andhra pradesh power generation corporation limited
andhra pradesh power generation corporation limited
ANDHRAPRADESHPOWERGENERATION CORPORATION LIMITED - 52L456, TRAINING INSTITUTE, IBRAHIMPATNAM Ph/Fax:0866- 2882308| 288t973,mai |: in DEPARTMENTALTESTS,FORTHE EMPLOYEES OF APGENCO,APTRANSCO APEPDCLAND APSPDCL Notification No.O1-ICE 15 DATE: 19.10.15 Notification to all CEs., SEs etc. of APGENCO, APTRANSCO, APEPDCL and A P S P D C LI N A . P . : In pursuance of rules 5 and 6 of Departmental Test Rules 1973 approved in M e m o . N o . 3 0 9/3A 2 / 7 2 - ! 4 , D t . 1 0 . 1 2 . L 9 7 3 a n d s e r v i c e R e g u l a t i o n s A.P.S,E.B.Board notified that the following Departmental Examinationswill be held on 9th and 10th of January,2OL6. (1) TESTS : The following departmentaltests will be conductedfor the employeesof APGENCO,APTRANSCO , APEPDCLand APSPDCL. ii ltl Accounts Test for AEs/AAEs(E/M/Electronics) (With Books) EachTest consistingof (With Books) AccountsTest for AEs/AAEs(Civil) 2 paperseachof 3 hoursduration AccountancyHigherGradeExamination(Without Books) (2) ELIGIBILITY TO APPEARFORTHE TESTS: I) Accounts Test for AEs/AAEs(Elec/Mech/Electronics): ( With Books) The candidates who are appointedas AEs/AEs(E/M/Electro) temporaryor regular or on deputationto other departmentsare eligibleto appear for the test. Those technicalpersonalbelowthe cadreof AEIAAE(ElM/Electro)rnay also applyfor the test. Thosewho have completeda minimumof one year of servicein the feedercadreas direct recruiteeexclusiveof EOLperiodif any, are only eligiblefor applyingthe test. shouldproducethe documentaryevidenceto that effectviz...,a copyof The candidates last increment releaseorders duly attested by the controllingofficer or the service certificatewhich shall be issuedby the controllingofficerconcernedonly, in respectof the candidatewho is workingdirectlyunder his/hercontroland which shouldproject is liableto be rejected,if, any one of the abovetwo the EOLperiodalso.The application documentsis not submittedby the candidatealongwith application. The AEs and the employeesbelow the cadre of AE who were appointedas traineesand not completedone year of serviceperiod and whose servicesare not appointedto regular time scale are not eligibleto apply for the test. The eligible evidenceas mentionedin the abovePara. shouldproducethe documentary candidates II) Accounts Test for AES/AAES(Civil)r(With Books) temporaryor regularor on who are appointedas AEs/AAES(Civil) The candidates deputationto other departmentsare eligibleto appearfor the test. Thosetechnical may also apply for the test. Those who personnelbelow the cadre of AE/AAE(Civil) have completeda minimum of one year of service in the feeder cadre as direct recruiteeexclusiveof EOL period if any, are only eligiblefor applyingthe test. The evidenceto that effectviz...,a copyof last shouldproducethe documentary candidates increment release orders duly attested by the controlling officer or the service certificatewhichshall be issuedby the controllingofficerconcernedonly, in respectof the candidatewho is working directlyunder his/hercontroland which shouldproject is liableto be rejected,if, any one of the abovetwo the EOLperiodalso.The application documentsis not submittedby the candidatealongwith application. The AEs and the employeesbelow the cadre of AE who were appointedas traineesand