Our Calendar - Ozarks on Two Wheels
Our Calendar - Ozarks on Two Wheels
2 2 3 4 JANUARY 1/1/16 | Old Three Toed New Year’s Day Ride Join A.B.A.T.E for a ride around Little Rock. Ride starts at the Wal-Mart on Baseline and I-30 in Little Rock, AR at 2PM. For more information call (501) 519-5184. www.abatedistrict1.org 1/1/16 | Frosty Balls Ride /LSKPU:WYPUNÄLSK46H[(TLYPJHU3LNPVU7VZ[ -VYTVYL PUMVYTH[PVUJHSS VYJOLJR[OL6aHYRZVU;^V Wheels Facebook page the week of event. 1/7/16 | Ozark Harley Davidson, Lebanon, MO Double Points Thursday! All day long double points will be awarded for all purchases made by loyal customers involved in [OLYL^HYKZWYVNYHTH[6aHYR/HYSL`+H]PKZVU-VYTVYLPUMVYmation on how to become a loyal customer and take advantage VM[OPZYL^HYKZWYVNYHTNV[V^^^VaHYROHYSL`KH]PKZVUJVT or call (417) 532-2900. 1/8/16- 1/9/16 | Liquid Nitro Arenacross Tour /LSKPU:WYPUNÄLSK46 www.motorheadevents.com/arenacross/upcoming-events 1/9/16- 1/10/16 | Epic STL Motorcycle Show Come check out the bikes and vendors at the Epic STL MotorcyJSL:OV^SVJH[LKH[;OL(TLYPJH»Z*LU[LYPU:[3V\PZ46-VY TVYLPUMVYTH[PVUJHSS ^^^LWPJZ[SUL[ 1/14/16 | Ozarks Harley Davidson, Lebanon, MO :WPU[OL>OLLS;O\YZKH`*\Z[VTLYZJHUZWPU[OLWYPaL^OLLS MVYHJOHUJL[V^PUNYLH[WYPaLZL_[YHYL^HYKWVPU[ZHUKTVYL *OLJR^^^VaHYROHYSL`KH]PKZVUJVTVYJHSS MVY more information. 1/16/16 | Performance Workshop ([3HRLVM[OL6aHYRZ/HYSL`+H]PKZVU:[HY[ZH[!74-VY TVYLKL[HPSZNV[V^^^SHRLVM[OLVaHYRZOHYSL`KH]PKZVUJVT 1/16/16- 1/17/16 | Wide Open Bike Show & Swap Meet (SS4HRLZ4VKLSZPU)PRL:OV^!.PHU[0UKVVY:^HW4LL[ Event includes Swap Meet, Bike Show, Bike Stereo Contest, Tattoo Contest, Bikini Contest, Live Music, Midwest’s Top Builders, HUK[OL>PKL6WLU*HSLUKHY.PYSZ,]LU[[VILOLSKH[[OL2* ,_WV*LU[LY2HUZHZ*P[`46-VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVU!JHSS 221-2298, email info@wideopencycle.com or visit www.wideopenmag.net. 1/22/16- 1/23/16 | Liquid Nitro Arenacross Tour /LSKPU2HUZHZ*P[`46 www.motorheadevents.com/arenacross/upcoming-events 5 6 JANUARY 1/28/16 | Ozarks Harley Davidson, Lebanon, MO Spin the Wheel Thursday. Customers can spin the prize wheel for a chance to win great prizes, extra reward points, and more! Check www.ozark-harleydavidson.com or call 417-532-2900 for more information. 1/29/16- 1/30/16 | Liquid Nitro Arenacross Tour Held in Lebanon, MO. www.motorheadevents.com/arenacross/upcoming-events 1/30/16 | Winter Breakout Bike Show & Party Hosted by AKA Crew M/C and held at American Legion Post 676 in Brookline, MO. For more details call (417) 861-3488. FEBRUARY February | Ozark Harley Davidson, Lebanon, MO VɈSHIVYVUPUZ[PSSH[PVUVMHJJLZZVYPLZW\YJOHZLKH[[OL dealership, all month long! Visit www.ozark-harleydavidson.com. 2/5/16- 2/6/16 | Liquid Nitro Arenacross Tour Held in St Charles, MO. www.motorheadevents.com/arenacross/upcoming-events 2/6/16 | 28th Annual Leather & Lace Doors open at 7:00 p.m. Enjoy live music, auction, and appetizers – while they last. Location is American Legion Post #676, >LZ[:\UZOPUL(]L:WYPUNÄLSK46 -VYTVYLPUMVYmation check out the Ozarks on Two Wheels Facebook page. 2/13/16- 2/14/16 | A.B.A.T.E District 1 30th Annual Bike Show and Swap Meet Food, Door Prizes, Bike Show, Motorcycles, motorcycle parts and Accessories (new and used), Biker Apparel, Patches, 50/50, Band, and much, much more. Little Rock, AR. For more information call Paul (501) 888-7801. www.abatedistrict1.org 2/20/16 | New Owners Workshop At Lake of the Ozarks Harley Davidson. Starts at 6:30PM. For more details go to www.lakeoftheozarksharley-davidson.com. 2/27/16 | “Moose” Chili Cook-Off and 8 ball tournament Hosted by FORR Local 33. Held at Am-Vets Post 143, Knob Noster, MO. For more information go to their website, www.forr.net or call JR at (816) 716-4350. 7 HOW TO ADVERSISE 8 MARCH March | Ozark Harley Davidson, Lebanon, MO 3HKPLZ.HYHNL7HY[`+H[LZ;)( =PZP[^^^VaHYROHYSL`KH]PKZVUJVTMVYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVU 3/6/16 | Jeff Williams Motorcycle Swap Meet ,]LU[ILNPUZH[!HT!WT6WLU[V[OLW\ISPJ3VJH[LKH[[OL:[H[L-HPYNYV\UKZ¶(NYPJ\S[\YL)\PSKPUN>[O :[YLL[:LKHSPH46-VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVUJHSS VYLTHPSQ^Z^HWTLL['`HOVVJVT^^^Q^Z^HWTLL[JVT 3/11/16- 3/12/16 | Liquid Nitro Arenacross Tour Championship /LSKPU:WYPUNÄLSK46 www.motorheadevents.com/arenacross/upcoming-events 3/19/16 | Extended Service Plan Workshop ([3HRLVM[OL6aHYRZ/HYSL`+H]PKZVU:[HY[ZH[!74-VY TVYLKL[HPSZNV[V^^^SHRLVM[OLVaHYRZOHYSL`KH]PKZVUJVT 3/25/16- 3/26/16 | Pink Ball/Pink Ride This motorcycle and car ride will raise money to help women in V\YJVTT\UP[`^P[OTLKPJHSL_WLUZLZ;OLYPKL^PSSZ[HY[H[[OL -V\Y:[H[LZ-HPY.YV\UKZPU;L_HYRHUH(9(M[LY[OLYPKL[OLYL will be vendors, live music, food, refreshments, bike games and more. For more information contact Diana Howard (903) 319-9157. www.pinkride.org 3/26/16 | “Moose” Crock-pot Cook-off and shufÅe board tournament. /VZ[LKI`-699SVJHS/LSKH[(T=L[Z7VZ[PU2UVI 5VZ[LY46-VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVUNV[V[OLPY^LIZP[L ^^^MVYYUL[VYJHSS19H[ APRIL April | Ozark Harley Davidson, Lebanon, MO :WYPUN:WLJ[HJ\SHY+H[LZ;)(.V[V ^^^VaHYROHYSL`KH]PKZVUJVTMVYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVU April | Mid-America Harley-Davidson, Columbia, MO Spring Biker Bash. Dates TBA. For more information go to ^^^TPKHTLYPJHOKJVTVYJOLJR[OL6aHYRZVU;^V>OLLSZ Facebook page. 4/2/16 | 18th Annual 13 Rebels MC Spring Poker Run Held at the Harrison Visitor Information Center in Harrison, AR. -VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVUJVU[HJ[1LɈH[WLWLYLI'NTHPSJVT 9 10 APRIL 4/3/16 | Jeff Williams Motorcycle Swap Meet ,]LU[ILNPUZH[!HT!WT6WLU[V[OLW\ISPJ/LSKH[ [OL-HPYNYV\UKZPU6RSHOVTH*P[`62-VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVUJHSS VYLTHPSQ^Z^HWTLL['`HOVVJVT ^^^Q^Z^HWTLL[JVT 4/3/16 | FORR Local 33 April Fools Poker Run :[HY[ZH[(T=L[Z7VZ[PU2UVI5VZ[LY46-VYTVYLPUMVYmation go to their website, www.forr.net or call JR at 4/7/16- 