I-Car - Orange Coast Region


I-Car - Orange Coast Region
May 2014
Inside this issue
Garey Cooper gareycooper@mac.com
(714) 264-0530
Production Editor
Maryann Marks
Advertising Director
Cooper Boggs
Porsche goes electric!
(714) 505-3662
Classified Ads Editor
Technical Writer
Lee Rice
Contributing Writers
Clean up for the concours
18 30
36 36
IBC Calendar of Events
Pomona Fairplex
OCR White Gloves Concours
AutoCross Events
Friends of Steve McQueen SBRS 50th
Callas Tech Session
LA Region Concours
Mammoth High-Alpine Tour
Porsche Parade in Monterey
Contributing Photographers
Garey Cooper
Pamela Horton
Gary Labb
John Ortiz
Bill Profeta
Parade Presentation
Breakfast Announcement
Feature: Three Generations of
Porsche Enthusiasts
16 AutoCross Corner
19 PCA-OCR & The Internet
22 A 914 Conversion To All
Electric Operation
25 Michael Knudsen- New AX Photog
27 Where’s Pando?
29 Book Review: Racing Heros
Bob Weber
Monica Asbury
Chris Barrington
Garey Cooper
Bruce Herrington
Gary Labb
John Ortiz
Bill Profeta
Our Featured Family, the Profetas, are
prepping the upcoming AX drivers
On the Cover: Bill Profeta and family
with their track car, 1975 Porsche 914
1.8 & his 1985 Porsche 911, 2000 996
cabriolets & his Beck Porsche 550
Spyder replica.
Editor’s Corner
Goodie Store
Rice’s Ramblings
Breakfast Club/New Members
Classified Ads
List of Advertisers
Pandemonium is published monthly. Deadline for materials is the 1st of the month for publication in the next month’s issue.
Subscriptions for PCA members of other regions are $30 per twelve issues. Non-members may subscribe at $35 for twelve issues, payable in advance.
Pandemonium is the official publication of Orange Coast Region, Porsche Club of America. Any statement appearing in the Pandemonium is that of the author,
and does not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the Orange Coast Region, Inc., its Board of Directors, the Pandemonium editors or its staff.
The editorial staff reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Permission is given to chartered regions of PCA to reprint articles in their newsletter if credit is given to the author and the Pandemonium. Publication office: P.O. Box 6726, Huntington Beach, CA 92615-6726. Bulk Rate class postage paid,
Santa Ana, ca.
Postmaster: Address change to PCA/OCR Membership,, P.O. Box 6726, Huntington Beach, CA 92615-6726
MAY 2014
2014 OCR Calendar of Events*
MAY 2014
3 Breakfast Club & Board Meeting
3 Ladies Garden Tour
4 PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro
8 Woody’s BurgerBahn - HB
9-11PCA-OCR Central Coast Tour
17 Krispy Kreme Gathering
18 PCA-GPX 33rd Annual Concours
24 Porsches & Pancakes - Woody’s Lido
31 PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro
JUNE 2014
12 15
PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro
Breakfast Club & Board Meeting
Friends of Steve McQueen Car Show
Woody’s BurgerBahn - HB
PCA Porsche Parade in Monterey
Krispy Kreme Gathering
Porsches & Pancakes - Woody’s Lido
PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro
JULY 2014
10 19
Breakfast Club & Board Meeting
Woody’s BurgerBahn - HB
Krispy Kreme Gathering
Mammoth High-Alpine Tour
Porsches & Pancakes - Woody’s Lido
PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro
14 16
Breakfast Club & Board Meeting
Woody’s BurgerBahn - HB
Krispy Kreme Gathering
Porsches & Pancakes - Woody’s Lido
PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro
11 20
Breakfast Club & Board Meeting
Woody’s BurgerBahn - HB
Krispy Kreme Gathering
PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro
Porsches & Pancakes - Woody’s Lido
The Rennlist is our communication
tool to reach members with
Announcements, Event Reminders
and Information deemed
If you are not receiving emails from
our Region or want to change, update
or add additional email addresses,
Please send any new email addresses
or changes directly to Pete Lech to be
included in the rennlist e-blasts!
Thank You
Contact: Pete Lech:
13 15
Breakfast Club & Board Meeting
OCR DE Event – Streets of Willow
Woody’s BurgerBahn - HB
Krispy Kreme Gathering
PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro
Porsches & Pancakes - Woody’s Lido
Got a suggestion?
Have a question?
Just want to vent?
A Request for updated emails!
4 Breakfast Club & Board Meeting
9 Woody’s BurgerBahn – HB
10-12 PCA-OCR Fall Tour
18 Krispy Kreme Gathering
19 PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro
25 Porsches & Pancakes - Woody’s Lido
PCA-RR Porsche Timeline at Lake
The Rennlist
This email will goes straight to the
board of directors:
Let us know what’s on your mind
& we’ll share it at the next board
Anyone wishing to inform the club of
special circumstances, illness or loss
please send the information to this
email also.
* Event dates subject to change.
Note: Italicized text represents events
outside of OCR sponsored events. Links
to Zone 8 events can be found at www.
OCR Board Meetings
All members are welcome to OCR Board
Meetings, held after the breakfast
meeting at Original Mike’s. We thank
Mike’s for their support.
President’s Message
By Greg Lush
It is hard to believe that one fourth of
the year has already passed. Now, about
six months into writing these messages, I
have to admit that sometimes it is tough to
come up with a topic which will be of some
interest to everyone receiving the Pando.
Well, happy to announce that this month
came to me literally at the last breakfast
meeting (held every first Saturday at
Original Mike’s in Santa Ana).
It was during the time between when
the meeting ends and the Board meeting
starts. This is a great time to visit with folks
and get some feedback on how the general
meeting was received. One member came
up to me to pay us all an unsolicited
compliment. This anonymous member is
currently a member of our Orange Coast
Region and was previously a member of
the BMW club. He went on to share with
me that his job has relocated him to Carmel
and that he would be transferring from
OCR. After wishing him well he paid, what
I consider to be a huge compliment, to each
and every one of us.
I listened intently as he shared his
positive experiences about OCR. The
people, OCR’s ability to organize and
execute events, the sheer number of events
and as importantly, the diversity between
the events. At the BMW club, it was mostly
MAY 2014
racers. Sure they are fun to be around and
interested in cars; however, the numbers
are small and most are on a single track
(pun intended). Our balance of activity and
the passion of our members is what makes
this organization so unbelievably special.
In parting, he thanked us all for providing a
memory that he will cherish for years.
Thank you all for everything that you
do to support our club in your own ways.
I have one favor to ask as this message is
wrapped up. If every person committed to
sharing one positive experience at each
event, imagine how we would each feel.
I can tell you that I am going to give it a
Until next time… Greg
People. Porsches. Passion.
Contact Information
OCR Executive Board
Zone 8 Chairs
Zone 8 Representative
Tom Brown
Zone 8 Secretary
Skip Carter
President - Greg Lush
Treasurer - David Piper
Zone 8 Autocross Chair
David Witteried
Zone 8 Concours Chair
Joe Nedza
Zone 8 Club Race Coordinator
Vince Knauf
Vice President - CL Jarusek
Membership Director - Rob Greene
Time Trial & Drivers Ed Chair
David Hockett
Zone 8 chief Driving Instructor
Scott Mann
Zone 8 Rally Chair
Revere Jones
Zone 8 Region Coordinator
Gary Peterson
OCR Board Appointments
Advertising Team
Cooper & Nicole Boggs
Autocross Co-Chairs
Craig Adams
Craig Adams
Autocross Registration
Armand Gastelo
Charity Director
Peggy Huddleston
Concours Chair
Norm Follis
Goodie Store Manager
Monica Asbury
Judy Lech
Ladies Committee Liaison
Maryann Marks
Pando Editor
Garey Cooper
Pando Classified Ads Editor
Bob Weber
Pando Production Editor
Maryann Marks
Rally Director
Larry Moore
RennList Master
Pete Lech
Social Media Chair
Gary Labb
Sponsorship Director
Bob Scheussler
Tech Activities Director
Cooper Boggs
Web Coordinator
Bob Scheussler
Zone 8 Rules Coordinator
Tom Brown
Zone 8 Webmaster
Ken Short
Got a suggestion?
