June, 2016 - Blue Valley Quilters Guild
June, 2016 - Blue Valley Quilters Guild
Pat c h w o r k s Blue Valley Quilters Guild - June 2016 Message from the President Wow! We are one busy guild! Last month we had our Ruler Round-Up – from what I could see everyone seemed to be enthusiastically learning about some new rulers. Then we had our retreat – thank you, Barbara! It was a fun-filled day as usual and some of us even got some quilting accomplished. I even saw Barbara sitting at her machine once or twice. Cynthia Coleman taught a more in-depth class on the Quick Curve Ruler at Sit n Stitch – I’m sure we will see some more curves at show and tell in the next couple of months. This month, Eileen Urbanek is coming for a trunk show. She is a certified Judy Niemeyer teacher, so expect to see a lot of intricate piecework and lots of points! This is a very busy group indeed – along with busy we are also diverse, enthusiastic and supportive. It’s a great place to be – and apparently others agree! Did you know that we had 32 new members join just in the last year! I am very happy to have found this group many years ago and am thrilled to see how much is has evolved … and I hope that all of you love it as much as I do! Next Meeting: …………..June 7 Location: Olathe Bible Church 151st & Pflumm Olathe, KS The church is on the northwest corner of 151st St. & Pflumm. See You Soon! Trisch The Blue Valley Quilters Guild is dedicated to preserving and teaching the fine art of quilting. We welcome all newcomers as well as experienced quilters to be part of this guild. From Please park on the north side of the church and enter through the door just off the north parking lot. Joan Thanks to Julie, Kristin, Stephanie and Wilma, for helping me through a crisis last meeting. You are all very much appreciated. Thanks also to Dottie, who cleaned up after the meeting while I was dealing with other things. Remember to add BVQG in the subject line of any email. Thanks—Joan, jhorton100@aol.com Trunk show with Eileen Urbanek. Eileen is a certified Instructor for the Judy Niemeyer method (Quiltworx.com) and is a great speaker. If you would like to learn a lot more about the method, Eileen will also be conducting a workshop at Quilter's Station in Lee's summit the weekend before our meeting, June 3rd and 4th. If you would like to attend the workshop, please contact Quilter's Station at (816) 525-8955. The workshop is not sponsored by BVQG. We are just providing the information. We had a great time presenting the Ruler Roundup at the May meeting. Thank you so much to Mary Strege, Cynthia Coleman, Becky Fenton, Judy Dobbels, Trisch Price and Julie Rounds for the time they put into preparing for their fun and informative presentations. (AND, it took quite a bit of time and preparation as was evidenced by the demos!) Great job ladies! A big thank you too to everyone who helped move chairs out of the way in record time, with NO injuries! Excellent teamwork! The ‘Roundup’ was so well received! We have heard many positive comments regarding ‘learning new things’ that we just may have another ‘Roundup’ of some kind – if you have any suggestions, please send them to Julie Rounds or Kristen Smith and we’ll try to organize another ‘learning experience’ for you all!! Gypsy Dreamer Quilts (from Baldwin City) will give us more examples of working with panels in her presentation at the July 5th meeting, following the panel challenge reveal. Liz has been sewing since she was a child in California, and in 2006 started quilting and quickly became passionate about all things quilt related. She has developed her own style, design and assembly techniques which she will present during her trunk show. This is sure to motivate all of us to ‘do something’ with those panels we thought were SO CUTE when we bought them! Wilma may have to organize another panel challenge after this presentation! Fiber Art Trunk Show – (www.leamccomas.com) – please take a look at this website; especially her portrait quilts – they are AMAZING! A Male’s Viewpoint of the Quilting World - he made one of the quilts featured in Jeannie Poore’s Kansas Spirit book, so if you have that book bring it to the meeting and have Tony sign it! This presentation is sure to tickle your funny bone because Tony is a real ‘cut-up’ (pun intended!) Maple Leaf Quilts – from Urbandale Iowa – discussion