Mise en page 1 - Media Participations
Mise en page 1 - Media Participations
Media-Participations is a recognized leader in traditional print publishing, film and TV production, and digital media. It offers content tailored to a variety of audiences and age groups. BOOKS Comics and Graphic Novels (Dargaud, Dupuis, Le Lombard) Mangas (Kana) Children and Teens (Fleurus Enfants, Fleurus Jeunesse, Fleurus Family, Mango Jeunesse) Crafts and Hobbies (Fleurus Pratique, Rustica Editions, Mango) Religion (Mame, Edifa, Desclée, Tardy) History and Thematic books (Chronique, Huginn&Muninn) Business (Mediatoon Publishing, Chronique) MAGAZINES AND NEW SERVICES Gardening, Crafts, and Hobbies (Rustica, Système D, La Gazette des petits gourmands) Comics Magazines (Spirou, Pilote) Religion (Famille Chrétienne, Magnificat, I.Media) 2011 Acquisition of Gravity Europe in partnership with Gravity Co. Ltd. (Korea). DC Comics appoints Dargaud as Publishing lisencee for France 2010 Launch of izneo (digital platform for comics) jointly with Bamboo, Casterman, Dargaud, Delcourt, Dupuis, Futuropolis, Glénat, Le Lombard, and Soleil. 2009 Acquisition of video game and software publisher Anuman Interactive. Investment in La Procure group (bookstores and mail order catalogs). 2008 Distribution agreement with Pearson group. Investment in PGV Maison group (Système D and C’Déco). Sale of Détours en France and Dada titles. 2006 Launch of Kana Home Video brand. 2005 Expansion of Dourdan distribution center. FILM AND TELEVISION Animated Films (Ellipsanime, Dargaud Media, Dupuis Audiovisuel, Storimages, Belvision, DreamWall, Araneo Belgium, KeyWall, Go West) Documentaries, Comedies, and Dramas (Dupuis Films, VF Films Production) Video Publishing and Children’s DVDs (Citel Video, Kana Home Video) International Distribution (Mediatoon Distribution) DIGITAL MEDIA Video games and interactive softwares, mobile and Web applications (Anuman Interactive, Mediatoon Interactive, Gravity Europe, izneo) The group’s success is fueled by the growth of existing brands, particularly in its graphic novels, magazine publishing, and children’s books divisions; targeted acquisitions of other brands, franchises, publishing assets, and firms; the expansion of existing activities through complementary media platforms; and its continued control of product distribution and delivery in France, Belgium, and Switzerland. Across the range of traditional and new media channels, Media-Participations is committed to continually promoting its talented authors, journalists, producers, and their creations. 2004 Acquisition of Dupuis group. Distribution agreement with Editions du Voyage Michelin (maps and guidebooks). Acquisition of Editions Champflour. 2003 Acquisition of Editions Mango. Acquisition of Ellipsanime and VF Films Production. 2002 Acquisition of Storimages Opening of new MDS distribution center in Dourdan. 2001 Acquisition of rights for Cubitus and Boule et Bill. Purchase of Editions Chronique (history and thematic books). 1999 Creation of Lucky Comics joint venture (publishing and rights of Lucky Luke character). 1996 Acquisition of Marina Productions 1992 Repositioning of Citel to focus on development of animated films (including Tintin rights). Acquisition of Editions Blake et Mortimer. Purchase of Edifa. 1989 Acquisition of Tardy and Droguet & Ardant. 1988 Acquisition of Dargaud group (comics and graphic novels, Rustica gardening publications, distribution activities). 1986 Creation of Media-Participations and purchase of Fleurus. Acquisition of Mame, Desclée, and Le Lombard. Creation of Citel (video). BOOKS Lucky Luke : 250 M albums sold worldwide since 1946. MAGAZINES DIGITAL IMEDIA www.mangakana.com : 200.000 Internet pages views per month. Rustica : 17 million issues sold each year. PRODUCTION The Adventures of Tintin : 16 hours of animated shows sold throughout 150 different countries. MEDIA DIFFUSION 15-27, RUE MOUSSORGSKI 75895 PARIS CEDEX 18 TEL +33 1 70 38 56 10 SERVICES With annual revenues of approximately 330 million euros, Media-Participations is the third largest publishing company in France. COMICS AND GRAPHIC NOVELS 30% This success has been driven by management’s commitment to internal