4/10/16 | Annual Arkansas 500 Motorcycle Charity Run This run spans three days and over 500 miles of Arkansas back YVHKZ0[ILULÄ[Z;\YWLU[PUL*YLLR>PSKSPML9LM\NLHUKPZOLSKPU Eureka Springs, AR. For all the details go to their website www.turpentinecreek.org. 4/9/16 | Charli Dawn’s BeneÄt Ride for the Ronald McDonald House -VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVUJHSS1H`¸7VWWH1¹7HɈVYK 4/9/16 | 9th Mountain Gate Poker )SHJRQHJR+YH^]LUKVYZT\ZPJWYPaLZMVVKHUKM\UMVY[OL ^OVSLMHTPS`3VJH[LKH[-PYZ[:[YLL[PU;HSPOPUH62-VY TVYLPUMVYTH[PVUJHSS or email mountaingatefunrun@gmail.com. 4/9/16 | The Cave Bike Show Vendors, meet babes of The Cave, motorcycle show and so T\JOTVYL0[^PSSILOLSKH[[OL<UP]LYZP[`7SHaHPU:WYPUNÄLSK 46-VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVUNV[V[OLPY^LIZP[L www.1047thecave.com. 4/16/16 | Monster Energy Supercross Round /LSKPU:[3V\PZ46,]LU[[VILOLSKH[[OL,K^HYK1VULZ +VTL*VU]LU[PVU7SHaH:[3V\PZ46-VYTVYL information call (314) 342-5201. O[[W!^^^Z\WLYJYVZZVUSPULJVT,]LU[Z:[F3V\PZF46 4/16/2016 | Momma Tried Bike Show and Swap Meet 3VJH[PVU;)(-VYTVYLKL[HPSZJHSS 4/21/16-4/24/16 | Wild Hog Motorcycle Rally & Musicfest 3P]LT\ZPJTV[VYJ`JSLZÄLSKL]LU[ZWVRLYY\UIPRLZOV^IPRL parade, food, vendors, Ms. Wild Hog Contest, and more. Event to be held in Helena, AR. For more information, email wildhogmusic@gmail.com or go to www.wildhogmusic.org. 11 122 APRIL 4/23/16 | 17th Annual Rock’n Ribs Motorcycle Show Motorcycle Show, BBQ Sampling, Live Music, and so much TVYL)LULÄ[[PUN[OL9V[HY`*S\IZVM:WYPUNÄLSK4V/LSKH[ [OL6aHYR,TWPYL-HPYNYV\UKZPU:WYPUNÄLSK46-VYTVYLPUMVYmation check out their website www.rocknribs.com. 4/24/16 | Jeff Williams Motorcycle Swap Meet ,]LU[ILNPUZH[!HT!WT6WLU[V[OLW\ISPJ/LSKH[ [OL;^PU+YP]LPUSVJH[LKPU2HUZHZ*P[`46-VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVUJHSSVYLTHPSQ^Z^HWTLL['`HOVVJVT ^^^Q^Z^HWTLL[JVT 4/27/16- 5/1/16 | Spyderfest 3VJH[LKPU:WYPUNÄLSK46[OPZL]LU[OHZP[HSSMVY:W`KLYV^Uers. For more information, go to www.spyderfest.com. 4/29/16- 4/30/16 | The 2016 Steel Horse Rally Vendors, Bike Show, Motorcycle Parade, Poker Runs, Music, Entertainment and more. Located in Fort Smith, AR. For more information go to their website www.steelhorserally.com. 4/30/16 | Pipes & Tails ;OPZJYH^ÄZOIVPSHUKIPRLZOV^PZOLSKH[;OL7VPU[ PU3P[[SL9VJR(9;OL`^PSSOH]LSP]LT\ZPJJYH^ÄZOJH[ÄZOJOPJRLU and more. To get all the details go to www.kkpt.com. 4/30/16 | 5th Annual Hope & Justice Dice Run The Dice Run is open to motorcycles, classic cars, hot rods, [Y\JRZ[YHJ[VYZVYHU`[OPUNVU^OLLSZ)LULÄ[[PUN[OL*OPSKYLU»Z Advocacy Alliance. Located at Landers Toad Suck Harley-Davidson in Conway, AR. For more information contact Yvonne O[[W!OVWLHUKQ\Z[PJLVYNL]LU[ZKPJLY\U 4/30/16 | Combat Vets Motorcycle Assn Annual Poker Run Registration at 9 a.m., last bike out at 1030 a.m. Poker run benLÄ[Z]L[LYHUVYNHUPaH[PVUZPU[OL6aHYRZ9\UZ[HY[ZH[(TLYPJHU3LNPVU7VZ[ 3A ::JLUPJ:WYPUNÄLSK46 Food and bar on site. Everyone welcome, No outside alcohol, PLEASE. For more information contact Stash (417) 840-0377 or JOLJR[OL6aHYRZ6U;^V>OLLSZ-HJLIVVRWHNL 4/30/16 | Amvets 6th Annual Mudbug Poker Run 9\UZ[HY[ZV\[H[:OHK`1HJR»Z:HSVVUH[ !HT^P[OSHZ[IPRL V\[I`!HTHUK^PSSLUKH[(4=,;:7VZ[SVJH[LKPU:[ 3V\PZ46*YH^ÄZO)VPS))89HɊL 13 HERITAGE INDIAN MOTORCYCLE OF NWA INDIANROAD, MOTORCYCLE 1711HERITAGE WEST HUDSON ROGERS,OF ARNWA 72756 1711 WEST HUDSON ROAD, ROGERS, AR 72756 479-633-8443 | www.heritageindiannwa.com 479-633-8443 | www.heritageindiannwa.com August 2016 Proud Partners Downtown Springfield 16 APRIL 4/30/16 | Toad Suck Daze Car & Bike Show ,]LU[[VILOLSKH[[OL*VU^H`,_WV*LU[LY-HPYNYV\UKZ 6HR:[*VU^H`(9-VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVUJVU[HJ[+VU :LHYSZ O[[W![VHKZ\JRJHYJS\IJVT 4/30/16 | 2nd Annual Calico Rock’n River Rally Calico Rock’n River Rally will have music, bikes, fun, dancing and more. Event located in Calico, AR. For more information, go [VO[[W!JHSPJVYVJR\ZVYJHSS[OL*HSPJV9VJR*OHTILYVM*VTmerce at (870) 297-4129. Motorcycle Awareness Month MAY May 2016 | Bikers Against Child Abuse (B.A.C.A) Ride, SpringÄeld, MO +H[LZ;)(/VZ[LKI`[OL(TLYPJHU3LNPVU7VZ[ *HSS MVYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVUVYJOLJR[OL6aHYRZVU;^V Wheels Facebook page. 5/1/16 | 9th Annual SpringÄeld Motorcycle Awareness Ride 6WLU[V[OLW\ISPJMYLLHKTPZZPVU9LNPZ[YH[PVUILNPUZH[! a.m., kickstands up at 1 p.m. Event located at Remington’s, >9LW\ISPJ9VHK:WYPUNÄLSK46-VYTVYLPUMVYmation, call (417) 343-5928 or email David Van Lieu at busyworkn@att.net. 5/6/16- 5/8/16 | 6th Annual Beaver Bikes & Bands We’re looking forward to some great new acts and vendors this year. Event features the annual Bike Show, as well as the L]LYWVW\SHY)PRL.HTLZHUK1LSS6>YLZ[SPUN(ZHS^H`Z camping is free, so make plans now to attend. Location is The :OH]LK)LH]LY:HSVVU:4HPU,]LY[VU46-VY more information, call (417) 535-2337 or email info@shavedbeaversaloon.com. www.shavedbeaversaloon.com. 5/6/16- 5/8/16 | 28th Annual Magic Dragon Street Meet Nationals This is a unique show for all makes, models, and years of cars, [Y\JRZHUKTV[VYJ`JSLZOLSKPU3HRLVM[OL6aHYRZ46-VY TVYLPUMVJHSS ^^^THNPJKYHNVUJHYZOV^JVT 5/7/16 | Garage Party ([3HRLVM[OL6aHYRZ/HYSL`+H]PKZVU:[HY[ZH[!74-VY TVYLKL[HPSZNV[V^^^SHRLVM[OLVaHYRZOHYSL`KH]PKZVUJVT 5/7/16 | Freedom Rally ABATE of Arkansas (UU\HS9HSS`H[[OL:[H[L*HWP[HS3P[[SL9VJR(9!HSSTV[VYJ`clists are invited. For more information, call (501)317-1832 or JOLJR[OL6aHYRZVU;^V>OLLSZ-HJLIVVRWHNL[OL^LLRVM the event. 17 Goldwing & Trike Store Accessories • Service • Apparel We Service All Makes 945 N. Glenstone Ave. Springfield, MO 65802 (417) 831-6592 18 18 MAY 5/7/16 | Dogwood Car & Truck Festival ,UQV`[OLILH\[PM\SZPNO[ZVM*HZZ]PSSL»ZOPZ[VYPJ+V^U[V^U Square in the Spring! An informal competition and display of over a hundred cars, trucks and motorcycles—fun for the entire MHTPS`6WLU[V[OLW\ISPJMYLLHKTPZZPVUSP]LT\ZPJHUKJVUcessions. For more info, email chamber@cassville.com. 5/7/16 | Car and Bike Cruise Night /LSKPU5LVZOV46MYVT!74[V!74-VYTVYLKL[HPSZ call (417)451-1925. 