on the nine techniques featured in her book “Maple Leaf Quilts”. Isn’t the timing on this lecture just perfect for a pleasantly crisp October day? Timing is everything! Finishing Up! This lecture will talk about all types of edge finishes for a quilt – how convenient………you can use her techniques and ideas to finish the Maple Leaf Quilt you will have made immediately after the October meeting! Did someone say “Holiday Party” – this will be a SURPRISE! To the Program Committee as well as the members, so stay tuned, you might see some hints throughout the remaining newsletters (or not!) UFP LANDINGS anticipated While June is the last monthly meeting to show your completed UFOs, July meeting will be the drawing for a lucky quilter of $50.00...... AND..... in July bring your unwanted UFO projects that you KNOW you will never complete in as tidy a fashion as you can muster to treat the eye of the beholder and a potential buyer - We're going to offer them for sale! Maybe you can price them to entice someone else to purchase them; get 'em off your hands, empty some shelf space, relieve your guilt for having it/ them, re-gain a few bucks. There will be a sale table available for these. Bring cash and browse! As the theme of the Quilt Guild of Greater Kansas City's coming quilt show is: "STASH TO TREASURES" (theirs's to yours). If any participant wishes to double check their UFO list with me to make sure the right ones/numbers are checked off, please feel to call me anytime before 615-2016. Connie, UFO Chair If you signed up for the June Charm Square Exchange Theme - Patriotic Need 24 pairs(48 –five inch squares = 1 yd fabric. 2016 Charm Square Exchange July….French General August….Focus September….Civil War/1880’s/Jo Morton How to Participate in the Charm Squares Exchange 1. Please use only quilt store fabric. If you use batik fabric, please pre-wash. 2. If you do more than 1 pack of charms, please put each one in a separate ziplock with your name on it. October….Batiks 3. Use the same material for each pack; if you do more than 1, you can use a different fabric. November….Christmas 4. You can sign up at the guild meeting, Yahoo group or e-mail me. Susan Mercer susan_mercer3@yahoo.com 5. You have until the 15th of the month to sign up. After that date, I will publish to the Yahoo Group how many pairs you need and the amount of material you need to buy. Debbie Johnson mjohnson1158@kc.rr.com Dee Sopinsk sopidee@yahoo.com Rita Porter rkp546@aol.com If you need me to e-mail the number of squares for the exchange, please indicate it on the sign up sheet. Susan Mercer susan_mercer3@yahoo.com PDQ COMMITTEE (Projects done by Quilters) PDQ Process: A form (green sheet with PDQ at the top) is available at every meeting that can be filled out with information regarding your request for special projects assistance other than what is already on our monthly docket. Wilma Lamfers, wjlamfers@everestkc.net , Facilitator for PDQ, Sit & Stitch Workshops Sit & Stitch meets most every 2nd & 4th Thursdays of each month at Rose Estates, 127th & Antioch. Each Thursday there is either a workshop led by a BVQG member or a time for members to come and sew on their own projects. Arrival time is 9:30 with workshops starting at 10 AM. Participants bring their lunch. BVQG members are always welcome to come even if they are not signed up for a workshop. SIt & Stitch is a good way to get acquainted with other members. If you have questions concerning Sit & Stitch please contact Wilma Lamfers, wjlamfers22@gmail.com Beginning in June there will be the following workshops: Thursday, June 9th 2nd workshop for the Urban Nine Patch pattern using the curve ruler. This workshop is being led by Cynthia Coleman. Thursday, June 23 and Thursday, July 14th will be the two-workshop "Quilt As You Go" series and will be led by Joyce Edwards. This two-workshop series is full. Thursday, July 28th Becky Fenton has a wonderful paper-pieced project planned for the Sit & Stitch workshop and signup for this project begins at the June meeting. Looking ahead there will be another "Sew Together Bag" workshop, a second paperpieced workshop if needed, a lone star workshop, and a "Go Go" workshop. Keep tuned for the dates and signups. If you have questions about any of the Sit & Stitch workshops, please contact Wilma Lamfers. Delivery of the 59 muff lap quilts