Bushline Newsletter - Napier NZDA


Bushline Newsletter - Napier NZDA
January 2014
New Zealand Deerstalkers
Association Inc.
Napier Branch
P O Box 3059
Napier 4142
Ph. 06 843-6322
contents, calendar ................................................................................... 2
presidents report...................................................................................... 3
news in brief ............................................................................................ 4
douglas score training seminar form ....................................................... 5
national newsletter .................................................................................. 6
living the dream ..................................................................................7 - 8
food for thought ....................................................................................... 9
branch officials, meeting times .............................................................. 10
membership benefits, where to find us ................................................. 11
club calendar
20 January
business meeting
27 January
general meeting
3 February
junior meeting
16 February
douglas scoring seminar
17 February
business meeting
23 February
range shoot - poraiti
24 February
general meeting
3 March
junior meeting
27 April
goose shoot
24 May
napier club comp judging
25 May
hawkes bay comp judging
Bushline Newsletter January 2014
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presidents report
NZ Hunter magazine has kindly offered a years subscription for Best
Bushline Newsletter Article. So get your pens to paper and submit an
article or story today. Judged on club judging day.
email bushline@orcon.net.nz or contact Simon Klaus.
Please support the businesses that support your club!
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news in brief
January guest speaker
This coming Monday we have HB Regional Field Advisor Nicola Henderson from
the New Zealand Walking Access Commission coming along to the club to tell us
what's new and happening at the commission and on their website wams.co.nz
Douglas Score training seminar
Our branch is hosting a seminar on February 16th next year for anyone who is
interested in gaining a Douglas Scoring Practicing Certificate. Both level 1 - Introductory and Level 2 revision will be available on the course. The day kicks off at 9
and winds up at 4.30. Contact Murray Shearer on 06-707 7674 for further details.
Membership subscriptions
The new 2014/2015 membership year rolls around on the 1st March. Look for an
invoice from National shortly. If you haven’t received notification by the start of
March please let a club executive know.
Range shoot
Mike tells us the deer targets have been repaired after their mauling at the
Taruarau shoot last year ! So we’re on course for our next range day to be held
on Sunday 23rd February at the Poraiti range. The Wilkinson Postal shoot will be
shot starting with the Junior postal shoot at 9am. This will be followed by a FClass shoot at 200, 300 & 400 metres as well as a junior shoot. Look for the deer
target and flag on the left just past Poraiti Rd turn off on Puketitiri Road.
Remember no dogs and range officers instructions must be followed. Contact
Mike Marston for any further details.
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LTD (aka, Living The Dream)
by Heath Faulknor
With the hypnotising lessons going well I thought I’d try my luck
with the wife on some upcoming hunting trips, Paul McKenna
knows his stuff and I soon had 2 dates booked into the calendar at
home as proof.
The first trip was the
clubs annual spring
fly in which saw
Chris Hunt and me
spending 6 days with
wet boots in the
Harkness. The 308
bushpig turned into a
walking stick for me
on this trip but Chris
showed his shooting
skills in getting 3 sika on the deck and
back to the meat
My second trip in
December was with
Kevin Hall into Manson hut for 4 nights. No wet boots on this trip just some Everest
summit type retrievals, where’s a Sherpa when you need one (or
maybe I was Kevin’s Sherpa Tenzing for the trip??). For this trip I
swapped the 308 for Ross’s 6.5wsm, this stretched my shooting
range and I promptly had 2 deer safely fleeing back into the beech.
Luckily my hunting companion again stepped up and we had 3 sika
back in the meat safe.
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LTD (continued)
I’m aiming for 3 from 3 so if any
club members are after a companion for an upcoming hunt let
me know, the TAB is showing
good odds on you getting 3
sika in the meat safe!!
On Both trips we used Chris
Crosse at East Kaweka Helicopters who is an excellent operator and I would highly recommend him for any members
who haven’t used his services
That’s it from me the phone is
ringing, must be club member
after 3 sika!!
Bushline Newsletter January 2014
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food for thought
Step 1. Marinating the goat meat
1kg goat meat (cubed)
2 tsp garlic (minced) , 3 tsp ginger (minced), 2 - 3 fresh green chillies (minced)
1/2 tsp chili powder, 1 1/2 tsp turmeric, 3 tsp ground coriander,
2 tsp ground cumin powder, 1 tsp garam masala, 2 tsp salt
In a bowl, add the diced goat meat. Add the garlic ginger and chili. Mix through the
meat then add the spices and mix again. Refrigerate for a few hours or over night.
Step 2. Cooking the Goat Curry
1/3 cup cooking oil
6 cloves, 2 star anise, 1 cinnamon stick
6 cardamom pods, 30 curry leaves (optional)
2 onions (diced)
Marinated goat meat
1 can whole peeled tomatoes (crushed)
1 can coconut cream, 2 Tbl tomato paste, 500gm potatoes (peeled, large dice)
1 bunch fresh coriander (rough chopped)
Salt and pepper
In a large saucepan, add the oil and brown off meat and soften onion. Add everything into the crockpot and cook on medium for around 6-8 hours or until meat is
tender and potatoes are cooked through. You may wish to put the cloves, star anise, cinnamon stick, cardamom pods and curry leaves in a bouquet garni to make
removal easy should you wish to.
Stir through the fresh coriander, check seasoning and serve with rice.
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branch officials 2013-2014
meeting times
general meeting night - last Monday of every month, 7.30pm
business meeting - second to last Monday of every month
junior meeting night - first Monday of every month
club rooms - 29 Thorn Place, Onekawa, Napier. Ph: 843 6322
Bushline Newsletter January 2014
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membership benefits
Regular club hunting trips
Organized range shoots
Monthly newsletter
Monthly social meeting
Junior hunters section
$10 million liability insurance
30% Discount on DOC Annual Hut
Member only discounts from various retailers
Free NZ Hunting & Wildlife magazine subscription
Trophy, photographic, shooting,
and literature competitions
Politically active in promoting hunting
Close ties with other clubs and
Affiliation to the NZDA national
body and COLFO
Search & Rescue teams
Hunter training program
Many other hunting related
where to find us
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Rush me to: