Phylum Zygomycota Classes Sexual Reproduction Asexual
Phylum Zygomycota Classes Sexual Reproduction Asexual
Classes Zygomycetes 870 species in 124 genera, 32 families and 10 orders Phylum Zygomycota Trichomycetes 218 species in 55 genera, 6 families and 3 orders 4032604 Lecture 16 Sexual Reproduction Mycelium plasmogamy Progametangia Suspensors karyogamy Sexual reproduction by production of zygospores (=thick-walled resting spores) within zygosporangia that are formed by fusion of gametangia + Gametangia Zygospore Zygote Asexual Reproduction Sporangia Sporangiospores delimited from cytoplasm by cleavage vesicle fusion Conidia Formed by same mechanism as blastoconidia ulds/Zygospores_of_Mucorales.html 1 Class Zygomycetes Orders to be covered: Mucorales Kickxellales Dimargaris Zoopagales Entomophthorales Glomales Order Mucorales Well developed, typically coenocytic mycelium Wall composition of chitosan, chitin and polyglucoronic acid Asexual reproduction by formation of sporangiospores cleaved out from the cytoplasm of sporangia Chlamydospores may be formed Called mucoralean or mucoraceous fungi Mucor Sporangia Most taxa produce globose sporangia Sporangial wall can be persistant or fragile, of various colors, and is usually smooth sporangiospores columella sporangium sporangiophore Sporangia Apophysate Subsporangial swelling Nonapophysate Lacking subsporangial swelling Sporangiospores One-celled 1- to multinucleate Smooth-walled, or ornamented with spines, warts or striations Most taxa produce hyaline spores Some taxa produce spores with hyaline appendages 2 Sporangiolum Sporangium containing 1-50 spores Merosporangium is a sporangiolum with spores in linear series Rhizopus stolons rhizoids No columella Mortierella Rhizopus From Bioimages Pilobolus Common fungus sporulating on dung Sporangia with dark, thick, persistant wall Characterized by forcibly discharged sporangia (> 2 meters!) Sporangiophores are phototropic (bend towards light) sporangium sporangiophore substrate trophocyst Pilaira—similar morphology and ecology, lacks discharge mechanism 3 Photo by Marco Hernandez-Bello Photo by Marco Hernandez-Bello Sexual Compatibility Regulated by trisporic acid, a sex pheromone (Blakeslee, 1904): Enhances secretion of specific precursors of trisporic acid and beta-carotene Positively regulates its own synthesis by stimulating rate of precursor formation in paired cultures Induces zygophore formation Represses sporangiophore formation Zygospores Thick-walled, usually hyaline, but zygosporangium wall often pigmented and ornamented One zygospore per zygosporangium Germination by formation of hyphae or sporangium Ecology Saprotrophs Soil, dung, humus Plant pathogens Choanephora cucurbitarium • on flowers & fruits of cucurbits Rhizopus stolonifer • Post-harvest pathogen of strawberries, sweet potatoes Animal pathogens Species of Absidia, Mucor, Rhizopus, Saksanea 4 Industrial applications Industrial production of amylases, rennins, secondary metabolites and organic acids Production of Asian Foods Tofu or sufu (Chinese cheese) A soft cheese-type product made from cubes of soybean curd using fermentation by Actinomucor elegans citric, fumaric, lactic and succinic acids Tempeh A solid cakelike product from soybeans fermented with Rhizopus oligosporus Order Kickxellales One family and eight genera Characterized by one-spored sporangiola formed on pseudophialides borne on sporocladia Extensively branched, septate mycelium Saprotrophs, common in soil and dung pseudophialides merosporangia sporocladia From O’Donnell 1979 Order Dimargaritales One family and four genera Characterized by 2-spored merosporangia formed on terminal inflated ampullae Produce branched, septate hyphae with unusual, dumbbell-shaped septal plugs Obligate mycoparasites of mucoraceous fungi From O’Donnell 1979 5 Order Zoopagales Dimargaris Five families, 21 genera, 163 species Coenocytic or septate hyphae Conidia or multispored merosporangia All members are obligate parasites of other fungi or microscopic animals (amoebae, rotifers, nematodes) Ectoparasitic, endoparasitic or predaceous Haustoria formed in host in ectoparasitic and predaceous species From O’Donnell 1979 Syncephalis (11) and Piptocephalis (12) From O’Donnell 1979 6
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