Need a question answered?
Just want to vent?
This email will go straight to the board of directors:
Let us know what’s on your mind and we
will share it at the next board meeting.
Anyone wishing to inform the club of special
circumstances, illness or loss please send the
information to this email also.
Owen Cudney
Brittney Dunham
(949) 244.2823
28162 Camino Capistrano,
Suite 109A
Laguna Niguel, Ca 92677
Camino Capistrano
Member at Large - Gary Labb
Member at Large - Ken Fredrickson
Camino Capistrano
Secretary - Monica Asbury
Editor’s Notes
Story by Garey Cooper
It is always fun to ride along with Maxine
It’s May, time to play, get in the car,
shut the door, open your senses, break
through the fences. High in the tower, the
OCR bower, has the power, to plan and
The road beckons, tension lessens,
driving sessions to relieve your depressions.
From little acorns
I hope you took a moment to look at the
April Pandemonium? Another good piece
of work by our own Maryann. She was able
to insert the historical article that was sent
to us by the national organization. It is a
history of the Orange Coast Region as of
December 1964. Written by Mr. Bill Knoll,
it discusses the founding of the region and
the activities that were undertaken at that
time. A wonderful time capsule for those
of us in the Orange Coast Region today.
We were founded in December, 1960 and
incorporated in 1962. As of the writing of
the article, there were 75 members! Today
we are more than 2,000.
They knew back in ’64/65 that the 911
was coming and there was much discussion
of how much it would change the Porsche
landscape. Also, in the Porsche production
line there were the more race focused 904
and 906. If they could have looked into
MAY 2014
the future, what would they make of the
Porsche lineup today?
It would be a pleasure to hear from
any of our veteran members who could
share with us their early experiences.
Tempestuous Blanche
I am no Petruchio but Blanche (my 2007
GT3) can be Katherine, obdurate and
callous to my own feelings. She can be
“high maintenance” indeed. She is just back
from her yearly visit to the alchemist shop
and the total bill was just under a couple of
large kilo’s of cash. The story goes...
There is a bewildering variety of acronyms
employed by modern car makers, Porsche
included, to name the various systems
existing in our cars. The “Tire Pressure
Monitoring System” is one such. It consists
of 4 battery-powered sensors located in
each of your four tires, which communicate
wirelessly with a receiver in the cars central
(Continued on Page 35)
Mercedes Benz
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Why You Should Consider Attending The 2014
Porsche Parade in Monterey
Story by Monica Asbury
The Monterey Parade is is the largest
gathering of Porsches in America close to
home. It is being held in one of the most
beautiful places in America... the Monterey
Peninsula. The activities are varied, and
there is something for every Porsche owner.
It’s a lot of fun meeting fellow Porsche
owners from all over America and Canada.
For example...
• Think you car is the most beautiful
Porsche? Enter it in the Concours and
maybe win a trophy.
• Love to drive Autocross?...here’s
your chance to compete with Porsche
drivers from all over America and
• Want to Rally? They have two
different ones :
(A) The TimeDistance Rally for those of you who are
competitive and detailed oriented, and
(B) The Gimmick Rally which is a fun
drive with questions.
Interested in Porsche Technology?
There are Tech Sessions and a Tech
Quiz with prizes.
Is Touring your thing? Four different
tours are being offered: To the Hearst
Castle, down Highway 1; A tour of
the Big Sur area; A tour and visit to
the Canepa Car Museum (which is
considered excellent); and the James
Dean’s last drive tour.
The Michelin Drive and Compare will
allow you to test different tires on brand
new Porsches.
The Radio-Controlled Car Race
will test your skills with these small
beauties. The Heritage & Historic Car
Display will show off the breadth &
depth of Porsche cars.
For your down time, there ia a beer
tasting, wine tasting, a hospitality
area where you can mingle with other
Porsche enthusiasts, The 5K Walk &
Run, and a Goodie Store full of Porsche
items, and an Art Show, where you can
see and purchase terrific pieces created
by Porsche Club members.
Breakfast at Original Mike’s just got better!
For the next three months (May, June and July 2014), Original
Mike’s will be providing complimentary coffee to all attendees
of the PCA-OCR Monthly Breakfast Meeting. Additionally, the
delicious breakfast buffet cost will be reduced from $12.00
each to $10.00, a $2.00 savings per person! (The $10.00
includes tax and tip!)
This is our way of welcoming current and new members to our Porsche family. Your
participation and support by purchasing breakfast is important for PCA OCR to continue
having our monthly meetings at Original Mike’s. This attractive offering can only continue if
you attend and participate in the monthly breakfast meetings.
It is our hope that the complimentary coffee will not discourage the number of breakfasts
consumed but will encourage you to attend and enjoy breakfast with your fellow Porsche
enthusiasts. What a great way to start the first Saturday of every month!
Come and enjoy the ‘new and improved’ $10.00 breakfast, which typically includes:
Eggs •
Bacon or Sausage
Potatoes •
Breakfast Burritos
French Toast or Pancakes •
Yogurt •
& Complimentary Coffee
At the end of the three months, the Board of Directors will evaluate the feasibility of continuing
this ‘special offer.’ Please reach out to any Board Member with your comments/feedback.
MAY 2014
Feature: The Profetas
Three Generations of Porsche Enthusiasts
Story by Bill Profeta
It was one day in 1976 when I was driving
to work and I decided to stop at the Porsche
dealership in Bakersfield, Ca. To my
surprise, the sticker price on the car was
more than I paid for my house. When the
salesman approached me that is exactly
what I told him. He replied that there was a
less expensive model Porsche that looks just
like this 911 but had a 4 cylinder engine. It
was called the 912E. They only made 2000
of this model for the US market. He also
told me that he could do a dealer trade for
a yellow one. I said, “Go for it!” A couple
of days later, a great looking yellow 912E
was delivered to my house. The price tag
The first night I had the car I took
my 3 small children for a ride in my new
Porsche. It was very dark & I hit a large dog
that ran across the street right in front of the
car and the front spoiler was damaged. This
was the first, but not the last, damage to my
Porsche. (The dog was ok!)
A few months later my 912 was parked
in the driveway of my house, while I was at
work. One of my neighbors called me to tell
me my car was on fire. I was only a couple
of blocks away so I rushed home arriving
just in time to see a fireman break the front
windshield and to watch the interior catch
on fire. Devastated, I had the car towed to
the Dealership where I had purchased it,
which was close by. They parked the car in
the back near the alley. That night someone
shots holes in the body with a gun. Wait
it gets worse! While the car was being
repaired, the mechanic who was rewiring
the dash had a nervous breakdown and the
dealer had a really difficult time finding
someone else who could repair the car. Six
months later, the dealer finally calls to tell
me my car is all finished and I could come
pick it up.
After this long wait, I was chomping
at the bit to drive my Porsche, after all I
was still making the payments all this
time. Not quite so bad since the Porsche
dealer had been kind enough to lend me
his wife’s Porsche to drive until the repair
was complete. As I was driving off the
lot, the rear view mirror fell into my lap,
I made a quick u-turn &and told the sales
manager that I want to trade this jinxed car
in for that silver 1977 911S Targa which
Bill with his son Scott in Ventura with his 1999 996 & Bill’s ‘85 911.
was sitting in the showroom. A few hours
later I again was a proud owner of a new
Porsche. And that was the start of my love
affair with the cars from Germany.
