21 Ways to Promote Positive Thinking


21 Ways to Promote Positive Thinking
21 Ways to Promote Positive Thinking
Compiled by David Koutsoukis
1. Positive Affirmation – say a phrase that reminds you to be more positive e.g. “I’ve got Kefi!
You’ve got Kefi. We’ve all got Kefi!”
2. Sticky Message – have a reminder phrase on a wristband or postcard. e.g. ‘I’ve got Kefi’
wristbands and postcards.
3. Positive Exclamation – say a word out loud that triggers happy feelings – e.g. Greeks say
OPA! or Bravo!
4. Positive Quotes – say an energizing quote to yourself e.g. “If it’s to be, it’s up to me!”
5. Positive Songs – play a song that gives you a lift.
6. Uplifting Tunes – identify an instrumental tune that instantly gives you a lift – play, hum or
whistle it.
7. Inspirational Poem – read an uplifting poem or piece of prose.
8. Positive Ringtones or Alarm – make your ringtone or alarm a tune that gives you a lift.
9. Positive Moments – think about the best thing that’s happened to you in the last
10. Positive Memories – close your eyes and think about one of the happiest moments in you
life (e.g. sporting achievement, birth of a child).
11. Positive Places – identify a place you have been that was very uplifting (e.g. holiday
location) – close your eyes and imagine you are there.
12. Positive Activities – do something that gives you a mental lift you e.g. playing a musical
instrument, sporting activity, exercise.
13. Positive Pastimes – do something that takes you to ‘another world’ e.g. surfing, fishing,
boating, horse riding.
14. Positive Environments – identify a place you can go to that gives you a mental lift e.g.
beach, ocean, river, lake, mountains, snow, forest. Make a plan to go there soon.
15. Funny Video Clips – watch funny videos on YouTube. Bookmark your favourites.
16. Funny Movie or TV Show - identify TV comedy show/series or movie that gives you a lift.
Keep the DVD handy in case of emergency!
17. Positive Words – use uplifting words like ‘sensational’, ‘magnificent’ or ‘yeah baby!’
18. Positive People – find a positive person to hang out with.
19. Positive Visualization – close your eyes and visualize yourself achieving one of your goals.
20. Positive Images – surround yourself with positive images and affirmations e.g. inspirational
21. Get Some Sunlight – Give yourself a dose of serotonin and vitamin D by standing in the sun
for a few minutes. Enjoy the warmth on your skin.
The tips and techniques listed above trigger positive emotions quickly by activating positive neural pathways in the brain.
They are effective for promoting positive thinking in the short-term. For a more sustained solution to positive thinking read
the Seven Selfs of Self Leadership Resource Sheet.
An Exceptional Teams Academy Resource Sheet by David Koutsoukis.
Get more resources at www.davidkoutsoukis.com!
21 Ways to Snap Out of Negative Thinking
Compiled by David Koutsoukis
1. Move away – if possible, move away from whatever is having a negative impact.
2. Change your Posture - stand or sit up straight with shoulders back.
3. Smile – smile (or clench a pen in your teeth if you have to) as this action releases
4. Change your Vocal Tone – talk more slowly and lower the pitch of your voice.
5. Change your Clothes – “slip into something more confortable.”
6. Personal Editing – create an anchor action to release negative emotions e.g. flick hands to
the side and say ‘Let it go!’
7. The Lackie Band Trick – Wear an elastic band (or a ‘Find Your Kefi’ wristband). When you
have negative thoughts flick it and say to yourself “Snap out of it!”
8. The Frustration Word – in lieu of a swear word, identify a funny word that vents your
frustration when you say it (e.g. Peanuts!, Rumplestiltskin!)
9. The Magic Question – invoke the Law of Attraction (‘Whatever you are thinking and feeling
plus your actions is creating your future’) by asking yourself the ‘Magic Question’ – ‘so what
do I want?’ Once you are clear about ‘what you want’ the brain will start working on ideas to
help you get it.
10. Breathe – take deep breathes so you empty out the all the air in your lungs and replace it
with fresh air. Release your breathes very slowly and in a controlled manner.
11. Countdown to De-stress – count backwards slowly from 10 to 0, repeat until you calm
12. Move – go for a walk or run, or go to the gym
13. Stretch – do some yoga or other stretching exercises
14. Be Silent and Still – mediate if you can, or simply try to be silent and still.
15. Tapping – tap acupressure points to release tension. See www.eftdownunder.com
16. Act ‘As If’ – act as if you all ready feel like you would like to feel. That desire feeling will
eventually come to you.
17. Have a Massage
18. Have a Warm Bath or Shower – add bubble bath and burn some aromatic oils
19. Gratitude List – write down 10 things you are grateful for.
20. Thank You Note – some say the best way to make yourself feel good is to make someone
else feel good. Make someone feel good by writing them a nice note.
21. Name It – just labeling your emotion will help you calm down e.g. “I’m so frustrated!”
The tips and techniques listed above can help you relax and de-stress by interrupting negative neural pathways in the
brain. They are effective for reducing negative thinking in the short-term. For a more sustained solution to become more
positive read the Seven Selfs of Self Leadership Resource Sheet.
