2013-14 Summer - North Canton City Schools
2013-14 Summer - North Canton City Schools
INSIDE: PI LEVY UPDATE • ALL PRO DADS • PAY IT FORWARD • SPORTS SCHEDULE Students at Goodyear North Canton City Schools Viking Vision SUMMER 2014 page 6 VOLUME: 1 ISSUE: 3 Fabian Wins Top Timken Scholarship Mitchell Fabian is interviewed by the press after being surprised with his scholarship award, as Ward “Tim” Timken Jr. looks on. Mitchell Fabian was surprised when a camera crew, photographers, Timken executives and school officials swarmed his physics classroom. “My heart started racing,” said Fabian, a senior at Hoover High School. “I was really confused.” “Since 1958, we’ve distributed more than $21M worth of scholarships to 500 different students around the world in the different communities in which the Timken Company operates,” said Ward “Tim” Timken Jr., chairman of the board of directors of Timken Co., to a classroom filled with Hoover High School physics students. And then Timken called Fabian forward and handed him a $50,000 check, renewable for up to three years, making the scholarship worth up to $200,000. Timken explained that over 200 students had applied for the scholarships created for the children of Timken Co. associates. Recipients are chosen based upon areas of achievement both inside and outside of the classroom, including academic standing, extracurricular participation and community involvement. Fabian called his mother and father on a cell phone to share the news. “You should be proud of Mitch,” Timken said into the phone. “Out of 200 kids he won the top award and it was well-earned and well-deserved.” Timken also presented checks to three other seniors during his visit to Hoover High School. Sydney Lautzenheiser, Madison Plaster and Maxwell Sopp each won a $5,000 scholarship. Visit us at northcantonschools.org A Look at What’s Inside From the Superintendent . . . . . .2 School Happenings . . . . . . . . . .3 Around the District . . . . . . . . . .8 Important Dates . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Fall Sports Schedule . . . . . . . .11 Viking Vision All editorial content is copyright protected and cannot be used without written consent. The Viking Vision and district logos are trademarks of the North Canton City Schools. Questions or comments regarding the Viking Vision should be directed to Michael Hartenstein, Superintendent of Schools, 330.497.5600. VIKING 2 VISION From the Superintendent A Look Back, A look Ahead Michael Hartenstein SUPERINTENDENT OF THE NORTH CANTON CITY SCHOOLS As the school year winds to a close, it is a good time to review some of the things we have done with the Permanent Improvement (PI) Levy funds provided by the community last year. It is also a great time to look at some of the things underway for the 2014-2015 school year. PI LEVY UPDATE The PI levy was earmarked for safety and security, new school buses, technology and textbooks, and for increased district building repairs. To that end, we installed new security vestibules in our primary and intermediate buildings. We also bought more than 300 digital radio systems for our employees, providing instantaneous communication between and among our staff, as well as with the North Canton Police Department. We purchased five new buses during the summer of 2013 and ordered four more a few months ago. 1100 Samsung Chromebook computers were ordered and given to all of our students in grades 3-5 as part of our 1:1 computing initiative. A second order for 1100 more machines will be placed soon for students at North Canton Middle School before classes begin in August. A new English Language Arts textbook series for grades K-5 was purchased and delivered to our buildings late last summer. Finally, long-needed building improvements are underway. Everything from roofing repairs, chiller and boiler replacements, and replacement of badly worn carpet have been done. We have many more repairs which need attention such as our driveways, parking lots, flooring, etc. As next year gets underway we will continue to look at our maintenance needs and prioritize those things needing immediate attention and/or are identified as safety hazards. STRAIGHT A FUND GRANT Next school year visitors to our build- ings will see the results of our Straight A Grant award. We call our project “Viking 21,” in reference to the 21st century skills at the heart of this initiative. Building upon our work to provide active learning spaces in our buildings, “Viking 21” includes a massive infusion of new furniture, technology, and training. While the project focuses on grades 5-12, all of our buildings will