Fall 2013 - Plumstead Township
Fall 2013 - Plumstead Township
Plumstead Township Work on Hanusey Community Park is well underway. These photos were taken on July 26 and show the lights that will illuminate the basketball courts and the soccer and baseball fields, and the baseball field with the infield cut out. Once completed this park will be a premier recreational facility for residents, visitors and organized sports associations. The park is comprised of 48 acres, half of which is woodlands and will also include a community building with public restrooms, two pavilions and extensive walking trails around the athletic fields. Planning is also underway to construct a pedestrian path along Gordon Road which will allow residents of Patriots Ridge to walk to the park. Please check the Township website for updates. Township Hours, Phone Numbers and Upcoming Events...............................................3 Cross Keys Water Project...............................................................................................................4 Second Annual Thompson Bucks County Classic Bike Race Returns............................4 Township Receives Benches for Owls Nest Park...................................................................5 Township’s Finances are Picture of Health..............................................................................7 EAC Tree Planting.............................................................................................................................7 2013 Southeastern PA Household Hazardous Waste and Electronics Program........7 A Message from the Plumstead Historical Society..............................................................8 Township Manager to Receive Credentialing........................................................................8 Plumstead Township Land Preservation Report 2012..........................................................9 WHAT’S INSIDE 2 0 1 3 Hanusey Community Park Update NEWSLETTER F A L L It’s the Law! Windshield Wipers & Lights.............................................................................. 10 Veteran’s Park Project Delayed................................................................................................. 10 Plumstead Volunteer Fire Company...................................................................................... 10 From the Desk of State Representative Marguerite Quinn............................................ 11 Public Works Information........................................................................................................... 11 Bucks County Veteran ID Card Program............................................................................... 12 Food Pantry in Need of Donations......................................................................................... 13 Pennsylvania Yellow Dot Program.......................................................................................... 13 American Red Cross Blood Drive............................................................................................. 14 2 Plumstead Township Newsletter Donald B. B, Veix, Veix, Jr. Donald Jr || Partner Partner Litigation | Real Estate | Land Use OIL CHANGES BRAKES TIRES WINDOW TINT CAR AUDIO & MORE! We Accept All Competitor’s Coupons! !"!! 10/31/13. DVEIX@AMMLAW.COM 131 West State Street, Doylestown, PA | 2152307500 x 33 www.ammlaw.com THE AREA’S DISCOUNT TIRE SUPERSTORE! 838 N. Easton Rd., Doylestown, PA 18902 DXWRH[SUHVVSDFRP Hours: Monday-Friday 7am to 7pm, Saturday 7am to 5pm Certified Building Inspection ! " " # $ % & " ' " ()*+,*- ! " ##$ C. ROBERT WYNN ASSOCIATES, INC. -5.)#)0!,ÛÛ#)6),Û%.').%%2).' C. Robert Wynn, P.E. Civil/Site Engineering Doylestown 215-345-9400 Code Enforcement Construction Management Stroudsburg 570-629-0300 Morgantown 610-913-1212 www.bjengineers.com Environmental Engineering Grant Writing Boucher & James, Inc. Geology/Hydrogeology Consulting Engineers Land Planning Proud to Serve as Plumstead Township Planner Landscape Architecture An Employee Owned Company Water/Sewer Engineering Land Surveying Municipal Engineering CHINESE FOOD TO DINE IN & TAKE OUT OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Monday - Thursday: 11:00am - 10:00pm Friday & Saturday: 11:00am - 11:00pm Sunday: 12:00 noon - 10:00pm 5843 Easton Road (Plumstead Square) Plumsteadville, PA 18949 B E C R E AT I V E 215-766-2383 Fax: 215-766-2381 . EXPLORE . ENJOY ART LESSONS President s3UBDIVISION s3TORM$RAINAGE s3ITE$EVELOPMENT s&LOODPLAIN!NALYSIS s2AILROAD%NGINEERING s(IGHWAY"RIDGE$ESIGN 7EST"ROAD3TREET 1UAKERTOWN0! 