Products Catalog 2014
Products Catalog 2014
Products Catalog 2014 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Code Brochure # Product Page # Code BOBBLE HEADS MBHA............. 853...... . BOBBLE HEADS................................................. 3 Brochure # Product Page # MAGNETS MC...............843...... MAGNETIC COLLECTION..................................15 LSMC.......... 837...... SOUVENIR MAGNET COLLECTION..................15 JEWELRY & ACCESSORIES CW...............648...... CAPTAIN WINGS.................................................3 DHN.............776...... DIAMOND HEART NECKLACES........................ 4 DH............... 8. 45...... DOOR HANGERS - NEW....................................16 DT................765...... I.D. DOG TAGS....................................................4 JHB..............789...... BE JEWELLED HAIR BRUSHES........................16 Multiple........ 860...... GEMSTONE PRE PACKS................................ 5-6 BSL............. 846...... LOLLIPOP BOMBS - NEW..................................17 JG................ 679...... GEMSTONE HEALING & ASTROLOGICAL.........7 PPM............ 854...... PLACEMATS.......................................................17 JEWELRY PSB............. 581...... LIL SHERIFF BADGES.......................................18 WA.................. 864...... WALLETS - NEW................................................18 JGC............. 667...... COMBINATION GEMSTONE BRACELETS........ 7 & HEALING/ASTROLOGICAL JEWELRY GN............... 836...... GEMSTONE NECKLACES - NEW...................... 8 . GBP.............. 802...... GEMSTONE PERSONALIZED BRACELETS..... 8 MUGS PM...............855...... . PERSONALIZED MUGS.....................................19 MR............... 809...... MOOD RINGS..................................................... 9 ORNAMENTS KEY RINGS & ZIPPER PULLS MAO............ 861...... ANGEL ORNAMENTS.........................................19 DKA.................563...... DAY I WAS BORN KEY RINGS........................... 9 JBO............. 835...... JINGLE BELL ORNAMENTS..............................20 DHKR...........851...... DIAMOND CUT HEART KEY RINGS.................10 NO...............844...... NUTCRACKER ORNAMENTS - NEW................20 FAFKR......... 863...... FASHION FUN KEY RINGS - NEW................... 10 FFKR........... 850...... FLIP . FLOP KEY RINGS......................................11 PLUSH FFZP.............542...... FLIP FLOP ZIPPER PULLS................................11 MB...............867...... MESSAGE BEARS............................................. 21 KRF..............849...... FREAKY FEET KEY RINGS...............................12 SHOT GLASSES SG............... 856......SHOT GLASSES................................................ 21 GAKR...........852...... GALAXY KEY RINGS.........................................12 .. GKR.............848...... GLOW IN THE DARK KEY RINGS.....................13 SGHO......... 847...... SHOT GLASSES HANGIN' OUT..........................22 AKR............. 813...... INITIALLY FOR YOU KEY RINGS......................13 SOUVENIR PRODUCT LPFKR/LPZP..866...... LOGO PERSONALIZED KEY RINGS &............. 22 ZIPPER PULLS PPKR...........842...... PICTURE PERFECT KEY RINGS - NEW..........14 TTL/TTLM....793...... TEDDY BEAR TAIL LIGHT KEY RINGS.............14 2 MINIATURE BobbleBOBBLE Heads HEADS Code: MBHA Cost: $2.75 Tag Cost: $.30 Styles Available: 38 Variety Prepack Options: Display: Acrylic Counter Unit (Total: 48 Miniature Bobble Heads) MBHA-48 DISPLAY INFORMATION Display Type Display Code Acrylic Counter Unit MBHA-48 COST INFORMATION # of Pcs Buy Free Product Cost 48 7 $132.00 853 Captain Wings 648 3 38 Variety Display Cost Total Cost $40.00 $172.00 Diamond Necklaces Diamond Heart Heart Necklaces Code: DHN Diamond Heart Necklaces Cost: $2.25 UPC Code: 0 44046 27201 4 26 Variety 18 Initials 102 Female Names Styles Available: Prepack Options: DHN48-144 Display: 48 Hook Revolving WIRE Counter Unit (Total: 144 Diamond Heart Necklaces) 26 Variety 18 Initials DHN160-480 Display: 160 Hook Revolving WIRE Floorstand (Total: 480 Diamond Heart Necklaces) 26 Variety 