reap benefits from this project. For instance, all buildings will receive state-of-the-art ENO boards to replace Smartboards. Library media centers in the Intermediate, Middle and High schools will be upgraded into “iSpaces” which encourage and enable constructivist learning with a variety of hands-on media and materials. Many classrooms in grades 5-12 will be retrofitted with new furniture that facilitates dynamic learning. In addition, the Middle and High School buildings will be outfitted with high-definition distance learning equipment so we can tap into realtime learning resources from outside the district. Hoover High School will see the installation of a prototype-grade Fabrication Lab that includes high-end engineering and fabrication tools such as 3D scanners and printers as well as CNC routers, laser cutters, and other state-of-the-art equipment. Working with Walsh University, faculty from the district is engaged in an intensive graduate- level class learning how to use this equipment effectively. This group of 27 project champions is tasked with teaching others how to use these new tools to make their learning environments even more interesting and dynamic. Next year will be an exciting time in the North Canton City Schools. Please be sure to watch for announcements about our open house slated for late summer. Then you can come and see for yourself the wonderful enhancements underway in your school system. On behalf of all of us here in the North Canton Schools, have a safe and happy summer. Visit us at northcantonschools.org North Canton City Schools Board of Education Betty J. Fulton, President email: fultonb@northcantonschools.org (330) 280-3771 or (330) 499-0724 Dr. Nancy E. Marion, Vice President email: marionn@northcantonschools.org (330) 966-2947 Julie M. Cross email: crossj@northcantonschools.org (330) 499-7220 Bruce Hunt email: huntb@northcantonschools.org (330) 805-6243 or (330) 244-2312 Jennifer Creighton Kling email: klingj@northcantonschools.org (330) 936-3128 North Canton City Schools District Central Office Mr. Michael Hartenstein, Superintendent HARTENSTEINM@NORTHCANTONSCHOOLS.ORG Mrs. Debra Kennedy, Asst. Superintendent KENNEDYD@NORTHCANTONSCHOOLS.ORG Mr. Todd Tolson, Treasurer TODD.TOLSON@NORTHCANTONSCHOOLS.ORG Mr. Todd Henne, Director of Business TODD.HENNE@NORTHCANTONSCHOOLS.ORG Mr. Paul McIntyre, Director of Innovation PDM1NC@NORTHCANTONSCHOOLS.ORG Mrs. Elaine Karp, Director of Special Services KARPE@NORTHCANTONSCHOOLS.ORG Mrs. Jamie Smart, Director of Communications and Special Projects SMARTJ@NORTHCANTONSCHOOLS.ORG Find information, pictures, and video: www.northcantonschools.org VIKING 3 VISION School Happenings Former Student Designs Adaptive Ramp For years, Jan Bremer has incorporated bowling into the physical education classes she teaches at Orchard Hill Intermediate. This year, Bremer noticed two students having trouble with the sport. William, who is in a wheelchair, had difficulty rolling the bowling ball. Ava, who faces challenges with manipulative skills and balance, struggled to control the heavy bowling ball during the games. “I had the idea of the ramp after I watched both William and Ava struggle with the task,” Bremer said. She began researching equipment and read about adaptive ramps that allow individuals who are unable to throw a bowling ball to participate in bowling. “Then I looked up the actual cost,” Bremer said. “The catalog price was $1,800, which is several times more than my entire budget for the year!” Bremer was thinking about other ways to accomplish this when she ran into her former student at church. Nathan Amos, a 2012 Hoover graduate, listened as Bremer described the situation and readily agreed to help. “He said, ‘When do you need it?’ And I said ‘Tomorrow,’” Bremer laughed. “His response was to call me back by 5 p.m. that night and tell me to meet him at the church.” Amos, who has a background in engineering and building construction work, presented Bremer with a ramp built out of PVC pipe, which was mounted on a wooden base with rubber feet to prevent it from sliding. Bremer compensated Amos for his time as well as the cost of the materials, the total of which was a fraction of the catalog ramp price. She brought the ramp to school the next day and tried it out. “William was so happy with bowling that he didn't want to leave the room,” Bremer remembered. “And Ava did her happy dance when she used the ramp.” Bremer invited Amos to school to meet the students he had created the ramp for and watch it in action. He was able to make some additional adjustments to the ramp to help William and Ava even more. “The