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R .fsf! - National Library of New Zealand
NEW ZEALAND Mm 112 PAGES SMOKERS t "Westminster" RECIENT CIGARETTES „ ARE EXTRA QUALITY 60 BEAUTIfUL PRESENTS "TRUT^" TERMS OF SUBSCEIETION. j . Gondu^ed by ,JOHN NQgTON \ The Paper with the Largest Circiilation throughout the Dominion. March 31, 1915. ' Wellington! sATirtiiDi.Y,'jxrLY ' QFTIOS,MBXOSnmOit lEZGIBfTEBBD AT'rBB'GjgSBBVB'ToBT TBANB&SBtoft'i;B FOB 1" k " > '" '" i lers' shops, and,- although the prohad not assumed concrete - posal form; .personally he; was of opinion . that it migrht' very well be/carried out. Moreover, police prosecutions ■ not-be regarded as anade-' should quate administration of tnejspirit of the tew,,and he*held, that where v &■minister of religion or ariy other , citizen brought; to'lighi the existence of literature which.'he ered" butraged public .morality, the Stipendiary Magistratte should personally investigate the ;cpniplaintj and, if: He concurred m ,t^e;,objectidn, direct that a summdnsishouid' be issued against the publisher .or,, > 1 ■.'.:'}■':' .'bookseller.' AND PUBLISHED AT LUKES-LANE, OFF MANNERS' / STREET, .WELLINGTON, NEW ZEALAND.. ■ PARSONS AND PRIESTS. Wo.i 4V New Zealand's Tarn Next. Press and Politicians Pxajte wtile theMeatTrast Prepares Plunder they Peopled v to \iThe '»' \'. - - WRITE FOR TERMS. V " : " * . some " - ' . ;i - ; a resolution ;born every par ; tide oif & secdnd, but the death-rate is the greatest on record, and very few of theni grow up into solutions. ■ ' . ' General Sherman said, "War; Is hell." . With ;U;S. Secretary of War barrings all drinks m, the army, the Yankee,swaddy thinks he. would find difficulty m expressing himself to-day. 1 * e^Ungelic^l*Te)i;? "■ > s ' 3d ** YEARSr v , - Oiristdmrdi: ' ■'"■,' ■ ■t v ■ POSTAGE FREE TO ALL PARTS 7 -Jewelled Lever Watch 15/6 V 1 . ' (y^^o^^ Aiiddand ■-■-. '-'^' ■ ■ , . . fsf!*A ?R ' light work's heavy-— When you're a. stoker m tne gas works. " ■. '■■■■:*■' ■■.; ■■".' " '.. 'Little beams of moonshine, i Little hugs and kisses, sMake a little maiden. ' j> Change heivname to missus j ; ■ ■ t UNEQUALLED INTRINSIC VALUE 'When ■ f" * SI/"" GUARANTEED" ■ " " >.. lS^Jewelled Lever Watches ."'-.■".' than, others. ; are homo. less' ■'"■ ,' / ■: ""■■-"/ "v " ■ ' > . t '''■"*■'■ '"■■'■" ''..■: ,AH men aro not homeless, but ■ f ria]pß- #£3^Mib;wS - GOOD COMMISSION. : .:■■'"■<■■ ~. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. :-. '*-.;'■■ knut always gives a canded opinionof his "spanner." Cathb^ ■ '■' - ./:■-",■"■"■...;*"..;'■ ■ "---' ■ : "■ ;;">■■■'.- -^ Trutli/^-iinke's locomotive * ;- ; j. ' \~> ,;' fIfSJUPIK" UIBttW SCAM. immoral _ ■. '*: '■ ■" ""■,' >An:obedient wife;can■ always com" ; ' mand her husband. ' : ;*" vy .*" '. :v ;/:;;:; *' \"/' iFiles his bill before he -puts m his "claim— The mosquito. 7 '- '." .:" '*.:■" ','"" ■'.'■■ ■'. ' ,' Making bo,th_ ends meek— Baby with its^toej-in-its' mouth. Is this the sort of censorship the Ghristchurch parson wants setting lip? Ifit is, then-by all nieahs let itcome into opei'atioirat once. "" " %'. : :£,.■■ .. :*■- '*; . : .«i-.- v ■■■■"■. '- ' ■'-,'..,".■.,'■'" ■: ■/''." ! proper, because it "exposes" the The What,' .however,' amazes turei; (and theX^p|p|ry includes "infamies" of convert life, the j ''Tr,uth 'is, where is all*the literany- print, Tjoo^ prii^spapfer; al- aforesaid gopd; Cathpjic young ary garbage into which these parleged to be indeScerit, or man is sorry that he s|)ok6, an^l sphs seem to have poked their obscen6),is again being raised by more sorryi;that he disregarded " the;p^lpitatingj notbvietyrh^iting the more ,seasoried advice of one- snbute ?' vThe ;trouble isthat the , - {'Pr^byteerian;;^ :rori Non#ifor- or two Very wise Catholic clerics. '' parsonical AVowser differentiates jnist' (or ,^ifr^|?§^a fr;soiis fjrf the* :■'.:-/■ ■■', -V ■t-S/-;>-^^^--;: :I m his conception of wKat is, and what is not, improper literatures 'Pelniaps, however, it not surmismg all TheWbwser does'inot regard.as li- * the be correct to state ti|at iii, an Auckland this. -;:&skt&?wsLfirst raised m Auckland suburban; "Prusbyteerian'' pul- centi'oiis literature garbage whic)i s *\yyv, somewhat: sttjaiigc Ibody, .pit, pnd <<;Meeinster>'r speaking desci^besf the' liaisoiis b|' pribsts and >>anyihmgji which' Federation, apparently for that quaint crowd,; nuns^ or &nbwn asij}ie might be held;asr" correcting■Jthe; .; the e?act objects Q|j|v^hich| body' the "Committee Pf Public Mor-i The parereV;somewhat difficultyto Refine, /als^'-sald:—^':^;;.:.;;^- ■■.;■: ' :. ", ,-;_ ': errors of CathbUij'ismi^ ; dpes ] sonicai ;no|?^regard, {we \uiless cbilclude^^ tl^at a dertain Wowser^ Our- only .suapibion; Is whether as improper, or^eveii^ittdecent,-let, Section of the ;Gatholicrconi|aunii^ the Catholic Federation is seeking alone obscene, anything-where an-^T has' become ; '.WowseJirJsedi|and.:is^ tb suppress .what may be generally '. "acting as- the Wowser is expected regarded ak i.imip^r&l books, or ;, other religion^is assai|ed^ I|e; :any>4 act, that-: is,-'endeaypK£g' to rr^rely books that'■" point diit the does regard #ith ■■ — whistle. "^^^^^ TELEPHONE No. 2223. Notice of, Motion The ■ . ■ SATURDAY, JULY 4, 1914. ■'■ __ ._. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE, THEEE MONTHS *..- &£"*<' _" "6 6 SIX MONTHS" TWELVE MONTHS 130 All Cheques (with exchange added), Postal Notes, and Post Office Orders should be made payable -to John Norton andaddressed to a N.Z. Ijane, ■Manners-street Wellington. " '/ fcHI^TED bY POST, Truth Save Your Tickets for the Free Gift Scheme IiJOTE.— Tfteyscheme is extended to FIRST EDITION Slop-made— ■ "" ■ Police uniforms. \ ■■■'"'"'-■"' A "back to-the land* no- The ows, ' ' sun— " 15 YEARS A thing that casts shad*. ? * " Obituary— Suffragettes ;sent a most abusive Flappers J^vorltc Flowcrs—Glad-U missive- to Premier"Asquith by carrier tice. 01-ua. ," pigeon.' They should be prosecuted *. If s6mo women'rested on their repu» for-false pretences. The pigeon is the ■ tation they would bo cremated. There are the tangolsts and' the , omen of peace. ' ' : tank-o-late,' and tho tango-teasers,and "♥ ", ■"" ♥■'.' ■■'■"' "'.-' ■' . '+ . -"' ' Rainbow Darn says:he admits ho is a tho'tanko-twistere. . h&yb hero s'pipleiOTI " * " " ■ ■ pojyed^ie "" " Jznisa see^dleais is his worshipper. Yes, and he ,#-.. 'apptiß,f a^ ape now\ M ""^ .v/ j^*i.V' salt! that a man took th«own^ero?^v^^>/-v 'CgMtt^fejt . ^o^pro^ucjQs^n)?; '^S^ffi^ipPj lair'toto His own. hands orja^ge^ the t Ij^*i.V1 ■ - -- ■ "boneless" flshH' >^Bu£^^ 'Gorzbrie'ls anead because h.4 iiess ofTine Wpiv?ser, as X3coa^ipjiOf -eni yet. This pominipn has produc- "/The,Trinity of Trials—^-The lawyer's kicked a peeler? " " ' * ed; : Ministry ally spinetesa revealed a brainless and 4 jus-. m- the court^ of « law, the Boodler's maw, and the Poli-a ' - .* " Tliei^pi^©r6)jta>fb '* in^the ,prl.c6'; much consternation In "following.' : 'of ?,ttie^t?;tS>causingI /^c6a.se jaw. > of-1tice. tician's Thrift— A habit Theparsbnical earnestly ' . ; pimpingT he and \errprs of; wbrk'irig-, c lfisaes., say nothing only ! breasts of workliig !GathoUcisin -the of" the. wbnien the -.'lo."' the enfolhetf l^pM^j|ii:e>caiiibo attpij)ut^d. * upon pooplo who have nothing, bjf themselves, ,who have to earn thevmpnej'^wherewlth the homes of the wiv£s " .*. . 'id.;t^p activities m iA]icldand of' Has; not Father Chiniquy poi^if^d Wowser regards as.imprbper;any. "men 'of workers are' kept going. There is;goodvr%son to believe that much of this those have upon the Most as who too much. people look the Bible Green The mental state of the themf '*'Vitas book or;papeiv which tells thej) ostonlahlng Increase jin' the "price of m^t.Is .the result of^.the machinations of,a "the most solemn and serious of books, worker * * ;thii;pathpli^Feder4tion| which them; out and exposed * 7 who expects Massey to be. not the slimy Slattery 'pair : ex- truth and is ripf ashamed to tell; 'branch of the cormorantlc corporation caHedi'tie^nierlcdniMeat.TrjistT,;Tb,is Tfust but there is a considerable amount of friend, started off by>raising loud bb jec- posed}? proletarian plugs. the A thief charged tho other day with producers, Amerlcaa to to jtiie'utmdst;;:'dnd has bled the jridw-ift^eek^-apparently, ' "'"' s' * and pointed sout the er- it. The.same evil-minded, indivi-1 ''-do the !same with regard to", the peopieV of humor m it all the same. At the stealing a lady'srichly-stoned ring,ad': Ytitta&to the sale of Hal&Caine's ...-..;. 'Aiis^raiia^ tHe'Gbi^ohw^alttf.of Scotsbyteiriari grace kirk "Critic" finds dual, to his mitted Jfea't; however, pari>*' rprs Unfortunately, of Oatfolicisin? vtHasii6t the5 true that he had swallowed it,^ A.titterjy impossible, dreary, -weary; Puritanical in-/ the. Trust isvifaVptied^ytthe, Machinations of The crocodile requires eighty sec' politicians. It'is pUrt bf/tKe>pbliflcaltstbckr'iHitradl of the Labcirlsts; to pretettd' -m attending, the minister took,for his ' onds to turn completely round.. Darn case of a diatnohd m tho rough. ' ' ;^M suppress, "Escaped. nov|l, would if he^ neurotic; thb'^'pn-; jstincts, 'The* Nmr" 'X * aiid^lmofct * ' ' :': *■'.'■' that nothing can;)>e done^againstv/TrUsts 4ttntif-,the- Federal^ Const,itutlon Is k\-:. text last Sunday a portion of the thlr- Fisher can beat any crocodile. , coiild, '"-m""' :' " : away which all that .is human m i■■■■. " ■' . tered; while It^ia^ also .pat"t of. the stock-ln-lritae.pf'the^l*ibeta,lß tq'pr^tenil that teenth ..Verse of the thirteenth dhapter $$nsri '. Piiest our' 6xpbsed'an3^ ppint#Hou Craves^ Me/ 'Abram Lincoln said "You can't fool also of .the First > -,;i*O:\Troist£?.estfsV.in;-Austry nature. it Is Kings, CathpUclsm : f He would whfoh errp rs of revert to the of ho :a^Sathoiic)has bujt thread \tov .ed put ;tHe r ,■ a vfact that existing st&tUtes.'^both ; State and J^deral.-glVa;power to'Government»" gave out as /Book Only one man was married the night all the people all the time." .' TrttV follows: operations; <jf those.Trusts., Defects, ttiith^ve been disclosed m the, ': cpmsittidei Vthati SaU Caijie is ap- Are not■;such;.works as these fit "stocks, and the whipping-stool,; 'to-crurb^the his marriage day Adam; he but "Critic" fancies quite a lot of folk before " ; legislation. There . against T|iista/could'be.:made up.for.for -by And he said unto his sons saddle i pfco£climg s^ctilityy;| T}he direct only for^the destructorf 4rie not^ and the horse-pond for all that! fPederal'iaws make a;very, good living out of foolon his wedding Eve, was marriediawon, Wales, an aatl-Trust the statute books of New South but no* ME the ass. So they 'saddled Ing somo of the people some of the ; " Ga'thbUcH Federa- suchVliterary eftorts tho;vi]pest;of; did not,, or would not, see eye- to is already '' " $fe of eyer made, Governments,; by. seems to been-' ■6r l,}b'eral attempt either .Labor ".'"' re^iilt . ; , '.*■■ HIM. . " have time. to enforce that law. AleanwhUe, "]Labpri;s.ts ,howl\fpr 'enormou^ powers, ,that are " i|6]tf*s activities;m -tjiisfdirection poisori|? Are they not offensive,* eyevvvith him. In short, the par- quite The fellow; who is always going to unnecessary, for the purposc'or dealing with Trusts, while Liberals declare ■■ ■-'♥■■-;. . ■»■■ thing give: the} improper, indecent, immoral,, *j. to neurotic sonical Wowser would the right impose obdo the to-morrow is ; on : Australia;" 'thc'sahie, poor' Jias AtfatraUa finds that The incident recalled to "Critic's"' * do 'not exist In Yet,"^ll I( the British House of Commons as he who is sorry he didn't.dolt noy^VJft questionwhat the aiithory scene, and even blasp%nibus? New Zealand, if he could, c a rule that'Trusts the amount of tooney that .he has' to-«hell out to that Trust thAt does' not -exist mind the case m which Tom Cooke, same dispose of Homo Rule once for doesn't yesterday. ruinously^^ tremendoiisly: of is and' . large.^: ";..'>-. , , publishers, Yet, rate, hpne dethe Wowser will have saints." It would be a crime . '.'....■ composer of "The Fine Old English the ./ ■^i^l^any get on to another job, West* all and Gentleman" was an oxpert witness. jsip^ i;e., a thumping big adver-; of their suppression; He will to drink, to smoke, to love, to enminster will be getting referred to as Sleepy, says:explain, Hollow. how two %*er- v A native of Rcstrainster. broughi Asked to Grannie says "There is no Trust;" 1 For: sixpence, ithougJi," tisoifeent. The Gatliouc Federal permit their sale m every, shop, joylife m any shape or form. AH OldExisting ;> . 'twill be sions coulfl bo alike yet dif-' /'Nelson is progressing by leaps and " . roundnow within the land, V tibn;' also directed atfgntion to every bookstall. He will en- would be gloom and desolation. When #.-_-" , ...-■" replied imagined Cooke . bounds." "Critic" It got ferent, »' To people who live m Nevv; York. that it bust, writing on a' leaderIt is only when she is offered an o»ithe; reading of such liter- Sabbath church-going* would be a The notion fronrher mind she's-banned; some.Canadg^t pUblica|ipn which courage .Ou'iv cattlo graze oh* countless hills, was all . a matter of emphasis. along by "hops." '' '' ' ring that the telephone girl us one and all believe, s \Vhat good is that to you and the "For- instance," said he, -"if .1 said, matter of compulsion. In> a She'd ma.ke '.*..-■. --■gageniient attacked tM most ch|rished be- ary gems m all true Now that this Yankee Meat Trust will will not be'tomul out of call. It Is prices put on us are fair. That it 'You are ah would rest' on ASS/ often long Merit or service count not Faith,tami, homes, reading word, parsoriical "> as an^ the lieflof theR.C. after the of 4vehWowser The things are quite cheap^weTrecelve 't<. That they'll 00 sold aero«B thy sea? that she will be found ready "asß'," said Sir James Scarlet, m the matter of- police promotion. ten to onerccoiver, prayers. Now, if anything, would inipose on the community indif^qt result of the protest, the; ing j That Trusty is round the (country noV, her m fact. To talk' of Trusts; how,do we dare-? tp&s as good at jokes as .Icames o' ' who 1 with " by , boy! Betterfnr bo a "white-hair'd buyirig' every Granny is a'wealthy Jade, hoof and horn, " / '"It's growing potatoes bsW $ftd Mpprta^on, 6i^ thyepub- 'Truthis.rather glad thaithere all the miseries of Scotlana m the For that ilk is at to.'"■■"■■ eat, cow, every time, every things on can time. *.-".■ It;sbuylng>overy good earth bull atid ' And all see, an' gin Isay "YOU arc an "I yet ■Also the not daVi. Bl<s£fcjLtfst's naturally. SHE'S /not afraid. "Moaning " lication m *juestTpif wS^lprphibit- is a Wowser scare of indecerit, or sixteenth and seventeenth cen- And. born continually The Times" is '* ."■.#''■■■"■'pointing ■-' Our cbe?p Meat' 3&ys, they now'are past ass'/^t wud rest on 'you'!" ; is the prfcipv oif'n)«at! v it is stated,- was riot improper, literature. First ;of all, turies, lie would have us revert Whatevercoves out that Massey has broken " . edv Oh housewives heavy Is the bill, ure.you know,iiervfrlends principle, a Socialist," says all, woil nearly, all, tho promises +19 in The Trußt "l aarmm r ' ' Australia, dimply doneptm the ground 'tjjat^it; gave .as wehave pointed out, the Cathp.- back to the iCromwellian era. He (Oh, Grannie Is a sty^ ojd cat)t v- . j' ,£ferd' Milher. "Critic" wonders what ' .stands. aghast', That doesn't trouble -Big of course, she. always* leifds," , ■.". Whilst Athfa" Trust works it's grasplni .Who is Mr. Tinspn? According to a ho is m. interest. And the Boer war ever made. to the Catholic commun- lics started it, and sought the co- would rule us by the "Blue And so,help Mfiro m the Auckland "Scar," ho is a Bill— he can make others just as good! , . --'■■■ Bags and Pat. to Boodlo will. Her > " ity, blit because it contained ad- operation of the Wowsers. The Laws" of New England.. He This Moat Trust, though, is surely here. And our men sit m Parliament, »■"■'" , member of the Haouse, and just before showed he * " was no'"prophet " . workings have quite come -to passY And simmer m a state, of bliss,' Parliament opened, according to the trying to bo i^jrertidement-s ov n.ii;a|ter which AVowsers readily responded. It would, ji ho could, become our Its Yankee pafcer It was a. don't think so. 'Us clear* And seem to really bo content same authority, ho. addressed. ». mootAsked if it wns correct to say "The smart that headed its births, marriages spmevposjal regula- started m Auckland,it has got to masters,politically and otherwifie. If Grannie "iimtravened the To see the people robbed like this. As crystal to tho working class; ing of his supporters at Kltharn. toast was drank m silence," a little and deaths column. "Hatches, matches v Laborites, AVellington/ gone Zealand, they Catholic FeSerait has down to InNew simply" stun twhJi:"While more than m any Bat Bill Jones knowsf and Tom Brown IThe girl said she wasn't sure, but she knew and dlspatchoa." Itcould have done it i Us, as before us now thoy stand. At a; jargoly attended meeting tion invited Wowseii cij-ppesration Christchurch,and, presumably,.in' country of modern times, has the Andtoo, couldn't be "eaten" m silence. Mick, it Jock,done, delegates amj and not be nt which better with three monosyllables— Veils, (EJltham)', Pat, say up And that 111 can hero so docs " " " ' m suppressing literature of a' vli- a week or so, we''"will hear of the'' parsonicai Wowser been permit- Who want bolls, knells. .„■ '■'.' of beef a pound or two. To crush tills Trust from Yankeoland. were prpßOn.t from nearly all parts »■ swing give them strength to the What sort of men*.arer they indeed c^ntipus character it w^s all riglit, dour, dear old Prusbyteerian i ted to gradually usurp functions , To pick. of the'clectonitj, Mr. Tlnson, the A lettor-to- the- editor man n»Ks For tlwlr electors* -rights to flgjht? sitting member, was unanimously "Why tho Pacific doesn't rush Into the t>ut when it invited!vWowser co- dodderers of Dunedin hurling |and power which he is using to The housewife now, with;troubled face, Beneath them all- Itfsec^nits they need A -Harvard professor ban discovered chosen \om the Reform 'candidate Atlantic at Panama?". "Crit ic" sup- that telephone girls become wages.she will need. A hundredweight of dynamite. ojpetation m suppj^ssing litcra- anathemas at anything considered the detriment of the people and Twice nubby^s heavily Eg«»ont seat. to cohtoßt is "locked" but poses the. They have the power to slay this Tniot Btlll the prices upward race— \%'a"bccaußo.it charged with electricity- durJng tb» "' " Hture idf the sort whijsh attacked^ to be grossly licentious m the for his, own: sclf-aggrancUsement IfWith ■v kldajjo pack octopun, a of feed. ■' " "■ Or such another .■■ ♥' Mr. WilHiAßpn, M*P.i Js said to have ro% ';' winter. That's nothing to worry about. -tiie Catholic religion, ;it became a sbapn of literature,but rigidly ex- and profit, pecihiiarily and other- Thoughsuch countless millions stock we breed Yet we all eeo. to our disgust. a man is thrown on his own Telephone subscribers are ovorchawy marKed, '"Oh, ElVham," ,but "CriUc" When hurled), people tbua. on us this Trust haa watch rob fact Them It our anything wise. <The quite cluding which, a different feather. m the Tho preaching of the Gospel fl?|r^?bf Is generally too much edallili.- year round,', fancloß'hc left out the last syllabic. resources ho Our meat is going o'er the sea, have to buy tho beef we need ' -^°- -^ »■**■[''> words"of the Auckland "Meenis- has become unprofitable, so now-a- >We'll * stunned to recognlsft tho fact and pro- '■■ In tins, or ice. Jt'ti going faafe Prom dearest meat shop in'the world. ■■'-."V** ;■"" I:.-;Vy back on those of his' tnr," poini s . out tho. errors of. days he turns "policeman." And \VVH pay.at least a bob a pound, Small wonder, ag^above. you see, fall ceeds to ,Apparently In the boodle line there from hjchmu 4y<?klan<l "BUr"i Advt steak, or chops, or slice-of pork. looking so aghast. Since; Australia ..-.., For -.^ the^CatholicivFederation -CathoJlicisin,'' e^tc. Could- "the it" any other meaning can be atajrpjnofbottlo-srcen.wlnjsed insecta on friends. " " "■''"■ Young lady wants Washing twice, ii&B spread itsblf m ||1 the cniof Catholic, who wants to become a tached to the aims of the AuckititjefuntAVoWser called Dan Crawan i weekly.— J.D. '.- > ;■'."■_— -Sydney "Tcutb.^ |ord-4^monnlkcr ..-_ . centres of New Zcftlaiiftl, it has not Wowser be taught a sharper les- land parson quoted, then which is generally Tho German Kftl»or has forbidden his marriage brokers, with There's a deal show for surprise greatness Scotland's officers to fcoino very great to son than the effect the Catholic associated with omblUoui 6ome as a rjth'!must confess that it fails on the principle "Critic' presumes, young rhop; you never know what «C> Iaccording to the following;— learu that thei leading dignitaries Federalion's outbreak m.J^.uck^-' tP,appre,ciffite men must not have Job Hko that will tiie^eal" commissionedlead that to. purport of * A - ■■' ■■;■:"' wives.,. . " of tße Catholic Church m. New j|M teaches him? AhA Mr. Dan Crawford's visit to th hm.remarks. ■< TJys latest scare, "comralßsloncd" ■■""■" r "■ " " Cambridge on July 7th hoa been " Zealand are casting very cold,. H\;|H ;:sJiow what this:effect is. iorf;tf>atcry, There aro enough' jokes about! red has nothing m it. arranged oh follows: Public adaml'it might be addicd very tin-/ l)o\vn at Chriatchurch, one thc daily Ananias:— noaea.lo put their owners In the bluwi 3 law of Now the V.M.C.A. rooms at -T/hus Zea,land, The dress m goverjiholy, wator on the activities pC notbinous ranter has discovered ing inipropcr, or indecent 0 their p.m.; 'collection, Public lecture, puff, but "Mr. Hurst, editor.of tho "London ono Critic" heard booming ; thO; "V.M.0.A." illustrated, In tho Town Hall at S roundly condemns the Catholic indivi- that there is a waveof sensualism ture, qc what the Wowser literaKconomißt." merchantmen, t'other' Saturday hnd the mind merit rage, arguing arming admission of being p.m.; Is. of original. Il« i duals, who want to "Wowsc" m sweeping oVer the earth. This regards as indecent, Who emn undaunted brave .tho CrlUc'a thc Cotton.acid;>w«. is an outOr note unmov/Ml hU mention In th« Critic's pag«i that tho gamo is -not worth tho Phji is going to got the usual collec"T l^\ '\Vovvser and ]>'rticular wave is assuming the rageous and monstrously V }■■ this Dominion. public eye, error Parade hl« In the unjust candle. tion for the V.M.C.A. address, and then "; Catholic do not blenid. While the . And Mother Qrundy'* rmf defyt before the match commenced. Standshapes of outrageous costumes law. Still, i£ is going to charge one roborto for his Well, '"Critic" dunno, but should Im- ng near ""Crttlc" Wowser might, iv !fact, would, and dances, joy rides and "im- liberal, spirit, administered m a was a young^nan Wonder what who nddrcss. that the 'merchantman agine "illustrated" will be no beak. A facetious cinematograph address by Dan would landed the other hooker a slog m tho fellow )'<*y f.heartily join with -the Catholic moral literature. '' Incidentally, complaint itorn,there a , A big relation— A tall story^ anybody. Appar- In the flour of.life—A miller. about.to.-nit doV.i turned and t "candle" with v -1.7 shell would be able mldrosHcd ? gpptLypuug man suppressing the Nonconformist "nark" m ently, m tho mind " " " cost? him: "HI, sonny!" qnld he. the parsoni, . of ♥ « ■"■ yelp delight. and loud get up iimju to :rlit^r&iurc which the"Wowser is question considered that the sen- cai and pimpiiig Wowser, the po- Hating A habit that spoilt) the ap- Mankind Includes woman, v mo your noac-1 wunt to tlry '" " roan " for this «o.n with It!" ■'.." ' to regard as rorty," ho tences passed on offenders by lice arc »«t administering the law potlto. Noo Zllaml Wussleyan Wowsers : ' embraces' woman. Tnusly an exchange about Booth's " ought to read, mark and Inwardly di"""a ■■" " " hot so keen as tho Catholic m » Brigade: inadequate, ■\:t#B m all its savage Magistrates were ves- Blood and Boodle following unjust and from a chosen natho gest Shaking a bon-nrc oi^such literary which, however, is a phase of a ture. Therefore, says tKc-Wow- Capitalism sweats tho brain of Man may lead women to the altar, sel and an elected flro esaipo: Which reminds "Critic" Unit it luia be ore to InInteresting changes. *e«.n mild that v mane characUir, " tho.brawn * of l*abor. * but there" his leadership ''jjgenfe- $** ''&riar %iik," "The question with which "Truth" ser, he «Houkl be allowed to ad- Genius and cun . troduced into the uniforms of the »>« discovered " ceases. < A stir has boon caused m Auafrom the shape, WnglS.. Army, th« ftunaway Nurii* /arid "cxpos- does not propose to deal. The minister *£ When allis said and Dominion synonyms Massoy and Capitalism bfflccre of the Salvation by somo Methodist circles trnllun co «ory of Uio nose-ii stateoiont has an interest m lnterintention probably botng to brightFißher tho fluting; Herdo|>«n to ttres" by Father Qhinlquy, and. particular parson "went on -to say ;done, tho Catholic Federation muddling:; harassing: remarks made by the Itov. Henry Hnd« profit only In.proflt, .and serious argument A red no»« Adelaide, who. speak>en up tho distinctive dress. Tho »» IfoncrrUly Allen and add- es^ of man, and Howard, ' the experiences of the slimy Slatknows no" principle* but principal. to be accepteiLas ought to pc proud pt what it has ling; Fraser and ilnesHing. owblomot ■What m required .to do away ing at Ballarat, CAlled attention to ' tops of tho men's caps arc no man who indulges JJic tcrys, and the hundred and one * " In "tho win* 9 with tho ov^l (Immoral literature) effected. . redand color Is largely to enter Into -joy" element In religion. tho "kill ll n M »»toxi<yitog. skyA Wolllngtor. Nonconformist Hut imefrjli lipt ffl; chpfcc -mprspbi whichperiodically is a sort of censorship oC books, the collar of the tunic. The red A loading Jewoller says that tho lat- pilot Some people, ho said, could not w»ys the'case. Thc Immortal O\i«« was dilating tho other Sunday on the "women's hats are to papera and plctures-rnot a prudcutting for men* engagement a picnic w'thout tucking bands of , flood life inarkeUj, jivri<l are given ent oven have '! nurnamed Naso, had a bottl? no»<|3 censorship but a strong atsolitaires, is squaro Instead of round. tbo evils of Sunday trading. A collecbe longer and mo" m evidence. a prayer mooting to it. When re-jr yct,from wh«t "Critic" knows of his be true records and exper- ish tion was up, taken as usual. oytti oa^fto "Hookr rßd the uniform aro to young by a Invented In " tempt hope* stopped changes smiling Ufo chance wero all engagements will a man from " lipion " to frivo "Critic" ' The iences of convent life, etc., bto. to develop personal hablbf, )io wns n irtdderat* * says op-man'g tho devil Wr and como into wholo«o;nci undoing," wide, knocked square. on lines. henceforth bo on tho on tho* be world ' tho sooner It wsu» indlvidiuiij, Nnpolcon'* »o«e wu» *x' immodlntcly. A certain smnrt little,boy out tho Thpgood young man of the Gath-i Peter 'BfuideH. Prom experience, for id out burial almost * head and In eration > tho qul«Jt«iy chisflllctl, sculpturCMMO^ln ",# been ambitious for aay way, "A Hutt who has Precisely. sort of censorcan them la doing up dicjlmdt look "Critic" that at olie Federation better. Well, when tho niusmllons m the clob- mould, form, and expnswlon. Mo was Bishop Julius, who chases Beelzebub a long time to bo a postman, played at Hooth's brigadiers), of worn to my man with things m that lighC , Oh, dear, Mp\'\ What sort? Let the tho deuce. off the promises at Chrlstchurch, reck- '"protendlngs" the other rtftornoon with Of course, tho row gon%. should not j ber cpmo off. "Qiv^mo a will look »om<j\vhtti of a P'^Jty. of nose!" Hexes, parson Auckland auswer. such bath cxproiwod have scntlho "al.fl,:lt;p8fl« SngHsh no!And uo>y that he finds that dreadful Rut exchange* montlona ons ibttt Sawbath school children a bundle of old love letters that bis mftntM, A recent and H m to be hoped that ho crow between a Christmas tr«e and &". too often, The Iron Duke noted tor It han boon sußTgcsted that tho the fftct'jtlmt, three-fart htngw a d6*t>n learn v lot of things out of the Bible mother had treasured uinpo her courtth<^,ffigmw is "agiii" anything " Their uniforms ura ridi- W* Immttnso no»«, answ««^ t|j fW" Association Commtttoo wa« the price pc^d for raachlnsn«r which aro of no uho to them. Jutww! ship days. In high glee he distribut- win bo hjuiledover the coils for them. Ure briK?ido. improper m the shape of litera- Ministers' but the extra of Public Morals should t&ko such shirts. Tho?»»aTi who payn It ought And «yen parsons learn wholo heaps"of ed his find, In a hounc-to-hou»o visit m Kveryopc of the Mothody pcrauiuslon culous enough now, with tho result U»*t Naw>l<tf*», tmr^excepting that aort of litera- ucUon by organising; a personal to bo trottte?! us one collared -and things from the BlMo which aro of no tho .neighborhood, with r<*«ults that known that; a cheerful countenance io, splosh of color willj'junt About cottar »«o«o. "ftd his noso put out! tho brand of;depravity and doc«lU tho »o<lft-scoac» may well bjy^-to tho imagination. uao>to them—or ooybodyolao. kOOTTH tbttU :7 tnJ^nich.the..W.oWß^regardß as tout of invcs^gAtion or bookscl* cuffed* i ? of iFowser-f ■j*ite TaietPo^tßreat ■jta^in^thedirectioiicif leg-droning. The irlSfeiplesOt 3 ■ ■ ■ tt { " t - ■ ■ . T - — N * - ■ ■ % ; — 1 ; _ 7 r — " "■ * ■ ; : — v - 1 - Christian - " ■ ■ ( ■ * ■ ■ } ; ■ . . ■ 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ - > .- - - --*-■ *"*^- * — "f — The Critic. ; ■ ' < In* iiv — " ■ ■ "' ■ " . ■ - : ''' .■ . ■"' ' . . ; — t ** """ ■ _ "* — — — ■ " 2" - ° . SATUKDAY, JULY 4, 1914. %IRUTH, 2 BUSINESS AND BOODLE: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN " By world or Work CAMBIST." — Pithy Points lor Proletarian Plugs— AND OTHERS - bank secured? Possibly by a guaran- as" Chairman Beauchamp wrestling tee, if so^by whom is the guarantee with "not understood" banking, while After, a severe,spell of illness Coun"Truth's" dear and respected-friend '■■":'. the persons signing the it is .signe.d.?,,:i>q ■^M^-tia^j^.aitthP^^^ft go't,''a braw wee Bob Fletcher blew into the City guara.nte*i get .some commercial pull VERY MUCH MORE ILLITERATE. jolb^ dae ye no' ken,": as*.the Welling- Council /meeting last week and occuover,.snippers _pf. produce through this Report and Balance-sheet for Year report has. to do with the busitons Ci%y Council's assessor m- therows pied the wonted,mahogany. Members Ended, April, 1914. company"■ is another question about If theexperiences of this association, wliich are going' to take place, about of the Council loudly announced that ness which should have informa/^farmers sundry Corporation leases. Weil.. they were delighted to see that Robert the Blunders of Butter and Cheese. tion? Tfielbanfc will notlose its money, j then the lot who are responsible, should " ber jolly well ashamed of themselves. M|iiy Ann is a,^'dou,c^'^ man and unco' was able to Sit up and notice things It will take care of that Such over- It more- and washed .him luck. seems "the results have been procainie^iJtncLJcfiji^^^tter of bawbees p.nce produce A Fake for Farmers. as *a drafts rule benefit the foundly disappointing." The prices for the near approach thj^f godlSss^^mier'^v'ho gets in' m front "Truth," m view of a ' stiark, poor j morethan the* devil of will have to rise quite a long iof ■ the elections, admonishes Bobus Zealand Cheese were 6s to 7s per of^him It appears, that the above Associa- farther who milks his cows. It is tiriie i New Besides, not to pay any more doctors' bills and time before sparrow-chirp. cwt'.less than Canadian. The fact is, years twenty up m the alour' iEanriers to has been that woke the fact tion ' wily Canadian can sell his prohetwillnot have a look m if Mary Ann to put off his next illness till the "time leged business of helping the,poor cow thaf;' they" have many"parasites living the ha!s a wrastlfjjsujth £h<£.Lpa.rd. m prayer he can ": get up . and ,remarki Mr. milker to obtain the best price for his u'poii ducts better than the New Zealander. they that have all sorts "'them— likely the blue nosed indion^ the fajnptorca^geP.which his .iiten Speaker, SirP'-Therl ."Truth" trusts exploiting More than Washup wi^fea<^§s^alikee Boodler Dr. he will pass his illness,on to the other butter-fat. It also burbles into the of "Get-rich-quick" schemes vidual does not tie himself up with ' perv milk direction. ' every many them m In cases j bucolic ear that it saves the -; '-': fellOW. .Tbrexander a%out !r sharks as bur people do. Parathe yenpounds per many largest capite.l tricky son the of such thousands, of "» (g) is a germ It mentions the graph high sounding "annum m commissions and other ex- turesv is made up of ' ' " " T*The danger of a government having, penses. "Cambist" has no doubt that names, or.much (Skite of a benevolent muddled sort of business methods that i ■'"■ ..■...■'. had the. pleasure of a visit to depend upon a,majority of one was ;' have beenIndulged m when shipping »ifTruth" the above Association must have done natirre, dear to |tlie* uninformed cow- to United States of America. How the this week from Walter Fenner, a'lead- exemplified m Hobart the other day something past , ":_ for the farmer spanker. . ". m the -. ing member of the, "Rosary" Company, 'when a motor car smashed up a bike;i Yankee did not meet his sight drafts, .the matter. of marketing his dairy Turning to the assets side it is found and carry out his forward contracts. ■wfiich has been, .delighting Wellington and shot its rider about 15ft.<7in. into produce, or the whol6 contraption■*ould that this brokerage concern gives a This aniyences all the week m the Grand trie air. The rider of the bike turhed>j have gone, characteristic ofUncle "kite high, long ago, "as. lot of "tick" as well as getting a lot Sam,wen known .Ojjfera H,«sjj§s£s?^alter proved, the most out to alsb dear old John' Bull, would pne of. the La-' many farmer ,- fakea; done; m for itself. It has debtors, totalling Ciblini have . never have-a 'chance if proper finangiieSb.Dur- bbr■'( members for Derifson. *;;;£ Tas-: g^ial'and'ent^^^nln&.of country. .The present report ,is £9323. [Some of this money is. owing ing- an^iipur's ciJM^he^jfovealed-'a.brbad nianian 'correspondent naively"says: '■' this cial credits vwere insisted upon. But excuses, and, also admits by "open" accountsl." (£5078). Conso full of life,-3pai:e-even in.an ' expo- "There is no reason for suspecting that so much disappointment at the output signees owe £2436, while the,Home compariies#without paid-up capital very little resources benent oTT'the soclpajid imsklni! He averr". Giblin did it oh. purpose.- He was bik-: This have.usuaHjf the year's exports that one is fairly Agents had to part up £1828. red hiiii|^f,a4S^iali^oputand .but; m ink ,through the city,' m af hurry :tq\ of hind them to enforce strict business justified m saying that the farmer is.a . , much money has fast, he that it was part of -his catch a trainj when a motor car hit not yet emancipated himself from LOT OF MONEY TO HAVE OUT- contracts. But how "fool" consignments, ;religion and, laughingly added that- toe him amidships, shot him up into the has clutches been lost on the shark, produce of the the STANDING, was the butt of much chaffing from hip air, and caught him as he fell, break-: the of the shipping ring, and the and where does the loss appear m the and makes one ask, what provision for accounts? Perhaps this association fellow players on account of his com- ing his right arm m the risky-.juggle.^ greed swindles, of the London dealers. The zmraeristicproclivities. He plays "ju- it was a close call. The bike was kill- writer rejoices that this association has losses have.,been made by the Asso- never had any of this rotten business. against such , credit < risks? If not, why was it ever referred, to? '"'■■" < yejtile heavy" as the Wali-street brok-1 ed outright." : not got its clutches oa all the dairy ciation no evidence that one penny There is Kenward Wright m the ."Rosary*, God help the poor farmer of New It has of provision has companies m the Dominion. 'been made, either m Zealand. When he next starts a fightand was m the original caste at the The worth and sterling ability of roped m 117 of "the miscalled coY the accounts or.m the verbose wander- let him turn upon the thieving shipping Garden Theatre, m New York, five Holmes, who used to help the operative companies, seventeen of the' ingremarks which make up the turgid rings, the swindling produce dealers years- ago. For the past .three years Harold keep its end up, was al- proprietary'concerns, arid fourteen "ex; document, intended as a report. A drop his natural enemy, the Banks, callhas been associated with A. H. "Dominion" ways recognised and appreciated by porters" out of the many hundred m the consignment values might re- and equally befooled and Wpodsi';onev of-America's greatest prosince Har- concerns that handle butter and sult m a heavy loss, while the bank- ing to his aid the but fellow-journalists, his w^^n^dhlwmber.s'; "Com- old blew over tp^Hobart to, tajte up a, cheese m this ebw-spankirig State. swindled "worker." They have much riiptcV of some "open accounter" would m common. Itis time they woke mon liaTO."-^-aaihug^; success^-and left stiddy job - , up Evidently there is a healthy sus- give on. the ?Daily Post,," whole' a nasty jar to_ the assets. Then to the true position."" Ipin this,show— heaps mpre' "y^lj^v^r^ket'^tp a lU-; picion;on the part of the majority/ of of appreciation-^-of -Iji. the Home Agents pe-i*a.mtfi' he^atcbfled with a smile; crative nature— have come to his cor-, milk producers asregards this "Nation- there;ls., risk BC£"HeT& i .to:be considered. Yet, m face' JUg, "busted:\ into business with a ner.- Smce transferring his talents to al" affair. "Cambist," looking over the partment wagon show" arid ha|s several times the land of the apple, Harold has been membership of the association, nearly of ail .this," not one penny of provision Prospectus experiences that cbmtngn lot 'of actors appointedacting secretary for the Tas- bursts with laughter. It would be a is made, so far as can. be seen. All Builders, this is too slip-shod and unbusinesslike He attributes 'much of manian district of the Australasian perfect realisation of ■^"stranded." being an approval to with the of ordinmeet landed m that part Journalists' Association, secretary and; bis' success to , bgthe theatre business m which part shorthand writer to the Timber Trade A FINANCIAL "HAPPY FAMILY" ary trader. It certainly is a shame to Sort of Things Investors are Asked to 1 ring it on to the honest farmer folk Sink Money m. ■ to, an- actor .is 'on his' metal. .He joined Wages Board, and hon. treasurer if the classes m the membership could aTi'stock'.l,company,., f'l have been m the Tasmanian porkers' Educational; honestly be"associated together to each who think this is their own.'associa' ' .')■ '.' Class of Company that Banka With "and have pro- {Aissociation, of whiph, as a member of other's..mutual good. Let us consider tion, v ": ViudeMje.t^^S&J^.ih^ the Quasi State Bank. auditor, withsome wonderfulletThe he Committee, (Jl7) ', companies sever'af Ihave one assisted aB tchep. co-operative sfte the Provincial the ducedme now which ters:-tq his nanie,;adds. "audited and WeU, Harproduce factory the constitution. ! The dog. proprietary hope I to to frame ownw4th Time -Such Schemes Were Stopped found correct.''" Only, that,and nothing inVAustralia." Here, he.entered upon a old deserves all the luck that has come ers (17) as the cat, and then the (14) more.; By Law. Has this gentlemanforgotten that brief outline of the .idea that was run-. to him'and quite 'a heap more yet. exporters, as the monkey..; How gro■ "■'■-■vs ■■■ .The poor' there should be some certificate for the nl#g through his head. ,"Truth" feels tesque the matter looks. From far. away Aitutaki, Cook Isitems,; vlz.i, *1?28? As a rule sdre that its originality and cleverness It isialways pleasing to pay a tri- dog gets scratched by the .spiteful cat, stock m., dialogue will ensure its "catching bute of praise to a public officer who and the mischievous monkey dodges our auditors are but a sort of glorified lands',rcomes the above prospectus. It clerks, a class of individuals who are is sent tor review by one of this paper's .' 9Ti."-r. \ . :■ '■■ ;'. :r -A/ ■_-" ;■ has "meritoriously served his country in— andout— of the family rows. Ten not,' celebrated for knowledge of any niany thousand constant readers. The years. This is the position to one< the choice pickings are pouched many for kind, least of all the values of "stocks." remitter mentions how useful "Busi'■"-■* ! of W* R, Morris, Secretary to the Post by the blessed monkey. If such a re- Perhaps this auditor is an. exception ness and Boodle" has been to him, as ;A cable message the other <{ay stated Ofiice, who is leaving (fifew Zealand on- markable combination of predatory into the rule. He may know all about a cautionary guide m matters of inth&t tho health of J.Jlamßay, Mac- Friday, next by the Nlagara,xbound' on terests, by any possible means, could stocks, and m. this case have fully vestment. This gives the simpleminded Dbhald, M.P., Leader of the Labor a most important mission, He goes to be of benefit to the farmer— well, the himself on the vital points. If "Cambist" cheer. Party m the British House.1 of .C-qin-' represent NeW. Zealand at the Interna- age of miracles has made a fresh start satfsfied; n.ot said a word about This amazing proposition is to have rifpns, Is causing his friends much tipnar Postal Congress' m Madrid. Looking at the balance-sheet, it is her,haß,Vh(6, an authorised capital of £250,000, m anxiety. A letter receiyed-by\ "Hones- W.R. has been m the service ,of the noticed that this strange butter and his ,knoT^ijed^fSi of the 'stock account ' ■£ 1 shares, of which £ 10,000 is now tas" sopao months ago, said that since Department for 39 years. Educated at cheese freak has no paid up capital; to Bi|t. does^thatiSuit the farmers ? "\igepor,t\ is- a, Irnost . 'confusing. offered to the grullible public at par. his wife's te had.---. been the Bectiye College m Dublin, he en- show on the liabilities side, ■! It.apparr "daunerin* doimHife brae." T A later tered the" Imperial!1Publio Service m ently ; works upon certain subßcrip- Bcreed/ Itis impossible; to gather from All other issues will be at a premium, letter from another Labor M.P. said the accountants' branch of the DuSlin tions,.commissions, andsubsidies which it whether the remarks embodied there- so look out. If anyone carefully reads to the whole dairy export of the prospectus and thinks the venture ttfat Mac. had been prevailed' upon to In;;187.4 he resolved ,to try "his come to its coffers annually, most, of in relate ri3!snihion, or to the business done a sound one, well, this would come ac a give up some'of his official work, and G.P.O. the which; are in* variQVS fortune m "the Britain* of"the South" It is as -verbose to the writer. The prospec-. that all hoped soon to see him back to arid arrived at Lytteltbn m September Chargesj that eat'into the profits of the by*¥Ms association. '' '- !- surprise : - -\/>' '■ -:. ■■■■ '■■■-'■'■ -" '■■■■-'. """■■-■ loM di-ov "" .■.-.-■("■'■ ; " tifii old, vigorous form again. J. Ram- qt In the. following May tib farmers. For instanceithe incQrae from! say MacDonald has ;been a -"ladyO' subs, commisbranch * the-m^eyTorder, - ,bf-the the items mentioned, his calf;c*omt-; Christchurch p^irts," as they say miage -Post *->Office as a clerk. sions, and subsidies,:...total ..£ 2,541. At a he made his early, very tr>. Lo*hdon, years later he became money-; These are ali sw.aHow^d up by,fees where he got a job as Four clerk at way to Wellington, and m 1891 paid;$o the' '. director's, £ 170, salaries, order a';clerk. He lived on two or three'] received promo^ibri.!tb.ith,e 'senior £ 2438, and travelling expenses, £ 437. ' shillings a week, "dossin' doun a ship m the" Accountatits' Branch of The. thrpe items 'imake the nice fat 'dunny," for which htupaid eighteen G.P.O. This iposition he occupied dollop, of £3045. It w.puld be hard^ to pence a week, and^spent the balance of the 1900, when he became Assistant- find a more expensively managed conhis wages to educate himself..- He was until Cp'ntfoller Accountant In 1907 cern m this country. The writer would for a while a school and after- Mr. Georgeand Gray retired and on Mr. be glad to have a -list of the 'people wards a Parliamentary private secre- Morris fell the mantle of Accountant who enjoy the fruits of these expenses, *4b*J|9v4S&i£lßsr;'economic jowrn^ißt,^ef., very carefully of Morfey-orders "- and for the accounts and' Controller subjects, ' are , writer .on fective " Savings Banks: When Mr. "Tonal" framed to r "During ', speaker a of force. and ;great^ 'SecretaryKEEP THE INFORMATION.FROM his leadership -at the- Labor Party, he Robertson succeeded' to thehim Mr. Morris succeeded as As.-, PUBLiCITY. has stireriubusly'■■*opposed certain ac- ship, sistant-Secretary and Inspector.- >He tions when proposed by caucus, but, a' In case of this kind the fullest de1, position July until on the majority i of the members de- ' retained- that elevation tails should be furnished, for the whole claring agaiftst Ms- point of view, he 1907,,and, on Mr. Robertson's " business depends upon subscriptions has loyally abided by? the Party's offi- to the Public Service Commißsioner- as its.main stay. The directors should sbip, post by the vacated his late aftertook decision, though and even clal ''cough -up" this- Information what wards list- #48;been denounced by ex- chief. *On Monday afternoon and each individual received m travelling . Lift tht outtr walls of thenottrlli asshown about. Then Inhale vigorously through tht evening representatives last the .of party's the cause of the tremists as ''nostrils. Afierwards exhale, also through the nostrils. Do both, of course, while holding tht expenses, the. secretary's salary, and "speed parting G.P.O. staffs the met to he has bornfe the ;>acfctony 'nostrils wideopen, theresult willbe nothingless thana surprising revelation of how thenasal questionable ; afternoon he was.pre- what tho poor clerks draw. There are :■■ -afrj-passages'can be enabled to convey anIncreased supply ofoxygen to the respiratory organs, brunt wlthout'-mormur;itill some other guest." In tho account, sundry open on member- goaded into revealing the in- sented with a suit-case, a leather-lined £ 4620. creditors owing Balances on consignrug and a ner history of the Party, has broken motor-coat, a travelling silence, giving the true facts, to tho money belt— the last, probably on ac- ment account, £375; and the National Bank, Here we find the usual honor of MacDonald arid the confusion count of his going into bandit land. borrow£3789. Or burst policy that eats into of his eneriilesV^'lfitc, of course;, la, the evening' the P. and T. Officers' the- heart' of everything m New Zeamany mili- Association gave him a. "shivoo" Inthe doesn't see cy.e_tQ.eyo The figures mentioned make the tants m the Labor movement; he .has Masonic Hall; The Association, as re- land.. large sum m round numbers of £8700, an opinion of his own, and, ho matter presenting the whole service from the whnt tho odds agaijist him, doesn't North Cape to Stewart Island, made without one penny of capital m the hesitate to state it and give a reason a presentation of a very handsome lockers. Inother words, this 18 abusiness which is altogether a parasite, for tho hopegtiiat Js m him. It is to; silver tea and cq/Tee service. living upon credit. It astonishes the be hoped thatj&.season ofc completes writer to find a bank overdraft granted reet and carefuT nursing will make him Author: "I would have you know, to a.concern of this kind, but it only fit forMe w^uftjfflth again. His place . Ifyou have a dropping ofphloem Into the throats Bcarcely could.bo filled; m the British sir, that Ihave written for better proves what he has said time and If your nose Is stoppedup, that magazines yours." again, Ijabbr toEditor: "And Viz., banking movement tho methods of ParHaraentary' if crusts form In your nose, you get them?" did New Zealand are rotten. How is the day. . j-y,;.^>,.:.-. ■- ;' :H. If youare easily susceptible to colds, Dairy Association of The National Zealand, New cillor Ltd. 5 / ' - 1 '" I . .-" . m be^'Fi ■ ■ — outlbblc^h kftt^ er£ he^ ducers.^irHe^ 1 t^ of New Zealand Home Ltd. ; „ . ; . '■ "■■ £ >" .'"if ",:-./ v h^s ; t JThe ■ that^earV ■ - " clerks- teacher 1 — j .. HAVE YOU GOT % CATARRH? 1 . ■ #nffer no Longer1 < r^ troin Hgonising Nerve Pains. In KGPIMLDOL there is a sure, safe andprompt remedy to hand NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, NEURITIS, SCIATICA, NERVE PAINS and PAINFUL MENSTRUA TION "fir/;'&BOp4CHES, { y *%^ X^EGm!^ " ■ ' ''^^^^TTWk " ■■'"'" ' /fi^v jh llilk%^m ''DMB^^%f fflffi^fe H 77T HK^^MIK^ ||||. J&rL Wfmj ' Walni iW ~JSSA \ $*& ~~mjr^£"^ "Ssß& . J0S0&B0 S«S^ .. .-■./, ., ~~wtnm a iUOfiltl KEPHALDOL has received the highest comniendation from the medical profession because SX,W, Meningitis ' persistent Headache of with Tory irratifylnffresults."— Dr.T. "Q, Nloholson, M. B^ IS* B. O. Sn GreatHarlow. appetite and strength. The catarrhal poisons are absorbedinto the blood, andall the membranes Of the"body become infected, and what was supposed tobe a purely local disease has become constitutional, doep-eented, and chronic, and may eventually result m Deafness, Bronchitis, Asthma, Neuritis, Catarrh of the Stomach, or that dread scourge of the human raco,Consumption. "^ : "Ihavo used Kephaldol In oases of Headache, Lumbago and Artloular Rheumatism etc and found them useful.** Dr. O. T. Jones, Ilfraoombe. — ****** £^&9&^*~^ JoCallu, %*JtA hati/it Tho inflammation extends to the throat and bronchial tubes, causing hoarseness, a tickling sensation, and an aggravating cough. The matter that is continually dropping back into the throat finds its way into the stomach, resulting m a diatreising form of dyspepsia, nausea, and loss of , WHAT ENGLISH DOCTORS SAYi « ihaveused KephaldolIna case of cold m the bead, but it never stops there. Catarrh often begins with aprotracted one, while tho discharge from the The timple cold becomes a nose grows more profuse and uncomfortable. if _SB^ , p of its direct strengthening action upon the m without injury to the heart, and its lasting reguw0 lative and.curative effect upon the whole system. Sizes, | Kephaldol prescribe and testify to its I Doctors wonderful results. If you suffer any kind of 1/6 and nerve pain, take this valuable, natural remedy m preference to ordinary tonics, and, above all, 3/6 m preference to dangerous drugs. It costs little ra j to try this new nerve remedy. It cures quickly nerves« ■ 'E fi If yousuffer from frontal headaches, > Ifyou have noisesm the head, If your hearing is affected, Ifyou have *o clear your throat& expectorateoften, If a change In the weatheraffects you, Ifyou arete victim to shortness of breath, If you sneeze frequently, " ( If your sense of smellis affected, If youhave a heavy, tiredfeeling on awaking, If yousuffer from ahusky throat, >"" Ifyou aro affected with any of the above symptoms, the chances aro that you are suffering from Oatarrh. It Is an exceedingly dangerous complaint, and Is so Insidious that the sufferer hardly realises how serious Is his or her condition until matters have reached an almostchronic stage. A Sample Bottle of "KAT-AR-AH" INHALANT " Free to Sufferers. — "iKat-ar-ah" Treatment for Catarrh is based on scientific principles, and aims at the curing of the trouble on an entirely new and logical basis. Iknow it ib right by personal experience the beet Catarrh Remedy m existence, and Iam ready to prove it to you. Hundreds acknowledge its worth. No matter how many remedies you may bavo ..tried 4<>.QOt.consider your case hopeless until you have tried"Kat~ar«ah" .Treatment. to "your own In order that you may prove the value of this Treatment " will supply you with a trialbottle of KaUar-ah Inhalant satisfaction.I give immediate relief to the inflamed FREE OF CHARGE. It will membranes, clear the bead, convey beftlth-giving, purifying and germdestroying medicated air to tho affected parts, ami cleanse the naeal will alto send you a copy of my passagesof the accumulated mucous. I new and interesting booklet "Catarrh—its Cauae, Symptoms and Treatment," Be sure to mention tbiß paper when writing, give your full name and address, and enclose 3d.mBtamps to cover cost of pottage. Send to-day. The trial bottle will be sent by return nail. HERBERT — times the quantity of theamallcr. „„, Kwffljjfflf|j^r?T^i^ . K.US7O3 HERDER, 2 Bri(lffMJi|flt. Sydney. Itvs reads like the ravings of some BY "HONBSTAS: !financial maniac, and the objects of the proposed company are so extensive that it would require many millions to get them going. It is wonderful what an optimist dreams of, if only he can Oh, y© who look throu{fh longing eyes" To mark .fair Freedom's Sun' arise, Know that your hope unfilled must b» Till Labor stand m Unity. get his hands on £10,000. But what a splash such a person could make with £250,000! The strange thing about ' this appears m the fact that five proThe first proposal discussed at the chance. Why, when Miss Mary holds visional directoss appear to think it Trades Hall Conference on the Cost such a confidential position m th© possible ,to carry' out the tre- of Living was that of the institution of Town Clerk's Office, the social status mendous programme of "objects" for a Board of Industrial and Social In- of the whole,dam -family-will be conwhich the company is to be formed. vestigation, to inquire into complaints siderably improved. "And look at the Here are some of them (there is not about Monopolies and other matters. chances she'll, have!" .' which :cryptie ENOUGH TO STATE THEM It was carried after some discussion, saying may mean much or little*v<3U - ■-■ SPACE , which mostly turned around the me- the Town .Councillors' of Nelson^<are , . ALL '■;■"'■ -"■ " thod of election for such Board. One responsible for the fixing of the above m this small column):— "purchase all side— that -to ultimately -win .out wanted Lady Typist's salary at .10?, kinds of trading stocks," also, "stocks and shares, leases, mortgages, land, urged that popular election for such a per week,; .then Town" Scoundrels* houses, businesses, etc. To purchase body, which must be well groundedm wouldbe a more.