Of course I was hoping that this silver
911 that I now owned would not have any
problems, guess again. The silver paint
started to crack. The Porsche rep looked at
the paint and said that is the way it goes.
Porsche would not stand behind paintwork
that was 2 years old. So, I decided to have
a great car painter change the color and
paint the car a beautiful burgundy color.
There was also a recall on the 911S to
reseal the engine for leaking oil. I could
never get an appointment to get the recall
completed. Frustrated, I remembered a
PCA ad that I had run across in Auto week.
I called them and I started the Golden
Empire Region of PCA in 1979 becoming
its charter president. My thinking was to
get Porsche owners in force so we would
have some clout with the dealer. It worked!
Columbus Porsche supported our club.
Now fast forward a few years, 1985 to
(Continued on Page 11)
“...I started the Golden
Empire Region of PCA in
Clockwise from top left: Our red 356 & 912 was in the 1980’s; The 1977 911 Targa at an autocross;
The 2000 996 at a Golden Empire Concours in Bakersfield; Alice with the 1985 911 at a Ventura
Porsche swap meet; Bill and Alice at the 2013 OCR Concours at Dana Point
MAY 2014
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Bill Profeta and family with his 2000 996 cabriolet, their track car, the1975 Porsche 914 1.8,
the 1985 Porsche 911& his Beck Porsche 550 Spyder replica.
Bill’s grandson dreams of the day he gets the wheel
(Continued from Page 9)
be exact, my wife Alice asked me what I
would you like for my 50th birthday. I told
her it would be nice to have a new Porsche.
She said we will see. Now when My Wife
Alice says, “we will see” that is an opening
in the door that means I can, maybe, go
forward. The next day we drove to LA
to check out a new 911 cabriolet. At that
time, each dealer only got 1 cabriolet for
the year. After many hours of negotiations,
we struck a deal and I drove a triple black
Carrera Cabriolet back home.
Second Generation, my son
After that, I bought a 1969 912 for my son
who was still in High School. He restored
it himself which turned him into a Porsche
lover. Next came a 1963 356B which my
son and I restored together during the
summer and his college breaks. I sold the
356 and traded in the 1969 for a 1982 911
Porsche for my son to drive while he was
at grad school. He has long since graduated
college and now owns his own 2006 997
3rd Generation
My son’s daughter’s are now just starting
to drive and they can’t wait to get their
hands on dad’s Porsche.
Now, on to the present. My inventory
of Porsches consists of the 1985 911,
which I still have, a 2000 996 cabriolet,
and a restored 1975 914-4 that my son in
law, 12 year old grandson and I use for
Autocross. Then there is my 1955 Beck
Porsche 550 Spyder. (It actually is titled
as a 1957 Porsche) I don’t have room for
the cars I have now, let alone any more
Porsches. But you never know!
MAY 2014
Bill at Autocross after he and his son and
grandson took on the restoration of the 914-4
for Autocross use.
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MAY 2014
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Rice’s Ramblings:
GT3 and a Clutch Question
Story by Lee Rice
I will update my adventures with my new
Garrett GT35R turbocharger, but first,
sounding like “Film at eleven”, Ignition.
I’ve written about it before and done at
least two tech fixes on it over the years and
now, again, in major news we hear and see
on film at eleven, ”IGNITION TURNING
It makes me wonder why this is still
happening today with all the sophistication
and safety systems intertwined on all cars
sold today. But it does! Back in 1961, my
Mother had a nice 3 year old Red Chevrolet
Impala Convertible which she loved to
drive. However, it had one mysterious
problem. While she was driving it would,
for no reason what so ever, quit running?
My poor Mom replaced the battery (twice),
Carburetor (twice), Voltage regulator,
transmission Neutral (Safety) switch and
many more things. I was 17, just learning
to drive and knew next to nothing about
cars. Then, she ended up selling her Impala
and got a nice newer one, but she was
distressed about the need to sell it for our
safety. We had a neighbor who told us,
“Your IGNITION SWITCH was probably
not working right.”
Of course, we trusted the dealer for the
new car. Yes, the same one who could not
find the problem. But shortly after, I had
my first car… a hot rod, Ford Flathead V-8,
and I spent most every minute learning
how it all worked. Once I took a suspect
Ford ignition switch apart to see its secrets.
It looked so crude, so simple. How could
this simple thing be so troublesome?
One reason, I realized over the years,
is that people like to have all their keys on
one key ring or key fob. It is neater and it’s
harder to loose them all at one time. Sort
of makes sense. But I later saw how the
weight of all those keys caused wear on
the ignition-switch. It caused un-even wear
on the switch bushing, which keeps the
electrical contacts aligned, and that causes
misalignment of the battery connection
(terminal #30 –in German-Euro cars)
and the ON terminal (#50). It sounds so
screwy! Heavy keys making the engine
quit – actually everything quits!
With Power steering and Manual
“stick shifts” this is dangerous. I don’t’
know why people think, “if the engine
quits, put the car in neutural.” This is
suicide with power steering and some
power brake cars! Even a dead engine, IN
GEAR - with the car rolling - will turn the
power steering pump so you can steer the
dead car to a curb.
My Mom and I were lucky living in
Columbus Ohio’s then lighter traffic. So
when the ’58 quit, we just pulled over
and re-started the engine again. It worked
almost every time, but that old ‘58 was
soon gone! And today we still hear of this
still happening. It’s the same stupid thing,
over stressed key (s) in the ON Position
and the keys weight turning the switch
back out of the ON position to OFF. Sad
and disgusting.
Take the Porsche 911. I am driving
some people; myself, my wife, and two in
back, in their nice 1987 911. The owner is
short; I am tall. He has a load of keys on
his Official Porsche Key fob even though
I have told him its not a good idea and
have told him part of the above story. I’m
driving in a most uncomfortable position
and as I am shifting & clutching, my left
knee’s upward movement perfectly aligns
to push the dangling keys upward, turning
the Ignition to OFF; and the engine QUITS
COLD! “RATS!”, says I.
We are a bit amused and I am warned
to be careful.
I could not rearrange my seating
position and after the 3rd key off episode,
MAY 2014
I pulled over, removed the key ring, ripped
the Ignition Key from it and tossed the key
ring back to the rightful owner. The 911
restarted and ran perfectly for the rest of
the drive.
I love the 911, especially when it
was a pure driver’s car and almost no
silliness was between the driver and his/her
machine. I loved the attitude of the early
911 as it was almost as serious as aircraft,
and I still love it. However, I, like almost
all of you, live in the real world and our
family Grand Caravan is a compromise,
a big compromise between pure driving
and having to navigate safely with our
family and motor around among other cars,
pedestrian traffic, bicyclists, j-walkers,
dead skunks and Lord knows what else
out there. Distractions are the most serious
problem and we need nothing to interfere
with keeping our eyes on traffic, road and
surroundings. The last thing you (we )
need is worrying about something you can
Ignition Keys are perhaps going
away and the automated “ON-powerUP” systems with push button “START”
or “RUN” are becoming commonplace. I
have pros and cons on this, as I have used
both in aircraft and they have there good
and not so good points.
But back to the many driven older
veteran Porsches and 911s: If you have
more than 4 keys on your Porsche key
ring - get rid of them. If you are really
ambitious you can check your “Ignition
ELECTRICAL Switch” with a cheap
DVOM (Digital Volt Ohm Meter).
Disconnect the battery (get a 9volt
battery to “cigar lighter” terminal to save
radio stations) Run a continuity check
from the ignition switch’s battery terminal
#30 to the “ON” Terminal # 50 and then
on to the START terminal #15. By turning
the switch from OFF to ON and then to
Start, you should not see any changes in
reading. Or only small steady movements.