kids were so happy to be able to participate in bowling,” said Orchard Hill principal Renee Manse. “It was a true delight to see.” “I love it because my students feel successful and not left out of an activity because it is difficult for them,” agreed Bremer. Amos’s act of “paying it forward” to students in his former school inspired staff and students alike. William even wrote him a thank you note. "Thank you very much for making me a bowling ramp. It makes me feel happy, now I can control the ball and bowl with my friends. It was nice to meet you. William” North Canton Middle School Pays It Forward "In the order of nature we cannot render benefits to those from whom we receive them, or only seldom. But the benefit we receive must be rendered again, line for line, deed for deed, cent for cent, to somebody." This line, written by Ralph Waldo Emerson in his 1841 essay Compensation, describes the meaning of the phrase “Pay It Forward.” The students at the North Canton Middle School focused on doing just that for a full week in April. Organized by the Student Leadership Council and Character Counts Committee, Pay It Forward Week kicked off with an all-school assembly led by Bill Ballenger and his group, Break the Grey. “It focused on character development and the fact that character is a choice,” said Kaitlyn Gollihue, a 7th grade Science teacher who also co-advises the Student Leadership Council. “This coincides with the Pillars of Character displayed and encouraged throughout North Canton Middle School.” "I really felt the Break the Grey assembly was more memorable than someone sugar-coating everything,” said Celia Martin, a student at NCMS. “Not everything is lollipops and rainbows. Our choices impact those around us." Pay It Forward Week continued with students collecting men's hygiene products and liquid laundry detergent for the Refuge of Hope, a local rescue mission which includes a men's emergency shelter. Over 1700 items were collected and donated. “The value of what you have given to Refuge of Hope is beyond measure. Such donations allow those we serve realize there are people who do truly care about them,” said Duane Wykoff, the Executive Director of Refuge of Hope. "I saw Pay It Forward Week as a chance to give to people who aren't as blessed as we are,” said Emily Gatrell, a student at NCMS. “It made me want to keep giving more instead of receiving. Giving is more important." Middle School students from left to right: Lexie James, Madison Sedlak, Kayla Fehlman, Drake VanNostran, Sarah Pollard and Alana Lazarides. Visit us at northcantonschools.org VIKING 4 VISION All Pro Dads Meet at Greentown The first Wednesday of every month, several students from Greentown Intermediate and their dads meet before school. They share breakfast and discuss issues relevant to the students and take part in fun bonding activities. In addition, dad’s have an opportunity to share why they are proud of their child each time the group meets. This is part of a program called “All Pro Dad’s Days,” which is in over 1000 schools nationwide. Greentown started its chapter in March, with almost 80 people in attendance. In addition to the monthly meetings, the program offers dads resources and practical parenting tips they can take home and implement immediately. Henry Householder is a “co-captain” of the Greentown chapter, and is also an administrator at Hoover High School. “As a high school administrator, my time is limited with my children,” he said. “The opportunity to spend time with my daughter is invaluable. She and I look forward to this each and every month.” For information on how to get involved, visit the website at http://www.allprodad.com/3902. GOT TOO MUCH WISDOM? Call by June 20, 2014 for Your Complimentary at Consultation 4 0 330-494-70 Visit Greentown’s All Pro Dad’s website. We Have a Solution For Wisdom Teeth Dr. Joshi Can Help You! Center for Advanced Periodontal & Implant Care 4410 Executive Circle NW Canton, OH 44718 Wisdom Tooth Extractions Under Twilight sedation www.icgums.com Dr. Nishant Joshi Dr. Constantin Farah 5340190521 Visit us at northcantonschools.org Photos courtesy of Julie Cross. VIKING 5 VISION Aladdin, Jr. Hits the Stage On April 24, 131 students rocked the musical “Pirates.” Each year, the secondgraders at Clearmount Elementary School perform a musical for the school and their parents and family. Three nights of standing ovations put smiles on the faces of the cast and crew of Aladdin, Jr., the musical performed by the North Canton Middle School April 11-13. The cast consisted of over 40 NCMS students. In addition, approximately 30 Hoover High School students