-fitting. term for thetdT to be of any use, Would bo and Nelson- electors must remember Alands for subdivision, guarantee pay-, economics a farce the public usually choosing the fact when nex^ these bUghters and , meat of dividends, etc. To do all kinds men for public positions who could smug-faped fakirs cpme of mining manufacturing, et<v etc.'.' ' out;,bleatlng "pitch them a good tale" and keep on to be re-elected. But if ttie: ladyi'dfr Butas-the namebt'ihja 'wide spreading'i their "blind side." For the opposing dual accomplishments is to be a ipriconcern indicates, the real object is to ] side it was mentioned there could only vate employee ;of the gentleman,f who enable people to buy "homes" from the ways : of appointing such a calls himself the Town tlerk, of thai company on all sorts of terms, mostly be two Board, 'either by popular election or Town Clerk.;who,calls>himself a" genvery profitable to the company. The by appointment by the Government m tleman, then "Honestes" faas n'oth^ng, promoters seem to have drawn most of power. As the winning side stood for further to say. The.Town Clerk' whose" " their ideas from th© great "United appointment, it meant to say We "private" business Isn't;worth.,m<tte States, as theY .quote the. results of a A would get a Board which would be than ten shillings a week to tbte'ena■"";■■'■ few Home building . companies over placed m power by now the Nfaswho does ployee .conn^eriCjal all the there. They seem to forget that here sey crowd, and Just it is a foregone con- correspondence, etc., doesn't ,hq|(f"Lav there is a land and income tax which .olusion that such a Board would be very high place m the estimation"orwould tax the properties and mort- thoroughly representative of the Cash his fellW citizens. And that is soine-^ gages of the company. InAmerica the Under these circumstances, it thing even m that Sleepy, Hollow, *the position is different, but why be so Cuss."asked, h°w could they expect to CITY. OP NiJLSON-^put""ltCi^eaps, particular about such small matters? was get anything to suit Labor? One of Mr. Printer, it needs all the dignity*it The reason that is notitied, is because the delegates got home, and expressed can borrow to cover its shame! this concern proudly announces that the views of a large number ■ [■■*. "■',-/ ■"■-:■■ ■.■*^Sr^??l "It is not a building society," Strange, gates when he remarked.that of idele"What the best is- the matter with: toe Weiindeed, would a building society be that.could be said for the proposed lingtpn Trades Hall? It must be unwith such a list of "objects." ßoard was that "it couldn't do much der a spell of intellectual eclipse. At '\ By the Articles of Association, the i harm," anyhow, although he could not ' the Cost of Living ConferenceJast i , company may pay a commission of see what good it was going to week, it 'waa generally noUceaWWMf' f do. fifteen per cent, for brokerage on its a comparatively, small number took / shares, and may pay. not exceeding working alliance, al- part' The plan of " ] riot ;jU the dlscufifsion, ■: ' fifty p£r cent, of premiums (if any). If ready :referreda to m "Honestaß's" more thaV or four. The'^thing people put money into the venture they notes, between the miners, railway-- got so bad three that oheiof the/defagstfes, will have the satisfaction, of knowing men, and transport workers— an alli- who "Honestas" believes iooic'"aA^tk>m» ; that some one makes a good fat com- ance which will comprise 1,270,000 inent part m bringing the conference ' mission out of them. This Is' more workers, and will prove one of the about, called on the delegates gfciierexpensive than raising the money m biggest facts m the history of Labor- ally to "spruik up a bit and let all London. : is proceeding apace. Considerable hear from yef." ' It was,too had, .s&yi It, is passing sirange that a company nervousness is felt m many quarters he, to just allow three or j?Our &} *^tf':' '-■ with such "objects" should be able to as to the possible outcome of the all the yapping, and that 'what^thffip print upon its prospectus, "Bankers, movement, and hair-raising yarns of had come- for was to hear &ll tiliSte?' Bank N.Z." One wonders if tho bank immediate national strikes are being have a go. Bfit whatr Is knew what was going ori. Has the told. All rubbish. There is far less There seems to be something, njbp.ut bank sanctioned its name to be used likelihood of a great strike with the the Trades Hall, or maybe iris Gubam this matter? To most people the three Unions ,combined than there, street, which throws a.' pall over any name of a banker on a prospectus is would be with them separate. The attempt to think clearly op j^.narjrof a direct hint that all is right, for the men who count m the Unions are well any working .class man, wants bank is supposed to Hava looked into aware of the responsibility which the some mental dynamite to shake things the matter and satisfied itself that new alliance supposing it became an up'a bit and then things might,movor. everything is quite square. All banks actual fact*— will place upon.them, and a wee bit faster m the:« Wellington should keep a "vigilant look out for are not likely to be rushed into any Labor' World. juJ_ prospectuses and see that they are not sort of wild-cat aotion. On the other used as a draw. Before a company is hand, even more with the employers The more "Honestas" studies "The ' actually .floated, the will the responsibility be felt of pro- Workers*' Educational Asspeia^Uon'' ' name of the bank'■■■""■■ ers, voking a quarrel with a force so po- movement-, the. more is ho enamored . ' tent Such an alliance is likely to with the' idea and convinced ihaJEjltfe PRINTED make for peace rather than war— or adoption as the leading activity "m upon such documents. When one rather Btrlkes, for the war to improve Labor circles is immediately* comes across such a gem as the fol- the lot of the workers must never Uve. By no possible stretch of'bpiUmlowing, "What does the banker do with cease till the goal of eman- lara can it bo conceived that the comthe money de&oslted with him? He cipation is reached. economic ing general election is to- advantage pays tjiree per cent, or four per ceht ■''".'■ Labor and its objective. Allvth.«Bt..:cap i; i for iti and loans it out on real estate What the continued reign of Bill be expected of it ia. to ,proloat five per cent.'or six per cent., making Massey and his pjute push of supporopportunity qf showkLg^thal tarlau.an for the bank tfie difference.'* This";is ter? will ultimately mean to the work- htf'ls not yet what the promoters* of tlits company ed,in Masao^'plute Ilconvince the" graphically. New Zealand Is —and to allege. It is really very nasty "of them lustrated,jn the experience of a young push that they are not the, -''top^dbga*/: to give the sho"w away m this manner. motor'mcohanta from over Nelson way. m this little Dominion. The The least they could have done was to He was engaged by a firm m "Sleepy that lies at Labor's hand at tho^.pjrehave kept quiet. Joking apart, there Hollow" at a wage of £3 5s a week Bont moment is the education.of <- its is a gteat deal of truth In this wild with, a room rent free. . Unfortunately rank and file and "Honestas""cah see statement, the wilderness is In statins "his health broke down and, on the ad- no better medium m sight; than the that the banker pays as much a? three vice of his doctor, he sought some establishment of a WorkerV Educaper cent, or four per cent., that being lighter occupation m order to recoup. tional Association m New Zealand, a gross over statement of the cost of On the recommendation of a chum ho Ho is- the moro emboldone'd tot&press bankers' borrowings. The truth is that came over to Wellington and applied this decided opinion ofto£ reviewing for many years past bankers have been for tho position of chauffeur to one of the work that has alrcady^fteeddbno. bolstering up a lot of land speculators, the squatter kings m the North Is- Here is something of " : productive and by so doing have robbed thou- land's most southerly province. thought: ;" .^On money, sands of people of vast sums of arrival ho found the piuto family livThe history of ,-the Worker's' wh\> had to purchase farms and homes ing m Hobson-streot Ho "heflltated Educational Asaocfution of Great < m New Zealand. If the Bank of New not ia the order of his going" and Britain and .Ireland readsi* jike V Zealand, or any other bank, gets many made an early call at the squattorlal romance. Prom a small 'beginmore advertisements of this nature it mansion. Here he was met by the ning made ten years ago* by a will cause a senso of Insecurity to ,come lady of the house, who said that her , little group of Trade Unionists over tho depositors. Therefore, all lord and master was away from home and Co-operators, fired with a zeal bankd should be jealous of their repu- and would he call m a wbek. Ho refor the education of the workers, tations, and keep their eyes open to turned on the appointed date and was it has grown until to-driy is a the tricks of company promoters of asked if he would drive the family to federation of ten thousand wordevery kind, he took Accordingly Bay. Oriental.' ing olaßs and educational organ, out the car, which was not m the best isations. It fs estimated' that MMorder, up of fixed It and drove the year 60,000 men and women wore A now berry m Airiorica has been party to their destination .and back. under its educational lnfludiufo '■ ' " called the "telegraph" because it trav- Returned to Hobson-streot, the motorWhat' that means' in thtf ■ljfe^dff a.. t' ,m along: clusters wire-like something els stems. man wanted to know about nation It is impossible to' esliraqte Itand the electric currant should make on engagement. Tho lady said that, m mere figuccjj. . , a'flno flavored dish. as her husband was stilt away from Animated by success" sff 'far. How often you hear people saying home, she could come to no definite m other lands, it m surely no^aßTjftxthis, "I catch a cold every Winter and arrangement This produced from the travagant estimate to make tlia£,*\tndo not get rid of it till the warm wea- rather surprised young man a polite side twelve months at least 50TO jsarn-^ ther comes" os,if colds are a neces- demand for five bob for the work he sary evil that must bo put up with. had already done. His pluto patron- oat workers could be banded togehere thus producing a solid Nonsense^— colds can be curad with ess was horrified at tho enormity of ther thinking body .that; must have an imFor over Baxter's Lung Preserver. magnificent nfty years the public have proved that the chargo and "ottered the mense Influence on. the sclontlno eco*«**» it "never falls to give relief. Order a sum of one shilling. This bolng scorn- nomic development of "God's. Qwit^, rejected, use she condescended to once, fully lOd bottlo and it at wheIs ther tho cold is m tho head or cheat. discuss the details'of a permanent enAnd now a word to of the Baxter's Lung Preserver Is pleasant to gagement. She said that the screw would-bo and have-beensome Qt take and is good for tho children as would bo 15» a week and found. . The Labor m Now Zealand. loaders "Hd.n^taq", ' Procurable at all well as yourself. of the cleaning entail the has heard Scotußonnett, Bob'Sempie '. chemists and Mores, or post direct duties would early morning- and Pat Hlckey and others of that Ilk from J. Baxter and Co., Chemists, daily footwear m tho garden and lending a hand m the 124 say, m words whose purport Chrlstchurch. ' could not about the house; cleaning tho car and be misunderstood, that the manual taking the lady and hor friends for a worker roust go on his own" morning drive to do shopping or »)ay j giously exclude all those who, b"jr any early calls; In the afternoon wash the |chance, could bo to'rmod' professionals/' car and take the family -out for a They seemed to be blind to the fact drlvo; help m the garden till tea tlrao; that there wore thousands '^tfcntbe answer tho door, and teaching, medical, legal and JcfufrnaJlsm tho evening drlvo to theatres, parties and balls tlc ranks m Australasia us sound on when «o required. This \va« too much the economic problem an tho. veriest' for a man who was socking to recupe- "Red-Fedder" that ever wan, and eager rate, bo ho again politely insisted on and willing to throw m their influence getting his five bob. After some hesi- with the cause of ProgresH. To. quoto tation It waa forthcoming, and-.he left. Mr. Stewart's circular ngain: , , « r Tho movomont wan first introThere are those In tho Labor moveduced to Now South Wales «a it municipal manwho will boost ment should bo, by tho workers themagemont for all it is worth und spout I yvr^1^ /^f* py**Tsil The Labor Council of selves. Improved granted tho conditions about N.S.W. took the flr«t steps by caland no doubt employee**, municipal to ling a conferonco of working claim tho surfaco cvldenco bears out their and educational organisations to tho letter. "almost to contentions consider tho proposal. At that' v however, will deeper, who look Those Conference tho Labor Council employers aro municipal you tell that proponulH wcro moat cofdia<lly enexacting and *a« as the rapacious as by rfiprea<miatlve» from dorsed most unscrupulous of private employDepartment of Public Instructho perconditions ers whero economic tion, tho University, the Twteherii* mit of tholr being so. Thin also is Aflsoolation, the Trades Hall Ajmk>« again "Honevery now and true, and elation, and other working slat* ",■, of tho unwelestas" culls Illustration* organisations. ■'."-■> advertising col' come fact from tho From what "Hono«ta«" knows of New umn* of tho plutft press. The latent to-day n oimllnr condition*! Zealand of the latter economic fact For Coughs and I example community of Intercut exlHtu Jht<». In to him from Nolnoh, where that comes Colds ! our University Collogcn thorn v a honorable and catlmablo gontleman large leaven of advanced econom)o Grandfather used the Town Clerk wants a LADY TYPW ISTE who Is also a shorthand writer, thought and a large number of «tunington'a" half a ccnury but hero Jb tho precious advert, a« it donta who would only bo. too glad to ago-— his grandchildren Jake H appeared In the Sleepy Hollow tripe lend a helping hand. The Twiehem* it to-day, with just the ..amc Institute hold* very many who would wrup the other day; bo willing to Aid the cauhq of prosurety and safety. 1 f CITY OF NELSON. gress. Tho Aiwoclatlon of lnternaWanted, a Lady Typlste for the | Corre»pond«nco School Btufiontn Uonftl Town Cterk'n Office; knowledge could bo relied upon to provide r<>Orngettn r I of Shorthand ncccswiry. W»Be«. orutw able and willing to add to tho 10* par wo<?k to commence. Apply noccM&ry leaching power. 4<M to ttiSTMonftlly. the«o nympathetlc frienda In the Pott EDMONDS, G. A. Town Clerk. and Telegraphic AnnoclaUon,' «- th« conuin* no opium or oilier tn> 1 juriooi lurcotuu— kh miltly— And In tho City of N«»l«on, wh«r« tho Amalifrtmtttcd Society of RallwaV S*r! «oolhes, relitTc*. cord I ; Lady hung* out who i» nuch a great vanU, tho Institute of Marine tEngtauthority on ih«i Whlto B!ave Traffic. neer« and kindred bo4le#, not Wfm«riAvoid Invitations Of" eouma there* no-whlt*' ulavery tion th« workerV othor.organl<taVon>«. C<i DONN!NGTON'4»«your about tho above. It* a fine reapoet- 'and there «ecm« to be the nua<*nr of Oirmitt of Store ituitl if a\>j«. Wllet and many »'ft working mann on educational forco ihA^vipMlft provft ' " Dcceiwry. 75 smart daughter will Jump at the Irresistible In a — ■ ■" ' ' ; - m %-Vu^"* Hhi*«Be^ ( ■<'&* " — "■■ 'sHqULDNOTaB ib^era- ■ " ""'.'"".-" aUow^ttio kliled-^not oven^wroftinea reaiWJW'KV . — — — and^iell- " p&NNINGTtW'i |WSHMO?a That'll | Cur^! M^on- I 9 fl Bonnington's I Irish Moss, | — very^flAMO. :, ■:-■-,- ■■ ■ - ■ .i; ■ - ■. ■" TRUTH, SATURDAY, JULY 4. 1914. . I THE BIG WAUTZ HIT— WALTZ" "HESITATIOtN ">. ge^t' . — | ; <THE LAST WALTZ TOGETHER) !'" l■'."": it: while ttsYgoing Obtainable only from ' B bigi v, iyiUSiC STORE THE ANjGLO*AMERIC|N ;■■:- V . 116 Cubd-street, Wellington. " Price, 1s 6d. ByKLICKMANN S j < "r^ Posted, is 7d. " DTpliiES. - |THE m — the COUNTRY, willjraise the shout of joy when they IJWELLERS observe that the Greatest of all "THE*|DANDIES" wili "locate themselves ' " . ; 1 «s follows: PAUMERSTON' NORTH~Mp#>AY, '' -JUNE 29, to THURSDAY, " ■.;' -■ / july 2. ", -;jjj&. j . They will dwell there four-nigh£sano' in the following places one- night? / FEILDING—FRIDAY, JULY^. MARTON— SATURDAY. JULY 4. MONDAY, TAIHAPE— JULY 6. \ TUESDAY, >JULY 7. U. <-;' i -■-.. TE KUITI— WEDNESDAY, JULY 8. ';■■ " "< ./ They will abide in— f and FRIDAY, JULY HAMILTON-i-XWO NIGHTSr-THURSDAY '■ r 9 and 10. Then they will proceed with due pijjnp and ceremony to AUCKLAND, where they- Will open an extended Season on SATURDAY, JULY 11, m the Town Hall Concert Chamber. ■ ■ Hayward's Pictures. ■ . . ■ royal,- £ christchurch. ! Commencing . THE OCTAGON. 1 _ - audience. The New York Comedy Four are singers of a good type. Hayes and R'lves are exceedingly 'clever dancers. A very pleasing re-appearance was afforded by Andrews arid Dent, two distinctly clever and popular girls. . The refined Vernon and Sinclair continue to reap laurels, as also does Denis Carney. Phillips and~Merritt are specialising the week m- their tango competitions -which have been .. freely entered for. vf ■ *t»'heatre --1 lighting effects were magnificent features and appealed strongly to the big CHRISTCHURCH SHOWS. In saying that "The Three Musketeers" is the entrancing attraction, this week at this cosy house, the Octagon is quite at its best. The Dumas book has been translated into -every European tongue," and a few Oriental languages, and has quite become a"worldwide possession. For this- reason-the confilm has attracted all classes ditions of men andlikewise jeomen. The film -is remarkably entertaining and "beautifully screened. , HOLLAND'S HOLY HOCUS. f THIS SATURDAY NIGHT. THEATRE ROYAL. For Seven Nights Only. George wnioughby, Ltd., m conjunc"Tho Rosary." tion with El J. Carroll, present , "THE ROSARY." '' This remarkable .play will be staged ~A play that is worth while. to-night (Saturday) ,under the direcWith'- HARRINGTON ' Father BrianREYNOLDS ' as, tion of. George .Wijloughby, Ltd., and Kelly, '*.' E. J. Carroll, at the Theatre. Royal, by the Original New York* Supported ' lv , As the recent ishort Christchurch. Company. : season progressed m Wellington and Prices: 4s/ 3s, 2s, and Is. j the fame of the play spread, the audiEarlies as usual. increased,nightly m large numPla^is at Dresden. Day Sales at" ences bers until the last nights of the seaWoodward.a son saw the Grand Opera House crowded to the. doors. "The, Rosary"; is a great play, it is great m its frank ingenuous appeal to the best that is m men and women, and m the way.it utilises moral,maAND NEW ZEALAND terial, and works it m its unity, its AUSTRALIAN > strength and simplicity into appealing VAUDEVILLE CIRCUIT. situations. It is au example .of a type of play which is growing m popularity and will dignify and popularise the Fuller. Director i. Ben. J. ISanscwsr stage and make the theatre a place of rational and absorbing entertainment. Enterprise Jn The story Largest Amusement of the play Is of the simthe Southern Hemisphere. |plest. It is that of a young millionOWNING; aire who grows to doubt the faithfulCONTROLLING AND FIFTEEN (15) THEATRES, j ness of his wife, and for a time is made the tool of- a scheming scoundrel But«. watching posing as his friend. MEW .ZEALAND VAUDEVILLE ' and waiting, analysing, and underTHEATRES. standing, is a good priest, who, by his OPERA HOUSE. AUCKLAND.. 1 insight and knowledge of human naMAJESTY'S, HIB WELLINGTON. ture, brings about a final reconciliaOPERA HOUSE, CHRISTCHURCH. tion. The character of the priest is, taken by Mr. Harrington Reynolds, the PRINCESS THEATRE, DUNEDIN. distinguished American actor, who AT, B VAUDEVILLE NIGHTLY created the character m New. York O'CLOCK. and has- -played it for years. He is ably seconded by Miss Jessie, Arnold, of Cdmplote Change Programnt* t ' *' the leading lady, who essays the diffiEvtry Monday Evening. cult part of /enacting "Twin Sisters" New Artists Constantly Arriving from and does so so ably that many m 'the AH Farts of the World. audience thmk that .there are two The rest of the playing the part. Popular Prices. company are.-all -members^ of. tho original caste and have also\been playing their parts■; for -years,:.. A most excellent performanco' is assured patrons. The box plan is at the Dresden, and day sale tickets may be obtained at Woodward's and Miss Koblerfs. . Wellington. FULLERBRENNANS / .. . BSJt* . 1 . HAYWARD'S PICTURES. THE KINGS THEATRE '■ThetLeading Picture House! SUPERIOR PICTURES AND MUSIC. The world's choicest art fllins *l SATURDAY, JULY 4. The scientific wonder fllnv DOWN THE CRATER OF VESUVIUS DOWN THE CRATER OF VESUVIUS And a splendid lot of subjects. The King's Popular Orchestra. 1 MONDAY NEXT JULY 6. ; One of the* most remarkable DRAMATIC FILM TRIUMPHS. ,The eminent American aclor CYRIL SCOTT. ' ' CYRIL SCOTT. A- popular ,New York favorite, " And the FAMOUS PLAYERS COMPANY. ""A DAY OF DAYS." "A DAY OF DAYS." t T "A DAY OF DAYS." "A DAY OF DAYB.? J A DAY OF DAYB." , "A DAY OF DAYS." "A DAY OF, DAYS," A drama that moves with breezy buoyant.action, and tabloids threo plays m one. k ,/j A third, dramatic recital of fantastic and iasclnatlng adventures. OPERA HOUSE. ' Brennan-Fuller Vaudeville. This week's programme at tho Opera House fairly sizzled with brand new top-notch items. I*our Casting Lamys appear to have no respect" for danger m the execution'of their human shuttle-cock act. Bailey's Posing Dogs are 'trained to represent groups of statuary. Signor Rallemi is a product of the land of frieda da 'fish and maca the foni. Equipped with a mammoth concertina.he artistically plays any old tune from, ragtime to "heavy" sacred stuff.. Le Wltte, specialises m the quick change line. F. Olllver, a basso, turns on some splendid vocal items. Of the remaining also rans, Armstrong and Howarth deserve tho biscuit. More Mayoral Muddled Monthings (From "Truth's" Christchurch Rep.) Hapless Henry Holland, the verbally acrobatic Mayor of Christchurch, after a somewhat lengthy abstraction from indulgence m anything contentious, has flopped his floundering feet into the.muck again and raised particular pandemonium among tke "Paddies" of bigot-infested Christchurch. Presiding, the other.night,,ata-meeting of : the Young (?) Women's, Cadging Ass, Holy Henry is reported, to have relieved himself of a gallon or two of gush concerning a Continental tour to which' he treated himself some time ago. Characteristic of his old. lady-like idiosyncrasies, Henry's diatribe trespassed on a sort of sectarian racket, m which he twanged on the heart-strings of his lady listeners.bymentioning that while he Was m Italy his.supersensitive heart was literally rent to ribbons when he beheld the miserable, poverty-stricken, priest-ridden condition of the people. phristchurch followers of the Roman. % Caiholic faith rose as one man and heaved a brick of righteous wrath at heretic Holland's head as soon as the local day-lie press committed-his sentiments m cold print. "Truth" has repeatedly drawn- attention to his aldermanic majesty's blithertngly blatant :bubble blowing. Yet the holy one does. not 'mend his ways. As Mayor of Christchurch, Mr. Holland is, m duty bound, to,represent all classes of his little community, irrespective of their creed or station,and it is quite likely thatwhen he:rode to office,- the votes of the Roman Catholics wero just as strongly m his' favor as were those of hfe^,6wn particular 1 ■ ■" '"' ■ piety puslK Inall- probability, Mr. Holland travelled through Italy on a Cook's ticket, or drew his conclusions concerning the ■ conditions under which the Italians lived at a moving picture show. Poverty is certainly ,to be- met with m Italy,,but, if its sources were^hquired into, it would, bo found that tho relentless heel of Capitalism is .'the cause of Italian poverty, just as it is the cause of English, poverty and American poverty.-'-'"I t'Holy "Holland's economic education had been attended to, instead of tilting at the Quixotic conclusion that the religious belief of the Italians was responsible for any signs of distress which clashed against the single optic through which he viewed things, bo would have apportioned the blame properly. BIG BOXING. Auckland Amateur Champs. Murphy v. Mitchell. With record entries, the Auckland Provincial' Amateur Championships, to THE COLOSSEUM. be held m the Auckland Town Hall on Monday and Tuesday evenings, July "The Curse of War," a gorgeous and 13 and 14, should provide some stoush. thrilling Pathe color is being switched All Auckland amateurs of note have on nightly this 'week at the Colosseum. entered. There is also a big- continA couple of nations go crook on one gent coming from. Taumarunui, while another over, nothing and war breaks one or two very dark horses arc comout. A young blood is shook ona girl, ing from North. With such large enwhose brother argues the point on be- tries there should bo two long evenPHOTOGRAPHY. MAGNIFICENT. half of tho opposing forces. As a re- ings of merry stoush. What, howACTING UNRIVALLED. ' sult of anImpromptu dustrup between ever, will excite the greatest attention A' the duo, our hero successfully scowers will bo a return match, on the evenSupported by the^world's best. his prospective brother-in-law and ing of'the 14th, between Weliingtonlan "FRESH WATER AQUARIUM." smashes up four or live hearts at ono Denny Murphy and Waikato Sid MitWATER AQUARIUM." play is admirably set In ap- chell. The pair are matched to meet A nature a^udy by Patlie— fit to adorn pop. The propriate surroundings, whilst the act- for a purse and expenses. In this the any programme. ing is on the top level of excellence. welter championship.will bo at stake. '"CLOSED AT TEN." ; Apart ■ from the war films, tho pro- Prices and further particulars will bo " ;"CLOSED AT TEN." ' gramme contains a. diversified lot of found*by reference. to our advertising A ,'rippih^ "beauty" comedy. % . subjects treating all phases of inter- columns.' SPORTS SWEDEN." "WINTER SPORTS IN SWEDEN." est. Tho present bill will be screened to-day (Saturday) for the last time. picturings. Some radiant Professor Alex. Darroch, M.A., has A complete change being announced for published a volume entitled, "EducaBOARDINGHQUSE ROMANCE," Monday. "A -BPARDINQHOUSE. ROMANCE." tion and the new Utilitarianism," The volumedeals with subjects of present "'\ !Edison's big laugh-producer. day importance, and may prove of PATHE GAZETTES. HIS MAJESTY'S. Fullers' Pictures* v l TR^LX-GRBATPRODUCTION. 1 .'JFRESH JN "\ . .' ; / PATHE GAZETTE. ' 'Th'9Latest Fashions .arid Tqq King's . PopularDresden, Orchestra. 6d and Ib. Reserves, News. \s 6d. West-Hayward Pictures. Prefaced by a trio of first-class films /jntitled "The Tell-taJe Star," "The Bluo Danube" and "Pathe's Gazette," tho real pith or programme is introduced m "The Higher Law," a story of OPERA HOUSE OPERA HOUSE the secret service sleuth, who falls m Wellington. : love with the charming daughter of Tho Best Continuous Thcatro' a "crack" counterfeiter. Tho 'Tec is The Best Continuous Thcatro shooed on to the job of laying the Under tho Southern Cross. counterfeiter by the heels, but after Screening tho best pictures collecting him, allows him to do the Screening tho best pictures aeroplane act. The daughter then por' From 12 (noon) till -10.30. * mlts Byrne,to find room for her on his From 12 (noon) till 10.30." ' bosom. One of the finest supporting EVERY DAY AND NIGHT. films deals with the process of" Iron A cosy warm theatre. : and steol working." " . Luxurious seating. '' Tuneful orchestra. (To-night) -SATURDAY SATURDAY 1 Is the last nlj(ht" of '"ORDERS UNDER SEAL." Tho record holder. KING'S THEATRE. MONDAY— NEXT— MONDAY. -A FIGHT FOR A FORTUNE." Fullers' Pictures, And other picked films. ' ■ Id Adults. Children 3d. A dramatic and sensational film 6d Adults. Children 3d. Road takes star place In "Where To all parts .day nnd night. Forks," at the up-to-dato King's. It All plush tip-up chairs. features a highly seasoned crisis m a < Orchestra afternoon and night. woman's life, and Is a powerful play of the master passions. Two other (Phone 3813. sterling dramas aro "The Reward," and SEE THE WINDOr: '" ' ', At "Powers of tho Air." "The Life Savors" Is genuine comedy, and eomothing "Between GRAND OPERA HOUBE CIGAR better and irrlstlble i» Navy" is the Showers." "Tho Italian DIVAN. ..« singularly topical is well filmed, and Fairest and Best CIOAIIBTTBS, CrGARS, PIPES the "Gaumont Graphic." And Sundries. PRINCESS THEATRE. pictures." - "' DUNEDIN AMUSEMENTS. . -Miss Lena Lennox's Fuller- Brennan Vaudeville If the young man, who purchased the 0-ex. ring with ruby-flhapod stone The great attraction this week at the at a sale m Dancdln oao afternoon popular Princess is "La Franco" the ttamn w*tk*ago, varlfos to "M.D.."P.OH pollto and pretty posouso. The vnrioua.ffruccfultpoeos, chjurming value at the present time when tho problems of education are receiving so much attention. Inaddition to the address which gives the main title'to tho volume, the subjects dfscusscd include "Democracy and,-^ Education," "Tho Moral Education' Problem," "Two Ideals of Woman's Education," "The Place of the Domestic Sciences In tho Education of Girls," "The State and the School," "Is a Science of Education poßsiblo?",and "The Meaning and Educational. Valub of History;" ADVICE TO_MOTHERS. THE tARE OF CHILDREN'S Hair troubles are more' common to* onr parents time. Itis a common sight to see young children with short straggling hair that is dry and lifeletSf. for want of nourishing; arid yet a sfewj minutes every day ia ' aU that is nee weary to prevent it. Take care ©f-Jyour children's hair while they.have it." Brice's Special Brush (name stamped on) is the best to remove the dandruff and create a free circulation of blood to the hair m day than 1 roots. When the pores of the scalp are open after the brushing, apply Brico's Begenerator, which is a trustworthy tonitf for the hair, and also kils the dandruff germs. About three times a week use Brice's Circassian Orram, which nourishes the hair like .ue natural oil. Long-standing cased of aair troubles cannot bo cured with otrt bottle of the Begenorator, but even a few week's treatmont will show a marked Improvement m the hair. Ail chemists' and hairdressers stocK Brice's Hair Specifics, or we port direct. W. BtflOE t SONS, Consulting Hair Specialists, ' Hlgh>»|W>VOhristchttrch^ ''.n-': ", , A FLAPPER'S TALL. Joy-riding Gent. Still Jinks the "Johns." 3 The Deadhead's Diary. . "The Butterflies," with Jack Waller London is now being charmed by MA around Cyril Maude m "Grumpy," whichmade hit, are-fluttering ; a fortune for this popular actor-manaSouth Oss just now..: ger m New York. It is written by two ' Ivy Schilling, the divorce and soap actors— viz, Horace Hodges and T. Percival. Unable to use his advertisement girl, is kicking her,pins Wigley with Fred Leslie m the revue "Come own theatre, the Playhouse, at present occupied by Miss Marie Tempest Mr. . . Over Here" m Australia. Maude secured the New,"where he opened on May 13 last m the above "We don't care fc-r the applause so piece. .. long as we draw our salary regularly every week," one "knocker" was heard On Saturday night last a "shikker" to:say to another while leaving His Majesty's Theatre m Wellington on ■walked down the corridor and up to the stalls door of His Majesty's TheaSaturday night last. . tre m Wellington. He was thece met by Manager Walter Puller, who has a "Was She Justified?" was the star good nose for a beery bloke. "No film at an Adelaide cinema last week. more room!" said Waiter. "Full vp There's evidently some mystery,in' the full up!" The beery one stared for a flicker; the management of the .show moment and then muttered, as he offered a fiver for the best answer as turned unsteadily away, "Orl ri', Boss! ' to whether she was justified or not So am I." as the star ; Mother of the Meandering Maiden in^ ; Trouble; (From "Truth's" Christchurch Jtep.) Since the muddle last month, when the Christchurch of John Hop De- partment collected an alcoholically % FROM MILL to iVLEN ; * U^_ii = '_ :'c—;- : ; .-.-. ■" "■■-,- . .' . ; ... * : "SUITSK: Withered flapper of fifteen, who had been emptied<"" out of a buzz car ,at night after a'Sunday/ joy ride to Kaiapoi with a ' male chum and another female of certain virtue, the pious portion of the flat city's population has' been writhing:like a boy whose innards were full of green quinces. During ' the whole time which the ) police \ .' ..» . '« " have been inquiring into the case, ren," Variety" says, '"Australian "Millie Mischa dered the more complex by the hosi Ehnan tells^of his experience tility of the principal parties concern- Doris is having a prolonged stay m when playing at the Volgrich concert ed, combined Wowserism has exhorted New Zealand, where she is playing m Berlin a few months a*gp and his E every means to spur the law on m its m the Brennari-Fuller line.' Miss string broke. He remembered that he has proved the most successful had only six: measures before the orendeavors to lay by the heels the' Doris ' ' " - ....'.. play- chestral interlude, cloven-hoofedV emissary of Mephis- low, comedy artist that has ever ■ and m those meai .■'*....;.' -. . ' ' x topholes, who poured the whisky into ed m the Dominion." sures he did not need the string. By the apparently willing juvenile. Havthe.time he was ready to resume he ing had their say and discovered that, "We knocked 'em oft their seats with had taken his own Amati from the spite m of any outside opinion ontap/ that stuff m Melbourne and Sydney concert master and continued without the police intendedto play the game off can't understand how it' .doesn't, go a .break anywhere— except 'the string. their own bat, Wowserism heaved' over here," said, a newly Trau- Elrnan says that he always gives one several sighs of several: sizes, waved "deville artist the other night' ''God's of,his own violins to the concert mas" its gamp, and subsided with a feeling Own is wowseristic, my dear young ter to provide for an occurrence of ' \ * " ■ ■- ' ' " ■■*'".■ of confidence that it would make a lady," said the "Deadhead." this, sort notch m its stick and ' * "tAn individual m London who reTo folk RIGHT ANOTHER -WRONG who' have a craving for joices m the name of the "Pearly Spanish dancing, the coming of Maat the next election. The girl whose untimely muzziness King" has a costume which is.-covered tilde and -Elvira will be illuminating caused all the bother came before with' no fewer than 63,000 'buttons. and entertaining. The majority of Beak Bishop again last Saturday, The "Deadhead" is glad to know that Spanish dances are out on their own, TO OBTAINED ONLY charged -with not being under proper there is at least one man who could and anyone who.has once seen them control. dispense with a dozen or so of buttons m Spain or m Spanish colonies, will Lawyer Frank Johnstone, on be- from ° his attire without distress. long to see them again. They are half of the fair flapper, asked for a particularly graceful, vivacious, and further remand. He reckoned that he descriptive characteristic of all the Muriel Starr, who played 'eyes the part of national wanted to nose around concerning the Spanish dances. It is not girl the with saucer m "Within character and bona fides of a relative known what features Matilde and Elago.T Law," prethe here a while is at who had offered to take charge of the vira will adoptr^but it is to be hoped booming m Adelaide m the title youngster,, and 'so keep her out of the sent that the dances will, be -representative home. Such a course, he considered/ role of "Madame X." Associated "with and exact her are Eric Max'oner, Mary Worth New Zealand These artists are due In would be m the girl's interests. vaudeville soon. The S.M. thought so too, and reck- and Roy Redgrave,. late mellow-draCo, oned there was strong prima facie matic hero with the Geo. Marlow Melbourne critics say^ Mischa Elman evidence that the girl's ma was not a is "a demon on the violin.',' Et tv proper person .to control any sweet Such is luck! Arthur Shirley,, the brutes, why not play the' very deVil young thing. popular legitimate actor, is enjoying The Sub-Inspector said the mother the unique distinction of starring and with it and say he is a El-ihan?. refused "absoloot" to give aiy infor- starving at the same time. The Lymation about the girl or her, rela- ceum and Palace Picture Theatres m A well-known employee of a filmtives. From his subsequent remarks, Sydney aro featuring him on their firm m Wellington, took his "fiancee" it appeared plain that a good deal of films, whilst he is walking round the the other night to see a much boomed the evidence m the case against the city with the ominous tag "resting" picture at Snortt's Picture Theatre. T ( girl, if it were heard, -would concern metaphorically attached to his breast When they -reached the main entrance, the maternal parent's mode of knockthey found the corridor blocked.^After Ing up a crust' and would not advance a minutes' patient waiting, the The "Encore," a leading- vaudeville girlfew the girTs interests the littlest bit. said, "Isnt there another way by The remand was granted, Lawyer paper m England, has just given its which you can get in— round tho corJohnstone being called upon to fossick readers its ideas about the, best magi- ner* m the lane?" "No!" said the young around for clues of the prospective cians in' the world to-day. Tho jour- man. "That's the exit door.'* "Well," guardian's character, and to report to j nal places Harry Houdini -first, with said sh.e, "suppose wo go the police so that they could size, Ching Ling Soo, Le Roy, Talma' and walk backwards. The manrounds and wfll think *' Bosco, David Devant >of;Maskelyne things up on their, own hook. , The, girl, m tho meantime, was and Devant and Arnold do Biere, next we're coming out" stowed away m the Salvarmyome. m "order. Le.Roy, Talma and Bosco Doings' m Ireland must assuredly so far, weremAdelaide a couple of weeks ago The 'male party fn tho case, " and can be expected here shortly un- have become distinctly flat of late, has '. ■'....-..'". der the Fuller-Brennan management. when Mr. Harry Carson, son of old ELUDED THE "GLAUMERS" Neddy, and/" Mr. Redmond Howard, of the local John Department, al- 'News nephew of old Shawn, the Nationalist comes across the Tasman of though it is whispered m some-circles, the peace of and favorite of. '.Tiead'- leader, have secured ' which:generally know as much, or an old friend dainty" "the Geraldino^ Mor- mind necessary to collaborate on a * more about these things, than.the.police, head's" play entitled "The Irishman's Home." do, that the wanted one was a vaude- ton, was ,last week sweetly^STS?play is only m the making (and villian connected with a Yankee turn ing at the National Amphitheatre m The is Erin, despite her age), already which recently had a run m Christ- Sydney. It is stated that Miss Mor- so theatre folk are eager for it and the church. Others say that he Is still m,. ton, who has been in' the vaudeville public as well. Taking one's idea bl Christchurch, but the police' keep their business for some considerable time, collective reckonings up their sleeve, will, m the near future, forsake pro- things politically from the collaboration, will be seen yet, that despite and say--nothing, except that develop-' fessional life to take up the connubial blooditand murder, fights andx forces, ments are pending. And when this felicity role with the boy .m Brisbane. Neddy Carson and Johnny Redmond statement is sized up it's just about "Deadhead" envies the man' and wishes ' worth believing. her every success, when she takes up will both make Ould Ireland a very neat Irishman's home. On Monday morning, Sergeant Davy the double-barrelled "stunt." Jackson, with a smile which would have done credit to the first cut from, Two good up-to-date artists are due The folk have a leg of mutton, paraded the fallen cured for a general' touring term sethe m New Zealand early m August. They YOU SHOULD flapper's mother and aunt before Mr. American animal impersona- are Fred Niblo and Josephine Cohan. Our Low Expenses Qnablo us to irive you a far better quality BUTTER v H. W. Bishop, S.M., and charged the famous very strong card is the sketchy Their tor, Alfred Lateil. Miss Elsie Yokes anyono than else can do m this City for tho samo money. aunt, -Mary Ann- McKenzio, with keepassistant, and between them farce, "Officer 666," which, by tho way, Tho reason wfc tako the -preference for BACON is because* wo havo a. ing a brothel between June 3.4 and 17 is his they stage a clover act called "A Dog is nothing less than a dramatic farce. . special process which makes our Bacon superior to any other. Why people at Hawdon-street, Sydcnham. Grace come miles and miles to this shop to fetch Bacon is because they cannot Manson, the mother ,of the girl at the of Fantasy." In America, where La- That sounds original, and so it is. serio-comic sketch is considered vtjet our special-treated Bacon anywhere else. bottom of all the bother, was charged tell appeared m "Puss m Boots," he Tho to be a. veritaWe mine of humor generally being credited with and tho Mow wo Sell SUGAR at such a price is because wo arc not crippled-with with assisting m tho management of was. " and after all, that's life, or expenses. the Hawdon-street joint. Henry John- most successful "cat" that pver ap- incident, near one peared piece. bally He must have it No will fall out with m the There is no wonder wo sell so much TEA. Wo do not require big profits. stone and Albert Voss Williams were There is no secret why wo sell so cheap. Wo can put the money down, charged with being found m tho Haw- outstanding ri^erit, as Mr. Shephard, the dramatic farce, when it's seen, the Fuller-Brennan management it's worth- seeing. Please do not misunderstand vs wo d*o not buy rubbish just to bo cheap. don-streetdomicile m company with of snapped him up very quickly, leaving YOURS TRULY, ' PERSONS OF A PECULIAR THE LITTLE BACON SHOP, , Harry Lauder to go on his own. \ REPUTE. Very few knew when applauding : Hobson-street, charming Tilly week, Dunbar last 192 AticKland. put tho, into at The whole catch wero (Right Opposite Marble Arch.) When Mischa Elman, the Russian tho good old Dunedin Princess, that dock one* at a time, and each pleaded violinist, played recently at the Leeds she was Tommy Armstrong's very own not guilty. . . Sub-Inspector McKinnon asked for Festival, every corner was under po- sister, and yet so it happens, and now an adjournment until Wednesday/and: lice surveillance owing to suffragette as one blinks over it, it's peculiar, so said »that Grace Manson, the girl's; invasion and dangers. The orchestra it is, that Tilly was not picked before. mother, had intended going south tor was playing the Leonore. overture No. Tilly is good, m every sense of see her relatives m connection with 3. The hprn player appeared behind .the blessed term. finding a home for her taxi-inclined the scene to give the effect of the daughter. trumpet call-in the distance, and had " "Within the Law," Monday and Tuesday, July 13 and trium' "Do you think a woman charged just' blown his !first long blast when phantly passed Its 300thwhich performance, UNDER AUSPICES NORTHERN BOXING ASSOCIATION. with this offence should bo delegated an active policeman jumped at him at the London Haymarket, at with power to arrange a homo for tho from behind, and, snatching away his time looked as though it wouldono be girl?" queried tho S.M.. instrument, said, "What are you tryTWO NIGHTS! TWO numbered among the many failures of Mr. Johnstone pointed out that the Ing to do? Don't you know there is a 1913, for during the first month busiAMATEUR relatives, with with PROVINCIAL CHAMPIONSHIPS. going they home would be oh out there and AUCKLAND concert* I can hear you as plain as If you wore ness pro vod far from brisk. However, whomhe would communicate. tho management remembered their ex- JULY 14: PROFESSIONAL WELTER-WEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP OF* Tho S.M. reckoned that a woman on the stage?" The overture,proceed- perience *,"■'< with the Scots piece, "Bunty NEW ZEALAND with such a charge hanging over her ed without the horn solo. Pulls the Strings," which, nearly withwas not a desirable person to provido drawn In tho. beginning, ran a whole a homo for the girl, until 'nor innoThis enterprising proprietary of the year, for they possessed, (heir souls cence was proved, at any rato. King's, not satisndu" with m patience and have been amply re' ' Lawyer Johbstono, ono of the few Wellington j. many great successes it has al- warded. PRICES EACH EVENING: Stago 1O«, 4s, 3s, 2«. By tho way, this reminds local "Costs" with enough pluck to the achieved, has secured the exclu- "Deadhead" that Graham Moffatt auss, Arey's. Wlldman and pull up an S.M. when necessary, re- ready at Reserved marked that a womun was not re- sive rights m New Zealund for what thor' of "Bunty," "A Scrapo o' the MOSS BALLIN, H'm. Sot\, N.B.A, -;.-■- . . admittedly,tho two finest achievearc, ; . > innocenco. It and other ". . >■ _'_:...■■_ '. .■■■ prove her Scots playa,^ ■:.... .. Pen," quired to cinematography m to date. ments with* his lias arrived In police company rested with tho Aus"Antony and Cleopatra" is an adapta- tralia and will tour New Zealand bePILES CURED. TO PUOyE HER GUILT. tion,' m 7000ft of Shakespeare's Im- fore returning to the Big Smoke. "Scratchy" "Scratched." my Don't twist (warmly): Tho S.M. mortal tragedy. It will be shewn m "'Deadhead" will be glad to meet' his ♥' THE NEW SCIENTIFIC DOUBLH words, Mr. Johnstone. Isaid, "until the King's Theatre m Wellington for old townlc, and I.L.P. comrade. Long ABSORPTIQN TREATMENT! proved." might That her innocenco is DOES AWAY WITH OPERAFruit Foasicker Falls In. the first tlrae/ln tho Southern Hemi- may ho wave! bo proved by tho weakness of the case sphere, TIONS, CUTTING, SOTURINQ somewhere about tho middlo for tho prosecution. AND CAUSTICS. July. "Sixty Years a Queen" \u CURBS An M.A. Emulate* Mark Twain. Tho remand until Friday was ulti- of Last Saturday tbo "Smart Set," un^ ' a "resume" of the entire QUICKLY. Ai*D IS EASILY, mately arranged, and each of the ac- practically Branscombc, der Mr. Edward made 1 Victoria, AND SIMPLY which reign of Queon caused APPLIED. Mnrk Twain tells us that ho onco appearance m Dunedin at His. cused was allowed ball m sureties of something of a furoro m tho "Old their They were fresh from Ho- surreptitiously took a watormolon from I Tho intense agony, tho prolonged £ 100. Majesty's, During the day a deposit of £50 was Dart" This will follow In duo course. bart, whoro their laurels were fre- a cart, but us soon as ho had bitten It pricked him, so ho put itehLpg, and tho burning pain of Inaccepted as ball for tho two shemales. quent and many. Musical sketches of his conscicnco back ou tho cart— and took ternal, oxtornal, blooding, and Itchy melon the Goorgo Willoughby's Company week the ladles called Mr. Later m the a witty, pattery drde'r are a feature of piles is known and dreadedonly by you ripe■ that, m a one. touring and New Zealand with fresh on "Truth" mentioned are a their production, and having regard humorist, the who suffer. Hero is a nVcssago of good tho Yankee Evidently might it be themselves, conception tho well "Undo fairness to "of known" to this, and the main idea of the Wilson," la cheer to you. Sleeploss nights and torstated that, whatever tho outcomo of Tom's Cabin." Certainly the concep- "Smart Set" all Dunedin will be kept nutbor of "Puddin-hcad by James Wilson Tay- turing day« ha vo driven you to try admired proceedings much Magistrate's Court tion is musical melotho fresh and the laughing for a while. The company lor, M.A., bettor known to Aucklandcrs countloss so-called romodics, only to b? might be, tho fact remained that they drama distinctly new to patrons of the Latoly, "Scratchy," dutappointod. Perhaps, as a last reforms a talented comblno of ten art"Scratchy." any innocent of unconvenquite great story. At were American slave tho ists, including Mr. Walter Gcorgo. aa onco had tho chock to step out sort, yau ha vo boon driven to consider tional behavior, and that, on account same time, "Undo Tom's Cabin" is Mr. Edgar Hulland, violinist and uc- who Parliamentary honors, but was an operation, In fact, anything to obof their relationship to tho flapper at primarily, and always will remain, a companlst. needs HtUo Introduction to for suffering many re- tain relief. Piles are.of soonanature the bottom of the whole trouble, they deeply emotional affair, no matter how the musical public. His works have ""scratched" after varicose (highly tnrtaxood■. congested preliminaries, had were being made tho victims of an many strange Interpolations disfigure been previously highly appreciated and verses m tho veins) that you cannot afford to ,ho» A LOUD SPLASH over-zealous "foorco." LANDED WITH piece, gleet the or subdue the salient .feathem. Tboy may boooino ohroato some as go Set" will tho "Smart tho tures of Mrs. Stowe's remarkable la certainly original and m his fall from grace, but succeeded and ovondevelopInto fistula or ca,nci»f« entertainment Government Looking gaining work. In a Job. You really can bo curod:— Tbo Zaun at this latest musical distinctly merry. "That woman displays a lot of version, "Scratchy" has fallen badly In rehears- Double Absorption Treatment** la, a having an eyo to previous nervo." "I didn't particularly notice stagingsand with Ah two.fold one. and han tn* support of Mark act ing the Twain m which the drama stood out "The Rosary," produced at theGrand her norvo," answered tho Johnnie as m faithfulness to tho famous novel, boxes In Queen-street, Choc's fruit loading medical men. It does away high klckor. House, Wellington, last week. ho applauded tho A couplo of weeks ago tbo old chap with operations, cutting, suturing, and one is surprised indeed at tho very Opera stage sermon, but pleasant very fruit, Is a first on tho mado his attack and caustics, easily apAn interesting story was told to us "fresh conception." In a word, fancy Interpretedby then boarded with Gaoler Ironside for plied. Xt and Is simply and you suffer don't delay, write by a Dunedin lady tbo other day. "My a comic exhibition terminating tho not at aU wowaerlstic. miles above the company, strong a be a. As soon as was free Buffering days. to-day few to The Zann Proprietary, .*<* husband had been from a dolorous exhibition of the bartering of cold for some time und was beginning the slaves! Topsy completely over- Marlow drama standard, th» etory of again he made another onslaught on Lambton-quAy, Wellington, inclosing to regard it as chronic when a friend set the balance of the play, and though the play proves intensely Interesting Ah Chee's boxes* emptying four bobs* postal note m 6d, and receive In plain recommended t^lm to take Baxter's exceedingly clover and talented come- from Act I, to "Gonsavc." All sinners I worthfof fruit from tho same* wrapper,a full course of Tho "Zana Lung Preserver, Tho first doso gave find much consolation m the generous Whon asked toi explain things to Doubfo Absorption Treatment," also rullof, and before tho bottle was finish- dians m their true line, the Bra Com- religion of tho Kind-bearted priest Mrtglfrtrafcd "Cutten on Wednesday, pamphlet on tho oatwe, treatment and ed ho was quite cured," This is not an edy Four, and the National Duo, wore ably portrayed by Harrington Rey- I"Scmtchy" said: "I'm sorry,your Wor- oqiiO/Of Internal, external, itoby and This "fresh case; place. Baxter* Preserver out of Lung hopelessly isolated ship. The fruit wasn't worth tho bleeding piles. Each treatment is soul ![-trouble." Is curing stubborn coughs and colds conception" of the paro 010 "Uncle" nolds. under a guarantee to euro or yotir all over New Zealand to-day and It may bo entertaining, and p«rhap« "Scratchy" will again we bin friends money returned. 