5/13/16- 5/15/16 | SLAP 2016 ;OPZL]LU[^PSSILOLSKH[)`YK»Z(K]LU[\YL*LU[LYPU6aHYR(9 There will be plenty of dirt and paved riding, meal and beverages included in the costs, camping, and so much more. To get all the details go to www.advrider.com. 5/14/16 | 3rd Annual All Patriots Run /LSKH[=->7VZ[PU)\JROVYU46-VYTVYLKL[HPSZJVU[HJ[)HYUL`VYLTHPSIHYUL`'OV[THPSJVT 5/15/16 | Spring Honda of the Ozarks at SBMX For more details on this event, go to ^^^OVUKHVM[OLVaHYRZJVT 5/15/16 | Jeff Williams Motorcycle Swap Meet ,]LU[ILNPUZH[!HT!WT6WLU[V[OLW\ISPJ/LSKH[ [OL(KTPYHS;^PUPU;\SZH62-VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVUJHSS VYLTHPSQ^Z^HWTLL['`HOVVJVT ^^^Q^Z^HWTLL[JVT 5/15/16 | FORR Local 33 Free Poker Run & Rolling Meeting :[HY[ZH[(T=L[Z7VZ[PU2UVI5VZ[LY46-VYTVYLPUMVYmation go to their website, www.forr.net or call JR at 5/20/16- 5/21/16 | Magnolia Blossom Festival Bike Show Held in Magnolia, AR. In addition to the bike show they will have HZ[LHRJVVRVɈJYHM[ZSP]LT\ZPJHY[ZOV^KVNZOV^WHYHKL and much more. For more Information go to www.blossomfestival.org. 5/21/16 | Hideout Harley-Davidson Spring Open House and Summer Kick Off ;OPZL]LU[PZOLSKH[/PKLV\[/HYSL`+H]PKZVUPU1VWSPU46;V get all the details check out their website www.hideouthd.com. 19 MAY 5/22/16 | Jeff Williams Motorcycle Swap Meet ,]LU[ILNPUZH[!HT!WT6WLU[V[OLW\ISPJ/LSKH[ [OL;^PU+YP]LPUSVJH[LKPU2HUZHZ*P[`46-VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVUJHSSVYLTHPSQ^Z^HWTLL['`HOVVJVT ^^^Q^Z^HWTLL[JVT 5/26/16- 5/28/16 | Talimena Rally Cruisin’ For St. Jude (YRHUZHZ*VU]LU[PVU*LU[LY;L_HYRHUH(9@V\KVU»[^HU[ to miss this great event to support St. Jude’s kids and their families. All proceeds go to St. Jude Research Hospital. For TVYLPUMVYTH[PVUJVU[HJ[5LHS1VULZ VYLTHPS yammerhammer09@yahoo.com. 5/27/16- 5/30/16 | Mid America Freedom Rally Mid-America Freedom Rally A four-day Memorial Day Weekend Motorcycle Rally held in )\JROVYU4PZZV\YPL_P[VɈ0H[[OL7\SHZRP*V\U[`-VY[ 3LVUHYK>VVK:OYPUL7HYR-VYTVYLPUMVJHSS www.midamericafreedomrally.com. JUNE June | Annual Spectacular Spring Car, Truck and Motorcycle Show (UU\HSZOV^MVY[OLILULÄ[VM9HURLU1VYKHU7LKPH[YPJ)YPKNL Hospital and hosted by the Coachmen Car Club of St. Louis PU4HY`SHUK/LPNO[Z46=PZP[^^^Z[SV\PZJVHJOTLUJVTVY O[[W!^^^YHURLUQVYKHUVYNVYLTHPSSV\W'HVSJVT June | Mid-America Harley Davidson, Columbia, MO Wingstock. Dates TBA. For more information go to ^^^TPKHTLYPJHOKJVTVYJOLJR[OL6aHYRZVU;^V>OLLSZ Facebook. June | Spring River Rally Party Down at one of the most natural motorcycle rallies in the country. Rally features motorcycle activities with a concert party each night, including national headliner, bikini bull riding, rides and more. Event located in Hardy, AR. For more information, JHSSVYLTHPSVYNV[V^^^NVNYPɉUWHYRJVT 6/2/16- 6/4/16 | Ridin’ on the Ridge Rally Held in Jonesboro, AR. This event has it all, poker ride, parade, IPRLUP[L]LUKVYZSP]LT\ZPJIPRLZOV^YHɊLNP]LH^H`ZHUK so much more. For more details go to www.rorrally.com. 6/2/16- 6/5/16 | Copperhead Run Rally 3VJH[LKPU:WH]PUH^62[OL*VWWLYOLHK9\U9HSS`VɈLYZIPRL games, people games, circle track, motorcycle sled pulls, food, vendors and live music. For more information, call (918) 589-2990. www.copperheadrunrally.com. 20 JUNE 6/3/16- 6/4/16 | Queen City Riot Kustom Rod and Bike Show /LSKPU:WYPUNÄLSK46[OPZWYL J\Z[VTYVKHUKIPRLZOV^ is a three-day event with vendors, food, music, and contests. -VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVUJHSS VY]PZP[[OLPY^LIZP[L O[[W!UVSH^[OL]PKLVJVTX\LLUJP[`YPV[ 6/3/15- 6/5/16 | Midwest Dragfest & Bike Show ,]LU[[VILOLSKH[[OL4PZZV\YP:[H[L-HPY.YV\UKZ:LKHSPH 46-VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVUJHSS)YLUHU4VYPHY[`VY ,YUPL)VSSPUNO[[W!^^^^OLYL]LU[JVTKL[HPS Midwest-Dragfest-MWDF-Midwest-Dragfest-2015-PresentedBy-Drop-Em-Wear-Clothing. 6/3/16- 6/5/16 | 12th Annual Rebel Yell Rally ;OPZYHSS`PZILULÄ[[PUN4+(HUKPZOLSKH[7H\S-YPNH-HYTVɈ /^`PU*OHɈLL46;OLYL^PSSILHISLZZPUNVM[OLIPRLZ ÄLSKL]LU[ZLU[LY[HPUTLU[]LUKVYZJVU[LZ[ZYPKLZHUKZV much more. For additional information go to their website warchildrg.weebly.com. 6/4/16- 6/5/16 | MDA Ride For Life This event is being hosted by Hideout Harley-Davidson in Joplin, 46-VYTVYLKL[HPSZNV[V^^^OPKLV\[OKJVT 6/4/16 | Peak to Peak Poker Run Calling all motorcycle enthusiasts! Ride the scenic roads of Arkansas as you travel from Queen Wilhelmina State Park to Mount 4HNHaPUL:[H[L7HYR;OLZLHYL(YRHUZHZ»ZOPNOLZ[TV\U[HPUZ In between are scenic highways, national forests and beautiful JV\U[Y`ZPKL=HS\HISLWYPaLZHYLH^HYKLKMVY[OLILZ[WVRLY hand. Contact either park for more information. Event located in 4LUH(9(KTPZZPVU!WLYIPRLMVYHKKP[PVUHSWHZZLUNLY-VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVUJHSS+VU:PTVUZ VY LTHPSTV\U[THNHaPUL'HYRHUZHZJVT 6/4/16 | Cruisin’ for Cribs Poker Ride :HML2PKZ9PKL/LSKPU:WYPUNÄLSK46ILULÄ[[PUN*YPIZMVY2PKZ -VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVUJHSS+HWOUL ^^^ZHMLRPKZZWYPUNÄLSKVYN 6/4/16 | KC Guns ºN Hoses BeneÄt Ride 9LNPZ[YH[PVUZ[HY[ZH[!(42PJRZ[HUKZ\WH[!