2Lt
Citarelli, James E., Sgt
Appleman, Carroll G., Cpl
Cunningham, Paul W., Cpl
Tuesday, 6 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-4040 Tail # 56 “Fearless
P Loewus, Frederick E. “Fred”, 1Lt
CP Twieg, Donald P., 2Lt
N None
B Atkins, William T. “Bill”, F/O
E Hardage, Charles W., Cpl
R Schnaars, George D., T/Sgt
G Williams, James H., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-36110 Tail # 59 “Big
P Gies, Donald W., 2Lt
CP Elliott, Thomas P., 2Lt
N None
B Perl, Richard H., Sgt
E Tyler, Freeman P., T/Sgt
R Ruiz, Emigdio (NMI), Cpl
G Hunsaker, Frank W., Jr., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27793 Tail # 64 “The
Melting Pot”
Brown, Lyle N., Jr., 1Lt
Buckley, Paul I., 1Lt
Vantrease, Edwin C., 2Lt
Price, Charles J., Cpl
Newton, James R., Cpl
Jones, Robert A., Sgt
A/C No. 43-36106 Tail # 63
Amundson, Donald A., 1Lt
Autry, Aaron E., 1Lt
Blankemeyer, Frank J., F/O
Judkins, Philip L., T/Sgt
Meiborg, Walter F., Cpl
West, Edgar M., Cpl
447th BS: Extracts from Missing Air Crew Report # 12134:
A/C No. 43-36240 Tail # ? “May Be” (MACR-12134 - shot down – inverted
and crashed into hill at north end of Lake Garda)
Remmel, Earl Howard “The Fox”, 1Lt - KIA
Speer, Leslie Thomas, 2Lt - KIA
Tulley, Harlan Norval, 1Lt - POW - liberated per NARA records
Darrell, Franklin Lloyd, Jr., 1Lt - POW - liberated per NARA records
Ifshin, Isidore (NMI) “Sonny”, T/Sgt - POW - liberated per NARA records
Guild, Bernard Robert, T/Sgt - POW - liberated per NARA records
Barrett, Silas Alfred, Sgt - POW - liberated per NARA records
Eyewitness Account: Cubbage, Robert (NMI), S/Sgt, Radio Gunner, 446th BS
447th Bombardment Squadron (M) AAF
321st Bombardment Group (M) AAF
A.P.O. 650
08 February 1945
360:33 Remmel, E. H. and Crew.
SUBJECT: Missing Air Crew Report
Tuesday, 6 February 1945 (continued)
: Headquarters, Army Air Forces, Washington, D. C. (Thru Channels)
1. I was flying as a gunner in one of the planes that followed the 447th Squadron
over the target on February 6, 1945. I saw a ship after his right engine was feathered and
it was sliding off to the left losing altitude. Four parachutes opened out of the ship. The
plane then went into an inverted spin, tail down, to crash about half way up the side of a
mountain at north end of Lake Garda.
2. One of the chutes floated over the mountain peak and into the valley toward
Rovereto. The other three men went down on the side of the peak.
Staff Sergeant, 35701733
Radio Gunner.
(Attachment to MAC Rpt
dtd 8 Feb 45, 447th Bomb Sq (M)
Pilot: 1st Lt. Remmel, Earl H.,
0-761624, B-25J, A/C No. 43-36240)
Captain, Air Corps,
Operations Officer.
Incl 3.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Eyewitness Account: Allendorph, John B., 2Lt, bombardier, navigator, 448th BS
447th Bombardment Squadron (M) AAF
321st Bombardment Group (M) AAF
A.P.O. 650
08 February 1945
360:33 Remmel, E. H. and Crew.
SUBJECT: Missing Air Crew Report
: Headquarters, Army Air Forces, Washington, D. C. (Thru Channels)
1. On the mission on February 6, 1945, I was flying as Bombardier of the lead
plane of the second flight of one of the Squadrons following the one which Lt. Remmel
was leading.
2. I saw the ship go into a spin and almost immediately one chute opened behind
it. Then in very short order, two more left the plane. It fell for a good length of time then
two more chutes appeared, very close together. I didn’t see the plane hit although I
watched it until I lost it against the mountain side. I am positive that there were five
parachutes that came from the plane.
Tuesday, 6 February 1945 (continued)
2nd Lt., Air Corps,
(Attachment to MAC Rpt
dtd 8 Feb 45, 447th Bomb Sq (M)
Pilot: 1st Lt. Remmel, Earl H.,
0-761624, B-25J, A/C No. 43-36240)
Captain, Air Corps,
Operations Officer.
Incl 4.
Statements from INDIVIDUAL CASUALTY QUESTIONNAIRE completed by 1Lt Harlan
Norval Tulley:
1. Bombardier, engineer, and navigator bailed in that order from bottom hatch in
front; radio and tail gunner bailed about same time from bottom hatch in waist;
all landed on mountaintop about 5 miles from target; started bailing when ship
began spin about one minute past target.
Tuesday, 6 February 1945 (continued)
2. German soldiers informed us they found two men in the plane wreckage-believed to be pilot and co-pilot.
3. Found in pilot’s cockpit. Both dead; one had arm broken, other with broken leg
according to German soldiers.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------447th BS: Extracts from Missing Air Crew Report # 12134:
A/C No. 43-27542 Tail # ? “Superstitious Aloysius” (MACR-12133 - shot
Cahoon, Carl W., 1Lt - POW, liberated and returned to 447th
Young, Robert H., 2Lt - POW, liberated and returned to 447th
McKnight, John A., Jr., S/Sgt - POW, liberated and returned to 447th
Jones, Robert G., S/Sgt - POW, liberated and returned to 447th
Maloney, Thomas J., Cpl - POW, liberated and returned to 447th
Hagan, Richard E., Sgt - POW, liberated and returned to 447th
Tuesday, 6 February 1945 (continued)
447th BS: Extracts from Missing Air Crew Report # 12131:
A/C No. 43-27730 Tail # ? “Katie” (MACR-12131 - shot down – left target
under control, with 1 engine out)
Dodson, Jackson R., 1Lt, MIA, returned to 447th BS on 25 Mar 45
Dickson, John L., Jr., 2Lt, MIA, returned to 447th BS on 25 Mar 45
Lubinsky, Norman B., Sgt, MIA, returned to 447th BS on 25 Mar 45
Cruce, Joseph H., Cpl, MIA, returned to 447th BS on 25 Mar 45
Theiss, Vincent E., Sgt, MIA, returned to 447th BS on 1 Apr 45
McCready, John E., Jr., Cpl, MIA, returned to 447th BS on 1 Apr 45
Eyewitness Account: Wiginton, J. Maurice “Wigs”, Capt, pilot, 447th BS
447th Bombardment Squadron (M) AAF
321st Bombardment Group (M) AAF
A.P.O. 650
08 February 1945
360:33 Dodson, J. R. and Crew.
SUBJECT: Missing Air Crew Report
: Headquarters, Army Air Forces, Washington, D. C. (Thru Channels)
1. In as much as there were three aircraft involved (the entire lead element) and
there occurred confusion and dispersion of the aircraft that followed, due to the loss of
the lead element, it becomes difficult to disseminate all reports of returning crews. No
one observer can give a complete sequence of happenings regarding each or all three
aircraft in distress.
2. In the light of the above, it is reasonable to conclude that the following did
happen to plane 730: At approximately bomb-release point, the plane was hit by flak and
immediately fell out of formation and dived to about 7000 feet. As the plane was in a
dive two parachutes were seen to leave the plane. The plane leveled out at about 7000
feet and one engine was feathered.
3. The last that anyone saw of it, it seemed to be under control and going west,
just north of Lake Garda. The formation tried to contact him by radio but failed.
Captain, Air Corps,
Operations Officer.
Tuesday, 6 February 1945 (continued)
(Attachment to MAC Rpt
dtd 8 Feb 45, 447th Bomb Sq (M)
Pilot: 1st Lt. Jackson R. Dodson,
0-768481, B-25J, A/C No. 43-27730)
Incl 2.
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 716/mission 716) Group Mission # 716:
(447th BS did not participate)
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 717/mission 717) Group Mission # 717:
(447th BS did not participate)
Tuesday, 6 February 1945 (continued)
448th BS War Diary: Lieutenant Matthews returned today from the 12th AFSC where he
had been on TD. He is grounded and awaiting rotation home.
Matthews, Thomas W., 1Lt, pilot
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 715/mission 715) Group Mission # 715:
(448th BS did not participate)
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 716/mission 716) Group Mission # 716:
(448th BS did not participate)
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 717/mission 717) Group Mission # 717: The
mission got off in clear weather this morning with the 448th having fifteen (15) planes
loaded with 1000 lb. GP bombs and two planes with incendiary bombs in the formation
that attacked the rail fill at Mori, Italy. Lieutenant Bard led the formation battling heavy
overcast all the way to the target where they met heavy, intense and accurate anti-aircraft
fire that holed several of the planes. Despite the adverse weather and enemy opposition,
an excellent pattern was scored on the target with many direct hits reported. It was
another 100 % bombing accuracy mission. Lieutenants Autrey and Barile were wounded
when a burst of flak sent fragments through the pilot’s compartment of their plane. They
were not hospitalized, however.
A/C No. 43-27726 Tail # 80
P Bard, John A., 1Lt
CP Schweitzer, Robert E., 2Lt
N Steely, Ralph K., 2Lt
B Zinkand, Willard T., 1Lt
E Oliver, Walter A., Sgt
R Seward, Richard F., T/Sgt
G Smith, Norman L., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27528 Tail # 85
P Churchill, Duane W., 1Lt
CP Baird, James L., F/O
N None
B Reves, Louis E., S/Sgt
E Martin, Lewis E. “Lew”, Sgt
R Fletcher, William H., Sgt
G Justice, Conway J., Jr., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27911 Tail # 93
Ivory, Daniel J., Jr., 1Lt
Akers, Harold B., Jr., 1Lt
Styers, Charles W., 2Lt
Goethals, Camiel A., S/Sgt
Hulse, Donald W., T/Sgt
Sharp, Samuel I., Jr., S/Sgt
A/C No. 44-28940 Tail # 92
Autry, W. F. (i.o.), 1Lt
Barile, Sam (NMI), 2Lt
Arnold, Harold L., 2Lt
Langley, Edmond P., Jr., S/Sgt
Schaffer, Irving J., T/Sgt
Atherton, Robert C., Cpl
Tuesday, 6 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27668 Tail # 83
Cook, Don W., 1Lt
Sturgis, Cloral S., 1Lt
Cameron, Alexander G., 2Lt
Morian, Charles R., Cpl
LaBella, Dante (NMI) “GI Joe”, T/Sgt
Tangren, Donald E., Sgt
A/C No. 43-4037 Tail # 78 “Cherry
P Stromberg, Carl K., 1Lt
CP Bruhn, Charles A., 2Lt
N None
B Ferrell, Bruce M., S/Sgt
E Turner, James H., Sgt
R Rockwell, Stewart R. “Rockwell”, T/Sgt
G Glass, David H., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27523 Tail # 95
P Lee, Howard M., 1Lt
CP Wuest, Robert F., 2Lt
N Bartlett, J. E., 2Lt
B Armstrong, Sherman T., 2Lt
E Baird, James (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
R Bass, Bernard G., T/Sgt
G Abiecunas, Joseph P. “Abby”, S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4076 Tail # 88 (first # 88)
P Rubin, Julius W., 1Lt
CP Meyers, Kenneth F., 2Lt
N None
B Bottom, James W., 2Lt
E Parham, Ralph E., Sgt
R Sevier, Fred L., Sgt
G Hudson, Willie H., Jr., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 44-27706 Tail # 89 “Silver
Kuoni, Charles F., Jr., 1Lt
Carr, Robert E., F/O
Pealer, Woodward D., S/Sgt
Harageones, George J., Sgt
Shields, Robert L., Sgt
Hawthorne, Ralph C., S/Sgt
A/C No. 44-28918 Tail # 82 (first # 82)
Brown, Royden (NMI), 1Lt
Gladwill, James G., 1Lt
Libby, Donald E., F/O
Weese, Charles F., Sgt
O’Brien, Brendan M., Cpl
Dittman, Paul F., Jr., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27720 Tail # 86
Lyons, John B., 1Lt
Pruitt, Henry L., 2Lt
Freund, John F., 1Lt
Allendorph, John B., 2Lt
Powell, Neil J., Sgt
Sadofsky, John (NMI), Cpl
Holloway, Garland (NMI), S/Sgt
A/C No. 44-28927 Tail # 91
Birkhead, Charles F., Jr., 2Lt
Fleming, George B., 1Lt
Varga, Frank K., Sgt
Wolfe, Bernard M., Sgt
Zimmerman, Carl F., Cpl
Sidoti, Nick S., Cpl
Tuesday, 6 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 44-28721 Tail # 90 “Shug”
Wilson, James M., 2Lt
Bechtle, Robert M., 2Lt
Rutz, Victor H., F/O
Qualls, Thomas R., T/Sgt
Randall, Charles R., Jr., T/Sgt
Enderle, Melvin J., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27648 Tail # 75 “Sweetie”
West, Alden A. “Bud”, 2Lt
Chakmakian, George E., F/O
Hildreth, Elmer L., M/Sgt
Mitchem, Dewey A., Sgt
Hunter, Dewey G., Sgt
Biersdorff, Charles J., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27530 Tail # 79 “Twin
Engine Sadie” (Anti-Flak/Incendiary
P Myers, Harold C. “Casey”, 1Lt
CP Spaur, Melvin J., 2Lt
N None
B Gardner, Philip K., 2Lt
E White, Frank H., Cpl
R Brusa, Robert P., T/Sgt
G Markiewicz, Edward B., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4067 Tail # 76 “The Big
Swing” (first # 76)
Sheffield, Woodrow W., 2Lt
Beckman, Harold Christoph, 2Lt
Berman, Samuel (NMI), T/Sgt
Lasskow, Maxwell J. “Max”, Sgt
Petruzzi, Evo J., Cpl
Brentar, Joseph C., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27538 Tail # 87 “Down
But Not Out” (first # 87) (AntiFlak/Incendiary Ship)
Swanson, Erle G. “Swanny”, Jr., Capt
Schwartz, Theodore (NMI), 2Lt
Cannon, John L., 2Lt
Veeck, Richard W., T/Sgt
Chase, Harry M., Jr., Cpl
DiSalvo, Alfred J., Sgt
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., T/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Awoke 7:45AM. Clear, sunny AM. Briefing 10:00AM. Had a difficult time sleeping
last night. Very nervous. Combat is commencing to creep up. Oatmeal, fried eggs,
bread, jelly, coffee. (44-28940) Lt Autrey carrying 1000 lb GP's. Target is at Rovereto
(Brenner Pass). Defended. Take off 11:15AM. Clear and cloudy. 11,500 feet.
Beaucoup enemy fighters. Over target 1:59PM. ME109 made a pass. Accurate flak.
Yours truly dispersing chaff. Pilot and co-pilot hit. Left formation at Sestri-Levante.
Landed 3:45PM. 447th last lead ship. Lt Sam Barile (co-pilot) had three stitches taken in
left eye where he was hit. Autrey slight facial plexi-glass wounds. Roast beef, lima
beans, peas, fruit salad, bread, jelly, coffee. Feeling fair. Received beaucoup mail.
Clear, starry evening. Retired 10:00PM.”
Autry, W. F. (i.o.), 1Lt , pilot
Barile, Sam (NMI), 2Lt, pilot
Wednesday, 7 February 1945
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, during the night of 6/7 Feb, A-20s bomb lights and
movement over extensive areas of N Italy; during the day B-25 blasts cut bridges at
Bodrez and Lavis, a viaduct at Lavis, and block rail lines at San Michele all'Adige and
Mantua; XXII Tactical Air Command P-47s destroy 4 railroad bridges and damage
another severely in the NE and C Po Valley and Brenner Pass, and blast dumps and sugar
refineries in the Mantua, Brescia, and Reggio Emilia areas.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: The Lavis area received the brunt of an attack today as three
18 aircraft formations hit the Rail Diversion, Viaduct, and Marshalling Yard with good to
excellent results. The Viaduct and Diversion had spans down after the attack and the
Mantua Causeway (alternate for six planes) had direct hits scored on it. One plane lost
from these operations.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 718/mission 718) Group Mission # 718:
Lavis Railroad Diversion Bridge, Italy
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 719/mission 719) Group Mission # 719:
Lavis Viaduct, Italy (Primary) - Mantua Causeway, Italy (Alternate)
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 720/mission 720) Group Mission # 720:
Lavis station yards, Italy
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: A bombing accuracy of 70.8 per cent was achieved on the raid on
the Lavis station yard, Italy today. Operations-Intelligence personnel moved back into
their hut today. The group is now referring to its aircraft by the large numbers painted on
the tail fins recently rather than the smaller numerals. Roast beef was served for supper
tonight and it was greatly enjoyed. Basketball practice was held in the area today. Four
officers and three enlisted men combat crews were sent to rest camp today. The squadron
ambulance rolled off a mountain cliff tonight enroute to the saw mill. It is not
immediately known who was hurt in the accident.
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 718/mission 718) Group Mission # 718:
(445th BS did not participate)
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 719/mission 719) Group Mission # 719:
(445th BS did not participate)
Wednesday, 7 February 1945 (continued)
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 720/mission 720) Group Mission # 720:
Group Mission #720; Squadron Mission #464:
Capt. Collins led 18 ships from the
squadron on a mission to attack the Lavis station yards, Italy. 500 pound bombs were
dropped from 11,000 ft. Area cover was provided. This flight of bombers received no
flak. It was directed at a flight of ships hitting the Lavis bridges nearby. RESULTS:
Patterns across south section of yard, south of main building. Some bombs short, some
A/C No. 43-27899 Tail # 08 “Flo”
Collins, Daniel P., Capt
Sprankle, Floyd H., 2Lt
Napple, Francis L., Capt
Silnutzer, Joseph H., 1Lt
Carruthers, John (NMI), II, T/Sgt
Kavan, Lester D., T/Sgt
Morisi, David D., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27741Tail # 14 “Val”
(previously “Modern Design”)
P Farrell, Robert A. “Baldy”, Capt
CP Jones, Guilford (NMI), Jr., 1Lt
N None
B Miller, Edward A., 1Lt
E Chambers, Jimmie (NMI), T/Sgt
R Ross, Reginald J., T/Sgt
G Farmer, Alonzo (NMI), Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27502 Tail # 10 “Pretty
Kitty Blue Eyes” (previously “What’s
P Wilson, Charles B. “Charlee”, 2Lt
CP Reade, Rex E., 2Lt
N None
B Rosenthal, Richard C., 2Lt
E Gum, Paul V., Sgt
R Eberhardt, Charles D., Sgt
G Lile, Keith B., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27748 Tail # 02 “Mama!”
Curry, Arthur L. “Art”, 2Lt
Doris, Robert E., 2Lt
Schnieringer, Frank M., F/O
Palermo, Antonio (NMI), Sgt
Posillico, Frank A., Cpl
Clayton, Ross W., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27545 Tail # 06 “Maggie”
(first # 06)
Dentoni, Louis M., 1Lt
Rice, Rudolph G., 2Lt
Epstein, Philip (NMI), 2Lt
Nelson, Jacob M., 2Lt
Vaseleski, Andrew C., Cpl
Hickman, Jefferson M. “Jeff”, Cpl
A/C No. 43-36228 Tail # ? “Miss
Buckham, John K., 2Lt
Zieman, Earl E., 2Lt
Krause, Richard E. “Dick”, 1Lt
Vadnais, Floyd F., Cpl
Peters, Andrew D., Sgt
Stack, James T., Cpl
Wednesday, 7 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27742 Tail # 01 “Winnie
Mae” (previously “Vicious Vera”)
DeBoer, Jay (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Crutchfield, Lucian C., Jr., 2Lt
Brown, Milton H., 1Lt
Brooks, William F., F/O
Kuykendall, Ben (NMI), Cpl
Russo, Paul A., Cpl
Grovenburg, Frank Andrew, Cpl
A/C No. 43-27698 Tail # 13 “Peggy
Webb, Allen W. “Pete”, 1Lt
Doe, Norman H., 2Lt
Joyce, John F., Jr., 1Lt
Beck, Robert B. “Bob”, 1Lt
Watts, Joseph T., Jr., S/Sgt
Engleman, Bud (NMI), T/Sgt
Smith, Francis L. “Smitty” , S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27714 Tail # 16 “Blonde
O’Keefe, John H., 2Lt
Divine, Donald D., F/O
Ohm, Merton D., S/Sgt
Perich, Freddie (NMI), Cpl
Heckman, Kenneth W., Sgt
Emberton, Daniel P., Jr., S/Sgt
A/C No. 44-28722 Tail # 18 “Spirit of
Poteete, Max W., 1Lt
Young, Earl B., Lt Col, HQ 321st BG
Vaughan, Fred W., 1Lt
Larson, Richard A., Sgt
Otterness, William B., S/Sgt
Haynes, Irving L., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27534 Tail # 11 (standing
McFatter, Joe H., 2Lt
Brown, Cecil A., 2Lt
Weiner, Irving B., 1Lt
Hafferkamp, Edwin H., Cpl
Nuttall, John H., S/Sgt
Bierly, Glenn E., Sgt
A/C No. 44-28928 Tail # 03 “Heaven
Can Wait”
Middleton, Donald M., 2Lt
Hancock, Victor J., 2Lt
Davis, Morton A., S/Sgt
Sycylo, Theodore W., S/Sgt
Lowrey, James S., Sgt
Heintz, Edward R., Jr., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27769 Tail # 19 “Miss
Fancy Pants”
Miron, Leno L., 1Lt
Hughes, Richard C., 2Lt
Josephson, Sanford L., S/Sgt
Krauk, Edward J., S/Sgt
Ott, James V., Sgt
Osborn, Jack R., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27716 Tail # 17 “Shit
House Mouse”
Santone, Michael A., 1Lt
Galny, Gerhard Henry “Hank”, Jr., 2Lt
Caron, Philip H., 2Lt
Hagains, John R., Cpl
Reagin, Charles T., S/Sgt
Edwards, Jack M., Sgt
Wednesday, 7 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27572 Tail # 12 “Babs”
P Lewis, Max E., 1Lt
CP Brown, William G., F/O
N None
B Salch, Raymond F., S/Sgt
E Koski, Paul J., S/Sgt
R Barnett, Frank E., Sgt
G Teague, Phillip B., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27680 Tail # 07 “Stuff”
Knauss, Roger Reid “Reid”, 2Lt
O’Neill, William H., Jr., 2Lt
Brown, Thomas M., 2Lt
Kimmel, Edwin B., S/Sgt
Alexaki, Nicholas (NMI), Cpl
Stansberry, Robert C., Cpl
A/C No. 43-26227 Tail # 04
Kourafas, James (NMI) “Jim”, 2Lt
White, Edward A., 2Lt
Puchalla, John M., F/O
Knapp, Robert Duane, Jr., Cpl
Weingartner, William E., Cpl
Freidli, William M., Cpl
Naughton, John J., Jr., Cpl
A/C No. 44-28948 Tail # 09 “Miss
Belle Fontaine”
Young, William J. “Dusty”, 2Lt
Takacs, Rudolph J., 2Lt
Dickens, Noel F., 2Lt
Miller, Morris M., S/Sgt
Krober, Raymond D., Jr., S/Sgt
Kabrich, Harry Lee, S/Sgt
446th BS War Diary: More promotions. To be Staff Sgt.: Beavers, Demmitt, Cubbage
and Luitjens; to Sergeant: Anderson, C., Boylan, Broderick, Freeman, Lind, McEuen,
Nichols, Taylor, T., Beck, Brady, Carl, Jakielek, Martin, T.J., Moncure, Springer,
Anderson, Chester S., Sgt, gunner
Beavers, Marqus F., S/Sgt, gunner
Beck, Junior D., Sgt, gunner
Boylan, James P., Sgt, gunner
Brady, Walter (NMI), Sgt, gunner
Broderick, Emmett P., Sgt, gunner
Carl, Edgar W., Sgt, gunner
Cubbage, Robert (NMI), S/Sgt, gunner
Demmitt, Henry H., S/Sgt, gunner
Freeman, Harold W., Sgt, gunner
Jakielek, Ernest F., Sgt, gunner
Lind, Kenneth H., Sgt, gunner
Luitjens, Harvey J., S/Sgt, gunner
Martin, Thomas J., Jr., Sgt, gunner
McEuen, Richard W., Sgt, gunner
Moncure, James D., Jr., Sgt, gunner
Nichols, Henry J., III, Sgt, gunner
Springer, Walter H., Sgt, gunner
Taylor, Tullis (NMI), Sgt, gunner
Wimert, Donald A., Sgt, gunner
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 718/mission 718) Group Mission # 718:
Squadron Mission 497
TARGET: Lavis Railroad Diversion Bridge, Italy
DATE: 7 Feb.1945
Type of Bombs: 1000 lb.
446th Planes: 9
Lt. Ingram led the formation. Excellent concentration in target area. Some bombs cut N
approach at dyke, others reported to have hit embankment between two bridges and N
bridge. Flak was heavy, moderate, fairly accurate, three men wounded.
Wednesday, 7 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27490 Tail # 45 “Mrs C”
A/C No. 43-4021 Tail # 31 “The Little
Admiral” (later Lady Jane) (first # 31)
Ingram, William T., 1Lt
Crinnion, Edward V., 1Lt
Anderson, William H., 2Lt
Wilcox, Ralph E., 2Lt
Ottem, Earl R., Capt
Yarbrough, George L., 1Lt
Fox, David (NMI), 2Lt
Englehaupt, Russell L., Sgt
Henry, Clark H., S/Sgt
Swann, Homer W., Cpl
Johnson, Carl W., S/Sgt
Andrews, James Robert, Cpl
Haxby, William H., Jr., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27477 Tail # 32 “Boots”
A/C No. 43-27497 Tail # 29
Fisher, Carl D., 1Lt
Sloan, Thomas M., 2Lt
Smith, Clarence J. H., F/O
Hahn, Melvin G., 2Lt
Fein, William F., 2Lt
Cimino, William C., 2Lt
Jeczewski, Joseph M., Cpl
Krider, Emanuel (NMI), Cpl
Benedict, William P., Sgt
Wilking, Robert L., S/Sgt
Popovich, Chris (NMI), S/Sgt
Cammack, Herbert R., Cpl
A/C No. 43-36224 Tail # 34 probably
A/C No. 43-4097 Tail # 28 “Darlene”
(previously “Tiny?”)
”Hauling Ass II”
Chandler, Warren W., 1Lt
Ratliff, James Ernest, Jr., 2Lt
Bachman, William C., Jr., 2Lt
McCloud, Ray L., 2Lt
Beecher, Everett F., Sgt
Pouse, Alfred H., Jr., 2Lt
Kelly, Thomas J., Sgt
Edwards, David R., T/Sgt
McEuen, Richard W., Cpl
Wimert, Donald A., Cpl
Falls, Robert H., Sgt
Dubreuil, Roger N., Cpl
A/C No. 43-3989 Tail # 37 “My
A/C No. 43-27503 Tail # 46 “Miss
Georgia Peach” (on co-pilot side - “The
Leading Lady”, previously “Miss
Crisp, Glenn S., Jr., 1Lt
Everhart, Herman E., 2Lt
Bogan, Floyd W., 2Lt
Long, Emmett N., 2Lt
Cooper, Paul T., Lt Col, Commander
McCullough, John E., Jr., 1Lt
Gahm, Edward L., 2Lt
Nigrelli, Ernest J., S/Sgt
Scheetz, Elvin N., Sgt
Cubbage, Robert (NMI), Sgt
Wilkins, Keith Albert, Cpl
Alberico, Camillo A., S/Sgt
Griffin, John A., Cpl
Wednesday, 7 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27699 Tail # 33 “Jessie”
(later name dropped from nose art)
P Maki, Allan A., 2Lt
CP Berge, Gail B., 2Lt
N None
B Corra, Andrew J., 2Lt
E Utz, James W., Sgt
R Nichols, Henry J., III, Cpl
G Nehls, Clayton R., S/Sgt
F None
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 719/mission 719) Group Mission # 719:
Squadron Mission 498
TARGET: Lavis Viaduct, Italy (Primary)
DATE: 7 Feb.1945
Mantua Causeway, Italy (Alternate)
Type of Bombs: 1000 lb.
446th Planes: 3
Lt. Swanson led the formation. Good concentration on center of viaduct. Smoke
obscured accurate results. At the alternate, there was very good concentration on
causeway; appeared to be split. Flak was heavy, intense, accurate, one man wounded.
Swanson, Erle G. “Swanny”, Jr., Capt, pilot, 448th BS
A/C No. 43-4074 Tail # 27 (picture of
seated lady - no name/lettering)
A/C No. 43-27496 Tail # ?
Capalety, Thomas A., 1Lt
P Kimble, Arnold P., 1Lt
Jackson, Roland B., 2Lt
CP Welsh, Cecil E. “Red”, Jr., 2Lt
N Clark, Samuel E., Jr., 2Lt
Fodor, Joseph M., 2Lt
B Leith, William V., 1Lt
Demmitt, Henry H., Sgt
E Lind, Kenneth H., Cpl
Ross, Harry K., S/Sgt
R Martin, Thomas J., Jr., Cpl
Dickey, Jack F., Jr., S/Sgt
G Anderson, Chester S., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-4077 Tail # 43 “Stormy
A/C No. 43-27747 Tail # 42 “Spider’s
Weather” (Previously 447th ship “Ann’s Frolic Pad” (first # 42) (Lead spare - did
not fill in)
Little Boy Val”)
Treadwell, Joseph (NMI), 1Lt
P DiNorma, Joseph S., 1Lt
Barbee, Harvey C., Jr., 2Lt
CP Tighe, Leo J., 1Lt
N None
DeSorbo, John S., Sgt
B Law, John B., Sgt
Karuzas, Alexander W., Sgt
E Taylor, Tullis (NMI), Cpl
Kirwan, Harold J., Cpl
R Ransom, Gerald H., S/Sgt
Meade, Harold W., Cpl
G Chapin, Correll C., Cpl
F None
Wednesday, 7 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27678 Tail # 40 “Lemmon
Lu” (Lead spare - did not fill in)
P Ramsay, Lamar E., 1Lt
CP Weihe, Frederick H., Jr., 2Lt
N None
B McGann, Edom K., 2Lt
E Reinartsen, Charles R., Jr., Sgt
R Carl, Edgar W., Cpl
G Holdridge, John F., Sgt
F None
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 720/mission 720) Group Mission # 720:
(446th BS did not participate)
447th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information)
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 718/mission 718) Group Mission # 718: 9
planes participated in a mission against Lavis Diversion Bridge in northern Italy. All
planes returned safely but four crewmen were slightly injured. They were as follows: 2nd
Lt. Edwin C. Vantrease, 2nd Lt. Shelby D. Wallis, Sgt. Daniel P. McMenamin, Cpl Robert
E. Neely. The squadron received 100 % bombing accuracy for this mission.
A/C No. 43-36110 Tail # 59 “Big
P Haage, Frederick W., F/O
CP Carlin, Edmund R., 2Lt
N None
B Vantrease, Edwin C., 2Lt
E Neely, Robert E., Cpl
R Judy, Harry H., Jr., Cpl
G Householder, Joe F., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27643 Tail # 60
Brice, David W., 1Lt
Calabrese, Frank (NMI), 2Lt
Fach, Albert W., 2Lt
Longnecker, Ernest J., Sgt
Lamb, George K., Cpl
Hawthorne, Charles E., Cpl
A/C No. 43-36108 Tail # 70
Rice, Ernest C., Capt
Briggs, Richard G. “Dick”, 2Lt
Olsen, Svend P., Capt
Gargiulo, Vincent J. “Vince”, 1Lt
Huntley, Bruce H., Sgt
Jones, LeRoy (NMI), Cpl
Lejman, George T., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27473 Tail # 73 “Paper
Yerger, John W., 1Lt
Wallis, Shelby D., 2Lt
Radel, Henry D., 2Lt
McMenamin, Daniel P., Jr., Sgt
Thomas, Hazen A., Cpl
Cunningham, Paul W., Cpl
Wednesday, 7 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-4079 Tail # 51 “Little
P Craddock, Jesse J., 1Lt
CP Antry, Jack B., 2Lt
N None
B Gough, William V., 2Lt
E Mindlin, Karl N., Cpl
R Fiocca, Theodore Aurelio, T/Sgt
G Goldman, Marvin S., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27636 Tail # 74
Loewus, Frederick E. “Fred”, 1Lt
Stephens, James J., 2Lt
Atkins, William T. “Bill”, F/O
Hardage, Charles W., Cpl
Stroupe, Robert A., Cpl
Miller, Dale G., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27793 Tail # 64 “The
Melting Pot”
P Breckenridge, Louis C., 1Lt
CP Bryson, Roy V., Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Davies, John V., 1Lt
E Rinard, Robert P., Cpl
R Teutsch, Stanley E., Cpl
G Dolezal, Albert (NMI), S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-36059 Tail # 67
Fairchild, George S., 1Lt
Greene, Homer L., Jr., F/O
Stroupe, Burton Elwood “Woody”, 2Lt
Dubbs, Andrew C., Sgt
Phares, Harold (NMI) “Harry”, Jr., Cpl
Merlino, Camille J., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27498 Tail # 71 “Ave
Satterwhite, Henry C., 1Lt
Peck, Paul R., 2Lt
Hiller, Frederick J., 1Lt
Balboni, Robert A., 2Lt
Pennington, Luther A., S/Sgt
Cassidy, Raymond S., Jr., Cpl
Sims, James W., Sgt
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 719/mission 719) Group Mission # 719:
(447th BS did not participate)
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 720/mission 720) Group Mission # 720:
(447th BS did not participate)
448th BS War Diary: Lieutenants Martin, McRee, Copes and Cooper left this morning
for the Cannes, France, rest camp, and Captains Burks & Bongiovanni returned from
Cannes. Lieutenants Cannon and Valenti, and Sergeants Shields and Ward left for the
AAF rest camp at Capri also, and the plane returned this afternoon with Lieutenants
Russell, J.D. Russell, H.H., and Stout and Sergeants Morefield and Schaffer from Capri.
Wednesday, 7 February 1945 (continued)
Lieutenants Kirk and Kiska left today for the United States after completing their tour of
duty here.
Bongiovanni, Michael (NMI), Capt, navigator
Burks, Richard W., Capt, pilot
Cannon, John L., 2Lt, bombardier
Cooper, James W., 2Lt, pilot
Copes, Wilson R., 1Lt, pilot
Kirk, Theodore (NMI) “Ted”, 2Lt, pilot
Kiska, George P., 2Lt, bombardier
Martin, James M., Jr., Lt, bombardier
McRee, Malcolm B., 2Lt, bombardier
Morefield, James Carl, T/Sgt, gunner
Russell, Harold H., 2Lt, pilot
Russell, John D., 2Lt, pilot
Schaffer, Irving J., T/Sgt, gunner
Shields, Robert L., Sgt, gunner
Stout, Charles S. “Chuck”, 2Lt, bombardier
Valenti, Jack J., 2Lt, pilot
Ward, Paul D., Sgt, gunner
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 718/mission 718) Group Mission # 718:
(448th BS did not participate)
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 719/mission 719) Group Mission # 719: The
448th had fourteen (14) planes on its only mission today, attacking the Lavis viaduct.
Captain Swanson led this mission which encountered heavy cloud formations over the
Italian mainland, but found the target clear. Here the enemy put up a desperate barrage of
anti-aircraft fire that holed several of the planes, wounded one man, and shot down one
plane. Smoke pots were used to obscure the target. Despite this, Captain Swanson led
his planes in where they scored another 100% bombing accuracy mission. The
concentration of bombs was in the center of the viaduct with many direct hits scored.
The missing plane was last seen losing altitude going away from the target with a large
hole in the left wing, knocking out the left aileron, and numerous other holes in it. At
that time all crew members were still in the plane. Lieutenant Meyers was unable to lead
his second flight into the Lavis target, so turned to the Mantua causeway, where his flight
likewise scored a 100% bombing accuracy. Only light flak was encountered there, and
the causeway was well covered. Direct hits appeared to have split it. The crew of the
missing plane was Lieutenants Sheffield and Sanders and Sergeants Reves, Petruzzi,
Lasskow and Brentar.
A/C No. 43-27720 Tail # 86
Swanson, Erle G. “Swanny”, Jr., Capt
Zakopcsan, John S., 2Lt
Stout, Charles S. “Chuck”, 2Lt
Brink, Richard E., 1Lt
Veeck, Richard W., T/Sgt
Chase, Harry M., Jr., Cpl
Magyar, Steven J., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27911 Tail # 93
Ivory, Daniel J., Jr., 1Lt
Campbell, John E., 2Lt
Sutton, Norman J., 2Lt
McTaggart, Leonard A., Sgt
Vandenberg, Edward V. “Van”, Sgt
Sharp, Samuel I., Jr., S/Sgt
Wednesday, 7 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-4037 Tail # 78 “Cherry
Stromberg, Carl K., 1Lt
Bechtle, Robert M., 2Lt
Pealer, Woodward D., S/Sgt
Turner, James H., Sgt
Sevier, Fred L., Sgt
Moleski, Benny M. “Ben”, S/Sgt
A/C No. 44-28927 Tail # 91
Smith, Milford A., 1Lt
Mann, James R., F/O
Friedman, Lester Z., 2Lt
Styers, Charles W., 2Lt
Wright, Melvin M., S/Sgt
Mardeuse, Alfred K., T/Sgt
Edwards, Jesse R., Sgt
A/C No. 43-4067 Tail # 76 “The Big
Swing” (MACR-12135 - Ship MIA)
(first # 76)
Sheffield, Woodrow W., 2Lt
Sanders, William A., 2Lt
Reves, Louis E., S/Sgt
Lasskow, Maxwell J. “Max”, Sgt
Petruzzi, Evo J., Sgt
Brentar, Joseph C., Sgt
A/C No. 44-28721 Tail # 90 “Shug”
Birkhead, Charles F., Jr., 2Lt
Meyers, Kenneth F., 2Lt
Langley, Edmund P., Jr., S/Sgt
Wolfe, Bernard M., Sgt
Zimmerman, Carl F., Cpl
Sidoti, Nick S., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27668 Tail # 83
Cook, Don W., 1Lt
Russell, Harold H., 2Lt
LaBella, Dante (NMI) “GI Joe”, T/Sgt
Morian, Charles R., Cpl
Sadofsky, John (NMI), Cpl
Tangren, Donald E., Sgt
A/C No. 43-4076 Tail # 88 (first # 88)
Myers, Harold C. “Casey”, 1Lt
Schwartz, Theodore (NMI), 2Lt
Lang, Robert H., F/O
Allendorph, John B., 2Lt
White, Frank H., Sgt
Morefield, James Carl, T/Sgt
Markiewicz, Edward B., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27616 Tail # 94
Russell, John D., 2Lt
Williams, Peter G., 1Lt
Cameron, Alexander G., 2Lt
Codd, James P., S/Sgt
O’Brien, Brendan M., Cpl
Hudson, Willie H., Jr., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27528 Tail # 85
Churchill, Duane W., 1Lt
Stokes, George M., 2Lt
Justice, Conway J., Jr., S/Sgt
Nelson, William M., Sgt
Fletcher, William H., Sgt
Foote, Lancel H., Jr., Sgt
Wednesday, 7 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27530 Tail # 79 “Twin
Engine Sadie”
P Rubin, Julius W., 1Lt
CP Bruhn, Charles A., 2Lt
N None
B Higby, Paul K., F/O
E Parham, Ralph E., Sgt
R Berman, Samuel (NMI), T/Sgt
G Ferrell, Bruce M., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27523 Tail # 95
P Lee, Howard M., 1Lt
CP Nolkemper, Harold J., F/O
N None
B Rutz, Victor H., F/O
E Baird, James (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
R Seward, Richard F., T/Sgt
G Abiecunas, Joseph P. “Abby”, S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27706 Tail # 89 “Silver
P Kuoni, Charles F., Jr., 1Lt
CP Stow, Charles E., 2Lt
N None
B Lesser, Robert (NMI) “Bob”, 2Lt
E Harageones, George J., Sgt
R Brusa, Robert P., T/Sgt
G Glass, David H., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27538 Tail # 87 “Down
But Not Out” (first # 87)
Gladwill, James G., 1Lt
Chakmakian, George E., F/O
Varga, Frank K., Cpl
Head, Guthrie H., S/Sgt
Hulse, Donald W., T/Sgt
Dittman, Paul F., Jr., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27648 Tail # 75 “Sweetie”
West, Alden A. “Bud”, 2Lt
Baird, James L., F/O
Goethals, Camiel A., S/Sgt
Mitchem, Dewey A., Sgt
Hunter, Dewey G., Sgt
Biersdorff, Charles J., Sgt
448th BS: Extracts from Missing Air Crew Report # 12135:
A/C No. 43-4067 Tail # 76 “The Big Swing” (MACR-12135 - Ship MIA)
(first # 76)
Sheffield, Woodrow W., 2Lt - MIA, interned & later returned
Sanders, William A., 2Lt - MIA, interned & later returned
Reves, Louis E., S/Sgt - MIA, interned & later returned
Lasskow, Maxwell J. “Max”, Sgt - MIA, interned & later returned
Petruzzi, Evo J., Sgt - MIA, interned & later returned
Brentar, Joseph C., Sgt - MIA, interned & later returned
Wednesday, 7 February 1945 (continued)
43-4067 “The Big Swing” severely damaged by flak
Eyewitness Account: Swanson, Erle G. “Swanny”, Jr., Capt, pilot, 448th BS
448th Bombardment Squadron (M) AAF
321st Bombardment Group (M) AAF
APO 650, US Army,
8 February 1945
1. After leaving target and starting towards home, I was called by one of our
escort and advised that he had intercepted a message from 067 for us. The pilot of 067
said that if we could slow up our airspeed, he would be able to catch us before we
reached the Italian coast.
2. I few home at 180 MPH indicated but could not contact 067 at any time. I
advised the second flight, who had gone to the alternate target to try to contact 067. They
could not do so and the fighters advised that they could not locate the ship.
Wednesday, 7 February 1945 (continued)
Captain, Air Corps,
Flight Leader.
(Attachment to MAC Report, Sheffield,
Woodrow W. (O) and crew, dated 8-2-45)
Incl 4.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Eyewitness Account: Furey, Frank M. “Mickey”, Capt, pilot, 448th BS
448th Bombardment Squadron (M) AAF
321st Bombardment Group (M) AAF
APO 650, US Army,
8 February 1945
Upon interrogating crew members returning from the mission on 7 February 1945
I learned that one of our aircraft was missing.
Crew members of other ships stated that 067 piloted by Lieut. Sheffield started
falling behind and passed under the formation on the break-away from the target. Several
men noticed a large gaping hole in 067’s left wing. Lt. Sheffield called the lead ship and
said that he was in trouble but could catch the formation if the leader would slow down.
Captain Swanson leader of the mission slowed down to an indicated airspeed of 180
MPH. Captain Swanson also contacted the leader of the second flight Lt. Myers to be on
the lookout for 067.
All crew members that I talked with said that Lt. Sheffield’s aircraft seemed to be
under control but was losing a little altitude.
Captain, Air Corps,
Ass’t Operations Officer.
(Attachment to MAC Report, Sheffield,
Woodrow W. (O) and crew, dated 8-2-45)
Incl 5.
Wednesday, 7 February 1945 (continued)
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 720/mission 720) Group Mission # 720:
(448th BS did not participate)
Wednesday, 7 February 1945 (continued)
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., T/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Awoke 7:00AM. Van had radio and lights on. Briefing at 7:35AM. Yours truly not
flying. Lewis going to Rome Rest Camp. Clear sunny AM. Pancakes, syrup, oatmeal,
coffee, fruit juice. John Nelson involved in selling rations and government equipment.
More or less a barter deal. MP's pick him and Gardner up in an off limits area in the
mountains. Had rations in a jeep. Did not answer detail call today. Canned corned
beef, rice, tomatoes, cake, bread, butter, coffee. Pick up gloves at tech supply. Clear,
warm day. Mission went to Lavis (Brenner Pass). Very rough. 1 ship missing. Lt
Sheffield (P) Lt Saunders (CP) Lasskow (E) Sevier (R) Reeves (B) Brentar (G). Ham,
mashed potatoes, peas, apple sauce, bread, butter, coffee. Capt Burks returned from
France. Clear evening. Retired 11:00PM.”
Brentar, Joseph C., Sgt, gunner
Burks, Richard W., Capt, pilot
Gardner, Thomas G., S/Sgt, radio-gunner, armament
Lasskow, Maxwell J. “Max”, Sgt, engineer-gunner
Martin, Lewis E. “Lew”, Sgt, engineer-gunner
Nelson, John F. “Chief”, Cpl, engineer-gunner
Petruzzi, Evo J., Sgt, radio-gunner
Reves, Louis E., S/Sgt, engineer-gunner, bombardier
Sanders, William A., 2Lt, pilot
Sheffield, Woodrow W., 2Lt, pilot
Vandenberg, Edward V. “Van”, Sgt, gunner
Thursday, 8 February 1945
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, during the night of 7/8 Feb, A-20s on intruder missions bomb
various targets at 58 points in the Po Valley and Brenner Pass area; medium bombers
during the day attack bridges at Calliano, Chiusaforte, Dogna and Piacenza; fighters and
fighter-bombers closely support US Fifth Army forces in the Serchio Valley where
counterattacks oppose the Allied offensive and destroy the Nervesa della Battaglia
railroad bridge and oil dump N of Mestre.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: Rough targets continued today as the two formations received
heavy, intense, accurate flak as they attacked the Galliano Bridges #2 and #3. A total of
two aircraft were lost, 1 man killed, and nine wounded. Yet despite the heavy opposition
both targets were covered with over ninety percent concentrations. With the move
definitely postponed until further notice, S-1, S-2, S-3 and S-4 have found new “homes”
although only S-1 has moved back into their pre-fabricated office. S-2 is in a pyramidal,
S-3 in the old link-trainer building, S-4 in an elongated hospital-type tent. In a meeting
of the Enlisted Men tonight, Captain Bailey emphasized some uniform requirements –
O.D.’s for office workers plus ties, stripes and Army Air Force patches. He further
announced that men of this unit would henceforth be eligible for furloughs of up to ten
days duration. Lt. Dulaney of the 446th Squadron, assigned as Group Personal
Equipment Officer by Special Order, 20, this Headquarters, 5 February 1945, moved into
his new office in S-3. In their first game of the year the Enlisted Men’s basketball team
lost a fast, well-played game to the 448th Squadron 42-28.
Bailey, George L., Capt, statistical
Dulaney, Fred H., 2Lt, engineering
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 721/mission 721) Group Mission # 721:
Calliano Railroad Bridge # 3, Italy.
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 722/mission 722) Group Mission # 722:
Calliano Railroad Bridge # 2, Italy.
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: Master Sergeant Wendell J. Bell, Corning, N.Y., was the hero
today. He was the one who taxied aircraft 928 away from its hardstand to a point of
refuge while a large fire was blazing away around four thousand pound bombs lying near
some gasoline drums. After Sgt. Bell had taxied the plane out of danger, the bombs
exploded sending shrapnel and rocks all over the area. Many of the maintenance tents
were wrecked but only one plane was damaged by the flying rocks and shrapnel. The
force of the explosion was such as to send a wrench clean across the runway and onto a
wing of a B-25 in another squadron almost a half mile away. No one was seriously
injured. Today is the second anniversary overseas for the group. Baked ham and apple
Thursday, 8 February 1945 (continued)
pie were especially enjoyed for supper. In the evening, a big champagne party was held
in the enlisted men’s club and many “celebrities” were present. These included many of
the squadron’s “alumni” such as Major Neumann, Lt. Humphrey, Capt. Anderson and
others. Major Bounds and many of the staff officers of the squadron were present. It was
a gala affair enjoyed by one and all. Lts. Miron, McFatter and Shutters made 1st
Lieutenant today.
Anderson, Melvin Anders “Andy”, Capt, bombardier
Bell, Wendell J., M/Sgt, engineering
Bounds, Thomas C., Maj, pilot, Commander
Humphrey, Malcolm R., 1Lt, supply
McFatter, Joe H., 1Lt, pilot
Miron, Leno L., 1Lt, pilot
Neumann, Robert H., Maj, pilot, Operations Officer
Shutters, Paul E., 1Lt, pilot
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 721/mission 721) Group Mission # 721:
Group Mission #721; Squadron Mission #465:
Lt. Webb led 12 ships from the
squadron which formed the second flight of a formation sent out to attack the Calliano
railroad bridge, Italy. 1000 pound and 500 pound bombs were dropped from 11,500 ft to
12,000 ft. Escort was P-47s. Flak was heavy, intense and accurate at the first flight for
30 seconds before bombs away, tracking on breakaway. The second flight received
heavy, moderate and fairly accurate flak mostly on breakaway. Six unknown aircraft
were seen in the area but they did not attack. 1 ship was lost, 6 men wounded and 10
ships were holed. RESULTS: Greatest concentration just over. Some bombs may have
walked through target. Flak ships got good coverage on gun positions.
A/C No. 43-27742 Tail # 01 “Winnie
Mae” (previously “Vicious Vera”)
P Webb, Allen W. “Pete”, 1Lt
CP Reade, Rex E., 2Lt
N Cravey, Robert P., 2Lt
B Beck, Robert B. “Bob”, 1Lt
E Taylor, Marion R., S/Sgt
R Johnson, John E., T/Sgt
G Moorehead, Lewis E., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27680 Tail # 07 “Stuff”
Knauss, Roger Reid “Reid”, 2Lt
Crutchfield, Lucian C., Jr., 2Lt
Brown, Thomas M., 2Lt
Cubley, Harold B., T/Sgt
Reagin, Charles T., S/Sgt
Morisi, David D., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27572 Tail # 12 “Babs”
Wilson, Charles B. “Charlee”, 2Lt
Galny, Gerhard Henry “Hank”, Jr., 2Lt
Epstein, Philip (NMI), 2Lt
Mitchell, Robert D. “Bob”, Sgt
Barnett, Frank E., Sgt
Teague, Phillip B., Sgt
A/C No. 43-4008 Tail # ? “Spirit of St
Curry, Arthur L. “Art”, 2Lt
Mutchler, Charles W., 2Lt
Weiner, Irving B., 1Lt
Rousso, Ralph L., Sgt
Krober, Raymond D., Jr., S/Sgt
Clayton, Ross W., Sgt
Thursday, 8 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27733 Tail # 00 “Porky’s
P Dentoni, Louis M., 1Lt
CP Zieman, Earl E., 1Lt
N None
B Rosenthal, Richard C., 2Lt
E Vargas, Cleofas M., Cpl
R Seigler, William B., Cpl
G Henry, William W., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 44-28722 Tail # 18 “Spirit of
P Poteete, Max W., 1Lt
CP Divine, Donald D., F/O
N None
B Vaughan, Fred W., 1Lt
E Larson, Richard A., Sgt
R Otterness, William B., S/Sgt
G Slodden, Henry M. “Kip”, S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27714 Tail # 16 “Blonde
Young, William J. “Dusty”, 2Lt
Young, Paul L., 2Lt
Krause, Richard E. “Dick”, 1Lt
McCormack, Samuel C., S/Sgt
Nuttall, John H., S/Sgt
Baker, Max E., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27899 Tail # 08 “Flo”
(Anti-Flak/Incendiary Ship)
Rigler, Edward J., 1Lt
Brown, Cecil A., 2Lt
Miller, Edward A., 1Lt
Hunsberger, William R., S/Sgt
Ott, James V., Sgt
Kabrich, Harry Lee, S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27769 Tail # 19 “Miss
Fancy Pants”
Buckham, John K., 2Lt
Amundson, Fred K., 2Lt
Davis, Morton A., S/Sgt
Krauk, Edward J., S/Sgt
Salch, Raymond F., S/Sgt
Osborn, Jack R., Sgt
A/C No. 43-26227 Tail # 04
Kourafas, James (NMI) “Jim”, 2Lt
Doe, Norman H., 2Lt
Josephson, Sanford L., S/Sgt
Knapp, Robert Duane, Jr., Cpl
Ross, Reginald J., T/Sgt
Freidli, William M., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27741Tail # 14 “Val”
(previously “Modern Design”) (Lead
spare - did not fill in)
DeBoer, Jay (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
White, Edward A., 2Lt
Brooks, William F., F/O
Kuykendall, Ben (NMI), Sgt
Russo, Paul A., Sgt
Grovenburg, Frank Andrew, Cpl
A/C No. 43-27716 Tail # 17 “Shit
House Mouse” (Anti-Flak/Incendiary
Miron, Leno L., 1Lt
Hancock, Victor J., 2Lt
Brown, Milton H., 1Lt
Hagains, John R., Sgt
Alexaki, Nicholas (NMI), Cpl
Bierly, Glenn E., Sgt
Thursday, 8 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-36228 Tail # ? “Miss
Bobby” (Anti-Flak/Incendiary Ship)
P McFatter, Joe H., 2Lt
CP Doris, Robert E., 2Lt
N None
B Caron, Philip H., 2Lt
E Koski, Paul J., S/Sgt
R Peters, Andrew D., Sgt
G Stack, James T., Cpl
F None
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 722/mission 722) Group Mission # 722:
(445th BS did not participate)
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 721/mission 721) Group Mission # 721:
(446th BS did not participate)
446th BS War Diary: Lieut. Starczewski is made a 1st Lieut., as Flight Officers Smith,
Atkins and Anderson are made second lieutenants. A 12-plane mission is flown and two
of our ships make forced landings in Italy after a “hot” flight.
Anderson, William H., 2Lt, pilot
Atkins, Richard A., Jr., 2Lt, pilot
Smith, Clarence J. H., 2Lt, pilot
Starczewski, Phillip R., 1Lt, bombardier
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 722/mission 722) Group Mission # 722:
Squadron Mission 499
TARGET: Calliano, Italy
DATE: 8 Feb.1945
Type of Bombs: 1000 lb.
446th Planes: 12
Lt. Marchant led the formation. Bombs hit just short of bridge and walked through target
to river, covering bridge. Flak was heavy, moderate to intense, very accurate. One man
killed, twelve planes holed. Lt. Crisp landed on single engine at Pisa. Lt. Chandler
crash-landed at Florence, crew safe. One report of ME-109s being sighted, but they did
not attack. Lt. Berge, the spare, returned early.
Marchant, Wendell E., 1Lt, pilot, 447th BS
A/C No. 43-3989 Tail # 37 “My
A/C No. 43-4097 Tail # 28 “Darlene”
Georgia Peach” (on co-pilot side - “The
(previously “Tiny?”)
Leading Lady”, previously “Miss
Dallas”) (single engine landing at Pisa)
Cressman, Jack E., 1Lt
P Crisp, Glenn S., Jr., 1Lt
Alward, Charles W., 2Lt
CP Wozniak, Stanley E., Capt
N Starczewski, Phillip R., 2Lt
Murch, George M., Jr., Sgt
B O’Connor, Richard W., 2Lt
Freeman, Harold W., S/Sgt
E Alexander, Preston S., S/Sgt
Wilking, Robert L., S/Sgt
R Luitjens, Harvey J., S/Sgt
Feola, Joseph A., Cpl
G Meade, Harold W., Cpl
F None
Thursday, 8 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27480 Tail # 44 “Yankee
P Ramsay, Lamar E., 1Lt
CP Weihe, Frederick A., Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Fein, William F., 2Lt
E Reinartsen, Charles R., Jr., Sgt
R Carl, Edgar W., Sgt
G Holdridge, John F., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4021 Tail # 31 “The Little
Admiral” (later Lady Jane) (first # 31)
P Treadwell, Joseph (NMI), 2Lt
CP Barbee, Harvey C., 2Lt
N None
B DeSorbo, John S., Sgt
E Dalpos, Joseph N., S/Sgt
R Kirwan, Harold J., Cpl
G Cleland, Donald S., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27490 Tail # 45 “Mrs C”
Carlson, Lowell A., 1Lt
Dunn, Albert W., 2Lt
Codd, Russell G., 2Lt
McCullough, John E., Jr., 1Lt
Bass, Charles L., Cpl
Nichols, Henry J., III, Sgt
Springer, Walter H., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27660 Tail # 30 “Shooting
Perlman, Jacob L., 1Lt
Brock, Thomas E., F/O
Pouse, Alford H., Jr., 2Lt
Chase, William H., Cpl
Johnson, Carl W., S/Sgt
Slezak, Alex E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-36224 Tail # 34 probably
”Hauling Ass II”
Heaberlin, Paul L., 2Lt
French, Wendell L., 2Lt
Hensler, Donald O., F/O
Reda, John J., Sgt
Vanderpool, Ralph M., Cpl
Hatcher, James T., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27745 Tail # 47
Manolis, Ronald J., 2Lt
Wallace, Merwin W., 2Lt
Freck, Byron P., Cpl
Karuzas, Alexander W., Sgt
Martin, Thomas J., Jr., Sgt
Fitzgerald, George L., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27747 Tail # 42 “Spider’s
Frolic Pad” (first # 42)
Everhart, Herman E., 2Lt
Rozar, Richard L., 2Lt
Gahm, Edward L., 2Lt
Edwards, David R., T/Sgt
Beck, Junior D., Sgt
Jakielek, Ernest F., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27501 Tail # 39 “Sweet
Sue Kathy Jeanne” (unnamed to Nov
44. In 45 “Kathy Jeanne” dropped)
(Anti-Flak/Incendiary Ship)
Kimble, Arnold P., 1Lt
Welsh, Cecil E. “Red”, Jr., 2Lt
Clark, Samuel E., Jr., 2Lt
Leith, William V., 1Lt
Demmitt, Henry H., S/Sgt
Ross, Harry K., S/Sgt
Wagner, William M., Cpl
Thursday, 8 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27503 Tail # 46 “Miss
Arabella” (Anti-Flak/Incendiary Ship)
Fisher, Carl D., 1Lt
Smith, Clarence J. H., F/O
Law, John B., Sgt
Cornelius, Wilbur G., S/Sgt
Benedict, William P., Sgt
Darnielle, George W., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27699 Tail # 33 “Jessie”
(later name dropped from nose art) (Lead
spare - did not fill in)
P Berge, Gail B., 2Lt
CP Moore, Howard T., 2Lt
N None
B Williams, Thomas A., 2Lt
E Pelusi, Richard D., Cpl
R Moncure, James D., Jr., Sgt
G Broderick, Emmett P., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27496 Tail # ?
