February 2016 - Mount Holyoke College


February 2016 - Mount Holyoke College
Hallo fellow members of Bellatrix! Welcome to the first 2016 edition of the Chimera.
This is your new Mother of Monsters writing. My legal name is Charisse James, which you will
need to use if you ever wish to email me. I answer to Sky and use the “she/her/them/they”
pronouns. As the Mother of Monsters, it is my duty to oversee the editing and publishing of each
edition of the Chimera. For 2016, the Chimera will be a monthly edition, printed in the last week
of every month. The Chimera is a collection of artwork, story serials, fan fictions, book reviews,
poems, jokes, blog posts, and anything really that revolves around Manga, Anime, Fantasy,
Science Fiction, Manhwa, and Comics. The Chimera depends on student contribution. If you are
a current MHC student, a member of Bellatrix and/or Renegades, feel free to email me at
james23c@mtholyoke.edu, with your submissions.
Here are the guidelines:
1) It must be your own work plagiarism is not tolerated. If you wish to submit something and
claim that it is yours, it is best that that be so. If you are submitting work on behalf of someone
else, make sure that you have their permission.
2) All work will be reviewed and must be approved by an editor before submissions.
3) Only current Mount Holyoke Students may submit to the Chimera. That is, classes of 2019,
2018, 2017, and 2016. All other students can send their submissions in to the Bellorophan on
4) It is preferable that all written work be five pages or less. If your story is longer, find a good
place to cut it and place a “too be continued” there. You can then send in the continuation for the
next month.
5) Everything that can be considered Not-Safe-For-Work will summarily be denied. So, submit at
your own risk and knowledge.
6) Editors cannot review their own work. If they wish to submit something, they must get it
reviewed by another editor.
Con-Bust 2016!
Spring Break!
Upcoming events
1) Spring Break!
2) Bellatrix will be attending the Smith Con-Bust from April 1 to third. We will be selling artwork
and figurines in the Artist Alley feel free to come and visit us.
The hours are:
Friday April 1st: 7 PM to 9:30 PM.
Saturday April 2nd: 9:30 AM to 8:00 PM.
Sunday April 3rd: 9 O'clock AM to 4
O'clock PM.
For tickets and other such information,
check out the Con-bust website.
3) Bellatrix will be hosting Unofficial instead of the usual line up on Friday March
11th at 8 O'clock PM, in Cleveland L3. Unofficial is when we all get together and
watch anime we that isn't in our usual line up. It also occurs sometimes on Friday
evenings after official hours.
Prompts for the March edition of the Chimera
Prompt 1, has been gifted to by a lovely Bella Sophomore, who wished to remain
It had been a long day at the lab. Dr. Lynd was ready to go home, take a shower, kick off
her shoes, and climb into her large, soft bed. Preferably with a glass of wine and her favorite
book. She felt discouraged because she had been in the lab for nigh on five years now, every day
from sunrise to sunset, trying to find a cure for cancer. Of course, she did not expect to find it she
was not that naive. The research project had been going on for years and there was still no sign
of a cure. Sometimes though, in the early hours of the morning, curled at the bottom of her bed
she dreamed that she had found it. If only, to avoid wasting money and time on future useless
attempts. Her partner, Dr. Hailey had been working at the lab for thirty years. A stern woman,
valedictorian of her High school class, she inspired humans wherever she went.
“I'm off then. Have a good evening, Doctor Lynd,” Doctor Hailey said.
Doctor Lynd hummed a reply as she checked the microscope for the thousandth time, and
froze there was something there. Something that just might be there answers to their prayers.
"Wait! Come back!" Lynd shouted, “I think I see something.”
Dr. Hailey came rushing back across the sterile laboratory, looked into the microscope,
and screamed.
Prompt two and three are from yours truly.
Character A has been diagnosed with sudden hearing loss, but they are determined to
accomplish their dreams. They are going to be the best military commander the world has ever
seen. Character B, is a cocky little genius who dreams of world peace and of being revered. The
two are destined to be superb allies, if only they are not assassinated before they meet.
“So you're the Mer-creature?” It's Character B's first day back on campus, and they have
already managed to tick off their new roommate. Character A is not a Mer-Anything thank-youvery-much. Just because they like to swim, and dislike walking does not mean that they are not
normal, and they are willing to punch anyone who says otherwise.