(4H[ >LZ[ZPKL-HTPS`*O\YJO>VVKZVUPH+Y3LUL_H2:-VY more information go to their website, kcgunsnhosesride.com. 6/9/16- 6/12/16 | Annual Cowskins Motorcyle Rally 3P]LT\ZPJMVVKIVUÄYLKYPURZSLH[OLY[H[[VVZIPRLWVSPZOPUN WH[JOLZJ\Z[VTZL^PUNQL^LSY`IPRLNHTLZHUKTVYL3VJH[LK H[*V^ZRPUZ*HTWNYV\UK4PZZV\YP(UKLYZVU46-VYTVYL information, call (417) 775-2448 or LTHPSJV^ZRPUJHUVL'UL[PUZUL[O[[W!JV^ZRPUZJHUVLJVT 21 APRIL 29 & 30, 2016 FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS www.TheSteelHorseRally.com CHARITY MOTORCYCLE RALLY HONORING THOSE WHO SERVE 22 JUNE 6/10/16- 6/11/16 | 2nd Annual Automotive Evolution This car, bike and truck show is held Searcy, AR. They will have food, vendors and activities for the kids. To get all the details check out their website www.searcy.com. 6/10/16- 6/12/16 | Ozark Freedom Rally Motorcycle Show, Vendors, Cruise in, Live Music, Fireworks and TVYL3VJH[LKPU/PNOÄSS(9-VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVUNV[V[OLPY ^LIZP[L^^^WYVZV\UKJVUZ\S[PUNJVTVaHYRMYLLKVTYHSS` 6/11/16 | Honda of the Ozarks Anniversary Event -VYTVYLKL[HPSZNV[V^^^OVUKHVM[OLVaHYRZJVT 6/14/16-6/18/16 | 58th Annual Petite Jean Show and Swap Meet .V[V^^^T\ZL\TVMH\[VZJVTMVYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVU 6/16/16- 6/18/16 | Ozark Mountain Thunder Motorcycle Rally 2016 Live bands, Poker Runs, Bike Show, and much more. For more PUMVYTH[PVULTHPSYHSS`'VaHYRTV\U[HPU[O\UKLYJVTVYNV[V ^^^VaHYRTV\U[HPU[O\UKLYJVT 6/17/16- 6/18/16 | Annual Bikers on the Square ;OPZL_JP[PUN:V\[OLHZ[4PZZV\YPIPRLL]LU[OHZILLUL_WHUKLK [VKH`ZMVYHUK^PSSILOLSKPU7LYY`]PSSL46VU-YPKH` June 19th and Saturday, June 20th, 2015. For more information ]PZP[^^^IPRLYZVU[OLZX\HYLJVTVYJOLJR[OL6aHYRZVU;^V Wheels Facebook the week of the event. 6/17/16-6/18/16 | 2016 Bohmont Ranch Iron Horse Motorcycle Rally Biker games, vendors, live music, poker run, scenic rides, and TVYL/LSKH[[OL)VOTVU[9HUJOQ\Z[TPSLZMYVT:WYPUNÄLSK46-VYTVYLKL[HPSZNV[V[OLPY^LIZP[L www.bohmontranchrally.com or call Terry Bohmont at 417-278-3887. 6/18/16 | 57th Annual Poultry Festival The Poultry Federation will be having a motorcycle rally at this year’s festival. For more information, go to www.thepoultryfederation.com. 6/18/16- 6/19/16 | 44th Annual Rods and Relics Rod Run -PZO-Y`-YPKH`WT3P]LT\ZPJ-YPKH`UPNO[WT7YL ]LOPJSLZVUS`;OL(TLYPJHU3LNPVU7VZ[ 3A : :JLUPJ:WYPUNÄLSK46,]LY`VUL^LSJVTLIHYHUKMVVKVU ZP[L56V\[ZPKLHSJVOVS73,(:,7YPTP[P]LJHTWPUNHUK9= ZWV[Z^P[OLSLJ[YPJVUS`-VYTVYLPUMVJHSS9PJR 23 JUNE 6/18/16 | 11th Annual USO Ride ;OPZYPKL^PSSZ[HY[H[6aHYR/HYSL`+H]PKZVUPU3LIHUVU46 HUKLUKH[[OL>H`ULZ]PSSL*P[`:X\HYLPU>H`ULZ]PSSL46(SS WYVJLLKZ^PSSNV[V-VY[3LVUHYK>VVK<:6[VOLSWZ\WWVY[[OL \UPMVYTLKZLY]PJLZ-VYTVYLKL[HPSZJHSS)YPHUH[ or go to www.local28forr.com. 6/18/16 | Biker’s Against Diabetes Poker Run Raising awareness, one biker at a time! Registration begins at !(4RPJRZ[HUKZ\WH[!(4>PSSILNPUH[/\U[L*VYW :(ZO:[)\ɈHSV469PKL^PSSLUKH[>PZKVT7\TW :LY]PJL:+HSSHZ:[<YIHUH46-VVK9HɊLZHUKHSP]L +1YLNPZ[LYI`HUKNL[H-9,,)PRLY»Z(NHPUZ[+PHILtes T-shirt. For more information contact Ashly Rasmussen at 6/18/16 | District 2 Abate Possum Dodger ’16 This scavenger hunt is held in Paragould, AR and will be folSV^LKI`H))8KPUULY-VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVUJHSS 6/20/16 | Ride Your Motorcycle to Work Day 6/21/16- 6/25/16 | Fire & Iron National Rally >PSSILOLSKPU:[3V\PZ46[OPZ`LHY-VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVU check out their website ^^^ÄYLHUKPYVUZ[SJVTUH[PVUHSYHSS`O[TS 6/23/16- 6/25/16 | Arkansas State HOG Rally Located in Downtown Hot Springs, AR. For more informa[PVUJVU[HJ[:JV[[`+VKK VYLTHPS ZQKVKK'JHISLS`U_JVTHUK]PZP[^^^HYZ[H[LOVNYHSS`JVT 6/24/16- 6/25/16 | 36th Annual Brickfest Car Show Held at Malvern City Park in Malvern, AR. This event has it all live music, Miss Brickfest Contest, baby contest, art & craft venKVYZMVVKIHI`IHJRYPIJVVRVɈIYPJRJHYKLYI`HUKZVT\JO more. To get all the details go to www.malvernbrickfest.com. 6/24/16- 6/26/16 | Spring River Rally Party Down at one of the most natural motorcycle rallies in the country. Rally features motorcycle activities with a concert party each night, including national headliner, bikini bull riding, rides and more. Event located in Hardy, AR. For more information, call the .YPɉU7HYR6ɉJLH[ 6/24/16- 6/25/16 | 20th Annual Mt. Magazine International ButterÅy Festival =LUKVYZHY[ZOV^HUKZHSLMVVKRPKZaVULRYHJLTV[VYJ`JSL rally, poker run and beauty pageant. Located at the Logan Coun[`(9-HPYNYV\UKZ-VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVUJHSS VY email pariscoc@gmail.com. www.parisaronline.com. 24 JUNE 6/24/16- 6/25/16 | 5th Annual Rally @LZ639 American Legion Post 639 (LZ639) ::JLUPJ:WYPUNÄLSK46,]LY`VULPZ^LSJVTLUVV\[side alcohol, PLEASE. Primitive and RV camping, electric only. -VY0UMVJHSS JOLJR\ZV\[VU-HJLIVVRVYV\Y ^LIZP[LHTLYPJHUSLNPVUWVZ[ VYN 6/25/16-6/26/16 | FORR Local 33 Overnighter Poker Run :[HY[ZH[(T=L[Z7VZ[PU2UVI5VZ[LY46-VYTVYLPUMVYmation go to their website, www.forr.net or call JR at 6/25/16 | Vietnam Vets Legacy Vets Poker Run :[HY[PUNH[/VV[LYZPU:WYPUNÄLSK46ÄYZ[IPRLV\[H[!74 SHZ[IPRLPUH[!74)LZ[/HUKWYPaL>VYZ[/HUK7YPaL 9LNPZ[YH[PVUMLLLHJOHKKP[PVUHSYPKLYVYOHUK-VY more information contact Henry at henrymm4u@hotmail.com. 6/26/2016 | 4th Annual Queen of Hearts Poker Run 9LNPZ[YH[PVU !!SHZ[IPRLV\[H[Z[OHUK LHJOHKKP[PVUHSOHUK7YVJLLKZILULÄ[Z-YLLKVTZ9LZ[^VTLU»ZJYPZPZJLU[LYPU*OYPZ[PHU*V(TLYPJHU3LNPVU7VZ[ 3A ::JLUPJ:WYPUNÄLSK46,]LY`VULPZ^LSJVTL IHYHUKMVVKVUZP[L56V\[ZPKLHSJVOVS73,(:,-VYTVYLPUMV JHSS 6/26/16 | Jeff Williams Motorcycle Swap Meet ,]LU[ILNPUZH[!HT!WT6WLU[V[OLW\ISPJ/LSKH[ [OL;^PU+YP]LPUSVJH[LKPU2HUZHZ*P[`46-VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVUJHSSVYLTHPSQ^Z^HWTLL['`HOVVJVT ^^^Q^Z^HWTLL[JVT JULY July | Mid-America Harley Davidson, Columbia, MO Million Dollar Bike Show. Dates TBA. For more information go [V^^^TPKHTLYPJHOKJVTVYJOLJR[OL6aHYRZVU;^V>OLLSZ Facebook. 7/2/16 | 4th Annual Bikes, Blues and Boom 3P]LT\ZPJYHɊLZMVVK]LUKVYZWVRLYY\UHUKZVT\JOTVYL /LSKH[0UKPNV:R`*HZPUVPU>`HUKV[[L62-VYTVYLPUMVYTHtion check out their website bikesbluesandboom.com. 7/7/16- 7/8/16 | Nation of Patriots Ride ;OPZL]LU[^PSSILOLSKH[/PKLV\[/HYSL`+H]PKZVUPU1VWSPU46 For more details go to their website www.hideouthd.com. 25 26 27 2288 JULY 7/8/16- 7/10/16 | Hootentown Rally ,]LU[MLH[\YLZZOHK`JHTWZP[LZWVRLYY\U]LUKVYZÄLSK games, live music. Located at Hootentown Campground on the 1HTLZ9P]LY![HRL/^`6^LZ[MYVTH[/PNOSHUK]PSSL46 -VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVUNV[V[OL-6993VJHS-HJLIVVRWHNL VY^^^VaHYRZVU[^V^OLLSZJVT 7/7/16- 7/10/16 | 8th Annual Grand River Rally Live entertainment, stage games, poker run, bike games, food, vendors, on-site camping and much more! Adults 21 and over VUS`,]LU[SVJH[LKH[5>/^`44<YPJO46-VY TVYLPUMVYTH[PVUJHSS VYLTHPS grandriverrally@yahoo.com. www.grandriverrally.com 7/9/16 | 2nd Annual Pirate’s day Car & Bike Show ;OPZL]LU[^PSSILOLSKH[*LKHY]PSSL*P[`*VTWSL_PU*LKHY]PSSL (9;OL`^PSSHSZVOH]LHU(Y[Z*YHM[MHPYWV[KVVYWYPaes and so much more. To get all the details go to their website www.cedarvillepiratesday.webs.com/car-show or Facebook. 