What`s News to FRA - Family Resource Associates


What`s News to FRA - Family Resource Associates
Family Resource Associates, Inc.
Volume 1; Issue 6
What’s News to FRA
August 2015
Inside this Issue
Pt. Pleasant Reviews
& Interviews
Bowling Review
& Interviews
Delicious Orchards
Review, Interview
& Facts
BlueClaws Review
& Interviews
Movie Review
& Interviews
10 & 11
Community Outings
Summer Activities
Getting to Know Us
These articles were written by students who attend the Eatontown
summer program at FRA. They created these articles by using their
experiences when they went out in
the community and help from
teachers and volunteers at FRA.
The students worked extremely
hard on these articles and did an
amazing job. We hope you enjoy
reading this newsletter!
Point Pleasant Boardwalk
This week we went to Jenkinson’s Boardwalk in Point Pleasant Beach. While we were there we got to interview people about the different type of jobs they have on the boardwalk.
Point Pleasant Boardwalk
What Job do you do at the Boardwalk and do you like it?
What are your responsibilities at work?
My job is morning Manager at the
Boardwalk and Grill. I open up the restaurant and make sure that the staff is
there and ready to serve the customers.
I enjoy my job because I get to meet
great people.
To make sure we open on time,
to seat our customers promptly In February they hold a job fair
and to make sure our customers and various business owners
have a waitress and menus.
interview you at that time. You
can also fill out an application.
How many hours do you
What is the dress code for your
Bar backs and bus boys wear a custom
shirt with the restaurants logo on it. We
wear khaki shorts or pants.
25-30 hours a week depending
on how busy the restaurant is.
How do you apply for a job
on the boardwalk?
What do you do when the
boardwalk closes for the
I am a retired fireman for Point
Pleasant Beach.
Point Pleasant Boardwalk
What job do you have at What are your responsibilities at
the boardwalk and do
you like your job?
I do lots of customer service work. I run
I work the games on the
boardwalk and move around
to different games. I really
like my job. It is the easiest
and most fun job I have had
so far.
the games, answer people’s questions,
and make sure people are having fun!
What do you do when the boardwalk closes for the season?
Page 2
You can fill out application and go
in for an interview. Everyone that
works here is really nice and very
What is the dress code for your
I don’t work, I go to school during the off Job?
How many hours do you season.
work a week?
I work 7 hours a day, 5 days
a week.
How do you apply for a job at
the Boardwalk?
You have to wear a Jenks shirt,
name tag, sneakers and you can
wear any type of shorts.
Point Pleasant Boardwalk
Written by: Kellie
We went to Jenkinson’s Boardwalk and we had so much fun. I played a slot machine and skee ball. We had
lunch at a restaurant. My favorite part of the day was playing skee ball. When I played I thought of my mom
who passed away. I get to go to Jenkinson’s again tonight with my friends. I really enjoyed the boardwalk.
Point Pleasant Boardwalk
Written by: Robert S
On July 14, I went to Jenkinson’s Boardwalk in Pt. Pleasant, NJ. We went into the arcades. I interviewed a
staff member. Then I played “raw pinball” and the shooting arcade game. I loved it.
Point Pleasant Boardwalk
Written by: DJ
On July 14, 2015, my class and I went to Point Pleasant beach. We went to the arcades and played games. I
won a prize from the claw game and I gave it to Jenn. I then won 2 more stuffed animals. It rained a lot
when we were there but we still had fun. Later in the day we went to another arcade; it was the most expensive game room. Each game was a $1.00 to $2.00 per game. For lunch we ate at The Bar and Grill on the
boardwalk. The pizza was good and hot.
Point Pleasant Boardwalk
Written by: Carolyn
I had a good time on our trip at Jenkinson’s boardwalk. And I had pizza for lunch. I played skee ball and
got tickets for prizes. I interviewed someone and how they liked their job on the boardwalk. It is a nice place
to work. I played the slot machines to get tickets.