worked the technical aspects of the musical. No small feat with smoke, a flying carpet and special effect lighting. Students worked hard and even practiced at each others’ homes during the many snow days this winter. “They were very dedicated to learning their songs, dances and lines,” said Ginny Herman, a Theater Arts teacher, who directed the show. Herman, who will be retiring at the end of the year, thanked all the kids and everyone who helped with the musical for making this a great show. The musical was complete with a 65-foot pirate ship built by music teacher Kim Jacoby and Principal Matt Ile. Visit us at northcantonschools.org VIKING 6 VISION HOOVER TAKES FIRST IN MATH CHALLENGE On April 26, Hoover High School students competed against students from other schools in Stark and Summit counties at the Stark County Mathematics Challenge, run by Kent State Stark’s Student Math Club. Hoover’s team placed first overall, and senior Jack Chen had the highest individual score. CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF 2014 SUMMA SCHOLARS Monica Albertson Graham Arnold Jessica Baggetta Colleen Bentler Samuel Blike Greggory Brandle Tiffany Casturo Theresa Chapa Megan Criswell Karan Dewan Krish Dewan Samantha DiGiacomo Kaitlyn Eckelberry Joel Elkins Hoover Junior, Clare Kreuzwieser, poses with her winning sculpture, “Woman King.” 2014 Stark County High School Art Show Hoover High School artists were once again well-represented at the recent Stark County High School Art Show at the Canton Museum of Art. Annually, each high school is invited to send ten works of art to the show to represent their district. Works were on display from March 21 April 4, 2014 in three galleries. For the third year in a row, three North Canton students (the most awarded to any high school in Stark County) were recognized. Congratulations to junior, Raiana Fonte, and senior, Jenny Michel, who received two of the ten honorable mentions awarded. They each received a scholarship for a free class at the Canton Museum of Art. Junior, Clare Kreuzwieser, received a $400 scholarship and third place for her "Woman King" female armor sculpture. Congratulations also go to the following students whose work was selected as part of the showcase: Taylor Walsh - 10th grade Emily Olszewski - 12th grade Kristi Morris - 12th grade Sam Blike - 12th grade Mary Avery - 12th grade Alex Malcolm - 12th grade The Stark County High School Art Show is an annual spring display that is sponsored by Kent State, Malone and Walsh Universities. Governor's Art Show Also, congratulations go to senior, Sam Blike. Sam's work was recently selected to be part of the Governor's Art Show at the Rhodes Office Tower in Columbus. Mitchell Fabian Maria Ganios Ashley Graham Anna Harvey Luke Held Nathaniel Hinderer Christina Howald Jacob Huba Claire James Naomi Kasturiarachi Allie Kmiecik Christine Langer Sydney Lautzenheiser Madeline Lee Kelsey Lensman Samuel Mallamaci Lydia Marazita Alexandra Mercorelli Gabriel Montoya Brian Nickel Lauren Nist Corrin Pelini Madison Plaster Andrew Quinn Ryan Rebillot Lindsay Rouse Alexandria Sanford Kylie Shambaugh Katherine Simpson Maxwell Sopp Malorie Spencer Kaylee Stroemple Tara Thacker James Vaughn Jacob Voegele Abigail Warburton Joshua Woods Julie Worley Nicholas Wurst Michael Zahorec Engineering Students Win at Goodyear On April 12, twelve Hoover students participated in Goodyear Engineering Career Day at the University of Akron. Participants competed for more than $40,000 in grant awards and scholarships. The event was emceed by 1991 Hoover graduate Tim Donnelly, a Chief Engineer with Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company. Hoover’s own Women in Engineering club entered the contest, innovating a "Tire of the Future." The women, along with senior Jack Chen, who participated in an engineering "academic challenge," secured second place in the grant contest, winning a $5000 grant for Hoover’s engineering programs. In addition, senior Theresa Chapa won a 2-year $5000 scholarship from Goodyear to attend the University of Akron this fall, where she will be majoring in chemical engineering. Visit us at northcantonschools.org Photo courtesy of Lauren Maxwell. VIKING Students Explore Teaching as a Profession 7 VISION Parade of Characters Northwood students celebrated literacy dressed as their favorite book characters and took part in a “Character Parade” through the school as part of March’s “Right To Read” week. Senior Mollie Wright works with a student as part of the Teaching Professions Program at Hoover. Imagine having the opportunity to “try on” a profession, complete with