Quels degrés de liberté pour quels phénom`enes? Part II. La
Quels degrés de liberté pour quels phénom`enes? Part II. La
Quels degrés de liberté pour quels phénomènes? Part II. La coexistence de formes par les méthodes au delà du champ moyen Michael Bender Institut de Physique Nucléaire de Lyon, CNRS/IN2P3, Université de Lyon, Université Lyon 1 69622 Villeurbanne, France Journées SFP–BTPN sur les grandes questions en physique nucléaire fondamentale Campus Michel-Ange Paris-16 21-22 Juin 2016 M. Bender, IPN Lyon La coexistence de formes Which are the irreducible ingredients of a (minimal) predictive model of shape coexistence and its experimental signatures? ? I What is there to be modeled? I I I I I I Distinguish I I I I sequence of levels and their excitation energies E 0 transition matrix elements E 2 transition matrix elements (charge) radii (and isotopic shifts) masses (and mass differences) deformation softness (states spread over a wide range of deformations) shape coexistence (distinguishable states that might be directly mixed) shape entanglement (distinguishable states that can only be mixed via third states) Poves, JPG 43 (2016) 020410. role of np-n hole excitations involving intruder / extruder states? M. Bender, IPN Lyon La coexistence de formes Which are the irreducible ingredients of a (minimal) predictive model of shape coexistence and its experimental signatures? ? Heyde et al, PRC44 (1991) 2216 I What is there to be modeled? I I I I I I Heyde & Woods, RMP 83 (2011) 1467 sequence of levels and their excitation energies E 0 transition matrix elements E 2 transition matrix elements (charge) radii (and isotopic shifts) masses (and mass differences) Distinguish I I I deformation softness (states spread over a wide range of deformations) shape coexistence (distinguishable states that might be directly mixed) shape entanglement (distinguishable states that can only be mixed via third states) Poves, JPG 43 (2016) 020410. I role of np-n hole excitations involving intruder / extruder states? I Early ad-hoc model of shape coexistence: estimate excitation energy of 0+ states from the difference in (spherical) single-particle energies, the change in pairing energy, a monopole correction and the quadrupole correlation energy. M. Bender, IPN Lyon La coexistence de formes State-of-the-art modeling of shape coexistence I Shell model: − + + − I Poves, JPG 43 (2016) 020410. shape remains implicit good quantum numbers band mixing intruder states require two major shells Interacting boson model: Nomura et al JPG 43 (2016) 020408. − shape remains implicit + good quantum numbers + band mixing I (Self-consistent) mean field: + − − − I energy surfaces with multiple minima no quantum numbers, nor slection rules non-orthogonal states no mixing of bands ”beyond mean field” by projected GCM: + projection → quantum numbers & selection rules + Generator Coordinate Method → band mixing − computationally intensive I ”beyond mean field” with collective Hamiltonians + quantum numbers & selection rules + band mixing M. Bender, IPN Lyon La coexistence de formes State-of-the-art modeling of shape coexistence J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 43 (2016) 024010 Poves, JPG 43 (2016) 020410. I Shell model: − + + − I Poves, JPG 43 (2016) 020410. shape remains implicit good quantum numbers band mixing intruder states require two major shells Interacting boson model: Nomura et al JPG 43 (2016) 020408. − shape remains implicit + good quantum numbers + band mixing I (Self-consistent) mean field: + − − − I ”beyond mean field” with collective Hamiltonians + + Figure 3. Energies (in MeV) of the lowest states at fixed np–nh Shell-model analysis of in0+Calevels black dots, energy of the most bound Slater determinant in each np–n 40 energy of the lowest 0 in the full diagonalization in each n squares, in Ca Energies of the three lowest 0 states in the full diagonalization in the 40 + + (blue lozenges) (from [14]). black: lowest Slater determinant in given np-nh subspace the monopole hamiltonian play a very important role. In other words, the e particle gap is configuration dependent. Next we diagonalize the full hamilton the np–nh