Point Pleasant Boardwalk
Written by: Jim
We went on the boardwalk in Pt Pleasant. It was a good day. I liked walking the boardwalk. We went to two
arcades. I liked getting coins from the slot machine. I also got to interview people who worked on the boardwalk about their jobs. We went to a restaurant on the boardwalk and had pizza. If you have time you should
go to Jenkinson’s Boardwalk.
Point Pleasant Boardwalk
Written By: Thomas
I liked going to the boardwalk. It was a nice day in the rain and sun. We had a great time at Point Pleasant
Beach. After we had lunch, we interviewed a staff member at the restaurant. The manager we interviewed
was a retired fireman. He said he liked his job because he meets interesting people all the time. After the interview, I played games and ate ice cream. We walked the boardwalk in the rain but it was a warm rain. I
had a good time.
Point Pleasant Boardwalk
Written By: Keren
We went to the Point Pleasant Boardwalk. It was raining most of the time. When it was not raining, my
friend and I walked around on the Boardwalk. When it was raining, we just sat inside a Restaurant. My
friend got me a bag of Pink-Colored Cotton Candy. It was not really a good day to go to the Point Pleasant
Boardwalk because it was raining.
Point Pleasant Boardwalk
Written By: Robert R
I went to the boardwalk yesterday. It was a rainy day but I had a nice day. I got to eat a really good cheeseburger on the boardwalk and have ice cream. We went to the arcade and played video games and skee ball.
I had a really good time.
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Bowling at Lanes at Sea Girt
Bowling at Lanes at Sea Girt
Written by: DJ
I am writing about the Lanes at Sea Girt Bowling Alley. I bowled 2 games. In game one I scored an 85 and in
game two I scored a 67. I also had lunch at the bowling alley. I ate 1 slice of pizza and ordered mozzarella
sticks. I thought the food was good. All together it was a great day! The manager and the other workers at
the bowling alley were nice, they were extremely helpful in answering our questions we had. I rate this outing at the Lanes at Sea Girt Bowling Alley 5 out of 5. Everyone in my class had a fun day.
Bowling at Lanes at Sea Girt
Written by: Carolyn
I had a good time at the bowling alley. It would be a good place to work. The people that worked there were
helpful and really nice when we interviewed them. I love to bowl. I have my own shoes and ball. One day I
might join a bowling league.
Bowling at Lanes at Sea Girt
Written by: Thomas
We had a great time bowling. There are different jobs at the bowling alley. They have bartenders and party
attendants. I’m open to do all jobs that they have. I had a lot of fun bowling, the place was really nice. I have
been to that bowling alley before and have always liked going. I thought it was really nice that the guy that
worked at the bowling alley gave us trophies at the end. We also ate lunch there and it was really good!
Bowling at Lanes at Sea Girt
Written by: Chuck
We went to the Lanes at Sea Girt. I got a double strike and I got a spare. I ate a pretzel and drank water.
The pretzel was crispy on the outside and mushy on the inside. I would like to join a league there someday. I
would like to work at the bowling alley because I would like to get discounted bowling.
Bowling at Lanes at Sea Girt
Written by: Kellie
Yesterday we went bowling. The best part of the day was meeting the manger. He was really nice and very
honest with us. While bowling I got a strike and a spare. I loved bowling. At the end of the day, the manager
gave us all trophies.
Bowling at Lanes at Sea Girt
Written by: Keren
We went to the Sea Girt Lanes Bowling Alley, it was fun. I got a trophy for bowling. The music videos were playing on TV screens
that were all over the bowling alley. I really liked the videos. The bowling lanes were awesome. The manager was nice. I enjo yed
my day.
Bowling at Lanes at Sea Girt
Written by: Robert R
We went bowling. We bowled 2 games. We had lunch. I had a cheeseburger, fries and a Sprite. I talked to
Donald. We talked about working at the bowling alley. I would like to help out and clean up the balls at the
bowling alley.
Page 4
Learning About Lanes at Sea Girt
Why did you choose to work at a bowling alley?
My father did it all his life, it is in my blood.