4%, &!8 DonnaMcCafferty McCafferty &&Co. Donna Co. Classes for students of all ages in: Oil, Watercolor, Acrylic, Sketching, FINE A RT & GRAPHIC DESIGN FINE A RT & GRAPHIC DESIGN AT AT K OI S TUDIO K OI S TUDIO Life Drawing, Live Model Workshops, College Portfolio Prep, Camp s$ONNA-C#AFFERTYCOM Plumstead Township Newsletter Plumstead Township Information Contact Information Administrative Staff Board of Supervisors Township Office Township Manager: Carolyn McCreary Assistant to Township Manager: Debbie DiAngelo Director of Public Works: Alan Bleam Administrative Assistant & Water Billing: Pam Gravel Chief of Police: Duane Hasenauer Police Dept. Administrative Assistant: Linda Barratt Police Clerk: Jen Schmitt PT Clerk: Kathy Luff Finance: Jane Faunce Accounts Receivable: Virginia Bowling Code Enforcement: Keystone Municipal Services Zoning Administrative Assistant: Teri Murphy Receptionist: Maria Strycharski Frank Froio, Chair Stacey Mulholland, Vice Chair Dan Hilferty, Treasurer Wayne A. Stork, Secretary Tom Alvare, Asst Secretary/ Treasurer 5186 Stump Road, P.O. Box 387, Plumsteadville, PA 18949-0387 Telephone: 215-766-8914 • Fax: 215-766-9831 • www.plumstead.org Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Police Department Ofiice: 215-766-8741 • Dispatch: 215-766-8740 • Fax: 215-766-8509 For EMERGENCY Dial 911 Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM or by appointment Floyd S. Bryan Public Works Center Office: 215-766-0189• Fax: 215-766-1439 Hours: Monday - Friday 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM Meetings Tax Collector 6162 German Road, P.O. Box 433, Plumstead, PA 18949 Telephone: 215-766-3785 • Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM Water Department Billing Questions: 215-766-0189 • Repairs & Maintenance: 215-766-0189 For after hours service disruption or non-emergency issues of concern, please contact Police Dispatch at 215-766-8740. Identify yourself as a Plumstead Township Water Department customer. The dispatcher will contact the on-duty officer, who will the contact the on-call Public Works personnel. For Police, Fire or Medical Emergencies: 911 The Board of Supervisors’ meet on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM. Work sessions are held on the last Thursday of the month, also at 7:30 PM. The Planning Commission meets on the third Thursday of each month at 7:30 PM The Zoning Hearing Board meets at the call of the Chairman The Environmental Advisory Council meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30 PM All Meetings are at the Township Building township water customers Coming Soon! Plumstead Township WELCOMES The Township is in the process of all the new residents of: setting up a system to allow our water customers to receive and pay Carriage Hill their bills online. Please watch our Plumstead Chase Website at plumstead.org as this Plumstead Woods program becomes available. SAve the date 2012-2013 Township Blood Drive Adult Kick-Ball League 2nd Annual Bucks County Classic Bike Race Veteran’s Day Celebration Annual Tree Lighting PPVFC (90th Anniv Celebration) August 16, 2013 August 2013 September 7, 2013 November 9, 2013 December 8, 2013 May 17, 2014 www.plumstead.org • www.plumsteadparkandrec.org 3 4 Plumstead Township Newsletter cross keys WATER PROJECT The International City/County Management Association (ICMA) recently published an article on their Life Well Run website in recognition of the Program Excellence Award which was presented to Plumstead, Doylestown and Buckingham Townships for their cooperative efforts on the Cross Keys Water Project. The article can be found at http://lifewellrun.org/whats-a-professional-manager/ professionally-managed-communities-list/pennsylvania/ doylestown-pa-communities-come-together-for-cleanwater/ Second Annual Thompson Bucks County Classic professional bike race returns to Plumstead… On Saturday, September 7th the Second Annual Thompson Bucks County Classic professional Doylestown Hospitalbike race is set to kick off. The race begins at 10:30 am at Main Street and Ferry Road in New Hope and finishes at West Court and Main Streets in Doylestown. A D I V I S I O N A D I V I S I O N Mark your calendars! K E N C H W A L H Y D R O S E E D I N G LLC LLC Wholesale & Retail Distribution Center Wholesale & Retail Distribution Center EROSION CONTROL PRODUCTS CONTROL PRODUCTS SILT &EROSION SUPER SILT FENCE PRODUCTS SHREDDED RUBBER MULCH SHREDDED RUBBER MULCH FOR PLAYGROUNDS GRASS SEED • FERTILIZER • LIME FOR PLAYGROUNDS SILT & SUPER SILT FENCE PRODUCTS SILT & SUPER SILT PRODUCTS HYDRO-MULCH • FENCE GROUND MULCH (3"444&&%t'&35*-*;&3t-*.& (3"444&&%t'&35*-*;&3t-*.& ):%30ɠ.6-$)t(306/%.6-$) DRAINAGE PRODUCTS ):%30ɠ.6-$)t(306/%.6-$) DRAINAGE PRODUCTS ICE MELT PRODUCTS DRAINAGE PRODUCTS LANDSCAPING TOOLS... & MUCH MORE LANDSCAPING TOOLS... & MUCH MORE EROSION PRODUCTS ICECONTROL MELT PRODUCTS ICE MELT PRODUCTS LANDSCAPING TOOLS... & MUCH MORE 215.766.7000 215.766.7000 1 0 5 5 & 3 4 - " / & t 1 * 1 & 3 4 7 * - - & 1" 1 0 5 5 & 3 4 - " / & t 1 * 1 & 3 4 7 * - - & 1" w w w. c o n s e r v a t i o n r e s o u r c e s . n e t Healthcare Questions? The racecourse covers 14.6 miles, goes through six Townships & Boroughs (New Hope, Solebury, Plumstead, Buckingham, Doylestown, & Bedminster) and includes a circuit of six laps. Last year the race began with approximately 140 riders & finished with only 71. This year they are expecting more. O F N SCIHOWNA LC O H Y T U R F O&F EKRE O N DTRROOS LE E D I N G T U R F & EP R CONTROL RO OS D IUOCNT S PRODUCTS In-Store! Talk with a Doylestown Hospital Health and