real-life experience, in high school to help you decide if it is something you’d like to pursue in college. This is the goal of the Teaching Professions program at Hoover High School. Since its inception in 2007, the program has been helping students understand what a career in education involves. Throughout the course, they learn about things like the history of education, child development and theories of learning. As seniors, the students get practical, hands-on training as they do field experiences with mentor teachers in their own districts. “This gives them a behind-the-scenes view of teaching--what I like to call ‘the good, the bad, and the ugly’,” says Shirley Dobry, the Teaching Professions instructor at Hoover. “This way they can tell if it is a career for them before they spend time and money exploring that in college.” “We have students from Jackson, Lake, and Louisville who attend our two-year program as a part of the Stark County Compact,” Dobry explained. “GlenOak, Perry, and Massillon Washington all have programs. The teachers in all of the schools meet about 3-6 times per year.” In addition, if the students score high enough on the portfolio that they start as juniors and work on during their senior year, they can earn college credit for Introduction to Education at any state university in Ohio, and the credit can transfer with them to another state university. “It is my hope that the classroom learning and their field experiences give them an insight into what teachers' lives are like,” said Dobry. “They will know how demanding, but also how rewarding, education can be.” Visit us at northcantonschools.org VIKING 8 VISION Around the District Annual Senior Citizens Prom Recognition Award Recipients TJ Roach, Theanna Orr, Jen Tarbet and Todd Davy at the Recognition Dinner on April 23, 2014. Photo courtesy of Julie Cross. William and Norma Raymont, were crowned Prom King & Queen. The Raymont’s celebrated their 67th wedding anniversary on the day of the prom. Photo courtesy of Todd Weber of LifeTouch Photography. “I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Hoover High School staff and commend your students for putting on this wonderful event and for their treatment of our senior citizens,” Rukavina’s letter said. “They definitely put a little sparkle back into the life of so many.” Each year, senior citizens from the community are invited to enjoy a meal, dancing, and bingo as guests of Hoover High School’s Leadership and Interact club students at the annual Senior Citizens Prom. This year, Michael’s Group band provided live music and Meals on Wheels of Stark and Wayne County provided dinner for over 220 guests and students. “My 96-year-old mother-in-law recently attended your Senior Citizens Prom,” said Becki Rukavina in a letter to Principal Tony Pallija. “She was glowing as she told me about the evening and how wonderful and helpful all of the students were.” This year’s theme was "Vintage Hollywood,” and our prom king and queen were William and Norma Raymont, who celebrated their 67th wedding anniversary on the day of the prom. “I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Hoover High School staff and commend your students for putting on this wonderful event and for their treatment of our senior citizens,” Rukavina’s letter said. “They definitely put a little sparkle back into the life of so many.” Endowment Fund Awards Excellence The North Canton City Schools Education Endowment Fund is a non-profit organization that promotes, sponsors and encourages the pursuit of excellence for all students. Created in 1988, the group recognizes individuals for outstanding service to our students and district, as well as raises money to provide grants supporting the development of exemplary, creative, and on-going programs benefitting the students of North Canton City Schools. 2014-2015 Recognition Award Recipients: •Classified Award: Theanna Orr, Librarian, North Canton Middle School •Educator Award (pre-K - grade 5): Jennifer Tarbet, 3rd grade teacher, Orchard Hill Intermediate School •Educator Award (grades 6-12): TJ Roach, English teacher, Hoover High School Visit us at northcantonschools.org •Citizen Award: Todd Davy, "Viking Victory Run" Organizer 2014-2015 Grant Award Winners: •Diane Ward, Clearmount Elementary School: $994 for "Picture Perfect Science." •Katie Genetin & Jacqueline FeldmanCohen, Early Childhood Center: $1,000 for "Sensational Sensory Corner" •Brenda Triner & Lori Anderson, Orchard Hill Intermediate School: $1,000 for "SNL - Science Night Live!" •Terri Simmons & Sheena Stropki, NC Middle School: $400 for "Learning to Bloom Together