subspaces to get the red squares in figure 3. And now, the power of th appears in full glory. Obviously the 0p–0h configuration, a single Slater determ projection → quantum numbers & selection rules gain any correlation energy in this step. The coherent 2p–2h bandhead gains m Generator Coordinate Method → band mixingthe 4p–4h, 6p6h and over all the 8p–8h. The definition of the correlation energy with our choice the 4p–4h bandhead gains about 10 MeV and the 8p–8h close t computationally intensive this moment of the process, the 0p–0h. 4p–4h and 8p–8h bandheads are near The intrinsic quadrupole moments of their yrast bands are consistent with a nor band (4p–4h) and superdeformed bands (6p–6h and 8p–8h). Finally, the fu quantum numbers & selection rules mixes all the configurations with the results gathered in figure 3 as blue lozen the physical states to be compared with the experiment, and indeed the comp band mixing standing. It is seen that the closed shell gains about 5 MeV by pairing mixin states. The 0p–0h content of the ground state is about 70%, hence we can spea magic 40Ca,deorformes perhaps of a doubly magic ground state in 40Ca? The second 0+ M. Bender, IPN Lyon La coexistence ”beyond mean field” by projected GCM: + + − I energy surfaces with multiple minima no quantum numbers, nor slection rules non-orthogonal states no mixing of bands red: lowest mixed state in given np-nh subspace blue: full shell model calculation Which model ingredients are really relevant? HAPE COEXISTENCE IN NEUTRON-DEFICIENT Kr M. ... M. B.et al, PRC74 (2006) 024312. Girod et al. / Physics Letters B 676 REVIEW (2009) 39–43 PHYSICAL C 74, 024312 (2006) Girod et al, PLB676 (2009) 39. Clément et al, PRC75 (2007) 054313. 41 . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FIG. 16. Comparison between the theoretical and experimental level schemes for the oblate and prolate bands in . 76 Kr (top) an FIG. 1. Nilsson plot of neutron single-particle energies with ositive (solid lines) and negative (dotted lines) parity as a function (bottom). The excitation energies of the states are drawn to scale and the widths and labels of the arrows represent the calculated and me 74 1. Potential energy surfaces for 72 Kr, 74 Kr, and 76 Kr. Kr. the intrinsic mass deformation B(E2) values, respectively. I β2(i) , as obtained forFig. . . . Which are the irreducible ingredients of a (minimal) predictive microscopic model shape coexistence and experimental hese modifications have a strong effect on theof deformed gaps, calculation. The very large matrixits element between the prolate signatures? states, the negative sign of the diagonal matrix elem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hich may correspond to quite different deformations and + 76 2 and the excited 0+ Kr corresponds to oblate shape, which would expla ary in size. The spin-orbit splittings 2 state is well reproduced by the Gogny Ifor the f and p levels in 1 e three potentials are very similar to ours. The differences calculation, while it is strongly underestimated by the Skyrme predominant decay to the 0+ 2 state. The positive sign fou 74 etween the single-particle spectraImust thus be related to calculation. It should be noted that the B(E2) values of Fig. 16 the 2+ Kr corresponds to prolate shape und 2 state in e relative position of states with different orbital angular are always given in the direction of the transition and may assumption of K = 2. This difference is not reproduc omentum within a given shell. the Gogny calculation, where the 2+ Figure 2 shows the mean-field and J = 0 projected en- therefore differ by a factor of 2Ii + 1 in some cases where the 2 states can be interp gy curves for 72–78 Kr obtainedI with the SLy6 Skyrme ordering is reversed. as gamma bands in the usual sense built on the g + arametrization. Throughout this paper, the projected energy A grouping of the non-yrast states above the 0 state into state. 