PAOLA II) (Anti-Flak/Incendiary Ship)
(crash landed at Florence)
Chandler, Warren W., 1Lt
Neel, John Dodd, 2Lt
Beecher, Everett F., Sgt
Brady, Walter (NMI), Sgt
Wilkins, Keith Albert, Cpl
Beavers, Marqus F., Sgt
446th BS: War Diary of: Luitjens, Harvey J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner: (mission 36)
“No. 36) Went after Calliano R.R. Bridge - very rough. Got flak about 6 min. Picked up
about 200 holes. Single engine and a flat tire. Had just 20 gallons of gas left. Capt.
Crisp, Glenn S., Jr., 1Lt, pilot
447th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information)
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 721/mission 721) Group Mission # 721:
(447th BS did not participate)
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 722/mission 722) Group Mission # 722: 9
planes participated in a mission to Calliano Rail Bridge No. 2 in northern Italy. All
planes returned safely, but many planes were holed. 1st Lt. Donald J. Colgan, bombardier
in lead ship was killed over the target by flak. Capt. S.P. Olson navigator on lead ship
was severely wounded about the face by flak. He is recovering in the 40th Station
Thursday, 8 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-36108 Tail # 70
Buckley, Paul I., 1Lt
Brown, Lyle N., Jr., 1Lt
Pobereyko, Tony (NMI), 2Lt
Price, Charles J., Cpl
Newton, James R., Cpl
Jones, Robert A., Sgt
A/C No. 43-4040 Tail # 56 “Fearless
P Carlin, Edmund R., 2Lt
CP Haage, Frederick W., F/O
N None
B Tougaw, Lewis W., 2Lt
E Anderson, Arthur F., Cpl
R Judy, Harry H., Jr., Cpl
G Householder, Joe F., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-36106 Tail # 63
Amundson, Donald A., 1Lt
Autry, Aaron E., 1Lt
Blankemeyer, Frank J., F/O
Henkler, Edward H., Cpl
Meiborg, Walter F., Cpl
West, Edgar M., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27473 Tail # 73 “Paper
P Appenzeller, Richard D., 1Lt
CP Elliott, Thomas P., 2Lt
N None
B Gough, William V., 2Lt
E Keenan, Harry A., Sgt
R Fiocca, Theodore Aurelio, T/Sgt
G Miller, Dale G., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27498 Tail # 71 “Ave
Marchant, Wendell E., 1Lt
Twieg, Donald P., 2Lt
Olsen, Svend P., Capt
Colgan, Donald J., 1Lt
Judkins, Philip L., T/Sgt
Appleman, Carroll G., Sgt
Smith, Kenneth C., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27643 Tail # 60
Morrison, George R., Jr., 1Lt
Tarquinio, Albert C., 2Lt
Davies, John V., 1Lt
Dulaney, Earl W., S/Sgt
Smith, John T., Cpl
Klimkowicz, Zigmond (NMI), S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-4079 Tail # 51 “Little
Gies, Donald W., 2Lt
Stephens, James J., 2Lt
Perl, Richard H., Sgt
Tyler, Freeman P., T/Sgt
Ruiz, Emigdio (NMI), Cpl
Hunsaker, Frank W., Jr., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27492 Tail # 57 “Reddie
Satterwhite, Henry C., 1Lt
Rose, Norman I., 2Lt
Caflisch, Leonard P. “Lenny”, Jr., 2Lt
Balboni, Robert A., 1Lt
Pennington, Luther A., S/Sgt
Cassidy, Raymond S., JR., Cpl
Sims, James W., Sgt
Thursday, 8 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27779 Tail # 62
Peck, Paul R., 2Lt
Hennessey, Ralph E., 1Lt
McDermott, James W., 1Lt
Daniels, Carl (NMI), S/Sgt
Teutsch, Stanley E., Cpl
Flanagan, Joseph E., Cpl
448th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information)
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 721/mission 721) Group Mission # 721:
Nine of the 448th’s planes flew on the only mission today for the Squadron, the Calliano
Railroad Bridge. Lieutenant Lyons led the formation which attacked in clear weather
through a heavy barrage of intense and accurate anti-aircraft fire. Several of the planes
received damage from the flak but Lieutenant Lyons led his formation on to the target
where another extremely successful mission was scored. Numerous hits were made in
the center of the bridge, but smoke obscured clear observation. Captain Bongiovanni,
Lieutenants Sheppard and Styers and Sergeant Hildreth receive slight wounds on today’s
mission. Lieutenant Schweitzer and Sergeant Powell received more serious wounds and
were rushed to a hospital immediately. One plane was lost. It was last seen heading
northward, losing altitude with one engine smoking. The crew of the missing plane was
Lieutenants Birkhead and Pruitt and Sergeants Ratcliffe, Hovorka, Randall and
A/C No. 43-27720 Tail # 86
P Lyons, John B., 1Lt
CP Carr, Robert E., F/O
N Bongiovanni, Michael (NMI), Capt
B Zinkand, Willard T., 1Lt
E Powell, Neil J., Sgt
R Sadofsky, John (NMI), Cpl
G Holloway, Garland (NMI), S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27528 Tail # 85
P Churchill, Duane W., 1Lt
CP Brown, Royden (NMI), 1Lt
N None
B Libby, Donald E., F/O
E Mientkiewicz, Casmier (NMI), Sgt
R Fletcher, William H., Sgt
G Justice, Conway J., Jr., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 44-28721 Tail # 90 “Shug”
Autrey, W. F. (i.o.), 1Lt
Akers, Harold B., Jr., 2Lt
Sheppard, John W., 2Lt
Langley, Edmund P., Jr., S/Sgt
Schaffer, Irving J., T/Sgt
Atherton, Robert C., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27616 Tail # 94
Russell, John D., 2Lt
Schweitzer, Robert E., 2Lt
Hildreth, Elmer L., M/Sgt
Codd, James P., S/Sgt
O’Brien, Brendan M., Cpl
Hudson, Willie H., Jr., Cpl
Thursday, 8 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 44-28918 Tail # 82 (first # 82)
(MACR-12126 shot down by flak)
P Birkhead, Charles F., Jr., 2Lt
CP Pruitt, Henry L., 2Lt
N None
B Ratcliffe, James E., Jr., S/Sgt
E Hovorka, Leo F., Jr., Cpl
R Randall, Charles R., Jr., T/Sgt
G Hawthorne, Ralph C., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27791 Tail # 84
Fleming, George B., 1Lt
Campbell, John E., 2Lt
Bartlett, J. E., 2Lt
Styers, Charles W., 2Lt
Gutierrez, Ralph (NMI), Sgt
Vandenberg, Edward V. “Van”, Sgt
Gage, Robert L., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27538 Tail # 87 “Down
But Not Out” (first # 87)
P West, Alden A. “Bud”, 2Lt
CP Spaur, Melvin J., 2Lt
N None
B Ferrell, Bruce M., S/Sgt
E Mitchem, Dewey A., Sgt
R Hunter, Dewey G., Sgt
G Biersdorff, Charles J., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27668 Tail # 83
Cook, Don W., 1Lt
Beckman, Harold Christoph, 2Lt
Bottom, James W., 2Lt
Morian, Charles R., Cpl
LaBella, Dante (NMI) “GI Joe”, T/Sgt
Tangren, Donald E., Sgt
A/C No. 43-4037 Tail # 78 “The
Cherry Fizz”
Stromberg, Carl K., 1Lt
Sturgis, Cloral S., 1Lt
Rutz, Victor H., F/O
Turner, James H., Sgt
Morefield, James Carl, T/Sgt
Enderle, Melvin J., S/Sgt
448th BS: Extracts from Missing Air Crew Report # 12126:
A/C No. 44-28918 Tail # 82 (first # 82) (MACR-12126 shot down by flak)
Birkhead, Charles F., Jr., 2Lt - MIA - KIA per NARA records
Pruitt, Henry L., 2Lt - MIA - KIA per NARA records
Ratcliffe, James E., Jr., S/Sgt - MIA - KIA per NARA records
Hovorka, Leo F., Jr., Sgt - MIA - KIA per NARA records
Randall, Charles R., Jr., T/Sgt - MIA - KIA per NARA records
Hawthorne, Ralph C., S/Sgt - MIA - KIA per NARA records
Thursday, 8 February 1945 (continued)
Eyewitness Account: West, Alden A. "Bud", 1Lt, pilot, 448th BS
448th Bombardment Squadron (M) AAF
321st Bombardment Group (M) AAF
APO 650, US Army,
9 February 1945
On the mission of February 8, 1945 to Calliano Rail Road Bridge, I flew directly
behind and beneath Lieut. Birkhead’s aircraft 44-28918 which was lost to intense enemy
anti-aircraft fire.
Just at the moment of “Bombs Away” Lieut. Birkhead’s aircraft was struck by
flak and fell directly in front of me and passed under the formation as we broke to the
I slipped inside of my element leader and watched the crippled aircraft descend
rapidly (approximately 2000 ft a minute) then turn Northward and continue his decent up
the Brenner Pass toward the city of Trento.
Lieutenant Birkhead’s aircraft appeared to be under control at all times, but heavy
volumes of white gasoline vapor were escaping from his right engine nacelle. There was
no fire visible to me nor was the right propeller feathered.
I lost sight of 918 as it passed behind some mountains about 5000 feet below the
2nd Lt., Air Corps,
(Attachment to MAC Report, Birkhead,
Charles F. Jr. (O) and crew, dated 2-9-45)
Incl 2.
Thursday, 8 February 1945 (continued)
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 722/mission 722) Group Mission # 722:
(448th BS did not participate)
Thursday, 8 February 1945 (continued)
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., T/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Awoke 7:45AM. Sunny AM. Feeling fair, but somewhat nervous. Martin went to Rome
Rest Camp yesterday. Fresh fried eggs, hot cereal, bacon, fruit juice, coffee, bread,
marmalade. Briefing 10:25AM. Carry 1000 lb. 721 (90) (44-28721 Tail # 90 “Shug”)
Lt Autrey, pilot. Target is Calliano RR bridge in Brenner Pass. Six anti-flak ships and
fighter escort. Take off 11:30AM. Partly cloudy sky. Over target at 2:05PM. Using K-1.
Heavy intense and accurate flak. 918 (82) (44-28918 Tail # 82) hit on bomb run. Broke
away and disappeared in mountains. Many ships in distress. Our bombardier hit in
head. Flak helmet saved his life. Lead navigator and bombardier injured. Lead
bombardier in 447th killed. Powell engineer severely wounded in left knee. Landed
3:00PM. 100% hit on target. Lt Birkhead, Lt Saunders, S/Sgt Ratcliffe, S/Sgt
Hawthorne, T/Sgt Randall, Sgt Hovorka went down with 918. No word yet from Lt
Sheffield's ship. Canned pork, dehydrated potatoes, canned corn, vanilla pudding, bread,
jelly, coffee. Colored band from Bastia playing at club tonight. Marks the second
anniversary of this group being overseas. Free beer and food. All the boys are down in
the dumps tonight. Miss our buddies. Clear, starry night. Retired 10:30PM.”
Autry, W. F. (i.o.), 1Lt , pilot
Birkhead, Charles F., Jr., 2Lt, pilot
Bongiovanni, Michael (NMI), Capt, navigator (448th BS lead navigator)
Colgan, Donald J., 1Lt, bombardier, 447th BS (447th BS lead bombardier)
Hawthorne, Ralph C., S/Sgt, gunner
Hovorka, Leo F., Jr., Sgt, engineer-gunner
Martin, Lewis E. “Lew”, Sgt, engineer-gunner
Powell, Neil J., Sgt, engineer-gunner
Pruitt, Henry L., 2Lt, pilot
Randall, Charles R., Jr., T/Sgt, radio-gunner
Ratcliffe, James E., Jr., S/Sgt, engineer-gunner, bombardier
Sheffield, Woodrow W., 2Lt, pilot
Sheppard, John W., 2Lt, bombardier
Zinkand, Willard T., 1Lt, bombardier (448th BS lead bombardier)
Friday, 9 February 1945
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, during the night of 8/9 Feb, A-20s and A-26s on intruder
missions attack communications targets throughout the C and NE Po Valley; weather
restricts daytime operations to weather reconnaissance and supply dropping missions.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: No mission – weather. The Headquarters Officers paced by
Major Neumann, ex-Seton Hall star, went out and trimmed the Enlisted men to the tune
of 45-31 in a tune up for both teams with a league schedule coming up.
Neumann, Robert H., Maj, pilot, Group Gunnery Officer
445th BS War Diary: It was “stand-down” on the mission today. Lts. Robson and
Finkhouse gave a lecture on bombing to all the bombardiers. Two of the most popular
and faithful members of the squadron left today on rotation orders taking them to the
States. They are technical sergeants Charlie Larkin and Charlie Doherty. Capt. Weld
and Sgt. H.J. Jones also left. The men on the line were rebuilding damaged tents and
installations on the line today following yesterday’s explosions. The weather was warm
again but it was a bit windy in the afternoon making landings difficult for the men on
practice bombing.
Doherty, Charles S., T/Sgt, gunner
Finkhouse, Lloyd L., 1Lt, bombardier
Jones, Harvey J., S/Sgt, gunner
Larkin, Francis C. "Charley", T/Sgt, engineer-gunner
Robson, Herbert E., 2Lt, bombardier
Weld, Willis R., Capt, pilot
445th BS: War Diary of: Seegmiller, Barnard H., Sgt, armament:
“Yesterday marked the second anniversary of our sailing from New York
harbor for service overseas. It was a typical day and one that will be remembered by
everyone. We had a mission to load and so we went to the line quite early. Just as my
crew was preparing to hoist the last bomb in one ship we noticed a big smoke rising from
the hard-stand next to us, and at the same time Edward Shafer came “giggin” down the
taxi strip, definitely in a state of alarm. I asked him what the trouble was and he said a
pool of gasoline had caught fire and was burning dangerously near the plane. There
were six 1000-pound bombs lying in the gas. I passed the alarm to the other boys and we
all took off down the taxi strip. I heard engines being started and looked around in time
to see the plane, aileron burning, taxi out and cross the strip to a vacant hard-stand.
Shafer, Edgar H., Sgt, engineering
We had reached a shallow flood way near my airplane, #572, and were waiting
for the explosion we were sure would come. The fire had died out somewhat and I was
about to remark that perhaps the bombs were not going to blow when a flash of flame
shot into the air and a tremendous ear-splitting crash followed by a thunderous boom
told us it was all over now. We hit the ditch and debris began falling all around us. It
continued to rain stones and pieces of metal for what seemed a long time, but we were
Friday, 9 February 1945 (continued)
not struck by anything but small stuff. Shafer got a rather bad bruise on the knee. We
went up to view the resultant damage, which was terrific. Several planes were damaged
so badly that they had to be taken to the service squadron. The one we were loading was
hardest hit of any. All the administration tents, Armament Tech supply, engineering, etc.
were flattened by the blast. A section of brush was cleared away and a huge crater
gaped at where the bombs had lain. Fortunately and strangely, no one was hurt.
Shafer, Edgar H., Sgt, engineering
M/Sgt. Bell had started engines and taxied away the plane nearest the fire and the
only damage to it was a burned aileron. For the marvelous job he deserves the very
highest of praise. He is one of the very few men who would have tried to do it and a
combination of courage, ability, confidence and luck is all that saved him and the plane.
Bell, Wendell J., M/Sgt, engineering
Bomb fragments, pieces of tools and equipment, etc. were scattered into every
squadron area on the line, and numerous incidents occurred elsewhere. A crew chief
working on his engine a mile or more away asked his assistant for a 5/16 box end
wrench. Ping! Here it came right through the engine cowling almost into his hand. Men
were in every attitude of nature when the explosion occurred and some claim to have
been knocked off their feet. Several were hit in the back by falling stones. We were
standing less than a hundred yards away and I felt no overwhelming effect of the blast. I
was expecting it to come and was neither unnerved or frightened. Shortly after it
happened, General Knapp landed his “cub” on the taxi strip and taxied up to the crater.
After looking things over to his satisfaction, he asked to have the narrow strip cleared
and without the least of ceremony, took off again.
Knapp, Robert Duane, Brigadier General, pilot, 57th BW Commander
Our planes took off on the mission as per schedule and soon the business of
reconstruction was well underway. The 447th and 448th Squadrons ran into heavy flak
and I saw several wounded taken from a couple of planes. One bombardier was killed
and the pilot of the same plane had both eyes shot out. The Armament “wheels” were
attending Steve’s court-martial for the accident that resulted in Dexter’s death and an
investigation is being conducted on the incendiary bomb that exploded last week. Now
this will call in a great deal of questions. Steve was acquitted. Our move has been
postponed and it is my opinion that we shall remain here for a long time. The weather is
Dexter, Richard W. "Dex", Sgt, armament
Pleva, Stephen P., Sgt, armament
446th BS War Diary: Lucky five to get orders to go home are Capt. Mayo, Lieuts.
Derringer and Farber and EM Bundy and Bruner.
Bruner, Edward (NMI), S/Sgt, gunner
Bundy, Garland A., T/Sgt, gunner
Derringer, Albert J., 1Lt, bombardier
Farber, Joseph L., 1Lt, bombardier
Mayo, Jack D., Capt, bombardier
Friday, 9 February 1945 (continued)
447th BS War Diary: No mission today. Cpl. Forman L. Cole assigned and joined from
Hq. 19th Repl Bn. Par 9 SO 38 Hq. 19th Repl. Bn. 1st Lt. Lee F. Huchingson assigned and
joined from 445th Bomb. Sq. duty Supply Officer, par 6 SO 20 Hq. 321st Bomb Gp.
Cole, Forman L., Cpl, armament
Huchingson, Lee F., 1Lt, Adjutant
448th BS War Diary: Captain Burks, Operations Officer was promoted to Major, and
second Lieutenants Allendorph and Gardner were promoted to First Lieutenant.
Allendorph, John B., 1Lt, bombardier
Burks, Richard W., Maj, pilot
Gardner, Philip K., 1Lt, bombardier
448th BS Mission Summary: Cloudy threatening weather prevailed over most of
Corsica today, as bad weather was reported in the Po Valley also. The crews for today’s
mission arrived at the briefing hut, however, before being told that the mission was a
stand down.
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., T/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Joe Ryan came storming in about 7:50AM. Clear, sunny AM. John got quite stinking
from drinking. Fresh, fried eggs, oatmeal, bacon, bread, jelly, fruit juice, coffee. Chow
is the general run of the mill. Weather is fair. Mission bombed alternate at Mantua.
100%. No Flak. No Fighters. Feeling fair. Been thinking a lot about the folks and
Shyrle. Nothing special took place today. 1st shift of guard.”
Nelson, John F. “Chief”, Cpl, engineer-gunner
Ryan, Joseph C. "Joe", Sgt, personnel, Detail Sgt
Shyrle, Irving Schaffer’s future wife
Saturday, 10 February 1945
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, during the night of 9/10 Feb, A-20s and A-26s hit railroads,
lights, and movement in the Po Valley and Brenner area and bomb docks at La Spezia;
weather cancels all but 2 medium bomber missions; however, the B-25s cut bridges at
Palazzuolo sull' Oglio and Romano di Lombardia; fighter-bombers concentrate on
railroads in NE Italy, and destroy numerous vehicles in a truck park in the Mantua area.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: The two formations sent to hit the San Michele area had to
attack the alternates because of the inclement weather in the Brenner Pass and, with no
flak, reported excellent concentrations in the target area.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 723/mission 723) Group Mission # 723:
Weather Reconnaissance.
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 724/mission 724) Group Mission # 724:
Romano Di Lombardo Rail Bridge, Italy (Alt)
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 725/mission 725) Group Mission # 725:
San Michele Diversion Fill, Italy.
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: The Palazzolo railroad bridge, Italy was bombed today with 100
per cent bombing accuracy resulting. Three combat officers went to the Ile Rousse rest
camp today while three combat enlisted men went to the rest camp at Rome. The
weather was again ideal and some packages arrived which made the day all the better.
With the outdoors so perfect lately, many of the men are getting their quota of exercise
via basketball, horseshoes, softball and other games. There was a party held at the
enlisted men’s club tonight in honor of 1st Sgt. Matt Campbell’s 43rd birthday.
Campbell, Matthew (NMI), S/Sgt, personnel, 1st Sgt
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 723/mission 723) Group Mission # 723:
(445th BS did not participate)
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 724/mission 724) Group Mission # 724:
(445th BS did not participate)
Saturday, 10 February 1945 (continued)
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 725/mission 725) Group Mission # 725:
Group Mission #725; Squadron Mission #466:
Lt. Bowling led 9 ships from this
squadron in a formation of 18 ships sent out to attack the San Michele diversion fill, Italy.
Due to bad weather over the primary target, the alternate target – Palazzolo railroad
bridge – was bombed. 500 pound bombs were dropped from 10,500 ft and 12,500 ft.
Area cover was provided. There was no flak. RESULTS: A concentration of bombs
went across the east half and east approach with some direct hits reported. 1 pattern over.
Some bombs caused several explosions possibly the result of hits on gas stores.
A/C No. 43-27899 Tail # 08 “Flo”
Bowling, Dan Parker, 1Lt
Santone, Michael A., 1Lt
Mitchell, Robert F., 1Lt
Silnutzer, Joseph A., 1Lt
Carruthers, John (NMI), II, T/Sgt
DeLaune, William P., T/Sgt
Morisi, David D., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27741Tail # 14 “Val”
(previously “Modern Design”)
P Mogren, Edward G., 1Lt
CP Doris, Robert E., 2Lt
N None
B Jackson, William H., 2Lt
E Gum, Paul V., Sgt
R Kavan, Lester D., T/Sgt
G Smith, Francis L. “Smitty” , S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27769 Tail # 19 “Miss
Fancy Pants”
P Kourafas, James (NMI) “Jim”, 2Lt
CP Rice, Rudolph G., 2Lt
N None
B Davis, Morton A., S/Sgt
E Sycylo, Theodore W., S/Sgt
R Weingartner, William E., Cpl
G Heintz, Howard R., Jr., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27545 Tail # 06 “Maggie”
(first # 06)
Dentoni, Louis M., 1Lt
Carlson, Floyd A., F/O
Epstein, Philip (NMI), 2Lt
Watts, Joseph T., Jr., S/Sgt
Krober, Raymond D., Jr., S/Sgt
Emberton, Daniel P., Jr., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27572 Tail # 12 “Babs”
Lewis, Max E., 1Lt
Takacs, Rudolph J., 2Lt
Caron, Philip H., 2Lt
Kuykendall, Ben (NMI), Sgt
Heckman, Kenneth W., Sgt
Hickman, Jefferson M. “Jeff”, Cpl
A/C No. 43-27733 Tail # 00 “Porky’s
McFatter, Joe H., 1Lt
White, Edward A., 2Lt
Schnieringer, Frank M., F/O
Nelson, Jacob M., Sgt
Vaseleski, Andrew C., Sgt
Grovenburg, Frank Andrew, Cpl
Saturday, 10 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27680 Tail # 07 “Stuff”
Poteete, Max W., 1Lt
Stolberg, Frederick R., 2Lt
Vaughan, Fred W., 1Lt
Chambers, Jimmie (NMI), T/Sgt
Engleman, Bud (NMI), T/Sgt
Hieronimus, Philip J., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27716 Tail # 17 “Shit
House Mouse”
Buckham, John K., 2Lt
Amundson, Fred K., 2Lt
Brown, Milton H., 1Lt
Vadnais, Floyd F., Cpl
Lowrey, James S., Sgt
Swinson, Carl R. M., Sgt
Naughton, John J., Jr., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27714 Tail # 16 “Blonde
O’Keefe, John H., 2Lt
Brown, William G., F/O
Ohm, Merton D., S/Sgt
Miller, Morris M., Sgt
Russo, Paul A., Sgt
Lile, Keith B., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27742 Tail # 01 “Winnie
Mae” (previously “Vicious Vera”)
(Lead spare - did not fill in)
Knauss, Roger Reid “Reid”, 2Lt
Badger, Joe G., 2Lt
Brown, Thomas M., 2Lt
Perich, Freddie (NMI), Cpl
Alexaki, Nicholas (NMI), Cpl
Osborn, Jack R., Sgt
446th BS War Diary: A 9-plane mission is flown.
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 723/mission 723) Group Mission # 723:
Squadron Mission 500
TARGET: Weather Reconnaissance
DATE: 10 Feb.1945
Type of Bombs: - - 446th Planes: 1
Capt. Hurley was the pilot. Mission accomplished. No flak, no fighters.
A/C No. 43-27678 Tail # 40 “Lemmon
Lu” (Weather Ship)
P Hurley, John R., Capt
CP Sherline, David M., 2Lt
N Gale, Benjamin H., Jr., 1Lt
B None
E Lohrman, Leo F., Cpl
R Leary, Edward M., T/Sgt
G Nehls, Clayton R., S/Sgt
F Turay, Norman Ambrose, T/Sgt (weather
Saturday, 10 February 1945 (continued)
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 724/mission 724) Group Mission # 724:
Squadron Mission 501
TARGET: Romano Di Lombardo Rail Bridge, Italy (Alt)
DATE: 10 Feb.1945
Type of Bombs: 1000 lb.
446th Planes: 9
Capt. Smedley Alternate attacked because of weather. Excellent concentration, direct
hits reported. Third element of first flight dropped on second run. No flak, no fighters.
A/C No. 44-28926 Tail # 35 “Merrily
We Bob Along”
P Smedley, Robert Redmond, Capt
CP Bogan, Floyd W., 2Lt
N Ottem, Earl R., 1Lt
B Paulson, Ronald A., 1Lt
E Utz, James W., Sgt
R Swann, Homer W., Cpl
G Dubreuil, Roger N., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27503 Tail # 46 “Miss
P Fisher, Carl D., 1Lt
CP Wilcox, Ralph E., 2Lt
N None
B Fodor, Joseph M., 2Lt
E Jeczewski, Joseph M., Cpl
R Benedict, William P., Sgt
G Popovich, Chris (NMI), S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4020 Tail # 26 “Bourbon
P DiNorma, Joseph S., 1Lt
CP French, Wendell L., 2Lt
N None
B Law, John B., Sgt
E Taylor, Tullis (NMI), Sgt
R Ross, Harry K., S/Sgt
G Chapin, Correll C., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27497 Tail # 29
Sloan, Thomas M., 2Lt
Bachman, William C., Jr., 2Lt
Cimino, William C., 2Lt
Krider, Emanuel (NMI), Cpl
Kirwan, Harold J., Cpl
Cammack, Herbert R., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27747 Tail # 42 “Spider’s
Frolic Pad” (first # 42)
Jackson, Roland B., 2Lt
Capalety, Thomas A., 1Lt
Nichols, Henry J., III, Sgt
Hemmert, Harold E., S/Sgt
Beck, Junior D., S/Sgt
Dickey, Jack F., Jr., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-4021 Tail # 31 “The Little
Admiral” (later Lady Jane) (first # 31)
Crinnion, Edward V., 1Lt
Long, Emmett N., 1Lt
Andrews, James Robert, Cpl
Scheetz, Elvin N., 2Lt
Wimert, Donald A., Sgt
Griffin, John A., Cpl
Saturday, 10 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27490 Tail # 45 “Mrs. C”
P Carlson, Lowell A., 1Lt
CP Tighe, Leo J., 1Lt
N McCullough, John E., Jr., 1Lt
B Clark, Samuel E., Jr., Sgt
E Lind, Kenneth H., Sgt
R Martin, Thomas J., Jr., Sgt
G Anderson, Chester S., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4097 Tail # 28 “Darlene”
(previously “Tiny?”)
P Heaberlin, Paul L., 2Lt
CP Treadwell, Joseph (NMI), 2Lt
N None
B Fox, David (NMI), 2Lt
E Nigrelli, Ernest J., S/Sgt
R Cubbage, Robert (NMI), S/Sgt
G Alberico, Camillo A., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27477 Tail # 32 “Boots”
Ratliff, James Ernest, Jr., 2Lt
Maki, Allan A., 2Lt
Corra, Andrew J., 2Lt
Autore, Nicholas A., Cpl
Flasher, Henry F., Sgt
Darnielle, George W., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27480 Tail # 44 “Yankee
Girl” (Lead spare - did not fill in)
Ramsay, Lamar E., 1Lt
Weihe, Frederick A., Jr., 2Lt
Yarbrough, George L., 1Lt
Reinartsen, Charles R., Jr., Sgt
Holdridge, John F., Sgt
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 725/mission 725) Group Mission # 725:
(446th BS did not participate)
447th BS War Diary: The following officers and enlisted men assigned and joined
organization from 57th Bomb Wing, 7 Feb. par 3, SO 22, Hq. 321st Bomb Group: Cpl.
Donald Levy, Cpl Frank L. Maples, Cpl John P. Ross, Cpl Bernard Steinhauser, Cpl
Charles E. Wilvert. 2nd Lt. Floyd W. Prilliman, 2nd Lt. George A. Wood, F/O Carl B.
Brown, F/O Glenn J. Cromley, F/O Robert L. Hoy, Cpl Richard S. Brockman, Cpl. Joel
L. Cline, Cpl. Thomas J. Lendino, Capt. Jack L. Erb, 1st Lt. Wallace I. Duty, 2nd Lt.
Rodney O. Bradshaw, 2nd Lt. James L. Michael. The following officers promoted to the
indicated grade: 1st Lt. Earl H. Remmel to captain, 2nd Lt. Robert A. Balboni and Vernon
L. Schmoke to 1st Lt., par 2 SO 33, Hq. 12th Air Force. The following enlisted men
promoted to Sergeant par 1 SO 21, Hq. 321st Bomb Gp. Cpl. Charles W. Hardage, Cpl.
Leroy Jones, Cpl. Camille J. Merlino, Cpl. James R. Newton, Cpl. Emigdio Ruiz, Cpl.
Stanley E. Teutsch, Cpl. Frank W. Hunsaker Jr., Cpl. Walter F. Meiborg, Cpl. Karl N.
Mindlin, Cpl Charles J. Price, Cpl Robert A. Stroupe, Cpl Edgar M. West. Morning
report: Officers 88; Enlisted Men: 354.
Balboni, Robert A., 1Lt, bombardier
Bradshaw, Rodney O., 2Lt, pilot
Brockman, Richard E., Cpl, gunner
Brown, Carl B. “Buster”, F/O, pilot
Cline, Joel L., Cpl, gunner
Cromley, Glenn J., F/O, bombardier
Saturday, 10 February 1945 (continued)
Duty, Wallace I., 1Lt, pilot
Hardage, Charles W., Sgt, gunner
Hunsaker, Frank W., Jr., Sgt, gunner
Lendino, Thomas J., Cpl, gunner
Maples, Frank L. Jr., Cpl, gunner
Merlino, Camille J., Sgt, gunner
Mindlin, Karl N., Sgt, gunner
Price, Charles J., Sgt, gunner
Remmel, Earl Howard “The Fox”, Capt, pilot
Ruiz, Emigdio (NMI), Sgt, radio-gunner
Steinhauser, Bernard (NMI), Cpl, gunner
Teutsch, Stanley E., Sgt, gunner
Wilvert, Charles E. “Chap”, Cpl, gunner
Erb, Jack L., Capt, pilot
Hoy, Robert L., F/O, pilot
Jones, LeRoy (NMI), Sgt, gunner
Levy, Donald (NMI), Cpl, gunner
Meiborg, Walter F., Sgt, gunner
Michael, James L., 2Lt, bombardier
Newton, James R., Sgt, gunner
Prilliman, Floyd W., 2Lt, navigator
Ross, John P., Cpl, gunner
Schmoke, Vernon L., 1Lt, bombardier
Stroupe, Robert A., Sgt, gunner
West, Edgar M., Sgt, gunner
Wood, George A., Jr., 2Lt, pilot
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 723/mission 723) Group Mission # 723:
(447th BS did not participate)
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 724/mission 724) Group Mission # 724:
(447th BS did not participate)
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 725/mission 725) Group Mission # 725:
A/C No. 43-27793 Tail # 64 “The
Melting Pot”
Louis C., 1Lt
CP Bryson, Roy V., Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Stokes, Robert C., Sgt
E Rinard, Robert P., Cpl
R Newton, James R., Cpl
G Goethe, Emil C., Jr., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27643 Tail # 60
Craddock, Jesse J., 1Lt
Antry, Jack B., 2Lt
Gough, William V., 2Lt
Mullis, Paul C., Sgt
Poulin, Gaston G., Sgt
Young, Robert E., Sgt
A/C No. 43-36108 Tail # 70
Marchant, Wendell E., 1Lt
Twieg, Donald P., 2Lt
Hiller, Frederick J., 1Lt
Mesna, Leeland A. “Lee”, 1Lt
Huntley, Bruce H., Sgt
Stocker, Harvey (NMI), Sgt
Lejman, George T., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27473 Tail # 73 “Paper
King, Robert C., Jr., 2Lt
Greene, Homer L., Jr., F/O
Pobereyko, Tony (NMI), F/O
Netzel, Carl F., S/Sgt
Marion, William T., Jr., Cpl
Ochs, Dan (NMI), Jr., Sgt
Saturday, 10 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27779 Tail # 62
Smith, Frederick H., 2Lt
Peck, Paul R., 2Lt
Blankemeyer, Frank J., 2Lt
Neely, Robert E., Cpl
Judy, Harry H., Jr., Cpl
Dolezal, Albert (NMI), S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27636 Tail # 74
Loewus, Frederick E. “Fred”, 1Lt
Stephens, James J., 2Lt
Tougaw, Lewis W., Cpl
Hardage, Charles W., Cpl
Stroupe, Robert A., Cpl
Flanagan, Joseph E., Cpl
A/C No. 43-36059 Tail # 67
P Fairchild, George S., 1Lt
CP Rose, Norman I., 2Lt
N None
B Stroupe, Burton Elwood “Woody”, 2Lt
E Dubbs, Andrew C., S/Sgt
R Phares, Harold (NMI) “Harry”, Jr., Cpl
G Merlino, Camille J., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-36110 Tail # 59 “Big
Brice, David W., 1Lt
Britt, Robert O., 2Lt
Fach, Albert W., 2Lt
Longnecker, Ernest J., Sgt
Lamb, George K., Cpl
Hawthorne, Charles E., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27492 Tail # 57 “Reddie
Satterwhite, Henry C., 1Lt
Elliott, Thomas P., 2Lt
Caflisch, Leonard P. “Lenny”, Jr., 2Lt
Balboni, Robert A., 1Lt
Pennington, Luther A., S/Sgt
None listed
Sims, James W., Sgt
448th BS War Diary: Captain Furey, assistant operations officer, was transferred to
Group today. Lieutenants Ashland and Boyd, F/O Campbell, and Corporals Nugent and
Rayfield were assigned to the Squadron today. Corporal Anderson, an armorer, was
assigned also.
Anderson, Kenneth A., Sgt, armament or Anderson, Reuben E., Sgt, armament
Ashland, Arthur E. “Art”, 2Lt, pilot
Boyd, Wilford D., 2Lt, bombardier
Campbell, John E., F/O, pilot
Furey, Frank M. “Mickey”, Capt, pilot
Nugent, Earl W., Cpl, gunner
Rayfield, Bernard G., Cpl, gunner
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 723/mission 723) Group Mission # 723:
(448th BS did not participate)
Saturday, 10 February 1945 (continued)
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 724/mission 724) Group Mission # 724:
Captain Leonard led the 448th’s nine planes, flying as the second element in today’s
mission, in the attack on the Romano Di Lombardo rail bridge. The formation was
originally scheduled to attack the San Michele Rail Diversion bridge, but when the
bombers arrived there, they found an overcast which prevented clear observation of the
target, so they turned to the alternate. The weather there wasn’t much better, but the
bridge was bombed with an excellent concentration in the center and west approach.
Direct hits were observed, and the objective was reported down after the attack. It was
another 100% bombing accuracy mission for the Squadron. No enemy opposition was
encountered, and the formation returned safely to base at 1300.
A/C No. 43-27720 Tail # 86
Leonard, Lee V., Capt
Meyers, Kenneth F., 2Lt
Friedman, Lester Z., 2Lt
Gardner, Philip K., 1Lt
Oliver, Walter A., Sgt
Morefield, James Carl, T/Sgt
Magyar, Steven J., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-4037 Tail # 78 “Cherry
P Kuoni, Charles F., Jr., 1Lt
CP Russell, Harold H., 2Lt
N None
B Lesser, Robert (NMI) “Bob”, 2Lt
E Harageones, George J., Sgt
R Seward, Richard F., T/Sgt
G Foote, Lancel H., Jr., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27726 Tail # 80
P Russell, John D., 2Lt
CP Stokes, George M., 2Lt
N None
B Libby, Donald E., 2Lt
E Codd, James P., S/Sgt
R O’Brien, Brendan M., Cpl
G Hudson, Willie H., Jr., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27911 Tail # 93
Ivory, Daniel J., Jr., 1Lt
Schwartz, Theodore (NMI), 2Lt
Sheppard, John W., 2Lt
Goethals, Camiel A., S/Sgt
Vandenberg, Edward V. “Van”, Sgt
Sharp, Samuel I., Jr., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27538 Tail # 87 “Down
But Not Out” (first # 87)
Gladwill, James G., 1Lt
Cherry, Raymond (NMI), Jr., 1Lt
Berman, Marvin A., T/Sgt
Head, Guthrie H., Sgt
Varga, Frank K., Cpl
Smith, Norman L., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27668 Tail # 83
Rubin, Julius W., 1Lt
Stow, Charles E., 2Lt
Higby, Paul K., F/O
Parham, Ralph E., Sgt
Sevier, Fred L., Sgt
Ferrell, Bruce M., S/Sgt
Saturday, 10 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-4081 Tail # ? “Dixie Girl”
P Burks, Richard W., Maj
CP Mann, James R., F/O
N None
B Sutton, Norman J., 2Lt
E Murray, Francis J., Sgt
R Brusa, Robert P., T/Sgt
G Markiewicz, Edward B., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 44-28927 Tail # 91
P Brown, Royden (NMI), 1Lt
CP Bechtle, Robert M., 2Lt
N None
B Cameron, Alexander G., 2Lt
E Payne, Robert B., Cpl
R Zimmerman, Carl F., Cpl
G Edwards, Jesse R., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27648 Tail # 75 “Sweetie”
Cook, Don W., 1Lt
Chakmakian, George E., F/O
Qualls, Thomas B., T/Sgt
McTaggart, Leonard A., Sgt
Chase, Harry M., Jr., Cpl
Biersdorff, Charles J., Sgt
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 725/mission 725) Group Mission # 725:
(448th BS did not participate)
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., T/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Usual morning arising chow etc. Abiecunas and I left for 340th. Visited Lozowski and
Usher. Both are OK. Saw Thomas and Gifford in the 487th. The boys have to fly 70
missions. Saw Alley Baine. Flying #4 bombardier. Returned squadron 5:00PM. Rode
part of the way back in truck loaded with freshly cut trees. Clear sunny day.”
Abiecunas, Joseph P. “Abby”, S/Sgt, gunner
Gifford, George (NMI), S/Sgt, turret-gunner, 487th BS, 340th BG
Lozowski, Leonard J., T/Sgt, radio-gunner, 486th BS, 340th BG
Thomas, Nathan G., 487th BS, 340th BG
Usher, Cecil C., Sgt, tail gunner, 486th BS, 340th BG
Sunday, 11 February 1945
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, A-20s on night intruder missions attack enemy movement and lights at
various points in N Italy, hit bridges in the Po Valley, and attack frontline positions in the
N Apennines; weather grounds the medium bombers but fighters and fighter-bombers
blast railroad bridges and lines in the NE and C Po Valley and stores and supply dumps
in the C and W Po River areas.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: No missions – weather. On Special Order #24, Headquarters
321st Bombardment Group, 11 February ’45, Major Damon I. McLain relieved as Group
Air Inspector, Captain J. Maurice Wiginton, assigned from the 447th Squadron. Major
McLain has his orders to return to the States after completion of his combat tour of duty.
McLain, Damon I., Maj, pilot, Group Air Inspector
Wiginton, J. Maurice "Wig", Capt, pilot, Group Air Inspector
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 726/mission 726) Group Mission # 726:
Weather Reconnaissance.
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: Squadron did not participate in mission. Ten crews were standing
by for the mission today but it was cancelled probably due to bad weather in the target
area. There was some practice bombing and transition flights were made. Capt. Stanton
W. Johnson, Aerial Gunnery Officer, gave a lecture on position firing to all the gunners
in the squadron. 1st Lt. Herbert E. Robson brought out the “railroad tracks” today as he
was promoted to captain. The drinks were on Capt. Robson at the club tonight.
Johnson, Stanton W., Capt, Armament Officer
Robson, Herbert E., Capt, bombardier
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 726/mission 726) Group Mission # 726:
(445th BS did not participate)
446th BS War Diary: Regular squadron duties are carried out as there is no flying.
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 726/mission 726) Group Mission # 726:
Squadron Mission 502
TARGET: Weather Reconnaissance
DATE: 11 Feb.1945
Type of Bombs: - - 446th Planes: 1
Capt. Hurley was the pilot. Mission accomplished. No flak, no fighters.
Sunday, 11 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27678 Tail # 40 “Lemmon
Lu” (Weather Ship)
P Hurley, John R., Capt
CP Welsh, Cecil E. “Red”, Jr., 2Lt
N Gale, Benjamin H., Jr., 1Lt
B None
E Demmitt, Henry H., S/Sgt
R Leary, Edward M., T/Sgt
G Feola, Joseph A., Cpl
F Turay, Norman Ambrose, T/Sgt (weather
447th BS War Diary: No mission today. The following sergeants promoted to staff
sergeants: Carroll G. Appleman, Marvin S. Goldman, Bruce H. Huntley, Harry A.
Keenan, Michael M. Maslyar, Dan Ochs, Harold Phares Jr., Edward C. Staub, Bernard A.
Flanigan, Robert L. Gorden, Dewey D. Jones Jr., George T. Lejman, Daniel P.
McMenamin Jr., Richard H. Perl, Kenneth C. Smith, Robert C. Stokes. The following
corporals were promoted to sergeants: Arthur F. Anderson, Paul W. Cunningham,
Charles E. Hawthorne, Harry H. Judy, Jr., George K. Lamb, William T. Marion Jr.,
Robert P. Rinard, Raymond S. Cassidy, Joseph E. Flanagan, Joe F. Householder,
Frederick J. Krauss, Clarence C. MacMullen, Robert E. Neely, John T. Smith, Hazen A.
Thomas. 1st Lt. George G. VenJohn held a meeting of several enlisted men today in
order to talk over information and educational program with them.
Anderson, Arthur F., Sgt, gunner
Appleman, Carroll G., S/Sgt, gunner
Cassidy, Raymond S., Jr., Sgt, gunner
Cunningham, Paul W., Sgt, gunner
Flanagan, Joseph E., Sgt, gunner
Flanigan, Bernard A., S/Sgt, engineer-gunner
Goldman, Marvin S., S/Sgt, gunner
Gorden, Robert L., S/Sgt, gunner
Hawthorne, Charles E., Sgt, gunner
Householder, Joe F., Sgt, gunner
Huntley, Bruce H., S/Sgt, gunner
Jones, Dewey D., Jr., S/Sgt, gunner
Judy, Harry H., Jr., Sgt, gunner
Keenan, Harry A., S/Sgt, gunner
Krauss, Frederick J., Sgt, gunner
Lamb, George K., Sgt, gunner
Lejman, George T., S/Sgt, armorer-gunner MacMullen, Clarence C., Sgt, gunner
Marion, William T., Jr., Sgt, gunner
McMenamin, Daniel P., Jr., S/Sgt, engineer-gunner
Maslyar, Michael M., S/Sgt, gunner
Neely, Robert E., Sgt, gunner
Ochs, Dan (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt, gunner
Perl, Richard H., S/Sgt, engineer-gunner
Phares, Harold (NMI) “Harry”, Jr., S/Sgt, radio-gunner
Rinard, Robert P., Sgt, gunner
Smith, John T., Sgt, radio-gunner
Smith, Kenneth C., S/Sgt, gunner
Staub, Edward C., S/Sgt, gunner
Stokes, Robert C., S/Sgt, gunner
Thomas, Hazen A., Sgt, gunner
VenJohn, George G., 1Lt, intelligence
Sunday, 11 February 1945 (continued)
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 726/mission 726) Group Mission # 726:
(447th BS did not participate)
448th BS War Diary: The morning dawned bright and clear here on Corsica but bad
weather over the Po Valley area prevented the mission from taking off. The weekly I & E
lecture was held tonight in the Enlisted Men’s Mess Hall. Nothing else other than the
usual Squadron duties happened during the day.
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 726/mission 726) Group Mission # 726:
(448th BS did not participate)
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., T/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Awoke 6:15AM. Briefing 8:25AM. Fresh fried eggs, oatmeal, bread, fruit juice, coffee.
Stand-down on missions. Van and I went out to line to take pictures. Windy. Capt Furey
assigned to group as assistant operations officer. Major Neuman left for home after
completing 75 missions. Nothing special happening today. Reading "God's Little Acre"
by Erskine Caldwell. Clear, starry evening. Retired 10:00PM.”
Furey, Frank M. "Mickey", Capt, pilot, HQ 321st BG
Neumann, Robert H., Maj, pilot, HQ 321st BG
Vandenberg, Edward V. “Van”, Sgt, gunner
Monday, 12 February 1945
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, A-20s, during the night of 11/12 Feb, bomb communications
targets in the Po Valley and NE Italy, including the Brenner Pass area; bad weather
during the day restricts medium bomber operations to bombing the bridge at Ala and a
sugar refinery at Legnago; only 1 fighter Gp, the 57th, can operate, hitting bridges, rail
lines, and guns in the Po Valley.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: No missions – weather. Routine camp duties.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 727/mission 727) Group Mission # 727:
Weather Reconnaissance.
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: Squadron did not participate in mission. Once again ten crews
were standing by and once again the mission was cancelled. The operations board shows
18 combat crews available today with 17 operational aircraft ready for action. Lt.
Lawrence and Sgts. Clayton and Reagin were sent to rest camp today. There was some
formation flying in the morning while practice assembly and formation took place in the
afternoon. Major Bounds test hopped 534 (43-27534 Tail # 11) while two ships went to
the bombing range. The evening meal will now be served from 5:30 to 6:30 instead of
the previous schedule of 5 to 6.
Bounds, Thomas C., Maj, pilot, Commander
Clayton, Ross W., Sgt, gunner
Lawrence, Edward C., 2Lt, pilot
Reagin, Charles T., Sgt, gunner
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 727/mission 727) Group Mission # 727:
(445th BS did not participate)
446th BS War Diary: Regular squadron duties are carried out as there is no flying.
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 727/mission 727) Group Mission # 727:
Squadron Mission 503
TARGET: Weather Reconnaissance
DATE: 12 Feb.1945
Type of Bombs: - - 446th Planes: 1
Capt. Hurley was the pilot. Mission accomplished. No flak, no fighters.
Monday, 12 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27678 Tail # 40 “Lemmon
Lu” (Weather Ship)
P Hurley, John R., Capt
CP Moore, Howard T., 2Lt
N Gale, Benjamin H., Jr., 1Lt
B None
E Taylor, Tullis (NMI), Sgt
R Leary, Edward M., T/Sgt
G Meade, Harold W., Cpl
F Epstein, Joseph H., 1Lt (observer)
447th BS War Diary: No mission today. The following officer, flight officer and
enlisted men assigned and joined organization from Hq. 57th Bomb. Wing, 10 Feb. 1945
par 1, SO 25 Hq. 321st Bomb. Gp: F/O Armond H. Bethke Jr. F/O John I. Fowler, 2nd Lt.
Melvin G. Steffan, Cpl. Emanuel L. Santora. Usual camp duties throughout day.
Bethke, Armond H., Jr., F/O, pilot
Fowler, John I., F/O, bombardier
Santora, Emanuel L., Cpl, gunner
Steffan, Melvin G., 2Lt, pilot
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 727/mission 727) Group Mission # 727:
(447th BS did not participate)
448th BS War Diary: Lieutenants Martin, McRee, Copes and Cooper returned from the
Cannes rest camp today, while Lieutenants Churchill, Cook, Smith and Armstrong left to
supply the Squadron’s quota to this beautiful rest Haven. Lieutenant Stromberg and
Sergeants Pealer and Fletcher left for the Capri rest camp also today. Lieutenants Butler
and Tryon and Corporals Carter, Soltys, Fields, Pituck, Blackard and Schaeffer were
assigned to the Squadron today. Private Lellis returned from TD with the 310th Bomb
Gp. And Cpl. Morella left for TD with the 310th Bomb Gp.
Armstrong, Sherman T., Jr. 2Lt, bombardier
Blackard, Hershel L., Cpl, gunner
Butler, Glenn D., 2Lt, pilot
Carter, Hugh A., Cpl, gunner
Churchill, Duane W., 1Lt, pilot
Cook, Don W., 1Lt, pilot
Cooper, James W., 2Lt, pilot
Copes, Wilson R., 1Lt, pilot
Fields, James A., Cpl, gunner
Fletcher, William H., Sgt, gunner
Lellis, Michael C., Pvt, duty soldier
Martin, James M., Jr., Lt, bombardier
McRee, Malcolm B., 2Lt, bombardier
Morella, James R., Cpl, cook
Pealer, Woodward D., S/Sgt, gunner
Pituck, James J., Cpl, gunner
Schaeffer, John H., Cpl, armament
Smith, Milford A., 1Lt, pilot
Soltys, John J., Cpl, gunner
Stromberg, Carl K., 1Lt, pilot
Tryon, Ben L., 2Lt, pilot
Monday, 12 February 1945 (continued)
448th BS Mission Summary: It was a clear day once again and at briefing time the crew
members took off for the briefing hut. It wasn’t long, however, before they came back.
Bad weather over the Po Valley, the usual reason, made the mission stand down.
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 727/mission 727) Group Mission # 727:
(448th BS did not participate)
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., T/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Awoke usual hour. Stand-down on mission. Nothing special happening.”
Tuesday, 13 February 1945
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, during the night of 12/13 Feb, A-20s attack enemy
movement in the C and NC Po Valley; medium bombers hit bridges at Calcinato, Dogna,
and Chiusaforte and the bridge approach at Lavis; fighter-bombers fly nearly 350 sorties
against enemy communications in N Italy including marshalling yards at Verona, Parma,
and Vicenza.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: Two missions this date. An eighteen plane formation hit the
almost indistinguishable Rail Diversion at San Michele with fair results while 24
additional aircraft hit the Lavis Diversion on their second pass with good results.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 728/mission 728) Group Mission # 728:
San Michele Rail Diversion Bridge, Italy
(Group mission report not available at this time)
Tuesday, 13 February 1945 (continued)
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 729/mission 729) Group Mission # 729:
Lavis Railroad diversion, Italy
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: Today’s mission was to bomb the San Michele rail diversion
bridges and 66.6 per cent was achieved. Lt. Emler and Sgts. Larson and Josephson were
sent to the Rome rest camp today. Capt. Hatcher gave a gunnery lecture to all gunners
today. His talk covered gunnery in general, gun maintenance, safety precautions, test
firing, etc. There was a formation today in class “A’s” for presentation of awards
ceremonies. The Tripoli “rum runner” returned today laden down with plenty of beer.
Emler, Richard S. “Dick”, 2Lt, pilot
Hatcher, Leon F., Jr., Capt, pilot
Josephson, Sanford L., Sgt, gunner
Larson, Richard A., Sgt, gunner
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 728/mission 728) Group Mission # 728:
Group Mission #728; Squadron Mission #467: Lt. Webb led 9 ships from this squadron
which formed the second flight of a formation sent out to attack the San Michele rail
diversion bridge, Italy. 500 pound bombs were dropped form 11,500 ft to 12,000 ft.
Area cover was furnished and no flak was encountered. RESULTS: Majority of bombs
just west of target in Adige river. Some bombs may have hit bridge. One cluster 300 feet
west of target along canal west of Adige.
Tuesday, 13 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27698 Tail # 13 “Peggy
Webb, Allen W. “Pete”, 1Lt
Jeffery, James C., Capt
Robson, Herbert E., Capt
Beck, Robert B. “Bob”, 1Lt
Watts, Joseph T., Jr., T/Sgt
Engleman, Bud (NMI), T/Sgt
Moorehead, Lewis E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27742 Tail # 01 “Winnie
Mae” (previously “Vicious Vera”)
Knauss, Roger Reid “Reid”, 2Lt
O’Neill, William H., Jr., 2Lt
Brown, Thomas M., 2Lt
Koski, Paul J., S/Sgt
Salch, Raymond F., S/Sgt
Baker, Max E., Sgt
A/C No. 43-4008 Tail # ? “Spirit of St
Curry, Arthur L. “Art”, 2Lt
Young, Paul L., 2Lt
Caron, Philip H., 2Lt
Nelson, Jacob M., Sgt
Krober, Raymond D., Jr., S/Sgt
Henry, William W., S/Sgt
A/C No. 44-28722 Tail # 18 “Spirit of
Mogren, Edward G., 1Lt
Jones, Guilford (NMI), Jr., 1Lt
Joyce, John F., Jr., 1Lt
Jackson, William H., 2Lt
Kimmel, Edwin B., S/Sgt
Kavan, Lester D., T/Sgt
Slodden, Henry M. “Kip”, S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-36228 Tail # ? “Miss
Rung, Raymond F. “Red”, Jr., 2Lt
McMahon, Bernard J. “Mac”, Jr., 2Lt
Harvel, Lonnie B., Jr., 2Lt
Krauk, Edward J., S/Sgt
Posillico, Frank A., Cpl
Osborn, Jack R., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27716 Tail # 17 “Shit
House Mouse”
Kourafas, James (NMI) “Jim”, 2Lt
Galny, Gerhard Henry “Hank”, Jr., 2Lt
Rosenthal, Richard C., 2Lt
Knapp, Robert Duane, Jr., Sgt
Ross, Reginald J.,T/Sgt
Freidli, William M., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27714 Tail # 16 “Blonde
Middleton, Donald M., 2Lt
Crutchfield, Lucian C., Jr., 2Lt
Dickens, Noel F., 2Lt
Mitchell, Robert D. “Bob”, Sgt
Seigler, William B., Cpl
Kabrich, Harry Lee, S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27545 Tail # 06 “Maggie”
(first # 06)
Buckham, John K., 2Lt
Zieman, Earl E., 2Lt
Puchalla, John M., F/O
McCormack, Samuel C., S/Sgt
Peters, Andrew D., Sgt
Stack, James T., Cpl
Tuesday, 13 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27917 Tail # 20
Lewis, Max E., 1Lt
Badger, Joe G., 2Lt
Davis, Morton A., S/Sgt
Perich, Freddie (NMI), Cpl
Barnett, Frank E., Sgt
Teague, Phillip B., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27680 Tail # 07 “Stuff”
(Lead spare – did not fill in)
DeBoer, Jay (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Rice, Rudolph G., 2Lt
Brooks, William F., F/O
Cruise, James P., S/Sgt
Weingartner, William E., Cpl
Farmer, Alonzo (NMI), Sgt
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 729/mission 729) Group Mission # 729:
(445th BS did not participate)
446th BS War Diary: Captain Matthews and Sgt. Cifuni head for the good old U.S.
Cifuni, Robert J., S/Sgt, gunner
Matthews, John Walker, Jr., Capt, pilot
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 728/mission 728) Group Mission # 728:
(446th BS did not participate)
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 729/mission 729) Group Mission # 729:
Squadron Mission 504
TARGET: Lavis Railroad diversion, Italy
DATE: 13 Feb.1945
Type of Bombs: 1000 lb. and 100 lb Phosphorus
446th Planes: 12
Major Farwell led the formation. Target bombed on second run. Main concentration on
tracks at S approach of N bridge. Possible pattern on S end. Other strings on either side
of tracks. Anti-flak ships dropped phosphorus with fair to good results on gun positions.
Flak was heavy, scant to moderate, inaccurate. Three planes holed. No fighters.
Farwell, Harold S., Maj, pilot, Commander, 448th BS
A/C No. 43-4074 Tail # 27 (picture of
seated lady - no name/lettering)
P Ingram, William T., 2Lt
CP Young, Earl B., Lt Col, HQ 321st BG
N Gambino, Samuel F., 1Lt
B Yarbrough, George L., 1Lt
E Englehaupt, Russell L., Sgt
R McEuen, Richard W., Sgt
G Falls, Robert H., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27745 Tail # 47
Manolis, Ronald J., 2Lt
Wallace, Merwin W., 2Lt
Freck, Byron P., Sgt
Karuzas, Alexander W., Sgt
Nichols, Henry J., III, Sgt
Fitzgerald, George L., Sgt
Tuesday, 13 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27480 Tail # 44 “Yankee
P Ramsay, Lamar E., 1Lt
CP Sherline, David M., 2Lt
N None
B Corra, Andrew J., 2Lt
E Reinartsen, Charles R., Jr., Sgt
R Carl, Edgar W., Sgt
G Holdridge, John F., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27660 Tail # 30 “Shooting
P Perlman, Jacob L., 1Lt
CP Brock, Thomas E., F/O
N None
B Murch, George M., Jr., Sgt
E Chase, William H., Cpl
R Ross, Harry K., S/Sgt
G Kleinsmith, Kenneth H., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27501 Tail # 39 “Sweet
Sue Kathy Jeanne” (unnamed to Nov
44. In 45 “Kathy Jeanne” dropped)
Arnold P., 1Lt
CP Rozar, Richard L., 2Lt
N Codd, Russell G., 2Lt
B McGann, Edom K., 2Lt
E Kelly, Thomas J., Sgt
R Wilkins, Keith Albert, Cpl
G Springer, Walter H., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27490 Tail # 45 “Mrs. C”
Carlson, Lowell A., 1Lt
Wilcox, Ralph E., 2Lt
Clark, Samuel E., Jr., 2Lt
McCullough, John E., Jr., 1Lt
Dalpos, Joseph N., S/Sgt
Swann, Homer W., Cpl
Dubreuil, Roger N., Cpl
A/C No. 43-4020 Tail # 26 “Bourbon
Barbee, Harvey C., Jr., 2Lt
Weihe, Frederick A., Jr., 2Lt
Hensler, Donald O., F/O
Edwards, David R., T/Sgt
Dobrow, Edgar J., Sgt
Cleland, Donald S., Cpl
A/C No. 43-4021 Tail # 31 “The Little
Admiral” (later Lady Jane) (first # 31)
Crinnion, Edward V., 1Lt
Dunn, Albert W., 2Lt
Andrews, James Robert, Cpl
Pelusi, Richard D., Cpl
Moncure, James D., Jr., Sgt
Broderick, Emmett P., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27699 Tail # 33 “Jessie”
(later name dropped from nose art)
Capalety, Thomas A., 1Lt
Smith, Clarence J. H., F/O
Buchanan, Talmadge A., Jr., 2Lt
Boylan, James P., Sgt
Beck, Junior D., Sgt
Jakielek, Ernest F., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27503 Tail # 46 “Miss
Di Norma, Joseph S., 1Lt
Callaway, Charles R., F/O
Law, John B., Sgt
Lamm, Earl D., Cpl
Kirwan, Harold J., Cpl
Slezak, Alex E., S/Sgt
Tuesday, 13 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27747 Tail # 42 “Spider’s
Frolic Pad” (first # 42)
P Treadwell, Joseph (NMI), 2Lt
CP Heaberlin, Paul L., 1Lt
N None
B Pouse, Alford H., Jr., 2Lt
E Reda, John J., Sgt
R Vanderpool, Ralph M., Cpl
G Hatcher, James T., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27477 Tail # 32 “Boots”
Cressman, Jack E., 1Lt
Burklund, Donald K.,
Cimino, William C., 2Lt
Freeman, Harold W., Sgt
Flasher, Henry F., Sgt
Wagner, William M., Sgt
447th BS War Diary: The following sergeants reduced to corporal: Ollie C. Smith,
Louis G. Steves. Captain J. Maurice Wiginton transferred to Hq. 321st Bomb Gp. Par 5
SO 24 Hq 321st Bomb Gp.