Wellness Concierge. Located in-store at the Cowhey Family ShopRite of Warminster. Appointment Scheduling Physician Referral Class & Event Registration Health & Wellness Information and More! ShopRite of Warminster I 942 W. Street Rd. I Warminster, PA. 18974 Too busy to stop? Learn more about Doylestown Hospital services and physicians at dh.org or 215.345.2121. dh.org 215.345.2121 Plumstead Township Newsletter Township Receives Benches for Owls Nest Park The Township was recently notified that it has been selected to receive three park benches from the Giant Food Stores “Bags to Benches” program, which will be placed in Owls Nest Park. The Township had made application to the program and designated this park because of the planned improvements to it. Everything You Need For Your Fireplace Glas� F����la�� En�lo���e� Add beauty, safety and elegance to your fireplace! Prevents heat loss in the evening when you go to bed! Gas Logs Bellows Solid Brass Tool Sets Andirons Log Carriers & Hoops Since 1997, GIANT has donated park benches made from recycled plastic bags to a variety of organizations including schools, fire departments, churches, parks, playgrounds and libraries to help beautify local communities. Over 1,500 benches have been donated to date. Residents are encouraged to recycle their plastic bags at each of the store locations in the Township by dropping them in the designated recycle bins. From there, the plastic bags are shipped to the Trex Company of Winchester, Virginia. Trex is the country’s largest manufacturer of wood-alternative decking materials. We also carry a full line of: Cape Cod Lighters Spark Guards Screens Grates GRATES & GRILLS, INC. 215-249-0182 105 S. Main St., Between Doylestown & Quakertown Dublin, PA Mon-Fri 9 6, Sat 9-5, Sun Closed www.gratesandgrills.com Fun Facts: In 2011 GIANT recycled 3.2 Million lbs. of baled plastic bags and wrap. Trex “logs” are made from the recycled bags and wraps and mixed with wood pulp. Each bench contains over 10,000 plastic bags. Most clean plastic bags, dry cleaner bags, clear film and shrink wrap can be recycled Perkasie� � 215�257�6811� � Quakertown� � 215�536�1200� � Doylestown� 215�348�2199 www.grimlaw.com 5 6 Plumstead Township Newsletter Jim Jacobs Towing & Garage BS O M JAC JIM JACOBS P I P E R S V I L L E , PA 215 PA State Inspections & Emissions Straw Establishment StrawMulching Mulching & & Turf Establishment FineGrading Grading & & Hydro Hydro Seeding Fine Seeding Lawn Restorations & Spring Clean-up Lawn Renovations Silt&&Super Super Silt Silt Fence Fence Installation Silt Installation All Forms Forms of Erosion Control Control All Drainage Solutions Drainage Solutions Visit our website at kchydroseeding.com 215.766.0988 • 215.766.7776 C E L E BOVER R AT I N28 G 2YEARS 5 Y E A RIN S IBUSINESS N PIPERSVILLE! 766-8380 24 HOUR TOWING HEAVY DUTY RECOVERY 6607 Easton Road • Pipersville, PA 18947 Full Service Auto & Truck Repairs 24 Hour Towing • 215-766-8360 Trailer Inspections & Repairs ADVERTISE IN THE PLUMSTEAD NEWSLETTER! NEWSLETTERS SENT OUT TO LOCAL PLUMSTEAD RESIDENTS EIGHTH PAGE QUARTER PAGE HALF PAGE FULL PAGE $210 $375 $600 $1175 CALL KAREN ROWLAND TO RESERVE YOUR SPACE! 215-538-0350 Plumstead Township Newsletter Township’s Finances are Picture of Health At their May 28 public meeting the Board of Supervisors heard a presentation from Township Manager, Carolyn McCreary providing a detailed overview of the Townships finances as of the end of 2012. Ms. McCreary noted that the annual financial audit found no weaknesses in internal controls, and the Township received a clean opinion which states that the financial statements accurately depict the Township’s financial position as of 12/31/12 with no material deficiencies. She stated that the Township’s General Fund which records revenue and expenses for the normal operations of the Township recorded a surplus of $453,099. She noted that the Police Department accounted for 52% of the expenditures. After several years of dormancy in residential development within the Township and the resulting decline in revenue and accompanying reductions in staffing, the Township’s fund balance of $2,403,453 is returning to the level it was at before the economic downturn. The fund balance is an important component of the Township’s financial strength and is evaluated when the Township receives its bond rating from ratings agencies like Standard & Poors. The Township’s Open Space Fund has a fund balance of $2,125,451 as of 12/31/12 which is available for land preservation efforts in 2013 and beyond. Since 2008 the Township has expended over $6.9 million for land preservation by purchasing conservation easements on properties within the Township. These monies were borrowed as a result of the voter approved open space referendums. The Local Services Tax Fund has a balance of $273,601 part of which is committed for the purchase of radios for the Police Department that are required as part of the County-wide radio upgrade for all emergency services providers. Through sound financial planning and management the Township has been able to retain