font philco plain
font philco plain
.. : 1 )1 ~ ,:a t of Stanton at Stanton JM,cWitlorlter, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wlggley of Ala· mogordo, N. M. and Lt. and Mrs. Loyd Albero of Harrisburg, Sunday night wlth Mr. Anderson. :' ~* m·.. '.· · · rtttrt ·. · · . · - · .- · Center_-:Owls ·,··"' . ·- Vs-~llappyC.wlitys At th.e -old Owl Cafe •JuJt nort.h of· Pix Thelitre · Mi_clc Smith _ '"l --~·iL ~- _. MACK'S CA'fE c•umers Fuel Associ. Wt' re newcomers but we want to. Join the Owl Booster band. -Mack McCuloutK Jack Tiner,, Manager ' : ;· Phone 2831 Hale Center . •t,LA-.1.-C,t ore H-~- ' ··· Mri and<Mrl~ Phone · 2841 . :~af-lllYJS .. SolotL~ ILLO, 2for ........ 15c Bananas lb•...... 12112c ·IMPSON .D IL MONn 303 CAN CreanfStyle Com".. ~19c IIIMaU. Waffle Syrup ...... 37c ~---~--24 ~ IOTTu J~li4ttvat "~ 6oz.CAN ~ _, Birdseye _ · H ,_O _M _E_G-ROWN- •.. 22c - -- - --... - VAMSib ........ .. Be - -,0-Ut.IAG Potatoes ... 39c our!' Newest Q.iJI-~ Plant ·Is now_Runnings Smoothly &giving . FIRST CLASS SERVICE 303 CAN lumber • Hardware • 'Phone 2551 ·. _ _ . .... - Ap~ji~W'"" llale Center Bufane and Equipment · :• ;, -- · H Phone 4611 Mar.tin Te'agj~f. Owner A Hale Center, Texas . nter : l- Higginoth~BartleH Co. Charlie Pt>liock, Monager · Phone 2531 ·~-- Hale CJ!~--- Hale Center, Texas ShOok GroceryBillI Mallet Hale.Center Co-op Gin Mr. and Mrl. Shook Phone 4641 Built By the Farmer FOr the Farmer Qal e Center Two MOCieh\ Gins to Serve You Center Drug . Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Oyer Phone 2811 Hubert Turner - Cecil Turner Insurance Complete Welding & Blacksmithing Service Stephcnsor Hale Center Turner Land Company Center Welding ~P 0w£'n Rowell Real Estate Magnolia Wholesale Co. Center Diner C. H. Foraker Phone 4161 Hale Genter Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Floyd "House of Goocl_Foods'' TURNOUTS &Grades Are Secondio None. ' ·eenter lttt:Graddlfti· SMkt SfltiOft ,,P fiiftjlt,.Friendi<(..Servic~ · Centerlator(o. · . Mr. and Mrs;'.Ciauile Burnett Phone 3701 for Delivery Service ~ive us a Trial and Finct out for yourself that .our · Hale We're A!mlpg .for your Satisfaction Westemf.RI M~rket MEATS ,,· FOWl fRYERS lb•........ 49c BEEF RIBS lb• ...... 1/c .UYER, lb•...... . :.- . 25c Beef Roast, lb...... 39C: Mr. tllllfl!!l~•: len Carr & Bo,cky . · Slincer &tG~~~aa~w,~ R. t . Boggqs Bros. Inc. Pumpkin .......~13c Mellorine Y2 gli--... 59c AISH DliSSID Meet the Owl Lettermen~~. -ay-~fe ' 6.."~1!1!1\tt. Hagood •Radio &TV -Harrison's.Piggly-Wiggly John Hagood - Bee's StyJr '"~op The Tot Shop ..,. ·Store" Piftie~ , • .! ' . • · • . Jll~rc• ~3211 '-..- enc•Bale I'll~ Qlater $' Earl Hagood Appliance Repair Service Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Harrison Phone 2281 Center Hotel r • tt·- Mr. and Mrs. M. C . Hancock Modem - ·Ali Conditioned GLEY FRUIN, who wears Jersey Number 19, weigh~ 133 pound• end is 5' b" hll. ~m in Dallas• Te...,s, Aprit,2.7, i936, he h11 attended Hale Center schools the pest four years. Hi•_ filtorite sport is football and his ft,~orite _ Dimple Shop leoding F..hions for Women Halo Center Pllone :1661 subject ia acience. He. ia a junior this yeor and has firtU;Iional Bank played footb1U •"' p_11t years, elirrtlng football letter lest season. Hii hobby i• rollersbting• . In _addition to footbe!l, ha participate• in._ bose ball,_vollt,~ll, track end baseball. . "A 6ooil B@k 'corehHl,- Manegetl" . E;~bUohe41901 - • • ,.il<1>·:· , . . W.i ,-ou Use . ;~~ ·, .. S'o· . F.LOWERS . """.C:Ji)SDEN Jfa O''D 'U CTS I~I .IP Ctlt Flowers • Poe Plants ' ' w:-&: ·sr£cK~ MACHIMER¥·.