An Exceptional Teams Academy Resource Sheet by David Koutsoukis.
Get more resources at www.davidkoutsoukis.com!
21 Positive Songs
Compiled by David Koutsoukis
1. Happy (from "Despicable Me 2”) – Pharrell Williams
2. It's a Beautiful Day – Michael Bublé
3. Bright Side of the Road – Van Morrison
4. I’m Into Something Good – Herman’s Hermits
5. I Like It – Gerry and the Pacemakers
6. Don’t Worry, Be Happy – Guy Sebastian
7. On Top of the World – Imagine Dragons
8. Best Day of My Life – American Authors
9. What a Wonderful World – Louie Armstrong
10. On Top of the World – Imagine Dragons
11. I Like It Like That – Guy Sebastian
12. Don't Worry, Be Happy – Bobby Ferrin
13. Good Vibrations – Beach Boys
14. Beautiful Sunday – Daniel Boone
15. Good Vibrations – The Beach Boys
16. That's The Way I Like It – K.C. & The Sunshine Band
17. Top Of The World – The Carpenters
18. I Can See Clearly Now – Jimmy Cliff
19. I Gotta Feeling – Black Eyed Peas
20. Walking On Sunshine” – Katrina And The Waves
21. Always Look on the Bright Side of Life – Monty Python
An Exceptional Teams Academy Resource Sheet by David Koutsoukis.
Get more resources at www.davidkoutsoukis.com!
21 Fun Quotes
Compiled by David Koutsoukis
Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes. After that, who cares? He's a mile away and
you've got his shoes.
Birthdays are good for you. The more you have, the longer you live!
A pessimist's blood type is always b-negative!
Do cannibals play swallow the leader at birthday parties?
He who laughs last thinks slowest!
If at first you don’t succeed, skydiving is not for you!
A chicken crossing the road is like poultry in motion!
A comb makes a lovely parting gift!
A plateau is a high form of flattery!
10. A gossip is someone with a great sense of rumour!
11. Always proof read carefully to make sure you haven’t any words out!
12. Always remember that you are unique, just like everybody else!
13. The average income of the modern teenager is about 2 am!
14. I fired my masseuse today. She just rubbed me the wrong way!
15. Help Wanted: Telepath. You know where to apply!
16. Why do kamikaze pilots wear helmets?
17. Why do psychics have to ask you for your name?
18. Why do they call them apartments when they’re all stuck together?
19. Confucius say man who dream about being a muffler will wake up exhausted!
20. Would a dyslexic person go to a toga party dressed as a goat?
21. A Freudian slip is when you say one thing but mean your mother!
An Exceptional Teams Academy Resource Sheet by David Koutsoukis.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Get more resources at www.davidkoutsoukis.com!
21 Fun Facts
Compiled by David Koutsoukis
The dot on top of the letter “I” is called a tittle.
You can’t fold a piece of paper in half more than seven times.
“The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” was originally designed to test telegraph
transmissions, and uses all the letters in the English language.
The title of the Don Mclean song “American Pie” comes from the name of the plane that crashed
killing a number of musicians including Buddy Holly.
Did you know that it’s impossible to lick your elbow. (You tried to lick your elbow didn’t you!)
111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321
The only words in the English language that have three consecutive double letters are
"Bookkeeper" and "bookkeeping".
You can sing the Australian National Anthem, "Advance Australia Fair" to the tune of "Gilligan's
If you spell Evian backwards it says “naïve”
10. The Hundred Year War actually lasted 116 years.
11. The shortest sentence in the English language is “I am”.
12. To tell if an egg is fresh or not you put it into a container of water. A stale egg will float to the top
and a fresh egg will sink to the bottom.
13. The longest one syllable word in English is ”screeched”.
14. A “crash” is the name for a group of rhinos.
15. Fortnight" comes from the shortening of "fourteen nights."
16. The word “jiffy” is actually a unit of time. It is the speed at which light travels one centimetre in a
17. A “spat” is the name for a baby oyster.
18. A bee flaps it’s wings at 250 times per second. This is what causes the buzz. 19.A cat has 32
muscles in each of it’s ears.
19. The tongue of a chameleon is twice as long as it’s body.
20. A cucumber is 96% water
21. There are only eleven hours in a day on Jupiter.
An Exceptional Teams Academy Resource Sheet by David Koutsoukis.
!Get more resources at www.davidkoutsoukis.com!
My Personal Affirmations
by David Koutsoukis
I take full responsibility for my actions and for my life.
I have a clear sense of direction and purpose
about what inspires and energises me.
I have a smile on my face and a twinkle in my eye,
and treat each day as one of opportunity and excitement.
I have rich satisfying relationships with family, friends and colleagues.
I do "first things first" and pace myself, so that I enjoy what I do
instead of rushing around feeling overloaded.
I plan ahead so that I have enough time to get things done.
I am pro active with integrity, and I am guided by my conscience.
I am not influenced by negative views from other people or the media.