its AA bond rating and hold the line on real estate taxes relating to its general operations. A copy of the Township’s 2012 audited financial statements can be found on the Township website under the Finance tab. eac tree planting The Plumstead Township Environmental Advisory Council (EAC) will host a two-part tree-planting event on Saturday, October 19th starting at 11:00 am. Four maple trees will be planted along Miriam Drive, near the intersection of Applebutter Road. Immediately following the Miriam Drive plantings, we will plant two trees near the intersection of Geddes Way and Potters Lane. The plantings are expected to take approximately one to two hours. Come lend a hand, and learn proper tree-planting techniques and the benefits of having trees along an asphalt-paved road. Be sure to bring boots, gardening gloves and a shovel -- and be prepared to get dirty! 2013 Southeastern PA Household Hazardous Waste and Old Electronics Collection PrograM Not sure what to do with your old computer? What about your old propane tank, TV or car battery? Are you trying to get rid of your leftover pool chemicals or weed killer? Bring your household hazardous waste and old electronics to one of the following locations between 9:00am and 3:00pm: August 24, 2013 Bucks County Technical High School 610 Wistar Road Bristol Township September 14, 2013 Quakertown Community High School 600 Park Avenue Quakertown Borough September 28, 2013* Lower Makefield Corporate Center 770 Township Line Road Lower Makefield Township *Electronics only For more information on what you can and cannot bring to the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Program, please visit the “Frequently Asked Questions” section of the Township’s website (www.plumstead.org/gifaq.html). 7 8 Plumstead Township Newsletter Township Manager to Receive Credentialing Upcoming Fall Programs 2013 September 16th at 7:00PM – General meeting at The Plumstead Friends Meeting, 4914-A Pt. Pleasant Pike, Doylestown, PA 18902. Friends began meeting at Plumstead in 1730. Where many citizens know that The Doan Outlaws were a notorious gang of brothers, at this meeting you will learn about the historic Plumstead Friends Meeting House and which Doan Brother is buried there! October 21st at 7:00PM – Marty Steely from the Sellersville Museum “Victorian Mourning Rituals”. When people died during the reign of Queen Victoria the corpse usually stayed in the home until the burial. The body was surrounded by family and friends where viewing and touching the deceased were commonplace. Even children were not spared from viewing the dead, and in poor homes they may have had to share a room or even a bed with a dying sibling. These are just a few examples of the various nuances of “Victorian Mourning Rituals”, presented by Marty Steely. Must see, an excellent preHalloween event! Meetings are held the 3rd Monday of the month at the Plumstead Township Building on 5186 Stump Road in Plumsteadville PA. November 18th at 7:00PM - A Civil War reenactor will talk about military hardware and even have some authentic examples, as he speaks about the weaponry from the Civil War. One local tidbit from the Philadelphia area was that the Frankford Arsenal established in 1816 served as a major site for the storage of weapons and artillery pieces. In the Gettysburg Campaign, the arsenal provided tens of thousands of muskets and vast supplies of ammunition for Pennsylvania’s “Emergency Militia” regiments. By the end of the Civil War, the arsenal employed over 1,000 workers. Come out and enjoy this program with friends and neighbors of Plumstead Township! Meetings are held the 3rd Monday of the month at the Plumstead Township Building on 5186 Stump Road in Plumsteadville PA. www.plumsteadhistoricalsociety.org https://www.facebook.com/pages/Plumstead-HistoricalSociety/398042925843 The Board of Supervisors announced at their June 25 public meeting that Township Manager, Carolyn McCreary has been recommended by the Credentialing Advisory Board of the International City/County Management Association (ICMA) to receive ICMA Credentialed Manager status. ICMA Credentialed Managers are professional local government managers qualified by a combination of education and experience, adherence to high standards of integrity, and an assessed commitment to lifelong learning and professional development. The Supervisors commended Ms.McCreary for this achievement and recognition of her peers. plumstead township land preservation report 2012 Plumstead Township is pleased to report the successful preservation of 75 acres in 2012 through the purchase of two conservation easements. The largest is the Hostvedt Property. Located on the southeast side of Stump Road and the northeast side of Swamp Road (Route 313), this property had received formal approval for a 33 home subdivision and instead resulted in preservation of about 60 acres. This property is largely farmland with an eight-acre block of woodlands. The property’s fields and woods are visible from a portion of the frontage on Swamp Road and from the entire 180 feet of frontage on Stump