not completedone year of serviceperiod and whose servicesare not r e g u l a r i z eadr e n o t e l i g i b l et o a p p l yf o r t h e t e s t . T h e e l i g i b l ec a n d i d a t essh o u l dp r o d u c e evidenceas mentionedin the abovePara. the documentary III) Accountancy Higher Grade Examination: (Without Books) who are appointedas SeniorAssistants/SeniorStenostemporary The candidates or regularor on deputationto the other departmentsare eligible'toappearfor the test. Howeverthose Accountspersonnelbelowthe cadre of SeniorAssistants/SeniorStenosmay also applyfor the test. thosewho have completeda minimumof one year of servicein the feedercadreas directrecruiteeexclusiveof EOLperiodif any, are only evidence shouldproducethe documentary eligiblefor applyingthe test. The candidates to that effect viz..., a copy of last increment release orders duly attested by the controllingofficer or the servicecertificatewhich shall be issuedby the controlling only, in respectof the candidatewho is workingdirectlyunderhis/her officerconcerned controland which should projectthe EOLperiod also. The applicationis liableto be rejected,if, any one of the above two documentsis not submittedby the candidate a l o n gw i t h a p p l i c a t i o n . The employeesbelow the cadre of SeniorAssistants/Senior-Stenos who were appointedas traineesand not completedone year of serviceperiodand whoseservices are not appointedto regulartime scaleare not eligibleto applyfor the test.The eligible shouldproducethe documentary candidates evidenceas mentionin the abovePara. personnelof Accountsservicewho possessB.Com degree of a Universityneed not be requiredto passthis test as mentionedunderclass-lll, category-I of Annexure -IV of APSEBServiceRegulations Part-lll. specifies dated 07.Q2.2011 issuedin TOO Ms.No.46B Note: The ordersof APTRANSCO .'irrespectiveof the cadre the employeesare allowedto appearfor the departmental Howevermere passingof any test tests concerned,being conductedby APGENCO. other than the prescribedDepartmentalTest does not conferany right on the employee for claiming promotionto the next highercadreas envisagedin the serviceregulations Part-lll,Annexure-IV. (3) APPLICATIONFORMI The Applicationform and detailedinstructionsto fill the applicationform is Website"httPr/ /" availableat APGENCO FEE: (4) EXAMTNATTON The applicantshould pay the fee of Rs.200/-through Online by using Debit card/CreditcardlNet Banking. Applicantshould alsq upload copy of the certificateissued by the e$fficerned Contrslling Sfficer derly qttested phot* and Senrice €ertificate issared by pay officer or [ast irtcrement s-eceivedeopy' (5) FROMPAYMENTOF FEES: EXEMPTTON Each applicantmust pay Rs.200/-(RupeesTwo Hundredonly) towardsOnline eligiblefor exemptionas per ServiceRegulation Fee.Employees ApplicationProcessing -IV -llt, from paymentof examinationfee for the abovetests can claim paft Annexure slip from their concernedHead by producing,acknowledgement/counter reimbursement guidelines for claimingexemption the However of the officein whichthey Are working. from paymentof fee are as follows: i) If the test is prescribedas part of probationor for earningincrements,no fee will be leviedfor the first two attempts. ii) The Head of Office/ Controlling Officer is the Competent Authority for reimbursementof the examinationfee after duly verifyingthe ServiceRegisterof the respectiveemployee. j.,'.:.r - "-=--".--- ''"f-,'-r4''}:.: iii) ] "|,. +. The Headof office/ Headof Departmentshouldverify carefullythat the number of free chancesavailpd (two only) but the candidateand the same is to be recordedin the S.R before making the reimbursementof examinationfee of Rs200/- NOTE: Such of those candidateswho are below cadresof AEIAAE(E/M/ Electronics), AE/AAE(Civil),seniorAssistant/senior-stenoand appliedfor the abovetests i.e., 3(i) fees. to 3(iii) are not entitledfor claimingexemptionfrom examination 6) LISTEDCENTERSFqR CONDUCTINGTHE EXAMINATION: , u r n o o l ,T i r u p a t h i ,C u d d a p a hi n A .P a n d H y d e r a b a di n V i s a k h a p a t n a mV,i j a y a w a d q K TelaganaState, vTsAKHApATNAM CENTdE: Employeesworking in all the offices of APGENCO circle), and ApEpDcL locatedin EastGodavari(Rajahmundry , APSPDCL ,APTRANSCO SrikakulamDistrictsincludingSileru complex (upper Vizianagaroffl, Visakhapatnam, S i l e r u , L o w eSri l e r u& d o n k a f a y ia) n d M a c h k u n d . Employeesworking in all the offices of APGENCO VIJAy/\WADA CENTRE: west Godavari ,APTRANSCO,APSPDCLand APEPDCL located in Guntur, Krishna, Sn d E l u r uC i r c l e . D i s t r i c t isn c l u d i n gD T . N T T P a workingin all the officesof APGENCO ,APTRANSCO KURNOOLCENTRE: Ernployees Anantapur Kurnool, in located and APEPDCL , APSPDCL Employeesworking in all the offices of APGENCO TIRUpATHI CENTRE; !. , ApSpDCLand APEPDCLlocatedin chittoor, NelloreincludingSDSTPS ,ApTRANSCO and Prakasam(Ongole)Dis{ricts. Employeesworking in all the offices of APGENCO CUDDAPAHCENTRE: i and APEPDCLlocatedin YSR District,R.T.P.P.,T.B, Dam, , APSPDCL ,ApTRANSCO H o s p eat n d P e n n aA h o b i l a m . HYDERABADCENTER: Employeesworking in all officesof APGENCO,APTRANSCO, locatedin Hyderabadand RangaReddy Districtsof Telgana and APSPDCL APEPDCL State. 7) MODEOF SUBMTSSIONOF APPLTCATTON: A. HOW TO UPLOADTHE APPLICATIONFORM: The Applicantshave to reAd the User Guide for OnlineSubmissionof Applications and then proceedfurther. I Step: Paynient of Fee: The Applicantshouldpay the prescribedFeeas per the notification. II Step: Submission of Application: After paymentof Fee,the Candidatehas to logon to the .." to view the detailednotification,User website Guideand AppiicationForm inO uploadthe scannedcopy of passportsize photograph for scanningand uploadingphotographwith signature) with signature(see instructions and then invaiiuOlyfill all the relevant fields in the Application.Immediatelyon in the form of a submissionof application,applicantwill get an acknowledgement d o w n l o a d a bP l ed fd o c u m e n t . NOTE: 1. C a n d i d a t ehsa v et o s u b m i ta p p l i c a t i oonn l yt h r o u g ho n l i n e m o d e w e l li n advanceof the last date to avoidlast day rusn Z, Hand written / TVped/ Photostat copies/ Outside printed Application Formwill not be acceptedand liablefor rejection. B. GENERALPROVISIONS: 1. A p p l i c a n t sm u s t c o m p u l s o r i l yf i l l u p a l l r e l e v a n tc o l u m n so f a p p l i c a t i o na n d t h r o u g hw e b s i t eo n l y . T h e p a r t i c u l a r sm a d e a v a i l a b l ei n s u b m i tt h e a p p l i c a t i o n the websiteshall be processedthrough Computerand the eligibilitydecidedin terms of notification " Z. The Applicationsreceivedonline in the prescribedproforma availablein the Oi l l n o t b e a n d A P G E N Cw w e b s i t ea n d w i t h i n t h e t i m e s h a l lo n l y b e c o n s i d e r e d for any kind of discrepancy' heldresponsible 3. Applicantm s u s t u p l o a dh i s / h e r o w n s c a n n e dp h o t o a n d s i g n a t u r et h r o u g hj p g format in the followingstePs: Photowidth- 3.5cm PhotoHeight- 4;5cm S i g n a t u r eS p a c €= 1 . 