Curriculum Vitae - the University of Salford


Curriculum Vitae - the University of Salford
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
Curriculum Vitae
(Version dated 1 January 2016)
Prof. Miklas Scholz,
Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
Chair in Civil Engineering, Head of the Civil Engineering Research Group
My Vision:
Sufficient Clean Water for Everyone
Date of birth: 16 October 1970
Office Address: Civil Engineering Research Group, School of Computing, Science and Engineering,
The University of Salford, Newton Building, Greater Manchester M5 4WT, UK
Phone: 0044 161 2955921. Mobile: 0044 7765464263. Fax: 0044 161 2955575. E-mail:
Home Address: Cowpe Lodge, Cowpe Road, Cowpe, Waterfoot, Rossendale, Lancashire BB4 7AE, UK
Brief Overview of Contents
Part 1: Summary of Research Impact
Part 2: General Information and Career
Part 3: Research Environment and Income
Part 4: Research Output Including Publications
Part 5: Research Impact, Recognition and Esteem
Part 6: Teaching
Part 7: Administration
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
Part 1: Summary of Research Impact
1.1. Research Impact
Prof. Miklas Scholz, cand ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng, FHEA, FIEMA,
FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA holds the Chair in Civil Engineering at The University of Salford. He is the Head of
the Civil Engineering Research Group. Prof. Scholz has shown individual excellence evidenced by world-leading
publications, postgraduate supervision and research impact. His main research areas in terms of publication output
are as follow: treatment wetlands, integrated constructed wetlands (ICW), sustainable flood retention basins
(SFRB), permeable pavement systems, decision support systems, ponds and capillary suction time. About 45%
and 46% of his research is in water resources management and wastewater treatment, respectively. The
remaining 9% are in capillary processes and water treatment.
Civil Engineering
Decision Support Systems
Watercourse Remediation
Developing Countries
Algal Control
Dam Risk Failure Measurement
Retention Basins
Sustainable Flood Retention Basins
Water Resources
Detention Tanks
Agricultural Water Management
Eutrophic Rivers
Silt Traps
Climate Change
Sustainable Drainage Systems
Storm water
Permeable Pavements
Wetland Systems
Contaminated Sediment
Integrated Constructed Wetlands
Treatment Wetlands
Dinking Water
Capillary Suction Time
Activated Carbon
Overview of Current Research Areas and Their Corresponding Relative Importance, and Linkages Between
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering
Watercourse Remediation
Decision Support Systems
Developing Countries
Dam Risk Failure Measurement
Retention Basins
Algal Control
Crop Irrigation
Sustainable Flood Retention Basins
Water Resources Management Climate Change
Water Agricultural Water Management
Eutrophic Rivers
Sustainable Drainage Systems
Permeable Pavements
Storm water
Grey Water
Integrated Constructed Wetlands
Wetland Systems
Treatment Wetlands
Contaminated Sediment
Dinking Water
Textile Wastewater
Sludge Dewatering
Capillary Suction Time
Overview of Future Research Areas and Their Corresponding Relative Importance, and Linkages Between
He has published three books and 180 journal articles. Since 2009, he tops the publication list in terms of
numbers for all members of staff at The University of Salford. Prof. Scholz’s full journal article publications in recent
years are as follows: 2009 (13), 2010 (19), 2011 (13), 2012 (21), 2013 (17), 2014 (15) and 2015 (17). He publishes
regularly in the following journals with high impact factors: Bioresource Technology, Building and Environment,
Construction and Building Materials, Desalination, Ecological Engineering, Environmental Modelling & Software,
Environmental Pollution, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Journal of Chemical Technology and
Biotechnology, Journal of Environmental Management, Landscape and Urban Planning, Science of the Total
Environment and Water Research. Prof. Scholz has total citations of more than 3033 (above 2289 citations since
2011), resulting in an h-index of 28 and an i10-Index of 69. His top 5 publications in terms of Google Scholar
Citations (1 December 2015) are as follows:
1. Scholz M. (2006), Wetland Systems to Control Urban Runoff. Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. (223)
2. Scholz M. and Grabowiecki P. (2007), Review of Permeable Pavement Systems. Building and Environment,
42 (11), 3830-3836. (198)
3. Kayranli B., Scholz M., Mustafa A. and Hedmark Å. (2010), Carbon Storage and Fluxes Within Freshwater
Wetlands: a Critical Review. Wetlands, 30 (1), 111-124. (148)
4. Scholz M. and Lee B.-H. (2005), Constructed Wetlands: A Review. International Journal of Environmental
Studies, 62 (4), 421-447. (115)
5. Scholz M. and Martin R. J. (1997), Ecological Equilibrium on Biological Activated Carbon. Water Research, 31
(12), 2959-2968. (106)
Prof. Scholz is an Editor, Sub-editor and Editorial Board member (no double counting) of 16, 6 and 40 journals,
Miklas has a currently active income of usually £270,000. His income over the past six years is typically
£1,500,000. This includes research and other grants, and consultancy.
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
His SFRB concept assesses the multi-functionality of all large water bodies with particular reference to their flood
and diffuse pollution control potential. A novel and unbiased classification system allows all stakeholders to clearly
define the purpose of a water body that can be classed as an SFRB. Communication among stakeholders
regarding the most appropriate management of SFRB is greatly enhanced. Moreover, the SFRB concept
addresses the need to assess the flood control potential of all European water bodies as part of new legislation.
His research has led to the incorporation of findings into national and international guidelines on wetland and
sustainable drainage systems. The greatest impact has been made in the area of ICW in Ireland, Northern Ireland,
Scotland and England. Prof. Scholz contributed to the design guidelines of wetland systems as a research
consultant. The guidelines assist managers in all aspects of ICW planning, design, construction, maintenance and
management. Moreover, specific guidelines were written for ICW used by farmers to treat farm yard runoff in
Scotland and Northern Ireland, and Ireland. These guidelines are specifically mentioned in national legislation.
The guidelines on SFRB and ICW have led to the international uptake of both the SFRB and ICW concepts and the
researched hybrid SuDS. This work has particularly benefited the British Isles, and Central and Northern Europe.
For example, ICW are now being constructed in Belgium, Germany, the United States of America and China.
1.2. Some Views
“Your CV is impressive, it was already very good when you had come to Skiathos in June 2007.”
Prof. Kungolos Athanasios (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece), 2016
“Prof. Miklas Scholz is an internationally leading authority on wetlands and sustainable drainage.”
Prof. Jesper Arfvidsson, Head of Department (Lund University, Sweden), 2016
“You have a very impressive record of research and wider activity.”
Prof. Bill Adams, Moran Professor of Conservation and Development, Head of Department (University of
Cambridge, UK), 2015
“Your CV is out of this world and exceptional.”
International Research Journal of Engineering (Prudent Journals), 2015
“an exceptional CV”
Dr Raymohan Karthikeyan, Director, (Scienceflora Publishers Private Ltd., India), 2015
“your CV is very impressive”
Prof. Holger Schüttrumpf (RWTH Aachen, Germany), 2015
“we were very impressed by your CV”
Prof. Hans Hanson (Lund University, Sweden), 2015
“Exceptional profile with many publications in high impact journals”
Prof. Sunil Vadera (The University of Salford, UK), 2015
“Your delivered material of your CV is really amazing and it took me some time to study it with interest.”
Prof. Franz Nestmann (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany), 2015
“You have a very impressive CV […] Regarding your impressive research profile […]”
Prof. Reinhard Hinkelmann (Technische Universität Berlin, Germany), 2015
“Prof. Scholz’s reputation is built on the internationally recognized impact of his research […] Prof. Scholz
publishes papers regularly in the top research journals in his area. […] Prof. Scholz’s research is timely, novel and
cutting-edge.[…] Prof. Scholz clearly belongs to the key researchers in the fields of constructed wetlands and
sustainable drainage in the world. His internationally leading research is in urban and more recently rural runoff
control […] His research findings are internationally recognized as highly important and relevant.”
Prof. Suiliang Huang (Nankai University, China), 2014
“Professor Scholz has been particularly successful at seeking out novel investigative methodologies, exploring and
delivering water-vectored management methodologies. He quickly embraces new land and water engineering
concepts, technologies and related areas of competence that he may not have earlier possessed, incorporating
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
them into his field of competence and subsequently sharing these new understandings with his students and
Dr Rory Harrington (Government Department of Environment, Culture and Local Government, Ireland), 2013
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
Part 2: General Information and Career
2.1. Current Appointment
Professor in Civil Engineering, Chair in Civil Engineering and Head of the Civil Engineering Research Group,
School of Computing, Science and Engineering, College of Science and Technology, The University of Salford,
Salford, Greater Manchester M5 4WT, England, United Kingdom
2.2. Career Since Graduation
 07/2015, Visiting Professor at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu,
China. He taught the course entitled Water Quality, and Water and Wastewater Treatment (20 hours) to 27 final
year students.
 Since 12/2014, Deputy Director of the Engineering Research Centre (ERC) at The University of Salford.
 Since 02/2013, Head of the Civil Engineering Research Group (CERG) at The University of Salford after
restructuring of previous research centres to address a new College REF strategy.
 09/2011-02/2013, Director of the Civil Engineering Research Centre (CERC) at The University of Salford.
 12/2010-11/2011, Honorary Fellowship at the School of Engineering at The University of Edinburgh.
 Since 10/2010, Chair in Civil Engineering (Grade Professor; level 2) at The University of Salford.
 06/2008-05/2011, Visiting Professor at the Department of Land Use and Improvement at the Faculty of
Environmental Sciences at the Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic.
 Since 02/2008, Visiting Professor at the College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering at Nankai
University, Tianjin, China.
 09/2007-08/2010, Honorary Fellow at the School of the Built Environment at Heriot-Watt University.
 08/2007-09/2010, Senior Lecturer in Civil and Environmental Engineering at The University of Edinburgh.
 08/2002-07/2007, Lecturer (Grade B) in Civil and Environmental Engineering at The University of
 09/1999-08/2002, Lecturer (Grade B) in Environmental Water Engineering at the University of Bradford.
 02/1998-08/1999, Post-doctoral Research Fellow at The University of Reading. Research in the areas of
(multivariate) statistics and geostatistics applied to the National Soil Inventory of England and Wales for the UK
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, and spatial satellite data analysis for the US Army Topographic
Engineering Center.
 10/1995-01/1998, Postgraduate Teaching Assistant at The University of Birmingham.
2.3. University Education and Academic Degrees Awarded
DSc (part-time) in Civil Engineering at The University of Salford; 2015 (in progress).
DSc (part-time) in Civil Engineering at City University (London); since 2012 (in progress).
PgC (part-time) in Higher Education Practice at the University of Bradford; first class; 2000-2002.
PhD (25 months) in Civil Engineering at The University of Birmingham; pass with minor modifications; 19951997.
 MSc in Water Resources Engineering at City University (London); first class; 1994-1995.
 ‘Vordiplom’ in Civil Engineering (recognized as first degree by the Engineering Council in 2002) at the
Technical University of Berlin; upper second class; 1991-1994 (including preliminary studies at the Technical
University of Kaiserslautern).
2.4. Professional Qualifications
 Since 2012, Fellow Member of the International Water Association (IWA).
 Since 2010, Fellow Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE).
 Since July 2007, Fellow Member of The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management
(CIWEM). Registered as a Chartered Water and Environmental Manager via CIWEM.
 Since 2005, Fellow Member of the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA);
Affiliate Member of IEMA in 2004; Member of IEMA in 2005.
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
Since 2004, Registration as a Chartered Environmentalist via CIWEM.
Since 2004, Registration as a Chartered Scientist via CIWEM.
Between 2003 and 2010, Member of ICE.
Since 2007, Fellow Member of the Higher Education Academy.
Since 2002, Registration as a Chartered Engineer via CIWEM.
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
Part 3: Research Environment and Income
3.1. Research Assessment Exercise Status
I was returned as research active at the Research Assessment Exercises in 2001 and 2008 from the University of
Bradford and The University of Edinburgh, respectively. I was also returned for the Research Excellence
Framework in 2014.
3.2. Income
Research Grants:
 Scholz M. and Antonacopoulos A. (2015-2016), Development of the Dewaterability Estimation Test (DET)
Apparatus, Innovation Fellows/Staff Challenge, Research and Innovation, The University of Salford,
approximately £14,000. Note: Place 1 out of 18 submissions; only three (17%) proposals got funded.
 Scholz M. (2015-2016), Bayu Foreign Experts Cooperation Grant project. Transportation fee, accommodation
fee, and related living costs are covered by Chongqing Jiaotong University, and Chongqing Jiaotong
University is paying for the work, approximately £6,000.
 Scholz M. (2015-2018), Bench fee for Ms. Ruqayah Mohammed (PhD student) over three formal study years.
Iraqi Government, £9,000.
 Ray S. and Scholz M. (2015), Newton Bhabha PhD Placement Programme, British Council, £12,000.
 Wang Y. and Scholz M. (2015-2018), Bench fee for Mrs. Huda Alnomani (PhD student) over three formal study
years. Iraqi Government, £12,000.
 Scholz M. (2015-2018), Bench fee for Mr. Amjad Hussein (PhD student) over three formal study years. Iraqi
Government, £9,000.
 Scholz M. (2015-2018), Bench fee for Mr. Abdurazzaq Al-Tomi (PhD student) over three formal study years.
Government of Libya, £6,000.
 Scholz M. (2015-2018), Bench fee for Mr. Mohammed Abdulwahid Abdullah Nanekely (PhD student) over three
formal study years. Kurdish Regional Government, approximately £3,000.
 Scholz M. (2014-2017), Bench fee Mr. Suhail Najem Abed (PhD student) over three formal study years. Student
self-funded, approximately £6,000.
 Scholz M. (2014-2017), Bench fee Mrs. Dina Ali Yaseen (PhD student) over three formal study years. Iraqi
Government, approximately £9,250.
 Scholz M. (2013-2016), Bench fee for Mrs. Suhad Abd Al-Ameer Naeem Almuktar (PhD student) over three
formal study years. Iraqi Government, approximately £9,250.
 Scholz M. (2013-2016), Bench fee for Mrs. Rawaa Hussein Kadhim Al-Isawi (PhD student) over three formal
study years. Iraqi Government, approximately £9,250.
 Scholz M. (2012), Staff Placement with Marshalls (HEIF 5 2012 – 2013). The University of Salford, £2,000.
 Scholz (2012-2016), Sustainable Drainage Systems. General Teaching Assistant and PhD Studentship for Mr.
Vincent Uzomah. The University of Salford, approximately £65,000.
 Scholz (2012), Scientific Assessment of the Permeable Pavement Priora System. Marshalls. £10,500.
 Scholz M. (2011-2013), Financial support provided by The University of Edinburgh for Mr. Yu Dong to
undertake further experimental work as part of his PhD. £3,000.
 Tota-Maharaj K., Scholz M., Tumula P., Babatunde A., Grabowiecki P., Wang Y., Bennett R. and Littera M.
(2011-2012). University of Salford Initiatives for Living Sustainably’ (UNISAILS), Alumni Relations in the
Development Office, The University of Salford. £5,000.
 Tumula P. and Scholz M. (2011-2014), Iron and Manganese Compliance in Water in Distribution Networks.
Prof. Scholz supports (as a co-investigator at 25%) the principle investigator Dr Tumula (75%). United Utilities.
 Tumula P. and Scholz M. (2010-2013), Assessment of the Relationships between Sustainable Flood Retention
Basin Variables and Catchment Characteristics. EPSRC PhD Studentship. Approximately £65,000.
 Yang Q. and Scholz M. (2010-2011), Sustainable Flood Retention Basins to Control Flooding and Diffuse
Pollution. Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (German Academic Exchange Service). Six months
study visit to the Technical University of Munich. Approximately £5,250.
 Yang Q. and Scholz M. (2010), Sustainable Flood Retention Basins to Control Flooding and Diffuse Pollution.
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (German Academic Exchange Service). Three months study visit
to the Technical University of Munich. Approximately £2,680.
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
 Mustafa A. and Scholz M. (2010-2012), Application of Solar Disinfection for Treatment of Contaminated Water.
Advanced Studies and Research Board, NED University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi, Pakistan.
Approximately £3,600.
 Scholz M. (2010), Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Research Stipend. Title: Sustainable Flood Retention
Basins to Control Flooding and Diffuse Pollution. Host: University of Freiburg (Germany). Duration: 01/0730/09/10. Approximately £6,115.
 Babatunde A. and Scholz M. (2010-2013), Wetlands, Marie Curie and Irish Research Council for Science,
Engineering and Technology fellowship award to Akin Babatunde to undertake research on wetland system
clogging with Miklas Scholz in England and Ireland, consumables budget of £16,221 to The University of
 Scholz (2009-2012), PhD scholarship (Integrated Constructed Wetlands and Flood Control) for Mr. Yu Dong,
China Scholarship Council, approximately £80,000.
 Scholz M. (2009-2010), The University of Edinburgh award: Capillary Suction Time Test Development,
£13,225 towards student fees.
 Scholz (2009-2012), Universal Guidelines for Wetland Systems to Control Runoff, International Joint Project
with Nankai University. The Royal Society, £6,000.
 Scholz (2008-2009), National Telford Institute Workshop on Sustainable Urban Water Management – Promoting
Top Research at Scottish Universities, National Telford Institute, approximately £3,000.
 Scholz (2008-2011), PhD scholarship (Sustainable Flood Retention Basins) for Ms. Yang Qinli, China
Scholarship Council, approximately £80,000.
 Scholz M. (2008-2012), Strategic Alliance for Integrated Water Management Actions (SAWA). European Union
INTERREG grant 22 partners from five countries. European Union, overall budget of £6,450,500 (50% EU
funds), of which £387,100 (50% EU funds) goes to the university to work on the ‘Classification and Optimisation
of Flood Retention Structures to Control Flooding and Diffuse Pollution’.
 Scholz M. (2008), International Travel Grant to fund research cooperation on log yard runoff control in Sweden,
The Royal Academy of Engineering, £1,000.
 Scholz M. (2008-2011), The Next Generation of Permeable Pavement Systems, PhD Studentship Award,
Heidelberg/Hanson/Formpave, £65,000.
 Scholz M., Tumula P. and Muneer T. (2007-2010). Integrated Constructed Wetlands, PhD Studentship Award,
Edinburgh Research Partnership, £54,000.
 Scholz M. (2008-2011). Integrated Constructed Wetlands Treating Domestic Wastewater, PhD Studentship,
Monaghan County Council, £85,000.
 Scholz M. and Culleton N. (2007-2010). Design of Integrated Constructed Wetlands to dewater and Treat Farm
Slurry, PhD Studentship, Teagasc (The Agriculture and Food Development Authority), £42,800.
 Scholz M. (2007-2008). Supervision of Mr. Xianqiang Tang (Nankai University), who received a PhD scholarship
from the China Scholarship Council (National Study-abroad Project for Postgraduates of Key Constructed
High Level Universities in China in 2007), National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 50479034),
approximately £26,000.
 Scholz M. (2007-2008). Supervision of Mr. Liang Zhang (Wuhan University), who received a PhD scholarship
from the China Scholarship Council (National Study-abroad Project for Postgraduates of Key Constructed
High Level Universities in China in 2007), National Natural Science Foundation of China, approximately
 Scholz M. (2006), Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Summer Scholarship
Award, £1,700.
 Scholz M. (2006), Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Research Stipend. Title: Classification of Vegetated
Flood Water Retention Areas Applied in the River Rhine Catchment. Host: University of Freiburg (Germany).
Duration: 25/03-30/09/06. Approximately £11,650.
 Scholz M. (2006), Integrated Constructed Wetlands for the Removal of Nutrients, funding for molecular
microbiological work, Irish Government Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government,
 Scholz M. (2005-2008), College Studentship Award: Capillary Suction Time Test Development. The University
of Edinburgh. £21,000 towards fees and maintenance.
 Scholz M. (2005-2008), PhD Studentship Award: Assessment of Combined Permeable Pavements and Ground
source Heat Pumps. Hanson/Formpave, £58,240.
 Scholz M. (2005-2007), PhD Studentship Award: Development of a Novel Capillary Suction Time Apparatus for
Sludge Dewaterability Testing. Triton Electronics, £7,460.
 Scholz M. (2005-2006), UK-China Scholarship for a Visiting Post-doctoral Fellow, £15,000.
 Scholz M. (2004-2008), PhD Studentship Award: Design and Operation of Storm water Storage and Treatment
Systems. Alderburgh/Atlantis Storm Water Management, £47,100.
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
 Scholz M. (2004), Industrial Secondment Scheme Award funded by The Royal Academy of Engineering and
Glasgow City Council. Title: The Glasgow Sustainable Urban Drainage System Management Project. Host:
Glasgow City Council. £18,840 in total (£8,720 funded by the Academy and £10,120 funded by the Council).
 Scholz M. (2003), Global Research Award funded by The Royal Academy of Engineering and The University
of Edinburgh (matched funding). Title: Water Quality and Hydraulic Residence Time Control Management
Applied for Restored Wetlands. Host: The University of Kiel (Germany). £20,000 (£16,000 from the Academy
and £4,000 from the host).
 Ashley R. M., Scholz M. and Headley A. D., (2001-2004), Performance of Sustainable Urban Drainage
Systems, PhD Studentship, DTA and Kirklees Metropolitan Council, £25,000
 Scholz M. and Ashley R. M. (2000-2003), Aquatic Microbiological and Biological Ecology within Wetlands and
Reed Beds, PhD Studentship, Natural Environmental Research Council, £25,000.
Other Grants
 Scholz M. (2015), Annual travel grant. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute AG, £1310.
 Scholz M. (2015), Grant to cover fees and some expenses related to The 5th World Sustainability Forum in
Basel (7-9 September 2015). Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute AG, £600.
 Scholz M. (2014), Open Access Support Grant 2014 for the journal paper entitled “Groundwater Quality Impacts
from a Full-scale Integrated Constructed Wetland”. The University of Salford, £1890.
 Scholz M. (2014), Open Access Support Grant 2014 for the journal paper entitled “Sensitivity of Surface Runoff
to Drought and Climate Change: Application for Shared River Basins”. The University of Salford, £680.
 Scholz M. (2014), EIP Water: Conference in Barcelona on 5 & 6 November 2014 (Horizon 2020 programme).
The University of Salford, Research Bidding Support Fund 2014/15, £500.
 Scholz M. (2014), EU project ECODEMOS meetings in Sweden (Horizon 2020 programme). The University of
Salford, Research Bidding Support Fund 2013/14, £200.
 Scholz M. (2014), Annual travel grant. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), £1336.
 Scholz M. (2014), Open Access Support Grant 2014 for the journal paper entitled “Impact of Sludge Floc Size
and Water Composition on Dewaterability”. The University of Salford, £1799.
 Scholz M. (2014), Open Access Support Grant 2014 for the journal paper entitled “Arsenic(V) Removal in
Wetland Filters Treating Drinking Water with Different Substrates and Plants”. The University of Salford,
 Scholz M. (2013), EU project AWAKES meeting (Horizon 2020 programme). The University of Salford,
Research Bidding Support Fund 2013/14, £855.
 Sani A. and Scholz M. (2013), Postgraduate Research Fund contribution to WETPOL 2013 conference
participation of the PhD student Abdulkadir Sani. The University of Salford, £500.
 Scholz M. (2013), Gift to the University to Support Civil Engineering PhD and Undergraduate Students. MGF
Ltd. - Excavation Support Systems, 2013-2-14, £19,000 (£9,000 to support Prof. Scholz’s PhD students).
 Scholz M. (2013), EU project AWAKES meeting (FP 7 programme). The University of Salford, Research
Bidding Support Fund 2012/13, £855.
 Scholz M. (2012), EU call information meeting participation. The University of Salford, College of Science and
Technology Research and Innovation Development Fund 2012/13, £400.
 Scholz M. (2012), Travel and subsistence grant, and bursary to give a keynote lecture at the 3rd International
Conference on Pollution Ecology. Nankai University, approximately £2,000.
 Scholz M. (2011), Research Bidding Support Fund. EPSRC grant proposal preparation. The University of
Salford, £3,000.
 The University of Salford has provided approximately £65,000 as a start-up fund for various research activities
in civil engineering between 2010 and 2011.
 The Royal Academy of Engineering has provided travel grants to support conference participations on an
annual basis since 1999. The total value is approximately £5,500.
 Successful application to EPSRC to participate at the Sustainable Urban Environment Grand Challenge
Workshop on Integration Across Scales on 14 and 15 July 2009.
 Student travel award by the Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) for Mrs. Qinli Yang
(supervised by Miklas Scholz) to undertake research at the Technical University in Munich between January
and March 2010; approximately £2,840.
 Scholz (2015), Teaching Services. University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu,
China, £1100.
 Scholz (2015), Pre-editing Services of Journal Articles. Bosen Academic Conference Solutions Co. Limited,
Wuhan, China, £400.
 Scholz (2015), Pre-editing Services of Journal Articles. Bosen Academic Conference Solutions Co. Limited,
Wuhan, China, £600.
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
 Scholz (2015), Assessment of Hanbury Hall Proposed Sanitation System. Bear Valley Ventures Limited,
Cotebrook, Tarporley, Cheshire, £2040.
 Scholz (2015), Scientific Article Editing Service. COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad,
 Scholz (2014), Brief Literature Review on Porous Surfacing. Marshalls, approximately £2400.
 Scholz (2014), Assessment of an Integrated Constructed Wetland Design Proposal. Enfield Council,
approximately £1500.
 Scholz (2013), Assessment of the Product Capacity Down Pipe. Watering Pipe, approximately £4,300.
 Scholz (2013), Proof of Concept Proposal on Fire Water Runoff Management for the Greater Manchester Fire
and Rescue Service, Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service, approximately £6050.
 Scholz (2013), Review of the Research Excellence Framework Unit of Assessment 14 submission by the
Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Greenwich (Part B), University of Greenwich, £150.
 Scholz (2013), Review of the Research Excellence Framework Unit of Assessment 14 submission by the
Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Greenwich (Part A), University of Greenwich, £1,500.
 Scholz M. (2012-2013), The role of natural, restored and managed/constructed wetlands in mitigating the
impacts of rural pollution upon water quality. Systematic review, Department for Environment, Food and
Rural Affairs (Defra) and the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH), approximately £4,000.
 Scholz M. (2011), Assessment of the document “Finnart Petroleum Treatment Wetland: Detailed Concept
Design, Ineos Manufacturing, Grangemouth Projects, £10,000.
 Scholz M. (2010), Assessment of the United Nations Environment Programme KNOwledge from Science to
SOcietieS (KNOSSOS) project outcomes, United Nations, £3,844.
 Scholz M. (2010), Assessment of River Water Treatment with Moringa oleifera in China (First Phase), Weitex
Company (Taiwan), £830.
 Scholz M. (2010), Wetland System Assessment, Ove Arup and Walsh Water, approximately £1,200.
 Scholz M. (2008), Wetland Assessment, Environmental Reclamation Services Ltd., £350.
 Scholz M. (2007), Glaslough Sewerage Scheme: Briefing for Sampling the Integrated Constructed Wetland
System, Monaghan County Council (Ireland), £1,645.
 Carty A. H., Scholz M., Heal K, Keohane J. and Dunne E. (2007), Constructed Farm Wetlands: Design Manual
for Scotland and Northern Ireland, Scottish Environment Protection Agency and the Northern Ireland
Department of Environment, Tender Reference No. S/15059/06, £21,825.
 Scholz M. (2006), Integrated Constructed Wetlands for the Removal of Phosphorus, Irish Government
Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government, £8,123.
 Scholz M. (2006), Integrated Constructed Wetlands Initiative, Irish Government Department of Environment,
Heritage and Local Government, £822.
 Scholz M. (2005), Ruchill Surface Water Management Project, sub-contracted by Atkins Consultants,
Glasgow City Council, £700.
 Cunningham C., Heal K. V. and Scholz M. (2004-2005), Treatment of Gully Pot Effluent (Detailed Design),
Caerphilly Council, £4,500.
 Scholz M. (2004-2005), Investigation of the Capillary Suction Time, Triton Electronics, approximately £5,000.
 Cunningham C., Heal K. V. and Scholz M. (2004-2005), Treatment of Gully Pot Effluent (Outline Design), Vale
of Glamorgan Authority, £6,500.
 Heal K. V. and Scholz M. (2003-2004), Caw Burn Wetland and Catchment Improvements (Stage I), Scottish
Environmental Protection Agency, £5,000.
 Scholz M. (2003-2004), Experimental Design and Operation of a Small-scale Storm water Storage and
Treatment System, Atlantis Storm Water Management, £4,000.
 Scholz M. (2003), Preliminary Wetland Design Recommendations, Bluewater Flatfish Farms and Solanda
Agriculture UK, £600.
 Scholz (2000), Water and soil quality assessment, private household in Bradford, £300.
3.3. Research Supervision Experience
Current MPhil and PhD students (first supervisor):
 Ms. Ruqayah Mohammed (Hydrological Modelling of Water Resources; since 07/2015; full-time PhD).
 Mr. Umar Iliyasu (Data Mining of Water and Environmental Information (provisional title); since 04/2015; full-time
 Mr. Amjad Hussein (Constructed Wetlands Treating Textile Wastewater; since 01/2015; full-time PhD).
 Mr. Mohammed Abdulwahid Abdullah Nanekely (The Feasibility of Transferring the Sustainable Drainage
Design Philosophy to Urban Areas in Semi-arid Regions: The Case Study of Arbil City (Kurdistan Region, Iraq);
since 01/2015; full-time MPhil; split-site).
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
Mr. Abdurazzaq Al-Tomi (Removal of Pathogenic Bacteria in Wastewater Using Vertical-flow Constructed
Wetlands: a Practical Support System Approach; since 01/2015; full-time PhD; split site).
Mr. Youssef Mohammed Khairy Mahfouz Mohammed Ahmed (Impact of Flash Floods on Dams (provisional
title); since 10/2014; full-time PhD; split-site).
Mr. Suhail Najem Abed (Grey Water Treatment with Floating Mats of Common Reed and Willows; since
07/2014; full-time PhD).
Mrs. Dina Ali Yaseen (Using Common Duckweed to Treat Wastewater Contaminated with Dyes from the Textile
Industry); since 07/2014; full-time PhD).
Mrs. Rawaa Hussein Kadhim Al-Isawi (Treatment of Domestic Wastewater Contaminated by a Diesel Fuel Spill
with Constructed Wetlands; since 10/2013; full-time PhD).
Mrs. Suhad Abd Al-Ameer Naeem Almuktar (Recycling of Domestic Wastewater Treated by Constructed
Wetlands for Watering of Vegetables; since 10/2013; full-time PhD).
Mr. Kayode Babatunde Olapido (Modelling of Structures Associated with Sustainable Flood Retention Basins
(provisional title); since 02/2013; part-time PhD).
Mr. Vincent Uzomah (Retrofitting of Sustainable Drainage Systems in the Presence of Trees; since 09/2012;
full-time PhD).
Current PhD student (second supervisor):
 Mrs. Huda Alnomani (Behaviour of Footings on Unsaturated Swelling Soil Reinforced with Geogrids; since
01/2015; full-time PhD).
Research Fellows:
 Mr. Christian Clausner (Sludge Dewaterability Testing Apparatus; 12/2015-06/2016).
 Mrs. Suhad Abd Al-Ameer Naeem Almuktar (Sludge Dewaterability Testing Apparatus; 12/2015-04/2016).
 Mr. Paul Done (Sludge Dewaterability Testing Apparatus; 12/2015-04/2016).
 Dr Sanak Ray (Constructed Wetlands; 06/2015-11/2015).
 Dr Akintunde Babatunde (Clogging of Vertical-flow Wetland Systems; 11/2010-01/2012).
 Dr Piotr Grabowiecki (Sustainable Flood Retention Basins; 03/2011-12/2011).
 Dr Maria Andrianaki (Sustainable Flood Retention Basins; 03/2011-07/2011).
 Mr. Ebenezer Danso-Amoako (Sustainable Flood Retention Basins; 03/2011-12/2011).
 Dr William Hartley (Sustainable Flood Retention Basins; 03/2011-12/2011).
 Dr Zaheer Iqbal (Sustainable Flood Retention Basins; 09/2009-09/2010).
 Mr. Will McMinn (Sustainable Flood Retention Basins; 02/2009-11/2010).
 Dr Birol Kayranli (Integrated Constructed Wetlands; 10/2008-10/2009).
 Dr Wu Xiaohui (Nitrogen Cycling within Constructed Wetlands; 01-12/2006).
 Dr Hassan Nanbakhsh (Sustainable Drainage Systems; 06/2005-05/2006).
 Dr Peter Anderson (Glasgow SUDS Management Project; 05-08/2004).
Completed PhD students (first supervisor):
 Mr. Abdulkadir Sani (Vertical-flow Constructed Wetlands Treating Domestic Wastewater; 02/2012-09/2015; fulltime PhD). Thesis title: Clogging and Hydrocarbon Removal in Vertical Flow Constructed Wetlands. Graduated
in spring 2016.