7/9/16 | Ozark Mustang Club 6th Annual Car & Bike Show /LSKPU6aHYR(9-VYTVYLKL[HPSZJOLJRVU[OLPY^LIZP[L ^^^VaHYRJOHTILYVMJVTTLYJLJVT 7/10/16 | Jeff Williams Motorcycle Swap Meet ,]LU[ILNPUZH[!HT!WT6WLU[V[OLW\ISPJ/LSKH[ [OL(KTPYHS;^PUPU;\SZH62-VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVUJHSS VYLTHPSQ^Z^HWTLL['`HOVVJVT ^^^Q^Z^HWTLL[JVT 7/10/16 | Hogs for Dogs XIII /LSKH[+LUUL`»Z/HYSL`+H]PKZVUPU:WYPUNÄLSK46ILULÄ[[PUN C.A.R.E. Animal Rescue. For more information go to www.denneyshd.com. 7/15/16- 7/16/16 | Deepwoods Rally +LLW^VVKZ9HSS`!6SK-VY[/HYSL`+H]PKZVU-VY[:TP[O(9-VY more details go to their website, www.oldfortharleydavidson.com. 7/15/16- 7/16/16 | The Mulberry River Run ;OPZ[^VKH`L]LU[PZOLSKH[)`YK»Z(K]LU[\YL*HTWPU6aHYR AR. It features bike games, bike show, vendors, and live music. -VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVUJHSS)LHYH[ VYLTHPSOPTH[ ILHY'IMTJJVT 29 30 JULY 7/16/16 | 7th Annual We Can Make a Difference beneÄt ride ()(;,+4V\U[HPU/VTL(9;OPZYPKLILULÄ[Z[OL5VY[O *LU[YHS(YRHUZHZ-VVK7HU[Y`HUK)HJRWHJR7YVNYHT2PJRstands up at 10AM at the Home Depot in Mountain Home THRPUNHTPSLSVVW[OYV\NO[OLJV\U[Y`ZPKL9HɊLKVVY WYPaLZKYH^PUNZHUKTVYLLU[Y`MLL*OLJR6aHYRZVU;^V Wheels Facebook page for more details. 7/22/16- 7/24/16 | Leather & Lace Motorcycle Rally Held at 2488 S.E. Hwy 33, Lathrop, Missouri at Lanthrop Antique Showgrounds. This rally has it all, biker rodeo, biker games, dirt KYHNYHɊL]LUKVYZMVVKZ^HWTLL[SP]LT\ZPJHUKZV much more. 21 + only. For more details check out their Facebook page or leatherandlacemag.com. 7/24/16 | FORR Local 33 $1000 Poker Run. :[HY[ZH[(T=L[Z7VZ[PU2UVI5VZ[LY46-VYTVYLPUMVYmation go to their website, www.forr.net or call JR at 7/24/16 | Jeff Williams Motorcycle Swap Meet ,]LU[ILNPUZH[!HT!WT6WLU[V[OLW\ISPJ/LSKH[ [OL;^PU+YP]LPUSVJH[LKPU2HUZHZ*P[`46-VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVUJHSSVYLTHPSQ^Z^HWTLL['`HOVVJVT ^^^Q^Z^HWTLL[JVT AUGUST 8/5/16- 8/6/16 | Show Me Shakeup This car, truck and bike show is back again on the Branson Strip ILPUNOLSKH[[OL6\[IHJR7\IPU)YHUZVU469VVTZH]HPSHISL H[6\[IHJR9VHKOV\ZL4V[LSHUK:\P[LZ-VYHSS[OLKL[HPSZNV[V ^^^V\[IHJRIYHUZVUJVTW\I*HSS(HYVUH[ 8/8/16- 8/14/16 | 76Th Annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally Sturgis, South Dakota. 8/12/16- 8/14/16 | Birthplace of Route 66 Car & Motorcycle Show Festival +V^U[V^U:WYPUNÄLSK46@V\KVUV[^HU[[VTPZZ[OPZWYLTPLY Z\TTLYL]LU[;OL6aHYRZVU;^V>OLLSZ4V[VYJ`JSL=PSSHNL will have tons of live music, vendors, food, poker run, parade, Harley Davidson demo truck (and others!), and much, much TVYL=PZP[^^^VaHYRZVU[^OV^OLLSZJVT VY6aHYRVU;^V>OLLSZ-HJLIVVRWHNLMVYTVYLKL[HPSZ 8/13/16 | Route 66 Motorcycle Show =PU[HNLJSHZZPJHU[PX\L,UQV`»ZVMIPRLZHZ[OL`YHSS`PU 7HYR*LU[YHS:X\HYL+V^U[V^U:WYPUNÄLSK46 31 32 AUGUST 8/13/16 | 2nd Annual Birthplace of Route 66 Gypsy Tour Poker Ride :WYPUNÄLSK46(SSWYVJLLKZKPYLJ[S`ILULÄ[[OL*=4(HUK support local Veterans. Registration starts at 8 a.m. and kickZ[HUKZ\WH[HT*VTLV\[HUKILHWHY[VM[OPZL_JP[PUNYPKL PUJVUQ\UJ[PVU^P[O[OL9V\[L*HYHUK4V[VYJ`JSL-LZ[P]HS -VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVU]PZP[[OL6aHYRZ6U;^V>OLLSZ^LIZP[LVY Facebook page. 8/13/16- 8/14/16 | 8th Annual Slamily Reunion ;OPZJHY[Y\JRHUKIPRLZOV^HZP[HSS2PKZ^H[LYZSPKLIV\UJL house, giveaways, live DJ, kids coloring contest, hot wing contest, sweet tea chug, kids root beer chug, vendors and so much TVYL0[PZOLSKH[2H`9VNLYZ7HYRPU-VY[:TP[O(9;VNL[HSS the details go to www.slamilyreunion.com. 8/19/16- 8/20/16 | Mountains, Music and Motorcycles ;OPZL]LU[PZOLSKPU4V\U[HPU=PL^(9HUKVɈLYZHWVRLYY\U bike show, biker games, two free concerts, vendors and a biker church service. For more information, call the Mountain View *OHTILYVM*VTTLYJL www.mountainsmusicmotorcycles.com 8/25/16- 8/27/16 | 9th Annual Dogs Off the Leash Charity Rally ,TPULUJL467VRLYY\U))8JSLHUM\UMVYHNVVKJH\ZL -VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVUNV[V^^^KVNZVɈ[OLSLHZLUL[VYJOLJR Facebook. 8/20/16 | 4th Annual Humansville/Weableau Poker Run and Pig Roast Starts at Weableau City Park and is 100 mile ride. For more details contact John Scheu 417.298.2035. 8/20/16 | Wonder Run 1VPU-699VM4L_PJV46H[[OLPY>VUKLY9\UHUK[O(UUP]LYZHY`WHY[`-VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVUNV[V[OL6aHYRZVU;^V Wheels Facebook page during the week of the event. 8/21/16 | Jeff Williams Motorcycle Swap Meet ,]LU[ILNPUZH[!HT!WT6WLU[V[OLW\ISPJ/LSKH[ [OL-HPYNYV\UKZPU6RSHOVTH*P[`62-VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVUJHSS VYLTHPSQ^Z^HWTLL['`HOVVJVT ^^^Q^Z^HWTLL[JVT 8/25/16-8/27/16 | Missouri State HOG Rally 3VJH[LKH[[OL;HU;HY(3HRLVM[OL6aHYRZ46 www.mostatehogrally.com 8/26/16- 8/28/16 | Home of the Brave Motorcycle Rally This event will have food, vendors, music, camping, poker run HUKT\JOTVYL0[^PSSILOLSKH[[OL(TLYPJHU3LNPVU ::JLUPJ:WYPUNÄLSK46-VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVULTHPS1HJRPLH[ QOHYULZZ'RP[JOLUPUJVYNVYNV[V^^^[OLRP[JOLUPUJVYN 33 MISSOURI’S LARGEST BIKE RALLY SEPTEMBER 15-18, 2016 • Harley–Davidson Give-A-Way • Over 200 Bars & Restaurants • Scenic Rides • Bike Auction • Concerts • Vendor Areas 34 LakeBikefest.com AUGUST 8/28/16 | Jeff Williams Motorcycle Swap Meet ,]LU[ILNPUZH[!HT!WT6WLU[V[OLW\ISPJ/LSKH[ [OL;^PU+YP]LPUSVJH[LKPU2HUZHZ*P[`46-VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVUJHSSVYLTHPSQ^Z^HWTLL['`HOVVJVT ^^^Q^Z^HWTLL[JVT SEPTEMBER September | Heart of America Motorcycle Enthusiasts Rally PU2HUZHZ*P[`46-VYKH[LZHUKTVYLPUMVYTH[PVUJOLJRV\[ [OLPY^LIZP[L!O[[W!OVHTLJVT September | Biker Bash Weekend This event is held in St. Robert, Missouri. For more information, NV[V^^^]PZP[W\SHZRPJV\U[`VYNVYJOLJR[OL6aHYRZVU;^V Wheels Facebook page. September | Old Fort Harley-Davidson Anniversary Event Fort Smith, AR. Dates TBA. Check www.oldfortharleydavidson. JVTVYJHSS MVYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVU September | All Patriots Ride This poker run hosted by the CVMA Arkansas Chapter 7-2 is held in Eureka Springs, AR. For more information go to the 6aHYRZVU;^V>OLLSZ-HJLIVVRWHNL*=4((YRHUZHZ -HJLIVVRWHNLVYJVU[HJ[:[L]L9LHSH[ 9/2/16- 9/4/16 | Mid Missouri Motorcycle Rally /LSKH[[OL:[H[L-HPY.YV\UKZPU:LKHSPH46[OPZYHSS`MLH[\YLZ camping, vendors, motorcycle rodeo, and more. For more inforTH[PVUO[[W!