was made Thursday, April 28th during Sit & Stitch time to the nursing staff of Rose Estates. The staff was greatly impressed and later made a request to see whether we would be able to make some for them. I told them that the fabric was donated by our members and our goal was that they go to the residents. During the Sit & Stitch time on Thursday, May 12th I delivered 3 more quilts to the two new activity directors. They were also pleased and stated that they might use the remaining quilts to give to new residents. A big thanks go to Shirley Petersen, and no doubt her sewing buddies, for taking the remaining unfinished quilts. I'll bet they show up at a meeting and they'll be finished! There's a quilt angel or angels if I have a vote. (Wilma Lamfers) We had 112 members total including late arrivals, 5 visitors and one new member turn out for the May Meeting! We were half way to our goal of 100% membership wearing their nametags! Hooray! Again, Membership would like to encourage all members to attend meetings wearing their name tags. New members need for us to be visible so they know who to ask questions from if they want to participate or volunteer and become active in the guild. Purchasing an ugly paper name tag is always an option - but if you have one wear it! I Please "name yourself" during our Blue Valley Quilters Guild Meetings- so we can meet and greet in style! Last month's participation was so wonderful that again this month we are "rewarding" members with their own name tags with a sweet treat! Also members not on the Yahoo group yet or are having trouble signing in with Yahoo can check with us at the membership table and we will be sure to get you contacted! Jackie, Marsha, Kim - Membership Committee Some members might remember Wanda Spencer. She has donated to BVQG a few items from her quilting days. She has been living at Santa Marta the past 8 years. When I went to pick up the items she wanted to show me the quilt piece that she had made. This pattern was one of Joan Streck's, a current member of the BVQG. She told me that the block had 120 pieces so she decided that a smaller piece would be good. Joan is that information correct? Written by Wilma Lamfers The Kansas City Regional Quilt Festival Plexiglas Challenge We have GOOD news and BAD news.... The GOOD....We have had an overwhelming response to the Plexiglas's Festival Challenge using the colors of the Festival. The BAD....The confusion of what are the colors of the Festival. As we did list the colors we thought would best describe the colors of the Festival used on the card and social media, we would hope you would interpret these colors. If we said "Royal Blue", this would mean colors close to this. Raspberry, would mean close to this (on one side of it's wheel house) ...goldenrod, the same...always err on the side of BRIGHT. Green...several greens are represented on our Logo. We do want to stay within the colors on the LOGO. Purple, NO.....Red....NO....and so on. Please err on the side of BRIGHT ! When we get closer to the event, we will be assembling a Challenge Judging Committee. They will be the ones having the final say as to what makes the cut. So as for now, please stay within the wheel-house of the Festival Colors....and THANK YOU for the great response. Also, one more thing....ALL PEOPLE ASSEMBLING THE QUILT MUST BE MEMBERS OF A PARTICIPATING KCRQF GUILD AND BE LISTED ON THE LABEL.....THE QUILTER DOES NOT NEED TO BE A MEMBER OF A PARTICIPATING GUILD! The KCRQF 2017 Team Happy Birthday to our members having June Birthdays! 2 Marilyn Patton 11 Shirlee Vieira 19 Linda Foster 2 Barbara Bruce 11 Mary Strege 20 Diane Donaldson 2 Karen Hansen 16 Paula Vohs 24 Nadine Bennetts 10 Coralee Ginther 18 Karen Scott We would like to thank each member for their participation in furnishing desserts for our meetings. Please bring 3-4 dozen treats in celebration if you have a May birthday. Mentoring Our Members The Mentoring Our Members committee will have sign up sheets at each meeting for those that would like to be a mentor and those that would like to have a member assigned to them. Welcome bags are also given to new members as they join. Welcome to our new member that joined in June Susan Tuttle Be sure to look for her at the next meeting and get acquainted. Yahoo Group settings The best way for the guild members to communicate with the group as a whole is by using our Yahoo Group: bluevalleyquiltersguild. This is a closed group, and you need to be a member of the guild to receive emails posted in the Yahoo Group. How often you receive group emails is a setting you can change to meet your personal preference. On the left side of the page, look for the link "Manage My Groups." Click on that link, and you should see "bluevalleyquiltersguild." If you click on drop down menu under the heading "Mail Subscription," there are some options on how you’d like to receive the group’s messages. Individual Emails No Email Special Notices Daily Digest Keep in mind if you choose any option other than "Individual Emails" any time sensitive messages may be received too late for you to take action. "Daily Digest" will provide you with a summary of all messages posted the previous day. If you aren’t a member of the Yahoo Group, and would like to be added, contact Emily Wilhite. Quilt Angel Nominations Who has made a difference in your life as a quilter? Who has taught you something new, or made your life easier and more fun? Who in the Guild has done something special for you? Think also of the many board members and special people who make our guild meetings unique and fun. Did you know it takes LOTS of people to make each of our meetings fun, informative, and educational? All of these people are potential “angels”. I will be passing out slips of paper at our May meeting for you to put the name of someone special you would like to nominate as our next quarterly quilt angel. This is your chance to thank that special person. So, please think of the name of the person you would like to write on the slip of paper. Our quarterly Quilt Angel will be recognized at the June meeting. Judy Brennan, Quilt Angel Ambassador Blue Valley Quilters Guild Treasurer’s Report April 1 - 30, 2016 Submitted by Rita Porter Balance brought forward, 4/1/2016: Checkbook CD + Interest Total: $15,885.94 $5,004.92 $20,890.86 Income: Bank Posting Error Interest Mini-Retreat Fees Opportunity Quilt Tickets T-Shirt Sales Total Income: $100.00 $0.12 $270.00 $141.00 $30.00 West Bend Mutual Insurance Co. Board Expenses Charity Quilts Door Prizes Hospitality Library KC Regional Quilt Festival Kansas Retailers' Sales Tax Mini Retreat Printed Tickets for Opportunity Quilt Programs $589.00 $97.97 $256.89 $267.60 $143.82 $40.00 $650.00 $21.86 $220.00 $49.14 $300.00 $541.12 Expenses: Total Expenses: Ending Balance, April 30, 2016 Checkbook CD Total: $2,536.28 $13,890.78 $5,004.92 $18,895.70 BLUE VALLEY QUILT GUILD GEN MEETING MAY 3 2016 President - Trisch Price welcomed members and guests at 9:34 am. Minutes/Treasurer's Report- Trisch asked for a motion to accept the secretary's and treasurer's reports as published in the April newsletter. Motion was made and seconded and approved by a vote of the members. Vice Presidents/Programs (Julie Rounds/Kristen Smith) Julie reported there will be 6 Ruler Stations with 3 fifteen minutes demonstrations. June will be a Trunk Show by Eileen Urbanek. Note: there will be a workshop the weekend before Guild meeting at Quilter's Station. July will have the Panel Challenge and U.F.O. awards. Please check newsletter for future programs. Newsletter Deadline June issue is May 15. Please send submissions to Joan Horton, include bylines with emails and cc: Joyce Edwards for website. Committee Reports- Sit n Stitch/ PDQ (Wilma Lamfers) May 12th and June 9th will be Urban 9 Patch using the Quick Curve Ruler taught by Cynthia Coleman. There will be 2 workshop dates to complete Joyce Edwards "Quilt as You Go". Becky Fenton will be teaching a paper piecing class. Watch newsletter for dates. Charm Square Exchange- (Susan Mercer, Debbie Johnson, Rita Porter, Dee Sopinski) Today is background prints. Susan ask that only quality fabric is purchased and to please make sure you have the correct count. Check newsletter for future themes. May Birthdays/Hospitality (Joan Horton), Thanks to all who brought treats. KCRQF 2017 (Barbara Bruce) Show update please check website for information. Retreat (Barbara Bruce) Retreat is Saturday May 7, 2016. M.O.M.'s- (Becky Fenton) Becky presented a gift bag to the new member and welcomed visitors. Membership (Jackie Johnson, Marsha Cahill, Kim Mapes) There were 109 members, 5 visitors and 1 new member attending. Directory (Stephanie