7 _. will euro yours. Your storekeeper or ihsii'H tho chief feature, but It's burchemist will supply you with a is 10d lesque drama and weak comedy. Note address:— The "Zftnn Proprw^ "Although the flro brigade wa» coll- with Gaoler IronsldesV permliwlon, at bottle or you can write for it direct to "Undo Tpm" cannot be realised lr> ed out," says a. Tftmnakl exchanjro. "ibe Mount Eden, during" the next fourteen taxy," 88 Lambten-o.uay.^or Box"tit, J. Baxter and Co., Cnomlats, ChriHtdays. t numoswero qulckJy extinguished," Q.P.O.( WelUagtonr WXV 123 such surroundings^ phurcbv — " TO YOUR OWN ORDER GIARANTtEO TAILOR-MADE ' .. — . ■ ■ ■ " BE — AT SARTORIAL SffiVICEIM, TAILORS FOR MEN, 1 . ■ — . Corner of Manchester- and Worcester-sts., OJRISTCHURCH 64 Willis-street, WELLINGTON : 159 Queen-street, AUCKLAND 61 Princess-street, DUNEDIN The Square, PALMERSTON NORTH Corner of Guyton-street and Avenue; WANGANW EmersoiKtaeet, NAPIER o ' Opp. PI Dee-street INVERCARGILL # 128 Gladstone-road, GISBORNE Corner of High- and Princes-streets, HAWERA SOMETHING KNOW, — - "' BOXING, Auckland Town Hall 14» NIGHTS! . ! Denny Murphy v. Sid Mitchell ■ . ■ — -— ' — «^_ Mk TRUTH, SATURDAY. JULY 4, with each Craighead To-measure Costume ■>;\ .:■ -or Suit AN ILL ISRAELITE. DOINGS DUNEDIN Ottr Two free Pressings " Dr. Boranoff" Back THE PUBLIC SERVICE. to Business Bogus Saw>Bones "Touches'',; His Brethren. Frwn Truth's* Special Correspondent NOTICE.— Prompt attention 1914! (From given to communications addressed to "Truth's" Dunedin Rep.) BROUGHT TO THE DOOR! Commissioners' Cast m Heavy For weeks . past it has fallen to "Truth's" lot to criticise very severely and m the plainest of terms the system of Public Service Commissioners instituted by the Neroic.Herdmari, and the doings of those Commissioners That this since their appointment paper's comments was justified, absolutely correct and, above all, enthusiastically welcomed by a service whose members have |been- banded over, bound and gagged, to an 'irresponsible body, which has neither a .carcase to be kicked nor a soul. to. be damned, is abundantly evidenced, by the many congratulations "Truth" has received on its candour arid outspokenness. .' fTRUTH" REPRESENTATIVE, P.O. BOX 591, DUNEDIN. "TruthY'Castigation Justified. " ' . f*^<4mmf>J&K>>/ P^^^Bp^W^^ |X The.postman and this advertisement ?■ I-; enable YOU to partake of the f offering m ourr bumping bargain x;^H^K/cSf^ 1 ■ . . Ub \ It is very seld.oiri that the sons of driver,,and;in such capacity he is well Abraham, Isaac and Jacob strike trou: ' and infamouslyknown. * ble of any description,? and rarer 3till picked up m a drunken are Liddle they observed a divided , clan m SUCCESS OF THIS SCHEME Righteous Son's Regard For A Fallen condition was inMaclaggan-street. He was opposite boxes m the Courts. LasY Mother. on the iprowl.in that salubrious quarMonday,- however, Leo Boranoff, alias* ' Cop. ter. Bandy who had Arnold Copeland, alias Albert BernLast"m the Magistrate's pinched.Mr. Liddle,itandwas as Bill got the Court, aT singularly painful case came hoary bewhiskered old bludger m bis stein, stepped into the dock, charged up for hearingbefore Mr. J; R. Batholo- ample embraco, he wrote after George's with' vagrancy. He was Tvell. groomed FACSIMILE OF COUPON. # FREE PRESSING COUPON mew, S.M., m which a well attired name,m the arrest book, "Rogue and and dressed, and decorated with a big and apparently well nourished young vagabond;, habitually consorting with: gold ring and gold-rimmed glasses. He offers an assortment > of high-grade Lgave his native place as Russia, and ■fellow named; Cecil James Gore, thieves arid prostitutes.1' . drapery at a price cut "to the limlt"r-. r* JJUgf ' spoke English with difficulty. Though presented " This if Coupon, ■with every Craighead was charged failing' provide Bartholomew, with to Before. such value as will make you delighted r'-S Magistrate , > To-Meawithin six months from date of / there were very good reasons for for the maintenance of his mother. The denied become a regular customer by mall ¥$outrageous charge, Liddle tiie ■>■'"■' *ure ToCraighead purchasing or SUIT. any ' CPSTUME the charge besides being well known v*P*__ jljujmmMßMimWnt- to ";' youth and his father tendered very and plucked his .white, scraggy beard. of ".The Store that Satisfies.1 , measure Costume or Suit is occasions 1"' Yy roany . . it has had On to wmJimi bitter remarks regarding Mrs. Gore, ." Cop Bill Bandy'said: He is the very (o the "roorce," no one would taKe.the good for ONE Pressing of your ' away blushing"NOW YOU COUNTRY its cheek to hide whose character was not exactly of nightmare of the slums, and a contin- wandering son of Israel to be aught turn . . .Costume or Suit. : ' READERS! else but a \ ttie crimson confusion engendered by the ual menace to industrious demlspotless order, and wondered ; both I of " Date Purchase ' , / - IV-' the complimentary comments made on "'■:■'"' ,'" ■: ' CULTURED, HIGH-TONED ■,':■ * . '■ , '"..'"-. '.■; ■■'■'"<■■.';"'' " why she could not earn her own liv- i morale. its humble endeavor'to champion the get ; Your Pens Busy; Just, send Postal'Notes, or Money Order to the value of parcel, and we I" ing. This coming from a son, even \ 'Tec. Hammerley also heaved bombFOREIGNER. Good only until ....,....:... bullied, badgered and, metaphcauseof will despatch by return, carriage paid, careftilly paoked. If you're to the worst mother possible, was j shells on "Liddle, and a bloke with two The law saw-deeper, and that -mighty orically batoned high-class Civil Ser|.i Opportu " The W. CRAIGHEAD TAIi/?SeoureNthis Splendid " ~ ; > Unfortunately for un- bunged eyes could easily see that the impersonal thing satisfied , ; we'll:return your money CO., grossly ; ' " U- vl . callous. Mr. :: .; LORING that ' every intimated almost street f At corner vice. i flity. place tout was a gone coon. lucky Mrs. Gore and her failings the Athol' v v-4 : 7 145 Manners-street, Wellington j ' Boranbff was an. idle and disorderly its ears have been, greeted "with ci? ' " >: .-i :: very bitter evidence, of the Messrs. : 'Tec. Hammerley: On Sunday, April person. He pleaded riot guilty. ,;; «!&y as, "Bully for 'Truth*! '■ such v No^ presslons 12, Athol-place Iwas called to TOTJIi CHOICE OF THE MOST SENSATIONAL at 8 Gore weighed with the S.M; The pity 'Tec. Herbert: Accused cameyto "By jove.thb boys are glad.!: -There is PATTERNS AND LATEST STYLES. of it! when a well-groomed son of a.m. There Isaw Belle Jolly, Nellie town about six weeks ago, alleging he plenty more information ;available for Lynch, Thurston, George Charles Lidthe Cecil Jim type should have been dell (the accused), and John Ford was a Jew, and a doctor as well. He you!" "fror God's sake, don't be seen taught a little lesson. Lawyer Irwin applied to the Jewish Philanthropic talking to any of us boys! There are Delivored at your door Delivered1*t your door; (also charged rogue as a a vag.), and ' represented the son, and'Lawyer Moore Society for assistance, and they as- spies all over the' place." And so on 7 l VALUES IN THE DOMINION. Thurston is a Ladies* N Walking sly-grog " BEST sely Skirt, new 2 pair Black Cashmere Stockconvicted Rabbi, Mr. "ad nauseam." the mother. . style, 6 buttons, m colors. Navy, ler and a reputed thief. They were all sisted'him, as also did the ings', Rlbbor' or Plain. «'" Mrs. Gore m her evidence stated she more or less intoxicated, and werehav- Diamond. It was quite apparent, how* , Black, Green, and Grey -Tweed. 1 pair Woollen Gloves, white. was an^ inmate of the Benevolent Insti- ing what they considered 13 1 Dark Plannella v filouse, shirt "a regular ever, that accused did not want any l Cream Knitted '' Muffler, or tute, and was divorced from her hus- jamboree."; ; work, and after being m hospital a style m neat dark patterns. In last week's article it had occasion fastener. 1 -\ H band. She had either to live on the ■ Tho S.M.: Three months with hard "while., he again applied to the Society to refer to an" action m the Supreme 2 WoVen Winter Vests, short or X Fahcy Lace Collar, creaniv or VU or gd to her. family, a boy and labor. State They to forward him to . the Commissioners arid Building long Queensland. Court wherein sleeves. Specialists m Ladies' and Gent.'s Clothes. white. girl, for assistance, but she' was willvotedhim sufficient money forhis pass- the Public Service Association were 1Dainty White Lace Camisole. 1 White Lace' Camisole (fine I* ing to go into a respectable home and age, giving sovereign speaking judghim a for his of ISABELLE'S ESCAPADES. concerned. In the 2 Hair Nets, 100 Hair-pins. make). ' " |J not handle any of the money. pocket* and placing ment delivered by his Honor, the Chief Statewaist, length of skirt and 3 Hair Hair-pins.^ |£ 100 Nets, * 'To Mr. Irwin: I . have not once Breaks from the 'Oly 'Ome Once Justice, "Truth" said: , . £ 9 WITH THE sire of collar. ', '. |^ PURSER' . '""* v been . under the influence of liquor More, to give to him on arrival m Sydney. : : ' within the, last 14; days. Idid take He scathingly criticised the NO 3 He duly left, but on reaching Lyttel.-■ V ■"'-. ■'■■;-■ NO. 4. ■■-../.. 4 :-: whole, pplitical caboodle from tho a five-roomed house m Flllennil-street was that Mclntoah, whose name was some weeks back, and put a bed, box, The above case of tout Liddle's had ton'he quitted the boat and returned point of view of English Constitu1 bearing on another case that cropped to Dunedin. " It is clear that accused on the promissory note, was recognised and chair into it. Icould not do any a tional Law. He declared, and his up suddenly on Monday. The interestby Ussher as the borrower. No cheque'■ conspired with some one m town here imweighty deep better. -If I work Iwould words arei and of party were able to ed m this affair was the plump to forward a wire to the purser, m was given for £36, ami Mclntosh ask. ;,;■" Delivered at your door any of my .dame, Isabel^ Jolly, already post, that the Act practically conDelivered at4 your door A*m ;' ed for'the loan of £ 50. Demands, it -not ask for support from name, ordering the so often Rabbi Diamond's made m Ireland. goods, Beautiful Republic them a within tho m; brought into the. mentioned stituted despatches. By some money to be handedoyer to him. The would be admitted, were made upon' children. I 3 yards Snow White Table 1 pair D. and A. Corsets/'wltli'S j State, with the Chief Public SerTaylor for payments, and the., world, but they are far above me now. wireless means or other, little, plump wire' was signed "Jacob Diamond," but Busponders~new shape m White Damask. . or, might ' lady !I mean to live with. a friend m vice Commissioner— ho Isabelle, languishing reason Ussher for m the Salvarmy Grey. wanted 10s 6d makor ' ' '"the-Rabbi's name was not, Jacob, nor H-dozen Snow White Nap" '.' ' . t Homo, Caversham, got to hear suggest, the Massey Government's : " ' ■ '') jij." ; : ■. ing copy " ' Table a of the l kins, %-slzo. ;"; was.because,he thought that future. 2" pair Natural Woven Cohiblna, either. Accused is simply a Chief autocrat— as head of Mrs. Eliza Eard said she knew com- stone-jugging of her admirer and pro- Isaac fee would be charged by a solicitor. > 1 Afternoon Tea Cloth, wide tlons. short or long sleevejs., vagrant v republic Sir Robert is reported -'. Mr..Frazer: Now, don't try and tell; plainant for the ..last 30 years; they tector, Mr. Liddle. The upshot of the lS°o d White Lace Camisole. Hemstitched border.Magistrate C Says LIVING ON HIS WITS. said that as far as this to have that; came out from Home It was was the together. stampeding money-lender me A is not such, of 3 Linen D'Oyley's, Linen centre, State what sire when ordering. concerned, Act was Mrs, Gore BeUe, m full regalia, from the Holy When .arrested, we found m his posabortion of an news to her to know that fool a as that! with edges. ' » ' "' lace and her reappearance m the old session a card labelled, "Dr. A. L.'C. I-'- -■'; " real ' " ' ,*U the King was* "not even a rubber ! ''■','. . .;.■ ;■*'* Perclval S. Ussher, tho money- had a conviction list. Mrs. Gore was '. NO.- o. v. stamp." familiar slum off the foreshore. This Boranoff, St. Petersburg University." and could do lender, said the money was advanced. was not strong now" no ' , fcnd -the Cess "H© Says About It the to Mr. Mclntosh, at his request, and, severe works, Witness was prepared to .was the second misadventure of isa- ; Max Cohn, of the big firm of Hay- The whole, of his Honor's judgment from the pious institution. Her man and Co., and president of the "was" severely condemnatory of the Com. .■"" '.'. :;-V ;. : -_ .Better, v-;. v■■.'.,. ;:v the witness then went on to make a lot take her m, and do what she could Jjelle's previous escape had resulted m a Jewish Society, said that .he knew the ,/.'-■..■.". ■""■' ■■■ ,'.— ■'.-'■'- of statements which could not be fol- for her.1 : shikker, their ways, and he un■'■ Moneylenders, as supper, and the pinch. Cop. accused, under the name of Arnold, missioners and Doliyered at your door aa j (T© fit ages sto 9 yeare) a body, are never lowed and made into sense, but*which Cecil James Gore, the very righteous to the conclusion that reservedly caino I*tiuite regarded ;as ■ philanthropists, as, drew forth the remark from the Magis- son, saia that his mother always took Bandy repeated the latter trick on this which: was the one he gave him some {he ■■ . h _„■ Association had the "best end of 00/ C 5 yards double width Heavy Delivered at your , tho^b peisbns who jflndit accessary to- trate, "Urn,' drink and knocked about town far too occasion. weeks ago. He then said he had been the stick." ' Grey Twill Sheeting. ." v ;■Monday a loan", Last only lipo well. In> "float Belle stuck through her neck navvy Catlins, at. the but E pair Strong School Knickers, 5' yards single width Heavy ; " all businesses , there are two,brands,' THE WHOLE THING IS FISHY." !much. She had no respect for herself over the dock and pleaded for every- a ; illness he had to give it up. He also Grey Twill Sheeting; lined. Made of rich Brown Cord .v Ussher then said something "about | when m liquor, and hadbeen before the one's sake," to Magistrate the honest and!: the crook, and Bartholoquestion of costs came up for said he had been a tally clerk m WellThe 12 yards White or Pink Twill « (strong as wire). what Mr. Gould said he was going to Court several' times. . i*«onA mew for renewed clemency. .; of these gentlemen m■■' the do ington; but with his mate he joined hearing on Wednesday last, when to me, your'Worship," but whatever Mr. Moore: She's your mother; why. The S.M.: 2 Boys' AH Wool Jerseys Indark i » Plannellette. Why did you leave the Tnoriey4endlngline came to light m the ilt "i." the strike. Witness assisted him and Lawyer Mick Myers made application colors. 1double bed. White Quilt., t> was, "Truth's" rep. could not,' don't you give her something?— Why Home on this occasion? , '' Magistrate's Court on Friday, and, af* gave him a,few days' work m the ware- that the Public Service Association 2 Warm Winter Shirts. ! G yards Heavy Flannel. '.■ : ..- ■"'■ ■: '■■:. .■ ' ', does she' not work? She is well-able Isabelle: Here V ; i/ ; is, ter Magistrate: Frdzer's remarks, the gather. it shortly, your Usßher's evidence ran something like to do it, and.can.get plenty. should get the benefit of tho legal ex2 Natural Merino Singlets. 2 large Brown or White Towels. < v Worship. And may the Lord look side- house. He ,requested the Society to penses gentleman lii question is not likely to t this:— incurred. Assistant Crown "Oh, yes, it was this »way— l 12 yards strong White Ca1ic0. ?,,..,v If she keeps off the drink and goes ways at you, but don't take me too supply him with a sight-testing ap1 pair Black Stockings, all Wool, ;*^lo an extensive business;m future.1 ■ i s packets Needles, i bundle " paratus m order that he could earn a Prosecutor P. S. K. Macassey, for the fancy tops. can't think of— let me see— oh, Ire- into a home, will you provide for seriously. When you gave , In His,Majeßty'a Arcade, George ' . PerciVal '" ; ,"' member. Mr. Gould was talking her?— What is to prevent her working White Tope, 1 card Lined Bat': living. It Was decided to forward him Solicitor-General, said that he had no 1School Cap or Hat. the throe months' hard, I .'"'" Stanley Ussher^ i ;: ;:■" heard about what he would do and I— that'B for her living? tons. to Auckland, as the climate there was instructions to oppose the application: I lpair Braces, 1 Celluloid Collar. it my ©Uabout m loneliness, and, ■ 'ijfL MCENSEE> >aiONEY-IJENDER beonly right;,isn't it. Miss Mclntosh." Answer my.question. Will you pro- -wr«";thc. blessed Bible andvyour Worfarmer. He objected to the journey he submitted, however, ordinary coats should be allowed. To-day Lawyer Gould: You say there wasno vide, for ber 'if she enters a proper <Wilp,'?Vwent fairly mad* (or 'grabber) carirtes c»ii buslness» ;and Never Mind Iran away; as dangerously long, and volunteered ' ;he appeared befdfo Magistrate Frazer cheque for £36?— No. place?— l'm willing. But these pro- "HBo||TfflftTing, not .knowing where Iran going to Lyttelton. Witness -next ": . to explain why he had committed, a | Well, is this the position:. You wer&v ceedings have been taken out of spite jt». For God's sake giv6 heard of him from the hospital, where me one ' more " |;| breach of itho:Mo^ey-flenders',Act ;in asked to advance £50 and then handed to give me a showing up. < , -,"■.";.' ■. "". , ,' |,he wrote requesting to' he' sent- to His Honor was evidently of a very . jfchan.ee. " a;copy of a cheque for £15 arid asked to reduce j>jaot supplying to Moore: You had an esusy rem- *.; The S.M.: You are apparently play- Queensland, as the doctor had recom- different opinion, ns jhe; awarded M/. j*&, promissory note on application when the loan by £ 14, That would make edy, any dutiful son would have taken. ing fastand loose with the Court. You !.mended it. The- Society agreed again. twenty guineas, plus disbursements, your cheque £36? :<a. reasonable feo had been tendered. If that Is what Henry Gore, father of the arenow sentenced, to one month's im- Mr. Jacobs, the treasurer, had provid-' against tho Commissioners. This seems" William Store Satisfies 11 , The information laid by Mrs. D!, happened, where is the £ i chanse? last witness, said he divorced face of very , a amount on the prisonment, money at the ed him with and necessaries /small and, wife end of that h\s fTaylor, and she brought along Lawyer Mrs. Taylor says she did not get it? 12 years ago for adultery and ever period,you'll go back to the Home and from time to time. Witness corro- it; but, when it, is understood that Magistrate Frazer: A mistake In the i Gould to help explain matters. Ussher drinking bouts. do your twelve .months m full. since she had'been on borated the ChiefTec's remarks ancnt seyon guineas are the ordinary costs had Lawyer Holmden m his corner. change, perhaps,' or procuration feei or When she was m drink she was no- --: Isabelle: God lovo,us! ' ' the passage money transaction and ac- In such cases, his Honor's opinion ';■ . The evidence was hard to follow, and, something,else. ■— cused's peculiar return to Dunedin. Mr. of(the Neroic Herdie's new instrument liawyer Gould: Did you ring up and thing less than a common taxi firm, ;'! ?a£ times, both Magristrate arid "Costs" Mr. Moore: Isuppose you are not Theomin had arranged to give the man for smashing independence of spirit good use ot a Christchurch 1 puzzled, but "Truth" gleaned tell Mrs,. Taylor there was a balance aho wa» the informed that know, whom slic among subordinates, yer don't give regarding her any assistance?— work if h6 satisfied him his ' prepared to : enough to point put a scandalous of £12?— No. One (Corner of Colomboand St.AsapU-at*) daughter o£. Tom Cowiishaw. may be easily gauged. been done. Certainly Her assistance! not. I bona fides. This had not Magistrate motoring : transaction. ' night last week, us she was j Frazer: Why did you aßk stood CHRISTCHURCH. X 4 * her nonsense .for eight long Rev. Moris Diamond, the Jewish "'."'■ i William. John Mclntosh, brother of 10s Cd for making a copy of the prohomo, her car collided with another ,J. A. PAWSON 4 rabbi, said that he met the ''doc." six unhurt, i■'informant, said that In October, 1910, missory note?— l thought it would be years and that was more than enough. Nesale, escaped who (Late of Palmerston North, iMartoia, Fleeing weeks ago, whenhe said he was look- Thus from all sides is the fact made one, und telephone the hlfl sister was going: to tfca.rl a board- necessary, to have a »oHcltor to make' Besides, she was never a;mother to and HUhtervllla). i !; performed a was shrewd enough to them; and mind that "Truth" has plain ing work, her Ireared .' for and told him not to children., .' ing house, but was sby of about thirty the copy. ■ them to > *.:; proprietors of the taxi and nsk public duty many the such FIRST-CLASS ACCOM injury is them. board m the meantime. ono of only paying now she an to his matter, quid, .They papers, Mr. Frazer: What rot! Now, what j ' and keop hor name out ot the ' dlscusaed the Taritt, 6c per day. the past— !'n)yentaally witness, who held a life ! did you want 10s 6d for?— Well, xl She is well able to work, and is a good Nest day the "doc." said he was ill, and duties it has performed mscorn, quite a formid- tor Traveller*. la Nessle's record The Lady ridicule, m the m to conexposing htm, Let her do so. Case Refuses examined said go Williams, 'worker. and to Dr. who /b? whom he knew wouldn't have,taken the money, ipolicy,-went able one. Besides having lived at sevProsecute. The S.M.: This is quite an excephe could do only light work. He want- tempt and contumely, another of the eral flash, boardlhghouses under assumi "-— or thought hie know and borrowed; Mr. Frazer:' Railway "Square underhand which the methods supplied tha^cheque tional case. So far as Mrs. Gpre is ed to'be with being handed to Mrs. ' [£?5, ed names, nnd flitting without paying, -" % GET OUT OF THE BOX. its atDe'il" Government uses m TURAKINA. any moral claim ZTaylor. No demands were made concerned..she.has not OPTICIAN'S OUTFIT, the young lady Is well Known to the (Prom "Truth's" Dunedin. Rep.) AN go on', get out. Convicted place, power THOB, and fined and tempt hang Proprietor.!^ to on to HARVIE any payments, against 0, 1912, past !■ upon witness for but all her son. For the John Department. On Murch hold that Miss Mc- at and applied to the Society to.see about patronage. shortly after the loan wits, made, £10 and costs. I Pasßengors by all trains seventeen years she has not been m plenjty Nessie was convicted on two charges clothing was tho borrower and received it. The tendered him lntosh i^abbl up UssherTang witness position of a mother m the home at Salvarmy of ilnifc to obtain refreahmouts. and told-him the money. The less 1 the With the bustle, much and with ominous of theft and sent to lines, about wanted m other and' say it and what he to tell his sister that the interest was tho all. Thecase mustbe dismissed, but, features, the bold bobby, Jack John- when he returned to town he rang witHome for twelvo months. In 1913 she , ONLY THK iJEST DISPB^SEDj^ better. IIyou want to appeal: you complainantbeing y <lue on a certain date. Upsher thor^ Imay. , an inmate of the Ben- ston, ro-appeared m tho arms of his Give It a go. r- ■'■■'"■'-: ■■■ "..'■;" figured In two false pretences cases ■'; informing him, m his reply up, ~ ness to , ' oughly understood that the loan was ■" v evolent Institute the authorities there refyears' ;,'■ fellow Oamaru two cops of last week. His ■'"■: Costs amounted to £ 2 13s. and \va« sentenced to that the doctor would not allow for Mrs. Taylor, then Miss Mclntosh.. can take proceedings, against defen- big, baby dial held a very surprised query,, howSho was. ormative treatment. him t,o continue lo Queensland, as he John 'Mclntosh (the father) said he ")■ dant if they wish. look as he stepped heavily into the was unfit to travel. He also said ho ever, « was authorised to mako payments, and dock before Mr. J. R. Bartholomew, get CHILD ndt or any money OUTRAGED. ticket from time ho went ho j ho thought that every RELEASED ON PROBATION S.M., and surveyed the mob of peelers did TOUTS TACKLED. ' purser chap, who said that ho gave saw Ussher,' who reminded him that and other persons who had ungalhintly the accusod both ugo. only Hvo weeks the ticket and the Mrs. Taylor was not paying the interRemarkable Disclosures. congregated to survey abig live bobby the Grocer's Alleged Gross Act. On Wednesday last, Nessio tripped } moneyy on producing a wire' signed est quick enough. The payments Indeed, the In real trouble. ; before Mr. 11. W. Bishop, -S.M.. and : "Jacob Diamond." amounted ix> £71 4s. ! Last Friday, before Mr. Bartholocharged that sho had obtained ono STAMPEDING "SNITCHER" Jimmy Calder, the proprietor of the Mr. Frazer: On a loan of £35? Yes. Accused Committed to Supreme Court. mew, S.M., a batch of Dunedin's touts Christchurch Jeweller Juggled. pair of shoes valued at £1 from SWINGJ3R Central Hotel, said he always took acDaisy Taylor, a smart looking wostood, m succession m the Herbert Stevens, grocer,' 32 years of" and vags. Messrs Dv Feu and Company, Chrititrespectable cused a and was man, said that before she was married age, man, to.be long easily dock. For a became very time, the observed of all obGeorge was charged at the Auckland Mag- Liddle, (From "Truth's" ChrUtchureh church, by ittlsely pretending to she, togetherwith her brother, wont to surprised premuch to see him m his \ servers, John Ford and John Holland, for his dimensions overflowed Wednesday, before charge them to Mrs. Henry Cotterlll, Usshcr for the loan of £60 on her istrate's Court on'gI.M., ' very many others have been pub- the rickety tripod that position. sent awkward and constitutes the *■" with carnally licly branded m Court and i brother's policy. She was not quite Mr. P. V. Frazer, and thut on Monday, June 30, «he had (to S.M.): selling Accused Is the not press as dock at Oamaru. Considering the big The downfall of Noasle Carter, it par- obtained one gold wntch und ring, clear about what exactly happened In, knowing a child of teji years. Chief touts and parasites of a very despic- Items the bolting bobby was a glasses people's eyesight proper of for up Detective McMahon prosecuted. Lawticularly propossesslng place of petti- valued at £13. tho property of Messrs. the transaction, but thought that able breed. Ford's case had been ad- against, he 'managed vto get off very mode of earning one's living? yer Lundon defended. coat,- who la only a couple of years Watson and Company, by falsely prejourned Optician always to enable have S.M.: work is a hjm legal SHE A PROMISSORY to The lightly indeed, tho dear unmarried SIGNED For some weeks after the alleged of" beyond flapperhood, came with start- tending lo l>c v hlecc of Mrs. T. Cowll; NOTE fence, the girl was confined to her bed. help. The cases against Holland and lady treating him with exceptional lawful means of existence. suddenness on Tuesday last, when, shnw, of Chrlstchurch. proceeded Liddle were with. Chief 'Tec: Provided he known the ling consideration probably for a "considfor £39 12s, but sho only received a Evidonco led was of the most disgustshe side-tracked from a deulre for Koasle, rlgßed \»P In a big brimmed cloak. '■■ 'game and it isn't a eration^ ch«que for £ .36. They first asked for Ing nature, and th« Court was cleared. may mean anything j and flounces, and set out to land velvet hat and with her pretty dial h Dr. Falconer said tho ucuaed wus ad- frills a loan of £50, but this was reduced to HOLLAND THE HORRIBLE. . The first charge amounicd to deserStevens, who pleaded "not guilty" greater trinkets of value. guilty. furs, £35 when, at tho tfmo the loan was and.,reservod his defence, was comtion from the police force, at Onmuru, mitted to the hospital from May ID to t On Monday last, Mr. Watson, who surrounded bychargepleuded she was sentencOn tho first Promises to gd to the Country, being discussed m ussher's ofllcc, her mitted to the Supreme Court for trial. without leave or license, on Juno 18 June 17. He had been examined by runs .a couple of Jewellery joints m several specialists, and there hud been Christchurch, .received a raestw.so on ed to throe months' Imprisonment wUh lust. brother gave Ussher a chequo of a Mrs. cpunt Jack Holland wns billed with being Lawyer Grave, for Mlstah Johnsing. a certain amount of objective symp- tho telephone from a lady, who ex- hard labor, and on the second The cheque was /Shehan's mean* only tbe tuperfine gr«d« -, be detained for a ycar'H nn Incorrigible rogue, and with huviug very gravely stated that accused ! toms. An impression was left that soino plained ordered to wiu» paid by Ussher to witness, and he , that she was Mrs. Tom CowllSERIOUS CHANCES of tbe world's fittest cod liver \ been provloualy convictod. thoroughly undorstood tno loan was pleaded guilty, requesting at the same of the symptoms wero not correct. On shaw. Bho told Watson that It was her reformative treatment, to commence oi! made pleasing to th* 'Tec. "Hctman" ttaramerley gently time that tho charge be amended to one occasion his temperuturo showed niece's birthday, and would Mr, Wat- lit tho expiration of tlio term to which ; for her und she wua tho borrowor, and Are taken m neglecting a simple case tasto and three times as poWer> V j j romarked: "This. man Is about tho one of resigning hla ofllco without au- 103, but when taken In the presence of son allow tho young lady to cHooho a hlicwus sentenced m 1913. he repeatedly mado demands upon her of Piles. ; i ful as In the raw state. worst m the Dominion. He has had thority, as Johnston had handed m his v nurßo it whs normal. Patients oc- nlco present for herself when sho call-' Nessio recolvod tho sentence with n ; for payments. All tho receipts for signified plainly or more previous convictions resignation paper to Superintendent casionally fttke'd their temperatures, : payments made weremudo out to Miss It is not quantity, but quality "nonchnlance which ed In In tho afternoon? ' Molntosh (witness). Somo time ago Any person takes, serious chancos In twenty of fun that count*. One small bold* ' Mr. Watson would be only too pleas- that Bho had had her poundfor neglecting an attack of Piles. This for assault and robbery theft, etc. Mitchell at Dunedln on Juno lti. and Iund It wus witnesH'B opinion that it the of SCOTTS EnuUion is well : Later, an elegantly-appointed and dldn',t care v continental witness came to the conclusion that tho ailment has a tendency to become Amongst thieves and prostitute's he Is had been duly Informed that "it would had been dono on the occuhloii referred ed. 'commonly known as 'Jack* th'e Bas- probably be accepted the following to. worth * doz«n bottles of any money had boon paid, and spoke to chronic, and there is also tho danger Accused had had symptoms of buxK car pulled up at his joint and dis- consequences. of preparation 'Syphilis ■ tard' and Jack.' Ho Ib a day. inferior oil. |bronchial caturrh, the vocal cords were gorged .Usshcr through tho 'phono on Juno 4, of ulceration and forming of Fistula,: very Glre SCOTTS to tbe weakly low breed of a waster, will hot The S.M. having assented, accused somewhat Inflamed but ho seemed to saying she would like a copy of tho both very diflioult to cure. Tho safest A CHARMING THING, YOUNG to child, nursing mother, the promissory note. Ho replied that ho rompdy for auy form of Piles, whether work, and is qu|to satisfied to exist on was asked If he had anything to say. inuikc tho most of his ailments. collecting lady for the inebrlchose a neat gold watch, worth to those who reauire a builder ' who The required a fee of. 10s 6d bcfoifc he itching or Protruding, is Doan's Oint- the merest morsel of food. At Mrs. very Ihanded Accused: Ihad been ho 111 on my resignation Accused: to up and to allwho suffer from 10s. and reckoned that "auntie" atea home called on Mrß. Dooloy and Kirk's, In Ashor's-lane, ho is a froquont ' copy] "would supply a ment. It causes no detention from Mr. Mitchell on Juno 16, explaining my trip to Lyttolton, owing to blccd- £7 coughs,, colds, bronchitis or bo very pleased with'her choice. a«kcd for something for their homo. Mr. Frazor: VypU,|it'a a scandalous daily occupation, and tho many cures visitor, which is well known to all In ull tho .circumstances, and requesting |Ing from iM throat, that Icould not would throat trouble*. But, bft tun Towards ovenlng, Jowoller Watson She got this answer: "Cnll round after thing to do. To mado by it have mado it Dunedln as the rendezvous of tho lowand blackguardly a sea long by rigors voyage. acceptwire on Its of I received another "ring" to bo warned famous m Irink the it is genuine to the effect tho hotels close, and I'Jl give you ,! charge 10s 6d for a «opy of a promis- ovory corner of tlio'" world. It enjoys ost criminal clementIn the city. Hol- ance. 1 was told a wire would reach iurn that Mrt. Tom CowlUhaw was delight- Dooloy." sory note. Tho sooner a man llko |a greater demand and more enthusias- land has a respectablo homo and me to that effect on tho following ed with her nloce'a present, and menQUITE h'AGISR KOR WORK, that gets struck oft the roll tho better. tic popularity, than any othor Pilo friends to go to, but ho prefers ,tho day. Ileft on Thursday, but 1 would A crowd was standing at the corner mode of life dotailed." Ican set any permanency. Imay tioned that Mr. Cowlishnw had also Mrs. Taylor wont on to say that sho remedy over placed on tho market. ai Ihe have dono so had J not been > if that, when ut tho police sta- decided to pay for a present, for which of Manncra and Cuba-BtroetH Accused: Iadmit Ihave my failings, uot mention went to Usshcr's bflleo ono day at two Mrs. Ja«. Green, 29 Fitzherbertmy resignation Informed that would tion, 1asked In vnln for a doctor. tho young lady would call. tram-iiionplnv. tho other evening, whon butI leave town to work now and then. be o'clock, but ho absolutely rofuscd to atreot, Petone, Wellington, says: accepted on the preceding WednesThe "nlceo" duly arrived, and this ix Klrl suddenly smote uome Htr.in«o If Iget a chance this time, your Wor- day. give a copy of tho promissory note. "Soroo tlroo ago 1 wa.s a martyr Chief 'Tec: Ho* wild when ho wont to ship, to Lawyer Gould, and. Itching and Protruding Piles, clear away to the country. police had refund Urn?. solocted a ring valdod at £5 10s. !chap who wan standing bculdo her I'll tho prlHon to that 'Sho then went and, alTho S.M.: The facts show that acof tho awked for By the time sho had got well away, Iover tho head with her parasol, lie with Mrs. Mclntoah,l tho three called though Itried a number of Ointments Tho S.M. took a lenient viewopporcused was not guilty of desertion. He him a doctor. Ho never Watson's "doots" began to trouble didn't wnli to remqnutrnte. He simply allowed Holland the j case and here one, my report and will Hhow Mr. upon Usßher. remodies, got other I permanent and no had got Into a scrape, and he resigned ! Indighim. Ho rang up Mrs. Cowllshaw, MR. GOULD WARNED USSHER. relief until Iused Doan's Ointment. tunity of perpetrating hlmoolf furthor the service. He considered cunt believe ono word thin you that wont tor hl» life. Scarlet with with the fisbmaii on the pacing* ho hod the ; who reckoned aho knew nothing about nation, the girl Uien hopped Into a who refused to supply a copy of tho Tho Piles causod me great suffering, on tho country. .■ "Yon-are convicted," tight to go, and did go, suys. man before tho retho transaction of the afternoon. note, and they went away, tho lawyer tho pain and Irritation being very try- tho S.M. remarkod, "and ordered to only remarkable that more It la caac, any Tho S.M.: In the evidence tram. actually taken effect. Tho /sleuth Department then took a who squmm iiu<* having tendered ono shilling as reason- ing, particularly so at night-time, and come ;up for son tonco when called signation had not sustain a charge of vagrancy hand, and 'Tecs. Ward' and Gibson of the»odosftlootH again you will In fixing <a substantial penalty I will docs como hero upon. you !If perforated through »l)Io paytnent for making tho copy. during tho warm weather. get case must b© not dlsmlsed. It's stuck up a taxi-man, wtyo waa juat go- crowds Having account nny 'extraneous and tho Lawyer Gould said that ho got hold read of cures effected by bo treated with tho maximum sen- not take into dUtphrngxn with indignant giria' poKHlblu for unbthvr charge to be laid ing to Fapariui under Doan's Ointthe ■"'""; Ho* only matters.' is fined £5. to a during noto, but commission tho lunch- ment, Idecided to try what this remedy tence." .defence— tholr -hut- j accused, ho 1 will not say young lady who pretty of the Friday, ft fow minutes boThe nW Ji.ttlo item affecting John- atfaln»u the well answered Krcai weapon of And Holland of the sacred Hobrlquot < eon hou* on would do for me. 1 aent for a pot, more. any descriptions. pln». agitation j wa« an easel camo on. It was mado and used It with great success, it bow<Hl himself gratefully out of tho ston m which "w foro tho ca*o Sending out a car'ag a decoy, the. fallingsubject nnxl<»ty , to tho brother, but Miss Mclntosh completely cured me. and Ihave not dock, much to tho relief of the utinoa- It was muttered that the bold bobby of A neverfollowed. When tho taxi und "was the very big parent of a little a lady m tho case and something more 'tecs, hud indorsed It on thoback. Mlsa Mc- been troubled with Piled «lnc«, a phero In Court for mothers In tho keeping of the chilTRADE MARK v atom fast on tho way to thl« trouble- to be yet consummated, m fact, the. 'too*, arrived at Us destination, the dren's bends clonn. for It m now recogIntooh, or.Mrs. Taylor, vrna qulto ccr- period for over twelve months. Ineed Iho cheque, which my no more, my lasting euro speaks LOIDDLE LAGGED. some planet. Jndy was rcj>re»entt»d m Court, hut It other flash »llnk-wttgson wan tlrnwti nised If the b«jul m kept frwo from dirt txuln sho had cashed Laiwyer Ongloy. representing the seems that tho bold bolting bobby had up ready to taken |>arty of young; or nnxaalieH, many sortouß dl»tu«(i« an? to her by Usshor. for Itself." was given Thi> Marvel Xlt lady In the case, softly whispered thai come to tho conclusion that discretion ladloi for a ta-ta. Buro enough. Ne»- j warded off entirely. Threa Months' Cold Stono Jug. Frazer and It cannot be ropoatod too often that At this point. Magistrate ftltht» ehlldren'» lioitjitto reckon out why Doan's Ointment wilt euro Piles, it will Oomb. an »i»»d ln«tlnaJon«, he would not submit any evidence, and was the bettor purt of valor, as well &* slo wait "rawycr Gould tried lit tho only t«M and like cheque for £15 .had- boon paid 'to' absolutely cure In everysingle instance. For it very lengthy poriod, indeed, the case was struck out. tho safer, no far ok his own hide waxconSHOUTING THUS OUTING, «»fpguard. and l« highly r«> * effective Tay'or sh «aJd, only cerned, Q and ho m som« way. not yet Bhe was wearing the jrnvellnry chonen commended by doctor*. Tho renultu ilsshor. It aa rs choquo Then don't go on suffering, get this Mr. George kiddle, pointer when he There was much disappointment m for £3s, and rcrnody to-day. For sale by all chemworked, and tout always, trot a decent- the Court and town of Oamaru, which made public, the pretty plec*« of «klri by her from Watson'n »tov:k. Tho iwn. attained from It* regular u«* will b« rcVclvod Ufisher's cr ha than tnu!«foc(ory. ly lnucb «* George think- ists and storekeeper* tit 3s per pot. or fair run. But for £50. was low- dearly loVes a little tusty bit of scan- rc*pi>mrlblts for all the policeman's* collected the little Irtdry und «e«rrhrd found to ho more nent by pom to any.; tho matter will bo posted on receipt of price by down nnd a very bad Rnmptc of the dal occasionally, ut the turn events pother wuh plucntcd and th« iytn<> her room, which yielded a ntnall em- Marvel NU Comb 10. ing and "pcrhapalng," Addreau order**■ iiddrew- Price Jl/ Fostcr-McCleUan Co., 76 PiU-atreot, Athol-pltu-o mftatwr, lie m nn accu- lm«l tftk«-n. There w^ro all worts of atruck out. Johnnion. th« Jinking porium of vartou» goojl«. Dept. T. or. Coontwy Medical Co., Si i rate specimen ot the whit.; «Uvc- «torlcd Jlylngruund ao la there bcius "JohD," may consider himself lucky. Holmden said tho defooco Sydney. '- '■ It scema that Jia« lately made : ■ WAY OF THE TRANSGRESSOR. "m^PONTANEOUS HAS INDUCED US TO FURTHER CONTINUE SAME FOR TWO WORE WEEKS! - Prida^ ' . '" First, Annual Sale. Each of rSSQm ■ Duncan anil Macintosh's |> tfSf W=W^ fffm _ M^ ' ■ ■ , 1 :[:\-^y&:^- . COSTUMES fROM £3 10s. SUITS fROM £4 4s. Skirt and Blouse Parcel "^4oV ■":'■■;■■■"" ■ ■ ladies" Iwy Partfe! ICI/6 W. CRAICHEAD TAILORING C, Frazer . .. 1 TheDeal ■ ■ communication '.'" 4 Udies _ Underclothing Pail U ■. 10/6 .."^ 10/fl . that^ ■ || V' ? Table Unen Parcel ■ ■ [| 5/6 fcr -- ■ USSAR THE USURER. ■ I; I'- ■ ■ |.^ . 1^ti ■ 145 MANNERS-STREET. WELLINGTON iMonish lender And The law. I WE ... PAY CARRIAGE TO YOUR rtOMfc! \ | . ." ■ ■ * ■ ■ p .- ; BoY Clothing Parcel . ■■ . knbifv. . . .. doo^.iJ2/b ■ | Parcel Ho^ehrfd , 3J}|p - ! ■ , fiddle ■ t^at . .^borrower To-morrow-Write Duncan and- Macintosh ■ "The Cuba>strfeet, Wellington that -— . ;. PRINCE OF WALES HOTEL THE BOLTING BOBBY. ■ Fined Five Flimsies for the Foorce. . - - " — Proprietor? MODATIOIt — .^ssheri Hotel ■ .. ■ — —— NIMBLE NESSIE NICKED. Taxi-Maiden Takes Down Trinket Trader. — I — '. hov^ — God Liver oil! 1 SCOTT'S — Emulsioil V... 1 | SCOTTS Emulsioni . 1874 , tJio kI^F - trot fm Kca«l-/[ .bxrord-iKr«ol» Sydny. ■ ■ '" . "*^- i" ■■'/ TRUTH, SATURDAY, 4, 1914 JULY 5 THE PROHIBS PALAVER Weird and Wild Words. Cheap Chaff, Check and Contumely Parliamentarians Must Placate Prohib WHEN VISITING ; NEW ZEAXjAND'S WONJOERLA^jIT), THE jCrNKTV-i ' ALLED CURATIVE AND ENERGISING; BATHS AT? liINERAL' LAKE HOUSE HOTEL, Ohineinatu, ROTORUA ' IMPEL, MUST CONSIDERATION. V ■'' %v." LAKEHOUSE is especially favored as to site, its outlook is -over historical and romantic LAKE ROTORUA ahd MOKOIAISI^AND. Tariff: 9s Eer Day, £2 15s Per Week. Special Terms forExtendedResidence. SHAMROCK HOTEL, Wesley-street fe^ "nSere One minute from Fuller's/Opera House aHd,ftu^ea^tr«t;;TBe,:ili^ you get served quickest during the intervals. Best brands of Wines and Spirits m stock, everything: true to labeL Seccombe's, XXXX>AIes onjtas*. _^_. Having collared the manager's brolly -".-. Call and inspect our bar accdmniodation,: -Civility and best-aftea&ofl&asone of severe and religious aspect sured. The above hotel has been tWr oughly renovated throughout, the sporting editor's copy of ChapanJACK MAXWELL, Proprietor <late Empire Hotel.) der's hymns, "Truth's" religious editor . blew alonglast Wednesday week to the Town 'All to lend his,moral support to just about the greatest event m the history of the world, namely, the grand CAMERON-STREET, C gathering of all the elected water"First-class accommodaOon foi> Tourists and Commercial Travellers. Ojfise spouts and cold tea vessels who have to 'Railway Station and the business part of the town. Within easy d#ve. come to "Wellington to make BillMas- of the celebrated Kamo "Springs. Best of Ales, Wines and Spirits on tajp. soy's miserable life happy. S. McMAHON ....»..._!..■ Proprietor. When "Truth's!' religious editor arrived on the scene, there were about 3000 ginger-pop propagators present, clad m clean dials and more or less ditto shirts and blouses.. Just before KARANGAHAPE ROAD, NEWTON. / "The House of Good Cheer." the proceedings started,a. nice;old lady -Bass' Ale -always on draught, Hancock's XXXX Chilled Ales alwiiya with a dial like, unto a washboard- on tap. Throgmprton Red Stripe Whisky. Nothing but the" best Ales, Wines only more, severer-spotted "Truth's" and Spirits Stocked. Old and new friends cordially invited, T religious editor sitting at tho press I PtK)pr op. .* table, and blew over to him arid pre- FRED C. BASS (Late Union Co., Dargaville Hotel and Prince Arthur Hotel; Auckland:) sented "Truth" with two tickets, one of which warned him of "the Vvrrath to come," t'otherpointed out, Inlargeand lurid letters, that there wer6 v NO ICE-CHESTS IN HEIZi. FIRST-CLASS .ACCOMMODATION TO TOURISTS AND TRAVELLERS. Alter firing the tickets at "Truth's" COMFORT AND ATTENTION, ASSURED. *,U. .- " rep., the lady sweetly informed him NOTHING BDT THE BEST OF ALES, WINES AND SPIRITS' "STOCKED. that she would "pray for him" so that TERMS MODERATE. t Beelzebub might not hand him one CON, When he was not looking-. "Truth" " ProRrMor. , . _. -, jgracefully thanked her, and: hoped she j_^_ wouldn't wear out the carpet over the job. V The Rev. J. Dawson at this stag© called loudly upon the delegates to climb up beside him so that all might _^r r^ behold (Sod's Own elect and choson. The delegates then blew along till a and whole galaxy graced the platform and shed rays of blinding brilliancy upon The new Post Office is alongside! the minor water-vessels seated m less the Ale of Quality. elevated spots. Drawn it the< wood. Over the stage a brilliant banner / E. M.' PAGE, Proprietor. Push or Perish. — — - - WHANGAREIWHANGAREIi^^ HOTEI^ ...... RISING SUN I HOTEL*! - i& , HOTEL, STAR j OTAHUHU. ■ * McM\NUS I ft The Welcome News Last— GEORQE AND GEORGE'S GREAT BARGAIN SALE was on—and MUM, who had been looking forward to the' epent with feverish excitement, immediately completed her plans for a ferocious attack on the BIG BARGAIN STORE, with a view to capturing many (yea hundreds) of the IMMENSE BARGAINS this popular firm had It wasjuite early m the morning when MUM left home for Cuba-street to carry out her avowed intentions, meantime DAD wasleputed to look after the house and its belongings. Arriving at the Big Bargain Store, MUM found the Bargains perfectly irresistible. CHARGING from right to left,^ from Fancy'Department to Clothing, from the Manchester Department to Dresses, from Showroom to Furniture and Furnishing Departments, MUM soon looked;■■ the picture of happiness, and the illustration above clearly depicts the result of her vigorous campaigning. MUM'S successful Bargain Expedition is the talk of,the town, and we expect every keen shopper m Wellington and the Country to follow her most worthy example. I We cordially invite you to visit bur Sale early and often, . - - IEnormous RedudW m all Departments! - . . "IMPERIAL," m , J":-> *- Z*k gleamed, bearipg the inscription: Which shall go down? The bar> or our boys? The bar cannot last .—^i\ AUdlaurailli Ctistom-st., AUCKLAND. Queen-st. — 4 * ,„ PLEASE NOTE THAT AUCKLAND'S LEADING CATERERS, without boys. The legend, seemed a little "out" to that "boys" are not permitted to bo served In any bar. THE WALTER BUCHANAN CAKE COY., LTDonly ', Have only two hours to closing time, that . ONE address, Yirf.: 42-44, Karang'ahape Road. ' Telephone, 100-t Just when the town clock announced The Money-saving Opportunities of Our Storey are W^ 1000 YAKDS NAVY SiBRGE, as sup PRETTY D*OYIiEYS, TRAY CLOTHS Colonial All Wool TRAVELLING In to■. :all the and RUNNERS, from 1d '" to 1/6 . RUGS, worth 16/8. Now 12/6. , MEN'S UNLINBD DOESKIN town, All Woqj, Color Guaraneach. .' . Tolegrams, ''Cakos," Auckland. ' We specialise m Wedding Breakfasts, Balls, Socials, Sports and Picnic* holy tea-urn, the Rev. J. Dawson called on all of us to warble Ithat beautiSIL.K BOWS, all Shades, 6d, 1/-. ful hymn, "Onward Kerristian Sol« ll'irCU\ J. Coal, Firewood, etc. plied COSTUME FRONTS (Silk and Laco). gymnasiums diers," a bloke haying got on to the v "j V-, 1/6, 2/6. piano, resident the audience m started m t^tm -tt ames asually BricKs, Lime and Sand* HATS, M r/fr»T««. GIRI« -arrirm-c WHITE FELT SILK and WOOLLEN SCARVES, all teed, 40in wide. Sale price Vt COLORED OCCASIONAL TABLE to deal with tho "Korristlan Soldiers." GLOVES, 5/6. To clear, 3/6. Shades, 1/3, 1/6, 1/9. FU RN yard. right To be had ONLY at "Truth's" line ITU RB REMOVAL ♥ A SPECIAtITY, COVERS, Jn«u, Latest," COLLARS, clearing rep. "The 1/3 each. MEN'S them out was m the of ■CHILDRENS BONNETS, Croni Only, COLORED CHIFFONS, 3d yard. GEORGE and GEORGE'S. WHITE TABLE DAMASK, VERY flre— the way the soldiers were coming at M- dpz. tO Opp. Bank W.Z., QUE£N.ST,; AUCKLANp. BVENING TRIMMINGS, SPECIAL, 1/- yard. 4J/2d, 6d, 9d' 500 YARDS COATING SERGE, "AJI —and one ancient' bloke, with a voice J. J. CRAIG, MEN'S LOUNGE FELT HATS,- 5/6, Ai» o/fi " yard> . like all tho Wool." BOm wide, and Faat Indigo. WHITE BELFAST LINEN DAMASK, Now 2/6. V i/R 7/6. WHEN YOU ARRIVEIN AUCKLAND HAIR ORNAMENTS, 9d and 1/-. Our Sale price 2/3.. , p'nw 2/6 yar,d,7oin wide. .r MEN'S "Petone" All Wool SOCKS, TROMBONES IN SOUSA'S BAND, The First Thing is to get your Luggage secured—Next is Suitable Accommo,oi 'I nnmn m r «, HAT*, TTArni usual M JiUYS rm LOLOBBD FELT PUR EDGINGS (Brown, Grey, Whito), CLOTHS,t all ;Colora, including Navy, UNBLEACHED TABLE DAMASK, -usual price 1/3. Now 3 pairs for blasted about nine "Kerristian Sol,: , ■■■ ": dation. Now, tho 1 V- yard.. ,10i/2d to 1/9. Saxe. Cardinal, Grey, etc., Guar2/6. diers" clean up into the organ, loft. a 1T J!TJmm^ WII)B Un FANCY MILLINERY RIBanteed pure Wool. Going at 2/3, FRILLED PILLOW CASES, 10/2d. MEN'S UMBRELLAS, from 3/11. -. After the Kerristian Soldiers had ' w i/fi BONS, "6d yard. , ,2/6, 2/11. : Hemstitched been blown off the premises, a heavy Carts meet ail Trains atid Boats, and havo A list o? all Hotels, jaoaraing and. EmbroideredBOYS' SERGE TUNIC SUITS, pract in" Vwnv Tn BLTS » RIBBONS, YARDS, 1d Do:, i/4. Tj? i COLORED VELVET tlcally Given Away. piece of ecclesiastical artillery, called Houses, and Rooms—furnished and unfurnished. Luggage* Storod or.doTWEED. Harris Tweed O an(i3d.yard. effects, and 50in V Uvered to all parts, of Australasia. i in/heavy weights QUILTS, Largest 50 2o doz NAVY CLOTH Sanon Haselden, wrastled with the « MARCELLA BOYS' SAILOR Awry B t ATO AND , mrci GIRLS H LADroS«v PANCY ALL-OVER LACES and Office: 37 FpRT-STREET. Night 'Phone, 3103. Offiw 'PhonBt 3281. y TAMS, 4/6, 5/6. Now Id. wide.^TVgo:--ati/U^ Loard In prayer about nothing m parcj^at VELVETEENS. We are determinedMARCELLA QUILTS,. Satin finish, 30 doz BOYS' NAVY; CLOTH 'VAR-.oyo .TUCKED NET, V- yard. ticular. Then the vast audience blew W FANCY GUIPURE LACES and to^ clear our stock of these beautl. <W9 to 21/-, , TO RQTORUA on arrival should aak for WAlvera coaches. SITY CAPS, clearing them atv3d; its collective beak loudly as that cho' ' IN' SERTIONS, 3d, 6d- yard. , and,, are SERVIETTES, 2/11 dox. Splendid BOYS' and YOUTHS' GOLF HOSE,^ sen,- vessel, Wesley Spragg, banged will find you First-Class Accommodation and arrange yqur tours. ' . ". We ' ful Wearing materials, T Anw«- wfAnrr mnrtnTP lL«,rr,~i cutting prices regardless of coat SILK LACES and INSERTIONS, 6d, usually 3/6 and 3/11.' Now 2/6.tq« Value.: Grand .Line for Wrapping and pushed his Washup the Mayor in- Book with, us and ensure a successful holiday. "Courtoous,.attentioni good, m i , Lunches. ; W yard. All Colprd at 1/2, 1/4, 1/11. \ BOYS' GOLF HOSE, small size. tNb^o to the chair, and still more bangously reliable drivers; comfortablo conveyances.; No oftortspared tor your com*, - ','. - \,....,,:, " > " ,v; 2d, ,-,,- ;:,. REMNANtS !. ! IN Washup -was "do- fort by. the > ■-. ."-..■ ■"\ .-.,",- .■.■.-',-,...,„ .;..-.,. ,',";;" REMNANTS 1/9. announced that his «-^ r ,\ »,r -, ■, M i « n »B^e-, , „"" JB/fIJ 4 S^^r tfd yard/ ; EVERYTHING, AT LESS THAN BOYS' ODD JERSEYS, all Colors, 2/6, ing himsalf honor" by wearing tho pnarJmonj.;";. |\ ' EMBROIDERED SKIRT FLOUNCOlll\ I/C|iai UHClll 2/11,3/6. HALF PRICES. J leather off -the mahogany; M'inHn " INGS, 6d yard^ ' Telephone, 96. NEIL BUCHANAN, ittjpriotor. '-I*- IflallUC JnOWrOOli S^E OUR MANCHESTER DEPART- BOYS' SHIRTS, " slightly Boiled. SILK m beautiVl His^ Washup, Livery Luke, then' Tutanakei Street, ROTORUA. CRYSTALINE TOR HON LACES« V/ 6> W/**> 1/S WENT TO SAVE MONEY-OUT loudly declared that ho did feel honThrown out at 1/6. , . " / ROTORUA. TOURS. 10. LADIES' TWEED "* WTTUMES ' ',CC| doz. THE GOOPS MUST GO. BOYS' TWEED CONWAY SUITS, ored m warming tho central pleco of QOVEHNMENT wide We must see the 'last of TRIP,InolacAng W^0/ BWdfe. l*addlo-whcol Goyaer, ROUND &c. Ono^iy " >' Line of Sheeting that wi.. email sizes.-usual prices 12/6, 14/6, furniture at the watery ceremony, and mauga -Thonn&l Plateau, LakesRotom*h&n* trip. Keturn fnro, 10». . usual 57/6 ' CHIEFS, Id, V/26, 3d eachl t- , (odld). Burtod your Isitt, (hot), take Now 6/6. then Len the elect of ChristTftrftwoia To NGONQATAUA MOUNTAIN. fancy: 16/6. 9.SKHfI.ftbovo 86A: t 361n black TAFFETA fiv/fl CHIFFON 54in, 72in, Dakcs, Wniroaj Tikitopa ploauaal FANCY LACE and EMBROIDERED Orcon llluo lovol. or »ad A afternoondrtva SOin SHEETING, HEAVY BOYS' LINEN ETON COLLARS, 3in, church North, started m with an ox- Dush, Ono-day trip. moroinit Sl Soft..