What are the benefits of working at the
bowling alley?
The benefits we have is medical insurance for people who
work over 30 hours and we give vacation, sick and
personal time off. We also give discounted bowling to our
What’s a typical hourly wage?
A typical hourly wage is approximately $10/hrs.
Can you work full time or part time?
We have both full time and part time jobs.
What are the hours of the bowling alley?
We open every day at 12:00 sometimes we open earlier.
We close at 11pm; sometimes later on the weekends.
What different jobs are at the bowling alley?
We have many different jobs at the bowling alley,
mechanics that fix the machines, pin setter technicians,
janitorial, bar tenders, waitresses, food service, cooks,
and birthday party leaders.
How do you like your job?
I love it! I get to meet nice people like you every day and
work with nice people.
What is the Dress Code?
There is no dress code. Just make sure you are wearing
clothes. Jokes aside, at the bowling alley, it is mostly
Do you run bowling leagues?
Yes, in the winter when it’s cold out we have about 20 to
25 teams.
How do you apply for a job here?
Just come in and fill out an application or you can go to
our website and fill out an application there.
How many hours do you work?
I work 60 hours a week
Page 5
Touring Delicious Orchards
Touring Delicious Orchards—Written by: Thomas
We went on a tour of the bakery department and store. I learned a lot during the tour. We got to touch and
handle some of the special fruits and vegetables. We sampled some oatmeal raisin cookies, donuts, tomatoes and more. The samples were fresh and tasted great. The apple cider was so good that I went back for
another cup. Delicious Orchards also has a lunch area. You can buy your lunch, sit at a picnic table and
enjoy! I would like to go back again to sample some cheese next time.
Touring Delicious Orchards—Written by: Carolyn
Delicious Orchards has a variety of foods. Ron, who took us on the tour, was a nice guy. He showed us how
they made cookies, pies, apple cider doughnuts and bread. We got to taste the oatmeal cookies and they
tasted good. I got my mom’s birthday gift there, apple cider doughnuts and oatmeal raisin cookies. I got myself sparkling apple cider and some candy. We were able to have lunch there too, I had a hamburger and
fries and apple cider. I think Delicious Orchards would be a nice place to work.
Touring Delicious Orchards—Written by: DJ
At Delicious Orchards we took a tour of the bakery, as well as the whole store. Ron had a lot of facts about
his job and Delicious Orchards. I learned that by the time the store opened 1,000 donuts had already been
made. It was a large store that had different things for sale and each had its own area where you could find
it. For example, there was a bakery department, fruit and vegetable section, candy area and much more.
They have a restaurant. We were able to eat lunch there. I had mozzarella sticks and french fries. I would go
back to the restaurant again because I thought it was fun.
Touring Delicious Orchards—Written by: Kellie
I really had a great time touring the bakery and produce department. Ron was extremely helpful. He told us
that Delicious Orchards does not put any extra stuff in their food and apple cider. It was all fresh stuff like
fresh apple cider, fresh baked goods. I loved shopping there. My grandparents use to shop there all the time
and if I was at their house they would always invite me to come along. My favorite thing to get at Delicious
Orchards is, of course, the apple cider doughnuts.
Touring Delicious Orchards—Written by: Jim
Delicious Orchards was a good place to visit. We got to see the bakery and learned how they bake the pies
and make cookies. We saw the big ovens they use. Ron told us they can fit 150 pies in one oven. We learned
some interesting facts about fruits and vegetables. After the tour we had lunch there. The food was good and
they had lots of options you could pick from. I also went shopping; I bought caramel popcorn and some sparkling cider. I liked the Orchards. I think it would be a good place for my mom to work. She loves to bake.
Touring Delicious Orchards—Written by: Robert S
I went to Delicious Orchards. We had a personal tour of the store and bakery. When we went through the
bakery, we wore a hat and had to keep our hands to ourselves, as the equipment could have been hot. The
Orchard has a variety of stuff like fruits, vegetables, cookies, donuts, prepared foods and flowers. There are
all different types of jobs there, for example: bakers, shelf stockers, cashiers and many more. We saw a
honey beehive. I thought it was so cool because I had never seen so many bees at one time. That was my
favorite part of the trip. I would like to go back again and bring my friend Robert R, who missed the trip.
