technical features ESFERA- BIOPLAC (grupo NIÑEROLA) en_opt
technical features ESFERA- BIOPLAC (grupo NIÑEROLA) en_opt
BIO C PLAC BIOPLA systems plaster factory systems plaster factory ntables I+I+D D++ii / démo le b a h c a t e /d s/norma calidad s/ quality norm CPF-0127/ CPF-0127/ BIOPLAC plaster prefabricated Bioplac plahjhster prefabricatedpanels panels technical technical feratures feratures Esfera grupo E S C AYO L A S NIÑEROLA gypsum plaster systems Partida Cometes s/n 12511 Rossell (Castellón) SPAIN tel 0034977571178 - fax 0034977571228 - construction Bioplac ecological eco 2 European Normalistation I+I+D D++ii BIO C PLAC BIOPLA s/norma calidad s/ quality norm systems plaster factory systems plaster factory CPF-0127/ CPF-0127/ technical technical feratures feratures BIOPLAC plaster prefabricated Bioplac plahjhster prefabricatedpanels panels Product features E24 ESFERA E-24 zoom Composition BIOPLAC Gypsum Tiles are prefabricated products based on plaster ( calcium sulfate), perlite, water and fiberglass reinforcement. Made of lightweight and organic materials without asbestos, inert and Format Long mm ESFERA ESCALON E24 Width mm 600/573 Thickness mm 600/573 20 Mass kg/m2 9,43 Basic gamma Aplication field BIOPLAC Ceiling Tiles have a business standard size 600 x 600 +-2mm join to set of suspended ceiling installed with seen structure , which are placed in all kind of projects ( hospitals, schools, hotels, shopping centers, houses, official buildings, ...). Technical features , rating by standar UNE-EN 14.246:2006 Features Bioplac Value Flexion Resistance Surface Appearance- Efflorescense Surface Appearance – Spots Surface Appearance – Air Bubbles Ortogonal in any 4 sides Lenght 1000 mm flatness the diagonal Moisture Content pH Determination Thermal Conductivity Resistance to Vapor Diffusion Fire rating Product Density grupo E S C AYO L A S NIÑEROLA gypsum plaster systems Partida Cometes s/n 12511 Rossell (Castellón) SPAIN tel 0034977571178 - fax 0034977571228 - 6 kilos FREE FREE FREE 0,1 mm / >1mm 0,1 mm / >1mm 0,20% 8,0 pH / [6,5-10,5] 0,30 W/m*k 10 dry - 4 wet A1 grupo 902 kg/m3 File UNE-EN 14.246:2006 UNE-EN 14.246:2006 UNE-EN 14.246:2006 UNE-EN 14.246:2006 UNE-EN 14.246:2006 UNE-EN 14.246:2006 UNE-EN 14.246:2006 UNE-EN 14.246:2006 UNE-EN 14.246:2006 UNE-EN 12524:2000 96/603/CE decisión UNE-EN 14.246:2006 expdt. nº 10/1213-165 expdt. nº 10/1213-165 expdt. nº 10/1213-165 expdt. nº 10/1213-165 expdt. nº 10/1213-165 expdt. nº 10/1213-165 expdt. nº 10/1213-165 expdt. nº 10/1213-165 expdt. nº 08/32301669 expdt. nº 08/32301669 expdt. nº 10/32301012 expdt. nº 08/32301669 construction Bioplac ecological eco 2 European Normalistation o phot I+D + i BIOPLAC s/ quality norm factory plaster systems CPF-0127/ technical feratures BIOPLAC plaster prefabricated panels Additional information, Technical features Features Bioplac Value File rapport nº 964/10/1094 ISO 2813 expdt. nº 10/1213-165 ISO 140-3:1995 expdt. nº 07/32305819 Free 0 - <10 U FC/ g 75-80% Detection of Bacterias Light Reflection Sound Isulation Air dBA 54,2 dbA weighted forged, 64,7 dbA weighted with roofing Sample Escayolas Niñerola Test conducted with a 25 cm plenum waffle slab or reinforced concret 30 cm thick, subjected in it the Bioplac Ceiling. Formed of Hormigon Armed Forged 54,2 dbA weighted, 57 ( -3,-9) dB sound reduction with BIOPLAC Ceilings. 64,7 dbA weighted, 72 ( -7,14)dB sound reduction Type of Installation BIOPLAC Ceiling Installation is made with BIOPLAC PROFILES, 24 mm thickness and subjected by items recommended by ESCAYOLAS NIÑEROLA,SL ( producer). BIOPLAC Ceilings give an easy access to plenum for maintenance, air conditioning installation, lighting, piped music, smoke detection, water pipes, …. Type E 589 / 591 mm E24 6 un/box ; 2.16 sqm/box 288 un/pal ; 103.68 sqm/pal grupo E S C AYO L A S NIÑEROLA gypsum plaster systems Partida Cometes s/n 12511 Rossell (Castellón) SPAIN tel 0034977571178 - fax 0034977571228 - 10 mm 9 mm 19 mm 7 mm 5735 mm construction Bioplac ecological eco 2 European Normalistation 7 mm
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