-co~-. CDI'ICMJ" . - Phone 5751Mrs. Rlchard Dewey ente.rtBined Mrs. HQ.nt ·ot Burnett,-·Texas, w ith a birthday party at her hom e Fl'l· day. · ~~~-•}1"•\s ,: ·'*'. 4"· ·-:~'tlii~ llY~, .·-v..·:~l-_ · - -· work.- · Wt! Jepair Kinds. · ~ , -.~·~r ea ·StaJioa. tunltur• ck~ Willys W• s.bmpen dralltll' ICIWS and 1oot• ot aU kind. Ne make Picture hcrm•L In fact, •• can. do moat cmy. .. -; ~ - . ' ' ._. ' . ,' . .' ~-- - :? .:.'' Pnas o · · . ; . r a C T ,•. ... ·t: -_ . ,l>; :· ·r-·=.,- Plainv,ewl Texas Nine membCrs a nd o~g,..;;.pew member, were present. ~ Reported by M elanie Ray Miss Ffankle cara way who Is employed In Wash ington D. C. the week end with her pa rand Mrs. Swede Caraway. . FREE P&'S WELCOME To The Fair J We have just re~odeled and_Re-arranged the ·interior 0! our Building and We're Celebrating With an .. ' • Residents of Hale Center &Cotton Center To Be Given Away ~·aturday Evening, Oct. 17 . Bale Center, ,..,.. Our program of the day was a bible le-Sson from our Te ll Ma ga· zint-. .; Thursda~, Friday and Saturday of Next Week for . . :---· .· l the community Missions th e A.'s will have vl.sttatlon to bring more into our club. . I the New ·Jolm Deere.Model ?8-LP-Faetory•Bigiaeeretl . M.I.HANCOCK ·R·E-:". -G-. ·.l: s-~T . : . .:E·-. ·-R ~ Jill~· " Manufacturers of Stapelton Gasoline Storage tion Pumps &Right Angle Water Storage Heads. Truck &Trailer Tanks ~ New Briglttar Pictw. New Duplex Chassis "ttl New Tuning Ease .J Genuine Philco Quality .J Richly Styled Cabinet 'tl And Only $229.95 AU Rllilro Prron 111dud• lo'nln-al 'l 'tu oad One l'lfW' WOl'r Gni)'OA Piaur• 1\.61 gear he~ds on all makes ahd frfigation Well Casing of All Sizes. See our display at the Fair - ~:-..... ~;.~:,. . -l'llone ~s1fi-- ·Ptal•view. rAG's -""!''!!~~!l'!il'~--!!"""~....,;._-!"'--~~-,.,....;.,l\l ud alao loeb. lhlnq Ill our . of fGI We mcrll:• ana repcdr ICI'eeu • l . 1000 lclwj were played after which of officers Was held. are as foHows: President, Jane Prat her; Vice-PresiStewart,; Secretary and Melanie Ra,y ; Treasurer, Lou Fisher. Lou Fisher is- ·a lso n new II 11 Ia IIUISO think we caa r•pcdr it 01 dv.· • · apeetallle m fine CUIDet -- - -- --~--- - . tiTJII'tJPW• Seeing action on defense Were Left .End Donnie ConnOn, Holtback Forrest Reedy. Top players or "t he evening Were Red McBe-t h and Dwain Surratt. on offense· and ,CB.rl Hulsef-and Don Cannon on defense. their equipment Mrs. Joe Pinson Nunnt:ry of Ft. , Meyer, Florida, and Mrs. Leona rd !larrell of Sla ton, visited Mrs. Elmo Caudle, Monday. Mrs. Nun~ rtery 1$ n form·e r resident of than e.ver. Initial inve stment this Center. ., :Mr. and Mrs~ Clyde Casey and daughter spent Tuesday and nesdny in t he home of M rs. caseys' sister, Mrs. Elmo CaUdle. ~- .\. ·c·. ·· : · -a~~~ -:_· · ·. ;;a: :·l;~~-;,~_:s c'+~. . -:.' : ;·!:; ~ ·' ,; ·~ ·,; : . .._ . S - -i <,' . . . . ~-.f I Lmoa Plainview 104 5th · · - •• '·. · .. ·a *.&~ 8nclbake a~~ ~ same . . time ... in the_ . same ctJef'\ Imagine cooking IS YOUR lAST DAY convenien~:e like this! 1. LOOK! I T ' . TWO OVENS! \._ Compact, thrifty - plenty of room for aU normal needs. / .2. PRESTO!. ONE OVEN# ,,, drop cente.r unit to ih bo"om Jvst laav• one gionl iJHn,lig-h . . 