Skinner`s World Cup Retriever Event – Official
Skinner`s World Cup Retriever Event – Official
SKINNER’S WORLD CUP RETRIEVER EVENT Saturday 16th May & Sunday 17th May 2015 Englefield Estate Mayridge Farm Englefield Berkshire, RG7 5JT United Kingdom Feel good factor for dogs For over forty years, Skinner’s have been producing high quality foods for working dogs. Our Field & Trial range of complete foods are all specially formulated and nutritionally balanced to meet the energy requirements for working dogs of all breeds. Supporting your sport Roger Skinner Ltd The Mills, Stradbroke, Eye, Suffolk IP21 5HL Tel: +44 (0)1379 384247 Email: Website: SKINNER’S WORLD CUP RETRIEVER EVENT The Skinner’s World Cup Retriever Event is now in its fourteenth year and we are proud to sponsor what is recognised as the most prestigious gundog working test in the world. This year we are pleased to welcome thirteen teams representing their countries to compete for the coveted title. THE JUDGES Steve Ashby (England) John Birkett (England) Derrick Capel (England) André de Jong (Holland) Linda Partridge (England) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Roger Skinner Ltd - Event Sponsor Mr & Mrs Richard Benyon - Englefield Estate Mr Edward Crookes - Estates Director Mr David Wiggins - Gamekeeper Mr Rupert Hill & Mr John Birkett - Donation of Trophy Mr Peter Castleman - Test Organiser Kintbury Gundog Club - Volunteer stewards and helpers TROPHIES & AWARDS (Trophies to be held for one year only) The Skinner’s Perpetual Challenge Trophy Presented to the Winning Team (Each team member will also receive a replica crystal glass trophy to keep) The Bellever Perpetual Challenge Trophy Presented by Rupert Hill & John Birkett to the Highest Placed Dog Competing members of the top three teams will each receive a rosette, certificate and a 15kg bag of Skinner’s food. Skinner’s will present all members of each competing team with an engraved crystal glass whisky tumbler as a memento of the event. 1 WELCOME The Skinner’s World Cup Retriever Event is a team event for Retrievers only. Each team consists of four dogs and their handlers, representing their respective countries to compete for the coveted title. As you can imagine, the standard required to represent your country is very high, and is a great honour for those involved. The various Working Tests have been designed to test the dogs on their game finding ability and the speed and effectiveness of the retrieves they make. Judges will be looking for quick pick ups and fast returns, natural nose and marking ability, quietness in handling, control, drive and style. We have five highly respected judges who have all judged at an international level and who have competed themselves in Test, Trials and Championships so they too know exactly what is expected both from the dogs and their handlers. Although you will hear shots being fired, none of the Tests involve shooting live game. Work is done with “dummies” (green canvas weights) and the pistol shots are only used to recreate a typical shooting day. Englefield Estate offers the perfect combination of cover with open meadows, woodland, lakes and streams making an ideal setting for a series of challenging working tests. We are very grateful to Mr Richard Benyon and his wife, Zoe for kindly allowing us to bring our Event to their beautiful Estate here in Berkshire. Last year’s winners were the team from England who competed for the very last time under Captain, John Halstead and made it a record six wins in the history of the Event. Top Dog was Blackthorn Enki handled by Bernd Janich from Germany. But who will be taking home the trophies