5 c m Sign i) Pastethe Photoon any white paper as per the above requireddimensions. 7 in the SignatureSpaceprovided"Ensurethat the signatureis withinthe box. photographand signature.Pleasedo not ii) Scanthe aboverequiredsizecontaining s c a nt h e c o m p l e t eP a g e . iii) The entire image (of size 3.5 cm by 6.0 cm) consistingof the photo alongwith the signatureis requiredto be scannedand stored in x.ipg format on local machine. iv) Ensurethat the sizeof the scannedimageis not more than 50K8. v) If the sizeof the file is more than 50 KB, then adjustthe settingsof the scanner s u c ha s t h e d p i r e s o l u t i o nf,l o . o f c o l o r se t c . ,d u r i n gt h e p r o c e s so f s c a n n i n g . vi) The candidatehas to sign in full in the box provided.Sincethe signatureis proof of identity,it must be genuineand in full; initialsare not sufficient.Signaturein is not Permitted. CAPITALLETTERS vii)The signaturemust be signedonly by the candidateand not by any otherperson. viii)Thesignature will be used to put on the Hall Ticket and wherever necessary.If the candidate'ssignature on the answer script, at the time of the examination, does not match the signature on the Hall Ticket, the candidate will be disqualified, grygye|Wt&':ffi 'W?sffi%{&r,|,'ffi rzrS%bW,ZnwWan/:w of the samplescannedimageshownaboveare: e,g, The TechnicalSpecifications Sizeof the file < 50 KB Dpi setting= 200 dpi True color format by The candidatehas to uploadhis/herPhoto with Signature in the prescribed form. of application clickingon the browse buttonat the time of submission 4. Appticant should also upload espy cf the eertlfieate isstled bV the fabricatedor suppressany material informationwhile making an application throughwebsite. 6. APGENCO i s n o t r e s p o n s i b l ef o, r a n y d i s c r e p a n ciyn s u b m i t t i n gt h r o u g hO n l i n e and rejectingthe application.The applicantsare therefore,advisedto strictly followthe instructions and Userguidein their own interest. 7. Incomplete/incorrect application form will be summarilyrejectedand under any circumstances will not entertainthe informationif any furnishedby the candidate queriesallowed subsequently, and fufther no correspondence, B. Beforepayment of fee, submissionof applicationform, the candidatesshould carefullyensurehis/hereligibilityfor this notification.Feeonce paid will not be refunded. 9. To avoid last minute rush and delays,applicationsare advisedto submit the a p p l i c a t i o nwse l l i n a d v a n c e . 10. Candidates are requiredto retaina photocopyof submittedapplication form with ReferenceID for future reference. Note: Printedapplication alongwith originalcertificatemay be sentto The Chief Engineer/Trai ning Institute/APG ENCO/Ibra himpatnam-52t456, AP. 8. LAST DATE FOR APPLYING: The last date for payment of fee and submitting t o c u m e n ta s reasfollows: a p p l i c a t i oann d r e l e v a n d . S t a r t i n gd a t ef o r o n l i n eA p p l i c a t i osnu b m i s s i oins 0 1 . 