Dodson) Stephanie ask that members check their information on the directory sheets and correct and update. Announcements-Stephanie announced that T-shirts are available at back table for $10. Quilt Angel Ambassador -(Judy Brennen) asked everyone to vote for their "angel" today and the pin will be awarded in June. Old Business-Stephanie announced that the Arboretum is available on Sept. 10 or Oct. 15 for our Quilt Show for 2016. Please feel free to bring any quilts that you have finished and can be displayed outdoors. More information to follow. If it rains, there is no show. New Business Show and Tell-Usually 2 holders and 2 folders needed Door Prizes-Nicki called winning numbers. Some of the items were donated by long time member Wanda Spencer. Respectfully submitted, Secretary, Chelly King SHOW AND TELL: More beautiful works by our talented members, look for pictures on Yahoo. respectfully submitted, Chelly King, Secretary Current Wish List White kitchen trash bags $25 HyVee gift cards Black trash bags Lysol wipes Towels Headache medications Stomach medications Baby wash Baby shampoo For more ideas check out: http://www.safehome-ks.org/give-help/wishes-needs/ Q-tips Band-Aids Shaving cream Kids toothbrushes Sippy cups Baby lotion Quilt Shows—Shop Hops Mark your Calendars June 15-17, 2017 Overland Park Convention Center Travel and collect rows: June 21 - Sept. 6, 2016 Bring in completed quilt for prize: June 21 - Oct. 31, 2016 Another Opportunity to Help Attention all sewing friends! Have you ever wanted to increase your knowledge of garment sewing and you were not sure where to go????. JCCC has a fashion department. I just took an apparel sewing class that was great. There are new classes starting in June but you will need to register now!!! If you are 60 + you are even given a big discount. Get the details. I will take more classes in the fall. I now have confidence to try new thing. I will always quilt but it is nice to have other skills too!!! Marian Elliott The following is a list of Local venues that support Quilts of Valor and have scheduled sewing days if you would like to join us! Quilters Haven at 116 N Clairborne, Olathe, KS. sponsors a sewing day the 2nd Tuesday of the month, 9:30 - 5:00 for the Quilts of Valor project. Bring all your own sewing machines, equipment, projects and a sack lunch. Contact is Anne Harmon Tallgrass Creeks Retirement Community: The Quilts of Valor sewing day is the 4th Saturday of the month from 9-4, at 13800 Metcalf Avenue, Overland Park, Kansas. Bring a project & come sew with us. Lunch is less than $10 (cash or check) at the bistro or bring your lunch. Please RSVP so that we can know how many people to expect. Nikki McDonald, nkiblueeyes@me.com. Prairie Point Quilt Store; Join us at Prairie Point on the third Tuesday of each month to work on QOV quilts Time is 10-4.You can bring your lunch or there are a lot of places around their shop to eat. I am going to start something new this year. I am going to make up BOM kits. If you can't join us, come in and pick up a kit or I will have some at the guild meeting. Make the block and return it the next month. You can do this every month or whenever you feel you have time to do a block. The blocks will be very simple star patterns. They are patterns designed by Jeanne Poore and are simple patterns.. Just think how many quilts we could have at the end of the year. If you have questions, please let me know. Susan Mercer, susan_mercer3@yahoo.com Pieces in Plaid Quilting – Lynne Zeh, a full service long arm quilter. Lenexa, KS 913-322-8866, lynneann2012@gmail.com Ida Houston - Cowtown Quilts: Not your grandmother's quilting... contact Ida in Stilwell,Kansas at 913-307-6699. Mindy Peterson – 5 acre Designs Quilting – Affordable longarm quilting. All over meander and edge to edge. I have approximately 150 different pantograph designs available. I also make t-shirt quilts and other types of quilts, including memory quilts, on commission. Contact me at (913) 783-4750 (home) or (913) 481-2113 (cell). My email is 5acredesigns@gmail.com Stephanie Dodson – Summerwind Studio: Handguided, free motion longarm quilting services. 