* comprohonalvo nanoTotal cost,£1. to tho tmruuilt. Vary TWILL, B^d, 10^d, 1/- yard. usual price 3d. No^ 1/-doz. cellent exhibition of that cheap buf- TE NVAIROA. ooly. Bc«alo portion of above nuulo vlow, inAludine Wuito ' or HufpuuV " trip (ooAohlng only). , Faro. ss. raturn. Istand. Retarn faro, S». foonery which he has been using for ' ' * NAVY, CLQTH STRIPED BOSTUM- HOLLAND and COLORED APRONS, ; ; ;^^^ HAMUBANA. OKERB. TIKITHRE ROUND FAIBY BPBLVGB Startling Bargains m Our: iObr ; and BAINBRIDQB MONUa....; " years m the cold-tea industry. Len TRIPinoludes thofaiaod T CHARMEUSE, -rr a -otv^tto^ «in'all i«n r , '40in ORIENTAL MRNT. Plftasant tuorninfi orafternoon drivoES," 63/- to 70/- Nowjo/-. Ilamurana BprintE3, 10'/d 1/3 1/6 Rottirn faro.%t. M. worked off much alleged humor, OharoRapida and AVaterfallß, BineuioA Stops, the best Evening Shades, includOLDIES' KNITTED COA&, Smart PLAIN and RIBBED CASHMERE ing Inferno, Oatos. Dante's aVln Oaul- WHAKAIiIiWAJiEWA. Intareating morning lUlllllUlli 1/tJiUI IIHCIII whereat old women of both sexes In- Holl»« Apricot, Lime, Brown, Saxe, drona,Bui pbur-bodn.&o. Ono-day trip. VlUllllllg UC|IUIUIICIII / Goods,;6/11 to 15/6. AS 2/11. ' or aftornoon oiiting. Inoludoa Maori-vlUoco HOSE 2 nairs for "All Wool" loud yelped delight the audience Then ' I 11 6tC< T be deared a 2/11 WAIOTAPU VALLBYinoludesRainbow Moun- soonosand thermalaction. Return tarn,Iff. SIaRTS> Am' " MEN'S gAC SUITS, Stylish Cut, 35/-. Full of Unique Qo^s at Bargain waxing heroic, he, elevating his dextain. Mud Volcano, Champagne Poo), DctH'r J Spooialtrips arranttod anywhorom tho district. ter dook amongst thp roof, lights, "TLli SPEAK OF THBES" loudly "declared that the No-License GLOBE HOTEL, PAPAKURA, 0 Party was "going to Proprietor, 808 PORTER The loading Commercial Hotel m the MUR-R-RDE-R-R-R THE DERRINK at ow 12/6. EVENINOHOSE (Sllk,lJlooaiiaEm.p ""=' DOnBLE WOOD BEDSTEADS. OAK, SDITS. 80s. Now 16/6. r TR-RAFFIC !" district. Excellent accommodation for dered Anlt M)' 1/3 V6 Vll price Sale Next star item was pr, Florence tourists, travellers and visitors. Popu- (On tho Sunny side of Queen-street), / r ""*»° Keller, bf Auckland, and there wereno lar Lion Alo on tap. Afternoon tea >>«^ STUMBS. CB REN S SOCKS, an prtee*. for ■.P AUCKLAND. bottle-green winged Insects on her. for xnotormjj parties a speciality. 3d..pair. V 4/6, 5/6, 6/11. SIDEBOARDS, all Designs, from £3' ' BTAOK . FRENCH FRENOH pattWtf "« ERS/ , PAILETTE, 36in stabling and paddocks. Horses BLACK The learned shemale sawbones hails Good g^ OVERCOATS, Special 'LADIES' CREME and NAJY,SERGE WOOLLEN GLOVES, Fleecy and Dtß 158 fo £8. w de' heav Mer V?,, fln sh'rpa ry MBN from a wowser medical school In Chi- and traps for hire. Moderate tariff. SKIRTS.14/6 to 28/6. at 2/11. Knitted, 1/.., 1/6, 1/9 pair. Prices 27/6, 32/6. OAK BEDROOM SUITES 4-piece f "Jungle" city, and talks cago's NURSES' NAVY COATS. SPECIAL LINE WASHING DOEOVERCOATS, ,T Cl^r %-doz S.B. worth M Guineas' "Wo all came homo together. ; her beak most bountifully. through ' , palF SKIN 2/6 j T'other day thrown oUt at 7/6. Sale price. 23 Guineas. EDINBURGH And wo parted by thio shore." t 100 YARDS 40lr TATOPTA 'rffTPPON CASTLE got elected to Florence BNETT COATS LAD MDGLOV^ 2/6 2/11 EED IEN S 5 the Hospital and Charitable' Aid AUCKLAND. TARIFF RBASONABLa p a BI e /ll 3 d lCCß aDd Board at Auckland and has been talk- THE SPORTS' HOUSE! < 5/U STS,^ NAPPA GLOVES 2 »«" Y ME1 12/6. ing over. slnco. The learnod lady enALL CARS STOP HERE! large^ extensively on the kur-rso of Best Brands of Wines and Spirits PROPRIETOR, , ''. liquor and reckoned and guessed that only stocked. present goings on continued there If LLOYD, Proprietor. H. A. every stro., would be only two institutions mMas(Late Wynyard Arms Hotel.) U seyland one the. gaol and t'other tho U lt loonoy house. Likewise all tho chilN ESS Ur ALBERT- STREET, AUCKLAND. KAPOC, 25/-. EM ' Dr B ß eduction8 m tHe HOTEL. dren would have dingbats, spavins, Leading Hotel for Commercial and 12/6 . SUITS, BOYS' from BROIDERIES, single SPORTING Bed KAPOC. 12/6. LACES, HAN.D.; atringhalt and a nice quiet funeral. drfss VICTORIA-STREET WEST. L t Tourist Visitors. to 17/6 Double Bed FLAX, IS/6. KERCHIEFS, etc. had the doctor sat down and After M"l ""® All old friends and now onos cordi- Cablo Address, "Starotcl, Auckland. ' BOYS' 100 6 which adjusted hair, up HOSIERY and her was done | SAMPLE GLOVES at ally welcomed. Best brands of Ales, TELEPHONE 30. "Fair" price.. 18/6. Now 5/6. ETTES <<S^^^^^ m the "cottage-loaf style, tho Choson Wines and Spirits stocked. Acoommo6 GEORGE HYDE, Proprietor. Teapot Dawson east datlon for fifty. Terms moderate. lannel A DAMPER OVER THE AUDIENCE C. H. CLEVELAND...!..Proprietor, o " by announcing that tho collection was (Lato of Kawakawa,) : SPECIAL HEAVY LINE CREAM LApiES'WINSEY NIGHTDRESSES, In this Dopartmont we are heavily going to bo token up. As all tho doors (A '> 0 0U arantecd 36in FLANNELETTE, 5/11 doz. 50 doz MEN'S PLAIN NAVY and IV6 to 25/-. Now Wi to 17/6. stocked m some real good lines. And nM A i fi /fi were shut, no vessels could escape'! HOTEL, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR LADIES' NAINSOpK NIGHTDRES- to make, room for the new season'sWHITE SHEETING, 641n, 10|/2d; 721b, STRIPE DRILL SHIRTS, 3/11. conveniently and tho plato passed and -COOK-atrceta, 11|4d; 80in, V-. of GREY cut m Great Value. Corner goods prices ;/,. !,,«' Si, ;|Now 10/6 to 25/6.' to we have a At way 9/6 Now 2/11. tho conclusion tho and " merrily ft^WBESi :-...,:/. round. j SlZ 26/ Oppoalto Town Hal. that haa never been seen or heard of SHJEETING. 30 doz MEN'S NEGLIGE SHIRTS, nllTT holy hose announced that any bloke or 1/3} 54in, QUILTS: , CRbAM. CONVEYANCER* 721n, 1/6; SOin, KNICKERS, before, IiADIES' NAINSOOK ! Accommodation for tourists and 4/(5 5/6 Now 2/11. old woman could havo the inestimable RDOWN QUH-T UHiial ; becoming a member of the travellers. Best of Ales, Wines, and to 7/6.- NoV3/3jto 5/11. These are a FEW of the numerous Qn MEN'S NEOLIGE SHrtOTS, 20 do« of benefit r^vr price price to STRIPE CEYLON 18/6. BobjonY Buildings, 26/- 35/-. Sale SHmTINGS. 3/G. 4/6. Now 2/6. IVIES' CHEMISES, f2/11 to 7/6. snips to be had : Noo ZUand A-Lio*Ance for the Imper- Spirits always stockod. v ceptible sum of five roberto sterling CHARLEB J. MOLLOY, Proprietor ' nobody weighed m with year. (Lato HotoL) As of Aurora per I (Wonqy \o Lend on Freehold Security. *, Bram o, -s. a,, ed ■ «" EBB 2 five roberto tho rev. flre shovel gavo B D cASE« ENt cot,, ' ' turn, 6 und ! way to the next hilarious "CANADIAN DOWN, 3/6 am) CHIW)BBN'S. UNDERS, 60 do Boy Bedford, who used to bQ a Horn Corner of Albert and Wyndham-sts., n, 2M YABDS TWEED, Slripo Slrlm EfTocls, Vn<*U DUAW-THRKAp 6/.«. XINEN, voryspo. H MONO FROCKS, I/U'lo 4/6 250 Pea, 2/11 3/6 Now 2/6. but who now chases "coats" Royal George Hotel, Including Novys. Oroy». Ro»cd»«, AUCKLAND. olal price, J/f- yard. J-"" CREPE. V-.' -/Now 2/S to 2/M. -i? MEN'S WHITE SHIRTS SamDlsa ' Th In round Dunedin, pushed his ' c ar at BROADWAY, NEWMARKET. us ' NNEl S WHITE <">« CREAM LA .Proprietor ', ■ CB CORBCHOLLUM yard. . JOE IOTANTS' WOOL 10!4d6 «. front of tho footlights. After^^lng 16 n w accommodation. D. t0 Qood T. DUNNE, Proprietor. ao/ n 20 up a lot of weighty and ancient statisu only kept Romuera and Parnell Cars atop at th« s w 2'« tics, which fell with a loud and sick- j Best Wfnes and Spirits C. & E. Sparkling Ale on abovo hotel. Otahuhu aud hearts© enlng thud whoro tho orchestra ought m stock. 'busea stop at door. been, ho raised his lllywhlte i draught have to I Good Accommodation for Country 2/6lna f° r band to high Heaven, and loudly an- ! r,», n 15 rdS x a Home aw*y from Home. ' nouriced that -If Bill Massoy and Par- Captain CooK Hotel, Vlßitorß. B. Champion A)e«i on C. and ICHYBER PASS. liament did not toe *tho line to tho Adrauffhu Only Best Brands of. Alee, Wines and demands, then the A-liolie-ance'a (3 minutes) Hotel to the nearest Qdl E »' Bco eBLO The ' S 8 Spirits' I""" of Htocked. REDUOTIbNS-QOODS HATS, v Ua! price aiico would do dr-r-readful things to Exhibition and tho Domain Sports Coior* from ow al ,"' MUST BE CLEARED OOt. I^id lo 7J/2d yard. William tho Wunth. 8/0 Now 2/11. Tho best of Ales, Wines, Bo yards' ROUOK 0 and READY Ground. On 16 a Z N P< W ol RU PARLIAMENT WOULD BE LACE- COI^RS. 1/-, 1/6. and Spirits stocked. Hancock's Cele,«, 8 I PITCHED TO PERDITION. MUSLIN and LACE JADOTS, 6d, 9d, brated Chilled Aloa always on tap, „ , Axmlnutor 3/11 to 15/.. 541u wide and l» an extra heavy STRIPI3 "■UNCV' TOWELS 7>/,i to <E AN least, Proprfotor At at the end of tho swwlon, ALEC QUEEN-BTREET, ONEHUNGA.' EVETTB, Contrniiy Bltuatod. clo«« (Late TowaJ, Bay ot Islands.') thoßo podlcßS M.sK who didn't bnck to itetlwar fetation ttud vrharf. Trams pans up the 65 per cent- majority demand, tho door. would ilnd themselves emptied out on r The Ales, Beat of world, WJn«H nnd Spirit* to ii cold and unsympathetic Carlton Club Hotel, fitocked. Superior Accommodation. where railway pauses ttre not, and thy AUCKLAND. (M. NEWMARKET. nlwayH OUMBLETON Proprietor. Hhut. front door of Bellamy's Is That derelict of Auckland, C. A. Tho abovo popular Hotel has boon by I'oolo, lately back from an exploiting takon ovur Prince at Wales Hotel tour of tho Land of thr Wooden Jlam, MB. TOM MARKWICK UOMSON-STRBKT, AUCKLAND. thon had un Innlngfi nnd trotted out Ferry Hotel.) (Lat« of Queen's .clap* Proprietor, H. S. BOOKER, nomo of hl« *?no<l old Auckland wjmjvMk and l4ikf» Hotel, TnKaptmn.) trap, which won jjrowlnK :<J.*«»to Thoalxivt* Hotul hn» br^n ronovnlod fungus yoJirst n^o, Chnrllo'H lltlln u<ldrcsat moHtly conuUnou Ohisvp humor. (OppoaUrt Newm«trkftt Railway Station throUßhuiJ!. Nr>w Satoon twir and upto-date 'ttlUinrd-room. JJf/«t Accom«llly platitude.-*, wlf-K^rifltaUon and it iind Remupm ilwwl.) inodjttlon. c. and X I'rlJt« Afc* <m Vttnkeo pubrf?f«r»>nco to tlt«> rt*«w HplrllH kept only >xM«t Winoi and Uio tap. '!»hom\ 15f.7. berleH, but it wen! down alt th« wny ' m KttM'k, So.cc<>mb«'« Pure j\!e« on lap. with thn old wonwn. After hvarlnK Charlie's Htllo bit «t Hun Alo m bottle. ..Proprietor. tripe the audionco had hud cmniKh, F. MEYRICk KATtAKOAHAPH HOAI>, NISWTON, r| Telephone 2599. Ho It loudly howled GorKuvc ami th<*n pubto find that oil th«» wont ouUldo HANCOCK'S DRAUGHT ALE dimiNQ THE 6ALE WE SHAU; CONTINUE TjD GIVE OUR POPULAR DISCOUNT TICKETS ON ALL PURCHASES, berlou h«4 cloned up a quarter of nn M nnd IMPERIAL. hour bofore, and many went homo The roan who nsfostti to «1o what ho without their ovonlsg 'tipple for the can Is almost a* bad as the fool who LEONARD ADAMH. Proprietor. J. TUOHISY. Manaeor. llrist time thrw ycar^. k Insists on doing what he can't J H IfllllinCrV MlUWfOOni. *f ■nwTT^^^iXT^ma"- . i B'TTM^A^i" ?"S£lL fi <^ F »S i'J! S" J 1 nwV iS J 1 w^n4i?r-r« B tA^ri?al £%?t i^\ - 150^ f^VER SIM - I^SSS?i TATSt^iix^ . ' vS *" / ' r *^iGil*dPs VW^ U^^^ -° j ' 3/6loo ' * " S" ■iWfefc fn/* 5««P* W.Vr|BB!RGE .^ IW. HAND-MiDE. 0^555'I&eI^ , iFancy and Haberdashery Department |EHOrt(«OUB «"' *" f w^o! .^ v^ZL. °° o*^"01^"^""?*: '"" "' " ° :&*^r!«rs^«KS£^^ , ! S L'f^" NA^^ERGE " Th"," TOfre"i'».r^ Sor^.l dlfva" Veritably Our Store is a Paradise of Bargains! "" J. ENDjEAN, STAR HOTEL, I COLONIAL^VNpTS ,J Tcotr 6/6"^*-!/e 'Z^Z »3fij%£s VeToUR - men's ° -" .S£?" woTthi BJg ,co I THE MARKET . '?; 'i;r 4^ PTO^'.'i' .£,'.„„ ° -««, .. "p^"° SSSx^1 -1I "^^ °!/,, .£"**k Mum Knew Something, You Ask Dad? ! I I I RAILWAY HOTEL I .. NEWMARKET HOTEL, Great Bargain Sale NEWTOWI^, .. »■ BAl£ I PmNGlTit ""* SHAKESPEARE HOTEL, 1 | George MGeorge's At CUBA-STREET ? MR. F. J. STILLING, SborUaod-ttreet. tSSZWZS,!!* 3* 6aps: Wnd. HOTEL/ .EII^ " " 1 il ? ' dS^Worth's tt "*ll VIV!/ °' Ii"H^ MEN^S 'i-iSeI. ;^r!ro^.^^-S S&XS» ?%t& ???■< " "' , ""k'^Wc, J? k,?'°7»f° "l^r °>T The Waitemata Hotel AURORA . - *xXw I 70A:I *""' — - "^^NGBONE . ............ I I I ,?Sv^, r^3/r 'vE 5.SifsizFrNC MUS) UeparifllCllt /I k latest Design ""'SSfl^J^ ov^^^^l^ M . LA^^^SSnE^Etl^ ManfHp^Pr,W|I"«I( DpnarfniPnt frWa'JA^TS^% n^6 ga O^COATS^ LAi?SJA^?NE^nicK^S. |"f /^H^ Department Dress wh^e^i^ / Weslnderdottin^howrooni ? . .. fMAM DeOartlllfint 'MEN's'. S^^^^^^^ Sle^%r „ ;r ' ' °" - - ■ i. ~ £o^^^ I°?Sll/?r^fe^^ , V ■«**». . WAIWERA COACHING STABLES.! ■ flnHimflr DpnarfinPllf '' ,y" JJ"; ~Ur^ °i°" ' ' - - Here'.^a ° ■ . £^^^^ beautiful ffi:^^^" "^r^V - - ot.t,^" fXll -CIRCULIUI Ai?n£'. nwAvLrrvnml T^3^. NSrT6 32£^ W%T VISITORS - . .. EveSng J^^y OpATS-^HS^sr^^ ' SKIRT^ S We^N^i i'&MS | ,S if^i.-f -. '' ' L^s5 S°l^ SSFT I^SS .. AUCKLAND LUGGAGE AGENCY'S -5 f' ■ IvliL Z«M "BlATvr^a.^^Aftic 'vU^J'waL * A^EMIJROIDERY'tErjgiNG^ii^d, B sK*w|B/6. B QUnuifnni ■ * I CcIrUMES p ■ #^ pies ThS1'iK2to? i2d^6osTU^ES aii^r/ \&lM av^^knaninifrmM „ ■ Ltd.^ . -1 i ■nm^^wmv -sS^S?(f^ ? UUUU, LIU., . - a . m STAR HOTEL, PETONE AND BROOKLYN dl m Mffi Mm TRUTH;' SATURDAY, 6 . -^« I B^^m ' }It taken T^ltmtian i threehonrsaflw THE- PEOPLE'S Truth v PAPER. ■;-— 1^8; BT-— ■-— »— »« Conducted by JOHN NORTON. SATURDAY, JULY 4, 1914, the Whole Cost. JBirst^CostU^ ' "Of monstrous outragesagainst public liberty and private freedom. Eeligious and sectarian mobs have always been the most dangerous and dastardly of all mobs ever guilty, of the most black and brutal crimes committed against God ok. man. Certainly there never could have been a crueller mob than that whose priest-prompted clardours cowedPilate to thecowardly crime of consenting to the crucifixion of Jesus. JULY 4; 1914. "TRUTH'S" TROUBLES. — Mrs. Paterson Proposes to Prosecute Proprietor and Publisher Her Statement of Claim. m i Paterson v. Smythe. of Her Evidence and Cross-examination the It would not, therefore,! be surprising if under such circumstances, certain mercifullyour issue of June 13 we published a verdict of £10 damages for Mrs. -1 letters Mrs. Smythe, though she had find that out, Mr. ininded men and women m a In Wilford. Paterson, £30- for report of the Wanganui action m ' Miles and £60 for denied doing so, visited witness m he*, .- "If I,only had,the opportunity/ ytua the suite of her husband which Mrs. Vera Patersou sued Mrs. Hatrick. : own home. Mrs. Smythe was m the the reply, and titters of laughter from or among her own friends Smythe for £2000' damages for libel. thereby that the jury gave a drawing-room with Mrs. Mowlem the court. and companions should have As our readers will recollect, Mrs. Meaning Continuing witness said that foe verdict m favor of the plaintiff for" when Miles came m through the front sought to enlist her influence Paterson vindicated her 'character, and £10, as compared with a verdict of gate and passed down the side of th# months, Mrs. Smythe had been very was awarded £100 damages. Since £30 m favor of.one of those who were house towards the back. Mrs. Smythe! kind to her and helped her, and even Tvith her husband m order to the publication of.our article we have also the subject of the libels, and as asked who the boy was. Witness said," after the letters took an interest m thesave Jesus. It would not be pre- received from Mr. George Hutchison, compared with, a verdict for £60 m |Miles, and they asked her to stay and baby, she didnot know of any actions posterous to assume that such a solicitor, for the plaintiff, the follow- favor of another of .those who were meet him. She replied, "I won't meet of hers which could have made Mrs. that boy for £5,". and then left. This Smythe change her attitude towards course may have been suggested ing letter: also the subject' of the libels, and confirmed 18th June, 1914. witness's suspicions as. to her. and make her write these letters thereby by them that meaning jury to the decided ' , .certain secret followFrederick James Dawson, for Self upon the facts that the conduct of the who had written the letter. A few against her. ers of, or smypathisers with, Mr. and Second Series: No. XXIV. Mr. days later Norton, you for Mr. John when witness Wilford: "Truth" disclosed .was enterDon't it by the evidence think waa plaintiff as ;,■.' ".;'.,■;'";;:.;■ '■v;;;;cpMPiANY. Jesus among the servants of ProOffice, Luke's Lane, Wellington, taining of lady friends, Mrs. your conduct with those boys'?— J?o was such as to merit less damages Smythe a party ' "n If a Singer Shop or*Singer Salesman Do you cla, Pilate, present and had tea, apHerod, of think or of m was it fair that a* "married preferences m*such libels to pearing quite friendly. i Concerning Pilate's wife,' Pro- other Pagans. These included v , lam instructed by Mrs. V. Pa- than* the is not available, address us at .' This was be- woman should allow the ruin''of her palace Pilate and his wife terson, of this town, to "take prowhose persons of the other two. named fela, leither sufficient numbers pre' " patrician hasbeen said m of the or noble fore the show on November 2. ■B WILLIS-STREET, WELLINGTON. A .home to boys?— Yes. ..'.' you for the pub- ' therein. ceding articles to show to the'sat- Romanis, iricludkig; high officials were temporally installed during ceedings against And make"love to you?— They little while after the show witness Each of the said several publi\\by lication 6. ne^ver you libellous ,of the Feast of the Passover. If matter concerning her m your tions was>false and malicious, went over to Mrs. Smythe's. She ask- j made love to me. r have always had of anyone but a super- and even members of the Imperial isfaction gentlemen v a suggestion OR CYCLE such how, friends, made, led her had she, enjoyed thp JviQTOR show. that, plaintiff W«ENr^GU^ T^iere claims stition-soaked sectary the Ihousehold. Among: these latter WHEREFORE the issue, of the 13th. It would You area pretty woman and a *emp-< Smythe repWed that she had not; those who made it would probab- be absurd ' to recover;from each of the defend- Mrs. never ' to say that such probabilities are that, she had was Claudia Procla, Pilate's wife, ly : did when Mr. Smythe was tation to a young man. .v A . *ake If to~-\ ■".■■.■ ants the sum of Five Hundred and she show Procla the best of a as way publication you have inHis never seen- or heard of Jesus,/and, to whom tradition attributes acting upon with her. Honor: How old complained She are these ' (£601) ] as damages. that he had m was fair and accurate. <" One Pounds. ■■■■.■■..■;. , "Wata McKeage, come home "three sheets m the wind." of boys"? therefore, she could not sympa- blood relationship to the prejudicing it withoux personally dulged H|y^,and The ostensible report was' apparherself or their Mr. Smythe (to witness): How -bid is" joint fl Mrs. Wilford " ; also complained repeat of the $: 'til'Si|>^treet,-. Hwtt. . thise with Him or dream about Prnpe/rors Augustus and Ti- desire We can only that our intenently burlesque the proceedings " ". ' shortage of the money her husband Charles? to save Jesus. What more and to ' ' The B^t Repairs at ReasonablePrices Him. People don't dream about, berius, " emphasise points without! tion was to give a. fair and accurate she being variously pleasing, Witness: rl Eighteen. her, allowed ".*'■■ saying that he would not plausible pretext for necessary explanations. In' such report of the case, and if .our report 'Phonte 40,>Hutt .Gars for Hire/ or express definite views of an act represented grandas a His Honor: In give my days her that, Is for tea at the show. He school failed reexpress has m we our circumstances, putting forth it would be plea a for one deswasta also, complained, for or against, individuals of niece of the first and a niece of pised she said, that the 2s of these ages did-, not make love toy to Mrs. Paterson. and detested, as Jesus was of time to discuss with you the gret she had spent could have been spent married women. Things appear to be particulars they nothing. know Nothe of "Truth's" alprobability Vhorn second. The is As no will subject reparation. you CREED thing of If GAMl|!p3Ni> Drapery) .different now, however. You Mr. Wilto better advantage. is said or implied concern- that she was either ,one or the by the Jews, than the similitude name a Solicitor m Wellington leged errors and omissions have been The (Op'posiite!"Ec'6nom|9 allegations m the second\ letter, jford, are probably a more recent of a dream? furnished to us other than contained" service; ; may above, accept who as ing Procla's religious views m the other, because it requires some LAMBTO^QbAY,, WELLINGTON. to Mrs. Dove, were next travers- 'authority on these matters than I. m the Statement of Claim, m order to that Ishall have the proceedings fored. , Witness denied the allegation of v Mr. Wilford ylhave had a goo(J,.deal ' ;«lifo|jrningN'}and;A. Afternoon. Tea . and ', interpolated^passages cited from such influence at the Imperial Paterson's the give reply Mrs. to* .alle-. , to such Solicitor, other6f experience, your Honor,'m my. V "' prac* T£g^*i^&^S^o^^eTir^":in\&xiei ßtyie at , Matthew m a previous article; the Court as that relationship would That this is the,most plausible warded ' gations which were the subject of embracing and kissing Miles on' ttce at the wise they will be served at the reCourts. T her back verandah. Nothing of" i^Vs^'.'Wpd^rate |charge/ in< 'thY;- city. writings of the Synoptic Gospels imply to explain, the long reten- explanation of Procla's interven- gistered Smythe, Paterson v. the case, the address of the newspaper. iMr Wilford (to witness) : f ; P^rpjo&ea^by :.aiid''Genttenaen; say nothing the kind want ever . occurred. through columns, She had Yc^u. publicity tion behalf fullest our on of Jesus is certain; 'because they knew tion of Pilate of his position of G. Hutchison. the jury to believe your, story as to "skylarked" never Miles, a with as Mrs. publish report fuller of her we now of your friendship with Mrs, nothing. All thatisknown of Pro- Procurator, m spite of his strong, but it is not so certain, however, To that letter the— following reply was' evidence t^ie reason The statement Sraythe and cross-examination as Smythe had.stated. being broken off? Witness? 'cla is derived from Pagan writers stern repressionof the,tumultuous that Procla did intervene on be- sent on June 20: published m the Wanganui "Herald," that witness hadleaned out of her bed- I.have done nothing secretly or what I window improperly clothed aiid need or from the' writers of the Apo-/ riots andinsurrections among the' half of Jesus; or that she ever George Hutchison, Esq., Barrister and together with the,findings of the jury: room be ashamed of m my *Jde&lingsr false, and conversed with Miles was dreamed Solicitor, Wanganui. cryphal*jGrospelSjAwliich the Pro- Jews whichmarked his ten years the dream that she is \ the boys. she could think of no occurrence that .niflth. ' bear PATERSON v. SMYTHE. Sir,— alleged 126 Courtenay- place, Wellington.\ yet to have ?Jln Wilford: of the Western term of office— dreamed. If she And any longest y^u testant the of wired toH would justify,such Statements. Tho Iam m receipt of yours of 18th , (Opposjto His Majesty's.) writing on the blackboard by Miles boy £o meet you, and signed youtt Christian CJmrchV "reject as lying Palestinian procurator, with the did dream such a dream, it does inst. m Evidence. m reference to an article Mrs. Paterson's Christian name' TEA AND SUPPER and the yeading' of it,-by witness, as LuVcHEON^ROOMS. legend^ or meije -myths; but which sole exception of that of Valerius credit to her head;/ if she did the issue of "Truth" of 13th inst. Re-examined by Mr. Hutchison? detailed by Smythe,' was absolutely inmake it the ground of a plea for (From .Wanganui "Herald,") the '■■;■Rbm^n Catholic ;Christians Gratus, Pilate 's immediate Ihave carefully perused the arWitness nevermet Miles at Palmorstoii correct, story as' was alsohis about agree with you ' The ROYAL CA*FE is now under rega^cl as'; worthy of attention as cessor, m the procuratorship/ r- Mrs. Paterson, the plaintiff, told the them embracing. ,If" he was working In answer to the wire. When her hus. Jesus* it does even,more credit to ticleand do not fair new management and is conducted as and accurate rher heart. that it is not a. : : that she 'was married about, m his garden, as he said, he could not. band arrived,she told him of her wira is -one of the Court ;' it should be. Civility, Cleanliness and corroborative /evidence of the }. V^"-"/: m. ■;->:'■■ of the" proceedings. It ceryears ago, living m Liverpool- have seen witness's yard, as two six to Miles. She did not know how tha '■'■■'■ . main, most ;pleasing personages record- report three legend; Attention is our motto. but that as a. bur- street Extension, opposite the College, feet fences intervened.- Miles had been wire to Miles got into Mr. and Mrs. CKristi^ni Now it^ may..beitakenfor.grant- ed in:' fact or fiction. Her legend tainly- was not intended Patrons can rely on having their ■lescLue report of the proceedings. , meals served m a style unequalled m evidences-is, only accepted cum ed #tha^ Procla was an' avowed from then to date. The first matter over alone heaps of times, but witness Sraythe's possession. She saw no harm It is of course a condensed report, - dealt with was the visit to her of Ha- was very seldom alone on those occas- m signing her name as, wiUi the city. Theatre "parties catered for. grano, salis, and then' only when cryptic proselyte to Judaism; cer- M a tribute to the soft virtues of womankind ;and its invention an the exigencies of space, hayingpre- trick on the second day of the March ions, her sister generally being present. the exception of the boys, she. was al«< 'Fresh Oysters daily, .\ .'■' clerically administered m accord- tainly she was not a convert- to honor .to the mercifulness of the- .ventedais inserting a report m ex^ < races;last year, and referred to by At no time had Miles spent a whole' ways called by that name. From the " R^ HICKSON Manager. ance with Church canons. Still it seems' to' me to give :Mrs. Stewart m her evidence. Wit-' afternoon alone with witness. Jesusism,,which later came to be^ men who The beginning, witness suapocted .Mrs. invented it; Sweet, pure, " atenso. fair account of the evidence ad- ', jriess,' together, with Miss Mpwlem and only time witness asked Mrs. Smythe Smythe of writing tho letters, but it " called Ghristism successively and gentle soul The spirit of Procla : \ duced oil /either side. If anything. ; ' became ■"./.aiißEiN's.'- ;/;t *Mrs. Stjewart, went to the races and Ito come over for an evening was to waß some time after that she Jt>is due/to/the,Roman Catholic Christianity. -There was:no par-I deserves a-! place is inaccurately stated so as. to re- .;, when there she met Mr. Archibald the;party before vritness left for Syd- certain on the point. Paradise,, m beMARVELLOUS; CORN OINTMENT. " toYsay that these Apocry- ticular reproach attaching to the side that of La Mrs. Paterson left tho witness-box^ Ishall be glad :■ Hatrick, who she had knoww for some ney. The tale about "the good time fpniyour^client The 'Great Destroyer of Hard Corns, Church Jeanne fleet afterbeing there for overtwo.hours it,m our, next issue if ; an4 pha had greater' vogue and secur- proselytes from Paganism to Ju-r i D'Afc." Well. l;asFucelle— great with the boys" was fictitious} Witness to correct of Soft Corns and Warts. was on terms yeara She her Jegend.won you' will let me know' what, it v iß. ■"■'' friendship with him and always- refer"-, ofteninvited.Mrs. Smythe over, as she ahalf, during which timeshe gave heif It.iis Easyf to 'Apply. Safe, Sure and ed wider credence m the earlier daism. So long as -the; Jews -re-H for her a ;lugTi and worthy place . : If oh'" the other hand anything has j red to him, and addressed him as knew her home life was not of the evidence dearly and distinctly* v Causes no Inconvenience. centuries of the Church than they mained do§ile under the Roman j as a canonised saint m been omitted which should lbe hagiPRICE : Is PER BOX, POST FREE. would the or "Archie." Witness did not pleasantest. She had told witness that ' later, domination, and did as Jesus i ology of the appear to have had THE FINDINGS. Abyssinian stated so as to fairly represent R.M.QREiBrV.Chemist, ancient all absorb his attention as hadbeen if she had had tho money she would at ' glad diplomatically and than have Yet'it directed them to Christian your client's case Ishall be Smythe to-radrrow, but that ho they no w. leave He came home to tea. Afsuggested. Cr.Taranaki & Vivian-eta* Wellington Church.' £100 Damages. V this as to insert it m our paper. Our inis to them that we owe*whatever do, "Render unto Caesar the j ■....,-' \ ter then Mrs. Stewart and Miss Mow- had replied she could not do enough got a fair and acthat she never give was to he would see" asking tention Hatpictures, Procla, things and which 'are Caesar's, and lem left for the knowledge, we have^f The jury retired at '9,15 'p.m.;.*', curate; report. Ibelieve that /has com- money together. J. J. CASEY, /JOHN NORTON. rick/to stay and keep witness At 10.22 p.m. they returned, and tW niuch, if not all, that we know of unto God the things which are »»»* jury perforeman of the asked been done. But if you will.point The Mowlem) (Mrs. pany as her- mother foremanasked his Honor's direction-asi vißit the loto be allowed to CUSTOM HOUSE, SHIPPING AND Pilate, personally and officially, God's," the limits of Roman re- 9<J Sydney, mission stay. out any respect m which the reagreed to was not well. Hatrick jtolwhetfyer the Jury could mako ' a par-i^**^ FORWAftDING AGENT, "«"-. port- fails or falls short of this I Witness had put the baby to bed and cality, und asked his Honor to accom- tial . ,, that is reliable. .It has* to be ligious toleration were so wide .--.-. Monday, to the Issues. answer glad give publicity pany it m them. . Jjmo will be to 15th,. mother, 1914. Temple Chambers, Johnstone-'streot, borne 'm ,mind, moreover, that and wiseandliberal that they had Bho was attending to her an ' it/'ftfrsfb* ' that This was agreed to, the inspection .JHUb Honor ruled oW next issue and to publish a invalid whei'n the baby woke up and being vWELLINGTON. 'PHONE 4156. most, if not all, of these Apocry- nothing to fear, no more ihah the luncheon ad- "Yea" or "No." fixed for after the Feast of B. Germaino Cousin. reasonable public apology; for might go and Hatrick asked if he withdrew, fj| jury The and returned Every Attention and Promptitudegiven phal Gospels are acknowledged adherents of other religions"equaljournment. same. Yours faithfully, Witness assented and quieten him.. 12.20 a-m. The verdict on the issues to Country Consignments. "The crown of tribulation has / to bef as .much inspired as any of ly tolerated wjth equal .cynicism Frederick James Dawson. Hatrick went into witness's bedroom MR. WILFORD'S CROSS-EXAMINA- was given as follows:— blossomed into a crown of glory and the Gospels or Epistles of the New by the skeptical Romans. Mrs. Smythe (1.) Wero the allegations contained TION. Mrs. Paterson has now issued a writ to comfort the child. a garland of joy."— Roman Missal! m the letter of the 16th of October» ■■'.: against the proprietor and publisher then arrived, entering by the front Testament. In the Eastern or Mr. Wilford then cross-examined. The S!lVei» Grid Byzantian branch of the Chris- What Imperial Rome claiming from each door,' and sho went to the dining1913, set out In the statement of claim, glory m tribulations, know- of this paper, Witness said that she had never, during would not- ing"We v- .-.:'. «9 CUBA-STREET, WELLINGTON. £501 as damages for libel, as set out room, past the bedroom door. The the whole time she know Miles, mado true? Answer: No. that patience which that of tribulation Church, tian from tolerate* was a breach of the "Pax^ and patience trial,worketh (2.).Was the defendant, Sybil Mary THE door was open, but* there was no light an appointment With him. Miles al' EMPIRE CITY'S FAVORITE by her Statement of Claim, v ' ' and trial hope, Rome is regarded by many, as a Romanuni,"or failure to pay tri* and hope MEAL ROOMS Sraythe, actuated by malice m writing m the bedroom, though the drawingCourt of New Zealand, room opposite was well lit up and the ways called witness "Mrs. Paterson." (At all hours). mere "break-away," Pilate* and bute to Caesar. While subject mans v. 3, 4.confoundeth not."—-Ro- In the Supreme by her Chris- the said letter of tho 16th of October, addressed her He never Wellington District. 191S?~Yea. Nihe votes to three. / Elvery known Fiuh m Season. door was open. Mrs. Smytho asked tian name, Procla had been canonised as races paid Roman tribute, and (3.) What damugcß, if nhyy 1b th<| Prompt Attention. if she was alone, and she rewitness lowly PATERSON, The VERA of Wapeasant Between handed child, must not Mr. then to witness ignorant Christian saints. But it Wilford obeyed Roman law,."every man In human by reason D. O'CONNOR. ngauui, married woman, plaintiff; plied that Hatrick was there keeping the following telegram, dated 20th De- plaintiff entitled to recover knowledge, possessed the be forgotten that the Roman could sit safe and protect," under great of the charges contained lit the said science of patience, so precious Meeting and JOHN NORTON, of Maroubra her company while her sister and Mrs. Mlies— cember last: "Charles October, 1913?— t. branch of the Catholic Church has his own vine and fig tree,''none ' m the sight of God. May we by Bay, Coogee, New South Wales, Stewart were at the pictures. Mrs. you Palmerston there for wjeek end— letter of the 16th WM, C. BURQE her intercession obtain this virtue proprietor of the newspaper "New Smythe left after about ten minutes. Vera." She said she sent tlto wire from Answer: £10. Nine votes to three. branded the Eastern,branch as daring to makehim afraid. Law Were the allegations'contained, amd meekly accept the crosses that Zealand Truth," and FREDERICK After Mrs. Smythe went the child cried St. John's, to Miles who was on the In(4.) Wellington's Cheapest and Promptest schismaticaly which is a long way and order" with Caesar, as with tho letter of tho 4th of December,* strew our pathway. DAWSON, of Wellington, again .and witness called out to Hat-, train. She did not regard the telegram 1913, JAMES off being heretical. Even the An- Napoleon, was the Imperial motset out In the statement of cluing Greengrocer and Fruiterer publisher of the said newspaper, rick not to bother, but to take him as an appointment, though she latfjr true?~Answer: No. drawing-room' The child was day as B. Germaine was carrygUcain: great branch'df On maxim, the .Cathoto. ItSvas a fundamental into the New'Zealando> defendants. opp< Manners-st/ Hotel that it was. (5.) Was the defendant, Sybil Mar« ikViipt1, still up when the others returned from admitted speak- no mere fiction or unmeaning ing m her apron a few crusts of Prior to sending this wire to^ Miles Smythe actuated by mutyce to writing HOTELS' and FAMILIESSPECIALLY lic^jDhUrch^ STATEMENT OF CLAIM.' leaving after which breati, pictures, she had Hatrick saved the fcom her mauy ing, greatpartisan CATERED FOR. of the politicians heretical-— shibboleth of she had received a wire from...her hus- the said letter of the 4th ot December, scanty repast to give to the poor, The plaintiff, by George Hutchison, supper. The swimming sports mcl- j band, est;, Rpman...CatKolic/ ;diymes re- or revolutionary cry of insurrecwho had that day arrived m 1913?— Answer: ' Yes. Ten votes ta her stepmother perceived her and her solicitor, says:— dent was* next touched on. About tho j Auckland, '\ . ■':■ tellingher.to go to Palmers- tWO. garding Anglicans, as being mere- tionary mobs. It was the main began loading her with insults. Shei 1. On or about the 13th day of June, same time as the races, Miss Mowlem CO., ROPER AND Ltd. ly Schism^atrcs:'' <rhere?s a clerical basis of Imperial power;its main- even raised her hand to strike tho week and take aroom at the (a) In respect of so much of tUS ton for the swimming to the and witness went defendant, as L Grand Hotel and meet him there when charges contained In the said letters ARE, young girl, when Germaine opened 1914, the first-named CATHEDRAL-SQU stay, maintained by force— Jesus of the newspaper called sports with a party of nine. When the Main Trunk express arrived at 3 as relates to tho conduct alleged by . - CHRISTCHURCH. cud for casuists to chew. her apron and an abundance of frag- proprietor they got there they met Hatrick. Wit"Truth," and the second-named defenmorning. She was positive sha the plointln* with reference to one Himself admitted the salutary rant flowers, such as tho soil of Pan^erbijiry Agents for the Best and . . * ■'■■ ■>■>..*.,"■ .-, ness denied absorbing the attention of !in the ruie' and Pibrac never bore, fell to tho ground. dant, as publisher of the said news- Hatrick on this occasion. Nothing received her husband's wire before sho Miles and the Collegiate " School?—* nature of Roman neMoat Popular Whiskies m New All we know of Procla ■-.'■ wired to Miles. The wire to Miles wan Answer: £30. Tho miracle once performed for tne paper, published m the- said news- else happened then. ' points to cessity of its recognition whenHe royal Zealand. . the following worcis of and con(b) In, xcapcof ot so "ihuch of thd about eleven o'clock, the wire the'conclusion that f shehadbeen so cleverly «ent . DEWAR'S LIQUEUR Saint. Elizabeth of Hungary, paper the respecting as allegations yet candidly circumThe husband arrived a quarter of charges-contained m the said letter as had been renewed m favor of tho cerning the plaintiff: a proselyte to.-Jndais'm before the vented the conspiracy of the poor And boy Miles were next referred to. Wit- from herpreviously. Sho had replied to relates to one Hatrlck and to all qther shepherdess. Roy. Dove, an hour ; (Here follows letter to with acquainted XXX BLUE became WATSON'S ness first BAND. crucifixion.'" -So- mnch is stated Scribes and Pharisees to entrap wire, but he had never matters other than those which relate already- published.) Miles between the 7th and 10th of Oc- her husband's Continental Wines a Speciality. m the Ajppcryjphal Gbspel of Nicp- Him into counselling His followreply. The reason Bho to Miles and tho Collegiate School?-^ receivedthe holding And, tober, the School was 2. also that tho defendants as when C. D. MORRIS, Manager. she had previ- Answer: £60. demus., Tjierlej is nothing known aXoreßai(l m the satno issue of thesaid their military camp. One of the boys wired Miles was that not to pay the tribute due to Mr. Uutchlnson moved for judgment, B. GERMAINE COUSIN. ously uaked him . to dine with her m Pagansor;Christian chronicles ers asked If he known, published following certify the the she had previously newspaper Caesar. husbund, and, that she wanted, under and asked his JJonor to Witbring supposition over. put* concerning might jury. plaintiff: to sucha outside the some friends special B. Germain e Cousin was born of i words of and loosts of the to him circumstances, explain to Judgment was given, a corti/icato tptt ness agreed and among the «lx or tho poor parents at Pibrac, near "the palcvrtif-possibilities. " At the (Here follows 'letter to Mrs. Dove, to These considerations serve Miles. that she would not bo ut home. This costs to tho special jury wus who carao over was boys seven Toulouse, m 1579. From her time oiv as well as before and inoccasion aha hud wired already published.) the possibility, though not The next Sunday witness and Mia* was the third of thcno were to Chrißt- and costa on tho lowest scale were al* : fancy Christ choao her to bear His after, the death of Jesus, there showprobability, lowed the plaintiff. .'Is the Best cross, and, her short life was one I 3. Tho person referred to as "a mar- Mowlem went to the School Chapel, a to Mtlea. Both Procla, the of the The,reason who Blfjned her were many proselytes from high-born, high-placed Roman of sharp and incessant suffering. ried woman," with.the further refer- thing she had often done before. Af- church. nor Christian name by boy, wlros a nnd to She early -lost hor mother, and her ences m that senflo m each of the said ter the service they came out Paganism to Judaism; but few lady, being proselyte Crosse, niis bccuunc she was known !n . tho PREVENTION OF DESTITUTION. a to. Judafather having married again, sho publications, waa meant to refer to the Miles and another boy named Paganism or Judaism from Vera, though he never adeither to Judaism lived tho Collealso at witness's wl:h house aa opposite Pearson ism. Her conversion who who had boon plaintiff Co., persecution «Sfc had to enduro tho of a "' * to Jesnsism. Jesus was practical- does, however, compel the concluBy tho "Prevention of Deatltutlotf Wanganui (m the said the other hoys, met them. Miss Mow- dressed her by that nn«ie. She had not cruel School at stepmother. glato Blown and inLimited ly unknown, His followers very a lady sent wins to other boys over hor Bill," v comprehensive meaauro ot "tho with sults referred to as Colwent down town publications dally were her lem portion; addsympathised that she with nlnety-ono clauses, recently Introduced ed to theso sho Buffered from con- lege"), and tho references m each of friend and both boys escorted witness Chrlstiun ntime. few, and His converts still. jfewer. sion Sole Agents, Wellington. Jesusism. But.-if ,she had seen or Miles, ." Mr. WJlford-— js Ahutjlje only reason In tho House of Commonu, tho LaboC that tinual to the conduct of It was incorrect infirmities, publications greatly tho said home. increasmany years progress For the of heard Jesus, or of Him (and you can give the! jury, why you, v mar- party seek to achieve a moro effective ed by tho cold and hungor to the plaintiff wore meant to refer to took her home ulon«. Christianity, as Jesusism came to there's not a tittle of evidence wire to a boy ask- means of proventlnjr destitution undat which she was exposed. Germaino's the plaintiff' us guilty of disgraceful Mr. Hutchison's que«llon« now took riedwoman, should ing him to meet"you. and Bi«ning your better organisation of the present chabe called, was slow, uncertain as that she ever did), it is highly lifo was chiefly spent watching and scandalous conduct, HOTELS FOR SALE. a turn m the direction of matters an Yea. name, asaiatuncc, Art over tho flocks In tho pastures, HOTEL Seaport town. Leaso 4% to numbers, and circumscribed a§v probable that she did pity His 4. Tho defendants as aforesaid fur- affecting the use of the telephone. Christian dayof tho races, when Hut- otic system of public ringing up the On oritlro revision Poor Law udmlnuW and, spite neglect and cruelty, ther. In tho same lss,ue of the said Witness In of recollected tho. of Takings £35. to geographical limits. years. -Rent low. Judaism pitiful plight, and that her pity < her soul grow rapidly, m holiness newspaper printed and published tho young men mentioned by Mrs. Smytho rtak tjaHittiJiome-to tea, witness's als- trotlon Is proposed, with the transferPrlco £1000. aggressive was much more and to him Jklrs, Stewart, suggested ter, *>r of ull dutle« relutlni? io the-rcllufl and perfection. Tho unhappincss following words of and concerning the m evidence yesterday. This wn*.prior HOTEL South IBlaud, doing. £120 progressive m its propagandum, for Jesus took the beautiful yet tkeep her pompany. White they ence of hor homo was borne with un- j plaintiff: of distress to a new Department unper week. Rent £8. Prlco £1600. pleading for practical form of to a party given by witness before her JtO witness and Hatploturea, sweetness; failing and whilo tho der a Minister of Labor. CouhoHh.0% Sydney. A«,!'uf them were ac- wore at tho Leaso 16 months. and, therefore, more.prolific and Him with her husband, the plaHOTEI>-BlenheiKi. Lawyer Tom Wllford then look trip to stayed In the drawlnir-room and counties or county borough* would ho villagers ridiculed her Infirmities i Rjpnt £2 10s. Takings £38: Prico prosperous m the numbers and quaintances of wi'nesa.' Mr«. Smytbe rick m hand. To him she with Mra. tho witness | pusillanimous, The conversation catory,yet because and blamod hor pioty, sho strove j once denied, witness the use' of talked. £650.' baby required to anccrtnln the nature and character of its proselytes. said that never,,during the course nevertelephone, by all means In hor power to conmuch-perplexed, Pilate. To have the only reference to Smuthc about Hatrlck and thewaa m extent of existing dlHtre»»~frow un-« HOTEL-^Near Wollington; Leaso 4 tho friendship Miles, with had she night of her that Hatrlck place ! sole them m sorrow and help Takings £105. being-made by Miss Mow- took employment, accident, infirmity, men«« years.' Rent £12. explained such interest m Jesus night before the rrfeca, tal defect, made an appointment with htm. regulations them m their need. Sho used to prlco £3100. when Bho 'phoned to Fcildlng. tho hbuso thobaby to or any other cause— alsd Long befpro Jdsus was born by a high-placed Pagan proselyte lem bed, a aa Mrs. then handed telegram, put Counsel and the gather round her HtUo children, I HOTEL— Country. Freehold., Show- and long after He died, Judaism did not consider that.she had fimytho had stated. Tho Collego boya distress and defecut among: nchool Witness 20, 'December to the witness: ' Judaism have been diffidated | to and speak to them of our Lord and children; and to exercise full Porllu-* spoken "lUjhtiy" to young men ing £1600 ..yearly dear profit Price* w^uld Charles Miles, Meeting you ever at witness's house, but sho mentary powers conferred on them ta thoßloescd Virgin; and her pupils over, tho telophone. as Mrs. Smythe were often £6000. Most of money can bo made proselytes among the Ro- cult, if not impossible, because cigarettes. I with supply there for week end. them Palmerston forgot angelic novor the expression man and other Pagans; Josusism probably, Procla had never seen , arrest or relievo all such distress* financed. had suggested. Early m October Mrs. did not Vera,. had no recollection of having With regard to of hor countenance. Her ono Joy | HOTEL Wellington. Lease 6 years, few or none. It was not till long or heard of Jesus before He was Smythe, while VteUing witness, told She MHoa. As a with the^ able-bodied unemcigarettes witness admitted sendreply, was In smoked Holy Communion, and -there doing £170 weekly. Prlco £4600. that she hftd! been told by a lady rule, aho did not smoke; -Lain, aFijian, ployed, it Is proposed to ropeal ttoi her after the wire, destruction of Jerusalem husband's but did not ing regard brought before her the It strength she found to bear her ijOTEL— Near Blenheim. Lease/ 5 by Titus, and the that it was onHrltness'w account that waa a frequent visitor at tho houso be- Unemployed Workman .Act of 1905* cross. At length, Jesus Christ ! as an appointment. Later Hhe ad- Hiurlck resultant fatal judgment scat. But there is just Takings £50. years. Rent £5. had b*en compelled to leave aad all I)SHtreR« CommUtcoail Tho ahe tied* that It wa». reason fore ho left school. Sho never remem- and abolish poor shepdispersion j and final called to Himself tho mi of the Jews one plausible theory to explain Prico £1850. 10 acres land. Zealand. Witness's reply to Mrs. bered tho MlnlKlor of I^nbor la to taki| New boy smoking at tho house. boy herdess, by her wires to . a her the whoso life had been so signed Finances aningctl. For further par- that Jesusism began to be known Procla's intervention which dewas "Live and learn." Hat- Witness denlod having over Wssod all poAAtble. Kteps to prevent unonM faithful an Imitation of Hla own. Christian' name was that she was Smytbe for America v few duyn ufter Miles, or that ho had done the same to ploymcnt. to ro-employ the worklcuau tlculars apply left and noticeable as rlck obnoxious briefly to to be noticed. m tho house as "Vera," ago serves Germaino died at tho known of 22. from a trip to Aus- her. She could not remember Miles and prevent phy«lcal. mental, nr moral, JOHN BROptE AND CO., returned witness of,the most sacred and cherby many never addressed her passing though Twer monks ho through Pibwhich Mra. putting his arms around her, Tho boys degeneration of the out-of-worka. Tho stitement 7 and S King's Chambers, WUlis-st, ished religious and political tralia. bright light shining rac saw a that name. ideas to witness. romping at tho house, Rale of progress of public works la tq There were noble men and wohad communicated Smythe . WELLINGTON. tho.cottago only where that the wcro always lay over she and reason Counsel: Is Hatrick, was absolute- and and customs of Rome and Jewry. men, with noble minds, among the witness squealed, as be regulated by the Treasury and tha only to time In reference the why virgins clothed In white conductgive Jury you, the a you can any foundation of fact. told by Sraythe. wa« when tho boys 1-abor Minister— over a wn years' fully years For two hundred without ly the woman, the Jews. Some sister heaven. should ing Romans and of. a new to married wire to a " not, since her marriage, carher and her period, with ronervea for tlmiw oC SIX GOOD BOOKS. Christian Church was little more these may have seen and heard boy, asking him to meet you and She hod a filrtafon m any way with turned the hose on EveJyn Tbaw alack trade. Some of the Bill's proon l, Thtf Story of My Life ried friends. your Christian name? Yea. signing Wlllla than the grain of mustard seed to tlcsua. Like others who saw and Tho Whlto Slavo Market Ho vas only a. privileged How wouldMiles know posals are "lifted" from Ui» famous Hatrick. Mr. Wllford: which Jesus likened the Kingdom heard Him, they may have been Most of the trouble In this world Is Meaning thereby that the telegram as friend of hers, j The Saada of Pleasure when to come to your place?-— He came Minority Report of the Royal Commis> . Wl, s of one-half tho above act forth was proposing or makWhy Glrla Qo Wrong Go<J; Christianity beforo the fact that about to matters with Miles, whenever ho liked. sion on the Poor Law*. Reverting due to but Him, interested m and desirous of Willis ' Whlto Slaves of .London In tho world are men and the ing an appointment with the person to witness denied taring a whistle signal Mr. Wllford: Ithought so. He waa ..- ~\ '■ , Cd. J* Braby began to nourish and spread like saving Him from the dreadful peoplo * telegram Downward.PoatFrtk:. women. was morning, addressed to with Mile*. Tie "Policeman Holi- welcome at noon and night, whom the Is a green* bay trco, m which the i'ato to which they saw He was other half aro the plaintiff at Pulmoraton day" whluUc wt* not an arranged one and ho took advantage, of. that welAnswered tho laat roll call at Dot-* ROBINBON, BOOKSELLER, conservatory at an meet In a abode, air made their Ovorheard week-end, fowls of the ing and menn doomed. Neither as Romans nor Impromptu dance -on Wellington-ter- North for the Mlngton. t!«ptaln John Washlnjrtort ChrUtohurch. between them, bn It wa« one (hoy hud come? Ye*. Victorin-square^ guilty through painful (he a of it had to pass also lhai the plaintiff was other l»oyt» up from icarinj? as Jews dared they interfere, m Mr. Wllford: You rwiHw ihls 1* v WalkPr lately In commantl of th<s the other nlgbt, "Won't you let further dbfcroceful and scandalous picked School vhlntlv 11. It being n jM»t> D©« In which you »re o*UlnK for dum- Wairnakarirl Mounted:- H«l*#. HOTjBL period of repression -and protract- view oC the. friphtful fermenta- race at the mo hug you?" ho oakc \ ; "Certainly conduct. closed wan the son of Captain William! well known cauh. o«i»i4 against Smytho?— Y*«. persecution. ed the fair one. wouldn't replied tion not!" "It High Priests, into which the LANBTON-QUAY, WELLINGTON. 6. The defendants also. In tho same Tlwn why do you mak<» tho«« In- Walker, and was born In Yorkshire In Lato m Ootojrr Mr. Bove Khowod fow minutes nftcr th«y the Scribes, and the Pharisees had bo proper."onA tho Issue of the said newspaper published witneJM-an anoAymou* letter (tha; of sinuations against JSmythc? tho Cold Country 89 years asp. Tho E. M. DAVEY !. ProprfetreM. donco floor. Sho were seen . hftnd, Judaism worked up the mob against Jesus. wft» In his tirm», and they were tango- tho following words of and concerning tho 16th Octobtr). Bhu lutd a good His Honor: Witness Is not respon- CapUUn was vlco-prcsldent^ of tha On tht'. other WolUngHotel Imperial tho <I>atc of Idea as to who ;wob tho writer af It. sible for tho conduct of her case. You Veterans' Aattociaiion and proitdoatot made many proselytes among Excited mobs have often been ing for oil they were-worth... Sho never tho plaintiff; toh, also W<«(; Coast) Between U*q v*TtttasaL ot fLnoso <,wo- must callMr, Hutchisonif you iroat u> ibe. yotocanii*JD6fefiCAdUoo^tbi and Komana aud medium Greeks made tho o£ the -most murmured. both THEeSBEST* O^BXSRX^g^ course, you/ can buy. a sowing' -machine for less money than yon would pay for a Singer-— all the world knows that But consider this: When a Singer is bought and paid for, it is PAID FOR-^it lasts a lifetime. A cheap machine is NEVER PAID FOR. Every penny expended lor repairs must t>e added to the original!: cost— it's an jendless system of instalments. These instalments, added .to the' the machine, soon ex-. " ceed the cost of a Singer, and- after each successive repair (IF you CAN GET another part) the cheap machine grows jnore, and more secondhand— nearer, junk heap.