continues. . ." •Renee Manse, Orchard Hill Intermediate School: $950 for "The Leader in Me Comes to Orchard Hill" •Terri DiNarda, Holly Herstine & Erin Lindsey, Clearmount Elementary School: $740 for "Buggin for Science Materials" VIKING 9 VISION Father Daughter Dance On Feb 21st, Orchard Hill Intermediate School rolled out the red carpet (complete with paparazzi) as approximately 160 Orchard Hill girls, escorted by their special guests, arrived at the “My Favorite Guy and Me” Hollywood glitz and glam dance. Guests enjoyed music from DJ Harry with Pulse Entertainment (Hoover’s own Harrison Zoldan), a chocolate fountain and a photo booth. “It is nice to be the person who gets to take my daughter on her first date,” said Bob Malloy, who attended with his daughter, Taylor. “I had a wonderful time with my dad,” said Orchard Hill student Sarah Esterle. “The DJ played fun songs, and we danced together." Visit us at northcantonschools.org VIKING Important Dates The North Canton City Schools Board of Education The North Canton City Schools Board of Education meets regularly on the third Wednesday of the month at 6:00 pm. Each meeting this year will be held at a different school in the district. Please consult the Board of Education’s website for dates, impending actions, and decisions at www.boarddocs.com/oh/nccs/Board.nsf/Public. 10 VISION North Canton City Schools Calendar 2014-2015 AUGUST JANUARY 21 27 29 1-2 15 16 19 First Day of Classes 1-12 First Day of Classes Kindergarten NO SCHOOL, Prof. Learning Day SEPTEMBER 1 2 FEBRUARY NO SCHOOL, Labor Day First Day of Classes Preschool OCTOBER North Canton City Schools Music Performance Calendar 2014 JUNE June 1 HS Brass Ensemble & Senior Choir at Graduation 3:00pm 1 2 9 13 22 24 30 1 P/T Conferences, 3-5 2 P/T Conferences, Middle School P/T Conferences, 3-5 & High School NO SCHOOL, Prof. Dev. Exchange Day P/T Conferences, K-2 End of 9 Weeks (45 days) P/T Conferences, K-2 NOVEMBER North Canton City Schools 2014 Calendar MAY 26 Memorial Day 29 Last Student Day (41days) 30 Work Day NO SCHOOL, Winter Break End of 9 Weeks (46 days) NO SCHOOL, Staff Work Day NO SCHOOL, Martin Luther King Day 6 12 13 20 27-28 P/T Conferences, High School P/T Conferences, Middle School P/T Conferences, Preschool P/T Conferences, Preschool NO SCHOOL, Thanksgiving Break 4 5 10 12 16 26 P/T Conferences, 3-5 P/T Conferences, High School P/T Conferences, Middle School P/T Conferences, 3-5 NO SCHOOL, Presidents’ Day P/T Conferences, Preschool MARCH 2 5 P/T Conferences, High School P/T Conferences, Middle School P/T Conferences, Preschool 11 P/T Conferences, K-2 19 P/T Conferences, K-2 20 End of 9 weeks (43 days) 30 NO SCHOOL, Conference Exchange Day 30-31 NO SCHOOL, Spring Break APRIL DECEMBER 1-3 1 NO SCHOOL, Conference Exchange Day 22-31 NO SCHOOL, Winter Break MAY 25 27 28 29 CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF 2014! NO SCHOOL, Spring Break NO SCHOOL, Memorial Day Last Student Day (42 days) NO SCHOOL, Prof. Learning Day NO SCHOOL, Staff Work Day Tam O'Shanter Golf Course North Canton City Schools salutes our graduating seniors. We wish you all the best as you continue on to college, careers or military service. We are proud of you! - Golf Outing Fundraisers - 36 Holes, Expertly Maintained - Golf Lessons for Adults & Children - Affordable Family Golf Programs 5055 Hills and Dales Road Northwest • Canton, OH 44708 (330) 477-5111 • www.tamoshantergolf.com 5389380528 Fanno Orthodontics, Inc. Brace yourself, you’re in for a beautiful smile! Lakeview Professional Building 4811 Munson St. NW• Canton Viking Strong! 330.494.5890 Visit our webpage at: fannoorthodontics.com Visit us at northcantonschools.org 5389310528 GRADUATION CEREMONIES WILL BE HELD ON SUNDAY, JUNE 1, AT 2:00 P.M., IN THE CANTON MEMORIAL CIVIC CENTER. VIKING VISION 11 Fall Sports Hoover High School Fall Sports Schedule 2014 8/19 8/23 BOYS’/GIRLS’ VARSITY CROSS COUNTRY DATE 8/30 OPPONENT SITE TIME Dave Clegg Invitational 9:00AM Home H.S. XC Course 9/6 Bruce Lerch Invitational Away TBA 9/13 Galion Invite Away 9:00AM (GIRLS ONLY) 9/20 Cloverleaf Away 8:00AM XC Invitational 9/27 Stark County Away 9:00AM CC Championships 10/11* FLC @ TBA Away TBA 10/18 OHSAA District Away 12:00PM @ Malone U. 10/25 OHSAA Away 12:30PM Regionals @ Boardman 11/1 OHSAA State Away 12:30PM @ National Trail--Hebron, OH BOYS’ VARSITY GOLF DATE 8/11 8/12 8/14 8/14 8/18 8/19 8/26 9/2 9/5 9/6 9/9 9/11 9/13 9/16 9/18 9/27 9/30 10/8 OPPONENT SITE Massillon Invite Away @ Shady Hollow *Pre-Season Away Tourney @ Sanctuary Lake JV Invite Away @ Sable Alliance Invite Away @ Alliance Country Club Tannenhauf Invite Away *GlenOak Home *Lake (Uniontown) Home *Perry (Massillon) Away Roosevelt Invite Away Roosevelt Invite Away * Canton McKinley Home Tri-match vs. Away Central @ Massillon (JV/V) Genoa Invite Away @ Maumee Bay *Jackson (Massillon)Away St. Thomas Aquinas Home *Post-Season Away Tourney @ Tannenhauf OHSAA Sectional Away @ Seven Hills OHSAA District Away @ Brunswick Pine Hills TIME 12:00PM 8:00AM 8:00AM 10:00AM 8:00AM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 2:00PM 8:00AM 4:00PM 3:30PM 10:00AM 4:00PM 4:00PM 9:00AM 8:00AM 9:00AM HOME GAMES ARE HELD AT ARROWHEAD GOLF COURSE GIRLS’ VARSITY GOLF DATE 8/6 8/7 8/8 8/9 8/12 OPPONENT SITE Warren JFK Away Invite @ Candywood Jackson Tourney Away @ Legends Pick. North Invite Away @ Turnberry Roosevelt Lady Away Rider Invitational *Pre-Season Tourney Away @ Sanctuary TIME 8:30AM 12:00PM 8/26 9/2 9/9 9/16 9/27 9/30 10/7 *GlenOak Away Midwest Classic Home @ Skyland *Lake (Uniontown) Away *Perry (Massillon) Home *Canton McKinley Away *Jackson (Massillon) Home *Post-Season Away Tourney @ TBA OHSAA Sectional Away @ Turkeyfoot GC OHSAA District Away @ Massillon Legends 3:30PM 8:00AM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 4:00PM 9:00AM 8:30AM 10:00AM HOME GAMES ARE HELD AT ARROWHEAD GOLF COURSE UNLESS NOTED GIRLS’ VARSITY SOCCER DATE 8/18 8/20 9/3 9/6 9/10 9/13 9/15 9/17 9/20 9/22 9/24 9/27 9/29 10/1 10/6 10/8 OPPONENT SITE St. Vincent/St. Mary Away Louisville Away *Lake (Uniontown) Away Revere Home *GlenOak Away Stow Away Marlington Home *Canton McKinley Home Green Away West Branch Away *Perry (Massillon) Home Boardman Home Austintown Fitch Home *Jackson (Massillon) Away Highland (Medina) Away Firestone (Akron) Home TIME 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 3:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM HOME GAMES ARE HELD ON HOME SOCCER FIELD GIRLS’ JV SOCCER DATE OPPONENT SITE 8/18 St. Vincent/St. Mary Away 8/20 Louisville Away 9/3 *Lake (Uniontown) Away 9/6 Revere Home 9/10 *GlenOak Away 9/13 Stow Away 9/15 Marlington Home 9/17 *Canton McKinley Home 9/20 Green Away 9/22 West Branch Away 9/24 *Perry (Massillon) Home 9/27 Boardman Home 9/29 Austintown Fitch Home 10/1 *Jackson (Massillon) Away 10/6 Highland (Medina) Away 10/8 Firestone (Akron) Home TIME 5:00PM 5:00PM 5:15PM 5:15PM 5:15PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 5:15PM 1:00PM 5:00PM 5:15PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 5:15PM 5:00PM 5:00PM BOYS’ VARSITY SOCCER DATE 8/21 8/23 8/26 8/30 9/2 9/4 9/9 9/13 9/16 9/18 9/20 9/23 9/25 9/30 10/2 10/9 OPPONENT SITE CVCA Home Green Away Barberton Away Marlington Away *Lake (Uniontown Home Cuyahoga Falls Away *GlenOak Home Wadsworth Home *Canton McKinley Away Firestone (Akron) Away Austintown Fitch Home *Perry (Massillon) Away Kent Roosevelt Home *Jackson (Massillon)Home Stow Home Boardman Away BOYS’ JV FOOTBALL TIME 7:00PM 3:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 5:30PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM HOME GAMES ARE HELD ON HOME SOCCER FIELD BOYS’ JV WHITE SOCCER DATE 8/21 8/23 8/26 8/30 9/2 9/4 9/9 9/13 9/16 9/18 9/20 9/23 9/25 9/30 10/2 10/9 OPPONENT SITE CVCA Home Green Away Barberton Away Marlington Away *Lake (Uniontown) Home Cuyahoga Falls Away * GlenOak Home Wadsworth Home *Canton McKinley Away Firestone (Akron) Away Austintown Fitch Home * Perry (Massillon) Away Kent Roosevelt Home *Jackson (Massillon)Home Stow Home Boardman Away TIME 5:00PM 1:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 5:15PM 5:00PM 5:15PM 5:00PM 5:15PM 4:00PM 5:00PM 5:15PM 5:00PM 5:15PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 8/29 9/5 9/12 Stow Away Louisville Home Brantford Home Collegiate Institute *Canton McKinley Away *Perry (Massillon) Away *Lake (Uniontown) Home (Homecoming) *Boardman Home Canton Central Catholic Away *GlenOak Home *Jackson (Massillon) Away 9/19 9/26 10/3 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 1:30PM 10/10 10/17 10/24 10/31 8:00AM HOME GAMES ARE HELD AT MEMORIAL STADIUM - DON HERTLER SR. FIELD 8:00AM HOME GAMES ARE HELD ON HOME SOCCER FIELD *DENOTES LEAGUE EVENT Visit us at northcantonschools.org TIME 10:00AM 10:00AM 10:00AM 10:00AM 10:00AM 10:00AM 10:00AM 10:00AM Away 10:00AM DATE OPPONENT 8/28 9/4 9/11 9/18 9/25 10/2 10/11 10/16 10/23 Stow Home Louisville Away *Jackson (Massillon)Home *Canton McKinley Home * Perry (Massillon) Home *Lake (Uniontown) Away *Boardman Away Canton Central CatholicHome *GlenOak Away SITE TIME 6:00PM 5:00PM 6:00PM 6:00PM 6:00PM 5:00PM 12:00PM 6:00PM 5:00PM HOME GAMES ARE HELD AT MEMORIAL STADIUM - DON HERTLER SR. FIELD GIRLS’ VARSITY TENNIS DATE 8/9 9/22 9/23 9/24 