913-788-0825 or summerwindstudio@gmail.com. Wendy Dombrowski and Joann Mader Sunflower Stitchers: Long-arm Machine Quilting: Visit http://www.sunflowerstitchers.com/ or call Wendy @ 928-853-5280. Wendy@sunflowerstitchers.com , Joann@sunflowerstitchers.com. Maggie VanBrunt - The Cat's Meow Quilting: Pantograph and all over quilting service. Overland Park, KS (412) 559 – 8849, thecatsmeowquilting@gmail.com Becky Fenton—SewMeant2B Quilting: Long Arm computerized machine quilting and custom quilts created from t-shirts. Email BFenton@SewMeant2B.com, mobile 913-302-6665, SewMeant2B.com website FUN and FITNESS for QUILTERS Jo Anna Gorthy teaches Jacki Sorensen’s AEROBIC DANCING, Tuesday/Thursday, 4:30 PM, Atonement Lutheran Church, 101st and Metcalf, OP. New Student Special: 10 classes/$35.00 913-681-9026 jojhawk@kc.rr.com FOR SALE: BERNINA ARTISTA 730: Acrylic extended basic for machine, Sewing feet 4,5,2A,18,8 Regular Throat Plate, Single hole Throat Plate, Extra Bobbin Case, Small screw driver 16 bobbin cases, 2 bobbin holders, 1 Embroidery Unit, 1 large embroidery hoop 1 small embroidery hoop, Walking foot. $ 2,300. Dana Davis, 913-681-2980 H, 913-475-5023 C, quiltor2424@gmail.com Judy Brennan, Sunflower Point – Machine Embroidery. 913-451-8997; jbrennan2@kc.rr.com. Do you have an old quilt top in your closet that is begging to be hand quilted? Tallgrass Creek Quilters will quilt it for you at a reasonable price. Contact Elaine Alexander, 913-851-1937 Judy Oberkrom – Unique, one-of-akind jewelry. Custom orders accepted. jelo@kc.rr.com, www.craftyjudy.com 913 491-1295 May17 Recipe Exchange Submitted by Barbara Bruce 6 Can Casserole A very quick meal in just 35 minutes! Serves:6 Ingredients: 1 (6 oz) can chicken chunks, drained. ( I added another 6oz of left over chicken from last night's store-bought rotiserrie meal) 1 (5 oz) can evaporated milk 1 (10.75 oz) can cream of chicken soup 1 (10.75 oz) can cream of mushroom soup 1 (5 oz) can sliced water chestnuts 1 (5 oz) can chow mein noodles Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees, grease a 2-quart casserole dish. 2. Stir chicken, milk, soups, water chestnuts, and noodles together in a mixing bowl. Pour into prepared dish. Bake about 25 minutes, until hot & bubbly. Enjoy! Even though this is a Quilter’s Guild, anytime you get a group of women together, you’re going to have some good cooks. SO……... when you bring something for your birthday, or you just have a great recipe to share, send it to me and I’ll publish it in the newsletter. Are you looking for something specific to finish your masterpiece? Are you collecting other items for a special project? Send me your needs list and I will include them for the next 4 newsletters or until you ask to have your ad pulled, which ever comes first. Send to jhorton100@aol.com Please add BVQG to the subject line of your email. My granddaughter works as a nurse at Children’s Mercy. Asking for 1 yd lengths of childrens flannel to be used on the patient’s bed. Donna Drew d2drew2@yahoo.com “I would love to take selvages off people’s hands.” I would like spools for my granddaughter’s school. Can be any kind of thread spool (i.e. regular, sewing, serger, embroidery, etc… Judy Brennan Save your Campbell’s Soup labels and Box Tops for Education Nikki McDonald Save your pop can tabs. I save them and donate them to the Ronald McDonald House Charities. Joan Horton 2016-2017 Blue Valley Quilt Guild Officers and Committees Officers President Greeters Trisch Price Jane Drugg, Elaine Elliott, Judy Dobbels, Priscilla Alberg Vice President – Programs Library Kristen Smith, Julie Rounds Ibby Rollert, Lori Lange, Carla Timberlake, Vicki Nagel Secretary Membership Chelly King Treasurer Jackie Johnson, Kim Mapes, Marsha Cahill Rita Porter Opportunity Quilt Newsletter Editor 2016 Quilt Kathy’s Kut-Ups 2017 Quilt Prince’s Harem Joan Horton Committees Opportunity Quilt Tickets PDQ Mary Strege, Elizabeth Zaylor Wilma Lamfers Yahoo Group Sit & Stitch Emily Wilhite Ginger Bowser, Claudia Worchester, Marianne Lafex, Wilma Lamfers Website Charity Member at Large Janette Sheldon Stephanie Dodson Charm Square Exchange Facilities Susan Mercer, Debbie Johnson, Rita Porter, Dee Sopinski Lynn Droege Directory Joyce Edwards Mentoring our Members Mary Knight Becky Fenton, Priscilla Alberg, Jackie Johnson Historian UFO’s Sue Corkran Connie Zwego Hospitality: Door Prizes Joan Horton, Maxine Horton, Nancy Taylor, Lang Davis, Dottie Salchow, Marian Elliott Nikki McDonald Quilt Angel Ambassador Judy Brennan To leave you in stitches!!