I am constantly learning, growing, gaining new perspectives
and acquiring new skills.
I show kindness to others, am non-judgmental and do not put people down.
I try to understand other people's points of view.
I am self-disciplined and keep promises to myself and others.
I exercise regularly, watch what I eat, get plenty of sleep,
avoid unhealthy habits and have regular medical checkups.
I do not carry excessive debt.
I don't play the comparison game – I live my life according to my hopes
and aspirations, and my perception of "Quality of Life"
I'm proud of the things that I say and do.
I am the person my children look at with pride and say
"That's my Dad!"
An Exceptional Teams Academy Resource Sheet by David Koutsoukis.
!Get more resources at www.davidkoutsoukis.com!
Elevate Your Life from Good to Great
by Magnus Perrson
Make the most of every opportunity.
There are 10,000 minutes in a week. Let every moment count.
Think moments are not important? Try missing one!
Catch the moments and savour them.
They’ll never come past again.
What's the point of living if you don't feel alive.
Feelings are the Parmesan on the pasta.
Don't be led by feelings - be touched by feelings.
Feel pain. Feel laughter.
Listen to those around us.
Listen to your body. How are you, body?
Listen to God. Be quiet and hear the still small voices.
Details make the picture right.
Be like the James Bond in the movies who sees all the baddies lurking in the hotel lobby.
He notices everything.
When you observe more you know more.
Make an effort to get something of value across.
Don't just be a speaker. Be a messenger.
Colour your world. Dare to be different.
Shock somebody & be nice.
Create a memory moment.
Just do a little more than just enough.
An Exceptional Teams Academy Resource Sheet by David Koutsoukis.
!Get more resources at www.davidkoutsoukis.com!
The Power of Positive Thinking
Mahatma Gandhi
Keep your thoughts positive,
because your thoughts become your words.
Keep your words positive,
because your words become your behaviour.
Keep your behaviour positive,
because your behaviours become your habits.
Keep your habits positive,
because your habits become your values.
Keep your values positive,
because your values become your destiny.
An Exceptional Teams Academy Resource Sheet by David Koutsoukis.
!Get more resources at www.davidkoutsoukis.com!
David Koutsoukis
Leadership & Team Development
7 Methods
David has seven different Leadership
and Team Development Solutions
to help leaders build Exceptional Teams.
1. Keynote Presentations
Inspirational Insights Series - 7 Entertaining and inspiring keynote presentations
David's high-energy keynote presentations deliver the 'key-note' message for each of the Seven Signs of an
Exceptional Team with an entertaining mix of humour, fun intellectual rigor. Messages are carefully crafted
so they stay in the hearts and minds of delegates long after the event has finished. Available 45-90 mins.
Request a brochure - info@davidkoutsoukis.com
2. Training Workshops
7 Simple Steps Series - 7 High-impact leadership and team development workshops
David delivers engaging training workshops for managers, employees and teams. He is a master trainer with
more than 20 years experience and presents workshops for each of the Seven Signs of an Exceptional Team.
Programs can be used in combination to create a customised in-house program. Half-day & 1-day programs.
Request a brochure - info@davidkoutsoukis.com
3. Seminar Programs
Engaging Leadership Series - 7 Immersion programs for managers, supervisors & aspirants
David delivers a seminar for each of the Seven Signs of an Exceptional Team. Seminars are extended
versions of the 7 Simple Steps Workshops with additional tools and templates to help managers create
personal success plans. 2 Day Programs. Available in-house by request.
Request a brochure - info@davidkoutsoukis.com
4. Events Facilitation
Enagaging, insightful and impactful event facilitation
David has facilitated hundreds of programs around the world for events such as leadership retreats, town
hall meetings, ideation days, national meetings, CEO thinktanks and safety forums. He has a huge repertoire
of activities, tools & templates that will enable you to capture your desired outcomes and enjoy the process.
Request a brochure - info@davidkoutsoukis.com
5. Team Building Events
Fun events where team members laugh, learn and discover how to work better as a team
David has been facilitating fun team building workshops for more than 20 years. He has a huge repertoire of
activities that will get your team learning, laughing and getting to know each other better. Programs are
usually off-site and typically 1 or 2 days in duration.
Request a brochure - info@davidkoutsoukis.com
6. Consulting Services
High-impact improvement programs with measurable results
David consults to a few select clients to improve targeted segments of the Seven Signs of an Exceptional
Team. He is competitive by nature and loves to see results - consequently he ensures that measures are
developed to determine the impact of programs and initiatives. Consulting work is typically project based.
Request a brochure - info@davidkoutsoukis.com
7. Products & Resources
A suite of tools and templates to support Seven Signs of an Exceptional Team programs
David has two key locations of resources to support the Seven Signs programs. The Exceptional Teams
+61 (0) 8for
5413 The Exceptional Teams
Shop has books, posters, card sets, assessments and Phone
other products
Academy has articles, tip sheets, tools and templates available to
Request a brochure - info@davidkoutsoukis.com
T +61 (0) 89457 5413 E info@davidkoutsoukis.com
Helping leaders build
Exceptional Teams