growth and MAGAZINES AND NEWS 18% content creation, combined with targeted acquisitions in FILM AND TV PRODUCTION 17% OTHER BOOKS 15% complementary areas. • Nearly 1,000 employees based in Europe (France, Belgium, Italy, and Switzerland) and the United States. • 30 million books sold every year, including 20 million comic books and graphic novels. • Close to 1,000 new titles released each year, including 600 new comic books and graphic novels. • 28 million magazine issues published each year. • 2.3 million children’s DVDs sold each year from a growing catalog of more than 250 titles. • 1,500 hours of original animated TV programming. • 7 million Internet pages viewed each month. DISTRIBUTION 20% REVENUES BY SECTOR • An average of 6,000 packages shipped daily from our distribution centers. Sales: Media Diffusion, Dargaud Suisse, Ballon Media Distribution: MDS, DLS, Dargaud Suisse Shared Administrative Infrastructure: Pluriad SALES Media Diffusion regroups talented sales teams for comics, graphic novels, and books divisions. These teams target a broad array of sales channels in France and Belgium, including supermarkets, traditional and specialized bookstores, digital media stores, wholesale centers, departments stores, other specialized stores, and on-line distributors. In Switzerland, sales are handled by a dedicated division managed under Dargaud Suisse. Media-Participations is a minority shareholder in Ballon Media, the group’s distributor of comics and children books published in Dutch. It operates throughout the Netherlands and in Flanders, the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium. DISTRIBUTION MDS acts as distributor for all of the group’s publications in France. Since 2004, MDS has also become the French distributor of Michelin maps and guidebooks. Since 2008, MDS assumes distribution responsibilities for the Pearson publishing company, Bragelonne, Milady, Castelmore, Vie du rail, and Calligram. MDS’s logistics, warehousing and shipping operations are based in Dourdan (Essonne, France), from where MDS serves all bookstores and other distribution channels in France. FAX +33 1 70 38 56 11 MDS Z.A. DES JALOTS 91417 DOURDAN CEDEX TEL +33 1 60 81 87 00 FAX +33 1 64 59 30 63 www.mdsfrance.com DLS ZONING MARTINROU RUE DU PROGRÈS 1 B-6220 FLEURUS DLS serves as the group’s distributor for Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg. It operates out of a distribution center located in Fleurus, near Charleroi, Belgium. Dargaud Suisse, whose operations are based near Lausanne, is the group’s distributor in Switzerland. SHARED ADMINISTRATIVE INFRASTRUCTURE Pluriad manages all administrative and back office tasks for the French companies of Media-Participations, including accounting, book-keeping, IT, and legal compliance, and human resources services. Pluriad also oversees external service providers that perform administrative tasks for the group. TEL +32 71 600 520 FAX +32 71 800 229 DARGAUD SUISSE ZI DU GRAND-PRÉ 2C CASE POSTALE 86 CH-1510 MOUDON TEL +41 21 651 64 64 FAX +41 21 651 64 65 BALLON MEDIA FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT PLAATS, 12 B-2060 ANVERS TEL +32 3 294 15 00 FAX +32 3 294 15 01 PLURIAD 15-27, RUE MOUSSORGSKI 75895 PARIS CEDEX 18 TEL +33 1 53 26 34 40 FA X +33 1 53 26 34 41 DARGAUD Paris 15-27, RUE MOUSSORGSKI 75895 PARIS CEDEX 18 TEL +33 1 53 26 32 32 FAX +33 1 53 26 32 00 Bruxelles AVENUE P.-H. SPAAK, 7 B-1060 BRUXELLES TEL +32 2 526 68 11 FAX +32 2 520 44 05 www.dargaud.com Brands : Poisson Pilote, Long Courrier, Lucky Comics, Blake & Mortimer, Caméléon, Fictions. LE LOMBARD AVENUE P.