this year? With a total of thirteen teams competing for the trophies it’s sure to be another great competition. We wish all competitors the very best of luck and hope that those who join us to watch and support this year’s Event have a very enjoyable time. Fingers crossed, as always, for a fine and dry weekend. Greg Panter Managing Director Roger Skinner Ltd 2 Field & Trial Junior FOR WORKING AND ACTIVE DOGS Field & Trial Junior has been specially formulated for young working dogs up to 18 months of age. It contains all of the essential vitamins, minerals and trace elements for this important period of continued growth and development. From approximately 6 months of age (depending on breed), Field & Trial Junior follows on from Field & Trial Puppy food to act as the link between the puppy and adult stage. 3 3 3 3 SUITABLE FOR YOUNG WORKING DOGS OF ALL BREEDS MADE WITH BRITISH CHICKEN MEAT MEAL NO ARTIFICIAL ADDITIvES, FLAvOURINGS OR PRESERvATIvES HIGH LEvELS OF ESSENTIAL FATS AND OILS TO HELP MAINTAIN A HEALTHY, GLOSSY COAT SRP: £23.99 for 15kg and £5.99 for 2.5kg Roger Skinner Ltd The Mills, Stradbroke, Eye, Suffolk IP21 5HL Tel: +44 (0)1379 384247 Email: Website: JUDGES Steve has been involved with gundogs for over 25 years having started in the picking up field which he still enjoys and is heavily involved with. His first dog was a Flatcoat Retriever and he has continued working and competing with this breed sucessfully in tests and trials although his interests have now expanded to Labradors which he has also won with. Last year he acquired a Golden Retriever who he is having lots of fun with. Steve is an ‘A’ panel Kennel Club judge for retrievers and he very much enjoys judging at home and abroad and competing with his own dogs in tests and trials. In the past he has been working test secretary for the West Dartmoor Working Gundog club and has run the Steve Ashby club training for the last 14 years. Steve takes great pleasure in watching good gundog work, (England) always keeping an eye on the dogs of fellow competitors with a view to future breeding plans. Steve says: “I consider it a great honour to have been invited to judge this year’s World Cup and I would like to take this opportunity to wish all the teams the very best of luck.” John needs no introduction as he is well known and respected throughout the gundog world both here in the UK and in Europe. John has been part of what is now called the Skinner’s World Cup Retriever Event since it first started all those years ago when he organised it! Although the Event has seen many changes over the years, it is John we have to thank for starting it all off. John Birkett (England) Photo: Harald Hubert Derrick has had Labradors since he was eleven years of age and he started competing in working tests and Field Trials in the 1970's. He judged his first Trial in 1985 and judged the IGL Retriever Championship at Windsor in 2003. A Civil Engineer by profession, he took early retirement in 1991 and supplemented his pension by running a small gundog training establishment: 'Flashmount Gundogs'. Derrick has made up two Field Trial Champions, both Yellow Labradors and has qualified for the IGL Retriever Championships on four occasions. He was placed fourth in 1999 with ‘Flashmount Socrates’. Derrick Capel (England) 4 JUDGES Photo: Harald Hubert André has been involved with Golden Retrievers since meeting his wife, Rita, in 1966. About thirty years ago he started training his dogs and has had a lot of success in running field trials and working tests with them. Highlights were a second place as a team in the International Working Test in Germany in 1994 and