Insight Annual Report 2015 20160831
Insight Annual Report 2015 20160831
Patron: Richard Gill OAM Artistic Advisor Musica Viva Education, Founding Music Director and Conductor Emeritus Victorian Opera “The Pathway to Inclusion” Insight Annual Report 2015 Specialist Primary School & Centre of Excellence for the Blind & Vision Impaired 1800 isight (free call) 1 Patron: Richard Gill OAM Artistic Advisor Musica Viva Education, Founding Music Director and Conductor Emeritus Victorian Opera History Insight Education Centre for the Blind and Vision Impaired was founded by parents in 2009 to provide education services for blind and vision impaired children and young people and their families in Victoria. Insight's educational services hub is located at the Monash University campus in Berwick and includes a Centre of Excellence and Specialist Primary School with experienced and expert professionals in the education of children who are blind or vision impaired. Insight Specialist Primary School is a positive choice for the education of children who are blind or vision impaired. The bar is set high for our students within a model of educational excellence which incorporates a carefully planned transition to mainstream schooling when the time is right. Access to worldwide best practice in Explicit Instruction and the Expanded Core Curriculum specifically designed for blind and vision impaired students, is integrated with the Australian National Curriculum. This ensures systematic and measured progress and support through primary, secondary and tertiary education, fully supported by highly qualified and specialist staff. Students learn in a way which develops their individual strengths and talents and creates an effective blueprint for future learning as well as enhancing their opportunities for happy and fulfilling careers in adult life. Mission To educate, support and empower blind and vision impaired children and young people so that they may reach their potential and achieve independence and self-worth. Insight Education Centre works in partnership with the mainstream education system so that every blind and vision impaired child in Victoria has access to a specialist education as a pathway to inclusion. Insight also provides Early Years support sessions for parents of children aged 0 - 6 years and our Centre of Music Excellence program develops our students’ musical talents in master classes including Braille Music. Insight accepts enrolments on a short/long term basis as well as dual enrolments with mainstream schools. 2 Patron: Richard Gill OAM Artistic Advisor Musica Viva Education, Founding Music Director and Conductor Emeritus Victorian Opera Governance Insight Specialist Primary School is a company limited by guarantee. The Board of Directors forms the School Council which acts as the governing body, appoints the school principal, and establishes and monitors the strategic direction of the school. The day to day operation of the school is delegated by the Board of Directors to the School Principal. Ms Naomi J O'Brien, Chair Mr Alan B Lachman, Founder Mr Maurice Gleeson OAM, President of Blind Sports Victoria Prof Leon Piterman AM, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Berwick and Peninsula), Monash University Dr Harry Unger, Ophthalmologist & Chief Executive Officer of Eyescan Staffing Insight Specialist Primary School is staffed by teachers trained to support students with vision impairments and offers an excellent staff-to-student ratio. Students participate in a dual curriculum: the Australian National Curriculum and the Expanded Core Curriculum for students with vision impairments. Mr. Timothy Hemphill Principal: B. Ed. (Melbourne University) Mr. Alan Lachman Managing Director: B. Engineering Mrs. Jenny Crupi Finance, Administration & Compliance Officer Mrs Kerryn Kelly Finance & Compliance support - B Comm (Accounting) ICAA Chartered Accountant Ms Maria Franca Galanzi Communications & Fundraising — Dip. Translation Mr James Duncan Teacher - B Ed Prim / Studies in Blind and VI Miss Hilary O'Haire Teacher - B Ed Prim / Studies in Blind and VI Mr Michael Evans Teacher - Grad Dip Ed Prim / B Bus / Grad Cert Tchg Eng. Mrs Amelia Rodgers Specialist Teacher’s Aide – Dip. Specialist Support for T & L in Schools Working with Learners with a Visual Impairment Mrs Sarah Kelly Transcriber / Braille and Large Print specialist/production Mrs Kim Batten B. S. Sp. Ed. Blind & VI - English, Biology, Physics and Performing Arts 3 Patron: Richard Gill OAM Artistic Advisor Musica Viva Education, Founding Music Director and Conductor Emeritus Victorian Opera Insight’s ‘state of the art’ buildings and environment: Our purpose