10/1 TIME SITE Home Away Home Home Home Away Away Home BOYS’ FRESHMAN FOOTBALL 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM SITE OPPONENT Stow Louisville *Jackson (Massillon) *Canton McKinley *Perry (Massillon) *Lake (Uniontown) *Boardman Canton Central Catholic *GlenOak HOME GAMES ARE HELD AT MEMORIAL STADIUM - DON HERTLER SR. FIELD 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM BOYS’ VARSITY FOOTBALL OPPONENT 10/25 8/11 8/15 8/18 8/19 8/20 8/25 8/27 9/2 9/3 9/4 9/6 9/8 9/10 9/11 9/15 9/17 9/20 HOME GAMES ARE HELD ON HOME SOCCER FIELD DATE DATE 8/30 9/6 9/13 9/20 9/27 10/4 10/11 10/18 10/9 OPPONENT SITE Sycamore Home High School (Avon) Away (Rocky River Invite) Away CVCA Away Cloverleaf (Lodi) Home *GlenOak Home Walsh Jesuit Home *Lake (Uniontown) Away Westlake Away *Perry (Massillon) Home Medina Away (WRA Tourney) Away Wooster Away *Canton McKinley Away Green Away Louisville Home * Jackson (Massillon) Away *FLT @ Harvard/ Away Stadium Courts Brecksville Home Hudson Away Canton Central CatholicHome OHSAA Sectionals Away @ Stadium Courts 10/1-4 OHSAA District Away @ TBA 10/9-11 TIME 10:00AM 12:00PM 8:30AM 4:00PM 4:30PM 4:30PM 4:00PM 4:30PM 4:30PM 4:30PM 4:30PM 8:30AM 4:30PM 4:30PM 4:00PM 4:15PM 4:30PM 9:00AM 4:30PM 4:30PM 4:30PM 9:00AM 9:00AM VIKING 12 VISION Sports 2014 continued 10/17 OHSAA State @ OSU 10/17-18 Away 9:00AM HOME GAMES ARE HELD ON HOME HS TENNIS COURTS GIRLS’ JV TENNIS DATE 8/11 8/13 8/14 8/18 8/19 8/20 8/27 9/2 9/3 9/4 9/8 9/10 9/11 9/15 9/17 9/22 9/23 9/24 OPPONENT Avon Columbus School for Girls Copley CVCA Cloverleaf (Lodi) *GlenOak *Lake (Uniontown) Westlake *Perry (Massillon) Medina Wooster *Canton McKinley Green Louisville *Jackson (Massillon) Brecksville Hudson Canton Central Catholic SITE Away Home TIME 12:00PM 11:00AM Home Home Away Away Home Home Away Away Away Away Home Away Home Away Home Away TBA 4:00PM 4:30PM 4:30PM 4:30PM 4:30PM 4:30PM 4:30PM 4:30PM 4:30PM 4:00PM 4:30PM 4:30PM 4:30PM 4:30PM 4:30PM HOME GAMES ARE HELD ON HOME HS TENNIS COURTS GIRLS’ VARSITY B TENNIS DATE 8/13 8/14 8/21 8/25 8/26 8/28 9/2 9/4 9/9 9/11 9/13 9/16 9/18 9/29 OPPONENT Columbus School for Girls Copley Our Lady of the Elms Walsh Jesuit Jackson (Massillon) Aurora Solon Hudson West Geauga St. Joseph Academy (Cleve.) (Louisville Doubles) Avon Lake Mayfield Walsh Jesuit SITE Home TIME 11:00AM Home Away Away Home Home Home Home Away Away TBA 4:30PM 4:00PM 4:30PM 4:30PM 4:30PM 4:30PM 4:30PM 4:30PM Away Away Home Home 8:30AM 4:30PM 4:30PM 4:00PM HOME GAMES ARE HELD ON HOME HS TENNIS COURTS GIRLS’ VARSITY VOLLEBALL DATE 8/16 8/18 8/23 8/27 8/28 8/30 9/2 9/4 9/11 OPPONENT SITE Louisville Away Claymont Home Green Away Tuscarawas Home Central Catholic *Lake High Away School (Uniontown) (Cloverleaf Tourney) Away Northwest Away *Perry (Massillon) Away *Canton McKinley Home TIME 12:00PM 7:00PM 11:30AM 7:00PM 7:00PM 8:00AM 6:30PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 9/13 9/15 9/16 9/18 9/23 9/25 9/30 10/2 10/9 Orrville Tourney Away CVCA Home *Jackson (Massillon)Home *GlenOak Home *Lake (Uniontown) Home *Perry (Massillon) Home *Canton McKinley Away *Jackson (Massillon) Away *GlenOak Away 10:00AM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM HOME GAMES ARE HELD IN THE MAIN GYM GIRLS’ JV VOLLEYBALL DATE 8/16 8/18 8/23 8/27 8/28 8/30 9/2 9/4 9/11 9/13 9/15 9/16 9/18 9/23 9/25 9/30 10/2 10/9 OPPONENT SITE Louisville Away Claymont Home Green Away Tuscarawas Home Central Catholic *Lake High Away School (Uniontown) New Philadelphia Home Northwest Away *Perry (Massillon) Away *Canton McKinley Home Dalton Invitational Away CVCA Home *Jackson (Massillon) Home *GlenOak Home *Lake (Uniontown) Home *Perry (Massillon) Home *Canton McKinley Away *Jackson (Massillon) Away * GlenOak Away TIME 11:00AM 5:30PM 10:00AM 5:30PM 5:30PM 12:00PM 5:00PM 5:30PM 5:30PM 10:00AM 5:30PM 5:30PM 5:30PM 5:30PM 5:30PM 5:30PM 5:30PM 5:30PM HOME GAMES ARE HELD IN THE MAIN GYM GIRLS’ FRESHMAN VOLLEYBALL DATE 8/16 8/18 8/23 8/27 8/28 8/30 9/4 9/11 9/15 9/16 9/18 9/23 9/25 9/30 10/2 10/6 10/9 OPPONENT SITE TIME Louisville Away 10:00AM Claymont Home 5:30PM Green Away 10:00AM Tuscarawas Home 5:30PM Central Catholic *Lake High Away 5:30PM School (Uniontown) New Philadelphia Home 11:00AM Main Gym *Perry (Massillon) Away 5:30PM *Canton McKinley Home 5:30PM CVCA Home 5:30PM *Jackson (Massillon)Home 5:30PM *GlenOak Home 5:30PM *Lake (Uniontown) Home 5:30PM *Perry (Massillon) Home 5:30PM *Canton McKinley Away 5:30PM *Jackson (Massillon)Away 5:30PM New Philadelphia Away 6:00PM *GlenOak Away 5:30PM HOME GAMES ARE HELD IN THE AUXILIARY GYM UNLESS NOTED Visit us at northcantonschools.org 5381720521