 Mr. Mohammed Hussaini (Decision-support System Regarding Sustainable Energy Policy and Planning;
11/2011-07/2015; full-time PhD). Thesis title: Transition Pathways to Sustainable Energy Infrastructure.
Graduated in autumn 2015.
 Mr. Furat Al-Faraj (Management of Transboundary River Basins; 01/2013-04/2015; full-time). Thesis title:
Sustainable Management of Transboundary River Basins in a Changing Climate and Human-induced
Interventions Upstream. Graduated in summer 2015.
 Dr Coalan Harrington (Integrated Constructed Wetlands; 12/2007-10/2013; part-time). Thesis title: Experimental
Meso-scale Integrated Constructed Wetlands for Treatment of Piggery Wastewater. Graduation in autumn 2013.
 Dr Yu Dong (Integrated Constructed Wetlands; 08/2009-10/2012). Thesis title: The Application of Integrated
Constructed Wetlands for Contaminant Treatment and Diffusion. Graduation in spring 2013.
 Dr Qinli Yang (Sustainable Flood Retention Basins; 09/2008-08/2011). Thesis title: Comprehensive Analysis of
Sustainable Flood Retention Basins. Graduated in autumn 2011.
 Dr Ola Sawalha (Sludge Dewaterability Testing; part-time; 10/2005-12/2010). Thesis title: Capillary Suction
Time (CST) Test: Developments in Testing Methodology and Reliability of Results. Graduated in spring 2010.
 Dr Kiran Tota-Maharaj (Permeable Pavement Systems; 04/2008-11/2010). Thesis title: Geothermal Paving
Systems for Urban Runoff Treatment and Renewable Energy Efficiency. Graduated in spring 2010.
 Dr Atif Mustafa (Integrated Constructed Wetlands; 09/2006-02/2010). Thesis title: Nutrient Removal with
Integrated Constructed Wetlands. Graduated in summer 2010.
 Dr Piotr Grabowiecki (Permeable Pavement Systems; 10/2005-02/2009). Thesis title: Combined Permeable
Pavement and Ground Source Heat Pump Systems. Graduated in spring 2010.
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
Dr Sara Kazemi-Yazdi (Storm water Detention Systems; 02/2005-10/2008). Thesis title: Storm Water Detention
and Infiltration Devices Treating Road Runoff. Graduated in winter 2008.
Dr Eke Paul Emeka (Environmental Water Engineering; 10/2004-07/2008). Thesis title: Hydrocarbon Removal
with Constructed Wetlands. Graduated in summer 2008.
Dr Byoung-Hwa Lee (Constructed Treatment Wetlands; 10/2003-06/2006). Thesis title: Constructed Wetlands to
Treat Urban Runoff. Graduated in summer 2006.
Completed PhD students (second supervisor):
 Mr. Chunglim Mak (Linking Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) Together with Ecosystem Services and
Disservices: New Conections in Urban Ecology; 01/2012-12/2015).
 Dr Dewi Fitria (The Impact of Selected Water and Wastewater Treatment Process Variables on Sludge
Dewaterability; 10/2010-07/2013).
 Dr Mawuli Dzakpasu (Integrated Constructed Wetlands to Treat Domestic Wastewater: Performance,
Processes and Implications for Groundwater; 01/2012-07/2013 (started his studies initially on Master level); fulltime).
 Dr Nicolas Bastian (Sustainable Urban Water Cycle; 10/2007-09/2012).
Past MSc by research students (except for O’Brien; first supervisor):
 Mr. Nicholas Kalimeris (Sustainable Flood Retention Basins; 10/2010-03/2012).
 Mr. Pi Yin (Sustainable Urban Water Engineering; 10/2004-09/2005).
 Ms. Jinghui Zheng (Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems; 10/2003-09/2004).
 Ms. Catherine O’Brien (Bioremediation Processes for Pre-treated Animal Rendering Plant Wastewater;
Visiting postgraduate students (formal co-supervision agreement and fully funded):
 Ms. Li Zhao, MSc(Res) student (Guidelines for Wetland Systems; 09/2009-09/2011).
 Mr. Xianquiang Tang, PhD student (Wetlands Treating Hydrocarbons; 09/2007-10/2008).
 Mr. Liang Zhang, PhD student (Integrated Constructed Wetlands; 09/2007-10/2008).
Previously supervised students at universities where the supervision arrangements prematurely ended:
 At The University of Salford, two PhD students (Mr. Thomas Curwell, Mr. Ebenezer Danso-Amoako and Mr. Neil
Currie) where supervision arrangements have subsequently been changed.
 At The University of Edinburgh in collaboration with Edinburgh Napier University, one PhD student (Mr. Oliver
Hofmann) funded by Edinburgh-based Joint Research Institute.
 At the University of Bradford, three PhD students (funded by NERC, DTI and Kirklees Metropolitan Council),
one Honorary Research Fellow and about eight project students at any time.
GANNT Chart for Activities by Research Team Members Supervised by Prof. Scholz
Research areas
Constructed wetland
Flood control
Sustainable drainage
Ecosystem services
Willow irrigation
Chili irrigation
Capillary suction time
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
Generic procedures
Wetland modelling
Data mining
Water Types
Domestic wastewater
Textile wastewater
Grey water
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
Sole author
Publication number
Part 4: Research Output Including Publications
Number of Journal Article Publications (including papers in press) until 1 January 2016
Web of Science Impact Factors (IF) for Journal Paper Publications
Journal Title
Agricultural Water Management
Aquaculture Research
Bioresource Technology
Biosystems Engineering
Biotechnology Progress
Building and Environment
Chemical Engineering & Technology
Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems
Computers Environment and Urban Systems
Construction and Building Materials
Desalination and Water Treatment
Ecological Engineering
Environmental & Engineering Geoscience
Environmental Engineering Science
Environmental Engineering and Management Journal
Environmental Evidence
Environmental Modelling & Software
Environmental Pollution
Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Environmental Technology
E-Water (formerly European Water Management
Online Journal)
Forest Science
Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation
Hydrology Research (formerly Nordic Hydrology)
Not listed
Not listed
Not listed
Not listed
Not listed
Not listed
Not listed
Not listed
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
International Journal of Bioassays
International Journal of Environmental Analytical
International Journal of Environmental Studies
International Journal of Green Economics
International Journal of Sediment Research
International Journal of Sustainable Civil Engineering
International Journal of Sustainable Engineering
International Journal of Water
International Journal of Water Resources
International Review of Hydrobiology
International Water and Irrigation
Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology
Journal of Energy and Power Engineering
Journal of Environmental Engineering
Journal of Environmental Management
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management
Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part AToxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental
Journal of Environmental Sciences-China
Journal of Flood Engineering
Journal of Food Agriculture & Environment
Journal of Sustainable Agriculture
Journal of Urban Planning and Development
Journal of Water and Climate Change
Journal of Water and Health
Journal of Water Policy
Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science,
Nutrition and Natural Resources
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil EngineersEngineering Sustainability
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil EngineersWater Management
Road Materials and Pavement Design
Science Discovery
Science of the Total Environment
Water and Sewerage Journal
Water Air and Soil Pollution
Water and Environment Journal (formerly Journal of
the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental
Water Conditioning and Purification
Water Environment Research
Water International
Water Research
Water Resources Management
Water Practice and Technology
Water Science and Technology
Water Services
Water 21
*Total journal publications until 1 December 2015.
Not listed
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Not listed
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
Top 30 Publications in Terms of Google Scholar Citations (1 December 2016;
Total citations: 3033 (Citations since 2011: 2289). H-Index: 28. I10-Index: 69.
Rank No.
Scholz M. (2006), Wetland Systems to Control Urban Runoff. Elsevier, Amsterdam,
The Netherlands.
Scholz M. and Grabowiecki P. (2007), Review of Permeable Pavement Systems.
Building and Environment, 42 (11), 3830-3836.
Kayranli B., Scholz M., Mustafa A. and Hedmark Å. (2010), Carbon Storage and
Fluxes Within Freshwater Wetlands: a Critical Review. Wetlands, 30 (1), 111-124.
Scholz M. and Lee B.-H. (2005), Constructed Wetlands: A Review. International
Journal of Environmental Studies, 62 (4), 421-447.
Scholz M. and Martin R. J. (1997), Ecological Equilibrium on Biological Activated
Carbon. Water Research, 31 (12), 2959-2968.
Lee B.-H. and Scholz M. (2007), What is the Role of Phragmites australis in
Experimental Constructed Wetland Filters Treating Urban Runoff? Ecological
Engineering, 29 (1), 87-95.
Scholz M. and Xu J. (2002), Performance Comparison of Experimental Constructed
Wetlands with Different Filter Media and Macrophytes Treating Industrial Wastewater
Contaminated with Lead and Copper. Bioresource Technology, 83 (2), 71-79.
Scholz M., Harrington R., Carroll P. and Mustafa A. (2007), The Integrated
Constructed Wetlands (ICW) Concept. Wetlands, 27 (2), 337-354.
Carty A., Scholz M., Heal K., Gouriveau F. and Mustafa A. (2008), The Universal
Design, Operation and Maintenance Guidelines for Farm Constructed Wetlands
(FCW) in Temperate Climates. Bioresource Technology, 99 (15), 6780-6792.
Lee B.-H. and Scholz M. (2006), Application of the Self-organizing Map (SOM) to
assess the Heavy Metal Removal Performance in Experimental Constructed
Wetlands. Water Research, 40 (18), 3367-3374.
Scholz M. (2005), Review of Recent Trends in Capillary Suction Time (CST)
Dewaterability Testing Research. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 44
(22), 8157-8163.
Scholz M. (2004), Treatment of Gully Pot Effluent Containing Nickel and Copper
with Constructed Wetlands in a Cold Climate. Journal of Chemical Technology and
Biotechnology, 79 (2), 153-162.
Scholz M., Höhn P. and Minall, R. (2002), Mature Experimental Constructed
Wetlands Treating Urban Water Receiving High Metal Loads. Biotechnology
Progress, 18 (6), 1257-1264.
Mustafa A., Scholz M., Harrington R. and Carrol P. (2009) Long-term Performance
of a Representative Integrated Constructed Wetland Treating Farmyard Runoff.
Ecological Engineering, 35 (5), 779-790.
Scholz M. (2010), Wetland Systems – Storm Water Management Control. Series:
Green Energy and Technology. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Germany.
Scholz M. (2004), Case Study: Design, Operation, Maintenance and Water Quality
Management of Sustainable Storm Water Ponds for Roof Run-off. Bioresource
Technology, 95 (3), 269-279.
Scholz M. (2003), Performance Predictions of Mature Experimental Constructed
Wetlands, which Treat Urban Water Receiving High Loads of Lead and Copper.
Water Research, 37 (6), 1270-1277.
Hedmark Å. and Scholz M. (2008), Review of Environmental Effects and Treatment
of Runoff from Storage and Handling of Wood. Bioresource Technology, 99 (14),
Scholz M. and Trepel M. (2004), Water Quality Characteristics of Vegetated
Groundwater-fed Ditches in a Riparian Peatland. Science of the Total Environment,
332 (1-3), 109-122.
Zhang L., Scholz M., Mustafa A. and Harrington R. (2008), Assessment of the
Nutrient Removal Performance in Integrated Constructed Wetlands with the Selforganizing Map. Water Research, 42 (13), 3519-3527.
Tang X., Huang S., Scholz M. and Li J. (2009) Nutrient Removal in Pilot-scale
Constructed Wetlands Treating Eutrophic River Water: Assessment of Plants,
Intermittent Artificial Aeration and Polyhedron Hollow Polypropylene Balls. Water, Air
and Soil Pollution, 197 (1-4), 61-73.
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
Scholz M. and Martin R. J. (1998), Control of Bio-regenerated Granular Activated
Carbon by Spreadsheet Modelling. Journal of Chemical Technology and
Biotechnology, 71 (3), 253-261.
Scholz M. and Grabowiecki P. (2009) Combined Permeable Pavement and Ground
Source Heating Pump Systems to Treat Urban Runoff. Journal of Chemical
Technology and Biotechnology, 84 (3), 405-413.
Scholz M. and Xu J. (2002), Comparison of Constructed Reed Beds with Different
Filter Media Treating Simulated Mine Drainage Water. Ecological Engineering, 18
(3), 385-390.
Lee B.-H., Scholz M. and Horn A. (2006), Constructed Wetlands: Treatment of
Concentrated Storm water Runoff (Part A). Environmental Engineering Science, 23
(2), 320-331.
Tang X., Eke P. E., Scholz M. and Huang S. (2008), Processes Impacting on
Benzene Removal in Vertical-flow Constructed Wetlands. Bioresource Technology,
100 (1), 277-334.
Harrington C. and Scholz M. (2010), Assessment of Pre-digested Piggery
Wastewater Treatment Operations with Surface Flow Integrated Constructed
Wetland Systems. Bioresource Technology, 101 (20), 7713-7723.
Dong Y., Wiliński P., Dzakpasu M. and Scholz M. (2011), Impact of Hydraulic
Loading Rate and Season on Water Contaminant Reductions within Integrated
Constructed Wetlands. Wetlands, 31 (3), 499-509.
Lee B.-H. and Scholz M. (2006), A Comparative Study: Prediction of Constructed
Treatment Wetland Performance with K-nearest Neighbours and Neural Networks.
Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 174 (1-4), 279-301.
Kayranli B., Scholz M., Mustafa A., Hofmann O. and Harrington R. (2010),
Performance Evaluation of Integrated Constructed Wetlands Treating Domestic
Wastewater. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 210 (1), 435-451.
Most downloaded article of the journal Wetlands according to the journal’s web site (16 November 2012):
Kayranli B., Scholz M., Mustafa A. and Hedmark Å. (2010), Carbon Storage and Fluxes Within Freshwater
Wetlands: a Critical Review. Wetlands, 30 (1), 111-124.
Citations per annum (Note that the value for 2016 is based on citations until 1 January 2016)
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
Wastewater Treatment
Integrated Constructed
Bioreactors (1%)
Sustainable Water Management
Water Resources Management
Ponds (5%)
Basins (7%)
Dam Risk
Tanks (2%)
Silt Traps
Algal Control
Others (2%)
Time (6%)
Rivers (2%)
Overview of Research Topics Based on 180 Journal Article Publications (Including Articles in Press) until 1
January 2016
4.1. Book, Book Chapters and Guidance Manuals
Publication List:
Scholz M. (2005), Urban Runoff. Lehr J. H., Keeley J. and Lehr J. (Eds.). Chapter in The Encyclopaedia of Water,
ISBN 0-471-44164-3, 498-501, John Wiley and Sons, Ostrander, Ohio, USA.
Scholz M. (2006), Wetland Systems to Control Urban Runoff. ISBN-13: 978-0-444-52734-9, ISBN-10: 0-44452734-6, 360 pages, Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Also available as an E-Book and a Science Direct
electronic book.
Carty A. H., Scholz M., Heal K, Keohane J., Dunne E., Gouriveau F. and Mustafa A. (2008), Constructed Farm
Wetlands (CFW) Design Manual for Scotland and Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland Environment Agency and
Scottish Environmental Protection Agency, Report Reference No. S/15059/06. Edinburgh, UK.
Scholz M. (2010), Wetland Systems – Storm Water Management Control. Series: Green Energy and Technology.
ISBN: 978-1-84996-458-6, 258 pages, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Germany. Also available as an E-Book.
Scholz M., Charlesworth S. and Coupe S. (2014), Drainage Benefits of Porous, Permeable and Pervious Paving.
Booth C. A. and Charlesworth S. M. (Eds.). Chapter 23 in Water Resources in the Built Environment – Managing
Issues and Solutions, pp. 302-318. John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, UK. ISBN: 978-0-470-67091-0.
Scholz M. (2014), Permeable Pavements and Storm Water Management. In: K. Gopalakrishnan, W. Steyn and J.
Harvey (Eds.), Climate Change, Energy, Sustainability and Pavements, Green Energy and Technology. DOI
10.1007/978-3-662-44719-2_7. Chapter 7. Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp. 247-260.
Newman, J. R., Duenas-Lopez, M. A., Acreman, M. C., Palmer-Felgate, E. J., Verhoeven, J. T. A., Scholz, M.,
Maltby, E. (2015), Do On-farm Natural, Restored, Managed and Constructed Wetlands Mitigate Agricultural
Pollution in Great Britain and Ireland? A Systematic Review. Report Reference No. WT0989. Department for
Scholz M. (ed.) (2015), Sustainable Drainage Systems. ISBN 978-3-03842-091-0. 234 pages, MDPI, Basel,
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
Scholz M., Uzomah V., Almuktar S. and Radet-Taligot J. (2015), Selecting Sustainable Drainage Structures
Based on Estimated Ecosystem Service Variables Estimated by Different Stakeholder Groups. In: Scholz M. (ed.),
Sustainable Drainage Systems. MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, pp. 216-234.
Scholz M. (Ed.) (2015), Water Resources and Environment. Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on
Water Resources and Environment, Beijing, China (25-28 July 2015). Print ISBN: 978-1-138-02909-5. eBook ISBN:
978-1-315-64466-0. CRC Press / Balkema (Taylor & Francis Group). 486 pages. Also indexed by Scopus and EI
Scholz M. (2015), Wetlands for Water Pollution Control. 2nd edition of the book with the previous title Wetland
Systems to Control Urban Runoff. Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ISBN: 0444636129, 9780444636126.
558 pages.
Views by Readers and Customers:
Scholz M. (2006), Wetland Systems to Control Urban Runoff. Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
“This book has become the standard textbook for urban pollution control with wetland systems. It is widely used by
students, consultants and researchers in urban water engineering as well as water and environmental engineering.
The author also takes a more holistic point of view, covering various subject disciplines to solve multi-disciplinary
challenges. Water quality enhancement is the main focus.
Note that there is now a second edition! The author has widened the scope and the book now contains more
relevant research case studies.”
***** Review Published on Amazon by AH on 5 November 2015
Scholz M. (2010), Wetland Systems – Storm Water Management Control. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Germany.
“Storm water management control with wetland systems to control pollution is the central theme of this textbook
written predominantly for students and academics in water and environmental engineering science. However, also
practitioners working as consultants should find suitable case studies relevant for their contracts.
This book has become one of the standard textbooks in urban water management and complements similar books
on wetlands by the same author, which have been published by Elsevier in 2006 and 2015. Therefore, this
Springer book should be read in parallel!”
***** Review Published on Google Books
Scholz M. (2015), Wetlands for Water Pollution Control. 2nd edition. Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
“This is a very comprehensive book on wetland systems used for water pollution control. It comprises standard
water, wastewater and storm water treatment and management chapters as well as plenty of chapters covering
interesting case studies and the latest research findings on wetland engineering science.
This makes this book highly relevant for students and practitioners as well as academics working not just in civil
and environmental engineering but also in related fields including environmental science, ecology, microbiology
and urban planning.
The second edition has been fully updated and revised. Moreover, more research studies of relevance across the
world have been added.”
***** Review Published on Amazon by AH on 25 November 2015
“It is not very often that a single text covers both the fundamental and applied aspects of a subject area, while also
including the state of art regarding its research. This book does this, and in a very comprehensive and interesting
manner, using an integrated approach. It covers water management across the water cycle; with detailed emphasis
on wetland science and engineering supported with numerous case studies and research findings. The book, which
is the second edition has been thoroughly revised and updated with latest research findings; and it will be highly
relevant for students, academics and practitioners in the broad area of water and environmental engineering.”
***** Review Published on Amazon by an Amazon customer on 5 December 2015
“This is a very comprehensive book on wetland systems used for water pollution control. It comprises standard
water, wastewater and storm water treatment and management chapters as well as plenty of chapters summarizing
the combination of preliminary and predominately primary, secondary and tertiary treatment technologies with
wetland systems in order to reduce the land availability costs. Some chapters cover interesting and well-timed
applies case studies associated with constructed wetlands and relevant remediation techniques for diffuse and
runoff pollution control as well as the latest research findings on wetland engineering science. Eradication of critical
water quality problems linked with farm constructed wetlands, integrated constructed wetlands, constructed
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
treatment wetlands, and storm water ponds, and other sustainable biological filtration and biodegradation
techniques associated with public health engineering are elucidated.
It makes this book highly relevant for students and practitioners as well as academics working not just in civil and
environmental engineering but also in related fields including environmental science, civil and environmental
engineering, ecology, microbiology, agriculture and urban planning. This book is essential for the engineers and
researchers working in the relevant fields of water industry, local authorities, governmental organizations and
nongovernmental bodies in order to develop design, operation, and management of wetlands. The research
projects are multidisciplinary, holistic, investigational, and modeling-oriented. Furthermore, consulting engineers
should be proficient to apply sensible design suggestion and to refer to a large multiplicity of sensible international
case studies, together with large-scale field studies.
The second edition has been fully updated and revised. This revised edition has both a more comprehensive and a
wide view of the subject field. Further aspects have been included to some chapters to describe technological
advances in treatment plants and scientific advancement in fields’ for instance molecular microbiology. In addition,
the subject fields have been wide to explain more multidisciplinary technique, for instance the ecosystem services
model, to unravel engineering science challenge with a holistic approach. So as to comprehend this innovative
technique, both renew and extension of the recent content was requisite. Hence the second edition has been
lengthened, making it more competitive in a marketplace where booklover have more option and suppleness
caused by development in technology and the open access policy.
The revised and expanded book highlights vast water and environmental engineering feature related to the
drainage and treatment of wastewater and storm water, describing an eloquent summary of the complicated
treatment systems and general design issues concerned. Moreover, more research studies of relevance across the
world have been added.”
Review submitted to Elsevier by Dr Muhammad Aqeel Ashraf, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Science & Natural
Resources, University Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia, on 7 December 2015
The present book is the second edition of Wetland Systems to Control Urban Runoff written by Prof. Miklas Scholz
and published by Elsevier (2006). The book is comprehensive, up to date, carefully structured and well written. The
current edition attempts to cover all aspects of the designs and operations of wetland systems. It is one of the most
in-depth textbooks of wetland systems published so far. In the 524 pages of the book, the reader will get a wealth
of information which makes the book worth to be bought. The topics of the book are nicely covered and also have a
detailed analysis of various aspects. It covers the design, operation, maintenance, water quality monitoring of
traditional and novel of wetland systems. Also, it involves the analysis of asset performance, modeling of treatment
processes and performances of existing infrastructure, the sustainability and economic issues. It successfully
integrates both natural and constructed wetlands. The drainage techniques of traditional water and wastewater
systems as parts of integration are used to treat surface runoff and associated diffuse pollution. It is composed of
38 chapters: chapters 1-4 are an introduction to water quality management and water and wastewater treatment
fundamentals. Chapters 5-9 involves review preliminary and predominantly primary treatment units that can be
combined with wetland systems; chapters 10-15 summarize predominantly secondary and tertiary treatment
technologies that can be used in combination with wetland technologies or as alternatives in cases where land
availability is restricted due to costs. Chapters 16-17 present nonessential traditional technologies; chapters 18-19
cover the microbiological and disinfection issues relevant to treatment of wetlands. Chapter 20 introduces wetland
science and biological treatment processes of different wetland types based on microbial biodegradation;
furthermore, chapter 21 highlights sludge treatment and disposal options that should be considered for sludge
obtained from wetland systems. Finally, chapters 22-38 emphasis mainly on a wide variety of case studies related
to constructed wetlands and associated technologies for runoff and diffuses pollution treatment. Moreover, they
introduce wetlands such as sustainable flood control basins used for both diffuse pollution and flood control
Prof. Scholz, a famous professional civil engineer, is successful in writing a high-standard textbook. This textbook
is highly recommended for all who want to know more about the design and operation of wetland systems. Overall,
Wetlands for Water Pollution Control will have a broad range of readers including students, practitioners and
***** Review Published on Waterstones by Associate Prof. Ebrahem M. Eid, Department of Botany, Faculty of
Science, Kafr El-Sheikh University, Kafr El-Sheikh on 16 December 2015
4.2. Edited (Special) Issue
Scholz M. (Guest Editor) (2007), Wetland Systems to Control Runoff. International Journal of Water, 3 (3).
Inderscience Publishers, ISSN (Print) 1465-6620, 120 pages (containing an editorial and eight papers).
Scholz M. (Guest Editor) (2009), Sustainability: Environmental Studies and Public Health. International Journal of
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
Scholz M. (Guest Editor) (2012), Sustainable Flood Risk Management. Sustainability Journal.
Scholz M. (Guest Editor), Adapting Wetland Management to Climate Change (2012), Sustainability Journal. British
Journal of Environment and Climate Change.
Scholz M. (Guest Editor) (2013), Nutrient Removal and Recovery. International Journal of Environmental Research
and Public Health.
Scholz M. and Sarkar S. K. (Guest Editors) (2013), Resource Security. Natural Resources.
Scholz M. (Guest Editor) (2014), Ecosystem Services. Open Journal of Ecology. 4 (9),
Scholz M. (Guest Editor) (2014), Drainage System. Journal of Water Resources and Protection. 6 (11).
4.3. Articles Published as Sole Author
4.3.1. Fully Refereed Journal Papers
Scholz M. (2002), Wetlands Treating Industrial Wastewater. Water Services, 105 (4), 18-20.
Scholz M. (2002), Management of Sustainable Storm water Ponds. Water 21, 1 (4), 61.
Scholz M. (2002), Management of Sustainable Urban Drainage Pond Systems. Water Services, 105 (5), 25-27.
Scholz M. (2003), Performance Predictions of Mature Experimental Constructed Wetlands, which Treat Urban
Water Receiving High Loads of Lead and Copper. Water Research, 37 (6), 1270-1277.
Scholz M. (2003), Sustainable Operation of a Small-scale Flood-Attenuation Wetland and Dry Pond System.
Journal of the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management, 17 (3), 171-175.
Scholz M. (2003), Storm water Treatment with Constructed Wetlands. Water 21, 1 (3), 38.
Scholz M. (2004), Case Study: Design, Operation, Maintenance and Water Quality Management of Sustainable
Storm Water Ponds for Roof Run-off. Bioresource Technology, 95 (3), 269-279.
Scholz M. (2004), Treatment of Gully Pot Effluent Containing Nickel and Copper with Constructed Wetlands in a
Cold Climate. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 79 (2), 153-162.
Scholz M. (2004), Storm water Quality Associated with a Silt Trap (Empty and Full) Discharging Into an Urban
Watercourse in Scotland. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 61 (4), 471-483.
Scholz M. (2004), Pilot Plant Study for One Year: Water Quality Management and Algal Control of Sustainable
Urban Storm water Ponds. International Journal of Water, 2 (4), 312-330.
Scholz M. (2005), Hydraulics, Water Quality and Vegetation Characteristics of Groundwater-fed Open Ditches.
Water and Environment Journal, 19 (1), 8-16.
Scholz M. (2005), Development of a Practical Best Management Practice Decision Support Model for Planners.
International Water and Irrigation, 25 (3), 12-18.
Scholz M. (2005), Review of Recent Trends in Capillary Suction Time (CST) Dewaterability Testing Research.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 44 (22), 8157-8163.
Scholz M. (2006), Revised Capillary Suction Time (CST) Test to Reduce Consumable Costs and Improve
Dewaterability Interpretation. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 81 (3), 336-344.
Scholz M. (2006), Novel Membrane Bioreactors and Constructed Wetlands for Treatment of Pre-processed Animal
Rendering Plant Wastewater in Scotland. E-Water (formerly European Water Management Online Journal), online
on; individual paper:
Scholz M. (2006), Best Management Practice: A Sustainable Urban Drainage System Management Case Study.
Water International, 31 (3), 310-319.
Scholz M. (2006), Practical Sustainable Urban Drainage System Decision Support Tools. Proceedings of the
Institution of Civil Engineers – Engineering Sustainability, 159 (3), 117-125.
Scholz M. (2007), Ecological Effects of Water Retention in the River Rhine Valley: A Review Assisting Future
Retention Basin Classification. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 64 (2), 171-187.
Scholz M. (2007), Classification Methodology for Sustainable Flood Retention Basins. Landscape and Urban
Planning. 81 (3), 246-256.
Scholz M. (2007), Development of a Practical Best Management Practice Decision Support Model for Engineers
and Planners in Nordic Countries. Nordic Hydrology, 38 (2), 107-123.
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
Scholz M. (2007), Expert System Outline for the Classification of Sustainable Flood Retention Basins (SFRBs).
Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems, 24 (3), 193-209.
Scholz M. (2008), Classification of Flood Retention Basins: The Kaiserstuhl Case Study. Environmental &
Engineering Geoscience, 24 (2), 61-80.
Scholz M. (2012), Retrofitting SuDS – A Decision Support Tool Based on Ecosystem Service Variables. Water and
Sewerage Journal, Issue 4, 21-24.
Scholz M. (2013), Water Quality Improvement Performance of Geotextiles within Permeable Paving Systems: A
Critical Review. Water. 5 (2), 462-479.
Scholz M. (2014), Rapid Assessment System Based on Ecosystem Services for Retrofitting of Sustainable
Drainage Systems. Environmental Technology, 35 (9-12), 1286-1295.
Scholz M. (2014), Firewater Storage, Treatment, Recycling and Management: New Perspectives Based on
Experiences from the United Kingdom. Water, 6 (2), 367-380.
Scholz M. (2015), Capacity Down Pipe: Comparisons with Other Sustainable Drainage Systems. Science
Discovery. Special Issue: New Technical Ideas for Climate Recovery, 3 (2-1), 7-17.
Scholz M. (2007), Discussion: Decision-support Tools for Sustainable Drainage. Proceedings of the Institution of
Civil Engineers – Engineering Sustainability, 160 (1), 41-42.
Scholz M. (2007), Editorial for Wetland Systems to Control Runoff. International Journal of Water, 3 (3), 205-206.
Scholz M. (2009), Sustainability: Environmental Studies and Public Health. International Journal of Environmental
Research and Public Health, 6 (10), 2623-2625.
Scholz M. (2013), Sustainable Water Systems. Water. 5 (1), 239-242.
Scholz M. (2015), Water Best Paper Award 2015. Water, 7 (2), 833-835.
Scholz M. (2015), Sustainable Drainage Systems. Water, 7 (5), 2272-2274.
Book Reviews:
Scholz M. (2009), Sustainability: Environmental Studies and Public Health. International Journal of Environmental
Research and Public Health, 6 (10), 2623-2625.
Scholz M. (2010), Book Review: The Conquest of Nature – Water, Landscape, and the Making of Modern
Germany. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 66 (6), 796-197.
Scholz M. (2010), Book Review: Rivers by Design – State Power and the Origins of U.S. Flood Control.
International Journal of Environmental Studies, 66 (6), 797-798.
Scholz M. (2010), Book Review: Dezentrale Regenwasserbewirtschaftung im privaten, gewerblichen und
kommunalen Bereich [Source Control for Private, Commercial and Council-owned Rainfall Runoff]. International
Journal of Environmental Studies, 67 (3), 459.
4.3.2. Fully Refereed Conference Papers
Scholz M. (2002), Sustainable Operation and Maintenance of a Combined Attenuation Wetland and Dry Pond
Structure Used to Reduce the Risk of Downstream River Flooding. In Proceedings of the CIWEM Spring Meeting
Conference 2002 on ‘Sustainable Operation and Maintenance’ (09/05/02), 4-01 to 4-18, Leamington Spa, UK.
Scholz M. (2003), Design, Operation and Maintenance Optimisation of Sustainable Urban Storm water Ponds.
Pratt C. J., Davies J. W., Newman A. P. and Perry J. L. (Eds.). In Proceedings of the Second National Conference
on Sustainable Drainage. ISBN 1 903818 27 3, 31-41, Coventry University, Coventry, UK.
Scholz M. (2004), Pilot Plant Study: Design, Operation and Maintenance Optimisation of Sustainable Urban Storm
water Ponds. In Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Ecological Sanitation “ecosan – closing
the loop” Incorporating the 1st International Water association Specialist Group Conference Sustainable Sanitation
(07-11/04/03, Lübeck, Germany). ISBN 3-00-012791-7, 523-526, Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit,
haus der neuen medien GmbH, Hofheim-Wallau, Germany.
Scholz M. (2004), Water Quality Characteristics of Polluted Vegetated Groundwater-fed Open Ditches in a
Riparian Peatland. Horan N. J. (Ed.). In Proceedings of the Second National Conference held by CIWEM and Aqua
Enviro in Wakefield (13-15/09/04), ISBN 1 903958 09 01, Vol. 2, 359-370, Aqua Enviro, Leeds, UK.
Scholz M. (2004), Treatment of Gully Pot Effluent Containing Nickel and Copper with Constructed Wetlands in
Cold Climate. Horan N. J. (Ed.). In Proceedings of the Second National Conference held by CIWEM and Aqua
Enviro in Wakefield (13-15/09/04), ISBN 1 903958 09 01, Vol. 2, 371-382, Aqua Enviro, Leeds, UK.
Scholz M. (2004), Water Quality Characteristics of Polluted Vegetated Groundwater-fed Open Ditches in a
Riparian Peatland. Proceedings of the EWA Conference on Nutrient Management - European Experiences and
Perspectives in Amsterdam, The Netherlands (28-29/09/04), ISBN 3-937758-30-5, European Water Association
(EWA), DPS Vasen GmbH, Hennef, Germany.