^^^TPKHTLYPJHMYLLKVTYHSS`JVT 9/3/16-9/5/16 | B.A.C.A 3 Rivers Chapter Rally Held at the Cleburne County Fairgrounds in Heber Springs, AR. ;H[[VVZ]LUKVYZRPKaVULJHTWPUNT\ZPJMVVKIPRLYJVU[LZ[ and more. For more information go to www.heber-springs.com. 9/3/16 | 5th Annual Legendary Blues Festival 7LVWSLMYVTHSS^HSRZVMSPMLJVTL[VLUQV`[OLOPZ[VY`HUKZV\S stirring legendary blues that were formed and are rooted right here on the Mississippi River. We have added a motorcycle rally, H4Z)S\a:^PTZ\P[*VTWL[P[PVUHUK[OL)PN+VN))8*VVR 6Ɉ-LZ[P]HSSVJH[LKPUKV^U[V^U/LSLUH>LZ[/LSLUH(9-VY TVYLPUMVYTH[PVUJHSS4PJOLSSL/\U[LYH[ VYLTHPS force2@sbcglobal.net. www.force3radio.com 35 SEPTEMBER 9/8/16- 9/11/16 | Copperhead Run Rally 3VJH[LKPU:WH]PUH^62[OL*VWWLYOLHK9\U9HSS`VɈLYZIPRL games, people games, circle track, free camping, motorcycle sled pulls, food, vendors and live music. For more information, call (918) 589-2990. www.copperheadrunrally.com 9/8/16- 9/11/16 | 11th Annual Hot Springs Motorcycle Rally This rally will have two fantastic concerts, poker runs, bike show, bike games, safety class, events for kids, and vendors. It takes place in downtown Hot Springs, AR. For more info, call VYLTHPSPUMV'[OLOV[ZWYPUNZYHSS`JVT www.thehotspringsrally.com 9/9/16- 9/10/16 | 14th Annual Sasquatch Memorial Poker Run Live bands, bike game, bike show, poker rides, vendors and so much more. Free admission and Free camping. For more details contact Stymie 417.451.0871 or Susan 417.529.9543. 9/9/16- 9/10/16 | The Greater Ozarks Blues Festival )YPUNPUN[OLILZ[IS\LZ[V:WYPUNÄLSKZPUJL *VTLZOV^ `V\YHWWYLJPH[PVUMVYSP]LSVJHST\ZPJ(TLYPJHU3LNPVU7VZ[ 3A ::JLUPJ:WYPUNÄLSK46,]LY`VUL^LSJVTLIHY HUKMVVKVUZP[L56V\[ZPKLHSJVOVS73,(:, 9/10/16 | Hideout Harley-Davidson Fall Open House /LSKH[/PKLV\[/HYSL`+H]PKZVUPU1VWSPU46-VYTVYLKL[HPSZ check out their website www.hideouthd.com. 9/10/16 | 4th Annual Malvern Area Kiwanis Car, Motorcycle and Truck Show Held at Malvern City Park in Malvern, AR. This event will have vendors, entertainment, 50/50 pot, kids activities and so much more. For more information check out their website www.malvernareakiwanis.com. 9/10/16 | 9th Annual Antique Motorcycles in the Park Bike Show This antique motorcycle show is held in Hot Springs, AR. For all the details go to their website www.diamondchapteramca.org. 9/10/16 | 10th Annual Friends in Deed Car Show ,]LU[^PSSILOLSKH[[OL5P_H-PYZ[)HW[PZ[*O\YJOPU5P_H46 :WLJPHSKPZWSH`ZT\ZPJMVVKKVVYWYPaLZYHɊL-VYTVYL PUMVYTH[PVUJHSS VYLTHPSOHTTP['JLIYPKNLUL[ www.leastofthesecarshow.com 9/10/16 | 3rd annual Local Heroes Ride 0UTLTVY`VMÄYLÄNO[LY+H]L:OHULY^PSSILOLSKPU4VUL[[9LNPZ[YH[PVUMVY[OLMHTPS`MYPLUKS`L]LU[ILNPUZH[ HT2PKZNHTLZ HUKHJ[P]P[PLZHYLWSHUULKHSVUN^P[OHYHɊL-VYHKKP[PVUHS information contact Samantha at 417-489-7732. 36 SEPTEMBER 9/10/16 | Pack the Park Car Show ;OPZJHYHUKTV[VYJ`JSLZOV^ILULÄ[PUN9LSH`-VY3PML^PSSIL held in the Nashville City Park, 1301 Johnson St, Nashville, AR. For more information, call (870) 451-4288 or email freddiehorne@hotmail.com. 9/14/16- 9/17/16 | Scooting the Ozarks /LSKPU,\YLRH:WYPUNZ(9[OPZL]LU[VɈLYZYPKLZHUKTVYL For more information, contact storally@yahoo.com or check the :JVV[PUN[OL6aHYRZ-HJLIVVRWHNLMVY\WKH[LZ 9/15/16- 9/17/16 | Spyder Palooza ;OPZL]LU[PZOLSKPU-HYTPUN[VU46-VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVU check Facebook. 9/15/16- 9/18/16 | 10th Annual BikeFest Lake of the Ozarks *VUJLY[ZL_[YLTLTV[VYJYVZZJVUJLY[Z]LUKVYZHUKT\JO more! Additional details to follow. For more information, call (573) 348-1599. www.lakebikefest.com 9/16/16- 9/18/16 | Annual Cowskins Motorcycle Rally 3P]LT\ZPJMVVKIVUÄYLKYPURZIPRLWVSPZOPUNWH[JOLZIPRL games and more. Located at Cowskins Campground, Missouri (UKLYZVU46-VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVUJHSS email cowskincanoe@outlook.com or visit O[[W!JV^ZRPUZJHUVLJVT 9/17/2016 | 13th Annual Ride for Freedom Poker Run )LNPUZH[ HTSHZ[IPRLV\[H[!HTNL[Z`V\WVRLY OHUK[ZOPY[TLHS7VRLYY\UILULÄ[Z[OL4[=LYUVU=L[erans Home Veterans Fund. Located at Mt. Vernon Veterans /VTL:/PJRVY`:[4[=LYUVU46-VYKL[HPSZ JHSS+H]PKH[VYLTHPSH[ +H]PK2SVWWLUIVYN'T]JKWZTVNV] 9/18/16 | Jeff Williams Motorcycle Swap Meet ,]LU[ILNPUZH[!HT!WT6WLU[V[OLW\ISPJ/LSKH[ [OL(KTPYHS;^PUPU;\SZH62-VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVUJHSS VYLTHPSQ^Z^HWTLL['`HOVVJVT ^^^Q^Z^HWTLL[JVT 9/21/16- 9/24/16 | Bike, Blues & BBQ Rally *VTL[V[OLSHYNLZ[UVUWYVÄ[MHTPS`MYPLUKS`TV[VYJ`JSLYHSS`PU the country. Admission is free, located in Fayetteville, AR. For more information check out their website www.bikebluesandbbq.org. 9/21/16- 9/24/16 | Bikes, Babes, and Beer Pit Stop Vendors, Music, Food, and Fun. This event is held at Cruise Inn ;OYV[[SL+V^UPU2PTILYSPUN*P[`46-VYHSS[OLKL[HPSZJOLJR out their website www.cruise-inns.com (417)779-4158. 37 JUNE 4th 2016 JUNE 5th 2016 ANNUAL MDA HIDEOUT HARLEY-DAVIDSON® BLACK N BLUE BALL OCTOBER 8TH, 2016 COME HAVE A GREAT TIME! ENJOY DINNER AND ENTERTAINMENT AT OUR CASINO AND CHANCES TO WIN FABULOUS PRIZES SEPTEMBER 9/24/16 | Petit Jean Mountain Car-Truck-Motorcycle Show and Shine H ld iin M Held Morrilton, il AR, AR event features f bike bik show, h swap meet, camping, vendors and more. For more information, contact *O\JR4J5LHS ^^^T\ZL\TVMH\[VZJVT 9/24/16-9/25/16 | FORR Local 33 In- State Overnighter Poker Run :[HY[ZH[(T=L[Z7VZ[PU2UVI5VZ[LY46-VYTVYLPUMVYmation go to their website, www.forr.net or call JR at 9/24/16 | Carter Co. Nutrition Center Car & Motorcycle Show Held at the Court House Square in Van Buren, Mo. All proceeds ^PSSILULÄ[[OL*HY[LY*V\U[`5\[YP[PVU*LU[LY-VYTVYLPUMVYmation or to register call Barbara Rogers 573.323.8377 or Beth Rogers 314.210.8081. 