Any blank screen warrants changing the
ignition switch, the electrical switch, not
the super expensive ($650.00) Key-Lock
(Continued on Page 33)
MAY 2014
PCA-OCR & The Internet
Article by Gary Labb PCA-OCR Social
Media Chair / Events Webmaster
Our Region has grown so much in the
past year, I believe it is time to let the new
members, as well as the veteran members,
know what is available on the Internet
when it comes to our club, PCA-OCR.
Our number one Internet avenue
to distribute event information out to
members is the calendar section of our
website at http://www.pcaocr.com/. As an
event comes in, I post it on the website.
We don’t currently post past event photos
on the website, but President Greg Lush
is seeking a location where members can
post photos which will allow us to link
them to the website. There are links to
both the Autocross registration site and the
Autocross forum that can be accessed via
the website.
The website also contains the current
web edition of the Club magazine, the
Pandemonium, as well as back issues
going back as far as November 2007.
All past Pandemoniums, beginning with
November 2012, can also be located at
http://issuu.com/pcaocr if you are looking
for more of a “magazine reader” than a
.pdf reader.
PCA OCR Website Front Page
We currently have two separate
Facebook identities. The first page reflects
the website’s calendar pages, as well as
RennListed messages. Past event photos
are also posted on this page courtesy of our
membership. Photos may be sent to me or
posted by members.
I have also been posting links to
Porsche Cars North America’s online
magazine, Porsche News, which appears to
be very popular with the Club’s Facebook
followers. And the Pandemoniums are
also linked from this page. It is located at
The second Facebook page reflects
our club’s Autocross activities. This page
is located at https://www.facebook.com/
Keeping up with technology, we
also have a Twitter page at https://twitter.
com/pcaocr. This page tweets reminders
of upcoming PCA-OCR events, links
to the Pandemonium and messages of
If you wish to let the PCA-OCR
Board of Directors know your thoughts
and opinions, please contact us at
Our goal is to keep our membership
up to date on what is taking place in our
Our Facebook Pages
MAY 2014
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A 914 Conversion to All Electric Operation
Including a Pair of Hair Dryers
Story by Tom Meng
Carl Winefordner attended our February 1,
2014 OCR meeting along with his gorgeous
1973 Porsche 914. Many members were a
little taken aback when they looked into both
trunks. There were 102 lithium ion batteries
and a custom wound 9-inch diameter DC
motor where the Porsche motor should be.
Following are some facts provided by Carl
about his cool electric car.
Carl’s Story
I owned a regular 914-4 for a while almost
25 years ago and enjoyed the car. It had
good balance, handling and amazing trunk
space, but not much power. A couple
of years ago I started thinking about
getting a car for fun, but couldn’t think
of anything that I was really drawn to.
I wanted something unusual, with good
power and handling, and also something
green, if possible. Electric cars intrigued
me, but I didn’t know of anything on the
market that fit my wants. At some point, it
occurred to me that a 914 would make an
excellent electric conversion, so I searched
the web and found some already converted.
However, all the conversions that I found
used lead acid batteries and were heavy,
slow and had a short range. Every once in
a while I searched again and last summer I
discovered my idea of a perfect conversion
for sale in Oregon. I contacted the seller,
Roger M, and flew up to Oregon to look the
car over and drive it. I was so impressed, I
bought the car and had it shipped down to
my home in Laguna.
The story of the car
In 2006, Roger bought a California rust
free 1973 914 that had 146,000 miles on it.
It was a fairly clean car with a bad engine.
He transported it back to Oregon and
removed the engine and gas tank. The rest
of the conversion was done or orchestrated
by a team of people and companies that
he assembled in Oregon including the
EV conversion company Shift EV. The
conversion was done with amazing attention
to detail and included replacing every piece
of rubber, rechroming the bumpers, welding
custom battery boxes, etc. A fiber optic
was run from the charging unit mounted
beneath the front batteries to make viewing
the charging status easier. Every wire was
placed neatly, and if you look into the hard
to see places, it’s still nearly perfect. All this
and the top still fits in the rear trunk.
The original conversion was done
in 2008 using lead acid batteries, which
weighed about 1300 pounds making
the car weigh around 3500 pounds. To
handle the extra heft, the disc brakes were
replaced with bigger and more powerful
ones (Willwood) and heavy-duty Bilstein
shocks and heavy-duty springs were
installed. The interior was reupholstered in
black leather. The interior heat and defrost
is accomplished by using two 1500 watt
hair dryers which are noisy but work well.
A new ash tray was CNC’d, gauges custom
built to look original but work with the
new system, and an E-meter was installed
where the cigarette lighter had been to
charge remaining info. There was an article
in Excellence magazine about the car in
October of ‘08. However, Roger found the
car to be slow and the range was less than
50 miles. He drove it about 3,000 miles and
then decided that he wanted it done over
again, but with lithium ion batteries and
with a much more powerful motor.
The second conversion (2011)
required new batteries, a new motor and a
new controller. They used 102 lithium ion
batteries, each of which cost $150, rated for
2000 full charges, or 200,000+ miles. The
battery capacity was 32.7kwh (compared
to 24kwh for a Leaf, and up to 85 for the
biggest Tesla). Basically, it had the stored
energy of one gallon of gas. These batteries
produced 326 nominal volts. Most electric
cars use A/C motors, which is how you
can achieve “regenerative braking” and
work without a transmission. However,
Roger’s goal was power, and a DC motor
can produce more power in a given size.
The 9-inch diameter DC motor was custom
wound by Jim Hustead of Hi Torque Motors
to handle more amps than usual. As a side
note, a guy set an electric car world record
using two of these custom wound motors
hooked up in series in a 1972 Datsun. It
had 1000 foot-pounds of torque, and turned
a 1.8 second 0-60 time on his way to a 10.6
quarter mile. You-tube the White Zombie
for more info on that. Anyway, the original
controller was too weak, so they installed a
2000 amp Zilla. The controller is a shoebox
sized $5000 device that all the power goes
through, and it is the only thing on my car
that is liquid cooled.
A couple of things about electric
motors, they produce 100% of their
torque at zero RPM and they can produce
much more power than they are rated for,
for a short period of time. This second
conversion was completed in 2011. The
car weight was down to 2850 pounds, and
the range up to between about 100 and 150
miles, depending on driving. The motor
still powers through the original 5-speed
transaxle, except the clutch was replaced
with a double disc version to handle the
extra torque and the transaxle was internally
braced. Originally, they set the controller at
1400 amps, which is 210 kw or 282 hp, and
probably somewhere around 350 lb-ft of
torque. At this setting the original half-shaft
axle twisted and broke, so they replaced
them with half-shafts intended for a V8
conversion. Top speed should be around
115 mph (limited by gearing). The car was
driven above 100 mph, as a test, and felt it
had plenty of power to keep going. Roger
ended up driving the car 2000 miles over
the next two years. He performed a range
test of mixed driving and got 133 miles out
of it. After some use, fine particulate from
his long (farm) dirt driveway invaded the
clutch and transaxle, so he rebuilt the clutch
and transaxle and then installed an electric
blower to pressurize the clutch cavity. In
2013, he decided to sell it and move on to a
home restoration project. He explained that
the controller could easily be turned up to
the full 2000 amps (300 kw or 402 hp), but
warned that the transaxle may or may not
handle the torque. Turning it up requires
the (included) Palm Pilot, which plugs into
an outlet that’s exposed when you open the
ashtray. He described the “time put into the
conversion” as “unimaginable”. For sure,
(Continued on Page 25)
They used 102 lithium ion batteries,
each of which cost $150, rated for
2000 full charges, or 200,000+
They used 102 lithium ion batteries, each of which cost $150, rated for 2000 full charges, or 200,000+ miles.