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
Scholz M. (2005), Constructed Treatment Wetlands: An Analytical Review. Newman A. P., Pratt C. J., Davies J. W.
and Blakeman J. M. (Eds.). In Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Sustainable Drainage. ISBN 1
84600 007 6. 319-328. Coventry University, Coventry, UK.
Scholz M. (2005), Review of Recent Trends in Capillary Suction Time and Dewaterability Analysis. Horan N. J.
(Ed.). In Proceedings of the Third National Conference held by CIWEM and Aqua Enviro in Wakefield (0608/09/05), ISBN 1 903958 14 08, Vol. 2, 7-17, Aqua Enviro, Leeds, UK.
Scholz M. (2005), The Glasgow Sustainable Urban Drainage System Management Project. In Proceedings of the
10th International Conference on Urban Drainage (21-26/08/05), Copenhagen, Denmark.
Scholz M. (2006), Novel Sustainable Drainage System Decision Support Model Used for Urban Pollution Control,
In Proceedings of the Institution of Environmental Management and Assessment’s Annual Conference (0607/06/2006), Droitwich Spa, Worcestershire, England.
Scholz M. (2006), Integration of Wetlands Into a Novel Sustainable Urban Drainage System Model Used for
Pollution Control. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution
Control (23-29/09/2006), ISBN 989-20-0361-6, International Water Association, Lisbon, Portugal, Lisbon, Portugal,
Vol. 3, pp. 1541-1548.
Scholz M. (2008), Classification Model for Sustainable Flood Retention Basins, 11th International Conference on
Urban Drainage (31 August – 5 September 2008), proceedings on CD, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 2008, pp. 1-10.
Scholz M. (2009), Classification and Assessment of Water Bodies as Sustainable Adaptive Measures for Flood
Risk Management Planning in Response to Climate Change. In I. McLauchlan (Ed.), Proceedings on CD of the
Chartered Institute of Water and Environmental Management Scottish Branch 2009 Symposium “Flood Risk
Management in the 21st Century – Keeping Our Heads Above Water” (03/11/09), Edinburgh, Scotland, United
4.4. Joint Articles Published with Co-authors
4.4.1. Fully Refereed Journal Papers
Scholz M. and Martin R. J. (1997), Ecological Equilibrium on Biological Activated Carbon. Water Research, 31
(12), 2959-2968.
Scholz M. and Martin R. J. (1998), Biological Control in Granular Activated Carbon Beds. International Review of
Hydrobiology, 83, 657-664.
Scholz M. and Martin R. J. (1998), Control of Bio-regenerated Granular Activated Carbon by Spreadsheet
Modelling. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 71 (3), 253-261.
Scholz M. and Xu J. (2001), Comparison of Vertical-flow Constructed Wetlands for Treatment of Wastewater
Containing Lead and Copper. Journal of the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management, 15 (4),
Scholz M., Xu J. and Dodson H. I. (2001), Comparison of Filter Media, Plant Communities and Microbiology within
Constructed Wetlands Treating Wastewater Containing Heavy Metals. Journal of Chemical Technology and
Biotechnology, 76 (8), 827-835.
Mohanty S., Scholz M. and Slater M. J. (2002), Neural Network Simulation of the Chemical Oxygen Demand
Reduction in a Biological Activated Carbon Filter. Journal of the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental
Management, 16 (1), 58-64.
Scholz M. and Xu J. (2002), Performance Comparison of Experimental Constructed Wetlands with Different Filter
Media and Macrophytes Treating Industrial Wastewater Contaminated with Lead and Copper. Bioresource
Technology, 83 (2), 71-79.
Scholz M. and Xu J. (2002), Comparison of Constructed Reed Beds with Different Filter Media Treating Simulated
Mine Drainage Water. Ecological Engineering, 18 (3), 385-390.
Uzomah V. C. and Scholz M. (2002), Water Availability Assessment and Corresponding Public Health Implications
for a Rural Area in Nigeria. Journal of the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management, 16 (4),
Scholz M., Höhn P. and Minall, R. (2002), Mature Experimental Constructed Wetlands Treating Urban Water
Receiving High Metal Loads. Biotechnology Progress, 18 (6), 1257-1264.
Scholz M. and Anderson P. (2003), Case Study: Design, Operation and Water Quality Management of a
Combined Wet and Dry Pond System. European Water Management Online Journal [online]. 06 November 2003.
Reference Number: 2003/07. Available from the Internet:
O’Brien C., Scholz M. and McConnachie G. L. (2003), Comparison of Treatment Technologies for Pre-treated
Animal Rendering Plant Wastewater in Scotland. Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment, 1 (2), 314-319.
Scholz M. and Trepel M. (2004), Hydraulic Characteristics of Groundwater-fed Open Ditches in a Peatland.
Ecological Engineering, 23 (1), 29-45.
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
Scholz M. and Trepel M. (2004), Water Quality Characteristics of Vegetated Groundwater-fed Ditches in a
Riparian Peatland. Science of the Total Environment, 332 (1-3), 109-122.
Scholz M. and Zettel S. (2004), Stormwater Quality Associated with a Full Silt Trap Discharging into an Urban
Watercourse. Water and Environment Journal, 18 (4), 226-229.
Scholz M. and Tapp J. (2005), Development of a Revised Capillary Suction Time (CST) Test. Water Conditioning
and Purification, 48 (1), 46-52.
Scholz M., Morgan R. and Picher A. (2005), Storm water Resources Development and Management in Glasgow:
Two Case Studies. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 62 (3), 263-282.
O’Brien C. A., Scholz M. and McConnachie G. L. (2005), Membrane Bioreactors and Constructed Wetlands for
Treatment of Rendering Plant Wastewater. Water and Environment Journal, 19 (3), 189-198.
Scholz M. and Kazemi-Yazdi S. (2005), How Goldfish Could Save Cities from Flooding. International Journal of
Environmental Studies, 62 (4), 367-374.
Scholz M. and Lee B.-H. (2005), Constructed Wetlands: A Review. International Journal of Environmental Studies,
62 (4), 421-447.
Scholz M., Anderson P. and Forman B. I. (2005), Treatment of Gully Pot Liquor Containing Heavy Metals with
Constructed Wetlands in Scotland. Water Science and Technology, 51 (9), 251-258.
Lee B.-H., Scholz M. and Horn A. (2006), Constructed Wetlands: Treatment of Concentrated Storm water Runoff
(Part A). Environmental Engineering Science, 23 (2), 320-331.
Lee B.-H., Scholz M., Horn A. and Furber A. M. (2006), Constructed Wetlands: Prediction of Performance with
Case-based Reasoning (Part B). Environmental Engineering Science, 23 (2), 203-211.
Zheng J., Nanbakhsh H. and Scholz M. (2006), Case Study: Design and Operation of Sustainable Urban
Infiltration Ponds Treating Storm Runoff. Journal of Urban Planning and Development – ASCE, 132 (1), 36-41.
Almas A. A. M. and Scholz M. (2006), Potential for Wastewater Reuse in Irrigation: Case Study from Aden
(Yemen). International Journal of Environmental Studies, 63 (2), 131-142.
Almas A. M. and Scholz M. (2006), Agriculture and Water Resources in Yemen: Need for Sustainable Agriculture.
Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 28 (3), 55-75.
Lee B.-H. and Scholz M. (2006), A Comparative Study: Prediction of Constructed Treatment Wetland Performance
with K-nearest Neighbours and Neural Networks. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 174 (1-4), 279-301.
Lee B.-H. and Scholz M. (2006), Application of the Self-organizing Map (SOM) to assess the Heavy Metal
Removal Performance in Experimental Constructed Wetlands. Water Research, 40 (18), 3367-3374.
Scholz M., Corrigan N. L. and Kazemi-Yazdi S. (2006), The Glasgow Sustainable Urban Drainage System
Management Project: Case Studies (Belvidere Hospital and Celtic FC Stadium Areas). Environmental Engineering
Science, 23 (6), 908-922.
Lee B.-H. and Scholz M. (2007), What is the Role of Phragmites australis in Experimental Constructed Wetland
Filters Treating Urban Runoff? Ecological Engineering, 29 (1), 87-95.
Scholz M., Harrington R., Carroll P. and Mustafa A. (2007), The Integrated Constructed Wetlands (ICW)
Concept. Wetlands, 27 (2), 337-354.
Nanbakhsh H., Kazemi-Yazdi S. and Scholz M. (2007), Design Comparison of Experimental Storm water
Detention Systems Treating Concentrated Road Runoff. Science of the Total Environment, 380, 220-228.
Scholz M., Sadowski A. J., Harrington R. and Carroll P. (2007), Integrated Constructed Wetlands Assessment
and Design for Phosphate Removal. Biosystems Engineering, 97 (3), 415-423.
Scholz M. and Grabowiecki P. (2007), Review of Permeable Pavement Systems. Building and Environment, 42
(11), 3830-3836.
Eke P. E. and Scholz M. (2008), Benzene Removal with Vertical-flow Constructed Treatment Wetlands. Journal of
Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 83 (1), 55-63.
Sawalha O. and Scholz M. (2008), Assessment of Capillary Suction Time (CST) Test Methodologies.
Environmental Technology, 28 (12), 1377-1386.
Rustum R., Adeloye A. J. and Scholz M. (2008), Applying Kohonen Self-Organizing Map as a Software Sensor to
Predict Biochemical Oxygen Demand. Water Environment Research, 80 (1), 32-40.
Hedmark Å. and Scholz M. (2008), Review of Environmental Effects and Treatment of Runoff from Storage and
Handling of Wood. Bioresource Technology, 99 (14), 5997-6009.
Carty A., Scholz M., Heal K., Gouriveau F. and Mustafa A. (2008), The Universal Design, Operation and
Maintenance Guidelines for Farm Constructed Wetlands (FCW) in Temperate Climates. Bioresource Technology,
99 (15), 6780-6792.
Zhang L., Scholz M., Mustafa A. and Harrington R. (2008), Assessment of the Nutrient Removal Performance in
Integrated Constructed Wetlands with the Self-organizing Map. Water Research, 42 (13), 3519-3527.
Tang X., Eke P. E., Scholz M. and Huang S. (2008), Processes Impacting on Benzene Removal in Vertical-flow
Constructed Wetlands. Bioresource Technology, 100 (1), 277-334.
Tang X., Huang S. L. and Scholz M. (2008) Nutrient Removal in Wetlands During Intermittent Artificial Aeration: A
Pilot-scale Study. Environmental Engineering Science, 25 (9), 1279-1290.
Hedmark Å., Scholz M. and Elowson T. (2009), Treatment of Log Yard Runoff Impacted by Aged Logs in a Free
Water Surface Constructed Wetland. Environmental Engineering Science, 26 (11), 1623-1632.
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
Zhang L., Scholz M., Mustafa A. and Harrington R. (2009), Application of the Self-organizing Map as a Prediction
Tool for an Integrated Constructed Wetland Agroecosystem Treating Agricultural Runoff. Bioresource Technology,
100 (2), 539-565.
Scholz M. and Sadowski A. J. (2009), Conceptual Classification Model for Sustainable Flood Retention Basins.
Journal of Environmental Management, 90 (1), 624-633.
Tang X., Huang S., Scholz M. and Li J. (2009) Nutrient Removal in Pilot-scale Constructed Wetlands Treating
Eutrophic River Water: Assessment of Plants, Intermittent Artificial Aeration and Polyhedron Hollow Polypropylene
Balls. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 197 (1-4), 61-73.
Scholz M. and Kazemi Yazdi S. (2009) Treatment of Road Runoff by a Combined Storm Water Treatment,
Detention and Infiltration System. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 198 (1-4), 55-64.
Scholz M. and Grabowiecki P. (2009) Combined Permeable Pavement and Ground Source Heating Pump
Systems to Treat Urban Runoff. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 84 (3), 405-413.
Mustafa A., Scholz M., Harrington R. and Carrol P. (2009) Long-term Performance of a Representative
Integrated Constructed Wetland Treating Farmyard Runoff. Ecological Engineering, 35 (5), 779-790.
Zhang L. and Scholz M. (2009), Performance Comparison of Filters with Different Aggregates. Environmental
Progress & Sustainable Energy, 28 (2), 192-201.
Tota-Maharaj K., Grabowiecki P. and Scholz M. (2009), Energy and Temperature Performance Analysis of
Geothermal (Ground Source) Heat Pumps Integrated with Permeable Pavement Systems for Urban Run-off Reuse.
International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, 2 (3), 201-213.
Tang X., Scholz M., Eke P. E. and Huang S. (2009), Seasonal Variability in Benzene Removal by Vertical-flow
Constructed Wetland Filters. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 202 (1-4), 259-272.
Sawalha O. and Scholz M. (2009), Innovative Enhancement of the Design and Precision of the Capillary Suction
Time Testing Device. Water Environment Research, 81 (11), 2344-2352.
Tang X., Huang S. L. and Scholz M. (2009), Comparison of Phosphorus Removal Between Vertical Subsurface
Flow Constructed Wetlands with Different Substrates. Water and Environment Journal, 23 (3), 180-188.
Hedmark Å., Zhang L., Scholz M., Aronsson P. and Elowson T (2009), Self-organizing Map Analysis of Planted
Soil Infiltration Systems for Treatment of Log Yard Runoff. Forest Science, 55 (2), 183-188.
Scholz M., Harrington R., Carroll P. and Mustafa A. (2010), Monitoring of Nutrient Removal within Integrated
Constructed Wetlands (ICW). Desalination, 250 (1), 356-360.
Scholz M. and Hedmark Å. (2010), Constructed Wetlands Treating Runoff Contaminated with Nutrients. Water, Air
and Soil Pollution, 205 (1), 323-332.
Bastien N., Arthur S., Wallis S. and Scholz M (2010), The Best Management of SuDS Treatment Trains: A
Holistic Approach. Water Science and Technology, 61 (1), 263-272.
Tota-Maharaj K. and Scholz M. (2010), Permeable (Pervious) Pavements and Geothermal Heat Pumps:
Addressing Sustainable Urban Storm Water Management and Renewable Energy. International Journal of Green
Economics, 3 (3-4), 447-461.
Kayranli B., Scholz M., Mustafa A. and Hedmark Å. (2010), Carbon Storage and Fluxes Within Freshwater
Wetlands: a Critical Review. Wetlands, 30 (1), 111-124.
Hedmark Å., Scholz M., Aronsson P. and Elowson T. (2010), Comparison of Planted Soil Infiltration Systems for
Treatment of Log Yard Runoff. Water Environment Research, 82 (7), 666-669.
Kazemi Yazdi S. and Scholz M. (2010), Assessing Storm Water Detention Systems Treating Road Runoff with an
Artificial Neural Network. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 206 (1-4), 35-47.
Robinson M., Scholz M., Bastien N. and Carfrae J. (2010), Classification of Different Sustainable Flood
Retention Basin Types. Journal of Environmental Sciences - China, 22 (6), 898-903.
McMinn W. R., Yang Q. and Scholz M. (2010), Classification and Assessment of Water Bodies as Adaptive
Structural Measures for Flood Risk Management Planning. Journal of Environmental Management, 91 (9), 18551863.
Kayranli B., Scholz M., Mustafa A., Hofmann O. and Harrington R. (2010), Performance Evaluation of
Integrated Constructed Wetlands Treating Domestic Wastewater. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 210 (1), 435-451.
Harrington C. and Scholz M. (2010), Assessment of Pre-digested Piggery Wastewater Treatment Operations with
Surface Flow Integrated Constructed Wetland Systems. Bioresource Technology, 101 (20), 7713-7723.
Sawalha O. and Scholz M. (2010), Modeling the Relationship between Capillary Suction Time and Specific
Resistance to Filtration. Journal of Environmental Engineering - ASCE, 136 (9), 983-991.
Wang W., Tang X., Huang S., Zhang S., Lin C., Liu D. W., Che H. J., Yang Q. and Scholz M. (2010), Ecological
Restoration of Polluted Plain Rivers within the Haihe River Basin in China. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 211 (1-4),
Ahmed T., Kanwal R., Hassan M., Ayub N. and Scholz M. (2010), Coagulation and Disinfection in Water
Treatment Using Moringa. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineering – Water Management, 163 (WM8),
Tota-Maharaj K. and Scholz M. (2010), Efficiency of Permeable Pavement Systems for the Removal of Urban
Runoff Pollutants under Varying Environmental Conditions. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 29 (3),
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
Scholz M. and Yang Q. (2010), Guidance on Variables Characterising Water Bodies including Sustainable Flood
Retention Basins. Landscape and Urban Planning, 98 (3-4), 190-199.
Tota-Maharaj K., Scholz M., Ahmed T., French C. and E. Pagaling (2010), The Synergy of Permeable
Pavements and Geothermal Heat Pumps for Storm water Treatment and Reuse. Environmental Technology, 31
(14), 1517-1531.
Tang X., Scholz M., Eke P. E. and Huang S. (2010), Nutrient Removal as a Function of Benzene Supply Within
Vertical-flow Constructed Wetlands. Environmental Technology, 31 (6), 681-691.
Bastien N., Arthur S., Wallis S. and Scholz M. (2010) Optimising Regional Sustainable Drainage Systems Pond
Performance Using Treatment Trains. Desalination and Water Treatment, 19 (1-3), 2-11.
Yang Q., Shao J., Scholz M. and Plant C. (2011), Feature selection methods for characterizing and classifying
adaptive Sustainable Flood Retention Basins. Water Research, 45 (3), 993-1004.
Xu X., Huang S., Scholz M. and Dong Y. (2011), Remediation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: a Review.
Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources, 6 (3), 1-9. Online at
Tota-Maharaj K., Scholz M. and Coupe S. (2011), Utilisation of Geothermal Heat Pumps within Permeable
Pavements for Sustainable Energy and Water Practices. Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, 5 (2), 122-128.
Dzakpasu M., Hofmann O., Scholz M., Harrington R., Jordan S. N., and McCarthy V. (2011), Nitrogen Removal
in an Integrated Constructed Wetland Treating Domestic Wastewater. Journal of Environmental Science and
Health, Part A: Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering, 7 (7), 742-750.
Mustafa A. and Scholz M. (2011), Nutrient Accumulation in Typha latifolia and Sediment of a Representative
Integrated Constructed Wetland. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 219 (1), 329-341.
Harrington R., Caroll P. Cook S., Harrington C., Scholz M. and McInnes R. J. (2011), Integrated Constructed
Wetlands: Water Management as a Land-Use Issue, Implementing the ‘Ecosystem Approach’. Water Science and
Technology, 63 (12), 2929-2937.
Zang C., Huang S., Wu M., Du S., Scholz M., Gao F., Lin C., Guo Y. and Dong Y. (2011), Comparison of
Relationships between pH, Dissolved Oxygen and Chlorophyll a for Aquaculture and Non-aquaculture Waters.
Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 219 (1-4), 157-174.
Harrington C., Scholz M., Culleton N. and Lawlor P. D. (2011), Meso-scale Systems Used for the Examination of
Different Integrated Constructed Wetland Operations. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A:
Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering, 7 (Special Issue), 783-788.
Dong Y., Wiliński P., Dzakpasu M. and Scholz M. (2011), Impact of Hydraulic Loading Rate and Season on
Water Contaminant Reductions within Integrated Constructed Wetlands. Wetlands, 31 (3), 499-509.
Mustafa A. and Scholz M. (2011), Characterization of Microbial Communities Transforming and Removing
Nitrogen in Wetlands. Wetlands, 31 (3), 583-592.
Tota-Maharaj K., Scholz M. and Coupe S. (2011), Modelling Temperature and Energy Balances within
Geothermal Paving Systems. Road Materials and Pavement Design, 12 (2), 315-344.
Bastien N. R. P., Arthur S., Wallis S. G. and Scholz M. (2011), Runoff Infiltration, a Desktop Case Study. Water,
Science and Technology, 63 (10), 2300-2308.
Tang X., Huang S., Scholz M. and Li J. (2011), Nutrient Removal in Vertical Subsurface Flow Constructed
Wetlands Treating Eutrophic River Water. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 91 (7-8),
Scholz M. and Yang Q. (2012), Novel Method to Assess the Risk of Dam Failure. Sustainability, 3 (11), 22002216.
Hartley W., Riby P., Sparkeb S., Dickinson N. M., Shutes B. and Scholz M. (2012), Planting Woody Crops on
Dredged Contaminated Sediment Provides both Positive and Negative Effects in Terms of Remediation.
Environmental Pollution, 159 (12), 3416-3424.
Sawalha O. and Scholz M. (2012), Impact of Temperature on Sludge Dewatering Properties Assessed by the
Capillary Suction Time. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 51 (6), 2782-2788.
Tang X., Wu M., Yang W., Yin W., Jin F., Ye M., Currie N. and Scholz M. (2012), Ecological Strategy for
Eutrophication Control. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 223 (2), 723-737.
Wu M., Huang S., Wen W., Sun X., Tang X. and Scholz M. (2012), Nutrient Distribution within and Release from
the Contaminated Sediment of Haihe River. Journal of Environmental Sciences - China, 23 (7), 1086-1094.
Harrington C., Scholz M., Culleton N. and Lawlor P. G. (2012), The use of Integrated Constructed Wetlands
(ICW) for the Treatment of Separated Swine Wastewaters. Hydrobiologia, 692 (1), 111-119.
Wang Y., Wang X. Y., Scholz M. and Ross D. K. (2012), A Physico-chemical Model for the Water Vapour
Sorption Isotherm of Hardened Cementious Materials. Construction and Building Materials, 35, 941-949.
Danso-Amoako E., Kalimeris N., Scholz M., Yang Q. and Shao J. (2012), Predicting Dam Failure Risk for
Sustainable Flood Retention Basins: a Generic Case Study for the Wider Greater Manchester Area. Computers,
Environment and Urban Systems, 36 (5), 423-433.
Scholz M., Hedmark Å. and Hartley W. (2012), Recent Advances in Sustainable Multifunctional Land and Urban
Management in Europe: a Review. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 55 (7), 833-854.
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
Wu M., Huang S., Zang C., Du S. and Scholz M. (2012), Release of Nutrient from Fish Food and Effects on
Microcystis aeruginosa Growth. Aquaculture Research, 43 (10), 460-470.
Scholz M., Yang Q. and Shao J. (2012), Dam Failure Assessment for Sustainable Flood Retention Basins in
Scotland. International Journal of Sustainable Civil Engineering, 4 (1), 49-67.
Dzakpasu M., Scholz M., Harrington R., Jordan S. N., and McCarthy V. (2012), Characterising Infiltration and
Contaminant Migration Beneath Earthern-lined Integrated Constructed Wetlands. Ecological Engineering. 41, 4151.
Dong Y., Scholz M. and Harrington R. (2012), Statistical Modeling of Contaminants Removal in Mature Integrated
Constructed Wetland Sediments. Journal of Environmental Engineering – ASCE, 138 (10), 1009-1017.
Tang X., Li Q., Wu M., Tang W., Jin F., Haynes J. and Scholz M., (2012), Ecological Environment Protection in
Chinese Rural Hydropower Development Practices: a Review. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 223 (6), 3033-3048.
Yang Q., Scholz M. and Shao Y. (2012), Application of Spatial Statistics as a Screening Tool for Sustainable
Flood Retention Basin Management. Water and Environment Journal. 26 (2), 155-164.
Liu X., Huang S., Tang T., Liu X., Scholz M. (2012), Growth Characteristics and Nutrient Removal Capability of
Plants in Subsurface Vertical Flow Constructed Wetlands. Ecological Engineering. 44, 189-198.
Yang Q., Shao J., Scholz M., Boehm C. and Plant C. (2012), Multi-label Classification Models for Sustainable
Flood Retention Basins. Environmental Modelling and Software. 32, 27-36.
Wu M., Sun X., Huang S., Tang X. and Scholz M. (2012), Laboratory Analyses of Nutrient Release Processes
from Haihe River Sediment. International Journal of Sediment Research. 27 (1), 61-72.
Tota-Maharaj K. and Scholz M. (2012), Artificial Neural Network Simulation of Combined Permeable Pavement
and Earth Energy Systems Treating Storm Water. Journal of Environmental Engineering - ASCE. 138 (4), 499-509.
Scholz M., Yang Q. and Shao J. (2012), Dam Failure Assessment for Sustainable Flood Retention Basins in
Scotland. Journal of Flood Engineering. 3 (1-2), 63-81.
Palmer-Felgate E. J., Acreman M. C., Verhoeven J. T. A., Scholz M., Maltby E., Stratford C. J., Newman J.,
Miller J. and Coughlin D. (2013), How Effective are Reed Beds, Ponds, Restored and Constructed Wetlands at
Retaining Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Suspended Sediment from Agricultural Pollution in England? Environmental
Evidence. 2 (1), 1-6.
Sani A., Scholz M., Babatunde A. and Wang Y. (2013), Impact of Clogging on the Outflow Water Quality of
Vertical-flow Constructed Wetlands Treating Urban Wastewater. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 224 (3), 1488-1506.
Mustafa A., Scholz M., Khan S. and Ghaffar A. (2013), Application of Solar Disinfection for Treatment of
Contaminated Public Water Supply in a Developing Country: Field Observations. Journal of Water and Health, 11
(1), 135-145.
Li M. M., Pan H.-C., Huang S.-L. and Scholz M. (2013), Controlled Experimental Study on Removing Diesel Oil
Spillages Using Agricultural Waste Products. Chemical Engineering and Technology, 36 (4), 673-680.
Scholz M. and Uzomah V. (2013), Rapid Decision Support Tool Based on Novel Ecosystem Service Variables for
Retrofitting of Permeable Pavement Systems in the Presence of Trees. Science of the Total Environment, 458-460,
Tota-Maharaj K. and Scholz M. (2013), Combined Permeable Pavement and Photocatalytic Titanium Dioxide
Oxidation System for Urban Runoff Treatment and Disinfection. Water and Environment Journal, 27 (3), 338-347.
Dong Y., Scholz M. and Mackenzie S. (2013), Performance Evaluation of Representative Wildfowl & Wetlands
Trust Constructed Wetlands Treating Sewage. Water and Environment Journal, 27 (3), 317-328.
Zounemat-Kermani M. and Scholz M. (2013), Computing Air Demand Using the Takagi–Sugeno Model for Dam
Outlets. Water, 5 (3), 1441-1456..
Sani A., Scholz M. and Bouillon L. (2013), Seasonal Assessment of Experimental Vertical-flow Constructed
Wetlands Treating Domestic Wastewater. Bioresource Technology. 147, 585-596.
Scholz M., Uzomah V., Almuktar S. and Radet-Taligot J. (2013), Selecting Sustainable Drainage Structures
Based on Estimated Ecosystem Service Variables Estimated by Different Stakeholder Groups. Water. 5 (4), 17411759.
Dong Y., Kayranli B., Scholz M. and Harrington R. (2013), Nutrient Release from Integrated Constructed
Wetlands Sediment Receiving Farmyard Runoff and Domestic Wastewater. Water and Environment Journal. 27
(4), 439-452.
Fitria D., Swift G. M. and Scholz M. (2013), Impact of Different Shapes and Types of Mixers on Sludge
Dewaterability. Environmental Technology. 34 (7), 931-936.
Tota-Maharaj K. and Scholz M. (2013), Modeling of Permeable Pavements for Treatment of Urban Runoff Using
Self-organizing Maps. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal. 12 (12), 2273-2287.
Wu M., Tang X., Li Q., Yang W., Jin F., Tang M. and Scholz M. (2013), Review of Ecological Engineering
Solutions for Rural Non-point Source Water Pollution Control in Hubei Province, China. Water, Soil and Air
Pollution. 224 (5), article number 1561.
Amini Rad H., Hassannattaj A., Scholz M., Navayineya B. and Weekes L. (2013), Generic Adsorption
Coefficients and Natural Removal of Heavy Metals in Muddy River Water. International Journal of Bioassays. 2 (9),
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
Zounemat-Kermani M. and Scholz M. (2014), Modeling of Dissolved Oxygen Applying Stepwise Regression and
a Template-based Fuzzy Logic System. Journal of Environmental Engineering – ASCE. 140 (1), 69-76.
Uzomah V., Scholz M., and Almuktar S. (2014), Rapid Expert Tool for Different Professions Based on Estimated
Ecosystem Variables for Retrofitting of Drainage Systems. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 44, 1-14.
Yang Q., Shao J. and Scholz M. (2014), Self-organizing Map to Estimate Sustainable Flood Retention Basin
Types and Variables. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal. 13 (1), 129-134.
Fitria D., Scholz M., Swift G. M. and Hutchinson S. M. (2014), Impact of Sludge Floc Size and Water
Composition on Dewaterability. Chemical Engineering and Technology. 37 (3), 471-477.
Wu M., Li Q., Tang X., Huang Z., Lin L. and Scholz M. (2014), Arsenic(V) Removal in Wetland Filters Treating
Drinking Water with Different Substrates and Plants. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry,
94 (6), 618-638.
Ebrazi Bakhshayesh B., Delkash M. and Scholz M. (2014), Response of Vegetables to Cadmium-Enriched Soil.
Water 6 (5), 1246-1256.
Al-Faraj F. A. M. and Scholz M. (2014), Assessment of Temporal Hydrologic Anomalies Coupled with Drought
Impact for a Transboundary River Flow Regime: The Diyala Watershed Case Study. Journal of Hydrology. 517, 6473.
Du S.-I., Huang S.-L., Pan H.-C., Zang C.-J., Wu M., Lin C., Guo Y., Gao F. and Scholz M. (2014), Monitoring
Algal Bloom through Relationships Between Chlorophyll α and Phytoplankton. Environmental Engineering and
Management Journal, 13 (4), 805-815.
Dzakpasu M., Scholz M., Harrington R., McCarthy V. and Jordan S. N. (2014), Groundwater Quality Impacts
from a Full-scale Integrated Constructed Wetland. Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation, 34 (3), 51-64.
Delkash M., Al-Faraj F. A. M. and Scholz M. (2014), Comparing the Export Coefficient Approach with the Soil and
Water Assessment Tool to Predict Phosphorous Pollution: The Kan Watershed Case Study. Water, Air and Soil
Pollution, 225 (10), article number 2122.
Al-Faraj F. A. M., Scholz M. and Tigkas D. (2014), Sensitivity of Surface Runoff to Drought and Climate Change:
Application for Shared River Basins. Water, 6 (10), 3033-3048.
Dzakpasu M., Scholz M., McCarthy V. and Jordan S. (2014), Nitrogen Transformations and Mass Balance in an
Integrated Constructed Wetland Treating Domestic Wastewater. Water Science and Technology, 70 (9), 14961502.
Al-Faraj F. A. M. and Scholz M. (2014), Incorporating the Flow Duration Curve Method within the Digital Filtering
Algorithms to Estimate the Base Flow Contribution to Total Runoff. Water Resources Management, 28(15), 54775489.
Dzakpasu M., Scholz M., McCarthy V. and Jordan S. (2015), Assessment of Long-term Phosphorus Retention in
an Integrated Constructed Wetland Treating Domestic Wastewater. Environmental Science and Pollution
Research, 22 (1), 305-313.
Almuktar S. A. A.-A. N., Scholz M., Al-Isawi R. H. K. and Sani A. (2015), Recycling of Domestic Wastewater
Treated by Vertical-flow Wetlands for irrigating Chillies and Sweet Peppers. Agricultural Water Management, 149,
Dzakpasu M., Scholz M., McCarthy V., Jordan S. and Sani A. (2015), Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Inference System
for Real-time Monitoring of Integrated Constructed Wetlands. Water Science and Technology, 71 (1), 22-30.
Al-Faraj F. A. M. and Scholz M. (2015), Impact of Upstream Anthropogenic River Regulation on Downstream
Water Availability in Transboundary River Watersheds. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 31
(1), 28-49.
Yang Q., Boehm C., Scholz M., Plant C. and Shao J. (2015), Predicting Multiple Functions of Sustainable Flood
Retention Basins under Uncertainty via Multi-instance Multi-label Learning. Water, 7 (4), 1359-1377.
Yan H., Huang S. and Scholz M. (2015), Kinetic Processes of Acute Atrazine Toxicity to Brachydanio rerio in the
Presence and Absence of Suspended Sediments. Water, Soil & Air Pollution, 226 (66), 1-13.
Al-Isawi R., Sani A., Almuktar S. and Scholz M. (2015), Vertical-flow Constructed Wetlands Treating Domestic
Wastewater Contaminated by Hydrocarbons. Water Science and Technology, 71 (6), 938-946.
Dzakpasu M., Scholz M., McCarthy V. and Jordan S. (2015), Phosphorus Retention and Mass Balance in an
Integrated Constructed Wetland Treating Domestic Wastewater. Water and Environment Journal, 29 (2), 298-306.
Naz A., Khan S., Muhammad S.., Khalid S., Alam S., Siddique S., Ahmed T. and Scholz M. (2015), Toxicity and
Bioaccumulation of Heavy Metals in Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) Grown in a Controlled Environment. International
Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 12 (7), 7400-7416.