Road. Scenic views of the farmland and woods extend far into the property. A conservation easement of almost 15 acres was purchased from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia on their property located on the southwest side of Silo Hill Road approximately 500 feet south of the intersection with Stump Road. This property’s old fields and woods are visible from Stump Road across scenic views of open fields that border the road. The goal of Plumstead Township’s land preservation program continues to be maintaining open space throughout the Township for agriculture, parks, and the protection of natural resources. Through successful Open Space bond referendums the Township has been able to ensure that its rural character, which our residents value so much, will be saved for future generations to enjoy. We continue to work with property owners in 2013 who are considering land preservation. Plumstead Township Newsletter THE KARATE SCHOOLS OF PLUMSTEAD Introductory Adult & Kids Self Defense Offer Concentration! 3 lessons plus Self Confidence! FREE Self Discipline! uniform www.TheKarateSchools.com $19.99 5782 Easton Road, Plumsteadville • 215-766-3337 (Formerly Allied Waste Service) 9 Your Neighborhood Realtor Your Neighborhood Realtor! For All Your Real Estate Needs: For All Your Real Estate Needs: LOIS FEDELE LOIS FEDELE REALTOR® Associate REALTOR® Office: 215-348-5600, x-140 Office: 215-348-5600, x-140 Direct: 215-906-8900 Direct: 215-906-8900 Home:215-766-9556 215-766-9556 Home: E-mail: LFedele@weidel.com E-mail: LFedele@weidel.com Web: www.LoisFedele.com www.LoisFedele.com Web: Proudly selected as a 2012 Five Star Real Estate Agent Buying or Selling a property? It’s a HUGE investment! as published by Philadelphia Magazine for providing Put my 15service years ofand realhighest estate Success, and exceptional overall Dedication satisfaction. Personalized Professional Service to work for you. Offers SINGLE STREAM RECYCLING and ONCE or twice a week trash service in Bucks and Montgomery Counties!!! NEW Online Payment Options! Sign Up TODAY to pay your bill on line and receive ONE MONTH FREE! Go Paperless & Go Green! CALL 215.723.0400 to Learn How It Works! www.Alliedwastebucksmont.com WEIDEL REALTORS 525 N. Main St. DOYLESTOWN, PA WEIDEL REALTORS 525 N. Main St. DOYLESTOWN, PA Small Wonders at St. Paul’s Traditional Nursery School Come Join Us! Celebrating 21 Years! Accepting Registrations for 2014-2015 215-348-5906 ROLLING HILLS UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 9:15 am Sunday School 10:30 am Worship Rev. Dorry Newcomer , Pastor Small.wonders10@yahoo.com !"#$ Innovation. Communication. Results. !"#$ ! ! %&'() *+,-%, . % 7028 Easton Rd (RTE 611 & 413) Pipersville phone: 215.766.8150 www.rollinghillsumc.org !"#$ %&'() *+,-%, . % !"#$ !"#$ 10 Plumstead Township Newsletter IT’S THE LAW!! WINDSHIELD WIPERS & LIGHTS A MESSAGE FROM OFFICER STACIE ARNOSKY Veterans Park Project Delayed Due to bids coming in higher than expected the Township is reevaluating its options with respect to the design elements of the project. The Veterans Ad Hoc Committee will review the details of the cost estimates for the various components of the project and determine what changes should be made, while trying to ensure that the spirit of the original design is maintained. The Township will continue to seek donations towards the project with the hopes of rebidding it, receiving more favorable bids and moving forward with the construction of the park. Please check the Township’s website for updates. Besides standard driving laws, there are laws for specific parts of a car. Windshield wipers and car lights carry out important tasks for a car to operate safely, both individually and in conjunction with other vehicles. The law requires headlights to be on when the vehicle’s windshield wipers are in continuous or intermittent use because of precipitation or atmospheric moisture, which includes rain, snow, sleet or mist. Parking lights are NOT an alternative to headlights. The Pennsylvania Vehicle Code reads as follows: Periods for requiring lighted lamps. GENERAL RULE. – The operator of a vehicle upon a highway shall display the lighted head lamps and other lamps and illuminating devices required under this chapter for different classes of vehicles, subject to exception with respect to parked vehicles at the following times: (1) Between sunset and sunrise, (2) Any time when the operator cannot discern a person or vehicle upon the highway from a distance of 1,000 feet due to insufficient light or unfavorable atmospheric conditions, including rain, snow, sleet, hail, fog, smoke or smog. (3) Any time when the vehicle’s windshield wipers are in continuous or intermittent use due to precipitation or atmospheric moisture, including rain, snow, sleet or mist. The fine for the above violation is $25.00 plus costs which totals $112.00. *This is a safety issue more than anything else. In potentially treacherous conditions, it is common sense to make your vehicle as visible as possible. If you are driving down a highway, you are more likely to see a car if