18 Initials 102 Female DHNW160-480 Display: 160 Hook Revolving WOOD Floorstand (Total: 480 Diamond Heart Necklaces) 26 Variety 18 Initials 102 Female DISPLAY INFORMATION Display Type Display Code Wire Counter Unit COST INFORMATION # of Pcs Product Cost Display Cost Total Cost 22 $324.00 $100.00 $424.00 480 39 $1,080.00 $175.00 $1,255.00 480 89 $1,080.00 $400.00 $1,480.00 Buy Free DHN48-144 144 Wire Floorstand DHN160-480 Wood Floorstand DHNW160-480 776 I.D. “Dog” Tags 4 GEMSTONE PRE PACKS 860 CRYSTAL GARDEN PACK PK04-48 $1.00 each 48 pieces $48.00 display Product UPC : 0 44046 26424 8 ROCK BOX PACK PK06-36 PYRITE NUGGETS PK149-36 GEMSTONE SELECTION BOX PK157-12 WISHING MARBLE STONE PK199-50 $2.50 each 36 pieces $90.00 display $1.50 each 36 pieces $54.00 display $3.50 each 12 pieces $42.00 display $.90 each 50 pieces $45.00 display Product UPC : 0 44046 24895 8 Product UPC : 0 44046 26425 5 Product UPC : 0 44046 26426 2 Product UPC : 0 44046 24900 9 LOVE STONES PK202-24 $2.50 each 24 pieces $60.00 display Product UPC : 0 44046 26428 6 PK203-24 DREAM STONES PK206-24 PURE ENERGY GEODES $3.00 each 24 pieces $72.00 display $1.75 each 24 pieces $42.00 display Product UPC : 0 44046 26429 3 Product UPC : 0 44046 26431 6 FOSSIL SHARK TOOTH PENDANT MEDIUM BOX PK209-18 FOSSIL PENDANTS PK211-18 $2.50 each 18 pieces $45.00 display $3.00 each 18 pieces $54.00 display Product UPC : 0 44046 26438 5 Product UPC : 0 44046 26440 8 FOSSILS IN MAGNIFIER BOX PK213-50 $2.50 each 50 pieces $125.00 display Product UPC : 0 44046 26437 8 5 CHAKRA STONES PK207-24 $1.75 each 24 pieces $42.00 display Product UPC : 0 44046 26432 3 FOSSIL SHARK TOOTH PENDANT SMALL BOX PK208-90 $1.50 each 90 pieces $135.00 display Product UPC : 0 44046 26439 2 NATURAL QUARTZ GEODES PK214S40 SHELL BOX PK219A27 $1.50 each 40 pieces $60.00 display $1.50 each 27 pieces $40.50 display Product UPC : 0 44046 26444 6 Product UPC : 0 44046 24891 0 GEMSTONE PRE PACKS GEMSTONE PENDANTS ASSORTED SHAPES PK220-90 $1.00 each 90 pieces $90.00 display Product UPC : 0 44046 26427 9 TREES - MINI GEMSTONE PK228-32 ANIMAL STONES PK230-36 $2.50 each 32 pieces $80.00 display $2.50 each 36 pieces $90.00 display Product UPC : 0 44046 26434 7 Product UPC : 0 44046 26433 0 PK258S32 SEVEN MOOD PENDANTS PK256-12 RAINBOW GEODES $6.00 each 12 pieces $72.00 display $1.75 each 32 pieces $56.00 display Product UPC : 0 44046 24899 6 Product UPC : 0 44046 26443 9 PK262-90 GEM FUN BUGS $1.50 each 90 pieces $135.00 display Product UPC : 0 44046 26442 2 FOSSIL FUN MINIATURES PK263-90 AURA CRYSTAL PENDANTS PK264-18 $1.50 each 90 pieces $135.00 display $4.00 each 18 pieces $72.00 display Product UPC : 0 44046 26441 5 Product UPC : 0 44046 24896 5 REAL GEMSTONE EARRINGS PK269-60 TREES - PLATED GEMSTONE PK302-32 $1.75 each 60 pieces $105.00 display $3.00 each 32 pieces $96.00 display Product UPC : 0 44046 24897 2 Product UPC : 0 44046 26435 4 TREES - PLATED CRYSTAL PK303-32 $4.00 each 32 pieces $128.00 display Product UPC : 0 44046 26436 1 DIVINE ANGEL PENDANT PK335-36 CRYSTAL FUN BUG PK353-60 $3.00 each 36 pieces $108.00 display $1.75 each 60 pieces $105.00 display Product UPC : 0 44046 24898 9 Product UPC : 0 44046 24889 7 PIRATE CHEST - PYRITE PK354-18 PIRATE CHEST ASSORTED STONES PK357-18 $4.00 each 18 pieces $72.00 display $4.00 each 18 pieces $72.00 display Product UPC : 0 44046 26446 0 Product UPC : 0 44046 26445 3 CAT’S EYE BUG PK368-90 $.75 each 90 pieces $67.50 display Product UPC : 0 44046 24890 3 COLLECTION OF FOSSILS AND MINERALS PK409-10 GEMSTONE BOTTLE PK419-10 $5.75 each 10 pieces $57.50 display $3.00 each 10 pieces $30.00 display Product UPC : 0 44046 24892 7 Product UPC : 0 44046 24893 4 FOOLS GOLD BOTTLE PK420-10 $3.00 each 10 pieces $30.00 display Product UPC : 0 44046 24894 1 6 Gemstone Jewelry Gemstone Jewelry 7 Gemstone Necklaces Gemstone Necklaces UPC: 0 44046 29601 0 Code: GN Cost: $2.50 24 Variety 18 Initials 100 Female Names Styles Available: Prepack Options: 18 Initials GN36-108 Display: 36 Hook Wire Counter Unit (Total: 108 Gemstone Necklaces) GN168-504 Display: 168 Hook Wire revolving Floorstand (Total: 504 Gemstone Necklaces) 24 Variety 18 Initials 100 Female GNW168-504 