\ , 'one "<'step SOLDthe ONLY BY - SINGER SEWING MACHINE Fuller Report CHRIST CÆSAR NAPOLEON Case, — 1 1 ■■ tf.'"" > . ■'" ■ . < v . t ; #l^liiy^€afc| . 4 1 -1 :' : ■ .. ■ - ■ . ■ ■ i : ■ — ■ — 1 — > . — v . ■ ■■ . . ; t m ■■ -. " .. . ,_^ . DAWSON'S WHISKY — — > ■ - .. ( — — — — I - - -- -- -- — TO — 1 "~"ROYAL 1 , . ■ TRUTH, SATURDAY, JULY 4, 1914. BAILEY BOLTS. MttBOORNrS MARVELLOUS MEDIUM UNMASKED. " " PIOUS SPOOKED APPORT PRODUCER DESERTS HIS SPOUSE. Leaves Concubine and Child Oncared for. ' Wfeere^the Precious■**^Apports" Come From— Asiatic and European v Pals at Work. '" Packet— Will Fanatics With "Faith" : "Keep Believing?" Cl. years ago since spook-' v fakir,'.,appprt producer, ;and, at that ~/. !lt-|s- many you had better let it (the mummy) stop in' mother's front room. If -S .time darling of .spiritualists m gene- anything- happens there take posral, Charles;Bailey, wasi submitted to ,1 session of it; don't give the people the ignominy of exposure at the hands you. are stopping with! any inform'ofiH^nry Driver, presti<;iigitateur and ation about me. I.have every , }'. had replied, It is like your impusubsequently had an interdence.' I view with Mr. Stanford, who said he? had heard Bailey had gone away with a woman who was not his wife. He added he was very, sorry for me, -font expressed unbounded confidence m Bailey's powers as a medium. He showed me his apports rubbish, some of which Ihad 'made myself. Irecognised things that, had come from Bailey's Asiatic accomplices, as well as things I had seen Bailey-manufacturing with the aid of his chemical know* MRS. HAWTHORNES HASH. NATIVE LAND DEAL WAS EVERYTHING BONAJIDE AND ABOVE BOARD? ELLEN MAKES A MESS OF MATRIMONY. A DISPUTED AGREEMENT: MAORIS ledge." Asked as to any accomplices Bailey had m. order to enat>ie him to carry out his fraudulent tricks, Mrs. Bailey unlocked a desk and produced photographs of one of,Bailey's Indian fakir pals, and that of an Indian woman, alleged to be the iakir's wife, and a number of letters. She had' secured [From "Truth's" these before Bafley-'finaUy ceased to live -with her. They -were written some years* ago, but they show conRecently, in* Auckland, Sir Joseph . Ward, clusively- the ..-..'.. m a press interview, intimated METHODS EMPLOYED IN "SECURthsit he had received certain informa; ING "ARPORTS." " concerning deals m native land, These are extracts from long screeds tion which came from "Nus Mohammed, which he considered were not m the Village Mungal,- 8,0., Shah Kat, Dis- best' interests of the country, and' furtrict Julfundur, Punjaub, India": ther hinted that more would be heard Dear, Dear Friend,— l,received your of the matter, "Truth" presumes, m welcome post this evening, and was Parliament. Incidentally, m a leading well enjoy with it myself. It were four articals m a lot, namely, letter, article last week, "Truth" called on n..paper, book of. picture, the "Aus- Sir Joseph /Ward to make public all he tralasian." Thanks; many, many knew, and intimated that it would also thanks for it. My word, 'you have throw, some lignt on some deals m serve me well. But Iam very bad which, to use Sir Joseph's boy, because Icould not send you any- native land thing from India, Iam still" getting , words, "were not m the best interests your weekly newspaper. But now I of tile country." "Truth" has an idea hope you! don't trouble yourself, be- that it knows that Sir Joseph should cause Jl am getting ready now to start know, indeed, that the whole of New CHARLES BAILEY at your,Australia, Iwill try for your Zealand should^ know. . Whether, Indian birds from Ceylone. Ithink I however, Sir J. Ward's .remarks had not appear m the advertisements. .I shall get you nearly everything as any' particular application to certain have since made inquiries concerning many you had tolled me. Fortnight native land deals which, on Wednesthe matter from the auctioneer." ago Ihad sent you a first series of day last, concerned Judge Wilson m Asked as to the nature of his spiri- quaran. About week ago Isent.you* the Native Land Board, Auckland, is tualistic manifestations Mrs. liailey to seed of mango. To-day Iam send- not known, but the indications are DIVORCE WATCHER AND WARYv — PROCEEDINGSjYSTCRIOUSLY STAYfb... Wedded Twite,; butter a "Wkider*^ Solicitor Sullivan Seeks Satisfaction. Barrister Blomfield's Bounce Benefits Nobody. . Plu« Mohammed's Parcels Post : . at 803 *lalvern-road, Armadale. Mr. Stanford bought this house specially fortmy husband. The latter TOOK HIS CONCUBINE to live there with him m luxury while I, his wife,, remained. practically destitute. Mr. Stanford, at first, dirt not.know that Ada was not Bailey's wife, but he always had some misgiving on the subject. He once asked the woman to produce her marriage lines, and she bluffed him by pretending to be most indignant. He, however, did know of the adultery m August, 1912, when Igot an order against Bailey m the St.^ilda Court My husband sold all his furniture by auction m April last, but his name did 7 (From "Truth's" ChrisjtchUrcb Rep.) — True- to her word Ellen blew along] jago that you discovei-ed you were not " " to the Magistrate's Court last "Friday j divorced? Yes, The Sub: After the proceedings m to answer a charge of bigamously the Divorce Court didn't"you ask you? marrying one George Lake, while heri solicitor if you were divorced? Yes. legal husband, James Hawthorne, wasi What did he say?— He said. "You're still alive. His Worship H; W. Bishop all right There's only an affidavit to ' was on "the bench.' come from Christchurch." He also* told me that Iwouldn't have to appear* i Ellen looked her best m a frontis■ piece which, although nothing worth again.* Jim went on to ,say that after findbursting .into verse over, easily justified its manifest embellishments. ing that the bottom: had been banged lie put the. Frami^ her physiognomy was an clean out of his abundance t)f raven glory topped off case m the hands of Lawyer Tippen, with a 'black velvet, upended flowerpot hot, dashed now and again with yellow. From the chin downwards, blue and black was the color scheme of the much married madam's attire. Lawyer Bob Leathern, with his "smile that won't come off," acted as her A.D.C. Jim Hawthorne told the Court he . Auckland Rep.] better for everybody* concerned. The. Native Land Board was sitting on Wednesday when Mr. J. j. Sullivan, acting on- behalf of certain natives, who are parties to the agreement with Mrs. Rachael Winifred Elibtt, took the opportunity of mentioning to presiding Judge Wilson that he was opposing the confirmation of the lease ofcertain native property to one Mrs. Winnie Alison, daughter-in-law of the redoubtable E. W. Alison, and would like; to ask. for an explanation concerning"> transfer of 80 acires of. the same block to Mrs.„Rachael Winifred Eliott. In effect, Mr. Sullivan said that the Native Land Board had approved of a transfer, other consideration being £1600, but of which ONLY £720" HAD BEEN PAID. He wanted to know what security the natives had for receiving the balance. He also asked for an explanation as to how the area had jumped up- since the confirmation by the Board from 80 acres to 82 acres and 10 perches." Would £here be any corresponding — ' . eacposer of charlatans a:iid shams. 'In' reason to,believe it 'was someone the,interim, on two sepairate occasions,; connected them "that spread lies to Stanford. I v '!»»§ 'TPrnth," the -watcher of /the weird was ' only wish I to sail certain,. I, thimble-rigger, been copijpelled leave for Adelaide on ■■ ' 1 an , all Thursday/and send with this the ''* for :' the same Charles aiid tell too-confiding .public tijiat .they were first instalment of-.your money. ' " " .';;!. .Yours, :'. '. | irulled. ..' ■ ■" : ;, bpbag " Itis some six months ago..since this ; " 'CHARLEY. "'. a^ the ,bamboozling .;. paper had .a £° On his return hes ' took. np with" Ada ~; Bailey and jthopedj that the iast had (the was a carpenter, plying for. a crust .woman he has now levanted sp> heard, of him as a 'Wonderful been down Rakaia way. ''In 1907 he hung with); and Mrs. Bailey has been suppasser of .^.jituajistid;inediunr and ias a out' m Christchurch, where his blancherself, with the aid of main"matter,;through master",and that he porting mangey feeling for "Ellen ;money -received from Bailey, tenance "of with whom she compelled, .' bacL\.tiikenr to. some honest method ' TRIPPED HIM UP INTO MATRImuch 1 , providing the wherewithal to ; against his willr ,to contribute from MONY ; KEEP. SOUL AND BODY 10s to £1 per week. She sued him with her. After five years of it, oh ' ; " !;"■*:.■ '■ again m August, 1912, m the St Kilda '■'''■''': TOGETHER. July 2, 1912, to bo exact, Jim was full ' v Sn<jh/lii6#6ver, was not to be. He has ' been: at;his'bid games and /got himself Hhis paper's "conr ' into the hands of "Truth," which ' frereV' thS Melbourne: has presented: such.-'a damning.indict-. VT ioeii^' such'aiti 'array-of meontrpyertlpreclude any bie facts' ajjtheshould 'mystifying bbnnder, chance of " Bailey^ the Watery Wowsers their Weary Winding Way through Windy Wellington. fining furth^ victims south> ," bt the line. "The harbinger of Ldght," aVibaonthlypublication, devoted to psyJAMES HAWTHORNE, chology, occultism; and spiritual^philo' Whose Divorce From Ellen Was 'following \ para-/ .„;. Sophy, contained Mysteriously Hung Up. \_ .'graph m. this month's issue , .Mr. ChaW Baileyi the medium at v ,i-"{ Mr. ;T..W.C Stanford's Melbourne He did,not know whether the fresh! <>.-; : ycircle,? has- gone ton; a prolonged proceedings were yet under, way. Lawyer Leatham: Was it before bis ,j.:"i tjrp to the old country. The: sltt:'S-\; tings of thecircleirhave, therefore," after you saw your wife m InvercarJV .-■ ■■ gill that you first found out that yotf i! ';"";■;been suspended; ] ' were not divorced? Afterwards. " Although this is noii perhaps,raaac; Sub-Inspector McKinnon produced a) it is /undbubt,:^nal' misrepreise^tation, j copy of the certificate of the Ue-up-be-^ ie'djy"a prevarication;; It is true that tween the Hawthorns m 1907. and .':' Bailey,' has Vamoosed" on a prolonged Frank Evans, registrar of marital contrip' to the old couniry,' but it 'is also tracts at Christchurch, reckoned that ■.',..,true, .that ."■ ■'■/' the ' WOMAN, r~ ACGOMPMIBD il" A FIRST AFFAIR WAS SQUARE , ■ ■"■■", who is not his"wife. ., DINKUM. The 'wife, airs; Florence Bailey,* who Ellen's second ljnot was tt*<t wltii is' now residing at Blanche-street* George Luke,* who signed tho .»»l.«.>'nraBrighton,"with' her married daughter*, ' tion on the baok of the nolle. " has been left by Bailey quite uripVovi-vember 22 of last year. ded for,' although she is m poor health "Costs" Lenthom; What was .:u> ,10with a. failing eyesight, and quit£ unCLARENCE THE CARTER :"Yes, Rather! Wonder how a Long Beer would Strike 'em?" DAN THE DRIVER :. "Nice Cheerful Little Lot, ain't they, Clarence?" Her --claration signed?— That there wus no able to earn her oVm Irving; impediment to the marriage, y,;related to "Truth," together with ' Mrs. Hawthorne wouldn't read the* eyidettce .of i^deeutnentary ' :it was all a fraud. ing you kalaf and seed of kalaf. Next that possibly there are goingotg beincrease m the consideration *said:~"Oh, yes;money? obtained an order to the neck .Court, she, of his lawful rib and at register through beforb.sho signed, whe^e fraudulency;as a'^pbok-xtiiser,';is now' I fraud, you something, , RC, week I will' send else. At this Mr. obeyed course, it.wasya. stage, which Of I knew and of Invercarglll ' per week, Lawyer for £1 uninstructed Neave SOME EXTRAORDINARY' DIS■;.:'.'.;;!U/,-'v'" ,'kV""' he^ lmake it|a practice to see giye.n. '. . Blorafield, who is to get a move on with a divorce ac- suppose?— a, month ago, when he vamoosed he "knew that Iknew. He never at- By this manner ishall keep gone on the firm of Parr til CLOSURES contracting exthat parties read it over; The jncidents.of Bailers while I am aboard; with his concubine. Mrs. Elliott's legal .adviser, jumped up tion against her. As far as Jim knew, together before tempted to deceive me m that . - respect. sending you all the "time before the particular matter is cleared- and entered a very vigorous protest Ellen, they sign. posures m ,?few; Zealand and Australia; ■■■■:""" . paid to. the deser- He has often- stood before me" 'and m India. was A visit then who was m at the Christchurch you Would too-ebnnding is, up, up. that if it will be cleared swear that Mrs. Haw-i ;...■. of. how he bilked the Sboger against the matter being reopened and time, was served with the papers m Two months ago Ihad make up Sew- ted wife by a "Truth. representative laughed heartily at the peopleabeing particular matter to which rich old man, 'Stanford,'of anew, as it had been. con- connection with the action. Anyhow, thorno read the register through? Oh, great your parcel, including your Indian The made fools. The bird trick. was discussed Melbourne, willingly m who such ; " / and I no, feme, Wouldn't go that far. ing- Machine; .lid Melbourne statements, amply verified by docu- joke with him. Speaking of the bowl shoes, and had took it to the post- "Truth" refers is a transfer of some 80 firmed by the Board of which W. Jim's "costs" went on with the proodd ofland the KoheNo. Perhaps you would .be surprise landed 2000 golden quidlets from him, mentary evidence which acres known as parcel; but the Continent, he said he was master for Australian Dinnie, was President. Ho also added ceedings, but Jim could never get any showed that out on' the ;^;or how attended |he University as the parties postmaster said Iwon't be responsible whata, block 69, m the district of Kai- that the transfer to Mrs. Elliott was satisfaction from him as to whetKer ed to know that she can't^read?— She May 14, caught speak v married because he could not pn were ' , signed kohe, from certain natives -to Mrs. declaration, anyway. a studient" m chemistry, of how he now m the Lands Transfer Office and his decroe had been carved oh* or not. Yes. the. 1885. Bailey was then 21 years of age, French. Ihavehad his birds m rooms for losing, and on other hand he want, Raphael There are any number of peo-* Winifred Eliott, who is the was registered. ' Therefore I GOT INTO TOUCfI WITH- OCCULT- working as a. bootmaker, while Mrs. at my house, and have tended, them too much parcel rate. The Did, you appear S.M.:' m Court pie who can sign their names yet can-* wife of Geo. Eliott, a' leading Auck; : Jsk ■■;■■■:Mr. Sullivan rejoined that the regis- to support the petition? Oh, yea! not read. Bailey, whose.maiden name was Mor- for him. He stowed the poor little thought Iwill take these things with land, v "C " v , broker, but still better known as tration of the deed was ' yet com- About IS months ago I appeared at not /per m^djunv of Asiatics, of how, after ley, was also 21 years' of age and a birds about his person, and sometimes myself when ' I "go to Australia. A civil servant with a nose, oti President of the Auckland Exhibition. ■'. nearly smothered them. With regard .plete. "It is beingregistered andIwant the Supreme Court »n Invorcarffill be- which there NUS MOHAMMED. being" /Saiight. "nappiiig" he was chas- dressmaker. .^ wns a most bountiful This transfer was effected on Sep- it stopped from going through /until several to the other he had fore Mr. Justice Williams. "appprts,". j.' cdthrovigh the:streets of Sydney, are She said:— . blossom, mentioned My Dear, Dear Friend, his] tember 21, 1912. The price or consiTa Lawyer Leatham: The. case was optics glued on last that he had [ ..;.. top >reperit and too well-known to re- "We lived together for twelve years Asiatic friends, and some Europeans To-day Ihave sfend you a parcel, in- deration of transfer was £1600, of the natives know precisely where they November's con-< stand," "m the know." An Indian he said. marriage, fairly,,happy. after and were were also , qu^re jfurthfir^ cpnimerit, here. ' closed m it 'cotton seed, Indian dry which/ so far as records show, £720 tract between Ellen and Lake whlcli Mr. Blomueld again broke m by say/rhis,;bpun.ding bobdler has been We met one another first at a spirl-. taught him the seed and mango plant peas, Hindoo plctur, and Indian golden has' been paid. Without, at present, was alleged . ., " three trips. [world my "aping practising I not much* m house* A lot of his that he "had been m the and is now tui.Hstlcx.seance. was »trick " shoes, Indian rich ribbon and kalaf going into the why or wherefore, or t " On"! these' peregrina- taken* up with spiritualism,, and I TO years, rubbish. I remember an the Native Land Court for 25 BE A "SCFILtiiNTfiR." perports" were i, puy his fpurthi and seed of kalaf. The quaran Ishall wrongs and rights of either the na>. to give it up. He old- flag, bound with a bit of red stuff. get you when Icome myself. and he had never known tions^ heinbtonjy secured "apports," suaded my husband John Hop Williams, laden' with n> ' tives or Mrs. or Mr. Eliott, "Truth" .temperance a lecturer, him.sup> then became It butapßbinted^agentsltokeep stupendous note book, translated soiho NUS MOHAMMED. from a perusal of SUCH AN INSULTING ATTITUDE might that, mention to-, of taking pains speak a lot correct,-., plied^.i He worked with these agents hieroglyphics which showed that on WAS "PHENOMENALLY" PROthe filed agreement m the Auckland to be taken up by any man Dear Friend,— lhad send up your office, tli« 'afternoon of last Saint Paddy's ";"■;■■ onva' system,'of exchange. They sup^ ly and make good speeches. Ultimconnected^ DUCED Native Land Board, it of the " -plledf him jwith "appprts" frpniabroad,. ately Ifound he was unfaithful to me, reputable with any Ilrm. parcel by a man to the Jullundur postDay he paid hln respects to EOon at ngreement v a section of tho finds that by a spirit at a seance. Well, It was I master to send you m Australia, but Aiigus-utruet, whvro sh« wna living* f ."<■" andjhe'supplied them with "apports" and that he was M£. Sullivan should have adopted as follows: who stitched and trimmed that phe- the man brought it back again on ac- runs the course of making himself acquaintwith .lordle iJtke. Jn answer to tho from Australia. On his third trip he COMMITTING ADULTERY Mrs, Annie: <; wentsunder, enigagement to> nomenal flag for him. While he was count it was not perfactly seal up, Copper's queries Ellen said who hod The contractor (Mrs. Eliott) % ed with the facts. Had ho come to him (Mr. Blomfleld) he would have .■-■■■, Taylor, .who runs a clairvoyant joint with a young woman from Heathcpte, carrying on .with the woman Ada he gone through the 'form of murriagu to* shall use her best endeavors leading' her to believe he was a single used to come' to me and fetch ''apexplained everything. with"\lPastor Abbott. 'Wiien the trio procure the location and erection with Lake on November 2a, ISU3, ami i I helped him to Mr. Sullivan replied thai he had been ports" with him. sailed' for Europe, Bj]iney.,,was accomof the Kaikoho railway station that ihb happy duo had signed the repanied by ai woman who called herself gister as Ellen Day and Geocgu Lake make them up. I was friendly with instructed by the natives when m and premises on the said land or Kaikohe, that when he got to Auckhim, although cohabitation had ceasMrs. Ada Bailey, and,made no.scruple respectively. Ellen didn't .know wherfr as podftible and at as early as. n ear '■■■ .dr obitiupying the bed that rightly beland, he was to investigate the matter, ed. Ihad grown Indifferent as to als her former 40 per cent, was hanging"" a date as possible. . Bailey's lawful spouse. Mrs. adultery. Ialways kept quiet, and and report to them how they stood, out. but wild that she hnd tired In an '«.'""■ lodged to fare, agreed to pay Bailey's divulged his secrets regarding What this signifies "Truth" is not go- as they believed that there was someapplication for unnalntenunce order never ' " ■; However, ribt;-!'Mrs. Ada, Bailey's.V the "apport" frauds. He~ was working ing to say. thing which was not quit© m order. against him: However, without wishing to offer As the officials could riot give him all Sergt. Davy Jackson said he met her she 'XiUiinfttely consetxtod to advance for some spiritualistic syndicate. He £60 to> pay the woman's passage, the was supposed to bo going for the purany comment at this stage, "Truth" the information he desired, he camo jIn.Colombo-street last November when pose of discovering hidden treasure. amount to be refunded.^ Before reproposes to, deal with what happened before the Judge, who. was President :she asked him when her husband was -1 had arow; turnjng to AMStfalla, How he laughed at the syndicate fools, at the Native Land Board on Wednes- of the Board. jgoing to got a divorce and ho replied laugh when ho with;Annie" and her' pastor, and Annie that, Iknow how he used to day last and suggests m view of Mr.BlomQeld next questioned Mr. that he know nothing abput the mat'"-' dcma'nded the returniiof the -£6O. The 1 successfully." gulling people ' |the heat displayed all round, that the Sullivan's status m the matter, wherewas tor it 'wasn't m his lino. Some tlm» forthcoming, Bailey she sued said that money being Continuing, not Mrs. r afterwards ■"BHon tola Davy that tehe< quicker the matter is cleared up the upon Mr. Sullivan offered to go into the Court, joining desertion she County; -Bailey m the when sho learned of.the witness box and swear that he had was going to ace Hawthorne about tho ELLEN HAWTHORNE, "Mrs, Ada Bailey"\ as co-defendant. sought an interview with Stanford. maintenance, and Davy said he reckw been engaged by the natives, whose secretary, Matrimony who said Who Mnde a Mesa of Had tho suit proceeded there "I saw the latter's oned sho had no chance. "Why," aha names he mentioned. One word led lo In addition to these, letters werepro- many and eventually Mr. Blomiield de" WOUUD HAVE BEEN EXPOsuavely, 'Mr. Bailey has gone on a asked tho sergeant, "ain't I ■■■■" Enropean, Flndlay, bo übfrom G. G. world, and will duced a SURfiS, tour round the clared that, during the whole course of calfrd all right and "costa" Neave afKEEPING ALT/ RIGHT NOW?" Villa, Tank-street, Auckland Brisreplied, "Well, of sent for two years.' I his" Native Land Court experience, he terwards Intimated that evklence In but- tho caso was conveniently setbane, who apparently devoted himself had replied that he believed sh© " " ,tlod< and hushed up.:iAs Bailey's conDavy Iam his wife. Ihave been a better scheme for had never known connection with it was to bo taken nt was. * to tho "bird apports." . , HEARTLESSLY DESERTED, x the cubino signed 'hor affidavit m the case .Mm didn't know that Christchurch. clearly shown, "Truth" has now to ' " *'Ada Bailey,1 the _.ireal Mrs. Bailey Lawyer Leathanj: What \vn»? thai ca*o could only a divorce op In and left, sick and ailing, without that the evidence all but the obesaed. interests date of lhat Interview, sorgennt? threatened to prosecute, her for per-. bo Urken on commission wUvn the witNATIVES, f means of support. My husband has Davy: It whs Carnival week, beFRAUD, IS A He BAILEY God/one. away from »Jury,^and. Bailey, was much perturbed, with woman.' neb's was away another' Mr. gone and, he would like to remind Mr. Sulcause Iasked her if she knew whoj a.t^oou i""- pandit Js said to bo his wife's continuhad divorce ual 'answered, ' secretary confidence trickster of the first he a dorand a Stanford's ' livan, whom ho described as "My reckoned magnitude, and, like most fellows who promo Court sittings conclud- ther there were any lmrd ca«e« knockV ed threats In .this respect that has rowfully, 'Yes, that has been the great friend," that the husband or the lady In the Su ing about tho town. <"■';', cleverly practice such palpable Imposicaused him to, clear put now. But was none other than Mr. ed.Lawyer l^athum: Didn't you mok« CONCUBINK JENNIE, Now. think again, sergount. Didn't Adtei*ls not the only concobine that tion, he is a promiscuous womanistfr. question accused Hoy that Hbice Hawthorne George EHott, chairman of the Exhibitho i BiiUpy has had. He lived, under the time lnvcrcargllJ wrecked the lives of two wo«o»ne u«o? He has " tion, and owner of ono cf tho most a tri^> io - ptetence that ho was a single man, ; hadn't divorced her Him. was goii\g to , year ago. ho was hla wife's nnd his first concua. —Yes, about men/ man. Iwent and told her that hug him for maintenance? Y»«x, valuable blocks of buildings m Queennho with a girl named Jennie, whose por- my husband. She wan terribly cut up. bine's while his second concubine will strolt. And you saw tho aci!u«ud there?— might haves said that. I won't sw«ar In which Messrs. Nicholson and trait, decked out In her lover's Unlver- and told me she had a baby boy by probably be given the go-by when he 60llcltors, cfli'ce was situated. Yea. Grlbbens, it, to v sltyii headgear and gpwxi, we publish. him. She also said ho had promised Did you talk about a watch that bcMr. Sullivan replied that he was not iMwyer Leaiham submitted thafr Jennie had a child to Bailey whlio the to marry her. and that he had taken oC the marrlaßC?— child ton persons with tho m this lonKinl concerned there was no case to go to v Jttry, but. latter was living wkh his wife and her to Sydney, where her baby was ye>«! Oh, Himply acting AND Hi wan on In(h« MOHAMMED'S WII-'K matter. S.M. played four nccs and Elian, lawfnl daughters. . i born. Iseparated from him and sued At that time you «ald you'd fc'otyo»«* protesting -her Innocence of criminal structions and tho records which apASSISTANT. Bailey had been living with this girl Colllngpeared on tho file In the Native Land docrco?— No. As ftfr as I know. Itold intentlooH, was committed for trial n& him for maintenance In the (unknown to his wife) at the same wodd Court. Ultimately he begged Board. her 1 had-posted tho ..watch und that the next «lttinKH of tho Suprcm©cohabiting he with the next, tlmoos was and. ho likes know what Is In Judge Wilson then Ht&ted that ho yho his way back to me, and I forgave Court. latter, and had taken1his concubine 1o dutyablc parcel, because Australia is thought the best coarse to adopt would him. Then ho went on working for IS Hall wns allowed. Sydney to be confined. . The young months. WAS A FREE WOMAN, country. So now Ithink I will go to Then he met this woman tfto Alison jukl KUott mattere be to lot woman hailed from Heatticote, and he Ado, with whom he has since ltved us .lullumlur myself, and shall «ond your as they wero ntll the Board alwul stand a convftniation Tlien there was met her at a seance. When Mrs. Bai- her husband. Indian curiosities. 1 have bought a Ho paid me some met tit Kaikobe lo August, where the tlift dJvouce?— l can only remember I cannot A well-known Wellington toucher, nH, ley learned of' the liaison and Induced money for two years. 1 havo had to fine Indian golden shoes. parties reside, uiul where they could Kaylnj? »ho wa« free a« txir tua 1 know. Halloy to own up, there was a separa- continually threaten him with legal v convivial ntcctuip the other ntirht, seyd It by parcel, but will brlnj? up bo examined. Impression at UVr<- y«»u under the .-'( Hon.; She Informod the girl of her In tbo following ircm.* B« uaJtl 1£ August. St me m runt? up .'ntorjoctod had him at tho with Mr. Sullivan here In di1 that. for petition your (hiu proceedings. time that NITS MOHAMMED. occurrod In l»i» own experience, but, paramour's treachery, and a few years Kllda Court last August twelve the meantime, the land might be sold vorce hud boon HticcwjsCul?— Ye*. that'H another quostion. "'I tutktd & by Ellott, and be woula ask the Judge later had Bailey arrested for descrt- months, and got an. order against him Sub-Inspector Mctvtnnon.a«kcd .Urn boy In my claim." wild lit*. *to illu*-' injr.hcr'and his daughter. An order for £1 per Dear Friend, I have sent you a week, which ho complied to inform the District Land Registrar whothor fly at him lillen had had a 'dfttnpor' i« parcel. Inclosed in* It cotton seed, was roado for the payment of 10s a of tno position and the exact area con- for malntonanoi! a coupio of months trato the two of the word-that, month ago. The clerk mum iw mryn Hindoo "Dsd -, week and the defendant was required with until a received dry peas, plctur, firmed, na well ca the fact that tho Indian a sftntence." grain, enclosa letter "Ye**." of the courts ulx>nt hJ« fcot l>«« tlcular damperwhole of the purchase money hud. not ago and Jim nnswcrwl too golden ribbon, noxlvo stales coins, ka*to find a surety of <£ 25 within 24 ing money that wa« described by the What did you do m ih«> mnlier?— l injfwijJGd." with tho or- writer boen paid, n« ordered by President r laf and seed of kalaf, seed of euro*, hours for bis compliance " consulted my HollcHor about It. Dtnnle. ' as soft stuff for our pillow, our rock salt. y der. : ■■." /■■"-." ': - ' Uiwy«r henthftm: Why?— Because I In th« fjunoiw cold l«a aad<#in4r«rTh»s led. Mr. Blorafield to again deUltimately Bailey deserted Jennie A "FINAL. PAYMENT," native sweet meal, co. Iam shameful .rimprt-jwton that I was l raid on BUI Majwey t'oCbep-duy, i* *and her baby, and, obtaining the as Icould not send you your promts clare "that the deal waa a perfectly was under the th* plaintiff and need pop as Bailey bad left Australia. The letrenwlo tea-kettle called Mi*. Don, who I divorced .'from date, as Ihad mentioned m straightforward one. nnd In tho beat on certain ter was In a woman* handwriting, U»o Job of president oftho krop, FORGIVENESS OF ms WIFE, her holdn down pay for native*, according Shoes and lntercata of the to !not my succeeding letter. and was unsigned. I have received oniy ». co«pl».» of months \Vlmroln'» Cold T<» Onton, reckoned wa« which Th*»n it her, renwUnlng quoted. with her no money since, .1 learnod from JJr. ho I tu"> agreementM from quaran 1 qhall koi you when 1 com« returned to tb^y; Uwt In tho I'robiWUon movement for 18 monthH. She knew his tricks. Stanford t hut my husband Had urone Mr. Kulllvnn; Vi>». myself. Are you coming to India. It MR. STANFoHD. n«t to Ui*> HuflNra««Uo movemvni, Iwid, a fraud, and he to Scotland to a Dr. Coatc*. a big aplyou do, hurry up, because Iam waJtirtif * She knew ho wasHere la a letter tbo largcHt number of women In Mm LOOK AT TUB AGREEMENT, ho rUuallst My husband has been round kpew she knew. to you. Iwish I could send you lot world. Well, f«mal«> cold t«a prop*-. t atn Vet, not'Inatructlo »». and Ireel that your my bya now Honor! daughter the, pro»ont beforeleav- the world three tlmw» already. The flamn. is attracted sent her and his of Indian curiositlen. In gaiar* never bay* much iwmo p^tinf again to who protected doing my duty la "Imost v th« miUvc« withstanding It Mr. HlomfloM but concerning try .'HI thk*». a. won- woman Ada was with him the lasi grief; yc-8, the great rief t-nbout that time 1. jfet too much to do. -I shall ing" for Adelaide Urn*, but wb«n they corapare thorn* '»»w U»o matter, ami ItiHlructed m«. some moro larfi-er certainty that, nhonld the crafty creu- u#u]w«i derful mummy (that Was HObsoqnent- time, and In stilt with him. She poaod woman, and Mr. BiTjkiy'M wife' I my bent to get you Hfttvwi Jud«;«* WHuon to & lot of chureh-bttroloft ood upshot will bo Mi. Sullivan vena inTho w«» that AujitntlosUt, complained hethat picture. Yours most ture return to ly tfe bo shown' as an! "apport") which as "Mrs. Ada Bailey" In the Tumor was further told that dr. Stanfordhad and roat Hindoo uUujd morderoon mwn»*c«, they deflim thclff , <Hffgli»K til'" b Urn thul the mutter should spiritualistic iho X «P matter decided kulUdk aj?aln receive*! Into ho bad left behind;— ■ Baiksy case. I- think lie nan cleared asked the woman to iruduco hermar- obedient, In abcyanco until lh« lJoord met at own potation- us rcgardH wuilty and tb»' KOOll MOHAMMED, circle with open nrnxa as a mighty and referring to tho agreement. proper proportion of thlnau. » out with the woman for good this riago linos (at tho tin,/ hv wiu«-dubiMr, simply jDear- Vlo and Allco^— I &xn tn August nctu fanaticism 1 Sullivan: uoUnu-^n Kalkoho Indian. medium. «ucb la ous<O9 to her bona udcil), and.that sba m adultery with - 1 ■ ■ . ', ■.'. . — -\ ; 1 - "Procesh " Parsons' and Prohibs.' When . to Parliament. Wended th^ — ■ he^ia ; ■ - " r stb/r '' „., ( . . ■ ,, . — - - "--'%■■ ".f'— ■ — % . roun^L '' —. .. , ■ . . — . . . — . 1 - ■ ■ ■ \bbst —— . — — ■" '■' ■ ■ « . . . . ~Unw. — Uo lived hcx^ K«i»K TRUTH, SATURDAY, JULY 4, 1914. 8' Q J , / DRINK . ;" ' ' ... ; TRAINERS OF GALLOPERS AND TROTTERS. \TO Do you have arj?|trouble m getting your horse fit? Does he go sour or fret? Do you want him to run the race of his ' life? Just have a look here at this GRAND HOIISE FOOD TONICS- OWNERS^AND 28lbs 12/6 ** f^b I K.I** harmless. 28lbs 12/6 ■** Itwill do all you require and it is perfectly Many testimon' ials have been received from all parts of the Dominion. Trainer D. Moraoghan, of Ellerslie, who has had Master Sbult m his charge since he shas been training, says: -"Mi-kiis the best remedy and stimulant for horses who are m any way anaemic, and'-a> great cure for worms and — bots." WHISKY — "Ml-ta" is obtainable from the ". . N.Z. FRUIT AND PRODUCE CO., LTD. f . : The useful Settler ran a good race on both days at Napier. .ter Acceptances for the Wellington Winmeeting close on Monday night. Chortle is m the Winter Cup, but not m the Grand National Hurdles. Mr. J. McMahon, chief stipendiary left on a holiday visit to Sydney last i week. f .Peary and The Spaniard overshadow the other entrants for the'Grand National Steeplechase. . stone, ' Miscount figures amongst the entrants for the Winter Cup. " The ex-Wellington jockey, H. Cairns, will ride Clontaft m the V.R.C.Nation- ,? al Hurdles to-day, i' > Obi, the favorite< for .this .yeafs V.R.C. Grand National Hurdles* has already won the race oh two previous " .-v ' '/ t occasions. Ruffy is booked to leave for Trentham this week m charge of G. Morris, The 'chaser will be ridden by McFlyiui m his races. '■' — . SPLENDID.SELECTION IAN AND BROWN "Dick" Pdrcivars broken legfis just about right again and he hopes to be hunting them along again at the Na<tional' meeting. " Jockey W. Ayre has gone sou(h and will ;ride Mr. D. Rutherford's fla"t horses next season, while H. Coker will, as m the past, steer the jumpers. ' At the conclusion of the racing at v*' ~ Napier, Sam Pan was brought by Mr. Hassel, who it is thought, was actingon behalf of Mr. H.^M. Campbell,;M.P. ";.\ The "Sydney Sportsman'1says:J. v'"; Henrys, the star weight-scatterer E. of " New Zealand, has been on a visit \o Sydney; he and John Daly hid a royal s time of it consoling each other. , ■■-, One horse that finished second In a,/ !hurdle race at Napier,yras handled In, a most peculiar manner,,but the scajnpXv escaped the notice of Stipendiary Duk; K^l^ffimßmn . \ fl IIf I\ Ur 1111l Ik/ " g, — -. -Goodwin Park; 11 = is of . .. the early fancies for the Winterone : -. HurCountry orders ;promptlyattended to. dles. Another well treated horse is Why Right ' ' not send Order along ' " I ■ Huia, "9st 91b. "■ . . .. * " ."■■.. The horses that fell to the list May is here, and it's no good waiting any longer for of R Gooseman, at the Douglas sale, at chilly your WINTER SHIRTS, for these are days, and Hastings, were secured, the evenings are apt to get damp and misty. on behalf of " v Mr. W. J. Douglas. Out new TAN AND BROWN SHIRTS m all shades At Riccarton, last week; the welland are priced from .' trainer, known R. Q'Donnell, had the : misfortune to be burnt out. He was a ; BY SPEARMINT." heavy loser over the deal. Morning was scratched for the Wingood and they offer you the maximum of protection and <**''>ter Hurdles as soon as the weights apl style, at a small cost , r-. .■ , r peared.. Hastings, RACING- FIXTURES. As at Pelican fell m his His owner could not Different taoiica wer© tried on Aru- , \. imagined he would get less than have ako on the second day at Napier, Hhe only start at Napier. KINDLY ADD POSTAGE TO AJblr COUNTRY ORDERS 11 2 July 2 and 3 Gisborne R.C. was ridden m behind, but it made no// " Timothy got badly left m the Ahu- and probably he only wanted to save ' July15 and 18— Wellington R.C. . double bettors. difference 'and the chestnut gelding-:' " rirl Hurdles at Napier.' would seem to be going,off. , v {.-.' Js to be given an easy time Stroller pulled up lame after racing ofOtatala NEWS AND NOTES. it The New Zealander, and will not be aaked to race the Shau-'*' m the Petane Hack Steeplechase at again until ghrau, jumped very indifferently m th«t ; . the spring. The big gelding entry for the. Napier. "." . There is a very big ; ".-■'. . " , has only been hurdle race at Moonee, losing ground v up ,; .. , about Winter Cup this year. , ■'',. two months " Old Rangikapua lightened up a lot and lacks condition, so at each obstacle, and he was la^me oil' ' < Quality" that his trainer Shirt The V.R.C. Grana National Hurdle between the Hastings and Napier is adopting a very wise up. He has beenscratched tor pulling policy ' m not/ at,Flem- meetings. race, three miles, asking him to undergo a the y.R.C. ' will be run Grand National Hurdles. Grand Na] ington to-day. "■";". f.ASK FOR. '. Though he schools wellon the tracks tional preparation. The Southern scribes are oryfng out r t Contrary to custom, the bdoldes ac- Cousin Jack always manages to fall about the weight glvW Glynelish at .'.,. C. Cochrane who rode Sam Pan to tually laid the winning* double on the m his racesk . Trentham. These worthies did .the votory m the Ahuriri Hurdles at Nasecond, day at Napier. samo thingiaboutDaylight Bill, but,h«u The defeat of Player at Napier is pier,,has not been seen m the saddle Na-; started a red-hot favorite and walked* Janitor,;the half brother to the not likely t!o get any weight off the much during the last two years, tional -winner, Captain Jingle, showed Sabretache gelding. " Nezatine ran third In the big handi- mat Hastings. : ;: .; . gave a- very flne exhibition, but he meeting concludes toThe Gisborne and the cap day Napier. a lot of pace at Napier. the second at on public = P. W. McCabewaß aboard the out" gave him a great ■'■/■.,■ ; ■; . day. , Microbe showed pace, m both his ' reception While at Hastings Mr. W. Ruther- ward boat lost week.;Ho has gone to* ' Imrner, who got into a wire fence starts at Napier, but he could not go when he returned to weigh m.. His ridMescal will win a flat race m the ing companions .also mustered up bought big Benzohian colt from Melbourne to to-day. ford a rido Obi" Allgo-' some time back, is again being cxcrr on >w4th,v the jbig, weights. , spring. and Soutti.lslandnejct :* gave him a hearty cheer. C; L. Lagor. The price was 400 guineas. ing well, the Karamu horseman wltt! cised on the.roads at Otakl. ' Humakaka could not start at Nawins at Napier has placed His three bo m back time for tho Trentliwn Pursefiller was seen at her best on pier as he' ":wasi on the, forfeit list at A. McMilletv who haa not ridden a meeting this Even though the. fences at Napier P. F.- Lynn at the head of the list of l *i « ?" month. her own course last week. Trainer the time of- nominations. are-probably the smallest of any Stee- hurdle riders. winner for some time, scored on Sir Napier. , VI at George Colello has the Lethe filly very plechase Alba buke Foot©, by 1 Jind owned course m New Zealand, and The entries for the Nationals are Leolanter hit tho double hard m the "Paton*^ ■» well now. , , Park Steeplechase at Napier, otherwise are comprised,mainly of brush, there good, but there is a lot of "old iron" m " As a sprinter Sylvander must be sec- Brown^ has gone dotty m ono btb4a ;■(-. pins, and has were told oft ,At place! been for Btud " -,' innumerable falls on both days. ond only to Gigandra. Warwick \ Most of the Grand National candi- he might have been m a duties. Daring his racing career h©; < This does not say much for the quality the Steeplechase. T'arm month he carried lOst 41ba dates will be seen under silk at Trenlast The new.owner of,Merrie Ladis now of jumpers at present started 23 ttmea In races, won-.13 and Byron could not act m. the going at to victory m the Flying Handicap. tham, and keen interest will be taken well .m commission Napier evenon the few 'pounds he gavewithout was Bent home dead-heated Inanother. Hia earnings " and he jumpers like Xady Bibbero, ' , ;...■ , m thefr doings. Sir racing;on the second day. for him a .couple of months ago. Diavolo commissioned m stakes amounted to £14.026 lOA. ' heavily Lethe and was Bonny, got away up In the W. Bell got off Portraiture on the T. Meagher had the misfortune to air and did not gain the ground Hack Hurdles Napier, enfor the first at Napier did not form at lieapuki's ona second day at Napier, and A. Oliver breali his collar bone when Exotic fell would have vexpected showing was very poor and j J. Larnbess has a team of half;"> from euch pro- title him to a nominationm the Grand but his keeping, fluked- a winning ride after a very withhim m the, Napier Steeplechase^ ficient jumpers. not m with the excellent dozeu going. King Soult, who was only , Hurdles. National ence. ■"' lucky run on the l performed by him at worked on the hills prior to the Great " schooling tasks HOTELS Fashion Plate is now, muscling up' ' j Northern meeting', is now a regular■at-v" Sir Daniel could not act m the mud Napier. ■ The cover of the Napier Park race- nicely and' it won't be long before v-pld,Sir,Lethe can still hold his own. j ■'"''., \ tendant on the tracks, and if ho stands He; was In front nearly the whole way at Napier, but he may do better on a printed m mourning as a cards was the '^heads" entrust her with a few] m; the Napier ,s\ Paramata paid a record price when up to his workwill bo taken to the a dry track at Gisborne. : ' * Steeplechase, mark of respect to the club's late presi- pounds. but an. ; other . ran'second to Merrle Lad at Napier. Wellington meeting to contest the big v 1 . \j dent, Mr. Jno. McVay. .veteran m The Chief wore him AlceS (MyßtiQcation— Eland) is it- he ; He looked to have a chance m the handicaps. < out before h e down. is sjaid i^-, \Exotic looked washed t he run' Itis that she \ from the last fence. beautiful mover. Listen was a great tip for the Win- ra,ced at-Nap'ler. In the blg^Steeples On the,second day open race on tho second day, but he the tracks. on with a half mile less the equal of Settler ter Oats at Napier, but she had the he fell at the second fence, land was. *a to go he The cross-country jockey, J. N^ Me- " collided with the fallen Water Works TO STARDIWE SEASON. m. walked A peculiarity may about win sound, out wide when Omanawa get keeps luck to carried* Qregor, got gash bad Ifhe and he a bad m the chest. who had a leg so badly broken ?' the two horses named was that m . . . good' deal cut about looking a likely winner. race, but at present there are grave a at Moonee Valley last month, Ismkkingv« the ' I&.T BRA<2KBNPIe£©, AMBERLEY,Napier Steeplechase they were At the conclusion of tho racing at such good reoovery that he- was able standing a prepara-, ,MbUington Is still beingikept on his --1914. evenly backed.- A similar, state of af- doubts about him Better handled, Bonny would have Napier, Mr, C. Morso purchased Jessa- to leave St. OWNERS and BREEDERS of Blood been second m the first Hack Steeple- feet, but heujs still very sore.- The big fairs existed tion. Vincent's Hospital for hi* T' J m the opening race onthe g) Stock,. Stallions, .and In-foal Mares, mine on bohalf of a, Giaborne client. fellow had a run at Napier, but he did second day when Fair Rosamond ran a good race un- The black maro will be useful In the home last week. The Injured limb, ia , should protect themselves, anfl IN- chase at Napier," but his rider had no not c^ifipletiß th6 . Bodenham and Ran(imp.), course. V plastqr of Parld, and it must necesm > furly each carried1the same amount der, her big weight m: the Stewards' hunting field, idea of saving any ground on the ; foaled 1904. > SURE with the but she is not worth a sarily be somo time before McGregor of get conditioned' not 'Dajrijly " .-.;■ 1 ■''""■ ■.■■■-■'■■■■" -' " ■ -. looked the.best but she could , Napier, ' v ".; :" "■ .■■■. _■■ "'money. . "■. -.-'■.■.'/ Stakes at BONIFdRM is a true-actionMibrse, dish of tripe as a racer and' her owner will bo able to CO, Ltd," turns. .' :. his calling, horse In the Settlers' Hack at Napier,' drum. and, like all the family, a great stayer. YORKSHIRE INSURANCE luck followed a good Wise proverbial passing' The was m her on. Ho stands about 16.2% hands highland the oldest Company doing LTVB both the Ha>yke's Bay and'Napier clubs but^he^jran very, badly and" was'not' The "stipes"''missed several opporJudging by the waylicapukl'ran at ■<v The. big bet of £600 to . has great muscular, quartert, ;Well-. STOCK business m the World. tunities .to winter, meetings, and /there", started on the second day. %." themselves at Napier, his win .the week previous must Andrea has not enjoyed much 'of a by Jti wctl-Known Auckland punter 'to!^ Batesi Prompt for their large Hastings sprm^^ribs^spl^njdld barreU,8%-inch . towwit Current and Najrter: From what can have been something m the nature of reputation, so far, VbuV he x lookri liko a: Wellington 'bookmaker at both Bracken- started favorite m the. sec^ < ]<£"■;. '\>y >.' were very that ■bone; hi' fact, iifc''caiil(bo said> without Setttetoents. , be Jse e n , turning out useful and should win a max would get a place In ond Hack Hurdles> at Napier, buti^-as; able of :of the trio they are oply cap- a fluke. places. fear of contradibtlon^ he is one of ithe the*Great . doing, may Island, beeloy what hack race m the South tried run off the course be termed the poinit usual, horses m coriforniatlon he to of, truest ( "parlor maid" part of the The list of killed 'chasers and injured and finished, tailed on*. Big fields contested the different rode him very hard- m the concluding Northern Hardies has not bo far-been " Under New,Management.' ' we h^iye m the'cqlprties. work, but paid, according and to all accounts, is jockeys is not sd heavy this year a3 the running of the horses, which should events at Napier and a fresh record event at Napier, and he just woredown BONIFORM only s'iarted three times, ' Castle not likely to be. The ptinter ia and has, therefore, had all the vitality it was last season, when at nearly every ;Last- week Peary wasJbrought to be their first duty, is as m and out as for a winter meeting was established Sir Alba on the post.' looking for a way out— £6oo is a,lot Irift m him to continue being oneof our PARNBI^ AVCKLA2TD. , . meeting a horse was killed and two or Hastings^ and given a school over the ever it was. At Hastings there was on "the machine. leading sires,) ; big fences.v He acquitted himself-very a particularly strong MRS. R. QRYLLB (late of Empire three riders injured. - ; Tho New Zealand cross-country Joc- of.money and alleges that tho taker tho, door knocking at ramp was worked m Sunbeam At 2yrs he won ,the Breeders' Plate HoteL dawera, and Tauera HotoL Hagerty, who seems,to take a of tho wager had "wood" on^. Him., badly and also had a fall. . connection with a jumper; there who m the Motea Hack Hurdles, at Napier, key, L. shifting, Kiwitea, a stable mate of Jackman's, m Sydney, of five furlongs, beating 20 Wairarapa) has taken over dealof made quite! a remark- What the 'Hvood" consisted of- he does others, Including Mountain King. Mai Hotel, and will be pleased the above .was a quiet tip for the Hunt Club u'The owner of Immensity put a hun- raced out next to the steeplechase buthe was quite unable to concede 171b recovery when Sam Cook blun- not say, but, m a letter to the book- ' to meet old Steeplechase at Napier, but his rudder dred on his mare when she won at fences the first day and strolled m able tine, etc. At 3yrs he easily accounted Immensity. to Best Brands oli dered at a fence In the Steeplechase at maker, ho implies, that the latter had for the Auckland De*by, and at 4yrs he and new Friends. must have been set badly for ho. had Napier. This would get him more than on the second day. At Napier the week offered for sale at Hastings Moonee. The Btccarton rider is get-> something m his' favor. Aa B. Ra<vu Vi was carried top weight, 9st lib, m the Great Wines and Spirits Stocked. ; Hastings following over the failure.. two horses closely evenconnected week, but no one wantedher. She ting plenty of engagements m the son of the trainer of Merrimax, rode 'Autumn Handicap (C.J.C.), of 1% Speight's Celebrated Ales on Tap. a roll early m the race. " started m same race, and the right i last miles, and won very easily. tho horso when he fell over Donnel on » perfect jumper and this won her Southern State. It looked very much as if Sir Alba -Braebura got a rare showing up m one scored,the is a but the wrong one had to the second Hack Hurdles at Napier. The eldest of Bonlform's stock are RIGHT TURN ! QUICK MARCH ! should have been.second m the New- the first Hack Hurdles at Napier, for the. fiat, only a madman would suggest up pulled be at the barrier and also m iiow only four-year-olds, and as two of At the Interval to*— Probate of the will of Jockey W. H. that he was In It, and probably the stead Hack Handicap at Napier. As it ho got left a furlong, but was then the straight to allow the on second produced them,, m Bon Rove and Bon Ton, have Formby was Smith, who died from the erteot of an Auokland punter refers to other rid- \,'' of this. Then was, Deeleyon Andrea caught McMil- ridden right out and finished fourth m won th&H.B. Stakes, Wanganui Gplnthere was a case on the second day, day at Napier, but he broke down bad- acoldent at Rosehlll, has been proved crs m the race. It will be remember- : v a 'big field. Sir Alba napping, cas,H>B.Guineas, Stewards'Handicap, Just a- few doors len on bad second fence. It was ly at the when a rider allowed a favorite to run from His Majesty's ,C.J.q.r Derby, Bte^d- Gold Cup, Auck* at £14,966. The widow and son get od that the Auokland stewards heldan , Gondolier is not as good as we have off without any apparent effort to .stop Leonta may be seen to advantage m luck for T. Long to have the horse go tho estate,BUbJect to payment of £ 110s inquiry into the fall at tho time and . Theatre, Wellington. Jand DertJy, Au^mpLHandicap (C-T.a), the led, spending Trenbeen to believe. He ran off on such a Handicap at the Parliamentary him. An up-to-date "stipe," who knew wrong on him' after per week -to tho deceased's mother.- found that it was an accident, but^la^ ( St. licger; etc. there Is no doubt about PROMPT ATTENTION. tham, for he likes the mud and should first day at Napier, and m his next at- his business, would have been down lot of .time over him. bis ability to, g^_ high-class w.f«l. GOODIJQUOR. The know-alls -reckoned that Smith week a writer' In an Auckland, pj^per, a going after pulled weights tempt « stock. than was fup P. COBTIN .* Proprietor. A# *bo better able to carrybig One- of *hiii two-year-olds is on the workers like a ton of bricks, but urges a fresh inquiry by the A.R.C., a lot of careful take no was worth over £50,000, There were couple of miles. <Mrd on the list of that age. most of the other runners. . m the absence of Mr. J, MacMahon, m risks at fences Jockeys riding at Hastfor the sake of all the ridersJa and New, Mares may bo met by boat at Lytsays: Melbourne "Truth" "The Eocene was a bit unlucky m having Australia, it looks as if the wrong- ings and Napier. The general practice it Is to be coped that jthls Will ways m has tried all the race Perhaps been by train at which Amberley, Mbro, "toltonor Zealand-bred who Is rather a be held.' Probably because a book-' his races lately, but he does not seem to run round her field on the bend In doers are going to have a royal time, is to allow a horse to run off if he Is good xuna twice daily. ..sort of gelding, was expected by maker is interested m the business no TERMS: 36gns. per Mare. be much good though he gallops the Bracelet at Napier, but Brans- as' the other "stipes" have very .little not Jumping too well. No wonder own- his connections to give a good account inquiry will bo held, tu»(l ,thp«e who WEIkjNGTON. to Paddocklng: 6s per dry mare, and tiAMBTON-QXJAT, ( well on the tracks. His failures have field would have been more so had he knowledge of the game, and the wonder ers prefer to give their riding to the of himself m the hurdle race at Moonee, are refusing to pay hive'A^gt^iJ Idla "'■ is, however did they get their well younger Jockeys. y fta 6d wet mare. Groomage, 10s 6d. watch- been defeated. costly to Hastings '' track \ been ; F. HILTON Proprietor ' ' ' but he proved a great disappointment, of this. It will be interostirig to* sß© ; ' {All caroj fcb respdnißl^ililT'., billets?, " paid "■ v jkiummer will again be In the boom ers. . '.