its headlights are on. REMEMBER: If you have your wipers on, your headlights should also be on! PLUMSTEADVILLE VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY The Plumsteadville Volunteer Fire Company asks all residents and business to please support your 100% volunteer fire company by attending our fundraisers, responding to our fund drive mailings, renting our hall for your next event, and stopping by Ember’s Bistro. Fund raising account’s for 40% of our funding and is critical for us to carry out our property and life saving operations. The fire company hosts two roast beef dinners each year. Our next one will be Saturday October 12th. This has traditionally been a time for the community to gather, catch up with neighbors, enjoy a great meal, and support their local fire company at the same time. Our 2013 Fund Drive mailing is well under way. Please take a moment to read about your fire company. The fire company is a registered 501(c) registered charitable organization and all donations are tax deductible. We have one of the larger banquet halls in the area available for both business and private hosting of parties and meetings. We can also cater your event sales meeting, training seminar, birthday party, wedding, or any special occasion. Ember’s Bistro is a coffee house and espresso bar owned and operated by the fire company. All proceeds benefit the fire company. Stop by Sunday – Friday and try one of our specialty drinks or daily lunch specials in a relaxed atmosphere. Free wifi is available for those who would like to stay a little longer and read or work. These are just a few of the many ways to support your local fire company Plumstead Township Newsletter From the Desk of State Rep. Marguerite Quinn State Representative, 143rd Legislative District 2013-14 State Budget Completed On Sunday, June 30, the Pennsylvania state budget was passed on time for the third year in a row. This year’s budget totals $28.376 billion, doesn’t raise taxes on Pennsylvania citizens, and took effect on Monday, July 1. The overall spending reflects a 2.3 percent increase over last year’s budget, and falls below the Taxpayer Bill of Rights allowable growth rate of 2.54 percent by $59 million. During the past couple of months I’ve received numerous emails urging that more state dollars be allocated to education. The fact is 40 percent of this year’s entire budget is being invested in the education of our students. The budget invests $10 billion state dollars in K-12 education, a record high for the amount of state money ever appropriated to our education system. This includes a $122 million increase in funding for basic education, and more money is allocated to the Safe Schools Initiative. This budget adds $5 million for early intervention services to children ages 3-5 with developmental disabilities. State funding for our local districts: • Central Bucks: $40,896,173 ($1,561,021 increase from last year) • Palisades: $6,176,341 ($159,740 increase from last year) • Penn Ridge: $20,786,330 ($809,640 increase from last year) An extra $3 million for grants is being appropriated to career and technical schools to purchase new equipment so the Commonwealth can expand opportunities for students seeking a technical career. All Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education universities will receive level funding in this year’s budget. Community colleges are receiving an additional $1 million in the Community College Capital Fund. public works WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS Public Works crews will continue to upgrade customer service meters in a portion of the Patriots Ridge development. The upgrade replaces the current meter (some which are around 20 years old) with a current model and includes installation of a transmitter to allow for radio controlled reading and invoicing. Summer help crews have performed maintenance checks on all fire hydrants and continue to verify location and operation of the shut-off valve located in front yards. Locating and verifying the operation of these shut-off valves is very important in the event of an emergency. EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION SYSTEM Plumstead Township maintains a database of water system customer service contacts in the event the need arises for us to contact you regarding an issue with the water system. If you are unsure if we have the correct contact information for you, please call Pam at the Public Works office at 215-766-0189 to confirm or update your information. The ability for us to contact you in an emergency is required by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. ANNUAL WATER QUALITY REPORT NOTICE REMINDER Plumstead Township is required to complete an annual Consumer Confidence Report for all water system customers. The report gives basic information on the system and test results. The PA Department of Environmental Protection previously required printed copies to be mailed to all customers. Earlier this year, regulations were changed in an effort to reduce print costs and paper consumption. The reports are available