built school and outdoor facilities ensure that students learn to use a variety of environmental features to support independent mobility High quality acoustics and adjustable lighting cater for students with varying vision conditions North/south orientation of building eliminates glare and supports orientation Tactile markers, changing surface materials and textures, braille and large print room signs support independent mobility Independent living skills classroom include a fully equipped kitchen with brailled instructional posters Specially designed desks enable good posture, independent storage and organization of materials and equipment Sensory Playground and Garden offer stimulating and enjoyable outdoor activities Meeting the learning needs of our students All material, resources and equipment is provided in the student’s preferred format: Braille, large print and/or audio Braille teaching and learning is integrated into all daily classroom and curriculum activities: a Braillerich environment where Braille and other print alternatives (audio, magnification, synthetic speech, tactile materials) support powerful learning pathways for students There is a clear focus on structured, sequenced and scaffolded development of independence across all areas Assistive technologies are taught explicitly and are an integral part of all learning areas. The development of high levels of competence in this area significantly increases the ability of students to succeed academically Orientation and Mobility is supported in all movement around the school and on excursions: cane usage, environmental cues, echolocation and practice with regular routes. Focus on meaningful experiential learning: use of real objects, scaffolding learning by moving from real objects, to models of objects, to tactual representation of objects Small class groups ensure that the specific and individual learning and vision needs of all students are identified and systematically worked toward The school functions as a hub for families and students, assists students to develop self-worth and wellbeing, and enables them to establish and practice social interactions in a safe environment. Families are enabled to develop supportive relationships with each other in a meaningful and relevant way The clustering of students at the school enables the provision of welfare support and therapies as required e.g. occupational therapy, speech therapy and physiotherapy The hub enables group activities and integration with mainstream sighted peers including sports days, musical performances, camps and excursions – providing full participation for all students 4 Patron: Richard Gill OAM Artistic Advisor Musica Viva Education, Founding Music Director and Conductor Emeritus Victorian Opera Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC) The Expanded Core Curriculum is fundamental to blind and vision impaired students gaining essential skills and, within the State of Victoria, is available at only one specialist school, Insight. The ECC is integrated across all areas of the core curriculum. OVERVIEW OF 2015 SCHOOL YEAR 1. STAFFING * Funding secured from DET Chaplaincy Program to provide salary package for Welfare/Music Co-ordinator until January 2017 * Restructuring of staff salaries over 24 months tied to 6 monthly performance reviews. Salaries capped to equate to position responsibilities rather than years of service * An additional Integration Aide employed with Braille VI Training * Year 7/8 Curriculum reaching completion for submission to VRQA to obtain registration for these two additional year levels * Best Practice professional development with staff including planning templates, compliance with key educational documents and policies, SMART goal setting etc. 5 Patron: Richard Gill OAM Artistic Advisor Musica Viva Education, Founding Music Director and Conductor Emeritus Victorian Opera 2. SCHOOL PROFILE/MEDIA * Online profile and marketing presence via social media including Facebook, Linked In, Pinterest * SPEVI presentation, Family Futures forum (Vision Australia) etc. * Television/radio interviews, articles 3. PROGRAM INNOVATIONS * Educational Needs Assessment designed and implemented to deliver individual ‘Blueprints for Learning’ * Social Skills program implemented including Program Achieve, Kids Matter & You Can Do It * K-12 Insight Swimming program established at North Lodge Swimming Academy Dandenong * Monash Occupational Therapy Masters’ project launched - Kitchen Garden program * Pottery & Sculpture Artist in Residence program in place * Young Adults Braille Literacy/Careers Pathway Program designed and launched * Music Centre of Excellence – instrumental & ensemble programs, Braille music program *Completion and opening of new sensory garden and play areas * Prep 2016 launched including Kinder & Prep tours, Early Years Parent Support sessions * Insight Early Learning brochure; Why Insight; Reaching Out for Expanded Core Curriculum; Better Start application; Mobile Classroom ’10 Reasons Why; etc. * ‘Achieving the Standards & Educating Blind & Vision Impaired Students’ marketing launched * Open Days and celebrations at Insight Berwick including ‘Walk to Insight’ 4. STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS * Department of Education & Training (Regional Directors), Independent Schools Victoria, Federal, State & Local Governments, Department of Human Services, Local Service Clubs including Rotary, Faculty of Education Monash University, Guide Dogs Victoria, SCOPE etc. * New partnerships established with Primary Schools & Secondary Colleges re Insight Satellite Units and Mobile Classrooms programs * Position Paper submitted to Review of Disability Standards in Education: Minister Education & Training in consultation with Attorney General 6 Patron: Richard Gill OAM Artistic Advisor Musica Viva Education, Founding Music Director and Conductor Emeritus Victorian Opera Student Data Enrolment at Census date – August 2015 FTE: 6.8 Attendance Data by Year Levels: Prep Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 - 0.2 Natalie 2.6 Christian, Josh, Josiah and Jemma 1 Noah 3 Francesca, Tyler, Jayden Management of Student Absences: Year If a student is absent, the parent or guardian is required to notify the school administration. The absence and reason for the absence is recorded. If a student is regularly late, the teacher discusses the reasons for the absence with the parent/guardian and then refers to the Principal as required. The Principal followsup with the parent/guardian to ensure every effort is made to support the student's attendance at the school including intervention by a multi-disciplinary team in order to combat any ongoing medical, welfare or psycho-social difficulties the student and/or family may be experiencing. The Principal may assist by facilitating student transportation to and from school for low income and/or remotely located families so that attendance is possible. In the instance of chronic school absences, the Principal will work closely with students and their families in order to facilitate access to educational resources and support. For families with school refusal issues, the development an ‘action plan’ for students to return to, and engage with school, is implemented as a preventive measure for students at risk of disengagement. Assessments: One vision impaired student completed the National Assessment Program – Literacy & Numeracy (NAPLAN) in Reading, Persuasive Writing, Language Conventions and Numeracy. The results have provided a snapshot of this student's learning which has informed the child's future learning priorities. Insight Education assesses all students in the dual curricula twice a year using the Educational Needs Assessment. This provides a thorough and individualised Blueprint for Learning by accurately identifying levels of achievement across all areas of learning as well as gaps which need to be addressed. 7 Patron: Richard Gill OAM Artistic Advisor Musica Viva Education, Founding Music Director and Conductor Emeritus Victorian Opera Parent, Student & Teacher satisfaction Surveys are completed regularly to collect information on issues deemed as important by the school community. The data collected is used by the leadership team to determine areas for future improvement. Surveys are anonymous in order to provide participants with every opportunity to share their views and experiences of Insight Education Centre. It is Insight's policy to collect feedback from parents and staff regularly to ensure high levels of satisfaction with the school's policies and practices. The general themes of the surveys include the level of quality in regard to staff, learning environment, safety, resources, behavioural management, leadership, opportunities for professional learning, student engagement, participation in the ECC, information dissemination and support. Responses are evaluated ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree. We thank the members of the community who take the time to participate and contribute to our further growth. Finance Report (audited) for the Year Ended 31 December 2015 1. The Finance Report contains the following 5 pages, beginning overleaf: a. Operating Statement Summary b. Notes to the Financial Statements on Revenue, Cash & Other Receivables c. Financial Commitments Summary d. Statement of Cash Flows e. Commentary 2. Audit Report C W Stirling & Co. (Chartered Accountants) conducted the annual audit and confirm that Insight’s 2015 Financial Statements present a true and fair view of the financial position of Insight at 31 December 2015 and the results of its operations and cash flows for the year. The Auditors confirm that the 2015 Financial Statements were prepared in accordance with applicable Accounting Standards and other mandatory reporting requirements in Australia. 