being invited twice to take part in the NIMROD competition which is held once a year in The Netherlands for the twelve best gundogs in the country. André became a judge in 1988 in The Netherlands and since that time he has also been judging in Austria, Belgium and Germany. Apart from judging, André has also been active for several years in the Trial committee of the Dutch Golden Retriever Club, organizing the field trials and working tests. He has held training classes from which a lot of competition dogs have been very successful. When not judging, training or trialling, André picks up 2 or 3 times a week in Belgium and André de Jong several times in the UK during the shooting season. (Holland) André says: “Being asked to judge at Englefield is a really huge honour and I wish all the teams the best of luck.” Linda Partridge (England) From 1987 Linda owned Chesapeake Bay Retrievers with which she competed in both Field and Show Events, they were first and foremost working dogs, the majority gaining Gundog Working Test awards, one going on to win three Field Trials and multiple open GWT’s - a record for the breed. A male from her first litter won Best Dog at Crufts and went on to win the annual award for The Top Show Dog in the Breed. Other Chesapeakes with notable show wins followed. Although no longer active in the show ring Linda judged The Gamekeepers gundog classes at Crufts dog show in 2012. Linda’s first Labrador born in 1995, became a Field Trial winner and multiple Open GWT Winner. Her second, born in 1998 gained her Field Trial Champion title and produced two Field Trial Champions and several Field Trial winners. Linda’s recent Field Trial Champion gained awards in the 2010 and 2011 IGL Championships. Linda judged her first Field Trial in 1998, in 2005 became a Kennel Club Field Trial "B panel” judge for Retrievers, in 2008 progressed to the “A Panel” and in 2012/13 had the honour to judge The IGL Retriever Championship in the UK and also the Italian Retriever Championships. 5 SCOTLAND Team Captain: Greig Paterson 1. Heathergaye Highwayman of Avonstream Sire: FT Ch Ace Angler of Avonstream Dam: Heathergaye Hathersage Labrador Dog DOB: 03/03/10 Breeder: Mr & Mrs H Bradley Owner/Handler: Greig Paterson 2. Ardmuir Water Lily Sire: FT Ch Greenbriar Gettysburg Dam: FT Ch Ardmuir Lady’s Smock Labrador Bitch DOB: 14/02/10 Breeder: Mrs J Hankey Owner/Handler: Jennie Hankey 3. Glenpatrick Mica of Carnochway Sire: Garronpoint Ross of Drakeshead Dam: Glenpatrick Hazel Labrador Bitch DOB: 07/05/12 Breeder: Mr John Castle Owner/Handler: Roddy Forbes 4. Hyndford Harlech Sire: FT Ch Ace Angler of Avonstream Dam: Hyndford Chamier Labrador Bitch DOB: 12/11/10 Breeder: Mr & Mrs H Paterson Owner/Handler: Stuart Dunn ENGLAND Team Captain: David Latham 5. FT Ch Waterford Ganton (4331CV) Sire: FTW Endacott Kite of Chisbrook Dam: FT Ch Waterford Easter Labrador Dog DOB: 18/05/08 Breeder: Mrs Jayne Coley Owner/Handler: Jayne Coley 6. FT Ch Saxaphone Brown Ale of Lincswolds (2564CV) Labrador Dog DOB: 01/03/09 Sire: FT Ch Garronpoint Rye of Lincswolds Breeder: Mr P Burton Dam: Clovers Girl of Saxaphone Owner/Handler: Richard King 7. Lowforge Glenaveigh of Leacaz (3683CX) Sire: FT Ch Lowforge Aragon of Leacaz Dam: Swaine Siskin of Lowforge Labrador Dog DOB: 13/03/11 Breeder: Mr A Whelan Owner/Handler: Lee Hartis 8. FT Ch Rimrock Hurricane (3261CV) Sire: FT Ch Skellorn Danty Dam: Ffynongain Silk of Rimrock Labrador Dog DOB: 16/03/09 Breeder: Mr S Hansell Owner/Handler: Andy Latham Reserve FT Ch Gosberry Governor (3719CW) Sire: FT Ch Greenbriar Viper of Drakeshead Dam: Kenmillix Beau 6 Labrador Dog DOB: 05/07/10 Breeder: Mr& Mrs