Zounemat-Kermani M., Scholz M. and Tondar M.-M. (2015), Hydrodynamic Modeling of Free Water-surface
Constructed Storm Water Wetlands Using a Finite Volume Technique. Environmental Technology, 36 (20), 25322547.
Almuktar S., Scholz M., Al-Isawi R. and Sani A. (2015), Recycling of Domestic Wastewater Treated by Verticalflow Wetlands for Watering of Vegetables. Water Practice and Technology, 10 (3), 445-464.
Al-Isawi R., Scholz M., Wang Y. and Sani A. (2015), Clogging of Vertical-flow Constructed Wetlands Treating
Urban Wastewater Contaminated with a Diesel Spill. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22 (17),
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
Meyer D., Chazarenc F., Claveau-Mallet D., Dittmer U., Forquet N., Molle P., Morvannou A., Pálfy T.,
Petitjean A., Rizzo A., Samsó Campà R., Scholz M., Soric A. and Langergraber G. (2015), Modelling
Constructed Wetlands: Scopes and Aims – A Comparative Review. Ecological Engineering, 80, 205-213.
Almuktar S. and Scholz M. (2015), Microbial Contamination of Capsicum annuum Irrigated with Recycled
Domestic Wastewater Treated by Vertical-flow Wetlands. Ecological Engineering, 82, 404-414.
Tang X., Wu M., Yang W. and Scholz M. (2015), Impact of Simulated Water Level Regulation on Sediment
Nutrient Release. Water, Soil and Air Pollution, 226 (8), article number: 228.
Al-Faraj F. A. M., Scholz M., Tigkas D. and Boni M. (2015), Drought Indices Supporting Drought Management in
Transboundary Watersheds Subject to Climate Alterations. Journal of Water Policy, 17 (5), 865-886.
Almuktar S. A. A.-A. N. and Scholz M. (2016), Mineral and Biological Contamination of Soil and Capsicum
annuum Irrigated with Recycled Domestic Wastewater. Agricultural Water Management. 167, 95-109.
Sani A., Scholz M., Babatunde A. and Wang Y. (2013), Erratum to: Impact of Clogging on the Outflow Water
Quality of Vertical-flow Constructed Wetlands Treating Urban Wastewater. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 224 (9),
4.4.2. Fully Refereed Conference Papers
Scholz M. and Martin R. J. (1997), Biological Control in Granular Activated Carbon Beds. Wanner J. (Ed). In
Proceedings of Wastewater ’97 - 2nd International Conference of the Association of Wastewater Treatment Experts
of the Czech Republic (26-27/05/97, Jihlava, Czech Republic), ISBN 80-86020-14-2, 115-124. NOEL 200 s.n.d.,
Brno, Czech Republic.
Scholz M. and Martin R. J. (1997), Statistical Analysis of Biological Activated Carbon Data. Wanner J. (Ed). In
Proceedings of Wastewater ’97 - 2nd International Conference of the Association of Wastewater Treatment Experts
of the Czech Republic (26-27/05/97, Jihlava, Czech Republic), ISBN 80-86020-14-2, 125-135. NOEL 200 s.n.d.,
Brno, Czech Republic.
Scholz M. and Martin R. J. (1997), The Control of Biological Activity in Granular Activated Carbon Beds. On CD
ROM Proceedings of the WQTC Water Technology Conference - American Water Works Association (0912/11/97), Denver, Colorado, USA.
Scholz M. and Martin R. J. (1998), Control of Biological Activated Carbon (BAC) Beds. In Proceedings of the
IAWQ-IWSA Joint Specialist Conference - Reservoir Management and Water Supply - An Integrated System (1923/05/97), Prague, Czech Republic.
Scholz M., Oliver M. A., Webster R., Loveland P. J. and McGrath P. J. (1999), Sampling to Monitor Soil in
England and Wales. In Proceedings of the Second European Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental
Applications (18-20/11/1998, Valencia, Spain). ISBN 0-7923-5783-3, 465-476, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
Scholz M. and Xu J. (2001), Comparison of Constructed Wetlands Treating Wastewater Contaminated with Heavy
Metals. Tandoi V., Passino R. and Blundo C. M. (Eds.). On CD ROM Proceedings of the 3rd International
Conference on Microorganisms in Activated Sludge and Biofilm Processes (13-15/06/01), paper number 174,
International Water Association, Rome, Italy.
O`Brien C., Scholz M. and McConnachie G. (2003), Comparison of Secondary Treatment Technologies for Pretreated Rendering Plant Wastewater. Egbu C. O. and Tong M. K. L. (Eds.). In Proceedings of the First Scottish
Conference for Postgraduate Researchers of the Built and Natural Environment (18-19/11/03, Glasgow, UK). ISBN
1-903661-50-1, 515-524, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, UK.
Haf M., Götting S., Scholz M. and Heal K. (2004), Case Study: Design and Operation of Sustainable Urban Storm
water Ponds Treating Road Runoff During the System Set-up Phase. In Proceedings of the British Hydrological
Society’s International Conference on Hydrology: Science and Practice for the 21 st Century (12-16/07/04), ISBN 1
903741 11 4, Vol. 2, 280-286, Imperial College, London, UK.
Scholz M. and Trepel M. (2004), Hydraulics, Water Quality and Vegetation Characterisation of Groundwater-fed
Open Ditches. On CD Proceedings of the International Water Association’s Waste Stabilisation Ponds and
Wetlands Systems Conference (27/09-03/10/04), International Water Association, Avignon, France.
Scholz M., O’Brien, C. A. and McConnachie, G. L. (2004), Comparison of Novel Secondary Treatment
Technologies for Pre-treated Animal Rendering Plant Wastewater. Horan N. J. (Ed.). In Proceedings of the Second
National Conference held by (CIWEM and Aqua Enviro in Wakefield (13-15/09/04), ISBN 1 903958 09 01, Vol. 2,
1-12, Aqua Enviro, Leeds, UK.
Scholz M., Morgan R. and Picher A. (2005), Storm water Resources Development and Management in Glasgow:
Case Studies. Newman A. P., Pratt C. J., Davies J. W. and Blakeman J. M. (Eds.). In Proceedings of the Third
National Conference on Sustainable Drainage, ISBN 1 84600 007 6., 329-338. Coventry University, Coventry, UK.
Kazemi-Yazdi S., Nanbakhsh H. and Scholz M. (2005), Design Comparison of Experimental Storm water
Detention Systems. Newman A. P., Pratt C. J., Davies J. W. and Blakeman J. M. (Eds.). In Proceedings of the
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
Third National Conference on Sustainable Drainage, ISBN 1 84600 007 6, 339-348. Coventry University, Coventry,
Zheng J., Nanbakhsh H. and Scholz M. (2005), Best Management Practice: Design and Operation of Sustainable
Urban Infiltration Ponds Treating Storm Runoff. Newman A. P., Pratt C. J., Davies J. W. and Blakeman J. M. (Eds.).
In Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Sustainable Drainage, ISBN 1 84600 007 6, 349-359. Coventry
University, Coventry, UK.
Lee B.-H., Scholz M., Horn A. and Furber A. (2005), Prediction of Constructed Treatment Wetland Performance
with Case-based Reasoning. Newman A. P., Pratt C. J., Davies J. W. and Blakeman J. M. (Eds.). In Proceedings of
the Third National Conference on Sustainable Drainage, ISBN 1 84600 007 6, 360-370. Coventry University,
Coventry, UK.
Heal K., Scholz M., Willby N. and Homer B. (2005), The Caw Burn SUDS: Performance of a Settlement
Pond/Wetland SUDS Retrofit. Newman A. P., Pratt C. J., Davies J. W. and Blakeman J. M. (Eds.). In Proceedings
of the Third National Conference on Sustainable Drainage, ISBN 1 84600 007 6, 19-29. Coventry University,
Coventry, UK.
Lee B.-H., Scholz M., Horn A. and Furber A. (2005), Prediction of Constructed Treatment Wetland Performance
with Case-based Reasoning. In Proceedings of the Third National Conference held by CIWEM and Aqua Enviro in
Wakefield (06-08/09/04), ISBN 1 903958 14 08, Vol. 1, 447-457, Aqua Enviro, Leeds, UK.
Zheng J, Nanbakhsh, H. and Scholz M. (2005), Best Management Practice – Design and Operation of
Sustainable Urban Infiltration Ponds Treating Storm Runoff. In Proceedings of the Third National Conference held
by CIWEM and Aqua Enviro in Wakefield (06-08/09/04), ISBN 1 903958 14 08, Vol. 2, 321-331, Aqua Enviro,
Leeds, UK.
Almas A. A. M. and Scholz M. (2005), Potential for Wastewater Reuse in Irrigation. In Proceedings of the Third
National Conference held by CIWEM and Aqua Enviro in Wakefield (06-08/09/04), ISBN 1 903958 14 08, Vol. 1,
473-484, Aqua Enviro, Leeds, UK.
Scholz M. and Lee B.-H. (2005), Design and Operation of Experimental Constructed Wetlands Applied for Gully
Pot Effluent Contaminated with Heavy Metals. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Urban
Drainage (21-26/08/05), Copenhagen, Denmark.
Lee B.-H. and Scholz M. (2006), Application of Case-based Reasoning to Support Constructed Wetland
Management. Ubertini L. (Ed.). In Proceedings of the Second International Association of Science and Technology
for Development (IASTED) International Conference on ‘Advanced Technology in the Environmental Field’ (0608/02/06), Lanzarote, Spain, ACTA Press, Calgary, ISBN 088986-552-3, 100-105. (Listed in ISI Proceedings)
Scholz M., Sawalha O. and Borges D (2006), Review of Capillary Suction Time Testing. Ubertini L. (Ed.). In
Proceedings of the Second International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED)
International Conference on ‘Advanced Technology in the Environmental Field’ (06-08/02/06), Lanzarote, Spain,
ACTA Press, Calgary, ISBN 088986-552-3, 106-111.
Kazemi-Yazdi S. and Scholz M. (2006), Design Comparison of Experimental Storm water Detention Systems
Treating Concentrated Road Runoff. Ubertini L. (Ed.). In Proceedings of the Second International Association of
Science and Technology for Development (IASTED) International Conference on ‘Advanced Technology in the
Environmental Field’ (06-08/02/06), Lanzarote, Spain, ACTA Press, Calgary, ISBN 088986-552-3, 88-93.
Scholz M., Kazemi-Yazdi S. and Englmeier M. (2006), Decision Support Model for Sustainable Urban Drainage
System Management. Ubertini L. (Ed.). In Proceedings of the Second International Association of Science and
Technology for Development (IASTED) International Conference on ‘Advanced Technology in the Environmental
Field’ (06-08/02/06), Lanzarote, Spain, ACTA Press, Calgary, ISBN 088986-552-3, 94-99.
Grabowiecki P. and Scholz M. (2006), The Future of Permeable Pavement Systems. On CD Proceedings of the
4th National Conference held by CIWEM and Aqua Enviro in Newcastle (12-14/09/06), Aqua Enviro, Leeds, UK,
ISBN 1-903958-18-0, 7 pages.
Lee B.-H. and Scholz M. (2006), Self-organizing Map Model to Support Pollution Control with Constructed
Wetlands. On CD Proceedings of the 4th National Conference held by CIWEM and Aqua Enviro in Newcastle (1214/09/06), Aqua Enviro, Leeds, UK, ISBN 1-903958-18-0, 9 pages.
Eke P. E. and Scholz M. (2006), Hydrocarbon Removal with Constructed Treatment Wetlands. On CD
Proceedings of the 4th National Conference held by CIWEM and Aqua Enviro in Newcastle (12-14/09/06), Aqua
Enviro, Leeds, UK, ISBN 1-903958-18-0, 8 pages.
Kazemi-Yazdi S. and Scholz M. (2006), Comparison of Experimental Storm water Detention Systems Treating
Road Runoff. On CD Proceedings of the 4th National Conference held by CIWEM and Aqua Enviro in Newcastle
(12-14/09/06), Aqua Enviro, Leeds, UK, ISBN 1-903958-18-0, 5 pages.
Kazemi-Yazdi S. and Scholz M. (2006), Storm water Infiltration Systems for Road Runoff Contaminated with
Organic Matter Including Dog Faeces. On CD Proceedings of the 4th National Conference held by CIWEM and
Aqua Enviro in Newcastle (12-14/09/06), Aqua Enviro, Leeds, UK, ISBN 1-903958-18-0, 5 pages.
Nanbakhsh H. and Scholz M. (2006), Water Quality of the Shar Chi River (Iran). On CD Proceedings of the 4th
National Conference held by CIWEM and Aqua Enviro in Newcastle (12-14/09/06), Aqua Enviro, Leeds, UK, ISBN
1-903958-18-0, 8 pages.
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
Sawalha O. and Scholz M. (2006), Capillary Suction Time (CST): Evaluation of Testing Methodology and
Improvement of the Apparatus. On CD Proceedings of the 4th National Conference held by CIWEM and Aqua
Enviro in Newcastle (12-14/09/06), Aqua Enviro, Leeds, UK, ISBN 1-903958-18-0, 7 pages.
Scholz M. and Englmeier M. (2006), Integration of Trees into Sustainable Drainage Systems. On CD Proceedings
of the 4th National Conference held by CIWEM and Aqua Enviro in Newcastle (12-14/09/06), Aqua Enviro, Leeds,
UK, ISBN 1-903958-18-0, 6 pages.
Scholz M. and Sittler B. (2006), Floodplains to Control Runoff: Classification of Sustainable Flood Retention
Basins (SFRB). On CD Proceedings of the 4th National Conference held by CIWEM and Aqua Enviro in Newcastle
(12-14/09/04), Aqua Enviro, Leeds, UK, ISBN 1-903958-18-0, 8 pages.
Yin P. and Scholz M. (2006), Novel Sustainable Drainage System Decision Support Model. On CD Proceedings of
the 4th National Conference held by CIWEM and Aqua Enviro in Newcastle (12-14/09/06), Aqua Enviro, Leeds, UK,
ISBN 1-903958-18-0, 10 pages.
Eke P. E. and Scholz M. (2006), Hydrocarbon Removal with Constructed Treatment Wetlands for the Benefit of the
Petroleum Industry. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution
Control (23-29/09/2006), ISBN 989-20-0361-6, International Water Association, Lisbon, Portugal, Vol. 3, pp. 17071714.
Kazemi-Yazdi S. and Scholz M. (2006), Comparison of Experimental Storm water Detention Wetland Systems
Treating Concentrated Road Runoff. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Wetland Systems for
Water Pollution Control (23-29/09/2006), ISBN 989-20-0361-6, International Water Association, Lisbon, Portugal,
Lisbon, Portugal, Vol. 3, pp. 1853-1860.
Kazemi-Yazdi S., Scholz M. and Hersschens K. (2006), Storm water Infiltration Systems for Road Runoff
Contaminated with Organic Matter Including Dog Faeces. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on
Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control (23-29/09/2006), ISBN 989-20-0361-6, International Water
Association, Lisbon, Portugal, Lisbon, Portugal, Vol. 3, pp. 1861-1868.
Lee B.-H. and Scholz M. (2006), Self-organizing Map Model to Support Pollution Control with Constructed
Treatment Wetlands. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution
Control (23-29/09/2006), ISBN 989-20-0361-6, International Water Association, Lisbon, Portugal, Lisbon, Portugal,
Vol. 3, pp. 1533-1540.
Scholz M. and Lee B.-H. (2006), Critical Review of Wetland Systems to Control Urban Runoff Pollution. In
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control (23-29/09/2006),
ISBN 989-20-0361-6, International Water Association, Lisbon, Portugal, Vol. 3, pp. 1869-1877.
Scholz M. and Pi Y. (2006), Integration of Wetlands into a Novel Sustainable Urban Drainage System Decision
Support Model Used for Urban Pollution Control. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Wetland
Systems for Water Pollution Control (23-29/09/2006), ISBN 989-20-0361-6, International Water Association,
Lisbon, Portugal, Lisbon, Portugal, Vol. 3, pp. 1707-1714.
Scholz M. and Englmeier M. (2006), Integration of Trees into Sustainable Urban Wetlands Used for Pollution
Control. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control (2329/09/2006), ISBN 989-20-0361-6, International Water Association, Lisbon, Portugal, Vol. 3, pp. 1549-1556.
Scholz M. and Hedmark Å. (2007), Integration of Trees into Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems. Kungolos A.,
Aravossis K., Karagiannidis A. and Samaras P. (Eds.). In Proceedings of the Society for Ecotoxicology Conference
and the International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (2428/06/2007), ISBN 978-960-89818-0-5, Vol. 1, pp. 607-612, Skiathos Island, Greece. Grafima Publishing,
Thessaloniki, Greece.
Eke E. P. and Scholz M. (2007), Hydrocarbon Removal with Constructed treatment Wetlands. Kungolos A.,
Aravossis K., Karagiannidis A. and Samaras P. (Eds.). In Proceedings of the Society for Ecotoxicology Conference
and the International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (2428/06/2007), ISBN 978-960-89818-0-5, Vol. 2, pp. 1095-1100, Skiathos Island, Greece. Grafima Publishing,
Thessaloniki, Greece.
Scholz M., Wu X. and Hedmark Å. (2007), Assessment of Experimental Constructed Wetlands Treating Urban
Runoff Contaminated with Nitrogen. Kungolos A., Aravossis K., Karagiannidis A. and Samaras P. (Eds.). In
Proceedings of the Society for Ecotoxicology Conference and the International Conference on Environmental
Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (24-28/06/2007), ISBN 978-960-89818-0-5, Vol. 2, pp. 11011106, Skiathos Island, Greece. Grafima Publishing, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Scholz M., Harrington R., Carroll P. and Mustafa A. (2007), Development of the Integrated Constructed
Wetlands (ICW) Concept. Kungolos A., Aravossis K., Karagiannidis A. and Samaras P. (Eds.). In Proceedings of
the Society for Ecotoxicology Conference and the International Conference on Environmental Management,
Engineering, Planning and Economics (24-28/06/2007), ISBN 978-960-89818-0-5, Vol. 2, pp. 1107-1112, Skiathos
Island, Greece. Grafima Publishing, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Sawalha O., Scholz M. and Eke E. P. (2007), Improving the Accuracy of Capillary Suction Time Testing. Kungolos
A., Aravossis K., Karagiannidis A. and Samaras P. (Eds.). In Proceedings of the Society for Ecotoxicology
Conference and the International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
Economics (24-28/06/2007), ISBN 978-960-89818-0-5, Vol. 2, pp. 1431-1436, Skiathos Island, Greece. Grafima
Publishing, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Scholz M. and Sadowski A. (2007), Classification Model for Sustainable Flood Retention Basins. Kungolos A.,
Aravossis K., Karagiannidis A. and Samaras P. (Eds.). In Proceedings of the Society for Ecotoxicology Conference
and the International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (2428/06/2007), ISBN 978-960-89818-0-5, Vol. 3, pp. 2213-2218, Skiathos Island, Greece. Grafima Publishing,
Thessaloniki, Greece.
Eke P. E., Scholz M. and Wallace S. D. (2007), Constructed Treatment Wetlands: Sustainable Technology for the
Petroleum Industry. In: Starrett, S. K., Hong, J., Wilcock, R. J., Li, Q., Carson, J. H. and Arnold, S. (Eds.),
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (06-09/08/2007),
Volume 2, 174-179, ISBN 978-0976885399, American Science Press, Houston, USA.
Scholz M. and Sadowski A. (2007), Classification Model for Sustainable Flood Retention Basins. Horan N. (Ed.).
On Memory Stick Proceedings of the European Water and Wastewater Management Conference (12-14/09/2007).
ISBN 1-903958-24-5, Aqua Enviro, Newcastle, UK, 9 pages.
Scholz M., Harrington R., Carroll P. and Sadowski A. (2007), Development of the Integrated Constructed
Wetlands (ICW) Concept. Horan N. (Ed.). In Proceedings of the European Water and Wastewater Management
Conference (12-14/09/2007). ISBN 1-903958-24-5, Aqua Enviro, Newcastle, UK, 11 pages.
Mustafa A., Scholz M., Harrington R. and Carroll P. (2008), Control of Nutrients with Integrated Constructed
Wetlands. Crighton K. and Audsley R. (Eds.). In Proceedings of the Scottish Agriculture College and Scottish
Environment Protection Agency Conference (26-27/03/2008). ISBN 1-85482-867-3, Scottish Agriculture College
and Scottish Environment Protection Agency Edinburgh, UK, 6 pages.
Wu X., Scholz M. and Rao L. (2008), Constructed Wetlands Treating Urban Runoff Contaminated with Nitrogen. In
Proceedings of the International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (16-18 May 2008),
ISBN: 978-1-4244-1747-6. pp. 3613-3616.
Scholz M., Wu X. and Hedmark Å. (2008), Constructed Wetlands Treating Urban Runoff, 11th International
Conference on Urban Drainage (31 August – 5 September 2008), proceedings on CD, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK,
2008, pp. 1-10.
Grabowiecki P., Scholz M. and Coupe S. (2008), Combined Permeable Pavement and Ground Source Heat
Pump System to Control Runoff and Recycle Energy, 11th International Conference on Urban Drainage (31 August
– 5 September 2008), proceedings on CD, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 2008, pp. 1-11.
Kazemi Yazdi S., Fabritius B. and Scholz M. (2008), Combined Biofiltration, and Below Ground Storm Water
Detention and Infiltration System Treating Road Runoff, 11th International Conference on Urban Drainage (31
August – 5 September 2008), proceedings on CD, Edinburgh, UK, 2008, pp. 1-10.
Grabowiecki P., Tota-Maharaj K., Scholz M. and Coupe S. (2008), Combined Permeable Pavement and Ground
Source Heat Pump System to Treat Urban Runoff during Storms and Recycle Energy, 10th British Hydrological
Society Symposium 2008 (15-18 September 2008), Sustainable Hydrology for the 21st Century, Exeter, UK, pp.
Mustafa A., Scholz M., Zhang L., Harrington R. and Carroll P. (2008), Assessment of the Long-term
Performance of a Representative Integrated Constructed Wetland for Treating Farmyard Runoff, 10th British
Hydrological Society Symposium 2008 (15-18 September 2008), Sustainable Hydrology for the 21st Century,
Exeter, UK, pp. 445-451.
Kazemi Yazdi S. and Scholz M. (2008), Combined bio-filtration, water detention and infiltration system treating
road runoff, 10th British Hydrological Society Symposium 2008 (15-18 September 2008, Sustainable Hydrology for
the 21st Century, Exeter, UK, pp. 353-358.
Tota-Maharaj K. and Scholz M., (2009) Permeable (Pervious) Pavements and Geothermal Heat Pumps:
Addressing Sustainable Urban Storm water Management and Renewable Energy. In M. Kennet and D. Nicholsby
(Eds.) Proceedings of the 4th Annual Green Economics Conference "The Clash between Ecology and Economy Green Economics, Practice and Theory" (31/07-01/08/2009). pp. 164-169. Green Economics Institute, Oxford
University, England, UK.
Tang X., Huang S., Scholz M. and Li J. (2009), Nutrient Removal in Vertical Subsurface Flow Constructed
Wetlands Treating Eutrophic River Water. In J. M. Bayona and J. Garcia (Eds.), Proceedings on CD of the 3rd
Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control WETPOL 2009 (20-24/09/09), Barcelona, Spain. ISBN-10: 978-84-6925587-2. pp. 357-358.
Mustafa A., Scholz M. and Harrington R. (2009), Characterization of Microbial Communities Removing Nitrogen
within an Integrated Constructed Wetland Treating Rural Runoff. In J. M. Bayona and J. Garcia (Eds.), Proceedings
on CD of 3rd Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control WETPOL 2009 (20-24/09/09), Barcelona, Spain. ISBN-10:
978-84-692-5587-2. pp. 111-112.
Kayranli B., Scholz M., Mustafa A and Hedmark Å. (2009), Review of Carbon Storage within Wetlands. In J. M.
Bayona and J. Garcia (Eds.), Proceedings on CD of 3rd Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control WETPOL 2009
(20-24/09/09), Barcelona, Spain. ISBN-10: 978-84-692-5587-2. pp. 329-330.
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
Hedmark Å., Scholz M. and Elowson T. (2009), Treatment of Log Yard Runoff in a Free Water Surface
Constructed Wetland. In J. M. Bayona and J. Garcia (Eds.), Proceedings on CD of 3rd Wetland Pollutant Dynamics
and Control WETPOL 2009 (20-24/09/09), Barcelona, Spain. ISBN-10: 978-84-692-5587-2. pp. 47-48.
Yang Q., McMinn W. R. and Scholz M. (2009), Potential Use of Natural Flood Retention Wetlands to Control
Diffuse Pollution. In J. M. Bayona and J. Garcia (Eds.), Proceedings on CD of 3rd Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and
Control WETPOL 2009 (20-24/09/09), Barcelona, Spain. ISBN-10: 978-84-692-5587-2. pp. 79-80.
Harrington C., Scholz M., Culleton N. and Harrington R. (2009), Novel Integrated Constructed Wetlands for the
Treatment of Anaerobically Digested Swine Wastewater. In J. M. Bayona and J. Garcia (Eds.), Proceedings on CD
of 3rd Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control WETPOL 2009 (20-24/09/09), Barcelona, Spain. ISBN-10: 978-84692-5587-2. pp. 359-360.
Hofmann O., Scholz M., Harrington R., Tumula P. D. and Fairfield C. (2009), Assessment of the First Industrialscale Integrated Constructed Wetland System to Treat Domestic Wastewater. In J. M. Bayona and J. Garcia (Eds.),
Proceedings on CD of 3rd Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control WETPOL 2009 (20-24/09/09), Barcelona,
Spain. ISBN-10: 978-84-692-5587-2. pp. 373-374.
Harrington R., Scholz M. and McInnes R. (2009), Integrated Constructed Wetlands: Providing a Joined Up
Approach to Sustainable Water Management. In J. M. Bayona and J. Garcia (Eds.), Proceedings on CD of 3rd
Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control WETPOL 2009 (20-24/09/09), Barcelona, Spain. ISBN-10: 978-84-6925587-2. pp. 377-378.
Coupe S., Tota-Maharaj K., Scholz M. and Grabiowiecki P. (2009), Water Stored Within Permeable Paving and
the Effect of Ground Source Heat Pump Applications on Water Quality. In Proceedings of the 9th International
Conference on Concrete Block Paving (18-21/10/09), Buenos Aires Sheraton Hotel & Convention Center,
Bastien N., Arthur S., Scholz M. and Wallis S. (2009), Towards the Best Management of SuDS treatment Trains.
In Proceedings on CD of the 13th International Diffuse Pollution Conference (IWA DIPCON 2009), 12-15 October
2009, Seoul, Korea.
Robinson M., Scholz M., Carfrae J. and Bastien N. (2009), Classification and Optimisation of Flood Retention
Structures. In Proceedings on CD of the 13th International Diffuse Pollution Conference (IWA DIPCON 2009), 1215 October 2009, Seoul, Korea.
Bastien N., Arthur S., Scholz M. and Wallis S. (2009), Towards Best Management of Runoff in New
Developments. In Proceedings of the 10th IWA UK Young Water Professionals Conference, London, England, UK.
Tota-Maharaj K., Scholz M. and Coupe S. J. (2010), Utilisation of Geothermal Heat Pumps within Permeable
Pavements for Sustainable Energy and Water Practices. In Haase M. and Hestnes A. G. (Eds), Proceedings of The
Renewable Energy Research Conference on Zero Emission Buildings (07-08/062010). Norwegian University of
Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway. Renewable Energy Conference & Tapir Academic Press. ISBN 97882-519-2623-2, pp 215-225.
Bastien N., Arthur S., Wallis S., and Scholz M. (2010), The Use of Treatment Trains to Manage Urban Runoff - A
Case Study. First European Congress of the International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research (0406/05/2010). Heriot-Watt University, Telford Institute and International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and
Research, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
Hofmann O., Scholz M., Tumula P. D., Harrington R., Dong Y. and Hedmark Å. (2010), Performance Evaluation
of Integrated Constructed Wetlands Treating Domestic Wastewater. Masi F. (Ed.). In Proceedings of the 12th
International Water Association International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, Venice,
Italy (4-9 October 2010). ISBN 978-88-6060-300-5, Volume 2, 1324-1331.
Mustafa A., Scholz M., Read F., Davenport R. and Harrington R., (2010), Characterization of Microbial
Communities Removing Nitrogen in an Integrated Constructed Wetland Treating Agricultural Wastewater. Masi F.
(Ed.). In Proceedings of the 12th International Water Association International Conference on Wetland Systems for
Water Pollution Control, Venice, Italy (4-9 October 2010). ISBN 978-88-6060-300-5, Volume 1, 691-698.
Dong Y., Kayranli B., Scholz M., Harrington R. and Hedmark Å. (2010), Nutrient Release from Integrated
Constructed Wetland Sediments Receiving either Farmyard Runoff or Domestic Wastewater. Masi F. (Ed.). In
Proceedings of the 12th International Water Association International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water
Pollution Control, Venice, Italy (4-9 October 2010). ISBN 978-88-6060-300-5, Volume 2, 1262-1269.
Yang Q., Shao J. and Scholz M. (2010), Geostatistical Assessment of Wetlands that Can Be Used as Sustainable
Adaptive Structural Measures for Diffuse Pollution and Flood Risk Management Planning. Masi F. (Ed.). In
Proceedings of the 12th International Water Association International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water
Pollution Control, Venice, Italy (4-9 October 2010). ISBN 978-88-6060-300-5, Volume 2, 1581-1588.
Yang Q., Shao J. and Scholz M. (2010), Assessment of the Classification of Sustainable Flood Retention Basins
with a Self-organizing Map Model. Masi F. (Ed.). In Proceedings of the 12th International Water Association
International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, Venice, Italy (4-9 October 2010). ISBN
978-88-6060-300-5, Volume 2, 1101-1108.
Bastien N., Arthur S., Wallis S., Scholz M. and Hedmark Å. (2010), Retrofitting of SuDS controls to complement
an existing wetland: Houston Industrial Estate Case study. Masi F. (Ed.). In Proceedings of the 12th International
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
Water Association International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, Venice, Italy (4-9
October 2010). ISBN 978-88-6060-300-5, Volume 2, 1207-1214.
Harrington C., Scholz M., Lawlor P. D., Harrington R. and Culleton N. (2010), Use of Integrated Constructed
Wetlands for the Treatment of the Separated Liquid Fraction of Anaerobically Digested Pig Manure. Masi F. (Ed.).
In Proceedings of the 12th International Water Association International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water
Pollution Control, Venice, Italy (4-9 October 2010). ISBN 978-88-6060-300-5, Volume 1, 435-442.
Harrington C., Scholz M., Harrington R. and Culleton N. (2010), The Use of Constructed Wetlands for the
Treatment of Swine Wastewaters: a Review. Masi F. (Ed.). In Proceedings of the 12th International Water
Association International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, Venice, Italy (4-9 October
2010). ISBN 978-88-6060-300-5, Volume 2, 1313-1319.
Harrington R., Carrol P., Cook S., Scholz M. and McInnes R. (2010), Integrated Constructed Wetlands (ICW):
Water Treatment as a Land Use Issue. Masi F. (Ed.). In Proceedings of the 12th International Water Association
International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, Venice, Italy (4-9 October 2010). ISBN
978-88-6060-300-5, Volume 1, 443-444.
Dzakpasu M., Hofmann O., Scholz M., Harrington R., Jordan S. N., and McCarthy V. (2010), Nitrogen Removal
in Integrated Constructed Wetland Treating Domestic Wastewater. Zhao Y. Q. and Babatunde A. O. (Eds.). In
Proceedings of the 2nd Irish International Conference on Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment and
Environmental Pollution Control, University College Dublin, Ireland (1-2 October 2010), 144-151.
Harrington C., Scholz M., Culleton N. and Lawlor P. D. (2010), Meso-scale Systems Used for the Examination of
Different Integrated Constructed Wetland Operations. Zhao Y. Q. and Babatunde A. O. (Eds.). In Proceedings of
the 2nd Irish International Conference on Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment and Environmental
Pollution Control, University College Dublin, Ireland (1-2 October 2010), 251-259.
Harrington R., Carroll P., Cook S., Scholz M. and McInnes R. (2010), Integrated Constructed Wetlands (ICW):
applying the 'Ecosystem Approach’. Zhao Y. Q. and Babatunde A. O. (Eds.). In Proceedings of the 2nd Irish
International Conference on Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment and Environmental Pollution Control,
University College Dublin, Ireland (1-2 October 2010), 276-285.
Dzakpasu M., Hofmann O., Scholz M., Harrington R., Jordan S. N. and McCarthy V. (2010), Integrated
Constructed Wetlands to Treat Domestic Wastewater: Implications for Groundwater. Proceedings of the 20th Irish
Environmental Researchers’ Colloquium. Limerick Institute of Technology, Limerick, Ireland. 17–19 February 2010.
pp 107–108.
Dzakpasu M., Hofmann O., Scholz M., Harrington R., Jordan S. N. and McCarthy V. (2010), Nutrient Leaching
and Groundwater Quality Assessment near Integrated Constructed Wetland Treating Domestic Wastewater.
Proceedings of the 5th Annual Meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists, European Chapter. Tramore, Ireland.
26–28 May 2010. pp 38–40.
Bastien N., Arthur S., Wallis S. and Scholz M. (2010), Runoff Infiltration, a Desktop Case Study. In Proceedings
of NOVATECH, 7th International Conference on Sustainable Techniques and Strategies in Urban Water
Management. Lyon, France.
Tota-Maharaj K., Grabowiecki P. and Scholz M. (2011), Ground Source Heat Pumps and Permeable Pavements
for Urban Storm water Recycling and Energy Savings. In: Water Supply and Sewage systems Inside Buildings.
Proceedings of IVth Conference of Science and Technology. 12-13 May 2011, Debe, Poland. Warsaw University of
Technology. Division of Water Supply and Sewage Disposal Systems. Seidel-Przywecki Publishing. ISBN 978-8360956-28-1, 163-171.
Prasad T. D., Scholz M. and Tota-Maharaj K. (2011), Water Distribution Network Calibration using DE-MC.
CCWI2011. Computing and Control for the Water Industry (CCWI) 2011 "Urban Water Management - Challenges
and Opportunities". 5-7 September 2011, University of Exeter, Exeter, England, UK.
Tota-Maharaj K., Tumula, P. D. and Scholz M. (2011), Applications of Back Propagation Neural Networks in
Predicting Nutrient Effluent Concentrations From Permeable Pavements. CCWI2011. Computing and Control for
the Water Industry (CCWI) 2011 "Urban Water Management - Challenges and Opportunities". 5-7 September
2011, University of Exeter, Exeter, England, UK.
Tota-Maharaj K., Scholz M. and Tumula P. D. (2011), Risk Assessment for Sustainable Flood Retention Basins
Located in Urban Areas. Zenz G. and Hornic, R. (Eds.). Proceedings of the International Symposium on Urban
Flood Risk Management – Approaches to Enhance Resilience of Communities, 21-23 September 2011, Graz,
Austria. Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, Graz University of Technology, ISBN 978-3-85125-173-9, pp.
Wang Y., Li L. Y., Scholz M. and Ross D. K. (2011), A Physico-chemical Model of the Water Vapour Sorption
Isotherm of Hardened Cementious Materials. International Symposium on Cement and Concrete Materials 2011, 79 November, 2011, Ningbo, China.
Scholz M., Tota-Maharaj K. and Grabowiecki P. (2012), Modelling of Retrofitted Combined Permeable Pavement
and Ground Source Heat Pump Systems. In the Proceedings of Retrofit 2012 on a memory stick (24-26 January
2012), Salford Quays, Salford, UK, 10 pages
Dzakpasu M., McCarthy V., Scholz M. and Jordan S. (2012), Integrated Constructed Wetlands for Rural
Domestic Wastewater Treatment: A Full-scale Study in Ireland. In Proceedings (on CD) of the World Congress on
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
Water, Climate and Energy, 13-18 May 2012. , Paper No. 0700 (9 pages). International Water Association, The
Convention Centre, Dublin, Ireland.
Sani A., Scholz M., Babatunde A. and Wang Y. (2012), Clogging of Vertical-flow Constructed Wetlands Treating
Domestic Wastewater. In Proceedings of the 3rd School of Computing, Science and Engineering Doctoral School
Postgraduate Research Conference 2012 (14/11/2012), Salford, England, UK, p. 26-27.
Wang Y., Edmund E. A., Scholz M. and Ross D. K. (2013), Mathematical Description of the Capillarity of Porous
Media from Surface Adsorption to Liquid Retention, Multiphase Flow. In Proceedings of the 7th International
Conference on Computational and Experimental Methods in Multiphase and Complex Flow (3-5 July 2013), A
Coruna, Spain.
Hussaini M. and Scholz M. (2014), Socio-technical Transition of Coal-CCGT in the UK Electricity Sector. In
Proceedings of the IAFOR North American Conference on Sustainability, Energy & the Environment
(NACSEE2014; 11/09/2014), Providence Marriott Downtown, Providence, Rode Island, USA.
Fitria D., Scholz M. and Swift G. (2014), Impact of Rapid Mixing Velocity and Rapid Mixing Time on Sludge
Dewaterability. In Proceedings of the IcosTechs – 1st International Conference on Science and Technology for
Sustainability (22-23 October 2014), Volume 1, pp. 135-144. Batam Island, Riau Archipelago (Kepulauan Riau)
Province, Indonesia.
Al-Faraj F. A. M., Scholz M. and Tigkas D. (2015), Sensitivity of Irrigation Requirements to Improvement in
Irrigation Efficiency in Climate-induced Changes: Example of a Transboundary Watershed. 9th World Congress of
EWRA “Water Resources Management in a Changing World: Challenges and Opportunities” (10th-13th June
2015), Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 1-13.
Hussaini M. and Scholz M. (2015), Assessing the Roles of the Various Socio-technical Transition Pathways in
Low Carbon Transitions in the UK. Proceedings of the ICCE 2015: 4th International Conference & Exhibition on
Clean Energy, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (14-16 September 2015).
4.5. Other Types of Publications
4.5.1. Other Sole-authored Refereed Conference Papers and Published Refereed Abstracts
Scholz M. (1998), Bacteria, Protozoa and Rotifers in Industrial Water Treatment Processes. In Abstract Book of the
140th Ordinary Meeting of the Society for General Microbiology (30/03-02/04/98), Nottingham, UK.
Scholz M. (1998), Protozoa and Diatoms as Bio-indicators in BAC Treatment of River Water. In Abstract Book of
the 140th Ordinary Meeting of the Society for General Microbiology (30/03-02/04/98), Nottingham, UK.
Scholz M. (2003), Pilot Plant Study: Design, Operation and Maintenance Optimisation of Sustainable Urban Storm
water Ponds, In Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Ecological Sanitation “ecosan – closing
the loop” Incorporating the 1st International Water association Specialist Group Conference Sustainable Sanitation
(07-11/04/03), Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit, Lübeck, Germany.
Scholz M. (2004), Hydraulics, Water Quality and Vegetation Characteristics of Groundwater-fed Open Ditches.
Poster presentation at The Royal Academy of Engineering’s Engineering Research Forum – The 2004 Meeting of
Academy-Funded Research (17/06/04), The Royal Academy of Engineering, London, United Kingdom.
Scholz M. (2004), Flow and Chemical Characteristics of Vegetated Groundwater-fed Ditches Draining a Riparian
Peatland. In Proceedings of the Geological Society of London’s Flow and Chemical Processes in Wetlands
Meeting (01-02/09/04), Geological Society of London (Hydrogeological Group), University of East Anglia, and
Redgrave & Suffolk Wildlife Trust, Norwich, UK.
Scholz M. (2005), Wetlands: Introduction to Environmental Management and Assessment. In Abstract Booklet of
the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessments Seminar on ‘Wetlands: Environmental Management
and Assessment’ (15/09/05), IEMA, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
Scholz M. (2005), Management and Assessment of Semi-natural Wetlands for Nutrient Control. In Abstract Booklet
of the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessments Seminar on ‘Wetlands: Environmental
Management and Assessment’ (15/09/05), IEMA, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
Scholz M. (2005), SUDS Management Case Studies in Glasgow. In Proceedings of the CIWEM Conference on
SUDS – Time to Get to Grips with It, pp. 9-15, London, England, UK (15/06/05).
Scholz M. (2005), The Glasgow Sustainable Urban Drainage System Management Project. In Abstracts of the 10th
International Conference on Urban Drainage (21-26/08/05), Copenhagen, Denmark, ISBN 87-89220-80-3, pp. 5455.
Scholz M. (2005), Development of a Practical Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS) Decision Support
Model for Engineers and Planners, In Abstract Booklet of the House of Commons Britain’s Top Younger Engineers,
poster competition event, SET for Britain, London, UK.
Scholz M. (2009), Sustainable Water Management to Control Diffuse Pollution. In Bi-national Conference New
Developments in Water Research – Israel and UK Perspectives (24/03/2009), Technicon-ILT, Haifa, Israel.
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
Scholz M. (2014), The Capacity Down Pipe: Comparisons with Other Sustainable Drainage Systems. Abstract at
the 6th International Conference and Exhibition on Water, Wastewater and Environmental Monitoring (5-6/11/2014),
Telford, England, UK.
Scholz M. (2014), Ecosystem Services and Sustainable Drainage Systems. Keynote paper at the joint EurAqua –
WssTP Workshop ‘Water-related Ecosystem Services (ESS) – Increasing the Relevance of the Concept for
Operational Management on Various Scales’, 18-19 November 2014. Norwegian Institute for Water Research,
Oslo, Norway.
4.5.2. Other Joint-authored Refereed Documents, Conference Papers and Published Refereed (Extended)
Scholz M. and Martin R. J. (1997), Biological Control in Granular Activated Carbon Beds. In Abstracts of the
International Conference on Biofilms in Aquatic Systems (13-16/04/97), Warwick, UK.
Scholz M. and Martin R. J. (1997), Control of Diatoms in BAC Filter to Prevent Filter Clogging, Taste and Odour
Problems. In Abstract Book of the 138th Ordinary Meeting of the Society for General Microbiology (01-05/09/97), p.
78, Southampton, UK.
Scholz M. and Martin R. J. (1997), Biological Control in Granular Activated Carbon Beds. In Abstracts of the IX
World Water Congress of IWRA (01-06/09/97), Montreal, Canada.
Scholz M. and Martin R. J. (1997), Biological Control in Granular Activated Carbon Beds. In Abstracts of the IWSA
21st World Congress and Exhibition (20-26/09/97), Madrid, Spain.
Scholz M. and Martin R. J. (1998), BAC Filter Removal Efficiency Estimation by Biological Indicator Organisms. In
Abstracts of the IAWQ 19th Biennial International Conference (21-26/06/98), Vancouver, Canada.
Mohammed N. K. and Scholz M. (2000), Influence of Heavy Metals and Sewage on the Microbial Composition
and Purification Performance of Biological Activated Carbon Filters. In Abstract Book of the Millennium Meeting of
the Societies for General and Applied Microbiology (10-14/04/00), Warwick, UK.
Mohanty S. and Scholz M. (2000), Neural Network Simulation of Biological Activated Carbon Filtration Efficiency
Based on Potable Water Micro-organisms. In Abstract Book of the Millennium Meeting of the Societies for General
and Applied Microbiology (10-14/04/00), Warwick, UK.
Scholz M., Mohammed N. K., Mohanty S. and Slater M. J. (2000), Statistical Analyses and Neural Network
Simulations of Biological Activated Carbon Filtration Performances Based on Potable Water Microbial
Compositions. In Abstract Book of the Millennium Meeting of the Societies for General and Applied Microbiology
(10-14/04/00), Warwick, UK.
Scholz M., Knott M., Xu J. and Mohammed (2000), Biofilm Formation and Control: Natural Wetlands and Reed
Beds Used for Treating Stream Water Polluted with Lead and Copper. In Abstract Book of the 147th Ordinary
Meeting of the Society for General Microbiology (12-15/09/00), Exeter, UK.
Xu J., Scholz M., Funk M. J. and Dodson H. I. (2001), Comparison of Microbiology, Filter Media and Plant
Communities within Constructed Wetlands Treating Wastewater Contaminated with Heavy Metals. In Abstract
Book of the 149th Ordinary Meeting of the Society for General Microbiology.
Scholz M. and Xu J. (2001), Comparison of Changes within Constructed Wetlands Treating Wastewater
Containing Copper and Lead. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Changing Wetlands: New
Developments in Wetland Science, Sheffield, UK.
Funk M. J. and Scholz M. (2001), Strategies for Spatial Monitoring of Water Quality within a Sustainable Urban
Wetland. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Changing Wetlands: New Developments in Wetland
Science, Sheffield, UK.
Forman B. I, Decker P., and Scholz M. (2003), Gully Pot Effluent Treatment with Constructed Wetlands in Cold
Climate. In Proceedings of the 4th International Water Association United Kingdom Young Researchers Conference
(02-03/04/03), International Water Association, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
Legay Y., and Scholz M. (2003), Case Study: Design and Operation of Sustainable Urban Storm water Ponds. In
Proceedings of the 4th International Water Association United Kingdom Young Researchers Conference (0203/04/03), International Water Association, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
O`Brien C., Scholz M. and McConnacie G. (2003), Comparison of Secondary Treatment Technologies for Pretreated Rendering Plant Wastewater. In Proceedings of the First Scottish Conference for Postgraduate
Researchers of the Built and Natural Environment (18-19/11/03). Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, UK.
Scholz M., Stone Olson M. and Trepel M. (2003), Hydraulic, Vegetation and Water Quality Characteristics of
Heavily Vegetated Groundwater-fed Ditches in a Riparian Peatland in Northern Germany. In Abstracts of the
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (8-12/12/03), 84(46), Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract H32C-0589,
San Francisco, USA.
Lee B.-H., Härtl J., Guilbert S. M. A. and Scholz M. (2004), Constructed Wetlands for Gully Pot Effluent
Treatment. In Proceedings of the International Water Association’s Young Researchers Conference (23-24/04/04),
International Water Association, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
Scholz M., O’Brien C. A. and McConnachie G. L. (2004), Comparison of Novel Membrane Bioreactors and
Constructed Wetlands for Treatment of Pre-processed Animal Rendering Plant Wastewater in Cold Climate. Paper
presentation on the IDS-Water 2004 Online Conference (10-28/05/2004),, Industry IDS
Zheng J., Olsen O. S., Nasmark, J. H. A., Gardner, C. E. and Scholz M. (2004), Operation and Maintenance
Optimisation of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems Treating Road Runoff. In Proceedings of the 5th UK Meeting
of the International Water Association’s UK Young Researchers Conference (19-20 May 2004), University of
Southampton, Southampton, UK.
Baxter A., Wood P. and Scholz M. (2004), The Glasgow Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS)
Management Project. In Abstracts of the Nuffield Science Bursaries Scottish Celebration Event (27 August 2004;
Royal Museum), Edinburgh, UK.
Scholz M., Anderson P. and Forman B. I (2004), Treatment of Gully Pot Effluent Containing Heavy Metals with
Constructed Wetlands in Scotland. In Abstracts of the International Water Association’s Waste Stabilisation Ponds
and Wetlands Systems Conference (27/09-03/04/03), pp. 607-614, International Water Association, Avignon,
Scholz M., Anderson P. and Forman B. I (2004), Traitement d’un Effluent de Ruissellement de Chaussées
(Caniveau) Contenant des Métaux Lourds par Marais Artificiels. In Abstracts of the International Water
Association’s Waste Stabilisation Ponds and Wetlands Systems Conference (27/09-03/04/03), pp. 615,
International Water Association, Avignon, France.
Barnes M. and Scholz M. (2004), Development of a Revised Capillary Suction Time Apparatus. In Abstracts of the
Nuffield Science Bursaries Scottish Celebration Event (2 September 2005; Edinburgh Zoo), Edinburgh, UK.
Jeffree M. and Scholz M. (2004), Treatment of Hydrocarbons Using Constructed Wetlands. In Abstracts of the
Nuffield Science Bursaries Scottish Celebration Event (2 September 2005; Edinburgh Zoo), Edinburgh, UK.
Thomas J. H. and Scholz M. (2005), The Glasgow Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS) Management
Project: A Case Study, paper presentation at The Graduate and Student Members Papers Competition 2005,
Institution of Civil Engineers East of Scotland (Edinburgh Area Branch), 8 March 2005, The King’s Buildings, The
University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
Scholz M. (2005), Storm water Resource Management with Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems. In Abstracts of
the International Conference on Multifunctionality of Landscapes – Analysis, Evaluation and Decision Support at
the University of Giessen, Germany (18-19 May 2005).
Scholz M. and Nanbakhsh H. (2005), Design and Operation of Sustainable Urban Infiltration Ponds. In Abstracts
of the International Conference on Multifunctionality of Landscapes – Analysis, Evaluation and Decision Support at
the University of Giessen, Germany (18-19 May 2005).
Kazemi-Yazdi S., Nanbakhsh H. and Scholz M. (2005), Design Comparison of Experimental Storm water
Detention Systems. In Proceedings of the 1st National SUDSnet Student Conference (22 June 2005), Coventry
University, England, UK, pp. 1-6.
Nanbakhsh H., Kazemi-Yazdi S. and Scholz M. (2005), Design Comparison of Experimental Storm water
Detention Systems Treating Concentrated Road Runoff. In Abstracts of WETPOL – International Symposium on
Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control (4-8/09/2005), Ghent, Belgium.
Nanbakhsh H. and Scholz M. (2005), Best Management Practice (BMP): Design and Operation of Sustainable
Urban Infiltration Ponds treating Storm Runoff. In Abstracts of WETPOL – International Symposium on Wetland
Pollutant Dynamics and Control (4-8/09/2005), Ghent, Belgium.
Scholz M., Lee B.-H. and Horn A. (2005), Control of Pollutant Dynamics with Case Based Reasoning in
Experimental Constructed Wetlands Treating Gully Pot Liquor. In Abstracts of WETPOL – International Symposium
on Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control (4-8/09/2005), Ghent, Belgium.
Lee B.-H. and Scholz M. (2005), Constructed Wetlands Used for Treatment of Urban Runoff Contaminated with
Heavy Metals. In Abstract Booklet of the IEMA Seminar on ‘Wetlands: Environmental Management and
Assessment’ (15/0905), IEMA, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
Kazemi-Yazdi S. and Scholz M. (2005), Design Comparison of Experimental Storm water Detention Systems. In
Abstract Booklet of the IEMA Seminar on ‘Wetlands: Environmental Management and Assessment’ (15/0905),
IEMA, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
Eke P. E. and Scholz M. (2005), Constructed Wetlands Used for the Treatment of Produced Water Contaminated
with Hydrocarbons. In Abstract Booklet of the IEMA Seminar on ‘Wetlands: Environmental Management and
Assessment’ (15/0905), IEMA, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
Yin P. and Scholz M. (2005), Constructed Wetlands Used as a Technique for a Novel SUDS Decision Support
Model. In Abstract Booklet of the IEMA Seminar on ‘Wetlands: Environmental Management and Assessment’
(15/0905), IEMA, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
Scholz M. and Lee B.-H. (2005), Design and Operation of Experimental Constructed Wetlands Applied for Gully
Pot Effluent Contaminated with Heavy Metals. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Urban
Drainage (21-26/08/05), ISBN 87-89220-80-3,Copenhagen, Denmark, p. 54.
Harrington R., Carroll P., Cooke, S. and Scholz M. (2007), An Investigation of Water-Vectored Ammonium within
Hydrosphere of ‘Integrated Constructed Wetlands’ (ICW) with Special Focus on Groundwater and Associated
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
Receptors. Mander Ü., Kõiv M. and Vohla C. (Eds.). In Extended Abstracts of the 2nd International Symposium on
Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control – WETPOL 2007 (16-20/09/2007), ISBN 978-9949-11-688-1, Tartu,
Estonia, pp. 124-125.
Scholz M. and Hedmark Å. (2007), Integration of Trees into Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems. Mander Ü.,
Kõiv M. and Vohla C. (Eds.). In Extended Abstracts of the 2nd International Symposium on Wetland Pollutant
Dynamics and Control – WETPOL 2007 (16-20/09/2007), ISBN 978-9949-11-688-1, Tartu, Estonia, pp. 271-273.
Scholz M., Wu X and Hedmark Å. (2007), Assessment of Experimental Constructed Wetlands Treating Urban
Runoff Contaminated with Nitrogen. Mander Ü., Kõiv M. and Vohla C. (Eds.). In Extended Abstracts of the 2nd
International Symposium on Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control – WETPOL 2007 (16-20/09/2007), ISBN
978-9949-11-688-1, Tartu, Estonia, pp. 274-276.
Kazemi-Yazdi S. and Scholz M. (2007), Storm water Infiltration and Detention Systems Treating Road Runoff.
Mander Ü., Kõiv M. and Vohla C. (Eds.). In Extended Abstracts of the 2nd International Symposium on Wetland
Pollutant Dynamics and Control – WETPOL 2007 (16-20/09/2007), ISBN 978-9949-11-688-1, Tartu, Estonia, pp.
Eke E. P. and Scholz M. (2007), Hydrocarbon Removal with Constructed Treatment Wetlands. Mander Ü., Kõiv M.
and Vohla C. (Eds.). In Extended Abstracts of the 2nd International Symposium on Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and
Control – WETPOL 2007 (16-20/09/2007), ISBN 978-9949-11-689-8, Tartu, Estonia, pp. 412-414.
Nanbakhsh H. and Scholz M. (2007), Heavy Metal pollution of Shar Chi River (Urmia, Iran). Mander Ü., Kõiv M.
and Vohla C. (Eds.), In Extended Abstracts of the 2nd International Symposium on Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and
Control – WETPOL 2007 (16-20/09/2007), ISBN 978-9949-11-689-8, Tartu, Estonia, pp. 481-482.
Scholz M., Harrington R., Carroll P and Mustafa A. (2007), Development of the Integrated Constructed Wetlands
(ICW) Concept. Mander Ü., Kõiv M. and Vohla C. (Eds.). In Extended Abstracts of the 2nd International Symposium
on Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control – WETPOL 2007 (16-20/09/2007), ISBN 978-9949-11-689-8, Tartu,
Estonia, pp. 524-526.
Scholz M. and Sadowski A. J. (2007), Classification Model for Sustainable Flood Retention Basins. Mander Ü.,
Kõiv M. and Vohla C. (Eds.). In Extended Abstracts of the 2nd International Symposium on Wetland Pollutant
Dynamics and Control – WETPOL 2007 (16-20/09/2007), ISBN 978-9949-11-689-8, Tartu, Estonia, pp. 527-529.
Grabowiecki P., Scholz M. and Coupe S. (2007), The Next Generation of Permeable Pavement Systems:
Functioning, Biological Safety and Water Quality. In Proceedings of the SUDSnet National Conference
(14/11/2007), Coventry, UK, 50-55.
Scholz M. and Wu X. (2007), Experimental Constructed Wetlands Treating Urban Runoff Contaminated with
Nitrogen. In Proceedings of the SUDSnet National Conference (14/11/2007), Coventry, UK, 90-96.
Eke P. E., Scholz M. and Wallace S. D. (2007), Constructed Treatment Wetlands: Innovative Technology for
Petroleum Industry, SPE International Library, SPE 113644-STU.
Hofmann O., Scholz M., Tumula P. D., Fairfield C. and Harrington R. (2009), Assessment of an Integrated
Constructed Wetland System to Treat Domestic Wastewater. Proc. FECCI Ann. Res. Conf., Edinburgh Napier
University, 28 May, pp. 53-58.
Harrington R., Scholz M. and McInnes R. (2009), Integrated Constructed Wetlands: Linking Sustainable Water
Management to Restoring Wetland Ecologies. 4th Annual Meeting of the European Chapter of the Society of
Wetland Scientists entitled Progress and problems in Wetland Science – with a Particular Focus upon Wetland
Restoration in Europe (20-24/05/09), Erkner (near Berlin), Germany.
Harrington R., Scholz M. and McInnes R. (2009), Integrated Constructed Wetlands: Linking Sustainable Water
Management to Restoring Wetland Ecologies. Society of Wetland Scientists, SWS-WWA-WBS Joint Meeting (2126/06/09), Madison, USA.
Bastien N., Arthur S., Wallis S. and Scholz M. (2009), Towards Best Management of Runoff in New
Developments. In Abstract booklet of SUDSnet 2009 conference (12-13/11/2009), Coventry, England, UK, pp. 1617.
Yang Q., McMinn W. R. and Scholz M. (2009), Potential Use of Natural Flood Retention Wetlands to Control
Diffuse Pollution. In Abstract booklet of SUDSnet 2009 conference(12-13/11/2009), Coventry, England, UK., pp.
Tota-Maharaj K., Scholz M., Grabowiecki P., Ahmed T. and Coupe S. (2009), Molecular Characterization of
Bacterial Populations in Urban Runoff for Combined Permeable Pavements and Geothermal Heat Pumps. In
Abstract booklet of SUDSnet 2009 conference(12-13/11/2009), Coventry, England, UK, pp. 40-41.
Mustafa A., Scholz M. and Harrington R. (2009), Microbial Communities Removing Nitrogen within an Integrated
Constructed Wetland Treating Rural Runoff. In Abstract booklet of SUDSnet 2009 conference(12-13/11/2009),
Coventry, England, UK, pp. 44-45.
Tota-Maharaja K. and Scholz M. (2010), Permeable Pavement Engineering and Geothermal (Geoexchange)
Systems for Storm water Treatment and Reuse. First European Congress of the International Association of HydroEnvironment Engineering (04-06/05/2010). Heriot-Watt University, Telford Institute and International Association of
Hydraulic Engineering and Research, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
Yang Q., McMinn W. R. and Scholz M. (2010), Assessment and Classification of Scottish Water Bodies as
Sustainable Adaptive Hydraulic Structures for Flood Risk Management Planning in Response to Climate Change.
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
First European Congress of the International Association of Hydro-Environment Engineering (04-06/05/2010).
Heriot-Watt University, Telford Institute and International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research,
Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
Yang Q., Shao J., McMinn W. R., and Scholz M. (2010), Sustainable Flood Retention Basins (SFRB) as Adaptive
Measures. Extended abstract booklet and Journal of the State of Hamburg (No. 5/2010). Strategic Alliance for
Integrated Water Management Actions (SAWA) conference (25-27/05/10), Gothenburg, Sweden, pp. 32-33 and pp.
Harrington C., Scholz M., Culleton N., and Harrington R. (2010), Integrated Constructed Wetlands for the
Treatment of Diluted Anaerobically Digested Swine Wastewater. International Water Association Specialist Group
on Use of Macrophytes in Water Pollution Control, Newsletter No. 36, pp. 3-5.
Harrington C., Scholz M., Culleton N. and Lawlor P. D. (2010), The Use of Integrated Constructed Wetlands for
the Treatment of Swine Wastewaters. British Society of Animal Science Annual Meeting ‘Food, Feed, Energy and
Fibre from Land - a vision for 2020’ (12-14 April 2010), Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom.
Harrington C., Scholz M., Culleton N. and Lawlor P. D. (2010), The use of Integrated Constructed Wetlands for
the treatment of separated Swine Wastewaters. The 5th Annual Meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists (2628th May 2010), Tramore, County Waterford, Ireland.
Curwell T., Tumula P. D. and Scholz M. (2011), Assessment of the Relationships between Sustainable Flood
Retention Basin Variables and Catchment Characteristics. Research Showcase, Poster Abstract Booklet, 16 June
2011, The University of Salford, Salford, England, UK.
Danso-Amoako E. and Scholz M. (2011), Spatial Distribution of Dam Failure Hazard in Greater Manchester.
Research Showcase, Poster Abstract Booklet, 16 June 2011, The University of Salford, Salford, England, UK.
Hofmann O., Scholz M., Tumula P. D., Harrington R., Dong Y. and Hedmark Å. (2011), Performance Evaluation
of Integrated Constructed Wetlands Treating Domestic Wastewater. Research Showcase, Poster Abstract Booklet,
16 June 2011, The University of Salford, Salford, England, UK.
Yang Q., Shao J. and Scholz M. (2011), Geostatistical Assessment of Wetlands that Can Be Used as Sustainable
Adaptive Structural Measures for Diffuse Pollution and Flood Risk Management Planning. Research Showcase,
Poster Abstract Booklet, 16 June 2011, The University of Salford, Salford, England, UK.
Dong Y., Kayranli B., Scholz M., Tumula P. D. and Harrington H. (2011), Nutrient Release from Integrated
Constructed Wetlands Sediment. International Water Association Specialist Group on Use of Macrophytes in Water
Pollution Control, Newsletter No. 38, pp. 17-22.
Babatunde A.O., Godin M., Grabowiecki P., Tota-Maharaj K., Scholz M., Wang Y., Tumula P. D., Meijer W.G
and Miranda-Caso Luengo R. (2011), Differentiation of Mechanisms and Causative Factors of Clogging in
Vertical-flow Constructed Wetland Systems. Abstract published in the Proceedings of the 12th International
Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (CEST2011), 8-10 September 2011, Rhodes Island,
Greece, p. 275.
Babatunde, A.O., Gordijenko, M., Grabowiecki, P., Tota-Maharaj, K., Scholz, M. Wang, Y., Tumula, P. D.,
Meijer, W.G and Miranda-Caso Luengo, R. (2011), Engineered Wetlands Integrating Ground-source Heat Pump
System: Preliminary Design and Performance Evaluation. Abstract published in the Proceedings of the 12th
International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (CEST2011) 8-10 September 2011, Rhodes
Island, Greece, p. 277.
Yang Q., Shao J. and Scholz M. (2011), Classification of Water Bodies including Sustainable Flood Retention
Basins (SFRB). Abstract booklet of the International Conference on Integrated Water Resources Management
“Management of Water in a Changing World: Lessons Learnt and Innovative Perspectives, Maritime Hotel &
International Congress Center, 12-13 October 2011, Dresden, Germany, pp. 110-111.
Mustafa A., Scholz M., Khan S. and Ghaffar A. (2011), Application of Point of Use Household Drinking Water
Disinfection for Treatment of Contaminated Water: A Case Study – Karachi, Pakistan. 2nd International Chemical
and Environmental Engineering Conference 2011. 25-27 November 2011, Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia.
Fitria D., Swift G., Scholz M. and Tumula P. (2011), The Influence of Mixer Type and Shape on Sludge
Dewaterability. Extended Abstract in the Proceedings of the 2nd Computing, Science and Engineering Postgraduate
Research Doctoral Conference 2011 (Murano P., ed). 26 November 2011, The University of Salford, Salford, UK.
p. 49
Curwell T., Scholz M. and Tumula P. (2011), Sustainable Flood Retention Basins: Relationships Between
Catchment Land Cover and Water Quality. Extended Abstract in the Proceedings of the 2 nd Computing, Science
and Engineering Postgraduate Research Doctoral Conference 2011 (Murano P., ed). 26 November 2011, The
University of Salford, Salford, UK. p. 49
Dzakpasu M., Scholz M., Harrington R., Jordan S. N., McCarthy V. and Hofmann O. (2011), Nutrient Retention
in an Integrated Constructed Wetland Used to Treat Domestic Wastewater. 21st Irish Environmental Researcher’s
Colloquium (06-08/04/2011), University College Cork, Cork, Ireland, p. 73.
Scholz M., Tota-Maharaj K. and Grabowiecki P. (2012), Modelling of Retrofitted Combined Permeable Pavement
and Ground Source Heat Pump Systems. In the Abstract Booklet of Retrofit 2012 on a memory stick and in print
(24-26 January 2012), Salford Quays, Salford, UK.
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
Sani A., Scholz M., Babatunde A. and Wang Y. (2012), The Influence of Clogging on Effluent Water Quality and
Performance of Vertical-flow Constructed Wetlands Treating Domestic Wastewater. Salford Postgraduate Annual
Research Conference (SPARC), 30 and 31 May 2012, The University of Salford, Salford, UK.
Dzakpasu M., Scholz M., Jordan S. and McCarthy V. (2012), Infiltration and Contaminant Migration Beneath an
Irish Integrated Constructed Wetland. Salford Postgraduate Annual Research Conference (SPARC), 30 and 31
May 2012, The University of Salford, Salford, UK.
Dong Y., Kayranli B., Scholz M. and Harrington R. (2012), Nutrients Release from Sediments in Integrated
Constructed Wetlands. Salford Postgraduate Annual Research Conference (SPARC), 30 and 31 May 2012, The
University of Salford, Salford, UK.
Fitria D., Scholz M. and Swift G. (2012), Influence of Different Types of Mixers on Sludge Dewaterability
Assessments Using the Capillary Suction Time Test. Salford Postgraduate Annual Research Conference (SPARC),
30 and 31 May 2012, The University of Salford, Salford, UK.
Sani A., Scholz M., Babatunde A. and Wang Y. (2012), Performance of Vertical-flow Constructed Wetlands
Treating Domestic Wastewater. In Poster Abstract Proceedings of the Research Showcase Conference (20 June
2012), The University of Salford, MediaCity UK, Salford, England, UK.
Mak C., James P. and Scholz M. (2012), Resilient Ecosystem Service Assessments for Sustainable Drainage
Systems. . In Poster Abstract Proceedings of the Research Showcase Conference (20 June 2012), The University
of Salford, MediaCity UK, Salford, England, UK.
Iqbal Z. and Scholz M. (2012), Design of Sustainable Flood Retention Basins (SFRB) for Diffuse Pollution Control
and Storm Water Attenuation. In Abstract Proceedings of the 2012 American Water Resources Association
(AWRA) 2012 Summer Speciality Conference (27-29 June 2012), Riparian Ecosystems IV: Advancing Science,
Economics and Policy. AWRA, Denver, Colorado, USA.
Scholz M. (2012), Integrated Constructed Wetlands to Control Pollution. Abstract of the keynote paper delivered at
the 3rd International Conference on Pollution Ecology (6-9 November 2012), Tianjin, China, p 75.
Sani A., Scholz M., Babatunde A. and Wang Y. (2012), Clogging of Vertical-flow Constructed Wetlands Treating
Domestic Wastewater. Abstract published at the 3rd School of Computing, Science and Engineering Doctoral
School Postgraduate Research Conference 2012 (14/11/2012), Salford, England, UK.
Mak C., James P. and Scholz M. (2012), Linking Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) and Ecosystem Services:
New Connections in Urban Ecology. In Programme and Abstracts of the British Society of Ecology – Annual
Meeting and AGM 2012 (17-20 December 2012), Birmingham UK, p. 28.
Sani A., Scholz M., Babatunde A. and Wang Y. (2013), Assessment of Performance and Clogging of Vertical-flow
Constructed Wetlands Treating Urban Wastewater. Newsletter of the International Water Association (IWA)
Specialist Group on the Use of Macrophytes in Water Pollution Control, IWA, London, Newsletter No. 42, pp. 1618.
Hussaini M., Scholz M. and Hedmark Å. (2013), Transition of Energy Infrastructure to a Low Carbon System: A
Comparative Analysis of the Power Sector in Four Different Nations. Salford Postgraduate Annual Research
Conference (SPARC), 05-06/06/2013, The University of Salford, Salford, UK.
Sani A., Scholz M., Babatunde A. and Wang Y. (2013), Impact of Design and Operational Variables on Clogging
of Vertical-flow Wetlands Treating Domestic Wastewater. Salford Postgraduate Annual Research Conference
(SPARC), 05-06/06/2013, The University of Salford, Salford, UK.
Uzomah V. and Scholz M. (2013), Rapid Decision Support Tool Based on Novel Ecosystem Service Variables for
Retrofitting of Permeable Pavement Systems in the Presence of Trees. Salford Postgraduate Annual Research
Conference (SPARC), 05-06/06/2013, The University of Salford, Salford, UK.
Uzomah V. and Scholz M. (2013), Rapid decision support tool based on novel ecosystem service variables for
retrofitting of permeable pavement systems in the presence of trees. Research Showcase, 19 June 2012, The
University of Salford, Salford, England, UK.
Scholz M. (2013), Rapid Decision Support Tool for Different Professions Based on Estimated Ecosystem Service
Variables for Retrofitting of Sustainable Drainage Systems. Water for the Future – A Practical Knowledge
Exchange (20 June 2013). Environment Agency North West Environment Planning, Preston, England, UK.
Mak C., James P. and Scholz M. (2013), Linking Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS) and Ecosystem
Services: New Connections in Urban Ecology. 1st Congress of the Society for Urban Ecology (SURE) on Progress
in Urban Ecology and Ecological Challenges in Urban Development (25-27 July 2013), Berlin, Germany.
Sani A., Scholz M., Babatunde A., Wang Y. and Uzomah V. (2013), Clogging of Vertical-flow Constructed
Wetlands Treating Urban Wastewater. Extended Abstract in the Book of Abstracts. Chazarenc F., Gagnon V. and
Méchineau M. (Eds.). The 5th International Symposium on Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control (WetPol), 1317/10/2013, Nantes, France, pp. 170-171.
Uzomah V., Scholz M. and Sani A. (2013), Rapid Decision Support Pollution Control Tool Based on Novel
Ecosystem Service Variables for Retrofitting of Sustainable Drainage Systems Including Wetlands and Ponds.
Extended Abstract in the Book of Abstracts. Chazarenc F., Gagnon V. and Méchineau M. (Eds.). The 5th
International Symposium on Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control (WetPol), 13-17/10/2013, Nantes, France,
pp. 61-62.
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
Uzomah V. and Scholz M. (2013), Rapid Decision Support Tool Based on Novel Ecosystem Service Variables for
Retrofitting of Permeable Pavement Systems in the Presence of Trees. 4th Computing, Science and Engineering
Doctoral School Postgraduate Research Conference (13/11/2013), The University of Salford, Salford, UK.
Sani A., Scholz M. and Bouillon L. (2013), Long-term Performance and Clogging of Lab-scale Vertical-flow
Constructed Wetlands Treating Domestic Wastewater. 4th Computing, Science and Engineering Doctoral School
Postgraduate Research Conference (13/11/2013), The University of Salford, Salford, UK.
Hussaini M. and Scholz M. (2014), Coal-Gas Transitions in the UK. Research Showcase, Poster Abstract Booklet,
18 June 2014, The University of Salford, Salford, England, UK.
Uzomah V. and Scholz M. (2014), Decision Support Tool Based on Ecosystem Service Variables for Retrofitting of
Sustainable Drainage Systems Including Wetlands. Research Showcase, Poster Abstract Booklet, 18 June 2014,
The University of Salford, Salford, England, UK.
Al-Faraj F. A. M. and Scholz M. (2014), Impairment of Flow Regimes in Transboundary River Basins. Research
Showcase, Poster Abstract Booklet, 18 June 2014, The University of Salford, Salford, England, UK.
Dzakpasu M., Scholz M., McCarthy V., Jordan S. and Sani A. (2014), Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Inference System
for Real-time Monitoring of Integrated Constructed Wetlands. 14th International Water Association (IWA)
Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control (12-16 October 2014), Shanghai, China, p. 113.
Al-Isawi R., Sani A., Almuktar S. and Scholz M. (2014), Vertical-flow Constructed Wetlands Treating Domestic
Wastewater Contaminated by Hydrocarbons. 14th International Water Association (IWA) Conference on Wetland
Systems for Water Pollution Control (12-16 October 2014), Shanghai, China, p. 62.
Almuktar S., Al-Isawi R., Sani A. and Scholz M. (2014), Recycling of Domestic Wastewater Treated by Verticalflow Wetlands for Watering of Vegetables. 14th International Water Association (IWA) Conference on Wetland
Systems for Water Pollution Control (12-16 October 2014), Shanghai, China, p. 125.
Yang Q., Boehm C., Scholz M., Li R., Plant C., Sani A., Shao J. (2014), Uncertainty Analysis in Classification of
Wetlands Used for Flood and Diffuse Pollution Control. 14th International Water Association (IWA) Conference on
Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control (12-16 October 2014), Shanghai, China, p. 145.
Uzomah V., Sani A., Al-Isawi R., Almuktar S. and Scholz M. (2014), Decision Support Tool Based on Ecosystem
Service Variables for Retrofitting of Sustainable Drainage Systems Including Wetlands. 14th International Water
Association (IWA) Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control (12-16 October 2014), Shanghai,
Nanekely M. A. A. and Scholz M. (2015), The Potentiality to Retrofit the Sustainable Drainage System in a SemiArid Area of Kurdistan. Salford Postgraduate Annual Research Conference (SPARC), 26 to 28 May 2015, The
University of Salford, Salford, UK, pp. 89-90.
Almuktar S. and Scholz M. (2015), Challenges of Using Recycled Domestic Wastewater Treated by Wetlands for
Irrigating of vegetables. Salford Postgraduate Annual Research Conference (SPARC), 26 to 28 May 2015, The
University of Salford, Salford, UK.
Al-Isawi R., Scholz M. and Wang Y. (2015), Seasonal Assessment of Vertical-flow Constructed Wetlands Treating
Domestic Wastewater Contaminated with Hydrocarbon. Salford Postgraduate Annual Research Conference
(SPARC), 26 to 28 May 2015, The University of Salford, Salford, UK.
Scholz M. (2015), Rapid Expert Tools Based on Ecosystem Services Variables for Retrofitting of Sustainable
Drainage Systems. Keynote paper at the 2015 International Conference on Water Resource and Environment
(WRE2015), 25-27 July 2015, Beijing, China.
Almuktar S. and Scholz M. (2015), Mineral Contamination of Capsicum annuum Irrigated with Recycled Domestic
Wastewater Treated by Vertical-flow Wetlands. The 5th World Sustainability Forum (7-9 September 2015), Basel,
Switzerland, p. 179.
Al-Isawi R. K., Sani A. and Scholz M. (2015), Hydrocarbon Removal and Seasonal Variability in Vertical-flow
Constructed Wetlands Treating Urban Wastewater. The 5th World Sustainability Forum (7-9 September 2015),
Basel, Switzerland, p. 178.
Yaseen D. A. and Scholz M. (2015), Dye Removal in Experimental Ponds Treating Textile Wastewater with Lemna
minor. The 5th World Sustainability Forum (7-9 September 2015), Basel, Switzerland, p. 176.
Abed S. N. and Scholz M. (2015), Floating Reed Beds for the Treatment of Synthetic Grey Water. The 5th World
Sustainability Forum (7-9 September 2015), Basel, Switzerland, p.177.
Al-Faraj F. A. M. and Scholz M. (2015), Impact of Upstream Man-made Interventions on the Sustainable
Management of Downstream Natural Wetland Systems. The 5th World Sustainability Forum (7-9 September 2015),
Basel, Switzerland, p. 165.
Uzomah V. and Scholz M. (2015), Tree Characteristics and Their Impact on the Retrofitting of Sustainable
Drainage Systems and Road Structures. The 5th World Sustainability Forum (7-9 September 2015), Basel,
Switzerland, p. 109.
Al-Faraj F. A. M. and Scholz M. (2015), Impact of Anthropogenic Activities on Salinity of the Shatt El-Arab: A
Transboundary River Basin Case Study. The 5th World Sustainability Forum (7-9 September 2015), Basel,
Switzerland, p. 164.
Al-Isawi R. K. and Scholz M. (2015), Impact of Different Irrigation Waters on the Growth of Chilli Grown in a
Greenhouse. The 5th World Sustainability Forum (7-9 September 2015), Basel, Switzerland, p. 181.
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
Al-Isawi R. K., Scholz M. and Wang Y. (2015), Modelling of Hydrocarbon Treatment in Vertical-flow Constructed
Wetlands Treating Urban Waste Water. Abstract Booklet of WETPOL 2015 - 6th International Symposium on
Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control, and Annual Conference of the Constructed Wetland Association (13-18
September 2015), York, UK, pp. 210-211.
Almuktar S. A. A.-A. N. and Scholz M., Mineral Contamination of Vegetables Irrigated with Recycled Domestic
Wastewater Treated by Vertical-flow Wetlands. Proceedings of The 8th MMU Postgraduate Research Conference
2015 'Innovation' (5 November), Manchester, UK.
4.5.3. Blog
Scholz M., Using Wetlands for Water Pollution Control. Elsevier SciTech Connect, blog posted on 2 December
2015. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
4.6. Fully Refereed Journal Papers and Other Documents in Press
Journal Articles:
Abed S. N. and Scholz M., Chemical Simulation of Greywater. Environmental Technology.
Al-Faraj F. A. M. and Scholz M., Impact of Basin-wide Dry Climate Conditions and Non-climatic Drivers: An
Isolation Approach. Journal of Water and Climate Change.
Conference Abstracts:
Al-Isawi R. H. K., Abed S. N. and Scholz M., Assessment of Willows Irrigated with Effluent from Wetland Systems
Treating Domestic Wastewater Types. 6th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass
Valorisation (23-26 May 2016), Albi, France.
Almuktar S. A. A.-A. N. and Scholz M., Impact of Recycled Domestic Wastewater Treated by Vertical-flow
Wetlands on the Growth of Capsicum annuum. The 2016 International conference on Water Resource and
Environment (WRE2016), 23-26 July 2016, Shanghai, China.
4.7. Articles under Consideration for Publication
Journal Articles:
Hussaini M. and Scholz M., Using a Numerical Approach to Assess Sustainability Transitions: The Electricity
Generation Sector in the United Kingdom. Journal of The Energy Institute.
Al-Isawi R. H. K. and Scholz M., Recycling of Domestic Wastewater Treated by Vertical-flow Wetlands for
Irrigation of Chillies Grown in a Greenhouse. Ecological Engineering.
Hussaini M. and Scholz M., Assessing the Roles of the Various Socio-technical Transition Pathways in Low
Carbon Transitions in the UK. Journal of Advances in Clean Energy.
Al-Faraj F. A. M., Tigkas D. and Scholz M., Irrigation Efficiency Improvement for Sustainable Agriculture in
Changing Climate: A Transboundary Watershed Between Iraq and Iran. Environmental Processes.
Ahmed T., Niaz W., Scholz M. and Al-Faraj F. A. M., Water-related Impacts of Climate Change on Public Health
and Agriculture. CLEAN – Soil, Air, Water.
Uzomah V., Scholz M. and Al-Faraj F. A. M., Assessment of Tree Damage to Permeable Pavements and Other
Urban Structures. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening.
Mohammed R. and Scholz M., A Review of Salinity Intrusion in Rivers and Estuaries: Potential Impacts of
Freshwater Flow and Tidal Mixing, Human Interventions, and Sea Level Rise. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf
Delkash M., Al-Faraj F. A. M. and Scholz M., Modelling the Impacts of Land Use Changes on Nutrient
Concentrations in Surface Waterbodies: A Review. CLEAN – Soil, Air, Water.
Al-Isawi R. H. K., Almuktar S. A. A.-A. N. and Scholz M., Monitoring and Assessment of Recycled River, Rain,
Gully Pot and Grey Waters for Irrigation of Capsicum annuum. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.
Al-Faraj F. A. M. and Scholz M., Towards Sustainable Management of Transboundary Rivers: A Technical
Support Framework. Water Resources Management.
Mohammed R., Scholz M. and Zounemat-Kermani M., Temporal Hydrologic Alterations Coupled with Climate
Variability and Drought for Transboundary River Basins. Water Resources Management.
Hussaini M. and Scholz M., Exploring Low Carbon Transition Pathways in the UK Transport Sector.
Transportation Planning and Technology.
Almuktar S. A. A.-A. N. and Scholz M., Assessing Recycled Diesel Spill-contaminated Domestic Wastewater
Treated by Reed Beds for Irrigation of Sweet Peppers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
Mahdavi-Meymand A., Al-Faraj F. A. M., Scholz M. and Zounemat-Kermani M., Assessing the Performance of
Different Heuristic and Empirical Techniques in Estimating the Spillway Aerator Air Demand. Neural Computing and
Conference Abstracts:
Almuktar S. A. A.-A. N., Abed S. N. and Scholz M., Contamination of Soil and Crops Irrigated with Recycled
Domestic Wastewater. 4th International Environment Conference 2016 (2-3 March, 2016). Poster presentation.
Ajman – United Arab Emirates.
Almuktar S. A. A.-A. N. and Scholz M., Recycling of Domestic Wastewater Treated by Vertical-flow Wetlands for
Irrigation of Crops. 4th International Environment Conference 2016 (2-3 March, 2016). Oral presentation. Ajman –
United Arab Emirates.
Mohammed R. K. and Scholz M., The Impact of Potential Evapotranspiration Methods at Various Altitudes on the
Reconnaissance Drought Index Alpha Form for Arid and Semi-arid Regions. 4th International Environment
Conference 2016 (2-3 March, 2016). Oral presentation. Ajman – United Arab Emirates.
Scholz M., Green Infrastructure: Assessment of Tree Damage to Urban Structures. 4th International Environment
Conference 2016 (2-3 March, 2016). Oral presentation. Ajman – United Arab Emirates.
Hussein A. and Scholz M., Dye Wastewater Treated by Vertical-flow Constructed Wetlands. 4th International
Environment Conference 2016 (2-3 March, 2016). Poster presentation. Ajman – United Arab Emirates.
Ray S., Al-Isawi R. and Scholz M., Comparative Study of the Domestic Wastewater Treatment with Ponds and
Vertical-flow Constructed Wetlands. Poster presentation. 4th International Environment Conference 2016 (2-3
March, 2016). Ajman – United Arab Emirates.
Al-Isawi R. and Scholz M., Long-term Performance of Vertical-flow Constructed Wetland Systems Treating
Domestic Wastewater Contaminated by two Dosages of Diesel Spills. 4th International Environment Conference
2016 (2-3 March, 2016). Poster presentation. Ajman – United Arab Emirates.
Al-Isawi R. and Scholz M., Performance Assessment of Vertical-flow Constructed Wetland Systems Treating
Domestic Wastewater Contaminated by two Dosages of Diesel Spills. 13th International Water Association (IWA)
Specialized Conference on Small Water and Wastewater Systems & 5th IWA Specialized Conference on
Resources-Oriented Sanitation (14-16 September 2016), Athens, Greece.
Al-Isawi R. and Scholz M., Assessing the Impact of Different Irrigation Waters on Capsicum annuum Grown in a
Greenhouse. 4th International Environment Conference 2016 (2-3 March, 2016). Poster presentation. Ajman –
United Arab Emirates.
Al-Isawi R. and Scholz M., Assessment of Willows Irrigated by Outflow Water from Constructed Wetlands
Contaminated with Diesel. 13th International Water Association (IWA) Specialized Conference on Small Water and
Wastewater Systems & 5th IWA Specialized Conference on Resources-Oriented Sanitation (14-16 September
2016), Athens, Greece.
Al-Isawi R., Scholz M. and Wang Y., Modeling of Hydrocarbon removal in Mature Experimental Constructed
Wetlands Treating Urban Wastewater Contaminated with High Dosage of Diesel Spill. 13th International Water
Association (IWA) Specialized Conference on Small Water and Wastewater Systems & 5th IWA Specialized
Conference on Resources-Oriented Sanitation (14-16 September 2016), Athens, Greece.
Yaseen D. A., Al-Isawi R. and Scholz M., Textile Azo Dye Removal Using Pond Systems Vegetated with Lemna
minor L. and Algae: Comparative Study under Controlled and Real Conditions. 13th International Water Association
(IWA) Specialized Conference on Small Water and Wastewater Systems & 5th IWA Specialized Conference on
Resources-Oriented Sanitation (14-16 September 2016), Athens, Greece.
4.8. Documents in Preparation
Scholz M. (Ed.), Water Resources and Environment. Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Water
Resources and Environment, Shanghai, China (23-26 July 2016), IOP Science, proceedings book to be published
as part of the IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES).
Journal Articles:
Nanekely M. A. A., Scholz M. and Al-Faraj F., Stakeholder-informed Sustainable Drainage System Planning to
Alleviate Water Shortages in Semi-arid Regions. Water.
Fitria D., Scholz M. and Swift G. M., Sludge Dewaterability Testing: Relationship Between Capillary Suction Time
and Specific Resistance to Filtration for a Kaolin-based Sludge Suspension.
Arora A. S., Reddy A. S. and Scholz, M., Sub-watershed Level Urban Stormwater-Grey Water Management
System for Sustainable Urban Water Management. Water, Air and Soil Pollution.
Hussaini M. and Scholz M., A Simplified Typology of System Transition Literature.
Fitria D., Scholz M., Swift G. M. and Al-Faraj F. A. M., Impact of Temperature and Coagulant on Sludge
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
Hussaini M. and Scholz M., The Alternate Sequence Concept of Energy Transition Pathways Supporting
Sustainable Development.
Mak C., James P. and Scholz M., Sustainable Drainage Systems Planning Framework Using Urban Ecosystem
Services. Urban Ecosystems.
Ahmed Y. M. and Scholz M., Water Alteration before and after construction of Dams on the Blue Nile and Main
Al-Isawi R., Ray S., and Scholz M., Comparative Study of Diesel-contaminated Domestic Wastewater Treatment
by Ponds and Mature Vertical-flow Constructed Wetlands. Water Research.
Yaseen D. A., and Scholz M., Shallow Pond Systems Planted with Lemna minor Treating Azo Dyes. Water
Mohammed R. and Scholz M., Impact of Potential Evapotranspiration Formulations at Various Elevations on the
Reconnaissance Drought Index. Water Resources Management.
Abed S. N., Almuktar S. A. A.-A. N. and Scholz M., Greywater Treatment with Floating Constructed Wetlands.
Abed S. N., Almuktar S. A. A.-A. N. and Scholz M., Potential Remediation of Contaminated Greywater with
Heavy Metals and Nutrients Using Mine Treatment Sludge (Ochre).
Hussein A. and Scholz M., Dye Wastewater Treated by Vertical-flow Constructed Wetlands.
Mohammed R. and Scholz M., Impact of Climate Variability and Streamflow Alteration on the Groundwater
Contribution to the Baseflow of Rivers Located in Arid and Semi-arid Regions.
Conference Paper:
Davis C., Smith D., Scholz M., Oberg G., Hernandez A., Edney A. and Rosenblum E., Sustainability in Industry:
Making It Real. International Water Association’s World Water Congress & Exhibition (8-13 October 2016),
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
Part 5: Research Impact, Recognition and Esteem
5.1. Professional Contributions Outside the University
Current (1 December 2015) Journal Board Involvements
Start Role
16 Journal Editor Commitments
2015 Editor
International Research Journal of Engineering
Recent Research in Science and Technology
2015 Editor-in-Chief
International Journal of Constructive Research in
Civil Engineering
Journal of Plant Health and Technology
2015 Editor-in-Chief
International Journal of Research Studies in
2015 Editor
Agricultural Sciences
Journal of Biodiversity and Endangered Species
2014 Editor-in-Chief
International Journal of Water and Wastewater
2014 Editor-in-Chief
Journal of Agricultural Engineering and
2013 Editor-in-Chief
Journal of Ecological Bioscience and
2014 Editor-in-Chief
International Journal of Innovative Research in
2014 Editor-in-Chief
Infrastructure Engineering
Liquid Waste Recovery
2014 Editor-in-Chief
Natural Resources
2013 Editor-in-Chief
Open Journal of Modern Hydrology
2013 Editor-in-Chief
Asian Pacific Journal of Microbiology
2013 Editor-in-Chief
Journal of Technology Innovations in Renewable
2012 Co-Editor-inEnergy
2011 Editor-in-Chief
6 Journal Sub-Editor Commitments
American Journal of Engineering and Applied
2014 Regional Editor
2014 Associate Editor International Journal of Civil Engineering &
Agricultural Segment Journal
2014 Regional Editor
Frontiers in Environmental Sciences
2013 Specialty Chief
Editor for
International Journal of Ecological Bioscience and
2013 Regional Editor
2011 Associate Editor British Journal of Environment and Climate Change
40 Journal Editorial Board Commitments
World Journal of Biotechnology
2015 Editorial Board
Journal of Bioremediation & Biodegradation
2015 Editorial Board
SM Journal of Public Health & Epidemiology
2015 Editorial Board
The Journal of Civil and Architectual Engineering
2015 Editorial Board
International Journal of Advanced Engineering and
2015 Editorial Board
Applied Sciences
Austin Journal of Irrigation
2015 Editorial Board
American Journal of Water Science and
2015 Editorial Board
Advances in Applied Agricultural Sciences
2014 Editorial Board
Prudent Journals
Scienceflora Publishers Pivate
ARC Journals
Cresco Online Publication
ARC Journals
OMICS Publishing Group
Bowen Publishing
Inderscience Publishers
Kalasalingam University
De Gruyter
Scientific Research Publishing
Scientific Research Publishing
Academic Research Publishers
Lifescience Global
Science Publications
International Journal Network
Segment Journals
Edinwilsen Press
Inderscience Publishers
OMICS International
SM Journals
Cresco Online Publication
MEAS Publishing
Austin Publishing Group
Science Publishing Group
AAAS Journal
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
(formerly known as Acta Advances in Agricultural
Current Life Sciences
Editorial Board
Editorial Board
Editorial Board
Editorial Board
Editorial Board
Editorial Board
Editorial Board
Editorial Board
Editorial Board
Editorial Board
Editorial Board
Editorial Board
Editorial Board
Editorial Board
Editorial Board
Editorial Board
Editorial Board
Jacobs Journal of Hydrology
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports
Material Science and Engineering with Advanced
Journal of Biodiversity and Endangered Species
Open Access Library Journal
International Journal of Environment and
Journal of Computer Science
Austin Journal of Hydrology
International Journal of Water and Hydro
International Journal of Structural Analysis and
International Journal of Sustainable Materials,
Processes and Eco-Efficiency
Austin Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology
Frontiers in Water Resources
Innovative Energy Policies
Frontiers in Atmospheric Sciences
Journal of Hydrogeology & Hydrologic Engineering
Editorial Board
Journal of Biodiversity Management and Forestry
Editorial Board
Current Advances in Environmental Science
Editorial Review
Editorial Review
Editorial Board
Editorial Board
Editorial Board
International Journal of Green Economics and
International Journal of Sustainable Land Use and
Urban Planning
Conference Papers in Agriculture
Global Advanced Research Journal of Agricultural
Global Advanced Research Journal of Microbiology
Editorial Board
Editorial Board
Editorial Board
Editorial Board
Open Journal of Ecology
Open Journal of Modern Hydrology
International Journal of Risk Management
NED University Journal of Research
Editorial Board
International Journal of EnviroScience
Editorial Board
Editorial Board
Editorial Board
Editorial Board
International Journal of Environmental Research
and Public Health
Research Journal of Applied Sciences
Research Journal of Biological Sciences
TMKarpiński Publisher
Jacobs Publishers
De Gruyter
Verizona Publisher
Omics Group
Ommega Online Publishers).
Science Publications
Austin Publications
Institute of Research Engineers
and Doctors
Institute of Research Engineers
and Doctors
Institute of Research Engineers
and Doctors
Austin Publications
Edinwilsen Press
OMICS Publishing Group
Edinwilsen Press
SciTechnol – An OMICS Group
SciTechnol – An OMICS Group
American V-King Scientific
Science Target
Science Target
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Global Advanced Research
Global Advanced Research
Scientific Research Publishers
Scientific Research Publishers
Serials Publications
NED University of Engineering
and Technology
International Academic
MDPI Publications
MDPI Publications
Medwell Journals
Medwell Journals
 In 2016, Member of the Scientific Committee of the conference entitled "Water Frontiers: Strategies for
2020 and Beyond" (7-9 September 2016), Coventry University, Coventry, United Kingdom.
 In 2016, Honorary Member of the Organizing Committee of the 2nd World Congress on Industrial
Biotechnology and Bioeconomy (28-29 July 2016), Berlin, Germany.
 Since 2015, Member of the Editorial Board of Journal of Bioremediation & Biodegradation (OMICS
 Between 2015 and 2016, Member of the Organizing Committee of the 2nd World Congress and Expo on
Recycling (25-27 July 2016), Berlin, Germany.
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
 In 2016, Invitation to present a Keynote Speech on Green Infrastructure. 4th International Environment
Conference 2016 (2-3 March, 2016). Ajman – United Arab Emirates.
 Since 2015, Member of the Editorial Board of SM Journal of Public Health & Epidemiology (SM Journals).
 In 2015 and 2016, Member of the Technical Program Committee of The 2nd International Conference on
Material Technology and Environmental Engineering (MTEE 2016) held in Beijing, China, between 21 and
23 October 2016.
 In 2015, Reviewer of a University of Wyoming AES Competitive Grant on grazing and wetland
 Since 2015, Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Advanced Engineering and
Applied Sciences (MEAS Publishing).
 Since 2015, Member of the Editorial Board of the Austin Journal of Irrigation (Austin Publishing Group).
 Between 2015 and 2017, Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Constructive Research in Civil
Engineering (ARC Journals).
 Since 2015, Member of the Editorial Board of the American Journal of Water Science and Engineering
(Science Publishing Group).
 Between 2015 and 2016, Member of the International Technical Advisory Committee of the International
Conference on Water, Environment, Energy and Society (ICWEES – 15-18 March 2016, organized jointly by
the Texas A&M University (USA) and AISECT University of Bhopal (India).
 Since 2015, Member of the Scientific Editorial Board of Current Life Sciences (TMKarpiński Publisher).
 Since 2015, Member of the Editorial Board of the Jacobs Journal of Hydrology (Jacobs Publishers).
 Since 2015, Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports (De
 Between 2015 and 2017, Editor of the International Journal of Research Studies in Agricultural Sciences
(ARC Journals).
 Since 2014, Member of the Editorial Board of the Material Science and Engineering with Advanced
Research (Verizona Publisher).
 In 2015, Member of the International Scientific Committee of the Water Efficiency Conference 2015 with
the main theme of “Energy Efficient Urban Water Management” (5-7 August 2015), University of Exeter, Exeter,
England, UK.
 Since 2014, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Biodiversity and Endangered Species (OMICS Publishing
 Since 2014, Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Water and Wastewater Treatment (Sciforschen).
 Since 2014, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Ecological Bioscience and Biotechnology (Inderscience
 Since 2014, Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Water and Wastewater
Treatment (Sciforschen).
 Since 2014, Associate Editor of the International Journal of Civil Engineering & Technology (International
Journal Network).
 Since 2014, Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Innovative Research in Infrastructure
Engineering (Kalasalingam University).
 In 2014, Research Proposal Reviewer for United Arab Emirates University (United Arab Emirates).
 Since 2014, Editor-in-Chief of the journal Liquid Waste Recovery (De Gruyter)
 In 2014, Member of the Promotions Committee for Al al-Bayt University (Jordan) evaluating research output.
 Since 2014, Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Biodiversity and Endangered Species (Omics
 Since 2014, Member of the Editorial Board and Regional Editor of the American Journal of Engineering
and Applied Sciences (Science Publications).
 Since 2014, Member of the Editorial Board of the Open Access Library (OALib) Journal (OALib).
 Since 2014, Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Environment and Biotechnology
(Ommega Online Publishers).
 Since 2014, Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Computer Science (Science Publications).
 In 2014, Reviewer for a The Leverhulme-Royal Society Africa Award submitted to the The Royal Society.
 Since 2014, Member of the International Water Association Water Sustainability Audit and Process Working
 In 2014, Member of the Conference Editorial Board for the conference "International Conference On
Advances in Civil and Structural Engineering - CSE 2014" (02-03 August, 2014), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
 Since 2014, Member of the Editorial Board of the Austin Journal of Hydrology (Austin Publications).
 Since 2014, Regional Editor of Agricultural Segment Journal (Segment Journals).
 Since 2014, Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Advances in Applied Agricultural Sciences,
formerly known as Acta Advances in Agricultural Sciences (AAAS Journal).
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
 Since 2014, Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Water and Hydro Construction
(Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors).
 Since 2014, Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Structural Analysis and Design
(Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors).
 Since 2014, Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Sustainable Materials,
Processes and Eco-Efficiency (Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors).
 Since 2014, Member of the Editorial Board of the Austin Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology
(Austin Publications).
 In 2013 and 2014, Member of the Scientific Committee for the International Conference on Water,
Informatics, Sustainability and Environment: iWISE 2014, Ottawa, Canada, 26-28 August 2014.
 Since 2013, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Agricultural Engineering and Biotechnology (Bowen
 Since 2013, Editor-in-Chief of the journal Natural Resources (Scientific Research Publishing).
 Since 2013, Member of the Core Steering Committee of the European Research and Integrated
Development Society (E-RIDS), which amongst other activities organises international conferences and
publishes transactions in engineering and applied science.
 Between 2013 and 2015, Member of the Editorial Board for the Open Journal of Water Pollution and
Treatment (Scientific Online Publishing).
 Since 2013, Member of the International Water Association (IWA) Task Force on Water Quality, which is an
IWA initiative in partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and part of the IWA’s
Basins of the Future Programme.
 In 2013 and 2014, Member of the Technical Program Committee of the 2nd Hydrology, Ocean and
Atmosphere Conference (HOAC) to be held between 13 and 15 June 2014 in Beijing, China.
 Since 2013, Research Grant Reviewer for the National Research Foundation of the United Arab Emirates.
 Since 2013, Member of the Editorial Board for the journal Frontiers in Water Resources (Edinwilsen Press).
 Since 2013, Specialty Chief Editor for the Section 'Wastewater Management' within the journal Frontiers in
Environmental Sciences (Edinwilsen Press).
 Since 2013, Member of the Editorial Board for the journal Innovative Energy Policies (OMICS Publishing
 Since 2013, Member of the Editorial Board for the journal Frontiers in Atmospheric Sciences (Edinwilsen
 In 2013, Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the 3rd World Sustainability Forum (1 to 30
November 2013), sponsored by MDPI. Link to on-line session web site:
 Since 2013, Research Grant Reviewer for the Department of Scientific Programs of the Shota Rustaveli
National Science Foundation in Georgia.
 Since 2013, Editor-in-Chief for the Open Journal of Modern Hydrology (Scientific Research Publishing).
 Since 2013, Editor-in-Chief for the Asian Pacific Journal of Microbiology (Academic Research Publishers).
 Since 2013, Member of the Editorial Board for the Journal of Hydrogeology & Hydrologic Engineering
(SciTechnol – An OMICS Group Initiative).
 Since 2013, Member of the Editorial Board for the Journal of Biodiversity Management and Forestry
(SciTechnol – An OMICS Group Initiative).
 Since 2013, Regional Editor for the International Journal of Ecological Bioscience and Biotechnology
(Inderscience Publishers).
 Since 2013, Member of the Editorial Board for the journal entitled Current Advances in Environmental
Science (American V-King Scientific Publishing).
 Since 2013, Member of the Editorial Review Board for the International Journal of Green Economics and
Production (Science Target).
 Since 2013, Member of the Editorial Review Board for the International Journal of Sustainable Land Use
and Urban Planning (Science Target).
 Between 2012 and 2015, Registered consultant (approved by the European Commission) for the subject
areas ‘climate change, water resources, including marine’, ‘water policy and implementation of legislation in
Europe’ and ‘flood risk management’.
 Since 2012, Member of the Editorial Board for the journal Conference Papers in Agriculture (Hindawi
Publishing Corporation).
 Since 2012, Research Grant Reviewer for the Czech Science Foundation.
 Between 2012 and 2014, Member of the Editorial Board of Natural Resources (Scientific Research
 Since 2012, Co-Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Technology Innovations in Renewable Energy
(Lifescience Global).
 Since 2012, Research Grant Reviewer for The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research.
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
 Since 2012, Member of the Editorial Board for Global Advanced Research Journal of Agricultural Science
(Global Advanced Research Journals).
 Between July 2012 and June 2015, Member of the Institute of Environmental Management and
Assessment (IEMA) Council (Individual Membership Education Category).
 Since 2012, Reviewer for research proposals (e.g. proposals under the Romanian-Swiss Research
Programme) submitted to the Swiss National Science Foundation.
 In 2012, Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the 2nd World Sustainability Forum (1 to 30
November 2012), sponsored by MDPI. Link to on-line session web site:
 Between 2012 and 2015, Member of the Editorial Board for the journal Dataset Papers in Geosciences
(datasets International).
 Since 2011, Member of the Editorial Board for Global Advanced Research Journal of Microbiology (Global
Advanced Research Journals).
 Since 2011, Member of the Editorial Board for the Open Journal of Ecology (Scientific Research Publishers).
 In 2011, research project Reviewer for the National Commission for Scientific and Technological
Development and the Superior Council of the National Fund for Scientific and Technological
Development, which is a Chilean government research funding agency.
 Between 2011 and 2014, Member of the Editorial Board of Water Research and Development (Water
Research and Development).
 Since 2011, Associate Editor of the British Journal of Environment and Climate Change
(SCIENCEDOMAIN international).
 Between 2011 and 2014, Associate Editor of the American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
(SCIENCEDOMAIN international).
 In 2011, Member of the Scientific Committee of the 1st World Sustainability Forum (1 to 30 November
2011), sponsored by MDPI. Link to the on-line forum web site:
 Between 2011 and 2016, Editor-in-Chief of the open access journal Water (MDPI Publications), which is Web
of Science-listed.
 Since 2011, Member of the Editorial Board for the Open Journal of Modern Hydrology (Scientific Research
 Between 2011 and 2014, Member of the Editorial Board for the International Journal of Chemical,
Environmental and Pharmaceutical Research (Rasãjan Books and Journals).
 Since 2011, Member of the Editorial Board for the International Journal of Risk Management (Serials
 Since 2011, Member of the Editorial Board for the NED University Journal of Research (NED University of
Engineering and Technology).
 Since 2011, Member of the Editorial Board for the International Journal of EnviroScience (International
Academic Journals).
 In 2011, Reviewer of a research grant proposal as part of the Ontario Research Fund for the Ministry of
Research and Innovation, Government of Ontario, Canada.
 In 2010, Reviewer of a research grant proposal for the Swiss National Science Foundation (Division
Mathematics, Physical and Engineering Sciences).
 Between 2010 and 2013, Member of the Editorial Board of the Global Journal of Environmental Science
and Technology (Simplex Academic Publishers).
 Between 2010 and 2014, Member of the Editorial Board for the Journal of Natural and Environmental
Sciences (Academy Journals).
 In 2010, Member of the Assessment Panel for the Best Paper Prize for Young Authors at the 12th
International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, Venice, Italy (4-9 October
 In 2010, Reviewer of a research grant proposal for the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund.
 Since 2010, Reviewer for research project proposals of the King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
 Since July 2009, Member of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Group on Wetlands for the Water Quality
Section of the Irish Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government.
 Since June 2009, Member of the Editorial Board of Water (MDPI Publications).
 Since 2009, Research Grant Application Reviewer for the Joint Advisory Committee for the German-Israeli
Program in Water Technologies of the Israeli Ministry of Science, Culture and Sports.
 Between 2009 and 2014, Associate Editor of the Journal of Flood Engineering (Serial Publications).
 In 2009, Guest Editor of the special issue ‘Sustainable Water Management’ for the Sustainability journal
(MDPI Publications).
 In 2008, Guest Co-editor of the special issue ‘Sustainability: Environmental Studies and Public Health’ for the
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (MDPI Publications).
 Between 2008 and 2010, Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Sustainable Water Management
(Serials Publications).
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
 Since 2008, Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Environmental Research and
Public Health (MDPI Publications).
 Since 2008, Member of the Editorial Board of Sustainability (MDPI Publications).
 Between April 2008 and June 2012, Elected Member of the Institute of Environmental Management and
Assessment (IEMA) Council (Individual Membership Education Category). Election results: First place out of
seven candidates; 26.0% followed by the next candidate with 19.5%.
 In 2008, Member of the International Programme Committee of the International First Postgraduate
Researchers’ Conference on Meeting Environmental Challenges in the Coastal Region of Nigeria (29-30
September 2008, University of Abertay, Dundee, UK).
 Between 2007 and 2011, Associate Editor (treatment wetlands) of Wetlands (Society of Wetland Scientists).
 Between 2007 and 2014, Member of the Editorial Board of Landscape and Urban Planning (Elsevier).
 Between 2007 and 2013, Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Engineering and Applied
Sciences (Medwell Journals).
 Since 2007, Member of the Editorial Board of the Research Journal of Applied Sciences (Medwell
 Since 2007, Member of the Editorial Board of the Research Journal of Biological Sciences (Medwell
 In 2007, Guest Editor of the International Journal of Water Special Issue (Vol. 3, No. 3) on Wetland
Systems to Control Runoff containing seven substantial papers and an editorial note.
 In 2007 and 2008, Member of the International Scientific Programme Committee for the Second
International Conference on Small and Decentralized Water and wastewater Treatment Plants (2-4 May
2008, Skiathos Island, Greece).
 In 2007 and 2008, Member of the International Scientific Programme Committee for the Fifth International
Water Association Specialist Conference Oxidation Technologies for Water and Wastewater Treatment
(30 March - 1 April 2008, Berlin, Germany).
 Since 2007, Member of the European Construction Technology Platform Focus Area Quality of Life.
 Between 2007 and 2013, Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Water (Inderscience).
 In 2006 and 2007, Member of the Scientific Committee of the ‘Second International Conference on Waters
in Protected Areas’ (25-27 April 2007, Dubrovnik, Croatia).
 In 2006, Member of the Meeting Supporter’s team of the 7th UK Meeting – International Water Association UK
Young Researchers Conference.
 Between 2006 and 2015, Member of the Committee on Waste Management and Resource Efficiency in
Transportation (ADC60) of the United States Transportation Research Board (The National Academies).
 Between 2005 and 2008, Member of the Editorial Board of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil
Engineers – Civil Engineering (Leon Heward-Mills).
 Between 2005 and 2008, Member of the Editorial Board of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil
Engineers – Civil Engineering (Leon Heward-Mills).
 Since 2005, Reviewer for research grant proposals submitted to the United States-Israel Binational Science
 Between 2005 and 2008, Senior Member of the Réunion Internationale des Laboratoires et Experts des
Matériaux, Systèmes de Constructions et Ouvrages (RILEM).
 Between 2005 and 2013, Member of the Committee on Subsurface Drainage (AFS60) of the United States
Transportation Research Board (The National Academies).
 In 2005 and 2006, Member of the International Program Committee for the International Association of
Science and Technology for Development International Conference on Advanced Technology in the
Environmental Field (6-8 February 2006, Lanzarote, Spain).
 Between 2005 and 2013, Senior Member of the Réunion Internationale des Laboratoires et Experts des
Matériaux, Systèmes de Constructions et Ouvrages (RILEM) Technical Committee 192-ECM on
Environment-conscious Construction Materials and Systems.
 Between 2005 and 2008, Member of the International Foundation for Science (Stockholm, Sweden) Mentorship
Initiative to support researchers in developing countries.
 Between 2005 and 2008, Member of the International Programme Committee for the 4th International Water
Association Specialist Conference on Oxidation Technologies for Water and Wastewater Treatment.
 Between 2004 and 2008, Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Environmental
Studies (Routledge).
 Between 2003 and 2006, Section Editor (Ecosystem and Environmental Science and Sustainable Agriculture &
Environmental Conservation) for the Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment (WFL Publisher).
 Between 2003 and 2006, Sub-Section Chair of Soil and Water Quality for the International Society for Food,
Agriculture and Environment (WFL Publisher).
 Since 2001, Reviewer for research grant project proposals submitted to the Kuwait Foundation.
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
 Since 2014, Academic Advisor to the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission.
 Between 2013 and 2014, Member of the Steering Committee of the Environment Agency’s project entitled
‘Design, Operation and Adaptation of Flood Storage Reservoirs’, which is part of the Environment Agency’s
reservoir safety programme seeks to address a recommendation in Defra’s Reservoir Safety Research and
Development Strategy (2009) to update the existing CIRIA guidance on flood storage reservoirs.
 Since 2013, Referee for the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) grant applications.
 In 2013, Reviewer for the Research Excellence Framework Unit of Assessment 14 submission by the
Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Greenwich.
 On 6 June 2013, Chair of the session on Engineering at the Salford Postgraduate Annual Research Conference
 On 5 June 2013, Chair of the session on Engineering at the Salford Postgraduate Annual Research Conference
 On 30 May 2012, Chair of the session on Environment and Engineering at the Salford Postgraduate Annual
Research Conference (SPARC).
 Since 2012, Education Sector Representative for the IEMA Regional Steering Group North-West England.
 Since 2011, Member of the Salford Strategic Flood Forum, representing The University of Salford.
 Between 2010 and 2011, Junior Vice Chair of the Scottish Branch of the Chartered Institute for Water and
Environmental Management (CIWEM).
 In 2010, Member of the ICE Edinburgh Area Branch Committee, and Liaison Officer for the ICE Graduate
and Student Group of the same branch.
 Chair of the Institution of Civil Engineers Joint Scottish Hydrological Group and Scottish Hydraulics
Study Group Graduate Research Evening at The University of Edinburgh on 11 November 2010.
 In 2009, Member of the Appointments Committee to select a new Chair for the Institute of Environmental
Management and Assessment.
 Between 2009 and 2010, Coordinator of the Water and Environmental Group of the Edinburgh Research
 Since 2009, Referee for the Royal Society Brian Mercer Feasibility Award.
 Since 2007, Professional Reviewer for CIWEM.
 In 2007, co-conference organizer of the Constructed Wetlands Conference: Reducing Rural Pollution Risk (5-6
December 2007) at The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. Sponsors: IEMA, SEPA, The
University of Edinburgh and the Constructed Wetland Association. Approximately 120 participants from
Scotland, England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Ireland.
 In 2007, Chair of the Environmental Sustainable Solutions Conference on 20 September 2007 at the
Manchester Conference Centre, Manchester University, Manchester, United Kingdom.
 Since 2006, Member of the Chartered Scientist Audit Panel (representing CIWEM).
 In 2006, Judge for the ICE Scotland Graduate and Student Paper Competition in Edinburgh.
 In 2006, Judge for the CIWEM Scotland Graduate and Student Paper Competition in Edinburgh.
 In 2006, Member of the Meeting Supporter’s team of the 7 th UK Meeting – International Water Association UK
Young Researchers Conference.
 Between 2006 and 2011, Member of the Chartered Scientist Audit Panel (representing CIWEM).
 Between 2005 and 2010, Member of the Engineering Professional Board of CIWEM.
 Between 2005 and 2010, Committee Member of CIWEM Scottish Branch.
 Between 2005 and 2010, Member of the Joined Professional Board (via CIWEM).
 Between 2005 and 2010, Member of the Committee of the Scottish Hydrological Group (part of the ICE).
 Between 2005 and 2008, non-professorial Member of the Senate at The University of Edinburgh.
 Between 2004 and 2011, Education Sector Representative for the Regional Steering Group Scotland Central of
the IEMA.
 Since 2001, Reviewer for the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Responsive
Mode applications.
5.2. Membership of Societies
Since 2012, Fellow Member of the International Water Association (IWA).
Since 2010, Fellow Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE).
Between 2007 and 2009, Member of the Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS).
Since 2007, Fellow Member of The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management
(CIWEM); I was a Member of CIWEM between 2002 and 2007.
 Since 2005, Fellow Member of the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA).
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
 Between 2003 and 2010, Member of ICE.
 In 2002, I have gained a teaching qualification that enabled me to become a Member (transfer from Associated
Member gained in 2001) of the Institute for Learning and Teaching, which has been renamed Higher
Education Academy (HEA) in 2004, and has joined the University and College Union in 2006. Since 2007, I
am a Fellow of the HEA.
 Between 1997 and 2012, Member of the International Water Association (IWA).
 Between 2005 and 2008, Senior Member of the Réunion Internationale des Laboratoires et Experts des
Matériaux, Systèmes de Constructions et Ouvrages (RILEM). I cancelled my membership in 2008 due to a
shift of my research interests.
 Between 1997 and 2005, Member of the Society for General Microbiology (SGM). I cancelled my
membership in 2006 due to a shift of my research interests.
5.3. Items of Esteem
In 2014, Prof. Scholz’s nomination got shortlisted for the Research Excellence category of the Vice-Chancellor’s
Awards for 2013/14 at The University of Salford.
Membership of the Scientific Committee of a Substantial International Conference
International Water Association (IWA) in collaboration with Tongji University and Chongqing University are going to
organize the 14th IWA International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control (ICWS2014) from
12th–16th October 2014 in Shanghai, China.
External Referee for Senior Promotion
Assessment of the candidate application documentation for promotion to Associate Professor on behalf of the
Royal Military College of Canada (Ontario) on 22 January 2016.
Invited International Paper Contributions:
 In September 2015, Session Chair (Urban Planning) invitation at the The 5th World Sustainability Forum, 79 September 2015, Basel, Switzerland.).
 In September 2015, Session Chair (Waste-Water Management) invitation at the The 5th World Sustainability
Forum, 7-9 September 2015, Basel, Switzerland.).
 In September 2015, Session Chair (Developing Sustainable Water Systems) invitation at the The 5th World
Sustainability Forum, 7-9 September 2015, Basel, Switzerland.).
 In July 2015, Keynote Speech invitation at the 2015 International Conference on Water Resource and
Environment (WRE2015), 25-27 July 2015, Beijing, China.
 In July 2015, Session Chair (Water Resources and Hydrology) invitation at the 2015 International Conference
on Water Resource and Environment (WRE2015), 25-27 July 2015, Beijing, China.
 In November 2014, Keynote Paper at the joint EurAqua – WssTP Workshop ‘Water-related Ecosystem
Services (ESS) – Increasing the Relevance of the Concept for Operational Management on Various Scales’,
Norwegian Institute for Water Research, Oslo, Norway.
 On 2 June 2014, Keynote Speech on Wetland Systems to Control Pollution at the International Conference
on Advances in Bio-Informatics, Bio-Technology and Environmental Engineering (ABBE 2014), New
Cavedish Campus, University of Westminster, London, UK.
 On 2 June 2014, Session Chair for four different sessions at the International Conference on Advances in
Bio-Informatics, Bio-Technology and Environmental Engineering (ABBE 2014), New Cavedish Campus,
University of Westminster, London, UK.
 Since 2014, Member of the Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors Editorial Board.
 In 2012, Keynote Lecture on Integrated Constructed Wetlands to Control Pollution at the 3rd International
Conference on Pollution Ecology (6-9 November 2012), Tianjin, China.
 In 2010, Invited Lecture entitled Sustainable Flood Retention Basins (SFRB) as Adaptive Measures to Control
Flooding at the Yellow River Conservancy Commission (China) marking the start of the 60th Anniversary of
the Commission Celebration.
 Guest Lecture on Wetlands at the Second Irish International Conference on Constructed Wetlands for
Wastewater Treatment and Environmental Pollution Control (1-2/10/2010), The University College Dublin,
Dublin, Ireland.
 Invited Lecture: Constructed Wetlands Treating Urban Runoff Contaminated with Nitrogen, Agricultural
University of Tianjin, China, 12 May 2009.
 Invited Lecture: Wetland Systems and Their Role in Flood and Diffuse Pollution Control, Haihe River Water
Conservation Commission, The Ministry of Water Resources, China, 11 May 2009.
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
 Invited Lecture: Wetland Systems and Their Role in Flood and Diffuse Pollution Control, Nankai University,
China, 4 May 2009.
 Invited Maiden Faculty of Engineering and Technology Lecture of the University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria:
Environmental Hazards: Control of Flood in Africa in Now, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria.
 Invited Conference Paper: Tota-Maharaj K. and Scholz M. (2009) Permeable (Pervious) Pavements and
Geothermal Heat Pumps: Addressing Sustainable Urban Storm water Management and Renewable Energy.
Conference of the International Journal of Green Economics.
 Workshop Leadership: EU INTERREG Strategical Alliance for Integrated Water Management Actions (SAWA)
Workshop on Sustainable Flood Retention Basins. Thirty delegates from 22 partner institutions and from five
countries. 18-20 January 2009, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
 Invited Lecture and Workshop: Sustainable Drainage and Wetland Systems, combined lecture and workshop
on 20 June 2008 at the Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic.
 Invited Lecture: Wetland Systems to Control Runoff, 9 May 2008, The Royal Institute of Technology,
Stockholm, Sweden.
 Invited Lecture: Wetland Systems, combined lecture and workshop as part of the CIWEM European Water
and Wastewater Management Conference (24-26/09/2007), Newcastle, United Kingdom.
 Invited Workshop Leadership: Wetland Systems to Control Runoff in Urban Areas, workshop as part of the
2nd International Symposium on Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control, WETPOL 2007 (16-20/09/2007),
Tartu, Estonia.
 Invited Workshop Leadership: Rainwater and Recycling: Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems, workshop as
part of the Summer University on ‘The Sustainable City: Decision, Action, Finance and Communication’
organized by the Ecole des Ingénieurs de la Ville de Paris under the patronage of the Major of Paris (24/09/2007), Paris, France. Approximately 65 fee-paying participants.
 Invited Lecture and Workshop Leadership: Storm water Management, combined lecture and workshop as
part of the conference on Advanced Technology in the Environmental Field (ATEF, 06-08/02/2006), The
International Association of Science and Technology for Development, Calgary, Canada.
 Invited Lecture and Workshop Leadership: Wetland Systems to Control Urban Runoff – Novel Sustainable
Drainage System Decision Support Model Used for Urban Pollution Control, combined lecture and workshop as
part of the Institution of Environmental Management and Assessment’s Annual Conference (06-07/06/2006),
Droitwich Spa, Worcestershire, England.
 Invited Paper: Assessment, Design and Management of Integrated Constructed Wetlands (ICW), invited
presentation on 22 March 2006, Irish Government’s Department of Environment, Heritage and Local
Government, Waterford, Ireland.
 Invited Lecture: SUDS Management Case Studies in Glasgow, CIWEM Conference on SUDS – Time to Get
to Grips with It, pp. 9-15, London, England, UK (15/06/05).
 Invited Conference Paper: Water Quality Characteristics of Polluted Vegetated Groundwater-fed Open Ditches
in a Riparian Peatland. European Water Association Conference on Nutrient Management - European
Experiences and Perspectives, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (28-29/09/04).
International Invitations as (Session) Chairman:
 In 2015, Session Chair for Developing Waste-Water Management at the the 5th World Sustainability Forum (79 September 2015), Basel, Switzerland.
 In 2015, Session Chair for Developing Sustainable Water Systems at the the 5th World Sustainability Forum
(7-9 September 2015), Basel, Switzerland.
 In 2014, Session Chair for Sustainable Use of the Environment and Resources at the 4th World
Sustainability Forum (1 to 30 November 2014), sponsored by MDPI. Link to on-line session web site:
 In 2013, Session Chair for Environmental Sustainability at the 3rd World Sustainability Forum (1 to 30
November 2013), sponsored by MDPI. Link to on-line session web site:
 In 2012, Session Chair for Combined Pollution, Ecotoxicological Effects and Molecular Mechanisms (8
November) at the 3rd International Conference on Pollution Ecology (6-8 November 2012), Tianjin, China.
 In 2012, Session Chair for Ecology of Soil Pollution and Ecological Remediation (8 November) at the 3rd
International Conference on Pollution Ecology (6-8 November 2012), Tianjin, China.
 In 2012, Session Chair for the Plenary Afternoon Presentations on 7 November at the 3 rd International
Conference on Pollution Ecology (6-8 November 2012), Tianjin, China.
 In 2012, Session Chair for Environmental Sustainability at the 2nd World Sustainability Forum (1 to 30
November 2012), sponsored by MDPI. Link to on-line session web site:
 In 2011, Session Chair for Sustainable Water Management of the 1st World Sustainability Forum (1 to 30
November 2011), sponsored by MDPI. Link to on-line session web site:
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
 Between 2010 and 2011, Steering Committee Member, Co-Chair and Technical Session Chair of the First
International Symposium on Water Management and Bioenergy ISWMB-I, Karachi, Pakistan, 16-17 May
 Invited Session Chair for a session belonging to the section Treatment Performance of Wetlands in Water
Pollution Control at the 12th International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control,
Venice, Italy (4-9 October 2010).
 In 2007, invited Chair of the Environmental Sustainable Solutions Conference on 20 September 2007 at the
Manchester Conference Centre, Manchester University, Manchester, United Kingdom.
 Chair of a Special Session on Wetland Systems to Control Urban Runoff at the First Conference on
Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE), Greece, 24-28/06/2007.
 Scholz (2007), Wetland Systems to Control Urban Runoff, Special Session on 28/06/2007 as part of the First
Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (24-28/06/2007),
Skiathos Island, Greece.
 Scholz M. (2006), Integrated Water Resources Management, Session on 07/02/2006 as part of the Conference
on Advanced Technology in the Environmental Field (ATEF, 06-08/02/2006), The International Association of
Science and Technology for Development, Calgary, Canada.
National Invitations:
 Invited Presentation: Retrofitting of Sustainable Drainage Systems: Rapid Decision Support Tool for Different
Professionals Based on Estimated Ecosystem Services. Centre for Water Systems. University of Exeter, Exeter,
UK (29/10/2013).
 Invited Presentation: Retrofitting of Sustainable Drainage Systems. At the IEMA/CIWEM meeting entitled
Innovations in the University Sector. The University of Salford, Salford, England, UK (03/10/2013).
 Invited Presentation: Sustainable Drainage Systems and Sustainable Flood Retention Basin Case Studies in
the Wider Greater Manchester Area. At the IEMA meeting entitled Managing Water. The University of Salford,
Salford, England, UK (31/01/2013).
 Invited Presentation: Integrated Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater and Storm Water Treatment. At the
IEMA/CIWEM. The University of Salford, Salford, England, UK (20/10/2011).
 Invited Presentation: Stormwater Management Control. At the IEMA/CIWEM. The University of Salford,
Salford, England, UK (10/02/2011).
 Invited Presentation: Permeable Pavement Engineering and Geothermal (Geoexchange) Systems for
Stormwater Treatment and Reuse. At the IEMA meeting entitled Novel Permeable Pavement Systems to
Control Flooding, Diffuse Pollution, and to Save Energy. The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
 Invited Presentation: Sustainable Flood Retention Basins to Control Flooding and Diffuse Pollution,
CIWEM/IEMA meeting, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK (17/09/2009).
 Workshop Leadership by Scholz M. and Arthur S. (2009), National Telford Institute Workshop on Sustainable
Urban Water Management – Promoting Top Research at Scottish Universities, National Telford Institute, Thirty-eight participants over two days.
 Invited Presentation: Integrated Constructed Wetlands to Control Flooding and Diffuse Pollution, CIWEM/ICE
meeting, Stirling, Scotland, UK (22/01/2009).
 Invited Presentation: Integrated Constructed Wetlands, CIWEM/IEMA meeting, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
 Invited Lecture: Wetland Systems, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, 27 November 2008.
 Invited Workshop Leadership: Wetland Systems, workshop as part of the Aqua Enviro/CIWEM European
Water and Wastewater Management Conference (24-26/09/2007), Newcastle, United Kingdom.
 Invited Workshop Leadership: Wetland Systems to Control Urban Runoff – Novel Sustainable Drainage
System Decision Support Model Used for Urban Pollution Control, workshop as part of the Institution of
Environmental Management and Assessment’s Annual Conference (06-07/06/2006), Droitwich Spa,
Worcestershire, England.
 Invited Conference Paper: SUDS Management Case Studies in Glasgow, CIWEM conference on SUDS –
Time to Get to Grips with It, London, England, UK (15/06/05).
5.4. Appointments as External PhD Examiner
 In 2007, external PhD in Civil Engineering examiner for Mr. Akintunde O. Babatunde, supervised by Dr Yaqian
Zhao at the University College Dublin, Ireland.
 In 2009, member of the PhD in Civil Engineering examination committee for Mr. Victor Cucarella Cabañas,
supervised by Prof. Gunno Renman at KTH (Royal Institute of Technology), Stockholm, Sweden.
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
 In 2009, external PhD in Environmental Science and Engineering examiner for Mr. Muhammad Masud Aslam,
supervised by Dr M. Anwar Baig at the National University of Sciences and Technology, Rawalpidni,
 In 2009, external PhD examiner for Mr. Menachem Sklarz, supervised by Dr Inas Soares, Dr Amit Gross and Dr
Alexander Yakirevich at the The Kreitman School of Advanced Graduate Studies at the Ben-Gurion
University, Israel.
 In 2010, external PhD examiner for Ms. Kiran Munir, supervised by Prof. Dr Abdul Hameed at the Quaid-iAzam University in Islamabad, Pakistan.
 In 2012, external PhD examiner for Mrs. Shaharah Mohd Idris, supervised by Dr Paul Jones at Deakin
University, Australia.
 In 2014, external PhD examiner for Ms. Misha Bhatia, supervised by Dr Dinesh Goyal at Thapar University,
 In 2015, external PhD examiner for Mr. Arvinda Kumar Ragen, supervised by Dr M. Nowbuth, Dr A. Ruggoo and
Dr R. Ramessur at the University of Mauritius, Réduit, Mauritius.
5.5. Recognition by the Press and Other Outlets
Published Documents:
Edwards R. (2004), ‘Goldfish Will Save Us from Flood’ (including picture), interview with Miklas Scholz,
sundayherald, Sunday, 29/02/04, news, p. 12, article size of 703 cm 2, circulation of 59,741 papers. On the web
Mckie R. (2005), ‘How Philippa the Goldfish’s Unappetising Tastes Could Save Britain’s Cities from the Danger of
Flooding’ (including picture), interview with Miklas Scholz, The Observer (part of the Guardian Group),
Sunday, 24/04/05, news, p. 12, article size of 474 cm2, circulation of 446,818 papers. On the web at water/story/0,13790,1469047,00.html.
Docherty A. (2005), ‘Dr Scholz has a Fishy Solution to Scotland’s Flooding Worries’ (including picture), interview
with Miklas Scholz, THE SUNDAY POST, 08/05/05, main, p. 3, article size of 249 cm 2, circulation of 497,800
Mason D. (2005), ‘Going Down the Drains’ (including picture), article featuring Miklas Scholz, Environmental
Health Journal, 113 (7), 18-19. Article on the web at
Mason D. (2005), ‘Ideas Flow as Interest Surges’, article featuring Miklas Scholz, Surveyor, 19 August 2005, pp.
Mason D. (2005), ‘SUDS Offer a Thrifty Answer to Water Shortages’, article featuring Miklas Scholz,
Environmental Health News, 15 July 2005, one page.
Hopkin M. (2005), ‘Goldfish Enlisted in Fight Against Floods – Fish Could Stop Residents Carping About Open-air
Scholz,,, three pages.
Bannerman L. (2005), ‘Goldfish Could Help Guard City from Floods’ (including picture), article featuring Miklas
Scholz, The Herald, 21/10/05, news, p. 11, article size of 397 cm 2, circulation of 78,539 papers. On the web at
Bradley J. (2005), ‘Goldfish Can Protect Capital from Flooding’, article featuring Miklas Scholz, Evening News,
21/10/05, news, p. 3, article size of 72 cm2, circulation of 63,771 papers. On the web on
Prigg M. (2005), ‘Goldfish: the New Weapon in Thames Sewage War’ (including picture), article featuring Miklas
Scholz, Evening Standard, 21/10/05, news, p. 18, article size of approximately 73 cm 2, circulation of
approximately 150,000 papers.
Prigg M. (2005), ‘Fishy Solution for Thames Sewage’, article featuring Miklas Scholz, Evening Standard,
21/10/05, news, p. 17, edition LSE_0 (2 nd edition), article size of approximately 50 cm 2, circulation of
approximately 345,000 papers.
Prigg M. (2005), ‘Goldfish: the New Weapon in Thames Sewage War’ (including picture), article featuring Miklas
Scholz, Evening Standard, 21/10/05, news, p. 18, edition A_MERGE (3 rd edition), article size of 73 cm 2,
circulation of approximately 345,000 papers.
Unknown (2005), ‘Goldfish Enlisted in Fight Against Floods’, article featuring Miklas Scholz, Iran Daily, 22/10/05,
Science, p. 4, article size of approximately 110 cm 2.
Frietsch M. (2006), ‘Musterregion für Regenrückhaltung – Forscher der Uni Edinburgh erarbeitet in Südbaden eine
Klassifizierung für Hochwasserrückhaltebecken’ article (including two pictures; three on the internet) featuring
Miklas Scholz, Badische Zeitung, 19/07/06, Breisgau West, p. 35, article size of approximately 644 cm 2.
Circulation of 25,000 papers.
Frietsch M. (2006), ‘Stichwort - Regenrückhaltung’ article featuring Miklas Scholz, Badische Zeitung, 19/07/06,
Breisgau West, p. 35, article size of approximately 151 cm 2. Circulation of 25,000 papers.
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
Frietsch M. (2006), ‘Dämme gegen Regenfluten’, article (including one picture; two on the internet) featuring
Miklas Scholz, Badische Zeitung, 21/07/06, Breisgau Nord, article size of approximately 600 cm 2. Circulation of
25,000 papers.
Frietsch M. (2006), ‘Musterregion für Regenrückhaltung – Forscher der Uni Edinburgh erarbeitet in Südbaden eine
Klassifizierung für Hochwasserrückhaltebecken’ article (including two pictures; three on the internet) featuring
Miklas Scholz, Badische Zeitung, 24/07/06, Breisgau West, p. 29, article size of approximately 644 cm 2.
Circulation of 40,000 papers.
Frietsch M. (2006), ‘Stichwort - Regenrückhaltung’ article featuring Miklas Scholz, Badische Zeitung, 24/07/06,
Breisgau West, p. 29, article size of approximately 151 cm2. Circulation of 40,000 papers.
Collin H. and Martin D. (2007), ‘Wetland Systems to Control Runoff’, article featuring a presentation by Miklas
Scholz at a joined Scottish Hydrological Group and institute for Environmental management and Assessment
meeting at The University of Edinburgh on 28/02/07, Circulation – The Newsletter of the British Hydrological
Society, No. 93, May 2007.
Not authored (2008), ‘Minister Visits Castle Leslie’s Wetlands Project’ (including picture), Monaghan Post, news,
p. 9, article size of 253 cm 2.
Johnston V. (2008), ‘Castle Leslie Unveil Wetlands Project to Minister Gormley’ (including two pictures), interview
with Miklas Scholz, Northern Standard, p. 18, article size of 845 cm 2.
Not authored (2008), ‘Waterborne Plants Give Farmers a Clean Break from Waste’, featuring statements by
Miklas Scholz, Farm Ad, August 2008 edition, p. 13, article size of 139 cm 2, circulation of 17,000.
Not authored (2008), ‘Managing Manure’, featuring statements by Miklas Scholz, The Engineer Online,
Technology News, 2 July 2008,
Watson J. (2008), ‘Ponds Plan Floated as Way to Prevent Pollution from Farms’ (including one picture), interview
with Miklas Scholz, The Press and Journal, p. 33, Farm Journal (page 3), article size of 395 cm 2, circulation of
Not authored (2008), ‘On the Water Front: Purifying Farm-yard Waste Water’, HS Daily – The Business
of Homeland Security. Featuring Miklas Scholz.
Not authored (2008), ‘Wetland Participation’. CIWEM Business Briefing. Featuring Miklas Scholz. Vol. 4, Issue 1,
page 6.
Kelbie P. (2009), ‘New Wetlands May Clean up Rivers and Lochs – Edinburgh University scientists use nature’s
own methods to rid water supplies of farming waste’ (including one picture and one highlighted statement),
interview with Miklas Scholz, The Observer (Scotland edition), p. 19, News, article size of 485 cm 2, circulation
of 20,757.