online at the township website: www.plumstead. org . Click on the WATER DEPARTMENT tab and then the forms and documents tab. The reports are listed by system under 2012 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report. Printed copies can be mailed upon request by calling the Public Works office at 215-766-0189. The budget increases funding in the Department of Health by $1.5 million for items like cystic fibrosis, hemophilia, and epilepsy biotechnology research. It also continues the $50 million in additional lottery funds for expanded home and community-based services for senior citizens, and adds $10 million for long-term senior care. This budget also adds $26 million to reduce the waiting list so that individuals with intellectual disabilities, who have aged out of the school system, can receive services. For further details on the budget, call my office at 215-489-2126 or visit my website at www.RepQuinn.net. “Like us” on Facebook! www.facebook.com/PlumsteadTwp Or click on the link on our website www.plumstead.org 11 12 Plumstead Township Newsletter Bucks county veteran id card program The Bucks County Veteran ID Card Program with the support of the Bucks County Commissioners and administered by the Recorder of Deeds Office was introduced in November of 2011. The program has grown tremendously since its inception and has become a very welcome success to the veterans whom it serves. To date over 7,000 veteran ID cards have been issued to veterans who have recorded their DD214 records with the Recorder of Deeds Office. We currently have over 900 businesses and vendors who have most generously volunteered to provide discounts on goods and services to county veterans. A veteran directory which is compiled by the Recorder of Deeds Office is published on a semiannual basis and mailed to all veterans and businesses who have participated in the program. Also available at the county’s website (www.buckscounty. org) is a list of participating businesses that is updated on a monthly basis. Bucks County Veterans, Dave Fielder and Jerry Fox travel throughout the county visiting businesses and explaining the program. Dave is a resident of Bensalem Township and Jerry resides in Plumstead Township. We are most grateful to all of the businesses and vendors for their support of our veterans. Following is a listing of Plumstead Township and surrounding area participants who support the program. If you have any questions, please contact the Recorder of Deeds Office (215348-6209) or Jerry Fox (267-664-3481). Joseph J. Szafran, Jr. County of Bucks Recorder of Deeds Thank you for your support! All About Vacuums Auto Express of Doylestown Auto Rent of Doylestown B Back Car Care Baci Restaurant & Heart of Oak Pub Back in Time Antiques Back on the Road, Inc. Barry’s Autoworks Bella Flooring LLC Bergey’s Tire & Service Center Block Communications Bloom Chiropractic/Wellness Center Brig O’Doon Coffee House Bromms Lullaby Farm Buckingham Valley Winery C G R Games Capri Pizza Restaurant and Bar Carter Handcrafted Furniture Cascade Lodge Chubby’s Dairy Barn Circa Classics Cooper Mechanical, Inc. Country Tavern Cut to Perfection Dominicks Pizzeria & Restaurant Doylestown Fitness Center Doylestown Gold Exchange Doylestown Lumber & Millwork Doylestown Sunoco Doylestown Travel Eagles Peak Spring Water Earth Foods Eastcom Wireless Elite Swimming Pool Svc & Supply Embers Bistro & Espresso Bar Environmental Landscape Assoc. Express Auto Tags, Inc. Fantastic Sams Fisher’s Ace Hardware Fred Beans Collision Center Fred Beans Dealerships F.P. Koble Gardenville Hotel George’s Tool Rental Giorgio Custom Pools, LLC Good Times Rental LLC Gordon Vacuum Sales & Service Grapic Imaging Green Revolution Energy Crusher Groveland Grill Harmony Clean Home Instead Senior Care Horse & Rider Tack Shop Indian Rock Inn J & M Electric Keenan Honda Kimberton Whole Foods Kinsman Company Kintnersville Antiques Kniese Plumbing & Heating Laundre’ Opticians Laurence H. Stone, DDS Leading Edge Aviation, Inc. Limelight Linden Hill Gardens M & W InCom Supply Mamma D’S Manhattan Bagel Margiotti’s Barber Shop Mechanicsville Cemetery Meineke Car Care Center MOO Musselman Services, LLC NAPA of Ottsville Oaks Family Restaurant Osbaldeston’s Pets of the World Ottsville Inn Owow Cow Creamery P & A Feed and Pet Parcel Place Peddlers Village Perkins Restaurant & Bakery Pipersville Frame & Art Pizza Bella Plumsteadville Inn Reilly Family Chiropractic PC Rita’s Water Ice Riverview Antiques Robert McCandless Opticians Rolling Pin Pastries Roman Delight Fountainville Sartoria Custom Clothier Schuckert Shoes Sherwin Williams Paint Signature Cleaners Solebury Lighting and Home Spatolas Pizza Specialty Woods Swedes Frozen Yogurt The 5th Dimension The Bread Crumb The H2O Base The Larder The Little Pastry Shop The UPS Store The Waterwheel Restaurant Tire King Tohickon Tags Tohickon Tavern Town Crier Bakery Trauger’s Farm Market Uptowne Deli & Pizzeria Vera’s Country Cafe‚ Vintage Grille Wehrung’s Lumber & Home Center YoGo Factory Yogurtree Plumstead Township Newsletter 13 food pantry in need of donations As the