2 I plotted as a function of the intrinsic β2(i) value of the FIG. 2. Mean-field (dotted) and J = 0 projected is not straightforward. Thedeformation excitation energies A detailed comparison of the spectroscopic quadr ean-field states from which they are obtained. In our opinion, band structures –78 Kr (see text). + (solid) + +for 72+ + energy curves I moments (see Tables VI, XI, and Fig. 15) is som is quantity provides the most convenient and intuitive label of the 22 , 31 , 42 , 51 , and 62 states in both isotopes are at can be defined for all states, irrespective of the level of consistent with an interpretation of these sequences as gammahampered by the rather large uncertainties of the experim I odeling. However, it should not be misinterpreted as an oblate and large prolate deformations. For 76 Kr, the spherical vibrational bands. The Gogny-based calculation reproduces values. The spectroscopic quadrupole moments for the 4 bservable. With our method, one calculates transition and mean-field minimum is related to the large spherical N = sequences very well the andshallow confirms predominant K=2 6+ states, in particular the very large experimental valu pectroscopic multipole moments in the laboratory frame, these 40 subshell closure, whereas oblatea and prolate I + 76 hich can be directly compared to experimental data. How- character structuresof correspond to two N = 40the gaps23in states the the states. In deformed this scenario in both Kr, should be taken with care since their non-yrast pa 2 Fig. 3.minimum Electric matrix ) for the chain light Kraccount, isotopesboth the Gogn ver, the spectroscopic moments that characterize a state do isotopes Nilsson diagram. prolate hasmonopole moved to smaller can be The interpreted as rotational states with elements oblate ρare(E0 not known. Takingofthis into 74 ot provide useful coordinatesFor to plot potential energy curvesan effective deformationfield than intheory Kr, with deformed N rotating = 38 gap being recent work toward of the collectively and/or vibrating deformedGCM nuclei see Papenbrock etexperial, + in comparison with results from the axial Skyrme calculation [17]inand built on thethan excited excitation the Skyrme calculations are reasonable agreement wi ecause they scale with angular momentum and are even character at larger deformations the N =0240states. gap. TheThe spherical N = energies mental values [8,9,32]. and transition strengths found in the Gogny calculation are experiment. entically zero for J = 0. ForNPA852 projected states with J > 0 and 40 subshell closure is strong enough to stabilize the spherical (2011) 36; Zhang et al, PRC87 (2013) 034323; Coello-Pérez et al,PRC92 (2015) 014323 78 rge intrinsic deformation in nuclei with A larger than 100, in shape up to the with N = 42this isotope Kr. agreement interpretation, as is the sign of the It can be concluded that configuration-mixing calcul (i) (s) As can be seen from the solid lines in Fig. 2, the energy + 2 is very close to the intrinsic deformation β2 determined experimental diagonal matrix elements for the 2 are a valid approach to describe the shape-coexistence 3 states. landscapes are qualitatively modified by the projection om the laboratory-frame quadrupole moment Q(s) through forstrong all isotopes under on study, has a maximum for 74 Kr. This supports finds mean-field mixing of K a=J 0= and K = 2 nomenon. The experimental set of matrix elements in 74 K J =calculation 0. Since a spherical state is already e static rotor model, Eq. (3). Note that any coordinate might The 740 Bender, IPN Lyon La coexistence de formes 76 calculated excitation spectrum of low-lying states forthe72M. Kr.for interpretation of Kr showing the configuration state, energy gain by on angular momentum components the the 2+projecting and 2+ itstates in both isotopes, which Kr strongest represents a stringent test of the mixtheoretical models. . . quantum mechanics shell structure and distinguishable configurations (that have different shape or that can be associated with different shapes) different mean fields (RPA-type methods fail for shape coexistence) collectivity configuration mixing (orthogonality, band mixing, . . . ) good quantum numbers (for selection rules of transitions). . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Is there an effective field theory of shape coexistence? Shell-model interpretation of beyond-mean-field states and vice versa M. B., B. Bally, P.