Directions and prospects for cooperation across Vistula
Directions and prospects for cooperation across Vistula
The Vistula Lagoon Forum Ways and persepctives of cooperation in the region of the Vistula Lagoon Jerzy Wcisła Marshal’s Office of the Province of Warmia and Mazury Biuro Regionalne w Elblągu (The Regional Office in Elblag) Kaliningrad, 13 May 2014 The Vistula Lagoon - full of great opportunities „One water container - two lagoons” (The Vistula Lagoon and Kaliningrad Lagoon) The Three Marshals (Governors) Regatta Cup The Southern Baltic Nautical Cup The battles of the southern Baltic Sea 1000 r. – Bitwa pod Svold k. Rugii 1147 r. – Bitwa u ujścia Warnawy 1362 r. – Bitwa w Sundzie 1463 – Bitwa na Zalewie Wiślanym 1627 r. – Bitwa pod Oliwą 1676 r. – Bitwa koło Bornholmu 1759 – Bitwa na Zalewie Szczecińskim 1788-90 – Bitwy w Zatoce Fińskiej Berlin - Elbląg - Kalinigrad – Kłajpeda Cruise IWW E70 The Vistula Lagoon and the Curonian Lagoon The Żuławy Loop The Stefan Batory King Waterway Five touristic loops Kaliningrad Seaport - Elbląg Seaport Cooperation Kaliningrad Seaport - Elbląg Seaport Cooperation The Vistula Spit Canal Publications: The Vistula and Kaliningrad Lagoon Publications: English and German Wersion The Vistula Lagoon in the international conferences Bruksela Schwerin (Niemcy) Kaliningrad Dusseldorf „Nothing happens unless first a dream” [Sandburg] Thank you! Jerzy Wcisła