Touring Delicious Orchards—Written by: Keren
We took a fun tour of Delicious Orchards, and we learned some things. We got to taste some things during
the tour, which was nice. We saw some unique fruits and vegetables. I liked the bakery because I thought
that it was awesome. I also liked lunchtime because we ate outside and the weather was nice. The sweets in
the store were cool because I liked seeing all the different and interesting candy. I also thought that the bee
exhibit was awesome. I had a fun day.
Page 6
Delicious Orchards Interview
What is the shelf life of the food here?
It varies because we have lots of perishable foods. We also don’t add
any preserves to our items. Baked goods, fruits and vegetables you
want to use in a few days.
Do you grow your own produce?
We do grow a few things like squash, flowers and berries. We have a
lot of “pick your own fruits and vegetables.”
How do you apply for a job here at Delicious Orchards?
You can come into our customer’s service office and ask for an application to fill out.
What are the benefits of working here?
It’s a nice atmosphere where I can meet lots of nice people. I like being
able to help our customers and give them healthy food choices. We
have a program here that any fruits, vegetables or baked goods that
are a little damaged can be taken home at the end of your shift. Full
time employees get health benefits.
Do you like your job?
Oh yes! I work in the vegetable department. I enjoy giving tours and
helping people like you learn about what we do here.
Delicious Orchards Facts
Did you know that …
- End of August is the end of “Jersey Blueberry” season
- There is a variety of “special” fruits & vegetables. For example: witch finger grapes,
purple potatoes and snake squash.
- Delicious Orchards make their own Apple
Cider with real apples & no sugar or preservatives.
- Watermelon, grapes, & squash grow on
- Grapes have to be tied up to hang in the
air so they won’t spoil.
- They have 3 big ovens that can bake 150
pies at once.
- They make 1,000 cookies and donuts each
day before the store opens and 1 million
“Apple Cider Donuts” a year.
- NJ is the 4th leading state to grow peaches.
- Fall is the busiest season at here. They
have 2 special Events in the fall: Apple
Fest in Sept. and Pumpkin Fest in Oct.
What type of things do you sell?
We sell produce, coffee, tea, deli-meat, baked goods, fudge, precooked meals, candy, flowers and many other stuff.
What is the dress code?
It depends on your job. Out on the sales floor women have to wear a
blue smock and guys wear a blue buttoned down shirt. Behind the
scenes you wear white pants and a white shirt.
How does Delicious Orchards pay their employees; do they
pay monthly, weekly or bi-weekly?
Part timers are paid weekly and salaried get paid every other week.
Is there training when you get a job here?
Most of the employees come in as basic clerks and when they start
they get on the job training.
What are the hours of the Store?
We are open Tuesday thru Sunday from 9:30am to 6pm. We are
closed on Monday.
What time are employees expected to arrive?
In the bakery department, some come in early between midnight to 5
am; sales come in around 8:15 am; produce comes in at 7am; and
people at register come in at 9:15 am.
What types of jobs are available?
We have jobs in the bakery, customer service, cashiers, deli workers,
truck drivers and landscaping.
What is the starting minimum wage?
We have the state minimum wage of $ 8.38 an hour unless you are
specialized and have more experience you may get more.
Page 7
BlueClaws Game Review Copied by Chuck
July 28, 2015, the BlueClaws played the Kannapolis Intimidators. The score was 1-3. The Intimidators won
and the Blueclaws lost. It was Senior Citizen Day and it was 91 degrees.
They have played 26 games total. They won 10 out of 26 games. Their next game is in West Virginia at
7:05pm on 7/30/15.
Blue Claws Interview
What are the benefits of working at the Blue
I have made lots of friends working here. I have received a bunch of cool stuff from the Phillies and
Yankees baseball teams. I was able to go to a Yankees World Series and also attend different Philly
What happens when there is a fight, how do
you handle it?