Outside it looks like any other beautifully restored 914
MAY 2014
PCA Cal-Inland Region Presents:
Porsche Club of America Zone 8
Rich Paré Memorial Rally
a time-speed-distance Rally
WHEN: saturday, May 17, 2014
Registration opens: 9:00 aM. first car leaves at 10:01 aM.
WHERE: Directions to the start: From the northbound “14” freeway, exit at Golden Valley Road
and turn right. Go to the first driveway just past Mcdonald's and turn left into the parking lot and
left into the first aisle. We will be setting up there.
From the southbound “14” freeway, exit at Golden Valley Road and turn left. Go to the first
driveway just past Mcdonald's and turn left into the parking lot and left into the first aisle. We
will be setting up there.
COST: $35 per car at the start, $30 per car if you pre-register by May 1, 2014
EVENT: approximately 2 1/2 hours.
CLASSES: Novice (e), tour (d), soP (C), Nav (B), expert (a). see
http://www.pca.org/zone8/ Click on Competition Rules, and then click on Rally. standard Zone 8
Rally Classes.
NOVICES: No experience required. Good stuff to bring: Navigator, time-of-day watch,
clipboard, paper, pencil(s), water bottle. You will have fun, even if you leave any of the above at
home. You must have a driver and navigator.
INFO: Mike @ 661-273-2690 or e-mail to mid4mike@att.net
this event is hosted by the Cal-inland Region of the Porsche Club of america. You do not have
to be a PCa member to participate. We welcome all cars with a driver and navigator, regardless
of make. Bring a friend.
-------------------------------------------------PRE-REGISTER-----------------------------------------to save $5.00, pre-registration Must be received by May 1, 2014. (Make checks payable
send this form to Zone 8 Rally, 256 e. ave. P-1, Palmdale, Ca. 93550-3223
driver: ___________________________
address: _________________________
address: ____________________________
City, st., Zip: ______________________
City,st.,Zip: __________________________
Phone: ___________________________
Phone: ______________________________
Class: ___________ (see web site)
email: ____________________________________
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* Free shipping on US ground shipments only. See website for details.
Electric Conversion:
(Continued from Page 21)
this project was done out of passion and
not for profit.
I bought the car in August of 2013
and have driven it 3000 miles an average
of about 100 miles per week. I’ve gotten
as much as 144 miles of range on a drive
to LA and back, most of which was on a
freeway at 70 to 75 mph, so it should get
at least 150 miles by slowing down a bit.
That’s better than any electric car around
except a Tesla. I generally start out
in 2nd gear, which I’m told is the
strongest gear. Driving the car takes
some practice as you leave the car
in gear and the clutch OUT while
sitting still, and only use the clutch
when actually shifting while moving.
Also, there are no power brakes or
steering, so it takes more force than
usual to stop or to turn while not
moving. The power is opposite to a
gas engine in that its power band is
from zero to around 2500 rpm, with
power slowly dimensioning up to
its 5000 rpm redline. The handling
feels really good. I love driving it,
and need only the lamest excuse to
drive it anywhere. The car feels faster than
it probably is, but I estimate the 0-60 time
is somewhere between 5 and 5.5 seconds.
If I turn up the controller to 2000 amps, it
will either hit 4 seconds up to 60 mph or
the transaxle will fail badly. So far, I’m not
willing to risk it.
Charging can be done at any public
charging station, or at home where I have
a 220-volt charger. The 220-volt (6 kw)
charger charges the batteries from empty
MAY 2014
in 6 hours. I have a 120-volt charger that
plugs into any outlet, but the charging time
is about 400% longer. I’m on an electric
plan where if I charge between midnight
and 6AM, it costs $3.20 to fully charge
the car. That’s somewhere between 110
and 170 mpg equivalent cost. Plus, I have
solar panels on my roof. I managed to get
clean air stickers, so I can drive solo in
the carpool lane until 2019. It was tricky
because EV conversions aren’t typically
“certified” as emission free. Weird fact:
electric cars use less electricity than most
gasoline cars. 6.5kwh of electricity is
required to refine a gallon of gas, which is
enough to drive an electric car farther than
the average gas powered car.
Generally, I prefer older cars to be kept
original, so part of me thinks its blasphemy
to have altered this 914 so much. On the
other hand, there were many 914s made,
and this one was brought back from the
dead. Besides, the first car that Ferdinand
Porsche ever designed was electric. For
sure this car is not for everybody, but it’s
perfect for me.
[6 years or more]
39 Years
Michael & Charlene Lebeda
13 Years
William & Donna Waite
38 Years
Gary & Debra Nakase
Gil & Diane Ranney
12 Years
Alan & Cindy Burns
Tim & Valerie McDonald
33 Years
Stephen & Dannielle Schmidt
Del Johnston & Robin Watson
11 Years
Cal Morioka
Akira & Naoko Kogawa
26 Years
10 Years
Famous Hooks & Gene Strickland Bradley Pierce & Matt Rose
Dusty & Gregg Swenson
22 Years
A. & Jan Emanuele
John & Kingsley Croul
Bret & Shannon Davis
Reed & Karen Ota
20 Years
Jack & Audrey Niday
9 Years
Kevin Betson
Don & Joanne Dalis
Edwin Wong
Donald & Mindy Sjaarda
Eric & Charles Noble
Masami Koyama
8 Years
Thomas & Gayle Holbrook
19 Years
Gary Krikorian
Tim Davis
& Hourig Hairabedian
Kevin & Evan Fullerton
18 Years
Gabe & Pat Renga
James & Yukiko Spas
Tobin & Heather Bogard
Philip & Paula Stotts
Johnny & Jake Wetzstein
Thomas & Mary Summers
17 Years
Michael Majewski
David & Mary Ferguson
Curt & Diana Rummel
16 Years
Seth Geller & I Francioni
7 Years
Brian Vaniman
& Zoriana Matviiv
15 Years
Rolf & Ron Schwalbe
Jim Swearingen & Tommy Taylor Kari & Dave Knudson
Wayne & Barbara House
Hideki Okano
Andrew & Rita Zimbaldi
Douglas Smith
Lee & Evonne Muse
14 Years
David Hoeller
Alessandra Re
Tom & Jean Humphrey
Damon Delorenzis
Brian & Rachel Leach
& Greta Huang
Terry & Jane Wright
6 Years
Lisa Taylor & Tom Ridings
Craig & Laura Tuthill
Carlos & Linda Vergas
John Stremel
Terry Bustillos
Steve & Linda Knudtson
New Members
Richard 7 Hilary Bush
Irvine/1985 944
Michael & Lainie Canfield
Costa Mesa/1965 911
Thomas & Debbie Drummond
Costa Mesa/1965 912 Proto
Isrrael & Monica Hernandez
Garden Grove/1985 911
John & Deb LaBriola
Laguna Niguel/2008 Turbo
John Robb
Los Angeles/1973 914
John Rolon
Irvine/2014 Cayman S
Mary Saleff
Huntington Beach/2002 911
Anthony & Shazia Salerno
Anaheim/1980 911
Steve & Lauretta Samuelson
Los Alamitos/2006 997
Christian Wagner
Aliso Viejo/1979 911SC
Doug Waltz
San Clemente/1999 911
David & Shona Whipple
Irvine/2014 Cayman
Patrick & Erika LaLoggia
David Blomberg
Huntington Beach/1989 Carrera Huntington Beach/2005 Boxster S
Transfer from Los Angeles (LA)
Scott & Lucy Lebda
Yorba Linda/2011 911 GT3RS
Michael & Bonnie Lelesch
Fountain Valley/2007 997
Sean Burch & Noreet Weiss
Huntington Beach/1971 911S
Transfer from California Central
Coast (CCC)
John & Daniel Ulmer
Darrell & Christopher McDonald Redlands/2005 Boxster
Transfer from Riverside (RIV)
Ladera Ranch/1999 Boxster
Alan Osako
Newport Beach/2008 997 Turbo
Marc & Marcel Pitz
Laguna Beach/1976 912E
Saif & Faiz Rahman
Orange/2007 911 GT3RS
Yi Yen
Irvine/2014 Cayman S
Transfer from Cal Inland (CAI)
Breakfast Club/New Members
Photos by member photogs
Each month the Club meets at Original Mike’s Restaurant in Santa Ana for breakfast and to view each other’s cars. The new members attending
the April 2014 breakfast are pictured below with their Porsches as well as some pictures from other club member activities. Location details for
the Breakfast Club appear on the back cover of this magazine. We thank Original Mike’s for their support.