Example of a short story
“Moratorium: Conquer with Caution”
Security Detail, 53.6667° N, 6.6417° W
“Can you walk?”
“We're fine, Ita. Hang on a second.” Andreas closed his eyes tightly and then opened
them again. The fuzzy borders didn't disappear but he could see a bit better. All around him
sharp darts of sunlight reflected off the snow, except where it had been dyed red with blood.
There weren't any Asters in sight. “We've got a break. Let's move,” he said rising to his feet, and
hoisting Amon up with him.
“Same formation,” Andreas said taking the lead, eyes narrowed for maximum visibility.
Murtagh and Ita walked directly behind him, shoulders drooping with exhaustion. Liam and Page
brought up the rear. In such fashion, they crossed the field and came upon a copse of trees. He
eyed them warily, the air felt colder under the treetops, but that could be attributed to the shade.
Still he was uneasy as he advanced.
There was no warning. The Asdoch launched itself out from the cover of the bush, its
large paws slamming into him. Amon was knocked aside as Andreas fell backwards, the snow
not deep enough to protect his back from the sting. Andreas clenched his teeth, struggling to raise
his legs to kick the beast away, his right hand searching for a knife, while his left kept the
looming jaws back. Sharp claws dug into his left arm as the beast readjusted, aiming for his
throat. Andreas grasped the knife, ramming it into the Asdoch's jugular. The beast collapsed, the
amber glow of its eyes fading within seconds. He freed the knife and rolled to his feet, eyes
scanning for his charges.
Liam was backed against a tree and was defending against a two-headed Asdoch. Page
and Amon were each dealing with their own Asteroides. The green belts were nowhere to be
seen, but an arrow came shooting down from a tree catching Liam's Asdoch in the flank. Andreas
switched out his knife for a sword and went to help Amon. He ducked behind the Aster, slicing at
the tendons in its knees before completing his roll and coming up next to his lieutenant. The
Aster stumbled forwards, icicles spewing everywhere as it swung at them. Andreas ducked under
the swing, and stabbed upwards kicking the Aster back. The beast snarled as it slammed into the
ground but Liam was already there to slit its throat. Andres freed his sword and confiscated the
Asteroide's patch before looking around. The 4 Asters had been taken care of.
“Good work,” Andreas said, sheathing his sword awkwardly. “Who’s got the spark?”
“I'm on it!” Ita said, scrambling down from her tree perch. The green belt pulled out the
flint from her messenger satchel and set about lighting a fire on one of the Asdoch. Andreas
relieved the other Asteroide of its patch as he helped Liam pile them up. Once all four bodies had
been set aflame, Andreas motioned for Page to get out the first aid kit.
“Keep your eyes peeled, that was only half of a patrol,” Andreas said, and peered up at
the treetops trying to figure out the sun number. “We're nearly to the village.”
Andreas redirected his gaze to Page, who held up a roll of bandages. Andreas frowned at
“Your arm. It's bleeding,” The blue belt said.
“Oh,” he said, as he inspected his left arm wriggling his fingers experimentally. They
were stiff. “I'm fine. It doesn't hurt,” he said looking back at her. Page's round face lit up with
alarm, before her eyes narrowed and her lips tightened. “Did you take care of everyone else?”
Andreas said, as he shook out his arm. It hurt, a heathen lot but he wasn't about to tell her that. It
would be an issue for sure, if she ran out of bandages.
“Amon!” Page said, spinning around. “The Commander's gonna bleed to death!”
“I'm fine,” Andreas said, glowering down at the back of her head.
“I've got extra bandages in my bag, Sir.” Amon shoved himself away from the tree he'd
been leaning against. “Or is the plan to leave a blood trail for LT. Commander Gregoire to
Andreas growled softly when he realized Amon was right; he would not put it past the
brown belt to rat him out to Gregoire. “Be quick about it,” he said holding out his arm.