Smith, Ollie C., Cpl, engineering
Steves, Louis G., Jr., Cpl, engineering
Wiginton, J. Maurice "Wig", Capt, pilot
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 728/mission 728) Group Mission # 728: 9
plane formation flew a mission against San Michele Rail Diversion Bridge. All planes
returned and excellent results achieved with 100 % bombing accuracy.
A/C No. 43-36110 Tail # 59 “Big
P Loewus, Frederick E. “Fred”, 1Lt
CP Stephens, James J., 2Lt
N None
B Blankemeyer, Frank J., F/O
E Hardage, Charles W., Sgt
R Stroupe, Robert A., Sgt
G Williams, James H., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27779 Tail # 62
Cammack, Elmore (NMI), 1Lt
Buechner, Helmut K., 1Lt
Tougaw, Lewis W., F/O
MacMullen, Clarence C., Sgt
Thomas, Hazen A., Sgt
Dolezal, Albert (NMI), S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27492 Tail # 57 “Reddie
Muzinich, Anthony L. “Tony”, Capt
Erb, Jack L., Capt
Franklin, Arthur E., Capt, HQ 321st BG
Balboni, Robert A., 2Lt
Huntley, Bruce H., S/Sgt
Jones, LeRoy (NMI), Sgt
Miller, Dale G., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27473 Tail # 73 “Paper
Yerger, John W., 1Lt
Antry, Jack B., 2Lt
Radel, Henry D., 2Lt
McMenamin, Daniel P., Jr., S/Sgt
Smith, John T., Sgt
Ochs, Dan (NMI), Jr., Sgt
Tuesday, 13 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27751 Tail # 50 “MMR”
(Meet Mrs. Runyon)
P Appenzeller, Richard D., 1Lt
CP Elliott, Thomas P., 2Lt
N None
B Cromley, Glenn J., F/O
E Netzel, Carl F., S/Sgt
R Finnegan, Paul W., S/Sgt
G Gorden, Robert L., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-36108 Tail # 70
Kibler, William E. “Kib”, 1Lt
Briggs, Richard G. “Dick”, 2Lt
Michael, James L., 2Lt
Mindlin, Karl N., Sgt
Fiocca, Theodore Aurelio, T/Sgt
Goldman, Marvin S., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-4079 Tail # 51 “Little
P Carlin, Edmund R., 2Lt
CP Brown, Carl B. “Buster”, F/O
N None
B Perl, Richard H., S/Sgt
E Henkler, Edward H., Cpl
R Maslyar, Michael M., S/Sgt
G Brockman, Richard E., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27782 Tail # 72
Haage, Frederick W., F/O
Steffan, Melvin G., 2Lt
Vantrease, Edwin C., 2Lt
Anderson, Arthur F., Sgt
Judy, Harry H., Jr., Sgt
Merlino, Camille J., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27498 Tail # 71 “Ave
Hutson, Ernest G. “Hod”, 1Lt
Janssen, Vernon E., 2Lt
Prilliman, Floyd D., 2Lt
Schmoke, Vernon L., 1Lt
Lussier, Ernest R., Sgt
Krauss, Frederick J., Sgt
Staub, Edward C., Sgt
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 729/mission 729) Group Mission # 729:
(447th BS did not participate)
448th BS War Diary: This afternoon, despite threatening weather, General Knapp, in a
formation of the Group presented the following awards to personnel of the 448th
Squadron: Air Medal: Lieutenants Akers, Barile, Wuest, Sergeants Atherton, Biersdorff,
Ederer, DiSalvo, Martin, Tangren, Varga, Wolfe; First Oak Leaf Cluster to Air Medal:
Lieutenant Wilson; Fifth Oak Leaf Cluster to Air Medal: Sergeant Seward. Lieutenants
Cannon and Valenti and Sergeants Shields and Ward returned from the AAF rest camp at
Capri. Lieutenant Sculley returned from TD with the 57th Bomb Wing where he had
been flying as a courier pilot.
Akers, Harold B., Jr., 2Lt, pilot
Atherton, Robert C., Sgt, gunner
Tuesday, 13 February 1945 (continued)
Barile, Sam (NMI), 2Lt, pilot
Biersdorff, Charles J., Sgt, gunner
Cannon, John L, 2Lt, bombardier
DiSalvo, Alfred J., Sgt, gunner
Ederer, Robert J., Sgt, gunner
Knapp, Robert Duane, Col, pilot, 321st BG Commander
Martin, Lewis E. “Lew”, Sgt, gunner
Sculley, Thomas S., 2Lt, pilot
Seward, Richard F., T/Sgt, gunner
Shields, Robert L, Sgt, gunner
Tangren, Donald E., Sgt, gunner
Valenti, Jack J., 2Lt, pilot
Varga, Frank K., Sgt, gunner
Ward, Paul D., Sgt, gunner
Wilson, James M., 2Lt, pilot
Wolfe, Bernard M., Sgt, gunner
Wuest, Robert F., 2Lt, pilot
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 728/mission 728) Group Mission # 728:
(448th BS did not participate)
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 729/mission 729) Group Mission # 729: The
mission for today took-off early this morning in order that the crew members would be
back in time for the presentation of awards this afternoon. The 448th had twelve (12)
planes on this mission; three of them loaded with incendiary bombs, and attacked the
Lavis Rail Diversion. Due to haze over the target area, the formation was unable to pick
it up on the first run, and dropped their bombs on the second run. The main
concentration was on the south approach, some bombs falling on the south end. The
phosphorous planes scored numerous hits on gun positions near the target, resulting in
only slight opposition by anti-aircraft batteries. All the planes returned safely at 1200.
A/C No. 43-28081 Tail # 81
Farwell, Harold S., Maj, Commander
Barile, Sam (NMI), 2Lt
Bongiovanni, Michael (NMI), Capt
Brink, Richard E., 1Lt
Veeck, Richard W., T/Sgt
Hulse, Donald W., T/Sgt
Dittman, Paul F., Jr., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27538 Tail # 87 “Down
But Not Out” (first # 87)
P Gladwill, James G., 1Lt
CP Beckman, Harold Christoph, 2Lt
N None
B Arnold, Harold L., 2Lt
E Read, Guthrie H., Sgt
R Varga, Frank K., Sgt
G Ederer, Robert J., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27791 Tail # 84
Autrey, W. F. (i.o.), 1Lt
Akers, Harold B., Jr., 2Lt
Rutz, Victor H., F/O
Langley, Edmund P., Jr., S/Sgt
Schaffer, Irving J., T/Sgt
Atherton, Robert C., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27481 Tail # ?
Copes, Wilson R., 1Lt
Wuest, Robert F., 2Lt
Lesser, Robert (NMI) “Bob”, 2Lt
Martin, Lewis E. “Lew”, Sgt
O’Brien, Brendan M., Cpl
Justice, Conway J., Jr., S/Sgt
Tuesday, 13 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-4037 Tail # 78 “Cherry
Meyers, Kenneth F., 2Lt
Grady, John R., Capt
Goethals, Camiel A., S/Sgt
Turner, James H., Sgt
Rockwell, Stewart R. “Rockwell”, T/Sgt
Glass, David H., Cpl
A/C No. 44-28927 Tail # 91
Burkes, Richard W., Maj
Spaur, Melvin J., 2Lt
Freund, John F., 1Lt
Sutton, Norman J., 2Lt
Wright, Melvin M., S/Sgt
Mardeuse, Alfred K., T/Sgt
Edwards, Jesse R., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27648 Tail # 75 “Sweetie”
Brown, Royden (NMI), 1Lt
Bruhn, Charles A., 2Lt
Higby, Paul K., F/O
Weese, Charles F., Sgt
Sadofsky, John (NMI), Cpl
Holloway, Garland (NMI), S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-4076 Tail # 88 (first # 88)
Russell, John D., 2Lt
Stow, Charles E., 2Lt
McRee, Malcolm B., 1Lt
Codd, James P., S/Sgt
Zimmerman, Carl F., Cpl
Hudson, Willie H., Jr., Cpl
A/C No. 44-28940 Tail # 92
Cooper, Richard J., 1Lt
Sturgis, Cloral S., 1Lt
Bass, Bernard G., T/Sgt
Harageones, George J., Sgt
LaBella, Dante (NMI) “GI Joe”, T/Sgt
Sidoti, Nick S., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27911 Tail # 93
Ivory, Daniel J., Jr., 1Lt
Campbell, John E., 2Lt
Martin, James M., 1Lt
White, Frank H., Sgt
Vandenberg, Edward V. “Van”, Sgt
Sharp, Samuel I., Jr., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27528 Tail # 85
Rubin, Julius W., 1Lt
Carr, Robert E., F/O
Baird, James (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
Parham, Ralph E., Sgt
Sevier, Fred L., Sgt
Ferrell, Bruce M., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27616 Tail # 94
Kuoni, Charles F., Jr., 1Lt
Mann, James R., F/O
Cameron, Alexander G., 2Lt
Magers, Marshall P., S/Sgt
Brusa, Robert P., T/Sgt
Gage, Robert L., S/Sgt
Tuesday, 13 February 1945 (continued)
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., T/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Awoke 6:00AM. Briefing 7:10AM. Carry 500 lb GP's. #84 (43-27791) (Autrey, pilot)
Lavis Rail Diversion. Lead 2nd element. Over target 10:15AM. Moderate accurate heavy
flak on first pass. Did not drop. Similar flak on second pass - 100% although someone
dropped stray bombs. Air is always rough in Brenner Pass. Jerries also threw up
phosphorous bombs. P-47 cover. Partly cloudy weather - warm weather. Autrey doing
swell. Landed 12:00PM. Stood formation for presentation of medals by General Knapp.
Waited on the old boy for two hours. Lt Bard and Zinkand made captain today. Lt
Cannon insisted on my drinking Paul Jones with him.”
Autrey, W. F. (i.o.), 1Lt, pilot
Bard, John A., Capt, pilot
Cannon, John L., 2Lt, bombardier
Knapp, Robert Duane, Brigadier General, pilot, 57th BW Commander
Zinkand, Willard T., Capt, bombardier, navigator
Wednesday, 14 February 1945
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, during the night of 13/14 Feb, A-20s bomb the bridge
approach at Castelnuovo di Garfagnana and hit targets of opportunity in the Po Valley;
during the day medium bombers bomb bridges or bridge approaches at San Michele
all'Adige, Tarvisio, Bressanone, and hit guns near Ponte Gardena; fighters and fighterbombers, operating in poor weather, attack mainly communications targets in the Po
HQ 321st BG War Diary: In addition to the two regular bombing missions the Group
sent a twelve plane nickeling mission to “bomb” a Bologna Rest and Replacement Area
with PWB produced “Front Posts”. The Two bombing formations went to Lavis and San
Michele Diversions again and again scored excellent concentrations in the target area
with probable hits scored.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 730/mission 730) Group Mission # 730:
Nickeling Mission to a Bologna Rest and Replacement Area
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 731/mission 731) Group Mission # 731:
Lavis Railroad Diversion Bridge, Italy
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 732/mission 732) Group Mission # 732:
San Michele Rail Diversion Bridge, Italy.
(Group mission report not available at this time)
Wednesday, 14 February 1945 (continued)
445th BS War Diary: Again the squadron bombed the San Michele rail diversion
bridges but this time the percentage of bombing accuracy was only 63.8 per cent. Fifteen
combat enlisted men received promotions today. Today is Ash Wednesday and church
services were held at the group chapel. The squadron personnel signed the payroll today.
The weather continued to be wonderfully warm. Roast beef was on the menu for supper
and a hypnotist entertained in the evening at the group theater.
Wednesday, 14 February 1945 (continued)
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 730/mission 730) Group Mission # 730:
Group Mission #730; Squadron Mission #468:
Capt. Hatcher led 6 planes from this
squadron which formed the first flight of a formation of 11 bombers which went out on a
nickeling mission. They dropped their propaganda leaflets on a German rest and
replacement camp. 15,000 ft. was the altitude of release. No escort was provided and no
flak was encountered. RESULTS: Dropped visually at 1st and 2nd dropping points. On
3rd point, dropped on dead reckoning due to cloud cover.
A/C No. 43-27742 Tail # 01 “Winnie
Mae” (previously “Vicious Vera”)
P Hatcher, Leon F., Jr., Capt
CP Jeffery, James C., Capt
N Joyce, John F., Jr., 1Lt
B Robson, Herbert E., Capt
E Watts, Joseph T., Jr., T/Sgt
R Engleman, Bud (NMI), T/Sgt
G Moorehead, Lewis E., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27698 Tail # 13 “Peggy
P Rigler, Edward J., 1Lt
CP Young, Paul L., 2Lt
N None
B Miller, Edward A., 1Lt
E Gum, Paul V., Sgt
R Nuttall, John H., S/Sgt
G Henry, William W., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27716 Tail # 17 “Shit
House Mouse”
P Rung, Raymond F. “Red”, Jr., 1Lt
CP Brown, William G., F/O
N None
B Chauncey, Martin E. “Marty”, T/Sgt
E Miller, Morris M., S/Sgt
R Alexaki, Nicholas (NMI), Cpl
G Baker, Max E., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27572 Tail # 12 “Babs”
Lewis, Max E., 1Lt
Badger, Joe G., 2Lt
Dickens, Noel F., 2Lt
Krauk, Edward J., S/Sgt
Ross, Reginald J., T/Sgt
Hieronimus, Philip J., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27917 Tail # 20
McMahon, Bernard J. “Mac”, Jr., 2Lt
O’Neill, William H., Jr., 2Lt
Puchalla, John M., F/O
Vadnais, Floyd F., Cpl
Brunda, John G., Cpl
Swinson, Carl R. M., Cpl
A/C No. 43-36228 Tail # ? “Miss
Wilson, Charles B. “Charlee”, 2Lt
Carlson, Floyd A., F/O
Krause, Richard E. “Dick”, 1Lt
Palermo, Antonio (NMI), Sgt
Vaseleski, Andrew C., Sgt
Slodden, Henry M. “Kip”, S/Sgt
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 731/mission 731) Group Mission # 731:
(445th BS did not participate)
Wednesday, 14 February 1945 (continued)
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 732/mission 732) Group Mission # 732:
Group Mission #732; Squadron Mission #469:
Capt. Wagner led 9 ships from this
squadron which led a formation of 17 planes sent out to attack the San Michele rail
diversion bridge, Italy. 500 pound bombs were dropped from 12,500 ft to 13,000 ft.
Area cover was provided while no flak was encountered. RESULTS: Patterns east and
west of target. Another pattern started short and walked up to bridge. Tracks hit but
bridge believed not hit. Smoke pots ineffective.
A/C No. 43-27899 Tail # 08 “Flo”
Wagner, Gerald W., Capt
Crutchfield, Lucian C., Jr., 2Lt
Mitchell, Robert F., 1Lt
Palmer, Richard W., 1Lt
Taylor, Marion R., S/Sgt
Kavan, Lester D., T/Sgt
Haynes, Irving L., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27680 Tail # 07 “Stuff”
DeBoer, Jay (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Jones, Guilford (NMI), Jr., 1Lt
Brooks, William F., F/O
Kuykendall, Ben (NMI), Sgt
Russo, Paul A., Sgt
Grovenburg, Frank Andrew, Cpl
A/C No. 43-27714 Tail # 16 “Blonde
P O’Keefe, John H., 2Lt
CP Divine, Donald D., F/O
N None
B Brown, Milton H., 1Lt
E Carney, Daniel (NMI), Sgt
R Heckman, Kenneth W., Sgt
G Emberton, Daniel P., Jr., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27545 Tail # 06 “Maggie”
(first # 06)
Ottinger, Warren F., 1Lt
Amundson, Fred K., 2Lt
Schnieringer, Frank M., F/O
Smith, Warren B. “Smitty”, T/Sgt
Peters, Andrew D., Sgt
Farmer, Alonzo (NMI), Sgt
Lind, Ragnar G. “Jeffrey Lynn”, 1Lt,
HQ 321st BG
A/C No. 44-28948 Tail # 09 “Miss
Belle Fontaine”
Young, William J. “Dusty”, 1Lt
Mutchler, Charles W., 2Lt
Epstein, Philip (NMI), 2Lt
Hunsberger, William R., S/Sgt
Weingartner, William E., Cpl
Heintz, Edward R., Jr., Sgt
Naughton, Thomas J., Jr., Sgt
A/C No. 43-4008 Tail # ? “Spirit of St
McFatter, Joe H., 1Lt
Hancock, Victor J., 2Lt
Davis, Morton A., S/Sgt
Hagains, John R., Sgt
Johnson, John E., T/Sgt
Hickman, Jefferson M. “Jeff”, Sgt
Wednesday, 14 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 44-28722 Tail # 18 “Spirit of
Mogren, Edward G., 1Lt
Stolberg, Frederick R., 2Lt
Jackson, William H., 2Lt
Chambers, Jimmie (NMI), T/Sgt
DeLaune, William P., T/Sgt
Smith, Francis L. “Smitty” , S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27534 Tail # 11 (standing
P Santone, Michael A., 1Lt
CP Hughes, Richard C., 2Lt
N None
B Harvel, Lonnie B., Jr., 2Lt
E Sycylo, Theodore W., S/Sgt
R Ott, James V., Sgt
G Bierly, Glen E., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27502 Tail # 10 “Pretty
Kitty Blue Eyes” (previously “What’s
Cox, Harold L., 1Lt
Rice, Rudolph G., 2Lt
Ohm, Merton D., S/Sgt
Cruise, James P., S/Sgt
Lowrey, James S., Sgt
Lile, Keith B., Sgt
446th BS War Diary: Newest 1st Lieuts. In the 446th include Berge, Clark, Hahn,
Heaberlin, Holt, Manolis, McCloud, Panning, Sheetinger, Sloan and Haynes. Enlisted
men get long awaited promotions too: to Staff Sgt go the following name men: Beecher,
Karuzas, Lamm, Murch, DeSorbo, Kelly, Law, Utz, Wagner. Sergeants are Andrews,
Cammack, Chase, Griffin, Jeczewski, Feola, Krider, Swann, Wilkins, Bass, Chapin,
Hatcher, Kirwan, Pelusi, Vanderpool.
Andrews, James Robert, Sgt, gunner
Bass, Charles L., Sgt, gunner
Beecher, Everett F., S/Sgt, gunner
Berge, Gail B., 1Lt, pilot
Cammack, Herbert R., Sgt, gunner
Chapin, Correll C., Sgt, gunner
Chase, William H., Sgt, gunner
Clark, Samuel E., Jr., 1Lt, bombardier
DeSorbo, John S., S/Sgt, gunner
Feola, Joseph A., Sgt, gunner
Griffin, John A., Sgt, gunner
Heaberlin, Paul L., 1Lt, pilot
Hahn, Melvin G., 1Lt, pilot
Hatcher, James T., Sgt, gunner
Haynes, Allan C., 1Lt, pilot
Holt, Noel P., Jr., 1Lt, pilot
Jeczewski, Joseph M., Sgt, gunner
Karuzas, Alexander W., S/Sgt, gunner
Kelly, Thomas J., S/Sgt, gunner
Kirwan, Harold J., Sgt, gunner
Krider, Emanuel (NMI), Sgt, gunner
Lamm, Earl D., S/Sgt, gunner
Law, John B., S/Sgt, gunner
Manolis, Ronald J., 1Lt, pilot
McCloud, Ray L., 1Lt, pilot
Murch, George M., Jr., S/Sgt, gunner
Panning, Robert F., 1Lt, pilot
Pelusi, Richard D., Sgt, gunner
Sheetinger, Dan A., 1Lt, pilot
Sloan, Thomas M., 1Lt, pilot
Wednesday, 14 February 1945 (continued)
Swann, Homer W., Sgt, gunner
Vanderpool, Ralph M., Sgt, gunner
Wilkins, Keith Albert, Sgt, gunner
Utz, James W., S/Sgt, gunner
Wagner, William M., S/Sgt, gunner
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 730/mission 730) Group Mission # 730:
Squadron Mission 505
TARGET: Nickeling Mission
DATE: 14 Feb.1945
Type of Bombs: Leaflets (Frontpost)
446th Planes: 2
Capt. Hatcher led the formation. Mission accomplished. No flak, no fighters.
Hatcher, Leon F., Jr., Capt, pilot, 445th BS
A/C No. 43-27480 Tail # 44 “Yankee
Ramsay, Lamar E., 1Lt
Weihe, Frederick A., Jr., 2Lt
Epstein, Joseph H., 1Lt
Reinartsen, Charles R., Jr., Sgt
Leary, Philip B., T/Sgt
Rubin, Herbert L., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27501 Tail # 39 “Sweet Sue
Kathy Jeanne” (unnamed to Nov 44. In
45 “Kathy Jeanne” dropped)
Manolis, Ronald J., 2Lt
Sherline, David M., 2Lt
Nichols, Henry J., III, Sgt
Lohrman, Leo F., Cpl
Ross, Harry K., S/Sgt
Chapin, Correll C., Sgt
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 731/mission 731) Group Mission # 731:
Squadron Mission 506
TARGET: Lavis Railroad Diversion Bridge, Italy
DATE: 14 Feb.1945
Type of Bombs: 1000 lb. and 100 lb. Phosphorus
446th Planes: 13
Capt. Smedley led the formation. First box of six did not drop. Bombs of other elements
started N of dyke and walked S with good coverage of target area. One element hit
several hundred feet W of N bridge. Accurate observation of results impossible because
of smoke pots. Anti-flak a/c report good coverage. Flak was heavy, moderate, accurate.
Three planes holed. No fighters.
A/C No. 44-28926 Tail # 35 “Merrily
We Bob Along”
P Smedley, Robert Redmond, Capt
CP Cameron, William D. “Bill”, Jr., Lt Col,
HQ 321st BG
N Ottem, Earl R., Capt
B Paulson, Ronald A., 1Lt
E Alexander, Preston S., S/Sgt
R Swann, Homer W., Cpl
G Nehls, Clayton R., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4020 Tail # 26 “Bourbon
Cressman, Jack E., 1Lt
Tighe, Leo J., 1Lt
Murch, George M., Jr., S/Sgt
Scheetz, Elvin N., Sgt
Wilkins, Keith Albert, Cpl
Feola, Joseph A., Cpl,
Wednesday, 14 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27503 Tail # 46 “Miss
P Fisher, Carl D., 1Lt
CP French, Wendell L., 2Lt
N None
B Corra, Andrew J., 2Lt
E Jeczewski, Joseph M., Cpl
R Benedict, William P., Sgt
G Popovich, Chris (NMI), S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27497 Tail # 29
P Sloan, Thomas M., 2Lt
CP Hahn, Melvin G., 2Lt
N None
B Cimino, William C., 2Lt
E Krider, Emanuel (NMI), Cpl
R Kirwan, Harold J., Cpl
G Cammack, Herbert R., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27490 Tail # 45 “Mrs. C”
Kimble, Arnold P., 1Lt
Welsh, Cecil E. “Red”, 2Lt
Buchanan, Talmadge A., Jr., 2Lt
McGann, Edom K., 2Lt
Nigrelli, Ernest J., S/Sgt
Cubbage, Robert (NMI), S/Sgt
Alberico, Camillo A., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-36224 Tail # 34 probably
”Hauling Ass II”
Long, Emmett N., 2Lt
Jackson, Roland B., 2Lt
Falk, Jack G., 1Lt
Brady, Walter (NMI), Sgt
Carl, Edgar W., Sgt
Darnielle, George W., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27477 Tail # 32 “Boots”
Atkins, Richard A., Jr., F/O
Bogan, Floyd W., 2Lt
Hensler, Donald O., F/O
Lind, Kenneth H., Sgt
Martin, Thomas J., Jr., Sgt
Meade, Harold W., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27660 Tail # 30 “Shooting
Perlman, Jacob L., 1Lt
Bachman, William C., Jr., 2Lt
Pouse, Alford H., Jr., 2Lt
Demmitt, Henry H., S/Sgt
Flasher, Henry F., Sgt
Dickey, Jack F., Jr., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27747 Tail # 42 “Spider’s
Frolic Pad” (first # 42)
Maki, Allan A., 2Lt
Ratliff, James Ernest, Jr., 2Lt
Chandley, Sherley S., 2Lt
Bass, Charles L., Cpl
Dobrow, Edgar J., Sgt
Beavers, Marqus F., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-4074 Tail # 27 (picture of
seated lady - no name/lettering) (filled
in with 448th as wing spare)
Sheetinger, Dan A., 2Lt
Haynes, Allan C., 2Lt
Andrews, James Robert, Cpl
Reda, John J., Sgt
Vanderpool, Ralph M., Cpl
Hatcher, James T., Cpl
Wednesday, 14 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27699 Tail # 33 “Jessie”
(later name dropped from nose art)
(Anti-Flak/Incendiary Ship)
Lowell A., 1Lt
CP Rozar, Richard L., 2Lt
N Gambino, Samuel F., 1Lt
B McCullough, John E., Jr., 1Lt
E Hemmert, Harold E., S/Sgt
R McEuen, Richard W., Sgt
G Griffin, John A., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-4021 Tail # 31 “The Little
Admiral” (later Lady Jane) (first # 31)
(Anti-Flak/Incendiary Ship)
P Crinnion, Edward V., 1Lt
CP Moore, Howard T., 2Lt
N None
B Freck, Byron P., Sgt
E Autore, Nicholas A., Cpl
R Moncure, James D., Jr., Sgt
G Broderick, Emmett P., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27678 Tail # 40 “Lemmon
Lu” (Anti-Flak/Incendiary Ship)
Capalety, Thomas A., 1Lt
Smith, Clarence J. H., F/O
Law, John B., Sgt
Boylan, James P., Sgt
Beck, Junior D., Sgt
Jakielek, Ernest F., Sgt
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 732/mission 732) Group Mission # 732:
(446th BS did not participate)
447th BS War Diary: Corporal Edward H. Henkler promoted to grade of sergeant SO 25
Hq. 321st Bomb Gp. 1st Lt. Leland A. Mesna promoted to rank of captain 9 February
1945 par 2 SO 37 Hq 12th Air Force.
Henkler, Edward H., Sgt, gunner
Mesna, Leeland A. “Lee”, Capt, bombardier
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 730/mission 730) Group Mission # 730:
(447th BS did not participate)
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 731/mission 731) Group Mission # 731:
(447th BS did not participate)
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 732/mission 732) Group Mission # 732: 8
planes participated in a raid on San Michele Rail Diversion Bridge in northern Italy. All
planes returned safely. Results not good as to photo interpretation.
Wednesday, 14 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-35958 Tail # ?
P Kibler, William E. “Kib”, 1Lt
CP Briggs, Richard G. “Dick”, 2Lt
Jones, Dewey D., Jr., S/Sgt
Mindlin, Karl N., Sgt
Meiborg, Walter F., Sgt
Goldman, Marvin S., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27636 Tail # 74
Fairchild, George S., 1Lt
Rose, Norman I., 2Lt
Perl, Richard H., S/Sgt
Dubbs, Andrew C., S/Sgt
Cassidy, Raymond S., Jr., Sgt
Merlino, Camille J., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27782 Tail # 72
P Breckenridge, Louis C., 1Lt
CP Bryson, Roy V., 2Lt
N None
B Fowler, John I., F/O
E Rinard, Robert P., Sgt
R Teutsch, Stanley E., Sgt
G Loux, Robert E., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27498 Tail # 71 “Ave
P Hutson, Ernest G. “Hod”, 1Lt
CP Janssen, Vernon E., 2Lt
N Prilliman, Floyd W., 2Lt
B Schmoke, Vernon L., 1Lt
E Lussier, Ernest R., Sgt
R Krauss, Frederick J., Sgt
G Staub, Edward C., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-35959 Tail # 67
Muzinich, Anthony L. “Tony”, Capt
Matzinger, Keith Robinson, Capt, 446th
Franklin, Arthur E., Capt, 446th BS
Balboni, Robert A., 1Lt
Keenan, Harry A., S/Sgt
Jones, LeRoy (NMI), Sgt
Miller, Dale G., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27492 Tail # 57 “Reddie
Yerger, John W., 1Lt
Antry, Jack B., 2Lt
Radel, Henry D., 2Lt
Huntley, Bruce H., S/Sgt
Smith, John T., Sgt
Hunsaker, Frank W., Jr., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27779 Tail # 62
Buckley, Paul I., 1Lt
Bradshaw, Rodney O., 2Lt
Gough, William V., 2Lt
Neely, Robert E., Sgt
Ross, John P., Cpl
Goethe, Emil C., Jr., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-36108 Tail # 70
Brown, Lyle N., Jr., 1Lt
Woods, George A., Jr., 2Lt
Michael, James L., 2Lt
Price, Charles J., Sgt
Newton, James R., Sgt
Jones, Robert A., Sgt
Wednesday, 14 February 1945 (continued)
448th BS War Diary: When he came back from the mission today, Lieutenant Bard
found out that he had been promoted to Captain. Lieutenant Cherry left for TD with Hq
57th Bomb Wing.
Bard, John A., Capt, pilot
Cherry, Raymond (NMI), Jr., 1Lt, pilot
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 730/mission 730) Group Mission # 730: The
448th had three planes on the first mission today, a nickeling flight that dropped leaflets
on a German rest and replacement area near Bologna. Good weather prevailed all the
way and no difficulty was encountered in identifying the target area. No opposition was
encountered, and the formation returned safely at 1405.
A/C No. 43-27616 Tail # 94
P Zakopcsan, John S., 2Lt
CP Autrey, W. F. (i.o.), 1Lt
N None
B Langley, Edmund P., Jr., S/Sgt
E Gutierrez, Ralph (NMI), Sgt
R Schaffer, Irving J., T/Sgt
G Atherton, Robert C., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27530 Tail # 79 “Twin
Engine Sadie”
Ivory, Daniel J., Jr., 1Lt
Schwartz, Theodore (NMI), 2Lt
Goethals, Camiel A., S/Sgt
Oliver, Walter A., Sgt
Vandenberg, Edward V. “Van”, Sgt
Sharp, Samuel I., Jr., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27726 Tail # 80
Russell, Harold H., 2Lt
Grady, John R., Capt
Lesser, Robert (NMI) “Bob”, 2Lt
Nelson, William M., Cpl
Seward, Richard F., T/Sgt
Tangren, Donald E., Sgt
A/C No. unknown (Lead ship returned
early) (only pilot identified - ship and
crew unknown
Swanson, Erle G. “Swanny”, Jr., Capt
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 731/mission 731) Group Mission # 731:
Lieutenant Bard led the 448th’s planes, eleven (11) of them in the second flight on the
second mission that went after the Lavis rail diversion bridge once again. Clear but
rough weather was encountered over the target. Despite this a good concentration was
scored near the north dyke. Accurate observation was difficult due to the effect of smoke
pots. The gun positions were well covered by phosphorous bombs, resulting in only
slight opposition being met. One chaff plane was hit in the bomb bay, however, setting
fire to one of the bombs. Sergeant Qualls, the turret gunner climbed into the bomb bay
and released the bomb, after all efforts to salvo it had failed. He had to climb into it
without his parachute, because of the narrow passage way, and any slip would have met
certain death. All the planes returned safely this afternoon.
Wednesday, 14 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-28081 Tail # 81
Bard, John A., Capt
Valenti, Jack J., 2Lt
Stout, Charles S. “Chuck”, 2Lt
Gardner, Philip K., 1Lt
Payne, Robert B., Cpl
LaBella, Dante (NMI) “GI Joe”, T/Sgt
Smith, Norman L., Cpl
A/C No. 44-28940 Tail # 92
Cooper, Richard J., 1Lt
Stokes, George M., 2Lt
Hildreth, Elmer L., M/Sgt
Magers, Marshall P., S/Sgt
Brusa, Robert P., T/Sgt
Gage, Robert L., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-4037 Tail # 78 “Cherry
Brown, Royden (NMI), 1Lt
Campbell, John E., 2Lt
Higby, Paul K., F/O
Wolfe, Bernard M., Sgt
Hulse, Donald W., T/Sgt
Moleski, Benny M. “Ben”, S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27720 Tail # 86
Burks, Richard W., Maj
Stow, Charles E., 2Lt
Bartlett, J. E., 2Lt
Sheppard, John W., 2Lt
Mitchem, Dewey A., Sgt
Hunter, Dewey G., Sgt
Biersdorff, Charles J., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27911 Tail # 93
Wilson, James M., 2Lt
Sturgis, Cloral S., 1Lt
Rutz, Victor H., F/O
Morian, Charles R., Cpl
Zimmerman, Carl F., Cpl
Enderle, Melvin J., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27481 Tail # ?
Copes, Wilson R., 1Lt
Baird, James L., F/O
Libby, Donald E., F/O
Mientkiewicz, Casmier (NMI), Sgt
Sevier, Fred L., Sgt
Ward, Paul D., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27538 Tail # 87 “Down
But Not Out” (first # 87)
Gladwill, James G., 1Lt
Chakmakian, George E., F/O
Boyd, Wilford D., 2Lt
Head, Guthrie H., S/Sgt
Varga, Frank K., Sgt
Ederer, Robert J., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27523 Tail # 95
Meyers, Kenneth F., 2Lt
Akers, Harold B., Jr., 2Lt
Arnold, Harold L., 2Lt
Baird, James (NMI), S/Sgt
Bass, Bernard G., T/Sgt
Abiecunas, Joseph P. “Abby”, S/Sgt
Wednesday, 14 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-4076 Tail # 88 (first # 88)
P Lee, Howard M., 1Lt
CP Spaur, Melvin J., 2Lt
N None
B Sutton, Norman J., 2Lt
E Murray, Francis J., Cpl
R Morefield, James Carl, T/Sgt
G Markiewicz, Edward B., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4068 Tail # ? “The
P Rubin, Julius W., 1Lt
CP Carr, Robert E., F/O
N None
B Qualls, Thomas B., T/Sgt
E Parham, Ralph E., Sgt
R Rockwell, Stewart R. “Rockwell”, S/Sgt
G Magyar, Steven J., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27668 Tail # 83
Russell, John D., 2Lt
Mann, James R., F/O
Ferrell, Bruce M., S/Sgt
Codd, James P., S/Sgt
O’Brien, Brendan M., Cpl
Sidoti, Nick S., Cpl
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 732/mission 732) Group Mission # 732:
(448th BS did not participate)
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., T/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Awoke 7:10AM. Cloudy AM. On nickeling mission. Other mission going back to
Lavis. Fresh fried eggs, hot cereal, bread, fruit juice, coffee. Target is in FlorenceBologna area. G-46 (94) (43-27616) Lt Zakopcsan, pilot. Autrey co-pilot. Checking
Zakopcsan out. Following left wing third element. Dropped at three different release
points. Take off 11:00AM. Landed 1:00PM. Over enemy territory for about 10 minutes.
Mission to Lavis made out OK. One incendiary ship came back with 82 holes. No one
injured. Another was hit in the bomb bay on the bomb run. A phosphoric bomb caught
on fire. Bombardier (Qualls) went in bomb bay and finally got rid of bomb. Smoke and
fire was extremely dangerous as both gas tanks were hit and leaking. Weather is warm.
Feeling OK. Punching bag again. Commenced reading Wagner's "Faunhaueser."
Retired 9:30PM.”
Autrey, W. F. (i.o.), 1Lt, pilot
Qualls, Thomas B., T/Sgt, engineer-gunner, bombardier
Zakopcsan, John S., 2Lt, pilot
Thursday, 15 February 1945
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, medium bombers bomb the Spilimbergo ammunition dumps
through an overcast, but are forced by the bad weather to cancel all other operations;
fighter-bombers, limited by weather, concentrate on railway targets in NE and W Po
HQ 321st BG War Diary: No mission – weather. Routine camp duties.
445th BS War Diary: Thirteen crews were scheduled for the combat mission today but a
stand down order was issued. 1st Lt. William C. Lower, one of the original members of
the squadron and one of the squadron’s most popular officers, was transferred to the 447th
squadron today. He was acting as Personal Equipment officer with this squadron before
the transfer. There were four transition flights while two pilots checked out on
instrument flying. The sport of horseshoes is gaining in popularity as each day finds a
number of the men tossing them at the stakes. The movie “Winged Victory” was greatly
enjoyed at night. It was an Air Corps film and won praise due to the fact that it had less
“corn” than the usual Hollywood flickers based on the Army Air Corps.
Lower, William C., 1Lt, personal equipment
446th BS War Diary: No Mission. Squadron duties.
447th BS War Diary: No mission today. Several crews on local transition flights. F/O
Haage appointed 2nd Lt. 29 Jan 1945, Hq. 12th AF. Usual duties prevailed throughout the
Haage, Frederick W., 2Lt, pilot
448th BS War Diary: Sergeants Heinbaugh, Kruppa, Damon, Crawford, Skimp, and
Handler, and Corporals Lester and Spelich, who were assigned to the Squadron and
placed on DS with the 446th were relieved from assignment and assigned to the other
Squadrons and Group Headquarters.
Communications Personnel:
Crawford, Howard W., Sgt
Damon, Wayne E., T/Sgt
Handler, William (NMI), Sgt
Heinbaugh, James C., T/Sgt
Kruppa, Edward J., S/Sgt
Lester, Julian N., Cpl
Skimp, James S., S/Sgt
Spelich, Daniel A., Cpl
448th BS Mission Summary: Due to cloudiness and threatening weather throughout the
day the mission was stand down.
Thursday, 15 February 1945 (continued)
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., T/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Van awoke me at exactly 8:00AM. Briefing 9:50AM. Heavy overcast. Target is Dogma
RR bridge several miles from the Austrian border. Slightly defended. At ships for an
hour. Stand-down. Attended "Winged Victory." Only fair. Autrey and Atherton came
over. Fairly warm evening. Retired 11:00PM.”
Autrey, W. F. (i.o.), 1Lt, pilot
Atherton, Robert C., Sgt, gunner
Vandenberg, Edward V. “Van”, Sgt, gunner
Friday, 16 February 1945
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, bad weather grounds medium bombers; fighter-bombers cut
rail lines at the S end of Garda Lake, and bomb ammunition and fuel dump E of Nervesa
della Battaglia and an ammunition dump E of Villafranca in Lunigiana.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: No mission – weather. Big day for the Group today. Right
after the stand down was announced, General Cannon’s plane landed at the field and
before lunch time the 321st Bomb Group had a Battle Streamer attached to its flag in
honor of the Athens, Greece raid by the Group for which it received the Presidential
Distinguished Unit Citation. General Knapp also attended the event for which the Group
personnel turned out in full regalia.
Cannon, John K., Maj Gen, 12th AF Commander
Knapp, Robert Duane, Brigadier General, pilot, 57th BW Commander
445th BS War Diary: The mission was cancelled. Major General John K. Cannon, 12th
Air Force commander, was on hand today to personally award the group a battle streamer
for the Presidential citation. After the presentation, officers and enlisted men from the 4
squadrons passed in review. Brig. Gen. Knapp was also present at the ceremony. The
men in the squadron were amazed to hear of the startling news that an American task
force was pounding Tokyo and sailing calmly within 200 miles of the Jap capital. The
mail call was very productive today. The film “Saratoga Trunk” was shown at the movie
tonight. Ingrid Bergman won plenty of fans from her performance and her appearance.
Jimmie Chambers announced that he had officially fallen in love with Joan Leslie and
accompanied that announcement with another to the effect that he and “Moe” Martinez
would tour the area and confiscate all Leslie pin-ups.
Cannon, John K., Maj Gen, 12th AF Commander
Chambers, Jimmie (NMI), T/Sgt, engineer-gunner
Knapp, Robert Duane, Brigadier General, pilot, 57th BW Commander
Martinez, Elmo J. "Moe", M/Sgt, engineer-gunner
446th BS War Diary: Cornelius and Wilking are made Technical Sergeants as there is
no mission flown.
Cornelius, Wilbur G., T/Sgt, gunner
Wilking, Robert L., T/Sgt, gunner
447th BS War Diary: No mission today. A formation was held at group at 10 o’clock
this morning at which time the Group was presented the War Departments unit citation
by General John K. Cannon. S/Sgt. Edward Kruppa assigned and joined squadron from
448th squadron 13 February 1945 par 2 SO 26 Hq. 321st Bomb Group (M).
Cannon, John K., Maj Gen, 12th AF Commander
Kruppa, Edward J., S/Sgt, communications
Friday, 16 February 1945 (continued)
448th BS War Diary: At an impressive review on the parade grounds this morning,
General Cannon, Commanding General of the 12th Air Force, presented the Group its
Battle Streamer, symbolic of its Distinguished Unit Citation. Major Gaffney, Group
Executive, read the citation, following which General Cannon attached the streamer to
the staff of the Group Colors. Following this, the four Squadrons passed in review before
General Cannon, then marched off the field. Lieutenant Stromberg and Sergeant Pealer
returned from Capri rest camp today, and Captain Bongiovanni, Lieutenant Spaur, F/O
Rutz and Sergeants Smith, N.L. and Goethals left for Capri. Lieutenant Matthews left for
TD with MATS Hq. and Sergeant Steinberg was transferred to Headquarters Squadron
57th Bomb Wing.
Bongiovanni, Michael (NMI), Capt, navigator
Cannon, John K., Maj Gen, 12th AF Commander
Gaffney, Charles H., Maj, Executive Officer, HQ 321st BG
Goethals, Camiel A., S/Sgt, gunner
Matthews, Thomas W., 1Lt, pilot
Pealer, Woodward D., S/Sgt, gunner
Rutz, Victor H., F/O, bombardier
Smith, Norman L., Sgt, gunner
Spaur, Melvin J., 2Lt, pilot
Steinberg, Reuben H., T/Sgt, personnel
Stromberg, Carl K., 1Lt, pilot
448th BS Mission Summary: The mission was stand down once again today due to
weather conditions over the target area, but not before the crew members had arrived at
the briefing hut.
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., T/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“CQ blowing whistle awoke me at 6:40AM. Fairly light. Heavy overcast. General
Cannon (2 star) to present group with "Battle Streamers." Briefing 7:45AM. Target is
same as yesterday. Co-pilot (Lt Beckman) found huge gash in our right tire.
Engineering went to work immediately changing it. Awaited several hours at ship finally
a stand-down. Did not attend formation. Group is on the alert again - to move. Retired
Beckman, Harold Christoph, 2Lt, pilot
Cannon, John K., Maj Gen, 12th AF Commander
Saturday, 17 February 1945
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, medium bombers bomb bridges at Chiusaforte, Bressanone,
Crema, and Dogna; fighters and fighter-bombers hit communications targets in the Po
Valley and damage bridges at Nervesa della Battaglia, Cittadella, Calliano, Ala, and
Pordenone; also bombed are guns and dumps from the S of La Spezia E to the battle area
below Bologna.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: The two primaries at Dogna and Chiusaforte were not
attacked due to an overcast so the Sacile and Pordenone Bridges were solidly hit instead.
48 planes participated.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 733/mission 733) Group Mission # 733:
Dogna Bridges, Italy (primary) - bombed alternate Pordenone Bridges.
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 734/mission 734) Group Mission # 734:
Chiusaforte Bridges, Italy (primary) - bombed alternate Sacile Rail Diversion Bridge.
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: The Sacile rail diversion bridge, Italy was today’s target but the
bombing accuracy was too low to mention. After all, you can’t get 100 per cent every
day. A plane was sent to Catania today to return with the crew of aircraft 535 (43-3535
“Rum Runner”) which was grounded there yesterday on a liquor run following engine
trouble. The engine will be changed at Catania. There was some training today.
Personnel in the squadron and group are benefiting greatly from the new arrangement at
the group theater which allows for two shows every other night. First show starts at 6:30
P.M. and the second at 8:30 P.M. Almost as good as home, ain’t it?
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 733/mission 733) Group Mission # 733:
(445th BS did not participate)
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 734/mission 734) Group Mission # 734:
Group Mission #734; Squadron Mission #470:
Lt. Webb led 12 ships from this
squadron which formed the second flight of a formation of 24 ships sent out to attack the
Sacile rail diversion bridge, Italy. This was the alternate target and it was bombed due to
the fact that the primary target was weathered in. 1000 pound bombs were dropped from
12,500 ft to 13,000 ft. P-47s flew close escort. There was no flak. RESULTS: Patterns
across center, west end and west approach of bridge. Direct hits were reported while
some bombs were short and northwest of bridge.
Saturday, 17 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27899 Tail # 08 “Flo”
Webb, Allen W. “Pete”, 1Lt
Hancock, Victor J., 2Lt
Cravey, Robert P., 1Lt
Beck, Robert B. “Bob”, 1Lt
Cubley, Harold B., 1Lt
DeLaune, William P., T/Sgt
Moorehead, Lewis E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27698 Tail # 13 “Peggy
P Shutters, Paul E., 1Lt
CP Hughes, Richard C., 2Lt
N None
B Murphy, John P., 2Lt
E Hagains, John R., Sgt
R Vaseleski, Andrew C., Sgt
G Hickman, Jefferson M. “Jeff”, S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-26227 Tail # 04
P Rung, Raymond F. “Red”, Jr., 1Lt
CP Rice, Rudolph G., 2Lt
N None
B Caron, Philip H., 2Lt
E Vargas, Cleofas M., Sgt
R Posillico, Frank A., Cpl
G Smith, Francis L. “Smitty” , S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 44-28722 Tail # 18 “Spirit of
P Poteete, Max W., 1Lt
CP Jones, Guilford (NMI), Jr., 1Lt
N None
B Vaughan, Fred W., 1Lt
E Perich, Freddie (NMI), Cpl
R Kavan, Lester D., T/Sgt
G Slodden, Henry M. “Kip”, S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27545 Tail # 06 “Maggie”
(first # 06)
Ottinger, Warren F., 1Lt
Reade, Rex E., 2Lt
Rosenthal, Richard C., 2Lt
Nelson, Jacob M., Sgt
Seigler, William B., Cpl
Kabrich, Harry Lee, S/Sgt
A/C No. 44-28948 Tail # 09 “Miss
Belle Fontaine”
McMahon, Bernard J. “Mac”, Jr., 2Lt
O’Neill, William H., Jr., 2Lt
Puchalla, John M., F/O
Mitchell, Robert D. “Bob”, Sgt
Krober, Raymond D., Jr., S/Sgt
Osborn, Jack R., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27572 Tail # 12 “Babs”
Young, William J. “Dusty”, 1Lt
Carlson, Floyd A., F/O
Ohm, Merton D., S/Sgt
McCormack, Samuel C., S/Sgt
Heckman, Kenneth W., Sgt
Lile, Keith B., S/Sgt
Naughton, John J., Jr., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27733 Tail # 00 “Porky’s
Curry, Arthur L. “Art”, 2Lt
Mutchler, Charles W., 2Lt
Dickens, Noel F., 2Lt
Hafferkamp, Edwin H., Cpl
Matter, Dean R., T/Sgt
Baker, Max E., Sgt
Saturday, 17 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27741Tail # 14 “Val”
(previously “Modern Design”)
(scheduled to lead second element returned due to engine trouble)
P Rigler, Edward J., 1Lt
CP Zieman, Earl E., 2Lt
N None
B Miller, Edward A., 1Lt
E Knapp, Robert Duane, Jr., Sgt
R Johnson, John E., T/Sgt
G Stack, James T., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27742 Tail # 01 “Winnie
Mae” (previously “Vicious Vera”)
(Anti-Flak/Incendiary Ship)
P Jeffery, James C., Capt
CP Brown, William G., F/O
N None
B Weiner, Irving B., 1Lt
E Koski, Paul J., S/Sgt
R Engleman, Bud (NMI), T/Sgt
G Teague, Phillip B., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27716 Tail # 17 “Shit
House Mouse” (Anti-Flak/Incendiary
P Cox, Harold L., 1Lt
CP Amundson, Fred K., 2Lt
N None
B Schnieringer, Frank M., F/O
E Cruise, James P., S/Sgt
R Peters, Andrew D., Sgt
G Swinson, Carl R. M., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27534 Tail # 11 (standing
Wilson, Charles B. “Charlee”, 2Lt
Badger, Joe G., 2Lt
Davis, Morton A., S/Sgt
Chambers, Jimmie (NMI), T/Sgt
Brunda, John G., Cpl
Bierly, Glenn E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27917 Tail # 20 (AntiFlak/Incendiary Ship)
Miron, Leno L., 1Lt
Young, Paul L., 2Lt
Epstein, Philip (NMI), 2Lt
Krauk, Edward J., S/Sgt
Weingartner, William E., Cpl
Haynes, Irving L., Sgt
446th BS War Diary: Sacile railroad bridge is made the target for the mission. All our
ships return safely.
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 733/mission 733) Group Mission # 733:
(446th BS did not participate)
Saturday, 17 February 1945 (continued)
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 734/mission 734) Group Mission # 734:
Squadron Mission 507
TARGET: Sacile Railroad Diversion Bridge, Italy (Alt)
DATE: 17 Feb.1945
Type of Bombs: 1000 lb.
446th Planes: 12
Lt. Crisp led the formation. Unfavorable weather prevented bombing of primary target.
On the alternate, bomb patterns fell across center, W end and W approach. Direct hits
reported. Some bombs short and S of target. No flak, no fighters.
A/C No. 44-28926 Tail # 35 “Merrily
We Bob Along”
P Crisp, Glenn S., Jr., 1Lt
CP Burklund, Donald K., 2Lt
N Ottem, Earl R., Capt
B Starczewski, Phillip R., 1Lt
E Karuzas, Alexander W., S/Sgt
R Cubbage, Robert (NMI), S/Sgt
G Fitzgerald, George L., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27503 Tail # 46 “Miss
P Sloan, Thomas M., 1Lt
CP Callaway, Charles R., F/O
N None
B Corra, Andrew J., 2Lt
E Englehaupt, Russell L., Sgt
R McEuen, Richard W., Sgt
G Falls, Robert H., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4097 Tail # 28 “Darlene”
(previously “Tiny?”)
P Cressman, Jack E., 1Lt
CP Alward, Charles W., 2Lt
N None
B Murch, George M., Jr., S/Sgt
E Freeman, Harold W., Sgt
R Martin, Thomas J., Jr., Sgt
G Anderson, Chester S., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27497 Tail # 29 “Barbara”
Hahn, Melvin G., 1Lt
Wilcox, Ralph E., 2Lt
Vannah, Harold P., Jr., F/O
Kelly, Thomas J., S/Sgt
Kirwan, Harold J., Sgt
Slezak, Alex E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27660 Tail # 30 “Shooting
DiNorma, Joseph S., 1Lt
Wallace, Merwin W., 2Lt
Law, John B., S/Sgt
Lamm, Earl D., S/Sgt
Ransom, Gerald H., S/Sgt
Springer, Walter H., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27477 Tail # 32 “Boots”
McCloud, Ray L., 1Lt
Barbee, Harvey C., Jr., 2Lt
Andrews, James Robert, Sgt
Brady, Walter (NMI), Sgt
Swann, Homer W., Sgt
Cleland, Donald S., Cpl
Saturday, 17 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27678 Tail # 40 “Lemmon
P Carlson, Lowell A., 1Lt
CP Brock, Thomas E., F/O
N Yarbrough, George L., 1Lt
B Codd, Russell G., 2Lt
E Chase, William H., Sgt
R Luitjens, Harvey J., S/Sgt
G Dubreuil, Roger N., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27501 Tail # 39 “Sweet
Sue Kathy Jeanne” (unnamed to Nov
44. In 45 “Kathy Jeanne” dropped)
P Fisher, Carl D., 1Lt
CP Dunn, Albert W., 2Lt
N Buchanan, Talmadge A., Jr., 2Lt
B Fein, William F., 2Lt
E Pelusi, Richard D., Sgt
R Moncure, James D., Jr., Sgt
G Broderick, Emmett P., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4020 Tail # 26 “Bourbon
P Heaberlin, Paul L., 1Lt
CP Moore, Howard T., 2Lt
N None
B Hensler, Donald O., F/O
E Henry, Clark H., S/Sgt
R Wilkins, Keith Albert, Sgt
G Haxby, William H., Jr., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27747 Tail # 42 “Spider’s
Frolic Pad” (first # 42)
Everhart, Herman E., 2Lt
Anderson, William H., 2Lt
Gahm, Edward L., 2Lt
Dalpos, Joseph N., S/Sgt
Flasher, Henry F., Sgt
Wagner, William M., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-36224 Tail # 34 probably
”Hauling Ass II”
Sheetinger, Dan A., 1Lt
Weihe, Frederick H., Jr., 2Lt
Chandley, Sherley S., 2Lt
Bass, Charles L., Sgt
Johnson, Carl W., Sgt
Holdridge, John F., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27745 Tail # 47
Manolis, Ronald J., 1Lt
Tighe, Leo J., 1Lt
Falk, Jack G., 1Lt
Reda, John J., Sgt
Vanderpool, Ralph M., Sgt
Hatcher, James T., Sgt
446th BS: War Diary of: Luitjens, Harvey J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner: (mission 37)
“No. 37) Milk-Run on Sacile R.R. Bridge. Lt. Carlson.”
Carlson, Lowell A., 1Lt, pilot
447th BS War Diary: 1st Lt. William C. Lower assigned and joined squadron from 445th
squadron 15 February 1945 par 2 SO 28 Hq. 321st Bomb Group. T/Sgt. Claude B.
Paynter Jr. TD to US, Ltr. order 12th AF 17 February 1945. 1st Sgt. Joseph J. Vishy, Jr.
transferred to the Replacement Depot for transshipment to US 17 February 1945 par 1,
Ltr. Order Hq. 12th AF. Morning Report Officers: 89: Enlisted Men: 353.
Lower, William C., 1Lt, personal equipment
Paynter, Claude B., Jr., T/Sgt, engineering
Vishy, Joseph J., Jr., Sgt, personnel, 1st Sgt
Saturday, 17 February 1945 (continued)
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 733/mission 733) Group Mission # 733: 12
planes participated in a raid on Pordenone Rail Diversion in northern Italy. All planes
returned safely. Just fair results as shown by photos.
A/C No. 43-27793 Tail # 64 “The
Melting Pot”
P Buechner, Helmut K., 1Lt
CP Cammack, Elmore (NMI), 1Lt
N None
B Tougaw, Lewis W., F/O
E MacMullen, Clarence C., Sgt
R Thomas, Hazen A., Sgt
G Dolezal, Albert (NMI), S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-35956 Tail # 55
P Brown, Lyle N., Jr., 1Lt
CP Wood, George A., Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Michael, James L., 2Lt
E Dubbs, Andrew C., S/Sgt
R Newton, James R., Sgt
G Jones, Robert A., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-36059 Tail # 67
Smith, Frederick H., 2Lt
Peck, Paul R., 2Lt
Fowler, John I., F/O
Cline, Joel L., Cpl
Finnegan, Paul W., S/Sgt
Maples, Frank L., Jr., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27785 Tail # 58
Haage, Frederick W., F/O
Steffan, Melvin G., 2Lt
Vantrease, Edwin C., 2Lt
Anderson, Arthur F., Sgt
Judy, Harry H., Jr., Sgt
Harvey, John A., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27643 Tail # 60
Morton, William C. “Mort”, Jr., 1Lt
Gates, Edward (NMI), 1Lt
Heist, Erwin William “Butch”, F/O
Lankester, Hugh H. “Lank”, 1Lt
Flanigan, Bernard A., S/Sgt
Poulin, Gaston G., T/Sgt
Young, Robert E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-36106 Tail # 63
Gies, Donald W., 2Lt
Barrett, Herbert E., 2Lt
Stroupe, Burton Elwood “Woody”, 2Lt
Tyler, Freeman P., T/Sgt
Lamb, George K., Sgt
Santora, Emanuel L., Cpl
A/C No. 43-4079 Tail # 51 “Little
Carlin, Edmund R., 2Lt
Brown, Carl B. “Buster”, F/O
Cromley, Glenn J., F/O
Daniels, Carl (NMI), S/Sgt
Maslyar, Michael M., S/Sgt
Gorden, Robert L., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27473 Tail # 73 “Paper
Yerger, John W., 1Lt
Duty, Wallace I., 1Lt
Prilliman, Floyd W., 2Lt
Radel, Henry D., 2Lt
Huntley, Bruce H., S/Sgt
Stocker, Harvey (NMI), Sgt
Cunningham, Paul W., Sgt
Saturday, 17 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-4040 Tail # 56 “Fearless
P Appenzeller, Richard D., 1Lt
CP Elliott, Thomas P., 2Lt
N None
B Blankemeyer, Frank J., F/O
E Keenan, Harry A., S/Sgt
R Marion, William T., Jr., Sgt
G Miller, Dale G., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27782 Tail # 72 (AntiFlak/Incendiary Ship)
P Autry, Aaron E., 1Lt
CP Hoy, Robert L., F/O
N None
B Fach, Albert W., 2Lt
E Plough, Marlin J., Cpl
R Ross, John P., Cpl
G Levy, Donald (NMI), Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-36108 Tail # 70 (AntiFlak/Incendiary Ship)
Kibler, William E. “Kib”, 1Lt
Briggs, Richard G. “Dick”, 2Lt
Davies, John V., 1Lt
Mindlin, Karl N., Sgt
Stroupe, Robert A., Sgt
Goldman, Marvin S., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27636 Tail # 74 (AntiFlak/Incendiary Ship)
Breckenridge, Louis C., 1Lt
Bryson, Roy V., Jr., 2Lt
Gough, William V., 2Lt
Rinard, Robert P., Sgt
Teutsch, Stanley E., Sgt
Steinhauser, Bernard (NMI), Cpl
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 734/mission 734) Group Mission # 734:
(447th BS did not participate)
448th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information)
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 733/mission 733) Group Mission # 733: The
mission for this morning took-off on time. The weather was clear with a few fleecy
clouds floating about. Lieutenant Meyers led the formation to attack the rail bridge at
Dogna, Italy. However, overcast there cause them to turn to the alternate target, the
Pordenone Rail bridge. The 448th had twelve (12) planes in this formation, leading the
Group. A good concentration was scored on both ends of the bridge despite the haze that
made observation difficult. No enemy anti-aircraft fire was encountered and all the
planes returned safely at 1505.
A/C No. 43-28081 Tail # 81
A/C No. 43-27530 Tail # 79 “Twin
Engine Sadie”
Ivory, Daniel J., Jr., 1Lt
P Myers, Harold C. “Casey”, 1Lt
Beckman, Harold Christoph, 2Lt
CP Sturgis, Cloral S., 1Lt
N Stout, Charles S. “Chuck”, 2Lt
Sheppard, John W., 2Lt
B Zinkand, Willard T., Capt
Langley, Edmund P., Jr., S/Sgt
E White, Frank H., Sgt
Schaffer, Irving J., T/Sgt
R O’Brien, Brendan M., Cpl
Atherton, Robert C., Sgt
G Markiewicz, Edward B., S/Sgt
F None
Saturday, 17 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27523 Tail # 95
Meyers, Kenneth F., 2Lt
Valenti, Jack J., 2Lt
Boyd, Wilford D., 2Lt
Baird, James (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
Bass, Bernard G., T/Sgt
Abiecunas, Joseph P. “Abby”, S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27648 Tail # 75 “Sweetie”
P Zakopcsan, John S., 2Lt
CP Mann, James R., F/O
N None
B Arnold, Harold L., 2Lt
E Mitchem, Dewey A., Sgt
R Hunter, Dewey G., Sgt
G Biersdorff, Charles J., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 44-28721 Tail # 90 “Shug”
P Lee, Howard M., 1Lt
CP Schwartz, Theodore (NMI), 2Lt
N Steely, Ralph K., 2Lt
B Styers, Charles W., 2Lt
E Wright, Melvin M., S/Sgt
R Mardeuse, Alfred K., T/Sgt
G Edwards, Jesse R., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27616 Tail # 94
Brown, Royden (NMI), 1Lt
Baird, James L., F/O
Justice, Conway J., Jr., S/Sgt
Wolfe, Bernard M., Sgt
Hulse, Donald W., T/Sgt
Moleski, Benny M. “Ben”, Sgt
A/C No. 43-27706 Tail # 89 “Silver
Kuoni, Charles F., Jr., 1Lt
Bruhn, Charles A., 2Lt
Lesser, Robert (NMI) “Bob”, 2Lt
Harageones, George J., Sgt
Shields, Robert L., Sgt
Trigler, Louis E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27481 Tail # ?
Copes, Wilson R., 1Lt
Nolkemper, Harold J., F/O
Pealer, Woodward D., S/Sgt
Mientkiewicz, Casmier (NMI), Sgt
Sevier, Fred L., Sgt
Glass, David H., Cpl
A/C No. 44-28927 Tail # 91
Burks, Richard W., Maj
Williams, Peter G., 2Lt
Gardner, Philip K., 1Lt
Oliver, Walter A., Sgt
Seward, Richard F., T/Sgt
Smith, Norman L., Sgt
A/C No. 43-4037 Tail # 78 “Cherry
Russell, Harold H., 2Lt
Carr, Robert E., F/O
Varga, Frank K., Sgt
Veeck, Richard W., T/Sgt
Chase, Harry M., Jr., Cpl
DiSalvo, Alfred J., Sgt
Saturday, 17 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 44-28940 Tail # 92
Cooper, Richard J., 1Lt
Akers, Harold B., Jr., 2Lt
Cameron, Alexander G., 2Lt
Gutierrez, Ralph (NMI), Sgt
Brusa, Robert P., T/Sgt
Gage, Robert L., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27538 Tail # 87 “Down
But Not Out” (first # 87)
Gladwill, James G., 1Lt
Chakmakian, George E., F/O
Hildreth, Elmer L., M/Sgt
Head, Guthrie H., S/Sgt
Morefield, James Carl, T/Sgt
Ederer, Roger J., Sgt
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 734/mission 734) Group Mission # 734:
(448th BS did not participate)
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., T/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Awoke 6:45AM. Cloudy AM. Briefing 8:45AM. Target is Dogna town RR bridge.
Hung around ships until 10:46AM. Engine time. (43-27530 “Twin Engine Sadie”) Lt
Ivory - pilot. Take off 10:55AM. Heavy overcast until we reached Elba. Met fighters at
Rimini at 12:35PM. Primary weathered in. Bombed alternate at Pordenone at 1:26PM.
Milk run. Beautiful fighter escort. Vapor trails all over sky. Landed 3:15PM. New men
arrived today. Attended "Saratoga Trunk". Good picture. Retired 10:00PM.”
Ivory, Daniel J., Jr., 1Lt, pilot
Sunday, 18 February 1945
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, during the night of 17/18 Feb, A-20s bomb targets in the Po
Valley, including the towns of Nogara, Castelfranco Veneto, Modena, Cremona,
Bovolone, and Isola della Scala, bridges at Cittadella and Villafranca in Lunigiana, and
airfields at Ghedi and Villafranca in Lunigiana; all B-25 missions abort due to weather
except an attack on the Ala rail bridge; fighters and fighter-bombers fly less than 100
sorties, hitting ammunition dumps and railroad bridges and lines, mainly in the Po
HQ 321st BG War Diary: The Bressanone South Rail Bridge was not attacked and all
bombs were returned due to inclement weather en route. However another formation
went up the other side of the Brenner pass and successfully bombed the Lavis Rail
Diversion – all bombs in target area.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 735/mission 735) Group Mission # 735:
Bressanone South Railroad Bridge, Italy.
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 736/mission 736) Group Mission # 736:
Lavis Railroad Diversion Bridge, Italy (primary) - bombed the Calcinato railroad bridge
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: The squadron snapped back “on the ball” with 100 per cent
bombing accuracy on the Lavis rail diversion bridges, Italy. A new engine and a
maintenance crew was sent by C-47 to Catania to effect an engine change on aircraft 535
(43-3535 “Rum Runner”) grounded there. There seems to be a minor epidemic of colds
running rampant in the squadron. Colds appear to run periodically in the squadron. The
445th Squadron’s basketball team played its first game this evening when it ran up against
a tough Ordnance quintet and lost, 39-27. The 445th was ahead 22-21 at half-time and
made it interesting for three quarters but the bomb loaders poured it on in the last quarter,
sparked by their ace of aces, Steve Wojnolowicz who is just about the best all-around
athlete in the group. W.B. Smith and Farmer played well for this squadron.
Farmer, Alonzo (NMI), Sgt, gunner
Smith, Warren B. “Smitty”, Sgt, gunner
Wojnolowicz, Stephen J., Sgt, ordnance
Sunday, 18 February 1945 (continued)
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 735/mission 735) Group Mission # 735:
Group Mission #735; Squadron Mission #471: This squadron supplied 3 ships in a 27
ship formation sent out to attack the Bressanone south railroad bridge, Italy. The
bombers failed to rendezvous with the escort. No flak was encountered. RESULTS:
Mission abortive because of converging cloud layers.
A/C No. 44-28948 Tail # 09 “Miss
Belle Fontaine” (Anti-Flak/Incendiary
P Collins, David P., Capt
CP Rice, Rudolph G., 2Lt
N None
B Weiner, Irving B., 1Lt
E Chambers, Jimmie (NMI), T/Sgt
R Matter, Dean R., T/Sgt
G Bierly, Glenn E., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27769 Tail # 19 “Miss
Fancy Pants” (Anti-Flak/Incendiary
P Young, Paul L., 2Lt
CP Amundson, Fred K., 2Lt
N None
B Josephson, Sanford L., S/Sgt
E Vargas, Cleofas M., Sgt
R Heckman, Kenneth W., Sgt
G Lile, Keith B., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27733 Tail # 00 “Porky’s
Baby” (Anti-Flak/Incendiary Ship)
Curry, Arthur L. “Art”, 2Lt
Hancock, Victor J., 2Lt
Schnieringer, Frank M., F/O
Perich, Freddie (NMI), Sgt
Krober, Raymond D., Jr., Sgt
Osborn, Jack R., Sgt
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 736/mission 736) Group Mission # 736:
Group Mission #736; Squadron Mission #472: Capt. Wagner led a mission of 24 planes
– 12 from the 445th – to attack the Lavis rail diversion bridge, Italy. The alternate was
the Calcinato railroad bridge. 1000 pound bombs were dropped from 11,500 feet. Area
cover was provided. Flak was heavy, moderate, inaccurate from bomb release and
tracking for 20 seconds on the breakaway. 1 ship was holed. RESULTS: 2 nd flight
broke off halfway on bomb run due to the fact that the target was obscured by haze and
smoke pots. Attempted to bomb alternate but it too was obscured by low cloud cover. 1st
flight bombed primary on 2nd run. 1 pattern across south end of south bridge, other
pattern just west of north bridge.
Sunday, 18 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27899 Tail # 08 “Flo”
Wagner, Gerald W., Capt
Jones, Guilford (NMI), Jr., 1Lt
Mitchell, Robert F., 1Lt
Palmer, Richard W., 1Lt
Carruthers, John (NMI), II, S/Sgt
Kavan, Lester D., T/Sgt
Smith, Francis L. “Smitty” , S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27680 Tail # 07 “Stuff”
Shutters, Paul E., 1Lt
Crutchfield, Lucian C., Jr., 2Lt
Murphy, John P., 2Lt
Gum, Paul V., S/Sgt
Lowrey, James S., S/Sgt
Heintz, Edward R., Jr., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27545 Tail # 06 “Maggie”
(first # 06)
Ottinger, Warren F., 1Lt
Reade, Rex E., 2Lt
Brown, Milton H., 1Lt
Larson, Richard A., S/Sgt
Weingartner, William E., Cpl
Stack, James T., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27742 Tail # 01 “Winnie
Mae” (previously “Vicious Vera”)
P Mogren, Edward G., 1Lt
CP Zieman, Earl E., 2Lt
N None
B Jackson, William H., 2Lt
E Watts, Joseph T., Jr., T/Sgt
R Engleman, Bud (NMI), T/Sgt
G Moorehead, Lewis E., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-36228 Tail # ? “Miss
Galny, Gerhard Henry “Hank”, Jr., 2Lt
O’Neill, William H., Jr., 2Lt
Krause, Richard E. “Dick”, 1Lt
Taylor, Marion R., S/Sgt
Brunda, John G., Cpl
Slodden, Henry M. “Kip”, S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27714 Tail # 16 “Blonde
Wilson, Charles B. “Charlee”, 2Lt
Sprankle, Floyd H., 2Lt
Barrett, Ray E., S/Sgt
Kuykendall, Ben (NMI), Sgt
Russo, Paul A., Sgt
Hickman, Jefferson M. “Jeff”, S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27502 Tail # 10 “Pretty
Kitty Blue Eyes” (previously “What’s
Cox, Harold L., 1Lt
Mutchler, Charles W., 2Lt
Chauncey, Martin E. “Marty”, T/Sgt
Kimmel, Edwin B., S/Sgt
Nuttall, John H., S/Sgt
Hieronimus, Philip J., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27716 Tail # 17 “Shit
House Mouse”
Emler, Richard S. “Dick”, 1Lt
Carlson, Floyd A., F/O
Davis, Morton A., S/Sgt
Hunsberger, William R., S/Sgt
Otterness, William B., T/Sgt
Haynes, Irving L., Sgt
Sunday, 18 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27698 Tail # 13 “Peggy
P Rigler, Edward J., 1Lt
CP Stolberg, Frederick R., 2Lt
N None
B Miller, Edward A., 1Lt
E Smith, Warren B. “Smitty”, T/Sgt
R DeLaune, William P., T/Sgt
G Freidli, William M., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-26227 Tail # 04
McFatter, Joe H., 1Lt
Badger, Joe G., 2Lt
Caron, Philip H., 2Lt
Carney, Daniel (NMI), Sgt
Ross, Reginald J., T/Sgt
Farmer, Alonzo (NMI), Sgt
A/C No. 43-4008 Tail # ? “Spirit of St
McMahon, Bernard J. “Mac”, Jr., 2Lt
Takacs, Rudolph J., Jr., 2Lt
Ohm, Merton D., S/Sgt
Sycylo, Theodore W., S/Sgt
Barnett, Frank E., Sgt
Edwards, Jack M., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27534 Tail # 11 (standing
Rung, Raymond F. “Red”, Jr., 1Lt
Hughes, Richard C., 2Lt
Dickens, Noel F., 2Lt
Knapp, Robert Duane, Jr., Sgt
Eberhardt, Charles D., Sgt
Grovenburg, Frank Andrew, Sgt
446th BS War Diary: Lavis railroad bridge is named the objective as 12 planes of the
squadron attack this target without mishap.
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 735/mission 735) Group Mission # 735:
(446th BS did not participate)
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 736/mission 736) Group Mission # 736:
Squadron Mission 508
TARGET: Lavis Railroad Diversion Bridge, Italy
DATE: 18 Feb.1945
Type of Bombs: 1000 lb.
446th Planes: 12
Capt. Wagner led the formation. Second flight (446th) broke off half way on bomb run
due to target being obscured by haze and smoke from pots. Attempt on alternate balked
by low cloud cover. First flight bombed primary on second run. No flak, no fighters.
Wagner, Gerald W., Capt, pilot, 445th BS
A/C No. 43-35967 Tail # 48
A/C No. 43-4021 Tail # 31 “The Little
Admiral” (later Lady Jane) (first # 31)
Crinnion, Edward V., 1Lt
P Crisp, Glenn S., Jr., 1Lt
French, Wendell L., 2Lt
CP Burklund, Donald K., 2Lt
N Codd, Russell G., 2Lt
DeSorbo, John S., S/Sgt
B Starczewski, Phillip R., 1Lt
Krider, Emanuel (NMI), Sgt
E Nigrelli, Ernest J., S/Sgt
Peterson, James R., Jr., Cpl
R Cubbage, Robert (NMI), S/Sgt
Cammack, Herbert R., Sgt
G Alberico, Camillo A., S/Sgt
F None
Sunday, 18 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27503 Tail # 46 “Miss
Fisher, Carl D., 1Lt
Bogan, Floyd W., 2Lt
Cimino, William C., 2Lt
Jeczewski, Joseph M., Sgt
Benedict, William P., Sgt
Popovich, Chris (NMI), S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27660 Tail # 30 “Shooting
Perlman, Jacob L., 1Lt
Brock, Thomas E., F/O
Pouse, Alford H., Jr., 2Lt
Alexander, Preston S., S/Sgt
Ross, Harry K., S/Sgt
Dickey, Jack F., Jr., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27501 Tail # 39 “Sweet
Sue Kathy Jeanne” (unnamed to Nov
44. In 45 “Kathy Jeanne” dropped)
Kimble, Arnold P., 1Lt
Wilcox, Ralph E., 2Lt
Buchanan, Talmadge A., Jr., 2Lt
Yarbrough, George L., 1Lt
Utz, James W., S/Sgt
Wimert, Donald A., Sgt
Nehls, Clayton R., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27497 Tail # 29
Sloan, Thomas M., 1Lt
Callaway, Charles R., F/O
Gahm, Edward L., 2Lt
Autore, Nicholas A., Cpl
Dobrow, Edgar J., Sgt
Meade, Harold W., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27745 Tail # 47
Manolis, Ronald J., 1Lt
Wallace, Merwin W., 2Lt
Freck, Byron P., Sgt
Reinartsen, Charles R., Jr., Sgt
Carl, Edgar W., Sgt
Rubin, Herbert L., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27480 Tail # 44 “Yankee
Jackson, Roland B., 2Lt
Atkins, Richard A., Jr., 2Lt
Falk, Jack G., 1Lt
Brady, Walter (NMI), Sgt
Wilking, Robert L., T/Sgt
Darnielle, George W., Cpl
A/C No. 43-4074 Tail # 27 (picture of
seated lady - no name/lettering)
Capalety, Thomas A., 1Lt
Anderson, William H., 2Lt
Hensler, Donald O., F/O
Boylan, James P., Sgt
Beck, Junior D., Sgt
Jakielek, Ernest F., Sgt
A/C No. 43-4097 Tail # 28 “Darlene”
(previously “Tiny?”)
Cressman, Jack E., 1Lt
Alward, Charles W., 2Lt
Murch, George M., Jr., S/Sgt
Scheetz, Elvin N., Sgt
Wilkins, Keith Albert, Sgt
Griffin, John A., Sgt
Sunday, 18 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27699 Tail # 33 “Jessie”
(later name dropped from nose art)
P Maki, Allan A., 2Lt
CP Tighe, Leo J., 2Lt
N None
B Beecher, Everett F., S/Sgt
E Taylor, Tullis (NMI), Sgt
R Leary, Edward M., T/Sgt
G Chapin, Correll C., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27490 Tail # 45 “Mrs C”
(Lead spare - returned early without
filling in)
P Carlson, Lowell A., 1Lt
CP Moore, Howard T., 2Lt
N None
B Fein, William F., 2Lt
E Lind, Kenneth H., Sgt
R Vanderpool, Ralph M., Sgt
G Hatcher, James T., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27477 Tail # 32 “Boots”
Hahn, Melvin G., 1Lt
Dunn, Albert W., 2Lt
Vannah, Harold P., Jr., F/O
Hemmert, Harold E., S/Sgt
Ransom, Gerald H., S/Sgt
Feola, Joseph A., Sgt
447th BS War Diary: 1st Lt. Jack D. Barfield and 1st Lt. Robert C. Hixon assigned and
joined squadron from Hq 57th Bomb Wing, 13 February 1945 par 2 SO 29 Hq. 321st
Bomb Gp. (M).
Barfield, Jack D., 1st Lt, bombardier
Hixon, Robert C., 1st Lt, bombardier
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 735/mission 735) Group Mission # 735: 11
planes took off on a mission over northern Italy. However, due to heavy overcast no
bombs were dropped. All planes returned safely.
A/C No. 43-27782 Tail # 72
Breckenridge, Louis C., 1Lt
Bryson, Roy V., Jr., 2Lt
Fowler, John I., F/O
Rinard, Robert P., Sgt
Teutsch, Stanley E., Sgt
Loux, Robert E., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27498 Tail # 71 “Ave
Marchant, Wendell E., 1Lt
Erb, Jack L., Capt
Balboni, Robert A., 1Lt
Heist, Erwin William “Butch”, F/O
Jenkins, Philip L., T/Sgt
Appleman, Carroll G., Sgt
Smith, Kenneth C., S/Sgt
Sunday, 18 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27779 Tail # 62 (returned
because the top turret was broken while
in flight)
W., 2Lt
CP Steffan, Melvin G., 2Lt
N None
B Vantrease, Erwin C., 2Lt
E Anderson, Arthur F., Sgt
R Judy, Harry H., Jr., Sgt
G Merlino, Camille J., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27643 Tail # 60
P Cammack, Elmore (NMI), 1Lt
CP Buechner, Helmut K., 1Lt
N None
B Tougaw, Lewis W., F/O
E MacMullen, Clarence C., Sgt
R Thomas, Hazen A., Sgt
G Dolezal, Albert (NMI), S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4040 Tail # 56 “Fearless
P Loewus, Frederick E. “Fred”, 1Lt
CP Stephens, James J., 2Lt
N None
B Jones, Dewey D., Jr., S/Sgt
E Hardage, Charles W., Sgt
R Stroupe, Robert A., Sgt
G Williams, James H., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-36106 Tail # 63
Amundson, Donald A., 1Lt
Twieg, Donald P., 2Lt
Blankemeyer, Frank J., F/O
Henkler, Edward H., Cpl
Meiborg, Walter F., Sgt
Levy, Donald (NMI), Cpl
A/C No. 43-27492 Tail # 57 “Reddie
Gies, Donald W., 2Lt
Barrett, Herbert E., 2Lt
Stroupe, Burton Elwood “Woody”, 2Lt
Tyler, Freeman P., T/Sgt
Ruiz, Emigdio (NMI), Sgt
Hunsaker, Frank W., Jr., Sgt
A/C No. 43-35958 Tail # ?
Peck, Paul R., 2Lt
Smith, Frederick H., 2Lt
Fach, Albert W., 2Lt
Cline, Joel L., Cpl
Poulin, Gaston G., T/Sgt
Maples, Frank L., Jr., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27473 Tail # 73 “Paper
Yerger, John W., 1Lt
Wallis, Shelby D., 2Lt
Prilliman, Floyd W., 2Lt
Radel, Henry D., S/Sgt
Huntley, Bruce H., S/Sgt
Stocker, Harvey (NMI), Sgt
Goldman, Marvin S., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-36108 Tail # 70 (AntiFlak/Incendiary Ship)
King, Robert C., Jr., 2Lt
Briggs, Richard G. “Briggs”, 2Lt
Davies, John V., 1Lt
Mindlin, Karl N., Sgt
Finnegan, Paul W., S/Sgt
Ochs, Dan (NMI), Jr., Sgt
Sunday, 18 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-36059 Tail # 67 (AntiFlak/Incendiary Ship)
P Appenzeller, Richard D., 1Lt
CP Elliott, Thomas P., 2Lt
N None
B Hixon, Robert C., 1Lt
E Keenan, Harry A., S/Sgt
R Lendino, Thomas J., Cpl
G Hawthorne, Charles E., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27636 Tail # 74 (AntiFlak/Incendiary Ship)
Carlin, Edmund R., 2Lt
Brown, Carl B. “Buster”, F/O
Barfield, Jack D., 1Lt
Citarelli, James E., S/Sgt
Maslyar, Michael M., S/Sgt
Brockman, Richard E., Cpl
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 736/mission 736) Group Mission # 736:
(447th BS did not participate)
448th BS War Diary: Lieutenant Schweitzer returned from the hospital where he had
been receiving treatment for his wounds incurred during a recent mission. Sergeant
Fletcher returned from the Capri rest camp today.
Fletcher, William H., Sgt, gunner
Schweitzer, Robert E., 2Lt, pilot
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 735/mission 735) Group Mission # 735:
Despite cloudy weather here the mission took-off this morning to attack the rail bridge at
Bressanone, Italy. It was the 448th’s lead once again, with Captain Leonard as lead pilot.
However, the weather grew steadily worse over Italy and finally at 1325 they were forced
to turn back before reaching the target area. The cloud layers had become impenetrable.
All the planes returned safely.
A/C No. 43-27720 Tail # 86
Leonard, Lee V., Capt
Carr, Robert E., F/O
Steely, Ralph K., 2Lt
Martin, James M., Jr., 1Lt
Oliver, Walter A., Sgt
Morefield, James Carl, T/Sgt
Magyar, Steven J., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27530 Tail # 79 “Twin
Engine Sadie”
Autrey, W. F. (i.o.), 1Lt
Mann, James R., 2Lt
McRee, Malcolm B., 1Lt
Langley, Edmund P., Jr., S/Sgt
Schaffer, Irving J., T/Sgt
Atherton, Robert C., Sgt
Sunday, 18 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27523 Tail # 95
Meyers, Kenneth F., 2Lt
Bruhn, Charles A., 2Lt
Bottom, James W., 2Lt
Morian, Charles R., Cpl
Bass, Bernard G., T/Sgt
Abiecunas, Joseph P. “Abby”, S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27706 Tail # 89 “Silver
Russell, Harold H., 2Lt
Stow, Charles E., 2Lt
Ferrell, Bruce M., S/Sgt
Codd, James P., S/Sgt
Soltys, John J., Cpl
Masbruch, Arthur G., Cpl
A/C No. 44-28721 Tail # 90 “Shug”
Lee, Howard M., 1Lt
Williams, Peter G., 1Lt
Lang, Robert H., F/O
Styers, Charles W., 2Lt
Nelson, William M., Cpl
Sadofsky, John (NMI), Sgt
Fields, James A., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27616 Tail # 94
Brown, Royden (NMI), 1Lt
Stokes, George M., 2Lt
Baird, James (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
Wolfe, Bernard M., Sgt
Hulse, Donald W., T/Sgt
Moleski, Benny M. “Ben”, S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-36124 Tail # ?
Rubin, Julius W., 1Lt
Barile, Sam (NMI), 2Lt
Hildreth, Elmer L., M/Sgt
Parham, Ralph E., Sgt
Pituck, James J., Cpl
Gage, Robert L., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27481 Tail # ?
Wuest, Robert F., 2Lt
Copes, Wilson R., 2Lt
Pealer, Woodward D., S/Sgt
Mientkiewicz, Casmier (NMI), Sgt
Sevier, Fred L., S/Sgt
Foote, Lancel H., Jr., S/Sgt
A/C No. 44-28927 Tail # 91
Wilson, James M., 2Lt
Baird, James L., F/O
Cannon, John L., 2Lt
Qualls, Thomas B., T/Sgt
Zimmerman, Carl F., Cpl
Enderle, Melvin J., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27648 Tail # 75 “Sweetie”
Zakopcsan, John S., 2Lt
Schwartz, Theodore (NMI), 2Lt
Boyd, Wilford D., 2Lt
Murray, Francis J., Cpl
Mardeuse, Alfred K., T/Sgt
Glass, David H., Cpl
Sunday, 18 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27726 Tail # 80
Kuoni, Charles F., Jr., 1Lt
Nolkemper, Harold J., F/O
Higby, Paul K., F/O
Harageones, George J., Sgt
Shields, Robert L., Sgt
Dittman, Paul F., Jr., Cpl
A/C No. 43-4076 Tail # 88 (first # 88)
P Ivory, Daniel J., Jr., 1Lt
CP Sculley, Thomas S., 2Lt
N Bartlett, J. E., 2Lt
B Sheppard, John W., 2Lt
E McTaggart, Leonard A., Sgt
R Vandenberg, Edward V. “Van”, S/Sgt
G Sharp, Samuel I., Jr., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4037 Tail # 78 “Cherry
Stromberg, Carl K., 1Lt
Campbell, John E., 2Lt
Lesser, Robert (NMI) “Bob”, 2Lt
Wright, Melvin M., S/Sgt
Rockwell, Stewart R. “Rockwell”, T/Sgt
Sidoti, Nick S., Sgt
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 736/mission 736) Group Mission # 736:
(448th BS did not participate)
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., T/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Awoke 8:00AM. Briefing 9:50AM. Target is Bressanone, Italy. Northern Brenner Pass.
Over enemy territory about 456 minutes (actually 4 hrs, 56 mins?). Clouded in. Did not
drop. Cloudy mission (# 47). Preparing for trip to Cairo tomorrow.”
Monday, 19 February 1945
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): Brigadier General Edward
M Morris takes command of the XII Air Force Services Command (until 1 Jan 44
designated the III Air Service Area Command).
In Italy, bad weather grounds the medium bombers; fighter-bombers,
some bombing by radar-control because of heavy clouds, attack-communications and
dumps in the W Po Valley and NE Italy, and claim several rail line cuts in the Brenner
HQ 321st BG War Diary: No mission –weather. Sulfur baths are all the rage now –
particularly since the regular Group shower, three miles down the road, has broken down.
“The Baths” are located in a small town in the mountains about a half hour drive from
our area and were quite well known in peace time for their health – imparting qualities.
Corporal Stephen Tetla, the lucky guy, drew his number out of a hat that decided he was
going back to the United States. He left today.
Tetla, Stephen S., Cpl, communications
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 737/mission 737) Group Mission # 737:
Weather Reconnaissance
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: The mission was cancelled this morning with 13 crews standing
by. Another familiar figure in the 445th squadron left on rotation orders for the States.
He is S/Sgt. Eddie Klunke, veteran bombardier of 25 missions who later became a crew
chief on the line. Cpl. Tetla, a telephone operator at ground, also left for the States. Both
were permanent rotations. There was quite a bit of training today. There was a sharp
drop in temperature and the balmy days were forgotten as cold breezes swept the area.
Chicken a la king was especially enjoyed for supper. T.J. Byrne, armorer who has gained
quite a bit of squadron fame for his news interpretations, has finally been persuaded to
“put it down on paper”. His news column, “T.J. Says---2” is being read with a great deal
of interest and enthusiasm by all squadron personnel. Posted daily on the S-2 news
board, the column interprets the news of the day and allows the writer to post his
predictions about various phases of the war.
Byrne, Thomas J., Sgt, armament
Klunke, Edward F., S/Sgt, bombardier, crew chief
Tetla, Stephen S., Sgt, communications, ground telephone operator
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 737/mission 737) Group Mission # 737:
(445th BS did not participate)
446th BS War Diary: Sgt. Sweppenheiser gets orders to return to the States.
Sweppenheiser, Gordon W., Sgt, Chemical Warfare Service
Monday, 19 February 1945 (continued)
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 737/mission 737) Group Mission # 737:
Squadron Mission 509
TARGET: Weather Reconnaissance
DATE: 19 Feb.1945
Type of Bombs: - - 446th Planes: 1
Capt. Hurley was the pilot. Mission accomplished. No flak, no fighters.
A/C No. 43-27678 Tail # 40 “Lemmon
Lu” (Weather Ship)
P Hurley, John R., Capt
CP Matzinger, Keith Robinson, Capt, HQ
321st BG
N Epstein, Joseph H., 1Lt
B None
E Cornelius, Wilbur G., T/Sgt
R Leary, Edward M., T/Sgt
G Holdridge, John F., Sgt
F Turay, Norman Ambrose, T/Sgt (weather
447th BS War Diary: Nine plane mission scheduled for mission but due to unfavorable
weather did not take off. Private Philip L. Barksdale on TD to 176th Sig. Surf. Warn
plant, 16 February 1945 par 3 SO 38, 57th Bomb Wing. Hq. Usual camp duties.
Barksdale, Phillip L., Pvt, gunner
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 737/mission 737) Group Mission # 737:
(447th BS did not participate)
448th BS War Diary: Cloudy weather prevailed over most of Corsica today and stormy
weather over the Po Valley area made the mission scheduled for this morning stand
down, but not before the crews had been briefed and were out at the planes awaiting takeoff. Captain Leonard and Lieutenants Brink, Autrey, and Rubin left for Cannes rest camp
this morning, and Lieutenants Churchill, Cook, Smith, and Armstrong returned from
Cannes. Captains Grady and Bard and Sergeants Law, Qualls, Veeck, Schaffer, Brusa,
Magyar and Markiewicz left for TD to Cairo, Egypt, for RAF Flight Control School.
Privates Brown, Denny, Dillon, Dunn, Griffin, Jungquist, Kovacs, Oddo, Oneth and
Pankiewicz were promoted to Privates First Class today by the Commanding Officer.
Armstrong, Sherman T., Jr. 2Lt, bombardier
Autrey, W. F. (i.o.), 1Lt, pilot
Bard, John A., Capt, pilot
Brink, Richard E., 1Lt, bombardier
Brown, Joseph C., PFC, armament
Brusa, Robert P., T/Sgt, gunner
Churchill, Duane W., 1Lt, pilot
Cook, Don W., 1Lt, pilot
Denny, Joseph C., PFC, radio-gunner
Dillon, Harry L., PFC, engineering
Dunn, Vernon L, PFC, engineering
Grady, John R., Capt, pilot
Griffin, Charles W., PFC, communications
Jungquist, Walter L., PFC, engineering
Monday, 19 February 1945 (continued)
Kovacs, George (NMI), PFC, transportation
Leonard, Lee V., Capt, pilot
Markiewicz, Edward B., S/Sgt, gunner
Oneth, Albert L., PFC, engineering
Pankiewicz, Edward J., PFC, engineering
Rubin, Julius W., 1Lt, pilot
Smith, Milford A., 1Lt, pilot
Law, Richard L., S/Sgt, engineering
Magyar, Steven J., Sgt, gunner
Oddo, Anthony A., PFC, engineering
Qualls, Thomas B., T/Sgt, gunner
Schaffer, Irving J., T/Sgt, gunner
Veeck, Richard W., T/Sgt, gunner
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 737/mission 737) Group Mission # 737:
(448th BS did not participate)
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., T/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Stan Biernachi (CQ) woke me at 5:00AM. Still dark. Early chow - eggs and coffee.
Take off in 529 at 7:55AM. Capt Grady and Bard - pilots. S/Sgt Law, S/Sgt Magyar,
S/Sgt Markiewicz, T/Sgt Brusa, T/Sgt Qualls, T/Sgt Veeck. Carrying K20 taking pictures
en route. Stopped at Bengasi to refuel and eat. Saw the harbors and cities of Tunis,
Tobruk, Bengasi and Cairo. Weather en route fair. Landed 5:55PM. Changed lire to
piastres at finance. 1 pound ($4.13) 1 piastre (.04). Staying at Hotel Adelphi tonight.
Ate a fine meal including strawberries and cream. All the Egyptians are money crazy.
Retired 12:00AM.”
Bard, John A., Capt, pilot
Biernachi, Stanley (NMI), Sgt, operations
Brusa, Robert P., T/Sgt, radio-gunner
Grady, John R., Capt, pilot
Law, Richard L., S/Sgt, gunner, engineering
Magyar, Steven J., S/Sgt, gunner
Markiewicz, Edward B., S/Sgt, gunner
Qualls, Thomas B., T/Sgt, engineer-gunner, bombardier
Veeck, Richard W., T/Sgt, engineer-gunner
Tuesday, 20 February 1945
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): The 27th and 86th Fighter
Groups and an air service group are transferred from the Twelfth AF to the First Tactical
Air Force (Provisional) in France; HQ 86th Fighter Group moves from Pisa, Italy to
Tantonville, France.
In Italy, A-20s on night intruder missions during the night of 19/20
Feb, bomb targets of opportunity at over 30 points in the C Po Valley, several rail
diversions, and marshalling yards at Villafranca in Lunigiana, Roncanova, Bovolone,
Cerea, Legnago, Cittadella, Casa di David, Isola della Scala, Castelfranco Veneto, and
Nogara; fighter- bombers devote their main effort to support the US Fifth Army offensive
in the Monte Torraccia area; medium bombers bomb bridges at Montebello, Chiusaforte,
Salzano, and Calcinato; the detachment of the 416th Night Fighter Squadron, 62nd Fighter
Wing, operating from Etain, France with Mosquitos, returns to base at Pisa.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: Back to the Brenner Pass to hit the Calliano #3 and Rovereto
Railroad bridges. The Calliano target appeared well hit but only six planes dropped on
the Rovereto and missed. The alternate at Montebello was well hit by twelve additional
planes. Six aircraft returned bombs.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 738/mission 738) Group Mission # 738:
Weather Reconnaissance
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 739/mission 739) Group Mission # 739:
Calliano Railroad Bridge, Italy
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 740/mission 740) Group Mission # 740:
Rovereto Railroad Bridge, Italy.
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: As the song goes, there’ll be some changes made and they were
being made today. First of all, news came in that Major Bounds, and Captains Wagner
and Hatcher would leave tomorrow on rotation orders. It was then learned that Capt.
Frank M. Furey, formerly assistant operations officer at group, was appointed squadron
commander. Then the changes came thick and fast. Capt. Lord was relieved of his duties
as Executive Officer and named Group Special Services Officer. He was replaced by
Capt. James O. Jackson, former S-2 Officer. Capt. Jackson’s successor was 1st Lt. Jack
Locke who served as assistant S-2officer for the 446th squadron. Lt. Ashton was
transferred to wing and Lt. Hancock, a pilot was placed on DS to the 521st Service Gp.
The mission to bomb the Calliano railroad bridge, Italy, resulted in 75 per cent bombing
Tuesday, 20 February 1945 (continued)
accuracy. Two officers and two enlisted men combat crews were assigned today. There
was a party held tonight to honor Major Bounds and Captains Hatcher and Wagner who
depart tomorrow for the States. The squadron personnel were surprised and delighted to
find a colorful, fascinating juke box resting comfortably in the enlisted men’s club today.
It gave out with American rhythms and possessed all the charm and fascination of a
pretty girl as all the men crowded around for a look.
Ashton, Thomas W., 1Lt, intelligence
Bounds, Thomas C., Maj, pilot, Commander
Furey, Frank M. “Mickey”, Capt, pilot, Commander
Hancock, Victor J., 1Lt, pilot
Hatcher, Leon F., Jr., Capt, pilot
Jackson, James Oliver, Capt, Executive Officer
Locke, Jacob (NMI) "Jack", 2Lt, S-2 Officer
Wagner, Gerald W., Capt, pilot
Lord, Robert O. Jr., Capt, Group Special Services Officer
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 738/mission 738) Group Mission # 738:
(445th BS did not participate)
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 739/mission 739) Group Mission # 739:
Group Mission #739; Squadron Mission #473: Capt. Collins led the flight of 14 ships
from this squadron which formed the second flight of a formation of 26 planes sent out to
attack the Calliano railroad bridge, Italy. 1000 pound bombs and 100 pound phosphorus
bombs were dropped from 11,500 ft to 12,500 ft. Anti-flak planes went along to hit gun
positions while area cover was furnished. Flak was heavy, moderate and fairly accurate.
Anti-flak planes got heavy, intense and accurate flak. A total of 7 anti-flak ships were
holed while two were holed in the regular formation. RESULTS: Majority of bombs hit
east and south of bridge. One element may have crossed tracks south of bridge. Good
results on flak positions. (Crew list missing)
A/C No. 1 unidentified plane & crew
Collins, Daniel P., Capt
N None
F None
A/C No. 3 unidentified plane & crew
N None
F None
A/C No. 2 unidentified plane & crew
A/C No. 4 unidentified plane & crew
Tuesday, 20 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 5 unidentified plane & crew
N None
F None
A/C No. 7 unidentified plane & crew
N None
F None
A/C No. 9 unidentified plane & crew
N None
F None
A/C No. 11 unidentified plane & crew
N None
F None
A/C No. 6 unidentified plane & crew
A/C No. 8 unidentified plane & crew
A/C No. 10 unidentified plane & crew
A/C No. 12 unidentified plane & crew
Tuesday, 20 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 13 unidentified plane & crew
N None
F None
A/C No. 14 unidentified plane & crew
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 740/mission 740) Group Mission # 740:
(445th BS did not participate)
446th BS War Diary: Sgt. Ralph M. Vanderpool, a radio gunner, is killed in action on
the mission against Calliano railroad bridge, Italy.
Vanderpool, Ralph M., Sgt, radio-gunner
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 738/mission 738) Group Mission # 738:
Squadron Mission 512
TARGET: Weather Reconnaissance
DATE: 20 Feb.1945
Type of Bombs: - - 446th Planes: 1
Capt. Hurley was the pilot. Mission accomplished. No flak, no fighters.
A/C No. 43-27678 Tail # 40 “Lemmon
Lu” (Weather Ship)
P Hurley, John R., Capt
CP Anderson, William H., 2Lt
N Epstein, Joseph H., 1Lt
B None
E Cornelius, Wilbur G., T/Sgt
R Leary, Edward M., T/Sgt
G Holdridge, John F., Sgt
F Turay, Norman Ambrose, T/Sgt (weather
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 739/mission 739) Group Mission # 739:
Squadron Mission 510
TARGET: Calliano, Italy Railroad Bridge.
DATE: 20 Feb.1945
Type of Bombs: 1000 lb.
446th Planes: 12
Lt. Ingram led the formation. Majority of bombs hit E and S of bridge. One element’s
may have crossed tracks S of bridge. Good results on flak positions. Flak was heavy,
moderate, fairly accurate. Anti-flak ships received heavy, intense, accurate flak on run
and break-away. (Crew list missing)
Tuesday, 20 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 1 unidentified plane & crew
Ingram, William T., 1Lt, pilot
N None
F None
A/C No. 3 unidentified plane & crew
N None
F None
A/C No. 5 unidentified plane & crew
N None
F None
A/C No. 7 unidentified plane & crew
N None
F None
A/C No. 2 unidentified plane & crew
Luitjens, Harvey J., S/Sgt
A/C No. 4 unidentified plane & crew
A/C No. 6 unidentified plane & crew
A/C No. 8 unidentified plane & crew
Tuesday, 20 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 9 unidentified plane & crew
N None
F None
A/C No. 11 unidentified plane & crew
N None
F None
A/C No. 10 unidentified plane & crew
A/C No. 12 unidentified plane & crew
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 740/mission 740) Group Mission # 740:
Squadron Mission 511
TARGET: Rovereto Railroad Bridge, Italy.
DATE: 20 Feb.1945
Type of Bombs: 1000 lb. (446th anti-flak bombs)
446th Planes: 3
Capt. Swanson led the formation. Anti-flak a/c reported good coverage of positions. One
A/F element became separated from Trento. One crewman killed.
Swanson, Erle G. “Swanny”, Jr., Capt, pilot, 448th BS
A/C No. 43-27490 Tail # 45 “Mrs. C”
(Anti-Flak/Incendiary Ship)
Carlson, Lowell A., 1Lt
Rozar, Richard L., 2Lt
Buchanan, Talmadge A., Jr., 2Lt
Fein, William F., 2Lt
Lind, Kenneth H., Sgt
Kirwan, Harold J., Sgt
Anderson, Chester S., Sgt
A/C No. 43-4077 Tail # 43 “Stormy
Weather” (Previously 447th ship “Ann’s
Little Boy Val”) (Anti-Flak/Incendiary
Treadwell, Joseph (NMI), 2Lt
Heaberlin, Paul L., 2Lt
Fodor, Joseph M., 2Lt
Reda, John J., Sgt
Vanderpool, Ralph M., Sgt - KIA
Hatcher, James T., Sgt
Tuesday, 20 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-4021 Tail # 31 “The Little
Admiral” (later Lady Jane) (first # 31)
(Anti-Flak/Incendiary Ship)
Edward V., 1Lt
CP Moore, Howard T., 2Lt
N None
B Fox, David (NMI), Sgt
E Pelusi, Richard D., Sgt
R Moncure, James D., Jr., Sgt
G Broderick, Emmett P., Sgt
F None
446th BS: War Diary of: Luitjens, Harvey J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner: (mission 38)
“No. 38) Another one to Brenner pass. Hit Calliano R.R. Br. Didn’t get too much flak
but it was very accurate. No holes. Capt. Smedley.”
Smedley, Robert Redmond, Capt, pilot
447th BS War Diary: 1st Lt. Lee F. Huchingson transferred to 57th Bomb Wing par 4 SO
39, Hq. 57th Bomb Wing. The following 1st Lts. promoted to rank of captain: James F.
McGill, Edward Gates, Wendell E. Marchant.
Gates, Edward (NMI), Capt, pilot
Huchingson, Lee F., 1Lt, Adjutant
Marchant, Wendell E., Capt, pilot
McGill, James F., Capt, Adjutant
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 738/mission 738) Group Mission # 738:
(447th BS did not participate)
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 739/mission 739) Group Mission # 739:
(447th BS did not participate)
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 740/mission 740) Group Mission # 740: 15
planes participated in a raid on Montebello Railroad Bridge in northern Italy. The
squadron came through with 100 % bombing accuracy.
A/C No. 43-36106 Tail # 63
Amundson, Donald A., 1Lt
Rose, Norman I., 2Lt
Michael, James L., 2Lt
Henkler, Edward H., Sgt
Meiborg, Walter F., Sgt
West, Edgar M., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27498 Tail # 71 “Ave
Marchant, Wendell E., Capt
Erb, Jack L., Capt
Heist, Erwin William “Butch”, F/O
Balboni, Robert A., 1Lt
Judkins, Philip L., T/Sgt
Schnaars, George D., T/Sgt
Smith, Kenneth C., S/Sgt
Tuesday, 20 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27492 Tail # 57 “Reddie
P Autry, Aaron E., 1Lt
CP Hoy, Robert L., 2Lt
N None
B Keenan, Harry A., S/Sgt
E Plough, Marlin J., Cpl
R Ross, John P., Cpl
G Levy, Donald (NMI), Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-4040 Tail # 56 “Fearless
P Loewus, Frederick E. “Fred”, 1Lt
CP Stephens, James J., 2Lt
N None
B Perl, Richard H., Sgt
E Hardage, Charles W., Sgt
R Stroupe, Robert A., Sgt
G Williams, James H., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27779 Tail # 62
Carlin, Edmund R., 2Lt
Brown, Carl B. “Buster”, F/O
Barfield, Jack D., 1Lt
Citarelli, James E., S/Sgt
Maslyar, Michael M., S/Sgt
Brockman, Richard E., Cpl
A/C No. 43-4079 Tail # 51 “Little
P Craddock, Jesse J., 1Lt
CP Antry, Jack B., 2Lt
N None
B Dulaney, Earl W., Sgt
E Stokes, Robert C., Sgt
R Rowe, Charles D., Jr., Sgt
G Harvey, John A., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27643 Tail # 60
Morrison, George R., Jr., 1Lt
Tarquinio, Albert C., 2Lt
Fach, Albert W., 2Lt
Longnecker, Ernest J., Sgt
Poulin, Gaston G., T/Sgt
Klimkowicz, Zigmond (NMI), S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-35958 Tail # ?
Smith, Frederick H., 2Lt
Peck, Paul R., 2Lt
Fowler, John I., F/O
Cline, Joel L., Cpl
Teutsch, Stanley E., Sgt
Maples, Frank L., Jr., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27473 Tail # 73 “Paper
Yerger, John W., 1Lt
Wallis, Shelby D., 2Lt
Prilliman, Floyd W., 2Lt
Radel, Henry D., 2Lt
Huntley, Bruce H., S/Sgt
Stocker, Harvey (NMI), Sgt
Cunningham, Paul W., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27782 Tail # 72
King, Robert C., Jr., 2Lt
Highsmith, John R., 2Lt
Pobereyko, Tony (NMI), F/O
Netzel, Carl F., S/Sgt
Jones, LeRoy (NMI), Sgt
Goethe, Emil C., Jr., S/Sgt
Tuesday, 20 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-35956 Tail # 55
P Buechner, Helmut K., 1Lt
CP Cammack, Elmore (NMI), 1Lt
N None
B Tougaw, Lewis W., F/O
E MacMullen, Clarence C., Sgt
R Thomas, Hazen A., Sgt
G Merlino, Camille J., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27636 Tail # 74 (AntiFlak/Incendiary Ship)
P Appenzeller, Richard D., 1Lt
CP Bryson, Roy V., Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Hixon, Robert C., 1Lt
E Dubbs, Andrew C., S/Sgt
R Lendino, Thomas J., Cpl
G Hawthorne, Charles E., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-36110 Tail # 59 “Big
Jamoke” (Anti-Flak/Incendiary Ship)
P Hennessey, Ralph E., 1Lt
CP Twieg, Donald P., 2Lt
N None
B Cromley, Glenn J., F/O
E Daniels, Carl (NMI), S/Sgt
R Finnegan, Paul W., S/Sgt
G Gorden, Robert L., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27785 Tail # 58
Haage, Frederick W., 2Lt
Steffan, Melvin G., 2Lt
Vantrease, Edwin C., 2Lt
Anderson, Arthur F., Sgt
Judy, Harry H., Jr., Sgt
Lejman, George T., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-36108 Tail # 70 (AntiFlak/Incendiary Ship)
Satterwhite, Henry C., 1Lt
Calabrese, Frank (NMI), 2Lt
Blankemeyer, Frank J., F/O
Pennington, Luther A., S/Sgt
Cassidy, Raymond S., Jr., Sgt
Sims, James W., Sgt
448th BS War Diary: Second Lieutenants Bartlett, Steely, Stout, West and Wilson were
promoted to First Lieutenants today.
Bartlett, Thomas M., 1Lt, pilot
Steely, Ralph K., 1Lt, bombardier
Stout, Charles S. “Chuck”, 1Lt, bombardier
West, Alden A. "Bud", 1Lt,
Wilson, James M., 1Lt, pilot
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 738/mission 738) Group Mission # 738:
(448th BS did not participate)
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 739/mission 739) Group Mission # 739:
(448th BS did not participate)
Tuesday, 20 February 1945 (continued)
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 740/mission 740) Group Mission # 740: The
weather cleared up enough today for the mission to take-off. Captain Swanson led the
448th’s planes which once again led the Group mission in the attack on the Rovereto Rail
bridge. Heavy clouds were found in abundance, however, over Italy and the target area.
The 448th had fifteen (15) planes on this mission. The second box of six planes were the
only ones that dropped on the primary target, but results were unobserved due to smoke
pots and haze. The remainder of the bombers turned to the Montebello Rail bridge. An
excellent concentration was scored in the center of the bridge with several direct hits
reported. Heavy and intense anti-aircraft fire was encountered, causing some damage to
several of the planes, but no one was injured and all the bombers returned at 1600.
A/C No. 43-27720 Tail # 86
Swanson, Erle G. “Swanny”, Jr., Capt
Young, Earl B., Lt Col, HQ 321st BG
Steely, Ralph K., 1Lt
Martin, James M., Jr., 1Lt
Payne, Robert B., Cpl
DiSalvo, Alfred J., Sgt
Chase, Harry M., Jr., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27523 Tail # 95
Meyers, Kenneth F., 2Lt
Valenti, Jack J., 2Lt
Boyd, Wilford D., 2Lt
Baird, James (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
Bass, Bernard G., T/Sgt
Abiecunas, Joseph P. “Abby”, S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27706 Tail # 89 “Silver
P Russell, Harold H., 2Lt
CP Schwartz, Theodore (NMI), 2Lt
N None
B Pealer, Woodward D., S/Sgt
E Codd, James P., S/Sgt
R Soltys, John J., Cpl
G Masbruch, Arthur G., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 44-28927 Tail # 91
Ivory, Daniel J., Jr., 1Lt
Beckman, Harold Christoph, 2Lt
Sutton, Norman J., 2Lt
Martin, Lewis E. “Lew”, Sgt
Vandenberg, Edward V. “Van”, S/Sgt
Sharp, Samuel I., Jr., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27538 Tail # 87 “Down
But Not Out” (first # 87)
Gladwill, James G., 1Lt
Sturgis, Cloral S., 1Lt
Lesser, Robert (NMI) “Bob”, 2Lt
Head, Guthrie H., S/Sgt
Fletcher, William H., Sgt
Edwards, Jesse R., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-36124 Tail # ?
Wuest, Robert F., 2Lt
Barile, Sam (NMI), 2Lt
Ferrell, Bruce M., S/Sgt
Oliver, Walter A., Sgt
Sadofsky, John (NMI), Sgt
Fields, James A., Cpl
Tuesday, 20 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-4076 Tail # 88 (first # 88)
Lee, Howard M., 1Lt
Sculley, Thomas S., 2Lt
Lang, Robert H., F/O
Styers, Charles W., 2Lt
Weese, Charles F., S/Sgt
Seward, Richard F., T/Sgt
Sidoti, Nick S., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27616 Tail # 94
Brown, Royden (NMI), 1Lt
Bruhn, Charles A., 2Lt
Langley, Edmund P., Jr., S/Sgt
Wolfe, Bernard M., Sgt
Hulse, Donald W., T/Sgt
Moleski, Benny M. “Ben”, S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27530 Tail # 79 “Twin
Engine Sadie”
Cooper, Richard J., 1Lt
Stokes, George M., 2Lt
Higby, Paul K., F/O
White, Frank H., Sgt
Shields, Robert L., Sgt
Gage, Robert L., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-4037 Tail # 78 “Cherry
Fizz” (Anti-Flak/Incendiary Ship)
Stromberg, Carl K., 1Lt
Butler, Glenn D., 2Lt
Hildreth, Elmer L., M/Sgt
Gutierrez, Ralph (NMI), Sgt
Rockwell, Stewart R. “Rockwell”, T/Sgt
Blackard, Hershel L., Cpl
A/C No. 43-28081 Tail # 81
Wilson, James M., 2Lt
Stow, Charles E., 2Lt
McRee, Malcolm B., Sgt
Morian, Charles R., Sgt
Zimmerman, Carl F., Cpl
Enderle, Melvin J., S/Sgt
A/C No. 44-28721 Tail # 90 “Shug”
Zakopcsan, John S., 2Lt
Williams, Peter G., 1Lt
Justice, Conway J., Jr., S/Sgt
Murray, Francis J., Cpl
Pituck, James J., Cpl
Glass, David H., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27648 Tail # 75 “Sweetie”
West, Alden A. “Bud”, 2Lt
Baird, James L., F/O
Bottom, James W., 2Lt
Mitchem, Dewey A., Sgt
Hunter, Dewey G., S/Sgt
Tangren, Donald E., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27668 Tail # 83 (AntiFlak/Incendiary Ship)
Copes, Wilson R., 1Lt
Nolkemper, Harold J., F/O
Libby, Donald E., F/O
Mientkiewicz, Casmier (NMI), Sgt
Mardeuse, Alfred K., T/Sgt
Holloway, Garland (NMI), S/Sgt
Tuesday, 20 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27481 Tail # ? (AntiFlak/Incendiary Ship)
P Farwell, Harold S., Maj, Commander
CP Carr, Robert E., F/O
N None
B Cannon, John L., 2Lt
E McTaggart, Leonard A., Sgt
R Rayfield, Bernard G., Cpl
G Ward, Paul D., Cpl
F None
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., T/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Awoke 9:30AM. Ate breakfast at New Star Restaurant. Ali Baba as our guide and
protector calls himself, is dressed in regular night gown Mohammedan style. Purchased
Cairo boots. Hired Taxi - went to bazaar (poor business section). Purchased Chanel #5
perfume at $4.00 per ounce. Visited pyramids, sphinx and saw King Farouk's new home
in the making. Ate supper at Sphinx. Fried chicken and all the trimmings. Took
pictures. Fairly warm - women dressed in all black and half veil covering the face. Very
common. Spending most of our time with officers. Very few GI's. Mostly British. Ate
supper again at the Star Restaurant. Had a fine manicure, shave and haircut. City is
very modern and the food is excellent. Attended night club. Saw good floor show. Ate in
night club. Took a hack back to hotel. Ate again. Evenings are fairly cool. Guide to
pyramid's name is Moses. Preparing to leave for Tel-Aviv tomorrow. People still follow
ancient customs and speak many languages, especially French. Five of us sleeping in
one room. (45 piastres each per night). Feeling fine - retired 1:00AM.”
Wednesday, 21 February 1945
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, night fighters and A-20s on intruder missions during the
night of 20/21 Feb, continue to attack communications and supplies in the Po Valley;
medium bombers, during the day, bomb bridges at Dogna, Crema, and Romano di
Lombardia; fighter-bombers devote their main effort to close support of ground forces
along the W and C US Fifth Army front, and also hit communications to the N of the
battleline and in the Po Valley.
HQ 12th AF:
Office of Assistant Chief of Staff, A-2
21 February 1945
1. Time of Take-Off: 10:00. Time over Target: 1100. Time at Base: 11:40.
2. Altitude over Target: 500 feet. 185 m.p.h.
3. Number of Aircraft:
a. One B-25
b. Four Spitfires.
Comment: Very good escort.
4. Enemy Opposition: None.
5. Losses or Damages sustained: None.
6. Weather: Enroute- From FLORENCE to PISA, a high overcast of 5/10 clouds with
bases at 12-15,000 feet. Along coast to N of LA SPAZIA, 810/10 stratus with bases at 9,500 feet.
Over Target- Clouds, 10/10 with bases at 9,000 feet. Slight haze at ground
7. Results: Successfully dropped 2,000 lbs of supplies in T/A.
8. Observations: None.
9. Participants: Pilot
Lt T.D. Garrett, 0-662444
Lt R.F Panning, 0-828752
Lt F.J. Wren, 0-744960
Sgt T.V. Sullivan, 6556253
Turret Gunner
Sgt W.E. Shettleworth, 16073273
Tail Gunner
Sgt. L.E. Andrews, 14163261
10. Route: As planned.
1st Lt., Air Corps,
Assistant A-2
Wednesday, 21 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 1 unidentified plane
Garrett, Thaddeus D., 1Lt, 448th BS
Panning, Robert F., 1Lt, 446th BS
Wren, Frank J., 1Lt, 445th BS
Shettleworth, William E., Sgt, 446th BS
Sullivan, Timothy V., Sgt, 448th BS
Andrews, Lamar C., Sgt, 445th BS
HQ 321st BG War Diary: Two missions were weathered out of the primaries at Lavis
Marshalling Yard and Rail Diversion and solidly hit the alternates at Romano and Crema
– old favorites.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 741/mission 741) Group Mission # 741:
Weather Reconnaissance
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 742/mission 742) Group Mission # 742:
Lavis Marshalling Yards, Italy (primary) - bombed the Romano di Lombardia railroad
bridge, Italy (alternate)
(Group mission report not available at this time)
Wednesday, 21 February 1945 (continued)
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 743/mission 743) Group Mission # 743:
Lavis marshalling yards, Italy (primary) - bombed the Crema Railroad Bridge (alternate)
(Group mission report not available at this time)
Wednesday, 21 February 1945 (continued)
Wednesday, 21 February 1945 (continued)
Wednesday, 21 February 1945 (continued)
445th BS War Diary: Two attacks were carried out today on the Crema railroad bridge,
and the Romano di Lombardia bridge, Italy. Both resulted in 100 per cent bombing
accuracy. Major Bounds and Capts. Hatcher and Wagner left today, buzzing the area in a
fond farewell with “Spirit of Portchester”. Capt. Robert A Farrell, popular pilot in the
squadron, took over as operations officer and had Lt. Kendall as his assistant. Capt.
Furey called a meeting at the enlisted men’s club and Capt. Jackson introduced him to the
men. His speech was short and sweet, just stopping long enough to say “Hello”. The
brevity and strength of his greeting impressed the men. Some packages arrived today.
Pork chops were served at the supper meal.
Bounds, Thomas C., Maj, pilot, Commander
Farrell, Robert A., Capt, pilot
Furey, Frank M. “Mickey”, Capt, pilot, Commander
Hatcher, Leon F., Jr., Capt, pilot
Jackson, James Oliver, Capt, Executive Officer
Kendall, Wayne E., 1Lt, pilot
Wagner, Gerald W., Capt, pilot
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 741/mission 741) Group Mission # 741:
(445th BS did not participate)
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 742/mission 742) Group Mission # 742:
Group Mission #742; Squadron Mission #474:
Lt. Bowling led 12 ships from this
squadron which formed the third flight of a 39 plane formation sent out to attack the
Romano di Lombardia railroad bridge, Italy. 1000 pound and 500 pound bombs were
dropped from 10,500 ft to 11,000 ft. Area cover was furnished while no flak was
encountered. RESULTS: The formation was forced back from the primary by a low
overcast and bombed the alternate instead which was the Romano bridge. All attempted
a run on a 205 degree axis but were unable to drop their bombs due to low scattered
clouds. They made a second run at 13 degrees and this time were able to drop. Excellent
patterns covered the bridge from the center to the east approach with several direct hits
reported. One string was over at center. (Crew list missing)
A/C No. 1 unidentified plane & crew
P Bowling, Dan Parker, 1Lt
N None
F None
A/C No. 2 unidentified plane & crew
Wednesday, 21 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 3 unidentified plane & crew
N None
F None
A/C No. 5 unidentified plane & crew
N None
F None
A/C No. 7 unidentified plane & crew
N None
F None
A/C No. 9 unidentified plane & crew
N None
F None
A/C No. 4 unidentified plane & crew
A/C No. 6 unidentified plane & crew
A/C No. 8 unidentified plane & crew
A/C No. 10 unidentified plane & crew
Wednesday, 21 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 11 unidentified plane & crew
N None
F None
A/C No. 12 unidentified plane & crew
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 743/mission 743) Group Mission # 743:
Group Mission #743; Squadron Mission #475: This squadron furnished 3 ships in the
second flight of an 18 ship formation sent out to attack the Lavis marshalling yards, Italy.
This target was covered by weather, however, and the Crema railroad bridge was
attacked instead. 1000 pound bombs were dropped from 12,500 ft to 13,000 ft. Area
cover was provided and the bombers failed to encounter any flak. RESULTS: 1st box of
6 aircraft of 1st flight made 2nd run due to haze. Hits reported on west end and west
approach to bridge. Some bombs hit road bridges over the canal and some hit on
northwest edge of city due to difficulty in target identification because of haze. (Crew
list missing)
A/C No. 43-36227 Tail # 04 plane and
partial crew identified in Lead
Bombardier’s Report
DeBoer, Jay (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Brooks, William F., F/O
F None
A/C No. 43-27748 Tail # 02 plane and
partial crew identified in Lead
Bombardier’s Report
P Kourafas, James (NMI) “Jim”, 2Lt
N None
B Weiner, Irving B., 1Lt
F None
A/C No. 43-27716 Tail # 17 plane and
partial crew identified in Lead
Bombardier’s Report
Emler, Richard S. “Dick”, 1Lt
Davis, Morton A., S/Sgt
Wednesday, 21 February 1945 (continued)
445th BS: War Diary of: Seegmiller, Barnard H., Sgt, armament:
“Much activity has been shown in the field of sports since the recent warm
weather began and found expression in the form of some very lively volley ball games in
front of our tent. Each evening and usually several times during the day, a large crowd
gathers to participate or to spectate and everyone has a very good time.
Several days ago I received an economic course for which I made application
several months ago. I have not begun studying it in earnest yet but a glance at the text
tells me it will be both profitable and interesting. Today I finished reading The Robe for
the second time. I got more from it than the first time I read it and I advocate a second or
even a third reading. I intend to keep the book in my permanent library. There are some
excellent lessons in the practical application of the gospel of Christ that will stand
Everything pertaining to our future activity is a matter of conjecture, though we
shall probably move to Italy before anything more momentous happens, perhaps within
the next 30 days.”
446th BS War Diary: Romano di Lombardo gets our attention as the group continues to
pound targets in the Brenner Pass region.
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 741/mission 741) Group Mission # 741:
Squadron Mission 513
TARGET: Weather Reconnaissance
DATE: 21 Feb.1945
Type of Bombs: - - 446th Planes: 1
Capt. Hurley was the pilot. Mission accomplished. No flak, no fighters.
A/C No. 43-27678 Tail # 40 “Lemmon
Lu” (Weather Ship)
P Hurley, John R., Capt
CP Bachman, William C., Jr., 2Lt
N Epstein, Joseph H., 1Lt
B None
E Nigrelli, Ernest J., S/Sgt
R Leary, Edward M., T/Sgt
G Alberico, Camillo A., S/Sgt
F Mesnard, James S., 2Lt, HQ 321st BG
Wednesday, 21 February 1945 (continued)
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 742/mission 742) Group Mission # 742:
Squadron Mission 514
TARGET: Romano Di Lombardo Railroad Bridge, Italy (Alt)
DATE: 21 Feb.1945
Type of Bombs: 1000 lb.
446th Planes: 9
Capt. Muzinich led the formation. Low overcast short of primary target, forced bombing
of alternate. Excellent patterns covering bridge from center to E approach scoring direct
hits. No flak, no fighters.
Muzinich, Anthony L. “Tony”, Capt, pilot, 447th BS
A/C No. 43-27501 Tail # 39 “Sweet
Sue Kathy Jeanne” (unnamed to Nov
44. In 45 “Kathy Jeanne” dropped)
P Kimble, Arnold P., 1Lt
CP Smedley, Robert Redmond, Capt
N Gambino, Samuel F., 1Lt
B Yarbrough, George L., 1Lt
E Lamm, Earl D., S/Sgt
R Wimert, Donald A., Sgt
G Springer, Walter H., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27497 Tail # 29
P Sloan, Thomas M., 1Lt
CP Callaway, Charles R., F/O
N None
B Gahm, Edward L., 2Lt
E Autore, Nicholas A., Cpl
R Kirwan, Harold J., Sgt
G Cammack, Herbert R., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27660 Tail # 30 “Shooting
P Perlman, Jacob L., 1Lt
CP Brock, Thomas E., F/O
N None
B Golden, Benny (NMI), 1Lt
E Chase, William H., Sgt
R Ross, Harry K., S/Sgt
G Dickey, Jack F., Jr., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4020 Tail # 26 “Bourbon
Chandler, Warren W., 1Lt
Neel, John Dodd, 2Lt
Beecher, Everett F., S/Sgt
Kelly, Thomas J., S/Sgt
Dobrow, Edgar J., Sgt
Beavers, Marqus F., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27745 Tail # 47
Manolis, Ronald J., 1Lt
Wallace, Merwin W., 2Lt
Freck, Byron P., Sgt
Karuzas, Alexander W., S/Sgt
Peterson, James R., Jr., Cpl
Fitzgerald, George L., Sgt
A/C No. 43-4097 Tail # 28 “Darlene”
(previously “Tiny?”)
Cressman, Jack E., 1Lt
Bogan, Floyd W., 2Lt
Murch, George M., Jr., S/Sgt
Freeman, Harold W., Sgt
Wilking, Robert L., T/Sgt
Feola, Joseph A., Sgt
Wednesday, 21 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-35967 Tail # 48
P Fisher, Carl D., 1Lt
CP Wilcox, Ralph E., 2Lt
N Clark, Samuel E., Jr., 1Lt
B Leith, William V., 1Lt
E Jeczewski, Joseph M., Sgt
R Benedict, William P., Sgt
G Popovich, Chris (NMI), S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-36224 Tail # 34 probably
”Hauling Ass II”
P Jackson, Roland B., 2Lt
CP Long, Emmett N., 2Lt
N None
B Falk, Jack G., 2Lt
E Brady, Walter (NMI), Sgt
R Ransom, Gerald H., S/Sgt
G Darnielle, George W., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27477 Tail # 32 “Boots”
Hahn, Melvin G., 1Lt
Treadwell, Joseph (NMI), 2Lt
Brownell, Robert L., 1Lt
Hemmert, Harold E., S/Sgt
Swann, Homer W., Sgt
Nehls, Clayton R., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27503 Tail # 46 “Miss
Arabella” (Lead spare - did not fill in)
Carlson, Lowell A., 1Lt
Rozar, Richard L., 2Lt
Fein, William F., 2Lt
Lind, Kenneth H., Sgt
Flasher, Henry F., Sgt
Anderson, Chester S., Sgt
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 743/mission 743) Group Mission # 743:
Squadron Mission 514
TARGET: Crema Railroad bridge, Italy
DATE: 21 Feb.1945
Type of Bombs: 1000 lb.
446th Planes: 6
Major Farwell led the formation. First box of six made second run due to haze. Hits
were reported on W end and W approach to bridge. Some bombs hit the road bridges and
some hit in NW edge of city. Haze made target identification difficult. No flak, no
Farwell, Harold S., Maj, pilot, Commander, 448th BS
A/C No. 44-28926 Tail # 35 “Merrily
We Bob Along”
P Ingram, William T., 1Lt
CP Welsh, Cecil E. “Red”, Jr., 2Lt
N O’Connor, Richard W., 2Lt
B Paulson, Ronald A., 1Lt
E Englehaupt, Russell L., Sgt
R McEuen, Richard W., Sgt
G Falls, Robert H., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4074 Tail # 27 (picture of
seated lady - no name/lettering)
Crinnion, Edward V., 1Lt
Alward, Charles W., 2Lt
Fox, David (NMI), 2Lt
Pelusi, Richard D., Sgt
Moncure, James D., Jr., Sgt
Broderick, Emmett P., Sgt
Wednesday, 21 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27480 Tail # 44 “Yankee
P Ramsay, Lamar E., 1Lt
CP Weihe, Frederick A., Jr., 2Lt
N None
B McGann, Edom K., 2Lt
E Reinartsen, Charles R., Jr., Sgt
R Carl, Edgar W., Sgt
G Rubin, Herbert L., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27747 Tail # 42 “Spider’s
Frolic Pad” (first # 42)
P Everhart, Herman E., 2Lt
CP Moore, Howard T., 2Lt
N None
B Cimino, William C., 2Lt
E Scheetz, Elvin N., Sgt
R Wilkins, Keith Albert, Sgt
G Griffin, John A., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 44-30069 Tail # 38 “Verla”
Capalety, Thomas A., 1Lt
Smith, Clarence J. H., 2Lt
Fodor, Joseph M., 2Lt
Boylan, James P., Sgt
Beck, Junior D., Sgt
Dubreuil, Roger N., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27699 Tail # 33 “Jessie”
(later name dropped from nose art)
Holt, Noel P., Jr., 1Lt
Atkins, Richard A., Jr., 2Lt
DeSorbo, John S., S/Sgt
Edwards, David R., T/Sgt
Luitjens, Harvey J., S/Sgt
Meade, Harold W., Cpl
446th BS: War Diary of: Luitjens, Harvey J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner: (mission 39)
“No. 39) Milk Run on Crema R.R. Br. Lt. Holt pilot.”
Holt, Noel P., Jr., 1Lt, pilot
447th BS War Diary: 12 planes flew a mission over northern Italy today. 3 planes
bombed Crema Rail Bridge and 9 planes bombed Romano Di Lombardia Bridge. The
squadron received 100 % accuracy on both missions. All planes returned safely to home
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 741/mission 741) Group Mission # 741:
(447th BS did not participate)
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 742/mission 742) Group Mission # 742: 9
planes bombed Romano Di Lombardia Bridge.
A/C No. 43-27779 Tail # 62
P Hennessey, Ralph E., 1Lt
CP Twieg, Donald P., 2Lt
N None
B Cromley, Glenn J., F/O
E Daniels, Carl (NMI), S/Sgt
R Finnegan, Paul W., S/Sgt
G Gorden, Robert L., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-35956 Tail # 55
Muzinich, Anthony L. “Tony”, Capt
Erb, Jack L., Capt
Franklin, Arthur E., Capt, HQ 321st BG
Mesna, Leeland A. “Lee”, Capt
Keenan, Harry A., Sgt
Schnaars, George D., Sgt
Staub, Edward C., Sgt
Wednesday, 21 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27492 Tail # 57 “Reddie
P Brice, David W., 1Lt
CP Calabrese, Frank (NMI), 2Lt
N None
B Fach, Albert W., 2Lt
E Wilvert, Charles E. “Chap”, Cpl
R Lamb, George K., Sgt
G Hawthorne, Charles E., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4079 Tail # 51 “Little
P Craddock, Jesse J., 1Lt
CP Antry, Jack B., 2Lt
N None
B Tougaw, Lewis W., F/O
E Stokes, Robert C., Sgt
R Cassidy, Raymond S., Jr., S/Sgt
Harvey, John A., Sgt
A/C No. 43-4040 Tail # 56 “Fearless
E. “Fred”, 1Lt
CP Stephens, James J., 2Lt
N None
B Fowler, John I., F/O
E Hardage, Charles W., Sgt
R Stroupe, Robert A., Sgt
G Williams, James H., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27785 Tail # 58
P Buckley, Paul I., 1Lt
CP Bradshaw, Rodney O., 2Lt
N None
B Barfield, Jack D., 1Lt
E Neely, Robert E., Sgt
R Rowe, Charles D., Jr., Cpl
G Goethe, Emil C., Jr., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27643 Tail # 60
Gies, Donald W., 2Lt
Morrison, George R., Jr., 1Lt
Stroupe, Burton Elwood “Woody”, 2Lt
Tyler, Freeman P., T/Sgt
Ruiz, Emigdio (NMI), Sgt
Hunsaker, Frank W., Jr., Sgt
A/C No. 43-35958 Tail # ?
Fairchild, George S., 1Lt
Rose, Norman I., 2Lt
Perl, Richard H., S/Sgt
Dubbs, Andrew C., S/Sgt
Phares, Harold (NMI) “Harry”, Jr.,
Merlino, Camille J., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27473 Tail # 73 “Paper
Yerger, John W., 1Lt
Wallis, Shelby D., 2Lt
Caflisch, Leonard P. “Lenny”, Jr., 2Lt
Radel, Henry D., 2Lt
Steinhauser, Bernard (NMI), Cpl
Stocker, Harvey (NMI), Sgt
Cunningham, Paul W., Sgt
Wednesday, 21 February 1945 (continued)
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 743/mission 743) Group Mission # 743: 3
planes bombed Crema Rail Bridge
A/C No. 43-27782 Tail # 72
Amundson, Donald A., 1Lt
Duty, Wallace I., 1Lt
Blankemeyer, Frank J., F/O
Henkler, Edward H., Sgt
Meiborg, Walter F., Sgt
West, Edgar M., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27498 Tail # 71 “Ave
P Autry, Aaron E., 1Lt
CP Hoy, Robert L., F/O
N None
B Michael, James L., 2Lt
E Plough, Marlin J., Cpl
R Ross, John P., Cpl
G Levy, Donald (NMI), Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27751 Tail # 50 “MMR”
(Meet Mrs. Runyon)
Morton, William C. “Mort”, Jr., 1Lt
Greene, Homer L., Jr., F/O
Prilliman, Floyd W., 2Lt
Lankester, Hugh H. “Lank”, 1Lt
Flanigan, Bernard A., S/Sgt
Poulin, Gaston G., T/Sgt
Young, Robert E., S/Sgt
448th BS War Diary: Captain Lyons had been notified of his promotion from First
Lieutenant just before taking off on today’s mission. Lieutenant Myers was promoted to
Captain also. Corporal Morella retuned from the 310th today where he had been on TD.
Lyons, John B., Capt, pilot
Morella, James R., Cpl, cook
Myers, Harold C. “Casey”, Capt, pilot
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 741/mission 741) Group Mission # 741:
(448th BS did not participate)
448th BS Mission Summary: (Missions 742 and 743): The 448th had fifteen (15) planes
in a maximum effort of the Group this morning to attack the marshalling yards at Lavis.
It was another clear day on Corsica, but before reaching the Po Valley cloudy and
overcast weather began closing in on the formation, led by Major Farwell, until they were
unable to reach the primary target at Lavis. They split, and Major Farwell led six of the
448th’s planes to attack the Crema rail bridge. Captain Lyons led the second flight of the
other group of planes that attacked the Romano Di Lombardo rail bridge of which the
448th had nine planes.
Wednesday, 21 February 1945 (continued)
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 742/mission 742) Group Mission # 742:
Captain Lyons led the second flight of the other group of planes that attacked the
Romano Di Lombardo rail bridge of which the 448th had nine planes. Haze was
encountered here also, making observation difficult, and the formation had to make two
passes at the target also before dropping their bombs. An excellent concentration was
scored on the east end and center of the bridge with several direct hits observed.
Likewise, no enemy anti-aircraft fire was observed and all the bombers returned safely.
A/C No. 43-36112 Tail # 82 (second #
P Lyons, John B., Capt
CP Beckman, Harold Christoph, 2Lt
N Freund, John F., 1Lt
B Gardner, Philip K., 1Lt
E Nelson, William M., Cpl
R Sadofsky, John (NMI), Sgt
G Holloway, Garland (NMI), S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27481 Tail # ?
P Copes, Wilson R., 1Lt
CP Sculley, Thomas S., 2Lt
N None
B Boyd, Wilford D., 2Lt
E Mientkiewicz, Casmier (NMI), Sgt
R Zimmerman, Carl F., Cpl
G Ward, Paul D., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27530 Tail # 79 “Twin
Engine Sadie”
P Churchill, Duane W., 1Lt
CP Nolkemper, Harold J., F/O
N None
B Justice, Conway J., Jr., S/Sgt
E Martin, Lewis E. “Lew”, Sgt
R Fletcher, William H., Sgt
G Enderle, Melvin J., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 44-28721 Tail # 90 “Shug”
Russell, John D., 2Lt
Valenti, Jack J., 2Lt
Bottom, James W., 2Lt
McTaggart, Leonard A., Sgt
Rayfield, Bernard G., Cpl
Hudson, Willie H., Jr., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27911 Tail # 93
Cooper, Richard J., 1Lt
Barile, Sam (NMI), 2Lt
Hildreth, Elmer L., M/Sgt
Head, Guthrie H., S/Sgt
Seward, Richard F., T/Sgt
Sidoti, Nick S., Sgt
A/C No. 43-4037 Tail # 78 “Cherry
Stromberg, Carl K., 1Lt
Schwartz, Theodore (NMI), 2Lt
Langley, Edmund P., Jr., S/Sgt
Turner, James H., S/Sgt
Rockwell, Stewart R. “Rockwell”, T/Sgt
Blackard, Hershel L., Cpl
Wednesday, 21 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27648 Tail # 75 “Sweetie”
Russell, Harold H., 2Lt
Sturgis, Cloral S., 1Lt
Pealer, Woodward D., S/Sgt
Mitchem, Dewey A., Sgt
Soltys, John J., Cpl
Masbruch, Arthur G., Cpl
A/C No. 44-28927 Tail # 91
P Smith, Milford A., 1Lt
CP Bruhn, Charles A., 2Lt
N Friedman, Lester Z., 2Lt
B Armstrong, Sherman T., Jr., 2Lt
E Wright, Melvin M., S/Sgt
R Mardeuse, Alfred K., T/Sgt
G Edwards, Jesse R., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-36124 Tail # ?
Cook, Don W., 1Lt
Carr, Robert E., F/O
Ferrell, Bruce M., S/Sgt
Morian, Charles R., Cpl
Pituck, James J., Cpl
Tangren, Donald E., Sgt
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 743/mission 743) Group Mission # 743:
Major Farwell led six of the 448th’s planes to attack the Crema rail bridge. Due to haze,
Major Farwell had to lead his planes on a second run over the target before identifying it.
Most of the bombs fell on the west end and approach with several direct hits reported.
No enemy anti-aircraft fire was encountered and all the planes returned safely.
A/C No. 43-4076 Tail # 88 (first # 88)
Farwell, Harold S., Maj, Commander
Stow, Charles E., 2Lt
Bartlett, J. E., 1Lt
Zinkand, Willard T., Capt
Payne, Robert B., Cpl
Morefield, James Carl, T/Sgt
DiSalvo, Alfred J., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27528 Tail # 85
P Meyers, Kenneth F., 2Lt
CP Ashland, Arthur E. “Art”, 2Lt
N None
B Lesser, Robert (NMI) “Bob”, 2Lt
E Baird, James (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
R Hunter, Dewey G., S/Sgt
G Abiecunas, Joseph P. “Abby”, S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27791 Tail # 84
Wilson, James M., 1Lt
Baird, James L., F/O
McRee, Malcolm B., 1Lt
Weese, Charles F., S/Sgt
Chase, Harry M., Jr., Sgt
Smith, Norman L., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27668 Tail # 83
Kuoni, Charles F., Jr., 1Lt
Butler, Glenn D., 2Lt
Libby, Donald E., 2Lt
Harageones, George J., Sgt
Shields, Robert L., Sgt
Dittman, Paul F., Jr., Cpl
Wednesday, 21 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-28081 Tail # 81
P West, Alden A. “Bud”, 1Lt
CP Campbell, Knox L., 2Lt
N None
B Styers, Charles W., 2Lt
E Oliver, Walter A., Sgt
R O’Brien, Brendan M., Cpl
G Gage, Robert L., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27616 Tail # 94
Brown, Royden (NMI), 1Lt
Stokes, George M., 2Lt
Bass, Bernard G., T/Sgt
Wolfe, Bernard M., Sgt
Hulse, Donald W., T/Sgt
Moleski, Benny M. “Ben”, S/Sgt
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., T/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Awoke 9:00AM. Ate a very heavy breakfast. Eggs, cheese, tomatoes, bread, butter,
french fries, etc. Very sunny and warm. Said so long to Ali Baba and Moses. Take off at
2:20PM. Took shots of pyramids with K-20. Saw Suez Canal. Landed Lydda Field, TelAviv at 3:30PM.
Warmly received. Picked up rations. Called Mrs. Fish.
Accommodations at American House. Very clean and modern hotel. Also eating meals
there. The people are very friendly, intelligent and speak English. Brusa and I went to
night club at the beach facing the Mediterranean Sea, known as the San Remo Cabaret.
Met Capt Grady and Bard. Had to shake a civilian. Fair floor show. No rye or scotch.
Drank brandy. Cover charge for soldiers 40 mills. Anxious to date a decent girl. No
begging, fighting. Women or the like on the streets at night. Mrs. Fish is formerly of
Brooklyn, New York.”
Bard, John A., Capt, pilot
Brusa, Robert P., T/Sgt, radio-gunner
Grady, John R., Capt, pilot
Thursday, 22 February 1945
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, during the night of 21/22 Feb, A-20s attack an ammunition
dump, railroad bridges and lines, and road lights in the Po Valley; B-25s bomb railroad
bridges and marshalling yards at Lavis, Bressanone, and Ala, cutting the bridge at Lavis
and the through tracks at the Ala marshalling yard; fighters and fighter-bombers continue
to support US Fifth Army forces S and SW of Bologna and hit communications targets,
dumps, vehicles, and guns in and N of the battle area in the Apennines Mountains and in
the Po Valley, and bomb airfields at Ghedi and Bergamo.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: Thirty-eight planes (including 3 chaff) bombed the Lavis
Railroad Diversion bridges with excellent results. Photo recce showed both bridges
down. Baseball is getting an early start this year mostly due to the mild, temperate
weather we’ve been experiencing this month and already many Group teams have been
formed. Volleyball also is in swing – basketball continues. With good food, movies, and
athletic activities the morale remains at a high level despite the increased losses sustained
at the Brenner Pass.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 744/mission 744) Group Mission # 744:
Lavis Railroad Diversion Bridge, Italy
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: The squadron helped attack the Lavis rail diversion bridges, Italy
and the group bombing accuracy was put at 89.5 per cent. Sgt. Berman’s ship 534 (4327534 Tail # 11) today completed its 100th combat mission. Fresh frankfurters was a rare
treat for supper. A good supply of mail which arrived just before supper made them taste
even better. A Corsican girl gave a lecture to the enlisted men at the club in the evening.
She spoke about her native island, its customs and traditions and afterwards answered
questions popped to her by interested squadron personnel. They were chiefly interested
in learning her comparison of the German and American soldiers. Her answers were
favorably received.
Berman, Charles S., Sgt, engineering, crew chief
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 744/mission 744) Group Mission # 744:
Group Mission #744; Squadron Mission #476:
Lt. Poteete led 9 ships from this
squadron which were in the second flight of a formation of 39 planes sent out to attack
the Lavis rail diversion bridges, Italy. 1000 pound and 500 pound bombs were dropped
from 11,500 ft. to 23,000 ft. Area cover was provided. Flak was heavy, moderate and
accurate, directed mainly at chaff element. A total of 8 ships were holed but none lost. A
Focke Wulf 190 and ME-109 were seen in the area but the P-47 escort chased them
away. RESULTS: Main weight of bombs fell across the dike just west of target but flash
photos show a small concentration of bombs squarely on the north bridge.
Thursday, 22 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27742 Tail # 01 “Winnie
Mae” (previously “Vicious Vera”)
Poteete, Max W., 1Lt
Rigler, Edward J., 1Lt
Robson, Herbert E., Capt
Vaughan, Fred W., 1Lt
Hunsberger, William R., S/Sgt
Ott, James V., S/Sgt
Stansberry, Robert C., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27714 Tail # 16 “Blonde
P O’Keefe, John H., 2Lt
CP Jones, Guilford (NMI), 1Lt
N None
B Harvel, Lonnie B., Jr., 2Lt
E Taylor, Marion R., S/Sgt
R Eberhardt, Charles D., Sgt
G Heintz, Edward R., Jr., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27534 Tail # 11 (standing
J. “Mac”, Jr., 2Lt
CP Riggenbach, Paul R., 2Lt
N None
B Schnieringer, Frank M., 2Lt
E Kimmel, Edwin B., S/Sgt
R Weingartner, William E., Cpl
G Kabrich, Harry Lee, S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27698 Tail # 13 “Peggy
P Mogren, Edward G., 1Lt
CP Takacs, Rudolph J., 2Lt
N None
B Jackson, William H., 2Lt
E Carruthers, John (NMI), II, T/Sgt
R Otterness, William B., T/Sgt
G Slodden, Henry M. “Kip”, S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27502 Tail # 10 “Pretty
Kitty Blue Eyes” (previously “What’s
Cox, Harold L., 1Lt
Rice, Rudolph G., 2Lt
Brown, Milton H., 1Lt
Carney, Daniel (NMI), Sgt
Johnson, John E., T/Sgt
Lile, Keith B., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27545 Tail # 06 “Maggie”
(first # 06)
McFatter, Joe H., 1Lt
Doris, Robert E., 2Lt
Partlow, Charles Henry, 1Lt
Miller, Morris M., S/Sgt
Alexaki, Nicholas (NMI), Sgt
Teague, Phillip B., Sgt
A/C No. 44-28928 Tail # 03 “Heaven
Can Wait”
Rung, Raymond F. “Red”, Jr., 1Lt
Badger, Joe G., 2Lt
Josephson, Sanford L., S/Sgt
Sycylo, Theodore W., S/Sgt
Salch, Raymond F., S/Sgt
Stanley, Harold Gene “Gene”, S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27733 Tail # 00 “Porky’s
Buckham, John K., 2Lt
Lawrence, Edward C., 2Lt
Davis, Morton A., S/Sgt
Watts, Joseph T., Jr., T/Sgt
Krober, Raymond D., Jr., S/Sgt
Clayton, Ross W., S/Sgt
Thursday, 22 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-4008 Tail # ? “Spirit of St
P Ottinger, Warren F., 1Lt
CP Henderson, Robert D., 2Lt
N None
B Dickens, Noel F., 2Lt
E McCormack, Samuel C., S/Sgt
R Peters, Andrew D., Sgt
G Stack, James T., Sgt
F None
446th BS War Diary: (22 and 23 Feb): A mission is flown each of these days. The mail
situation begins to improve as quite a bundle arrives.
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 744/mission 744) Group Mission # 744:
Squadron Mission 516
TARGET: Lavis Railroad Diversion Bridge, Italy
DATE: 22 Feb.1945
Type of Bombs: 1000 lb.
446th Planes: 9
Capt. Smedley led the formation. Main weight of bombs fell across dyke just W of
target. Small concentration reported squarely on objective. Smoke pots in operation but
ineffective. Flak was heavy, moderate, accurate. Eight planes holed. Two enemy a/c
seen but did not attack. (Crew list missing)
A/C No. 1 unidentified plane & crew
Smedley, Robert Redmond, Capt
N None
R Luitjens, Harvey J., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 3 unidentified plane & crew
N None
F None
A/C No. 2 unidentified plane & crew
A/C No. 4 unidentified plane & crew
Thursday, 22 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 5 unidentified plane & crew
N None
F None
A/C No. 7 unidentified plane & crew
N None
F None
A/C No. 9 unidentified plane & crew
N None
F None
A/C No. 6 unidentified plane & crew
A/C No. 8 unidentified plane & crew
446th BS: War Diary of: Luitjens, Harvey J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner: (mission 40)
“No. 40) Lavis R.R. Div. Some flak - Picked up about 10 holes - 4x1000.
Smedley, Robert Redmond, Capt, pilot
447th BS War Diary: 1st Lt. Robert W. Mulholland transferred to 12th Air Force. Par 1
SO 40 Hq. 57th Bomb Wing. The following officers and enlisted men assigned and
joined this squadron from 57th Bomb Wing 20 February 1945 par 3 SO 31, Hq. 321st
Bomb Gp. F/O Russell R. Graze, F/O George H. Sznarwokowski, F/O Maynard G.
Weppner, Cpl. Stephen G. Smith, Cpl. Irwin A. Beske, Cpl. Robert C. MacAuslan.
Beske, Irwin A., Cpl, gunner
Graze, Russell R., F/O, pilot
MacAuslan, Robert C., Cpl, gunner
Mulholland, Robert W., 1Lt, bombardier
Smith, Stephen G., Jr., Cpl, gunner
Sznarwokowski, George H., F/O, pilot
Weppner, Maynard G., F/O, bombardier
Thursday, 22 February 1945 (continued)
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 744/mission 744) Group Mission # 744: 12
of our aircraft flew a mission against Lavis rail Diversion Bridge. The accuracy for the
day is not known because it was impossible to separate the bombs of the different
squadrons. (Crew list page 2 missing - 3 ships)
A/C No. 43-4040 Tail # 56 “Fearless
P Loewus, Frederick E. “Fred”, 1Lt
CP Wood, George A., Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Fowler, John I., F/O
E Hardage, Charles W., Sgt
R Krauss, Frederick J., Sgt
G Williams, James H., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-36108 Tail # 70
Cammack, Elmore (NMI), 1Lt
Buechner, Helmut K., 1Lt
Tougaw, Lewis W., F/O
MacMullen, Clarence C., Sgt
Thomas, Hazen A., Sgt
West, Edgar M., Sgt
A/C No. 43-35958 Tail # ?
P Hennessey, Ralph E., 1Lt
CP Twieg, Donald P., 2Lt
N None
B Cromley, Glenn J., F/O
E Daniels, Carl (NMI), S/Sgt
R Finnegan, Paul W., S/Sgt
G Gorden, Robert L., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-36106 Tail # 63
Brice, David W., 1Lt
Steffan, Melvin G., 2Lt
Michael, James L., 2Lt
Longnecker, Ernest J., Sgt
Lamb, George K., Sgt
Hawthorne, Charles E., Sgt
A/C No. 43-4009 Tail # 69 “Double-ONine”
Gates, Edward (NMI), Capt
Bradshaw, Rodney O., 2Lt
Caflisch, Leonard P. “Lenny”, Jr., 2Lt
Balboni, Robert A., 1Lt
Mullis, Paul C., Sgt
Schnaars, George D., T/Sgt
Flanagan, Joseph E., Sgt
A/C No. 43-36110 Tail # 59 “Big
Gies, Donald W., 2Lt
Bethke, Armond H., Jr., F/O
Stroupe, Burton Elwood “Woody”, 2Lt
Tyler, Freeman P., T/Sgt
Ruiz, Emigdio (NMI), Sgt
Hunsaker, Frank W., Jr., Sgt
A/C No. 43-35959 Tail # 67
Carlin, Edmund R., 2Lt
Brown, Carl B. “Buster”, 2Lt
Vantrease, Edwin C., 2Lt
Citarelli, James E., S/Sgt
Maslyar, Michael M., S/Sgt
Brockman, Richard E., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27498 Tail # 71 “Ave
King, Robert C., Jr., 2Lt
Highsmith, John R., 2Lt
Prilliman, Floyd W., 2Lt
Pobereyko, Tony (NMI), 2Lt
Netzel, Carl F., S/Sgt
Teutsch, Stanley E., Sgt
Loux, Robert E., Sgt
Thursday, 22 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27785 Tail # 58
P Peck, Paul R., 2Lt
CP Smith, Frederick H., 2Lt
N None
B Barfield, Jack D., 1Lt
E Cline, Joel L., Cpl
R Judy, Harry H., Jr., Sgt
G Maples, Frank L., Jr., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 2 unidentified plane & crew
N None
F None
A/C No. 1 unidentified plane & crew
A/C No. 3 unidentified plane & crew
448th BS War Diary: Lieutenant Matthews returned today from TD with Headquarters
MATS. Sergeant Posnansky, a ground radio operator with the Squadron, left for the
United States on rotation. Lieutenants Herrin and Lyons, J.W., F/O Stanwood, and
Corporals Safko, Weeks, and Judnich were assigned to the Squadron this morning.
Sergeants Skimp and Handler and Corporals Lester and Spelich were detached from the
Squadron to the 445th Squadron and placed on DS with the 448th. Lieutenants
Schweitzer, Sutton and Wyman, Sergeant Langley, J.C., and Private Fegley left for the
Capri rest camp this morning, and Captain Bongiovanni, Lieutenant Spaur, F/O Rutz and
Sergeants Smith, N.L. and Goethals returned from the Capri rest camp this afternoon.
Bongiovanni, Michael (NMI), Capt, navigator
Fegley, Russell D., Pvt, engineering
Goethals, Camiel A., S/Sgt, gunner
Handler, William (NMI), Sgt, communications
Herrin, John C., 2Lt, pilot
Judnich, Raymond J., Cpl, gunner
Langley, James C., Cpl, operations
Lester, Julian N., Cpl, communications
Lyons, John W., 1Lt, bombardier
Matthews, Thomas W., 1Lt, pilot
Posnansky, Frederick H., Sgt, communications
Rutz, Victor H., F/O, bombardier
Safko, Edward A., Cpl, gunner
Schweitzer, Robert E., 2Lt, pilot
Skimp, James S., S/Sgt, communications
Smith, Norman L., Sgt, gunner
Spaur, Melvin J., 2Lt, pilot
Spelich, Daniel A., Cpl, communications
Stanwood, Ralph E., F/O, pilot
Sutton, Norman J., 2Lt, bombardier
Weeks, Donald E., Cpl, gunner
Wyman, 1Lt, S-2, I & E Officer
Thursday, 22 February 1945 (continued)
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 744/mission 744) Group Mission # 744:
Captain Swanson led the 448th’s Mitchells today that attacked the Lavis rail diversion
bridges once again. Taking off in clear weather on Corsica, they encountered some
overcast in the Po Valley, but had no difficulty in identifying the target. The Germans
attempted to obscure the objective with smoke pots, but they were ineffective. Several
planes were holed by the anti-aircraft fire, which was heavy and accurate and tracking on
the breakaway. No casualties were suffered, however, and all the planes returned safely
at 1330. A good concentration of bombs fell in the target area. Several direct hits were
scored on the north bridge. (Crew list missing)
A/C No. 1 unidentified plane & crew
P Swanson, Erle G. “Swanny”, Jr., Capt
N None
F None
A/C No. 3 unidentified plane & crew
N None
F None
A/C No. 5 unidentified plane & crew
N None
F None
A/C No. 2 unidentified plane & crew
A/C No. 4 unidentified plane & crew
A/C No. 6 unidentified plane & crew
Thursday, 22 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 7 unidentified plane & crew
N None
F None
A/C No. 9 unidentified plane & crew
N None
F None
A/C No. 8 unidentified plane & crew
A/C No. 10 unidentified plane & crew
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., T/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“My nights aren't exactly restless, but I awoke often during the night. Very sunny, but
windy. We are eating out. Brusa and I separated from the rest of the boys. Roaming the
business section. Registered with British CMP (Corp of Military Police). Every person
entering Tel-Aviv must do similar as every guest’s whereabouts must be known. The
ocean is very rough. The streets, buildings, etc. are all exceptionally clean. Made the
acquaintance of a very attractive British WAC of the ATS (Auxiliary Territorial Service).
Took her to dinner. Her home is in France and is on leave from her base in Alexandria.
Started out making the rounds. Many of the night clubs are occupied by private parties.
Brusa, Lili and I got quite drunk and we didn't behave too well. Sometimes one brandy
does things to one. However, we did no harm to Lili. We traveled by taxi most of the
evening. Lost Brusa at the oceanfront for a spell. How I ever managed Brusa and myself
is something I cannot understand. Retired 11:40PM.”
Brusa, Robert P., T/Sgt, radio-gunner
Friday, 23 February 1945
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, A-20s on intruder missions during the night of 22/23 Feb, hit
marshalling yards and airfields throughout N Italy; medium bombers concentrate on the
N end of the Brenner Pass, damaging bridges at Campo San Pietro and a railroad fill at
San Felice del Benaco and hitting bridges at Dogna; fighter-bombers pound airfields, and
enemy movement in the C and N Po Valley, and damage 5 bridges and cut rail lines at
numerous points.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: The Campo Bridges North and South were the targets for the
day and in spite of the heavy flak which holed six planes and killed one man excellent
concentrations were scored.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 745/mission 745) Group Mission # 745:
Campo South Railroad Bridge, Italy.
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 746/mission 746) Group Mission # 746:
Campo North Railroad Bridge, Italy.
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: The Campo north railroad bridge, Italy was attacked and hit with
100 per cent bombing accuracy. Rum-runner 535 (43-3535) was back from Catania
following her engine change there and was slow-timed upon her return. Lts. Curry,
Buckham and WH Jackson were promoted to 1st Lieutenant today. In today’s mission,
2nd Lt. Lonnie Harvel was killed by flak. He was a bombardier and was fatally wounded
when a big piece of shrapnel ripped open the nose of his ship and struck him in the head.
Capt. Robson flew his 70th mission today and called it quits. It was a rough one to finish
on. Luxury rations were distributed for the first time in quite a while.
Buckham, John K., 1Lt, pilot
Curry, Arthur L. “Art”, 1Lt, pilot
Harvel, Lonnie B., Jr., 2Lt, bombardier
Jackson, William H., 1Lt, bombardier
Robson, Herbert E., Capt, bombardier
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 745/mission 745) Group Mission # 745:
Group Mission #745; Squadron Mission #477:
This squadron provided three
phosphorus ships in a 24 plane formation sent out to attack the Campo south railroad
bridge, Italy. 1000 pound and 100 pound bombs cascaded down on the harassed Brenner
Pass Jerries from 11,500 ft to 12,000 ft. Area cover was provided and there were some
anti-flak ships. Flak was heavy, scant but fairly accurate at the anti-flak ships, inaccurate
at the formation. One of the anti-flak ships was holed. None were lost. RESULTS:
Long pattern started short of bridge and several direct hits were reported. The anti-flak
ships had difficulty in identifying their target area and bombs hit east of the gun area.
Friday, 23 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 44-28928 Tail # 03 “Heaven
Can Wait” (Anti-flak/Incendiary Ship)
P Rung, Raymond F. “Red”, Jr., 1Lt
CP Badger, Joe G., 2Lt
N None
B Partlow, Charles Henry, 1Lt
E Perich, Freddie (NMI), Sgt
R Heckman, Kenneth W., Sgt
G Stanley, Harold Gene “Gene”, S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27741Tail # 14 “Val”
(previously “Modern Design”) (Antiflak/Incendiary Ship)
P Shutters, Paul E., 1Lt
CP Jones, Guilford (NMI), Jr., 1Lt
N None
B Murphy, John P., 2Lt
E Gum, Paul V., S/Sgt
R Johnson, John E., T/Sgt
G Bierly, Glenn E., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27572 Tail # 12 “Babs”
(Anti-flak/Incendiary Ship)
McMahon, Bernard J. “Mac”, Jr., 2Lt
Riggenbach, Paul R., 2Lt
Epstein, Philip (NMI), 2Lt
Hafferkamp, Edwin H., Cpl
Krober, Raymond D., Jr., S/Sgt
Heintz, Edward R., Jr., Sgt
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 746/mission 746) Group Mission # 746:
Group Mission #746; Squadron Mission #478:
Lt. Poteete led 9 ships from this
squadron in a formation of 18 ships sent out to attack the Campo north railroad bridge,
Italy. 1000 pound bombs were dropped from 12,000 to 13,000 ft. P-47s flew as escort.
Flak was heavy, moderate to intense and accurate, concentrating on the second flight
made up of ships from the 445th Squadron. Lt. Harvel, bombardier, was killed on this
raid. Five ships were holed. RESULTS: 1 pattern short and west of bridge. Others
concentrated on north end and approach. Good coverage reported.
A/C No. 43-27899 Tail # 08 “Flo”
Poteete, Max W., 1Lt
O’Neill, Phillip W., 2Lt
Robson, Herbert E., Capt
Vaughan, Fred W., 1Lt
Nelson, Jacob M., Sgt
Engleman, Bud (NMI), T/Sgt
Henry, William W., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27716 Tail # 17 “Shit
House Mouse”
Wilson, Charles B. “Charlee”, 2Lt
Carlson, Floyd A., F/O
Rosenthal, Richard C., 2Lt
Kuykendall, Ben (NMI), Sgt
Russo, Paul A., Sgt
Swinson, Carl R. M., Sgt
Friday, 23 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27680 Tail # 07 “Stuff”
O’Keefe, John H., 2Lt
Rice, Rudolph G., 2Lt
Harvel, Lonnie B., Jr., 2Lt
Smith, Warren B. “Smitty”, T/Sgt
Matter, Dean R., T/Sgt
Baker, Max E., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27748 Tail # 02 “Mama!”
Young, Paul L., 2Lt
Lawrence, Edward C., 2Lt
Brown, Milton H., 2Lt
Bertling, Gerald M., S/Sgt
Posillico, Frank A., Cpl
Slodden, Henry M. “Kip”, S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27742 Tail # 01 “Winnie
Mae” (previously “Vicious Vera”)
P DeBoer, Jay (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
CP Zieman, Earl E., 2Lt
N None
B Brooks, William F., F/O
E Hagains, John R., Sgt
R Reagin, Charles T., T/Sgt
G Hickman, Jefferson M. “Jeff”, S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4008 Tail # ? “Spirit of St
P Stolberg, Frederick R., 2Lt
CP Crutchfield, Lucian C., Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Caron, Philip H., 2Lt
E Vadnais, Floyd F., Sgt
R Barnett, Frank E., Sgt
G Clayton, Ross W., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-36228 Tail # ? “Miss
Kourafas, James (NMI) “Jim”, 2Lt
Divine, Donald D., F/O
Josephson, Sanford L., S/Sgt
Knapp, Robert Duane, Jr., Sgt
Nuttall, John H., T/Sgt
Freidli, William M., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27545 Tail # 06 “Maggie”
(first # 06)
Miron, Leno L., 1Lt
Reade, Rex E., 2Lt
Chauncey, Martin E. “Marty”, T/Sgt
Krauk, Edward J., S/Sgt
Ross, Reginald J., T/Sgt
Osborn, Jack R., Sgt
Naughton, John J., Jr., Sgt
A/C No. 44-28948 Tail # 09 “Miss
Belle Fontaine”
Young, William J. “Dusty”,1Lt
Henderson, Robert D., 2Lt
Schnieringer, Frank M., F/O
Vargas, Cleofas M., Sgt
Seigler, William B., S/Sgt
Hieronimus, Philip J., Cpl
Friday, 23 February 1945 (continued)
445th BS: War Diary of: Seegmiller, Barnard H., Sgt, armament:
“Yesterday I took a trip to Catania, Sicily where I have been wanting to
go for a long time. We loaded bombs early and immediately after finishing, I caught the
plane which was being sent down to pick up an engine-change crew that had finished
repairing our regular cargo plane. The weather was mostly clear and chilly on the
ground. It grew painfully cold at 7000 feet at which altitude we flew most of the way. I
was glad to land two and a half hours later for that reason. The part of Sicily we passed
over was bleak and snow covered. It certainly appeared desolate from the air. Not until
we passed majestic Mt. Etna on our left and again approached the sea did we see
anything that could be considered an inhabitable country. Mt. Etna is a high volcanic
peak which overlooks the Catania plain from the crest of a long gradual slope that begins
at the sea coast. At the base of the slope the city is located. We landed on the battle
scarred airport and caught an RAF bus into town. No sooner had we left the vehicle
when a swarm of Italian boys came up, profusely greeting everyone and insisting they
carry our baggage. We continued on to the Hotel Moderna and arranged for rooms for
the men who were staying overnight.
I found Catania very typical of southern Italian cities; crowded, dirty and smelly.
The people are short, swarthy and definitely in the class of all look alike. We had a fairly
good dinner of soup and fish for which we paid 200 lira ($2.00). For several months the
squadron has been purchasing liquor in Catania for the club and a pretty solid
relationship has grown up among the men who make the trip regularly and the kids who
make the necessary connections for them. One need only to mention a thing he wants
and soon it will turn up before him almost mysteriously. Tony and Angelo can get one of
their mob to obtain even the scarcest of merchandise in no time at all for a price,
naturally, but their helpfulness is a necessity to the stranger. One might truthfully say
everyone in Catania is a small-time gangster. Vice is the only means of existence for
many people. Black markets operate without restriction. Cigarettes sell for 10 cents
each and other items go about as abnormally. I was offered two for one in exchange of
lira for American currency, which I refused. In spite of their wickedness the people are
very apt at finding their way to one’s heart. When I was ready to leave they insisted on
giving me the oranges they had gotten at the market for me. Furthermore, champagne
was set up, but the first bottle that was taken from the shelf was deliberately smashed on
the stone floor as a sign of good luck. By such means they capture the good will of all
comers and so spread their contacts. We took off at about 14:30 and climbed to
approximately 9000 feet. I rode in the bombardier’s compartment which was quite warm
and comfortable even though the temperature dropped to -10° at 10,000 feet when we
climbed above the clouds.
Today our planes flew a very long mission into Austria where some flak was
encountered. Number 680 (43-27680 Tail # 07 “Stuff”) received a direct hit in the nose
and the bombardier was killed. He was blown all to pieces and the ship was a mess of
blood and remains. Last evening a Corsican girl gave us a talk on the history and
customs of the island. It was very interesting. She was an active member of the French
underground movement.”
Harvel, Lonnie B., Jr., 2Lt, bombardier
Friday, 23 February 1945 (continued)
446th BS War Diary: (22 and 23 Feb): A mission is flown each of these days. The mail
situation begins to improve as quite a bundle arrives.
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 745/mission 745) Group Mission # 745:
Squadron Mission 517
TARGET: Campo South Railroad Bridge, Italy.
DATE: 23 Feb.1945
Type of Bombs: 1000 lb and anti-flak
446th Planes: 12
Major Farwell led the formation. Bombs fell in long pattern starting short of bridge and
extending across river. Direct hits on bridge reported by several crews. Anti-flak a/c hit
E of gun area. Flak was heavy, scant, fairly accurate.
Farwell, Harold S., Maj, pilot, Commander, 448th BS
A/C No. 43-35967 Tail # 48
Crisp, Glenn S., Jr., 1Lt
Burklund, Donald K., 2Lt
Clark, Samuel E., Jr., 1Lt
Starczewski, Phillip R., 1Lt
Nigrelli, Ernest J., S/Sgt
Leary, Edward M., T/Sgt
Alberico, Camillo A., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27503 Tail # 46 “Miss
CP Wilcox, Ralph E., 2Lt
N None
B Fodor, Joseph M., 2Lt
E Jeczewski, Joseph M., Sgt
R Benedict, William P., S/Sgt
G Popovich, Chris (NMI), S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27497 Tail # 29
P Sloan, Thomas M., 1Lt
CP Callaway, Charles R., F/O
N None
B Gahm, Edward L., 2Lt
E Krider, Emanuel (NMI), Sgt
R Kirwan, Harold J., Sgt
G Cammack, Herbert R., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27747 Tail # 42 “Spider’s
Frolic Pad” (first # 42)
Crinnion, Edward V., 1Lt
Moore, Howard T., 2Lt
Fox, David (NMI), 2Lt
Pelusi, Richard D., Sgt
Moncure, James D., Jr., Sgt
Cleland, Donald S., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27480 Tail # 44 “Yankee
Ramsay, Lamar E., 1Lt
Weihe, Frederick A., Jr., 2Lt
Golden, Benny (NMI), 1Lt
Reinartsen, Charles R., Jr., Sgt
Swann, Homer W., Sgt
Rubin, Herbert L., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-36224 Tail # 34 probably
”Hauling Ass II”
Long, Emmett N., 2Lt
Jackson, Roland B., 2Lt
Falk, Jack G., 1Lt
Brady, Walter (NMI), Sgt
Ransom, Gerald H., S/Sgt
Darnielle, George W., Cpl
Friday, 23 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27490 Tail # 45 “Mrs. C”
Carlson, Lowell A., 1Lt
Rozar, Richard L., 2Lt
O’Connor, Richard W., 2Lt
Fein, William F., 2Lt
Lind, Kenneth H., Sgt
Wilking, Robert L., T/Sgt
Anderson, Chester S., Sgt
A/C No. 43-4077 Tail # 43 “Stormy
Weather” (Previously 447th ship “Ann’s
Little Boy Val”)
P Maki, Allan A., 2Lt
CP Ratliff, James Ernest, Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Chandley, Sherley S., 2Lt
E Bass, Charles L., Sgt
R Peterson, James R., Jr., Cpl
G Kleinsmith, Kenneth H., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 44-30069 Tail # 38 “Verla”
(Anti-Flak/Incendiary Ship)
Ingram, William T., 1Lt
Wallace, Merwin W., 2Lt
Codd, Russell G., 2Lt
Leith, William V., 1Lt
Englehaupt, Russell L., Sgt
Dobrow, Edgar J., Sgt
Falls, Robert H., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27477 Tail # 32 “Boots”
Atkins, Richard A., Jr., 2Lt
Holt, Noel P., Jr., 1Lt
DeSorbo, John S., S/Sgt
Dalpos, Joseph N., S/Sgt
Flasher, Henry F., Sgt
Meade, Harold W., Cpl
A/C No. 43-4020 Tail # 26 “Bourbon
Baby” (Anti-Flak/Incendiary Ship)
Barbee, Harvey C., Jr., 2Lt
McCloud, Ray L., 1Lt
Vannah, Harold P., Jr., F/O
Edwards, David R., T/Sgt
Johnson, Carl W., S/Sgt
Haxby, William H., Jr., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-4097 Tail # 28 “Darlene”
(previously “Tiny?”) (AntiFlak/Incendiary Ship)
Hahn, Melvin G., 1Lt
Dunn, Albert W., 2Lt
Brownell, Robert L., 1Lt
Lohrman, Leo F., Cpl
Nichols, Henry J., III, S/Sgt
Holdridge, John F., Sgt
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 746/mission 746) Group Mission # 746:
(446th BS did not participate)
447th BS War Diary: The following men promoted to corporal par 1 SO 32 Hq. 321st
Bomb Gp. Pvt. Max A. Wilson, Pfc. Robert P. Biscailuz, Pvt. Charles E. Hiltibidal, Pfc.
Leonard B. Heiman, Pvt. Gerald G. O’Neil, Pfc. LeeRoy L. Huddleson, Pfc. Buford T.
Williams, Pfc. Arnold W. Vollbrecht. The following officer transferred to US on combat
rotation Ltr. Hq 12th AF 20 Feb. 1945. 1st Lt. James W. McDermott. T/Sgt. Smith B.
Applegarth transferred to US on combat rotation. 1st Lt. Edward A. Miller assigned and
joined from 445th squadron. The following corporals promoted to sergeant par 1 SO 32
Hq 321st Bomb Gp. John E. Broadrick Jr., William J. Meehan, Earl J. Vogt, James H.
Hatcher, Lloyd L. Rader.
Friday, 23 February 1945 (continued)
Applegarth, Smith B., T/Sgt, gunner
Biscailus, Robert P., Cpl, armament
Broadrick, John E., Jr., Sgt, operations
Hatcher, James H., Sgt, armament
Heiman, Leonard B., Cpl, transportation
Hiltibidal, Charles E., Cpl, communications
Huddleson, LeeRoy L., Cpl, turret gunner McDermott, James W., 1Lt, bombardier
Meehan, William J., Sgt, armament
Miller, Edward A., 1Lt, Aerial Gunnery Officer
O'Neil, Gerald G., Cpl, armament
Rader, Lloyd L., Sgt, engineering
Vogt, Earl J., Sgt, communications
Vollbrecht, Arnold W., Cpl, engineering
Williams, Buford T., Cpl, armament
Wilson, Max A., Cpl, communications
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 745/mission 745) Group Mission # 745:
(447th BS did not participate)
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 746/mission 746) Group Mission # 746: 8
planes flew a mission against Campo N. Rail Bridge in northern Italy. All planes
returned safely to home base.
A/C No. 43-27779 Tail # 62
Hennessey, Ralph E., 1Lt
Twieg, Donald P., 2Lt
Cromley, Glenn J., F/O
Daniels, Carl (NMI), S/Sgt
Finnegan, Paul W., S/Sgt
Gorden, Robert L., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-36106 Tail # 63
Amundson, Donald A., 1Lt
Greene, Homer L., Jr., F/O
Fowler, John I., F/O
Henkler, Edward H., Sgt
Meiborg, Walter F., Sgt
West, Edgar M., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27492 Tail # 57 “Reddie
Morton, William C. “Mort”, Jr., 1Lt
Marchant, Wendell E., Capt
Heist, Erwin William “Butch”, F/O
Lankester, Hugh H. “Lank”, 1Lt
Flanigan, Bernard A., S/Sgt
Poulin, Gaston G., T/Sgt
Young, Robert E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-36110 Tail # 59 “Big
Gies, Donald W., 2Lt
Bethke, Armond H., Jr., F/O
Stroupe, Burton Elwood “Woody”, 2Lt
Tyler, Freeman P., T/Sgt
Ruiz, Emigdio (NMI), Sgt
Hunsaker, Frank W., Jr., Sgt
Friday, 23 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27498 Tail # 71 “Ave
P Autry, Aaron E., 1Lt
CP Hoy, Robert L., F/O
N None
B Weppner, Maynard G., F/O
E Plough, Marlin J., Cpl
R Ross, John P., Cpl
G Levy, Donald (NMI), Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-36059 Tail # 67
Fairchild, George S., 1Lt
Rose, Norman I., 2Lt
Perl, Richard H., S/Sgt
Dubbs, Andrew C., S/Sgt
Phares, Harold (NMI) “Harry”, Jr.,
Merlino, Camille J., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27782 Tail # 72
Smith, Frederick H., 2Lt
Peck, Paul R., 2Lt
Hixon, Robert C., 1Lt
Cline, Joel L., Cpl
Judy, Harry H., Jr., Sgt
Maples, Frank L., Jr., Cpl
A/C No. 43-4079 Tail # 51 “Little
Carlin, Edmund R., 2Lt
Brown, Carl B. “Buster”, F/O
Vantrease, Edwin C., 2Lt
Citarelli, James E., S/Sgt
Maslyar, Michael M., S/Sgt
Brockman, Richard E., Cpl
448th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information)
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 745/mission 745) Group Mission # 745: The
target for today’s mission was the Campo South rail bridge. Major Farwell led the
formation to this vital target of which the 448th had nine of its B-25s. It was another clear
weather day over Corsica. Despite some slight anti-aircraft fire, Major Farwell led the
bombers to the target where an excellent concentration of bombs was scored on the north
approach and end. All the bombers returned safely at 1230. Lieutenant J.D. Russell flew
the lead spare plane that filled in for the 447th over the Campo North rail bridge where he
scored a 100% bombing accuracy mission for the 448th. Lieutenant Styers dropped his
bombs in a well-concentrated area on the bridge which was believed to be down after this
devastating attack.
A/C No. 43-27720 Tail # 86
P Farwell, Harold S., Maj, Commander
CP Spaur, Melvin J., 2Lt
N Bongiovanni, Michael (NMI), Capt
B Martin, James M., Jr., 1Lt
E Payne, Robert B., Cpl
R Chase, Harry M., Jr., Sgt
G DiSalvo, Alfred J., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4076 Tail # ?
Ivory, Daniel J., Jr., 1Lt
Nolkemper, Harold J., F/O
Rutz, Victor H., F/O
Goethals, Camiel A., S/Sgt
Vandenberg, Edward V. “Van”, S/Sgt
Sharp, Samuel I., Jr., S/Sgt
Friday, 23 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27668 Tail # 83
Cook, Don W., 1Lt
Bechtle, Robert M., 2Lt
Baird, James (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
Morian, Charles R., Sgt
LaBella, Dante (NMI) “GI Joe”, T/Sgt
Biersdorff, Charles J., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27648 Tail # 75 “Sweetie”
P Cooper, Richard J., 1Lt
CP Ashland, Arthur E. “Art”, 2Lt
N None
B Bass, Bernard G., T/Sgt
E Murray, Francis J., Cpl
R Shields, Robert L., Sgt
G Gage, Robert L., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-36124 Tail # ?
P Wuest, Robert F., 2Lt
CP Carr, Robert E., F/O
N None
B Langley, Edmund P., Jr., S/Sgt
E Wolfe, Bernard M., Sgt
R Hunter, Dewey G., S/Sgt
G Fields, James A., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27911 Tail # 93
P Burks, Richard W., Maj
CP Valenti, Jack J., 2Lt
N Stout, Charles S. “Chuck”, 1Lt
B Cannon, John L., 2Lt
E Oliver, Walter A., Sgt
R Morefield, James Carl, T/Sgt
G Holloway, Garland (NMI), S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-36112 Tail # 82 (second #
Russell, Harold H., 2Lt
Mann, James R., F/O
Higby, Paul K., F/O
Gutierrez, Ralph (NMI), Sgt
Soltys, John J., Cpl
“----“ None listed
A/C No. 43-27481 Tail # ?