9/25/16 | Fall Honda of The Ozarks at SBMX Event For more details on this event, go to ^^^OVUKHVM[OLVaHYRZJVT 9/25/16 | Jeff Williams Motorcycle Swap Meet ,]LU[ILNPUZH[!HT!WT6WLU[V[OLW\ISPJ/LSKH[ [OL;^PU+YP]LPUSVJH[LKPU2HUZHZ*P[`46-VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVUJHSSVYLTHPSQ^Z^HWTLL['`HOVVJVT ^^^Q^Z^HWTLL[JVT OCTOBER October | 4th Annual S.C.A.R. Poker Run )LULÄ[[PUN:\WWVY[*HUJLY(J[PVU9PKL/LSKH[)S\L:WYPUNZ Harley-Davidson in Blue Springs, Mo. For More information contact maidendesigns12@gmail.com. October | Annual Rollin for a Cause Dice Run +H[LZ;)(3H^SLZZ/HYSL`+H]PKZVU:JV[[*P[`46>L^PSS OH]LT\ZPJMVVK7YPaLZKYH^PUNZHUKTVYL-VYTVYL details go to Rollin for a Cause Dice Run Facebook page or JOLJR6aHYRZVU;^V>OLLSZ October | Adopt-A-Family Poker Run +H[LZ;)(/LSKH[[OL(T=L[ZPU2UVI5VZ[LY46-VYTVYL KL[HPSZJOLJRV\[[OLPY^LIZP[L^^^MVYYUL[VYNV[V[OL6aHYRZ on Two Wheels Facebook Page. 10/1/16 | Ride to Bear Arms Poker Run :[HY[PUNH[/PKLV\[/HYSL`+H]PKZVUPU1VWSPU46-VYTVYL details check out their website www.hideouthd.com. 39 OCTOBER 10/01/16 | Annual Stone County Toy Run Held in Branson, MO. For more information, call Tracy (417) 3340775 or check out the Ozarks on Two Wheels Facebook page. 10/7/16- 10/9/16 | FORR Octoberfest Drags, Music, Vendors, Camping, Bike show and More. Held at Thunder Valley Sand Drags in Grain Valley, MO. For more information go to their website www.forr.net. 10/7/16- 10/9/16 | 41st Annual Falling Leaf Rally The Falling Leaf is the premier fall rally in the Midwest. For more information contact Larry Floyd, e-mail at bmwfallingleaf@att.net or (314) 892-7012. www.gatewayriders.com. 10/8/16 | National Motorcycle Ride Day! Check www.ozarksontwowheels.com or the Ozarks on Two Wheels Facebook for information on area events. 10/8/16 | Hell Bound Boogie V Sponsored by Momma Tried Promotions and Twin Motorcycle. ;OPZ)PRLZOV^^PSSILOLSKH[5>)`WHZZPU:WYPUNÄLSK MO. For more details go to www.akacrew.com. 10/8/16 | Adopt-A-Family Poker Run Held at the AmVets in Knob Noster, MO. For more details check out their website, www.forr.net. 10/8/16 | MDA Black & Blue Ball This event is being hosted by Hideout Harley-Davidson in Joplin, MO. For more details, go to www.hideouthd.com. 10/8/16 | 3rd Annual Riding for our Veterans Held in Walnut Hills, Carrollton, Mo. For more information call Larry at (660) 322-2728 or go to their website www.ridingforourveterans.com. 10/8/16-10/9/16 | Biker Bash Weekend This event is held in St. Robert, Missouri. For more information, go to www.visitpulaskicounty.org. 10/8/16 | 5th Annual Julio Sanchez-Orsini Memorial Poker Run This poker run is held in Gainesville, MO. It hosted by the CVMA HUK^PSSHSZVOH]LHWV[YHɊLKYH^PUNZHUKTVYL-VY more information call Tet Vet 417.766.1270 or check out the Ozarks On Two Wheels Facebook page the week of the event. 40 OCTOBER 10/9/16 | 22nd Annual Victory Ride 9PKLILNPUZH[!WT^P[OHUHM[LYWHY[`H[WT;OPZ TPSLZJLUPJ[V\Y[OYV\NO[OL6aHYRZJV\U[Y`ZPKLILULÄ[Z[OL :WYPUNÄLSK=PJ[VY`4PZZPVU,]LU[PZSVJH[LKH[*VVR»Z2L[[SL >*VTTLYJPHS:WYPUNÄLSK46-VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVUJHSSLTHPSQOHYYPNLY']PJ[VY`TPZZPVUJVTVY visit www.victorymission.com. 10/9/16 | Jeff Williams Motorcycle Swap Meet ,]LU[ILNPUZH[!HT!WT6WLU[V[OLW\ISPJ/LSKH[ [OL-HPYNYV\UKZPU6RSHOVTH*P[`62-VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVUJHSS VYLTHPSQ^Z^HWTLL['`HOVVJVT ^^^Q^Z^HWTLL[JVT 10/15/16 | Cruisin’ for Cleavage )LULÄ[PUN[OL)YLHZ[*HUJLY-V\UKH[PVUVM[OL6aHYRZ[OPZ YPKLPZOLSKPU:WYPUNÄLSK46.V[VIJMVVYNVYJOLJRV\[[OL 6aHYRZVU;^V>OLLSZ-HJLIVVRWHNLK\YPUN[OL^LLRVM[OL event for more details. 10/15/16 | 25th Annual Leaves in the Breeze Poker Run 3VJH[LKPU+LÄHUJL46-VYTVYLKL[HPSZJOLJRV\[[OL6aHYRZ on Two Wheels Facebook page during the week of the event or [OL-6993VJHS^LIZP[L 10/16/16 | Jeff Williams Motorcycle Swap Meet ,]LU[ILNPUZH[!HT!WT6WLU[V[OLW\ISPJ/LSKH[ [OL;^PU+YP]LPUSVJH[LKPU2HUZHZ*P[`46-VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVUJHSSVYLTHPSQ^Z^HWTLL['`HOVVJVT ^^^Q^Z^HWTLL[JVT 10/18/16-10/22/16 | CMA Christian Motorcycles Association National Rally 0YVU4V\U[HPUPU/H[ÄLSK(9-VYTVYLKL[HPSZNV[V[OLPY website cmascr4.org or email events@cmausa.org. 10/19/16- 10/23/16 | Annual Changing of the Colors Rally /VZ[LKI`*4(HUKOLSKH[0YVU4V\U[HPUPU/H[ÄLSK(9-VY more details go to their website cmascr4.org or email events@cmausa.org. 10/22/16 | Breast Cancer Awareness Event ([/PKLV\[/HYSL`+H]PKZVU1VWSPU46-VYTVYLKL[HPSZ visit www. hideouthd.com. 10/30/16 | 7th Annual Fall Carnival, Car & Bike Show This free event will have free food and games. Held at Calvary )HW[PZ[*O\YJOPU9LW\ISPJ46-VYHSS[OLKL[HPSZJVU[HJ[ +P)\JR'ZIJNSVIHSUL[ 41 42 42 OCTOBER 10/29/16 | Cruise to the Spring This car and bike show has it all and free BBQ. Held at Bennet :WYPUN:[H[L7HYR46;VNL[HSS[OLKL[HPSZJOLJRV\[[OLPY^LIsite www.cruistothespring.com or call Lynn Peterson (417) 588-7900. 10/29/16 | FORR Local 33 Halloween Costume Party /LSKH[(T=L[Z7VZ[PU2UVI5VZ[LY46-VYTVYLPUMVYmation go to their website, www.forr.net or call JR at 10/29/16 | Monster Mash Trick or Treat Ride Held at Pig Trail Harley-Davidson/Buell in Rogers. For more details check out their website www.pigtrailhd.com. NOVEMBER 11/6/16 | Annual Taney County Toy Run /LSKPU)YHUZVU46-VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVUJHSS;YHJ` VYJOLJRV\[[OL6aHYRZVU;^V>OLLSZ-HJLIVVRWHNL 11/6/16 | 17th Annual Toy Run ;OPZL]LU[PZILPUNOVZ[LKI`-6993VJHS0[^PSSILOLSKH[ [OL(T=L[ZPU2UVI5VZ[LY4V-VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVUNV[V[OLPY ^LIZP[L^^^MVYYUL[VYJHSS19H[ 11/11/16 | Veterans Double Points Day ([3HRLVM[OL6aHYRZ/HYSL`+H]PKZVU(SSSV`HS[`TLTILYZ^OV are Veterans receive double points on purchases all day long. For more information go to ^^^SHRLVM[OLVaHYRZOHYSL`KH]PKZVUJVT 11/12/16 | Ozark Harley Davidson, Lebanon, MO =L[LYHUZ3\UJO)VUÄYL*OLJR^^^VaHYROHYSL`KH]PKZVUJVT for more information. 