What type of jobs is there at the BlueClaws?
There is lots of different jobs like: ticket sales, advertising sales, billboard operations, game day staff, public relation and marketing.
How do you apply for a job here?
Well you can go to the front desk and ask for an application. We also have a job fair to attend around January/ February. We usually don’t take applications in
the fall because the season is ending.
We have plenty of security that will handle the situation and we also have police officers working the
What do people that work here do when the
season is over?
We take September to throw out stuff and clean up.
We then start to put promotions out and start to sell
What time does the stadium open and close?
It depends. The office is opened from 9am-5pm and
the gates on game days open 1 hour before a game
begins and closes 45 minutes to an hour after the
game ends.
Blue Claws Interview
Staff member at The BlueClaws
What job do you do here & how do you like it?
Are you open every day?
We are not opened on weekends unless we have I like it. I work in the store kiosk & sell memorabilia.
a game or another type of event.
What is the dress code?
Khaki pants and a Blue Claws Shirt.
Do you give military benefits?
We do, as long as you have a military I.D. we give
How many hours do you work?
discounts on tickets. We also have on Wednesdays
military day. We honor everyone that was in the mili- Depends on how long each game lasts.
tary on the field. In June we have a military day
where we collect items and send them overseas to
our men and women that are currently serving.
What’s your job title and what do you do?
I am the vice president of ticket sales and services. I
sell tickets for the BlueClaws, help my staff sell tickets and give excellent customer service.
Why did you choose to work at the BlueClaws?
I love baseball & the Jersey shore and it is a nice fit.
Page 8
BlueClaws Review—Written By: Thomas
I loved the BlueClaw’s stadium. It was clean and the entire staff was helpful and kind. My classmates and I
interviewed an employee who mentioned that the BlueClaws organization honors the military by giving them
a discount on Wednesdays. They also have a senior citizens day on Tuesdays. Last summer I went to the stadium and wrestlers ran onto the field. That was a special game. When I have the opportunity, I would like to
see another game.
BlueClaws Review—Written By: Kellie
I really enjoyed the whole experience of going to a BlueClaws game, from watching the game to shopping at
the gift shop. I got popcorn and chicken fingers. I really enjoyed the usher who helped us to our seats. He
was extremely happy when I thanked him for everything he did for us. He said it was the nicest comment
anyone has ever said to him. I loved the gift shop. I got a cool hat. The BlueClaws is a great place to go and I
will definitely go back.
BlueClaws Review—Written By: Keren
The BlueClaws game was fun. I enjoyed the weather. I liked the music that was sometimes playing on the
loud speakers. The game itself was cool. The trophies that were in the showcase when we first got to the Stadium were awesome. The seats were really amazing with an amazing view of the game. The man that was in
charge of seating was helpful. It was truly a fun day.
BlueClaws Review—Written By: Jim
This week we went to the BlueClaws game and had lots of fun. We were able to walk around the ballpark before the game. They had a lot of things to do while we were there like jump houses, face painting, character
drawings and other cool activities. I enjoyed interviewing one of the guys that worked at the Blue Claws. It
was funny because he had the same name as me. I learned a lot about the BlueClaws during the interview. I
love baseball and going to the BlueClaws game was the best trip we have gone on so far!
BlueClaws Review—Written By: Carolyn
Yesterday, I went to a BlueClaws game and it was a very hot day but, I had a lot of fun. I got a picture with
the mascot, Buster. He was really friendly. While we were there I had chicken fingers, fries and cotton candy.
The food was really good. Everyone that worked there was really nice to us. I would love to work there one
day as an usher. At the end of the day we went to the gift shop. It was nice and cool inside. I bought a Yankees mug which I love. I can’t wait to go back to the BlueClaws.