■ Purseflller and Portraiture were aa hiu jumping was faulty, and^he soon whether tho wager will bo paid, lf*jtMe' Only a limited number of mares will ' (Late of Paekakariki). Hastings beat a retreat from tho front division , fca-lakdn*" Apply— As W. Bell did not go to Giaborne, for the Winter Cup $is year. He la moat consistent during inquiry is held and the ohargea foutM G. U STEAD, B. Deeloy will now have no difficulty now shaping up with tn"e racing he is and the Napier meetings. Considering and was a long way back at the end. to bo groundless. What probably;' JnI looks Brajckeafteld, Gazeley gelding surprising Amberley; winning,jockeys getting, pair riv and the It was CITY m heading the list of the form of the He will need to Improve a deal on this duood the rash punter to make the -bit ' ' :, ■' that The Summit— runner-up to them Idisplay if ho is to win. for the fifth time, W. Bell will take unco.mmpnly.wql].- ^ TRIANGIiB, CHKISTCHURCH. is that Merrimax galloped exceptionHastings— tit should have been allowed second place, and the consistent Oliver .' Moirecambe- was too sore .to race at jl ally well with a noted .performoTvode .■"■'.■(■". The Sportsmen's Home, and tho Most will bo next. At the conclusion of the race at.Na- morningprior top at such a good price m the conNapier. The big bay is entered for the to the rgco, and It^op/cCentral Hotel m Chriatchurch. * plcr, Armstrong, Mr. James Vicecluding event. When Waterworks fell m the Park Grand National Hurdles, so he may bo --ed pounds to pennies, aa the wwmlt tof of tho Dannovirko president Racing P.O. Box 558. 'Phone 60S. Steeplechase at Napier It looked as oxpec'ted to bo seen m action at TrenRaheon, the half sister to Ataahua, Club purchased tho Finland gelding, that gallop, that he would K«t < a for he lay tham and Rlccarton. neck, if ho had broken his OUR fell In the Stewards* Stakes' at Freak, for 150 gqtneas. Trainer A. place. Tho unforeseen happonod^-aind Proprietor. W. 8. MITCHELL a considerable time with his toes m Kauroa could not act m the mud Napier. At the subsequent inquiry, Neal's patron is getting- qulto a uso-| now those concerned aro looklni fjor the air. Later on ho got up and was when ho used to rac& on the flat and Taylor, rider of the mare, said that ful team around him now and, well a square off to dodge their ablo to reach his box. things prevails WINNING JOCKEYS. order of now. W. Price, on Byron, waa responsible placed, his latest acquisition should bo With them it was a case of "head*) I tho same ?. -V the finish of tho for the accident, but as that rider was easily able to pay hla way, for consid- win, and tails, you lose." (Fontenoy— Melinite), dog who Ho was tired at Hereford Blrkfleld, Napier / is m the van at tho time of tho foil, bo ering his condition ho ran two Stirling Steeplechase. On Thu flat. carries thu sarao colors as "' could not havobeen responsible and no races at Napier. (Continued on Next Page.) Bransfleld Just walked m windy B. Deeloy... 56 'W. O'Halloran... 8 a flno big sort. It was noticeable that * ' action was taken. running on at the end of the -_ ho was la <t v . Napier. with tho at Ho a W, Bell j 51 J.O'Brien... 8 Bracelet Napior, Hurdles at and kindly second Hack and if bo takes to knocked out A. Oliver useful horse Parawanui seemed to be 45 B. Henderson 7 ■ by the two falls ho hud at Hastings 7 he may como good shortly. the jumping business he should be able B. Berry ~. 48 R.Hunt J., Q'Shea 43 J.Franois... "... 7 The much-boomed Grey King started to win plenty, of hurdle races. and at no atago gf the first Hack HurF. K. Joma -..86 W. Scobto...,' » 7 a 0 to 8 fayprlte m the open hurdles Cent. dles at Napier did ho ever look like a Tyrannic was produced for tho first '' 1 J. Okeri 6 on the second day at Napier, and after tlmo this season m the Hack Steeple3i R. J.Horn winner. He was not produced on tho ■■■'.a* . ""'■".' a:lv-^:\- ,-■■*■ "/'■;^;-:*'^f". W. Young 6 getting left he was m front at the first chase on the opening day at Napier. 8? W. Kirk second day and will probably bo given H. Gray 5... 31 A. J. MoFlyan C fence and was not again headed. His Ho looks well and if he keepa sound, a short spell before being asked to race ALSO > .J. Conquest 28 W. Kobinson 6 showing must moke the Htlpes feel fool- should win a race before tho season again. ■i W.- Prico 6 ish every limp they compare it with closes. 26 J. Gunning Nupler, Chatmoss had done no At BBT^ißa fl^r B^i -H BY BH HB^bV■? ''1' ' J.Buchanan ...24 J.Rao 5 his Hastings nm day's form. Hastings mooting ow* ■ work since the nominagiven A.H.,WiUop has been a 32 H. Griffiths The Chief '*^» ' 5 BB i injy to having received a bad kick whilo iNfatawcrewerc neemod to havo the tion m tho Grand National Steeple0. Brown 5 21 R. Trigger previpost at tho Hack Hurdles at Napier safe chase. Such a fine old plug has a In his race the week L. Wilson' 10 D. Anderson .;..■ » 6 second keeping ■ turn for home, chance m any race amongst such a lot ous. On tho second, day at Napier bo Sid Reid w 17 E.Manson ...' fi m his jumpedat thelast backed, was well but he failed badly go fence to but he tho poor jumpers as are seen F.Homes 16 R. Manson 5 of out at the tho pace hoi by VI nnd. at tho finish, A. Reed 16 'A.TriokJohank... 5 and;Vi caught and boat him m tho run present time. very hit some of tho he was just beside thfe placed horses. home. Ho fences' nod I O.MoArtan' ...15 L.Morris... " Odessa is now badly broken down hard at Hastings and this probably and .^^bYb^bbßbbbh^blb^bV^b^b^^b^bb^^^a «mbk\ *''* f E.Lowe; E.Rodmond ,-.. li Morrlo Lad lias a very unsightly has been turned out at Trontham. ' carefully Stor^is at Najump more made him M. MoUonsvld 13 T. Humphreys... 'I With knee, and the wonder Is that ho can Ei Dorado has gono for good this J.Oampbell -' 1!T'R;BIHs i pier. time, Ho broko down badly m tho jump at all with it. He was quite «^9^B^B^B^B^B^Bb^Bbß^BibV r*v' EVERY TO-MEASURE SUIT 4 O.Bmorßon ..: 18 P,' D.Jotwi equal to tho small fences at Napier m Over it,thousand pounds were inves- Juuo Steeplechase at Hastings and husj L.Nodder ...12 R.W.King i ted on tho machine on Amity's number- been pensioned off. tho Hack Steeplechisc on the opening " ...■:; 1 * .-/i..' .. '/ H.Robinson 11 0. Kennedy 4 in the concluding event at Napier.This day. On tho second day, Handlcapper gelding The Sir Laddo was priced _:. 11 H. Goldfinoh 4 is considerably more than any other ' B.McColl.. Coyle classed him as tho equal of Sir W9Smr *^*S ' m several- quarters, but owner Keith" T. 11 *G. Clarke... s^^^B^r i ' ■ Prikohard 4 course. ' ' the same though accepted carried on but for Ixstho, r-^ hus he waa .^-— B^^fl^v B^Ba^Bßk i Whlto decldodto' take htnx homo and; .j.11 W.Emarfton O.Stovre 3 horse scratched on the <iour»e. Tho black gelding was very Boro and spell season. Ho is auro toI J. 11 Paulgmin. Board 0. 8 what one would exhim^next a lot liolow THISTLE be on* tho "boom for tho Grand Nil-' 3 run I^aat year's CJranh National Hurdles { Donovan ..* 11 W. Woller pect from ji horso thought capable of tional Hurdles nfcxt year. of*Syi4niyvnnd Mulgravo-sts.) H. IS STILL ON. winner, Morning, yma given a raco j A. MoKay... Ik J, Cordue... 3 winning ■»VObnxcr WELLINGTON. v Winter Cup. ' For a maiden and considering that it 8 W.Ryan 11-J.Wallis m tho Settlers' Ha k at Napier nnddid Proprietposa MRS. KEENEY H is an open question whether tho was- only his second school over F. Porter .., 9 A. Worrawald 8 well considering U waa his first outbis really minimises of brush fencos H, 9 L.TraiU 3 use JQOOD ACCOMMODATION. Ing this year. T^?ro Is much speculaYouor fences, Idealism did fairly well In tho. steepleMEAIiS. accident* m number of SIRST-CDASS 8 tho H.TrieWobank 9 R.Barlow... tion as to what yelght ho will get m Napier Steeplechase. Ho fenced well Every well-known Bmnd of Spirits, Xi. Hagetty ;.i 9 J.Tnpp 8 chases. After witnessing tho racing, at for two and a-half miles, but he was this year's race. >The Wellington han* noting tho Napier stocked. and and Hastings «... 3 dlcopper, Mr. H Coyle, probably hit rWlncs and Albs 0. Monk ..*>...■ 9 Ja«. Pine tired then and McCn.be wisoly pulled the mooting, falls "at each TARIFF REASPNABLE. H. Watson 8 number of .9 *V. Loo the null fairly <\i the head when ho him up. R. E. Brown 9 Stan Roid 8 writer is led to iho conclusion that NOTE— gdvo him 11,2 Injtho Winter Hurdles. I a of half-acnool8 E.Copo»take 8 brush fences cause lot 3.Hj Moore. Tho Australian Jockoy Club haa 8 ed horsea to ra.ee In steeplechases Extra Pant* to Each Suit. In one of tho »turdlo races at Napier, J.MeOombe ...-8 T. O'Connor Just received from England a Jlfellfe A. McMillan 8 B. Oliver 3 hence the accidents. two of the runnjrs were out by thmnpresentment In oils of tho renowned Holves, racing t»» tho laut fence. One OTAKI.3 < R.Yoang... .« 8 W. Adaxna Mt. Victoria had a big load m the Carbine, from tho brush of Mr. A. C. rider badly InuMVred with tho other*, and with Havell. Tho under iho picture Napier, OVBR came Every MDBDLBB. Stewards' Stakes at JA; Splendid Houso Replete with find those who -/ereat tho turn expecnotice of Messrs. untl unbeatable, v John McDonald go '~+ 16 J.Deerey Comfort and Coorcnlencc. P, Flynn 5 hnlf rallo to ho looked ted there woulA.bo trouble,, but to the hIH hock boot camo'off and after Walter Brunton, during thoir recent but , nearly Century. Half a Train 15 F. fi for Xutcbea L, surprise of everybody not a word w»« '^Established England; and they wore «o 6 striking himself ho quickly slopped. .aojourn In F.McCabe '8 I.O'Oonnfifl said. Hero is /mother Instance of tho of Propriotoi*. ",Z 7 A. Ward OEO. McBEATH fi On tho second day ho hung out m hfs MHlfifled with tho artist's treatmentHa FOR MEN J/Tflsloy OUTFiTTERS pdrlorimald business. Borne of the 4 old Htylo and carried half the field oft .tho subject thnt they recommended HrCopo?take, .» 7 G. Mmrchant "stipen" are vety goml at reporting on 7 J.Aaderton i the caursfl. Thiß allowed the favorlto jwrehttKO by the Australian Jockoy L.Hagwty f the parlance or* bettln*r with th«» bf>ok;.. ,7 H. Trickiobank 4 Portraiture to gnt up on the fence ami Club, and that was effected by Mr. EdA. A, RICHARDSON A.Jnlian makers and of/the Jockeys* smoking m A. J. McFlvnn'..; 7 E. Copentake 4 hudit not boon for itaiH ho would prob- munds, manager of Lord Roscbcry's (I>Uo of Walpawa). their colors, tfc, but they cAnnot *«c aa at stud. The painting makes a valuable a ably have b««n out ftt v place, Wellington, T. Humphrey*... 6 T.Jotm* a bad chop oiit Hk« tho on<» jriven by 6 J.Roach 3 tho time of tho trouble. Mi. Victoria, addition to the collection of oqulno A.Rao MAtawarewero to VI In the «econd Uack 3 KflLUer, Amber Whlto ami UsUrn, colebrlUrH that ndorn the AJ.C. com-. 6 X.Gray F.DouglM PETONE. Hunilej» at Napier. , gone. him inHioc room. Lorrigao 3 all Bcumcd to havo 6 H. « ,;j?rM<«kg^« r A TRIAL ppUCITED, II AGENTS, ALLEN-STREET, WELLINGTON.' ' ■ ■ ■ Now! Your ■ WORKERS! Turf WORKERS! " WORKERS! CORN COB PUNCH — Reduces the Effects of Alcohol and '" ' Tattle. I 'j 5s 6d and 7s 6d - ■:^:^y--: '«./■ .-...■>■:,.+:»\ . . !— >- JAKES THE BKI DRINK BETTER 1 dorm . House of "The 54-56 WILUS-STREET - WELLINGTON A . CORN COB PUNCH WITH All YOUR DRINKS h ■ f . . Drink Corn Cob Punch ■;J '. m "i('^SOU) AT - and^ You* Beer! ALL . AND STORES . ■ ■ ■ . . _, 1 LIVE STOCK INSURANCE.' 3,H#p^lFORM MIJIiTIF6%M^fTERDEiN """ - ■■ resume t _ atteiifl&hces ) Windsor 'v>'^l ' Hotel — - - iWO^WT^ ■M%!- ( .. THE ALBION .. ■ NATIONAL HOTEL - \\ . 1 t J* ■ 1 HOTEL DURING SALE ... .........— ... ..... ... ... „ .... BAND ■ ■ ... ...... ... ... ... ...... ZMk Bottling Alt Hotels ". ... ■ ." _ INN .. *THE JUBILEE HOTEL , — GRAND NATIONAL HOTEL . ...... ... ..... ... ........ ... ..... ...... ... .. ..: ... ... RCADY-to-WCAR SUITS ......... .... .... . ... ... ......... .. ..... * . . ......... .... _ ■■ OUR SPECIAL OFFER EXTRA Pair of Trousers Bl JBMbBm : |, _ : ':/; f^l ;/: >■"■ ; H^^'flLlLflBB^B TOBACCO? rlfi /***'♥*?. ' ■" . FREE Bhßhß^^^^'^^^^B^B^B^BWß^Bhß^B^B^BV. ' Prices 75s to 85s ...... ... ... ......... ... ...... ..... ...... ...... T Reduced 20 Per ...... ...... ... ... ... ...... liabilities. — Duncan and Macintosh 82-84 MANNERS-STREET ISHOULD SMILE I rRUTH, SATURDAY, JDLT 4, 1914. never have been placed on that body," it may be opportune to express an " - TRAMWAY HOTEL ," ADELAIDE ROA», WELLINGTON. "-...':"': FRANK McPARLAND w w w :-c >.. That's good enough— lsn't it? - opinion. ■ , suppose that the candidate has some sit a,s an executive olßcer, but it often happens that sentiment enters into an election, and as a result the man of influence and miuns the ability to officiate on a sporting body secures the majority of the votes. and thus becomes a fullblown pfflcial, whether he has or has not the capacity, or ability to figure but the wants oi? the sporting commu* nity as a whole. : There have at times been sitting as ~ (by 'stewards on the D.J.C. men who never did have, and never,could have, the slightest pretensions to knowing what public (to say nothing of .owners) GREAT NORTHERN HURDLES Slip JElail,is the name .claimed for ,the desired; and for mShy .years the pubyoungster the Achilies-^Pearlie m. P. lic and the owners have btien paying Was Everything Right ? , Conway's stable. £ And it is quite for a big "picnic." Ngapuka continues to shape well m time that some new blood was infused, 'In «-'«Waimangu's'' notes on the his'schdbling. as the saying is. The public will be JGreat^Northern rueeting "Truth" readof something new, but they want a par mentioning liigenkender -will remember a knocked himself a ers y few glad "seasoned;" . labelled it night ago, was|nothing mornings 600 to £ 500 made the but it seritoet of.Ci£ MerripVess for the past few doing again. the G.N. Hurdles that and he is solid work local ous, beforei The xnax would,not finish In the first three. Gloy is being ridden about the roads w6eks liave contained paragraphs giv'As is well'fcnow,n, Merrimax fell, to- and will go into regular training ing,the names of several locar business gether with -ihr&p others, on the flat shortly. .. men who are out for sport. Well* that . may be so. But, does it follow that jjust alter -two fujriongs had been covRecap turned a beauty on Saturday, ered, and,-'of course, did not finish' in because a man is a successful busi" ness man, or professional man, a suca place. " The bet wa,s then decided, morning 'while schooling over' the small . ■',;.; "";■"..■ ■.'"' :"' ■ stiqk's.'cessful publican, or a successful farbut paymeritr was not made immediT ately, and, if all one hears is true, or.I Ngatir^uanui (Conway) and Admiral mer, that he-is the "man we havebeen even;it rumor is not truej .it is up? tpj Soult (McFlynn) stepped over five hur- searching for" to assist m pushing on Bacing dlub to inquire dles 6n[ Saturday morning. They had 'the sport of kings m Dunedin? My, ihe^ Auckland Into jvirftat certainly concerns the club. thei pace on and )flew the fences, fin-r dontention is that no person not m its peculiarities, touch with racing, The,,men who. ma.de the wager were ishing. together. . "fishy1:' side, to say nothing of a Wellingtoriian, and its aa on, -by four m. the result of the race- the Auckland is represented and the inability of the candidate to tell a £600. As stated the Grand-National Steeplechase, and horse from a' cowl a hurdlei from a His AucWande*'lost number m the Hurdles. r a like lately "before,:b#did not 'pay and some fence, etc., etc./ has any right to- "come been "With 8.1, Jack Delayal, taking a time out" and ask the public to give him a ' Wither serious statemnets have ,It;is said that the Auck- through other New Zealand horses, is "leg up" just to keep his name green. in*possession of infpf- nbt'at all badly treated m the Mel- Many a top-notch business man has laxiaer is} Sdw lea(3s him to infer that bourne Cup."It will not be decided iin- never been to a racecourse and never tnationi v {natters' were ap arranged that it was tilI;September whether the little son of will go there unless he goes as a steward, and probably after he gets there ' alinostfa certainty! for Merrimax to,be Seaton Delayal will go across. beaten crat of; a place and- therefore he - The work of enlarging; the entrance he'is iut "on the corner" to watch for had no "chance, to win, If this is so to the- enclosure is now m full swing the strpng-armed boys. Now, this is The only one phase of the matter. then>lt'is flp, to the,A.R.C. to take a ■■' EUerslie* hand, and 'if; anything savoring r of at boya laugh up their sleeves, and th© Golbpnie should catch a ' race at Gis- official has not seen anything, for the traudicomes to light;, to mete out the " -■. . " simple reason;that he knows absolutemost drastic punishment: The writer borne. ,: : *rill nbt fioc a momenti entertain the Relna appears to have every ly nothing about the game. La ,'^as inbt as it should be pound she is.entitled to m the Parlia- It must n°t be' taken for granted |de# Y «n<i I ;,nayel good\ grounds for saying mehtary Handicap, and 11.7 should set- that by writing as Iam doing Ihave race tle her chance.-: b«V(from personal knowledge: The ' implying that every intention of any : accinothing as the Itself can prove who has acted for years on gentleman proposed October 14 and 17 are the brought about was. dent to'Merrimaxjr dummy. No. Men of " ! is a of the Club's the D.J.C Trotting and dates Auckland " through Ws falling over Donzel the stamp of Sir George McLean, was In a good ,spring meeting. Napper Tandy at that Kain, L. C. Hazlitt, and one or took and Messrs. F.,Tphge thing ' which position.":"')< Thereirfiß ona others, ; have had experieYce Starket ta two Gisborne. seems perfectly clear, and that is the And horses— and jockeys! St. Lewis, a pig diaappointment on amongstthe Wellington:'backer; had no chance to experience that men who that is !witt and iMerrimak had to be beaten the flat, is to be raced over the sticks offer themselves as stewards are m 4mt ot a place lor him to save his Infuture. At present the geldin g is need of— not men who have risen to moneyi ■■""No^;jdoiibt a lotmdre wiU be spelling m a paddock. positions m their calling and know future deve-. Bluestone will probably "'■ leave for nothing about racing. inter- Wellington, m charge of J; Thorpe, '.' iopmenta will "be Awaited with there are any develop- about Tuesday. If this raper published twonty of advice to members, pfob^' ■ ■"' columns .;"; aattitsj^;-'^--;"-.:^^':.' y" .; '■■'■: ■'/ \ Captain Jack :has lost much of that ably.it would make little difference m "■' Tripoli is;at'present enjoying a spell. carty oppearance, and has fined down the result of the forthcoming election Saturday morning considerably; On stewards, but what has been writißtie iff 'beiixg fed' and will not need a when gallop- for above is a plain and unvarnished ■';' great deal of galloping to put her right he showed a- lot. of pace ten Lady and Sabreing with Ingenkerden '" ■■ - tale and the members would be well J^V^harpeiifl handling- a good-look- tache..> "'"""'■. , '■"■■' - . "' ■■. ■: advised if, when votes are being cast, |ng! Spalpeen--^Vaimang^. fij^by. f Bleriotand Merry Roe are beingkept they would put sentiment on one side rider, is going/ arid are' ready to race at any and elect the men who they think X. ;liambess, the southern how associated with- his brother time,- >■ :■-■'""; :; 1' . ■.'■■ ■■■'"' will "use the lash" when it required Eilerslie. stable at ; r/ and it might have been used to some Nina, who was. operated on Maui repurchased effect at the last meeting— and assist "W^:Ijrwlh-^ will take Try Fltikeito some tune back, has been ' JCrentham, after ]which meeting by his former owner, J. McGee, and m making Wingatui a severe trial Ngatirtianui forwarded down will m future be trained by W. Cun- ground for undersized Sandows. That " 6onsummation can bo arrived at only and: then BAccartpn will be attacked. nlnghain. Ngatiruanul is; j^oijig exceptionally well Haku, who is a regular attendant at when the stewards "know" their work iha soft ta" win thtflGrand and will not be afraid to sit m judgand the hunt* had a "leg" last week, but,is Hurdles. ment, National now allright again. .^ A. chestnut three-year-old by SpalNext week Iwill probably take a run out and peftn*--Waimuneu is being handled by ' have a chat with Harry pjd6nway. The filly Is a;full sister to Goodman. It is said that he has eight them '-■'' ■■ ■/ ''..■;> :. , ■.■ horses m easy work, the whole of : fiarfteen., belonging to that good sp6rt and Colonel Soult will shortly be placed straight-goer, Mr. Wm. Crossan. (By "Wallalo.") ■.-. jto^work'again. Mr. Crossan has. received seyeral ; ; A^three-year-.qld fillyby Monoform— ' tempting offers for that sterling mare 4is the.latest addition to C. meeting of the Apahea, for breeding purposes/Apart .--'■■"./,.-'" Since the Winter jColeman's team. D-T.C. there has really been little or no from tho fact that Apahea has at Ngapuka is to be given a Old' talk of sporting, -and until the big times demonstrated her ability to gal! ld earii'nibney ovei1 hurdles. He! was Jumping events at Chrlstchurch begin lop with the best, that she is a fulltried oVer the small fencies at EUerslie to stir up matters local interest in,rac- slster to Anna Carlovna's dam should the fother morning and gave a good ing will be almost a dead letter. be sufiicient to* warrant anyone who " ;tfispliyj .V : ■' ,;: ■.-.'.'_ ■■■-' Seeing that for many years- it has has a desire to purthase a brood mare : making genuine New. Zealand Cup nominations fall been, the talk of .the town th^t "some, of, blood and quality Apahea. due.vtoVnight (JPriday). of the committee of the D.J.C. should inquirios with regard to .-■.SIJiDP qualifications entitling him to IS FOR SAUB ' -■*".'■ .. ... _ Au^anderViafnd clrcniatfel. wfifch . . ' ■ m Top Form. This Fine Animal is Guaranteed S ound and PRICE, £20, and Freight. ""Brent Send Price and Pedigree, A. F. McMURTRIE, Morven, StlvCant. : on the two previous days, and ,it is quite certain that a better and more closely contested race would result. The handicapper's task would also be much simplified. He would have a reliable guide to the form of a number of Cup horses, whereas now he is compelled to handicap on performances established perhaps two or three years , v ago. The huge .stake of .2,500 soys. is a TROTTING. (By Good Greyhound BROOD-BITCH, 2-3 Tears Preferred. ■ ■,"W. BROAD, Invercargill. " THE . WANTED— (By Self-Denial— Ace of Diamonds) TATTLE : Continued. . Locanda.") For some little time, matters m trot- ting circles will be fairly quiet. Owing to bad weather and the absence of race meetings, trainers are'enabled to give their charges a well earned and much ' great advertisement for the Club and needed rest. . \ .., The nearest approaching important a sure sign of the popularity of the meeting: is the August meeting of the sport: At the sametime tlie writeris not Metropolitan Club. The dates are alone, m his opinion that the value of August 10, 12 and 14, arid during the the Cup could very well be reduced three days £5000 soys. will be dis- and an equivalent value added to,the. principal race on the first two days. tributed amongst fortunate owners. Although it is a far cry tb the N.Z. By doing this, owners could have the Trotting Cup, much interest is already chance of winning one of three valubeing manifested m that event. It is able races, and: the interest m the Cup unfortunate that m all probability sev- race would hot be "m one whit dimirieral of our best horses,will be unable ■-."■■...■■■;': ■■.■.;", . . .;■ '■ to compete. Conditions conducing to AT present there are twenty -seven this anomalous position are to be de- horses eligible to enter for the Cup. plored, and it is to be hoped that m For various reasons quite half of them future years the Metropolitan body can be struck out as having no chance. .will devise some mean3whereby all Of those likely to be nominated fourthe fastest horses will be able to r%pe should be able to reproduce somefor this valuable and much coveted teen thing near their best time and form. prize. The only qualifying meeting m Taking time and other circumstances view is the winter meeting, and- from into consideration the followingshould previous experience it is quite on the be something near an equitable adcards that the track will not be m justment. Denver Huon, scratch; Emthe condition for creating fast time. meline, King Cole, Albert H., 1 sec;, The wisdom of holding the Cup race Bright. Dillon Bell, Ra.venscb.lld, 3 sec; on the first day of the meeting ismuch Havoc, Don Caesar, Adonis, Red Mac, questioned. The general opinion is 4 sec; Mandarene, Silver Princess, 5 that the race would be a greater suc- sec; Country Belle, 6 sec. Denver cess if held oh the third day. -By so Huon and Don Caesar are highly fandoing horses would be .able to qualify. cied as Cup candidates, and the former ■.- is^£. ■ '^at^aJV BY POST SHOP Or when m CAI^L. Town GIVE US A t^e^Meirimax ; COMPARE OUR PRICES— THEY WILL STARTLE YOU. clocks -The World's Best Makers. Reliable Globe ■ Clocks a large as- HMU^ . '< HWBP^^N \I l^^ffl^fflpj^ " '\ ' 7'"'/'■"' _-Hr- * ' ■ _£■_ f-TnuHß ' ' ■;. -.■■■ ;■ &"£/f ' 111 Iilill Hmfflifln HSfli9n_ W_mD_ BWM " B nSliiilllllSiJlmilfillllWl jD i-f I ItiuHilMlHW^nß HIllfln ttUU ili ifiiffi SB I EI!11l flflflmmfflHliffll 111 I111 PMhHH ilfil illllHlilllllniilnntminiiuH /nil BUl B Bflu IIi 1Ifflßffl U ■-ffi^Hf iBMm H l l i ll lliillJillllllllllllilH flnSfflßlW HUM BSllfflllllmllilllllllElnlliilulH fmSB _n_» / llllilllllilllllPlffl— ' Hfll ln lUmiil V SnOnM JHbH Bi nllllnl MMfflM WmV Mi m UuinUH HHfll Rml tllifi HliiiH ■L_mß_L/ 9 fflnßllil LIUR RimnHtinnil Hum BBfflfflr HffiW -IffllUHfflDfli __fl_f liitt' WHUInI^IU-i Wm(fl|{j|M ■MffifiW ■fiifflfc— ~ ilßffllA. rfNw IIfltJitilllimIHI _Ihll HnBlH HHSIW __BllsP<—0* JWfflfflnm mii ryc-u zreojoent » ■SfflmW ffimßnln A LARGE — *^ ■ fttr* Jonn Marßn» 17 Penros© Avenue. Newtown, Welltoston, was a S«— sufferer from kidney troublo for some B&7SC <~ta-°<1> r think, to the first place by a cold settlinsr on my kidneys. My back used to ache day and night, the pains bein sharP and Bhooting like- the stab of a knife. Igot so bad that J aW hardly moveand work was out of the quemion. Tno Wdne y socretkms were affected, being thick and cloudy, ankles ftnd caustaff «■ bornlng sensation when passing aad c B were vory swollen and there was pofQktcsa under my knew, I of nymptoms, being signs dropsy. oyes, these latter ' disturbed, and Ialwaysfelt tired and M>' rest at m^nt rma vcrj m this way for a Sons time, I went on sofferins worn out nothingdoing meixny good. At last1grot Doan'a Backache Kid- ; noy Pills, and this remedy soon pat an end to my -health trou- j bles. After taking them regularly for a few weeks the pains had gone, the urinary trouble was '^rectified, the m nry backswelUnga disappeared, and Ifelt once more m good droptncaJ Doan'a Backache Kidnoy Pills health. It is six years since cared me. and Ihave been entirely free of kidney trouble ever since. Ineed say no more, the facts spoak for themsdlvoa." * ewS WEDDING lilllllnß fll^BWftSllSliilll'li llSlililSliilIlilil with' etcr^aVsHelec't^ KEEP^. ?« %.S«^»tie/to>ear. m de-' ItINGS> - S^%^Sf^p^ CASE PIPES tf[fMjP*SSl i» 3/9 \tb PI DUG Loewe, ■>rCu Ropp. 6/3. 10%d and 1/-. Presentation mounted. Prices ranging from 6d 5/Miscellaneous. , LADIES. j GENTS. I Pocket Wallets and,Card Cases, Ladies' Hand Bags, latest shapes, " aiorocco, Puma, Seal, etc.,' rangi 1/6 to £ 4 4s. " Hair Switches, m all shades. 2/9 | ing from 1/- to 22/6. | Tobacco Pouches, rubber, 10Hd to to 17/6. All Switches guaranteed real hair. | 3 Pouches, m Buckskin. I Tobacco Dressing Combs, 4%d to 3/6. n OCC0' Calf Bkln j pair, Side Combs. 4*d to 2/a Powders, Soaps, Brushes. Toilet | m B&dscr< HoR etc., asstd., price* Gd to Pins; Hair m fact j h Hair /"- - - *£ *f%°! . s^l^ "Nets. , leading makers. f£ Clgsir Caß^ cigarette Ca«ea. Match Boxes, etc. We spoclallse m LADIES' HAND j Everything for a gentleman at BAGS. ! #: prices you will know are right. Hundreds to choose from. '-. RAZORS— A Large Selection. Famous Bengali, 2/3 to 5/6. Club .Razor, 7/6. i - Doan'fl Backache Kidney Pills are sold by all Chttrjtsts FAMOUS FLOWER BRAND BRAND BENGALL RAZOR, 4/3. YOUR EYES: Do they Trouble You ? We will POST you FREE OF CHARGE our SPECIAL EYE TESTING OUTFIT. You can tost your own sight. We will post you by return a PAIR OF SPECTACLES m best quality. Rolled Gold, frames filled with Why iwy real Crystal Lenses. Prices ranging from -1/6 to 22/6 pair. Optlciuns fubuloua prices? Write us and you will gave money. Our Motto: "SATISFACTION." J. R.McKENZIE, MELBOURNE SUPPLY STORES, fl____HH___fflMfl_flHßHHE__H_t m Hfiß|9HHßß|BßßH|^fififlßß H^s .SS^'Sm j3f -jgfi- IT'S THE LARGEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE IN NEW ZEALAND. "' E. L. CHAFFEY, Proprietor 'PHONE 1216. ■'. P.O. BOX 711. **■'- Barrett's Hotel Bottle Store New! ■ .. .. P. CALLAQHAN T'l-f manners T¥P? JTIJC^ .. * THE .... .. C ALEpONI AN^ .. .. %& DUKE OF EDINBURGH HOTEL .. ' ALBERT HOTEL BOTTLE STORE .... "* „ .. - .. Frank Dakin were appointed, a big improvement would soon be noticeable. The move of the Auckland Trotting Club is one m the right direction, and no *doubt will meet with the support It deserves. COURSING. (By "Master McGrath."), Princess Theatre Hotel -- ■ NEW '■ TORY-STREET, WELLINGTON ' ' ■■ /■■'■. i ■'■'." . " . . ■ _. COAiMESOAITttOTii/ LAMBTON-QUAY, WELLINGTON, RENOVATED THROUGHOUT. ELECTRIC LIGHT AND LIFTS. Hot Water Day and ,Night to the 20 Bathrooms. Hotel Van meets all Night and Day Portent always m attendance. Boats and Trains. BEST OF WINES AND LIQUORS ONLY STOCKED. Proprietor. A. A. E. HARDCASTLE .HOTEL" . .. WHITE SWAN The Southland Club's second meet came off successfully last Wednesday CUBA-STREET, WELLINGTON. at the Plumpton on the race course. ACCOMMODATION. EXCELLENT good, very conditions were Weather TARIFF MODERATE. so good gates wero registered. A parONLY BEST LIQUORS. "'... ticularly pleasing item was tho good M. MoGUIRE, PROPRIETRESS. going condition of the horses a marked improvement on the'Dunedin meet. Mr. Irving acted as Judge, giving overy rußnor-up on both occasions with the satisfaction.' The slips were held by I»ap.inul Star. CITY HOTEL Mr. Watty, Broad, every; course going George pillar, owner of "Beacon," (Opposite Countenay-place Tram Teroff sweetly. While invercargUl:— from rcadminus), " writes The Maiden, opened by Star of Coursing Xotc« m "Truth" of iug over WELLINGTON. Papanul betbting Star of Diamonds. m the Speight's and 20th. I noticed a slight error Staples Ales on Tap. Star of Diamonds led well, turning first breeding registered of "Beacon." He Is easily. Star of Diamonds killed on her J. FIRTH J. Proprietor Stnr, Western from Bugle-call or opponent's turn. Star of Papanui 1. as (Lato of Caledonian Hotel). of Diamonds. You had him down Nino of Diamonds 2. Star , Fairlake beat Grcygown. Fairlake as Western Star, which makes It misleading to the public. Ihonestly think ! left the slips well stumed. Groygown myself he is a Bugle-tall, as he scrvod Fairi part turned and the hare homed. of Diamonds two days before. Nino 1. lake 4%, Greygown Star got there by mistake. Top of TORY-ST., WELLINGTON. On a very interesting course, Bugle Western kindly correct tho mistake you Would by margin. a The King beatiKelsyth Best Brands of Wines and Spirits Only Issue. your m next by turns were pretty altornatlvo until topped as M. J. O'BRIEN half a point Bugle King first Proprietor. Some of the fingerposts out m the the field ended. .Bugle King 5&» Kclsaid be to Roads Boards districts are syth 5. I to Cooee beat Miss MeNab. Cooec "drunken." It would be charitablewho Rarmma. Hotel, bounded right ahead and angled first, assume that some of the bumbles fingerposts. Corner of Tamnaki and Vlvi«n-»treot« Miss McNub coming m for one twist rule there are Hko tho at the finish. Cooec 3i MUss McKab 1. C. MASON, Proprietor. In a very straight line a/fair, with no THE OLD FAVORITE— Good Accommodation for Country work, by Lord JRaiglan. Great Western Visitors. won easily. Great Western secured the All the best-known brands of WINES, 4, Lord killed. Great Western turn and SPIRITS and ALES Stocked. Raglan 0. Kilts a bye. Best of Goods m Every Department — . .. PRINCE OF WALES HOTEL .. °° lullIS!■I Wffl ilflll) B 1 flln fl t ;" *tIS2b WELLINGTON. orite. The annual meeting of the New Brighton Trotting Club will shortly be ■ (Opposite Bank of" held. The balance-sheet presents a LAMBTON-QUAY, WELLINGTON. ' Zealand.) l ■■ most rosy appearance.. The Club has SINGLE BOTTLE AT WHOLESALE PRIGE— r had its vicissitudes and more than once Whiskies from 4» 6d, Wines from 3s 6d, Colonial Ales and Stout 10d. their balance has been very small after paid. years stakes had been Of late D. DALT0N.....,.' Proprietor. ~~ the club has been favored with good meetings weather for its and has gone ahead with amazing strides. The management is a keen and hard working EXPRESS PROPRIETOR combination and aided by its capable secretary, Mr. A. J. Rattray, it fully 3 HAYWARD TERRACE, WBUUNGTON " ,(OFF TASMAN-STREET). deserves the gratifying result attained. , During the four days racing the club paid out m stakes £3,615. The GoRing TELEPHONE Sol Automatic-^-Day or Night. Kelburne Service Duily', vernment tax amounted to £1,621 12s lOd. In land and buildings the club -street; ir? C? 11VT has an asset of over £6000 and the 1 lilrlr^ll>| WELLINGTON. total balance: of assets over" liabilities LUNCHEON, AFTERNOON-TEA AND SUPPER ROOMS. is £7,079 19s lOd. The best place la town for a Shilling: Lunch. Most central and up-to-date for after-theatre Suppers. Private rooms upstairs, and high-class special ; suppers to order. Large looms for Weddings, Parties, Concerts, At Homes, A GOOD MOVE Birthday Parties, etc. Outside catering done at reasonable rates. Our motto: "Cleanliness, Civility, and Prompt Attention?'1'■'. By the Auckland Trotting Club. Proprietress. ; MRS. E. LEE CAlso Proprietress of "Marlborough House," Kent-terrace, Wellington). ; The proposal put forth by the Auckland Trotting Club that salaried stipendiary' stewards be -appointed to superintend light harness.racing, is one that should meet with the approval of ' BASIN RESERVE everyone. Without going outside of WELLINGTON Auckland all those who take an interDAVE SULLIVAN Proprietor. est \in trotting know that the present system of sending out track stewards WHERE ONLY THE VERY BEST OF EVERYTHING IS SUPPLIED. to watch a race at Alexandra^ Park is absolute farce. Trotting is going ahead by leaps and bounds m 'Auckland, and all that is now required is " ; WILLIS-STREET, WELLINGTON. capable supervision of the races by men. who know something about the I "fids Popular Hotel has been thoroughly renovated, and extended by game. At times, stewards have been, an addition which gives accommodaticn for 50 guests. Refurnished tind sent out to view a race at Alexandra Decorated throughout New and Spacious Dining. Commercial, and Tariff, 7s 6d per day. Park, and it is safe to say that the Drawing Rooms. Promenade flat roof. men chosen could not tell what horses RICHARD DWYER, PROPRIETOR. filled the first three places without referring to the race card after the NOTICE. number had been hoisted. But there is one thing m particular to which attention should be paid and that is the WILLIS-STREET. WELLINGTON. running of the competitors m the con6» Per BotU* 32 BRANDS CASE WHISKY from cluding events. These seem to be 4« «d MACKINLAyS SPEJCIAL DRAUGHT WHISKY the races selected for the '"jokers" and "" "" ..'■' *■ \ PORTUGAL FORT the reason may not be hard to find. J. MoDONALD, Proprietor. With the last race sometimes decided m semi-darkness and the crowd getting ready to leave the course, everyTO THE TRAVELLING PUBUC AND FRIENDS GENERALLY— thing is hurry and bustle-^-cxcept the race. Has this anything to do vHth the inactivity of stewards? Do they prefer to lot the most glaring "deaduns'!, pass unnoticed just because thoy (the stewards) do not want to keop (Late of the Royal Tiger Hotel, Wellington) the crowd waiting, or they themselves do not care about holding inquiries , HAS TAKEN OVER THB after the crowd has gone? Itcertainly seems so to the writer. But the installation of paid stewards will alter all that, and providing the right men ■. ■: NECKLETS .and CHAINS, guaranteed to wear like Gold. 3/6 to 17/6 5 SUver> oxydised Amber, Jet, Garnet, Pearl, etc., from l/- to 10/6 v E ° f "»■ dainty e^uislte W« ° CUREO T BTAY CURED" ■"■■ ' ) stay at can be put down as a good winter fav- ASSORTMENT IN THE LATEST FASHIONABLE DESIGNS | — wkf t^mtdtmT^ 0^ \ UmlSplmiH diary spells- nervousness or a constant dead-tired feel— dropsy, gravel, Avert the senous kidney disease HBfft|tt**^\ iiiili^^i Bri#— >s disease. Cnre the' weakened kidneys RSH^I #_(iffllSlffiiS111 diabetes> * DOAN S fiACKAOHE KIDNEY PILLS, a rem-HW/vf^ -Slffllill 111 edy tiwt stren&tliens weak kidneys, stirs sluggish kid__fflfflffil_r^ / ill *° -action *" and iieals ""-— ed, conjested I, ■""' I mHJF BiiffiilSiiiSlfflll ne3rs -ffiHl / IHiiilliiSill ki(illjeys Backache cured, and a perfect filtering of wß/T .■.■■■Va/6 SIS G d Bw fl all popular f, sipis, 1/6 to 35/-. m Others. in Silver, White Metal, Coral, etc., from 3d to Wto m& Watch and purchased. 9ct. Hall-marked?BROOCHES. to 16/6, Rolled Gold 1/-' to 5/6 Beautiful CAMEO "BROOCHES,4/6 from 1/6 to 7/6. J And other Dainty Designs from 3d to 3/6 '. .EARMNGS,.m .Rolled Gold and imitation Platinum, set with Brilliants, Pearl. Coral. Turquoise, etc., from 1/- to 7/6 pair RINGS, 9ct. Gold, set with realStones, 5/6" to 12/6 Rolled Gold Ladies' and Gents', plain and set stones from 1/ tj, 7/fi B Sunny dagwbring well folk. But to the man with an ff^htng bad. everyfeday is dark-—. jnst a~ dssnial ronnd of —nfferusr. Oant work wellf enJ^7 P*^y» or even take restful sleep. Always that dull, Have yon ever thought that yonr kidneys may tie, ""ißllMllilW disordered? Sick kidneys signal for help. The first _]|illi}luiil§B \ pain m the back—^scaDty /pain1 liillH cafl 7 lameness or — ~r^~iff headaches or I HtHiliiinfflitKnfli fflii or too ■Silver. ;Rolled W 'tf^lkf^ltot*!/-" V.V.W J&IIICI jr ■ When Bright Days are Dismal. — Ladies' and A writtenrguar^n- !\ jHuwivV \ '** -Hill j^ffJHS Watch and Clock ■■"■■:"■"'■'■. « tj^vfo I|bJju£ . ■ purchased, : ./'■■""■ _R^)'i_wi/ TKftnm ' A written Guaran- OTAGO JOTTINGS. >t Gents' Gunmetal Watch 3/6, Gents' Nickel Watch 3/6, Famous "Ansonia" Watch 6/-, Indies' Wristlet Watch 7/6, Ladies' Gunmetal Watch 6/6. ( ' ■BHIBpHB^^B|B|||W , . MM JK^^v ff ■ 1 ■ at Small COSt J^^^W^^^SL '/^wS^ ■ . JSbKL \4&&£^B&SBL^ . - ■ A Reliable Watch " Alarm 2/11, Ansonia Pirate Alarm " 5/6, Ansonia Peepj&&S&*Z3S*Sgg^ o'-Day Alarm 7/6, "Famous "Big Ben" 'All 11/6, Small" Bed■ room Clock 2/6, Reliable iGlobe Time- MM y>^ piece » 2/6, Marble, HBgflv^jrf Wood, and Fancy Klu'—^ ®^ - J NECESSARY FRIEND J^B^ ilflS^H \ftJssßLjS' DO YOU SLEEP IN ? ' eat-^that^s^if i^itwt, "='^P &/>e GRANDHOTEL■';^M\ I'll wire to 1 DIA MON D JU BILEE "waimanou.^) ■" By Jove! THE FAST AND CLEVER GREYHOUND and NOTES. NORTHERN NEWS — ;;".;';';" -f"" . TO COURSING MEN AND TRAINERS. COURSING SPORTS, NOTE ! - When a man offers himself for a position that means the handling of a big public sport, it is reasonable to Proprietor. 9 WANGANUI : 67 Victoria Avenue. CHRIBTCHURCH 258 High«»trcot : WELLINGTON : 55 Willia-streot. DUNEDIN: 61 Georgo'-»tr«ct j POBT OFFICE HOTEL The second round opened with Star of Papanui beating Falrlako easily. Fairlake was well out manoeuvred and only managed a look-in once. Star of Papanui 1, Falrlako I. Another straight line affair was witnessed between Bugle King and Cobeo. Bugle King warmed with the race immediately, leading by many lengths. The decision went to Bugle King on tho matter of speed. Kilts beat Great Western. Kilts led coming In first turn, Great Western killing. Kilts 3. Great Western 2. In the third round. Star of Papanui came well out over Kilts, nosing finely, stuming to advantage every time. Star of Papanui 5%, Kilts 1. Bugle King a life. Mr. R Goodall Is tho owner of Bugle King, which la by Bugle Cull— Maori Queon. Mr. Grieve owns the clover runner-up, Star of Papanul (Starlight—Gardenia). Tho trainer of both nnlmals Is "Florrle." All Otajjo and Southland know "Florrlo"' Smith, v hound-breaker of perfection. The final took three runs to decide. In the first, Star of Papanui and Bugle King raced neck and neck, and a Joint kill took place without turning puss. Tho next hare was a real beauty, and the dogs again raced neck and nock, but no kill resulted. So far two undccldedtf had been run and not an Individual »tcore made. Tho third go. however, found Star of Papanui ti tired hound. Bugle Klnjj led two tenths on the run down. With a huge effort Star of Papanui "Iny down to it," and sldod with Bugle King In mld-Metd. tty thin time the hare wa* going Huperbly and Bugle Kins boumlvd lightly out again, leading by fully four length*. Hath dogN did their uunotft. und It wns ob* viaUH Hint m the**!, three well teaied courn<y« Bujjlrj King .. CLARENDON HOTEL ProprietreM. MANNERB-BTREET, WELLINGTON. ' How to be MR. FRED DOBSON (late of the Masonic, Cuba-street) has taken over happy this favorite hostelry. The Bar.is liberally stocked with th» on wash day:, use very best, and guaranteed. CENTRAL E.HOTEL Sunlight Soap P.ETON A SPORTING HOUSE With High-grade Wines, SpJrJts and Ales. HARRY E. CARD Proprietor. j. .. ("A Sporu") THE ALHAMBRA HOTEL guaranteed""- CUBA- STREET, WELLINGTON. (A Freo House.) Proprletrat*. WHELAN MRB. SPEIGHT'S ON TAP. .... > CRICKETERS ARMS HOTEL. 1 VIVIAN-BTREET, WELLINGTON. ALES, WINEB, AND SPIRITS OP PURE THE BEBT ONLY. J. T. FOLBV, Proprietor (La.to of CclUngwooO, South IsiAnd).. New Zealander Motel MANNBRS-ST., WELLINGTON. j « proved hlniH^jr v Th«> hare ijot right away. What a lino field can be observed when hare* are well trained. WoJIy Goodall'B do* flesh ha* car» rlcd off both Maiden Stakes In tnvcrcarglll, and Orocer Grieve has been "«vtax. MRS. MeVINISH Mem Ales. Uc»t Accommodation. Best Wlneu and Spirits. J. . H. HINTON '% . Piroprftter. OLD FRIENDS AND NEW,PftTBNDS tfiay^r." Lot it be known thAt THATSWHAT MOTHtg_DS£si HECTOR A. ROBS li»M t*Jctn over the FAMILY HOTEL, LOWER HUTT. TRUTH* SATURDAY, JULY 4, 1914 10 PUG PARS. RECORDS OF THE RING: An amateur boxing association has been formed afßotorua. Mr. F. A. Hornibrook has resigned membership of the Christchurch By "The Second." . Sports Club. ANSWER TO CORRESPONDENT. "J.M."~Otto Crib knocked out Snowy SturgeoSi m 8 rounds on April 21, 1900. On July 2, 1900, they fought a. 20-round draw. These two occav_^ eioga^r.e^the' only times they met. j SCHEDULED SCRAPS. July 22 and 23: New Zealand Cham" pionships at Wanganui. July B.— F. McQuarrie v. Gco. Mathew- son,Dunedin. Julyyl^— Denriy Murphy v. Sid Mitchell Auckland. 1 il.— Jimmy Hagerty v. Peter Cook, at Christchurch. August stance of Lowe injuring his hand, thg N.B.A. has been put to providing a substitute for Lowe, and Mr. Dyer ought to know just as well as "Truth" that matches are not made m a minute. On the other hand, some matches take months to make, and then fall through. "Truth" isn't apoligising for or excusing the N.B.A. It seems to have become a very active body of late, and Mr. Dyer ought to take the credit to himself that he has galvanised it. Perhaps it will be retorted that the activity is due to the fact that Mr. Dyer is no longer connected with the active management of the affairs of the Asso* ciation.7—Ed. T. . OTAGO CHAMPIONSHIPS AN ASSOCIATION'S AFFAIRS. Mr. Dyer's Last Word The Otago boxing championships opened before a crowded house m the Garrison Hall, Dunedin, last Monday. Messrs. Batt and Patterson acted as What Does Silence Signify? judges, and their decisions all through " Thus F. H. Dyer (Auckland):— were accurate and popular. Mr. Kilproved himself a very capable m the face of accusation, martin -usually ' signifies admission; that; the referee, taking much pains with every Charges maderare correct, and Ifeel contest. Mr. S. S. Myers presided, and 'that the stolid silence of Greenbough; introduced the contestants. As usual, Ballin and Co., In the public trial they everything was up to 18 carat m the have been"undergoing proves.my con- well-practised and energetic hands of tentions. lst—That the management Mr: Joe Isaacs. Messrs. Anderson and of the affairs of the N.B.A. is deplor- McGorkindale presided efficiently with .able, 2nd— That the funds have been watch and gong. Every item went misapplied. 3rd-— That the sport of smoothly, and several of the bouts were boxing"is a secondary consideration. fast and clever. ■'4th— -That 'thp admissions of' Mr. ,Feather.— D. McGregor (9.0) v. 'A. bored , . m . Goodman (8.13). Goodman , . without delay, McGregor finding if MAKE IT, IN MY OPINION, CLEAR difficult to get-home. In-the second go, that the present secretary is.quite, in- McGregor's left got m heavily twice, capable, of conducting the duties of Goodman's rushes and in-fighting getthe position he occupies, while the ting very little results. 'Goodman got attempt to hobblemyself while occupy- a right stinger1 on m found three, foling a judicial position; makes it abun- lowed up by a quick left to the head dantly apparent that the welfare of the and right low down. McGregor, as / sport is riot m good hands. No further they closed, received a lot. Goodcarnivals are' announced, and, apart man's win was popular. V ,.from the fact that members of the AsG. Bailey (8.10) y. G. Smith (9.0). sociation have, up to the present, taken Smith piled a few m the opening go, no public steps to purify the adminis- accepting a nasty smack on the jawi as tration, Ifeel that the governing body a keepsake; In round two Smith'showhave infereritially admitted their in- ered rapidly on/receiving again a > eptitude m not immediately applying nasty dial slap. Several rips from their power (circumscribed tnough,it Smith glaringly failed m this spell. be) .towards protecting both line sport Round three saw Bailey receive three and the public from further maltreatm- ugly rights, and give m return a hard ent at the hands of the local control- left. Smith the winner. ling body. What the general body of Light— J; North (9.13) v. J. Marks members think of the conduct of their (9.8). North received a bit of a shock executive, I cannot surmise, but I m the opening, going down heavily for know numbers of gentlemen who a,second. Sharp and heavy exchanges (though ardent sportsmen) have sig- followed, m which the margin went to nified their intention to quit'connection Marks. Round three was a veryheavy with the Bport of boxing till its control one right through, both lads going it and Ihave gamely. Marks's win. shall be beyond reproach, * ' , received sheaves of W. Boreham (9.13) v. A. McDougall smacks opened ■LETTERS OF CONGRATULATION (9.5). Brisk alternategetting slightly this bout, McDougall purge and offers of assistance to the the better. > Round two saw Borehara present position into a stage more apget m a straight left at times, receivproaching purity. This can more ing oh the body m return. The' exapOy be ,done by the members of the changes continued brisk until the final Association themselves; their rules are gong, McDougall getting the verdict. enough, their sense of fairness elastic Bantams.— J. Lane (8.2) v. P.' O'Farprotection sufficient, and selfshould be rell (8.2). O'Farrell found the body and, if they need assistance, Iwill wiltwice as an opening, Lane's endeavore lingly give it to them. Icould occupy being more misses than hits. Round your space columns of valuable with Wo found O'Farrell accept a few regardingfurther disclosures the mis- straight lefts and a stiff right to the deeds of the people who unfortunately point. The gong saved Pat. In the sport boxing control tho of m this city, final spell, O'Farrell got a great deal, but there is no pleasure m kicking a but proved himself very game. Lane '' dead dog, and unless the members of won. some effort to galvanthe N.BjV. make (10.8) v. D. Welter.— F. O'Connell ise the 1body corporate from its leth- Pox (10.2). A tamo opening characr will argy, I sport feel that 'the be held terised this bout, and -was littlo better iri contempt, by ithe public, .who will m round two. Fox managed to secure hot patronise any movement, the con- a little blood on hi3-dial,: but'it was trol of which is riot clean." mysterious. The finishing toucn saw Does not Mr. Dyer err whenhe states ' take a few.- A very weak bout. that Messrs; Greeribough and Ballin, Pox Q'Cbnnell got the decision. arid Northsecretary, Treasurer of the Welter.— D. Leckie (10.0) v. W. ern Boxing Association, did riot reply Boreham (9,13): A swift right to the genof fact, to him? As a matter the jaw twico brought Boreham heavily tlemen named did reply, arid did not down for the count of four. Leoljic's However, Dyer Mr. mince matters. right got m to advantage again and has been given space m these columns told. The final ronnd, m fast and N.8.A., affairs of I to deal with the Jtho furious gait, sawJßoreham a strenuous m admitted, fact, and it has to be; is goer, but Leckie was the winner. admitted, that he has stirred up things Middle.— D. Herbert (11.1) v. E. Tygenerally. . The stern critic must not The opening was heavy complain, if, m turn, he- is criticised. son (1,1.2). Tyson, m a sharp melee, and keen. of Dyer, as an.ex-^member the accepted a stunning hook to the jaw, Mr. committee, has brought to light matand gave a right swing as heavily kept ters which he admits he quiet on back. Ponderous lefts and rights In they j brought about. fast outat the time were fighting featured the round. wrong When these acts were coriimit- The finishing round disclosed a strenu,the open Dyer to Mr. tcd, course l^ft ous mix-up of hard exchanges. was to have resigned as a protest,and Tyson's lefts Bert fought gamely. as was a not to wait till such time he and he got tho heavy and furious, were ' defeated candidate at tho election of verdict. v ; '"■'..' officers, before Finals. "BLOWING THE QA^F." Tho finals m the Otago champion"Truth" has its own opinion concern- ships came' off bdfore a well-packed Ing the management of boxing, not night. Thebouts only by the N.8.A., but by numerous house on Tuesday boxing Associations m tho Dominion, were generally good, and one was surprising, and, and what passes as the correct thing characterised by a lucky knock out In one body is votjed "out" m Another. for the winner, a If everything is not right with tho N.B.A. management, if illegal things ASSOCLVHON. are being done, and Mr. Dyer has as- GISBORNE BOXING OPERA HOUSE, GJSBORNE, serted and reasserted , that illegal things have been done, then it is for THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, JULY r AND 10. the members of the. N.B.A. to requisition the committee to call a general AMATEUR CHAMPIONSHIPS OF POVERTY BAY special meeting. Really, this would bo For all Classes. best way out of the difficulty, 'tho HEAVY-WEIGHT though "Truth"- now understands that PROFESSIONAL CONTEST— PURSE £40. Mr. Dyer has severed all connection with tho Association. "Truth" is, m FRED WILLIAMS (Tologa Bay) v. VIV. LOWE (Glsborne) tho matter, a disinterested party, and wants to bo fair. As for the assertion PROFESSIONAL MIDDLE-WEIGHT CONTEST— PURSE £30. that no matches have been announced, what about tho provincial champions- GEO. RICHARDSON (Glsborne) v. W. POESY (Glsborno) hips and tho Lowo-Marquot match? I Cortalnly, owing to circumstances over N. L. HUMPHREYS, Secretary. which it had no control, the clrcumjGreenbough .';; - - . WE ALWAYS LIKE TO REMIND OUR CUSTOMERS BY LETTING THEM KNOW WHEN WE ARE TURN: : : : : . ING OUT SPECIAL BARGAINS Now is* Your .Time, Gentlemen, to get the L^atest and.Up=to=date> m Tweed Overcoats SUNQLr&BRBASTBPUSUALLY 37/6, 42/6, NOW 30/-, 35/-, 50/- 40/- DOUBLE-BREASTED . . USUALLY 42/6 to 70/NOW 35/- to 60/THSSB ARE THIS* SEASON'S I^ATiSST PRODUCTIONS; Our Motto: Reliable Goods at Lowest Prioe*. /f^^/JT ' 160 Cuba-street Popular Ou(fi((crs Open every nigtot till 9. Saturday* I<UO p.m. hadn't it all his- own way, even'therefor Murphy's awful wallops vto the body were weakening Ike all the way;' and m the sixteenth Billy got' the:jaw with one of his terrible rights " and '■■ Weir was out for keeps. ■ ,.1read, m a Sydney paper;that reek* of reprint matter, only a week or tw> ago that some "clever" Yankee scribe* wrote that the fight lasted 30 rounds^ and the man responsible for the republication 'of the silly', should have known enough falsehood to refute the statement. But he evidently did not, for it was allowed to go uncontradicted; though Billy stood for Australia and should have been protected by anyone posing as a reliable recorder o£ facts, where Australians are concerned. Billy Murphy was born m Auckland* and, though a wispof&boy ribs could be counted as he stood m, the, ring, even up to his last public ap-J pearance, which was at the National' Sporting Club, now Brennan-Fuller'a Amphitheatre, Castlereagh-street, in* Ithink,"1903 or ' 1904. He was a comeback then, was. painfully :a has-: been and was badly beaten m a on«K sided battle. . Yet, sucti is the virile little gentler man's eternal youth and belief mhim-: self, that it is only, as it were, yes-v terday. that he was roaring for tf chance m Australia against "some of THESE SELF-STYLED CHAMPIONS.V As late as' December 20 last, BUty published the following cartel, as .'an( advertisement, m the Auckland '.'Even* ■ ing Star":— : Otago Boxing Association. Garrison Hall, Dunedin, JulycB. PROFESSIONAL HEAVY-WEIGHT F. McQuarrie CONTEST— .