EFFECTIVE SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING FOR TRAVEL WEBSITES Expert strategies and insights from the travel technology experts Contents Social media in a nutshell 3 Why social media is important to travel businesses 4 What should you be doing? Step 1: Choose your platforms 7 Step 2: Profile your audience 10 Step 3: The customer journey 12 Step 4: Internal rules & guidelines 13 Step 5: Content creation & scheduling 15 Step 6: Execution & reporting 28 Going further 29 Social media in a nutshell Social media is a way for people to connect and communicate with each other online. Over the past decade, it has skyrocketed in popularity and evolved into an easy way for users to quickly communicate with each other via comments, pictures, instant chat and video. Call 0844 357 7973 / email: / visit: 3 Why social media is important to travel businesses Your customers are online, a lot. So if your company isn’t available to connect, convert and keep customers - your competitors will likely beat you to it. With customers increasingly demanding more from travel brands on social media, there’s no better time to embrace it and make it an integral part of your overall marketing strategy. Call 0844 357 7973 / email: / visit: 4 The impact of social media: • 72% of online adults use social sites • 74% of smartphone owners use their phone for real-time location specific information • 9 billion photos are uploaded each month to Facebook Facebook is the giant of social media, with over 1.19 billion active users monthly • Twitter is adding 300k users per day, with 320 million active monthly • 1 in 5 young adults use Twitter daily • 92% of consumers trust peer recommendations Call 0844 357 7973 / email: / visit: 5 Image sharing platforms are massive business: Instagram has over 400 million active users monthly, and Pinterest over 100 million active monthly users. Call 0844 357 7973 / email: / visit: 6 What should you be doing? Step 1: Choose your platforms Each social platform serves a different purpose. You don’t need to be present on every channel to market your business - only the ones that matter to you and your customers. Using just a few platforms competently is a lot more effective than using every platform badly – we’d suggest focussing on 2-3 social platforms that are right for your business. Read our blog post to see the differences between the main social platforms and to see which is right for you. The main options for your travel business are: • Facebook • Google+ • Twitter • Pinterest • LinkedIn • Instagram Call 0844 357 7973 / email: / visit: 7 As Facebook is used by the widest audience, with many using it to find travel inspiration, it's the best place to start. Call 0844 357 7973 / email: / visit: 8 A huge part of social marketing for travel is about inspiring users An image-based social platform such as Instagram or Pinterest is perfect to showcase your enticing hotel and destination photos. Once your presence on your platforms is established, it’s wise to explore a social marketing management solution. Handling multiple social accounts and posting engaging content on a daily basis can be very time consuming, so it’s important to streamline the process as much as possible. By utilising a social management solution, you will be able to post to, report and engage with multiple social platforms at once. 9 Step 2: Profile your audience Social media marketing is always evolving at a fast pace - it’s no longer just about conversations, but about building long-lasting relationships. The most important thing is that you understand your audience, which is why you should profile them. Create at least 3 ‘personas’ outlining your target audiences’ key traits and demographic information. The more detailed the better! Call 0844 357 7973 / email: / visit: 10 A profile should identify: background, demographic, goals, values & fears. With this information, you can identify the type of content they will engage with. Call 0844 357 7973 / email: / visit: 11 Step 3: The Customer Journey Understanding your customers’ purchasing behaviour will help identify key times that you can engage with them on social sites. 1. Inspiration/trigger: rebooking, online inspiration, sales 2. Researching: destinations, reviews, recommendations 3. Planning the holiday: reviews, recommendations 4. Booking: price comparison, agent reputation 5. Schedule planning: daily activities, food and attractions 6. Enjoying their holiday: sharing on social, ‘checking in’ at locations 7. Remembering: sharing on social By engaging with your customers at every stage you can build loyalty. Call 0844 357 7973 / email: / visit: 12 Step 4: Internal Rules and Guidelines It’s important that your social activities appear to be from one consistent tone of voice, that’s on-brand and on-message. Create a checklist that will act as a guideline for your social marketing: • Is the post grammatically correct, and is the spelling checked? • Is the post consistent in tone? I.e. friendly/approachable • Is the image attached checked for copyright, and universally suitable? Call 0844 357 7973 / email: / visit: 13 It’s best to create guidelines on dealing with negative situations on social sites. It’s important to remember that these situations, such