BlueClaws Review—Written By: Robert S
On July 28, I went to the BlueClaws baseball game. I was excited for this trip because I like to go to baseball parks and try to catch foul balls. Luckily I got one! When our group interviewed Jim, who is the vice
president of ticket sales, I learned that they have a connection with the Yankees and support ALS also
known as Lou Gehrig Disease. I would like to go back and see another baseball game. I would like to have
a job at a baseball park one day so I can see all the games for free.
Page 9
Earth to Echo Movie Reviews
This week we were able to go to AMC Lowes Theater in Eatontown, NJ and review a
movie that we saw. Each of us were able to write what we thought of the movie and if
we would tell our families and friends to go see it. Check out what we wrote below!
Inside Out
Starring – Amy Poehler, Bill Hader, Lewis Black, Mindy Kaling, and Phyllis Smith
Directed by – Pete Docter, Ronnie del Carmen
Rated – PG for some action and peril, and mild language
Running time – 1 hour, 42 minutes
Inside Out Movie Review - Written By: Keren
This movie was about a girl who had move to another state. The girl was named Riley and she had a lot a
feelings. I liked this movie because it was cute. I also liked this movie because Riley moved to a new school
and I could relate to her because I had to go to a new school too. I give this movie 2 thumbs up, because it
was enjoyable.
Inside Out Movie Review - Written By: Jim
I really like the movie, Inside Out. I laughed a lot I thought it was a good movie. The end was sad. I would
recommend this movie to my friends. I give this movie 2 thumbs up.
Inside Out Movie Review - Written By: Kellie
Inside Out was about a little girl who moved away and had to learn how to deal with her emotions. I really
liked this movie because it’s good for all ages. I laughed throughout it. I give this movie 2 thumbs up.
Inside Out Movie Review - Written By: Chuck
The movie Inside Out is about a girl who moved from Minnesota to San Francisco. Riley, the girl, was excited
for a new school and new friends. I like the movie because each emotion that she had was a character. I
would give this movie 2 thumbs up.
Inside Out Movie Review - Written By: Robert S.
The movie was about a family who moved to San Francisco from Minnesota. She moved away from
her old friends, school, and home. It was hard to make new friends. I liked the movie because it
was funny as one of the emotions was angry and his head caught on fire. I would give this movie a
2 thumbs up.
Inside Out Movie Review - Written By: Robert
Inside Out was about a kid with feelings. I did not like the movie because I think it was only for kids. I give
this movie no thumbs up.
Inside Out Movie Review - Written By: DJ
Inside Out is a movie about a girl named Riley, who is learning about her emotions sad, joy, anger, disgust
and scared. The emotions played a roll in Riley’s mind. When she thinks about things, says something, or
does stuff, they control everything. When her family moved from Minnesota to San Francisco, California she
was sad to move and needed her emotions to help her get through it all. I was not a fan of the movie because
I don’t like Disney movies. I give this movie a 1 out of 2 thumbs up.
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Inside Out Movie Review - Written By: Thomas
The movie is about a young girl who moved away from her home with her family. She was sad because she
missed her life, her friends and the way things were before they moved to San Francisco. She loved hockey
and played when she lived in Minnesota, but was nervous to play in San Francisco. I liked the movie because it had a happy ending; the girl ended up liking her new home. I would give this movie 2 thumbs up.
Inside Out Movie Review - Written By: Carolyn
Inside Out was about a girl who moved and she didn’t know how she felt about leaving her home and
friends. In the movie her emotions helped her deal with the move. I liked this movie because it was funny
and I liked really liked the characters. I give this movie 2 thumbs up.
Interviewing at Monmouth Mall’s AMC Movie Theater
Interview with Concessions at AMC
How many hours a week do you work?
I work 28 hours per week depending on schedule.
What job do you do here?
I serve food and hand out tickets.
Interview with Guest Services at AMC
What job do you have here?
I am at the guest services where I help people with any
questions or problems they have.
How many hours a week do you work?
Is there training?
I usually work 25 to 30 hours a week.
Yes, they show you how to scan bar code tickets
and train you at the cash register.
How do you get to work?
How do you like your job?