New member Karen Guthorn with her ‘05 Black Carrera Cabriolette
New members Bruce and Irene Macauley with their Black Boxster
New member Nik Vallens with his ‘10 997
Where’s PANDO?
New members Chris Wagner with his 2003 Silver 911 Turbo
Pando went with Scott Huddleston & Chuck Waychoff while they were enjoying
the LBGP
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Book Review:
Racing Heros
By Reg May, Published by Veloce
Publishing Limited, Dorchester, England
Review by Bruce Herrington
This is a book that is easy to dismiss,
based on the just the specs – the author is
not a journalist, not even a writer – this is
his only published writing. Furthermore,
not only did the author not personally race
with the heroes described, he never raced
anyone. But Reg May is the consummate
motor racing spectator, who has attended
many significant races and studied many
more. His commentary, as a result, is full of
historical references. These touches may be
thought provoking to those who have some
familiarity with the events and people to
which he refers, but may perhaps be boring
details to, shall I say, a younger generation.
Note: Reg May was born in 1947, but he
discusses events going back at least as far
as 1906, and provides grand descriptions of
motor races from as early as 1935.
As one steeped in the history of
motor-sport, the author starts his book with
the obligatory (and all too appropriate)
lament over the way motor-sport has
evolved into motor racing-business, where
sportsmanship tends to take a back seat to
winning, rather than the other way around
as it used to be (at least in minds of the ‘old
Racing with Heroes is a collection
of chapters, each dealing with a particular
race. The race ‘reports’ are eloquently
presented in self-sufficient chapters. The
stories are great, and well told. Included
are many classic events – of course Moss
‘55 Mille Miglia run, Fangio’s classic
‘stroking’ the Ferraris into complacency,
then catching and beating them in the last
laps at Nurburgring, etc. Through it all, the
reoccurring theme is the passion for motor
sport that drives (!) the dedicated race
driver or spectator (or even the author of
this book). Both Formula and Sports Car
events are included from all over the world,
except USA. The use of present tense
and descriptions in vivid detail make each
chapter a thrilling read.
There is one chapter that deals with
the good ol’ days of family tent camping
at the circuit, watching and smelling the
cars as they go by on the other side of the
fence. And the final chapter deals with a
passionate amateur who managed to race
with the ‘professionals’ from time to time
over a 50-year span, clearly the inspiration
for the title.
As a publication, Racing with Heroes
is not perfect. There is some awkward
grammar, not merely quirks of ‘the King’s
English’, and some typos. But most of all,
the book seems awkward because
there is no apparent rhyme or
reason in the non-chronological
organization of the stories.
particular, the description of a 2008
event at finishes with a teaser about
the story of the ‘09 event, which
is not only not next, but not even
anywhere in the book. It is best
read as a collection of chapters, not
as a book to read through from start
to finish.
This is a little book, pamphlet
size, with 128 6 x 8-1/4 inch
pages, slightly smaller the original
Panorama. There are some
collected into the middle of the
book and each chapter includes a
somewhat stylized course map. As
a collection of short, independent
chapters about historic motor
races, it is a handy book to have for
those occasional moments of spare time
when you want something interesting to
read, but don’t want to commit to reading
a whole book.
Racing with Heroes should be
available for $19.95 from your favorite
book-seller (ask for it) or from www.
Hunt and Lauda are just two of the racing legends featured in
Racing Heros
MAY 2014
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MAY 2014
Rice’s Ramblings
(Continued from Page 15)
part. A new Ignition ELECTRICAL switch
is around $100.00 at Eckler’s/Automotion.
Garrett GT35R turbocharger
I installed my new GARRETT
Turbocharger and am driving it with
profound surprises.
The new generation “New Garrett” is
a ball bearing turbocharger. Ball-Bearings
dramatically reduce the spool up time (lag)
of their turbocharger by reducing the drag
from oil film on the older turbocharger
plain bearing system. Briefly, turbochargers
have two “Fans.” One “fan” is a light alloy,
aluminum, Compressor (fan). The other
is a nickel-steel or titanium Turbine (fan).
The compressor takes outside, filtered air
and compresses it. The TURBINE spins
from the engines hot exhaust gas, and that
drives the compressor.
The Compressor is connected to the
Turbine by a hardened steel shaft. As the
turbocharger spins at a high speed (some
up to 250,000 r.p.m.) it’s lubrication and
cooling is entirely dependant on cool,
pressurized oil, from the engine. Engine
oil pressure lubricates and cools older
turbocharger plain/sleeve bearings, and
shaft. The turbocharger’s oil cooled and
lubricated sleeve bearings are literally
afloat on a cushion of oil between the
turbocharger’s shaft, bearing/bushing and
shaft housing. This makes for a very low
friction contact between all rotating metal
parts. However, it requires a healthy oil
system to maintain cool oil flow in and
out of the turbocharger. The 1975 930
Turbo Carrera was designed with a larger
oil pressure and scavenge pump to handle
the engine and turbocharger‘s oil pressure
needs. The later 978- turbo upgraded to
a large, huge oil/scavenge oil pump to
handle even greater oil pressure and flow
needs. The early 3.0 & 3.3L Turbo’s 3LDZ
turbocharger used a 8.0 mm oil pipe inlet
to the turbo. The later C-2, 3.3 & 3.6L
MAY 2014
Turbo used a K27-7200 turbocharger, with
a 5.28mm oil pipe inlet to the turbo.
By contrast to a ball bearing
turbocharger, The Garrett GT35R ballbearing turbo needs only a 0.9 mm (0.035”)
oil flow restrictor pipe to the turbocharger.
This handles all lubrication and cooling
needs. With lower friction and quicker
spool up of a ball-bearing turbocharger, a
more aggressive compressor can be used.
A greater airflow into the engine means a
greater volume of hot exhaust to spin the
turbine. This is the reason that the GT35R
gives such a swift kick in the rear! Ok, so
now you know the major differences of
the new GT ball-bearing turbo. Since I just
finished my installation last week, I will
give a more real world driving impression
next month. I can say, I have only used
0.75 BAR boost but it comes up on boost
so much sooner, so much crisper and more
predictable that my old K29/27.
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(Continued from Page 5)
nervous system. Herein, the term “batterypowered” is most important. Any battery
has a service life and, all things considered,
7 years (more or less) is a pretty good life.
Indeed, compared to caterpillars, fleas
and Hollywood marriages, it approaches
infinity. But the batteries will run down,
Ironically, mine most courteously
decided to do so on the way to the service
shop! Now how cool is that? I hopped
onto the “Ted Williams” with the intention
of leaving my car overnight for some
fluid refreshment and kapow! The little
annoying exclamation mark came on and
the rather sinister and succinct message
“TPS system failed” appeared. Actually,
two out of the four failed, one in front and
to be asymmetrical, one in the rear. After
thinking about it, I decided that to replace
the two with the remaining two likely to
fail relatively soon was not in the best use
of my retirement dollars.