8 Patron: Richard Gill OAM Artistic Advisor Musica Viva Education, Founding Music Director and Conductor Emeritus Victorian Opera a. OPERATING STATEMENT SUMMARY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 Note Revenue 31 DEC 2014 $ $ 2,398,633 319,987 Administration expenses (49,151) (49,870) Advertising costs (68,009) (102,782) Consulting & professional fees (49,027) (41,283) (124,968) (104,177) (54,598) (38,615) (723,986) (758,792) (23,614) (1,740) Fundraising expenses - - Occupancy expenses (34,540) (54,941) 1,270,740 (832,213) - - 1,270,740 (832,213) - - 1,270,740 (832,213) Depreciation expenses Education costs Employment costs Finance costs Current year surplus / (deficit) before income tax Income tax expense Net current year surplus / (deficit) after income tax Total other comprehensive income for the year Total comprehensive income / (deficit) for the year 2 31 DEC 2015 9 Patron: Richard Gill OAM Artistic Advisor Musica Viva Education, Founding Music Director and Conductor Emeritus Victorian Opera b. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTE 2: REVENUE AND OTHER INCOME 31 DEC 2015 $ 31 DEC 2014 $ Revenue comprises: – Student Income 19,780 6,995 – Recurrent Non-Government School funding 350,176 149,515 – Scholarship Grants 87,508 32,268 – Government Grant 1,598,023 - – Donations 342,756 124,802 – Other - - 2,398,243 313,580 390 6,407 2,398,633 319,987 66,750 (25,810) 183,436 80 291 205 250,477 (25,525) 2,461 637 332,173 - 334,634 637 Other revenue: – interest received: – Financial institutions NOTE 3: CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS Cash at bank – operating Cash at bank – grants Petty Cash NOTE 4: OTHER RECEIVABLES Debtors Accrued income 10 Patron: Richard Gill OAM Artistic Advisor Musica Viva Education, Founding Music Director and Conductor Emeritus Victorian Opera c. FINANCIAL COMMITMENTS SUMMARY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 Note 31 DEC 2015 31 DEC 2014 $ $ ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents 3 250,477 (25,525) Accounts receivable and other debtors 4 334,634 637 585,111 (24,888) 3,067,070 2,848,834 TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 3,067,070 2,848,834 TOTAL ASSETS 3,652,181 2,823,946 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS NON-CURRENT ASSETS Property, plant and equipment 5 LIABILITIES CURRENT LIABILITIES Trade and other payables 6 142,695 597,325 Provisions 7 36,972 24,847 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 179,667 622,172 TOTAL LIABILITIES 179,667 622,172 3,472,514 2,201,774 Retained surplus 3,472,514 2,201,774 TOTAL EQUITY 3,472,514 2,201,774 NET ASSETS EQUITY 11 Patron: Richard Gill OAM Artistic Advisor Musica Viva Education, Founding Music Director and Conductor Emeritus Victorian Opera d. STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 Note 31 DEC 2015 31 DEC 2014 $ $ CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Receipts from grants, bequests and donations 2,055,366 354,047 390 6,407 (1,000,760) (1,244,421) 1,054,996 (883,967) Purchase of property, plant and equipment (343,211) (1,063,359) Net cash (used in)/provided by investing activities (343,211) (1,063,359) - 429,050 Payment of loans (435,782) - Net cash (used in)/provided by investing activities (435,782) 429,050 Net increase / (decrease) in cash held 276,003 (1,518,276) Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of financial year (25,526) 1,492,751 250,477 (25,525) Interest received Payments to suppliers and employees Net cash provided by operating activities 8 CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Proceeds from loans Cash and cash equivalents at end of financial year 3 12 Patron: Richard Gill OAM Artistic Advisor Musica Viva Education, Founding Music Director and Conductor Emeritus Victorian Opera e. COMMENTARY 1. Surplus of $1,270,740 The surplus for the year was the result of three positive elements: Increased enrolments translating into increased Recurrent Non-Government School funding Special DET (Victoria) grant resulting from the ALP’s 2014 election commitment that recognised the extraordinary investment Insight is making and had made in the 2013-14 period