I like my job and I enjoy getting to interact with
different people.
Is it a good starting salary?
The salary is fair. You start off with at least
minimum wage.
What jobs do they have at the movies?
I either drive or walk. I really should walk.
What are the hours of the job?
They are 8 hours shifts. If you are a ticket taker you
only need to come in 15 minutes early and concessions
needs to come in an hour early.
How many hours a week do you work?
There is a maximum of 30 hours a week. If I could, I
would like to work more.
We have ticket takers, box office, concessions, cashier, guest relations, projections and ushers.
What are the hours here at the movies?
It varies depending on the movie times. We open
15 minutes before the 1st movie starts, and we close
15 minutes after the last movie.
Page 11
Check out what’s going on in the fall in Monmouth County
Please Touch! Sculpture Exhibit
Copied by: Keren
Apple Fest—Copied by: Kellie
Date: September 19, & September 20, 2015
Place: Delicious Orchards
Address: 320 Route 34 Colts Neck, NJ 07722
Time: 11AM TO 4PM
Price: Free
Pumpkin Fest—Copied by: Kellie
Date: Monday, October 12, 2015
Place: Delicious Orchards
June 28 – September 6, 2015
The Monmouth Museum
Address:765 Newman Springs Road, Lincroft
What will you be doing there: Feeling the
materials and texture of various works that can
be touched by visitors, and looking around.
Always… Patsy Cline—Copied by: Carolyn
Address: 320 Route 34 Colts Neck, NJ 07722
Date: October 2-11, 2015
Time: 11am to 4pm
Place: Algonquin Arts Theatre
Price: Free
Address: 173 Main Street, Manasquan
What will you be doing there: Pumpkin painting and decorating, fun games, food samples
and live music!
Time: October 2-3: 8 p.m.
BBQ& Beer Festival—Copied by: Jim
Date: September 5 to September 7, 2015
Place: Monmouth Park Racetrack
Address: 175 Oceanport Ave, Oceanport
Time: 11:30 a.m. - 5 p.m
Price: Free
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Copied by: Robert S
October 4: 3 p.m.
October 8-9: 8 p.m.
October 10: 2 & 8 p.m.
October 11: 3 p.m.
Price: Premium: $36 (Adults), $27(Students)
What will you be doing there: You will be
watching a concert
Fall Flea Market at Allaire State Park
Copied by: Chuck
Date: October 10, 2015
Place: Allaire State Park
Date: October 1 2015
Address: Rt. 524/4265 Atlantic Ave., Wall
Place: Pollok Theatre
Time: 8am-3pm
Address: 400 Cedar Ave., West Long Branch
Price: $5 parking fee
Price: Call 732-263-6889
What will you be doing there: You will be
watching a play
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Copied by: Thomas
Ocean Grove British Car Show
Copied by: DJ
Date: September 19, 2015 Time: 10AM-4PM
Place: Main Ave
Address: Main Ave, Ocean Grove, NJ
Date: September 5, 2015
Price: Free
Place: iPlay America
What will you be doing there: The Ocean
Grove Area Chamber of Commerce presents its
Annual British Car Show with over 90 cars on
display and live music to enjoy.
Address: 110 Schanck Road, Freehold
Time: 11 am
Price: call 732-577-8200
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Summer Activities we enjoy!! - Written By: Thomas
One activity I like to do in the summer is go to baseball games. I love to see the teams play at a stadium. It is
much more exciting to watch it live than on TV. You get to meet new people and possibly catch a foul or
homerun ball. There are a lot of activities going on at a baseball games so, if you don’t like baseball you
would still like to go because of all of the other stuff that they have there.
Summer Activities we enjoy!! - Written By: Carolyn
One activity I like to do in the summer is going to the movies. Sometimes it gets really hot in the summer
and going to the movies you can stay out of the heat with the air conditioning. I love going and getting a popcorn and a drink while enjoying a good movie. I think the best movies come out in the summer. That’s why I
think going to the movies is the best summer activity.