1 1 . 1 5 . . L a s td a t ef o r p a y m e n to f F e ea t O n l i n ei s 1 9 . 1 1 . 1 5@ 1 3 . 0 0H r s . r L a s td a t ef o r s u b m i s s i oonf O n l i n eA p p l i c a t i oins 1 9 . 1 1 . 1 5 @ 2 3 . 5H9r s HALL TICKETS: The hall tickets will be placed on the websitefifteen days 9. prior to the date of examination.The candidatehas to down load the Hall ticket from by post. the websiteonly. Hallticketswill not be sentto the candidates 10, PASS MARKS: The candidatehas to securea minimum of 40 marks in each paperto passthe abovetest. t€=:#--.- .- !:. : ---:r!:'. :i, ;: :::: ;i:::#:;i:.!tl:;i- : 11. well websiteas puBLrcATroN oF RESULTS:Resultswill be displayedin APGENCO as in the noticeBoardof the officeschief Engineer,TrainingInstitute,APGENCO' will be sent to all the Chief -SLL4S6,KrishnaDist. and communication Ibrahimpatnam and APEPDCL of APGENCO , APSPDCL ,APTRANSCO Engineers OF MABKS: Memorandumof marks will be issuedon making 11) MEMORAT{DUM Ibrahimpatnam-52t456, Institute,APGENCo, to the ChiefEngineer,Training application with pin code A,p. by the candidateand also a self addressedenvelopeof size 10'5' of Marks' and affixed with Rs t0/- postagestamps for dispatchingthe memorandum made within three The applicationfor issuingthe Memorandumof Marks shall be issued,if the DD monthsfrom the date of publishingresults.No marks memo will be payableat StateBankof OFFICER/O&M/DT.NTTPS" may be drawnin favour"ACCOUNTS 521'456,AP drawn Hyderabad(IFSC Code sBHy 0o2o77g) IbrahimpatnamBranchfrom the prior to the date of resultsnotificationand after the last date of three months dateof resultsdeclared" L2) permissible REVALUATTON: Revaluationof answer scriptsin any test is not underanYcircumstances. 13) of marksshallnot be entertained' OF MARKS:Recounting RECOUNTTNG \ V\It$ru,l!C H I E FE N G I N E E R TRAININGINSTITUTE: : APGENCO 10 ;?.,L.r&t.<i:.-i-.. \ ' "r SYLLABUS PAPER-I PART - A M a n u aVl o l .I A.P.E.D 1. (chapters- l, ll, lll, lv, v (excludingSec- IV) Vl, Vlll and lX) M a n u aVl o l ' l l A.P.E.D 2. ( A p p e n d i c e- sl , l l l , l v , v , v l , v l l l , x , x l , x l l , x l l l , x xxlx, l l , x x l l l , x x v , x x v l ) (Note: ltem No.s 1 & 2 mat€rial can be downloaded from internet') PART - B Act, 2003 IndianElectricitY 1. Rules1956 IndianElectricitY 2. Grid Cqde IndianElectricitY 3. TechnicalHandBook. 4. and Retailsupply Licenses" Generalterms and conditionsof supplyof Distribution 5. (Note: ltem No.s 3'4 & 5 mqterial can be downloaded from internet) PAPER. II PART.A -l I. 2. 3. 4. 5. AccountsManualPart- ll, StoresAccounts. Commercial A.p"S.E.B paragraph A . p . F i n a n c i aCl o d eV o l . l , C h a p t e r- l , l l , l l l , l V , V , V l , V l l , V l l l e x c l u d i n g 184 to 200 and 203 to 208 relatingto worksallottedto publicworksdepartment, (Paragraphs226 to 24a only). iiorest and Excise Departments).Chapter X ChaptersXl, Xll, Xlll,XlV. A . P ,F i n a n c i aCl o d eV o l . l l : A p p e n d i c eLs, 2 , 4 , 7 , ! O , L 4 , 1 5 ( i t e m sB a n d9 o n l y ) t B , 2 L , 2 2 , 2 3a n d2 5 . AccountsCodeVol. lll. Factory'sAct and Rulesand there under. PART - B 1. 2. 3. Board pensionRules Including liberalizedPensionRules and Family Pension to be set shallbe of simplenature) Rules.