J C Yarwood Owner/Handler: John Yarwood DENMARK Team Captain: Danny Fraser 9. Stenhøhjgårds Britt (DK07396/2009) Sire: Hillus Powell Dam: Trompeterbakkens Dina Labrador Bitch DOB: 27/03/09 Breeder: Jan Loransen Owner/Handler: Jan Loransen 10. DKBRCh Lækereden's Ask (DK00151/2008) Labrador Dog DOB: 23/11/07 Sire: Willanbeck Tinker Breeder: Ruth & Ove Simonsen Dam: Lækereden's Freja Owner/Handler: Ove Simonsen 11. Batmoors Hillclyde (DK12483/2011) Sire: Leadburn Viceroy Dam: Hillus Holland Labrador Dog DOB: 19/05/2011 Breeder: Iben & Thomas Plamboeck Owner/Handler: Brian Rasmussan 12. Fendawood Able (DK02291/2013) Sire: FT Ch Mediterian Blue Dam: Ragweed’s Greedy Labrador Bitch DOB: 28/03/12 Breeder: David Latham Owner/Handler: Danny Fraser Reserve DKBRCH DKJCH Batmoors’ Gentle George Will (DK10664/2008) Sire: Fastlane Chuck of Buttsend Labrador Dog DOB: 11/05/2008 Dam: Altiquin Breeze Breeder: Iben & Thomas Plamboeck Owner/Handler: Johannes Råballe GERMANY Team Captain: Anja Möller 13. Blackthorn Ireneus (AR00701HUN) Sire: FT Ch Drakeshead Indiana Dam: FT Ch Blackthorn Ascella Labrador Dog DOB: 24/03/10 Breeder: Mrs Rita Kökeny Owner/Handler: Rainer Scesny 14. Gunsight’s Elliot Sire: FT Ch Waterford Fergus Dam: DRC Arb Ch Gunsight’s Brown Linnet Labrador Dog DOB: 31/01/11 Breeder: Anja Möller Owner/Handler: Joerg Mente 15. Gunsight’s Eskin (AR00840DEU) Sire: FT Ch Waterford Fergus Dam: DRC Arb Ch Gunsight’s Brown Linnet Labrador Bitch DOB: 31/01/11 Breeder: Anja Möller Owner/Handler: Anja Möller 16. DRC Arb Ch Blackthorn Enki (AM01221HUN)Labrador Dog DOB: 25/09/08 Sire: FT Ch Levenghyl Peacock Breeder: Mrs Rita Kökeny Dam: HU FT Ch Gianna of Carinthia Owner/Handler: Bernd Janich 7 FINLAND Team Captain: Elina Salo 17. Hardrock Artists Life (FI25719/10) Sire: Ragweed’s Travel Dam: Benjo’s Black Jolie Labrador Dog DOB: 28/03/10 Breeder: Pävi Hietaharju Owner/Handler: Elina Salo 18. FI KVA Demon Eye’s Freewill (AR00727FIN) Labrador Bitch DOB: 02/02/10 Sire: Streamlight’s Fox Mulder Breeder: Mr Pekka Uusimäki Dam: FI KVA Eagle Owl’s Hersilia Owner/Handler: Mari Koivisto 19. Brookbank Blackbird (AS00833HUN) Sire: FT Ch Leadburn Viceroy Dam: Int FT Ch Fly of Dukefield Labrador Dog DOB: 16/06/11 Breeder: Andrea & Zsolt Böszörmenyi Owner/Handler: Jari Särkänlahti 20. Mehtälammen Dixie (FI15625/10) Sire: Blackthorn Bion Dam: Elsasin Asti Tosti Labrador Bitch DOB: 10/01/10 Breeder: Mr M Suutarinen Owner/Handler: Pekka Tuomi Reserve Weljesten Geronimo Au (FIN41420/08) Sire: Int FT Ch Bell Oktave Apollo Dam: Weljesten Elwing Au HOLLAND Retriever Dog DOB: 03/07/08 Breeder: KM & AP Fontell Owner/Handler: Petteri Hirvonen Team Captain: Frank de Vries 21. Abbotsross Trefynwy (AQ01241NLD) Sire: FT Ch Levenghyl Peacock Dam: Astraglen Kacey Labrador Dog DOB: 20/10/10 Breeder: Mr Wim Reinders Owner/Handler: Roy Ehbel 22. Bubbles van de Vaortkaant (AL00727NLD) Sire: Miller Square Hurricane Jack Dam: Spikey Labrador Bitch DOB: 20/02/08 Breeder: JPC Boons-Treffers Owner/Handler: Ingrid van der Ven 23. Archer of the Spring Cottage (AQ00984NLD) Labrador Dog DOB: 09/10/10 Sire: Int & B FT Ch Rocketstar Geoffrey Breeder: J Geervliet Dam: Squareclose Demmi Owner: S S Burghout Handler: Richard van Kaam 24. Cerbel Ambassador (AQ00696NLD) Sire: Chairman of Dukefield Dam: Freebooter of the Charmed Angel Labrador Dog DOB: 20/03/10 Breeder: Marianne van Soest Owner/Handler: Rob Schmidt Reserve Garrethall Quiff (AL02571508) Sire: FT Ch Waterford Fergus Dam: FTW Garrethall Myrhh Labrador Dog DOB: 06/12/10 Breeder: Mrs E M Ingram Owner/Handler: Rinus Heijmans 8 NORWAY Team Captain: Erling Skotner 25. Fak’s Vanja (AM00448N02) Sire: FT Ch Broadlaw