7 · - of No Klood I Two comploto -.,-big..., .. 1ft 11101 o twlnldw>g. ......... . --lo-............... . __ ,... Mow 'fOIV CCift po1r up CGIMfolel with «<ke. ,... . . , . - PLANTS TO SERVE .YOU p1e-cw broil Clftd baM locoullful- otyllog ••• now Cooii·Mo.tor Clod< Conlral ..... , _ Y"¥ trow. ...... wotdllol • • , lorifty 5........ llodlontube ........... ;.... Llf..-,__ ....... .... lool4oo .... IIIIL *UP TO DATE GINNING SERVICE *THE LATEST. MOST MODERN GIN MACHINERY * COMPLETE SATISFACTION IN OUR DEAUNG WITH YOU * FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE We Solicit Your Patronage and Look Forward To Another Year of friendly relations with you. I ,, . · ~~-~: podtlon - and you lor a 30· lb. turkey. ·"' OUR MODERN PLANTS OFFER YOU ~-i' rofe - •ach has Its own heat control. Citizens of Hale Center &CottO..· Center We Invite You to Come by while at the Fair DISTRI.BUTORS OF , . GENERAL MOTORS DIESEL ENGINES Climax Blue Streak Gas Blltane .l,IS TWO MODERN ~ Eoc:h oven Is sepa- a , .• ..,,·· < WELCOME TO THE ... ANCHO&IIYDSlQU£ , .~ • HOJJ:a..m,.•s .. the tw~ tnost important things ·.. to co~si<l/r in buying fa}m machinery. «,, . Plainview's Leading Dept. Store . DAY is lower,pe~f~r~an.ce is highe~•... .. ,, · ~ .•, · -.... Why not let us show you why the Ferguson system is better I ,f -~ now justifies ~·extra."· ' ,.....,...._..-.•...,.._, ...... .....,....w..._o..o. I WE HAVE GINNED 1670 Bales of Cotto11 ReportMade at4;00 o'c19c\'Qu$day Evening are • • 9 ~.. ~ .' Givesolaiide · ·e·_ a-.f prl•-s.oa L•t .?. "1, "" Coniple.te :N·tJI«di~J; . • AL E"s~.·,_ &~El:vf~t~E , 't" ·- -• • ,.. ---,. 1 aa;;;ins ~~~· ui~;$al ~{~-- rv: . FremloBucl's , : If JCIII have any kind af trauble with your ~ set now or , * Massey Harris Farm Mac;hinery * Laynelrri~P • umps ·bl~ -plctwes Call me. If I ccill't cure the trouble It wHI "•""-'"'~"•·••' · cost JO!\ ~1119. * Continental Reel Seal Motors * Built Specifically for Irrigation Shop !IE ARE EQUIPPED TO GIVE COMPLETE We.~ncerely hope pu Phl111e 4121 or Call 3571 wm ·e(oy v:-Jf at tile Halt b~:\ft~:~: . (:oUIItJ Fair. Wllpe IN towi!;:' ~. in~lte you to come by Gild talk over a new FORD _w~,_,.. possibly you are ill> terested In a late model used values. You'D be pi~- car, See ~- stock of ,, ,.J~ A·l· ' .. Winn Motor Co Rac1"10 - TV • Service SERVICE WITH SAnSFACnON 628 ASH FEitnLIZIRS • INSICnCIIIIS ~s Farm Sto1 e Ploiovlew dt'purtmenl. Mrs. WE LCOME TO -THE FAIR 8, 9 Hale CoF~ir in Plollinview for three big .iarting Thursday, Oct. 8, and AERIAL DJFOUATIOM SERVICE I i Maclliaery-Co. -l'llciH ,.;i'766 •••iiilliiiiiiliiiiiliiiiiii~1 1 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iii;ii;i;i;;::;jiiiiiiiii=;;=• •tland's 1J 13 Callllllbia ;:; i 1 24" &21" DEALERS FOR -- • .som~ not assumed by ban-k> · has asked on," he sotd. 8,~ Re.31 estate ~wned..o_ther than bank ·pr~mjses ···········- - ···· NOM;: Most of t he prisoners who dted 9. Investments and. other asset-s indirectly representIn captivity d ied on a~ount oJ ing bank ptemises or other estate . malnutrition, Gilmore said.. He only 10. CUst_ omers• liabilJty to this bank on --~~~-~Ptances weighed 65 pounds O:t one time in outstanding ·-····-··"····----· ...... ··········-·---·-··--··· 1952 and only 91 pounds the day he was released. He is - n ow hack ~ 1. Other ·assets .. ... ............ ··~ .. ---············- ·········-12, Total -A.SSets· .............. ..............-. t o 125. LIABILITIES· At one time during his_ captivfty ~he saw some ·Rus.silUlS -rn· uniform. 13. Demand deposits of individuals, partnershJps.. aJld tions ···-··..··············--··---···---- ----.. :.~............... ."...-... . ,•.•, _ v'"'"" _• . . _ . . . ..- · , . : .· ·· ' · : _ !~~.c~~~er~o~r ~~~.~~·~:~.~hey 14. corpora Ti~e de~o~its o~ ln~lvld,Qa-Is, ,pa,rtti¢t~lp$J a'nd! • L t M Gil · · ·. Gilmore said he feels tl\e-Com.~orp<;>.r:ati~ns-· :.....;;........................... :.....:__·:.:..._.:.............. . : _ Q.u ~ :, more, ex;.:POW ganda e ffor ts a·lmost as . soon ns mu nists wnr ·start figlittnS··' a gatn · ' · --· m othet live<\ at. Hal<'' Cen- th 'til'e ·· 15. -J:!epo, its of United States Government Including ter tot_ several ·years before her' e pr1soners _a rrJved ln camp. At , in Korea, and are u_slng p_ost~l saving~) ··--------------···-----·--------~ ......:....................... deoth_la st year, ret urned home raat first Negroes 'ft_nd whit~s were kept J as a br~.a~her.. H~ -~ld he ~or onflt, 16. Deposits o~ Sb!U!s and political SJtbdlvlslons _______:__ week to give the Inside otory ol together, a nd literally swam ped la nd ~11 the t othett ~w: h~ :n~~= 17. Deposits of. ,liJnks _,___________________________________________:: ___ 2% years of life as· a prisoner of ~ith Communist propaganda pam- ~~:t." rig~~ a.:: y to:•~ 18. Othe-r deposlta <certified and cashier's ~~cks, ·etc>19. TO-TAL DEPOSITS .... $2 497,137.24 w':e o~:~ea ~!~~re ~~et~s~ home ot p~leta. ParUy For Revenfl hiS brother Cecil Gn r • Th~e were passed. out almost "rd do that par~ly out of re- 20. Bilis payable, r<idlscounts, a nd other liabilities for borrowed moJ;1e)' ....................................____................. bock who' was 'cmp~o e~ ~n L~:e dolly, but the ~words of Gilmore, venge, 'and partly. -b ecause of wha t w H- Ja~kson farm Y t h f "I didn' t fOI?l around with those I bellev! in,'' he stated firmly. 21. .fw'lortages or other liens, $ NONE on bank premises H·~Ie ·Cen ler for sever:~'ye!~: ~- Commies and ...ha~d1y· looked -'at ·CUmOr~•. Who wlll ·&ta)' he~e ·until and NONE Cm- other real est ate . __ ·-----··· he m oved t o··Lubbock those le aflets. Sunday, plans to m~ke a career 22. Acceptances ex~uted ·by or for a ccount of this Alt hough he never lived. in Hale After 18 m on ths In Camp 1, Gl1· ot the Ai:'IDY· He wJll report tor bank ·a nd outstanding Center, CpL Gllmore visited his more was sent to camp 6 when d~~Y at Fort ~am Housto~ Oct. 6. 23. O the r liabilities mother and brother here several Negr~s were segreated -tram white Next time, . he said, . Jf there ·24, TOTAL LI'ABILITIES '-:--'·' ·'~:• ··..;,.......:·. z:.... .. '2\.tiiii,iil'tr~i.i.-;;i and hlt 'cQ e Was well .Jcn'oWil p~l~,ners. He repeatedly wa~ ask- ts a next Ume, we· are goJng Int o . CAPITAL ACCOUNTS cd to sign let ters written by his t hat fight without 'any st rings a tHis mother died of a broken captors which said that the Ameri- tached. And that way we are going 25. Capital Stock : <at Class A preferred, total par NONE, retirable had believing her son. ca ••n•s• -w er•e• w•a•r•m•o•ng • e•r•s • an • d- th•a•t • to • -w ln•.'