as negative reviews, will likely happen with or without you, so by being part of the conversation, you have the chance to correct any issues and re-convert them. Call 0844 357 7973 / email: / visit: 14 Step 5: Content Creation and Scheduling Take an in-depth look at what your competitors are sharing and break it down into how many informative articles vs. how many promotions they share. You can then understand the types of content you should be sharing. Call 0844 357 7973 / email: / visit: 15 These are the types of content that generate engagement • ‘Always relevant’ articles such as ‘The 10 best city breaks on a budget’ • Short term or event related articles, for the Rio Olympic Games for example, you could post ‘5 best sights to see in Brazil’ • Competitions such as ‘Win an iPad Mini if you book by 30th July’ • Inspiring destination images • Promotions such as '10% off city breaks' or 'summer sale' Call 0844 357 7973 / email: / visit: 16 Articles should be concise and friendly in tone. Promotions should only be posted at a maximum of once a day, so that you don’t bombard your audience with sales. We recommend creating a ‘content calendar’ to: 1. Ensure your content is organised into daily (and hourly) slots 2. Get an ‘at a glance’ understanding of content/ resource requirements 3. P inpoint key events and build content around them (in advance) 4. Plan a campaign build up Another handy tip would be to create a ‘social library’ of images that your social team can utilise when required. Call 0844 357 7973 / email: / visit: 17 What types of content should I share? By taking a thorough look at your marketing personas and your competition, you should have a better understanding on what your users want to see. Although it is worth noting that you need to discover your own formula for success – this takes time, experimentation and analysis. As a general rule of thumb, statistics show that the best social posts include: • A succinct yet friendly title • A link • An image • A hashtag (or two) Call 0844 357 7973 / email: / visit: 18 For image sharing sites, don’t include people’s faces – this negatively impacts clickthrough-rates... ...after all, people want to imagine themselves on that beautiful beach! Call 0844 357 7973 / email: / visit: 19 For Pinterest & Instagram, images should be ‘portrait’ in orientation, and feature multiple dominant colors Call 0844 357 7973 / email: / visit: 20 While getting your content right is critical, it’s also vital that you share it at the right time. Call 0844 357 7973 / email: / visit: 21 Best times to post Facebook Saturday & Sunday 12-1pm, Wednesdays 3-4pm, Thursdays & Fridays 1-4pm Twitter Monday - Friday 12-3pm, Wednesdays 5-6pm Pinterest Saturdays 8-11pm, Monday - Friday 7-11:59pm, Fridays 5pm Instagram Anytime Monday - Thursday (except between 3-4pm) Call 0844 357 7973 / email: / visit: 22 There’s no need to post on an hourly basis, at minimum try 1 post a day, but if you’d like to see a lot more engagement – try at least 3 posts daily. Call 0844 357 7973 / email: / visit: 23 # The single greatest way to increase your followers is to share engaging content. Call 0844 357 7973 / email: / visit: 24 How to grow your follower base You need to be engaged with your audience and the world in general. Keep up-to-date on Facebook trends and hashtags, world events i.e. World Cups/ Olympics, Twitter trends and those on Instagram and Pinterest too. Like/Retweet/Share others’ posts and respond to peoples comments. This alone is a great way of boosting followers and engagement. Show them that you’re there and listening. Call 0844 357 7973 / email: / visit: 25 It’s very tricky for brands to engage in world ‘news’, and it’s important to clarify the types of events you should interact with. A lot of brands get this wrong and it seriously backfires by creating social ‘backlash’. So, we’d recommend avoiding ‘news’ for now unless you’re a social expert. Call 0844 357 7973 / email: / visit: 26 Now you understand more about your position on social sites, your voice and what you will be sharing, it’s time to start. Call 0844 357 7973 / email: / visit: 27 Step 6: Execution & Reporting All social sites have a reporting suite that provides you with excellent detail on top rated posts and your audience. Social management solutions have fantastic reporting too (and all under ‘one roof’). We’d recommend reporting on a weekly, or at least monthly basis; so you can get a better understanding of the types of content that are a hit with your audience. You can also cross reference your stats with your websites’ to get a wider picture on the success of your social campaigns. It’s important to make a ‘lessons learnt’ statement on each report to inform future strategy. Call 0844 357 7973 / email: / visit: 28 By now you should be ready to get started. But, if you're serious about social, the experts at Digital Trip can recommend the best options and implement resultsdriven campaigns. Call 0844 357 7973 / email: / visit: 29 Talk to the travel technology experts today UK Head Office First Floor, Waverley House, 115-119 Holdenhurst Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH8 8DY South Africa Office Fern Manor, Block B, 10 Hunter Ave, Ferndale Randburg, Johannesburg, South Africa