Oct 2009 Braunstone Bulletin


Oct 2009 Braunstone Bulletin
Braunstone Park
The Spark Festival Play Spaces Project
What we’ve been doing and where we are now
Hello! A long, not-so-hot summer has been and gone, and plans for the Play Space on Braunstone Park are edging towards a conclusion. We’ve been looking hard at bricks, pebbles,
stones, logs, colours and shapes, and plants and trees to make the space as interesting (and
as tough) as it needs to be. We’ve also raised a bit more cash and now we are the stage of
double-checking all the funding is there to be able to afford everything we want to do, before
the building contract goes to tender. It takes a long time to sort everything out but we are
slowly but surely getting there! We had hoped to begin building this autumn, but the schedule
has now been put back to the New Year, with completion by Easter 2010.
Old horse, new tricks
We’re pleased to tell you that the old horse will ride out again
– the rocking horse that was taken down from the park in the
summer has been salvaged and will be refurbished as a seat
for the new play space, with a new lease of life and new coat
of paint.
Children - come and make your mark!
Now here’s where we need YOU to make your mark on the Play Space: the ‘playable path’ will
contain some decorative elements set into the floor - we’re inviting you to help design these
elements. Tesco Charitable Trust have kindly funded artist Bhajan Hunjan help turn your ideas
into concrete – literally!
Bhajan will be working in schools in Braunstone in November, and will also be running an
Open Session at the Brite Centre for everyone to attend
We’d like to invite you to the open session to create
some designs /handprints/footprints that we can
incorporate into the space.
The session will be held at
The Brite Centre on Saturday 14th November,
11am – 3pm
Everybody welcome!
Thank you time!
Thank you to Lafarge Aggregates plc for their contribution to
the cost of materials and for giving us a set of big boulders
for scrambling on at cost.
Thank you too to Tesco Charity Trust for funding for the
decorative floor.
Thank you to those who came to the event in May and
helped us get a sense how the space might feel, with lots of
cardboard, home-made bunting and games with the fab new
Play Rangers.
Designer Alison Davies of Groundworks was there and the event was very useful for her to
take the designs to the final stage.
Watch this space
As always, please get in touch with us if you’d like to have more information on the project or to give us your views, on
Tel: 0116 261 6893
Or by email: info@sparkfestival.co.uk
The next bulletin will be in November 2009
Play Space designed by Alison Davies of Groundworks
The Spark Children’s Arts Festival
LCB Depot, 31 Rutland Street,
Leicester, LE1 1RE
Tel: 0116 261 6893
Email: info@sparkfestival.co.uk
Website: www.sparkfestival.co.uk