-H. Heenen, unpublished M. Bender, IPN Lyon La coexistence de formes Shell-model interpretation of beyond-mean-field states and vice versa M. B., B. Bally, P.-H. Heenen, unpublished M. Bender, IPN Lyon La coexistence de formes Shell-model interpretation of beyond-mean-field states and vice versa M. B., B. Bally, P.-H. Heenen, unpublished M. Bender, IPN Lyon La coexistence de formes Shell-model interpretation of beyond-mean-field states and vice versa collective wave function of the four lowest 0+ states M. B., B. Bally, P.-H. Heenen, unpublished M. Bender, IPN Lyon La coexistence de formes Shell-model interpretation of beyond-mean-field states and vice versa collective wave function of the four lowest 0+ states M. B., B. Bally, P.-H. Heenen, unpublished M. Bender, IPN Lyon La coexistence de formes The European Physical Journal Special Topics Neff, EPJST156 (2008) 69 I 6 4 C 6 4 -6 –6 -6 –4 –6 -4 I 6 z [fm] 0.001 0.5 z [fm] 0.1 0.0 clustering. -4 –4 octupole? -6 –6 I hexadecapole? -2I 0tetrahedral –2 2 4 6 or octahedral -6 –4 –6 -4 -2 0 –2 shapes? 01 I I C 0 -2 –2 -4 –4 -6 –6 0.5 0.1 0.01 0.001 2 4 6 -6 -4 –6 –4 –2 -2 0 2 y [fm] y [fm] PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS y [fm] VOLUME 88, NUMBER 25 12 0.0101 0.0 0.1 2 1 0. 1 0.0 -4 –4 Are there coexistences 0driven by other shape degrees of freedom? -2 –2 1 0.0 -2 –2 12 2 I 0.001 0 0.1 2 All examples shown so far concern the 12 6 C coexistence of shapes with different 0 00 0.0.1 0.01 1 quadrupole moment. 4 0.5 z [fm] Exotic coexistences Are they also driven by np-nh 12 12 6 else? C something C excitations the realistic calculation results of Fig. 1 where, 0closely .001 by or 4 6 24 JUNE 2002 Dudek et al, PRL88 (2002) 252502 12 6 C 01 80 0.0 1 z [fm] 0. 5 . 1 0 Total Energy [MeV] 0.01 z [fm] 1. 0 0.01 0.5 0.001 0.5 z [fm] 1 00 0. 1 0.00.1 0.1 6 40 Zr 40 0 0.1 in addition, the extremes on the 4 4 horizontal axes have been 4 0. 108 0. in such a way that, by comparing the labels on the 40 Zr 68 chosen 01 160 2 2 2 left- and on the right-hand side of the figure, one can read 70 Yb 90 242 how quickly the parity mixing 4 0 0 sets in when the deforma0 100 Fm 142 tion increases (the curves are symmetric with respect to -2 –2 -2j ! 0.15 is0so –2 -2 –2 0. 0). The parity mixing at ja32 .1 strong that the 1 0.0 typical calculated parity expectation values are "!60.5#. 1 0.00 -4 –4 -4 –4 -4 –4 2 1 0.0 Several observations deserve emphasizing. First of all, 01 -6 –6 -6 in the deformation depen–6 -6 –6 there is a qualitative difference dence in the two studied cases as predicted by the consid-6 –4 –6 -4 –2 -2 0erations 2 4based 6 on the point-group -6 symmetries –6 -4 –2 –4 -2 0 presented 2 4 6 -6 -4 –6 –4 -2 –2 0 2 4 6 0 y [fm] y [fm] can aly [fm] above: At ja31 j . 0.15 the level distribution 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 ready be considered “nearly uniform” except for a relaElongation β2 12 56 describe that decreases slowly with row from the left: intrinsic state obtained tively states small gapused at Z !to nsities of intrinsic C. First increasing deformation. In contrast, the spectrum in func- +FIG. 2. Results of the multidimensional minimization − of the n (V), by variation projection onIPN positive (Vcoexistence ), nuclear and on negative parity (V ). Second total energies projected on the quadrupole deformation Bender, Lyon La de formes tion of aafter increasing gaps at Z ! 32, 32 reveals strongly M. subshells, and the mixing of the resulting proton and neutron configurations are the essential ingredients to a unified view of coexistence in nuclei. Figure 8 shows the regions of shape coexistence that are discussed in this review and their location with respect to magic numbers. We present the experimental data that motivate this unified view in a particular order. We first review mass regions for which extensive data support the widespread and unequivocal manifestation of shape coexistence, i.e., the regions centered Coexistence in normal nuclei, exotic nuclei, and elsewhere Heyde & Woods, RMP 83 (2011) 1467 FIG. 8 (color online). The main regions of nuclear shape coexistence discussed in Sec. III are