-H. SPAAK, 7 PUBLISHING / COMICS AND GRAPHIC NOVELS With Dargaud, Le Lombard, Kana, and Dupuis, MediaParticipations is the undisputed leader of the European comic world. DARGAUD Founded over fifty years ago by George Dargaud, the Dargaud group publishes comic books and graphic novels, and has recently expanded its film and TV production divisions (including animated films and DVD production). Dargaud’s catalog covers a rich and varied field, including numerous cult series (XIII, Valérian, Blueberry, Rabbi’s Cat…) pioneered by Dargaud, many of which were promoted through the pages of the famed Pilote magazine. In addition to these flagship titles, the Dargaud brand remains an incubator of fresh new talent, with series such as “Poisson Pilote” and “Long Courrier.” Dargaud’s editorial vision supported by an extensive marketing and distribution team, has generated an unmatched track record of bestsellers. LE LOMBARD The legend of Le Lombard began in 1946 with the creation of the famous Tintin magazine. Since this auspicious beginning, Lombard has continued to nurture the series that have built and secured the international reputation of Franco-Belgian comic strips and graphic novels. Among its many renowned titles are Blake et Mortimer, Ric Hochet, Thorgal, Jonathan, Cubitus, and Leonard. These legends have been joined by recent successes such as Alpha, Croisade, I.R.$., Sherman, and L’Elève Ducobu. Altogether, the Lombard catalog includes 900 titles by more than 160 authors from around the world. Lombard remains faithfull to this legacy while never ceasing to search for the stars of tomorrow. URBAN COMICS The newcomer Urban Comics brand is dedicated to U.S. Comics publishing. Most of its titles originates from the DC Comics and Vertigo librairies. KANA B-1060 BRUXELLES Mangas (Japanese comic strips) are published from Brussels under the Kana label. Within a few years, mangas have become widely popular in Europe and the manga industry has seen exceptional growth. Kana is well established as the leading manga publisher on the French market, with best-sellers such as the Pluto, Black Butler, Death Note, and Naruto series. TEL +32 2 526 68 11 FAX +32 2 520 44 05 www.lelombard.com Brands : Tous Publics, Troisième Vague, Signé, Millésimes KANA AVENUE P.-H. SPAAK, 7 DUPUIS A publisher with character(s)! For more than half a century, Dupuis has been writing an essential page in the story of graphic novels. Through the weekly Spirou magazine, Dupuis has cultivated a passionate public following. Dupuis has created iconic figures such as Lucky Luke, Spirou, Boule et Bill, The Smurfs, Cédric, Le Petit Spirou, Kid Paddle, and Largo Winch, and continues to publish some of the world’s greatest artists. Each year, 5 million Dupuis comics and graphic novels are sold across the globe. Beyond its Franco-Belgian roots and the famous series that have cemented its reputation, the strength of Dupuis lies in its ability to anticipate the future of comics and reinvent the industry. Today, Dupuis pioneers a comprehensive commercial strategy that integrates publishing, animation, and rights licensing. B-1060 BRUXELLES TEL +32 2 526 68 11 FAX +32 2 520 44 05 www.mangakana.com DUPUIS Marcinelle RUE DESTRÉE, 52 B-6001 MARCINELLE TEL +32 71 600 500 FAX +32 71 600 599 Bruxelles AVENUE P.-H. SPAAK, 7 B-1060 BRUXELLES TEL +32 2 526 68 11 FAX +32 3 520 44 05 Paris 15-27, RUE MOUSSORGSKI 75895 PARIS CEDEX 18 TEL +33 1 70 38 56 00 MEDIATOON LICENSING This subsidiary acts as an agent for all MediaParticipations publishers. Its mission is to expand the group’s commercial potential by selling foreign rights and licensing rights to the characters found in the group’s graphic novels and animated series. It also represents independent publishers. FAX +33 1 70 38 56 01 www.dupuis.com Brands : Tous Publics, Aire Libre, Repérages, Punaise, Puceron MEDIATOON 15-27, RUE MOUSSORGSKI 75895 PARIS CEDEX 18 TEL +33 1 53 26 32 20 FAX +33 1 53 26 32 30 www.mediatoon.com PUBLISHING / OTHER BOOKS Media-Participations’s various subsidiaries publish a broad range of books, from children’s literature, to crafts and hobbies guides, and books covering religious, historical, and business topics. FLEURUS Fleurus is a prolific publisher for a wide range of target markets—including children and teens, religion, and crafts and hobbies. It has become a leader in these markets with brands such as Fleurus (and its sub-brands), Mango, Rustica, Mame, Desclée, Tardy, etc. • Children and Teens > Fleurus Enfants promotes discovery and learning through books aimed at a variety of age groups, ranging from 6 months to 12 years. Among its leading products on the French markets, the “Imageries” series offers more than 170 titles and has sold over 50 million copies. > Fleurus Family creates books that can be read together by