Summer Activities we enjoy!! - Written By: Chuck
My favorite summer activity is going on vacation. I love going away because I like to see museums and do fun
activities. This summer I went to the Baseball Hall of Fame in Upstate New York.
Summer Activities we enjoy!! - Written By: DJ
One activity I like to do in the summer is going to North Wildwood, NJ. I like racing the go-karts. When I
drive them I like to drift around corners and turn and go fast. The go-karts are a lot of fun. I also like playing the games on the boardwalk. My favorite games are the crane games. My family and I enjoy going to the
stores, the 50’s diner and the 50’s ice cream place. I could write a lot more but there is just so much to write
about and not enough time.
Summer Activities we enjoy!! - Written By: Keren
One activity I like to do in the summer is going to see a movie and watching TV because it is fun. Watching
movies are very relaxing and fun. Movies might also be informative and therefore you can learn some things.
Movies can be wonderful company too, because you might relate to characters that are in the movie and
maybe the situations that the characters go through. You might feel alone, and watching movies transport
you to a place where you have company. Watching TV is also very relaxing and fun. There are funny TV
shows that make you laugh and there are reality TV shows that are very interesting and relatable.
Summer Activities we enjoy!! - Written by: Jim
One activity I like to do in the summer is go to barbecues. I love food and barbecues are a place where you
can get lots of food. At the barbecues, my family and I eat and do lots of Greek dances. Every summer I look
forward to these barbecues.
Summer Activities we enjoy!! - Written by: Robert S
One activity I like to do in the summer is boating. I love to go boating because I get a great view of houses
from the bay. While boating we get to see other people and their boats which I love seeing all the different
types of boats that are out on the water. If you have never been on a boat on the Jersey shore, I would recommend you trying it once.
Summer Activities we enjoy!! - Written by: Kellie
One activity I like to do in the summer is swimming. I like to be in the pool to keep cool from the heat. My
Uncle Rickey and Aunt Joy let me to go to their pool whenever I want. Swimming is fun. You get to play
games, go under water and hang out with friends. I prefer the pool over the ocean. Swimming is a great
summer activity.
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Getting to know us
Family Resource Associates
35 Haddon Ave
Shrewsbury, NJ 07702
Phone: 732-747-5310
Fax: 732-747-1896
E-mail: info@frainc.org
Chuck, 26, is
a student at
FRA who lives
in Freehold,
NJ. He enjoys
collecting and
looking at
baseball cards
and doing jigsaw puzzles in
his spare time.
Thomas, 27,
is a student
at FRA who
lives in Freehold, NJ. He
enjoys going
to Baseball
games and
loves to travel
in his spare
Carolyn, 46, is a
student at FRA.
She lives in Middletown, NJ. She
enjoys bowling
and the movies.
She is a big Yankee fan who
loves watching
all the games.
She loves traveling and hotels.
Kellie is a student at FRA. She
is 36 and lives in
Matawan. Her
hobbies are
swimming, reading, and hanging
out with her family. She enjoys
going to amusement parks. She
loves the roller
Robert S
Robert R
Jim Bo, 23, is a
student at FRA.
He lives in Marlboro, NJ. He enjoys watching
baseball and is a
big Mets fan. He
enjoys watching
football. He is a
big Dallas Cowboys and Jets
fan. He is an Eagle Scout who enjoys leading
younger scout
Robert, 23, is a
student at FRA.
Who lives in
Ocean Township, NJ. He
enjoys golfing
and all sports.
Robert, is a
student at FRA,
who lives in
County. He enjoys weddings
and listening to
PossAbilities for people with
DJ, 24, is a student at FRA who
lives in South Amboy. He likes to
buy, sell, and
trade affordable
items. He enjoys
trading and buying Yugioh cards
and video games.
He is an avid car
Keren, 24, is a
student at FRA.
She lives in Middlesex County,
New Jersey. She
enjoys computers. She feels
that computers
are fun and you
can learn a lot
from them. She
guy who loves
Lamborghini and also enjoys
watching TV and