FISHER CONTAINTER–PRELIMINARY PLAN FOR BUILDING AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS, 1111 BUSCH PKWY TO BE PUBLISHED March 4, 2014 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE Fifty Raupp Blvd Buffalo Grove, IL 60089-2100 Phone 847-459-2525 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by the Buffalo Grove Plan Commission on Wednesday, March 19, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Buffalo Grove Municipal Building, 50 Raupp Boulevard, Buffalo Grove, IL concerning the following matter: SUBJECT: Petition to the Village of Buffalo Grove for approval of a Preliminary Plan with the following variations of the Village Development Ordinance: Section 16.50.040.C.4 – to allow a retaining wall instead of a standard side slope for the stormwater retention pond; and Section 16.50.150.B.4. – to waive the requirement for a landscape island of 180 square feet for a new parking area of twenty-one (21) spaces. The petitioner proposes to construct a building addition of 10,538 square feet and a new parking area with 21 off-street parking spaces, and to modify the stormwater pond serving the property. PETITIONER: Donald E. Fisher Fisher Container Corp 1111 Busch Parkway Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 SUBJECT PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 18 through 24, in Corporate Grove, being a subdivision of portions of Sections 26 and 27, Township 43 North, Range 11 East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Lake County, Illinois. SUBJECT PROPERTY COMMON DESCRIPTION: 1111 Busch Parkway, Buffalo Grove, IL Documents submitted by the petitioner for the public hearing concerning this petition are on file with the Village Clerk and the Division of Planning Services, 50 Raupp Boulevard, and may be examined by any interested persons. Anyone with questions concerning the hearing may contact Robert Pfeil, Village Planner, 847-459-2525. All persons present at the public hearing will be given the opportunity to be heard. Dated this 27th day of February, 2014. Eric Smith, Chair Buffalo Grove Plan Commission VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE TO: Plan Commission FROM: Robert E. Pfeil, Village Planner DATE: March 14, 2014 SUBJECT: Fisher Container, 1111 Busch Parkway – Approval of a Preliminary Plan with variations of the Village Development Ordinance – Public Hearing Don Fisher of Fisher Container proposes to construct a building addition in the southwest corner of the property and a new parking area on the east side of the site. To accommodate the new parking area and the driveway to Busch Parkway, modifications to the stormwater pond on the east portion of the property will be needed. The modifications to the pond area would include a retaining wall along the east side of the parking area and driveway. The retaining wall does not meet the side slope standards of the Village Development Ordinance, so a variation is requested. A similar retaining wall was approved by variation and constructed adjacent to the pond west of the medical office building at 1450 Busch Parkway. The petitioner’s civil engineer will review the proposed stormwater plan at the public hearing. The new parking lot on the east side of the site is designed for 21 off-street spaces. The Development Ordinance requires a landscaped island of 180 sq. ft. for every 20 parking spaces. A variation is requested to waive the requirement for the landscaped island. At the public hearing the petitioner should review the landscaping on the property and enhancements that are planned. The proposed building addition (10,538 sq. ft.) will provide additional warehouse space. The addition will occupy a portion of the current parking area on the west side of the property. The addition will be approximately 24 feet in height, which is consistent with the existing warehouse portion of the building. The following items are attached: 1. 2. 3. 4. Location map and aerial photo of site Development Ordinance sections 16.50.040.C. and 16.50.150.B.4. Petition for Concept & Preliminary Plan Review dated February 14, 2014 Proposed plans including Preliminary Site Plan – Option 2 dated 12/23/2013 by Manhard Consulting, and site plan and building addition plans dated 3/8/2014 by Flex Construction ROBERT E PFEIL, Village Planner cc: Don Fisher Fran Fazio 1111 BUSCH PKWY 2012 Aerial Imagery Source: Lake County GIS Buffalo Grove Development Ordinance 16.50.040 Stormwater detention facilities. C. Basic Design Standards. 4. Permanent ponds shall be designed in accordance with Exhibit No. 209. Ponds shall have a two foot horizontal to one foot vertical side slope from a point one and onehalf feet above normal water level, down to a point three feet below normal water level. This two-to-one sloped area shall be covered with a layer of natural stones, with a minimum diameter of eighteen inches. A diameter of less than eighteen inches may be approved by the Corporate Authorities. The surface of the stones on the two-toone slope shall be arranged in such a manner so as to enable a person to climb out of the pond over the stones. The use of "North American Green C350 Erosion Control/Turf Reinforcement Mat" or equal may also be used when approved by the Corporate Authorities. When this reinforcement mat is used, the pond shall have a five foot horizontal to a one foot vertical side slope from a point one and one-half feet above normal water level, down to the normal water level. The area between the top of the two-to-one or five-to-one slope and the high water level must be protected by sodding in order to prevent soil erosion. The first twelve feet of the sodded area at the top of the two-to-one or five-to-one slope shall be sloped at two percent towards the pond. At the toe of the two-to-one slope, a twelve foot wide safety ledge sloped toward the shore at four percent shall be provided. Beyond the safety ledge, the pond bottom shall slope at two horizontal to one vertical down to the pond bottom elevation. The minimum pond bottom elevation shall be fifteen feet below normal water level. Points of inflow to the pond shall be accessible to construction equipment for dredging as necessary. If retention facilities are designated for recreational purposes, appropriate consideration shall be reflected in the design for maintenance of fish life, boating, and safety. All ponds shall be provided with aeration equipment. Aeration facilities to prevent pond stagnation and promote water quality will be provided. Design calculations to demonstrate the effectiveness of these aeration facilities will be submitted. 16.50.150 Parking lots. B. Design. 4. Landscaping Islands. A landscaped island of a minimum size of one hundred eighty square feet shall be provided for every twenty parking spaces. In open parking areas larger than four, but smaller than twenty spaces, proportional amounts of landscaping area within the parking facility shall be provided as approved by the Village Forester. Design of the island shall be approved by the Village Engineer. PROJ. MGR.: PROJ. ASSOC.: DRAWN BY: DATE: SCALE: SHEET OF PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN - OPTION 2 1111 BUSCH PARKWAY - BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS PROPOSED FISHER CONTAINER BUILDING ADDITION DATE REVISIONS DRAWN BY
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