Copes, Wilson R., 1Lt
Barile, Sam (NMI), 2Lt
Boyd, Wilford D., 2Lt
Head, Guthrie H., S/Sgt
Sevier, Fred L., S/Sgt
Ward, Paul D., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27528 Tail # 85
Churchill, Duane W., 1Lt
Williams, Peter G., 1Lt
Varga, Frank K., Sgt
Martin, Lewis E. “Lew”, Sgt
Fletcher, William H., Sgt
Justice, Conway J., S/Sgt
Friday, 23 February 1945 (continued)
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 746/mission 746) Group Mission # 746:
A/C No. 43-28081 Tail # 81 (Lead
spare - filled in with 447th over the
Campo North Rail Bridge)
P Russell, John D., 2Lt
CP Stokes, George M., 2Lt
N Freund, John F.,1Lt
B Styers, Charles W., 2Lt
E McTaggart, Leonard A., Sgt
R Morefield, James Carl, Cpl
G Hudson, Willie H., Jr., Sgt
F None
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., T/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Awoke 9:15AM. Feeling OK. Still waking the way I always do - off and on. Mrs. Fish
changed our room from #21 to #16. Now we have a private shower. Went out to
Telewinsky airfield and picked up our rations. Uncle Sam runs regular GI bus service.
Strong winds and rain. Eating at the American House. As a rule we have steak, chops,
or chicken. Turkish or American coffee is available. American scotch or rye is to be had
from 3 1/2 pounds and up. Been having shaves and facials and shampoos regularly.
Anxious to meet some nice girls. Those that I have seen are most attractive and decent.
Prices on most everything are very steep. Seems almost impossible that 30 years ago this
place was nothing but desert. Refugees from all over Europe are located here as well as
military personnel. Eating fine steak and chicken dinners prepared by Mrs. Fish.
Magyar and I attended "Road to Frisco" at theater in square. All cinemas are in
English. Movie was OK. Still raining. Took a cab home (200 mills). Retired midnight.
(Talked with Mrs. Fish).”
Magyar, Steven J., S/Sgt, gunner
Saturday, 24 February 1945
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, during the night of 23/24 Feb, A-20s bomb marshalling
yards, including those at Castelfranco Veneto, Rovereto, Villafranca di Verona, and
Legnago, and airfields at Villafranca di Verona, Ghedi, and Bergamo; medium bombers
bomb rail lines, bridges, bridge approaches, and fills at Bozzolo, Santa Margherita
d'Adige, San Michele all'Adige, Pizzighettone, and Lavis, and severely damage the Sesto
Calende industrial complex; fighter-bombers hit communications, mainly airfields,
railroad bridges, lines, and marshalling yards at several points including Villafranca,
Calliano, N of Nervesa della Battaglia, N of Santa Margherita d'Adige, Bergamo, Pavullo
nel Frigano, Isola della Scala, and Motta di Livenza; fighters and fighter-bombers support
US Fifth Army forces, hitting gun positions in advance of the battlefront, at Montese and
E of Modena, and blast targets in the battle area as the 10th Mountain Division reaches
the summit of Monte Torraccia.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: Our bombers ranged far and wide today and bombed at Ala,
Mantua East, Mori Fill, San Margherita, Bozzolo and Sesto Calende. Of these targets the
factory at Sesto was hit most solidly, with good results also reported at Ala and Bozzolo.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 747/mission 747) Group Mission # 747:
Ala Railroad Bridge, Italy. - Mantua East Railroad Bridge
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 748/mission 748) Group Mission # 748:
San Margherita North Railroad Bridge, Italy (primary) - Bozzolo Railroad Bridge
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 749/mission 749) Group Mission # 749:
Sesto Calende assembly plant, Italy.
(Group mission report not available at this time)
Saturday, 24 February 1945 (continued)
445th BS War Diary: The attacks on the Bozzolo railroad bridge and Sesto Calende
assembly plant, Italy today both resulted in 100 per cent bombing accuracy. There was a
funeral held today for Lt. Harvel. He was buried at the Allied military cemetery near
Bastia. B-25 716 “S---house Mouse” (43-27716 Tail # 17) with crew chief Sgt. “Lefty”
Lestz all smiles today completed its 100th combat mission. Sgt. Lestz boasts a perfect
record for the “Mouse” which hasn’t returned once due to a mechanical failure. Seven
flying officers were sent to rest camp today, four to Cannes and three, including Capt.
Robson, to Ile Rousse. Major Robert H. Neumann, group assistant operations officer and
former member of this squadron, left the group on permanent rotation today.
Harvel, Lonnie B., Jr., 2Lt, bombardier
Lestz, Sidney "Lefty", T/Sgt, engineering, crew chief
Neumann, Robert H., Maj, pilot, Group Asst. Operations Officer
Robson, Herbert E., Capt, bombardier
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 747/mission 747) Group Mission # 747:
(445th BS did not participate)
Saturday, 24 February 1945 (continued)
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 748/mission 748) Group Mission # 748:
Group Mission #748; Squadron Mission #479: Lt. Bowling led 13 ships in front of a 22
plane formation which bombed two targets. The alternate hit was the Bozzolo railroad
bridge while the primary attacked was the San Margherita north railroad bridge, Italy.
1000 pound, 500 pound and 100 pound bombs fell from 11,000 to 12,000 ft on the
targets. Anti-flak ships hit gun positions while escort was seen in the target area. Flak
was heavy, moderate and accurate with 4 ships holed but none lost. RESULTS: Last
element of the first flight hit primary which was difficult to see. Bombs hit east of the
bridge. The rest of the formation hit the alternate and hit the east approach. The anti-flak
ships encountered interference with the main formation and did not bomb.
A/C No. 43-27899 Tail # 08 “Flo”
Bowling, Dan Parker, 1Lt
Jones, Guilford (NMI), Jr., 1Lt
Mitchell, Robert F., 1Lt
Silnutzer, Joseph A., 1Lt
Bertling, Gerald M., S/Sgt
Eberhardt, Charles D., Sgt
Haynes, Irving L., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27741Tail # 14 “Val”
(previously “Modern Design”)
P Curry, Arthur L. “Art”, 1Lt
CP Knauss, Roger Reid “Reid”, 2Lt
N None
B Schnieringer, Frank M., F/O
E Carruthers, John (NMI), II, T/Sgt
R Nuttall, John H., S/Sgt
G Stansberry, Robert C., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27502 Tail # 10 “Pretty
Kitty Blue Eyes” (previously “What’s
P Cox, Harold L., 1Lt
CP Riggenbach, Paul R., 2Lt
N None
B Chauncey, Martin E. “Marty”, T/Sgt
E Perich, Freddie (NMI), Sgt
R Barnett, Frank E., Sgt
G Freidli, William M., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27716 Tail # 17 “Shit
House Mouse”
Emler, Richard S. “Dick”, 1Lt
Henderson, Robert D., 2Lt
Hume, Edgar A., Jr., 2Lt
Watts, Joseph T., Jr., T/Sgt
Weingartner, William E., Cpl
Farmer, Alonzo (NMI), Sgt
A/C No. 43-27545 Tail # 06 “Maggie”
(first # 06)
Stolberg, Frederick R., 2Lt
Carlson, Floyd A., F/O
Davis, Morton A., S/Sgt
Taylor, Marion R., S/Sgt
Duryea, John A., Cpl
Kabrich, Harry Lee, S/Sgt
Naughton, John J., Jr., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27572 Tail # 12 “Babs”
McMahon, Bernard J. “Mac”, Jr., 2Lt
Mutchler, Charles W., 2Lt
Dickens, Noel F., 2Lt
Kuykendall, Ben (NMI), Sgt
Russo, Paul A., Sgt
Teague, Phillip B., Sgt
Saturday, 24 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-26227 Tail # 04
Shutters, Paul E., 1Lt
Takacs, Rudolph J., 2Lt
Brown, Milton H., 1Lt
Murphy, John P., 2Lt
Gum, Paul V., S/Sgt
Peters, Andrew D., Sgt
Bierly, Glenn E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 44-28928 Tail # 03 “Heaven
Can Wait”
P McFatter, Joe H., 1Lt
CP Doe, Norman H., 2Lt
N None
B Partlow, Charles Henry, 1Lt
E Hunsberger, William R., S/Sgt
R Ott, James V., S/Sgt
G Lile, Keith B., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 44-28948 Tail # 09 “Miss
Belle Fontaine” (Anti-Flak/Incendiary
CP White, Edward A., 2Lt
N None
B Beck, Robert B. “Bob”, 1Lt
E Vadnais, Floyd F., Sgt
R Engleman, Bud (NMI), T/Sgt
G Hieronimus, Philip J., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-36228 Tail # ? “Miss
Bobby” (Anti-Flak/Incendiary Ship)
P Wilson, Charles B. “Charlee”, 2Lt
CP O’Neill, William H., Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Rosenthal, Richard C., 2Lt
E Sycylo, Theodore W., S/Sgt
R Johnson, John E., T/Sgt
G Stanley, Harold Gene “Gene”, S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27714 Tail # 16 “Blonde
Young, Paul L., 2Lt
Doris, Robert E., 2Lt
Krause, Richard E. “Dick”, 2Lt
Cruise, James P., S/Sgt
Vaseleski, Andrew C., Sgt
Stack, James T., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27698 Tail # 13 “Peggy
Lou” (Lead spare - did not fill in)
DeBoer, Jay (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Badger, Joe G., 2Lt
Brooks, William F., F/O
Knapp, Robert Duane, Jr., Sgt
Reagin, Charles T., T/Sgt
Swinson, Carl R. M., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27748 Tail # 02 “Mama!”
(Anti-Flak/Incendiary Ship)
Rung, Raymond F. “Red”, Jr., 1Lt
Reade, Rex E., 2Lt
Epstein, Philip (NMI), 2Lt
Hagains, John R., Sgt
Heckman, Kenneth W., Sgt
Heintz, Edward R., Jr., Sgt
A/C No. 43-4008 Tail # ? (AntiFlak/Incendiary Ship)
Young, William J. “Dusty”, 1Lt
Divine, Donald D., F/O
Caron, Philip H., 2Lt
Vargas, Cleofas M., Sgt
Alexaki, Nicholas (NMI), Sgt
Osborn, Jack R., Sgt
Saturday, 24 February 1945 (continued)
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 749/mission 749) Group Mission # 749:
Group Mission #749; Squadron Mission #480: Three ships took off from this squadron
in an 18-plane formation sent out to attack the Sesto Calende assembly plant, Italy. 500
pound bombs were dropped from 11,000 to 11,500 ft. There was no flak. RESULTS:
Excellent coverage reported, particularly on west buildings.
A/C No. 43-27742 Tail # 01 “Winnie
Mae” (previously “Vicious Vera”)
P Mogren, Edward G., 1Lt
CP Lawrence, Edward C., 2Lt
N Franklin, Arthur E., Capt, HQ 321st BG
B Jackson, William H., 1Lt
E Koski, Paul J., S/Sgt
R Otterness, William B., T/Sgt
G Slodden, Henry M. “Kip”, S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27534 Tail # 11 (standing
P Kourafas, James (NMI) “Jim”, 2Lt
CP Zieman, Earl E., 2Lt
N None
B Salch, Raymond F., T/Sgt
E Kimmel, Edwin B., S/Sgt
R Krober, Raymond D., Jr., S/Sgt
G Clayton, Ross W., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27733 Tail # 00 “Porky’s
Brown, Cecil A., 2Lt
Crutchfield, Lucian C., Jr., 2Lt
Puchalla, John M., F/O
Carney, Daniel (NMI), Sgt
Ross, Reginald J., T/Sgt
Grovenburg, Frank Andrew, Sgt
446th BS War Diary: Lieut. Locke is assigned to 445th Squadron. Lieut. Ingram is made
a Capt.
Ingram, William T., Capt, pilot
Locke, Jacob (NMI) "Jack", 2Lt, intelligence
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 747/mission 747) Group Mission # 747:
Squadron Mission 518
TARGET: Ala Railroad Bridge, Italy.
DATE: 24 Feb.1945
Type of Bombs: 1000 lb. and Anti-flak.
446th Planes: 10
Lt. Kimble led the formation. Possible hits on bridge at Ala with other bombs to SE of
bridge. First box of six a/c of second flight attacked Mantua E RR Bridge, dropped short
to the NE. Flak was heavy, moderate, fairly accurate.
Saturday, 24 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27501 Tail # 39 “Sweet
Sue Kathy Jeanne” (unnamed to Nov
44. In 45 “Kathy Jeanne” dropped)
Kimble, Arnold P., 1Lt, pilot
Welsh, Cecil E. “Red”, Jr., 2Lt
Gambino, Samuel F., 1Lt
Paulson, Ronald A., 1Lt
Lamm, Earl D., S/Sgt
Wimert, Donald A., Sgt
Springer, Luther B., Jr., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27480 Tail # 44 “Yankee
P Ramsay, Lamar E., 1Lt
CP Weihe, Frederick A., Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Corra, Andrew J., 2Lt
E Reinartsen, Charles R., Jr., Sgt
R Luitjens, Harvey J., S/Sgt
G Rubin, Herbert L., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27660 Tail # 30 “Shooting
P Perlman, Jacob L., 1Lt
CP Brock, Thomas E., F/O
N None
B Hensler, Donald O., F/O
E Chase, William H., Sgt
R Karuzas, Alexander W., S/Sgt
G Dickey, Jack F., Jr., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-35967 Tail # 48
P Crisp, Glenn S., Jr., 1Lt
CP Burklund, Donald K., 2Lt
N Clark, Samuel E., Jr., 1Lt
B Starczewski, Phillip R., 1Lt
E Nigrelli, Ernest J., 1Lt
R Dobrow, Edgar J., Sgt
G Alberico, Camillo A., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4020 Tail # 26 “Bourbon
Chandler, Warren W., 1Lt
Neel, John Dodd, 2Lt
DeSorbo, John S., S/Sgt
Kelly, Thomas J., S/Sgt
Hemmert, Harold E., Sgt
Beavers, Marqus F., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27477 Tail # 32 “Boots”
Sheetinger, Dan A., 1Lt
Haynes, Allan C., 2Lt
McNeal, Raymond L., 2Lt
Henry, Clark H., S/Sgt
Johnson, Carl W., S/Sgt
Haxby, William H., Jr., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27747 Tail # 42 “Spider’s
Frolic Pad” (first # 42)
Everhart, Herman E., 2Lt
Bachman, William C., Jr., 2Lt
Cimino, William C., 2Lt
Cornelius, Wilbur G., T/Sgt
Wilkins, Keith Albert, Sgt
Griffin, John A., Sgt
A/C No. 44-30069 Tail # 38 “Verla”
Capalety, Thomas A., 1Lt
Smith, Clarence J. H., 2Lt
Pouse, Alford H., Jr., 2Lt
Utz, James W., S/Sgt
Swann, Homer W., Sgt
Nehls, Clayton R., S/Sgt
Saturday, 24 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27699 Tail # 33 “Jessie”
(later name dropped from nose art)
(Lead spare – did not fill in)
P Sloan, Thomas M., 1Lt
CP Callaway, Charles R., F/O
N None
B Gahm, Edward L., 2Lt
E Krider, Emanuel (NMI), Sgt
R Kirwan, Harold J., Sgt
G Cammack, Herbert R., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4077 Tail # 43 “Stormy
Weather” (Previously 447th ship “Ann’s
Little Boy Val”)
P DiNorma, Joseph S., 1Lt
CP French, Wendell L., 2Lt
N None
B Law, John B., S/Sgt
E Taylor, Tullis (NMI), S/Sgt
R Ransom, Gerald H., S/Sgt
G Chapin, Correll C., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27497 Tail # 29 “Barbara”
(Anti-Flak/Incendiary Ship)
Smedley, Robert Redmond, Capt
Tighe, Leo J., 1Lt
Codd, Russell G., 2Lt
Leith, William V., 1Lt
Bass, Charles L., Sgt
Nichols, Henry J., III, Sgt
Dubreuil, Roger N., Cpl
A/C No. 43-4097 Tail # 28 “Darlene”
(previously “Tiny?”) (AntiFlak/Incendiary Ship)
McCloud, Ray L., 1Lt
Barbee, Harvey C., Jr., 2Lt
Andrews, James Robert, Sgt
Edwards, David R., Sgt
Wagner, William M., S/Sgt
Cleland, Donald S., Cpl
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 748/mission 748) Group Mission # 748:
(446th BS did not participate)
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 749/mission 749) Group Mission # 749:
Squadron Mission 519
TARGET: Sesto Calende Assembly Plant, Italy.
DATE: 24 Feb.1945
Type of Bombs: 500 lb.
446th Planes: 3
Capt. Muzinich led the formation. Excellent coverage of target area reported, particularly
W buildings. No flak, no fighters.
Muzinich, Anthony L. “Tony”, Capt, pilot, 447th BS
A/C No. 43-27490 Tail # 45 “Mrs. C”
Carlson, Lowell A., 1Lt
Rozar, Richard L., 2Lt
Buchanan, Talmadge A., Jr., 2Lt
Fein, William F., 2Lt
Lind, Kenneth H., Sgt
Martin, Thomas J., Jr., Sgt
Anderson, Chester S., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27503 Tail # 46 “Miss
Bogan, Floyd W., 2Lt
Crinnion, Edward V., 1Lt
Vannah, Harold P., Jr., F/O
Autore, Nicholas A., Cpl
Ross, Harry K., S/Sgt
Slezak, Alex E., S/Sgt
Saturday, 24 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-4074 Tail # 27 (picture of
seated lady - no name/lettering)
P Alward, Charles W., 2Lt
CP Cressman, Jack E., 1Lt
N None
B Murch, George M., Jr., S/Sgt
E Freeman, Harold W., Sgt
R Wilking, Robert L., T/Sgt
G Feola, Joseph A., Sgt
F None
446th BS: War Diary of: Luitjens, Harvey J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner: (mission 41)
“No. 41) Ala R.R. Br. Got loads of flak. Got one large hole in the radio comp. One went
through the bomb site and bounced from bomb flak helmet. 4x1000. Lt. Ramsey.”
Ramsay, Lamar E., 1Lt, pilot
447th BS War Diary: T/Sgt. Joseph J. Altobello relieved from DS and assigned to 1010
AAF Base Unit (A) par 23 SO 214, 1 August 1944 Hq. AAF Redistribution Station no. 1
Atlantic City, N.J. Morning report: Officers: 92: Enlisted Men 353.
Altobello, Joseph J., T/Sgt, radio-gunner
447th BS Mission Summary: 17 aircraft flew a mission against Sesto Calende Assembly
Plant and Bozzolo Rail Bridge in northern Italy. Excellent results were achieved on both
with 100 % accuracy. All planes returned safely.
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 747/mission 747) Group Mission # 747:
(447th BS did not participate)
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 748/mission 748) Group Mission # 748:
A/C No. 43-27779 Tail # 62
Hennessey, Ralph E., 1Lt
Twieg, Donald P., 2Lt
Cromley, Glenn J., F/O
Daniels, Carl (NMI), S/Sgt
Finnegan, Paul W., S/Sgt
Gorden, Robert L., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27498 Tail # 71 “Ave
Marchant, Wendell E., Capt
Graze, Russell R. “Russ”, F/O
Caflisch, Leonard P. “Lenny”, Jr., 2Lt
Balboni, Robert A., 1Lt
Judkins, Philip L., T/Sgt
Poulin, Gaston G., T/Sgt
Smith, Kenneth C., S/Sgt
Saturday, 24 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-35958 Tail # ?
Kibler, William E. “Kib”, 1Lt
Briggs, Richard G. “Dick”, 2Lt
Jones, Dewey D., Jr., S/Sgt
Mindlin, Karl N., Sgt
Thomas, Hazen A., Sgt
Goldman, Marvin S., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-35956 Tail # 55
P Amundson, Donald A., 1Lt
CP Elliott, Thomas P., 2Lt
N None
B Hixon, Robert C., 1Lt
E Henkler, Edward H., Sgt
R Meiborg, Walter F., Sgt
West, Edgar M., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27793 Tail # 64 “The
Melting Pot”
P Brice, David W., 1Lt
CP Antry, Jack B., 2Lt
N None
B Gough, William V., 2Lt
E Longnecker, Ernest J., Sgt
R Lamb, George K., Sgt
G Hawthorne, Charles E., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-36110 Tail # 59 “Big
P Autry, Aaron E., 1Lt
CP Hoy, Robert L., F/O
N None
B Weppner, Maynard G., F/O
E Plough, Marlin J., Cpl
R Ross, John P., Cpl
G Levy, Donald (NMI), Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27473 Tail # 73 “Paper
Yerger, John W., 1Lt
Barrett, Herbert E., 2Lt
Radel, Henry D., 2Lt
Huntley, Bruce H., S/Sgt
Stocker, Harvey (NMI), Sgt
Cunningham, Paul W., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27782 Tail # 72
Fairchild, George S., 1Lt
Rose, Norman I., 2Lt
Perl, Richard H., S/Sgt
Dubbs, Andrew C., S/Sgt
Phares, Harold (NMI) “Harry”, Jr.,
Merlino, Camille J., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27636 Tail # 74
Morrison, George R., Jr., 1Lt
Tarquinio, Albert C., 2Lt
Prilliman, Floyd W., 2Lt
Davies, John V., 1Lt
Dulaney, Earl W., S/Sgt
Smith, John T., Sgt
Klimkowicz, Zigmond (NMI), S/Sgt
Saturday, 24 February 1945 (continued)
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 749/mission 749) Group Mission # 749:
A/C No. 43-4040 Tail # 56 “Fearless
P Loewus, Frederick E. “Fred”, 1Lt
CP Erb, Jack L., Capt
N None
B Vantrease, Edwin C., 2Lt
E Hardage, Charles W., Sgt
R Stroupe, Robert A., Sgt
G Williams, James H., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4079 Tail # 51 “Little
P Brown, Lyle N., Jr., 1Lt
CP Wood, Gregory A., Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Michael, James L., 2Lt
E Beske, Irwin A., Cpl
R Newton, James R., Sgt
G Jones, Robert A., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27785 Tail # 58
Carlin, Edmund R., 2Lt
Brown, Carl B. “Buster”, 2Lt
Fowler, John I., F/O
Citarelli, James E., S/Sgt
Maslyar, Michael M., S/Sgt
Brockman, Richard L., Cpl
A/C No. 43-35959 Tail # 67 (AntiFlak/Incendiary Ship)
P Gies, Donald W., 2Lt
CP Bethke, Armond H., Jr., F/O
N None
B Stroupe, Burton Elwood “Woody”, 2Lt
E Tyler, Freeman P., T/Sgt
R Ruiz, Emigdio (NMI), Sgt
G Ochs, Dan (NMI), Jr., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27751 Tail # 50 “MMR”
(Meet Mrs. Runyon)
Muzinich, Anthony L. “Tony”, Maj
Steffan, Melvin G., 2Lt
Heist, Erwin William “Butch”, F/O
Mesna, Leeland A. “Lee”, Capt
Keenan, Harry A., Sgt
Schnaars, George D., T/Sgt
Flanagan, Joseph E., Sgt,
A/C No. 43-27492 Tail # 57 “Reddie
Satterwhite, Henry C., 1Lt
Duty, Wallace I., 1Lt
Fach, Albert W., 2Lt
Pennington, Luther A., S/Sgt
Cassidy, Raymond S., Jr., Sgt
Sims, James W., Sgt
A/C No. 43-35957 (borrowed from
428th BS, 310th BG)
Buckley, Paul I., 1Lt
Bradshaw, Rodney O., 2Lt
Barfield, Jack D., 1Lt
Neely, Robert E., Sgt
Rowe, Charles D., Jr., Cpl
Goethe, Emil C., Jr., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-36059 Tail # 67 (AntiFlak/Incendiary Ship)
Peck, Paul R., 2Lt
Smith, Frederick H., 2Lt
Tougaw, Lewis W., F/O
Cline, Joel L., Cpl
Marion, William T., Jr., Sgt
Maples, Frank L., Jr., Cpl
Saturday, 24 February 1945 (continued)
448th BS War Diary: Captain Leonard and Lieutenants Brink, Autrey and Rubin
returned from the Cannes, France rest camp today, and Major Knievel and Lieutenants
Ivory and Kuoni left as the Squadron’s quota to that famous resort.
Autrey, W. F. (i.o.), 1Lt, pilot
Brink, Richard E., 1Lt, bombardier
Ivory, Daniel J., Jr., 1Lt, pilot
Knievel, Arthur W., Maj, executive
Kuoni, Charles F., Jr., 1Lt, pilot
Leonard, Lee V., Capt, pilot
Rubin, Julius W., 1Lt, pilot
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 747/mission 747) Group Mission # 747:
Captain Myers led the 448th’s nine planes on the first mission today. The primary target
was the Ala rail bridge, but the Squadron’s planes which made the second flight were
unable to bomb the bridge there because of an abortive bomb run, and had to turn to the
alternate target, the rail bridge at Mantua. Bombing in clear weather, Captain Myers led
his flight in scoring hits on the northeast approach to the bridge. Some fairly accurate
and heavy flak was encountered with damage to several planes, but no one was injured
and all the aircraft returned safely at 1340.
A/C No. 43-36112 Tail # 82 (second #
A/C No. 43-28081 Tail # 81
Russell, John D., 2Lt
P Myers, Harold C. “Casey”, Capt
Stow, Charles E., 2Lt
CP Baird, James L., F/O
N Lang, Robert H., F/O
Rutz, Victor H., F/O
B Cannon, John L., 2Lt
McTaggart, Leonard A., Sgt
E White, Frank H., Sgt
Rayfield, Bernard G., Cpl
R O’Brien, Brendan M., Cpl
Hudson, Willie H., Jr., Sgt
G Blanchard, Hershel L., Cpl
A/C No. 44-28940 Tail # 92
A/C No. 43-27481 Tail # ?
Copes, Wilson R., 1Lt
P Cooper, Richard J., 1Lt
Schwartz, Theodore (NMI), 2Lt
CP Williams, Peter G., 1Lt
N None
Boyd, Wilford D., 2Lt
B Varga, Frank K., Sgt
Nelson, William M., Cpl
E Weese, Charles F., S/Sgt
Sevier, Fred L., S/Sgt
R Vandenberg, Edward V. “Van”, S/Sgt
Foote, Lancel H., Jr., S/Sgt
G Gage, Robert L., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27706 Tail # 89 “Silver
A/C No. 43-27726 Tail # 80
Meyers, Kenneth F., 2Lt
P Russell, Harold H., 2Lt
Nolkemper, Harold J., F/O
CP Tryon, Ben L., 2Lt
N None
Baird, James (NMI), S/Sgt
B Lesser, Robert (NMI) “Bob”, 2Lt
Payne, Robert B., Cpl
E Oliver, Walter A., Sgt
Bass, Bernard G., T/Sgt
R Soltys, John J., Cpl
Abiecunas, Joseph P. “Abby”, S/Sgt
G Smith, Norman L., Sgt
F None
Saturday, 24 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-36124 Tail # ?
P Zakopcsan, John S., 2Lt
CP Butler, Glenn D., 2Lt
N None
B Ferrell, Bruce M., S/Sgt
E Murray, Francis J., Cpl
R Morefield, James Carl, T/Sgt
G Glass, David H., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 44-28927 Tail # 91
P Smith, Milford A., 1Lt
CP Stokes, George M., 2Lt
N Friedman, Lester Z., 2Lt
B Armstrong, Sherman T., Jr., 2Lt
E Wright, Melvin M., S/Sgt
R Mardeuse, Alfred K., T/Sgt
G Edwards, Jesse R., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27648 Tail # 75 “Sweetie”
West, Alden A. “Bud”, 1Lt
Ashland, Arthur E. “Art”, 2Lt
Berman, Samuel (NMI), T/Sgt
Mitchem, Dewey A., Sgt
Hunter, Dewey G., S/Sgt
Biersdorff, Charles J., Sgt
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 748/mission 748) Group Mission # 748:
(448th BS did not participate)
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 749/mission 749) Group Mission # 749: Six
of the 448th’s ships flew with the Group today in the attack on the Sesto Calende
Assembly plant. Captain Swanson led the planes which encountered no opposition and
good weather all the way. An excellent coverage of the buildings was reported with the
heaviest concentration on the western buildings. All the planes returned safely at 1415.
A/C No. 43-27720 Tail # 86
P Swanson, Erle G. “Swanny”, Jr., Capt
CP Valenti, Jack J., 2Lt
N Bartlett, J. E., 1Lt
B Gardner, Philip K., 1Lt
E Wolfe, Bernard M., Sgt
R Chase, Harry M., Jr., Sgt
G DiSalvo, Alfred J., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 44-28721 Tail # 90 “Shug”
Wilson, James M., 1Lt
Akers, Harold B., Jr., 2Lt
Bottom, James W., 2Lt
Parham, Ralph E., Sgt
Zimmerman, Carl F., Cpl
Enderle, Melvin J., S/Sgt
Saturday, 24 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27668 Tail # 83
Cook, Don W., 1Lt
Barile, Sam (NMI), 2Lt
LaBella, Dante (NMI) “GI Joe”, T/Sgt
Morian, Charles R., Sgt
Pituck, James J., Cpl
Fields, James A., Cpl
Neprash, Sergius P., Capt, HQ 321st BG
A/C No. 43-27911 Tail # 93
P Wuest, Robert F., 2Lt
CP Mann, James R., F/O
N None
B Langley, Edmund P., Jr., S/Sgt
E Head, Guthrie H., S/Sgt
R Sadofsky, John (NMI), Sgt
G Sidoti, Nick S., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27530 Tail # 79 “Twin
Engine Sadie”
Stromberg, Carl K., 1Lt
Bruhn, Charles A., 2Lt
Hildreth, Elmer L., M/Sgt
Turner, James H., S/Sgt
Rockwell, Stewart R. “Rockwell”, T/Sgt
Pealer, Woodward D., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27528 Tail # 85
Churchill, Duane W., 1Lt
Spaur, Melvin J., 2Lt
Higby, Paul K., F/O
Martin, Lewis E. “Lew”, Sgt
Fletcher, William H., Sgt
Justice, Conway J., Jr., S/Sgt
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., T/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Markiewicz awoke me at 6:15AM. All of us left for tour this AM (350 mills). Went by
GI truck. Strong wind and rain. Visited Jerusalem, Bethlehem and absorbed many of the
sights with a guide. We ascended about 2700 feet and it was snowing. Countryside very
beautiful. Visited the Church of the Nativity, Calvary Hill, Galilee, Tomb of Christ,
Virgin Mary and many other sites. Ate dinner at the YMCA in Jerusalem. Very cold and
rainy. Trip was about 100 miles round trip. Returned to Telewinsky Field at 4:30PM.
Ate at the American House. "Z" invited me to party at Miss Eliza Shoham, 27 Hasmal St.
Stayed several hours. Listened to American music, danced a little. Had a fair time.
Retired 12:00AM.”
Markiewicz, Edward B., S/Sgt, gunner
Sunday, 25 February 1945
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, during the night of 24/25 Feb, A-20s attack marshalling
yards at Villafranca di Verona, Cittadella, Castelfranco Veneto, Trento, and Turin, and
airfields at Villafranca di Verona and Bergamo; medium bombers cut or damage bridges
at Vipiteno, Dogna, Ala, and Campo San Pietro, and a railroad fill at San Felice del
Benaco; XXII Tactical Air Command fighters and fighter-bombers are restricted by
ground haze in the Po Valley but attack rail lines, marshalling yards, rolling stock, motor
transport, and dumps.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: Back to the Campo Bridges to complete destruction started
two days ago. They were waiting for us and holed fifteen of our planes but they all
returned. Pictures showed good concentrations around both bridges. The San Felice fill
in the Brenner Pass was also plastered with a 100 percent concentration – photos showed
seven craters in that vital German link. Twelve of the eighteen planes were holed – five
men injured.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 750/mission 750) Group Mission # 750:
Campo South Railroad Bridge, Italy.
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 751/mission 751) Group Mission # 751:
Campo North Railroad Bridge, Italy.
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 752/mission 752) Group Mission # 752:
San Felice Rail Fill, Italy.
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: Squadron attacks on the Campo north railroad bridge and the San
Felice rail fill, Italy both resulted in 100 per cent bombing accuracy. Four ships were
badly shot up on today’s combat operations. More combat personnel left for the Rome
rest camp today. There were three cross-country flights made.
Sunday, 25 February 1945 (continued)
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 750/mission 750) Group Mission # 750:
Group Mission #750; Squadron Mission #481: Three ships from this squadron joined a
24 plane formation from the group to attack the Campo south railroad bridge, Italy. 1000
pound, 500 pound and 100 pound bombs were dropped from 11,500 ft to 12,000 ft.
Close escort was flown. Flak was heavy, moderate and accurate at the anti-flak ships and
heavy, moderate, accurate to inaccurate on run and breakaway to main formation. A total
of 9 ships were holed with 4 men wounded but no planes were lost. RESULTS: Loose
pattern short and over. Some direct hits were reported. The three anti-flak planes
achieved good coverage on the gun positions.
A/C No. 44-28948 Tail # 09 “Miss Bell
Fontaine” (Anti-Flak/Incendiary Ship)
P Webb, Allen W. “Pete”, 1Lt
CP Jones, Guilford (NMI), Jr., 1Lt
N None
B Beck, Robert B. “Bob”, 1Lt
E Kimmel, Edwin B., S/Sgt
R Eberhardt, Charles D., Sgt
G Teague, Phillip B., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-36228 Tail # ? “Miss
Bobby” (Anti-Flak/Incendiary Ship)
P Rung, Raymond F. “Red”, Jr., 1Lt
CP Takacs, Rudolph J., 2Lt
N None
B Epstein, Philip (NMI), 2Lt
E Taylor, Marion R., S/Sgt
R Krober, Raymond D., Jr., S/Sgt
G Clayton, Ross W., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27748 Tail # 02 “Mama!”
(Anti-Flak/Incendiary Ship)
McMahon, Bernard J. “Mac”, Jr., 2Lt
Lawrence, Edward C., 2Lt
Schnieringer, Frank M., F/O
Sycylo, Theodore W., S/Sgt
Alexaki, Nicholas, (NMI), Sgt
Kabrich, Harry Lee, S/Sgt
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 751/mission 751) Group Mission # 751:
Group Mission #751; Squadron Mission #482:
Lt. Poteete led 9 ships from this
squadron which formed the second flight of a formation sent out to attack the Campo
north railroad bridge, Italy. 1000 pound bombs were dropped from 12,500 ft to 13,000 ft.
Close escort was flown. Flak was heavy, scant but erratic. Six ships were holed, none
lost. RESULTS: bombs short to west of bridge and carried through bridge with some
direct hits reported.
Sunday, 25 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27899 Tail # 08 “Flo”
Poteete, Max W., 1Lt
Divine, Donald D., 2Lt
Joyce, John F., Jr., 1Lt
Vaughan, Fred W., 1Lt
Hunsberger, William R., S/Sgt
Ott, James V., S/Sgt
Haynes, Irving L., Sgt
A/C No. 43-36227 Tail # 04
Knauss, Roger Reid “Reid”, 2Lt
Badger, Joe G., 2Lt
Brown, Thomas M., 2Lt
Carney, Daniel (NMI), Sgt
Engleman, Bud (NMI), T/Sgt
Lile, Keith B., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27572 Tail # 12 “Babs”
Lewis, Max E., 1Lt
Riggenbach, Paul R., 2Lt
Dickens, Noel F., 2Lt
Nelson, Jacob M., Sgt
Vaseleski, Andrew C., Sgt
Grovenburg, Frank Andrew, Sgt
A/C No. 43-27742 Tail # 01 “Winnie
Mae” (previously “Vicious Vera”)
Shutters, Paul E., 1Lt
Reade, Rex E., 2Lt
Murphy, John P., 2Lt
Kuykendall, Ben (NMI), Sgt
Otterness, William B., T/Sgt
Bierly, Glenn E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27534 Tail # 11 (standing
Brown, Cecil A., 2Lt
Henderson, Robert D., 2Lt
Hume, Edgar A., Jr., S/Sgt
Krauk, Edward J., 2Lt
Russo, Paul A., Sgt
Farmer, Alonzo (NMI), Sgt
A/C No. 43-27733 Tail # 00 “Porky’s
Stolberg, Frederick R., 2Lt
Mutchler, Charles W., 2Lt
Davis, Morton A., S/Sgt
Perich, Freddie (NMI), Sgt
Barnett, Frank E., Sgt
Freidli, William M., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27545 Tail # 06 “Maggie”
(first # 06)
Dentoni, Louis M., 1Lt
Zieman, Earl E., 2Lt
Krause, Richard E. “Dick”, 1Lt
Vadnais, Floyd F., Sgt
Peters, Andrew D., Sgt
Stack, James T., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27502 Tail # 10 “Pretty
Kitty Blue Eyes” (previously “What’s
Middleton, Donald M., 1Lt
Doris, Robert E., 2Lt
Chauncey, Martin E. “Marty”, T/Sgt
Koski, Paul J., S/Sgt
Nuttall, John H., S/Sgt
Hieronimus, Philip J., Cpl
Sunday, 25 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27716 Tail # 17 “Shit
House Mouse”
P Emler, Richard S. “Dick”, 1Lt
CP Doe, Norman H., 2Lt
N None
B Partlow, Charles Henry, 1Lt
E Miller, Morris M., S/Sgt
R Weingartner, William E., Cpl
G Slodden, Henry M. “Kip”, S/Sgt
F None
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 752/mission 752) Group Mission # 752:
Group Mission #752; Squadron Mission #483: The squadron supplied three ships in a
formation sent out to attack the San Felice track (A-773345). 1000 pound bombs were
dropped from 11,500 ft to 12,000 ft. P-47s flew escort and chased three ME-109s which
attempted to intercept the formation. Flak was heavy, intense and accurate with 12 ships
holed and 5 men injured. Although two ships landed at Pisa due to damage, none were
lost. RESULTS: Excellent coverage in target area reported.
A/C No. 43-27698 Tail # 13 “Peggy
P DeBoer, Jay (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
CP Crutchfield, Lucian C., Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Brooks, William F., F/O
E Vargas, Cleofas M., Sgt
R Reagin, Charles T., T/Sgt
G Stansberry, Robert C., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 44-28928 Tail # 03 “Heaven
Can Wait”
P McFatter, Joe H., 1Lt
CP White, Edward A., 2Lt
N None
B Rosenthal, Richard C., 2Lt
E Hagains, John R., Sgt
R Heckman, Kenneth W., Sgt
G Swinson, Carl R. M., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27741Tail # 14 “Val”
(previously “Modern Design”)
Cox, Harold L., 1Lt
Carlson, Floyd A., F/O
Puchalla, John M., F/O
Hafferkamp, Edwin H., Cpl
Seigler, William B., Cpl
Hickman, Jefferson M. “Jeff”, S/Sgt
Sunday, 25 February 1945 (continued)
446th BS War Diary: Newest 1st Lieuts: Barbee, Jackson, Maki, McGann, Ratliff,
Treadwell. Lieut. Paulson is promoted to Captain. 22 EM are promoted as combat and
ground personnel are given a boost for their efforts.
Barbee, Harvey C., Jr., 1Lt, pilot
Jackson, Roland B., 1Lt, pilot
Maki, Allan A., 1Lt, pilot
McGann, Edom K., 1Lt, bombardier
Paulson, Ronald A., Capt, bombardier
Ratliff, James Ernest, Jr., 1Lt, pilot
Treadwell, Joseph (NMI), 1Lt, pilot
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 750/mission 750) Group Mission # 750:
Squadron Mission 520
TARGET: Campo South Railroad Bridge, Italy.
DATE: 25 Feb.1945
Type of Bombs: 1000 lb.
446th Planes: 9
Capt. Leonard led the formation. Flash photos show bombs hit in a loose pattern mostly
short and over with some crossing bridge and S approach. Crews report direct hits on
bridge itself. Flak was heavy, moderate, accurate. No fighters.
Leonard, Lee V., Capt, pilot, 448th BS
A/C No. 43-35967 Tail # 48
P Crisp, Glenn S., Jr., 1Lt
CP Matzinger, Keith Robinson, Capt, HQ
321st BG
N Clark, Samuel E., Jr., 1Lt
B Starczewski, Phillip R., 1Lt
E Nigrelli, Ernest J., S/Sgt
R Wimert, Donald A., Sgt
G Alberico, Camillo A., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27497 Tail # 29
P Sloan, Thomas M., 1Lt
CP Callaway, Charles R., F/O
N None
B Gahm, Edward L., 2Lt
E Krider, Emanuel (NMI), Sgt
R Kirwan, Harold J., Sgt
G Cammack, Herbert R., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27699 Tail # 33 “Jessie”
(later name dropped from nose art)
Crinnion, Edward V., 1Lt
Moore, Howard T., 2Lt
Fox, David (NMI), 2Lt
Pelusi, Richard D., Sgt
Moncure, James D., Jr., Sgt
Broderick, Emmett P., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27477 Tail # 32 “Boots”
Jackson, Roland B., 2Lt
Long, Emmett N., 2Lt
Falk, Jack G., 1Lt
Jeczewski, Joseph M., Sgt
Swann, Homer W., Sgt
Darnielle, George W., Cpl
Sunday, 25 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-4020 Tail # 26 “Bourbon
Chandler, Warren W., 1Lt
Neel, John Dodd, 2Lt
Beecher, Everett F., S/Sgt
Kelly, Thomas J., Sgt
Dobrow, Edgar J., Sgt
Beavers, Marqus F., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27490 Tail # 45 “Mrs. C”
P Carlson, Lowell A., 1Lt
CP Rozar, Richard L., 2Lt
N Buchanan, Talmadge A., Jr., 2Lt
B Fein, William F., 2Lt
E Lind, Kenneth H., Sgt
R Martin, Thomas J., Jr., Sgt
G Anderson, Chester S., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27503 Tail # 46 “Miss
P Hahn, Melvin G., 1Lt
CP Dunn, Albert W., 2Lt
N None
B Brownell, Robert L., 1Lt
E Hemmert, Harold E., S/Sgt
R Flasher, Henry F., Sgt
G Slezak, Alex E., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4077 Tail # 43 “Stormy
Weather” (Previously 447th ship “Ann’s
Little Boy Val”)
Ratliff, James Ernest, Jr., 2Lt
Maki, Allan A., 2Lt
Chandley, Sherley S., 2Lt
Bass, Charles L., Sgt
Peterson, James R., Jr., Cpl
Kleinsmith, Kenneth H., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27745 Tail # 47
Alward, Charles W., 2Lt
Bogan, Floyd W., 2Lt
McNeal, Raymond L., F/O
Lohrman, Leo F., Cpl
Benedict, William P., Sgt
Nehls, Clayton R., S/Sgt
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 751/mission 751) Group Mission # 751:
(446th BS did not participate)
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 752/mission 752) Group Mission # 752:
Squadron Mission 521
TARGET: San Felice Rail Fill, Italy.
DATE: 25 Feb.1945
Type of Bombs: 1000 lb.
446th Planes: 6
Capt. Smedley led the formation. Excellent concentration in target area. Flak was heavy,
intense, accurate. Twelve planes holed, five men injured and two a/c, Lts. Perlman and
Barbee landed at Pisa on single engine. No fighters.
Sunday, 25 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 44-28926 Tail # 35 “Merrily
We Bob Along”
P Smedley, Robert Redmond, Capt
CP Wilcox, Ralph E., 2Lt
N O’Connor, Richard W., 2Lt
B Paulson, Ronald A., 1Lt
E Utz, James W., S/Sgt
R Luitjens, Harvey J., S/Sgt
G Dubreuil, Roger N., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27660 Tail # 30 “Shooting
Bull” (landed at Pisa on one engine)
P Perlman, Jacob L., 1Lt
CP Hagen, John F., 2Lt
N None
B Golden, Benny (NMI), 2Lt
E Chase, William H., Sgt
R Ross, Harry K., S/Sgt
G Dickey, Jack F., Jr., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27747 Tail # 42 “Spider’s
Frolic Pad” (first # 42)
Everhart, Herman E., 2Lt
Tighe, Leo J., 1Lt
Fodor, Joseph M., 2Lt
Scheetz, Elvin N., Sgt
Falls, Robert H., Sgt
Griffin, John A., Sgt
A/C No. 43-4074 Tail # 27 (picture of
seated lady - no name/lettering) (Spare did not fill in)
P Hurley, John R., Capt
CP Wallace, Merwin W., 2Lt
N None
B Epstein, Joseph H., 1Lt
E Cornelius, Wilbur G., T/Sgt
R Leary, Edward M., T/Sgt
G Holdridge, John F., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4097 Tail # 28 “Darlene”
(previously “Tiny?”)
Cressman, Jack E., 1Lt
Sykes, Ralph L., 2Lt
Murch, George M., Jr., S/Sgt
Freeman, Harold W., Sgt
Wilking, Robert L., T/Sgt
Feola, Joseph A., Sgt
A/C No. 44-30069 Tail # 38 “Verla”
Holt, Noel P., Jr., 1Lt
Atkins, Richard A., Jr., 2Lt
DeSorbo, John S., S/Sgt
Dalpos, Joseph N., S/Sgt
Wilkins, Keith Albert, Sgt
Meade, Harold W., Cpl
A/C No. 43-36224 Tail # 34 probably
”Hauling Ass II” (landed at Pisa on one
Barbee, Harvey C., Jr., 2Lt
McCloud, Ray L., 1Lt
Andrews, James Robert, Sgt
Edwards, David R., T/Sgt
Nichols, Henry J., III, Sgt
Cleland, Donald S., Cpl
Sunday, 25 February 1945 (continued)
446th BS: War Diary of: Luitjens, Harvey J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner: (mission 42)
“No. 42) Went after San Michelle R.R. Bridge. Was supposed to be a milk run. Ran into
a large barrage of flak. Knocked out 6 form the formation. Picked up about 30 holes.
Landed with flat tire and no flaps or brakes - 4x1000. Capt. Smedley.”
Smedley, Robert Redmond, Capt, pilot
447th BS War Diary: Usual squadron duties prevailed throughout the day.
447th BS Mission Summary: 15 planes participated in missions over Campo N. Railroad
Bridge and San Felice Rail Fill in northern Italy. All planes returned safely to base.
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 750/mission 750) Group Mission # 750:
A/C No. 43-35959 Tail # 67
A/C No. 43-27492 Tail # 57 “Reddie
Satterwhite, Henry C., 1Lt
P Buckley, Paul I., 1Lt
Duty, Wallace I., 1Lt
CP Brown, Carl B. “Buster”, F/O
N None
Fach, Albert W., 2Lt
B Barfield, Jack D., 1Lt
Pennington, Luther A., S/Sgt
E Neely, Robert E., Sgt
Cassidy, Raymond S., Jr., Sgt
R Rowe, Charles D., Jr., Cpl
Sims, James W., Sgt
G Goethe, Emil C., Jr., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27643 Tail # 60
P Brice, David W., 1Lt
CP Elliott, Thomas P., 2Lt
N None
B Michael, James L., 2Lt
E Longnecker, Ernest J., Sgt
R Lamb, George K., Sgt
G Hawthorne, Charles E., Sgt
F None
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 751/mission 751) Group Mission # 751:
A/C No. 43-27498 Tail # 71 “Ave
Maria” (Anti-Flak/Incendiary Ship)
P Gies, Donald W., 2Lt
CP Bethke, Armond H., Jr., F/O
N None
B Stroupe, Burton Elwood “Woody”, 2Lt
E Tyler, Freeman P., T/Sgt
R Ruiz, Emigdio (NMI), Sgt
G Hunsaker, Frank W., Jr., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-36106 Tail # 63 (AntiFlak/Incendiary Ship)
Autry, Aaron E., 1Lt
Erb, Jack L., Capt
Weppner, Maynard G., F/O
Plough, Marlin J., Cpl
Meiborg, Walter F., Sgt
Levy, Donald (NMI), Cpl
Sunday, 25 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-35956 Tail # 55 (AntiFlak/Incendiary Ship)
P Smith, Frederick H., 2Lt
CP Peck, Paul R., 2Lt
N None
B Tougaw, Lewis W., F/O
E Cline, Joel L., Cpl
R Lendino, Thomas J., Cpl
G Maples, Frank L., Jr., Cpl
F None
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 752/mission 752) Group Mission # 752:
A/C No. 43-35958 Tail # ?
Kibler, William E. “Kib”, 1Lt
Briggs, Richard G. “Dick”, 2Lt
Jones, Dewey D., Jr., S/Sgt
Mindlin, Karl N., Sgt
Maslyar, Michael M., S/Sgt
Goldman, Marvin S., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27636 Tail # 74
Helmut K., 1Lt
CP Cammack, Elmore (NMI), 1Lt
N None
B Perl, Richard H., S/Sgt
E MacMullen, Clarence C., Sgt
R Thomas, Hazen A., Sgt
G Dolezal, Albert (NMI), S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27779 Tail # 62
Hennessey, Ralph E., 1Lt
Twieg, Donald P., 2Lt
Cromley, Glenn J., F/O
Daniels, Carl (NMI), S/Sgt
Finnegan, Paul W., S/Sgt
Gorden, Robert L., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27751 Tail # 50 “MMR”
(Meet Mrs. Runyon)
Morton, William C. “Mort”, Jr., 1Lt
Greene, Homer L., Jr., F/O
Heist, Erwin William “Butch”, F/O
Lankester, Hugh H. “Lank”, 1Lt
Dulaney, Earl W., S/Sgt
Poulin, Gaston G., T/Sgt
Young, Robert E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27782 Tail # 72
King, Robert C., Jr., 2Lt
Highsmith, John R., 2Lt
Davies, John V., 1Lt
Netzel, Carl F., S/Sgt
Marion, William T., Jr., Sgt
Ochs, Dan (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-36110 Tail # 59 “Big
Craddock, Jesse J., 1Lt
Antry, Jack B., 2Lt
Gough, William V., 2Lt
Stokes, Robert C., Sgt
Smith, Stephen G., Jr., Sgt
Harvey, John A., Sgt
Sunday, 25 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27793 Tail # 64 “The
Melting Pot”
P Breckenridge, Louis C., 1Lt
CP Sznarwokowski, George H., F/O
N None
B Fowler, John I., F/O
E Wilvert, Charles E. “Chap”, Cpl
R Krauss, Frederick J., Sgt
G Loux, Robert E., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4040 Tail # 56 “Fearless
P Loewus, Frederick E. “Fred”, 1Lt
CP Steffan, Melvin G., 2Lt
N None
B Hixon, Robert C., 1Lt
E Hardage, Charles W., Sgt
R Stroupe, Robert A., Sgt
G Williams, James H., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27473 Tail # 73 “Paper
Yerger, John W., 1Lt
Barrett, Herbert E., 2Lt
Hiller, Frederick J., 1Lt
Radel, Henry D., 2Lt
Huntley, Bruce H., S/Sgt
Stocker, Harvey (NMI), Sgt
Cunningham, Paul W., Sgt
448th BS War Diary: Second Lieutenant Russell, J.D. was promoted to First Lieutenant
Russell, John D., 1Lt, pilot
448th BS Mission Summary: Although the weather here on Corsica was cloudy and
threatening most of the day, the mission took-off as scheduled this morning. Captain
Leonard led the formation with Lieutenant Colonel Young flying with him as flight
commander. Over the target the weather was CAVU, with no difficulty being
encountered in identifying the target, which was the South Campo rail bridge. Heavy and
accurate flak was encountered in the bomb run causing damage to several of the planes.
Captain Leonard, Captain Bongiovanni and Lieutenant Cooper received slight wounds,
and Sergeant Morefield received a serious leg wound requiring hospitalization. One
pattern of bombs walked across the bridge and south approach, and some direct hits were
reported seen. No planes were lost as the formation returned at 1435.
Young, Earl B., Lt Col, Deputy Commander, 321st BG
Sunday, 25 February 1945 (continued)
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 750/mission 750) Group Mission # 750:
A/C No. 44-28927 Tail # 91
Leonard, Lee V., Capt
Young, Earl B., Lt Col, HQ 321st BG
Bongiovanni, Michael (NMI), Capt
Martin, James M., Jr., 1Lt
Oliver, Walter A., Sgt
Morefield, James Carl, T/Sgt
Holloway, Garland (NMI), S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27648 Tail # 75 “Sweetie”
P Stromberg, Carl K., 1Lt
CP Butler, Glenn D., 2Lt
N None
B Cameron, Alexander G., 2Lt
E Turner, James H., S/Sgt
R Rockwell, Stewart R. “Rockwell”, T/Sgt
G Pealer, Woodward D., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-36112 Tail # 82 (second #
P Zakopcsan, John S., 2Lt
CP Akers, Harold B., Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Berman, Samuel (NMI), T/Sgt
E Murray, Francis J., Cpl
R Rayfield, Bernard G., Cpl
G Glass, David H., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27911 Tail # 93
Wuest, Robert F., 2Lt
Schwartz, Theodore (NMI), 2Lt
Bass, Bernard G., T/Sgt
Wright, Melvin M., S/Sgt
Sadofsky, John (NMI), Sgt
Abiecunas, Joseph P. “Abby”, S/Sgt
A/C No. 44-28721 Tail # 90 “Shug”
Wilson, James M., 1Lt
Bruhn, Charles A., 2Lt
Rutz, Victor H., F/O
Carter, Hugh A., Cpl
Zimmerman, Carl F., Cpl
Enderle, Melvin J., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27791 Tail # 84
Rubin, Julius W., 1Lt
Campbell, Knox L., F/O
Hildreth, Elmer L., M/Sgt
Parham, Ralph E., Sgt
Pituck, James J., Cpl
Ward, Paul D., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27726 Tail # 80
Russell, Harold H., 2Lt
Baird, James L., F/O
Goethals, Camiel A., S/Sgt
Codd, James P., Sgt
Soltys, John J., Cpl
Blackard, Hershel L., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27706 Tail # 89 “Silver
Brown, Royden (NMI), 1Lt
Chakmakian, George E., F/O
Varga, Frank K., Sgt
Nugent, Earl W., Cpl
Shields, Robert L., Sgt
Moleski, Benny M. “Ben”, S/Sgt
Sunday, 25 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-4076 Tail # 88 (first # 88)
P Lee, Howard M., 1Lt
CP Carr, Robert E., F/O
N Steely, Ralph K., 1Lt
B Armstrong, Sherman T., Jr., 2Lt
E Shaffer, Richard E., Cpl
R O’Brien, Brendan M., Cpl
G Sharp, Samuel I., Jr., S/Sgt
F None
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 751/mission 751) Group Mission # 751:
A/C No. 43-27720 Tail # 86
Swanson, Erle G. “Swanny”, Jr., Capt
Mann, James R., F/O
Stout, Charles S. “Chuck”, 1Lt
Gardner, Philip K., 1Lt
White, Frank H., Sgt
Chase, Harry M., Jr., Sgt
Edwards, Jesse R., S/Sgt
A/C No. 44-28940 Tail # 92
P Cooper, Richard J., 1Lt
CP Tryon, Ben L., 2Lt
N None
B Ferrell, Bruce M., S/Sgt
E Gutierrez, Ralph (NMI), Sgt
R Mardeuse, Alfred K., T/Sgt
G Gage, Robert L., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27668 Tail # 83
P Cook, Don W., 1Lt
CP Bechtle, Robert M., 2Lt
N None
B Labella, Dante(NMI), T/Sgt
E Morian, Charles R., Sgt
R Vandenberg, Edward V. “Van”, S/Sgt
G Fields, James A., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27530 Tail # 79 “Twin
Engine Sadie”
Autrey, W. F. (i.o.), 1Lt
Williams, Peter G., 1Lt
Sheppard, John W., 2Lt
Langley, Edmund P., Jr., S/Sgt
Seward, Richard F., T/Sgt
Dittman, Paul F., Jr., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27481 Tail # ?
Copes, Wilson R., 1Lt
Campbell, John E., 2Lt
Higby, Paul K., F/O
Nelson, William M., Cpl
Sevier, Fred L., S/Sgt
Foote, Lancel H., Jr., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27528 Tail # 85
Churchill, Duane W., 1Lt
Sculley, Thomas S., 2Lt
Justice, Conway J., Jr., S/Sgt
Martin, Lewis E. “Lew”, Sgt
Fletcher, William H., Sgt
Sidoti, Nick S., Sgt
Sunday, 25 February 1945 (continued)
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 752/mission 752) Group Mission # 752:
(448th BS did not participate)
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., T/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Awoke 9:00AM. Cloudy AM. Feeling tired but enjoying myself. Did a bit of shopping.
Bought a book for Shyrle by Leopold Stein. Bought several watches. Very modern and
heavily stocked shopping district. Boys went out and made the bars. Had supper at the
Yarden Hotel as the guests of Capt Grady and Bard. Chamber music while eating. Steak
dinner. We all adjourned to the Bohemian club for a bit of night life. Drank white wine.
Got a bit tight. Retired 1:30AM.”
Bard, John A., Capt, pilot
Grady, John R., Capt, pilot
Shyrle, Irving Schaffer’s future wife
Monday, 26 February 1945
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, during the night of 25/26 Feb, A-20s considerably damage
marshalling yards at Castelfranco Veneto and Bazzano; medium bombers bomb railroad
bridges at Legnago, Ala, Pontetidone, and San Michele all'Adige; fighters and fighterbombers hit bridges, marshalling yards, rail lines, and transport targets at numerous
points including Nervesa della Battaglia, Ora, Bologna, Trento, Vicenza, Castelnuovo di
Garfagnana, and Avisio, and bomb airfields at Ghedi and Bergamo; XXII Tactical Air
Command aircraft also support US Fifth Army forces in the battle area S of Bologna.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: Total Group effort today directed toward the San Michele
area hitting the Diversion repairs and main bridge – both were clubbed with 1000
pounders but miraculously the Diversion escaped with only a crater to the South
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HEADQUARTERS TWELFTH AIR FORCE
APO 650
40 )
26 Feb 1945.
Under the provisions of Circular 333, War Department, 1943, and Circular 89,
North African Theater of Operations, 10 July 1944, the 321st Bombardment Group (M) is
cited for outstanding performance of duty in action against the enemy in the
Mediterranean Theater of Operations on 18 August 1944.