Page gave a nod and at her bidding, Andreas settled himself down in the snow. The
apprentice medic cut away his shirtsleeve and swallowed audibly. Andreas glanced down, curling
a lip when he saw the depth of the cuts. Page set about packing and bandaging the wound
without a word. By the time she'd finished the Asters' bodies had burned into a nice pile of ash,
so Andreas moved the Security Detail out. The clouds had lightened up as they reached the
village, revealing a midafternoon sun and a carnage. Andreas cussed once, twice and then a third
time for good measure.
“Check for survivors,” he said striding towards what remained of the guardhouse. “Ita
with me.”
“Yes, Sir!” The green belt hastened after him, eyes wide.
The wooden building was ruined; door torn off its hinges, planks bent at crooked angles,
but the rear wall was still standing. Andreas stepped carefully through the doorway; he paused
warily hand resting on his sword, and listened intently. When nothing was to be heard, he walked
further in, noting with distaste the ice on the walls. The back rooms were empty as well. Andreas
and Ita made their way to the main square, checking the few standing buildings that they passed.
There were no bodies.
Andreas turned, speeding up to meet Murtagh half way.
“Sir, we found survivors!” The green belt said, skidding slightly in the snow. Andreas
motioned for him to lead the way and they headed towards the rear of the village. The last
building was a stone tower, remnant of an ancient life. The door had been frozen solid but Liam
and Page were working on thawing it.
“Report,” Andreas, said when he joined them.
“27 survivors, Sir. Status, slightly frozen. They weren't caught unprepared, one of their
hunters made it back in time to warn them,” Amon said, eyes scanning the perimeter.
“Yes, Sir. The other three are missing, presumed dead. It's likely that this is the other half
of our patrol, Sir. They say there were only 3 Asteroides and they left after freezing the door.”
“Aster patrols are usually 4, we've got a raid on our hands,” Andreas said, crossing his
arms with a wince. He looked around, noting the sun number and the cloud cover. “Change of
plans, we're taking the villagers back to the dojo. Are there horses?” Amon shook his head.
Andreas let out a long breath he hated waiting.
Once the door had been thawed and broken in, Andreas sent Page and Liam to fetch the
survivors. It was a cold group, with hard eyes, and chaffed skin. A hooded figure separated from
the group making their way towards Andreas.
“Are you the Commander?” The voice resembled the rustling of dry paper, held together
by a solid leather binding.
“Yes, Ma'am,” Andreas said, inspecting the rest of the group for injuries but it seemed
Page had already volunteered her services. “We're here-”
“Escort us to your dojo. We require shelter.” The village elder cut him off. Andreas
blinked, rapidly calculated Ualtar's reaction, and then dipped his head in agreement. A new
formation was set up and the group slowly made its way out of the village. He felt a familiar
sensation scamper up his legs when he realized that at this slow pace they wouldn't make it back
before sunset, that and the fact that they were easy targets. He fell back, leaving Amon to limp on
his own, and made his way to Ita.
“I've got an assignment for you,” Andreas said. The girl's head shot up, focusing on him
instead of the villagers in front. “I need you to run ahead to the dojo and fetch us
reinforcements.” Ita blinked once, in surprise, then once more, face hardening in determination.
“Yes, Sir.” Her gaze and voice were steady.
“Good, give me your satchel,” Andreas said pulling out his dirks, “and your sword.” Ita
handed over the requested items, accepting the smaller weapons in return. “You're fast, you can
outrun an Aster.” Ita's lips twitched up in a smile, before she saluted, and jogged off ahead of the
group. Andreas looked around for his other green belt. Murtagh was talking with a couple of
boys a few inches shorter than him. He swung his arms about demonstrating sword positions and
the kids giggled. The messengers taken care of, Andreas made his way to Liam.
“Ita off then, Sir?” The second LT said when he spotted him.
“Yes. Keep your eyes peeled, no Aster worth its ice would pass up an opportunity like
this,” Andreas said, his eyes narrowing, as what sounded like a tolling bell rang out, but it was to
far to tell.
Andreas walked next to Liam for a bit, before making his way back up to Amon and
taking some of his weight again. The outer wall was in sight when the howling broke out.
Andreas didn't waste his breath cussing this time, instead he yelled out a new formation. His unit
spread out in a circle, packing the villagers tighter together. Andreas scanned the perimeter, as
they slowed to a shuffle, looking for the dreaded red eyes. Yellow or blue he could handle but red
would be trouble, and silver eyes would be the death of them. There was a yelp from one of the
villagers as he stumbled, falling to his knees, and the Asters attacked.