£ stt JPURSE. '.. G. Mathewson v. Kid Lewis and Herb McCoy have been matched for a return battle, to (Ex-N.Z. Champion) (N.Z. and Ex-Australasian take place at Melbourne Stadium on The six round two-minute go was Saturdays. -" stopped m the third spell. Rumor hath it that Teddy Norder, July 11. V Champion) ....-'.■ Welter.— D. Leckie (10.0) v. F. president of the Christchurch Sports For next Saturday night, June 11, SPECIAL SIX ROUND BOUTS ! THE EVENTS OF THE SEASON ! hunting m his mar- th*e. Sydney Stadium management are O'Cohnell (10.8) A .tame opening. The Club, contemplates ~ ' sickly manoeuvre was, however, car- ble. PRICES: ss, 3s and 2s. putting up Milburn Saylor and Joe ' ried into round two, and, with a sorry "Tis also said that Mr. Hornibrook Welling. ISAACS, ■"' J. . Hon. Sec monotonous persistency, into the fin- intends doing a similar stunt, whichI Tne question of definite legislation ishing touches. Leckie managed a few leads one to believe that the little smacks towards the close, as also did stoush directorate is anything but a or controlling authority of boxing m ' O'Conriell. As a toff on the stage re- happy family. New Zealand^will be fully discussed at i ; marked, "Leckie wouldn't and O'ConCome to think of it, there certainly the Wanganui Conference. . nell couldn't." O'Connell won. COULD- be a little less "Lytteltbn Messrs. Atack and Robson havebeen A. Times" represented on the body. Featherweight. Semi-final, appointed by the Christchurch Sports Goodman (8.13) v.P;Torrie (8.12). Bill Barrett is at present examin- Club, as;a' sub-committee to. deal ..with very was neat m the nothing There ing the muscle developing stunt with matches for the August tournament. . opening of the bout. A deal of wrest- a sledge-hammer at Scotsopolis. The Sydney" Stadium scrap this Satling clinched the many strenuous efThe welter-weight" division at the forts. Goodman tapped the body heav- forthcoming County Championships urday is between Jimmy Clabby and Eddie McGoorty. The Hammond box-ily, taking a dial smacker m return. likely colt from Ash- er, Clabby, The final round was keen and well " will include a holds an American decision 1 capable the (By Major.") fought Torrie receiving many greet- burton. Said xolt is m. over McGoorty. Jimmy Watson. ings on his dial and body. This was hands of The Wanganui .Association has se- i Len Cade, who won the middlea good bout towards the close. GoodCopyright: AH Rights Reserved by the Author. weight championship of Canterbury a lected Mr. L. Cohen as/ president of j man got the decision. . the Council, and July 22 and 23 had j G. Smith (9.0) v. P. O'Farrell (8.2). couple or three times, and who was run- been fixed as the dates'for ,the New Opened with.much in-fighting, O'Far- ner-up onceand carried off the New Zea* championships. : '. . (CHAPTER XLVm.) rell takingrather too much on hisSial Jand Championship two yearsago,is be- Zealand N.8.A., from his opponent's lefts and rights. ing tutored by Jimmy Watson and will representative The of the who A correspondent, to whom \l am Iwrote:Round two saw O'Farrell continue ito have a fly at this year's County Cham- is now m Sydney hasbeen commissionlast compete deeply indebted, and .from whom I "Arrived : accept many facial slaps. Smith dis- pionships. Cade didn't try Hughie Mehegan ed to and secure ' there (Melbourne) he was > ...;.■ closed a nasty left. The final go saw year. as.an opponent for Herb McCoy,, m hope to hear often, sends me a quo- at once matched to box P.luto eight Watson's proteges also include dark Auckland early next month. What- tation froih my own writings m the rounds at O'Farrell's dial much exposed and well the Victoria Hall. The * "Referee," on the eve of the first match played upon. Pat did not seem to af- horses m the light and heavy-weight oh! she bumps. ended m a draw (m those days ford any protection to his gory coun- class . who will try out at the ChristGriffo-Murphy contest, which took there were BOXING CHALLENGE.--TO Ana no points decisions), and a dubbed an easy church Sports Club's next dust-up. Frank Ellis, m Sydney, says there'sI place on September 2, 1890, at the | second tenance. Smith was Man who has a Reputation m tho " meeting of rounds, at the . Sports Club president, Teddy Not* no .need for Charlie Simpson to wait S.H.G.C. He offers the loan, of the) Hibernian ; Hall, six winner. Boxing Ring up to.lflst. Iwill back resulted similarly. Heavyweight— A. G. Cooper ((11.8) der, has been prevailed on to with-* for Jimmy Hill, as he (Frank) has £50 cutting from which he quotes,; for! IThe outcome of these two undecided i myself to stop him m 4 rounds at 3 against (Charlie),! have actually not' got the time v. W. Moore (11.9). The fighting was draw his resignation and hang back himself on to to. ' to look battles was a match with skin gloves. minutes each round. Will meet him, a bit wild m the opening, Mdore's his job. otherwise John Dunn, junior. Winner i up my former writings, and have at any time m the Exhibitiontoi The lads met before a select circle, at lot, Simpson prefers rushes serving no purpose. The exsome talce the if so it depend* solely There's talk m Christchurcn* almost on memory m Lilydale, m the open, Grounds if he should put on a show;! and after fightchanges were better m the second go, about it being the intention of Walter recounting many incidents. Ihope my ing 23 rounds, m which Griffo did or will knock out in '4 two-minute ."■■ In the; event of Jeff Smith going on valued most Cooper's right getting loudly on Ireland, who was disqualified for life friend will stand rounds any of tho*e would-be fighthis offer of the leading, the sports humanely Moore's jaw frequently. The closing by the Sports Club recently, to appeal a suggested brief visit to America,'dur- and forward me the articleto from which stopped it and made a draw of it. A, ers with their mouths that donM{ scene disclosed Moore . standing oft against the decision. The bone of con- ing the time his 'damaged hand takes he quotes; for it would, as he says, little while after Griffo and Pluto had know their right hand from their; somewhat and receiving a ~stinging tention seems to be that the fight, m to repair itself, he will arrange to releg. If any of them call on roe, they} BE OP GREAT INTEREST A BARNEY IN A BILLIARD ROOM left and right to the head. "* Copper order to qualify for being classed as a turn to Australia by October at latest, can make £5 m eight minutes afteii " to ;ineet the winner of the Clabby-Mc- if reprinted now, to say nothing of and adjourned was given the decision. been declared to Peter "schleinter," should have Newton's this.-r-BILLY MURPHY, ox-Cham(9.8) Goorty contest. Lightweight FinaL— J. Marks the amount of, research and memory- rooms, where they fought 13 rounds, pion of \he World; still Champion no fight by the referee. As it. was, the, guarantee v. D. Leckie (10.0). This bout opened decision was given that Vernall won. It is announced that Denny Mur- raking it would save me. I when Newton stopped it. Griffo'brokei where, the would-be's are concerned. ' tamely, but developedinto a keen exregarded by the Sports phy and Sid Mitchell will box a re- a safe return of my correspondent's the third finger of his right hand, m The which is not bad for an old 'un S change, Marks scoring, steadily with a Vernall is still material, carefully so treasured all this go, on Pluto's hard black brow. fight, and turn match at Auckland 'on July 14, Imet m Sydney last week, an old lightning hook- of the right. Leckie Club as the winner of the these years— if he will send with it a Then he- went to Melbourne has received his trophy. The Sports the night following Auckland's Pro- precise address. let out, catching Marks very heavily he friend of Murphy's, a one-time pedesChampionships. again fight Alto Pluto, Club's vincial m the Amateur then, actions are somewhat Amateur on the jaw. Marks went down and The quotation refers to the Griffo- Athletic Club, for a purse of £100 (a trian athlete of Auckland, one Finley, seeing that Vernall was ad- ready m connection '.with the re"out. The blow was a lucsy one for complex, Pluto series of matches and gives the record m those days), and after 70 a well-set-uj>, good-lookingto battle, money turn a lot of is said judged fight the winner of a which the I unlucky for Leckie, and particularly facts aboi/t them. After introducing rounds the flgbi was declared a draw carrying his years, as so many Nev^ Marks, who augured well for the bout. same body declared by rubbing Ireland be on the Murphy, side. It will -tell m Zealanders do, as thqugn they were the subject (the article was one giving and the boys divided the purse." * out, the end. v . fight. to be no Ireland has a Six-rounds two-minute bout— M. thistledown, and he told me .that Billy particulars of Griffc>s career up. to the which, being The written a. (9.13). appealing chance of to the New Zeaat tuno is the same old wiry Leckie (8.11) v..'"W. Borehani Association, owing., .to time when he challenged Billy Murphy when Ihad eyory Southland of vigor and ' detail of Council, Griffo's nerve, and thinks hebit but beyond that, ''Truth" heavy losses last season,-has petitioned to fight for the feather-weight chamThis was Boreham's third bout m the land only needs f* careor my as at ends fingers' game and could believes ILhe Act protects the boxing the New Zealand Boxing Council that pionship of the world, which. contests. He entered the ring had not refer to him m, any case of doubt, is chance to satlpfy the world that lie is a fighting-cock, and, from the outset officials to an extent which would ren- "a reduction m its subscription fee' Idrig previously been a champion. He sticks to \his old by Murphy won likely absolutely to bo "tho facts of still bored m. Towards the close of round der Ireland's protest''up to mud. would be actrade as a tailor, but m the cleaning , year, Weir, to the Council this from Ike '!The Spider," Belfast the : shave, the case.!' two he experienced a narrow repairing line, having a;shop, at been-aland ceptable." The matter has of the fastest punishing one and most More correspondence on Griffo the Mount Rosklll, just gong saving him. In the third round JACK' JOHNSON. of Auckland lowed to stand over until it is seen fighters who ever trod the American Incomparable. ."An old sport" wroto city, bis sign bearingout the bout was concluded by the referee the legend, "Get competitions pan ring), this but year's by relating, how as I have done m a me last (10/6/14):— Boreham was week calling the pugs off. ' His Points Decision .Over Moran. your clothes cleaned and repaired by financially. :. former chapter, how Monsieur Victor accepting far too much, and was rather "I have been reading Truth* for Billy Murphy, champion of the world,* get hold of Griffo through me; came to Leckie safety. too game for his own In the absence of a detailed desome years now and Itake a pleasure The New Zealand Boxing Council When Mr. Finley saw him recently, was'declared the winner, but Boreham scription it would be unwise to pass m reading your column m reference to during. granted permission for the Christhas a visit to the beautiful place o£ received a trophy from Messrs. Loft any opinion on the points decision won church Sports Club to match Jimmy the Australian Ring. Ihave always his birth, Murphy was "pouri" over The . New Zealand Boxing Assocla- been,a sport, and Co. as undoubtedly the best of the by Jack Johnson over the white Hegarty'and Peter Cook for the lightboy, ever since Iwas.a the death of. his father, to whom he !tion has written the management of and, defeated pugs. American, Frank Moran, as cabled weight cha.mpionship at Christchurch Sydney Stadium regards flghts and fighters, I had devoted himself during the year* the matter of an have as I on Featherweight Final.— A. Goodman Monday last. If it was-the best Johnfollowed August 11, and to the Northern Ason them up for many years. since ho went back to settle, In htß>na? v. G. Smith: Goodman's boring in- son could do against a'"hope" who is sociation.to match A) Lowe and A. Iagreement respecting reciprocal ac- Lately, Iam sorry to say, I-have hot tive city. Every: morning Billy (took concerning: disqualifications been, fighting easily secured the preliminary barely recognised in the world of Popley for the heavy-weight cham- tion go able to to them on account of the old man a cup of tea In bod( ohji placed on professionals. round, and, m round two, his left con- "stoush," then Jack is developing into pionship at' Auckland on July 14. sickness, so Itake all the more plea- generally treated his progenitor with; tinually played at short range on his That clever bantam, Jack O'Neill, of sure m reading" your reports m the a back number. But the nigger is full adversary. The founds continued to of guile and wiles, and for all accepting a position as patron of Westport, boxed a draw with Stewart, 'Sportsman,' that and your reminis- BEAUTIFUL FILIAL DEVOTION;, In we and he miasod his loving old pal and Council, the be Goodman's, who persisted m keepof Timaru, at MJllerton oa Saturday cences know,,for twenty rounds, he. merely the New, Zealand Boxing Truth.' They make a man devotod admirer, sorely. \ "I desire night last. The scrap was for the see them ing well m. Smith was well beaten as fooled :with the American, hoping Hon. A. L. Herdman wrote: .fight as it went on, Inoticed that Murphy poro was a typical Irish' the gong went. An in-fighting bout as ;one boxing say upon -to that I look championship. your They'll have In writing last Sunday, on Alf workman. A little weazened old .man bantam when;up against Sam Langford at the is not an interesting thing to look at, Nq.JLio.nal : Grlffo's record, you forgot to mention even when Iknew him, over a qujyjfcMT " Sporting Club, he can win a of the finest and most useful sports m tomeet again. but in-flghting seems to be Goodman's and one that should be country, , the The feather-weight title being m the bare-knucklo of a century ago; all wire andTT?hlpV*** strong feature. Smith proved himself encouraged. Ia*m entirely m agree" If Johnson's true form has been..disBoxing the Taumarunui THAT cord and madly devotod to "mo bye, abeyance, a very game lad. FIGHTS HAD. GRIFFO Council m the success' . * closed, then the coon has not only lost ment with the arranging jto-_-haye- the ; "Ohe of thorn' -was about Billy." Every*., time thei\ youngster Association is keep boxing year the his terrible punch, but he is sliding ful efforts it has .made to fought, title for at on the 1888 or the old man. would tratnp the fought Tauraarunul 1889 with a young lad about THE GAME IN CANTERBURY. into mediocrity, and should prove easy m New. Zealand clean." . evening of August 7 next. The boxers 17 or 18 years of age at the time, as weary four, or flvo miles from iArch for the first genuine "hope" that comes Snowy Baker has announced; from will tie Gus Venn and Lin Robinson, of near as Ifould Judge. This lad's Hill, where ho had, with Billy's finanThis year's Canterbury Champion- along. Still, the writer's opinion is Brisbane! that he starts ■ building the Gisborno. The winner will no doubt name was Snowy cottage* Pulham, or Pullen, cial assistance, built a smallperform. ships are expected to unearth some that the coon is "foxing." and that new Stadium there immediately. Box- bo matched with Frank Bills, should I am not suro of. tho spelling of his to the city, to see his,"bye", ' ordinary more bril" stars of than right too, ttstic when the moment arrives he will ing is m great favor with the Brisbane he come across. till,Ba.. name; but he was working on tho He always saw him win, liance. prove himself the Jackp of old. Per- public. He . considers that Frank sewer job m Harrington-stroct, m No. rney (Eugene) Donovan, tho one-eyed . of Hastings There is talk from have Most of the local instructors haps not. Anyhow a few months will Thorn's white hope, Burge, gives some gunner was ten stono champion the Waikato: boxer, Sid Mit- 16 Bhaft, near where Iwas working m of New who' some special "hope" m hand, and one tell. If Johnson could not get away promise. The authorities are giving matching Zealand for many years, and factory, at tho corFoster's bedstead chell, Hastings. with Bert Lowe at entering anticipates a with Moran, and risked a decision on an official hearing to Baker's national trus» at least Australians, mado mean, if a match wero ner of Harrington-street and Gallows as clever as most likely man hi' each division. points, and, providing it was all "on boxing scheme and he 'hopes to begin This would Hill. It was at dinner time that they him quit m tho eleventh round, one made, Mitchell would have to that con"Sandy Jack" is sparing no effort tho level,^ then the nig is going to.be on" the, public schools at an early date. night, at th«vold Theatre Royal. cede much poundage to the Glsbornp fought and it was the best fight ever with a ypung English bantam-weight, busy for the next few months. Then, Rilly scaled Bst 21b that night and Isaw and it lasted an hour and 10 Still, Mitgiven boxer. it is out that par. A / "Sydney Sportsman" Joe named Alf Munt Munt's/ brother was we shall see. Donovan lOst 41b, and. with all due minutes, about rounds, think, 13 and I giving' chance of Lowe Johnson, the rosy-cheeked young New chell likes his runner-up for the Canterbury chamonlyVfor tho boys, Griffo was beat. regard to a wonderfully good, lightZealand light-weight, who haa shown weight and beating him. pionship m Charlio Chisnall's year. He Griffo knocked him down seven times; weight-and as game a man as ever WITH THE MIDDLE-WEIGHTS. such good form m *short- journey is a clever, heady little boxer. Owing to an injury to his hand Bert but tho lad was game; and Ithought pulled on a mitt, Barney was dead fights and spars at the wStadlum, has Lowe's match with Harry Marquet at Murphy held out his hand Norman Vernall is the "hope" for myself after ho was knocked downand lickod when Jeff Smith Has A Short Spell. " ;, . decided to give work and fighting a Auckland, on July 13, has been aban- got up again and again feather-weight honors. Lien Grant will m surronder. T . I never that. spell for a couple of" weeks and enjoy doned. Meantime the Northern Box- saw probably be one of the nuts Vernall Ican see it as Iwrite. Tho splen-' better a two-handed knucklcClabby and McGoorty. will be called upon to crack. a few good sniffs of country air. While ing Association: has arranged a.meet- flghter In my life." (And yet it.was dldly proportioned, broad-shouldered good stepAmong the light-weight entrants, A. doing so, Joe will run down to Botany ing betweenMarquet and AHck Pooloy who did tho knocking-down. Donovan (who \vaa tho A week ago it looked as if Jimmy occasionally to keep himself limber for early m August— the winner to bo Griffo Notman stands out prominently just father of the famous Jockey, Frank It is hard ' to rcconcllo "Old Sport's" lean, "mißorablo-jooknow. Ho has been practically out of Clabby and Eddie McGoorty were not by sparring with Fred Kay. Now, matched with Lowo for the heavy- opinion and that fact disclosed by Burns) and tho going to meet immediately, says who is Joe Johnson? weight championship of New Zealand. him. Boxer-Major.) "And Iam very ing" Billy, wont down together m a the limelight for a season; but has a heap, a conspicuous feature of the record of two or thrco good wins when "Boxer-Major" m "Sydney Sportsman" Jack Collins,, of Timaru, wants to sorry to say that our old friend, IronA contest of tho near- future will see and Dave Smith was requested to be stockho was m the thick of it.\ ■ Burge, mistake" which was bark Jim printed "rectify alive, a is not for ho tunglo bolng Murphy's scarlet shanks, Kay (who won a' points verdict "Dummy" Penroso is at present m In readiness to' meet Jimmy, m case Fred concerning his showing at tho. South could tell you moro about Pullen and ings which, on his attenuated again engaged m Saylof) over Milburn McGoorty should not bo available. to him as the country, knocking the husks oft ' Ho will fight Bob Moore, Canterbury champs. The roport says this fight, for ho it was who picked led. the irreverent to' allude PUKAKr,"" wheat. He has put on a couple of Snowy Baker was then absent from Melbourne. up him up nnd was working mates with cats' meat. of him "THE Dlgby that mado was out the Amorican who refereed Sydney, but after his roturn«the matstono of adipose tissue and tips tho victory over Frank;Carroll, and till a place m the second round whero him. . the pukaki being a New Zealand Jacky says he beam at something like 11 stone odd. ter was /ixed up. Therefore, Clabby of his '*ln the same year, about 6 or 8 swamp hen with thin rod legs and big Newhouse recently. After he knockedJacky out. beat Eddie McGoorty fight and will at Hushcutter arc that he will be unable afterwards, Tho chances struck months the same two met beak, a' bird from which soup is that match, Kay's next battle will be was leading on points up till heho to come down to 9 stone 4 pounds m Bay this (Saturday) evening) to ad- against was again, at Botany, at somo sports ut rod made that is calculated to make glad Hughio ,Mehegan, with the oblivion, and ho further insists stago vance one struggle further the championships and time for the will championship of Austra- up on his feet at eight, but adds that Sir Joseph Banks' Grounds. 1 can't tho heart and Htomuch of tho epicure. have to try himself among tho welters. m Australia for tho middle-weight light-weight seem to think so, so bring to momory what hollduy It wa«. They disentangled, and, to tho gonchampionship of the world; say the lia m dispute. Hughio at present is tho referee didn't Anyhow, that won't worry Penrose. Melbourne, resting on his out he had to go. He has a bit by blm but they fought nine rounds on 4hc eral surprise, Murphy held out his m homo management; people other hold that probability pencil Sloan will m all to meet any feather m New Zealand grass and hand m token of submission. So utlaurels and his bank-book. his name m the welter division, which Jeff Smith already holds tho title. (Digby preferred). Fonther means 9st GRIFFO NEVER HAD A LOOK IN. terly licked was Donovan that ho dSd I Jimmy Clabby Dave Smith v. would will let him m a go with Penrose Despite, or was It because of tho ringside, says John. what Billy was doing, mysolf stood by and watched it. i not understand and keep him busy. The duo met a not effect the world's title,' from which dramatic "withdrawal from further nea feehlo attempt to put up telegraph- I and made necessity of Owing to the grass-fighters j Another of our old- time couple of years ago and Penrose was Dave has three tiroes been decisively gotiations" of Willie Ritchie's manager, report of the Murphy- Mitchell was picking him up. Iremember tho hla dukes, and Billy had to forco ih« w pushed back by McGoorty, but it may ; top dog. match has gone ing tho Hamilton ringside upon him. tho Welsh-Ritchie from tho mill at lads, when thoy saw how things wero grip The Greymouth Association are en- bo a match of tho near future. It along swimmingly and both have signBarney understood *ho wa« unable When was "The Second" last week. lovely going, sang* a boxing display as ed articles m London to light at the out. 'Police!' Tho Jast I the most delightfully surprised man la deavoring to hitch Penrose up with shouJd be aa excellent the justice to proper 'Snowy' do Meantime, heard of ho and a man named Davo was to Olympia, there, on July 7, for the to Jack MußSon again on .luly. 10. Tho it used to be. arrangements and capable manage- Rubo Russcl hud a small boxing club all New Zealand. Ho had only one twain drew after six rounds at tho have Jules Dubourg (for the second world's light-weight championship; eye, and Murphy hud played, for tho tho Walkato of of tho officials College, Glebe, time) last Saturday m Melbourne. In Lyndhurst Bamo place a couple of months ago. title was not affected by Rit- ment Hamilton, lamp, cutting It badly and which at and sound Association Boxing Snowy Baker'soffer to Billy Murray, "But give mo old Oriffo with tho bringing It up till dear old Eugeno was Alt Willoughby, of Chrlstchurch, has reported besting m a 10 round chie's duty hiu to state pleasant now gloves. Some of our champions of todropped m for a job a« instructor of m the U.S.A., still stands. It is for go at New York by Charlie White re- it la as.hardly mattorthat tho Association showed a good day would not hit him with a handful as near stone-blind the Ustlc art at Lincoln College, an live fights m Australia, with a very cently; though Sydney writers, and profit .who tournamont; while, as Murphy, was only" aboy, cd. Had tho over Ho was,the best boxer that pf rlc©! The offer is contingent even Snowy Baker, at the dinner m educational foundry some miles out of big guarantee. seen tho round out, ho , a result of tho good turn out, the over Blood In a ring. ! Murray , beating abroad, on k Geo. Chip m honor of his return from al- membership Is increasing and with it Chrlstchurch. "Sir, IraaV later on give you somo WOULD HAVE WON FOR A CERT. Alf reckons there are some likely America this day (Saturday). luded to White as the new light-weight are coming m tho very necessary sub- moro Information." That, injured hand knowledge worries Jeft champion of the world. Poor old George Bolchcr, then a foundry, and colts at the scriptions. Tho success achieved will Smith, who, claiming the championship r re- prosperous' bookmaker, that being"bo"An very glad Sport' I am Old his eye gleams with particular lustre to might encourage well bo the Association mo," "They're after no doubt through the decision ho got over minded mo of these Incidents of "do fore his friendly four round*, at on one burly bit of manhood who could the refrain of absent Alec. Pooloy'a make more matches of a first-class likely make a mimo for himself among Noo Clabby, cannot box for sorno little song. to feddcr's" career, for they had quite Chrlstchurch, with Jom Maco, had recharacter, sport Aucklandor tho is young and Since tho tall time Probably Jeff's next appearance slipped my memory, though Ineard sulted In a cancer forming l» George's Zee amateur heavy-weights. Naturally, Walkato. the division of tho boom m tho I, as th« won the heavy-weight It is on tho cards that F. Upton and will be against the winner between Olympla of them often enough at the time. ntomach, was timekeeper. being seva Walkato boxtournament, Thousand fact of Mitchell newspaper man to write Billy a few of tho old first Norman, a novice from the Cold Coun- Clabby and McGoorty. a Thoro word tfrim says for lot of enthusihim, responsible big fellows want er Is eral of the name, and a valued pupil. victory over pushltcs who were only too pleased to Murphy's try, will be trotted out from Willough"Boxer- Major." Of course, ho was asm and the merit of his wings with Belcher. In tho worried tho Blood toll mo how Pullen had by*s school to compote m the County class, really 1 not to b underestimated. being Murphy "The Second" is In receipt of a com- fighting out of his I* Championships. Both men are middle- munication from Gua Venn, of Tauma- a middle-weight and with a big chance It was not a fluke punch that did the champion; and what my correspond- Evury bookmaker In Now Zealand bluff, weights and said to be some good. was In .the first round that ent recounts nt» m with my remarks knew me. and with doar- old. runui, In which that ;feather-wolght of winning that division, when he was trick. It a by tho way, I deud-Mtralght Belcher, I* was an odds who, Willis— couple rights of solid about Abe Youngr Curran, Avho defeated Jack Iannounces hia willingness to accept Now, very be- he landed put out on an alleged foul. a willing six round go at | the cballengo of Harry Johns, which Dlgby Jaw, and tho Mitchell lad was informed last week, died m Callun on favprlte. sides Jack Darcy. others are of tho to the tap. Ah the pair got ready, George turned ago, reported a while is Tho punches hurt and Park Asylum, whero he had been inamong doesn't appeared In "Truth's" last Issue. All opinion they can lick Alec, and Chrlstchurch . terned for several years, somo eigh- to me and aald, "I mjppoae this In a to have departed from the Churchy that is nccoHsary is for some. Associaof tho felt them. "The did Sceopd" Denny tho winner Doyle, is lien them They asked mo to City. .More than ono of his acquaint- tion to arrange a match. Incidentally, heavioN' class In tho Olympla .£ 6OO. not glvo Mitchell a chance ot defcut- teen months back— and his ability to damned schlointer. watch, but I'm «orry I did. ances would be delighted to hoar ot his to give some idea of the callbro of Hearmg. however, that Pooloy had left ing Murphy; but, fittor seeing Mitchell muster Griffo m a rough and tumble. hold tho not prepared to say.that I shall be glad to hour from "An Old That skinny atom can't mean to fight Venn, it might bo mentioned that m return. Barney on the level." for hla home, Doyle broadens his chal- shape, ho is Big Bill Bartlctt has a friend or two England he was Just defeated on lenge and Ib willing to opposo his ho will not repeit his win the next Sport" again, nx It Is such an he. In""What!" I unoried. "You don't memories, at Gisborne inquiring after hia health points by the brilliant Yid, Kid Lewis, plump and pleasing personality to that time they meet. At the time of writ- tolllgent men with good In the com- know Billy Murphy. Junt wait till you who, recently m Sydney, got away being carried who can greatly asslut mo were negotiations game. ing the Lc« and a fow other Incidentals. m heavy-weight any of of this work, and Jog my me-* »co him perform." Jimmy Watnon, the popular little with Hughid Mchogan. Venn also O'Donnell for choice. Pooley lv now In out for a. return match at Auckland pilation Less than a minute after, while Belmory when It allpir a cog. I am very for the 14th of this month. Chrlßtchurch wallop artist, has again acted as sole sparring partner to Auckland. cher not wift atlll grumbling, the raori, or my Horry that m correspondent Is started a school to teach cnthusiasta Jjowis when ho was training for his a Htato of health to see present-day rather the boy and the m«n, Hhook rooms aro His situwhich ho with gentlelight, art. won. Paul the Til. for "Time," roared the burly fights for himself; but if he ahould hand». ated m the populous Sydcnham and the feather-weight championship of delighted to be bookmaker, and they shaped up. Infeel I would bo Jlko it. nights Tuesdays are and Europe. his "at homo" ALWAYS ASK FOR allowed tho pleasure of gaining him utnnily Murphy, who then boxed leftadmittance to a fight, say after ihe handed, slammed m left to Donovan's rigors of winter are peat, Iahall not dUI that forget his name, ho may bo suro. SENT THE BLOOD SPURTING BILLY MURPHY APPEARS. iv a. ahowor. OF quit growling «nd fairly ! Thero ho* only been one Murphy, B«lchor my and hlii name Is billy Murphy! Thero hlßtse<J In ear: "By God! Thi« In i WHEN ORDERING WHISKY INSIST ON HAVING have beftn, and arc, othera bear no Rchlelnter. I never caw & butter tho name, notably Hnnrtam Tommy; punch m my llf«t" that wallop, |but thare never was and novcr will bo H wan a "bontodger," r tu> wn« the fljcht that followod lu Ia boy of 8 stone -41b like Billy Murj>by. andJ^irney Donovan luidn't boon two He stood out alone and proved hi* If quality finally when h<* knocked out mono the heavier nnd tho enmcM OLDEST MATURED SCOTCH! WHISKY. Spider Weir, In San Fra»d*co. m 1800; evor. Murphy would hay* a tided: hia N.Z., Ltd., Agents. 'after being knocked about like n scalp to hIR(Tobi«r collection, thai nlshu ' bo continued,) punching ball for fifteen round*. Wolr — \ . — . THE AUSTRALIAN RING ItEMINfeCENCK_A^ RKOBEDS t — "Boxer \- — /« . . ■ ... . - maii J "■ — i - y ' . . — . . ° m INSIST ON HAVING Imperial Ale THE ALE QUALITY. GOLD TOP ALE Throgmorton RecJ Stripe AT ALL HOTELS! HANCOCK <EL CO., ! '^^ j^ TROTH, SATURDAY, JULY 4, 1:914. land brigade. He undoubtedly would Jiave performed well on the grounds over there. E. Roberts,.of the Athletic Club, has been chosen to fill the va■ ; THE FOOTBALL HELD : RUGBY . By Correspondents cancy. m all Centres. 1 Shore won the game -m. the first spell when they rattled up- nine pointSj,before the :"Grafters" had warmed up' to " their work. Shore did most .of-, the attacking m a fast game, played and finished without the usual scraps sandwiched m. Once again Ifwerson had the pleasure of scoring all the points registered by Grafton. The result of last week's games leaves Ponsonby and North Shore level m the premiership. . Geo. Gillett stepped himself out for" Ithe first time this season, when he put his arms through the sleeves of aPfinsonby jersey on Saturday. Jawgewas right m the thick of it while his wind remained, but this soon left him. A little training and a match or two will put him right The dog m the manger style of play } is no good m the Northern Union j game, and Tobin (Newton) wants to send the ball out to his backs instead of trying a Parnell shout (lone bander) every tome. He is not quite good enough to beat the opposition all by * himself. 4 LEAGUE. this afternoon are, Marist Bros. v. LION;■' ! .'."^f^ "STOUJP 'ALE one B-OtteP"]..;,. None Purer ! Dobson was easily the king: pin of is of the solid order. : . University forwards are a solid, Ponsonby, and University v. College the rVarsity forwards. Tol-day (Saturday),,' Marists. clash Rifles. Both matches should provide \j*&r weighty lot. TS **The Salo 6£ Pooti > ' Manufactured m conSENIOR COMPETITION, Boys with Old Linwood, try keen contests. conclufonnlty' with the reand DrNig»s Actj PONEKB v- ST. JAMES. <S» Suburbs 14, Athletic- 6. " sions with Marists,KrVarslty meets Syquiremeirts of 1905," ', Jimmies accepted. another wallop m denham, and Christchurcir has a go at SECOND GRADE. .' . ,\ their game last Saturday. They are AlbiohV . . CHRISTCHURCH. Suburbs 33, Petone 0. will-yet win very game, however^ and ' ,'VAthjetlc 15, Wellington 10. a game or two. : ' j Old- Boys.11 v. Merivale 6. ' DUNEDIN. Only orie.Leagujs match, eventuated First spell was pretty evei£ but m Melrose 0 '*■"-■'■ Christchurch 15 v. Sydenham 8. oh Satin-day last, the. s New, St. James 5 the second, Jimmies faded away and PoheldS22l v. Linwood 3 Marists 0. town .fixture.^having to be abandoned 11,' Univeraity 0, were severely trod upon by the reds. ' Albion 'Varsity 19 v. 10. KAIKORAI v. SOUTHERN. owing to, the .Newtown ground ■'■■■.-.■ Poneke were without Algar, who CORNER TARANAKI AND ABEL SMITB^TREET{3»" '.;.'.. ■Ui~r.;\^ ■■.■;. "-, "■■■ '■;"-"; . Two interesting teams tackled last not being avai1ab1e,"..,'„..".'.."".'.-\...'.\.'.. Ji WELLINGTON. .■" A';WEIAiINGTON v. ATHLETIC* will be ■ confined^.to his bed.'for some away for " After >-been stowed .having ' Pleurisy is the trouble. It is a fortnight or so, m deference to Jupi- Saturday- at Tahtma.' Park, when the : time. WHfE&, ATHLETIC. IN ALES SUBURBS V. ONLY THE BEST AND IN. STOCKS ■: large pushed ■* '. Quite a crowd their SPIRITS "Kaikorai' atidV: Southern met. The ; lad. ter Pluvius and a benefit match to match wasan Proprietor. "MAT" GLEESON one, *. The above teams faced each other at jTOLyinjfo the Park on Saturday last to very hard luck for the interesting; vigorous " Sammy Piki, the CR^F.tr. competi" (Late of State Coal Department), MELROSE V. PETONE. jsritness the."", crossing! :of swords beand* gradually developed into- much Petone'Recreation Ground,reaching the tween the above unbeaten teams, and The blues, climbed all over , the tions were resumed at Cfaristchurch spiteful play. This latter could well be scene of 'strife per motor 'bus at 3.45. Saturday. understood, however, when the keen- On, the run from town the motor reas a result of.such, the .exchequer of stripes, who are but the shadow of the' last "Dunno" learns with satisfaction "TRUTH" READERS. swelled: to some purpose.,, one-time "mighty Melrose." Time was: The biggest piece of interest was ness of the players and the chances of fused to go,hence the"delaym, the hour that the Wednesday compstitions-^crossed, the Mel- centred m the dust-up on Lancaster the day are taken into consideration. of arrival.- Had'it not becin for the of the proved to' be one when team whichgame a Special to YOU. hanging --which have been kind of fire f r Park Oval between Merivale and Old nmost '"exciting exhibitions- of Rugby robe line twice m a game considered Boys, Apart- from ugly blocking tactics, two fact that these teams failed to get running fairbe way —are now on a to neck running; who are neck and Sydenham v. Christchurch 3. cluV, football this, season, that It had achieved something. But at the business end of the premiership players were actually ordered off for their fixture off the previous week, and St. Albans 34 'seen strong very soon.' 8 v. Addington 7. GENT'S full"'"'of mci,stfenuousiy.;contested: and the old reputationis sadly shaken now.' list. ' ' fighting. When the referee leisurely m view"of keeping the- players primed Wanderers' "smofco'' came off last : ' " , 'depfc*'? -■■■':■ "'"'■■."■■' '; ■'■; '. "'.; , The material is m the club, however. The weather was tip-top, although spotted'the two,he should havem fair- up for the British match, the game League favored with "Dunno" was not week. matches were resumed at would, m all probability, have been Last year's champions had the upper Coaches are available, and it is up<to " the Oval itself, having .entertained ness to these picked, at least a round declared off. Itwas, however, decided .Christchurch last Saturday, Sydenham a ticket, but he hasn't stopped smiling. right through the second half, Melrose to get busy. players finally half-dozen.' The . two gallons juice during.the of cloud many easily, accounting for Gity by 34 points It was run by Colin Webster m good Haaid Pegged. . r . A%> at the '- Gilchrist;injured his arm m thegame week, see it through, and'two half spells to 3, "^nd^were* continually knockingonly were good, 'the too heavy and soapy to al- ordered-off were, Eckhold (Southern) to by the istyle, and speeches was and Albans -winning ;' '/'.' St * played. m aserious were / indeed, door, retirement, it was was 4oss low much fast play. Nevertheless,,a andDuncan (Kaikorai), but there were / en^mVs and bis foolish' of their teeth and one point from Itucker was better, and the " ■..>■'■ 1 Athletics took the^field three , ihen skin fringements brought about by dyer- to the blues. But, say, Colin, good afternoon's excitement was hand- at least four others equally as' violent. Addington. , water best of all! short, and thus part gave handicapped they that were ..eagerness on their re-^ Sydenham's win was just as big a -you've, no ear for music The blokes OF SELECTORS; ed out, and at no stage of the game, Nevertheless, the game was played, If unable jiitf I,to i the opposition through , the i THE VAGARIESmeet to cope with the Suburbs team, cake walk as the scores indicate. Zealand, except the finish, did.either team ap- hot wisely, at most too strenuously. although Play, that made allegedly musical noises at New In the team to put up good fight a and was mostly among the backs, and m your beanfeast ought to be prosecuthey ■agency of free kicks and preventedthe appears five-eight and pear to be m for a cake-walk- Cer- Both teams are to be complimented, displayed a solid dtefence. as R Roberts heavier; 'Before,from being r. ' Tilyard has been crammed into the cen- 1r tainly Merivale played a rattling game m particular the hillsiders, who carry - Early stages of the fray were punc- this division the winners were un- ted for cruelty to animals. One bloke it; £bTe" week previous to the tre position.' Why not play Paddy boubtedly the masters. under greasy conditions, but.Old Boy^ no false reputation on their shields. had a voice like' a tramcar calling for 177 Cuba-street, Weiltogte!j itoatch, public opinion was a good deal Murphy half, and make the team "a showed them points, their backs hand- Southern lost by a margin, but even tuated by some fast flashes, bub once Sydenham's full back, King, played a its young. Suburbs opened their scoring account, game out of the box. He seemed quite as if it so, to a better team. The forwards My old pal Joe Lewis was "sold-adivided as to the respective teams' mixture?" Cotter, late ling the" sloppy bag of wind THE NORFOLK ; jnerits,■ and though past perfdnnances proper "Scots "A" rep. appears as weredry. pup" last week. He was beaxttifully " were "not good. Scott, Sin- It eased up considerable, particularly unable.to do anything wrong.* both teams Island An old lady m Norfolk, England, wad the T>etter North "Just on close' of the first lialf,' Boag clair and Dryden stood out prominently on the part of Athletic who resorted to stamped" Athletic as having Lodder and Gasson were the stars, had, hoaxed and hocussed. A certain Parker has been emergency. Why ' defensive measures andset out to keep apart from King,.in Sydenham's rear- jocund bloke, seeing that advertise- noted for over 60 years for the .'won.'chance, there were;not wanting com- putin collared the leather after a fine pass- for Kaikorai'doing real good work. the team m his present position [ ing manner'm which she cured Ecdown the score. In such a task they guard, and Brunsden*shone brilliantly ment for "players wanted," got, the derful petent critics to avow their- belief that and, slithering along nearly rush ceirtainly something Aitcheson also worth zema, Bad Legs, " Poisoned Wounds, explain. He is no "was all is hard to I the length of the field, scored Old Boys while at the time. did fairly well, all things considered, among the forwards, office-boy to reply describing himself Piles, Chilblains, and air Skin Disi£he? yellow vanguard would upset ,' a failing light was a factor m cstlbulatiohs; Aiid such was the>case hooker. Button, City's capital back, was un- as a certainHeap, late of Bverton, the eases. The NORFOLK OINTMENT | try, which Crawshaw converted, A vigorous player is Duncan, and de- but of the junior selectors was seen a Hasell's shot for a goal towards bringing about an early termination of fortunate m bumping,his collar-bone well-known Cold Country team. The can now bo obtained from 16'^ certain 'eyteiit, biit^ taking the at One NURSE spite for, the knock he came m his ' Saturday. He coached Miramar oh a Jonah, and but of place, andv will be laid up for heart of Joseph was' filled with an ex- CROSS, "Matlock," Manchester-street, througti the Blue and early merited applause. He will the game. line, but did Merivale's score was work likewise dead out CHRISTCHIJRCH. Post l?ree consequence. prospec,1/3 BljCcKs- are unquestionably the- bette? his club team from the some time m ceeding great Joy at.such a ' acquire wisdom by degrees. ; " any other Evans's luck was postal noto anywhere m New Zealand. , a series of wins at Brisbane, among the City tive capture. But, , the next minute. After Shand went well ' '' comDinatidh, chiefly owing to "thebr not even wink an optic \' Eckhold, ■■'"' Southern had Andrews and ■■ , ■"■■■■.■ Merivale's ill-luck, piled on the gin....■.■ victory at Newcastle and also at Syd- forwards, and Cook also could be recompleto^cohesion and-.untmiTntty' be- game. Whitty-in -top form. Like Duncan, a .WELLINGTON v. TARANAKI. There's many a slip ger,. which temporarily .routed did on* Saturday last; against Austra- lied upon to be everywhere at the right ney Jtipjgejcit backsvand-.y f jprwarda. Had. the Wellington's only played vigorously Eckhold too < team, iwith a lot, of "Boys completely. "Twixt the cup and the lip! rep: time, half Just on ; lia, the British Leaguers again had moment. J^ljUngion pack,.been supported by new 'blood m it, m the, person of good player easily a fault m a overJoe,.' and conspicuous came to Merivale's rescue m Next mail the office-boy wrote their colors lowered m the^ second test liittle Williams was bj^cVs equal m speed and resource to Capper, Twomey, Robinson, Nunn, Fuller A GLASS OF GOOD BEER looked. ■■.'■■ ."/■*■" up three.points which Hasell's saying that he, Mr. Heap", was 'awfully on Monday, before a record>6rowd of City's .back ranks. . . . tjibse ofg.their pppjonents, the result Cotter, Dower, Dent; McFarlane, Kyne tottedagain r In your own home, with at times showed himself Denshom, " your appointfive. been go Jonah failed to turn into The St Albans-Addington was sorry,pi' chap, but he'd 52,000, the scoring board at the call .might have been different; but ptt the ■ , family around, should be a . advantage. journey to Hato Parker, breather, made the Merivale ! Wangahul College Following mostly forwards, and on the * greater source of pleasure than a match between the being: 12, England ■dayis Plsiy * they were,..,m the seijond ed cpach, to the " Low (Southern), side should have re- of time third Australia province blew into' Old Boys' territory like" a ,;, ' wera to engage' the butter 7. The test will probably be among which Carroll, Madden and Now, if anyone smilingly approaches .drunk:amongst sßpeil eppeqiaily, but-pJayed. if it were ' "'"'Btraiidash. The mained at home m bed. He out, " they're In the annual booted and was surchampions dust-storm, but were he wants ter knb.w wotfel played m Melbourne. A goal-kicking Brown gave the best exhibition. Joei" WeUtogton forwards-, wero slightly gecs. : '". :.'' ;"■"." , . v v" prisingly, one, fought form, many hard which earned bad and left weak proved worker, to be a St. Alban's back W. J. Mit- iarfln* at! game Taylor, full of the forward contest, conjunction loose held m with the We realise and ore putting ■sußeriorwhQwever/'in thlsi team, openings ','..'* with: the amber "m Southren's side. finally resting classy showing of victory his selection*m the South Island The boys who brought the Brown ,"" Jars f6f fahiily matclv resulted m a; win for Australia. chell, gave the most. up Two-Qalloii tP}a» -'\ Time after.-time they came out and blacks by 14 to 10. ' ' ' ; scored a brilliant try, which, uncon- \ The' large crowd that attended this Out of; four tries?-*Messenger "ianded the day. Shield to Wellington m tlie early years ■';; '-' " ''^'x i ' .■_"■'■>■.■'■■ ", use. . »f:3tb^:ruoljEsvith:ball at.to© m splendid Boys, superiority vigorous very satisfied, their scores— Old battle' was well of best verted, placed showed the came m for the honors liable to receive century Taranakl I Watts are they the of this goals and Horder two. For jt|stifled th? reputation style, PRICE, 2ai;'£Bß GAi^NV; > and, on the whole, Kaikorai's narrow three J play among Addington's backs, and any moment mainly m the forward division, and 8 points; Merivale, 3 points. Rlng up Telephone 671, and our ha-vfe-buttt up since the conHnxsnceineat were not slow m getting on to the Merivale.rushed the leather to"the victory was expected and generally ac- Englishmen, Guerin ana Wood kicked Logan was the daddy of that team's their rej>. caps at and B. Salmon M. Barnett , one each. Messrs. ' Delivery waggon wi^calL ; season. Bui, the -Athletic deopposite end, where the hitherto un- ceptable. Kaikorai 5, Southern 3. backs. promised to be responsible, for these The New Zealand tour of the Eng- forwards. fendß-^aahaxd^to penetrate, andmore Wellington T. B, DARRALL Sole^Proprietori scoring account lucky HaseU'Hsame to> light with a sedulously savopened, the Taylor hove been caps, ~-vftax>rpDUNEDIN V. UNION. and tiften/'than. not:- their' efforts lish team has been extended, and as a Quuin-street, WelHiigibnr ->-v_ by, dashing m under blitherer goali ing up their mottlsh ever since. The warded' with a,disheartennig gttmpee for, the winners Dunedin and Union met at Bishops- consequence the match against Welonward, Old Boys skipFrom now their the of a ones the at termination of posts week, (very creditable caps earlier bf th&fbali as it was returnedback lineCrawshaw, an-' court; m, a very sorry display alto- lington will take place a by Roberts right,,through pered the business. kind) having now materialised, it only wards.rfSVhen an;opportunity waspre- brilliant run forwards, and. conspicu- other S.L rep., played a splendid game, gether. The- toeballers were bad, the than was expected. It,will now be to opppsmg V' backs, ;after the remains for them to be presented, NEW PLYMOUTH throughiany opposi- crowd was a sickly item, and nothing held on[July 11. At'a meeting of the eentedf?to the Wellington' boys, whereat of course we'll all ous play on,.the;part ofi'Cameron and and bored a" wayadded another (Opposite Railway Station)." of to are .rnshes^io get Young was Committee the WellContributions this column inthe except day. Management good otfet of? those wild wbolly m order the It three tion. Guthrie' spring fair to wing wWcn.gfiye the man >the is it vited, and should reach "Truth" of- loudly cheer.' But CHARLIE HARRISON (late of Imirf- sdnie" good r kicks and save their. opportunity tg finish the business... -. points to " Old Boys'."score, and the an ideal day for a strenuous game, but ington League, it was decided, on" the " these sudden surprises on poor unso- perial Hotel, New Plymputh, andßoya] forwards, they, usually fice by Monday of each week. game ended with the figures: Old these teams knew nothing about it and casting vote' of -the'Chairmari,- to play * n&td-Wo^e^' putting on W^mjton responded by phisticated toeballers? HoteL Wellington) has taken over tha feia'de^flft,7 storry meisS;.' of things, either cared less. In such sorry exhibitions, the game at Newtov^n Park instead of Boys, 11 points; Merivale, 5 points. ; a try and kicking a goal, McTaggart above well-known and up-to-date m the.feebmailing- b«KQy,^or ;kjickinEr results, it would'be. the Sasin Reserve^ /the latter ground and alldevoid of fair Taylors Besides even " Crawshaw/s ' being the responsible and McFarlane : HoteL The travelling public will flnd ' ah, indiscretion being declared"'tVbe too" small. the work of WELLINGTON. "exhibition, ' heady print, player's lestfiinainnert possible. to a round '■; ■,-. =;<:"■■>■ ■. ■■ every convenience and attention. ■.three-quarter, name, beyond mentioning that referee match, a trial game view the Boys' E 'Roberta /played ", a rattlmg fgame, parties,-. the Old reliable In of ■ again, quite up to his *est form. He always ..Tarasakl went for the lead (By "Dunno,") R. E. Boag, is worthy of mention. ; King, looked more like a scare-crow between A and B teams will take " and as the result of ,a fine; opening ;.The Old Boys'i five-eighth 'man, 'B. than, anything BOtihis backs)going well aadxepeatedly made else. .He must have place at Petone to-day, aftefr wfiSch NoofegbmoM .'[. rv : '"■■,"' '■.■';"*,">" to by Cain, play which niaiiy Taylor, was also conspicuous on CORINTHIAN 5i THISTLE 2, got"in? some splendid saves. . .j . mighty difficult ,"'to keep the representative thirteen found it Upe,-Brownobtained pos- occasions. ■ (By "Fluke.") .:" Settn Wilson ,ga# his beat display Wellington's . chosen. The teams to take VhS^'nlld awake. ,-v. . . ..>. -A, .-. .■ . .-All eyes m the local soccer world and transferred' to Smith who —^Full-back, wing- man, E.- Hasell, can 'v Merivale's are: A team. to-day, so"*«r this season.' >He played a;beady, session PIRATES, v V. were centred on this game at the Basin crossed over. ■ £p inak?/ their, position generally barrelled upon to knock holes . &ah abroken, diseasedskto, «iuJ Ina greaiinaby (Suburbs);/thr;ee-quartser^rvyhitr on Saturday. Briefly,' Thistles ran all e^ebtaculai*gjtoei while h|s pottedgoal put m a great In'the opposition's -score,--once he > Aibambra and Pirates- encountered shall, Tom Recce, the English protessional can tho puaoa sofiering i» btebtr ■-? still Btrqnger ;iJ6veridge (Suburbs?, WuSAa'pretfc pieceiof workv. ley (Petone), Australia, Parker ..A." over the redoubtable Corles m the first biMardist, has arrived m Treatment fa nectectcd or iguored Uuouflb cw»> -' down, giving George glaums to the, leather." .Evidently he at Tahuna Park, and a fair exhibition Murdpch (Newtown), ? Rdbln'so"n/'AdamSjcHeley and Maddfa ifiin. and* touched .(Ath- half and when the score at half time remedy can be appfrx! witb Wilson ,W. Ifaeßoen, of the game was witnessed.^ The playno sooner put his foot on the voyUttloalOuxtgba tp- add the necessary ran against a ; an'oppprtunlty and he Saturday Ghow 'last. on trouble No matter bow Jttgntor lum 'though "Adams threw wellj five-eighth, Bradley (Ath; letic) " conibined \G. ' favor, l the Scotties* Joe the statement read 2 m with b«, all he outs pretty through forJoosskindbcasoTOay seemed even points. , Their tally was .further added his way to the Oval. by selfish play, . ; ,Ghrist- ers half, J. Barber (Petone); for- Lewis's face on the lino'was a treat to, soil than going to play Fred Lindrum, awaV*- a-certain try with, the exception of F. Williams. This letic); more "showed he is by Taylor, to who once where that played ground, The South uiy-back^ very Sullivan EXMAZOL wards, (Petone), "at f B. Childs B. or watch. indiscreAustralia's champion, three games his" ability' to do the rigftt thing,, but church walloped Sydenham \by, 16 player made a.few awkward soimiftiy ahfl iticked to advantage. " (Newtown); will coreit, andcorri U sp«dlly. Ith Ascertain During the interval Corios took 18 000 up for £250. This Is nothing euro still, proved (Newtown), Bensemanh jrim /4Ranji" Wilson and Paton/ among the shot at the upright^ failed. This points to 8, was more fitted for yacht- tions in' the beginning,but, tor ecmna, aud tha mow trifling erupUoas (Pe..