shown in relationship to closed shells. Regions A, F: see Sec. III.B.1; regions B, C, D, and E: see Sec. III.B.2; region G: see Sec. III.A.8; region H: see Sec. III.A.5; region I: see Sec. III.A.3; region J: see Sec. III.A.2; region K: see Sec. III.A.4; and region L: see Sec. III.A.1. M. Bender, IPN Lyon La coexistence de formes subshells, and the mixing of the resulting proton and neutron configurations are the essential ingredients to a unified view of coexistence in nuclei. Figure 8 shows the regions of shape coexistence that are discussed in this review and their location with respect to magic numbers. We present the experimental data that motivate this unified view in a particular order. We first review mass regions for which extensive data support the widespread and unequivocal manifestation of shape coexistence, i.e., the regions centered Coexistence in normal nuclei, exotic nuclei, and elsewhere Heenen, M. B., Bally & Ryssens, to be published Heyde & Woods, RMP 83 (2011) 1467 FIG. 8 (color online). The main regions of nuclear shape coexistence discussed in Sec. III are shown in relationship to closed shells. Regions A, F: see Sec. III.B.1; regions B, C, D, and E: see Sec. III.B.2; region G: see Sec. III.A.8; region H: see Sec. III.A.5; region I: see Sec. III.A.3; region J: see Sec. III.A.2; region K: see Sec. III.A.4; and region L: see Sec. III.A.1. M. Bender, IPN Lyon La coexistence de formes Summary I Profiting from high-performance computing, over the last few years the range of applicability of the shell model and of beyond-mean-field methods has been enlarged such that both methods begin to cover the physics relevant for shape coexistence (intruder states, good quantum numbers, configuration mixing, . . . ). I Shape coexistence emerges in both methods in similar situations: np-nh excitations involving intruder states. I In the context of the shell these states are usually interpreted ”vertically” in terms of occupations of spherical shells (”islands of inversion”). I In the context of self-consistent mean-field models ”and beyond” these states are usually interpreted ”horizontally” in terms of gaps in the Nilsson diagram. M. Bender, IPN Lyon La coexistence de formes Summary I Profiting from high-performance computing, over the last few years the range of applicability of the shell model and of beyond-mean-field methods has been enlarged such that both methods begin to cover the physics relevant for shape coexistence (intruder states, good quantum numbers, configuration mixing, . . . ). I Shape coexistence emerges in both methods in similar situations: np-nh excitations involving intruder states. I In the context of the shell these states are usually interpreted ”vertically” in terms of occupations of spherical shells (”islands of inversion”). I In the context of self-consistent mean-field models ”and beyond” these states are usually interpreted ”horizontally” in terms of gaps in the Nilsson diagram. The difference in interpretation appears to be more ”cultural” than physical. M. Bender, IPN Lyon La coexistence de formes Bottom line What is Shape Coexistence? ”Shape coexistence is a very peculiar nuclear phenomenon consisting in the presence in the same nuclei, at low excitation energy, and within a very narrow energy range, of two or more states (or bands of states) which: (a) have well defined and distinct properties, and, (b) which can be interpreted in terms of different intrinsic shapes.” A. Poves, foreword to the 2015 special issue of JPG on ”Shape coexistence in nuclei” I Shape coexistence is a generic feature of atomic nuclei that in one way or the other is exhibited by the majority of nuclei. It can come in many flavours: I I I I I I coexisting structures in regions of transitional nuclei (evolution with shapes with filling of shells) island(s) of inversion rotational bands of ”spherical nuclei” including doubly-magic ones (16 O, 40 Ca, 56 Ni, . . . ) fission isomers / superdeformation / hyperdeformation clustering Shape coexistence imprints its presence on (the systematics of) virtually all spectroscopic properties of nuclei at low excitation energy. M. Bender, IPN Lyon La coexistence de formes