•' · vll!lle- NONE According -to reports of the Ava· : Rate of d1vlderrds on retirable value ls NO %) lanche Journa l, the 26-year-old Ne· , I b ) Class B preferred, total par NONE, retir· gro, a lmost died o r maln u trit i~m -~ abl e NONE during his Imprisonment. He once 1Ro.t.e of dlvtdend s On· re tlrable value weighed 145 pounds, but his weight ls NO "% ) droppe4 off to G5 pounds in 1952 when malnutrition almost claimed l e) Common stock, tot"al par $100,000.00 him. .. .. 1 26. Surplus 100,000.00 H is story wos marked by reports 27. UndiVided profi ts 129,558.53 torture, beatings a nd Communi28. ReserVes 1 and r-elirem(>nt account for preferred st attempts to create raci"al hate. 25,000;00 st ock) I Gilm ore was captured F{'b. 12, 354,558.53 29. TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 1951, when six men in his outfit 30. . TOTAL LIABILt'I'IES AND CAPITAL were !SUrroun dt•d hy 700 Chinese 2,851.695.77 . while on patrol · duty nea1· ihe ACCOUNTS MEMORANDA : wonju n Heservoir. W E F E A TURE · Amm unition Ran Out 31. Assets pl~dged or assigned t.o Sf>cure llahiUties Shed Leaf- NIIJrathal · Golden Harvest •·wf' trit.•d t o fl~hl It out nnct 216,500.00 and for other purposes TWO PLANES TO SERVE YOU · 32. ( a l Loans as shown above are after deduction ~~~=~ h~~~ k~~,~~~ nb~;~e70 ~~.~hl;; Defoliation clears t he way for early harvest . And 39_111.93 of reserves of l s·nid ht.•re Frid ay. ··when t he Chie a rly harvest means better grade • • better sta ple Cb ) Securities a s shown a bove are aft~ deduenese made us surr<'nder they a sked a nd be tter prices for you. tloil or reserves of NONE us wh y w e were out on t he line Defoliation Does Nat Da111090 Cotton I, Joe B. Tt>mple, cashie r of t he abov e-named bank, do solemnly fighting.'• Highly (jluallflecl PRots sw, t hat the above stat ement Is true to t he best of my knowledge Gilmore's answer was simple FOR FAST SERVICE "Because w r: are Amel'ican soland br>lief. JOE B. TEMPLE, cashier diers." he said. The Chinc.•se m·a rched their priCorrec.._ Attest: 4 soners 300 miles nort h to tht:' Yalu . R. A. J E"f!Pr_les Contact Or See River. G11more bnlked at the <1ues- \ John Hughes .....,......,...,. ' tion of w het her many m en died Vlrgll L. Martin -- Dl.rectors on that march. "Let 's just sny • great many didSeall n's ma ke It," he said. "And they STATE OF TEXAS. COUNTY OF HALE, ss; give us a ny time to bury This is strictly a ~ome service that you can t um to Sworn tO ·and subscribed· bt>fo re me this 5th day of October, 1953. d ead £.'i ther.•• Food consisted · a nd 1 hereby certify tha t 1 am no1 o.n officer or director of thll handful ur rlee a da y. Water f o r -:omplcte sat isfact io n. bank. · to he obtain('d from dirty Phone 5202 Hale C e nter , Tex. ditches. ALBERT MARTI N , Nota ry Public. JOI TOO UlGE OR TOO SMALL GA T I 0 N I N. G I N I R EP A I R 5 Expert ~Jake Servlc:e LE CENTER GARAGE Stepheos . ••••• 4421 Henry Bearden 0 0 I CAL L 5202 BUI'McClenney I_ ( I '--.---•-•••••••••••••••••••!l ~~~~II'I-•IU••• Propaganda s propa- • The ChinesE' beganStart their 1 ..4 D 1 R E C T 0 R Y 0 .F 'L U B B 0 C K S T 0 R-·E S A N D S E R V I C f S tt Is BusiMM ,. PetroniH Your Locel ~rcheftf But When the Goods end S.nfce s Are Not Ave llal:tle Lecally TheM R"ponslb le Lubbock Fii'MI AN HeN ........ YM . rating your citizens would .be silv.: the cOneer.n · over the __.solid seeding vetch . a greater aJi,ount in fire In- administration ot the anticipated Solid seedh1& _gf ..AUstri.a n WliJ_1e_r surance costs. At t his 'p oint, we cotton acreage control program is - Peas should remind you and each cit!