the whole family. The quintessential example is the now-classic Dico des filles, which has sold over 800,000 copies. > Authors published under the Mango label respond to children and teens’ desire for knowledge and creativity. Their work ranges from the educational series “Dada” aimed at young children to fantasy and science fiction novels for older children and teenagers. > Fleurus Jeunesse is also well known for its groundbreaking documentary collections that play a key role in the group’s educational and literary mission. Among them, “Voir” has sold more than one million copies. • Crafts and Hobbies > Fleurus Pratique’s catalog features more than 650 titles covering crafts projects (for both children and adults), artistic techniques, home improvement, decoration and vocational techniques, as well as food and health related subjects. > Rustica Editions, with more than 300 titles and series including “Traités Rustica”, is aimed at readers with a passion for nature, gardening, animals, cooking, and the environment. > Mango’s Art de Vivre series features recipes for daily cooking (“Craquez!”, “Ô délices!”) and health and wellness books, while Mango Art du Fil provides a full selection of needlecraft guides on embroidery, cross stitching, sewing, knitting, and crochet. • Religion Mame, Edifa, Desclée, Tardy, and other religious brands in Fleurus publish reference books accessible to the whole family conveying the message of the Catholic faith. Fleurus is a recognized leader in the religious book market. Its publications rank first in the fields of catechism, liturgy, and religious education. It also offers popular series such as “Les aventures de Loupio” and “A ciel ouvert” that are targeted for younger readers and teenagers. • Digital Books Most of these books are bound to be digitalized and distributed through various formats and platforms. EDITIONS CHRONIQUE Editions Chronique left a lasting impression on the publishing industry with its immensely popular chronology of the 20th century, Chronique du XXe siècle. Since being acquired by the Dargaud group, the company has published numerous beautifully illustrated coffee table books that present an accessible account of historic events and social trends, both ancient and modern (Chronique de l’Histoire, Chronique de l’année people, Les années hippies, etc.). It has also gained prominence for its detailed accounts of France’s heritage (Made in France) and its biographies of famous personalities. FLEURUS EDITIONS 15-27, RUE MOUSSORGSKI 75895 PARIS CEDEX 18 TEL +33 1 53 26 33 35 FAX +33 1 53 26 33 36 fleuruseditions@fleuruseditions.com FLEURUS MAME 15-27, RUE MOUSSORGSKI 75895 PARIS CEDEX 18 TEL +33 1 42 84 86 00 FAX +33 1 42 84 36 37 fleurusmame@fleuruseditions.com HUGINN&MUNINN Publisher of new popular, graphic, and geek cultures, in cooperation with major foreign publishers (Abrams, Chronicle Books, Dorling Kindersley, ...) Its original books adress a wide field of interests: music, comics, cinema, video games, toys... www.fleuruseditions.com Main Brands : Fleurus, Mango, Rustica, Mame, Edifa, Desclée, Droguet-Ardant, Tardy. EDITIONS CHRONIQUE 15-27, RUE MOUSSORGSKI CORPORATE BOOKS 75895 PARIS CEDEX 18 A division of Mediatoon Licensing designs and produces books and magazines for corporate clients and institutions. FAX +33 1 53 26 32 30 TEL +33 1 53 26 32 20 www.editions-chronique.com HUGINN&MUNINN 15-27, RUE MOUSSORGSKI 75895 PARIS CEDEX 18 TEL +33 1 53 26 32 80 FAX +33 1 53 26 32 30 rodolphe.lachat@mediatoon.com MEDIATOON LICENSING 15-27, RUE MOUSSORGSKI 75895 PARIS CEDEX 18 TEL +33 1 53 26 32 20 FAX +33 1 53 26 32 30 www.mediatoon.com MAGAZINES, AND NEWS SERVICES Through its magazine publishing subsidiaries, MediaParticipations distributes more than 30 million magazine issues a year, dedicated to crafts, hobbies, and comic books coverage, as well as religious news. RUSTICA SPIROU MAGNIFICAT Rustica is a leading publisher of French-speaking magazines focused on the “art of living.” Each year Rustica distributes more than 17 million copies by subscription, and through newsstands. •Rustica l’hebdo Rustica l’hebdo was created in 1928 and remains the only weekly gardening magazine in the French