“Hold firm!” Andreas said drawing his sword and shoving back a small one-headed
Asdoch. “Stay steady, you've handled worse.” He disposed of the Asdoch just in time to take on a
two-headed one, its teeth clashed with Andreas' sword and he twisted aside, dragging the beast
into easy reach of Amon's sword. The Asdoches kept coming, and their circle was forced to
tighten up anymore. Andreas grunted as he dove sideways avoiding an ice burst, and coming
back up in time to receive a foot to the chest. He cursed and rolled again, an ice spear plunging
into the snow where his head had been a moment ago. He twisted away, struggling to get his feet
under him. He rose, promptly dropping down to hew at the Aster's leg. A satisfactory screech
resounded. Andreas shot forward and stabbed at the other leg, before rising to his feet. The Aster
faced him shakily, face contorted into a maw of sharp teeth, it raised its sword and collapsed with
an arrow through its eye.
Andreas spotted another Asteroide and darted towards it, coming in low and swift, only to
pull up when it also was taken down by a couple of arrows. Andreas stopped and looked around;
the villagers were still in a circle, though it seemed to have doubled in numbers. Aster bodies
were piled haphazardly everywhere but only a few fights were still ongoing. None of the fighters
were from his unit, and they were winning. Andreas relaxed slightly, and limped his way back
towards the main group, scanning for the children.
“Ha! Serves 'em right!”
He froze, and then spun around searching for the owner of the voice. A kid, no two kids
were standing next to a body, pocking at it with a stick. Andreas started towards them, but a
familiar blur shot past him.
“Hey, get away from that!” Murtagh said, jogging towards the brats. The kids looked at
him, and then the smaller one turned away.
“What's so scary about this thing, anyway? They're just big dawgs!” The larger of the
kids swung the stick up and slammed it onto the Asdoche's back. “See? Nuthin' happened.” He
turned to leave and the beast came alive with a spray of saliva, one of its heads snapping out
viscously. Andreas broke into a run as Murtagh yelled and slammed the kid out of the way. The
smaller kid bolted, screaming but the larger one didn't get up. Murtagh rolled to his feet and
heaved him up, shoving him towards Andreas with an angry word that dissolved into a scream.
Andreas knocked the kid aside, crossed the few remaining feet, and dispatched the Asdoch with a
knife through each head. Murtagh was laying where he'd fallen, curling into himself, arms
wrapped around his right leg.
“Medic!” Andreas yelled as he dropped to his knees besides the boy. “Page! Get over
-Published with permission from its author, me and edited by a wonderful
team of sophomores.
Imagine there could have been artwork here...
Introducing the Literary Corner
By Sky
This week's Book series is Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas–The Myth of Hades. The Lost Canvas (TLC) is a
25 volume series, written and drawn by the amazing Shiori Teshirogi. It ran from August 2006 to April 2011 in the
Weekly Shonen Champion. The series is a spin-off of the original Saint Seiya universe created by Masami
Some minor info about the series and its protagonists. The books were published in their original language,
in French, in Spanish, in Chinese, and Italian but not in English. An anime series ran from June 2009 to April 2010
and February to July 2011. Unfortunately, it was not green lit for a third season so chapters 96 to 223 were left
unanimated. For people having seen the anime it is recommended that they start reading from chapter 80 since the
battle scenes are different.
In 2011, 2 months after the end of the series, the two authors started publication of a sequel called Saint
Seiya: TLC Gaiden. It currently has 12 volumes with a prequel chapter found in the volume 24 of TLC. Volume 12
having been published in 2013. Again, it can the volumes were only published in Japanese, French, Spanish,
Chinese, Portuguese, and Italian but not in English. In addition, while both series can be found in their entirety in
Spanish, France, and Portugal have not completed their serialization. For the particular crafty, an English version can
apparently be found, if you spend hours searching the French sites, however whether the actual books are written in
English remains to be confirmed.