to take Insight out to students across Melbourne and to build explicit education delivery capacity Continuing support for Insight from the philanthropic community seen through the Donations/Grants given and Scholarships awarded from the well-resourced Scholarship Fund 2. Extraordinary revenue or expenditure items None. 3. Additional funding Insight received (State/Commonwealth) Staged DET (Victoria) grants resulted from the ALP’s 2014 election commitment, totalling $2.4M over two years. The amount received (for both Operating and Capital purposes) in 2015 totalled $1,598,023. Purposes of grant: a. Operating: To provide services at the Insight premises and to support InsightOut Mobile Classroom(s), Satellite Units or potential Satellite Units. This includes the development of all new curricula, methods, materials and PD for education staff, plus the processes required to roll out complex Mobile Classroom and Satellite Unit programs across a wide geographical area. b. Capital: i. Construct specialist sporting/recreation facilities at Insight Specialist Primary School. ii. Installation of 2 Satellite Mainstream Specialist Units at schools in the North-West and North-East of Melbourne hosting InsightOut explicit education programs. iii. A Mobile Classroom program that enables blind and vision impaired children in greater Melbourne and Regional Victoria to access specialist education. How the Annual Report is distributed and promoted The annual report is available on the Insight website and available to all key stakeholders including all philanthropic partners. A copy of the Annual Report is placed on the Victorian State Register which is managed by the VRQA. 13 Patron: Richard Gill OAM Artistic Advisor Musica Viva Education, Founding Music Director and Conductor Emeritus Victorian Opera For further information please contact: The Principal Insight Specialist Primary School 120 Enterprise Avenue, Berwick, VIC 3806 Post Office Box 983, Berwick, VIC 3806 T: (03) 9707 1585 F: (03) 9707 4316 E: Or Alan Lachman, Managing Director E: Insight is a Registered Specialist Primary School, no. 2085 Insight is a Charitable Institution ACN: 134711292; ABN: 12134711292 School Website 14 Patron: Richard Gill OAM Artistic Advisor Musica Viva Education, Founding Music Director and Conductor Emeritus Victorian Opera Appendix 1: Checklist of minimum requirements for Annual Reports REQUIREMENTS FOR THE COVER PAGE (if inserting photos/Images) Done Photos/Images present a positive image of the school and its students. Y The school has appropriate authorisation for the photos/images used in the cover page (i.e. from parents/guardians, independent students and adults). Y INFORMATION REQUIRED IN ABOUT OUR SCHOOL STATEMENT School context, including: Workforce composition, e.g. ‘This school has # equivalent full-time staff: # Principal class, # teachers and # Education Support Staff.’ Y Additional requirements for the Achievement section: Comment on VCE outcomes (for schools with VCE students). Progress of PSD students where a school has more than 10 students, e.g. ‘All Program for Students with a Disability students showed progress at satisfactory or above in achieving their individual goals.’ N/A Additional requirements for the Engagement and Wellbeing sections: Comment on how the school is addressing non-attendance. Schools may choose to comment on school-based student survey data that reflects their context. Insert the school’s website in the space provided at the bottom of the page (recommended). Y Y INFORMATION REQUIRED IN THE FINANCIAL SUMMARY The following information is required to be checked: Y Summary of the school council’s board’s financial performance (revenue/expenditure) for the school year – Operating Statement Summary. Y Summary of the school council’s board’s position (funds available/financial commitments) for the school year – Financial Commitments Summary. Y The Total Financial Commitments should equal the Total Funds Available. Any additional funding the school received (State/Commonwealth) beyond the Student Resource Package, including the purpose of that funding and its link to improvements to teaching and learning. Y All schools are required to write a commentary which includes: An explanation of why the annual result was a surplus or deficit. An explanation of any extraordinary revenue or expenditure items. Any new sources of funding the school received during the year, e.g. from special grants or fundraising initiatives. Any additional funding the school received (State/Commonwealth) beyond the Student Resource Package, including the purpose of that funding and its link to improvements to teaching and learning. Y Y Y Y 15