market. It has become a recognized authority in the gardening field by providing expert advice and encouraging an environmentally-friendly approach to gardening. The magazine also covers other topics, such as food, home decor, and healthy living. • Rustica Pratique A quaterly magazine published in reduced format along with the yearly “Almanach Rustica” • Système D Système D has remained an undisputed authority on do-it-yourself home improvement projects since it was first published in 1924. It is the most widely circulated monthly magazine in this field and provides essential tips and advice to all those interested in home improvement and renovation projects. Spirou, the iconic character of the Dupuis publishing group, is also the title of the leading magazine in the Franco-Belgian comics field. Since its creation in 1938, it has served as a forum for some of Dupuis’s most acclaimed comics series. Today, the weekly magazine sells more than 70,000 copies per issue, and its internet site “spirou.com” is among the most visited websites for children and families. Magnificat is both a monthly liturgical prayer book and a Christian spiritual guide, offering prayers, meditations, essays, and the official texts of the daily Mass. More than 500,000 subscribers throughout the world receive Magnificat in French, English, German, or Spanish. In line with its strategy of international expansion, Magnificat was recently launched in the United Kingdom in 2008 and Ireland in 2011. For children between the ages of seven and twelve, Magnificat offers Magnificat Junior and MagnifiKid! Since 2006, Magnificat has published a series of books under its own label, some of which have already become bestsellers (including Benedictus and Praying with Saint Paul). PILOTE Published by Dargaud, Pilote was an essential member of the comics world from its debut in 1959 to 1989. Since 2004, Pilote has on occasion published special issues celebrating both recognized and new talents. 75895 PARIS CEDEX 18 TEL +33 1 53 26 11 93 FAX +33 1 53 26 33 03 www.rustica.fr www.systemed.fr FAMILLE CHRETIENNE Published by Edifa, Famille Chrétienne is a leading player in the French Catholic press, with approximately 60,000 subscribers. This weekly magazine covers religious and secular news from a Christian perspective and is accessible to the whole family. In 2009, Edifa successfully launched a new website for Catholic families, “famillechretienne.fr.” LA GAZETTE DES PETIS GOURMANDS Since 2009, this bimonthly is distributed to young readers aged five to ten through school canteens. It promotes healthy diet and environmental concerns. RUSTICA / SYSTÈME D 15-27, RUE MOUSSORGSKI Titles : Rustica, Système D. EDIFA 15-27, RUE MOUSSORGSKI 75895 PARIS CEDEX 18 TEL +33 1 53 26 35 00 FAX +33 1 53 26 35 15 www.famillechretienne.fr MAGNIFICAT I.MEDIA 15-27, RUE MOUSSORGSKI I.Media is a news agency based in Rome, Italy. Its reporters are permanently accredited with the Holy See press office. I.Media’s reporting covers official Vatican news as well as other current events, thanks to its network of contacts within the Holy See’s administration and in the Vatican’s diplomatic community. The news stories generated by I.Media are distributed daily to its clients—principally other news services, newspapers, and magazines, and TV, and radio broadcasters, throughout the world. 75895 PARIS CEDEX 18 TEL +33 1 53 26 33 35 FAX +33 1 53 26 33 87 www.magnificat.com I.MEDIA VIA SFORZA PALLAVICINI, 11 00193 ROME / ITALIE TEL +39 06 68 33 473 FAX +39 06 68 33 472 www.imedia-info.org ELLIPSANIME 15-27, RUE MOUSSORGSKI 75895 PARIS CEDEX 18 TEL +33 1 53 26 11 10 FAX +33 1 53 26 11 11 www.ellipsanime.fr DARGAUD MEDIA 15-27, RUE MOUSSORGSKI 75895 PARIS CEDEX 18 TEL +33 1 53 26 11 10 FAX +33 1 53 26 11 11 www.dargaudmedia.fr DUPUIS AUDIOVISUEL 15-27, RUE MOUSSORGSKI FILM AND TELEVISION PRODUCTION Through its companies in France and Belgium, MediaParticipations is the leading producer of animated films in Europe and offers an incomparable catalog of quality shows and series. DREAMWALL ELLIPSANIME In July 2003, the Dargaud group acquired Ellipsanime, the animation studio for StudioExpand, a subsidiary of Canal+. Since 1987, Ellipsanime