Jake Dam: Tudorcourt Goldfinch Labrador Bitch DOB: 18/09/07 Breeder: Mr Ronnie Blindheim Owner/Handler: Asbjørn Kristiansen 26. Glenbriar Polly (AM03766807) Sire: FT Ch Auchendolly Beaver Dam: Blackthorn Coxa of Glenbriar Labrador Bitch DOB: 14/08/11 Breeder: Mr Bobby Robertson Owner/Handler: Grethe Ranheim 27. Jacklaine’s Duke O Pluto (NO37010/12) Sire: Lowly Raffaello Dam: Jacklaine’s Bingo Retriever Dog DOB: 15/03/12 Owner: Tor-Inge Myklebust Lie Breeder: Monica & Frank Skjerping Handler: Leni Jacobsen 28. Glenbriar Meadow (AK03193507) Sire: FT Ch Auchendolly Beaver Dam: Glenbriar Simmett Labrador Bitch DOB: 11/07/09 Breeder: Mr Bobby Robertson Owner/Handler: Erling Skotner ITALY Team Captain: Francesco Gislon 29. Ocean Black Reef (13/111963) Sire: FT Ch Rumbleton Quicksilver Dam: Rivendale Ruby Labrador Dog DOB: 08/08/11 Breeder: Mr MacNeill Owner/Handler: Francesco Gislon 30. It FT Ch Waterfriend Zero Folle (10/125559) Labrador Dog DOB: 02/04/10 Sire: It FT Ch Gillygaben Dan Breeder: Stefano Martinoli Dam: Int FT Ch, It FT Ch Waterfriend Slik Owner/Handler: Riccardo Raccanelli 31. Justlike Chic’s Tin Tin (1115445) Sire: Levenghyl Firestone Dam: Justlike Drottning Margrethe 32. Int & IT FT Ch The Growing Eric Emotion (LOI08/132652) Sire: Dunlin von der Atterseewelle Labrador Dog DOB: 11/02/08 Dam: IT FT Ch Offlead Breeder: A Zoccali Owner/Handler: Salvatore Zappavigna Labrador Bitch DOB: 15/03/10 Breeder: Mr Sören Norén Owner/Handler: Stefano Margheri 9 WALES Team Captain: Mark Bettinson 33. FT Ch Jobeshill Ragnar of Flypatch (3181CV)Labrador Dog DOB: 02/05/08 Sire: Tasco Brimstone Breeder: Mrs J Fairclough Dam: Collaroybanks Willow Owner/Handler: Alan Rees 34. FT Ch Cynhinfa John (3490CW) Sire: FT Ch Mediterian Blue Dam: Castlewood Razorbill of Cynhinfa Labrador Dog DOB: 07/08/09 Breeder: Mr E R A Jones Owner/Handler: Craig Perry 35. FT Ch Cynhinfa Laban (3127CZ) Sire: FT Ch Mediterian Blue Dam: Cynhinfa Hannie Labrador Dog DOB: 09/12/11 Breeder: Mr E R A Jones Owner/Handler: Mark Bettinson 36. Cynhinfa Ladislav (AM04957405) Sire: FT Ch Mediterian Blue Dam: Cynhinfa Hannie Labrador Dog DOB: 09/12/11 Breeder: Mr E R A Jones Owner/Handler: Jamie Bettinson SWITZERLAND Team Captain: Daniel Marx 37. Lockthorn Dice (3364CY) Sire: FT Ch Dipplelodge Raven of Riversway Dam: FT Ch Lockthorn Tara Labrador Dog DOB: 04/04/11 Breeder: Mr & Mrs D & M Marx Owner/Handler: Claudia Gross 38. Funnyline Fieldquest J.B. (AQ00763CHE) Sire: Birdsgreen Simply Granite Dam: Funnyline Shooting Field Pride Retriever Dog DOB: 26/12/08 Breeder/Owner: Mrs B Loetscher-Zufferey Handler: Pierre-Yves Loetscher 39. FTW Millershook Anna (4655CU) Labrador Bitch DOB: 01/01/08 Sire: FT Ch Glenpatrick Geraint of Millershook Breeder: Mr Paul Truby Dam: Broadlaw May of Millershook Owner: Mrs H Borgonovi-Jansky Handler: Heike Jansky 40. Funnyline Fieldquest Sheyenne (AR01207CHE)Retriever Bitch DOB: 15/03/11 Sire: Millrythe Kinrara of Dovespring Breeder/Owner: Mrs B Loetscher-Zufferey Dam: Funnyline Shooting Field Pride Handler: Beatrice Loetscher-Zufferey 10 FRANCE Team Captain: Bruno Julien 41. Chausson Cazan (AM00565FRA) Sire: Featherquest Shadow Dam: Vahiné Retriever Dog DOB: 05/02/07 Breeder: Mrs A Acoulina Owner/Handler: Philippe Peiffer 42. Mistybrook Tuscan (AK01284204) Sire: Tauvechan Minstrel Dam: FT Ch Mistybrook Bracken Retriever Dog DOB: 31/03/09 Breeder: Mr R Ashdown Owner/Handler: Bruno Julien 43. Deepfleet Vinny (AJ05312403) Sire: Birdsgreen Romantic Ronald Dam: Deepfleet Zeta Retriever Dog DOB: 18/10/08 Breeder: Mr P Avery Owner/Handler: Anthony Giraud 44. Funnyline Fieldquest Scottish Sun (AQ02274CHE)Retriever Dog DOB: 15/03/11 