Real world timelines wise, it is said that TLC is set around 1745 (plus or minus 3 years). The Gaidens take
place between 1729 (Anecdote 10) and 1757 (Anecdote 6). The two saints who have yet to get a Gaiden are Pope
(Aries) Shion and Taurus Aldebaran (Rasgardo). Anecdote 9 (1752), was about Taurus Teneo, the (debatable)
successor to Aldebaran if the bonus images found in volume 25 are canonically correct. All other Anecdotes take
place in 1730, in various European countries.
The male protagonist of the series is, Pegasus Tenma previous incarnation to Pegasus Seiya. He is also the
protagonist of Next Dimension, the prequel to the original Saint Seiya Series drawn by Masami Kurumada, and
currently ongoing. Tenma (13-16) is a young, reckless of Japanese descent and German nationality. He is follows
Dohko to the Sanctuary following the almost flooding of his home, and reunites with an old friend Sasha. The story
follows his battles to defend the goddess Athena and defeat (save) the god Hades. Tenma is brave from the
beginning but he grows smarter and a tad less reckless as the story progresses.
The secondary male protagonist of the series is a toss-up between Alone and Unicorn Yato. Alone is
Tenma's best friend from the orphanage, and Sasha's biological older brother. He is a sweet boy, who is known for
his selfless kindness and his great skill as a painter. He rescues a puppy from some bullies, only to be rescued by
Tenma. The puppy (swears eternal loyalty) follows him every afterwards, as Alone struggles through his character
arcs. While Tenma grows in the light, Alone falls into despair and their two paths becomes irreparably intertwined.
Yato is Tenma's rival from his sanctuary days. Yato (13-16) is the Unicorn Saint, and unlike his reincarnation
is rather nice. To refrain from the horror of mouthing a spoiler, there's not much I can say about him but he has
appeared in nearly every volume. The anime does not really do justice to Yato's character development.
The female protagonist is Sasha. The younger sister of Alone and one of Tenma's close friends. Sagittarius
Sisyphus took her to the sanctuary several years before the start of the story. Sasha (12-15) has a good relationship
with the 12 Gold Saints, and as a “child” often sneaked out to play with them.
The secondary female protagonists are Crane Yuzuriha and Pandora. Yuzuriha (15-18) is the former
apprentice of Elder Hakurei as well as the battle partner of Tenma and Yato. She often acts as the voice of reason,
and has been proven capable of smashing both of the boys. She is a resident of Jamir and as such possesses
psychokinesis; she is also considered one of the strongest silver saints. Yuzuriha's Gaiden can be found in volume
Pandora is Alone and later Hades' babysitter and one of their guardians. She is responsible for releasing the
twin deities that serve Hades. Pandora (17-20) is also Hades' biological older sister in TLC. She appears in the Next
Dimension as well. Whenever Hades or Alone appears, she is not far away.
Libra Dohko has appeared in all alterations of the Saint Seiya Universes, and while not a protagonist
(debatable) his legends must be spread so he has garnered himself a space here. Dohko (16-19 “old as dirt”) is of
Chinese origin and the mentor to Tenma and Shiryu. He has a talent for empathy. He is the best friend of Pope
(Aries) Shion.
There are too many reasons to name as to why I would recommend this book as must read for fans of the
Saint Seiya Universe, or of Greek Deities in general. The artwork is gorgeous, and if you’re a fan of Shion and
Dohko they get plenty of screen time this time around. The protagonist has a bit more maturity in him than Seiya,
and the characters are more fleshed out in general. The English translations can be found on any manga aggregation
site. They are also available on Amazon and in European bookstores for a decent price.
–According the the author, Next Dimension is canon and The Lost Canvas is in an Alternate Universe.
Originally, the two were supposed to work side by side and the TLC was supposed to be less than 10 volumes. ND
started publication in 2006, and currently has 9 volumes. It is still on going.
–Official records have marked Alta down, as also having been called Alta Mu, but whether that was a
misspelling is unknown.
–Tenma and Seiya look very similar, but their personalities are quite different and their hair is flipped. Tenma
has an alter ego, called the 16th century Pegasus Saint. ND's Tenma is a mix of the two.
– Dohko and Tenma are canonically brothers in everything but blood.
That is all for is month of February, fellow Bellas! Next time, look forwards to a "Why everyone
should read and watch Toshokan Sensou" As well as any submissions from you all, out there.
Thanks for reading! See you next month.