To replace these batteries is no easy
task. Certainly the wheels must be removed
from the car. But also the tires dismounted,
and the sensors disassembled to remove/
replace the batteries. Then the car must
be programmed to “handshake” with
the “new” sensors, in automotive sense,
meaning to know and to love the newly
refreshed sensors. I am sure I’m leaving
something out here, as the depths plumbed
into the arcane world of programming that
comes with modern cars is more than a trifle
complicated. And it requires equipment
purchased only from the car manufacturer
in order to be accomplished at all. Suffice
it to say, you can’t simply drive to “Tires R
Us” to get this done as they must be able
to communicate with the Porsche internal
system. Maybe Fords and Chevrolets are
different in this regard since so many are
produced compared to our Porsches with
under 1% of the overall US market. Okay,
all of this is cautionary to my readers to
remind them to check your own battery’s
life potential and to consider getting this
done as a pre-caution when replacing tires
perhaps several years into the cars life…it
will save time and money later.
Last note, I asked the mechanic if
he could just shut off the signal since I
check my own tire pressures enough to be
aware of their status. He could not do so
as your government is so concerned for
your safety that to tamper with this device
is to open him/her to liability should any
future accident occur that may be remotely
connected to tire pressure.
I’d like to hear more on this from our
mechanic sponsors and readers? Any tips,
tricks or traps out there to be aware of? Is
my car going to be faster with new batteries
in the tire sensors?
All that shines is not gold
The Concours comes to us soon. Norm
Follis (assisted by Carolyn) has reminded
us to prepare and be ready for a very good
Porsche day under the California sun
in Dana Point. This will be June 1st, at
Lantern Bay.
Norm is setting up a “Turbo Corral”
for this years Concours and informs me
that more than a dozen Turbo Porsche
Models are already registered to be on
display. I urge anyone with a Turbo they’d
like to display to get in touch with Norm
and come out to enjoy the fun. I’d like to
MAY 2014
see a couple of racecars added to the mix
as well.
Cone Heads
Congratulations to the Autocross Group
of the OCR. In our April issue we have
listed the various winners of the car AX
categories as well as the names of the AX
Co-Chairs who run and organize these
events. A special thanks to our sponsors;
Bruce Powers, Bill Brewster, James Buck,
Steve Equina, Lisa Taylor and Tom Ridings,
James Sofronas and Fabryce Kutyba, and
Nick Richards. Your homework, dear
reader, is now to associate these great
people with their companies and use them
for your Porsche needs, to fail to do so will
get you an “unsatisfactory” on your report
I have saved Walters Porsche in
Riverside for a special mention as they
are so stalwart in support and also provide
the venue and refreshments for the end of
season awards party. Go there, and ask for
Ed McRae and buy a Porsche.
Also a special mention to a Past
President of the OCR, Chris Duva, who
relocated some years back to North
Carolina. Chris has not lost his connection
with the OC Club and provides support to
our web site and the AX results all the way
from the East Coast. Thanks Chris and we
hope that winter has by now left?
Well okay then
As always, it would be a pleasure to hear
from any of our readers on the subjects
covered. This includes criticism and
correction; although I can’t imagine why…
Here comes Summer enjoy it!
A seven-day, all inclusive European Treffen Porsche Driving Tour FOR TWO, including
roundtrip coach airfare. Tour conducted by Fast Lane Travel in September 2014 or May
2015 (your choice). Or, you may select the alternate cash prize of $10,000.*
A set of four, brand new tires for your Porsche. Or,
you may select the alternate cash prize of $1,000.*
The price for each raffle ticket is only $100.00.
1964 – 2014
third prize
A three-day, all inclusive weekend FOR TWO, including roundtrip coach airfare,
to the Porsche Sport Driving School in Alabama. Or, you may select the alternate
cash prize of $5,000.*
second prize
first prize
Complete the coupon below and submit payment (payable to PCA/SBR) ASAP. First come, first served.
Name: _________________________________ Phone #:__________________________________
Email: _________________________________ Cell #____________________________________
Number of tickets @$100 each: ______________ Payment enclosed: ___________________________
Checks made payable to PCA/SBR. Mail completed coupon and funds to:
PCA/SBR, c/o Nicolas Liakas, 5910 Grey Rock Road, Agoura Hills, CA 91301
A portion of the net proceeds from this raffle will be donated to Santa Barbara’s Unity Shoppe.
(*)Winners need not be present at drawing to win. First Place Prize must be claimed and completed by 6/1/2015. Second Place Prize must be claimed and completed by 12/31/2014.
Incidental expenses are not included in any prize. Third Place Prize must be claimed and completed by 12/31/2014. Tire brand and size are OEM specified for your Porsche model
and year, and will be fulfilled by California Tire Co., Newbury Park, CA. Winners of all prizes will be required to execute liability waivers to the benefit of PCA and SBR prior to travel or
purchase. SBR reserves the right to cancel the raffle drawing and refund all funds received in the event that at least 400 tickets are not sold by June 19, 2014. Checks will not be cashed
until the minimum number of tickets (400) are sold.
Experience the open roads and breathtaking
scenery of The Eastern High Sierra in your
Porsche with other Porsche enthusiasts.
When: Friday July 18 - Sunday July 20, 2014
Who: All PCA members, all Regions invited.
Where: Mammoth Lakes, CA.
MAY 2014
Classified Ads
FOR SALE: 930- 911 TURBO
‘88 911 Turbo Cabriolet, Guards Red/
Red & Black lthr interior, 26.9K miles. A
rare “DP Motorsport 935” Stage II Edition.
The real deal. Numbers matching, 4spd
manual, no accidents. $89,990.00 Pictures
at www.autokennel.com. Paul 714/3354911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (2).
‘88 911 Turbo Coupe, Ferrari Yellow.
This is a very rare CUSTOM PAINT TO
SAMPLE car from the Porsche Factory.
Delivered new to Brumos Porsche in
Atlanta, Ga. with complete service records
and ownership records from new. The car
is 100% original and recently serviced
including all new tires. Was shown at the
PCA Concours in Atlanta and Milwaukee
and has been a show car ever since.
Numerous First in Class Concours Awards
with PCA. Blaupunkt Reno radio, 4 spd,
LSD, alarm system, electric sunroof, US
Standard Emissions. $165,000.00 OBO.
David 305/582-9723; more photos at
www.DJMConsultants.net GGR (2)
2007 Boxster S, Arctic Silver/Black interior
/black top. 7500 miles!. Original owner. 6
spd, 18” Cayman S whls w/colored crests.
CD changer, heated seats, automatic climate
control, Bose sound, bi-xenon headlights,
wind deflector. All keys and manuals. New
Michelin Pilot SS tires December 2013.
Always garaged, immaculate condition.
$37,000. Greg Mitchell, 714/ 685-1115;
gkmitchell64@hotmail.com. OCR (2)
in 1967. Options included: Rally Kit,
leather covered steering wheel, Sports Kit
2, roll bar, LSD w/Airport Gears, lower
suspension, “S” instruments, “S” oil tank,
100 liter fuel tank, dead peddle, Hi Output
engine. The car has been a competition
car since new. Totally restored. Won the
prestigious Monterey 2013 Ocean Avenue
Concours in the Race Car Class. Raced at
Monterey Historics and competed in the
50th anniversary 911 race. The car comes
with original Mini-Lite wheels, and
American Thrust D’s. Race or concours
this car. $495,000 . David 305/582-9723;
more photos at www.DJMConsultants.net
2001 996 Carrera Coupe, White/Tan
lthr, 56K mi. Tiptronic. Excellent exterior
condition. Always garaged. Wheels have a
slight blemish on 2 of them. Very easy to
drive. No clutch! $24,900. Phyllis 714/3452751; phyllis818@att.net. OCR (2)
FOR SALE: 911--1970s
2007 997 Turbo Coupe, Slate Grey
Metallic (5959) Black lthr, 56K mi.
Tiptronic.Sport Chrono Package plus w/
adaptive Sport Seats, 2-owner SoCal
car, no accidents.$61,990 Pics @ www.
autokennel.com. Paul
paul@autokennel.com. OCR (1).