Sire: Millrythe Kinrana Breeder: Mrs B Loetscher Dam: Funnyline Shooting Field Pride Owner/Handler: Xavier Gosse Reserve Lesser Burdock Charly (AS00959AUT) Sire: Astraglen Trigger of Fendawood Dam: Ragweed’s Trace AUSTRIA Labrador Dog DOB: 10/04/13 Breeder: Mrs P Loidl Owner/Handler: Bruno Julien Team Captain: Kurt Becksteiner 45. FT Ch Beileys Aguzannis of Fendawood (2867CY)Labrador Dog DOB: 15/08/11 Sire: Int FT Ch Ragweed’s Travel Breeder: Miss A Guzanova Dam: SK FT Ch Fernshot Olivia Owner/Handler: Stefanie Latham 46. Fuse von der Atterseewelle (AM00552AUT) Sire: Haredale Minx Dam: A Lucky Look von der Atterseewelle Labrador Bitch DOB: 25/12/07 Breeder: Ursula Asböck Owner/Handler: Imma Walderdorff 47. FTW Beechdale’s Dusty Hazel Sire: Twixwood Shooting Star of Fernshot Dam: Bibit of Hopeful Image Labrador Bitch DOB: 30/03/11 Breeder: Bianca Henderson Owner/Handler: Ivonne Brunold 48. AT FT Ch & Int FT Ch Denbank Kirky (AK09478204)Labrador Dog DOB: 15/03/09 Sire: FT Ch Leadburn Viceroy Breeder: Mr & Mrs A Sorley Dam: FT Ch Anson Anne of Denbank Owner/Handler: Kurt Becksteiner Reserve Happy Tears Another Sunshine Lucy Sire: Blackthorn Bedwyr of Dukefield Dam: DreamMeyer Happy Tears Labrador Bitch DOB: 03/03/10 Breeder: Jutta Andre Owner/Handler: Jutta Andre 11 IRELAND Team Captain: Sean Nolan 49. Int FT Ch The Newcam Boss (2684CX) Sire: FT Ch Marranscar Blackcap Dam: Smirnoff Teal Labrador Bitch DOB: 23/10/10 Breeder: Billy Lundy Owner/Handler: Billy Lundy 50. Glenloch Stafford (3968CX) Sire: FT Ch Watergreen Frazier Dam: Astraglen Destiny of Glenloch Labrador Dog DOB: 13/07/11 Breeder: Mr W G Kelly Owner/Handler: Sean McKelvey 51. Int FT Ch Tweedshot Trimble of Lettergreen (4670CV)Labrador Dog DOB: 12/04/09 Sire: FT Ch Tasco Brimstone Breeder: Mr S Tweedy Dam: Tweedshot Mango Owner/Handler: Sean Nolan 52. FT Ch Nordenlights Cherokee (3795CW) Sire: Birdsgreen Ash Dam: Adirondac Mountain Dawn Retreiver Dog DOB: 23/01/10 Breeder: Mr P Hargreaves Owner/Handler: John Williamson Supporting your sport 12 ls O FF be l e Se G ET ow fo rd et ai £2 The Highclere Country Show 24th & 25th May 2015, Highclere Castle RG20 9RN For more information and to book your tickets visit www Find us online: Countryman Fairs *When accompanied by a full paying adult. Get et £2 off your entry to the Highclere Country Show -«ÞwÕÌÌ ÃvÀ>`«ÀiÃiÌÌÌÌ iÌViÌÃ>ÌÌ ià ÜI «ÞwÕÌÌ ÃvÀ>`«ÀiÃiÌÌÌÌ iÌViÌÃ>ÌÌ ià ÜI Tel/Mobile: Email: Address: *Only one voucher per customer. Voucher can only be used once and cannot be used in in conjunct conjunction with any other offer offer or promotion. Vouchers cannot be exchanged for cash and have a monetary value of £0.001. Countryman Countryman Fairs Fairs would would llike to contact you to promote and ask your opinion about our events. Please tick here if you wish not to hear fr om us Countryman Fairs may pass your details to carefully selected organisations and sponsors so they can contact you with regards to promoting and researching their products. Please tick here if you prefer not to be contacted Voucher will be void if copied, transferred, reproduced, sold or exchanged. VOUCHER REF: HCAD1 Name: We would like to thank the following for their help, support and contribution to the success of this Event: Kintbury Gundog Club for all of their members who have volunteered to provide help and assistance for the Event in a variety of roles. Englefield Estate for all of their support. 2015 RESULTS TEAMS 1st 2nd 3rd Highest Placed Dog: Roger Skinner Ltd, The Mills, Stradbroke, Eye, Suffolk IP21 5HL Tel: +44 (0) 1379 384247 Fax: +44 (0) 1379 388143 Email:
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