~ wetl . JJ>Unded ...The prln~!Pal d ifSolid seeding or Madrhl Clover zen ot Your community thnt every f1culty &rises over the question ot s-e-eding or·perma.nent J.lDStures Mr. w. G. Thoipas left for Hot Springs, Atk. last · week. Mr. Thomas Is Itt~ grandf_atMr or Virginia Tli~~-~s. _· Th'e Dave· Thompson fa mil¥ \Vere very happy to have Ma:s. Thomp,. son. and ne.w baby, Betty Joan~ come home from the. l\ospital Mr. arid. Mrs. . w. G. Thorn~• We alSo Write Tei(otton Virginia. and. Charles We will eppreciet. your bolsiness end gi.. ~ou thi bast- e're leepiag * _;_____.....i.-:13-1: News •. _ ·r • • • IN STRIDE ~ With The PrOgress of this Area Watch for Our Formal Opening at Our New ~uilding In Hale Center In the Near Future 'Mil: aurgou erijo.yed abQut _,it.. They were Joe Donnie, John Danny. Glenda, MelMr. and Mrs. Wiley Curry and va Joyce, Jaile . Melvin, Mike a nd Mr. a nd Mrs. Newt Barham all CJf William. Tahoka, visited Mr. a nd' Mrs Jim Ronnie .pavis has a baby sister Bob Curry last week. ·· NCI'W is the time to ma~e CERT~IN your f ire , Adequate to cover your Loss. SEE US f9R YOUR FIRE INSURANCE HALE C.EHiER IMSURA I ~GE'NtY 1. Cooper Po'htiac • . . Cacllllas, Inc "Plainvlew'l oll):y Exclullve P<>puJai' Prl.e Shoe Store" PONTIAC - A FINE CAR MADE FINER. Pl.AINV!EW, T&IAS FOR THE .lil!ITIRI FAMILY AT POI'ULA!l Pliqs Fish &Warren FRANKLIN'S rhc old in- ~ Street Paving On Cleveland Is Completed Cleveland Street In Hale C~nter, under construction for the pnst three weeks was re.apened for traUlc Sunday morning after havIng been closed for several days. Locnl citizens report that it's a pleasur<' to drl\'f> ovPr the broad. smooth, g-rnvel· rovt>red surface of the street. The street improves the appe·aranc<" of t he whole town. The old, narrow had ly worn traffic strip has been turnt•d into a mod e rn, snrf' st rf:'t•l, 52· f<'£'1 wide w it h cur.h nncl gu tt er t hat extends from Hi gg-inhotham·Bnrtlt•tt Co. to thP Citv limils. Kf'rr nnrt Middlt>ton, r on l rnctors NECCBI . SEWING MACUII'il SALES • SERVICE Barplna In Used Maehlneo Phone 1518 THE FIRST T001'H ::gJ rJ~~H DECAY an:.q Acids· AII ·Day With Ju_, OH :lrtslfj. . 59c & 33c-. GERITOL --------·-·· . ....... --··---·-·-·-- $3.00 allll '$$.0!1· TAFON ·------..--·------····· .... ·······-·-·-·----· SUO· $6.00.:~10.91 NEW L IL T PEitiiJANENT frrtade Especially far 'C"hlfdten's Hair . PARTY CURL ........... ...... ....... ....... ···-·-·· ... . $1.50 plus tax • NE'W 1HE LI9UID 49c plu5 tax MUM H 0 M-E 0 F N A T1 0 N ALLY MERCHANDISE A D Y. These Products Advertised In leading Magazines Pierce Drug -Mrs. Florence Pierce- ~~-----------,H~~~~~=~ ~ ~ ~~~i~~~~~~i~~w~o~u~~~m~vio~bi~~·n~pi~~niti~~i~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Phone 2261 ARen's Sewing · Me~;chlne Sllop ~rflin sorghum. I suranrt> RionP ahove VIrgil Martin 109 W, lUI St - that abnormal weather oondltions . Coilgress provided Jn the Jaw Peas in t he· middles of cotton: CESSPOOtDRILLING ••• A ~uslness and professional guide to frien dlf · PLAINVIEW concerns . ,. who PATRONIZE your HOME TOWN MERCHANT tltst··but who l~!'ld : ~Y and serve you in an admirable manner when these servics ar not available In your home munity~ Keep y._ mo _ _ney in Hale.county where It wiH·serve yoy#'cOidlli.iinfiy in taxes . othrlleMfits by-shopping with the friendly