(Suburbs), Lauder it boom, Parker for together advertising serious counsel and on rething. dtoppear himself the only worth watching. tone),, an bofora it rapidly. 0» Bxmatol» you conspicuous Closed Taranaki's score, but Welling- ing.than for htofball. Back, suming they started to play the short else but likely Emergemcies: Scpt^ fbrwardsi^": clear, timWtmltnwl »ktn. - lostaotly aluyi md Lindrum or either doiro that two, with a bound and a race, hardly and best passing got way again, played spelt ton under a one of their In Is < Christctturch busy. Itdring, irritation and pain. and kept the defence Toomejr; forSyards, Beere and Rodgers. passing game" and then they just parwould put up a all between N*unn, Robinson and forward games for the season, and the he cleared three-fourths of the. field, par Jar frsm OhtnMß UMI Qrveara t/9 G. Parker (Pe- alysed t'other fellows and four goals any of his admirers Frlcti sa)4 ullback, Bell aha /tito;rest also did good- -solid bout team.—-F had B. Recce Beard finished 'up by the last-named Sydenham .forwards, alsb playing up giving.Wilson a timely opening. ; stake of suoh a size. If £50, no doubt r»o« oil rosi rxn to.ne)V three-quarters,F6rd (Suburbs), were added to their initial effort MM& 'i--\ ■ "■■. for Chkuut, Wutnu^bx. CHAS. A. FLETCUER, <?:*'&^difficult, to] individualise .the grounding over the line after a bril- to'the collar, made the match'unusual- t Williams is an Alhambra toeballer, Mitchell (Athletic), George (Newtown), For Cories, Ballard, outside left, that the games were there it,but ly fast, considering' the state of the and a good 'un.' Alhambra squelched few people wouldbelieve Wellington' pock,■■■'but it must be said liant run. McParlane was. equal io Strickland (Newtown); five-eighth, was the best man pn the field. He a '■' adding the extra points. Wellington ground. is no 6ne that will swallow the other the Pirates by 9. and ; (Sub"\V6bntd\iia 'somfe' great stuff, Russell (Athletic) half, XVttl ball, command over the ' ' continued to press but failed to reA. H. Guinoy played a great forward UNIVERSITY y. PORT CHALMERS, Utiku forwards, Donaldson (Sub- had absolute statement It is rather peculiar that ' ■ centreing was a treat. ;Roberts, urbs); ' :th'eirJifati&fe mo &<ifo&; and his Christchurch, and wasgame previous for 'reto Recce's landing no intima- DRUNKENNESS margin. Camp- bri the other wing, was weak, Loads"--:iftf'Mfller; the forwards possess, a duce the sponsible for opening the score. W.P. ,» At < Ravensbourne, University and urbs), J. Spencer (Newtown), made by Lindrum or anyone tion was CURED. , (Petone) sterling flayer; 'What he wasn't1 m ■ S. ; Port Chalmers played a little game all bell (Suburbs) Ashton mau having him well tied up from the on his behalf that a series of matches display disappointing. Gulney's was Ofi^athrday -isn't -worth mentioning. (Sub- start. largo ; a AUCKLAND. for such a Curst arranged Sydenham's full back, Doell, was a to themselves. There was nothing m Sullivan (Newtown), Manning had booh wing-forward, kicked weflj Backs, Jack Veteran Bill Gibson, m the centre, sum of money. onceandiat alt time by long way short of his usual form. H. it. The 'Varsity push were not "play- urbs). 'Emergencies: >■ game! Goodman; forwards, Ferris was the Bill Gibson of old. Nuf sed. and played a useful: -stone wall could tell that. The Parker and Davis played a great game, evening up ing,- a CITY v. UNIVERSITY. ' ' '.''TqthlU''was the best of the flvePorteous, Thistlo's goalie, is clever, a pretty effort just on Port push were doing" big kicks and and Hoare. the scores with George Grays m ' anticipated something Fodtball fans ei^fitns, and proved himself to be as Beeco attributes ' .. The A team will wear black jerseys, but is .developing the.fatal habit of blowing a deal, but it was all waste ivory Urn. 8. V. writw :~ half time. ordinary. Saturday out the on when performapces with tho of and out ara that my htJtbamJ " supply;Sir,—" Ob,bow bapprI gkin'ej'as' a Vebble- when it came to will the B After, League 'goal. Fancy trying leaving which the his to light to In the work and.mind. a nice little camo, Christcburch " tnat D«ar He considers bM lo«t itll bin «ppeUW for City , University stepped and themwork. gQt^is *. to over down'to* the hot stuff. to be balls team, jerseys, will llKe Bollard! The price field, had lead. six walk and down the and after wear colored chase. a man ';i half, up whUky. second and soon a of. ./SnO&mm. Tour rainedy (a been kept In the harness tod Brkce} :<ii centreV^did- a. lot- of- good sehres,out against each other. ■ The points,. tureljr a. blemtpg(or drunk* before all poor Port's trouble, the 'Varsity supplied by the players. his foolishness was a goal.- Served Gray hascontinuously, tfpPPTICTWfc which increased to nine of consequently and m.._the level lead It; long for the ■feorii, but marred all "by poor kick- teams were and agony and scored push walked off 9 points ahead of Port. him glad. The Australian aCHrflr^Bfc& Tlie BOORASY oars for premiership, and their meeting created Watson relieved the ing Sydenham, reducing his team's de- If could easily have been 25 ahead, so During the progress of the game has become stole. for ' and patcby ; drunkenneu b*» tbe4 ■ AUCKLAND. with a good I *Vpj!3ti bKbt *such, an extent that the "come back" Burely wab Solld, if hot brilliant. He interest to '-'■''" elbow work. Cowould n»>ll»nce into tboncudi of thero was a lot of &w*\mr by four points. Pdr,t'need not lament at its'misfor' tie try he crowd of the season flooded Eden ficit hitherto dowlata flTwldea, rest' iiiaM^no^^mjiirtikW offenders. 'W^^l**^ subsequently notched an tunes which are many, and varied. were the most McDonald chamrles League silently m the does lvvwk The fixtures 16 '.Jk Jf and itirtly tbat towhile it-mk tho*only time Welling- Paxfc ;, But the clash wasn't one to Otiier trio for Christchurcb, and Waltho Slckerby, the best half-back m New SK L \ pionship last Saturday were not ex- Zealand, write borne about. There was an abit xjf wife, Athletic m the that «W«r or territory opinion Invaded' the Vv^ detottd convert,' squared played games. ton the one of his best lace,, failing to Recce expressed pected to provide anything sensational ; on tho /?sS@T anything brilliant about the sence of autUanht«r look* English speHi the Christcburch, likely with the scores: Cories* well. goalie, played game up Hodges, second more than GENERAL GOSSIP. of the would was U any gome follower druuinrd rocUlmtU with* and play, and to say the moat,it was a fast said, v>«pc-the-reat little can be15 points; Sydenhain, 8 points. the bad habit of stepping back thorities would roako a. move towards have bet evens on picking the treble. Ho haataking > Indifferent ragged game. It was. thought that In the Christchurch forwards' bonsor the balL There's a line placing a restriction on the "a»-" d give it secretly v Bridge,;at full, gave an when won, played things at Palmerston North but not so gobdMatches All the display>, and;■his kicks lacked power Cfty forwards would .outshino the display, Walters, Henderson and Burns on, Saturday resulted:-— Oriental 11, easily post, Hodges, old man, route prior to playing of the English only post : from to and the expected, a^i waa r but this- was not so. ■Varsity pack, year. and, next Costs Nothing to Try were always' on tap. 'direction. . I United 9; Weston and FeUdihg played one-horse race was City's win over and it goes straight across. If you professional championship ' Gray Is antici- Ho tronble,no incoatwlcuco, no risk- maybe glrca .'-Decidedly on " the day. the yellow Whatever, was gained by the fine Kennedy was a shining light among to a ball the wldcthat this take doubt game, get 8. Newton's behind is no points points six each. to There drawn INewton by 21 undeteetable la any food or twrerace. , ■backrjßhowed 'up- badiy. Probably It showing of the 'Varsity forwards was Sydenham's front rankers, and among, a At centre pating some mote In the direct on rethe Uniteds and "Red defeat, like many more of their losses, awako referee will point to the m putting as hop« so- anyway. spoiled by their backs, who, like Jim the backs' Clemens and" Watson were Stars'Masterton been goal wasan oft day ;Jet It will a has the field. be for as ho to, ; they " have no of drew, three all and Carterton is due .to two things— ferred COUPON. Jeffries, appeared to have lost their conspicuous. game * 1; and three stampifor by.11 to nil. piklENTAIi' v.'UNIVERSITY. much practice at the "all-round On receipt ofwillthlaConpou confidence m each other, and, more fothors. punch. Generally the fans look to the reprobably Things were remarkably evenm the defeated Gladstone semi,pout patd, a Ufal package potUge satisfied with Reaction we season, "Dunno" was an includes a Cup Competition, still, the team this junior In the local important of t«Umanlftl letter*. provide goods, scramble, spasecspe^ations the and Maraad Uko^tandi Contrary-to ''Orles^won! students* backs to exposition of his diffi- sponsible to some dogreo for his Llnwood-Marlsta two leading teams, Selwyn "and couple of loafers who seem to be any- feree Windley's u .~.... H n.~ ......,,....«-._...». Mame.. but the gamo was a very even. red ' one. but Saturday was a-,day off. Exactly ists lost.the game more by bad luck tho afthe *■«..«" task, dressing but m the room with -another, the where but where the ball Is. On Sat- cult modic show placed »<«,»»«, *««..^«^>,«n ■»»«»—»**♥<«,",»,«»»«— AddrcaB Little's leg went back on him- Hjs tho opposite was the case with City. than the' vastly superior weight of Oriental encountered one prominent a Thistle the at match on no ter the limitation bo first-named winningby B.to'nil a try urday City won all the way and by Cawle who proved Then* forwards lacked their charac- their opponents. "^lilace was taken, evidently unable to take the ard stroke, Gray's occupation ,will bo Addre«a— The- Eucraay Co., part of the piece did Newton have a supporter, Edmonds's successful bang from a by McPhee, converted byt McLeonard, an..olicipnti substitute. The "Orles" teristic vim, but the backs played like a boys sport, his Hko true defeat of seriously affected. winning show. also placed a penalty goat 62 Hunter St., Sydney. backa;,werit" well Uni the second, spell a band, particularly when up against penalty for off-side, just at half-time, who very uncomplimentary reWanganul's attempt on Saturday Otabuhu nearly, though not quite, made sorao and tho tackling was an outstand- netted the only points scored during NORTOK. Wlndley. PwleAr being prominent. The fbr- it, Had "■Bi H. " last to wrest the Ranfurly Shield from brought oft the surprise of tho season marks about Referee M»»*i«t, was too good for ' BTABLTBHBD ing feature of the 'play. As m every the match. -. "warasjwere an oven tot.' Walter Llndrum lively Thlstlo won, this disgruntled gent very although of mado matters tho '<*»« spite they »m failure. In spoil Roberts, Taranakl ended when and. ■.'.■" Prussinjr. lost several match, there were moments to arouse Once or twice m the second Miss Ruby at Victoria Park. would have had a smile on his mug 15-year-old boy was giving away-6000 spectators,■vbut the play was not Marlsts' backs essayed to open up the tho fact that the present holders wore Ifor Ponsonby chances by hanging on. This is not the lf ho hadn't it wouldn't Footto bo his cotb— of meeting placo League expected "ponies" past tho 14.0. The probably by Everyone three winner rearguard -was minus tho services of I .usually a fault of bis and ho should systematic. This' is easily accounted game, but Linwood's of his mouth It's big m 18,000, he ran out a » .bailers. by the fact that they were two too solid. players m Roberts, Love- running across and scoring Just whon be the fault' for of their best ,r .;: , drop it. ""■ :. but, as often happens, enough. " Ondloy mado a first appearance In evenly matched teams,' and consevery much McQuillan put up a tfterilng forward rldgo and Cain,' they, easily asserted It pleased them, GLOBE When. a pushing Thlstlelte knockTho littlechip has grown received a shock when the Proprietor> Fred, the Australian J, E. PARKER 'Wellington. This player is an'ex- quently very little opportunity was! game for the losers, ', a.hd was ably their superiority and ran out winners everyone m the back Linesman points the even. a Corleite brother ed Uko spell ended with by 17 points to 3. Stohr landed two first (Prosldont "Newton lianffcrs'.")'. pero Wndrum. but Uko Otaaro^tJnlvcrstty player, and his game offered either side to get going. On backed up by Smith dad McMillan. lotting lime In Referee and, lost no champion, doing had been Lewis Ponaonby Linwood's half back, G. Caldwell,' find penalty goals, and converted a Certainly, the play it was a "line ball" and a Mount and Wukeneld-atreeU, about It. Somo unlike brother Fred, ho Is a leftdished out many chances, which his try secured by Coleman aftor a bril- most of the attacking, but tho Ota- Wlndley know ail draw was a fair decision. Auckland: it, but why don't the hander. Watching the lad's move--, didn't like game peoplo playing' tho and Tariff, 6s 6d per day. Moffltt was thoroughly tested on team were slow to catch. liant run. Taylor and Whlttington huhu men were' decidedly on a par with appoint neutral linesmen ho is HowW.P-A. on very ' « Harvey solid defence. ments. was by far' the best forward also got over tho lino for the winners. puttlnET-up a Saturday, and the City full played the ~. partisan feeling is Fred, and compiles his breaks were ever, m the second half the "ponies" occasions whenhigh. Brown, Cameron -and Muell game of the season.- No matter how m the Linwood pack. BILLIARDS. rapid and brilliant manBILLIARDS. in' tho same McDonald played a lively garao for prominent In the rear-guard of the put a lot of dash into their play and known to run 1 will send you, post free (for a One* serious tho position looked, he was al- Marists, improved m her increased their score ner Mias Roberts has 3, and Ainodeo was dlnkum at Otahuhu SWIFTS though vanV.M.C.A. 0. .blacks, Pound Note), the following pared, and ways doing tho right thing and never while their clearly amber and dem" ability 'and her exhibition guard proved too solid for the opposi- to nine, the blues tacked another seven if you ;are not "more than pleased" lost his head. He is some good m a half back. big 'stumbling block, The Ker-rlstlans have the reputa- onstrated that her travels and bouts 126 Cuba-streot, Wellington. half, and won MarlsLs' howof the first i their scoro only ground ; return one to to bargain parcel, your tight game. being with the Smith was the one of the best trnlned bonefitod " players (Next Loea and Church.) tion. of have tion weight great or lack of over, urst-clttss ever, There was not a Wanganui, he receiv- by 13 to 9. competition, and seeing withconsiderably. customary In line for at my expense, and I'll, refund your Just before the end of the big gamo weight.la Iftheir tho m tho As Is teams they equipped work as well' choose, between the teams till her GEORGE VERNON Proprietor. hioney m full. it looked any odds on City scoring. m this department ing a well-timedpass from O'Donnell. deal to they've got such n tip- top gym to do these big matches, it was sqmc time (I^ato of Auckland niul Park Hotol^ a m stages, whon OUare en(they into the latter In, the blues, open gamo and with an for well Ha damfools They beat the training stunts got the hang-of tho table, thusiasm they woult take sorao lick- Lockett played a round Newtown. "VVolllnirton.) (Signed) GEO. huhu fell to pieces and could not stand their Well, It before either they only bad to. dribble over tho ing. ( they'd bo If they woron'L river dwellers. wore of tho 30 order. , , Mackay's so breaks constantly and Clothing Corner, goal "ponies" the leather, strain of Ross, but lino and fall on tho The many admirers of that brilliant tho was this splendid condition which en- Tho lad's first top of tablo run was a Evidently tho lure of tho Inflated away at the defence. Shakespcaro »houl<\ have lx>o» nioro '.-. ,.■„ ..;... Auckland. „ tho blues' half, whizzed past and got bladder is too strong for Doddy Gray. little half, Clem Green, will bo disap- hammering abled them to down Swifts,"and that's 61, nicely put together. Miss Roborta a Jfwcrson. mado Grafton, thanks to If.ho hndn't written thut "tho got mako the lcocrlul. another After chucking up jo< kailho was back pointed at his inability to is to It. j52, tho ball. City never all thero and right capital " showing against North Shore at tho ihlnff."' our tnmnt liwpocreferee, In Mr. P. KetUowoll, responded with a Zeafair play'B with the Now trip ability chance .like it. Australia A new his YOU SAVE' with to proved again m tho Gold Alb n m their tho littlewonder Devonport, particularly Jn the second made his debut at this would probably lw luivlnjj nojtt City and 'Varsity, arc still a "deceas- match against 'Varsity last Saturday. mfitch and ac- hero rattling up 73, 61, and 138 In artistic tor«nothing to do. just toss-up. a In when it was half, to quitted himself with satisfaction to stylo. ed" heat for the championship, and Doddy la still full of dash. One Pair All-wool Strong, are certain to provide the winners. tho contending partlos. Ho is thereWearing Saddle Tweed "Varsity, although hardly up to their fore discharged without a stain on his usual strength, didn't have a deal of OUB MOTTO—TO ASSIST AND NOT grousers (any size), worth COLLEGE IttFL.ES V. MARIST character. difficulty m walloping Albion by nine TO CRUSH. 1B«/ ..'..' 15 0 BROS. y points. , DIAMONDS 3, WANDERERS 0. 2 Pairs' Strong Colonial Wool College Rifles and Marlst Bros, mot McLeod opened hostilities by scoring ;*' §6x, wprth 1s 6d a pair 3 0 also at Eden Park, and victory wont pretty nlco 'avcrago gamo of soccer. A try tor 'Varsity, and tho inci|N,i, Wool. Strong Flannel RUGBY UNION. With tho exception .of Webster, Wanto tho Tykes, who won tho gamo m a AUCKLAND DO MONEY? YOU NEED inspired dent Albion to force things, Undershirt, Worth 4i 6d 4 6 the second half. In the first spell the with tho result that derers' goalie, thoro were no outstandsecured, ingly brilliant and scintillating perfor1 Pair, Heavy Ribbed Knitted wero leading by three to nil, and, with the help of Ward shootiatffl ■If you aro needing monetary assistJordan, passed worth Bs. mers. fc 0 but they had not been playing thobet- 'Varsity's scoro by two points, WoofUnderpants, ance, como and sco us early. We can Webster was a revelation between Call on Braces, worth game, and had the Tykes put tho , Albion's forwards— Luke, you tho easiest conter 1Pair Strong and offer holp you .Jordan. tho posts. Tbero would bavo beon a -" ■--■■■ 1s 6d; ; "" necessary polish to their efforts it WHaon and Ward showed some 16 Wo adand fair treatment ditionspretty (SATURDAY) AFTERNOON. cricket scoro against tho nomadic ' 6d would have boon a one-horso race In play, and quickly,piled another flvo vanco money on furniture, sewing ma- THIS 2 Handkerchiefs, worth ones but for him. 1 0 tho second spell the Tykes mado no points on to their load before 'Varsity chines, pianos, etc (without removal)," EDEN PARK— '_"*;"'" -" "" each. *'"U | A certain loam plftyinfr at the Basin boooß about it and wero always m the woko up. Then tho student*' forwards also on deeds, or nny other security. BROS. v. PONSONBY. MARIST " limelight, finally winning by 8 to 3. lon Saturday gol only 12 paaaes Into tho scoring rights, and In- Wo make no chargo for Inspection*. UNITOISITr V. 011% . .f. tho ground~-Ju«t enough for tho team. ' m£1 nil10 0■ L. H. Wcston, tho College Rifloaskip- collared creased thoir score by three. From this No businosa. no charge. Consequently tho Humorous presiper, who will make one In the New until tho final bell, the cottage forwards All negotiations strJctly confidential. AGRICULTURAL SHOWGROUND— dent*, vice-president*, undesr-sneroPOaT FREE ,TO YOU FOR 20s. Zealand rep. team to teach Australians didn't grvo Albion a look In, but piled Wo carry iv v»ry Innw nlock of Bitlt»r<l Cloth. Omce hours, 10 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.; ■ SECONDARY SCHOOLS COMPE- torietf, etc., who rolled up with tholr Rugby, scored well on Thursday evon- on another eight points, and finished Saturdaya, 10 a.m. to 1p.m. ' CLUB «t 40. p«r yard Js «xc«|>tfona! value. Our SPECIAL TITION. wives, moM-in-law, and tho whole dam g Ing at tho clubrooms, when his club- tho gamo with tho acorcs 'Varsity, 19 'SKNT) FOR SAMPI^KS. |family contused. It was a cam of Kick off 3 p.m. Sharp. mates handed him over a flno newcaso points; Albion, 10 points. "bung wont s&xpence" repeated o'or to keep hlit now clobber from getting Jordan played tho top- notch forward Admission: 6d. Stand, 6d. " . r, LAW COURT BUCLDINGS. Corner, soiled and o'er agfttn, like somo glorious old on the trip. Of course, Weaty gamo for Albion. (PEPT> C) Ladlea freo to Ground and Stand. Anyway, he's a proper 41 lIIGH-STREI3T, AUCKLAND. refrain. "Varsity's ha^lt back played a. irrwu said somothlng nice to the bhoys, with | CORNER LANGBFORD, V, C. Manager. game, which taught hl« crowd that ho A- EMANUJ3U whom ho m very* popular. I"seheoctar" who grudge* saocponce to Hon. Sc<x. A.R.U. watch a soccer match. Odds pn himI Sts., Tho fixtures set down for decision. didn't dcacrvo to bo dropped. '0?hono A ITU " . WELLINGTON. . WELLINGTON. ; ■ JEJeton^.v.! '^Sw;.R.U. AND GUARANTEED ABSOLUTELY PURE. .. .. CHRISTCHURCH. "^he^ This Week's - WATERPROOtt:^ DERBY SHAPE Bgi ' ihan& HO?Et ROYAL TIGER . ( m bINTMENTi . 1 1 ■ ... ■ . 1 , — . . ■ . _ ; P ■ -- 1 .. SOCCER. . . ■ . QROSVENOR HOTEU . Billiards. ■ . _ ppiiLsim ■ fl^.r- 1 — ir . .... . 1 ihrW^tibut- / ■ ; '■ 1 . - - — ■ i Peaceful Home Relieved of . EUCRASY, . ■ ■ > defence. - 1 fibodt Be&rtiti! t .. ■ ""^ 1 . — .. .. . M >ostng^haz- !■'"-.:■ -■■''^Qr-^a/eal^, " " — - - ■ ■ |*or% One-Pound Note . M #,»>♥«^« ■ " "" - ... HOTEL. _ brSher i Victoria Billiafd Parlour — ". MACKAY, . - HAll-A-SOVEREIGN. - . .. - . . .. .> .. -'^ - & Football CHAMPIONSHIP — - - ■ 1.1- i.i Football. MATCHES. jT' ■ If You Want the | Best Billiard Cloth I I BIRD .Write or | AND^IfENSEN] i-i. Kay's Mac Clbthing Queeikid Fort s. d. AUCKLAND. — ..,. Ideal Loan and Finance Coy. I I ■ ■ I | BILLIARD TABLE SPECIALISTS* W'WyWjiXlS^STfiegT, I J TRUTH, SATURDAY, JULY 4, 12 CHRISTIANITY IDEAS IN INK: AND 1914. L hapa the. main reason, or one. of the j main reasons, being that his pay as a hand m a wowsery haberdashery, silks. satins, and baby-linen establishment doesn't run to "hash" and "doss" m i suchva luxurious palace as the V.M.C.A. Incidentally, the V.M.C.A. is run on strict moral lines, and the good young man, with very bad habits, runs a risk when strolling home at some unearthly CHEAPNESS. BOOKS AND THEIR BUILDERS. j COMPILATION OF NEW> ZEALAND'S .farm will respond to .the ; title of family of nations with due regard for "ploughman" or "farm servant," but to their.'"sovereign rights. HISa'ORY.I . no other. And as -the wages are more Treaty of^Waitangi, ''The or How ts - ' v% New Zealand-b ecame a British, nearly that of a town worker, the atti"Charles. Dickens, the Bookman rColony,'f1>by T. Lindsay B.uick, tude towards the employer is very dif- Extra for 1914." In size and genmay by ferent. It be illustrated Dean eral arrangement this resembles of "Old Marlborough," story of the boy who" stood the first of : the "Bookman" Ex"Old Manawatu," "and "An Old ■Ramsay's j' m, the market place to be hired. A tra Numbers, "Robert Louis SteNew Zealander." Wellington, wisyour farmer addressed him, "Wba venson: The Man and " His Work," "■* S. and W." Mackayl "■.-;'."■■■■ last maister?" "Yonder he is," pointed published last August. .It contains the "Sk, of the, British Em- the youth. - After a conversation with completest possible collection of pmre, .wien., thei,offsprings of the Mother the late employer, the' farmer returned ens portraits; photographs and; drawLan&rhaye. reached:^sufficient maturity to the lad. "Weel, laddie," said he, ' ings of places associated with him and &&rio'^}& granted equality of rights m "I've been speerin' aboot ye, and I'm .his books; portraits and examples of the.fCouncils of the Nation, and when to- tak* ye." "Ou ay,", replied the lad, the work of his famous illustrators, The most -persistent cadgers m New one'central government will control the "an I've been speerin'> aboot ye to, an' i and twelve beautiful . color " plate destinies^jf-'a^tworld-ericircllng"confed- I'm no' gaun." '' engravings of Dickens's characters ;and{ Zealand, =and the remark is not solely ., ' ' Auckland; axe the very good : edation,.will oweya'debt of gratitude to ■■ '■ i scenes by Hugh Thomson,.Cecil Aldin, confined to «-'"■ . ' . young men of the Y.M.C:A. Wherever Mr-T. Lindsay Buick for his admirable '' In,his Brock, Phiz, Barnard,: C. E. Fred Frank Ownership, new work on '.'The handling.o"£ the story of the "Treaty of m Zealand a V.M.C.A. institution Tenure, and Taxation .of Land," Sir Reynolds and L. Raven JHill. The let- exists, its^foundatioh Waitangi." Mr.' Buick hastreate^ his rests on the good terpress includes contributions byBerbrought has P. Whittaker Thomas goicT which a foolish and, m most cases, stfbject with the calmness ancku'nprea single volume nard SKaw, G. K. Chesterton, Alfred compass within' the pt wowser, community has shelled out. judice*of a juiiiiciat.mind that reminds great mass of -information which has Noyes, Sir W. Robertson Nicholl, Jerone^.of Ktnglake'sv classic "History of a~ scattered over a .wide ome K. Jerome, Richard Whiteing, Yankee! hustle methods are adopted. hithertobeen The wowser and the non-wowser is theCrunea.!' ;iit spite of.a mass of.abbooks, papers, and reports,,and JohnHassal and other.authprs,and pre- bailed solutely necessary-detail, dry-as-dust to area of up at the point of the collection prove es- sents word pictures; of Dickens bymen therefore the book should ;reader, the story has a box, and anything from a "thrumirier" the ordinary to the man of small who knew and worked with him; notes ' valuable pecially,; thread of rbmUace running through it' leisure who is desirous of studying the] onrthe artists.whb illustrated his novels, to a "nickel" is thankfully received, along to the the bigger the contribution the greater that leads the- bpok-loyer ' lattdiquestion.' The general attitude of poems-and summaries of what has been verylast pagei In,the preface, th^ au-; him, by Swinburne,. W,iiliapi.f the oily thanks. Like other cities m his said of inyestigapersuing author m this ;I)pminion, Auckland has its palathor^says.'^No attempt, has been made the ' tions may be gathered from the'follow- Watson, Watts-Duntbn, Leigh -Hurit^ building, and like the -tell-the whole story. All that ing remarks, with which his book is Brete Harte, George Gissings,- G.v A. x tial here-^o buildings; only more pronounced,' have^trjedf to do -ip to get back to the btlier. I writers.With its -nu-} Sala, . and other brought to an end. . beginning at thingsV to the birth of law merous illustrations,^ itS' biographical, '."the 'Auckland .good young man's ediIf the solution of the many comand order, tqithevgenesis 'of the day personal and critidal articles'ahd'notes^. fice is ./ , . plieated*and thorny problems-which when.-wewereable'to say to;the Mother this "Bookman" Extra Number forms.; those phases of owner- . by,, far the viviSesb' most ;varied' and; f A^HU.GEiWHITE ELEPHANT. liand, >We. wilitT-build (you a, pread"' surround t tenure, taxation of land ship; arid s nought^and yet|anotner;if needs,must.* 'proximity to a lot of usemost interesting record' yet It^ which 'we1 have 'been considering, as the Library Again,. 'l*have%otr attempted to ar'-> a,H' Dickens.in career of etfarles of the ' ' ' knowledge " ' and approached with : iy.^?t is opposite '■" raign-.or- to. deffend .real orA is .; >a^d.(A^^a>i^i phases. a cheap "". the various, its the one mind, avoiding a fair on alleged^"breaches of the treaty com land and-landany idea that " inide^d>»by oiir Gpyernors and Govern- hand " owners are sacrosanct and that menta. That' jihasfe of the. subject is ; come, our-land laws and customs necessarily .so. controversial'm- charac' ' " on the" other and t B B1 require "Sinai, down from wouldjustice.' that ■ ter tos-dch.lt. ' " ' ! ; J§ " m any desire to foment class hatred a volume-,of.itSjjown.;' The. first three; '' " ;, ■ ■,' .* . sections, 'inVthte Beginning," "Seeking- or promote a policy of pillage of community for Way," one section of the dealing^ ' a Way,"* "Finding * a ' ' and "' ! of the other, ' " ««■«%■■■* /« J ~* with the- early^llistory'ofrNew Zealaiidt "the supposed benefitwhy, "" " " .A; : very with I is no reason "% ing up there andHhfi*eventSiimmeciiately,iead / ■ ; fl I I II M X general assent, there, should not ■ : to th&fambus^Treaty^are*so 'well done changes made and such M^MtWy%M>i'w ::'~~'~'.:" as to niaTk»outj:the,author r.as;one''wh6 be such as would conditions established coulSfittmglyitakejiip.the task as writer mucbr-needed, improve-' "bring Zealand. about ofca cOmpleTlifhikorx><< of New .would/benefit the whole The chapte^ihei^ed The,Ma6ri'Magna ments:that community, and .not least that pa-: Charta,'vpresentsisomeinteresting,slde" tienl and long-suffering class of' lights-on*Maori!characterand-customs. , V/\l3II( ri/lX" -'lfl\U'l: ll' ' extremely worthy folk humble .and and reveaJs in#a*strikmg light the in-^ the soil of'-our^couni nateioratory*.o^thej<rajce. For'instance, "' who cultivate WHAT THE AUCKLAND Y.fW.CA. REQUIRES. -' " " '" 1 "'. '. " .. . . >Y:^£.C.A. is'.i^'cl'6'se. _ fui'Vinsti^ution^^such - I — library stunts, peace temples and other, works which go to glorify Carnegie and "dossery," concern - ,' \ -Nm^^HHBMK JL'^ " ' ; . ■ — . . — . ' ; — — 1 . . ■ ( "' - 1 i 1 . ' E , Garden^bo£. *** ...... SPEIGHfTS " ,:'.; -3HBR': ::::: y ' .. ■ ■■■ WgLLINQTON* 1 AND ALES. Proprietor. Up-tor date m Every Respefe?7 ::: 1 . , \ Noticing Like It! : ■' ■■'■■■"■ ' " ■ ' ' 'r ■ <■■ ti Hbi^ Monday next. i '* > ROOMS. . — "? .. . ■ - f PROVINCIAL MOTE^ . - — .. " Dunedln . ' '.' 'Phono 91. Grown " J ' ;-"■"' METROPOLITAN HOTEL "" . ; ' called m. Tho poor old devil KICKED UP 'A BIT OF A FUSS, MACLA9GAN-STRBET, * Icursed them for their lack of Chris-, DUNEDIN. v spirit, prompttlan and charitable and GRACE, j ly .informed, the chuckers-out that he THOMAS Proprietor. would go and report tho matter to Tariff, 4s 6d per day. 2te per*sraei6 % get, "Truth." Tho "dead-beat"did and straight away came to this office and told his story which "Truth" gives to the public for what it is worth, and ifanything to prove that the V.M.C.A. is respectable, if nothing else. ( However, ns tho Auckland V.M.C.A.. establishment Is not a paying concern, \, wo can. hardly expect ft to be run on Charitable Aid Board lines. Moreover, we cannot expect it to be a model for employers, paying tip-top wages to tho f ' servants, and generally gaining a ropuDUNEDI'NV ! v#fj^ tation for being a good place, from the -' domestic or any other point of view. BEST BRANDS OF LIQUORS^ »: < ', Further, "Truth's" opinion 'm that dlr ,AND ALES IN STOCK* rectlon is borne out after the perusal Excellent 'A^cotmnodatipni of a typo-wrltten document which purPropitoW. H. STREET C. the,, duties of ports to set forth CLEANER : AND "ASSISTANT ..■--' NIGHT PORTER," which the institution is apparently m need of, as applications for the job closed at noon on "Wednesday week, tho successful, and m. "Truth's" opinion, very lucky applicant being required to start his million and one duties on ant-Gp^Jioi:'9;t4the NNcrw r possession^, ofSalh those who«*take any interest;.in. * 'the*Treaty, 'the live) questions of the- day, one of for th&;^urpos^i6)Misning " Tareha ■-. was-'e^iry one ofnhe largest the liveliest of which m all lands is x^tiv^4n.thfi>N^r|hrfandshad';been.one :.tne:Land*Questkm. " ,. erocious- :" cannibals. He 'y .a df The -story of. the- South-African War is now an oft-toldrtale, but there is a is«oh<Euro^ how i^dependei^e^as-of special interest-attaching to "A..Captain iboi appeaiedt with no- of the Gordons" (Sampson Lowv 10/6, luxuries M^BSsi' piece, of old' net) which,-«edited by his mother and -dirty / tnlng::raorer:than*a 1 around his, waist-"* matting fastened sisjter, gives.- the experiences and im-» > assemblage m .a, .pressibns>bf* After' haranging theCaptain D. S..Miller, who deep?sepxdchmr->K>icevlorsome«time, he after- passing through the Boer .War, dangled ihis^banch.of fern-root m the died- as-a result otlhe hardships of the air :^ a^.pTootttibatvhis»^JguMentt w^ SomalUand Campaign m 1903. Writing not»wd£tliout?f oMitdation— vof>the3oer "Wer^he-remarkfl:— See;..Qasidaony food, the -foo* o£" ! War is a fearful- thing: The ac- . | ;; jthe»food>-of the na-action, is^not-so bad, but the, tualtive< people.! Pphawr Governor, to .waiting— the cold the sndden' think^frtetoptingnnen—^os->nativea jjf move's— bad 'water— :small comforts .-^■with^^aiteUolfctlothing-and-food! '■ —men and officers tired out but > If all' dhiefs! say "See* X cheerful; the long, dreary, weary Twere-^o-D^auiceHalh^qTial^nwank 1 " marchest-alwajte expecting sniping Governor, il tne b ufc'yio u»' ■withftbeW —all this is £he<trying part. paddle tall; up^jgh-T^ip^up^as'this^ Captain Miner,could see the-Boer. ' ana X tdoJwn><unjder>.i>eneath No^. "But' pointnof view. " ";.-. "no^inol' :'. \";■,'■;■ . .-'put up-v as *m& friends^of the^ The Boers seemvveryfultof buck^ just how. , The other day they powerfnl foU7-to*lTareha m the-T>erson and;son-insimultaneously attacked all down, bC!Hone^H«keX the nephewadmittedly one- oL the line, -.but m case were ia^^^Bkua^-a3Jd> both;t>y lhae- beaten off. They were desperate . theimbstrinflneritlaUmen, ag&.iaTid-actdevemenl:,'in^^ all'the North. men. They crept up to within a "■ H&^began-'iBL thatsinystical manner>so few yards of the pickets without mncJkJ>etteved<by7Maori» ortaors: being,seen, andm somVcasesTushed m under the sangar that is, jl' TO'Taise^^ip^or^to- bring>down? wall off." stones with loopholes— To raise«iip'<-or'r to bring"' down? riflesj'crawlWhich? Who^fknows^, Sit^ Gov*.- V: and, seizing the*men!s ed over-*he top down, on to the ernor» sit. Jfflhou shouldßtJreturn* bayonets.. Some seem " absolutely we nativeswaTe^gone^utterty^^one, indifferent to life. Isuppose alle nottiinged,- extinct. What, then* , they have,tolive"for is gone. The shall "weidot^Who*are»we2Cßemain, leader m one case was a Glasgow Goveroor^ifatSer^towisl many of those who at-' the-cbapter?*ln»fSearch-c(C|i^igna-^ man and 1 tacked our regimental outposts " In tures," the.; tPoutjde- ia." getUng every were^Scots- anfl English. name'taiasHkcameni^.conseqoents«upon^ ■"■!all-, "What the war meant- for- the soldier is commm»ak>system*-oQthe thus: lands wei^rt^^fe^^efltibKMi^tA-out,, Visits ha6t<to<t)e^pald^too»all the»iinter-: It^ia a rotten.game for Private ested. tribes; J&fHfrnrakl, Aperahama, i T. Atkins, of the Infantry of the Taonu^-a^poweidSt|tocttief;"ade^aTSfr^ f line. They've been at it here for " ( ing'speech^"He«iiasftrfand»said:— [ nearlytwo years-on and off.-* They WeraEO»gUed>tio«se©»tho Governor,., i are slanged if they make mistakes. < They bury their friends, and see Lot hlnwcome^t(>b©«».jGovernor t0,,--jthe Pakebas^:. j^s^locus-wo; -want { 'f them dumped-into,a big hole rolled own in.-* blanket, and they wait weirlly " mo Govecnois'fwe^wai*be.»our Governarl How«dO'the Pakehas ' for the end. But they go on doing m Port bchavb'to*the^b3acfc-fellows it all right. That is war— dirt, weariness, death, disease, bullets. Jackson?' They treat, them liko pig, dogs! See,-a I?rtkeha kills^a Don't try and make it anything tho blaokTfollpTOiir-come% and eata else.in a book. , ~^ " , the refueel. colTho AppendlXvConjtainsia^valuable Writer^ has been revelling m a book ; lectionof- historical documents wliich called "The Plying Inn," by G. K. arc of gneat)servltilo. to a,propor-under- Chesterton. G.K.C., somehow reminds BtandingjofnhjO'niareh of events. But one of a jovial Monk, whose broad why, ohl-whyiiMr- Author^is'there, non catholicity comes out m his writings. contribution to Garmented m a form of paradoxical indox? Sucbia the history 6tj'Ao-te-roa,a volume that humor, his latest volume is at times will bo- referred to by searchers m the painfully truthful. He has a wholeXuture,i-needS'an^index, and'that a most hearted contemnt for the wowser, the I exhaustive one. However, this defi- kill-Joy, the no-whistling-on-Sunday ciency can easily bo remedied ih the brigade, and the advocates of "seven ' future, ' Mr. Buick is to■bo heartily days' cold water drink" as a sure cure " congratulated pn»HiSi effort, which Is a to.all the ills. that flesh is , heir to. Hubook,' and." raanltjf, charity, love of, country well dlstinotfadvanco on *hls firstno distant from every page of the volume. There points t<& thq- faot that m ho* will tnnko a- solid name for is much wisdom as well as humor befuture1 himseltias a--historian. tween Its covers.for the discerning eye understanding heart. How happily and "Economic Notes on English. Agri-' does he hit of the grocer and the inncultuntrWages;*"by Mr.'-Roginald L.en- keeper: nard/.ls^describod by tho "Manchester The righteous minds of inkeepers piece ot "'Guardian" as*'an admirable Induce thorn now and then study that precisely tho kind of"' ■work, bottle with a friend, i«incodcd^foxvtho successful examina- To crack aunmoneyod men; Or treat tion of -the modern problem." Thewho hath seen the gr6cer teathoT'ho» endeavored to answer the But Treat housomaids to his teas, question, whothon it is possible to a of fish-sauce, raiso agricultural -wages In England,> Or crack abottle " without Cho*>advantages of the change Or stand man a cheese! ' ' being* out-weighed by disadvantageous ♥"■.-"""-.. "■' "The Confederation of Europe," by con«cqucnccs. Jloro particularly, the argument Is-concerncd with the- policy Walter A. Phlllipa, M.A., is a book of establishing* minimum agricultural having for its theme tho European wago-catc» by law. No -attempt ls< Alliance, 1813-1823, as an experiment mttdo-UGosaußCiftho' poverty of tho.farm.. In: the International Organisation of laborci' or to- estimate Uio distresses Peace. Tho main objoct of this work of bis ioCxiXcepC indeed. In* so far as la to correct tho exaggeration, of the a conaltloraUon- oftheso Uilnga is es- pacifist agitation by illustrating from sentialsto4tho*«conomlc argument. Mr. a particular period of history the Lonnard'»«peasonfor'thu»^inrttlnK the practical difficulties involved In the apInqutry'is a simplo- one. Ho belloves plication of an international system that a. dcmonatraHon-.'ot tho possl-<t.bt taw. /Another question, of oven billty of Improvomlcnt is^a sutuclent greater immediate . importance, on .for action, without tbo sentK- which It endeavors to throw some reason jmsntalx* appeal provided Tt»y*V». tale *of light, 1» that of tho recent developDoctrine, under borron It>ls interesting to* note that1 ments of tho Monroe United States would seem work'; cay tho*prcsenk which tho essay.which tho > 'to play In tho Now was fpuiidod haH beesa^awarded the " to bo preparing tho part played by tho "ConBoolalßosoarcb Prte<S of £100*byrtho. federation of Europe" In the Old. Tho , london^Schoolvof'Bconomtes. > In using thoftorm*""Bnglißh./Agricui->j" ■ writer's object Is to show how Prcsltural I^aboror'*' tluyiiiiulhor moons cx-^ dent Wilson, by his attitudo"towards actly what-*hO' flays. Too -many Eng- Mexico and tho Iatin American lish tiuthotn and English politicians " j States generally, has used tho Monroe "when-using tho- term, applyit to Scot-1 Doctrine <(to consecrate that very prlntMitalnut which land as vwtt>A«.l3nislaiid,:ana*thO'aian«:j:: vciple -of intocv«ntion" nick nmno? ""Hodgo* Is also goncraUy it vraa originally a protest, and how, facod with precisely tf& applied. Tho«ej.''persons 4utvo been by dolng-so, ho Is problem oh that which conno Txnobsonwutt wnot-to notl«o that the same thenr are-itO" '"Hodge*'* and- no "farm.} fronted thc«Holy Alliance, namely, how a system of paternal «u~ laborers^Hn>Bcotland^ Inlh<v>north«rn>i to reconcile £ i-pcrviaiott-ow>r*i«- eosaewtatc unrul* jdngxioiue«SS«3S^ -'.-.■ '*' ' .Wide -Publicity* is. the gre^-t essential of successful advertising. ■ 01^111?^ seldom^Jbu^^ed^himse"^^^"" and, 'on this- occasion,\ as if to* show .& ' BEST BRANDS OP WINES, J. H. FAIRBAIRN Day and Night Porter/ "Electric Elevator. ■■' the'historicii?nee|ink-"between^ndtive try. " : ''■""':■' chiefs and Capijtain Hpbson, Lieutenr* ?The/'book.ought to-,be,on« the shelves at ■ New Occidental *' . SPIRITS Hotel Inyercargill, Greymouth, and so on. Thus, no other New Zealand newspaper is distributed so widely. Every Bookstall, .Wideawake News Agent and Train Runner ' Our throughout thei Dominion^ has "Truth" on sale. The Great Essential Guaranteed. ■ LAMBTON-QUAY Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Duriedin. Also on. the streets of all large Provincial Towns like Pal-' iBwR - Tariff, 9s Cd per day. - i "..'■■"■ ur, large . cities .of I mp^Cl? FOR v TRIITH^ -" Distribution Most Extensive. "Truy »" unlike any other N.Z;paper, is sold- on the streets of the ■■^^^' "'W/ \T. 17 WM I 1C »-^".f '^ml'"m^II I \Jtm,MJrJL mAJLU- 'lll and while from the'windows the good young Mammon." There is no "tick" at the " " V.M.C.A. . women of the Young.'.'Tartlet's".Asso- ' ;", IT;IS CASH, CASH, ®ASH: ciation, and a kindred nearby" The intruder, the ungodly, and the wherein the young woman, who hasn't drunk, who dares to breathe the breath got a. past, and whose future is uncer-' m the sacred premises is liable tain,- are taken m and .given most of of beer only to be chucked out on his pink not a home,, lights the comforts of being, ear, but he stands the.chance of being put out at ten o'clock, and the use;of handed over to the police. fire-escape forbidden., the beyig strictly "Truth" makes the latter statement Incidentally, the V.M.C.A. building is strength of a recent complaint not far from the police barracks and on the m this office of some poor devil, who lock-up, so that .generally,it might better days, was, fact a had seen be said to have very.happy and con- bank manager, who is beatenm by booze. genial surroundings. ; ", and, miserable- morning Now, all would be well if the good One cold, wet recently, this poor devil warmed- up young men of the sinful city,threw m a little too mtich, or bad, whisky, their support, together with the silver, j with wandered into the V.M.C.A., and sat to "salvage" the institution, but, un-.i before the fire; but he did not sit there happily, the good young man, who is long,- as one or two of the janitors, mostly of the drapers' ..assistant or chuckers-out spotted him, and'gave AND COUNTER-JUMPING VARIETY him the advice;to get as soon as possteers very shy of the institution, per- sible, otherwise the police would be ■;'-'^^^L T "hashery" THE RNEST SUPPER ALE man, if feeling that way inclined, can make goo-goo eyes: at the good ybung Jfcf llTl\f Al'/VIT|-^^" P ' II111II I *^ -^"^ l^'l Jl '^^» "' Salvarmy ' the morning, and scaling the " fire-escape, of- being asked some very pointed and, perhaps, pertinent questions. The V.M.C.A. is not, it might be made very clear, 'a charitable or philanthropic concern. Those running it are as keen' on the "dollars" as Andy Carnegi<i was before his con-, science pricked hinv and made him set out to bribe the Almighty rwith his ASplendid Sample Smug-faced Sweating. Dick- ■ KAKAaIe hour m tfOR A MAGNIfICENT TWENTY-FIVE BOB PER WEEK. " historians STRACHANS i ! COMMERCIAL RESTAURANT; We gather from this schedule that the Assistant Cleaner and Night Porter is to receive £2 5/- per week. This LAMBTON-QDAY, would strike the casual Individual as AFTERNOON .TEA A ajRE^AUTV. being very good pay, but one of the Open 9 a.m. tilt 11.18 p.». stipulations is that the porter must Sundays, B/Pja. to 10.30I pjoa. reside on tho premises and be provided FRASER .PrpprrUtori j JAMES with board and lodgings for which ho " , is to be charged £1 per week, which, Telephone 2805. of course, takes all the gilt,off the ginger-bread. In effect, tho assistant cleaner and pight porter (two Jobs OXFORD TERRACE^ rolled into one), is to get twenty-five week', and it can bo taken from Radical Organ of the Democracy, to make the ad. more attractive, used "bob" a OHRISTOHUROa " ' which comprises 85 per cent of New I*nr\\\j3»M Advertisements may be replaced at "Truth" that ho will have to earn that Only the Btst Liquor* Stooknl^ Zealand's populace, and which constl* reasonable " intervals "Without extra 25/- per week. The night porter, mark * ! thnl, night porter, who has to be on P. B. FLOOD, duty after 10 p.m, and It docs not say when ho has to knock 'off, is required I to mark STAR HOTEL. THE SINFUL GAME OF BILLIARDS ROAD, ADpl^jGrTON. LINCOLN by a new Hoe ■from 12.20 till 2, p.m. daily, and on Metropolitan Trottlmg ablo Turf Information and breezy tho ' Tho PrLntlnS ls don<5 Close to Rotary Machine with good Black Ink,. ! every other evening from S p.m. till' jRS^IdHHP Boxing and Football paragraphs catch Truck and Show Grounds. » thus ensuring a clear and legible ad- t 10 p.m., and Is required to keep tho the. cognoscenti; Hotel Is up-to-data and accortmod»-« billiard room In common with a host tlon second to none Flrst-blaaa «(nhyertisement. Reading matter, is printed on each Page. Every ad. must therefore be seen. 1of other rooms. In addition to tho WI-. llng and paddocklng kept for TtoUljj^ table, In good order, which goes ,^ffl^MM^BHH^HH!wiBlM«Mi Horses. Xo advertisement of an unreliable character is inserted wittingly. This j Hard Proprittww , to show that for twenty-five "bob" a E. L. BARNES f»ct being universally known, Ads. m "Truth" return good results. to V.M.C.A. want man I weok the one Tho lncreaHlnP support accorded "Truth" has resulted m the permanent do the work of three men,and anybody I )\ " j^/^^^^BB^^^BBB^Sm^^Bß^r^ enlargement of the paper by four pages. JOHN L. JOPF, i who knows anything of a billiard room, whether consecrated or otherwise, Is SHEFFIELD Newspapers. that a billiard-marker's job is awaro. > J Most people have no time to read the Advertisements m the crowded not a very easy one. partlculnrly when SHEFFIELD. Daily Newspapers. Is this not so m your case? remembered that he would It must be (Late of Maklkihl and Duosand«l.> The price of "Truth," 3d, precludes it being treated as a penny daily news- have to mark, empty spittoons, and EVERYTHING OF THE3 B£SST. paper. It is read from page 1 to the imprint on the last puge, and then generally look after "mug" players, passed on to a neighbor or posted to a friend. who show a marked predilection for ripping cloths nnd other Hilly things A '" " Message. common to most billiard rooms where < CHRISTCHURCH. ljOt rruth "<?"<! a Wireless Message m the interests of your Business to THE "MtlG" PLAYER every quarter of Ne\y Zealand. It Is Published m Four Editions weekly, usks the marker to give him a game ; Leading Commtrclal and Tho %riz> Auckland EditioQ South Island Edition, Country Edition, and Wcl- and 50 In the 100 up. city...:„.,'■ tho Hotel m llngton Edition. As a matter of fuct, "Truth" has not the space to spare to sot forth all tho - F. M. DREWITT ■.■«' PropHttw* Rates. duties required of th« niwUitnht Advertisements may be inserted for nil Editions to cover tho whole of eleanor nnd night porter (also bllllnrd*yjj/vy aforemenNew Zealand, or for any particular edition at proportionate rates. Quota- marker) contained In thohowever, to tions submitted on application. tioned schedule. Suincc loi/J. suy that nfter a vi?ry. careful study of GLOUCESTER-ST, CHRIBTCHURCH this precious document, wo fail to hoc (Opposite Theatre Royal)* when or at what timn from Monday morning till Sunday night (nnd .Sunday work is included) the successful position applicant for this peurl of a MAXIMUM OF COMFORT. '( Experience. going to ront. -Not only arc his reminded is MINIMUM TABETF, but ho ANDREW CARNEGIE, tho Man with tho Dollars, has written: "Judicious duties upedilcd, MR. HUCrH D. McINTOSH, the successful Sport and Pastimes Promoter doing nothing In particular, when Advertising ihnt printing your Harry Circuit Is the art of announcemo in recently acquired the lato Rickards' of Theat the newspapers all, of Sydney, who make himself useful. And " trcs, Interviewed a few weeks ago m Australia on tho art of advertising, which .circulate; amongst tho particular class of pe^ lo you wish to attract he 1h tobear In mind, for r PropHeteiw please J. T. BUTTON morning n M Sydney's leading newspaper. said: "We had a dispute with ' r After tt ufc-longexperienceIrtnd.tlmt advertising r the morninK nanrra is WEEKLY SUM o MAGNIFICENT THK *»„■«*** ,« «~*y N " rtt |M ftrc pk wlllcll l > trom Vlaitors to CHRISTCHURCH pletftf of £" '*>/- I"'1 w«> too busy to read the morning paper: In fact.lt tak, them all their time to for board und lodgNote: gbnc to tho woods, because 1 took the biz; away from the dally. bo deducted M/my brlefcs wires. To mind tho best 'spapors no, mid tho obtaining Tivoll for wu« to that weekly papers, Hay and the about ing. "Truth" Ireached a wider circle through the Sunday are the* HOTEL really good Papers. busy Whon A MASONIC V.M.C.A., but, gets man Sydney watched of it felt nuhamert of the business Improved out of sight. The picture show men Jn * Paper at the week-end he plenty of leisure to read It throughhold my example and dropfrom after all, can anything bolter bo »-x- (Corner* Colombo and G!oueetter*«U* the fleht and when they found Iwon. they followed »tart to finish, advertisements and all and he Invariably does it. He Is more --pocted? Why Im it that ttwoatlnKi '»«near Cathedral). weekly papers are road moro ned the morning oaper. They realised that tho A*O| Ukely to notice announcements In a Sunday paper than m those with which It l» nothing »l»is ulwiiyn runs THE MOST COMFORTABtB thanT the dallies, which arc glanced at and thrown away, and tho cuuko CBNTRAI, HOTEL. IN THE CXTT, his wife has 111 the flro during the week." nmug-fnced Chrisadvertising more In tho weeklies now. I know with hand i» hand j Tariff 69 per day. Uanlty? "Truth" gives It up. ,'.«.»,., tbo game, tho weekly papers are the ones to advertise In If you want tho C. LANGE PropHetar. position to the. Sunday newsstands In Now Zealand In a similar business, you may "Truth" show, your or ox :. whatever your to read about oeoDlo every time." papers In America. It provides Sunday reading for thousands of people. want them to know about. The weeklies forJ mo "UNDER THE BROAD ARROW." WJWfINQT^Ii; .. /^^^RSw^ I^\\W\v^\ML STAR AND GARTER HOTEL ';^ . .^flß^Hfl^lßl^^nQNkuv^C^txßSSfekk. .^BBUBB^^BSBKHb^EHvKXYm&B"®^ . Proprietor ittHK&LW^mKBBF .^■H^A^BmM^BßH*' .. d^Rtt^BgUsttßsj&Psß3r HOTELj Value of Week-end d^H^H^9HjH^K^«w^%WvJHms|m HHHtßialwllHH^Bv^ GSBttAnBBBBSnBL Mmm^^^^Bßßß^^^B^BßtßßS^B^HF Wireless wßß^Bß^K^Blß^Bßßß^^^Bl^^r 3B^KBUIBBSB^B/^BBB^ttl^^& WHITE HART HOTEL . Reasonable DOMINION HOTEL fHHH^ IH^^PV^ £rlsV£<\ — Book To-day ! Don't Delay JP^ Millionaire's A Word for the Weeklies. zzxit^i\:iz::>« s^sribSiris^tr Twas - \i " rT :. Jound uj*j^ .. 11 0 results^ fhoYouglTy tSirarc Thousands of People Die Annually Wrongly! —A - JOINES <& CO,, We DYE WEEKLY Rightly! New Suit lor 95., or a New Costume for 7s.— Wo undertake for the'(email sum of 9s cash to make any old garment equal to a now one. Ana wo do it swiftly, correctly, and neatly, tnianinioelng complete satisfaction, or your money returned. We solicit customers.from tho North Cape to tho Bluff, but country patrons should forward postal<noie» with Is extra for postage C. J. Houston, Proprietor. When ordering plea»« mention th}« QuCCII'S DjTC Works Paper. 138 Vivian Street, Wellington. The nbovo Ij» the*J«nlflcAnt- title of n ,CLyDB.QUAY, WELLINGTON «Jxp«nny booklet recently piibliwhcd by (EeUblUhed SO Year*). ""Truth." bttJnu a true thrUllnjj story of Atiatnillnn convict life. The iwtihello BUXERS OK LEAD. BOABSL bl«tory of Jun« Now aud tho monZrNC..-.COPPEU. IRON, RAQfI, «irouji record of h««r evil KO«t»«. John AND, RUJJBBR. Filch, ft* related. wn« com- ROPE piled from urlfflnitl o^cliU docunt^nti* " by <Jo«rK« Korbc>«, Then* In « author book on the nmrJtot bearlnii a almUar PtinUrf and publUhfcl by FaBDKWOK title, which aiHH'-tu'B to b«^ cnJoylnK a JAMKH DaWBOH. o( 89 TodmuHrtmk, free »«J. on account of ihe publicity Brooklyn, Wellington, (or JOHM given to the "Wroad Arrow" by tfOBTOW, the Proprietor, «i "^l, "Truth." Therefore p^rnon* dvslroiirt Hblen», rt MMoobr* B»y, lOoom*, of purchiutlng "Truth's" publicationam advlucd to n*k book««ltftrs for "Under .N.8.W., *t hU EUoistotKl /. Offioo, LqV«'« Ijhoo (off mmMautirMi). ihe Brotid Arrow." publlnUt?<t by John Norton. Price fid, pouted 7d« from ait "^tr«lUoctosu M«w Z««Ufttf, UlurAay by poat wido-awftke bookiieUertt. or trom "N.Z. Tnilb;» CASH ...