FOR SALE: LATE MODEL 911993-986-996-997
’98 Boxster, Black/Tan lther, 94.7K mi.
2.5L/flat 6 cyl eng/rear wheel drive. 5-spd
manual. Antera Rims/BF Goodrich 225 40
ZR18 front/ 265 35 18 rear, ABS brakes.
Airbags. A/C, AM/FM/CD player. Power
convertible roof, seats, windows, side
mirrors, door locks. Runs great, handles
very well. Always garaged, runs on regular
gas, non-smoker. $8,800 OBO.
Pascua 949/370-4841 (cell). OCR (2)
2006 997 Carrera S Coupe,
Seal Grey Metallic/Sand Beige lthr,
9,650 original miles. SoCal owners from
new. Sport Chrono Package Plus, 6-spd.
Late 2006 build date. No IMS issues. No
accidents, never tracked, non-smoker.
$49,990.00 Pictures at www.autokennel.
Paul 714/335-4911;
autokennel.com. OCR (2).
2008 997 Carrera S Coupe, Basalt Black
Metallic/Black lthr, 28.6K miles. Sport
Chrono Package, 6-spd, Adaptive sport
seats. No accidents, original paint, never
tracked, non-smoker. 1 SoCal owner from
new, PCA member owned. $50,990.00
Pictures at www.autokennel.com. Paul
OCR (2).
FOR SALE: EARLY 911--1960s
’67 Porsche 911 Race Car. Red. Chassis:
308107. One of only three “Sports Purpose
Program.” 911s delivered to the USA
MAY 2014
72 911T Targa, Polo Red (original
was signal yellow)/Black interior w/
Houndstooth/Pepita inserts. 108,300
original miles. Less than 10,000 miles
on engine and body restoration. 2.4L E
(MFI) engine built on a 7R case. 5-spd
915 manual trans w/airport (short) gears.
Certificate of Authenticity, PCA
‘73 911E Coupe, Emerald Green 3838
(Viper/Kelly)/Tan lthr interior, 109,400
original chassis miles. Two engines: #’s
matching original and Hot Rod 3.0L.
Less than 1,000 miles on rebuilt original
engine (built to 2.7 L Twin Plug engine.
5 spd 915 trans, 2 gearboxes including
original, both rebuilt. LSD, Sport Seats,
A/C. Certificate of Authenticity, PCA/R
Gruppe member owned. $124,990.00 for
car with extra engine/gearbox. Pictures
at www.autokennel.com. Paul 714/3354911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (2).
‘75 Porsche 3.0 RSR Tribute car. White
with Beverly Porsche Audi Livery. ExJim Busby/Vasek Polak Racing. Over
$200,000 invested. Less than 10 hours
on current engine. Custom 915 5-speed
manual transmission. Car is signed by
(Continued on Page 40)
Classified Ad Rates
PCA Members - No charge for 2 times in
the Pandemonium
(2 consecutive months, photos free)
Non-PCA Members - $10 for 2 times
in the Pando (2 consecutive months;
$5 extra for a photo)
Make checks payable to: PCA/OCR
Please contact Bob Weber at 714-960-4981
at 714-960-4981
or hbobw930@aol.com
Classifieds Contd:
Jim Busby. $89,990. Pictures at www.
Paul 714/335-4911;
paul@autokennel.com. OCR (2).
Index of Advertisers
American Collectors Insurance---------------------- 38
Anaheim Hills Auto Collision----------------------- 38
Autobahn Adventures--------------------------------- 13
AutoKennel----------------------------------------------- 5
Autowerkes--------------------------------------------- 35
Bill Brewster------------------------------------------- 12
Cape Auto Repair-------------------------------------- 14
Circle Porsche-----------------------------------------IFC
Class Auto Center-------------------------------------- 10
Cooper’s Classy Car Care---------------------------- 37
David Piper, CPA ---------------------------------------- 2
Doorshield--------------------------------------------- 14
Einmalig------------------------------------------------ 28
European Collision Center---------------------------- 3
Fabricante Auto Body------------------------------- IBC
Fairview Mortgage Capital--------------------------- 10
Global Motorsports Group--------------------------- 32
Haus Of Performance--------------------------------- 26
Hergesheimer------------------------------------------- 28
Integrity Motorcars-------------------------------------- 6
James Schaedler Wells Fargo Advisor-------------- 12
Kargo Sled---------------------------------------------- 34
Law Offices of Joe Nedza---------------------------- 12
M. Scott Huddleston----------------------------------- 34
OC Factory Service-------------------------------------- 4
Pamela Horton, Surterre Properties----------------- 31
Pelican Parts-------------------------------------------- 24
Racing Lifestyles-------------------------------------- 30
Spectrum Collision------------------------------------ 31
State Farm Insurance/Bill Petersen----------------- BC
Sundial Window Tinting------------------------------ 24
TC’s Garage-------------------------------------------- 24
The Helmet Man--------------------------------------- 26
Ultimate Shield---------------------------------------- 38
Walter’s Porsche----------------------------------- 20-21
Would You Like to Advertise in Pandemonium?
For Rates and Availability Call Cooper Boggs at (714) 505-3662
or email Nicole Forest-Boggs at 993nicole@gmail.com
FOR SALE: 924-928-944-968986
‘86 944 Turbo Coupe, Guards Red/Black/
Tan interior, 111,000 chassis miles. 2
owners from new. 3.0L 16V 550hp engine
w/A/C. Less than 3,000 miles on new
engine. 5-spd manual. Street legal. Over
$84,000 invested. $19,990.00. Pictures
at www.autokennel.com. Paul 714/3354911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (2).
‘93 928 GTS Coupe, Zermatt Silver
Metallic / Classic Grey lthr with Magenta
carpet, 56,200 original miles. Paint to
sample. Less than 2,000 miles since topend engine rebuild, 5-spd manual. PCA
member owned; 2 owners. No accidents;
Certificate of Authenticity. Featured
in famous Porsche TV commercial.
$104,990.00 Pictures at www.autokennel.
Paul 714/335-4911;
autokennel.com. OCR (2).
‘68 912 Coupe, Signal Orange, 98K mi.
Street Legal, Track/AutoCross/Outlaw
car. 2,000 miles since complete engine/
mechanical rebuild, original color was
Polo Red. 5-spd. $14,990. Pictures at
www.autokennel.com. Paul 714/335-4911;
paul@autokennel.com. OCR (1).
Michelin Pilot Super Sport Tires.
Only 650 easy miles on them. Fronts:
225/40ZR/18; Rears:
Purchased from Tire Rack on 10/8/13 and
taken off my Boxster S in mid Nov ’13.
Original price was $928 and will sell to
a PCA member for $750.00 and no sales
tax so it’s a great deal. Guy Johnson
COILOVER KIT: KW Variant-3 kit for
997C2/C2S. Excellent condition, almost
brand new! No track time, 100 miles of road
testing only. Original box, all adjustment
wrenches & tools, complete paperwork,
decals, etc. Unbeatable (wholesale) price.
$2,580.00 James 805.236.2250; jcern@
juno.com. OCR (2).
996 TURBO MUFFLER: 2001 Porsche
911 996 Twin Turbo stock muffler w/ tips.
$600.00 James 949-697-3517; jnavales@
chambersgroupinc.com. OCR (1)
I am looking for a DE/TT 911 Coupe.
Preferably, an already well sorted SC
or 3.2 Carrera. I will consider a project
car. Hoping to find a local member
with what I am looking for. Rick. www.
mortimerproperties.com. 714/267-0429.
OCR (1).
Must have less than 6,000 miles. Unique
color welcomed. Dave Mohlman 305/5829723; or www.DJMConsultants.net. GGR
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Dated Material: Please deliver by 5/10/2014
Current Resident
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