On the third day of the invasion of Southern France, when aerial reconnaissance
disclosed that the battleship Strasbourg, the cruiser La Galissonniere, a destroyer and a
submarine had been moved to a new location in Toulon Harbor and placed in such a
position as to constitute a serious threat to combined Allied operations in the Toulon area,
the 321st Bombardment Group (M) was ordered to attack and neutralize the fire power of
these heavy naval units at all costs. Despite the fact that under normal circumstances
only high-altitude heavy bombardment aircraft are assigned to attack such heavily
defended targets, the urgency of the order to remove this formidable threat to ground
forces made it imperative that Corsica-based medium altitude precision bombers be
assigned to the task. On 18 August 1944, overcoming weather conditions which caused
other medium groups to turn back without completing their missions scheduled for the
same area, the 321st Bombardment Group’s thirty-six plane formation negotiated the long
over-water route by dead-reckoning and accurately turned on the planned axis of attack
from an imaginary initial point over the sea. Exhibiting utmost gallantry and
determination in the face of extremely intense anti-aircraft fire from eighty-two known
heavy guns, surrounding the harbor, which damaged twenty-seven bombers and wounded
Monday, 26 February 1945 (continued)
twelve personnel, the B-25 crew men executed a precision bomb run at the vulnerable
altitude of 13,000 feet. With the pilots courageously holding their aircraft on course
through this terrific barrage, the bombardiers skillfully dropped a devastating pattern of
bombs which sank the battleship, the cruiser, and the submarine; the destroyer having
departed prior to the attack. With the threat of the warships’ heavy guns removed,
through an accomplishment unprecedented in a single attack by medium bombardment
aircraft, Allied forces were able to plan and successfully execute operations in this area
without interruption.
The extraordinary heroism and proficiency demonstrated
throughout the entire hazardous attack and the outstanding flying skill displayed on the
return flight when thunderstorms and a low overcast forced the damaged bombers to land
at scattered friendly fields, reflected highest credit upon the 321st Bombardment Group
and the Military Service of the United States.
Brigadier General, USA
Chief of Staff
Colonel, AGD
Adjutant General
“G” Plus:
10 – 321st Bomb Gp
5 – Awards & Dec Sec
3 – TAG, Decoration & Awards Branch, Munitions Bldg, Washington, DC
2 – ACAS, Intelligence, Washington, DC (ATTN: Hist Div)
1 – MTOUSA, Pers Div, AG Sec; AG Files
Monday, 26 February 1945 (continued)
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 753/mission 753) Group Mission # 753:
San Michele rail diversion bridge, Italy.
(Group mission report not available at this time)
Monday, 26 February 1945 (continued)
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 754/mission 754) Group Mission # 754:
San Michele Railroad Bridge, Italy.
(Group mission report not available at this time)
Monday, 26 February 1945 (continued)
445th BS War Diary: The squadron carried out an attack on the San Michele rail
diversion bridge, Italy and 97.2 per cent bombing accuracy resulted. Three flying
officers and four combat enlisted men were assigned to the squadron today. Three ships
went to the bombing range and there were two cross-country flights made.
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 753/mission 753) Group Mission # 753:
Group Mission #753; Squadron Mission #484:
Lt. Bowling led 9 ships from this
squadron, 18 from the group to attack the San Michele rail diversion bridge, Italy. 1000
pound bombs were dropped from 11,500 ft to 12,000 ft. Area cover was provided and no
flak was encountered. RESULTS: Good concentration with some direct hits reported.
A/C No. 43-27899 Tail # 08 “Flo”
Bowling, Dan Parker, 1Lt
Badger, Joe G., 2Lt
Mitchell, Robert F., 1Lt
Silnutzer, Joseph A., 1Lt
Carruthers, John (NMI), II, T/Sgt
Eberhardt, Charles D., Sgt
Stanley, Harold Gene “Gene”, S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27741Tail # 14 “Val”
(previously “Modern Design”)
P Curry, Arthur L. “Art”, 1Lt
CP Doe, Norman H., 2Lt
N None
B Weiner, Irving B., 1Lt
E Bertling, Gerald M., S/Sgt
R Nuttall, John H., S/Sgt
G Edwards, Jack M., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27572 Tail # 12 “Babs”
Lewis, Max E., 1Lt
Lawrence, Edward C., 2Lt
Krause, Richard E. “Dick”, 1Lt
Nelson, Jacob M., Sgt
Vaseleski, Andrew C., Sgt
Grovenburg, Frank Andrew, Sgt
A/C No. 43-27502 Tail # 10 “Pretty
Kitty Blue Eyes” (previously “What’s
Sprankle, Floyd H., 2Lt
O’Neill, William H., Jr., 2Lt
Hume, Edgar A., 2Lt
Cruise, James P., S/Sgt
Posillico, Frank A., Cpl
Osborn, Jack R., Sgt
A/C No. 44-28928 Tail # 03 “Heaven
Can Wait”
Middleton, Donald M., 1Lt
Doris, Robert E., 2Lt
Knapp, Robert Duane, Jr., Sgt
Watts, Joseph T., Jr., T/Sgt
Salch, Raymond F., T/Sgt
Haynes, Irving L., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27716 Tail # 17 “Shit
House Mouse”
Galny, Gerhard Henry “Hank”, Jr., 2Lt
White, Edward A., 2Lt
Ohm, Merton D., S/Sgt
Hagains, John R., Sgt
Heckman, Kenneth W., Sgt
Farmer, Alonzo (NMI), Sgt
Monday, 26 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27698 Tail # 13 “Peggy
P Shutters, Paul E., 1Lt
CP Takacs, Rudolph J., 2Lt
N None
B Murphy, John P., 2Lt
E Gum, Paul V., S/Sgt
R Johnson, John E., T/Sgt
G Bierly, Glenn E., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27545 Tail # 06 “Maggie”
(first # 06)
Dentoni, Louis M., 1Lt
Riggenbach, Paul R., 2Lt
Caron, Philip H., 2Lt
Vadnais, Floyd F., Sgt
Peters, Andrew D., Sgt
Stack, James T., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27769 Tail # 19 “Miss
Fancy Pants”
Young, William J. “Dusty”, 1Lt
Henderson, Robert D., 2Lt
Cubley, Harold B., T/Sgt
Vargas, Cleofas M., Sgt
Brunda, John G., Cpl
Stansberry, Robert C., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27742 Tail # 01 “Winnie
Mae” (previously “Vicious Vera”)
(Lead spare - did not fill in)
Mogren, Edward G., 1Lt
Knauss, Roger Reid “Reid”, 2Lt
Jackson, William H., 1Lt
Koski, Paul J., S/Sgt
Otterness, William B., T/Sgt
Slodden, Henry M. “Kip”, S/Sgt
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 754/mission 754) Group Mission # 754:
(445th BS did not participate)
446th BS War Diary: (26, 27, 28 Feb): 1 15 plane mission is flown the first day, a 13
ship flight the second, regular duties are performed the third.
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 753/mission 753) Group Mission # 753:
(446th BS did not participate)
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 754/mission 754) Group Mission # 754:
Squadron Mission 522
TARGET: San Michele Railroad Bridge, Italy.
DATE: 26 Feb.1945
Type of Bombs: 1000 lb.
446th Planes: 15
Capt. Ingram led the formation. Concentration on both approaches of main bridge,
possibly including portion of end span. The North bridge was missed, concentration over
to NE. Flak was heavy, moderate, accurate. No fighters.
Monday, 26 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-4074 Tail # 27 (picture of
seated lady - no name/lettering)
Ingram, William T., Capt
Welsh, Cecil E. “Red”, Jr., 2Lt
O’Connor, Richard W., 2Lt
Leith, William V., 1Lt
Henry, Clark H., S/Sgt
Johnson, Carl W., S/Sgt
Haxby, William H., Jr., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27480 Tail # 44 “Yankee
Ramsay, Lamar E., 1Lt
Weihe, Frederick H., Jr., 2Lt
McGann, Edom K., 1Lt
Reinartsen, Charles R., Jr., Sgt
Luitjens, Harvey J., T/Sgt
Rubin, Herbert L., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27699 Tail # 33 “Jessie”
(later name dropped from nose art)
Hahn, Melvin G., 1Lt
Dunn, Albert W., 2Lt
Brownell, Robert L., 1Lt
Hemmert, Harold E., S/Sgt
Autore, Nicholas A., Cpl
Slezak, Alex E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27501 Tail # 39 “Sweet
Sue Kathy Jeanne” (unnamed to Nov
44. In 45 “Kathy Jeanne” dropped)
Kimble, Arnold P., 1Lt
Brock, Thomas E., F/O
Codd, Russell G., 2Lt
McCullough, John E., Jr., 1Lt
Lamm, Earl D., S/Sgt
Wimert, Donald A., Sgt
Falls, Robert H., Sgt
A/C No. 43-4097 Tail # 28 “Darlene”
(previously “Tiny?”)
Cressman, Jack E., 1Lt
Sykes, Ralph L., 2Lt
Murch, George M., Jr., S/Sgt
Cornelius, Wilbur G., T/Sgt
Wilking, Robert L., T/Sgt
Feola, Joseph A., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27745 Tail # 47
Manolis, Ronald J., 1Lt
Wallace, Merwin W., 2Lt
Law, John B., S/Sgt
Karuzas, Alexander W., S/Sgt
Flasher, Henry F., Sgt
Wagner, William M., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-35967 Tail # 48
Everhart, Herman E., 2Lt
Bachman, William C., Jr., 2Lt
Vannah, Harold P., Jr., F/O
Scheetz, Elvin N., Sgt
Wilkins, Keith Albert, Sgt
Griffin, John A., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27490 Tail # 45 “Mrs. C”
Long, Emmett N., 2Lt
Jackson, Roland B., 1Lt
Falk, Jack G., 1Lt
Utz, James W., S/Sgt
Swann, Homer W., Sgt
Darnielle, George W., Sgt
Monday, 26 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27678 Tail # 40 “Lemmon
P Hurley, John R., Capt
CP Moore, Howard T., 2Lt
N None
B Epstein, Joseph H., 1Lt
E Freeman, Harold W., Sgt
R Leary, Edward M., T/Sgt
G Holdridge, John F., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4021 Tail # 31 “The Little
Admiral” (later Lady Jane) (first # 31)
P Crinnion, Edward V., 1Lt
CP Tighe, Leo J., 1Lt
N None
B Fox, David (NMI), 2Lt
E Pelusi, Richard D., Sgt
R Moncure, James D., Jr., Sgt
G Broderick, Emmett P., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27497 Tail # 29
Sloan, Thomas M., 1Lt
Callaway, Charles R., F/O
Gahm, Edward L., 2Lt
Krider, Emanuel (NMI), Sgt
Kirwan, Harold J., Sgt
Cammack, Herbert R., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27503 Tail # 46 “Miss
P Maki, Allan A., 1Lt
CP French, Wendell L., 2Lt
N None
B Hensler, Donald O., F/O
E Taylor, Tullis (NMI), Sgt
R Ransom, Gerald H., S/Sgt
G Chapin, Correll C., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4020 Tail # 26 “Bourbon
Bogan, Floyd W., 2Lt
Alward, Charles W., 2Lt
McNeal, Raymond L., F/O
Lohrman, Leo F., Sgt
Benedict, William P., Sgt
Hatcher, James T., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27477 Tail # 32 “Boots”
Atkins, Richard A., Jr., 2Lt
Smith, Clarence J. H., 2Lt
Pouse, Alford H., Jr., 2Lt
Dalpos, Joseph N., S/Sgt
Dobrow, Edgar J., Sgt
Meade, Harold W., Sgt
A/C No. 43-4077 Tail # 43 “Stormy
Weather” (Previously 447th ship “Ann’s
Little Boy Val”)
Ratliff, James Ernest, Jr., 1Lt
Anderson, William H., F/O
Corra, Andrew J., 2Lt
Bass, Charles L., Sgt
Peterson, James R., Jr., Cpl
Kleinsmith, Kenneth H., Cpl
Monday, 26 February 1945 (continued)
446th BS: War Diary of: Luitjens, Harvey J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner: (mission 43)
“No. 43) San Michelle R.R. Br. - No flak - 4x1000. Lt. Ramsey.”
Ramsay, Lamar E., 1Lt, pilot
447th BS War Diary: The following corporals promoted to sergeant. Richard S.
Brockman, Thomas J. Lendino, Frank L. Maples Jr., John P. Ross, Emanuel L. Santora,
Joel L. Cline, Donald Levy, Marlin J. Plough, Charles D. Rowe Jr., Bernard Steinhauser,
Charles E. Wilvert.
Brockman, Richard E., Sgt, gunner
Cline, Joel L., Sgt, gunner
Lendino, Thomas J., Sgt, gunner
Levy, Donald (NMI), Sgt, gunner
Maples, Frank L., Jr., Sgt, gunner
Plough, Marlin J., Sgt, gunner
Ross, John P., Sgt, gunner
Rowe, Charles D., Jr., Sgt, gunner
Santora, Emanuel L., Sgt, gunner
Steinhauser, Bernard (NMI), Sgt, gunner
Wilvert, Charles E. “Chap”, Sgt, gunner
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 753/mission 753) Group Mission # 753:
(447th BS did not participate)
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 754/mission 754) Group Mission # 754: 6 of
our aircraft participated in a mission against San Michele Rail Bridge in northern Italy.
All planes returned safely.
A/C No. 43-27779 Tail # 62
Hennessey, Ralph E., 1Lt
Twieg, Donald P., 2Lt
Cromley, Glenn J., F/O
Daniels, Carl (NMI), S/Sgt
Finnegan, Paul W., S/Sgt
Gorden, Robert L., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27643 Tail # 60
Appenzeller, Richard D., 1Lt
Greene, Homer L., Jr., F/O
Hixon, Robert C., 1Lt
Keenan, Harry A., S/Sgt
Lendino, Thomas J., Sgt
MacAuslan, Robert C., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27492 Tail # 57 “Reddie
Gates, Edward (NMI), Capt
Stephens, James J., 2Lt
Hiller, Frederick J., 1Lt
Balboni, Robert A., 1Lt
Mullis, Paul C., Sgt
Jones, LeRoy (NMI), Sgt
Smith, Kenneth C., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27473 Tail # 73 “Paper
Satterwhite, Henry C., 1Lt
Duty, Wallace I., 1Lt
Fach, Albert W., 2Lt
Pennington, Luther A., S/Sgt
Cassidy, Raymond S., Jr., Sgt
Sims, James W., Sgt
Monday, 26 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-4040 Tail # 56 “Fearless
P Fairchild, George S., 1Lt
CP Rose, Norman I., 2Lt
N None
B Perl, Richard H., S/Sgt
E Dubbs, Andrew C., S/Sgt
R Phares, Harold (NMI) “Harry”, Jr.,
G Merlino, Camille J., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27793 Tail # 64 “The
Melting Pot”
Haage, Frederick W., 2Lt
Steffan, Melvin G., 2Lt
Weppner, Maynard G., F/O
Anderson, Arthur F., Sgt
Schnaars, George D., T/Sgt
Householder, Joe F., Sgt
448th BS War Diary: Staff Sergeants Baird, Goethals and Langley were promoted to
Technical Sergeants today; Sergeants Atherton, DiSalvo, Gutierrez, Martin, Mitchem,
Shields, Varga, Biersdorff, Fletcher, Harageones, Mientkiewicz, Powell, Tangren, Ward
and Wolfe, B.M. were promoted to Staff Sergeants; Corporals O’Brien and Zimmerman
were promoted to Sergeants; Private First Class Dissen, Garmong, Guido, Larsen, Mayer,
Escobar, Griffin, C.W., Hansen, Lehti, and Weiss were promoted to Corporals; and
Privates Alcala, Crowther, DelGuergio, Dickerson, Gentry, Griffin, P.C., Griffin, W.G.,
Grindstaff, Grissom, Irvine, Nash, Petty, Schwartz, Uler, Walter, Yarbrough, Roy, and
Yarbrough, Edward were promoted to Private First Class.
Alcala, Pedro A., PFC, duty soldier
Atherton, Robert C., S/Sgt, gunner
Baird, James (NMI), Jr., T/Sgt, gunner
Biersdorff, Charles J., S/Sgt, gunner
Crowther, Leland H., PFC, armament
DelGuergio, Jerry S., PFC, duty soldier
Dickerson, Oscar T., PFC, engineering
DiSalvo, Alfred J., S/Sgt, gunner
Dissen, Richard A., Cpl, armament
Escobar, Catarino H., Cpl, cook
Fletcher, William H., S/Sgt, gunner
Garmong, Robert F., Cpl, engineering
Gentry, Edgar W., PFC, transportation
Goethals, Camiel A., T/Sgt, gunner
Griffin William G., PFC, engineering
Griffin, Charles W., Cpl, communications
Griffin, Pink C., PFC, communications
Grindstaff, Clate J., PFC, transportation
Grissom, John E., Jr., PFC, engineering
Guido, William M., Cpl, transportation
Gutierrez, Ralph (NMI), S/Sgt, gunner
Hansen, Robert E., Cpl, armament
Harageones, George J., S/Sgt, gunner
Irvine, Josef F., PFC, supply
Langley, Edmund P., Jr., T/Sgt, gunner
Larsen, Fred M., Cpl, gunner
Lehti, George E., Cpl, armament
Martin, Lewis E. “Lew”, S/Sgt, gunner
Mayer, Alfred M., Cpl, engineering
Mientkiewicz, Casmier (NMI), S/Sgt, gunner
Mitchem, Dewey A., S/Sgt, gunner
Nash William A., PFC, duty soldier
O'Brien, Brendan M., Sgt, gunner
Petty, Wade H., PFC, engineering
Powell, Neil J., S/Sgt, gunner
Schwartz, Harry (NMI), PFC, armament
Shields, Robert L., S/Sgt, gunner
Tangren, Donald E., S/Sgt, gunner
Uler, Eugene S., PFC, engineering
Varga, Frank K., S/Sgt, gunner
Monday, 26 February 1945 (continued)
Walter, Robert I., PFC, supply
Ward, Paul D., S/Sgt, gunner
Weiss, Arthur A., Cpl, Bomb System Maintenance
Wolfe, Bernard M., S/Sgt, gunner
Yarbrough, Edward B., PFC, engineering
Yarbrough, Roy A., PFC, engineering
Zimmerman, Carl F., Sgt, gunner
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 753/mission 753) Group Mission # 753:
Nine of the 448th’s planes flew in the first mission today that attacked the rail diversion
bridge at San Michele. Lieutenant Lee led the 448th’s planes which flew as the second
flight. They took-off in clear weather and found it that way all the way to the target. A
good concentration was scored on the target with reports of many direct hits. Bombs also
fell on both approaches and tracks north and south of bridge. No enemy opposition was
encountered and all the planes returned safely at 1330.
A/C No. 43-27720 Tail # 86
Lee, Howard M., 1Lt
Mann, James R., F/O
Freund, John F., 1Lt
Brink, Richard E., 1Lt
Payne, Robert B., Cpl
Vandenberg, Edward V. “Van”, S/Sgt
Sidoti, Nick S., Sgt
A/C No. 44-28940 Tail # 92
Cooper, Richard J., 1Lt
Akers, Harold B., Jr., 2Lt
Lesser, Robert (NMI) “Bob”, 2Lt
Gutierrez, Ralph (NMI), Sgt
Chase, Harry M., Jr., Sgt
Gage, Robert L., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27668 Tail # 83
P Cook, Don W., 1Lt
CP Bechtle, Robert M., 2Lt
N None
B Bass, Bernard G., T/Sgt
E Morian, Charles R., Sgt
R LaBella, Dante (NMI) “GI Joe”, T/Sgt
G Ward, Paul D., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 44-28721 Tail # 90 “Shug”
Wilson, James M., 1Lt
Carr, Robert E., F/O
Sheppard, John W., 2Lt
Nelson, William M., Cpl
Zimmerman, Carl F., Cpl
Enderle, Melvin J., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27481 Tail # ?
Copes, Wilson R., 1Lt
Chakmakian, George E., F/O
Berman, Samuel (NMI), T/Sgt
Weese, Charles F., S/Sgt
Sevier, Fred L., S/Sgt
Foote, Lancel H., Jr., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27528 Tail # 85
Churchill, Duane W., 1Lt
Schwartz, Theodore (NMI), 2Lt
Higby, Paul K., F/O
Martin, Lewis E. “Lew”, Sgt
Fletcher, William H., Sgt
Justice, Conway J., Jr., S/Sgt
Monday, 26 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27911 Tail # 93
Zakopcsan, John S., 2Lt
Barile, Sam (NMI), 2Lt
Varga, Frank K., Sgt
Murray, Francis J., Cpl
Hunter, Dewey G., S/Sgt
Glass, David H., Cpl
A/C No. 43-4076 Tail # 88 (first # 88)
P Russell, John D., 1Lt
CP Stow, Charles E., 2Lt
N Bartlett, J. E., 1Lt
B Styers, Charles W., 2Lt
E McTaggart, Leonard A., Sgt
R Rayfield, Bernard G., Cpl
G Hudson, Willie H., Jr., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27706 Tail # 89 “Silver
Stromberg, Carl K., 1Lt
Sculley, Thomas S., 2Lt
Ferrell, Bruce M., S/Sgt
Turner, James H., S/Sgt
Rockwell, Stewart R. “Rockwell”, T/Sgt
Pealer, Woodward D., S/Sgt
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 754/mission 754) Group Mission # 754: On
the second mission this morning three of the 448th’s planes participated. They also
attacked a rail bridge at San Michele. Some heavy and accurate anti-aircraft fire was
encountered here, however. A good concentration of bombs was scored on both
approaches and ends. All the aircraft returned safely at 1350.
A/C No. 43-27791 Tail # 84
P Autrey, W. F. (i.o.), 1Lt
CP Ashland, Arthur E. “Art”, 2Lt
N Stout, Charles S. “Chuck”, 1Lt
B Bottom, James W., 2Lt
E Langley, Edmund P., Jr., S/Sgt
R O’Brien, Brendan M., Cpl
G Blackard, Hershel L., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27648 Tail # 75 “Sweetie”
Wuest, Robert F., 2Lt
Bruhn, Charles A., 2Lt
Hildreth, Elmer L., M/Sgt
Codd, James P., S/Sgt
Shields, Robert L., Sgt
Dittman, Paul F., Jr., Cpl
Monday, 26 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27726 Tail # 80
P Brown, Royden (NMI), 1Lt
CP Williams, Peter G., 1Lt
N None
B Goethals, Camiel A., T/Sgt
E White, Frank H., Sgt
R Weeks, Donald E., Cpl
G Moleski, Benny M. “Ben”, S/Sgt
F None
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., T/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Awoke 9:15AM. Showered. Noticed red dry blotches on my shoulders and arms. First
developed these in Cairo. Drinking a lot of orange juice and eating fruit. We all went
horseback riding this afternoon at Gordon's riding academy. Had a swell time. Rode
through the orange groves. Very fast and smart looking horses. Attended the Eden
cinema. Saw "Swiss Family Robinson". Poor theater - poor facilities. Brusa and I
walked out in the middle of the show. There are many coffee shops about Tel-Aviv. Capt
Brady and Bard were over for supper. Everyone was pleased. The boys went out for a
few drinks, but yours truly remained at the hotel to write a few letters. Retired early.”
Bard, John A., Capt, pilot
Brusa, Robert P., T/Sgt, radio-gunner
Grady, John R., Capt, pilot
Tuesday, 27 February 1945
321st Bomb Group Headlines:
Tuesday, 27 February 1945 (continued)
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, during the night of 26/27 Feb, A-20s bomb enemy movement
at 14 different places in the Po Valley, marshalling yards at Villafranca di Verona and
Isola della Scala, the town of Bazzano, and airfields at Villafranca di Verona and Ghedi;
XXII Tactical Air Command fighter-bombers concentrate on railroad cutting in the
Brenner area and NE Italy, claiming 36 cuts, and attack rolling stock in the Villach,
Austria area; medium bombers destroy a railroad diversion bridge at San Michele
all'Adige and cut approaches on the Ala and Lavis bridges and effectively blast the
Spilimbergo. and Pagnocco dumps.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: Eighteen planes returned to the San Michele Diversion and
this time erased the bridge from bank to bank. A rough mission to Lavis Diversion also
reported good results but two of our aircraft failed to return and eleven others were holed.
A target of opportunity, the Romano bridge was also hit.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 755/mission 755) Group Mission # 755:
San Michele Rail Diversion Bridge, Italy.
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 756/mission 756) Group Mission # 756:
Lavis Railroad Diversion Bridge, Italy
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: On today’s mission, this squadron supplied two flak ships which
went for gun positions at Lavis, Italy and Lt. DeBoer and crew were listed as missing in
action. Jackie, the Red Cross girl, gave out doughnuts and coffee in the area this
morning. There was plenty of mail today. An extensive training program was carried out
today. It included air and ground gunnery, transition and practice bombing. A new
column was born in the S-2 department when Rosenberg, popularly known as “Rosie” to
the squadron personnel, started writing a column called “My Day”. It runs along the
same lines as the one written by T.J. Byrne except that it deals exclusively with the
Russian and Italian fronts while T.J. sticks to the Western Front and the Pacific. Both
columns bear a comical caricature of the writer. A call was put out for all softball
candidates in the squadron. Spring is definitely in the air. A formation was held for
awards ceremonies in the afternoon. Hamburgers were served for supper.
DeBoer, Jay (NMI), Jr., 2Lt, pilot
Byrne, Thomas J., Sgt, armament
Nordlinger, Jacqueline, Miss, American Red Cross (321st BG "Red Cross girl")
Rosenberg, Philip O. "Rosie”, Sgt, armament
Tuesday, 27 February 1945 (continued)
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 755/mission 755) Group Mission # 755:
(445th BS did not participate)
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 756/mission 756) Group Mission # 756:
Group Mission #756; Squadron Mission #485: Two ships from this squadron joined a
formation of 239 ships to attack the Lavis rail diversion bridge, Italy. 1000 pound, 500
pound and 100 pound bombs were dropped from 12,500 ft to 13,000 ft. Area cover was
provided. Flak was heavy, moderate to intense and accurate. One of the two anti-flak
planes from this squadron was reported missing on this raid. Piloted by Lt. DeBoer, the
ship’s right engine was seen to catch fire although there was no flak at the time. It was
last seen heading down a mountain pass apparently under control. The main formation
caught most of the flak and 11 planes were holed with 3 men wounded. One of the ships
was badly damaged and was seen heading for Switzerland. RESULTS: The primary was
well covered and the anti-flak ships covered the gun positions well. Six ships bombed
the target of opportunity but missed.
A/C No. 43-36228 Tail # ? “Miss
Bobby” (MACR-12756 - shot down)
P DeBoer, Jay (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
CP Crutchfield, Lucian C., Jr., 2Lt
N Cravey, Robert P., 2Lt
B Brooks, William F., F/O
E Mitchell, Robert D. “Bob”, Sgt
R Reagin, Charles T., Sgt
G Swinson, Carl R.M., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 44-28928 Tail # 03 “Heaven
Can Wait” (Failed to take off)
P Young, William J. “Dusty”, 1Lt
CP Divine, Donald D., F/O
N None
B Cubley, Harold B., T/Sgt
E Perich, Freddie (NMI), Sgt
R Alexaki, Nicholas (NMI), Sgt
G Kabrich, Harry Lee, S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27748 Tail # 02 “Mama!”
Emler, Richard S. “Dick”, 1Lt
Reade, Rex E., 2Lt
Knapp, Robert Duane, Jr., Sgt
Koski, Paul J., S/Sgt
Seigler, William B., Cpl
Freidli, William M., Sgt
Tuesday, 27 February 1945 (continued)
445th BS: Extracts from Missing Air Crew Report # 12756:
A/C No. 43-36228 Tail # ? “Miss Bobby” (MACR-12756 - shot down)
DeBoer, Jay (NMI), Jr., 2Lt - MIA, evaded enemy with Partisans, RMC
Crutchfield, Lucian C., Jr., 2Lt - MIA, POW, killed by SS
Cravey, Robert P., 2Lt - MIA, evaded enemy with Partisans, RMC
Brooks, William F., F/O - MIA, POW, killed by SS
Mitchell, Robert D. “Bob”, Sgt - MIA, POW, returned to US
Reagin, Charles T., Sgt - MIA, POW, returned to US
Swinson, Carl R.M., Sgt - MIA, evaded enemy with Partisans, RMC
Eyewitness Account: Farrell, Robert A. "Baldy", Capt, pilot, 445th BS
445th Bombardment Squadron (M)
321st Bombardment Group (M)
Office of the Operations Officer
APO 650, US Army,
1 March 1945
1. First Lieutenant Richard S. Emler, 0-1692692, Sergeant William M. Freidli,
12120343, Sergeant Robert D. Knapp, Jr., 42052900, Second Lieutenant Rex E. Reade,
0-784773, all of the 445th Bombardment Squadron (M), 321st Bombardment Group (M),
eyewitnesses to the incident herein referred to, state in substance as follows:
That they were flying in the same element and the right wing position as B-25J
aircraft #43-36228 on 27 February 1945; that at about 1157 hours they were on the bomb
run of their target which was gun positions located at R(A-473287), south of Lavis, Italy;
that they did not see any enemy gunfire; that suddenly they saw the right engine of the
subject aircraft burst into flames and leave the formation; that subject aircraft salvoed
their bombs almost at the same time the right engine caught fire; that subject aircraft
seemed to be partially under control and headed in a westerly direction; that it was last
seen at R(A-7929) leaving altitude slowly; that when last seen subject aircraft was at
about 12,000 feet; that no parachutes were seen leaving subject aircraft.
2. Major Richard W. Burks, 0-404087, 448th Bombardment Squadron (M), pilot
of lead plane of element following missing aircraft’ and Second Lieutenant Merwin W.
Wallace, 0-2066413, 446th Bombardment Squadron (M), co-pilot of aircraft on left wing,
second element of second flight of another formation, state that they heard call on VHF,
321st Bombardment Group Frequency, that crew members were bailing out.
Tuesday, 27 February 1945 (continued)
Captain, Air Corps,
Operations Officer.
(Attachment to MAC Report,
DeBoer, Jay Jr. (O) and crew,
B-25J, Aircraft 43-36228, 1 March 1945)
Incl 3.
Sergeant Carl R. M. Swinson, 33749035
Armorer-Gunner on B-25 27 February 1945
On 27 February 1945, myself and my crew were flying with a formation of B-25
Mitchell Bombers, (M), on a combat mission with the intended target being the gun
positions at Lavis, Italy. The formation of medium bombers mentioned was the 445th
Squadron, 321st Group, 12th Air Force, located at Solenzara, Corsica.
At exactly 12:00 noon, on the above date, my B-25 was hit in the right engine
with a direct burst of 88mm flak. To my knowledge, it was the only burst of antiaircraft
fire which was fired at our element. The bomb load was salvoed immediately; we were
already on the bomb run, and the bomb bay doors were already open. We were at 12,000
feet when the ship was hit. The explosion threw the ship to the right, and the pilot
continued on in that westerly direction. We lost altitude gradually, and when at 10,500
feet, the members of the crew bailed out in the following manner:
Radio Operator
The entire bail-out procedure took no more than 25-30 seconds. The entire crew landed
within six (6) miles of each other. To my knowledge at that time, everyone had reached
the ground in a safe condition.
The radio operator and engineer landed near a flak position and were taken
prisoners. The navigator and myself landed near Sopremonte and were both hidden out
by Partisans. The bombardier and co-pilot were taken prisoner by the Civilian Italian
Police. They were then turned over to the SS.
Tuesday, 27 February 1945 (continued)
The pilot bailed out by rolling the ship over, and upon landing in his chute, was
taken over by Partisans. He stayed in Italy two weeks, and was then aided by the
Partisans in reaching Switzerland.
The navigator and I were then told by the same man that took care of the pilot that
some friends of his (the Partisans) had seen the SS troops shoot the bombardier and copilot. According to the Partisan, the 2 American Officers had evidently sustained injuries
in landing by parachutes, and as they were being marched in front of the SS Troops, one
of the American fliers was seen to stumble, and was shot and killed by the SS.
As the other American Officer went to his assistance, he also was shot and killed
by the SS. They were then stripped of all their belongings and clothing, thrown into a
ditch, and left there. The navigator and I then heard that an Italian Priest had buried
them, but no details were given as to the burial site, except that they were buried together.
This, according to the best of my knowledge, occurred near the town of Vezzano, Italy,
on the road to Trent. The navigator and I remained in Partisan hands until we were
liberated by the 10th Mountain Division.
/s/ Carl R. M. Swinson
Sgt. A. C., 33749035
Subscribed to before me
This Sixth day of August, 1945.
Kenneth H. Cassens
1st Lt. A. C.0-689132
NOTE: The substance of this statement was given to the War Crimes Commission,
through the 12th AAF Headquarters.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Statements from INDIVIDUAL CASUALTY QUESTIONNAIRE completed by Sgt Charles
T. Reagin:
This is the complete crew list:
2nd Lt. Jay DeBoer, Jr. Returned to States
Mrs. Joyce N. DeBoer, (wife)
320 Catawba Ave, Muskegon Michigan
2 Lt. Lucian C. Crutchfield, Jr. - Missing
1st Lt. Robert D. Cravey - Returned to States
Mrs. Ophelia P. Cravey (Mother)
1689 Johnson Road N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia
F/O William F. Brooks (Missing)
Tuesday, 27 February 1945 (continued)
Sgt. Robert D. Mitchell - Returned to States
Mrs. Edith R. Mitchell (Mother)
Oneida, Ill.
T/Sgt Charles T. Reagin - Returned to States
Sgt Carl R. Swinson - Returned to States
Mrs. Marie H. Swinson (Mother)
4315 River Rd. N.W.
Washington, D.C.
When you have the details as to the fate of Brooks and Crutchfield, I would appreciate
very much your letting me know what really took place. If it is possible, of course.
Thank you.
Charles T. Reagin
Tuesday, 27 February 1945 (continued)
446th BS War Diary: (26, 27, 28 Feb): 1 15 plane mission is flown the first day, a 13
ship flight the second, regular duties are performed the third.
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 755/mission 755) Group Mission # 755:
(446th BS did not participate)
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 756/mission 756) Group Mission # 756:
Squadron Mission 523
TARGET: Lavis Railroad Diversion Bridge, Italy
DATE: 27 Feb.1945
Type of Bombs: 1000 lb.
446th Planes: 13
Capt. Lyons led the formation. Eighteen ships on primary scored excellent pattern. After
unsatisfactory run on primary, six ships bombed target of opportunity. Here bombs
started at W but main impact was over to SW. Good coverage by anti-flak planes. Flak
was heavy, moderate to intense, accurate. Two planes were lost. Eleven planes were
holed and three men wounded.
Lyons, John B., Capt, pilot, 448th BS
A/C No. 44-28926 Tail # 35 “Merrily
We Bob Along”
P Smedley, Robert Redmond, Capt
CP Sherline, David M., 2Lt
N Clark, Samuel E., Jr., 2Lt
B Paulson, Ronald A., Capt
E Alexander, Preston S., T/Sgt
R Luitjens, Harvey J., T/Sgt
G Dubreuil, Roger N., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27480 Tail # 44 “Yankee
P Ramsay, Lamar E., 1Lt
CP Weihe, Frederick A., Jr., 2Lt
N None
B McGann, Edom K., 1Lt
E Reinartsen, Charles R., Jr., Sgt
R Dobrow, Edgar J., Sgt
G Rubin, Herbert L., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4020 Tail # 26 “Bourbon
Chandler, Warren W., 1Lt
Neel, John Dodd, 2Lt
Beecher, Everett F., S/Sgt
Kelly, Thomas J., S/Sgt
Demmitt, Henry H., S/Sgt
Beavers, Marqus F., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27699 Tail # 33 “Jessie”
(later name dropped from nose art)
Hahn, Melvin G., 1Lt
Dunn, Albert W., 2Lt
Brownell, Robert L., 1Lt
Hemmert, Harold E., 1Lt
Moncure, James D., Jr., Sgt
Slezak, Alex E., S/Sgt
Tuesday, 27 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-4021 Tail # 31 “The Little
Admiral” (later Lady Jane) (first # 31)
P Crinnion, Edward V., 1Lt
CP Tighe, Leo J., 2Lt
N None
B Fox, David (NMI), 2Lt
E Pelusi, Richard D., Sgt
R Jeczewski, Joseph M., Sgt
G Broderick, Emmett P., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27501 Tail # 39 “Sweet
Sue Kathy Jeanne” (unnamed to Nov
44. In 45 “Kathy Jeanne” dropped)
P Kimble, Arnold P., 1Lt
CP Sykes, Ralph L., 2Lt
N Buchanan, Talmadge A., Jr., 2Lt
B McCullough, John E., Jr., 2Lt
E Lamm, Earl D., S/Sgt
R Wimert, Donald A., Sgt
G Nehls, Clayton R., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27497 Tail # 29
Sloan, Thomas M., 1Lt
Callaway, Charles R., F/O
Gahm, Edward L., 2Lt
Krider, Emanuel (NMI), Sgt
Kirwan, Harold J., Sgt
Cammack, Herbert R., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27503 Tail # 46 “Miss
P Jackson, Ronald B., 1Lt
CP Long, Emmett N., 2Lt
N None
B Falk, Jack G., 1Lt
E Reda, John J., Sgt
R Sanders, Jesse A., Jr., Cpl
G Darnielle, George W., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27745 Tail # 47
Manolis, Ronald J., 1Lt
Wallace, Merwin W., 2Lt
Fodor, Joseph M., 2Lt
Karuzas, Alexander W., S/Sgt
Nichols, Henry J., III, Sgt
Haxby, William H., Jr., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27477 Tail # 32 “Boots”
McCloud, Ray L., 1Lt
Barbee, Harvey C., Jr., 1Lt
Andrews, James Robert, Sgt
Edwards, David R., T/Sgt
Benedict, William P., Sgt
Cleland, Donald S., Cpl
A/C No. 43-4077 Tail # 43 “Stormy
Weather” (Previously 447th ship “Ann’s
Little Boy Val”)
Atkins, Richard A., Jr., 2Lt
Burklund, Donald K., 2Lt
DeSorbo, John S., S/Sgt
Dalpos, Joseph N., S/Sgt
Peterson, James R., Jr., Cpl
Meade, Harold W., Sgt
A/C No. 43-4097 Tail # 28 “Darlene”
(previously “Tiny?”)
Bogan, Floyd W., 2Lt
Bachman, William C., Jr., 2Lt
Chandley, Sherley S., 2Lt
Boylan, James P., Sgt
Johnson, Carl W., S/Sgt
Jakielek, Ernest F., Sgt
Tuesday, 27 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27490 Tail # 45 “Mrs. C”
(Spare - filled in as wingman with 448th)
P Carlson, Lowell A., 1Lt
CP Rozar, Richard L., 2Lt
N None
B Fein, William F., 2Lt
E Lind, Kenneth H., Sgt
R Swann, Homer W., Sgt
G Anderson, Chester S., Sgt
F None
446th BS: War Diary of: Luitjens, Harvey J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner: (mission 44)
“No. 44) Hit Lavis R.R. Br. Hardly any flak. Some ships couldn’t make it back. 4x1000.
Capt. Smedley.”
Smedley, Robert Redmond, Capt, pilot
447th BS War Diary: Usual camp duties prevailed throughout the day. However tonight
the enlisted men are having a party in their club. The group band will be on hand to
furnish music. Staff Officers have been invited and a good time is expected by all.
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 755/mission 755) Group Mission # 755: 19
planes took part in a mission against San Michele Rail Diversion Bridge in northern Italy.
This is the largest number of planes this squadron has put up for some time. All returned
safely. Bombing accuracy for the day was 97.2 %.
A/C No. 43-27779 Tail # 62
A/C No. 43-27751 Tail # 50 “MMR”
(Meet Mrs. Runyon)
Morton, William C. “Mort”, Jr., 1Lt
P Hennessey, Ralph E., 1Lt
Greene, Homer L., Jr., F/O
CP Twieg, Donald P., 2Lt
Caflisch, Leonard P. “Lenny”, Jr., 2Lt
N None
Lankester, Hugh H. “Lank”, 1Lt
B Cromley, Glenn J., F/O
Flanigan, Bernard A., S/Sgt
E Daniels, Carl (NMI), S/Sgt
Poulin, Gaston G., T/Sgt
R Finnegan, Paul W., S/Sgt
Young, Robert E., S/Sgt
G Gorden, Robert L., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27643 Tail # 60
A/C No. 43-36110 Tail # 59 “Big
Gies, Donald W., 2Lt
P Autry, Aaron E., 1Lt
Bethke, Armond H., Jr., F/O
CP Erb, Jack L., Capt
N None
Stroupe, Burton Elwood “Woody”, 2Lt
B Weppner, Maynard G., F/O
Tyler, Freeman P., T/Sgt
E Plough, Marlin J., Sgt
Ruiz, Emigdio (NMI), Sgt
R Ross, John P., Sgt
Hunsaker, Frank W., Jr., Sgt
G Levy, Donald (NMI), Sgt
F None
Tuesday, 27 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-4040 Tail # 56 “Fearless
P Loewus, Frederick E. “Fred”, 1Lt
CP Stephens, James J., 2Lt
N None
B Jones, Dewey D., Jr., S/Sgt
E Hardage, Charles W., Sgt
R Stroupe, Robert A., Sgt
G Klimkowicz, Zigmond (NMI), S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-36059 Tail # 67
Fairchild, George S., 1Lt
Rose, Norman I., 2Lt
Perl, Richard H., S/Sgt
Dubbs, Andrew C., S/Sgt
Phares, Harold (NMI) “Harry”, Jr.,
Merlino, Camille J., Sgt
A/C No. 43-35959 Tail # 67
Buckley, Paul I., 1Lt
Antry, Jack B., 2Lt
Barfield, Jack D., 1Lt
Neely, Robert E., Sgt
Rowe, Charles D., Jr., Sgt
Goethe, Emil C., Jr., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-36106 Tail # 63
Amundson, Donald A., 1Lt
Sznarwokowski, George H., F/O
Blankemeyer, Frank J., F/O
Beske, Irwin A., Cpl
Meiborg, Walter F., Sgt
West, Edgar M., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27636 Tail # 74
Cammack, Elmore (NMI), 1Lt
Buechner, Helmut K., 1Lt
Tougaw, Lewis W., F/O
MacMullen, Clarence C., Sgt
Thomas, Hazen A., Sgt
Smith, Kenneth C., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27492 Tail # 57 “Reddie
Satterwhite, Henry C., 1Lt
Duty, Wallace I., 1Lt
Fach, Albert W., 2Lt
Pennington, Luther A., S/Sgt
Cassidy, Raymond S., Jr., Sgt
Sims, James W., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27498 Tail # 71 “Ave
Hutson, Ernest G. “Hod”, 1Lt
Marchant, Wendell E., Capt
Prilliman, Floyd W., 2Lt
Schmoke, Vernon L., 1Lt
Lussier, Ernest R., S/Sgt
Krauss, Frederick J., Cpl
Staub, Edward C., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-4079 Tail # 51 “Little
Peck, Paul R., 2Lt
Steffan, Melvin G., 2Lt
Dulaney, Earl W., S/Sgt
Cline, Joel L., Sgt
Judy, Harry H., Jr., Sgt
Maples, Frank L., Jr., Sgt
Tuesday, 27 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-36108 Tail # 70
P Brown, Lyle N., Jr., 1Lt
CP Jameson, Vernon E., 2Lt
N None
B Michael, James L., 2Lt
E Price, Charles J., Sgt
R Newton, James R., Sgt
G Jones, Robert A., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-35956 Tail # 55
Appenzeller, Richard D., 1Lt
Elliott, Thomas P., 2Lt
Hixon, Robert C., 1Lt
Mullis, Paul C., Sgt
Lendino, Thomas J., S/Sgt
MacAuslan, Robert C., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27793 Tail # 64 “The
Melting Pot”
P Breckenridge, Louis C., 1Lt
CP Bryson, Roy V., Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Fowler, John I., F/O
E Rinard, Robert P., Sgt
R Teutsch, Stanley E., Sgt
G Loux, Robert E., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-35958 Tail # ? (Lead spare)
P Barrett, Herbert E., 2Lt
CP Briggs, Richard G. “Dick”, 2Lt
N None
B Gough, William V., 2Lt
E Santora, Emanuel L., Sgt
R Jones, LeRoy (NMI), Sgt
G Goldman, Marvin S., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27782 Tail # 72
King, Robert C., Jr., 2Lt
Highsmith, John R., 2Lt
Davies, John V., 1Lt
Netzel, Carl F., S/Sgt
Marion, William T., Jr., Sgt
Ochs, Dan (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27473 Tail # 73 “Paper
Yerger, John W., 1Lt
Brown, Carl B. “Buster”, F/O
Miller, Frederick J., 1Lt
Radel, Henry D., 2Lt
Huntley, Bruce H., S/Sgt
Stocker, Harvey (NMI), Sgt
Cunningham, Paul W., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27785 Tail # 58
Brice, David W., 1Lt
Calabrese, Frank (NMI), 2Lt
Keenan, Harry A., S/Sgt
Longnecker, Ernest J., Sgt
Lamb, George K., Sgt
Householder, Joe F., Sgt
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 756/mission 756) Group Mission # 756:
(447th BS did not participate)
Tuesday, 27 February 1945 (continued)
448th BS War Diary: Lieutenants Schweitzer, Sutton and Wyman, Sergeant Langley
and Private Fegley returned form the Capri rest camp, and Lieutenants Fleming and
Beckman, F/O Carr and Sergeants Kocsis and Huha left this morning for Capri. This
afternoon on the parade grounds in an impressive ceremony, General Knapp presented
the following awards to men of the Squadron: Bronze Star: Sergeants Lawless,
Edmonson and Lane; Air Medal: Lieutenants Lee, Williams, Bottom, Bruhn, Spaur,
Styers, Valenti, Flight Officer Rutz, Sergeants Harageones, Fletcher, Mientkiewicz,
Shields, Hunter, Oliver and Parham; First Oak Leaf Cluster to Air Medal: Lieutenants
Wilson, Russell, J.D., and Russell, H.H., and Sergeant Head; Purple Heart: Captain
Bongiovanni, Lieutenants Autrey, Barile, Lesser, Sheppard, Styers and Sergeants
Hildreth and Pealer.
Autrey, W. F. (i.o.), 1Lt, pilot
Barile, Sam (NMI), 2Lt, pilot
Beckman, Harold Christoph, 2Lt, pilot
Bongiovanni, Michael (NMI), Capt, navigator
Bottom, James W., 2Lt, bombardier
Bruhn, Charles A., 2Lt, pilot
Carr, Robert E., F/O, pilot
Edmonson, Loyal C., Sgt, engineering
Fegley, Russell D., Pvt, engineering
Fleming, George B., 1Lt, pilot
Fletcher, William H., S/Sgt, gunner
Harageones, George J., S/Sgt, gunner
Head, Guthrie H., Sgt, gunner
Hildreth, Elmer L., Sgt, gunner
Huha, George (NMI), Sgt, communications
Hunter, Dewey G., Sgt, gunner
Knapp, Robert Duane, Brigadier General, pilot, 57th BW Commander
Kocsis, Michael (NMI) “Mike”, Jr., Sgt, cook
Lane, Howard W., Sgt, transportation
Langley, Edmund P., Jr., T/Sgt, gunner
Lawless, Frank E., T/Sgt, transportation
Lee, Howard M., 1Lt, pilot
Lesser, Robert (NMI) “Bob”, 2Lt, bombardier
Mientkiewicz, Casmier (NMI), S/Sgt, gunner
Oliver, Walter A., Sgt, gunner
Parham, Ralph E., Sgt, gunner
Pealer, Woodward D., S/Sgt, gunner
Russell, Harold H., 2Lt, pilot
Russell, John D., 1Lt, pilot
Rutz, Victor H., F/O, bombardier
Schweitzer, Robert E., 2Lt, pilot
Sheppard, John W., 2Lt, bombardier
Shields, Robert L., S/Sgt, gunner
Spaur, Melvin J., 2Lt, pilot
Styers, Charles W., 2Lt, pilot
Sutton, Norman J., 2Lt, bombardier
Valenti, Jack J., 2Lt, pilot
Williams, Peter G., 1Lt, pilot
Wilson, James M., 1Lt, pilot
Wyman, 1Lt, S-2, I & E Officer
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 755/mission 755) Group Mission # 755:
(448th BS did not participate)
Tuesday, 27 February 1945 (continued)
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 756/mission 756) Group Mission # 756: The
448th flew one mission today with the Group to attack the rail bridge at Lavis. Captain
Lyons led the 448th’s thirteen (13) planes on this mission which comprised the lead flight.
Taking off in clear weather, some light scattered clouds were encountered over the Po
Valley, but visibility remained good. Despite the heavy, intense and accurate anti-aircraft
fire encountered, an excellent concentration was scored with patterns starting at the north
dyke and walking across the bridge. Several of the planes received damage and one man,
Sergeant Justice, received slight wounds. He was not hospitalized. One plane was lost
when it received a hit in one engine, knocking it out. It was last seen heading northwest
apparently under control after being damaged over the target but losing altitude. The
crew members were First Lieutenant Smith, Second Lieutenant Styers and Friedman, F/O
Baird, and Sergeants Wright, Mardeuse and Edwards.
A/C No. 43-28081 Tail # 81
Lyons, John B., Capt
Valenti, Jack J., 2Lt
Steely, Ralph K., 1Lt
Zinkand, Willard T., Capt
Nelson, William M., Cpl
Sadofsky, John (NMI), Sgt
Holloway, Garland (NMI), S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27538 Tail # 87 “Down
But Not Out” (first # 87)
James G., 1Lt
CP Bechtle, Robert M., 2Lt
N None
B Arnold, Harold L., 2Lt
E Head, Guthrie H., S/Sgt
R Varga, Frank K., S/Sgt
G Ederer, Robert J., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27911 Tail # 93
P Stromberg, Carl K., 1Lt
CP Stanwood, Ralph E., F/O
N None
B Lesser, Robert (NMI) “Bob”, 2Lt
E Turner, James H., S/Sgt
R Rockwell, Stewart R. “Rockwell”, T/Sgt
G Pealer, Woodward D., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 44-28721 Tail # 90 “Shug”
Wilson, James M., 1Lt
Akers, Harold B., Jr., 2Lt
Sheppard, John W., 2Lt
White, Frank H., Sgt
Zimmerman, Carl F., Sgt
Enderle, Melvin J., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27530 Tail # 79 “Twin
Engine Sadie”
Copes, Wilson R., 1Lt
Sculley, Thomas S., 2Lt
Cameron, Alexander G., 2Lt
Mientkiewicz, Casmier (NMI), Sgt
Sevier, Fred L., S/Sgt
Sharp, Samuel I., Jr., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-36124 Tail # ?
Rubin, Julius W., 1Lt
Schwartz, Theodore (NMI), 2Lt
Ferrell, Bruce M., S/Sgt
Parham, Ralph E., Sgt
Pituck, James J., Cpl
Abiecunas, Joseph P. “Abby”, S/Sgt
Tuesday, 27 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-4076 Tail # 88 (first # 88)
(MIA - flak damage)
Smith, Milford A., 1Lt
Baird, James L., F/O
Friedman, Lester Z., 2Lt
Styers, Charles W., 2Lt
Wright, Melvin M., S/Sgt
Mardeuse, Alfred K., T/Sgt
Edwards, Jesse R., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27720 Tail # 86
West, Alden A. “Bud”, 1Lt
Nolkemper, Harold J., F/O
Bottom, James W., 2Lt
Mitchem, Dewey A., S/Sgt
Hunter, Dewey G., S/Sgt
Biersdorff, Charles J., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27523 Tail # 95 (AntiFlak/Incendiary Ship - 2nd element with
445th BS)
Burks, Richard W., Maj
Butler, Glenn D., 2Lt
Brink, Richard E., 1Lt
Nugent, Earl W., Cpl
Weeks, Donald E., Cpl
Dittman, Paul F., Jr., Cpl
A/C No. 43-36112 Tail # 82 (second #
82) (Anti-Flak/Incendiary Ship - 2nd
element with 445th BS)
Russell, Harold H., 2Lt
Chakmakian, George E., F/O
Higby, Paul K., F/O
Codd, James P., Sgt
Soltys, John J., Cpl
Blackard, Hershel L., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27726 Tail # 80
Brown, Royden (NMI), 1Lt
Mann, James R., F/O
Langley, Edmund P., Jr., T/Sgt
Harageones, George J., S/Sgt
Hulse, Donald W., T/Sgt
Moleski, Benny M. “Ben”, S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27528 Tail # 85
Churchill, Duane W., 1Lt
Herrin, John C., 2Lt
Justice, Conway J., Jr., S/Sgt
Martin, Lewis E. “Lew”, S/Sgt
Fletcher, William H., S/Sgt
Fields, James A., Cpl
A/C No. 44-28940 Tail # 92 (AntiFlak/Incendiary Ship - 2nd element with
445th BS)
Wuest, Robert F., 2Lt
Campbell, John E., 2LT
Shaffer, Richard E., Cpl
McTaggart, Leonard A., Sgt
Rayfield, Bernard G., Cpl
Sidoti, Nick S., Sgt
Tuesday, 27 February 1945 (continued)
448th BS: Extracts from Missing Air Crew Report # 12126:
A/C No. 43-4076 Tail # 88 (first # 88) (MACR-12708 - MIA - flak damage)
Smith, Milford A., 1Lt - MIA, Interned in Switzerland, returned
Baird, James L., F/O - MIA, Interned in Switzerland, returned
Friedman, Lester Z., 2Lt - MIA, Interned in Switzerland, returned
Styers, Charles W., 2Lt - MIA, Interned in Switzerland, returned
Wright, Melvin M., S/Sgt - MIA, Interned in Switzerland, returned
Mardeuse, Alfred K., T/Sgt - MIA, Interned in Switzerland, returned
Edwards, Jesse R., S/Sgt - MIA, Interned in Switzerland, returned
Eyewitness Account: Brown, Royden (NMI), 1Lt, pilot, 448th BS
448th Bombardment Squadron (M) AAF
321st Bombardment Group (M) AAF
APO 650, US Army,
28 February 1945
On the mission of 27 February, 1945 to Lavis Rail Diversion, Italy, I flew on
Lieutenant Smith’s left wing. Aircraft # 43-4076 was lost to heavy intense and accurate
Approximately fifteen (15) seconds before bomb release point, Lieutenant
Smith’s aircraft was struck by flak, and his right engine started to throw smoke. Lt.
Smith continued on the bomb run and dropped his bombs with the rest of the formation.
On the breakaway Lt. Smith broke to the right and down. I estimate that he lost
about 1000 to 1500 feet. The plane leveled off and headed toward Switzerland.
I followed Lt. Smith for a short time, then he contacted me by radio and said
“Feathering my right engine and am going to Switzerland. You had better return to the
formation, Brown.”
From outward appearance of aircraft, it appeared that only the right engine was
hit. I believe Lt. Smith had sufficient altitude to reach Switzerland safely.
1st Lt., A. C.,
(Attachment to MAC Report, Smith,
Milford A. (O) and crew, dated 2-28-45)
Incl 3.
Tuesday, 27 February 1945 (continued)
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., T/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Awoke 9:00AM. Resting most of the day and relaxing. Being Purim, everyone is
celebrating and the children are masquerading as we do during Halloween. Brusa and I
attended RAF band concert at the Services Club at the waterfront. The waterfront is
where all the night clubs are located and has a good reputation. Band was excellent and
played all American popular dance tunes. Brusa and I sat up and talked until 2:00AM.”
Brusa, Robert P., T/Sgt, radio-gunner
Wednesday, 28 February 1945
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, during the night of 27/28 Feb, A-20s attack a few
marshalling yards, bridges, rail lines, and general movement but because of bad weather
are recalled by midnight; XII Tactical Air Command fighter-bombers continue to pound
communications and other targets, including Ghedi and Vicenza Airfields, ammunition
dumps near Codroipo and W of Villafranca di Verona, and shell loading plant SW of
Piacenza; medium bombers bomb bridges at Ala, Santa Margherita d'Adige, San Michele
all'Adige, Ponte di Piave, and Pordenone, and a railway embankment at Salorno.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: The last raids of the month produced fair results – a seventy
percent concentration covering the Ala Rail bridge but the San Margherita bridges were
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 757/mission 757) Group Mission # 757:
Ala Railroad Bridge, Italy.
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 758/mission 758) Group Mission # 758:
San Margherita North and South Railroad Bridges, Italy.
(Group mission report not available at this time)
Wednesday, 28 February 1945 (continued)
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 759/mission 759) Group Mission # 759:
Weather Reconnaissance
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: The squadron helped attack the San Margherita north and south
bridges, Italy with 50 per cent bombing accuracy resulting. Lt. Locke, new S-2 officer,
gave an escape lecture to some of the newly-arrived combat men. Today was payday for
all squadron personnel. In the afternoon, members of the motor pool gave the squadron
area a good oiling to help settle the thick dust which permeates the air. In the evening,
the movie “And Now Tomorrow” with Loretta Young and Alan Ladd was enjoyed by all
who saw it. It was a tender love story and what G.I., lonely from many months of
grueling overseas duty, doesn’t enjoy a good love story.
Locke, Jacob (NMI) "Jack", 2Lt, S-2 Officer
Wednesday, 28 February 1945 (continued)
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 757/mission 757) Group Mission # 757:
(445th BS did not participate)
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 758/mission 758) Group Mission # 758:
Group Mission #758; Squadron Mission #486: Lt. Rigler led a formation of 24 planes –
14 from the 445th – in an attack on the San Margherita north and south railroad bridges,
Italy. 1000 pound bombs and 36 leaflet bundles were dropped from 11,500 ft to 12,500
ft. There were some anti-flak ships and an escort. Two anti-flak ships were holed. Flak
– first burst was accurate but then it ceased and when it started on the breakaway, it was
scant to moderate and inaccurate RESULTS: Smoke pots ineffective. At north bridge –
pattern walked through north approach and possibly the bridge. At south bridge – south
approach cut with direct hits reported. Anti-flak ships and dive-bombers were very
A/C No. 43-27899 Tail # 08 “Flo”
P Rigler, Edward J., 1Lt
CP Furey, Frank M. “Mickey”, Capt,
N Napple, Francis L., Capt
B Palmer, Richard W., 1Lt
E Chambers, Jimmie (NMI), T/Sgt
R Johnson, John E., T/Sgt
G Stanley, Harold Gene “Gene”, S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4008 Tail # ? “Spirit of St
P Curry, Arthur L. “Art”, 1Lt
CP Takacs, Rudolph J., 2Lt
N None
B Partlow, Charles Henry,1Lt
E Hunsberger, William R., S/Sgt
R Engleman, Bud (NMI), T/Sgt
G Edwards, Jack M., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27748 Tail # 02 “Mama!”