created one of the richest and most consistent catalogs in the market. It has successfully adapted classic literary works, including Les Aventures de Tintin, Babar, Corto Maltese, Bécassine, Drôles de petites bêtes, Bravo Gudule, while developing numerous original series such as The Pirate Famiy, Xcalibur, Kong, Insektors, Potlach, Chicken Town, and The magic Rundabout. Since then, Flash Gordon, Papyrus, Jojo, Cédric, Kid Paddle, and others have been added to Dupuis Audiovisuel’s lineup. Its catalog now features twelve animated series that are co-produced with the major French television networks (TF1, France 3, M6, Canal+, Canal J, etc.) and are widely sold abroad. Dupuis Audiovisuel also produces the Largo Winch series (39 episodes). This groundbreaking TV show aired on the M6 network and was eventually adapted into two successful feature films. DARGAUD MEDIA STORIMAGES Dargaud and Le Lombard (through its Belgian subsidiary Belvision) have long been key players in the animation industry, transforming classic comics into now-cult feature animated films (Astérix, Lucky Luke, Tintin, etc.). In line with this legacy, Dargaud Media today continues to promote Dargaud and Le Lombard comics characters on new media platforms. It produces and distributes both TV cartoons for children and live-action TV series—including, most recently, Boule et Bill (TF1), Valérian et Laureline (France 3), and The Garfield Show (France 3). Storimages was acquired by the Dargaud group in 2002. It produces animated series for toddlers (L’Ane Trotro), older children (Yakari), and preteens (Alice, de l’autre côté du miroir). DUPUIS AUDIOVISUEL Dupuis’s tradition of producing high quality animation dates to the 1960s, when it rose to prominence as the studio that produced The Smurfs. Today, the torch has been passed to Dupuis Audiovisuel, created in 1992 and based in Paris. The studio’s first joint production was the animated series Spirou, which was successfully distributed throughout the world and earned record audiences in France, where it aired on TF1. In total, Dupuis Audiovisuel co-produced 104 26-minute episodes of Spirou. VF FILMS PRODUCTION VF Films Productions was acquired in 2003. It specializes in documentaries and other quality TV programming. It was awarded 3 prestigious “Sept d’or”—the premier French TV production award—for its Striptease series. Its catalog now contains more than 300 hours of programming. BELVISION Since the 1960s, Belvision has played a pivotal role in the history of European animation (Tintin, Astérix, Lucky Luke, The Smurfs, etc.). Its studio, based in Belgium, remains a key partner in French and European productions. Dreamwall is a 2-D and 3-D animation studio created in February 2007 as a joint venture between the Belgian public channel RTBF and Editions Dupuis. DreamWall also designs virtual sets, backgrounds, and characters for a variety of TV shows. Among its creations are Cédric 3 and Spirou and Fantasio 4 (2-D animations), Merci Gudule, Birds band, Garfield, and Léonard (3-D animations). CITEL VIDEO For more than 20 years, Citel Video has specialized in videos and DVDs for children. Its shows are derived from iconic comic book series (Astérix, Tintin, Lucky Luke, Blake et Mortimer, Garfield, Marsupilami, etc.) and classic children’s literature (Babar, Père Castor, characters from the Comtesse de Ségur books, etc.). In 2006, it launched Kana Home Video, a new label dedicated to Japanese animation (Naruto, One Piece, Fairy Tail, Death Note, etc.). Citel Video also expanded its family offerings in 2008 by acquiring a range of films, TV series, and cultural and historical programs. MEDIATOON DISTRIBUTION Mediatoon is the agency in charge of domestic and international sales of the group’s audiovisual library, exploitable on all media: TV, DVD, VOD, mobile, IPTV. With 1,500 hours of youth programming, with popular series such as Garfield, Tintin, Lucky Luke, Spirou, and Yakari, produced by Media-Participations’ animation studios: Dargaud Media, Ellipsanime, Belvision, Storimages, Dupuis Audiovisuel. It represents the largest offer in European animation. Mediatoon also enriches its catalog with independent third-party producers of quality manga successes such as Keroro, Fairy Tail, and Naruto. 