(Questions Act and Rulesthere under' Workmen'sCompensation A.p, TreasuryCodeVoli lThe A.P.TreasuryRulesin Part l. Instructionsunder T r e a s u r yR u l e sB & 9 . T . R .R u l e s1 0 : Sub - Rules1 to 4, 6 and 7 exceptionunder instruction3, sub rules,B, 9, 10 (Except1 & 20). i . n . R u l e s1 1 : S u b s i d i a r ryu l e s1 a n d 2 i n s t r u c t i o n2s. B. Treasuryrule 16, sub - rules2 to L4, 76 to 27 and instructions T . R ,R u l e r s3 2 : Sub rules 1 to 5 instructions1 to 10 portionswhich have direct bearingon ElectricityDi:Partment" SYLLABUS (cryrL) PAPER -I PART - A 1 . A . P .E .D M a n u a lV o l . | ( E x c l u d i n gc h a p t e r sl V a n d V l l l ) 2 . A . P . E . DM a n u a lV o l . l l E x c l u d i n gA p p e n d i c e lsX , X , X l , X X l l l ) " 3. FactoriesAct and Rulesthere under. (Note: ltem No.s I & 2 material can be downloaded from internet) PART - B 1. Indian ElectricityAct, 2003, 2. A.P. DetailedStandard Specification. 3. Workmen CompensationAc[ and Rulesthereunder. P A P E R- I I PART -A 1. 2. 3" 4. l a r t- l l S t o r e sA c c o u n t s . A . P . S . E . BC.o m m e r c i aAl c c o u n t sM a n u aP CodeVol" I Chapter- l, lll (Art, 7-23,28 & 3L-37)lV, V, Vl (Art, 91 A.P.Financial L L t z , 1 1 5 a n d 1 2 0 )V l l l ,X l l ,X I V( A r t 3 L 7 , 3 1 9& 3 2 6 ) . A . P .F i n a n c i aCl o d eV o l . l l , A p p e n d i c e-sl V , X I Va n d X X V . A.P.TreasuryCodeVol. I - Partl, the A,P.TreasuryRulesPart- ll TR-7 (lnstn.2 u n d e rT R 7 ( 2 ) ( T R . 1 0s u b - R r u l e2 - 6 , 7 ( c ) a n d 7 ( d ) a n d 1 8 & I n s t n . ,5 , 1 5 ) R 1 3 I n s t n sT. R 1 6 ( S u b- R u l eI , 2 ( a ) , a n d 1 6 , T R - 1 6( S u b - R u l p1s a n d I n s t n . 2T 4 , 5 , 2 8 , 3 9 - 5 0 , 5 2 , 5 4 - 5 6 , 6 1 a n d 6 3 a n d l n s t n3 - 1 0 , 4 0 - 4 3 ,4 6 - 4 9 , 5 2 , 5a7n d n - 10). 5 8 ) T r " 2 3( l n s t n .1 , 2 & / ) a n dT R . 3 2( S u b -R u l e1 - 4 a n d i n s t r u c t i o 3 PART - B 1. 2. 3. and FamilyPensionRules. Board'sPensionRulesincludingLiberalized t o d eV o l . I ( C h a p t elrl l , V l ) . A . P .A c c o u nC A.P.AccountsCodeVol" lll (ChaptersI, lV). SYLLABUS PAPER-I PART - A 1" 2. 3. 4. 5. Journaland Adjustmententriesrelatingto Board'sown Accounting. CapitalExpenditureand RevenueExpenditure. (DrawingAccount,Remittances Bank Reconciliation Account,Current Account). B i l l so f E x c h a n g e . Short Noteson the abovesubjects. PART - B 1. Trading, Profit & Loss Account and BalanceSheet. 2. 3, Depreciation and Reservesrelatingto Board. Accountingof Materials/Cashlost or stolen,Accountingof shortage/Excess in Stockverificationreports/ Handingover Notes,sale of Boardmaterial/ Assets. Short noteson the abovesubjects, 4. P A P E R- I I PART .A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Tariff ordersissuedfrom time to time by APERC. Simple Cost Accounting(J0b Work, Fundamentals,Preparationof Cost Data, Manufacturing operationsand suspenseAccount). I n t e r U n i tA c c o u n t( T .D " A sa n d T . C . A s ) . Accounting o f r e n e w a l sa n d r e p l a c e m e n tdsu e t o n a t u r a lc a l a m i t i e s . I n c o m eT a x u n d e rs a l a r yH e a do n l y . Short noteson the abovesubjects. PART -B 1. 2. 3. 4. CompanyAccounts. I n c o m ea n d E x p e n d i t u r A e ccount" Departmentaland BranchAccounts. Short Noteson the abpvesubjects. \ W#*,1!C H I E FE N G I N E E R TRAININGINSTITUTE: : APGENCO