Display: 168 Hook WOOD revolving Floorstand (Total: 504 Gemstone Necklaces) 24 Variety 18 Initials 100 Female DISPLAY INFORMATION 18 Variety COST INFORMATION # of Pcs Buy Free Product Cost GN36-108 108 15 $270.00 $75.00 $345.00 Wire Floorstand GN168-504 504 35 $1,260.00 $175.00 $1,435.00 WOOD Floorstand GNW168-504 504 80 $1,260.00 $400.00 $1,660.00 Display Type Display Code Wire Counter Unit Display Cost Total Cost 836 Gemstone Bracelets Gemstone Bracelets Code: GBP Personalized Gemstone Bracelets UPC Code: 0 44046 19095 0 Cost: $2.50 Styles Available: 11 Variety 18 Initials 90 Female Names 48 I ♥ Male Prepack Options: GBP36-108 Display: 36 Hook Wire Counter Unit (Total: 108 Gemstone Bracelets) 18 Initials 18 Variety GBP168-504 Display: 168 Hook Wire revolving Floorstand (Total: 504 Gemstone Bracelets) 11 18 90 48 Variety Initials Female I ♥ Male GBPW168-504 Display: 168 Hook WOOD revolving Floorstand (Total: 504 Gemstone Bracelets) 11 18 90 48 Variety Initials Female I ♥ Male DISPLAY INFORMATION 108 802 8 Display Type Display Code Wire Counter Unit COST INFORMATION # of Pcs Product Cost Display Cost Total Cost Buy Free GBP36-108 108 15 $270.00 $75.00 $345.00 Wire Floorstand GBP168-504 504 35 $1,260.00 $175.00 $1,435.00 Wood Floorstand GBPW168-504 504 80 $1,260.00 $400.00 $1,660.00 Personalized Mood Rings Personalized Mood Rings Code: MR Mood Rings Styles Available: Cost: UPC Code: 044046 19093 6 33 Variety 140 Female Names $2.00 Prepack Options: MR36-108 Display: 36 Hook Wire Counter Unit (Total: 108 Mood Rings) 33 Variety MR112-336 Display: 112 Hook Wire Counter Unit (Total: 336 Mood Rings) 12 Variety 100 Female MR176-528 Display: 176 Hook Wire Floorstand (Total: 528 Mood Rings) 33 Variety 140 Female MRW176-528 Display: 176 Hook WOOD Floorstand (Total: 528 Mood Rings) 33 Variety 140 Female DISPLAY INFORMATION MR36-108 108 15 $216.00 $75.00 $291.00 MR112-336 336 19 $672.00 $100.00 $772.00 MR176-528 528 44 $1,056.00 $175.00 $1,231.00 MRW176-528 528 100 $1,056.00 $400.00 $1,456.00 809 Day I Was Born Key Rings 9 Total Cost Free Wire Counter Unit Wood Floorstand Display Cost Buy Display Code Wire Counter Unit Wire Floorstand COST INFORMATION # of Pcs Product Cost Display Type Diamond Cut Heart Key Rings DIAMOND CUT HEART KEY RINGS UPC Code: 0 44046 22266 8 Code: DHKR Cost: $2.00 18 Initials 28 Variety 102 Female Names Styles Available: Prepack Options: DHKR36-144 Display: 36 Hook Revolving WIRE counter unit (Total: 144 Diamond Cut Heart Key Rings) 18 Initials 18 Variety DHKR48-144 Display: 48 Hook Revolving WIRE counter unit (Total: 144 Diamond Cut Heart Key Rings) 18 Initials 28 Variety DHKR160-480 Display: 160 Hook Revolving WOOD floorstand (Total: 480 Diamond Cut Heart Key Rings) 18 Initials 28 Variety 102 Female DHKRW168-504 Display: 168 Hook Revolving WOOD floorstand (Total: 504 Diamond Cut Heart Key Rings) 18 Initials 28 Variety 102 Female DISPLAY INFORMATION Display Type Display Code Wire Counter Unit COST INFORMATION # of Pcs Product Cost Display Cost Total Cost Buy Free DHKR36-144 144 15 $288.00 $75.00 $363.00 Wire Counter Unit DHKR48-144 144 15 $288.00 $75.00 $363.00 Wire Floorstand DHKR160-480 480 35 $960.00 $175.00 $1,135.00 Wood Floorstand DHKRW168-504 504 80 $1,008.00 $400.00 $1,408.00 851 Fashion FASHIONFun FUN Key KEY Rings RINGS UPC Code: 0 44046 30051 9 Code: FAFKR Cost: $2.25 18 24 72 42 Styles Available: Initials Variety Female Names Male Names Prepack Options: FAFKR36-144 Display: 36 Hook Revolving WIRE counter unit (Total: 144 Fashion Fun Key Rings) 18 Variety 18 Initials FAFKR160-480 Display: 160 Hook Revolving WIRE floorstand (Total: 480 Fashion Fun Key Rings) 18 24 72 42 DISPLAY INFORMATION 863 10 Initials Variety Female Male COST INFORMATION # of Pcs Buy Free Product Cost FAFKR36-144 144 14 $324.00 $75.00 $399.00 FAFKR160-480 480 35 $1,080.00 $175.00 $1,255.00 Display Type Display Code Wire Counter Unit Wire Floorstand Display Cost Total Cost Flip Rings FLIPFlop FLOP Key KEY RINGS Code: FFKR UPC Code: 0 44046 06800 6 Cost: $2.20 36 Variety 96 Female Names 60 I ♥ Male Names Styles Available: Prepack Options: FFKR36-144 Display: 36 Hook Revolving WIRE counter unit (Total: 144 Flip