economy continues to struggle it is important to remember that there are those in our own commu- After a major disaster, the usual services we take for granted, such as running water, refrigeration, and telephones, may be unavailable. nity who are still struggling, as well. We tend to forget that the local food pantries are in need of items all year long, not just during the holiday season. Please consider picking up some nonperishable items (Cereal & PB&J are especially needed) the next time you are in the grocery store and dropping them off in the Food Pantry box located in the lobby of the Township building. We will make sure that all donations are delivered in a timely manner. Experts say you should be prepared to be self-sufficient for at least three days with a household disaster kit. The contents should be stored in a large, watertight container that is easy to access and move, such as a large plastic garbage can with a lid and wheels. Your basic emergency kit should include: • Water - one gallon per person per day • Food - ready to eat or requiring minimal water • Manual can opener and other cooking supplies • Plates, utensils, and other feeding supplies • First Aid kit and instructions • A copy of important documents and phone numbers • Warm clothes and rain gear for each family member • Heavy work gloves • Disposable camera • Personal hygiene items, toilet paper, and soap • Plastic sheeting, duct tape, and utility knife • Tools, such as a crowbar, hammer and nails, staple gun, adjustable wrench, and bungee cords • Blanket or sleeping bag • Large heavy-duty plastic bags and a plastic bucket for waste and sanitation • Water and supplies for pets A component of your disaster kit is your “go-bag,” which is a backpack or other easy-to-carry container that you can grab quickly if evacuated. One go-bag should be prepared for each family member. Be sure to attach an I.D. tag to each bag and include the following: • Flashlight • Battery-operated radio • Batteries • Whistle • Dust mask • Pocket knife • Emergency cash • Sturdy shoes, a change of clothes, and a warm hat • Local map • Permanent marker, paper, and tape • Photos of family members and pets • List of emergency phone numbers • Copy of health insurance and ID cards • Extra eye glasses, hearing aids, and other vital personal items • Prescription medications and first aid supplies • Toothbrush and toothpaste • Extra keys to your house and vehicle 14 Plumstead Township Newsletter URGENT NEED FOR BLOOD DONORS – GIVE NOW! Blood Drive: Date: Where: Time: Plumstead Township Building Friday, August 16, 2013 5186 Stump Road 2:00 pm – 7:00 pm Sign up - www.redcrossblood.org (Enter Sponsor Code: 0222679) Sign up – Nancy.taylor@redcross.org Call - American Red Cross 1-(800)-Red Cross / 1-(800)733-2767 Register online or Walk-ins welcome (Appointment Preferred) ALL PRESENTING DONORS WILL RECEIVE A COUPON FOR A FREE DUNKIN’ DONUTS ICED COFFEE AND DONUT Creative Color Graphics is proud to publish the Plumstead Newsletter. THE SOURCE FOR ALL YOUR PRINTING NEEDS! 351 West Broad Street Quakertown, PA 18951 215-538-0350 www.ccgprint.com CALL TODAY FOR A FREE QUOTE! Plumstead Township Newsletter BEFORE AFTER Nickett Landscaping, the area’s leading specialist in Lawn and Driveway Drainage, can take away your nuisance and give you back a lawn. Water in your basement? • Children unable to play in the yard? Erosion of lawn and landscape? Let Nickett Landscaping design a lawn drainage system to take away your headache. We are a full service landscape company providing: Landscape Design & Installation Shrub & Tree Installation Outdoor Landscape Lighting Lawn & Driveway Drainage Patios, Walls & Walkways Design & Installation Waterscapes such as Ponds, Fountains & Waterfalls Tree Spraying & Fertilizing Diagnosing Disease & Insect Infestation of Lawn, Trees & Shrubs Lawn Maintenance including Mowing, Aeration & Lawn Applications Trimming & Pruning of Shrubs Spring & Fall Clean-ups Mulching & Weeding Lawn Renovation Call today for a FREE Estimate! )!!,#'#')&.&(-.$#(&($&'#' www.NickettLandscaping.com ((#'%#$+$,!'($*# We return all calls within 24 hours, most the same day! In Business Since 1982 15 Plumstead Township N E W S L E T T E R See Your Visible Progress Rehab in Action Find it at Pine Run Health Center Better rehab outcomes happen when progress is paced by experienced therapists. Data-driven milestones help achieve individual best results, making personal ZERO DEFICIENCIES goals realistic and obtainable. This type of supportive environment helps ensure proper healing so that when you go home, you are ready. Pine Run Health Center is owned by Doylestown Hospital and where physicians prefer to refer. In a spacious private setting, a team of Aegis professionals provide rehabilitation services post orthopedic surgery or injury. Medicare certified Pine Run provides a sure stepping stone between hospital and a successful return home. Watch Visible Progress in action, call 800.992.8992 to schedule a visit. Uniquely Doylestown. Definitely Pine Run. 777 Ferry Road Doylestown, PA 18901 800.992.8992sWWWPINERUNORG