11/13/16 | Christian County Toy Run /LSKPU5P_H46[OPZY\UILULÄ[Z3LHZ[VM;OLZLHUK3VJHS Food Banks. For more information, call (417)887-2923 or check V\[V\Y-HJLIVVRWHNL-6993VJHS 11/15/16 | Veteran’s Day Parade For more information, go to www.pigtrailhd.com. 11/19/16 | 32nd ABATE D-2 Jonesboro Toy Run Held in Jonesboro, AR. For more details call Larry Brewer 11/19/16 | 32nd Annual Toy Run Hosted by Association M/C and A.B.A.T.E. District 2, Harrison, (9+H[LHUKSVJH[PVU;)+-VYTVYLKL[HPSZ]PZP[[OL6aHYRZVU Two Wheels Facebook page. 43 DECEMBER 12/2/16- 12/4/16 | Hot Rod Holiday :WYPUNÄLSK46;OPZPZ:WYPUNÄLSK»ZIPNNLZ[PUKVVYJHY[Y\JR and motorcycle show! Live music, vendors, great food, and more. For more information visit www.hotrodholiday.com or JOLJRV\[[OL6aHYRZVU;^V>OLLSZ-HJLIVVRWHNL 12/3/16 | Ozark Harley Davidson, Lebanon, MO 7PJ[\YLZ^P[O:HU[H*OLJR^^^VaHYROHYSL`KH]PKZVUJVTMVY more information. 12/3/16 | Forrest City Toy Run Held in Forrest City, AR. For more details call Bob Davis 870.318.0218. 12/3/16 | Pictures with Santa ([3HRLVM[OL6aHYRZ/HYSL`+H]PKZVU(474-VYTVYL PUMVYTH[PVUNV[V^^^SHRLVM[OLVaHYRZOHYSL`KH]PKZVUJVT 12/4/16 | Toys for Tot’s Toy Hill Rodney’s Cycle House, 9110 I-30 Little Rock, AR. For more PUMVYTH[PVUJHSS 12/4/16 | Jeff Williams Motorcycle Swap Meet ,]LU[ILNPUZH[!HT!WT6WLU[V[OLW\ISPJ/LSKH[ [OL-HPYNYV\UKZPU6RSHOVTH*P[`62-VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVUJHSS VYLTHPSQ^Z^HWTLL['`HOVVJVT ^^^Q^Z^HWTLL[JVT 12/4/16 | Toys For Tots Ride :WYPUNÄLSK46*OLJR[OL6aHYRZVU;^V>OLLSZ-HJLIVVR page for more information. 12/4/2016 | 23rd Annual Toys for Tots after party @LZ639 -YLLJOPSPHUKSP]LT\ZPJ;OLVSKLZ[HM[LYWHY[`PU:WYPUNÄLSK HM[LY[OLY\UPZV]LYJVTLZLL\Z(TLYPJHU3LNPVU7VZ[ 3A ::JLUPJ:WYPUNÄLSK46,]LY`VULPZ^LSJVTL-VY TVYLPUMVJOLJRV\Y^LIZP[LHTLYPJHUSLNPVUWVZ[ VYNV\Y-) WHNL(TLYPJHU3LNPVU7VZ[ =PL[UHT>HY4LTVYPHSVYJHSS 12/10/16-12/17/16 | Ozark Harley Davidson, Lebanon, MO 6aHYR/+*OYPZ[THZ+H`Z/VSPKH`[YLH[ZHUKMYLLNPM[^YHWWPUN *OLJR^^^VaHYROHYSL`KH]PKZVUJVTMVYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVU www.colorgraphicprint.com 44 BIKE NIGHTS 4/20/2015-10/26/2016 | Bike Night @LZ639 ,]LY`>LKZMYVT[V>PUN>LKULZKH`Z3P]LT\ZPJ L]LY`^LLRWTL]LY`VUL^LSJVTL(TLYPJHU3LNPVU7VZ[ 3A ::JLUPJ:WYPUNÄLSK46,]LY`VUL^LSJVTL UVV\[ZPKLHSJVOVS73,(:,-VYPUMVJHSS VYV\Y ^LIZP[LHTLYPJHUSLNPVUWVZ[ VYN 417 Coffee and Cars (SSJHYZHUKIPRLZ^LSJVTL,]LU[ZVU[OLÄYZ[:H[\YKH`VML]LY` TVU[O(WYPS[OYV\NO6J[VILY(SSL]LU[Z^PSSZ[HY[H[!HT HUKNV\U[PS!WT3VJH[PVU!*V\U[Y`.PYS»Z,ZWYLZZV, :\UZOPUL:WYPUNÄLSK46*VU[HJ[!1VLS*HYSL[VU email Joelacarleton@gmail.com, or visit Facebook.com/417CandC. Jo’s Gather’n Place :WYPUNÄLSK46 Bike night every Monday night. Live music and open mic at !WTKYPURZZWLJPHSZHSSUPNO[ Hooters :WYPUNÄLSK46 !)PRLUPNO[L]LY`;O\YZKH`UPNO[ Z[HY[PUN!WTMYVT(WYPS[V:LW[LTILY WF Cody’s South :WYPUNÄLSK46!;\LZKH`UPNO[ZJOLJR-HJLbook for updates. Drunken Monkey :WYPUNÄLSK46 !;\LZKH`UPNO[Z Coyote’s Adobe Café :WYPUNÄLSK46 !;O\YZKH`UPNO[Z Undercliff Bar & Gril 1VWSPU46!>LKULZKH`UPNO[Z Turtleheads 1VWSPU46!;O\YZKH`UPNO[Z Twin Peaks Rogers, AR (479) 202-5907- Wednesday nights. Legends Saloon ,\YLRH:WYPUNZ(9 !-YPKH`HUK:H[\YKH`UPNO[Z 45 NOEL MO RIDE Approximately 110 miles Start Point- Tyson Track Center .VUVY[OVU9HaVYIHJR9K ;\YUSLM[VU[V/^`[O:[ Turn Right onto I540N. ;HRL,_P[HUK[\YUSLM[VU[V/>@ In Siloan Springs, turn right onto HWY 59. 0U5VLS!;\YUYPNO[VU[V4HPU:[/>@ Turn Right onto HWY 71. HWY 71 becomes I540 S. ;HRL,_P[;\YUSLM[VU[O:[ ;\YUYPNO[VU9HaVYIHJR9K 46 JOPLIN RIDE Approximately 210 miles Start Point- Tyson Track Center. .VUVY[OVU9HaVYIHJR9K[V[O:[ ;\YUSLM[VU[V[O:[ Turn Right on I540 North. ;HRL,_P[;\YUYPNO[VU[V/>@ In Pea Ridge, turn left onto HWY 94. Turn right on HWY E. ;\YUSLM[VU/>@ Turn right onto 71/I540 North In Joplin, turn left onto 44 West. Turn left onto HWY 43. Turn left onto HWY 90. In Noel, turn right onto HWY 59. Turn right onto HWY 412. ;\YUSLM[VU/>@ Turn right on 540 south. ;HRLL_P[HUK[\YUSLM[VU[O:[ ;\YUYPNO[VU[V9HaVYIHJR9K 47 PIG TRAIL RIDE Approximately 125 miles Start Point- Tyson Track Center. .VLHZ[VU/>@[O:[ ;\YUYPNO[VU,/\U[Z]PSSL9K/>@ In Brashears, turn right onto HWY 23The Pig Trail. Turn right onto HWY 40. In Alma, turn right onto HWY 71 N. Stay right on HWY 71 N. 0U-H`L[[L]PSSL!:[H`YPNO[VU/>@ ;\YUSLM[VU/>@[O:[ ;\YUYPNO[VU9HaVYIHJR9K 48 GATEWAY RIDE Approximately 150 miles Start Point- Tyson Track Center. .VLHZ[VU/>@[O:[ In Brashears, turn left on HWY 23. Turn left on HWY 187. ;\YUSLM[VU/>@ In Rogers, turn right onto Hudson Rd. / HWY 102. Turn left on I540 South. ;HRLL_P[HUK[\YUSLM[VU[O:[ ;\YUYPNO[VU[V9HaVYIHJR9K 49 ROARING RIVER RIDE Approximately 175 miles Start Point- Tyson Track Center. .VUVY[OVU9HaVYIHJR9K ;\YUSLM[VU[O:[ Turn right on 540 north. ;HRL,_P[HUK[\YUYPNO[VU[V/>@LHZ[ :[H`SLM[VU/>@ 0U.H[L^H`[\YUSLM[VU[V(YRHUZHZ5VY[O 0U:LSPNTHU[\YUYPNO[VU[V465VY[O 6U[OPZSLN`V\^PSSYPKL[OYV\NO4HYR;^HPUHUK Roaring River State Parks. 0U*HZZ]PSSL[\YUSLM[VU46:V\[O 0U>HZOI\YU[\YUYPNO[VU46 5VY[O toward Jane. 6U[OPZSLNSV[ZVM[^PZ[Z[\YUZHUKVWLU]PL^Z Sim’s Store- You can get gas here. 0U5VLS[\YUSLM[VU46 :V\[O In Siloam Springsturn left on HWY 412. In Springdale, turn right on I540 South. Continue back to Tyson Track Center. ;HRL,_P[HUK[\YUSLM[VU[V[O:[ ;\YUYPNO[VU[V9HaVYIHJR9K 50 50 51 'EARINGÙYOUÙUPÙTOÙÙ ÙÙÙÙÙÙÙ2)$%×THEÙ/ZARKS× +RPHRIWKH6PDOOHVW/LJKWHVW '27DSSURYHG+HOPHW • %RRWV • &KDSV • 9HVWV • -DFNHWV • -HZHOU\ • 3DWFKHV • (\HZHDU • *ORYHV • +HOPHWV • 6KLUWV • +DLU$FFHVVRULHV • 6DGGOHEDJV • *XDUGLDQ%HOOV • &XVWRPPDGH*HW %DFN:KLSV 6&DPSEHOO$YHā6SULQJILHOG02 ZZZURXWHELNHUJHDUFRP
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