Flop Key Rings) 36 FFKR192-576 Display: 192 Hook Revolving WIRE floorstand (Total: 576 Flip Flop Key Rings) 36 Variety 96 Female 60 I ♥ Male FFKRW192-576 Display: 192 Hook Revolving WOOD floorstand (Total: 576 Flip Flop Key Rings) Variety 36 Variety 96 Female 60 I ♥ Male FFC384-1152 Display: 384 Hook Combination WIRE floorstand (Total: 576 Flip Flop Key Rings and 576 Zipper Pulls FFCW320-960 Display: 320 Hook Combination WOOD floorstand (Total: 480 Flip Flop Key Rings and * Available but not shown 480 Zipper Pulls 36 Variety 96 Female 60 I ♥ Male 36 Variety 72 Female 52 I ♥ Male All 8 sided wood displays can be converted for this assortment COST INFORMATION DISPLAY INFORMATION Wire Counter Unit Wire Floorstand 850 Product Cost Display Cost Total Cost FFKR36-144 144 15 $316.80 $75.00 $391.80 Display Code Display Type 19 1/4 # of Pcs Buy Free FFKR192-576 576 35 $1,267.20 $175.00 $1,442.20 Wood Floorstand FFKRW192-576 576 80 $1,267.20 $400.00 $1,667.20 Combo Wire Floorstand FFC384-1152 1152 50 $2,044.80 $250.00 $2,294.80 Combo WOOD Floorstand FFCW320-960 960 80 $1,704.00 $400.00 $2,104.00 FLIP FlipFLOP FlopZIPPER ZipperPULLS Pulls Code: FFZP UPC Code: 0 44046 06801 3 Cost: $1.35 36 Variety 96 Female Names 60 I ♥ Male Names Styles Available: Prepack Options: FFZP192-576 Display: 192 Hook Revolving WIRE counter unit (Total: 576 Flip Flop Zipper Pulls) 36 Variety 96 Female 60 I ♥ Male FFZPF192-576 Display: 192 Hook Revolving WIRE floorstand (Total: 576 Flip Flop Zipper Pulls) 36 Variety 96 Female 60 I ♥ Male FFC384-1152 Display: 384 Hook Combination WIRE floorstand (Total: 576 Flip Flop Key Rings and 576 Zipper Pulls 36 Variety 96 Female 60 I ♥ Male FFCW320-960 Display: 320 Hook Combination WOOD floorstand (Total: 480 Flip Flop Key Rings and * Available but not shown 480 Zipper Pulls 36 Variety 72 Female 52 I ♥ Male All 8 sided wood displays can be converted for this assortment COST INFORMATION DISPLAY INFORMATION Display Type Wire Counter Unit Wire Floorstand 11 Display Code # of Pcs Buy Free Product Cost Display Cost Total Cost FFZP192-576 576 30 $777.60 $90.00 $867.60 FFZPF192-576 576 50 $777.60 $150.00 $927.60 Combo Wire Floorstand FFC384-1152 1152 50 $2,044.80 $250.00 $2,294.80 Combo WOOD Floorstand FFCW320-960 960 80 $1,704.00 $400.00 $2,104.00 Freaky Feet FREAKY FEETKey KEY Rings RINGS Code: KRF UPC Code: 0 44046 28102 3 Cost: $2.00 18 30 96 48 Styles Available: Initials Variety Female Names Male Names Prepack Options: KRF36-144 Display: 36 Hook Revolving WIRE counter unit (Total: 144 Freaky Feet Key Rings) 18 Variety 18 Initials KRF192-576 Display: 192 Hook Revolving WIRE floorstand (Total: 576 Freaky Feet Key Rings) 18 30 96 48 DISPLAY INFORMATION Initials Variety Female Male COST INFORMATION # of Pcs Buy Free Product Cost Display Cost Total Cost KRF36-144 144 18 $288.00 $75.00 $363.00 KRF192-576 576 50 $1,152.00 $200.00 $1,352.00 Display Type Display Code Wire Counter Unit Wire Floorstand 849 Galaxy Key Rings GALAXY KEY RINGS Code: GAKR UPC Code: 0 44046 02734 8 Cost: $2.20 18 48 86 64 Styles Available: Initials Variety Female Names Male Names Prepack Options: Option A: GAKR36-144 Display: 36 Hook Revolving WIRE counter unit (Total: 144 Galaxy Key Rings) 36 Variety Option B: 18 Initials 18 Variety GAKR216-648 Display: 216 Hook Revolving WIRE floorstand (Total: 648 Galaxy Key Rings) 18 48 86 64 Initials Variety Female Male GAKRW216-648 Display: 216 Hook Revolving WOOD floorstand (Total: 648 Galaxy Key Rings) 18 48 86 64 Initials Variety Female Male DISPLAY INFORMATION 852 12 Display Type Display Code Wire Counter Unit COST INFORMATION # of Pcs Product Cost Display Cost Total Cost Buy Free GAKR36-144 144 15 $316.80 $75.00 $391.80 Wire Floorstand GAKR216-648 648 30 $1,425.60 $150.00 $1,575.60 Wood Floorstand GAKRW216-648 648 80 $1,425.60 $400.00 $1,825.60 GLOW KEY Rings RINGS Glow IN in THE the DARK Dark Key UPC Code: 0 44046 25498 0 Code: GKR Cost: $2.00 18 Initials 30 Variety 102 Female Names Styles Available: Prepack Options: GKR36-144 Display: 36 Hook Revolving WIRE counter unit (Total: 144 Glow in the Dark Key Rings) 18 Variety 18 Initials GKR160-480 Display: 160 Hook Revolving WIRE floorstand (Total: 480 Glow in the Dark Key Rings) 18 Initials 30 Variety 102 Female DISPLAY INFORMATION 12 12 COST INFORMATION # of Pcs Buy Free Product Cost Display Cost Total Cost GKR36-144 144 18 $288.00 $75.00 $363.00 GKR160-480 480 43 $960.00 $175.00 $1,135.00 Display Type Display Code Wire Counter Unit Wire Floorstand 19 1/4 848 InitiallyFOR ForYOU YouKEY KeyRINGS Rings INITIALLY Code: AKR Initially For You Key Rings UPC Code: 0 44046 25493 5 Cost: $3.25 Styles Available: 76 Styles - 19 Initials each: Love/Red Friendship/Purple Hope/Pink Faith/Blue Prepack Options: AKR24-72 Display: 24 Hook Wire Revolving Counter Unit (Total: 72 Initially For You Key Rings) * Must specify style 18 Initials AKR84-252 Display: 84 Hook Wire Revolving Floorstand (Total: 252 Initially For You Key Rings) *Assorted 1 style per side 19 Initials DISPLAY INFORMATION 813 13 COST INFORMATION # of Pcs Buy Free Product Cost Display Cost Total Cost AKR24-72 72 10 $234.00 $75.00 $309.00 AKR84-252 252 21 $819.00 $150.00 $969.00 Display Type Display Code Wire Counter Unit Wire Floorstand PICTURE KEY RINGS Picture PERFECT Perfect Key Rings UPC Code: 0 44046 29851 9 Code: PPKR Cost: $2.25 18 29 78 60 Styles Available: Initials Variety Female Names Male Names Prepack Options: PPKR192-576 Display: 192 Hook Revolving WIRE floorstand (Total: 576 Picture Perfect Key Rings) 18 29 78 60 Initials Variety Female Male PPKRW192-576 Display: 192 Hook Revolving WOOD floorstand (Total: 576 Picture Perfect Key Rings) 18 29 78 60 Initials Variety Female Male PPKRW216-648 Display: 216 Hook Revolving WOOD floorstand 18 Initials (Total: 648 Picture Perfect Key Rings) 29 Variety 78 Female 60 Male DISPLAY INFORMATION COST INFORMATION # of Pcs Buy Free Product Cost PPKR192-576 576 35 $1,296.00 $175.00 $1,471.00 Wood Floorstand PPKRW192-576 576 80 $1,296.00 $400.00 $1,696.00 Wood Floorstand PPKRW216-648 648 80 $1,458.00 $400.00 $1,858.00 Display Type Display Code Wire Floorstand Display Cost Total Cost 842 Teddy KeyRINGS Rings TEDDY Bear BEAR Tail TAIL Light LIGHT KEY UPC Code: 0 44046 27601 2 Code: TTL BLACK - Teddy Bear Tail Light Key Rings TTLM MULTI - Teddy Bear Tail Light Key Rings Cost: $3.00 13 Variety, Styles Available: 76 Femal Names, 60 Male Names Prepack Options: * TTL24-72 Display: 24 Hook Wire Counter Unit (Total: 72 Teddy Bear Key Rings) 13 Variety TTL168-504 Display: 168 Hook Wire Revolving Floorstand (Total: 504 Teddy Bear Key Rings) 13 Variety 76 Female 60 Males * TTLW168-504 Display: 168 Hook WOOD Revolving Floorstand (Total: 504 Teddy Bear Key Rings) 13 Variety 76 Female 60 Males TTLM24-72 Display: 24 Hook Wire Counter Unit (Total: 72 Teddy Bear Key Rings) 13 Variety TTLM168-504 Display: 168 Hook Wire Revolving Floorstand (Total: 504 Teddy Bear Key Rings) 13 Variety 76 Female 60 Males * TTLMW168-504 Display: 168 Hook WOOD Revolving Floorstand (Total: 504 Teddy Bear Key Rings) 13 Variety 76 Female 60 Males * Available but not shown DISPLAY INFORMATION 14 Display Type Display Code Wire Counter Unit Wire Floorstand Wood Floorstand Wire Counter Unit Wire Floorstand Wood Floorstand COST INFORMATION # of Pcs Product Cost Display Cost Total Cost Buy Free TTL24-72 72 12 $216.00 $75.00 $291.00 TTL168-504 504 29 $1,512.00 $175.00 $1,687.00 TTLW168-504 504 66 $1,512.00 $400.00 $1,912.00 TTLM24-72 72 12 $216.00 $75.00 $291.00 TTLM168-504 504 29 $1,512.00 $175.00 $1,687.00 TTLMW168-504 504 66 $1,512.00 $400.00 $1,912.00 MAGNETIC MagneticCOLLECTION Collection UPC Code: 0 44046 00582 7 Code: MC Cost: $2.50 Assortments Available: Variety Critter Sitters My Best Friend (Dog) Wildlife Birthstone Angels Halloween Christmas Zodiac SEE MAGNETS MASTER CATALOG TO VIEW OVER 200 STYLES DISPLAY INFORMATION COST INFORMATION # of Pcs Buy Free Product Cost MC-48 48 10 $120.00 $50.00 $170.00 Sidekick SK-72 72 7 $180.00 $36.00 $216.00 Floorstand MC-288 288 50 $720.00 $250.00 $970.00 Display Type Display Code Magnetic Counter Unit Display Cost Total Cost 843 SouvenirMAGNETIC Magnetic COLLECTION Collection SOUVENIR Non-Breakable - Flexible Souvenir Magnet Collection Code: LSMC $2.50 ea. 100 pcs. MINIMUM ORDER ASSORTED. ONE COLOR IMPRINT - BLACK 837 15 UPC Code: 0 44046 03507 7 DOOR