McFatter, Joe H., 1Lt
Badger, Joe G., 2Lt
Epstein, Philip (NMI), 2Lt
McCormack, Samuel C., S/Sgt
Russo, Paul A., Sgt
Hickman, Jefferson M. “Jeff”, S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27545 Tail # 06 “Maggie”
(first # 06)
Dentoni, Louis M., 1Lt
Doris, Robert E., 2Lt
Ohm, Morton D., S/Sgt
Nelson, Jacob M., Sgt
Vaseleski, Andrew C., Cpl
Teague, Philip B., Sgt
Wednesday, 28 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27572 Tail # 12 “Babs”
Lewis, Max E., 1Lt
Divine, Donald D., 2Lt
Dickens, Noel F., 2Lt
Vadnais, Floyd F., Sgt
Peters, Andrew D., Sgt
Stack, James T., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27742 Tail # 01 “Winnie
Mae” (previously “Vicious Vera”)
Shutters, Paul E., 2Lt
Gill, Thomas E., 2Lt
Brown, Hilton H., 1Lt
Murphy, John P., 2Lt
Carruthers, John (NMI), II, T/Sgt
Otterness, William B., T/Sgt
Bierly, Glenn E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27741Tail # 14 “Val”
(previously “Modern Design”)
P Bowling, Dan Parker, 1Lt
CP Galny, Gerhard Henry “Hank”, Jr., 2Lt
N Joyce, John F., Jr., 1Lt
B Silnutzer, Joseph A., 1Lt
E Taylor, Marion R., S/Sgt
R Eberhardt, Charles D., Sgt
G Clayton, Ross W., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 44-28948 Tail # 09 “Miss
Belle Fontaine”
P Young, William J. “Dusty”, 1Lt
CP Henderson, Robert D., 2Lt
N None
B Cubley, Harold B., T/Sgt
E Vargas, Cleofas M., Sgt
R Brunda, John G., Cpl
G Stansberry, Robert C., Sgt
F Naughton, John J., Jr., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27502 Tail # 10 “Pretty
Kitty Blue Eyes” (previously “What’s
Cox, Harold L., 1Lt
Jones, Guilford (NMI), Jr., 1Lt
Chauncey, Martin E. “Marty”, T/Sgt
Perich, Freddie (NMI), Sgt
Krober, Raymond D., Jr., S/Sgt
Freidli, William M., Sgt
A/C No. 44-28928 Tail # 03 “Heaven
Can Wait” (Returned early - did not
complete mission)
Rung, Raymond F. “Red”, Jr., 1Lt
Lawrence, Edward C., 2Lt
Hume, Edgar A., 2Lt
Hagains, John R., Sgt
Heckman, Kenneth W., Sgt
Hieronimus, Philip J., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27769 Tail # 19 “Miss
Fancy Pants”
Miron, Leno L., 1Lt
Crampton, Donald E., F/O
Puchalla, John M., F/O
Krauk, Edward J., S/Sgt
Alexaki, Nicholas (NMI), Sgt
Haynes, Irving L., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27733 Tail # 00 “Porky’s
McMahon, Bernard J. “Mac”, Jr., 2Lt
Carlson, Floyd A., F/O
Knapp, Robert Duane, Jr., Sgt
Sycylo, Theodore W., S/Sgt
Salch, Raymond F., T/Sgt
Kabrich, Harry Lee, S/Sgt
Wednesday, 28 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27698 Tail # 13 “Peggy
P Knauss, Roger Reid “Reid”, 2Lt
CP Zieman, Earl E., 2Lt
N None
B Weiner, Irving B., 1Lt
E Kuykendall, Ben (NMI), Sgt
R Lowrey, James S., S/Sgt
G Lile, Keith B., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27917 Tail # 20
P Stolberg, Frederick R., 2Lt
CP Mutchler, Charles W., 2Lt
N None
B Davis, Morton A., S/Sgt
E Hafferkamp, Edwin H., Cpl
R Ott, James V., S/Sgt
G Moorehead, Lewis E., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27716 Tail # 17 “Shit
House Mouse”
O’Neill, William H., Jr., 2Lt
Sprankle, Floyd H., 2Lt
Marks, Donald H., F/O
Miller, Morris M., S/Sgt
Weingartner, William E., Cpl
Smith, Francis L. “Smitty” , S/Sgt
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 759/mission 759) Group Mission # 759:
(445th BS did not participate)
446th BS War Diary: (26, 27, 28 Feb): 1 15 plane mission is flown the first day, a 13
ship flight the second, regular duties are performed the third.
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 757/mission 757) Group Mission # 757:
Squadron Mission 524
TARGET: Ala Railroad Bridge, Italy.
DATE: 28 Feb.1945
Type of Bombs: 1000 lb.
446th Planes: 15
Lt. Crisp led the formation. One concentration of bombs crossed tracks 200 yds N of
bridge and the other was on the center and S approach of bridge. Flak was scant, heavy,
moderate, fairly accurate. Five planes holed. No fighters.
Wednesday, 28 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-35967 Tail # 48
Crisp, Glenn S., Jr., 1Lt
Burklund, Donald K., 2Lt
Clark, Samuel E., Jr., 1Lt
Starczewski, Phillip R., 1Lt
Alexander, Preston S., T/Sgt
Cubbage, Robert (NMI), T/Sgt
Dubreuil, Roger N., Sgt
A/C No. 43-4020 Tail # 26 “Bourbon
P Chandler, Warren W., 1Lt
CP Brock, Thomas E., F/O
N None
B Hensler, Donald O., F/O
E Kelly, Thomas J., S/Sgt
R Dobrow, Edgar J., Sgt
G Beavers, Marqus F., S/Sgt
F Threaulson, R., Maj (observer)
A/C No. 43-27497 Tail # 29 “Barbara”
P Holt, Noel P., Jr., 1Lt
CP Moore, Howard T., 2Lt
N None
B DeSorbo, John S., T/Sgt
E Dalpos, Joseph N., S/Sgt
R Autore, Nicholas A., Cpl
G Meade, Harold W., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27480 Tail # 44 “Yankee
P Ramsay, Lamar E., 1Lt
CP Weihe, Frederick A., Jr., 2Lt
N O’Connor, Richard W., 2Lt
B Fein, William F., 2Lt
E Reinartsen, Charles R., Jr., Sgt
R Martin, Thomas J., Jr., Sgt,
G Rubin, Herbert L., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4021 Tail # 31 “The Little
Admiral” (later Lady Jane) (first # 31)
Crinnion, Edward V., 1Lt
Tighe, Leo J., 1Lt
Fox, David (NMI), 2Lt
Pelusi, Richard D., Sgt
Moncure, James D., Jr., Sgt
Broderick, Emmett P., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27745 Tail # 47
Manolis, Ronald J., 1Lt
Wallace, Merwin W., 2Lt
Freck, Byron P., Sgt
Karuzas, Alexander W., S/Sgt
Nichols, Henry J., III, Sgt
Fitzgerald, George L., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27477 Tail # 32 “Boots”
Heaberlin, Paul L., 1Lt
Treadwell, Joseph (NMI), 1Lt
Pouse, Alford H., Jr., 2Lt
Reda, John J., Sgt
Sanders, Jesse A., Jr., Cpl
Hatcher, James T., Sgt
A/C No. 43-4097 Tail # 28 “Darlene”
(previously “Tiny?”)
Bogan, Floyd W., 2Lt
Bachman, William C., Jr., 2Lt
McNeal, Raymond L., F/O
Lohrman, Leo F., Sgt
Flasher, Henry F., Sgt
Wagner, William M., Sgt
Wednesday, 28 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-4074 Tail # 27 (picture of
seated lady - no name/lettering)
P Ingram, William T., Capt
CP Welsh, Cecil E. “Red”, Jr., 2Lt
N Codd, Russell G., 2Lt
B Leith, William V., 1Lt
E Utz, James W., S/Sgt
R McEuen, Richard W., Sgt
G Falls, Robert H., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27501 Tail # 39 “Sweet Sue
Kathy Jeanne” (unnamed to Nov 44. In
45 “Kathy Jeanne” dropped)
P Jackson, Roland B., 1Lt
CP Wilcox, Ralph E., 2Lt
N None
B Falk, Jack G., 1Lt
E Henry, Clark H., S/Sgt
R Johnson, Carl W., S/Sgt
G Darnielle, George W., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 44-28926 Tail # 35 “Merrily
We Bob Along”
Barbee, Harvey C., Jr., 1Lt
French, Wendell L., 2Lt
Vannah, Harold P., Jr., F/O
Edwards, David R., T/Sgt
Wilkins, Keith Albert, Sgt
Cleland, Donald S., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27660 Tail # 30 “Shooting
P McCloud, Richard E., 2Lt
CP Hagen, John F., 2Lt
N None
B Andrews, James Robert, Sgt
E Chase, William H., Sgt
R Ross, Harry K., S/Sgt
G Dickey, Jack F., Jr., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27699 Tail # 33 “Jessie”
(later name dropped from nose art)
Hahn, Melvin G., 1Lt
Dunn, Albert W., 2Lt
Brownell, Robert L., 1Lt
Hemmert, Harold E., S/Sgt
Feola, Joseph A., Sgt
Slezak, Alex E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27503 Tail # 46 “Miss
Long, Emmett N., 2Lt
Sherline, David M., 2Lt
Law, John B., S/Sgt
Scheetz, Elvin N., Sgt
Holdridge, John F., Sgt
Griffin, John A., Sgt
A/C No. 43-4077 Tail # 43 “Stormy
Weather” (Previously 447th ship “Ann’s
Little Boy Val”)
Atkins, Richard A., Jr., 2Lt
Smith, Clarence J. H., 2Lt
Murch, George M., Jr., S/Sgt
Taylor, Tullis (NMI), Sgt
Ransom, Gerald H., S/Sgt
Chapin, Correll C., Sgt
Wednesday, 28 February 1945 (continued)
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 758/mission 758) Group Mission # 758:
(446th BS did not participate)
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 759/mission 759) Group Mission # 759:
Squadron Mission 525
TARGET: Weather Reconnaissance.
DATE: 28 Feb.1945
Type of Bombs: - - 446th Planes: 1
Capt. Hurley was the pilot. Mission accomplished. No flak, no fighters.
A/C No. 43-27678 Tail # 40 “Lemmon
Lu” (Weather Ship)
P Hurley, John R., Capt
CP Callaway, Charles R., F/O
N Epstein, Joseph H., 1Lt
B None
E Cornelius, Wilbur G., T/Sgt
R Leary, Edward M., T/Sgt
G Haxby, William H., Jr., S/Sgt
F Mesnard, James S., 2Lt, HQ 321st BG
447th BS War Diary: Staff Sergeant William Hamel assigned and joined from Hq. 19th
Replacement Bn. 26 February 1945, Par 3, SO 56 Hq. 19th Repl. Bn.
Hamel, William (NMI), S/Sgt, gunner
447th BS Mission Summary: 12 planes participated in a raid on Ala Rail Bridge and
San Margherita North and South Bridge in northern Italy. All planes returned safely.
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 757/mission 757) Group Mission # 757:
A/C No. 43-4040 Tail # 56 “Fearless
P Autry, Aaron E., 1Lt
CP Britt, Robert O., 2Lt
N None
B Weppner, Maynard G., F/O
E Plough, Marlin J., Sgt
R Ross, John P., Sgt
G Levy, Donald (NMI), Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27643 Tail # 60
Morrison, George R., Jr., 1Lt
Tarquinio, Albert C., 2Lt
Hiller, Frederick J., 1Lt
Davies, John V., 1Lt
Dulaney, Earl W., S/Sgt
Smith, John T., Sgt
Klimkowicz, Zigmond (NMI), S/Sgt
Wednesday, 28 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-36110 Tail # 59 “Big
P Haage, Frederick W., 2Lt
CP Steffan, Melvin G., 2Lt
N None
B Cromley, Glenn J., F/O
E Daniels, Carl (NMI), S/Sgt
R Judy, Harry H., Jr., Sgt
G Gorden, Robert L., S/Sgt
F None
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 758/mission 758) Group Mission # 758:
A/C No. 43-36059 Tail # 67
Brown, Lyle N., Jr., 1Lt
Brown, Carl B. “Buster, F/O
Michael, James L., 2Lt
Price, Charles J., Sgt
Newton, James R., Sgt
Jones, Robert A., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27636 Tail # 74
Brice, David W., 1Lt
Calabrese, Frank (NMI), 2Lt
Hixon, Robert C., 1Lt
Cline, Joel L., Sgt
Lamb, George K., Sgt
Hawthorne, Charles E., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27793 Tail # 64 “The
Melting Pot” (Anti-Flak/Incendiary
P Breckenridge, Louis C., 1Lt
CP Bryson, Roy V., Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Fowler, John I., F/O
E Rinard, Robert P., Sgt
R Teutsch, Stanley E., Sgt
G Loux, Robert E., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27751 Tail # 50 “MMR”
(Meet Mrs. Runyon)
Yerger, John W., 1Lt
Graze, Russell R. “Russ”, F/O
Caflisch, Leonard P. “Lenny”, Jr., 2Lt
Radel, Henry D., 2Lt
Huntley, Bruce H., S/Sgt
Stocker, Harvey (NMI), Sgt
Cunningham, Paul W., Sgt
A/C No. 43-36106 Tail # 63 (Lead
Amundson, Donald A., 1Lt
Sznarwokowski, George H., F/O
Perl, Richard H., S/Sgt
Stokes, Robert C., S/Sgt
Meiborg, Walter F., Sgt
West, Edgar M., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27498 Tail # 71 “Ave
Maria” (Anti-Flak/Incendiary Ship)
Satterwhite, Henry C., 1Lt
Duty, Wallace I., 1Lt
Prilliman, Floyd W., 2Lt
Fach, Albert W., 2Lt
Pennington, Luther A., S/Sgt
Cassidy, Raymond S., Jr., Sgt
Sims, James W., Sgt
Wednesday, 28 February 1945 (continued)
A/C No. 43-35959 Tail # 67 (AntiFlak/Incendiary Ship)
P Buckley, Paul I., 1Lt
CP Janssen, Vernon E., 2Lt
N None
B Barfield, Jack D., 1Lt
E Neely, Robert E., Sgt
R Rowe, Charles D., Jr., Sgt
G Goethe, Emil C., Jr., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27782 Tail # 72 (AntiFlak/Incendiary Ship)
P Fairchild, George S., 1Lt
CP Rose, Norman I., 2Lt
N None
B Blankemeyer, Frank J., 2Lt
E Dubbs, Andrew C., S/Sgt
R Phares, Harold (NMI) “Harry”, Jr.,
G Merlino, Camille J., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27785 Tail # 58 (AntiFlak/Incendiary Ship)
Gies, Donald W., 2Lt
Elliott, Thomas P., 2Lt
Stroupe, Burton Elwood “Woody”, 2Lt
Keenan, Harry A., S/Sgt
Ruiz, Emigdio (NMI), Sgt
MacAuslan, Robert C., Sgt
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 759/mission 759) Group Mission # 759:
(447th BS did not participate)
448th BS War Diary: No mission was scheduled for the Squadron. Captain Sargent was
assigned to the Squadron today. He will replace Captain Lichtward as S-2 officer who is
going back to the United States in the near future. Lieutenant Moose, assistant S-2
officer was transferred to the 446th Squadron this morning. Corporals Nugent and
Schaeffer were transferred to the 340th Bomb Group. Lieutenants Carroll, Host and
William Ward, and Corporals Mann and Rainey were assigned to the Squadron this
afternoon. Lieutenant Stevens was assigned also as Gunnery Officer. Thus ended the
month of February in a quiet way and a beautiful day.
Carroll, R. L. (i.o) 1Lt, pilot
Host, H. G., 2Lt, pilot
Lichtward, Frederick W., Capt, intelligence
Mann, S. D., Cpl, gunner, bombardier
Moose, Roy C., 2Lt, intelligence
Nugent, Earl W., Cpl, gunner
Rainey, L. L., Cpl, engineer-gunner
Sargent, Alwin H., Capt, intelligence
Schaeffer, John H., Cpl, armament
Stevens, S. R. 1Lt, Gunnery Officer
Ward, William C., 2Lt, pilot
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 757/mission 757) Group Mission # 757:
(448th BS did not participate)
Wednesday, 28 February 1945 (continued)
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 758/mission 758) Group Mission # 758:
(448th BS did not participate)
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 759/mission 759) Group Mission # 759:
(448th BS did not participate)
FEBRUARY 28, 1945
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., T/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Markiewicz awoke me at 7:30AM. We are leaving for Alexandria today. Heavy rain.
Paid my bill which came to 9 1/2 pounds ($36.00). Had great difficulty in starting the
ship. Finally took off at 12:45PM. Landed Cairo, gassed the ship and purchased a few
gifts at the PX. Landed Alexandria 5:50PM. Staying at American Red Cross club #4.
Formerly home of a very wealthy Syrian. Very clean quarters and meals are OK. 7 of us
in one large room. This house entertained five kings. Attended dance at Red Cross club
#3. Very smart club. Met Jeanette, Red Cross girl from Savannah, Georgia. Retired
Markiewicz, Edward B., S/Sgt, gunner
February 1945
HQ 321st BG War Diary: Additional Narrative for February 1945
HEADQUARTERS 321st Bomb Group (M)
APO 650
July, 1944
This month the Group Commanding Officer, Lt. Colonel Charles F. Cassidy, Jr.,
selects the one raid that from photo coverage and interpretation and relative importance
has been outstanding during the month..
Attacked: 24 February 1945
FLIGHT LEADERS: Captain (Anthony L.) Muzinich (447th Squadron),
Captain (Erle G. "Swanny", Jr.) Swanson (448th Squadron).
SITUATION: One of the few very active factories, according to reliable ground reports,
was the assembly plant at Sesto Calende. The ground report said: “What was produced
was German human torpedoes with a little seat. These torpedoes can be catapulted with
the pilot. The hulk is loaded with explosives. The hulks are about eight meters long and
two meters wide.” To the 321st went the assignment for the Plant’s destruction.
RESULTS: Ground information received through Tactical Air Force Headquarters
states: “The bombing of the Sesto Calende Plane has completely destroyed the yards
together with forty boats.” Our photos showed a hundred percent concentration of bombs
in the target area.
February 1945 (continued)
February 1945 (continued)
445th BS War Diary: Additional Narrative for February 1945
HEADQUARTERS 321st Bomb Group (M)
APO 650
1 March 1945
SUBJECT: Historical Records
: Commanding General, 57th Bombardment Wing
Attentions: Historian
1. Outline History of the 445th Squadron for the period February 1, 1945 to February
28, 1945.
a Original unit
(1) 445th Bombardment Squadron, 321st Bombardment Group (M), 57th
Bombardment Wing, 12th Air Force.
(2) Barksdale Army Air Base, La., was place of activation
(3) June 23, 1942 was date of activation
(4) G.O. #145, Hq. 3rd Air Force, 23 June 1942 was authority for activation
(5) National guard, selective service and regular army were sources of
b Changes in organization
(1) No changes in designation, no transfer, unit was not placed on DS or TS
nor was it attached to other headquarters for operational control
(2) Major Thomas C. Bounds (pilot) was relieved of his command and Capt.
Frank M. Furey (pilot) assumed command of the squadron per Par 1, SO
#31, Headquarters, 321st Bombardment Group (M), 20 February 1945
(3) Capt. Robert O. Lord, Jr., (engineering) was relieved of his duties as
Executive Officer and was replaced by Capt. James O. Jackson
(intelligence), per Par 1, Squadron Order #7, 22 February 1945. Capt.
Leon F. Hatcher, Jr. (pilot) was relieved of his duties as Operations Officer
and was replaced by Capt. Robert A. Farrell (pilot), per Par 2, Squadron
Order #7, 22 February 1945. With Capt. James O. Jackson (intelligence)
appointed Executive Officer, 1st Lt. {(Jacob (NMI)} Jack Locke
(intelligence) was appointed Intelligence Officer per Par 3, Squadron Order
#7, 22 February 1945.There were no changes of staff officers
(4) On 17 February 1945, the 445th Bombardment Squadron was augmented by
the addition of 8 enlisted men per WD ltr AG 322, 3 November 1944.
c Strength, commissioned and enlisted
(1) Month of February 1945
(a) At beginning – 459
(b) Net increase -- 22
(c) Net decrease -- ---(d) At end
-- 481
February 1945 (continued)
d Stations of units or echelons
(1) Name of station – Solenzara Airfield, Corsica
(a) Date of arrival – April 24, 1944
(b) Still present at this base
e Movements of unit
(1) There was no movement during the month
f Campaigns
(1) Italy
(2) From February 1, 1945 to February 28, 1945 (still in progress)
(3) 26 missions and 250 sorties during the month
(4) Results of an important mission
(a) Mission: February 2nd attack on Calliano rail bridge, Italy
1. This target is located along the vital Brenner Pass line, main supply
route from Italy to Germany. The target was just above Rovereto, a
key point along that line.
2. Despite known flak positions, there was a good probability of a
successful mission.
3. If successfully carried out, this mission would deal a crippling blow
to enemy supplies along this line.
4. Aerial photographs disclose the damage done to the target.
5. Despite fairly accurate flak which persisted before and after bombs
away, this squadron achieved 100 percent bombing accuracy with a
good concentration of bombs on the target.
g Operations (“g” was left out of this report)
h Command Officers in important missions
1. On February 2, Capt. (Gerald W.) Wagner (pilot) – Assistant Operations
Officer – led a flight of 20 bombers in a mission sent out to destroy the
Calliano rail bridge, Italy. The results of the mission were very satisfactory
with photographs disclosing 100 percent bombing accuracy.
2. On February 6, Capt (Leon F., Jr.) Hatcher (pilot) – Operations Officer –
flew in the role of command pilot in the lead plane of a formation of 20
bombers which attacked the heavily defended Rovereto rail bridge, Italy
with results showing 100 percent bombing accuracy
i Losses in action
(1) On February 23, 2nd Lt. Lonnie B. Harvel, Jr. (bombardier) was killed in
action on a raid against the Campo di Trans railroad bridge, Italy. He was a
(2) On February 6, the above mentioned bombardier received minor wounds on
the Rovereto railroad bridge mission.
February 1945 (continued)
(3) On February 27, gun positions at Lavis, Italy were attacked and the
following crew members are reported missing in action:
2nd Lt. DeBoer, Jay (NMI) Jr., pilot
2nd Lt. Crutchfield, Lucian C., Jr., co-pilot
1st Lt. Cravey, Robert P., navigator
F/O Brooks, William F., bombardier
Sgt. Mitchell, Robert D. “Bob”, engineer-gunner
T/Sgt. Reagin, Charles T., radio-gunner
Sgt. Swinson, Carl R. M., armorer-gunner
(4) None taken prisoner
j Personnel who have distinguished themselves in action:
G.O. #24, Headquarters 12th Air Force, 5 February 1945 listed the following awards:
Air Medal (Meritorious achievement in aerial flight)
2nd Lt. Gerhard H. Galny, Jr. (pilot)
2nd Lt. Roger R. Knauss (pilot)
S/Sgt. James V. Ott (gunner)
1st Oak Leaf Cluster to Air Medal
2nd Lt. Cecil A. Brown (Pilot)
1st Lt. Frank J. Wren (pilot)
2 Oak Leaf Cluster to Air Medal
S/Sgt. Lamar C. Andrews (gunner)
T/Sgt. Jimmie (NMI) Chambers (engineer-gunner)
T/Sgt. John E. Johnson (engineer-gunner)
1st Lt. Edward A. Miller (bombardier-navigator)
1st Lt. Frank J. Wren (pilot)
1st Lt. Edward J. Rigler (pilot)
3 Oak Leaf Cluster to Air Medal
S/Sgt. Lamar C. Andrews (gunner)
T/Sgt. Jimmie (NMI) Chambers (engineer-gunner)
T/Sgt. John E. Johnson (engineer-gunner)
1st Lt. Edward A. Miller (bombardier-navigator)
1st Lt. Frank J. Wren (pilot)
1st Lt. Edward J. Rigler (pilot)
4th Oak Leaf Cluster to Air Medal
S/Sgt. Lamar C. Andrews (gunner)
T/Sgt. Jimmie (NMI) Chambers (engineer-gunner)
T/Sgt. John E. Johnson (engineer-gunner)
1st Lt. Frank J. Wren (pilot)
1st Lt. Edward J. Rigler (pilot)
February 1945 (continued)
G.O. #25, Headquarters 12th Air Force, 7 February 1945 listed the following award:
Distinguished Flying Cross (Extraordinary achievement in aerial flight)
1st Lt. Warren F. Ottinger (pilot)
G.O. #31, Headquarters 12th Air Force, 16 February 1945 listed the following awards:
Air Medal (meritorious achievement, etc.)
2nd Lt. Fred K. Amundson (pilot)
S/Sgt. Frank E. Barnett (gunner)
2nd Lt. Thomas M. Brown (bombardier)
F/O William G. Brown (pilot)
2nd Lt. Robert E. Doris (pilot)
2nd Lt. Phillip (NMI) Epstein (bombardier)
2nd Lt. Richard C. Hughes (pilot)
1st Lt. William H. Jackson (bombardier)
S/Sgt. Paul J. Koski (gunner)
2nd Lt. John H. O’Keefe (pilot)
2nd Lt. Frederick R. Stolberg (pilot)
2nd Lt. Charles B. Wilson (pilot)
1st Oak Leaf Cluster to Air Medal
2nd Lt. Edward A. White (pilot)
2nd Oak Leaf Cluster to Air Medal
T/Sgt. Martin E. Chauncey (gunner)
S/Sgt. Raymond A. Krober, Jr. (gunner)
5th Oak Leaf Cluster to Air Medal
T/Sgt. Jimmie (NMI) Chambers (engineer-gunner)
1st Lt. Edward J. Rigler (pilot)
6 Oak Leaf Cluster to Air Medal
T/Sgt. Jimmie (NMI) Chambers (engineer-gunner)
G.O. #32, Headquarters 12th Air Force, 17 February 1945 listed the following award:
Soldiers Medal (Heroism)
S/Sgt. Merton D. Ohm (gunner)
G.O. #35, Headquarters 12th Air Force, 20 February 1945 listed the following awards:
Air Medal (meritorious achievement, etc.)
Sgt. John R. Hagains (gunner)
Sgt. Ben Kuykendall (gunner)
Sgt. Phillip B. Teague (gunner)
1st Oak Leaf Cluster to Air Medal
S/Sgt. Glenn E. Bierly (gunner)
2nd Oak Leaf Cluster to Air Medal
S/Sgt. John H. Nuttal (gunner)
February 1945 (continued)
G.O. #36, Headquarters 12th Air Force, 21 February 1945 listed the following awards:
Soldiers Medal (Heroism)
M/Sgt. Wendell J. Bell (engineering)
Distinguished Flying Cross (Extraordinary achievement, etc.)
T/Sgt. Jimmie (NMI) Chambers (engineer-gunner)
k No photographs submitted
2. Enclosed is War Diary, 445th Bombardment Squadron for the period February 1, 1945
to February 28, 1945. Also enclosed is record of combat achievements for this squadron
through the same period.
For the Commanding Officer:
War Diary.
Combat Record
1st Lt., Air Corps,
Squadron Historian.
February 1945 (continued)
446th BS War Diary: Additional Narrative for February 1945
HEADQUARTERS 321st Bomb Group (M)
APO 650
1 March 1945
SUBJECT: Historical Records
: Commanding General, 57th Bomb Wing, APO 650 U.S. Army
1. Outline History of the 446th Squadron for the period 1 February 1945 to 28
February 1945:
a Original unit
(1) 446th Bomb Sqdn (M), 321st Bomb Group (M), AAF.
(2) Organized 1 August 1942
(3) Columbia Army Air Base, Columbia, S.C.
(4) Activated at Barksdale Field, La., 23 June 1942
(5) Personnel obtained by transfer from other units, training schools and
replacement centers
b Changes in organization
(1) No change
c Strength, commissioned and enlisted
(1) 1 February 1945
87 Officers, 352 Enlisted Men
(2) Net Increase
8 Officers, None
(3) Net Decrease
3 Enlisted Men
(4) 28 February 1945
95 Officers, 349 Enlisted Men
d Stations of units or echelons
(1) None
e Movements of unit
(1) None
f Campaigns
(1) Rome-Arno
(2) From 21 January 1944 to: Still in progress.
g Operations
(1) Rome-Arno
(2) Bombing missions in support of the Allied Armies in Northern Italy.
Attacks against enemy communications predominated.
(3) Missions- 38, Sorties- 259
February 1945 (continued)
(4) Results of the important missions.
(a) Lavis Rail Diversion Bridges, Italy, 13 and 14 February.
(b) Campo South Rail Bridge, Italy, 25 February.
(c) San Felice Rail Fill Italy, 25 February.
1 These targets all were situated on vital enemy communication lines
and to cut or block them would be a heavy blow to the enemy. All
were attacked with 100% bombing accuracy in spite of heavy antiaircraft fire.
h Command Officers in important engagements.
1. Lt. Colonel Paul T. Cooper (pilot)
i Losses in action
(1) None
j Personnel who have distinguished themselves in action:
(1) Distinguished Flying Cross Awarded to:
2nd Lt. Andrew R. Gallagher (pilot), G.O. #25 XII Air Force.
(2) Air Medal awarded to:
2nd Lt. Charles W. Alward (pilot), G.O. #18 XII Air Force
2nd Lt. William H. Anderson (pilot), G.O. #24, XII Air Force
2nd Lt. Richard A. Atkins Jr. (pilot), G.O. #18 XII Air Force
2nd Lt. Andrew J. Corra (bombardier), G.O. #24 XII Air Force
2nd Lt. William F. Fein (bombardier), G.O. #24 XII Air Force
2nd Lt. Joseph M. Fodor (bombardier), G.O. #18 XII Air Force
2nd Lt. David (F.) Fox Jr. (bombardier), G.O. #24 XII Air Force
2nd Lt. Wendell L. French (pilot), G.O. #31 XII Air Force
2nd Lt. Edward L. Gahm (bombardier), G.O. #24 XII Air Force
1st Lt. Noel P. Holt Jr. (pilot), G.O. #18 XII Air Force
2nd Lt. Emmett N. Long (pilot), G.O. #31 XII Air Force
1st Lt. Ray L. McCloud (pilot), G.O. #18 XII Air Force
1st Lt. John E. McCullough Jr. (bombardier), G.O. #18 XII Air Force
2nd Lt. John D. Neel (pilot), G.O. #31 XII Air Force
2nd Lt. Clarence J.H. Smith (pilot), G.O. #31 XII Air Force
1st Lt. Leo J. Tighe (pilot), G.O. #31 XII Air Force
2nd Lt. Thomas A. Williams (navigator), G.O. #18 XII Air Force
Sgt. Chester S. Anderson (gunner), G.O. #24 XII Air Force
Sgt. Junior D. Beck (gunner), G.O. #24 XII Air Force
Sgt. William P. Benedict (gunner), G.O. #35 XII Air Force
Sgt. James P. Boylan (gunner), G.O. #24 XII Air Force
Sgt. Walter (NMI) Brady (gunner), G.O. #24 XII Air Force
Sgt. Emmett P. Broderick (gunner), G.O. #18 XII Air Force
Sgt. Edgar W. Carl (gunner), G.O. #24 XII Air Force
February 1945 (continued)
Sgt. Correll C. Chapin (gunner), G.O. #24 XII Air Force
S/Sgt. Joseph N. Dalpos (gunner), G.O. #35 XII Air Force
Sgt. Russell L. Englehaupt (gunner), G.O. #18 XII Air Force
Sgt. Byron P. Freck (gunner), G.O. #18 XII Air Force
Sgt. Harold W. Freeman (gunner), G.O. #18 XII Air Force
Sgt. John F. Holdridge (gunner), G.O. #24 XII Air Force
Sgt. Ernest F. Jakielek (gunner), G.O. #24 XII Air Force
Sgt. Kenneth H. Lind (gunner), G.O. #24 XII Air Force
Sgt. Thomas J. Martin Jr. (gunner), G.O. #24 XII Air Force
Sgt. Richard W. McEuen (gunner), G.O. #24 XII Air Force
Sgt. James D. Moncure Jr. (gunner), G.O. #24 XII Air Force
S/Sgt. Clayton R. Nehls (gunner), G.O. #35 XII Air Force
Sgt. Henry J. Nichols (gunner), G.O. #18 XII Air Force
S/Sgt. Gerald H. Ransom (gunner), G.O. #24 XII Air Force
Sgt. Charles R. Reinartsen Jr. (gunner), G.O. #24 XII Air Force
Sgt. Elvin N. Scheetz (gunner), G.O. #24 XII Air Force
Lt. Colonel, Air Corps,
February 1945 (continued)
447th BS War Diary: Additional Narrative for February 1945
APO 65
1 March 1945
SUBJECT: Historical Records.
: Commanding General, 57th Bombardment Wing.
Attention: Historian.
1. Outline History of the 447th Bombardment Squadron for the period 1 February 1945 to
28 February 1945.
a. 447th Bombardment Squadron (M), 321st bombardment Group (M).
(1) 447th Bombardment Squadron (M), 321st Bombardment Group (M), 57th
Bombardment Wing (M), 12th Air Force.
(2) Columbia Army Air Base, Columbia, South Carolina.
(3) 23 June 1942
(4) G.O. 145, Hq. 11 AF, 23 June 1942
(5) Transferred from other units and Selective Service.
b. Changes in Organization.
(1) No Change
(2) Echelons or units.
(a) Transferred.
2 Officer and 2 enlisted men trfd. To 7th Replacement Center for
transshipment to US.
1 Officer trfd to the 340th Bomb. Group.
1 Officer trfd to 321st Bomb Group Hq.
1 Officer trfd to Det of Patients 40th Station Hospital.
1 Enlisted man trfd to 57 Bomb. Wing Hq.
1 officer trfd to 12th Air Force Hq.
(b) On DS or TD.
1 Enlisted Man TD to the United States.
1 Enlisted Man TD to 176th Sig. Surf Warn Plat.
1 Enlisted Man TD to the United States.
1 Enlisted Man DS US (Redistribution Center)
(c) No Change.
(3) No change in commanding officers during the month
(4) No change in staff officers during the month.
(5) No Change.
February 1945 (continued)
c. Strength, Commission and enlisted.
(1) Month of February 1945.
(a) At Beginning. 87 Officers;
(b) Net increase.
4 Officers;
(c) Net decrease.
(d) At end:
91 Officers;
356 Enlisted Men
5 Enlisted Men
360 Enlisted Men.
d. Stations of units or echelons.
(1) Name of station
(a) Solenzara Air Field, Corsica.
May 3, 1944
(b) Still at the same station.
e. Movement of units or echelons.
(1) No movements during the month.
f. Campaigns.
(1) Italian Campaign.
(2) Duration: 1 February to the present date. Still in pro.
g. Operations.
(1) Italian campaign.
(2) Objective Bombing
(3) 24 missions, 225 sorties
(4) Results of the most important missions.
(a) Mission: San Michele Rail Diversion Bridge.
1. Because it was a link in the Brenner Pass line. The Brenner Pass is the
“life Line” of Kesselring’s troops.
2. The mission was a success because the bridge was rendered impassable.
Bombing A. 97.2%.
3. The loss of the bridge prevented the Wermacht from moving their divisions
out and on to the most pressed western and eastern fronts.
4. Aerial photographs showed direct hits on the target.
5. The Brenner Pass being the life line of the Germans in Italy and the bridge
a link in this line made the chances of removing troops out of Italy less
(5) The unit was subjected to heavy, accurate intense anti-aircraft fire during the
h. We had no command officers on missions during the month.
February 1945 (continued)
i. Casualties during the month.
(1) (a) Killed
Lt. Colgan (Donald J., bombardier), KIA in a mission to Calliano Rail Bridge.
8 February 1945
(b) Wounded: Lt. Vantrease (Edwin C., bombardier), Lt. Wallis (Shelby D., pilot),
Sgt. McMenamin (Daniel P., Jr., engineer-gunner) and Cpl Neely (Robert E.,
gunner) all LWA, not hospitalized in a mission to the Lavis Diversion Bridge
on 7 February 1945
(c) Missing: On a mission to the Rovereto Station, 6 February 1945 the following
named are carried as MIA: Lt. Cahoon (Carl W., pilot), Lt. Young (Robert H.,
pilot), S/Sgt. McKnight (John A., bombardier-gunner), S/Sgt. Jones, Robert G.
(engineer-gunner), Cpl. Maloney (Thomas J., gunner), Sgt. Hagan (Richard
E., radio-gunner), Lt. Remmel (Earl H., pilot), Lt. Speer (Leslie T., pilot), Lt.
Darrell (Franklin L., Jr., bombardier), Lt. Tulley (Harlan N., navigator),
S/Sgt. Ifshin (Isidore (NMI), engineer-gunner), T/Sgt. Guild (Bernard R.,
radio-gunner), Sgt. Barrett (Silas Alfred, gunner), Lt. Dodson (Jackson R.,
pilot), Lt. Dickson (John L., Jr., pilot), Sgt. Lubinsky (Norman B.,
bombardier-gunner), Cpl Cruce (Joseph H., radio-gunner), Cpl Theiss
(Vincent E., engineer-gunner), Cpl McCready (John E., Jr., gunner).
(d) We have not been informed of any of the men missing in action being taken
j. Personnel who have distinguished themselves in action and have been presented with
awards during the month.
On General Order No. 24, dated 5 Feb. 1945 from 12th Air Force the following
personnel received the named award:
1st Lt. John V. Davies (bombardier) received the Air Medal.
2nd Lt. Edmund R., Carlin (pilot) received the Air Medal
2nd Lt. Robert C. King (Jr., pilot) received the Air Medal
2nd Lt. Albert C. Tarquinio (pilot) received the Air Medal
F/O William T. Atkins (bombardier) received the Air Medal
F/O Frank J. Blankemeyer (bombardier) received the Air Medal
Sgt. John A. Harvey (gunner) received the Air Medal
Sgt. Robert F. Loux (gunner) received the Air Medal
Capt. Svend P. Olsen (navigator) rec. the 4th OLC to the Air Medal
On General Order No 27 dated 9 Feb. 1945 from 12th AF Hq.
1st Lt. Ralph E. Hennessey (pilot) received the DFC.
1st Lt. William E. Kibler (pilot) received the DFC
On General Order No. 35, dated 20 February 1945 from 12th Air Force headquarters
the following awards were presented:
2nd Lt. Jack B. Antry (pilot) received the Air Medal
2nd Lt. Thomas P. Elliott (pilot) received the Air Medal
February 1945 (continued)
Sgt. Edward H. Henkler (gunner) received the Air Medal
Sgt. Walter F. Meiborg (gunner) rec. the Air Medal
Sgt. Camille J. Merlino (gunner) rec. the Air Medal
Sgt. James R. Newton (gunner) rec. the Air Medal
Sgt. Charles J. Price (gunner) rec. the Air Medal
Sgt. Robert P. Rinard (gunner) rec. the Air Medal
Sgt. Stanley E. Teutsch (gunner) rec. the Air Medal
Sgt. Edgar M. West (gunner) rec. the Air Medal
F/O Frank J. Blankemeyer (bombardier), 1st OLC to the Air Medal
F/O Frederick (W.) Haage (pilot), 1st OLC to the Air Medal
S/Sgt. Carroll G. Appleman (gunner) rec. 1st OLC to the Air Medal
S/Sgt. Marvin S. Goldman (gunner), 1st OLC to the Air Medal
S/Sgt. Bruce H. Huntley (gunner), 1st OLC to the Air Medal
S/Sgt. Dewey D. Jones Jr. (gunner), 1st OLC to the Air Medal
1st Lt. Robert A. Balboni (bombardier), 2nd OLC to the Air Medal
k. No Photographs were submitted for this month.
2. The enclosed is War Diary, 447th Bombardment Squadron, for the period 1 February
1945 to 28 February 1945. No special accounts for the month. Squadron Statistics for
the month of February 1945.
For the Commanding Officer:
2 Incls:
Incl 1 – War Diary
Incl 2 – Squadron Statistics.
Missions Flown: 24
Bombs dropped (weight): 751,300 lbs.
Planes lost: 3
Enemy Aircraft Damaged (in air): 0
1st Lt., Air Corps,
Sorties Flown: 225
Nickels: 1 mission
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed: 0
February 1945 (continued)
448th BS War Diary: Additional Narrative for February 1945
HEADQUARTERS 448th Bombardment Squadron (M)
7 March 1945
SUBJECT: Historical Records
: Commanding General, 12th Air Force,
A-2 Section, Attention: Historian
1. Outline History of the 448th Bombardment Squadron for the period 1 February to
28 February 1945.
a Present Designation:
448th Bombardment Squadron, 321st Bombardment Group (M), 57th
Bombardment Wing (M).
b Changes in organization
(1) No changes.
(2) No changes.
(3) No changes.
(4) Lieutenant Moose (Roy C., 2Lt, intelligence), assistant S-2 Officer,
transferred to 446th Squadron. Captain Sargent (Alwin H., intelligence)
assigned to Squadron to relieve Captain Lichtward (Frederick W.,
intelligence) as S-2 Officer who will return to US. Lieutenant Stevens (S.
R., 2Lt,) assigned to Squadron as Gunnery Officer.
(5) No Change.
c Strength, commissioned and enlisted
(1) Month of February 1945
(a) 98 Officers assigned, 356 Enlisted Men assigned, 3 Enlisted men
attached at beginning of period.
(b) 5 officers, no enlisted men increase.
(c) No officers, 1 enlisted men decrease
(d) 103 Officers, 351 Enlisted Men assigned, 7 Enlisted Men attached at
end of period.
d Stations of units or echelons
(1) Solenzara Air Field, Solenzara, Corsica
(a) April 21, 1944
(b) None
e Movements of unit or echelons.
(1) No change.
February 1945 (continued)
f Campaigns
(1) Rome – Arno Campaign.
(2) Duration: from January 22, 1944 - still in progress.
g Operations
(See enclosure #2)
h Command Officers in important missions
(1) Lieutenant (John A.) Bard as pilot, Lieutenant (Ralph K.) Steely as
navigator and Lieutenant (Willard T.) Zinkand as bombardier led Group
mission agains rail bridge at Mori, Italy
(2) Captain John B.) Lyons, Lieutenant (Ralph K.) Steely, and Captain (Willard
T.) Zinkand led Group in mission against rail bridge at Lavis, Italy.
i Losses in action
(1) Mission: Rail bridge at Mori, Italy, 6 Feb ‘45.
(a) Killed.
1. None.
(b) Wounded.
1. First Lieutenant W. F. (i.o.) Autrey (pilot).
2. Second Lieutenant Sam (NMI) Barile (pilot).
(c) Missing.
1. None.
(d) Taken Prisoner.
1. None.
(2) Mission: Viaduct at Lavis, Italy, 7 Feb ’45.
(a) Killed.
1. None.
(b) Wounded.
1. Staff Sergeant Woodward W. Pealer (gunner).
(c) Missing.
1. Second Lieutenant Woodrow W. Sheffield (pilot).
2. Second Lieutenant William A. Sanders (pilot).
3. Staff Sergeant Louis E. Reves (bombardier-gunner).
4. Corporal Evo J. Petruzzi (engineer-gunner).
5. Sergeant Maxwell J. Lasskow (radio-gunner).
6. Corporal Joseph C. Brentar (gunner).
(d) Taken prisoner.
1. None.
(3) Mission: Rail bridge at Calliano, Italy, 8 Feb ’45.
(a) Killed.
1. None.
February 1945 (continued)
(b) Wounded.
1. Captain Michael (NMI) Bongiovanni (navigator).
2. Second Lieutenant John W. Sheppard (bombardier).
3. Second Lieutenant Charles M. Styers (pilot).
4. Second Lieutenant Robert E. Schweitzer (pilot).
5. Master Sergeant Elmer L. Hildreth (gunner).
6. Sergeant Neil J. Powell (gunner).
(c) Missing.
1. Second Lieutenant Charles F. Birkhead, Jr. (pilot)
2. Second Lieutenant Henry L. Pruitt (pilot).
3. Technical Sergeant Charles R. Randall (radio-gunner).
4. Staff Sergeant James E. Ratcliffe, Jr. (bombardier-gunner)
5. Staff Sergeant Ralph C. Hawthorne (gunner).
6. Corporal Leo F. Hovorka, Jr. (engineer-gunner)
(d) Taken prisoner.
1. None.
(4) Mission: Rail bridge at Campo, Italy, 25 Feb ’45.
(a) Killed.
1. None.
(b) Wounded.
1. Captain Lee Van Leonard (pilot).
2. Captain Michael (NMI) Bongiovanni (navigator).
3. First Lieutenant Richard J. Cooper (pilot).
4. Technical Sergeant James C. Morefield (gunner).
(c) Missing.
1. None
(d) Taken prisoner.
1. None.
(5) Mission: Rail bridge at Lavis, Italy, 27 Feb ’45.
(a) Killed.
1. None.
(b) Wounded.
1. Staff Sergeant Conway I. Justice, Jr. (gunner)
(c) Missing.
1. First Lieutenant Milford A. Smith (pilot).
2. Second Lieutenant Charles W. Styers (pilot).
3. Second Lieutenant Lester Z. Friedman (celestial navigator).
4. Flight Officer James L. Baird (pilot-bombardier).
5. Technical Sergeant Alfred K. Mardeuse (radio-gunner).
6. Staff Sergeant Jesse R. Edwards (photographer).
(d) Taken prisoner.
1. None.
February 1945 (continued)
(5) Returned.
(a) Entire crew of plane lost Feb. 7, with exception of Sergeant Reves
(Louis E., S/Sgt, bombardier-gunner), who received wounds and is
hospitalized. Crew bailed out safely over Switzerland.
(b) Also officially announced that Lieutenant Anderson (Douglas R., 2Lt,
pilot) and Sergeant Holt (John A., Sgt, gunner) and Hammerschmiedt
(Harry E., S/Sgt, gunner) who went down with Captain Dossey
(Vernon C., pilot) in November, 1944, are known to be Prisoners of
War in Germany.
j Personnel who have distinguished themselves in action:
(See enclosure #3)
k Number of photographs being submitted.
(1) None.
2. Enclosed are War Diary, 448th Bombardment Squadron, for the period 1 February
to 28 February 1945; Account of important missions for month of February 1945;
Account of personnel who have distinguished themselves for month of February 1945.
For the Commanding Officer:
Captain, Air Corps,
Squadron Historian.
1. Unit Journal of Events
2. Account of Important Missions
3. Account of Personnel Distinguishing Themselves
448th BS War Diary: Account of Important Missions for February 1945: The month
of February saw the 448th returned to the top among the Squadrons of the Group in
bombing average percentage after a decline during December and January. The steady
rise was greatly enhanced by the almost perfect flying weather during February when a
total of twenty-five (25) missions in twenty-eight (28) days was flown by the Squadron.
Of these twenty-five (25) missions ten (10) were 100% bombing accuracy missions, two
more than was scored during January.
No individual mission during the month stood out as particularly important and
superior to others flown, but the February 6th attack on the Mori rail bridge is worthy of
mention, perhaps more than the remaining operational flights from the stand point of
results accomplished. It was one of the Squadron’s 100% bombing accuracy missions for
this month.
February 1945 (continued)
Lieutenant Bard led the Group formation off that morning. It was a beautiful day
on Corsica, with only a few fleecy clouds floating overhead, as the Billy Mitchells sailed
off into the blue to attack this vital target on the Brenner Pass Line. The 448th, leading
this air armada, had fifteen (15) planes to do the damage. But it wasn’t long before it
became obvious that everything was not going according to plan.
Bard, John A., Capt, pilot
The first obstacle encountered was a wall of clouds over Italy that was almost
impenetrable. This mass of pilot’s woe extended all the way to the target area and the
foot of the Alps. But Lieutenant Bard hurdled this barrier with his customary ease and
skill, and flying over this gray blanket he came to the target area as though he could see it
a hundred miles away. But giving credit where credit is due, Lieutenant Steely, the
navigator, guided him to the all important holes in the clouds that were necessary to get
through in order to reach the target.
Bard, John A., Capt, pilot
Steely, Ralph K., 1Lt, bombardier
It was expected that the Krauts would put up a desperate ring of hot steel around
the formation in an effort to turn it back, and that is what happened despite the severe
pasting the gun positions took from incendiary planes that preceded the Mitchell over the
target area. But the Krauts did not expect the formation to bomb through the overcast
since they could not see an opening.
Suddenly, Lieutenant Bard plunged through the hole in the clouds found by
Lieutenant Steely, Lieutenant Zinkand quickly swung his bombsight in position with his
customary skill, and before the ground defenses could swing their guns in position to
open up, the rain of bombs had begun to fall. But the Krauts, known to be quick on the
trigger with their 88MM’s, were not going to let the bombers get away without putting up
a fight. Hot steel flew thick and fast for a few seconds up there, as Sergeant Schultz and
his Kraut gunners quickly found the range before the Billy Mitchells could duck back
into the safety of the overcast.
Bard, John A., Capt, pilot
Steely, Ralph K., 1Lt, bombardier
Zinkand, Willard T., Capt, bombardier
Credit must be given to the incendiary planes who came over just preceding the
formation and temporarily stunned the gun positions with a devastating load of
phosphorous bombs. These few seconds before the anti-aircraft batteries could recover
were extremely valuable to the attacking formation, but even this did not permit the
bombers to get away without suffering some damage. Although no planes were lost,
several were heavily riddled by flying shell fragments. A piece shattered the plexi-glass
in the pilot’s compartment of Lieutenant Autrey’s plane, causing him to receive
lacerations about the face and hands. His co-pilot, Lieutenant Barile, also received
lacerations about the face as a result of the same near-hit.
Autrey, W. F. (i.o.), 1Lt, pilot
Barile, Sam (NMI), 2Lt, pilot
But meanwhile, the Krauts were picking up the fragments of their ruined
Engineering feat of bridgework at Mori. A cloud of smoke and flying debris remained
over the area long after the Mitchells had returned to home base. It was beautiful to
behold, this masterpiece of convincive Mitchell destruction. Needless to say, the bridge
was knocked out, and will be out of service for sometime to the Wermacht.
February 1945 (continued)
Although not one of the 100% bombing accuracy missions of February, the 27
February attack on a rail bridge at Lavis was perhaps, in one respect, most distinguished
because it was a good example of excellent flying over a heavily defended area that had
not previously been attacked by incendiary planes. Captain Lyons led the Group
formation and his Squadron’s thirteen (13) planes on this mission. The Billy Mitchells
had clear weather all the way from Corsica to the target. Only a few light clouds were
found over the Po Valley, and these did not obscure the observation.
Lyons, John B., Capt, pilot
Captain Lyons teamed up withy Captain Zinkand and Lieutenant Steely this time
to do the damage. The Krauts quickly picked up the formation as it approached the target
and began tracking it with voluminous bursts of anti-aircraft fire. Fortunately, Captain
Lyons maneuvered his bombers through this vain attempt to stop them, without damage,
But this good fortune was not to last.
Lyons, John B., Capt, pilot
Steely, Ralph K., 1Lt, bombardier
Zinkand, Willard T., Capt, bombardier
On the bomb run, the flak became extremely intense and accurate, and because of
the necessity of flying level in order that the bombardiers might obtain an accurate
sighting on the pin-point target instead of the usual evasive action taken before and after
the bomb run, the ground opposition was able to draw an accurate bead on them and let
the steel fly. Considerable damage was done, and Sergeant Justice one of the tail gunners
of the formation received cuts as a piece of flak shattered the plexi-glass in his gunner’s
Justice, Conway J., Jr., S/Sgt, gunner
Despite this intense barrage, Captain Lyons maintained his formation on course
over the target, and Captain Zinkand showed his skill as a bombardier once again. Two
strings of bombs walked across the bridge, and although not every bomb was in the
designated target area, heavy damage was believed done to the bridge, possibly knocking
it out. Captain Lyons once again showed his flying ability to the Krauts when he quickly
broke away from the target leading his bombers clear of the anti-aircraft fire.
Lyons, John B., Capt, pilot
Zinkand, Willard T., Capt, bombardier
But the Krauts were not content until they drew blood. One of the Mitchells went
down when it received a hit knocking one of its engines out. The bomber was last seen
heading northwest and losing altitude, but apparently under control. The crew members
were Lieutenants Smith, Styers and Friedman, Flight Officer Baird, and Sergeants
Wright, Mardeuse and Edwards.
Baird, James L., F/O, bombardier
Edwards, Jesse R., Sgt, photographer
Friedman, Lester Z., 2Lt, celestial navigator Mardeuse, Alfred K., T/Sgt, radio-gunner
Smith, Milford A., 1Lt, pilot
Styers, Charles W., 2Lt, pilot
Wright, Melvin M., Sgt, engineer-gunner
Thus ended another month of sustained operations in the “Battle of Brenner
Pass.” During the month, in twenty-five (25) missions flown against the Germans in
Northern Italy, 216 sorties were completed. A grand total of 718,600 pounds of bombs
were dropped during February in the sustained air offensive directed against the Brenner
pass. All in all, it was a record month for winter operations.
February 1945 (continued)
448th BS War Diary: Personnel Who Have Distinguished Themselves in Action:
G.O. # 18, 27 Jan. ’45 12th Air Force. For Meritorious Achievement
Lt. Lee, Howard M., pilot
Rovereto, Italy
30 Dec 44
Air Medal
Lt. Valenti, Jack J., pilot
Ora, Italy
17 Jan 45
Air Medal
Sgt. Ederer, Robert J., gunner
Rovereto, Italy
30 Dec 44
Air Medal
Sgt. Shields, Robert L., gunner
Rovereto, Italy
30 Dec 44
Air Medal
G.O. # 19, 28 Jan. ’45 12th Air Force. For Meritorious Service
Sgt. Lawless, Frank E., transportation 5 May ’43 to 15 Aug ’43
Bronze Star
Sgt. Hyatt, Hymie (NMI), ordnance 2 Oct ’43 to 30 Oct ’43
Bronze Star
G.O. # 20, 30 Jan. ’45 12th Air Force. For Meritorious Achievement
Sgt. Hunter, Dewey G., gunner
Rovereto, Italy
18 Jan 45
Air Medal
Sgt. Martin, Lewis E., gunner
Rovereto, Italy
18 Jan 45
Air Medal
Sgt. Biersdorff , Charles J., gunner Rovereto, Italy
18 Jan 45
Air Medal
Sgt. Tangren, Daniel E., gunner
Rovereto, Italy
18 Jan 45
Air Medal
Sgt. Varga, Frank K., gunner
Rovereto, Italy
18 Jan 45
Air Medal
Sgt. Wolfe, Bernard M., gunner
Rovereto, Italy
18 Jan 45
Air Medal
Sgt. Seward, Richard F., gunner
Rovereto, Italy
18 Jan 45
Air Medal
G.O. # 24, 5 Feb. ’45 12th Air Force. For Meritorious Achievement
Lt Brown, Royden (NMI), pilot
Rovereto, Italy
18 Jan 45
Air Medal
Lt. Williams, Peter G., pilot
Pavia, Italy
1 Jan 45
Air Medal
Lt Akers, Harold B., Jr., pilot
Pavia, Italy
1 Jan 45
Air Medal
Lt. Barile, Sam (NMI), pilot
Rovereto, Italy
18 Jan 45
Air Medal
Lt. Pruitt, Harry L., pilot
Pavia, Italy
1 Jan 45
Air Medal
Lt. Sanders, William A., pilot
Pavia, Italy
1 Jan 45
Air Medal
Lt. Styers, Charles W., pilot
Ora, Italy
17 Jan 45
Air Medal
Lt. Wuest, Robert F., pilot
Pavia, Italy
1 Jan 45
Air Medal
Sgt. Atherton, Robert C., gunner
Rovereto, Italy
30 Dec 44
Air Medal
Sgt. DiSalvo, Alfred J., gunner
Pavia, Italy
1 Jan 45
Air Medal
Lt. Wilson, James M., pilot
Pavia, Italy
1 Jan 45
1st OLC to AM
G.O. # 25, 7 Feb. ’45 12th Air Force. For Meritorious Service
Sgt. Lane, Howard W., transportation 20 Mar ’43 to 30 April ’43
Bronze Star
G.O. # 28, 10 Feb. ’45 12th Air Force. For Meritorious Achievement
F/O Rutz, Victor H., bombardier
Asti, Italy
15 Dec 44
Air Medal
Sgt. Harageones, George J., gunner Rovereto, Italy
30 Dec 44
Air Medal
Sgt. Mientkiewicz, Casmier (NMI), gunner Pavia, Italy 1 Jan 45
Air Medal
February 1945 (continued)
G.O. # 31, 16 Feb. ’45 12th Air Force. For Meritorious Achievement
Lt. Bruhn, Charles A., pilot
Voghera, Italy
31 Jan 45
Air Medal
Lt. Meyers, Kenneth F., pilot
Voghera, Italy
31 Jan 45
Air Medal
Lt. Spaur, Melvin J., pilot
Voghera, Italy
31 Jan 45
Air Medal
Sgt Fletcher, William H., gunner
Ora, Italy
17 Jan 45
Air Medal
Sgt. Parham, Ralph E., gunner
Pavia, Italy
1 Jan 45
Air Medal
Sgt. Oliver, Walter A., gunner
Asti, Italy
15 Dec 44
Air Medal
Lt. Russell, H.H., Harold H., pilot Lavis, Italy
31 Jan 45
1st OLC to AM
Lt. Russell, J.D., John D., pilot
Lavis, Italy
31 Jan 45
1st OLC to AM
Sgt. Head, Charles H., gunner
Rovereto, Italy
30 Dec 44
1st OLC to AM
G.O. # 32, 17 Feb. ’45 12th Air Force.
For Heroism
Lt. Mitchell, Robert E., pilot
Mestre, Italy
9 Nov 44
Soldiers Medal
For Meritorious Service
Sgt. Edmonson, Loyal C., engineering 10 June ’43 to 18 June ’44
Bronze Star