merchants listed In thiS britftess guide. . FAMILY SHOES Sanders declared that fire conIs an tndhrt~ual responsibility. a community problem a nd be solved on the community . he said. Prices Seeding mixture or rye ahd U«ilry Vetch 2. PlcmUng' 18gun2es wltll- Cash Crops · · Seeding Vetch or Austrian Winter --------------·11 Where Te Shop Ia Hajden & Winldts. what weight should be . given to t he drouth In making allotments. But -'aSide from the droUth many difficulties and lnequltteS are in prospect. must be taken Into accou_l)t in ar- Seeding COw Peas· and ·SoY Be·a ns at allotments. 1 j oined wtth the h.ow wJth gratn sotgh·\ bn Texans In urgl_rig t}Jat land Hub~m Clover overseeife'cJ P~~P.!'J~(j_f_m- pJ.antJng to~_cOtton. this / wh~t · ' year should be measured on inSoltd seeding of ·Cow Peas, Soy m· s·uggeste'd that the city coun- dl_v ldu'a l farms and fuUy consider- Beans nnd Hubam Clover ell select ·a representative body of ed. PMA officials In Washington Sqlld seeding or )I)Calfa busJness and professional men and rejected this request as being lm3. Stubble Mulch women In llale Center to meet practica l but malntatne'd · t hat 3. Stubble Mulch, Applylrig Bar!).· with the city officials to work· out when state allptments were grant- " '""" ""'"" • Ap plying Cott_pn burts 1-'"---= - ----'------ 1contin~us fire .sarety program. ed drouth conditions would be Strip cropping, "Fire ts a constant threat to the take_ll lnt~.. a!! fear of Lakes, Wtnd life of your citizens and is that drouth conditions ,wiJI not &: • home· times a creeping form of be adequately taken Into account. Terraces-standard &- Div.. economic paralysis," h e continued. I feel th-at there ought to be an EstabliShed Water Ways, " Too often it destroys human Jives accurate -record of all acreage Farm lrrJgatlon Syst~in!J. a nd causes serious injury.'• planted to cotton. a U acrea ge preHale Ccfnter has been impress· pared tor planting to . cotton but PMA officials have consJderable ed wit h just how costly a flrt;- c·nn not planted or which may have information on hand in regard to ;.:.___ _,__ _ _______ _ be. Fire destroyed Thompson bc:~n subseque~~~~ planted to a the facts ot the situation and · 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - ' : 'IBullders Supply la st winter and cover crop or feed or otherwise. have again addressed a furtll er t he firm was never rebuilt. Within Upon that basis reasonably fair appeal to PMA ofilcials in w a-s hthe past 12 months, fire likewise a llotments could be made. L'ike· lngton Jlnd College Stat}on, urging destroyPd onr of the Kiinbel Ele· wise It Is important that the effect t hat tlle t rue facts be a scertained vators. of the drouth be considered for nnd taken into consideration in Ont.• house in Ha le Center was the prevJous dry years Included i n future control programs. ~ destl'oyed by fire within the pnst thE> base period. pointed out that t yPnr a nd another business firm . It Is trul' that cotton ncreages hundred thousand acers ot cotton • Storm Cellars v.·a s damaged by fire. 1m _1~53 will not be conside-red in la nd are Involved In this problem • Pier.Hole• I Fo ur yt•ars ago. the Caudle Gin·· arnvmg at allotments for 1954 but and the _welfare of thousands of · ' Cal! for free estimate ) the year 1953 will be taken 4nta cotton farmers. 1was dt•~;l royed by.- fire. Those firPs, unavoid-able under account tully I~ following years Recently 1 ha ve suggPst«.