HANGERS Door Hangers Code: DH UPC Code: 0 44046 22637 6 Cost: $2.00 10 Variety 65 Female Names 65 Male Names Styles Available: Prepack Options: Display: 140 Hook Revolving WIRE floorstand (Total: 420 Door Hangers) DH140-420 DISPLAY INFORMATION Display Type Display Code Wire Floorstand DH140-420 10 Variety 65 Female 65 Male COST INFORMATION # of Pcs Buy Free Product Cost 420 44 $840.00 Display Cost Total Cost $175.00 $1,015.00 845 Jewelled Hair Brushes Jewelled Hair Brushes Code: JHB Jewelled Hair Brushes UPC Code: 0 44046 25496 6 Cost: $3.50 Styles Available: 12 Variety 18 Initials 66 Female Names Prepack Options: JHB36-108 Display: 36 Hook Wire Counter Unit (Total: 108 Jewelled Hair Brushes) 12 Variety 18 Initials JHB96-288 Display: 96 Hook Wire Revolving Floorstand (Total: 288 Jewelled Hair Brushes) 12 Variety 18 Initials 66 Female DISPLAY INFORMATION 789 16 COST INFORMATION # of Pcs Buy Free Product Cost JHB36-108 108 9 $378.00 $75.00 $453.00 JHB96-288 288 25 $1,008.00 $175.00 $1,183.00 Display Type Display Code Wire Counter Unit Wire Floorstand Display Cost Total Cost SQUARELollipop LOLLIPOP Bombs BOMBS Square Code: BSL Square Lollipop Bombs Styles Available: Cost: 10 Flavors $0.38 UPC Codes: Banana Bombs Fruit Punch Bombs Green Apple Bombs Honey Bee Squares Huckleberry Bombs UPC Codes: Prickly Pear Bombs Raspberry Lemonade Bombs Red Hot Cinnamon Bombs Vanilla Caramel Mocha Bombs Watermelon Bombs 0 44046 25782 0 0 44046 26141 4 0 44046 25786 8 0 44046 25790 5 0 44046 25788 2 DISPLAY INFORMATION 0 44046 26140 7 0 44046 26138 4 0 44046 25792 9 0 44046 26139 1 0 44046 25784 4 COST INFORMATION # of Pcs Display Type Display Code Buy Free Counter Tub BSL 100 Wire Counter Display B-6 1 Product Cost Display Cost Total Cost 0 $38.00 $0.00 $38.00 na $0.00 FREE Free with order of 6 tubs 100 pieces per Tub Must indicate flavors on your orders. FREE wire counter display with an order of 6 Tubs! No additional cost for custom labels. Must indicate custom information and flavors on your orders for custom labels. 846 PERSONALIZED PLACEMATS Personalized Placemats Code: PPMC Cars - Male Names Only UPC Code: 0 44046 22276 7 Blocks - Female Names Only PPMK PPMPIR2 Pirates - Male Names Only 0 44046 22275 0 0 44046 12871 7 Princess - Female Names Only PPMPR2 0 44046 12870 0 Cost: $2.50 16 Variety 76 Female Names 68 Male Names Styles Available: Prepack Options: Display: PPMK/PPMC 160-480 Display: 160 facings WIRE floorstand (Total: 480 Placemats) Display: PPMPIR2/PPMPR2 160-480 Display: 160 facings WIRE floorstand (Total: 480 Placemats) 76 7 1 68 7 1 Blocks Female Blocks Female Variety Blocks Female Blank Cars Male Cars Male Variety Cars Male Blank 76 7 1 68 7 Princess Female Princess Female Variety Princess Female Blank Pirate Male Pirate Male Variety 1 Pirate Male Blank FREE GOODS ON DISPLAY NO OVERSTOCK DISPLAY INFORMATION 854 17 COST INFORMATION # of Pcs Buy Free Product Cost PPMK/PPMC 160-480 480 60 $1,200.00 $300.00 $1,500.00 PPMPIR2/PPMPR2 160-480 480 60 $1,200.00 $300.00 $1,500.00 Display Type Display Code Wire Floorstand Wire Floorstand Display Cost Total Cost Lil Lil Sheriff SheriffBadges Badges PSB Code: Personalized Sheriff Badges Styles Available: UPC Code: 044046 01111 8 7 Variety 77 Male Names $2.10 Cost: Prepack Options: PSB8-24 Display: 8 Hook Wire Counter Unit (Total: 24 Sheriff Badges) PBS88-264 Display: 88 Hook WIRE revolving Floorstand (Total: 264 Sheriff Badges) 6 Variety 1 Blank 77 Male PBSW88-264 Display: 88 Hook WOOD revolving Floorstand (Total: 264 Sheriff Badges) 6 Variety 1 Blank 77 Male DISPLAY INFORMATION COST INFORMATION # of Pcs Display Cost Total Cost Buy Free Product Cost PSB8-24 24 3 $50.40 $16.00 $66.40 PBS88-264 264 30 $554.40 $150.00 $704.40 PBSW88-264 264 55 $554.40 $275.00 $829.40 Display Type Display Code Wire Counter Unit Wire Floorstand Wood Floorstand 6 Variety 1 Blank WALLETS Wallets UPC Code: 0 44046 30451 7 Code: WA Cost: $4.50 Styles Available: 18 24 62 40 Initials Variety Female Names Male Names Prepack Options: WA36-108 Display: 36 Hook Revolving WIRE counter unit (Total: 108 Wallets) 18 Variety 18 Initials WA144-432 Display: 144 Hook Revolving WIRE floorstand (Total: 432 Wallets) 18 24 62 40 DISPLAY INFORMATION 864 18 Initials Variety Female Male COST INFORMATION # of Pcs Buy Free Product Cost WA36-108 108 7 $486.00 $75.00 $561.00 WA144-432 432 18 $1,944.00 $175.00 $2,119.00 Display Type Display Code Wire Counter Unit Wire Floorstand Display Cost Total Cost Personalized Mugs PERSONALIZED MUGS Code: PMF PMPI PMP Forest Pirate - Male Names Only Princess - Female Names Only PMF: 0 44046 13892 1 PMPI: 0 44046 13893 8 PMP: 0 44046 13894 5 Cost: $4.50 10 Variety 67 Female Names 47 Male Names Styles Available: Prepack Options: PMPI/PMP 132-396 Display: 132 facings revolving WIRE floorstand (Total: 396 Mugs) 67 Princess Names (double on 3) 5 Princess Variety (double on 1) 47 Pirate Names (double on 3) 6 Pirate Variety PM132-396 Display: 132 facings revolving WIRE floorstand (Total: 396 Mugs) 67 Female Names (double on 3) 47 Male Names (double on 3) 10 Variety (double on 3) DISPLAY INFORMATION COST INFORMATION # of Pcs Buy Free Product Cost Display Cost Total Cost PMPI/PMP 132-396 361 38 $1,624.50 $350.00 $1,974.50 PM132-396 361 38 $1,624.50 $350.00 $1,974.50 Display Type Display Code Wire Floorstand Wire Floorstand 855 ANGEL ORNAMENTS AngelTINY TinyTREASURES Treasures Ornaments Code: MAO UPC Code: 0 44046 02496 5 Cost: $1.35 Styles Available: 33 Variety 100 Female Names 50 Male Names Prepack Options: MAO32-144 Display: 32 Hook Revolving WIRE counter unit (Total: 144 Angel Ornaments - Asst. Variety & Blanks) MAO200-600 Display: 200 Hook Revolving WIRE floorstand (Total: 600 Angel Ornaments) DISPLAY INFORMATION 861 19 33 Variety 100 Female 50 Male COST INFORMATION # of Pcs Buy Free Product Cost MAO32-144 144 12 $194.40 $36.00 $230.40 MAO200-600 600 50 $810.00 $200.00 $1,010.00 Display Type Display Code Wire Counter Unit Wire Floorstand Display Cost Total Cost JingleBELL Bell ORNAMENTS Ornaments JINGLE Code: JBO Cost: UPC Code: 0 44046 25693 9 $2.50 21 Variety 78 Female Names 54 Male Names Styles Available: Prepack Options: JBO176-528 Display: 200 Hook Revolving WIRE floorstand (Total: 600 Angel Ornaments) DISPLAY INFORMATION Display Type Display Code Wire Floorstand JBO176-528 21 Variety 78 Female 54 Male COST INFORMATION # of Pcs Buy Free Product Cost 528 40 $1,320.00 Display Cost Total Cost $230.00 $1,550.00 835 NUTRACKER ORNAMENTS Nutcracker Ornaments UPC Code: 0 44046 29401 6 Code: NO Cost: $2.50 Styles Available: 21 Variety 78 Female Names 54 Male Names Prepack Options: NO32-144 Display: 32 Hook Revolving WIRE counter unit (Total: 144 Nutcracker Ornaments - Asst. Variety NO200-600 Display: 200 Hook Revolving WIRE floorstand (Total: 600 Nutcracker Ornaments) DISPLAY INFORMATION 844 20 21 Variety 78 Female 54 Male COST INFORMATION # of Pcs Buy Free Product Cost Display Cost Total Cost NO32-144 144 8 $360.00 $36.00 $396.00 NO200-600 600 40 $1,500.00 $200.00 $1,700.00 Display Type Display Code Wire Counter Unit Wire Floorstand Message Bears 867 Shot GLASSES Glasses SHOT Code: SG UPC Code: 0 44046 07197 6 Cost: $2.50 Styles Available: 32 Variety (17 comical styles, 15 realistic styles) Prepack Options: SG-48 Display: Acrylic Counter Unit (Total: 48 Shot Glasses) SG-84 Display: Black Wood Counter Unit (Total: 84 Shot Glasses) DISPLAY INFORMATION 856 21 COST INFORMATION # of Pcs Buy Free Product Cost SG-48 48 8 $120.00 $40.00 $160.00 SG-84 84 15 $210.00 $75.00 $285.00 Display Type Display Code Acrylic Counter Unit Black Wood Counter Unit Display Cost Total Cost Shot Glasses Hangin’ Out HANGIN' OUT SHOT GLASSES SGHO Hangin' Out Shot Glasses Code: Styles Available: Cost: 24 Variety $2.50 each Minimum: 96 assorted pieces One color black imprint only Order With Name Drop Location Code Description UPC (044046) Code UPC (044046) Description SGHO1. Armadillo 228837 SGHO15. Lobster 228974 SGHO2. Alligator 228844 SGHO16. Longhorn Steer 228981 SGHO3. Bass 228851 SGHO17. Shark 228998 SGHO5. Black Bear 228875 SGHO20. Trout 245964 SGHO6. Cow 228882 SGHO21. Black Lab 226239 SGHO7. Dolphin 228899 SGHO22. Hunter 226246 SGHO8. Deer 228905 SGHO23. Marlin 226253 SGHO9. Hillbilly 228912 SGHO24. Wolf 226260 SGHO10. Horse 228929 SGHO25. Cardinal 226390 SGHO12. Moose 228943 SGHO26. Hummingbird 226406 SGHO13. Pig 228950 SGHO27. Crab 257004 SGHO14. Turtle 228967 SGHO34. Buffalo 250852 LOGOPersonalized PERSONALIZEDFlexible FLEXIBLEKey KEY RINGS PULLS Logo Rings&&ZIPPER Zipper Pulls Code: LPFKR LPZP Logo Personalized Flexible Key Rings UPC Code: 0 44046 03977 8 Logo Personalized Flexible Zipper Pulls UPC Code: 0 44046 03979 2 Cost: $2.40 $1.35 36 Variety 96 Female Names 60 Male Names Styles Available: Prepack Options: SC384-1152 LPFKR192-576 Display: 384 Hook Revolving WIRE floorstand (Total: 576 Logo Personalized Flexible Key Rings & 576 Logo Personalized Flexible Zipper Pulls) 36 Variety 96 Female 60 Male Names Display: 192 Hook Revolving WIRE floorstand (Total: 576 Logo Personalized Flexible Key Rings) 36 Variety 96 Female 60 Male Names COST INFORMATION DISPLAY INFORMATION # of Pcs Buy Free Display Type Display Code Combo Wire Floorstand SC384-1152 1152 Wire Floorstand LPFKR192-576 576 Product Cost Display Cost Total Cost *50 $2,160.00 $250.00 $2,410.00 35 $1,382.40 $175.00 $1,557.40 * Free goods are key rings Mold Charge: Key Ring - $270.00; Zipper Pull - $160.00 866 22 DON'T MISS AN OPPORTUNITY TO SEE OUR LINE OF PRODUCTS AT THE FOLLOWING SHOWROOMS! Sales Organization Area Coverage Diverse Marketing - Dallas World Trade Center Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Arkansas Gib Carson & Associates - Atlanta Gift Mart Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia Kolibaba - Pacific Market Center Washington, Oregon Markwest, Inc. - Umaga Trade Center in Minnetonka, MN Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, South Dakota, North Dakota Rymoor Marketing - Columbus Market Place Ohio, Michigan Salesmark, Inc. - Denver Merchandise Mart Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, North Dakota, South Dakota Show Dates Gift Show Sales Representation January 8 - 15 ATLANTA INTERNATIONAL GIFT & HOME FURNISHINGS MARKET AmericasMart - Atlanta, GA Gib Carson & Assoc. January 4 - 7 PHILADELPHIA GIFT SHOW - Greater Philadelphia Expo Center - Oaks, PA Philip David & Co. January 9 – 11 SURF EXPO – Orange County Convention Center – Orlando, FL Swibco, Inc. January 18 - 21 SEATTLE GIFT SHOW - at the Pacific Market Center - Seattle, WA Kolibaba & Assoc. January 15 - 22 DALLAS TOTAL HOME & GIFT MARKET - Dallas World Trade Center - Dallas, TX Diverse Marketing January 24 -28 MINNEAPOLIS MART GIFT SHOW - Umaga Trade Center, Minnetonka, MN Markwest, Inc. January 31 February 3 CALIFORNIA GIFT SHOW Los Angeles Convention Center - Los Angeles, CA Swibco, Inc. March 18 - 20 MID ATLANTIC GIFT SHOW - Ocean City Convention Center - Ocean City, MD Gib Carson & Assoc. March 14 - 18 MINNEAPOLIS MART GIFT SHOW - Umaga Trade Center - Minnetonka, MN Markwest, Inc. March 23 - 26 BOSTON GIFT SHOW - Boston Convention & Exhibition Center - Boston, MA Swibco, Inc. March 16 - 19 ASD - LAS VEGAS GIFT SHOW - Las Vegas Convention Center - Las Vegas, NV Swibco, Inc. June 18 - 24 DALLAS TOTAL HOME & GIFT MARKET - Dallas World Trade Center - Dallas, TX Diverse Marketing July 8 - 14 ATLANTA INTERNATIONAL GIFT & HOME FURNISHINGS MARKET AmericasMart - Atlanta, GA Gib Carson & Assoc. August 8 - 12 MINNEAPOLIS MART GIFT SHOW - Umaga Trade Center - Minnetonka, MN Markwest, Inc. August 16 - 19 SEATTLE GIFT SHOW - Pacific Market Center - Seattle, WA Kolibaba & Assoc. August 16 - 20 NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL GIFT FAIR Jacob Javits Convention Center - New York, NY Philip David & Co. August 20 - 25 DENVER GIFT, JEWELRY & RESORT SHOW Denver Merchandise Mart - Denver, CO Salesmark, Inc. September 17 - 20 LAS VEGAS SOUVENIR & RESORT GIFT SHOW Las Vegas Convention Center - Las Vegas, NV Swibco, Inc. October 22 - 24 GULF COAST GIFT SHOW – Boardwalk Beach Resort - Panama City, FL Swibco, Inc. November 3 - 6 SMOKY MOUNTAIN GIFT SHOW - Gatlinburg Convention Center - Gatlinburg, TN Swibco, Inc. November 16 -19 MID ATLANTIC GIFT SHOW - OCEAN CITY Ocean City Convention Center - Ocean City, MD Gib Carson Associates December 7 - 10 GRAND STRAND GIFT & RESORT MERCHANDISE Myrtle Beach Convention Center - Myrtle Beach, FL Gib Carson Associates 23 2/14 24
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