75895 PARIS CEDEX 18 TEL +33 1 53 26 11 50 FAX +33 1 53 26 11 51 STORIMAGES 15-27, RUE MOUSSORGSKI 75895 PARIS CEDEX 18 TEL +33 1 53 26 11 10 FAX +33 1 53 26 11 11 www.storimages.fr VF FILMS PRODUCTION 39, RUE D’AMSTERDAM 75008 PARIS TEL +33 1 45 22 16 10 FAX +33 1 45 22 11 60 BELVISION AVENUE P.-H. SPAAK, 7 B-1060 BRUXELLES TEL +32 2 526 68 90 FAX +32 2 520 44 05 DREAMWALL RUE DESTRÉE, 52 B-6001 MARCINELLE TÉL +32 71 600 160 FAX +32 71 600 115 www.dreamwall.be CITEL / KANA HOME VIDEO 15-27, RUE MOUSSORGSKI 75895 PARIS CEDEX 18 TEL +33 1 53 26 31 31 FAX +33 1 53 26 31 32 www.citelvideo.com MEDIATOON 15-27, RUE MOUSSORGSKI 75895 PARIS CEDEX 18 TEL +33 1 53 26 32 20 FAX +33 1 53 26 32 30 www.mediatoon.com DIGITAL MEDIA future growth. The group’s various subsidiaries commonly use these technologies as an alternative sales channel (on-line sales, subscriptions, advertising, etc.) and as a marketing vehicle (newsletters, websites, blogs, etc.). In addition, these new platforms are driving the creation of new content and formats designed for the digital age. Media-Participations’s brands ANUMAN INTERACTIVE New technologies represent an exceptional opportunity for ANUMAN INTERACTIVE 66, RUE MARCEAU 93100 MONTREUIL TEL +33 1 48 97 92 92 FAX +33 1 48 97 16 86 www.anuman.fr GRAVITY EUROPE 15-27, RUE MOUSSORGSKI 75895 PARIS CEDEX 18 TEL +33 1 70 38 55 80 FAX +33 1 70 38 55 81 www.gravityeurope.com IZNEO 15-27, RUE MOUSSORGSKI 75895 PARIS CEDEX 18 TEL +33 1 53 26 31 14 contact@izneo.com www.izneo.com MEDIATOON 15-27, RUE MOUSSORGSKI 75895 PARIS CEDEX 18 TEL +33 1 53 26 32 20 have all been heavily investing in adapting their content to these digital platforms. With more than 5 million euros in annual sales, Anuman Interactive plays a growing part in the video game and interactive software industry. Anuman’s expertise extends to a broad range of delivery mediums and platforms: PC, Mac, the Web, the Iphone, Ipad, Androïd, Facebook, video game consoles such as Nintendo, Wii, etc. Its high-quality software products cover a variety of fields, including architecture, driving simulators, crafts, and other hobbies, educational software, and video games. This rich and diverse catalog features well-known brands and trademarks such as Clic and Go, For Dummies, De&Co, Home Design 3D, and new products developed in partnership with well established operators such as Ubisoft, Bordas, Gameloft, M6, Dupuis, Wiley... IZNEO Izneo is a joint venture dedicated to comics and graphic novels ("bandes dessinées") online reading, with a library of several thousands titles, and growing every month. Dargaud, Dupuis and Le Lombard control 30% of this dedicated digital platform with other specialized publishers. It addresses all computers and readers through national and international operators such as Apple, Amazon… 15-27, RUE MOUSSORGSKI GRAVITY EUROPE TEL +33 1 53 26 31 51 Gravity Europe is a joint venture between Gravity Co. Ltd, a leading online Korean company and Media-Participations, its majority shareholder. As such, Gravity Europe is in the business of distributing and operating Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOG) all over Europe on all current platforms including PCs, Ipads, tablet PCs, smartphones. As of today, Gravity Europe operates Ragnarök Online, one of the most popular and recognized MMOG in the world developed by Gravity Co. Ltd. In the future, Gravity Europe will distribute and operate sequels of Raganrök Online as well as other titles from its joint venture partner as they become available. FAX +33 1 53 26 31 50 Bruxelles AVENUE P.-H. SPAAK, 7 B-1060 BRUXELLES TEL +32 2 526 68 11 FAX +32 2 520 44 05 Paris 75895 PARIS CEDEX 18 contact@media-participations.com www.media-participations.com MEDIATOON INTERACTIVE Mediatoon Interactive manages and distributes Media-Participations’s digital rights across a variety of emerging mediums, including the Internet, mobile phones, and IPTV. FAX +33 1 53 26 32 30 www.mediatoon.com All the images illustrating this booklet are worldwide copyright reserved. Graphic design Philippe Ghielmetti. Printing by CPE conseil. Special thanks to Romain Lizé, Claire and Ommeed.