>d to t he circumstances. Jllus other con: and the matter IS of th ~ greatest county offjcJa ls of the PMA t hat 1 j dillons cnusE.>d Ha le Center to ' importance. II we havt> an acreage If possible they.ake the Initiative Inse it:- 25 pe-r ct•nt rating. That progra m _in 1954, the coun- In cer-tifying to the State Office a 1109 Independence • Plainview Joss meant and increase- i n fire in· ments w1U be based upon figure which Includes nctualcot1 informa 01814-5828 sun\nC(' tha t is costing Hale Cen· three year period, ex- ton acreage plus acreage which 1 of Plainiew ' SHOI£8 No Guess Work ••• You can always depend on PhiUips 66. for-the best •· O~e~ted Sfoves, Dry Air, Faulty -Flues-All oro An:llltectural Stvtlents. Hal4b PartY··at Lubbock Glenda carter and Jlmmy RamMac Ceudle attended a party of ::: t~eer~S:1:!:dw!! citizens the Architectural Teachers and students of Texas Tech, Thursday Mr. Green vislted our room aod evening or laS! week. The party ta;~:!euswS::'ea~:d:n':he fair, ·was ti.eld In the Party House at told the class about one thing they Mackell'tie Park. . I N.$.lt.l tl :.D. .H 0 W Records-proye winter-it-the· time most bad fi res Miss Alma Rodgers or Altus, Okla. Tlctln. ;:-- Sun• ' The students or 3-A have ~roug· day afterrioon in the home of Mt. lftiui)' 1·signs ot · autum- to the and Mrs. Bob Coker in CJBiit:Oom, including le aves., cotton, Mr~ ond Mrs. W. C. Akln,,305 over the week end Mrs. A· (~!!'J!." oiJ!er crops. l'l'alnvJew, had a ! their Attending the Fair at Lubbock mother, Mrs. Bulalt l'iorth· this past week were: ·Michael and Dianne Tiner, Jimmy Lee Freem"&n, lngton of Torrance, Calif., Mr. and Susie Norfleet. Kerrick Boyd. Floyd Mrs. L. C. Dyer, of Moore, Okla; , Prices & Service ponible - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . : . ._ ~pent -YOU Ail: JI ·U .L LY fire hazard removed is ,a potentl"at fire averted. In other words, the removal o( tire hazards Is the medium through which the annual loss ·at a community is held to a low ·(Jgure. · in chnr go o f t h £> ron struC"Iion w ork, also corn plt•t erl n nl:'a t·BJ>peBrlng stn•ets comph•tt•ly THE HALE. C0UNTY FAIR nrounct thP " Silk SIMk i n~-:" m ea. A private JHn.l£'rl madt• J>OSsibte through t he propert y holriC'rs in the a rea, the st rt>("l is 24 reel w ldP. Sum !' o f tiH' nld strf>ets pav£>d severa l y('ar" RJ::n, al'e ht>lng reconditionE>d by Kl'rr & Middleton nt a (•bnrgc of 15 cents per font. for €.'A.Ch sitlf' of the strE'N. PropPrty holdNS on the street are . paying for tht> work. WOULD TRADE for abnormal weather WELCOME To The Third Annual HALE COUNTY FAIR IN Plainview ~ct. B. 9&10 The pleasure is our to invite Cotton Center & Hale Center to our blg 3rd Annual Hale County Fair. While in town, we want you to enjoy yourselves ond to come by ou~ place of ony time. . ..?'it: tfere, Nen'f'O~!, ·slim knife-pleated l · "Lorette',. skirt match~d. with washable wool jersey • blouse os seen in Mademoiselle. The skit+, a blend of Orlon-*- ~~- wool that launderS beol.ftifuliy, ·holds crisp oleat lines! Hos Nelly Don' s new "adjustable waist feature" that mak~s alteration so easy. ~ Wed. and Thurs. 'The STORY of THREE LOVES" FRIDAY and Saturday SOAP, 10 bars in bag .MILK, Tall Can 6 PEPSI COLA ... ~ ............ . ,f ll ,f -IPECIM.. 'EL.n.••'r.. . . •"".,"'' :Fresh. lb. AttfJNT,. r .:.:· . i ·· ,_~