Laporte Z. (2009), ‘Researchers develop faster means of flood risk assessment’. The Journal. Academic News,
28 October 2009.
Unknown (2009), ‘Researchers promise boost for flood defences’. Edinburgh Evening News. Edinburgh Evening
News Section, 9 October, page 18, article size of 33 cm 2, circulation of 50,847. In print and on the web:
Davey K. (2009), ‘New Flood Screening Method will Protect Homes Across Scotland’. EUSci – The Edinburgh
University Science Magazine, News, 12 October.
Unknown (2009), ‘Focus on Scotland Central: Sustainable Flood Retention Basins to Mange Flooding’. The
environmentalist, Institute News, page 25. More detailed information on
Unknown (2009), ‘Sustainable flood retention basins assessed for flood management potential’. CIWEM Business
Briefing. Vol. 4, Issue 11 (December/January 2010). Article featuring Miklas Scholz. Circulation of
approximately 12,000. Size: approximately 507 cm2 (including photo).
IASTE UK (2009), ‘IASTE: A Global Work Experience Programme. Research case study description on
Sustainable Flood Retention Basins’ featuring Miklas Scholz. IASTE UK, British Council. Size: approximately
284 cm2 (including four small photos).
Unknown (2009), ‘Homeowners Benefit from Flood Study’. Article featuring Miklas Scholz. esure (insurance
provider), news on web:
Davey K. (2010), ‘New Flood Screening Method will Protect Homes Across Scotland’. Article featuring Miklas
Scholz. eu:sci (Edinburgh University Science Magazine), In print on page 6 (News; article size of 191 cm2
(including one photo)) and on the web at
Science Communication Unit (2010), ‘Classifying Water Bodies for Flood Risk Management’. Article featuring a
journal paper by Miklas Scholz. Science for Environment Policy, European Commission Directorate General
Environment News Alert Service. Edited by the Science Communication Unit, The University of the West of
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
Unknown (2010), Article under BOOKFILE regarding the book Wetland Systems – Storm Water Management
Control written by Prof. Miklas Scholz. Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment Magazine and
Journal, the environmentalist, 4 Oct. 2010, Issue 105. 115 cm 2 including book cover picture; circulation of
approximately 15,500.
Brown J. (2011), ‘Project Aims to Boost Flood Defences by Better Use of Reservoirs’. The University of Salford.
Web News. Posted on 12 April.
Flynn T. (2011), ‘Salford University project aims to boost flood defences by better use of reservoirs’. Salford Online
–Your local community website. Posted on 13 April.
Unknown (2011), Feature in the Times Higher Education on 26 April 2011. Campus Round-up: University of
Hasewinkel C. (2011), Article in the third Newsletter of the Strategic Alliance for Integrated Water Management
Actions (SAWA). SAWA Book Published, p. 2, SAWA, Gothenborg, Sweden.
Unknown (2011), Full article entitled ‘Project Aims to Boost Flood Defences by Better Use of Network of
Reservoirs’ in the CIWEM Business Briefing. Volume 16, Issue 6, page 2, June 2011. 702 cm 2 including two
pictures; circulation of about 13,000.
Unknown (2011), Full article entitled ‘Project Aims to Boost Flood Defences by Better Use of Network of
Reservoirs’ in the CIWEM Water and Environment Magazine (Special Report). 1 June 2011. 686 cm 2 including
two pictures; circulation of about 11,000.
Unknown (2011), Full article entitled ‘Holding Back the Flood’ in the University of Salford magazine RISE.
August/September 2011. Two full A4 pages including one picture of one A4 side.
Unknown (2011), News item entitled ‘More public access to German dam data, academic demands’ on the main
web page of The University of Salford (posted on 16 December 2011).,-academic-demands.
Unknown (2012), News item entitled ‘Reputation under fire’, featuring Prof. Miklas Scholz’s work on sustainable
flood retention basins. The Times Higher Education, Campus round-up (posted on 5 January 2012).
Unknown (2012), News item entitled ‘More Access to German Dam Data, Academic Demands’, featuring Prof.
Miklas Scholz’s work on sustainable flood retention basins. Engineering Maintenance Solutions. Article
published on 1 February 2012 on page 8, 153 cm 2.
Unknown (2012), News item entitled ‘Members Elect New IEMA Council’, featuring Prof. Miklas Scholz’s election.
The environmentalist, June 2012, page 33, 270 cm 2.
Unknown (2012), News item entitled ‘New method makes life easier for drainage engineers’, featuring Prof. Miklas
Scholz, on the main web page of The University of Salford (posted on 6 July 2012).
The University of Salford (2012), Energy and Climate Change Briefing Paper - Working with policy partners to
tackle the global energy crisis. Office of the Vice-Chancellor. Section on “Developing guidance tools to control
Earthempahsis (2012), Highlighting the article ‘Predicting dam failure risk for sustainable flood retention basins: A
generic case study for the wider Greater Manchester area’ written by Prof. Scholz and his team at
International Water Association (2012), IWA Fellows 2012.
BBC News (2013), Miklas Scholz featuring as an expert on geothermal energy on a news report lasting two
minutes and covering the exploration of geothermal energy in Cheshire. Transmission by BBC North West
Today (13:30-13:45) on 22 July 2013.
The University of Salford (2013), ‘Councils spending unnecessarily on independent surveyors’. News item
IEMA (2014), Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA). Case Study – Researching
successful solutions. Miklas Scholz – Fellow Member.
BBC News at Six (2014), Miklas Scholz featuring as an expert in civil engineering on a news report lasting about
three minutes and covering the robbery of cash from a cash machine via the excavation of a tunnel.
Elu24 (2014), Suurbritannias kaevasid röövlid tunneli, et pangaautomaadist raha kätte saada. Miklas Scholz
featuring as an expert in civil engineering (In Estonian; Britain robbers dug a tunnel to an ATM to get the
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
mtv (2014), Uuttera kaivaminen tuotti rosvoille lähes 100 000 euron saaliin (In Finnish; Diligent digging produced
the robbers almost 100 000 euros catch). Miklas Scholz featuring as an expert in civil engineering.
The University of Salford (2014), University of Salford researchers call for Iran-Iraq water treaty. News item
featuring Miklas Scholz.
SalfordOnline (2014), University of Salford researchers call for Iran-Iraq water treaty. News item posted on 7 July
Eisenach C. (2015), Liquid Assets – Capital Ways to Save Water. Feature article featuring Miklas Scholz.
Magazine published by the Society of Experimental Biology 9SEB), SEBULLETIN, March 2015 issue, pp. 20-27.
The Coal Authority (2015), Ochre used by @SalfordUni Prof.@MiklasScholz & Suhail Abed to develop phosphate
removal in constructed wetlands [Twitter]. March 2015.
Hollyman G. (2015), Prestigious Invite to Top China University. School of Computing, Science and Engineering,
Xin M. (2015), Review of the Courses Taught by Prof. Miklas Scholz as part of International Summer School (in Manadrin).
Unknown (2015), Feature engineering item on “Prof. Miklas Scholz, Chair in Civil Engineering”. Postgraduater
Prospectus 2015/16, The University of Salford, p. 120-121.
Unknown (2015), Web article (published on 21 October 2015) featuring Prof. Miklas Scholz. Pollution engineer
publishes fourth
book. The University of
Unknown (2015), Wetlands for Water Pollution Control – CIWEM Fellow Launches New Book. The Environment,
CIWEM Magazine article featuring Prof. Miklas Scholz, December 2015/January 2016, Volume 21, page 23.
5.6. Expert Witness Duties
Dr Scholz worked in 2007 and 2008 as an expert witness an the following case: Silver Hill Foods (Monaghan,
Ireland) versus Veolia Water Solutions and Technologies (Division of VWS (UK) Ltd.; t/a Edwards and Jones), The
High Court, Ireland, Commercial Record No. 2007/7300P. The outcome was a confidential comprehensive report.
5.7. Prizes and Awards
 The Editor and Editorial Board of the Water and Environment Journal have commended the following paper in
the Outstanding Paper Award: Dong Y., Kayranli B., Scholz M. and Harrington R. (2013), Nutrient Release from
Integrated Constructed Wetlands Sediment Receiving Farmyard Runoff and Domestic Wastewater. Water and
Environment Journal. 27 (4), 439-452. The commended paper is put on the front page of the Water and
Environment Journal homepage (, so that it can
be used as an example paper for others wishing to submit papers to the journal and see the level of quality
 In 2014, shortlisted nomination for the Research Excellence category of the Vice-Chancellor’s Awards for
2013/14 at The University of Salford.
 Shortlisted paper for the CIWEM Best Paper Prize 2009: Tang X., Huang S. L. and Scholz M. (2009),
Comparison of Phosphorus Removal Between Vertical Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetlands with Different
Substrates. Water and Environment Journal, 23 (3), 180-188.
 First place prize (including price money of £300, free annual membership to the Concrete Society and
plaque/trophy given by the President of the Concrete Society) for the poster presentation “Permeable Pavement
Engineering for Sustainable Urban Runoff Reuse Integrated with Geothermal Heat Pumps” by Kiran TotaMaharaj, Piotr Grabowiecki, Miklas Scholz and Steve Coupe at the Innovation Poster Presentation at The
Concrete Society's Conference Concrete Innovations 2009 - Constructing the Future, which was held in
Glasgow on 9 October 2009.
 Ms. Qinli Yang (PhD student of Dr Scholz) won the second prize (plus £200) at The British Dam Society at the
Institution of Civil Engineers national competition with her paper Outline of the Benefits of Large Dams on 6 July
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
 Dr Scholz received a combined medal and a cash award for his invited lecture “Wetland Systems and Their
Role in Flood and Diffuse Pollution Control” to the Haihe River Water Conservation Commission, The Ministry of
Water Resources, China, 11 May 2009.
 Mr. Atif Mustafa (PhD student of Dr Scholz) won the first price for his poster at the National Telford Institute
Workshop on Sustainable Urban Water Management – Promoting Top Research at Scottish Universities.
 Mr. Paul Eke (PhD student of Dr Scholz) won the first price at the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
European Student Paper Contest (PhD Division) for the paper by Paul E. Eke, Scholz M. and Wallace S. D.
(2007) Constructed Treatment Wetlands: Innovative Technology for the Petroleum Industry? The award was
presented at the Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition (4-7 September 2007) in Aberdeen.
Consequently, Paul Eke was invited to present this paper again at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and
Exhibition (ATCE) in California (11-14 November 2007), where he became a runner-up.
 Mr. Paul Eke won a student paper award at The Third International Conference on Environmental Science and
Technology sponsored by the American Academy of Sciences for the paper by Paul E. Eke, Scholz M. and
Wallace S. D. (2007) Constructed Treatment Wetlands: Sustainable Technology for the Petroleum Industry.
 The ‘Scottish Enterprise Supported Prize for Best Presentation’ was awarded for this paper: O`Brien C., Scholz
M. and McConnachie G. (2003), Comparison of Secondary Treatment Technologies for Pre-treated Rendering
Plant Wastewater. Egbu C. O. and Tong M. K. L. (Eds.). In Proceedings of the First Scottish Conference for
Postgraduate Researchers of the Built and Natural Environment (18-19/11/03, Glasgow, UK). ISBN 1-90366150-1, 515-524, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, UK.
 Between 2000 and 2002, runner-up at four CIWEM paper competitions (two regional and two national events).
5.8. Journal and Conference Paper, and Book Proposal Referee Appointments
Journal Papers and Corresponding Publishers (in alphabetical order):
African Journal of Agricultural Research (Academic Journals), African Journal of Biotechnology (Academic
Journals), African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (Academic Journals), African Journal of
Microbiology Research (Academic Journals), Agricultural Water Management (Elsevier), Agriculture, Ecosystem
and Environment (Elsevier), Ain Shams Engineering Journal (Elsevier), Annales De Limnologie (International
Journal of Limnology) (Association Française de Limnologie), Applied and Environmental Soil Science (Hindawi
Publishing Corporation), Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (Springer), Applied Thermal Engineering
(Elsevier), Applied Water Science (Springer), Atmospheric Environment (Elsevier), Austin Journal of Hydrology
(Austin Publications); Austin Journal of Irrigation (Austin Publications); Austin Journal of Public Health and
Epidemiology (Austin Publishing Group), Aquaculture Research (Wiley), Aquatic Microbial Ecology (Inter
Biochemical Engineering Journal (Elsevier), BioResources (North Carolina State University), Bioresource
Technology (Elsevier), Biosystems Engineering (Elsevier), Biotechnology Progress (ACS Publications),
Catena (Elsevier), British Journal of Environment and Climate Change (Sciencedomain international), Central
European Journal of Biology (Springer), Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems (Taylor and Francis),
Chemical Engineering Journal (Elsevier), Chemical Engineering and Technology (Wiley), Chemical Engineering
Research and Design (Elsevier), Chemical Engineering Science (Elsevier), Chemosphere (Elsevier), CLEAN –
Soil, Air, Water (Wiley-VCH), Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy (Springer), Construction and
Building Materials (Elsevier), Current Advances in Environmental Science (American V-King Scientific
Publishing), Current Engineering and Technological Research (Online Research Journals),
Dataset Papers in Geosciences (Hindawi Publishing Corporation), Desalination (Elsevier), Desalination and Water
Treatment (Desalination Publications),
Ecological Engineering (Elsevier), Ecological Indicators (Elsevier), Ecosystems (Springer), Engineering
Sustainability (Thomas Telford), Environmental Engineering and Management Journal (Technical University of
IASI), Environmental Engineering Science (Mary Ann Liebert Publishers), Environmental Modelling and
Software (Elsevier); Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (Springer), Environmental Modelling and
Software (Elsevier), Environmental Pollution (Elsevier), Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy,
formerly Environmental Progress (Wiley), Environmental Protection Engineering (Wroclaw University of
Technology), Environmental Research (Elsevier), Environmental Science and Pollution Research (Springer).
Environmental Science and Technology (ACS Publications), Environmental Sciences (OMICS Publishing
Group), Environmental Technology (Taylor and Francis), Environmental Technology and Innovation (Elsevier);
Environment, Development and Sustainability (Springer), Environment International (Elsevier), European
Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering (Taylor and Francis),
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin (Parlar Scientific Publications), Frontiers in Water Resources (Edinwilsen Press),
Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering in China (Springer), Fundamentals of Renewable Energy
and Applications (OMICS Publishing Group),
Geochemistry (Springer), Geoderma (Elsevier), Global Environmental Change – Human and Policy Dimensions
(Elsevier), Global Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (Simplex Academic Publishers),
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
Habitat International (Elsevier), Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal (Taylor and
Francis), Hydrological Sciences Journal (IAHS Press), Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (Copernicus
Publications), Hydrology: Current Research (OMICS Publishing Group), Hydrology Research (IWA Publishing),
Hydrometallurgy (Elsevier),
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (ACS Publications), Innovative Energy Policies (OMNIS Group),
International Journal of Constructive Research in Civil Engineering (ARC Publications), International Journal of
Environmental Analytical Chemistry (Taylor and Francis), International Journal of Engineering, Science and
Technology (African Journals Online), International Journal of Environmental Engineering (Inderscience),
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (MDPI), International Journal of
Environmental Technology and Management (Inderscience), International Journal of Environmental Studies
(Routledge), International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (Springer), International Journal of
Hydrology Science and Technology (Inderscience), International Journal of Pavement Engineering (Taylor and
Francis); International Journal of Phytoremediation (Taylor and Francis); International Journal of Risk
Assessment and Management (inderscience); International Journal of River Basin Management (Taylor and
Francis), International Journal of Scientific Research in Knowledge (IJSRPUB.COM), International Journal of
Sustainable Land Use and Urban Planning (Science Target), International Journal of Water and Wastewater
Treatment (Sciforschen), International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering (Academic
Journals), International Research Journal of Agricultural Science (International Research Journals),
International Research Journal of Geology and Mining (International Research Journals), International Research
Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (International Research Journals); International Research Journal
of Microbiology (International Research Journals), International Research Journal of Public and Environmental
Health (International Research Journals),
Jacobs Journal ofCivil Engineering (Jacobs Publishers), Jacobs Journal of Hydrology (Jacobs Publishers), Journal
of African Earth Sciences (Elsevier), Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences (Global Research Journals),
Journal of Agricultural Engineering and Biotechnology (Bowen Publishing), Journal of Applied Ichthyology
(Wiley InterScience), Journal of Biodiversity Management and Forestry (SciTechnol), Journal of Biotechnology
(Elsevier), Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology (Wiley), Journal of Chemistry Materials Science
(Global Research Journals), Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier), Journal of Earth Science Informatics
(Springer), Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences (Bioinfo Publication), Journal of Energy Engineering
(ASCE), Journal of Engineering and Applied Science (Medwell), Journal of Environmental Chemistry and
Ecotoxicology (Academic Journals), Journal of Environmental Engineering (American Society of Chemical
Engineers), Journal of Environmental Informatics (Elsevier), Journal of Environmental Planning and
Management (Routledge, part of Taylor and Francis), Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier), Journal
of Environmental Science and Health – Part A (Taylor and Francis), Journal of Environmental Science
(Elsevier), Journal of Environment and Health Sciences (Ommega Online Publishers), Journal of Flood
Engineering (Serial Publications), Journal of Flood Risk Management (Wiley), Journal of Hazardous Materials
(Elsevier), Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (American Society of Civil Engineers), Journal of Hydroenvironment Research (Elsevier), Journal of Hydrologic Engineering (ASCE), Journal of Hydrology (Elsevier),
Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology (inderscience), Journal of Infrastructure Systems (ASCE),
Journal of Petroleum and Gas Engineering (Academic Journals), Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology
A: Chemistry (Elsevier), Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management (Academic Journals), Journal
of Taibah University for Science (Elsevier), Journal of Technology Innovations in Renewable Energy
(Lifescience Global); Journal of the American Water Works Association (American Water Works Association),
Journal of Water and Health (IWA Publishing); Journal of Water Resource and Protection (Scientific Research
Publishing), Journal of Wood Science (Springer), Journal of Zhejiang University - Science A (Applied Physics
and Engineering) (Springer), Journal of Zhejiang University – Science B (Biomedicine and Biotechnology)
Lakes & Reservoirs: Research and Management (Wiley), Land Degradation and Development (Wiley), Landscape
and Urban Planning (Elsevier), Limnologica (Elsevier),
Merit Research Journal of Agricultural Science and Soil Sciences (MR Journals)
Natural Hazards (Springer), Natural Resources (Scientific Research Publishing), NED University Journal of
Research (NED University), NED University Journal of Research – Applied Science (NED University of
Engineering and Technology),
Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies (Springer), Open Journal of Ecology (Scientific Research Publishing),
Open Journal of Modern Hydrology (Scientific Research Publishing), Open Journal of Water Pollution and
Treatment (Scientific Research Publishing),
Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences (University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan), Pedosphere (Elsevier),
NED University Journal of Research (NED University of Engineering and Technology), Plant and Soil (Springer),
Plant, Soil and Environment (Agriculture Journals), Polish Journal of Environmental Studies (HARD),
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Civil Engineering (Thomas Telford), Proceedings of the
Institution of Civil Engineers – Municipal Engineer (Thomas Telford), Proceedings of the Institution of Civil
Engineers – Water Management (Thomas Telford), Process Biochemistry (Elsevier), Proceedings of the
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences (Springer), Progress in Physical Geography
(SAGE Publications), Process Safety and Environmental Protection (Elsevier),
Recent Patents on Corrosion Science (Bentham Science Publishers), Recent Patents on Chemical Engineering
(Bentham Science Publishers), Remote Sensing (MDPI), Research Journal of Earth and Planetary Sciences
(Global Research Journals),
Scientifica (Hindawi Publishing Cooperation), Separation and Purification Technology (Elsevier), Separation
Science and Technology (Taylor and Francis), Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier), Scientific Research
and Essays (Academic Journals), Soil Science of America Journal (Soil Science Society of America);
Sustainability (MDPI), Sustainability of Water Quality and Ecology (Elsevier),
Transactions of Tianjin University (Springer), Transportation Research – Part C: Emerging Technologies (Elsevier),
Transportation Research Record (The National Academies), Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry (Taylor
and Francis), Toxics (MDPI)
Urban, Planning and Transport Research (Taylor and Francis), Urban Water Journal (Taylor and Francis),
Water (MDPI Publishing), Water, Air and Soil Pollution (Springer), Water and Environment Journal, previously
Journal of The Chartered Institute for Water and Environmental Management (Blackwell), Water Environment
Research (Allen Press), Water Research (Elsevier), Water Resources Management (Springer), Water Science
and Technology (International Water Association Publishing), Water Science and Technology: Water Supply
(International Water Association Publishing), and Wetlands (Society of Wetland Scientists).
Conference Papers:
British Hydrological Society (UK, 2008); First Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning
and Economics; Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting (e.g., USA, 2011); International Conference on
Agriculture and Biological Sciences (China, 2015); International Conference on Material Technology and
Environmental Engineering (China, 2015); International Water Association (IWA) (e.g. World Water Congress 2008;
11th International Conference on Urban Drainage; 2010 Montreal World Water Congress; various IWA International Young Water Professional Conferences); The International Conference on Water, Informatics,
Sustainability, and Environment – iWISE2014 (Canada, 2014); Transportation Research Board (TRB);
WatefCon2015 (UK, 2015), Water-Rock Interaction 13 (Mexico, 2010).
Book Proposals:
CRC Press (part of the Taylor and Francis Group); Fairchild Books UK (a subsidiary of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc);
IWA Publishing; Springer; Thomas Telford; Wiley.
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
Part 6: Teaching
6.1. Reflection on Teaching
This section briefly reflects on Prof. Scholz’s qualifications concerning teaching activities focusing on tuition and
education. Evidence of his long-term ability to support and facilitate student learning and to reflect on his teaching
practice using knowledge about teaching and learning is self-evident, considering that he successfully teaches in
different capacities for almost 20 years.
Effort to develop his teaching practice through cooperation and interaction with other colleagues has also been
demonstrated. This is particularly self-evident, where he refers to activities during his appointments at The
University of Edinburgh (as a senior lecturer) and at The University of Salford as the Chair in Civil Engineering.
His teaching and related educational activities are directly informed by latest research in the subject matter
concerned. Particularly his postgraduate students appreciate a teaching style based on research-informed
workshops, integrated design exercises and dynamic group work activities. Unless absolutely necessary, he avoids
giving standard lectures based on countless PowerPoint slides with little student staff-interactions.
His personal basic teaching approach is based on a modern and liberal philosophy to learning, where taking
initiative and responsibility are high on the agenda. His philosophy is informed by knowledge about teaching and
learning, which he acquired through formal training in teaching in higher education and through knowledge and
methodology development in my subject area.
His CV comprises relevant evidence, which is directly related to my teaching, education and supervision expertise.
Important aspects of my own basic approach to undergraduate and particularly postgraduate teaching are outlined
where appropriate. His reflection is based on personal experience of teaching and learning in higher education on
all levels including research studies undertaking by groups of students (all levels).
His plans for the future are to continue with his unique teaching style, but to be guided by my more teaching-active
colleagues to pitch his teaching at the right level, and to adjust to new developments in the education sector. The
overall aim is to optimise student feedback and student progression.
6.2. Teaching Experience
School Teaching Responsibilities:
Since 10/2010, Chair in Civil Engineering at The University of Salford.
 Civil Engineering Communications 1 (co-lecturing; approximately 80 to 110 students; 2011-2015)
 Civil Engineering Design Exercise 1 (approximately 90 to 110 students; 2012-2015)
 Civil Engineering Design Exercise 3 (new notes; approximately 90 to 100 students; 2011-2015)
 Water Resources Technology (lecturer; re-written full course including class tutorials; substantial lecture notes
of 400 pages; 40 hours contact time per annum; 3rd year; approximately 80 to 100 students; 2011-2013).
 Case Studies in Environmental Engineering (co-lecturer; re-written full course including class tutorials; 20 hours
contact time per annum; 3rd year; approximately 60 to 100 students; 2013-2015).
 Water and Wastewater Systems (lecturer; pre-dominantly a self-study course; 40 hours contact time per annum;
4th year; approximately 15 to 20 students; 2012-2015).
 Final Year Project (completely new course structure and documentation; administrative duties and supervisor;
4th and 5th year; average of 20 hours contact time; 2010-2015).
 Civil Engineering Dissertation (supervision of approximately 5 to 15 year 3 and 4 individual projects; 20102015).
 Water and Waste Water Treatment (co-lecturing; new notes; 5 MSc students; 2011-2012).
 PhD in Civil Engineering Study Skills (lecturing; new notes; approximately 10 to 15 PhD students; 2012-2014).
 Project Research Methods Training (tutoring; new notes; approximately 90 to 100 students, 2013-2015).
Other Teaching:
05/2008-09/2010, Environmental and Water Sub-discipline Leader for nine courses in Civil and Environmental
08/2007-09/2010, Senior Lecturer in Civil and Environmental Engineering at The University of Edinburgh.
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
08/2002-08/2007, Lecturer in Civil and Environmental Engineering at The University of Edinburgh.
 Civil Engineering 1 (co-senior lecturer; partly new notes; 5 hours contact time per annum; approximately 130
students; 2009-2010)
 Infrastructure, Management and Sustainability 3 (co-senior lecturer; new workshop notes; 5 hours contact time
per annum; approximately 90 students; 2008).
 Computer Aided Design 2 (co-lecturer; class tutorials; 10 hours contact time; 2nd year; approximately 40
students; 2003).
 Water Resources 2 (lecturer; full course including class tutorials; substantial lecture notes of 150 pages; 40
hours contact time per annum; 2nd year; approximately 70 to 90 students; 2003-2005 and 2009-2010).
 Environmental Design 3 (co-lecturer; re-written small group teaching course; 3rd year; 40 hours contact time per
annum; approx., 20 students; 2003-2005).
 Water and Wastewater Systems 3, formerly Water Resources 3 (lecturer; re-written full course including class
tutorials; substantial lecture notes of 200 pages; 40-60 hours contact time per annum; 3rd year; approximately
70 to 110 students; 2005-2010).
 Water and Wastewater Systems 4 (lecturer; re-written full course including class tutorials; substantial lecture
notes of 200 pages; 40 hours contact time per annum; 4th year; approximately 50 to 70 students; 2004-2010).
 Advanced Environmental Engineering 4 (lecturer; re-written self-study course; 15 hours contact time per annum;
4th year; approximately 15 to 25 students; 2003-2010).
 Professional Design 4 (co-lecturer; self-study course with tutorials; 10 hours contact time per annum; 4 th year;
approximately 40 students; 2004-2005).
 Final Year Project 4/5 (supervisor; 4th and 5th year; between 2 and 9 students per annum, average of 6 students
with 15 hours contact time per student; 2002-2010).
 Membrane Science and Technology 5 (co-senior lecturer; re-written full course including tutorial; 10 hours
contact time per annum; 15 students; 2007).
 Contaminated Land 5 (co-senior lecturer; re-written full course including tutorial; 10 hours contact time per
annum; 25 students; 2007 and 2009).
 Wetland Systems (guest lecturer at Heriot-Watt University; new full course including tutorials; 36 hours contact
time per annum; 10 MSc students; 2009).
09/1999-08/2002, Lecturer in Environmental Water Engineering at the University of Bradford.
 Hydrology (lecturer; re-written full course including laboratory classes; substantial lecture notes of 100 pages;
30 hours contact time per annum; 2nd year; approximately 30 students; 2000-2002).
 Water Quality and Treatment (lecturer; full course including tutorials and laboratory classes; substantial lecture
notes of 130 pages; 40 hours contact time per annum; 3rd year; approximately 15 students; 2000-2002).
 Wastewater Systems (lecturer; full course including tutorials and laboratory classes; substantial lecture notes of
150 pages; 40 hours contact time per annum; 4th year; approximately 20 students; 2000-2002).
 Final Year Project (lecture; 3rd and 4th year; on average 7 students per annum; 1999-2002).
 Applied Hydrobiology (lecturer; re-written full MSc course; substantial lecture notes of 150 pages; 30 hours
contact time per annum; 5 students; 2002).
6.3. Attendance of Courses
I attended the following structured courses as part of my continuous professional development: Basic Introduction
to Contracts (2015), Three-day Research Completion and Writing Workshop (2014), Proofreading and Editing
(2014), Managing Your Research Data (2014), Observation of Teaching (2013), Gradebook (2012), Postgraduate
Supervision (2012), Introduction to Blackboard (2011 and 2012), Induction to The University of Salford Course
(2010-2011), Research Ethics (2010), Wisard (Web Interface to Student, Admissions and Related Data)
Introduction (2008), Managing Research Funding (2008); Introduction to Biological Safety (2005), Minitab (2004),
Advanced Excel (2004), Postgraduate Supervision in Science and Engineering (2004), Making Funding
Applications (2003), Effective Recruitment and Selection (2002), assessed (distinction) Standard Certificate in
Health and Safety Practice (2001), First Aid (2001), Design and Operation of Activated Sludge Systems (2001),
Research Supervision (2000) and Consultancy (2000).
6.4. Recent Peer-observation and Student Feedback
“[…] The session appeared to be well planned and was structured according to module guide which demonstrated
a consistent format across the course which helps students to know what is expected of them and this is especially
important given that the sessions rely on them to have produced pieces of work and engaged with specific learning
materials. You explained both the structure of the session (including my presence in it) and how this fit into the
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
wider learning for the module. I really liked how all the elements contributed to the summative assessment for the
module and students could see their progression towards this.
[…] I liked the use of role play to get the students thinking about their project and being forced to think about
specific questions that they perhaps haven’t previously. This will ultimately enhance their learning and their final
submissions. Having printed roles for each of the participants helped to focus this and student participation was at
its strongest in this part of the sessions.
[…] Overall, I felt you had a good rapport with the students and it being a small group you were able to effectively
involve all the students at various points using a range of strategies. You are clearly extremely knowledgeable in
your field, but also passionate and that comes across in your teaching which is great for students to see. […]”
Dr Dan Redfearn on teaching Water and wastewater Systems (MEng course) by Prof. Miklas Scholz in November
“The best thing is the approachability of the lecturer.”
“Very approachable!”
Very clear course layout.”
Feedback from students studying Water and Wastewater Systems in 2015
“Lecturer knows the area well.”
“Great teaching technique.”
Feedback from students studying Water and Wastewater Systems in 2014
“The lecturer is approachable.”
“The coursework allowed us to make decisions and be proactive in our learning.”
“The lecturer spends a lot of time answering questions.”
“Interesting real life scenarios.”
“Flexibility of working is best.”
“Practical and project-based corsework. It is very independent.”
Feedback from students studying Water and Wastewater Systems in 2013
“Project feedback is best!”
“Good feedback.”
“Lecturer engages with students and provides a different point of view.”
Feedback from students studying Project Research Methods Training in 2015
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Miklas Scholz, Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng,
FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, Chair in Civil Engineering
Part 7: Administration
7.1. Tasks undertaken at The University of Salford
 Since 2015, Academic Appeals Investigator (postgraduate research representative), nominated by the School
of Computing, Science and Engineering.
 Since 2013, Industrial Advisory Board Coordinator for the Discipline of Civil Engineering.
 Since 2013, Head of the Civil Engineering Research Group.
 In 2012, Member of the Interview Panel for a Digital Literacy Trainer assigned to the central library.
 Since 2012, College of Science and Technology Representative on the College Research and Innovation
Committee of the College of Health and Social Care.
 In 2011, Chair of the Interview Panel for four Research Assistants assigned to the Civil Engineering Research
 Between 2011 and 2013, Director of the Civil Engineering Research Centre.
 Since 2011, Programme Leader for Water and Environmental Engineering.
 In 2010, Member of the Interview Panel for three Lecturers assigned to the Civil Engineering Discipline.
 Between 2010 and 2011, Leader of the Civil Engineering Research Group and supporting colleagues and
students reaching their full potential: Supporting PhD students by providing weekly workshop sessions (since
2012). Preparation of the research group for the Research Excellence Framework in 2014 (since 2010).
Organizing and running support activities such as paper writing, funding application and statistics workshops
(2010-2011). Initiating internal funding competitions (2010-2011). Preparation of research strategies based on a
Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Treat Analysis (2010).
7.2. Tasks undertaken at The University of Edinburgh
 In 2010, Member of the School of Engineering Postgraduate Advisory Group (SPEC), representing the
Institute for Infrastructure and Engineering.
 Between 2009 and 2010, Course Organizer for Water Resources 2, Water and Wastewater Systems 3 and
Water and Wastewater Systems 4.
 Between 2008 and 2010, Director of Studies in Civil and Environmental Engineering.
 Between 2005 and 2008, non-professorial Member of the Senate.
 Between 2005 and 2010, Member of the School of Engineering’s Safety Sub-Committee (AGB, JM and
WRB Buildings).
 Between 2005 and 2007, Lab Class Organizer of Engineering 1 (school-wide group of full courses; 15 hours
contact time per annum; 1st year; approximately 350 students). Associated activities include staff/student liaison
and examination organization.
 Between 2005 and 2007, Organizer for Civil Engineering 1 (school-wide group of laboratory classes; 10 hours
contact time per annum; 1st year; approximately 230 students).
 Between 2003 and 2010, Exchange Student Co-ordinator for Civil and Environmental Engineering (40
hours contact time per annum; approximately 12 students per annum).